Appendix 4
External Reviews as part of the Academic Program Review Process
External Reviews are included during or after the self-study phase of the Academic Program Review.
Described below are sections including the External Review Purpose, External Reviewers’ Profile and
Support, Tasks, and Report.
1. External Review Purpose
The purpose of the External Review is for a professional with expertise in the program field to read the
Academic Program Review self-study and provide an objective assessment of the quality and
effectiveness of the academic program, resources, and operations based on questions asked by program
faculty. Typically, there will be one Reviewer, however, in some instances, more than one External
Reviewer may be invited to review a program. The Reviewer will assist faculty by providing a
comparative and broader perspective on the program and student learning. During the self-study
phase, for non-accredited programs, the use of an external reviewer as part of the self-study is strongly
encouraged for both baccalaureate and graduate programs.
Following completion of the Academic Program Review, if the need is identified by faculty governance
or the AVPAA for further external expertise, additional reviewers may invited to review the self-study.
2. External Reviewers’ Profile and Support
As faculty prepare the Academic Program Review self-study, questions arise regarding program features,
curriculum, assessment, marketing, and future initiatives. The initial criteria for determining an External
Reviewer includes their ability to answer faculty questions.
External Reviewers are identified by institutions in several ways (Baker, 2005). Their qualifications
include the following:
A terminal degree in the relevant discipline;
Rank of associate professor or professor;
Strong academic and administrative credentials including a distinguished record in related
teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service;
Experience in conducting academic program reviews;
Experience in curriculum development and assessment;
A code of conduct such that there is no conflict of interest. External Reviewers should not be
affiliated with the program under review nor should they have past connections such as
graduates or former faculty; and
Ability to complete a site visit and submission of report within the prescribed timeline.
Program faculty identify potential External Reviewers. Nominations for External Reviewers are
submitted by the department chair to the college dean who makes the final selection and invites the
reviewer to the campus. The Dean and department chair coordinate the travel arrangements with the
external reviewer, in accordance with university travel policy. A consultant contract is issued to the
external reviewer (normally $250 per day), plus transportation and one-night lodging, as required. The
payment and refunds are processed upon receipt of the written report from the external reviewer and
documented accommodation and travel costs, as previously approved. Funds are provided by the
college dean and supported from the university-wide assessment account.
California State University, Stanislaus
WASC Special Visit Report, August 2011
Attachment: External Reviewers and APR
3. External Reviewers’ Tasks
External Reviewers receive an electronic copy of the Academic Program Review self-study and
supporting appendices, including course syllabi and data, in advance. Examples of direct assessment of
student work may be included electronically or should be available for review (as noted in the
university’s Principles for the Assessment of Student Learning). Reviewers are asked to prepare a report
responding to faculty questions and report writing prompts, including making recommendations for
quality enhancement (see Attachment A: Academic Program Review External Reviewer’s Report
External Reviewers provide insight on programs from the external perspective of outsiders who have
expertise in program content. Their critique, when combined with our own review, lends credibility to
the quality and effectiveness of the programs, services, resources, and operations. Reviewers study
components of a program through a series of specific review objectives or answer questions as
prepared by program faculty. Questions will vary depending on the type and size of the program;
reviewers may be asked to respond to questions such as:
Do references in syllabi adequately cover current knowledge in the field?
Do curriculum vitae of faculty demonstrate appropriate qualifications for teaching in the
Does the curriculum demonstrate an undergraduate / graduate level of instruction?
Do assessments align with student learning outcomes?
Are student learning outcomes assessed and reviewed to determine student learning?
Reviewers focus their visit in three areas: Curriculum, assessment of student learning outcomes, and
the student experience. Faculty recommend a dinner the evening previous to the site visit to meet
with the Reviewer and the Dean as a way to begin. Reviewers will then complete a site visit and
conduct interviews with administrators, faculty, students, employers, and alumni. The site visit provides
opportunities for the visitors to experience our University in person. A schedule for a site visit should be
developed jointly by faculty and their Dean (see Attachment B: External Reviewer’s Visit Sample
4. External Reviewers’ Report
Reviewers are asked to provide a report that includes general comments, singles out features of the
program that merit commendations, and makes recommendations for improvement. The Reviewers’
report varies in length between three and five pages. A preliminary report is generally completed on
site prior to departure. The final report is completed within two weeks of the site visit. The report is
organized in three parts:
Part I: Executive Summary. General observations and comments are provided on the
program and curriculum, quality of student learning and the achievement of student
learning outcomes, the implementation plan, faculty, students, facilities, and
resources. Reviewers respond to questions posed by faculty.
Part II: Commendations. Reviewers provide comments about what the program is doing well.
Part III: Recommendations. Comments provide future direction for the faculty to use to
improve student learning. Evaluative feedback is offered as well as suggestions to
improve any aspect of the program. Recommendations may require no new resources
as well as those that do. The report may note recommendations that have been
shown to be effective elsewhere.
Baker, M.J. (2005). Assessment and review of graduate programs. Washington, DC: Council of Graduate
California State University, Stanislaus
WASC Special Visit Report, August 2011
Attachment: External Reviewers and APR
External Consultant Schedule
Program Review for
Interview / Meeting
Dinner with
Faculty / Dean / Consultant
8:30 9:30 am
Program Department Chair
Tour of Campus / Facilities
9:30 10:00 am
Meet with Dean
10:00 10:30 am
Meet with AVPAA
10:30 11:00 am
Meet with Faculty
11:00 am Noon
Classroom Observation
Noon 1:00 pm
Lunch with Students
1:00 2:00 pm
Meet with Faculty
2:00 2:30 pm
Meet with Program Assessment
Coordinator/Program Chair
2:30 3:00 pm
Meet with Faculty
3:00 4:00 pm
Meet with Service Learning / Librarian /
Institutional Research
4:00 4:30 pm
Meet with Alumni
4:30 5:00 pm
Meet with Faculty to deliver Preliminary
Impressions and Report
5:00 pm
**include time for external consultant to meet with Human Resources and sign paperwork (if employed
by the CSU)
California State University, Stanislaus
WASC Special Visit Report, August 2011
Attachment: External Reviewers and APR
External Consultant’s University
This template is provided to assist External Consultants in the completion of their report.
External Consultants are asked to write a report that:
Includes an executive summary of general comments, singles out features of the program that
merit commendations, and makes recommendations for improvement.
Varies in length between three and five pages.
Is completed within two weeks of the visit.
1. Executive Summary
Provide a brief executive summary of major findings for this program. Include:
General observations and comments on the program and curriculum, quality of student learning
and the achievement of student learning outcomes, the implementation plan, faculty, students,
facilities, and resources
Reponses to questions posed by faculty
2. Commendations
Provide comments about what the program is doing well. Note suggested topic areas below.
3. Recommendations
Provide comments to guide future direction for faculty to use to improve student learning. Provide
evaluative feedback that would improve any aspect of the program and recommendations that
require no new resources as well as those that do. The report may note recommendations that
have been shown to be effective elsewhere. Note suggested topic areas below.
Educational Effectiveness Topic Areas for Commendations and Recommendations sections:
Provide feedback / suggestions on any learning outcome.
Analyze / evaluate direct and indirect evidence of student learning
Offer suggestions to improve the assessment process
Evaluate assessment plan
Evaluate assessment impact
California State University, Stanislaus
WASC Special Visit Report, August 2011
Attachment: External Reviewers and APR