The Difference Between a High School
Diploma and a High School Certificate
Although laws vary by state, there are usually two ways someone can get credit for completing
high school. One option is to receive a high school diploma. The other is to get a certificate.
Certificates can have different names depending on your state. Certificate of Completion and
Certificate of Attendance are common ones. And some states offer more than one type of
You may also hear about alternate diplomas, which states are allowed to offer under the Every
Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). But this diploma is intended for the 1 percent of children who
have serious learning challenges.
It’s important to know that certificates and high school diplomas are very different from each
other. Each can impact your child’s future in different ways. The table below compares them.
High School Diploma
High School Certificate
What it means
A student has met all the
requirements for graduation.
A student has completed high school,
but didn’t meet all the requirements for
What are the
To earn a diploma, a student
typically must pass grade-level
English, math, social studies,
science and other classes. The
number and type of class credits
required vary by state.
Some states also require a student to
pass a high school exit exam to get
a diploma.
It depends on the state and school.
Unlike a diploma, the requirements are
often flexible and can be tied to a
student’s IEP goals.
Maybe. By changing what she
learns, modifications can hurt a
student’s ability to earn a high
school diploma.
Accepted by the
Accepted by
Maybe. It depends on the college.
Eligible for federal
student aid for
Accepted by
Maybe. It depends on the employer and
the job qualifications.
High School Diploma
High School Certificate
Similar high school
GED certificate: This isn’t
the same as a high school
diploma. However, a GED
is usually accepted by the
military, colleges and
employers, in place of a
high school diploma.
Vocational diploma: A
diploma for a student who
achieved the required
technical skills for a certain
Honors diploma: A special
high school diploma for a
student who achieved a high
academic level. This usually
means earning a high grade-
point average or passing
advanced tests.
IEP or special education
diploma: This kind of diploma
is available for a student with
an IEP (though many students
with IEPs earn regular
diplomas). It has the same
impact on a student’s future as
a high school certificate.
Certificate of Attendance,
Certificate of Completion or
Certificate of Achievement:
Different names for a
Knowing the difference between a high school diploma and a high school certificate of
completion is important to your child’s future. If your child has an IEP, think carefully before
you agree to modifications. They may impact her ability to get a diploma.
See a chart that shows the difference between accommodations and modifications, and see
common examples of each. Also, it may help to review your child’s IEP goals to keep her on
track for graduation. Read about IEP transition planning, too.
By Andrew M.I. Lee