How Do I Reset and Re-open an Assignment for a Student?
If you would like to allow your student to retry an assignment, you can do so
using our reset tools and assignment settings. This includes both clearing the
page so that your students can start fresh with a new try, and allowing additional
attempts after a submission limit or due date has been reached.
By default, when a student submits an assignment, their responses are then
stored and will appear already filled in if the student reloads or returns to the
page. You can change this to display a fresh page for the student by either
resetting the assignment, or editing the assignment to use the “Clear On Retake”
option. To reset the assignment, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Teacher’s Panel, .
2. Open the Grading and Results panel, .
3. If the assignment has not yet been graded, you can select the
assignment in the “Requires Grading” section, and then click the
“Reset” button, as seen to the right. This will clear the student’s
responses with our saving them to the archive.
4. If the assignment has been graded, you can still reset it by going to the
“Activity Results” tab instead, .
5. Once there, select your class at the top and navigate to the assignment
6. At the bottom of the summary of scores, you can select the button to
archive and reset the students’ responses for all students, or if you click on
a students name, you will find this same button for a single student at the
bottom of their results. This will clear the student’s page so that
they start fresh, but will also save this set of results as a previous
You can also set the assignment to be cleared each time a student reloads or
returns to the page by going to the Assignments tab, as shown to the right.
Once there, if you scroll to and select your assignment, you will see the
“Edit Assignment” button, . This will allow you to change any of
the settings you chose while creating the assignment, including the option to
“Clear On Retake”. To turn this option on, check the box next to the label near
the bottom of the “Core Assignment Details”, and then save your changes with
the save button.
With the assignment reset, you may still need to make sure the assignment is
open for your student to retry. You can adjust the due date, submission limit, and
review settings by editing the “Core Assignment Details” in the Assignments tab.
To do this, select and open the “Edit Assignment” menu as described above. A
reset or archived attempt will still be counted towards the student’s submission
limit. The first setting that you may want to change is increasing the submission
limit by one, if you have set one. Simply click the upwards arrow in the number
box, or type in the new number to do so. Next, a “Soft” or “Hard” deadline will
prevent the student from retrying the assignment, if the deadline has already
passed. To correct this, either change the due date to a time and date in the
future, or change the due date style to open ended. You can change the due
date by typing the new value, or selecting the appropriate date in the calendar,
then hitting apply, . The last item you should check is your review settings.
The default setting for “Allow Review” is “Immediately after submission”. If the
box to display the correct answers is checked, or the review setting is “Teacher
Controlled - Review Now” Students will not be able to submit their work. The best
option to avoid this problem is setting the review to be “After the due date has
passed” or “Teacher Controlled - Not Yet”.
Any changes you make should update immediately for the students. If you are
not seeing your changes once the screen is closed, you can usually fix the
problem by reloading the page. If this does not work, or if you have any other
questions, we are always happy to help by phone or email!