Welcome to an important step in your IELTS prep! This full-length IELTS Practice Test
PDF contains all four sections of Magoosh’s highest-quality, student-tested practice
questions. Taken from our premium online IELTS Prep, these questions have been
adapted to mimic the official IELTS exam that you will encounter on test day...with one
key difference.
What’s the difference? Well, at the end of this PDF, you will find an answer key and a
guide to grading your practice test. That’s pretty normal. But, you will also find a link to
text and video explanations that show you how to solve every single question in this
practice test. In these video explanations, our IELTS experts walk you through each
question step-by-step. They explain:
Which concept the question or problem is testing.
Which strategies you can use to answer the question quickly and correctly.
Which answer choices are trying to trick you (and how to avoid those traps!).
You sure won’t find all of that in a standard IELTS book!
These video explanations help you take your IELTS prep to the next level. Because it’s
one thing to take a practice test and call it a day—but if you can learn from your mistakes,
then you’re setting yourself up to do better when it really counts.
Let’s Get Started!
Taking a timed, full-length practice test is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for the
real IELTS. Mimicking test-like conditions will help improve your stamina, pacing, and
understanding of your personal strengths and weaknesses. While you may choose to
take this test online (and save some trees while you’re at it), remember that the official
IELTS exam is paper-based. We’ve made this PDF printable so that you can print it out
and take it like the official exam if you want—it’s totally up to you!
IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, British Council, and IDP
Education Australia, which neither sponsor nor endorse this product.
What to Expect from the Following Pages
A full-length IELTS practice test
An answer key
Information on grading your test
What You’ll Need to Take the Test
A pencil
A timer 
Answer sheets to record your answers
Click the links below to view and print answer sheets for the Listening,
Reading, and Writing sections of this practice IELTS test. The Speaking
section does NOT require an answer sheet.
Listening Section
Reading Section
Writing Section: Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2
Practice Test Tips
Set aside approximately three hours of uninterrupted time to take the test.
Try to take the entire practice test in one sitting.
Take the test in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted.
Mimic test day conditions by turning off your phone and leaving it in another room.
Use a countdown timer and remember to reset it for each test.
Eat a healthy, energizing snack before taking the practice test.
After the test, check your answers and make note of any questions you missed.
Visit ielts.magoosh.com to sign up for Magoosh IELTS Prep and gain access to
more practice questions and explanation videos.
Good luck!
International English Language Testing System
Magoosh Practice Test
Time: 40 minutes
(You will have approximately 30 minutes to work, plus 10 minutes to transfer your
answers onto the answer sheet.)
Instructions to Candidates
Listen carefully. You will hear instructions for each part of the paper.
Answer each question.
While you are listening, record your answers in the question booklet. 
When the recording has finished, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the
answer sheet. Use a pencil.
Information for Candidates
This test has four parts.
You will hear each part only 1 time.
This test contains 40 questions.
Each question is worth one point.
Throughout the test, you will be given time to study the questions and check your
IELTS Listening Practice Test Audio
This link contains all the audio that you will need for Questions 1-40.
Click the link or image above. The audio will automatically begin to play in a new tab.
In this tab, scroll down to the next page and follow the cues in the audio track.
Section 1: Questions 1-10
Questions 1-6
Complete the notes below
. 
for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
Giant Truck Moving Company: Customer Inquiry Form
Inquiry Number: 1 ………………………..
Customer Name: Mrs. June Rayburn
Destination: 2 798 ……………………….. Street, Grand City. 
Origin: Street Address: 12 Irving Court, Grand City
Move Distance: 3 ………………………..
Apartment size, or number of bedrooms: 4 ………………………..
List of large items to be moved:
Kitchen table
Two 5 ………………………..
Two beds
Three large bookshelves
6 ………………………..
Number of boxes:
Approximately 60
Questions 7-10
Choose the correct letter,
, or
7 The woman describes her piano as being
A special
B small
C narrow
8 The woman’s current apartment and her new address
A may have some steps
B are on the bottom level of her building
C do not allow pianos
9 The customer service representative says that the move, with the piano, will cost
A $375
B $475
C $575
10 The customer service representative instructed the woman to send him a photo
and 
A the size of her piano
B the type of her piano
C the weight of her piano
Section 2: Questions 11-20
Questions 11-13
Choose the correct letter,
, or
11 Most of the animals at Moray Bay Aquarium come from
A different parts of the world
B the same region as the aquarium
C nearby lakes and rivers
12 One of the two main goals of the aquarium is to encourage people
A to take better care of the local ocean environment
B to appreciate the aquarium more
C to increase youth program participation
13 The purpose of the Beach Bash is
A to throw a party for volunteers
B to raise money for a kids program
C to increase aquarium attendance
Questions 14-20
Label the plan of the Moray Bay Beach Event Center below.
for each answer. 
Section 3: Questions 21-30
Questions 21-28
Complete the sentences below.
from the lecture for each answer. 
21 The video shows chimpanzees using sign language to talk to one another, people
and ………………………
22 Since the videos appear dated, a student questions whether scientists currently
perform similar ………………………
23 The professor admits that the examples in the videos are ……………………… ones.
24 A student did not expect that chimpanzees would be so ……………………… with
human language. 
25 Recent research found that chimpanzees used sign language to communicate in
the ………………………
26 It is mentioned that the way people control their vocal cords, ………………………, teeth
and lips is unique to humans.
27 The use of a voice is not a ……………………… in all human languages. 
28 Unless they are ……………………… by humans, chimpanzee sign language is very
Questions 29-30
Choose the correct letter,
A, B,
C. 
29 One reason that wild chimpanzees can only say a few things is
A they have a limited vocabulary
B they suffer from displacement
C they can’t learn new words
30 The professor believes that displacement and productivity are
A common among wild chimpanzees
B special features of human language
C not closely related to human language
Section 4: Questions 31-40
Questions 31-34
Complete the sentences below. Write
NUMBER for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 31-34 on your answer sheet.
31 Approximately 2 billion people live in desert ……………………. globally.
32 People living in dryland zones often over-use their own ……………………., such as
33 Drought is an example of how desertification can occur …………………….
34 Historically, increasing populations led to the need for irrigated …………………….
Questions 35-37 
Choose the correct letter:
, or
Write your answers in boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet.
35 What creates very rich soil?
A chemical fertilizers
B decaying organisms
C animal grazing
36 Healthy topsoil can reduce desertification by
A preventing evaporation
B absorbing more water
C fostering plant growth
37 Trees prevent desertification by
A limiting animal migration 
B reflecting sunlight
C keeping soil in its place
Questions 38-40
features below are mentioned as methods to address the problem of
desertification? Choose three letters:
Write your answers in boxes 38-40 of your answer sheet. 
A shielding plans from sunlight
B rotating crops
C watering plants responsibly
D eliminating harmful plantlife
E stopping invasive species
F planting trees strategically
G limiting overfishing 
Academic Reading
Time: 1 hour
Instructions to Candidates
Carefully read the instructions for each section.
Answer each question.
Write your answers on the answer sheet in pencil.
You must record your answers within the time limit.
Hand in this question paper and the answer sheet when the time limit ends.
Information for Candidates
This test has 40 questions.
Each question is worth one point.
Reading Passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on
Questions 1-14
, which are based on Reading
passage 1 on pages 15 and 16.
Section A
Cicadas are insects famous for their ability to generate a distinct sound with an auditory
power that can rival the decibel level of a rock music concert and exceed the engine roar of
a motorcycle. With close to 3,000 species of cicada identified and documented, this family of
insect is found worldwide. For the majority of its life, the cicada remains underground, where
it is nourished and sustained through sap secreted by the roots of trees. When mature, the
insect tunnels to the surface and sheds its skin to reveal its adult form. This life cycle varies
among the species, with certain types maturing and ready to reproduce in just one year. One
of the most eagerly anticipated and studied species of cicada is Magicicada Septendecim,
periodical brood that attracts plenty of media attention for its emergence every 13 or 17 years
across the Midwestern United States in vast, swarming numbers. In these swarms, the
cicadas generate their “music,” signaling their presence, and the onset of summer, for
anyone and anything to hear for miles and miles around.
Section B
Only male cicadas are able to generate the sound their species is known for, utilizing a
unique physical trait and noise-making process that differentiates them from crickets, which
many people incorrectly assume to be similar to cicadas. While crickets generate their
distinctive chirp through stridulation, or the rubbing together of body parts, cicadas
essentially produce a drumbeat amplified very much in the same way that the sound of an
acoustic guitar is created. Males are blessed with a body part known as a tymbal, which is a
rigid and pliable exoskeleton-based appendage that can move in a wave-like manner,
producing a clicking when it strikes the inside of the abdomen of the cicada. Because the
abdomen of the cicada is for the most part hollow, the clicking sound is amplified, giving the
cicada’s song its famous power.
Section C
The primary purpose of the male cicada’s song is to attract a female with which to breed.
Cicadas tend to be very well camouflaged, and can blend into their surrounding tree-based
environments easily. The song of the cicada provides the clues through which the female
cicada can find the nearest male. However, the cicada also appears to use its song for
defensive purposes in a unique way. Whereas most insects and animals aim to scare off
potential dangers by increasing the volume of their warning sounds (e.g. the rattlesnake),
cicadas, when threatened, actually diminish the noise that they make. The reason for this is
that cicadas are hardly ever alone in a given area, and thus it is difficult for a hunter to pick
out the song of an individual insect while distracted by its neighbors. Should a predator be
detected, nearby cicadas become very quiet to decrease the odds that they will be singled
out among the roar of their more distant kin.
Section D
Scientists who study the cicada raise interesting observations about the evolutionary
development of the cicada song and the cicada’s short breeding period. Cicadas live
underground for most of their lives and only rise to the surface for several days or weeks at
most to find a mate and then die. The reason for this lies in the sedentary nature of the
cicada, which makes the insect an easy target for birds and other predators, which consume
the insects in great numbers. However, by emerging in the millions
all at once, cicadas
increase their chance of survival as a species into the next generation, as predators simply
cannot significantly impact the numbers of their prey in such a brief period. Meanwhile, the
power of the cicada song has proven to be an effective tool for collective breeding, as each
insect must locate a mate quickly while outlasting potential predators.
Section E
Cicadas garner the attention, adoration, and sometimes scorn of the general public for the
distinctive sound that they create and their occasionally suffocating abundance. In temperate
environments all over the world, the ubiquitous buzz of the cicada’s song dominates the
backdrop. One must be careful not to come too close to the most powerful of cicadas, whose
sound, if heard from just outside the human ear, is known to cause long-term or irreversible
physical damage. The cicada’s unique tymbal structure, hollow abdomen, and stamina allow
it to generate noise for up to 24-hour cycles, leading to the love/hate relationship people
may have with the insect. The cicada plays to its evolutionary strength, with the power and
majesty of its song as the key to its survival.
Questions 1-8
The essay “The Cicada’s Song” has five sections,
Which section contains the following information?
Choose the correct letter,
, in boxes 1
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 cicadas can be very difficult to see among the trees, where they live while mating
2 cicadas become quieter when they perceive danger
3 an insect that is often compared to cicadas by mistake
4 a specific species of cicada that periodically attracts a lot of human attention
5 a way that cicadas can harm humans
6 The process by which cicadas produce sound is similar to certain musical
7 the approximate number of different types of cicadas worldwide
8 cicadas do not move around very much, so they are easily hunted
Questions 9-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In the boxes below, choose:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
9 Cicadas are well known for the unique noise they can produce very loudly.
10 Cricket and cicada noises seem similar to many people, but the sounds they
produce serve very different purposes.
11 At most, cicadas can take up to 12 months to develop to full maturity.
12 Cicadas spend most of their lives hiding from predators in trees.
13 Cicadas appear above ground at the same time in very large numbers as a
survival strategy.
14 When necessary, a cicada can move quickly enough to evade predators like birds.
Reading Passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on
Questions 15-28
, which are based on Reading
passage 2 on pages 20 and 21.
Questions 15-18
Reading passage 2 has
Choose the correct heading for sections
from the list of headings below.
Choose the correct number
for each section for questions 1-4.
List of Headings
i. Inspired by Pompeian art, an 18th century artist influenced Neoclassicism
ii. Shifting trends in French art increased the popularity of “classical” styles
iii. Pompeian art reflected the stylistic tastes of the owners of the buried murals
iv. Volcanic debris preserved some Pompeian art for future generations
v. Unearthing Pompeii’s art inspired artists in several European countries
vi. The artistic styles of Pompeii
vii. Pompeii’s art provides a window into the culture of the ancient world
15 Section A
16 Section B
17 Section C
18 Section D
The Art of Pompeii's Influence on Neoclassicism
Section A
Pompeii was an ancient Roman city that was famously destroyed and buried by the volcanic
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE. According to researchers and historians, ash and pumice
rained down on the city and residents of Pompeii for over six hours, blanketing city streets
and homes with up to 25 meters of sediment. Temperatures in the city during the eruption
reached 250 degrees Celsius (480 degrees Fahrenheit) and many residents died due to
exposure to the extreme heat. With Pompeii effectively preserved under a literal mountain of
volcanic ash, many everyday items were kept intact, including several of the city’s mural
paintings. The rediscovery of these paintings in Pompeii provided audiences in Europe with a
genuine glimpse into ancient Roman art. These artifacts were idealized and romanticized,
prompting an 18th century artistic movement that would be known as Neoclassicism, an
imitation of classic Roman art.
Section B
Art historians have categorized the discovered art of Pompeii into four distinct styles. The
first style, which prevailed from 200 to 80 BCE, is characterized by the way large plaster
walls were painted to look like colorful, elegant stones; it is known as the “structural” or
“masonry” style. The second style, which dates from 100 BCE to the start of the Common Era,
is characterized by “illusionist” imagery, with murals featuring three-dimensional images and
landscapes, seen through painted windows that conveyed a sense of depth. The third style,
popular from 20-10 BCE, is known as the “ornate” style, and is characterized by
two-dimensional, fantastical perspectives, rather than the realistic, three-dimensional
vista-like views associated with the illusionist style. Murals painted in the ornate style focused
less on realism and instead were created to depict whimsical scenes in highly structured
arrangements. The fourth Pompeian style, which dates from 60-79 CE, combined the strict
structures and complexity of the ornate style with the illusionist methods of the second style
and the stonework of the first style; the fourth style was essentially a hybrid of its
Section C
The art of Pompeii was first excavated in 1748 when archaeologists began the painstaking
work of identifying, removing, and collecting artistic artifacts from the ash and soil. As
knowledge of the art of Pompeii spread across Europe in the 1760s, interest in Greco-Roman
art increased and captured the imagination of a new generation of artists in countries like
England, Germany, and France, prompting them to emulate a “classical” style. The art of
Pompeii most notably influenced an artist in Paris named Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825),
who would become one of the most successful and dominant artists of his time. David
worked through the lens of Pompeii’s illusionist style, with a sense of depth and realism
generated in a number of his more famous works, echoing the three-dimensional landscape
views typified by Pompeian art’s second style. A number of works put forth by other painters
in England, Germany, and France would also contain elements of the four styles of the art of
Section D
The influence of Jacques-Louis David on his contemporaries and future artists only
expanded the popularity of Roman art and the influence of Pompeii’s four artistic styles for
most of the 1780s and 1790s. Neoclassical art proved to be wildly popular with art collectors
and enthusiasts in Europe who commissioned more and more paintings from David and his
contemporaries. David’s most famous piece, Oath of the Horatii
(1784), contains elements
from at least three of the four styles of Pompeian art. In this particular work, one can see the
first style in the colored slabs of stone on the ground, the three dimensional perspective of
the second style in the dimmed space behind the arches in the background, and the realistic
yet fantastical look of the fourth style in the hero figure in the middle of the painting. David
serves as just one example of the 18th century artists inspired by the classical Roman works
exemplified in the four art styles of Pompeii; indeed, David would pass along his inspiration
from Pompeian art to his students. English architect Robert Adam (1728-1792) would create
stuccos with elements very similar to the first Pompeian style; he would become known as
the leader of the revival of “classical” art in England. The extraction of the art of Pompeii took
32 years to complete, but once re-discovered and integrated into the work of artists of the
18th century such as David, its impact proved to be quite significant and abiding.
Questions 19-23
Look at the following list of artistic characteristics (questions 19-23) and the list of
Pompeian Styles listed in the box below. 
Classify the following characteristics with the correct Pompeian Style,
A, B
, or
Write the correct letter,
, or
, in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet. 
19 It did not attempt to mimic the appearance of actual physical objects.
20 A wall was painted to look like it was built out of a different substance.
21 The scenes involved elaborately organized and planned compositions.
22 It depicted realistic vista-like scenery.
23 It Included playful and amusing subject matter.
Pompeian Styles
A 1st Pompeian Style
B 2nd Pompeian Style
C 3rd Pompeian Style
Questions 24-28
Choose the best answer
A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 24-28 on your answer sheet.
24 Which of the following resulted from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?
A The resulting ash in the atmosphere returned to earth trapped in water
B Those who tried to aid were unable to unearth buried buildings.
C Many inhabitants living nearby the volcano died of severe burns.
D It attracted the attention of artists living elsewhere in Europe.
25 The fourth Pompeian style
A was popular because it integrated styles that were already well known.
B adhered to strict aesthetic rules that were common from 60 to 79 CE.
C contained aspects of multiple previously distinct Pompeian styles.
D was most often painted onto particular types of ornate stonework.
26 The author first mentions Jacques-Louis David as an example of
A an artist from the 1700s who drew visibly from historical Pompeian styles.
B one of the leaders who dictated the values of the French art community.
C a figure who was integral to the discovery of lost Pompeian artwork.
D a painter who worked predominantly in the “ornate” style of Pompeian art.
27 The painting the “Oath of the Horatii”
A inspired a clear shift in the artistic trends of its time.
B was painted shortly after the discovery of Pompeii.
C contained elements from a range of the artistic eras of Pompeii.
D depicted a famous event in Roman history.
28 Architect Robert Adam
A reused materials excavated in Pompeii in his own artwork.
B mimicked several Pompeian styles in his stucco works.
C spearheaded renewed interest in artistic styles from the “classical” era. 
D combined “classical” English styles with the first Pompeian style.
Reading Passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on
Questions 29-40
, which are based on Reading
passage 3 on pages 25 and 26.
Consumer Purchasing Decisions
Section A
The psychologist Carl Jung posited that people make decisions in two distinct ways: by
taking in a great deal of information and over time, rationally making a choice, or by making
an intuitive decision quickly. However, these categories do not necessarily reflect the full
complexity of decision-making, particularly when it comes to purchases. In general,
purchasing goods or services involves five steps: problem recognition, information search,
evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior. These steps can
happen in an instant, and although they are seemingly only affected by taste and available
resources, what looks like an intuitive process is actually more intricate and involves many
decision points, both conscious and subconscious.
Section B
All purchases, from small to large, are affected on the most fundamental level by
subconscious motivations—a set of factors that cannot be easily simplified. Psychologist
Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of needs to explain human motivation, in which
necessities such as food and shelter must first be met in order for humans to seek fulfillment
of higher order needs such as acceptance and love. Maslow’s hierarchy is usually shown as a
pyramid, with fundamental physiological needs at the base, underpinning needs concerning
safety, such as financial security and physical health. After those first two tiers have been
satisfied, an individual can focus on needs for love and belonging. The penultimate tier
consists of the need for esteem and self-respect. Only once someone has met the four more
basic needs can he or she strive for the peak, self-actualization. If this final need is met, the
individual has reached his true potential. Where one is on that scale may subtly affect what
one will concentrate on in a purchasing decision. For instance, someone who aspires to be
accepted by the members of a community will subconsciously start buying clothing that
mimics what is worn by that group.
Section C
In terms of conscious decisions, psychologists have divided the process into three different
styles: the single feature model, the additive feature model, and the elimination of aspects
model. The single feature model means that the decision maker focuses on one aspect of a
product. Here one might look at cost over all else, since it might be the most important factor
to someone who is not quite secure economically. For this person, buying a set of plastic
plates is a better decision than investing in fine porcelain dishware. This model works best
for simple and quick decisions.
Section D
The additive feature model works better for more complex decisions, such as buying a
computer. Here one would look at the types of computers and their range of features. A
consumer might weigh the mobility of a laptop against the power of a desktop. This is all
compounded, of course, by where the consumer is in Maslow’s hierarchy. If the person has a
good job and is using the computer to develop community or find a relationship, that may
affect what he is looking for.
Section E
The elimination of aspects model is similar to the additive feature model but works in
reverse. Here the consumer evaluates various choices feature by feature, and when a
selection doesn’t have that feature, it is eliminated until only one option is left.
Section F
Clearly, explaining purchasing behavior is a complex endeavor. In fact, beyond the
subconscious factors and conscious decision models are mental shortcuts that help
consumers reduce the effort in making decisions. Psychologists have identified a number of
these shortcuts, or heuristics, which are used frequently and help with difficult choices in
particular. For example, the availability heuristic comes into play when a consumer has a
previous experience with a product or brand and then makes a decision to either buy that
brand or avoid it the next time. Similarly, marketers frequently capitalize on the
representative heuristic, in which a consumer presented with two products will often choose
the more visually familiar option. This explains why the brandings of many products look
similar to one another. And even more easily understood is the price heuristic, in which a
product is perceived to be of higher or lower quality based on cost, as was shown in a recent
study in which consumers were presented with the exact same wine at two price points, but
preferred the taste of the “more expensive” sample.
Questions 29-34
Choose the best answer
A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 29-34 on your answer sheet.
29 The process of making a purchase
A was of special interest to Carl Jung.
B may be more complex than that of other decisions.
C involves conscious decisions made in five stages.
D happens more quickly when based on intuition.
30 The five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy
A are ordered according to the individual needs of specific people.
B must be completed separately, in isolated events.
C occur in a sequence.
D focus mainly on emotional needs.
31 The highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of need is
A admiration.
B realization of potential.
C protection from the elements.
D clothing.
32 According to the single feature model, some will prefer to buy plastic plates
instead of fine dishware because
A they are most concerned about price.
B they are emotionally insecure.
C they do not have time to make a careful decision.
D they are focused on how others will react to their choice.
33 The “additive feature” decision model
A offers a method to analyze the hierarchy of person’s needs.
B exposes flaws in Maslow’s theories.
C can be combined with Maslow’s hierarchy for deeper understanding.
D influences a consumer’s stage in Maslow’s hierarchy.
34 The “elimination of aspects” model
A involves detailed comparison.
B conflicts with the “additive feature” decision model.
C works best with simple purchasing decisions.
D is largely subconscious.
Questions 35-40
Match each item with the theory it relates to according to the article.
Choose the correct letter
for questions 35-40 below.
You may use any letter more than once.
Write the correct letter,
, or
, in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.
35 Physical needs take priority over emotional or intellectual needs.
36 All possible features are considered carefully.
37 A product is bought based on only one attribute.
38 A consumer buys a more expensive product hoping to receive higher quality.
39 The desire to be included in a social group influences decisions.
40 A negative experience with a brand influences future purchase decisions.
A Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
B Conscious Decision Making Models
C Decision Heuristics
Academic Writing
Time: 1 hour
Instructions to Candidates
Carefully read the instructions.
You must respond to both tasks.
Write at least 150 words for Task 1. 
Write at least 250 words for Task 2.
Write clearly in pen or pencil. You may make changes, but your writing must be easy to
Hand in this paper and the question sheet at the end of the test.
Information for Candidates
This test paper has two questions.
Task 2 is worth twice as many points as Task 1.
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 
The chart below gives attendance figures for Grandville Stadium from 2017,
which are projected through 2030 after a major improvement project. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:
An increasing number of schools provide tablets and laptop computers for
students to use in school, replacing books and other printed materials like
exams and assignments.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Write at least 250 words.
The Speaking Test
Time: 11-14 minutes
Format: Interview
Note: These questions are designed to help you simulate the IELTS speaking exam.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to recreate the IELTS interview fully on this practice test.
However, there is a lot you can do to prepare for this section of the exam! Here are
some ideas to help you get the most out of the questions in this section:
BEST OPTION: If possible, find a native English speaker (or someone more fluent in
English than you) to act as your interviewer and read the questions to you. He or she can
give you useful feedback about your pronunciation and grammar, and help you think
about ways to improve your reponses.
GOOD OPTION: Ask a friend or family member to read the questions to you. Even if this
person’s English skills are not strong, it is best to answer questions provided to you
verbally, rather than reading them on a page. Make sure to record your answers so you
can analyze what you said and think of ways to improve.
JUST DO WHAT YOU CAN!! (OPTION): If nobody is around to help you, just read the
questions and answer them yourself. Again, record your answers to get the most out of
the experience.
Content: This test contains three sections.
Part 1 Introduction and Interview
This section is 4-5 minutes.
You must introduce yourself and confirm your identity.
You will answer general questions on basic topics from daily life such as school,
work, family, holidays, etc.
Part 2 Individual Long Turn
This section is 3-4 minutes, including 1 minute preparation time.
You will receive a question card with a topic and some bullet points to discuss in
your talk.
You will have one minute to prepare and record notes if you wish.
You should talk for 1-2 minutes. 
The examiner will ask some follow-up questions after you finish your talk.
Part 3 Two-Way Discussion
This section is 4-5 minutes.
You must respond the examiner’s questions, which will be related to the topic in
Task 2.
The topics and questions will be more abstract.
The following practice materials give you an example of the kinds of questions
you might encounter on the Speaking exam.
Speaking Test Materials
Part 1
Let’s talk about travel....
Where is an interesting place you’ve travelled?
Do you like to fly on airplanes? Why or why not?
Do you prefer more active vacations, or do you prefer to relax and do very little?
What place would you really like to visit?
What do you like to do when you visit a new city?
Part 2
Candidate task card:
Describe something important you learned from a teacher.
You should say:
the grade in which you took the teacher’s class
the subject of the class
the important thing you learned
and explain why this lesson was meaningful to you.
You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes.
You have 1 minute to think about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Rounding off questions:
Do you use what you learned from this teacher in your life today?
Did you ever tell this teacher about your appreciation?
Part 3
Let’s consider teaching and learning more deeply…
What qualities make an excellent teacher?
By contrast, what are some mistakes teachers make that make them less
Would you enjoy being a teacher? Why or why not?
Finally, let’s consider the current climate of education…
Do you think kids face too much or too little pressure related to school these
Grading Your IELTS Practice Test:
Answers & Explanations
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Now it’s time to see how you scored.
Click the button below to see the answer key, scoring chart, and text and video
explanations for each question in this practice test PDF.
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