Research Report
Equity in Education: An Examination of
the Influences of Academic Preparation,
Family Income, Race/Ethnicity, and
Gender on ACT
STEM and ELA Scores
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This study investigates the allegations of socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and gender biases on
performance and evaluates the effectiveness of strategies implemented by ACT to
address these biases. This study reveals that once academic readiness is accounted for, the
disparities in ACT scores across different student subgroups are notably diminished. This paper
also assesses ACT’s efforts to promote equity, such as the inclusion of diverse perspectives in
test development, fairness reviews, and the provision of resources like fee waivers and free test
preparation. By examining the variance in ACT scores explained by students’ academic
backgrounds versus their socioeconomic status and demographics, this research contributes to
the ongoing discussion on standardized testing fairness and underscores the importance of
holistic evaluations of student capabilities.
So What?
By highlighting the significant role of studentshigh school grades and coursework in
determining ACT scores, the study underscores the need for equitable educational opportunities
for all students. The findings challenge the perception of inherent biases in the ACT by
demonstrating that observed subgroup differences can be substantially explained by academic
factors, encouraging a more nuanced approach to interpreting standardized test scores and
their fairness.
Now What?
This study suggests that efforts to reduce disparities in standardized test scores should focus on
addressing inequalities in academic preparation and access to advanced coursework, rather
than modifying the test itself. This emphasizes educational reforms that ensure all students,
regardless of socioeconomic status or background, have access to a high-quality education.
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About the Author
Edgar I Sanchez
Dr. Edgar I. Sanchez is a lead research
scientist at ACT, where he studies
postsecondary admissions, national testing
programs, test preparation efficacy, and
intervention effectiveness. Throughout his
career, Dr. Sanchez’s research has focused
on the transition between high school and
college and supporting the decision-making
capacity of college administrators, students,
and their families. His research has been
widely cited in academic literature and by the
media, including The Wall Street Journal, The
Washington Post, USA Today, and the
education trade press.
The author wishes to thank Jeff Conway, Joyce
Schnieders, and Dana Murano for their suggestions on
previous drafts of this report.
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test, like many standardized assessments utilized in the American educational
system, faces allegations of bias in its construction that may negatively affect certain groups of
students who take the assessment. Three such biases frequently mentioned are socioeconomic
bias, racial/ethnic and cultural bias, and gender bias.
When arguments are made about socioeconomic bias, it is often suggested that students from
higher socioeconomic backgrounds are favored by the ACT and, as a result, receive higher
scores. It is suggested that these students have more resources available to them, such as
access to high-quality schools, private tutoring, and expensive test preparation courses. It is
argued that these resources lead to better test performance, which then results in an advantage
that creates a disparity between students from different backgrounds. For example, Kohn (2000)
argued that socioeconomic status is a major source of variance in standardized test scores and
suggested therefore that studentssocioeconomic background significantly influences
performance on standardized tests such as the ACT. Milner (2013) counters this argument by
suggesting that standardized test scores will vary for students based in part on instruction and
learning opportunities in addition to issues unrelated to education such as poverty, employment,
and where homes are located.
Claims about racial and cultural bias largely pertain to inherent biases against certain
racial/ethnic groups. This can be due to cultural references, language nuances, or questions
framed in a manner that is more familiar to some groups than others. This argument states that
this type of bias can adversely impact the performance of students from underrepresented racial
and ethnic backgrounds. One example of this argument specifically directed at the ACT
(FairTest, 2007b) suggested that the ACT did a better job at predicting outcomes for White
students than it did for Black students.
The final bias that tends to be mentioned is gender bias. In this argument, it is said that some
sections of the ACT may favor one gender over others, particularly in the areas of math and
science, where there have been historically documented differences between gender groups.
These differences are argued to represent gender bias in test scores. One such argument for
gender bias in the ACT has been made by FairTest (2007a). In this article, the authors claimed
that because female students tend to score lower on the ACT than male students, the test is
necessarily biased against female students and will result in an underprediction of their ability.
At ACT, a number of methods have been utilized in order to prevent or minimize possible bias in
The ACT test. For example, a diverse group of individuals are involved in the item development
process, which helps to ensure that items are free from cultural, racial, and gender biases.
Teams of experts from various backgrounds and specializations help identify and address
potential biases in the questions before these questions are used in the ACT.
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Additionally, ACT conducts external fairness reviews for all items prior to pretesting and then
again for forms before they become operational. During the external content review, stimuli and
items are evaluated for content accuracy as well as appropriateness of language and context.
ACT invites external reviewers with knowledge and experience in relevant content areas,
including high school teachers, to participate. Reviewers with various backgrounds are selected
to ensure diversity in terms of gender, race, culture, and geography.
This development process at ACT also includes a comprehensive statistical review and
validation process of test items. These reviews include statistical analysis to identify any items
that show Differential Item Functioning (DIF) across different demographic groups. DIF is used
to identify items that behave differently across different subgroups of students, and, if items are
found to have DIF, they are either revised or removed.
Furthermore, to address socioeconomic considerations, the ACT offers fee waivers, free test
preparation, and a vast network of test centers to help reduce the socioeconomic disparities in
test access and preparation. For example, the fee waiver program enables qualifying students
to take the ACT at no cost. These students are also granted access to free test preparation
services to help them prepare to do their best on the ACT. Test centers are also selected in a
strategic manner to ensure that students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have equitable
access to testing centers.
In addition to these efforts, ACT has also conducted research to explore the primary sources of
variance in ACT scores. For example, McNeish et al. (2015) utilized a blockwise regression
model with robust standard errors to analyze the relationship between cognitive and
noncognitive traits and ACT scores. High school grade point average (HSGPA) was the main
explanatory factor, explaining 20% to 31% of the variance in ACT scores. High school
coursework contributed an extra 8% for reading and up to 17% for mathematics, while other
high school characteristics (e.g., percent of school eligible for free or reduced-price lunch)
explained 7% to 9% more of the variance in ACT scores. Socioeconomic and demographic
factors had a smaller impact on ACT scores, explaining 4% or less of the variance after
adjusting for other student and school characteristics. Importantly, the differences in average
scores across different racial/ethnic groups, family income levels, and levels of parental
education were significantly smaller after adjusting for HSGPA and high school coursework. The
McNeish et al. (2015) study demonstrates the importance of academic preparation for
performance both on the ACT and on postsecondary outcomes. This study, however, focused
on subgroup differences in ACT Composite score.
What is lacking in the current literature is an understanding of how accounting for high school
achievement may mitigate differences observed in ACT Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) and ACT English Language Arts (ELA) scores among students in different
demographic groups (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, family income). Since fall 2015, ACT has
reported a STEM score, which is calculated as the average of the 136 mathematics and
science scale scores rounded to the nearest integer (fractions of 0.5 or greater round up). Only
students who receive scores on the mathematics and science tests receive an ACT STEM
score. In fall 2015, ACT also began reporting a combined ELA score. The ACT ELA score is the
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rounded average of the English score, the reading score, and the 136 writing scale score. Only
students who take all three of these tests can receive an ELA score. For the calculation of ELA
scores, the sum of the writing domain scores is converted to a scale of 136. However, this 1
36 writing scale score is not reported independently.
The present study uses data from the ACT-tested graduating class of 2022 to explore the
strength of the relationship between high school coursework, socioeconomic status, and student
demographic characteristics with ACT STEM and ELA scores. This study endeavors to
demonstrate that, after accounting for a student’s high school academic achievement,
socioeconomic status and demographics add little explanatory power, largely reducing the
observed differences between student subgroups. In doing so, this study extends the current
research by looking at subject-specific outcomes. This study explores the following three
research questions:
1. What are the primary sources of variance observed in ACT STEM scores?
2. What are the primary sources of variance observed in ACT ELA scores?
3. Are subgroup differences in ACT STEM and ELA scores reduced after accounting for
achievement and academic preparation?
Analytical Sample
The present study uses data from the 2022 ACT-tested high school graduating class (N=
1,349,644). Due to the requirement of students having obtained a valid mathematics and
science test score to receive an ACT STEM score and a valid English score, reading score, and
writing score to receive an ACT ELA score, two independent samples from the 2022 graduating
class are used for the present analysis. In the graduating class of 2022, 877,917 students
qualified for inclusion in this study by having an ACT STEM score. Due to computational
limitations (i.e., the full data set was too large to process with available computer resources) a
random sample was utilized in this study. The ACT STEM sample consisted of 333,000
students (38%) and mirrored the percentages of students in the full sample by socioeconomic
status and demographic characteristics (see Appendix for population and sample statistics). The
ACT ELA sample consisted of 217,371 students who had valid ACT ELA scores. No
computational issues arose when analyzing the ELA sample, and therefore random sampling a
subset was not necessary as it was for the STEM sample. In both the ELA and STEM samples,
about 50% of students identified as female, about 50% of students identified as White, about
45% to 46% of students did not report their family income, and both samples had similar
English, math, social studies, and science GPAs (Table 1
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Table 1. Sample Demographic Characteristics
164,802 (50%)
674,283 (50%)
158,231 (47%)
631,327 (47%)
Other/Prefer not to respond/Missing 10,158 (3%) 44,021 (3%)
Asian 17,435 (5%) 54,464 (4%)
Black 29,922 (9%) 153,579 (11%)
Hispanic 55,968 (17%) 210,204 (16%)
White 164,103 (49%) 708,950 (53%)
Other 24,039 (7%) 78,019 (6%)
Prefer not to respond/Missing 41,724 (13%) 144,415 (11%)
Family Income
< $36K 38,170 (11%) 146,282 (11%)
$36K–$60K 29,344 (9%) 112,291 (8%)
$60K–$100K 40,263 (12%) 156,038 (12%)
> $100K 75,009 (23%) 318,624 (24%)
150,405 (45%) 616,396 (46%)
GPA (mean
3.4 (0.67) 3.4 (0.72)
3.3 (0.73) 3.3 (0.77)
Social Studies
3.5 (0.64) 3.5 (0.68)
3.4 (0.68) 3.3 (0.72)
214,731 333,000
Note. Subject GPA ranges from 0.0 to 4.0.
ACT STEM and ACT ELA Scores. Official ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores were obtained
from the 2022 graduating class cohort record. These ACT scores may have been attained
during either school-day testing or a National test administration. For students who took the
ACT more than once, the most recent score prior to graduating from high school was used in
the study.
High School Subject GPAs. Self-reported grades in up to 23 courses in English,
mathematics, social studies, and natural science were averaged to calculate each student’s
subject GPA. The calculation of English GPA included grades in English 9, 10, and 11. The
calculation of math GPA included grades in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, other math beyond
Algebra 2, and Computer Math. The calculation of science GPA included grades in Physical
Science, Earth Science, General Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The calculation of
social studies GPA included grades in U.S. History, American History, World History, World
Civilizations, Government, Civics, Citizenship, Psychology, and other history classes.
Sanchez and Buddin (2015) demonstrated that students’ self-reported subject GPA is highly
correlated with students’ subject transcript GPA. Based on their findings, studentscourse-
specific grades were similar to transcript gradesthe median exact agreement rate (i.e., self-
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reporting letter grades were the same as those in their transcripts) was 68%, and reporting
within one letter grade ranged from 91% to 100%. They also noted that in English, mathematics,
science, and social studies students tended to underreport their grades rather than overreport
them. Other research also supports the use of self-reported GPA data for research purposes
(Camara et al., 2003; Kuncel et al., 2005; Shaw & Mattern, 2009).
Coursework Taken. High school course-taking patterns in English, mathematics, natural
science, and social studies were considered for inclusion in the present study. In the case of
English coursework, the vast majority of students had taken English 9, 10, and 11 at the time of
test registration, which made it an unusable indicator. There was a similar situation for
mathematics, where most students had taken at least Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry.
There are other combinations of advanced mathematics beyond geometry. However, the
combinations of Trigonometry, beginning Calculus, and other advanced math resulted in very
low N counts. There is some meaningful variation between students who have taken only
Biology; Biology and Chemistry; and Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. For social studies, there
is no natural sequence of course taking. For these reasons, course-taking patterns were not
included as an indicator of academic preparation.
Taken Advanced Coursework. A self-reported indicator of having taken advanced
coursework in English, mathematics, natural science, and social studies was used. This
indicator included having taken AP, accelerated, and/or honors courses for each subject.
Student Demographics. Self-reported student demographics included family income,
gender, and race/ethnicity. These data were collected at the time of ACT registration. Students
selected their estimated total combined parental income from nine options: less than $24,000,
$24,000$36,000, $36,000$50,000, $50,000$60,000, $60,000$80,000, $80,000$100,000,
$100,000$120,000, $120,000$150,000, and more than $150,000. These categories were
collapsed into four categories: less than $36,000, $36,000$60,000, $60,000$100,000, and
more than $100,000. Students selected their self-identified gender from four options: male,
female, another gender, and prefer not to respond. For the present analysis, the category
another gender was combined with prefer not to respond and missing responses due to the low
number of students selecting these options. Students self-identified their racial/ethnic
background from seven options: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American,
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, White, prefer not to respond, or none of these apply.
This response in conjunction with self-identified Hispanic background were used to create six
racial/ethnic categories: Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Other, and prefer not to respond or
missing response.
Data Analysis
For both the ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores, the following linear model building was
estimated (see Table 2). For each of the model blocks, estimates of the change in R
calculated to evaluate the proportion of variance in each ACT score that was explained by each
successive block of predictors. An overall R
is also reported for the full model, which includes
all blocks. R
is a measure of the proportion of variance in the dependent variable (i.e., ACT
STEM or ACT ELA scores) explained by the predictors in the model. R
is calculated using the
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= 1
  
  
; where the sum of squared residuals (also known as the
sum of squared errors) represents the sum of the squared differences between the predicted
values and the actual values of the dependent variable, and the sum of squares total represents
the sum
of the squared differences between the actual values of the dependent variable and its
mean. It is expected that each successive block will add incrementally less change in R
Additionally, standardized parameters are presented.
Table 2. Model Block Design
Block STEM Model ELA Model
Block 1: High
School Grades
Mathematics and Science GPA English and Social Studies GPA
Block 2:
Taken/Not taken AP,
accelerated, or honors
coursework in mathematics and
Taken/Not taken AP, accelerated,
or honors coursework in English
and social studies
Block 3: SES
Family income Family income
Block 4:
Gender and
Marginal means were calculated for each of the demographic characteristics to evaluate if
subgroup differences observed prior to adjusting for student achievement were reduced after
accounting for academic preparation (i.e., HSGPA and advanced coursework taken) in the final
model. The marginal mean was calculated as the average model-predicted ACT STEM or ACT
ELA score for a given demographic characteristic (i.e., family income, race/ethnicity, and
gender) when other continuous predictors were held at their mean and other categorical
predictors are held at their proportion values. This can be interpreted as the model-estimated
dependent value mean for a given demographic characteristic.
In the present analysis, cluster robust standard errors were utilized to account for student
clustering in high schools. An alternative methodology would have been to utilize hierarchical
linear modeling (HLM) to account for students nested within high schools. While HLM accounts
for student clustering by implementing random intercepts and/or slopes for each school, cluster
robust standard errors allow for the specification of correlated residuals within schools. An
advantage of using cluster robust standard errors as opposed to HLM is being able to utilize all
high schools, even those with a low number of students per high school (Clarke, 2008; Clarke &
Wheaton, 2007; McNeish, 2014). Alternatively, HLM methodology requires a minimum number
of students per high school to ensure stable estimates of the random components for each high
school. Thus, utilizing cluster robust standard errors allows for the incorporation of schools with
a low number of students per school while still providing stable estimates of the model.
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What are the primary sources of variance observed in ACT STEM
Model 1 included both math and science GPA and accounted for 31.6% of the variance in ACT
STEM scores. In this model, a change of one standard deviation in math GPA was associated
with a 1.70 scale score increase in ACT STEM score, and a change of one standard deviation in
science GPA was associated with a 1.22 scale score change in ACT STEM score (Table 3
Model 2, which added indicators for taking advanced coursework in math and natural science,
accounted for 41.8% of the variance in ACT STEM scores. Taking advanced coursework in
math was associated with a 2.83 scale score increase in ACT STEM scores, and taking
advanced coursework in science was associated with a 1.45 scale score increase in ACT STEM
scores, after accounting for GPAs in block 1. This model resulted in a 10.2% increase in R
model 1. The R
associated with model 2 is taken as the total percentage of variance explained
by grades and coursework taken combined.
Table 3.
Blockwise STEM Regression Coefficients
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Intercept 20.95 19.18 18.24 19.56
Math GPA 1.70 1.46 1.31 1.26
Science GPA 1.22 0.90 0.78 0.80
Taken Advanced Coursework in Math 2.83 2.68 2.55
Taken Advanced Coursework in Science 1.45 1.34 1.44
Family Income
< $36K 0.88 0.55
$60K–$100K 0.83 0.55
> $100K
2.29 1.80
1.25 1.03
Asian 1.97
Black 2.35
Hispanic 1.35
Other race/ethnicity 0.45
Prefer not to
Another Gender/Prefer not
to respond/Missing
31.6% 41.8% 45.8% 50.5%
10.2% 3.9% 4.7%
Note. Math GPA and Science GPA were standardized. All predictors entered their respective
blocks with a significance of <.0001. They were significant at the <.0001 level in the final model.
Model 3 added family income to the model and accounted for 45.8% of total variance explained,
which was a 3.9% increase in explained variance over model 2. In this model, students from
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family incomes of less than $36,000, $60,000$100,000, greater than $100,000, and students
who did not report family income had a 0.88 point lower, 0.83 point higher, 2.29 point higher,
and 1.25 point higher ACT STEM score, respectively, than students whose family income was
$36,000$60,000, after controlling for the variables in previous blocks.
Model 4 added
race/ethnicity and gender to the model. This model was associated with an explained variance
of 50.5%, which was a 4.7% increase over model 3. In this model, Asian students, Black
students, Hispanic students, other race/ethnicities, and students who preferred not to respond
or did not respond to the race/ethnicity question had a 1.97 higher, 2.35 lower, 1.35 lower, 0.45
lower, and 0.75 higher ACT STEM scale score, respectively, than White students, after the
other variables were held constant. Female students had a 1.43 lower ACT STEM score than
male students, and students from another gender, those who preferred not to respond to the
gender question, or those who did not respond to the gender question had a 0.38 higher ACT
STEM score than male students, after the other variables were held constant.
In the blockwise regression models, we see that math and natural science GPA along with
indicators for taking advanced coursework in math and natural science accounted for the largest
percentage of variance in ACT STEM scores: 41.8%. The addition of demographic information
such as family income, race/ethnicity, and gender only explained an additional 8.6% of the
variance in ACT STEM scores.
What are the primary sources of variance observed in ACT ELA
Model 1, which included English and social studies GPA, accounted for the largest percentage
of variance explained: 32% (see Table 4). In this model, an increase of one standard deviation
in English GPA was associated with an increase of 2.26 scale score in ACT ELA score. An
increase of one standard deviation in social studies GPA was associated with an increase of
1.10 scale score in ACT ELA score. In model 2, indicators for having taken advanced
coursework in English and social studies were added; this model accounted for 41.3% of the
variance in the ACT ELA scores and corresponded to a 9.3% increase in explained variance
over model 1. In model 2, having taken advanced coursework in English and social studies was
associated with an increase in ACT ELA score of 2.21 and 2.22 scale score points, respectively,
after controlling for block 1. The R
value associated with model 2 is taken as the percentage of
variance in ACT ELA scores that is explained by high school grades and coursework taken.
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Table 4. Blockwise ELA Regression Coefficients
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
20.12 17.98 17.21 17.67
English GPA
2.26 1.63 1.48 1.41
Social Studies GPA
1.10 0.88 0.77 0.73
Taken Advanced Coursework in English
2.21 2.15 2.22
Taken Advanced Coursework in Social Studies
2.22 2.03 2.01
< $36K 1.10 0.88
$60K–$100K 0.75 0.55
> $100K 2.07 1.71
Missing 1.14 0.95
Asian 1.63
Black 2.72
Hispanic 1.24
Other race/ethnicity 0.35
Prefer not to respond/Missing 0.83
Female 0.07
Another Gender/Prefer not to
32.0% 41.3% 44.6% 47.5%
9.3% 3.3% 2.9%
Note. English and social studies GPA were standardized. All predictors entered their respective
blocks with a significance of <.0001. They were significant at the <.0001 level in the final model.
Model 3 added family income to the previous blocks and accounted for 44.6% of the variance in
student ACT ELA scores, which was associated with a 3.3% increase in R
from model 2. In this
model, students with a family income of less than $36,000 had an average ACT ELA score of
1.1 scale score points below students with a family income of $36,000$60,000. Students with a
family income of $60,000$100,000 had a 0.75 higher ACT ELA score than students with a
family income of $36,000$60,000, after the other variables were accounted for. Students with
families whose income was above $100,000 had an average ACT ELA score 2.07 scale score
points above that of students with family incomes of $36,000$60,000, after the other variables
were accounted for. Finally, students who did not report a family income had an average ACT
ELA score 1.14 scale score points above that of students with family incomes of $36,000
$60,000, after the other variables were accounted for.
Model 4, the full model, explained 47.5% of the variance in ACT ELA scores and was
associated with a 2.9% increase in R
over model 3. This model added race/ethnicity and
gender to the model. In this model, students who identified as Asian, Black, Hispanic, and
another racial/ethnic category and students who preferred not to respond or did not provide a
race/ethnicity had an average ACT ELA score of 1.63 points higher, 2.72 points lower, 1.24
points lower, 0.35 points lower, and 0.83 points, respectively, higher than White students, after
the other variables were accounted for. Additionally, female students had an average ACT ELA
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score 0.07 scale score points lower than male students, and students of another gender, those
who preferred not to respond, or those who did not provide their gender had an ACT ELA scale
score of 2.11 points higher than male students.
As we can see from the blockwise regression models, English and social studies GPA along
with indicators for taking advanced coursework in English and social studies accounted for the
largest percentage of variance in ACT ELA scores, 41.3%. The addition of demographic
information such as family income, race/ethnicity, and gender only explained an additional 6.2%
of the variance in ACT ELA scores.
Are subgroup differences in ACT STEM and ELA scores reduced after
accounting for achievement and academic preparation?
Prior to adjusting for student high school grades and advanced coursework taken, differences in
ACT STEM scores between family income levels and racial/ethnic groups were larger than the
subgroup differences observed after accounting for student grades, coursework taken,
socioeconomic indicators, and demographics (Table 5
). For family income, the difference
between students with family incomes less than $36,000, $60,000$100,000, and over
$100,000 and students who did not report a family income relative to students whose family
income was $36,000$60,000 was 1.7 points lower, 1.5 points higher, 4.1 points higher, and 1.7
points higher, respectively, on the ACT STEM scores. After adjusting for student grades and
coursework taken, these differences were 0.6 points lower, 0.5 points higher, 1.8 points higher,
and 1.0 points higher, respectively. For gender, female students had an ACT STEM score 0.8
points lower than male students, and students from another gender, those who preferred not to
respond, and those who did not respond had an ACT STEM score of 0.1 points higher than
male students prior to adjusting for the full model. After adjusting for the full model, the absolute
difference between male and female students increased by 0.6 scale score points, and the
difference between male students and students from another gender, those who preferred not to
respond, and those who did not respond increased to 0.4 points on the ACT STEM scores. For
race/ethnicity, prior to adjusting for student grades and coursework taken, Asian students, Black
students, Hispanic students, and students who identified as another race/ethnicity and those
who preferred not to respond or who did not respond had a 3.4 point higher, 4.6 point lower, 2.5
point lower, 1.6 point lower, and 1.6 point higher ACT STEM score, respectively, relative to
White students. After adjusting for student grades and coursework taking, all subgroup
differences were reduced (i.e., 2.0 points higher for Asian students, 2.3 points lower for Black
students, 1.3 points lower for Hispanic students, 0.5 points lower for other race/ethnicity, and
0.8 points higher for students who preferred not to respond or missing race/ethnicity).
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Table 5. Unadjusted and Model Adjusted Mean ACT STEM Scores
Predictor Unadjusted
Family Income
< $36K 17.5 1.7 20.4 0.6
19.3 21.0
20.8 1.5 21.5 0.5
> $100K
23.4 4.1 22.8 1.8
21.0 1.7 22.0 1.0
20.6 0.8 20.5 1.4
21.4 21.9
Another Gender/Prefer
not to respond/Missing
0.1 22.3 0.4
24.9 3.4 23.8 2.0
17.0 4.6 19.4 2.3
19.1 2.5 20.4 1.3
21.6 21.8
Other Race/ethnicity
20.0 1.6 21.3 0.5
Prefer not to
23.2 1.6 22.5 0.8
Note. Reference groups for family income, gender, and race/ethnicity were $36,000$60,000,
male, and White, respectively.
Prior to adjusting for student grades and coursework taken, we can see notable differences in
ACT ELA scores between levels of family income, gender groups, and race/ethnicity categories
(Table 6
). For family income, comparing students from families with household incomes of
$36,000$60,000 and students from families whose income was less than $36,000, $60,000
$100,000, and greater than $100,000 and students who did not provide their family income,
there was a difference in ACT ELA scores of 2.0, 1.5, 4.0, and 1.5, respectively. These
differences were reduced to 0.9, 0.5, 1.7, and 0.9, respectively, after accounting for the full
model. When looking at gender, prior to adjusting for the full model, female students had an
ACT ELA score that was 1.1 scale score points higher than male students. Students of another
gender, preferred not to respond, or did not respond to the gender question had an ACT ELA
score that was 2.3 scale score points above male students. The score difference between male
and female students after accounting for student grades and coursework taken was reduced to
0.1 scale score points. However, the difference between male students and students from
another gender, who preferred not to respond, or who did not respond remained similar: 2.1.
The unadjusted average ACT ELA score differences between White students and Asian
students, Black students, Hispanic students, students who identified as another race/ethnicity,
and students who preferred not to respond or who did not respond were 3.0, 4.6, 2.3, 1.4,
and 1.7 scale score points, respectively. All unadjusted mean differences in comparison to
White students were reduced after accounting for student grades and coursework taken (i.e.,
1.6 for Asian students, 2.7 for Black students, 1.2 for Hispanic students, 0.4 for other
race/ethnicity, and 0.8 for students who preferred not to respond or were missing race/ethnicity).
Looking across demographic categories, almost all subgroup differences in ACT ELA scores
were reduced after accounting for student grades and coursework taken, except for the
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comparison of male students to students of another gender, those who preferred not to respond,
or those who did not provide their gender.
Table 6. Unadjusted and Model Adjusted Mean ACT ELA Scores
Full Model
Family Income
< $36K 16.3 2.0 19.1 0.9
$36K–$60K 18.3 20.0
$60K–$100K 19.8 1.5 20.5 0.5
> $100K 22.3 4.0 21.7 1.7
Missing 19.76 1.5 20.9 0.9
Female 20.3 1.1 19.7 0.1
Male 19.3 19.8
Another Gender /Prefer
not to respond/Missing
2.3 21.9 2.1
Asian 23.5 3.0 22.4 1.6
Black 15.9 4.6 18.0 2.7
Hispanic 18.2 2.3 19.5 1.2
White 20.4 20.7
Other Race/Ethnicity 19.1 1.4 20.4 0.4
Prefer not to
22.1 1.7 21.6 0.8
Note. Comparison groups for family income, gender, and race/ethnicity were $36,000–$60,000,
male, and White, respectively.
This research study explores some of the allegations of socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and
gender biases that are often raised in discussions of the ACT. Notably, the socioeconomic bias
argument suggests that students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds are advantaged by
their access to superior educational resources, including private tutoring and test preparation
courses, which can enhance their performance on the ACT (Kohn, 2000). Another often-raised
concern is that of racial or cultural bias, which is centered on inherent biases against certain
racial/ethnic groups (FairTest, 2007b). This form of bias argues that cultural references and
language nuances may not resonate equally across all student populations. Finally, the concern
of gender bias, particularly in the math and science sections of the ACT, has raised questions
about the test’s ability to fairly predict academic outcomes for all students (FairTest, 2007a).
To preemptively address these concerns, ACT has implemented a number of measures aimed
at minimizing potential biases and ensuring an equitable assessment of all students. These
efforts include engaging a diverse group of individuals in the test content development process,
conducting external fairness reviews, and employing statistical analysis to identify and address
differential item functioning. Additionally, socioeconomic disparities are addressed through
social programs such as fee waivers and free test preparation resources, which strive to level
the playing field for students from all backgrounds.
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The study by McNeish et al. (2015) offers an important perspective on the factors influencing
ACT Composite scores and highlights the role of academic preparation while noting the
relatively minor role of socioeconomic and demographic factors after adjusting for student and
school characteristics. This study also highlights the importance of holistic evaluation of student
performance, including the consideration of academic factors. The current research extends this
understanding by exploring ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores and aims to illustrate that
disparities observed between student subgroups could diminish significantly once we account
for student high school grades and advanced coursework taken, thereby furthering the
discussion on standardized testing fairness and equity.
In the case of both ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores, students’ high school grades and
advanced coursework taken explained the largest proportion of variance in these scores.
Students’ socioeconomic status and demographics accounted for significantly less of the
explained variance in these scores once student grades and coursework were accounted for. In
fact, for ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores, socioeconomic status and demographic
characteristics only accounted for an increase of 8.4 and 6.2 percent of the variance in each
score respectively. In contrast, students’ high school grades and advanced coursework taken
accounted for 41.8 and 41.3 percent of the variance in ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores,
Additionally, accounting for student high school grades and advanced coursework taken
resulted in substantial decreases in subgroup differences for both ACT STEM and ACT ELA
scores by family income and race/ethnicity. While there was a decrease in subgroup differences
between male and female students in the ACT ELA scores, this was not observed for ACT
STEM scores. The median standard error of measurement for the ACT STEM and ACT ELA
tests were 1.26 and 1.43, respectively. The standard error of measurement provides an
estimate of the range within which an individuals true score likely lies. It helps to quantify the
uncertainty of an individual test score and offers an interpretation of test scores by providing a
confidence interval around the obtained score.
A student’s given examination score is only an estimate of that examinees true scale score.
The true score can be interpreted as the average score obtained over countless repeated
administrations of the test under identical conditions. When viewed in terms of groups of
examinees, if one standard error of measurement was added and subtracted to the reported
score for each examinee, the resulting intervals would contain the true scores for approximately
68% of the examinees. Given the standard error of measurement for the ACT STEM and ACT
ELA tests and the adjusted subgroup differences observed in this study, most of the subgroup
differences were within the standard error of measurement, while some differences between
subgroups were larger than would be accounted for by the standard error of measurement.
The existence of subgroup differences in and of themselves does not indicate that there is bias
in the test, as argued by some external individuals. As can be observed by the methodology
employed in this study, accounting for student characteristics can reduce observed subgroup
differences. By this logic, the inclusion of additional student, school, and environmental factors,
such as the number of advanced courses taken or the grades in advanced coursework, could
further reduce subgroup differences. This study highlights that accounting for student grades
and coursework taken explains much of the variance in ACT STEM and ACT ELA scores and
that the additional variables, while explanatory in nature, have less of an impact on ACT STEM
and ACT ELA scores.
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Camara, W., Kimmel, E., Scheuneman, J., & Sawtell, E. A. (2003). Whose grades are inflated?
(Research Report No. 2003-4). College Board.
Clarke, P. (2008). When can group level clustering be ignored? Multilevel models versus single-
level models with sparse data. Journal of Epidemiology and Com
munity Health, 62(8),
Clarke, P., & Wheaton, B. (2007). Addressing data sparseness in contextual population
research: Using cluster analysis to create synthetic neighborhoods. Sociological
Methods & Research, 35(3), 311351.
FairTest. (2007a, August 20). Gender bias in college admissions tests [press release].
FairTest. (2007b, August 20). The ACT: Biased, inaccurate, and misused.
Kohn, A. (2000). Fighting the tests: A practical guide to rescuing our schools. Cultural Logic: A
Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice, 7(2000).
Kuncel, N. R., Credé, M., & Thomas, L. L. (2005). The validity of self-reported grade point
averages, class rank
s, and test scores: A meta-analysis and review of the literature.
Review of Educational Research, 75(1), 6382.
McNeish, D. M. (2014). Modeling sparsely clustered data: Design-based, model-based, and
single-level methods. Psychological Methods, 19(4), 552.
McNeish, D.
M., Radunzel, J., & Sanchez, E. (2015). A multidimensional perspective of college
readiness: Relating student and school characteristics to performance on the ACT.
Milner, H. R., IV. (2013). Rethinking achievement gap talk in urban education. Urban
Education, 48(1), 38.
Sanchez, E. I., & Buddin, R. (2015). How accurate are self-reported high school courses, course
and grade point average? A
Shaw, E. J., & Mattern, K. D. (2009). Examining the accuracy of self-reported high school grade
point av
erage. (Research Report No. 2009-5). College Board.
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Table A1. Percentages of the STEM Population and the STEM Sample Used in the Study
N Percent
44,414 5% 16,907 5%
93,267 11% 35,349 11%
116,574 13% 44,181 13%
547,767 62% 207,642 62%
50,980 6% 19,375 6%
Prefer not to respond/Missing
24,915 3% 9,546 3%
Female 472,268 54% 179,200 54%
Male 394,790 45% 149,587 45%
Another Gender/Prefer not to
1% 4,213 1%
Family Income
< $36K 138,008 16% 52,221 16%
$36K–$60K 108,370 12% 41,120 12%
$60K–$100K 152,228 17% 57,706 17%
> $100K
312,896 36% 118,374 36%
166,415 19% 63,579 19%
Family Income
0% 1,327 0%
2,791 0% 1,110 0%
3,629 0% 1,366 0%
9,306 1% 3,540 1%
2,592 0% 1,025 0%
2,460 0% 955 0%
3,113 0% 1,144 0%
8,229 1% 3,106 1%
20,811 2% 7,951 2%
9,649 1% 3,612 1%
6,829 1% 2,583 1%
6,191 1% 2,361 1%
12,348 1% 4,626 1%
7,414 1% 2,832 1%
6,099 1% 2,214 1%
5,900 1% 2,291 1%
19,586 2% 7,322 2%
11,047 1% 4,261 1%
9,422 1% 3,504 1%
11,829 1% 4,547 1%
11,930 1% 4,501 1%
8,628 1% 3,302 1%
8,114 1% 3,078 1%
11,091 1% 4,174 1%
32,179 4% 12,131 4%
31,420 4% 11,854 4%
54,145 6% 20,599 6%
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Population Sample
N Percent N Percent
White*Female*>$100K 120,246 14% 45,451 14%
White*Male*<$36K 20,473 2% 7,825 2%
White*Male*$36K–$60K 24,192 3% 9,086 3%
White*Male*$60K–$100K 47,270 5% 17,990 5%
White*Male*>$100K 114,382 13% 43,156 13%
Missing*Missing*Missing 231,085 26% 88,176 26%
Asian*Female 24,288 3% 9,250 3%
Asian*Male 19,862 2% 7,565 2%
Black*Female 53,041 6% 20,132 6%
Black*Male 39,785 5% 15,035 5%
Hispanic*Female 65,536 7% 24,799 7%
Hispanic*Male 49,880 6% 18,938 6%
White*Female 291,142 33% 110,388 33%
White*Male 251,027 29% 95,099 29%
Missing*Missing 83,356 9% 31,794 10%
Asian*<$36K 6,140 1% 2,364 1%
Asian*$36K–$60K 5,295 1% 2,077 1%
Asian*$60K–$100K 6,794 1% 2,529 1%
Asian*>$100K 17,604 2% 6,675 2%
Black*<$36K 33,310 4% 12,639 4%
Black*$36K–$60K 17,141 2% 6,475 2%
Black*$60K–$100K 12,995 1% 4,835 1%
Black*>$100K 12,138 1% 4,663 1%
Hispanic*<$36K 31,856 4% 11,944 4%
Hispanic*$36K–$60K 19,865 2% 7,633 2%
Hispanic*$60K–$100K 17,708 2% 6,644 2%
Hispanic*>$100K 23,081 3% 8,783 3%
White*<$36K 53,687 6% 20,369 6%
White*$36K–$60K 56,460 6% 21,281 6%
White*$60K–$100K 102,403 12% 38,956 12%
White*>$100K 235,995 27% 89,113 27%
Missing*Missing 225,445 26% 86,020 26%
Gender*Family Income
83,499 10% 31,536 9%
59,996 7% 22,791 7%
80,127 9% 30,423 9%
159,025 18% 60,224 18%
52,446 6% 19,872 6%
46,828 5% 17,732 5%
70,382 8% 26,627 8%
151,351 17% 57,197 17%
174,263 20% 66,598 20%
877,917 100% 333,000 100%
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$36,000 to $60,000 was selected as the reference group as it represented a lower middle-income
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