Debit Card Application Form
FOR SAVING BANK (Resident & Non-Resident)
Current Account (Individuals Only) & Minor Account
Please fill the form in BLOCK LETTERS only. Fields marked* (star) are MANDATORY
I would also like to link my following Axis Bank Saving Bank / Current to my Debit Card
SB / Current A/c No. (i)
A/c No. (ii)
Existing Account Linking Details
I would also like to link my following Axis Bank Saving Bank / Current to my Debit Card
Signature of customer and Mode of Operaon of the Account(s) verified, charges levied (for third card / replacement card only) and hereby authorized to issue the Debit Card.
Signature of the Verifying Authority
S.S. Number : __________________________________________________
Date : _______________________________________
line Embossing required for: Company
(Applicable only for Current Account)
Name of the Verifying Authority
SB / Current A/c No. (i)
A/c No.(ii)
Existing Account Linking Details**
For Office Use :
Declaration / Debit Card Undertaking
*SB / CA (individual) A/c Number
*Applicant's / LOA / POA Name
*Mother's Maiden Name
Image Card
*Name as desired on the Card
*Date of Birth of the Applicant
Desired Image Code
*Customer Idenficaon No.
Maximum up to 18 characters, should not be a nickname.
*SB / CA (individual) A/c Number
*Applicant's / LOA / POA Name
*Mother's Maiden Name
Image Card
*Name as desired on the Card
Maximum up to 18 characters, should not be a nickname.
Please issue
Default Value+Online Rewards Delight Business Planum Business Supreme ATM Card
Branch Name:________________________________________ Branch Code: Date:
New Card
Lost Card
Damaged Card
BIN Number
Cross Self ID
Please issue
Default Value+Online Rewards Delight Business Planum Business Supreme ATM Card
Your Debit Card will be a chip card acvated with facility of using it at Domesc
ATM and POS merchant outlets within India only.
Acvaon / Deacvaon of Internaonal Usage on Debit Card can be done
through - Internet Banking / Mobile App / Axis Bank Call Centre. NRO and
Overdra Schemes Customer will only be issued Domesc Chip Card.
Your Debit Card will be a chip card acvated with facility of using it at Domesc
ATM and POS merchant outlets within India only.
Acvaon / Deacvaon of Internaonal Usage on Debit Card can be done
through - Internet Banking / Mobile App / Axis Bank Call Centre. NRO and
Overdra Schemes Customer will only be issued Domesc Chip Card.
In case of more than two cards, please use an addional applicaon form, charges applicable.
Please visit to know about your Debit Card variant and charges. “The property that is situated in the communicaon address registered with the Bank shall only considered for coverage
under the Fire & Burglary insurance. For updang the communicaon address the customer needs to apply for the same with the Bank with relevant address proof. The insurance shall be subject to the terms
and condions as prescribed by the insurance company from me to me. **Debit Card is provided only for accounts where Mode of Operaon is Self / Either or Survivor / Anyone or Survivor. For mode of
operaon - All Jointly” Debit Cards will not be issued. PAN is mandatory for internaonal transacons. The nominee of the account will be considered for nominaon of Debit Cards also. The Debit Card by
default will have the contactless opon, however, basis your preference, the same can be enabled / disabled through various channels like Mobile App, Internet Banking, Call Centre or Axis Bank Branches.
The contactless opon is not applicable to RuPay Debit Cards. Your card comes acvated with facility of using at domesc contact based ATMs and POS merchant outlets within India only. The card not present
(domesc and internaonal) and card present (internaonal) transacons on your card can be enabled / disabled through various channels like Mobile App, Internet Banking, Call Centre or Axis Bank Branches.
The usage opons opted will have default limits set at the bin level and can be changed. The default limits will be a discreon of the bank or regulatory guidelines and are subject to change. The limits for
Online, POS, and Contactless will be a cumulave limit and not an individual limit.
In case of more than two cards, please use an addional applicaon form, charges applicable.
Please visit to know about your Debit Card variant and charges. “The property that is situated in the communicaon address registered with the Bank shall only considered for coverage
under the Fire & Burglary insurance. For updang the communicaon address the customer needs to apply for the same with the Bank with relevant address proof. The insurance shall be subject to the terms
and condions as prescribed by the insurance company from me to me. **Debit Card is provided only for accounts where Mode of Operaon is Self / Either or Survivor / Anyone or Survivor. For mode of
operaon - All Jointly” Debit Cards will not be issued. PAN is mandatory for internaonal transacons. The nominee of the account will be considered for nominaon of Debit Cards also. The Debit Card by
default will have the contactless opon, however, basis your preference, the same can be enabled / disabled through various channels like Mobile App, Internet Banking, Call Centre or Axis Bank Branches.
The contactless opon is not applicable to Rupay Debit Cards. Your card comes acvated with facility of using at domesc contact based ATMs and POS merchant outlets within India only. The card not present
(domesc and internaonal) and card present (internaonal) transacons on your card can be enabled / disabled through various channels like Mobile App, Internet Banking, Call Centre or Axis Bank Branches.
The usage opons opted will have default limits set at the bin level and can be changed. The default limits will be a discreon of the bank or regulatory guidelines and are subject to change. The limits for
Online, POS, and Contactless will be a cumulave limit and not an individual limit.
Desired Image Code
*Date of Birth of the Applicant
*Customer Idenficaon Number
Declaration / Debit Card Undertaking in case Minor
Only for Defence Accounts
Please paste
Passport Size colour
photograph here
Signature of First Holder
(Please Sign in BLACK)
Signature of POA / LOA Holder
(Please Sign in BLACK)
Signature of Applicant / Guardian
Signature of Applicant / Guardian
Signature of Joint Holder
(Please Sign in BLACK)
First Holder
Please paste
Passport Size colour
photograph here
POA / LOA Holder
Only for Defence Accounts
Please paste
Passport Size colour
photograph here
l / We have read and understood the terms and condions governing the usage of the Internaonal Debit Card. l / We accept to be bound by the said terms and condions and to any changes made therein
from me to me by the Bank, as its sole discreon without any noce to me / us. l / We are the sole account holder(s) or have the required mandate to operate all the account linked to the Debit Card(s)
Singlely and that l / We have completed 18 years of age. l / We understand that upon issue of a Debit Card to me / us, the exisng link to my / our account will be deacvated on first me usage of new Card.
I / We understand and undertake that the usage of the Debit Card shall be strictly in accordance with the Exchange Control Regulaon and in the event of any failure to do so, l / We will be liable for acon
under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the amendments thereof spulated by the Reserve Bank of India.
l / We accept full responsibility for my / our Debit Card and agree not to make any claims against Axis Bank, in respect thereof. Apart from this, the current Schedule of Charges has been received by me and
I agree with the same.
I am / We are aware of the addional charges for an Image Debit Card, and agree to abide by the same. I am / We are also aware of the fact that the Image Card will not be Photo Card. I have read all terms
of Debit Card & explained the same to minor account holder. I request & authorize Axis bank Ltd., to issue Axis bank Debit Card to minor. I acknowledge that the issue and usage of Debit Card is governed by
the terms and condions as in force from me to me and agree to be bound by the same. I acknowledge that this is my responsibility to obtain a copy of and read the same. I accept that the terms and
condions are liable to be changed from me to me. I further uncondionally irrevocably authorize Axis Bank Ltd., to debit my account annually with the amount equivalent to the fee and the charges for
use of the Debit Card. I hereby confirm that this account will be operated by me (the guardian & the minor account holder). I also undertake to indemnify the Bank against any transacons carried out by minors
using Debit Card or any other channel. I am aware of the importance of Personal Idenficaon Number (PIN) & have explained the same to the minor account holder.
I authorize Axis Bank Ltd., to issue Axis Bank Debit Card to the minor account holder. I acknowledge that the issue and usage of the Card is governed by the terms and condions as in force from me to me
and agree to be bound by the same. I acknowledge that it is my / our responsibility to obtain a copy of and read the same. I accept the terms and condions are liable to be amended by Axis Bank Ltd., from
me to me. I uncondionally and irrevocably authorize Axis Bank Ltd., to debit the Account with any amount equivalent to the fee and charge for the use of the Debit Card. I indemnify Axis Bank Ltd., for
arty loss / damages caused to Axis Bank Ltd. for issuing Debit Card to the minor account holder.
Signature of Guardian
l / We have read and understood the rules and regulaons concerning and agree to abide by them. l / We also understand that the Bank
reserves the right to suspend services of to me / us unilaterally without any prior noce or assigning any reason.
“The Account” means the Savings account of the minor account holder with AXIS BANK Ltd., who is represented in all transacons by the Guardian unl aainment of majority. “Cardholder” means the minor,
to whom a Card is issued by AXIS BANK Ltd., at the request of the Guardian. “Guardian” means the guardian of the Cardholder at whose request AXIS BANK Ltd., issues the Card to the Cardholder. The Guardian
and AXIS BANK Ltd., are herein aer collecvely referred to as the “Pares”. All indemnies / undertakings / representaons to be made by the Cardholder in respect of the Terms and Condions of Debit Cards
shall be deemed to have been made by the Guardian.
Undertakings / Representaons and Warranes:
The Guardian agrees, confirms and undertakes that:
(i) AXIS BANK Ltd., issuing the Card to the minor account holder with AXIS BANK Ltd., solely at the request of and at the sole risk and liability of the guardian.
(ii) The Guardian is the legal and / or natural guardian of the cardholder on the specific understanding that all amounts paid to or the order of the Cardholder on the basis of the said Card and all commission /
fees, interest, costs, expenses in relaon thereto shall be debited to the account.
(iii) The Guardian is solely and exclusively bound by these terms and condions for issue of the Card to the Cardholder expenses / other monies incurred / due and payable on the Card and debited by AXIS
BANK Ltd., from the Account.
(iv) All charge slips in respect of the Card signed by the Cardholder shall be deemed to have signed by the Guardian.
(v) The issue of the Card to the Cardholder by AXIS BANK Ltd., at the sole and exclusive request of the Guardian constutes supply by the Guardian of necessaries suitable to the condion in life of the Cardholder
in terms of secon 68 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
(vi) Subject to there being adequate credit balance in the Account (in accordance with AXIS BANK Ltd.'s applicable rules) the Cardholder will be permied to use the Card for cash withdrawals of an amount of
Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) and for expenses / purchases of goods by use of the Card of an amount of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) daily (the daily limit) or such other
further amount as AXIS Bank Ltd., may specify.
(vii) AXIS BANK Ltd., shall be entled to refuse to authorize any intended withdrawal /expenses / purchases if the amount of such withdrawal / expenses / purchases is wholly or in part in excess of such daily
limit, even though there may be adequate balance in the Account.
(viii) The Card issued to the Cardholder shall not be used for purchases of alcoholic beverages, tobacco product and / or similar goods or services by the Cardholder. The Guardian further agrees, confirms and
undertakes that in the event that expenses are incurred on the Card issued by the Cardholder which pertain to the purchase of any or all of the aforestated goods and / or services, the Guardian shall be deemed
to have consented to the said expenses being incurred.
(ix) The connuance of the Card issued to the Cardholder being a special facility issued at the request of the Guardian will be solely dependent on the connuaon of the Account.
(x) The Guardian / Cardholder shall have no claim for damages or otherwise against AXIS BANK Ltd., or its Affiliates, in the event of refusal by any person to honour the Card, presented by the Cardholder, on
the ground of his minority or in the event that the daily limit has been exhausted or otherwise howsoever.
(xi) AXIS BANK Ltd., shall be entled to refuse authorizaon for any withdrawal / expenses / purchases in excess of the daily limits or in the event of AXIS BANK Ltd., being under a reasonable apprehension
that a fraud is sought to be perpetrated or there exist circumstances which in the reasonable opinion of AXIS BANK Ltd., merit that authorizaon should be refused.
(xii) The Card is a discreonary facility granted by AXIS BANK Ltd., at the request of the Guardian and may be withdrawn by AXIS BANK Ltd., at any me at its sole discreon.
(xiii) The death or insolvency of the Guardian or the fact that the Minor has aained the age of majority shall not affect the liability of the Guardian here under.
(xiv) The liability of the Guardian will be binding on his / hers / its heirs, executors and administrators and his / hers / its estate and effects.
(xv) The Guardian shall do, perform and execute and cause to be done, performed and executed any act, deed, maer or thing which AXIS BANK Ltd., may require for AXIS BANK Ltd's further security.
(xvi) Any noce from AXIS BANK Ltd., in respect of the Account / Card may be given by AXIS BANK Ltd., by delivering it to the Guardian personally or by posng it to the latest address recorded with AXIS BANK
Ltd. The Guardian must nofy AXIS BANK Ltd., of any change to his / her address. Proof of posng to such last nofied address shall be conclusive proof of the noficaon at the me when it ought to be
delivered in due course by post even if the noficaon may be returned through the post undelivered. AXIS BANK Ltd., may also give noce of variaon of these addional terms and condions by displaying a
noce on or within the immediate vicinity of the site of an ATM / branch of AXIS BANK Ltd. or by press adversement or by message in the Account Statement.
Indemnificaon: The Guardian hereby agrees, undertakes to indemnify, defend and hold harmless AXIS BANK Ltd., and its respecve directors, officers, employees, representaves, agents and assigns from and
against any and all liability including but not limited to liabilies to third pares, judgment, damages, losses, claims, cost and expenses, including aorney's fees and expenses arising from or related to: (i) a
breach by the Guardian of its obligaons under these Addional Terms (ii) the acts, errors, representaons, misrepresentaons, wilful misconduct or negligence of Guardian in performance of the Guardian's
obligaons under these Addional Terms (iii) the issuance of the Card to the Card holder. (iv) mishandling / wrong handling of Debit Card / PIN number by minor / myself.
The Guardian hereby declares that this indemnity is in addion to and not by way of limitaon of or in substuon for, any other indemnity or security that the AXIS BANK Ltd., may hold or any other indemnity
which the Guardian may have previously given to AXIS BANK Ltd., or may hereaer give to AXIS BANK Ltd., and that this indemnity will not evoke or limit to any such other indemnity.
I / We have read and understood the terms and condions governing the usage of Debit Card. I / We accept to be bound by the said terms and condions and to any changes made here in from me to me
by the bank at the sole discreon without any noce to me / us. I / We confirm that we are the sole account holder(s) and have issued the required mandate to the above person to operate all accounts linked
to Debit Card(s) singlely. I / We understand that upon issuance of the Debit Card to the above POA / LOA holder, I / We undertake to rafy all transacons put through the above account using the said Debit
Card, and hold the bank indemnified against any claim arising out of such transacons. Please mail this chip Debit Card and PIN to the POA / LOA holders communicaon address
Signature of Account Holder (s) Signature of Account Holder(s)
Name _____________________________ Name _____________________________
In confirm that I am the Power of Aonery / Leer of Authority holder to the above NRE account who is authorised to operate the domesc Debit Card. I shall hold the bank indemnified against all the claims
that may arise out of my using the Debit Card.
Terms And Conditions (Indemnity) for Issuance of Debit Card to Minor
Declaration / Debit Card Undertaking
Debit Card Applicaion Form-DCAF1/Dec 20/V1
This Form Is Processed Through Automated System. Please Ensure That All Mandatory Fields Have Been Filled Correctly Else The Form Is Liable To Be Rejected.
I / We consent to the processing of my personal data for Axis Bank to develop, market, and communicate their products and services to me. I / We consent to Axis Bank’s data analycs on
my personal data to understand usage of products and services and creang opportunies to offer beer products and services.
Joint Holder