Question 1 Document-Based Question
Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence in the United States between 1960 and
A. Thesis: 01 point
Skills assessed: Argumentation + Causation
States a thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question. The thesis must do more than restate the
1 point
Does not state a thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question or has a thesis that merely
tates the question.
0 points
Response is completely blank.
B. Analysis of historical evidence and support of argument: 04 points
Skills assessed: Use of Evidence, Argumentation, + Causation
Analysis of documents
(03 points)
Offers plausible
analysis of the content
of a majority of the
documents, explicitly
using this analysis to
support the stated
thesis or a relevant
1 point
Offers plausible analysis of
BOTH the content of a
majority of the documents,
explicitly using this analysis to
support the stated thesis or a
relevant argument;
at least one of the following for
the majority of the documents:
intended audience,
historical context,
the author’s point of
2 poi
Offers plausible analysis of
the content of all or all
but one of the documents,
explicitly using this analysis
to support the stated thesis or
a relevant argument;
at least one of the following
for all or all but one of the
intended audience,
historical context,
the author’s point of
3 poi
Analysis of outside examples to support thesis/argument (0–1 point)
Offers plausible analysis of historical examples beyond/outside the documents to support the stated
thesis or a relevant argument.
1 point
Response does not offer plausible analysis of a majority of the documents or does not use this analysis to
support the stated thesis or a relevant argument. Response does not offer plausible analysis of historical
examples beyond/outside the documents to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument.
0 points
Response is completely blank.
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
C. Contextualization: 01 point
Skill assessed: Contextualization
Accurately and explicitly connects historical phenomena relevant to the argument to broader historical
events and/or processes.
1 point
Response does not accurately and explicitly connect historical phenomena relevant to the argument to
oader historical events and/or processes.
0 points
Response is completely blank.
D. Synthesis: 0–1 point
Skill assessed: Synthesis
Response synthesizes the argument, evidence, an analysis of documents, and context into a coherent
and persuasive essay by accomplishing one or more of the following as relevant to the question.
Appropriately extends or
modifies the stated thesis
or argument.
1 point
Recognizes and effectively
accounts for disparate,
sometimes contradictory,
evidence from primary sources
and/or secondary works in
crafting a coherent argument.
1 point
Appropriately connects the
topic of the question to other
historical periods,
geographical areas, contexts,
or circumstances.
1 point
Response does not synthesize the argument, evidence, analysis of documents, and context into a
coherent and persuasive essay.
0 points
Response is completely blank.
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Question 1 — Document-Based Question (continued)
A number of different intellectual, political, social, and economic strands contributed to the emergence of a
conservatism in the U.S. between 1960 and 1989. These could include the following:
Reactions against big government
Opposition to the women’s movement/lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights
The rise of the evangelical movement
The belief in a free market economy
Calls for law and order and resistance to perceived judicial activism
Concerns about economic stagnation, inflation, and interest rates
Anti-tax movement
Apprehensions about social changes
Defense of perceived traditional values
Emphasis on personal freedom
Escalating militancy of the Civil Rights movement
Concerns about the credibility of the national government
Perceived failure of U.S. foreign policy, military weakness
Perceived failure of social welfare programs
Analysis of Documents
As explained above, to earn full credit for analyzing documents, responses must include at least one of the
lowing for all or all but one of the documents: intended audience, purpose, historical context, author’s
point of view. Although examples of these elements are listed below, to earn full credit these examples of
analysis must explicitly be used in support of a stated thesis or a relevant argument. Remember, this is
NOT an exclusive list of examples that could be cited.
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Background Information: The graph below is for background information. Analysis of it is
not required and will not count toward the required number of documents.
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 1
Source: Barry Goldwater, a Republican senator from Arizona, The Conscience of a Conservative,
anklin Roosevelt’s rapid conversion from Constitutionalism to the doctrine of unlimited
government is an oft-told story. . . . I am here concerned . . . by the unmistakable tendency of the
Republican Party to adopt the same course. The result is that today neither of our two parties
maintains a meaningful commitment to the principle of States’ Rights. Thus, the cornerstone of the
Republic, our chief bulwark against the encroachment of individual freedom by Big Government, is
fast disappearing under the piling sands of absolutism. . . .
The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimate business.
long as the federal government acknowledges responsibility in a given social or economic field,
its spending in that field cannot be substantially reduced.
Components of document analysis may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Intended audience: fellow conservatives; the voting public
Purpose: to advocate for a smaller federal government and to defend states’ rights to make
isions for themselves at a time when the federal government was expanding its authority;
criticizing the expansion of unwarranted governmental powers; also, to make a case for his
upcoming campaign for the presidency
Historical context: written during a time of expanding federal power. In particular, federal power
s increasingly being used to protect the civil rights of African Americans, and arguments for
states’ rights were used as defenses of racial segregation
The author’s point of view: conservative politician; an advocate of states’ rights and limited federal
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 2
Source: Milton Friedman, economist, Capitalism and Freedom, 1962.
We now have several decades of experience with governmental intervention. . . .
Which if any of the great “reforms” of past decades has achieved its objectives? . . .
A housing program intended to improve the housing conditions of the poor, to reduce juvenile
inquency, and to contribute to the removal of urban slums, has worsened the housing conditions
of the poor, contributed to juvenile delinquency, and spread urban blight. . . .
The greater part of the new ventures undertaken by government in the past few decades have failed
achieve their objectives. The United States has continued to progress; its citizens have become
better fed, better clothed, better housed, and better transported; class and social distinctions have
narrowed; minority groups have become less disadvantaged. . . . All this has been the product of the
initiative and drive of individuals co-operating through the free market.
Components of document analysis may include the following:
Intended audience: fellow conservatives; economists; the reading public
Purpose: to critique government programs to support the economy and to advocate for free-market
economics, supply-side economics, and trickle-down theory
Historical context: written after three decades of the relative dominance of the New Deal political
er, which established a variety of government programs to support individuals and to regulate
economy; offers alternative way to regulate the economy through the money supply; challenges
Keynesian economics
The author’s point of view: conservative economist; advocate of free market policies; intends to
iticize government economic programs and to argue that economic gains of the 20
came from free markets
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 3
Source: Letter to Nelson Rockefeller, Republican governor of New York, February 6, 1971.
This letter is written to you by a law abiding citizen who feels she is discriminated against in favor of
e addicts and welfare cheats. I am a widow who lives alone, works every day, pays taxes and lives
by the rules. I get very little from my taxes when I can no longer walk on the streets and when I am
afraid in my own home. . . . Sorry this letter is not typed. My typewriter was stolen.
Components of document analysis may include the following:
Intended audience: New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller; political leaders who may be able to
Purpose: to request government assistance against problems for urban danger; to criticize
ceived permissive liberal policies that favor lawbreakers and the perceived failure of the liberal
Historical context: long-term increase in crime that accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s;
urban unrest of late 1960s; changes in inner cities; possibly racial transition of cities as “white
flight” led an increasingly African American population to move in; conservative politicians’ call for
law and order
The author’s point of view: claims to be a law-abiding female widow afraid to leave her home;
mes drug addicts and welfare cheats for urban problems and crime; adopts language of being
discriminated against to describe position
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 4
Source: Jerry Falwell, television evangelist and founder of the Moral Majority, Listen, America!,
We must reverse the trend America finds herself in today. Young people between the ages of
twenty-five and forty have been born and reared in a different world than Americans of years past.
The television set has been their primary baby-sitter. From the television set they have learned
situation ethics and immoralitythey have learned a loss of respect for human life. They have
learned to disrespect the family as God has established it. They have been educated in a public-
school system that is permeated with secular humanism. They have been taught that the Bible is
just another book of literature. They have been taught that there are no absolutes in our world
today. They have been introduced to the drug culture. They have been reared by the family and
the public school in a society that is greatly void of discipline and character-building. These same
young people have been reared under the influence of a government that has taught them
socialism and welfarism. They have been taught to believe that the world owes them a living
whether they work or not.
From AMERICA: A NARRATIVE HISTORY, SEVENTH EDITION by George Brown Tindall and David E. Shi. Copyright © 2007, 2004,
1999, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984 by W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. Used by permission of W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. Excerpt from
LISTEN, AMERICA! by Jerry Falwell, copyright © 1980 by Jerry Falwell. Used by permission of Doubleday, an imprint of the Knopf
Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. Any third party use of this material, outside of this
publication, is prohibited. Interested parties must apply directly to Random House LLC for permission.
Components of document analysis may include the following:
Intended audience: fellow conservative evangelicals; the reading public
Purpose: to critique the current moral standing of the United States; criticize the perceived erosion
of t
raditional values in light of new technology and modern values, to motivate political action by
the Christian right
Historical context: written at the height of the evangelical Christian movement becoming involved
in politics and aligning itself with the Republican Party
The author’s point of view: leader within the conservative evangelical Christian movement; argues
t modern young people have lost traditional Christian morality
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 5
Source: 1980 Republican Party Platform.
verseas, our goal is . . . to preserve a world at peace by keeping America strong. This philosophy
once o
ccupied a hallowed place in American diplomacy, but it was casually . . . dismissed at the
outset by the Carter Administrationand the results have been shattering. Never before in modern
history has the United States endured as many humiliations, insults, and defeats as it has during
the past four years: our ambassadors murdered, our embassies burned, our warnings ignored, our
diplomacy scorned, our diplomats kidnapped. The Carter Administration has shown that it neither
understands totalitarianism nor appreciates the way tyrants take advantage of weakness. The brutal
invasion of Afghanistan promises to be only the forerunner of much more serious threats to the
Westand to world peaceshould the Carter Administration somehow cling to power.
Components of document analysis may include the following:
Intended audience: Republican Party members; the voting public; the news media
Purpose: to advocate U.S. strength in the world; to criticize the Carter administration’s foreign
Historical context: Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign against Jimmy Carter on the heels
of t
he Iranian hostage crisis
The author’s point of view: critical of Carter administration; supportive of vigorous projection of
S. power in the world
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Document 6
Source: Teddi Holt, a homemaker, a member of Georgia Stop ERA, and the national president of Mothers
n the March, 1984.
I am pleased that God blessed me with the privilege of being a woman. I have never been envious of the
role of men but have had respect for both sexes. There’s no doubt that there has been discrimination
against women, but that is past history, just as discrimination against blacks is past history in the US . . .
Just what were we women to be liberated from? These women [feminists] were calling for liberation from
e things women like me love mostour husbands, our children, our homes. My cry became: “God,
liberate us from the Liberators!” . . .
We believe that the mothers of this and other nations must stand up for the protection of our homes and
children. In no way are we extremists, unless we be guilty of extreme devotion to our husbands, our
children, and our homes. It is our sincere belief that if we do not unite against the threats to the home, if
we retire to the convenience and security of our houses and do not speak out, then it will not be long until
we, the “keeper at home” (Titus 2.5) will not have a home to keep!
Excerpt from “Women Who Do and Women Who Don’t Join the Women’s Movement” by Teddi Holt and edited by Robyn Rowland, Copyright ©
1984 by Teddi Holt. Reproduced by permission of Taylor and Francis Books U.K.
Components of document analysis may include the following:
Intended audience: fellow conservatives; women; the reading public
Purpose: to defend role for women as staying at home with their families
Historical context: increasing numbers of married women and mothers in the paid workforce; the
e after the emergence of the women’s rights movement; a few years after the failure of the
Equal Rights Amendment
The author’s point of view: conservative woman; opponent of women’s rights movement and Equal
Rights Amendment; defender of women as homemakers, mothers, and wives
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Analysis of outside examples to support thesis/argument
Possible examples of information not found in the documents that could be used to support the stated
esis or a relevant argument could include (but are not limited to) the following:
Antiwar protests
Assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, and Malcolm X
Black Power
Civil Rights Act 1964
Civil Rights movement, increased militancy
Cold War
Deregulation of industry
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Equal Rights Amendment
“evil empire
Great Society
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Kent State shootings
Law and order campaign
Love Canal
Mayaguez Incident
New Federalism
Nuclear weapons
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo
Panama Canal Treaty
Pentagon Papers
Revenue sharing
Pat Robertson
Roe v. Wade
Phyllis Schlafly
Silent Majority
Soviet Union
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Supply-side economics
Supreme Court decisions
Three Mile Island
Trickle-down theory
Urban riots, 1960s
Vietnam War
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
Voting Rights Act, 1965
War on Poverty
Whip Inflation Now
Students can earn a point for contextualization by accurately and explicitly connecting historical
enomena relevant to the argument to broader historical events and/or processes. These historical
phenomena may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Reactions against the perceived permissiveness of the 1960s and 1970s, including the
terculture, antiwar protest, feminism, and the sexual revolution
The ongoing thread of anticommunism in the post-World War II U.S.
Reactions against the perceived excesses of government interventions in the economy and
society, such as various welfare programs and the Johnson administration’s Great Society
Concerns about U.S. economic stagnation, combined with belief in free market solutions
Concerns about increased crime and the perceived need for greater law and order
Population movements out of cities into suburbs and out of the North and East into the South and
Possible reactions against the successes of the Civil Rights movement
Reaction against Supreme Court rulings expanding the rights of the accused
Perceptions of military weakness following the Vietnam War and a desire to strengthen the U.S.
Emergence of charismatic politicians such as Ronald Reagan
Responses can earn the point for synthesis by crafting a persuasive and coherent essay. This can be
complished providing a conclusion that extends or modifies the analysis in the essay, by using
disparate, and sometimes contradictory, evidence from primary and/or secondary sources to craft a
coherent argument, or by connecting to another historical period or context. Examples could include (but
are not limited to) the following:
Comparing the rise of the New Right to earlier political coalitions such as the one that formed
nd the New Deal
Comparing the rise of the New Right to the contemporary rise of the New Left
Continuing the story of the rise of the New Right to include the Contract with America and the
Republican recapture of control of the House of Representatives.
Linking the rise of the New Right in this period to the later emergence of the Tea Party
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Question 1 Document-Based Question
The Document-Based Question 1 allowed students to analyze the reasons for the development of new
servatism in the U.S. between 1960 and 1989 using a set of historical documents and excerpts. The
question covered Periods 8 and 9 and required students to analyze specific background information and
primary source evidence to explain the reasons why the mood of the country grew more conservative during
the time period.
Sample: 1A
ScoreThesis: 1
The response has a strong thesis. The opening paragraph states relevant issues from the time period, and
he thesis statement aptly summarizes them.
ScoreAnalysis of historical evidence and support of argument: 4
The response effectively analyzes content for five documents and provides extended analysis for all five:
ocument 2, paragraph 2, point of view, “Friedman’s view reflects” and historical context, Friedman’s
admonishment regarding spending with results under Reagan; document 3, paragraph 4, historical context,
drug experimentation and Beat Generation spawned fears; document 4, paragraphs 3-4, Falwell audience,
social conservatives, Catholics; document 5, middle of paragraph 3, historical context, Iran hostage crisis;
and document 6, paragraph 4, point of view, people like author “were outragedabout abortion.
Outside information is abundant throughout the essay.
ScoreContextualization: 1
The response includes a relevant discussion of Lyndon Johnson’s failures in economic and foreign policy
ge 2, paragraph 1) as well as information about Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy (page 3, paragraph 1).
ScoreSynthesis: 1
The last paragraph sums up the rise of a new conservatism and relates it to the actions of presidents
eorge H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. It also references a possible connection to the
election of 2016 as a response to current liberal policies.
Sample: 1B
ScoreThesis: 1
The thesis directly addresses the question: the rise of a new conservatism was “caused by a number of
factor[s] with the main catalystbeing “increasingly progressive views.”
ScoreAnalysis of historical evidence and support of argument: 3
The response accurately analyzes the content of four documents, providing extended analysis for all four:
ocument 2, page 2, paragraph 2, historical context, Reagan in support of Friedman’s ideology of cutting
welfare programs; document 4, page 1, paragraph 2, Falwell’s point of view, “felt that American society
should be based on”; document 5, page 2, paragraph 2, historical context, New Right groups expressed their
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Question 1 Document-Based Question (continued)
hopes to keep America strong’ … [and] Reagan increased military funding”; and document 6, page 1,
paragraph, 2, purpose, written to appeal to other women, especially in Christian communities.
Outside information includes the Great Society, the idea of welfare queens, and LGBT issues.
ScoreContextualization: 0
The response fails to connect any historical phenomena relevant to the argument to broader historical
ts and/or processes.
ScoreSynthesis: 0
The response does not synthesize the argument, evidence, analysis of documents, and context into the
ple: 1C
ScoreThesis: 1
The thesis is directly stated and addresses the question.
ScoreAnalysis of historical evidence and support of argument: 1
The response effectively analyzes content for five documents, providing extended analysis for three:
ocument 1, page 1, paragraph 2, point of view, Goldwater describes government as the main problem, with
conservatism promoting the opposite; document 3, page 2, paragraph 1, audience, religious conservatives
and older people; and document 6, page 2, paragraph 1, audience, discussion of radical women’s rights
activists versus conservatives such as author.
There is no outside information.
ScoreContextualization: 0
The response fails to connect any historical phenomena relevant to the argument to broader historical
ts and processes.
ScoreSynthesis: 0
The response does not synthesize the argument, evidence, analysis of documents, and context into the
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