50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Regulations/ Guidance
* The state of Alabama
maintains oversight of
prisons, community
corrections and county jails.
County jails must adhere to
Criminal Detention
Facility Standards
Alabama Dept. of Correction Administrative
Regulations Number 431 Inmate Telephone System
V(G.) All telephone calls, except those involving
attorney-client privileges, are subject to being
recorded and investigated where necessary to
maintain institutional security
Arkansas Criminal Detention Facility Standards
SECTION 10-1008 A telephone shall be made
available for inmate usage to notify family and legal
counsel at time of incarceration. The Chief
Executive shall establish policy for other telephone
Alabama Dept. of Correction Administrative
Regulations Number 303 Visitation
V(C)(2)(h). Unless specifically approved by the
Warden, or his/her designee, all meetings between
attorneys and an inmate shall be one-on-one. The
Warden, or his/her designee, shall make every
reasonable effort to provide a room where an
attorney can meet confidentially with an inmate. A
meeting place shall be provided in which others
cannot reasonably overhear the discussion between
an inmate and attorney.
Arkansas Criminal Detention Facility Standards
CONSULTATION AREA The area for visitation by
the public shall be outside the security perimeter,
visiting area for the inmate shall be inside the
security perimeter. The visiting area shall be
acoustically treated to reduce noise. These areas
may also be used as private consultation rooms for
law enforcement officers, attorneys, clergy, etc.
Optional contact visitation spaces may be provided.
Alabama Dept. of Correction Administrative Regulations:
Number 448 Inmate Mail
Legal Mail:
1. Outgoing:
a. Inmates shall be provided two (2) free stamps per week
for legal mail only.
i. The names of inmates receiving the free stamps shall
be maintained in a log. ii. The log shall reflect the name
of the inmate, the recipient’s name and address, and
the date. Each Warden shall designate a box for “Legal
2. Incoming:
a. A log shall be maintained by mail staff members that
lists each piece of legal mail received, the date inspected,
delivered, sender’s name and recipient’s signature.
b. The inmate shall sign for all “Legal Mail” prior to
c. All “Legal Mail” shall be opened and inspected for
contraband in the presence of the inmate.
d. Improperly addressed “Legal Mail” (to include, but not
limited to, incorrect or missing bed / housing assignment
and / or AIS number) shall be forwarded to the Warden /
designee for verification and delivery, if appropriate.
Arkansas Criminal Detention Facility Standards
INSPECTION OF MAIL The Chief Executive shall
establish a written policy for inspection of incoming mail
and packages, in order to intercept cash, checks, money
orders and other contraband items. Items seized shall be
properly receipted and copy of same furnished to the
inmate. The policy should include a provision that states
that mail will not be held for more than 24 hours, excluding
holidays and weekends.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Executive shall establish a written policy to provide for an
inmate to send sealed letters to courts, officials of the
confining authority, counsel, government officials,
administrators of grievance organizations and parole or
probation authorities. Letters to and from such cited
persons or agencies may be opened for contraband
inspection but only in the presence of the inmate.
Title 33. Probation, Prisons, Pardons, and Prisoners
§ 33.30.231. Telephone access and monitoring
inside correctional institutions:
(c) Notwithstanding AS 42.20.300 and 42.20.310 ,
in order to preserve the security and orderly
administration of the correctional facility and to
protect the public, the commissioner shall monitor
or record the telephone conversations of prisoners.
The commissioner shall post a warning by each
telephone informing prisoners that calls may be
monitored or recorded. The monitoring or
recording may be conducted on all calls or
selectively or in some other limited manner as
determined by the commissioner to be appropriate.
A recording of a telephone call made under this
subsection shall be kept confidential, and access to
the recording and its contents is limited to persons
who are acting within the scope of their official
duties and whose access to specific recordings has
been authorized by the facility superintendent. A
telephone call between an attorney and a prisoner or
between the office of the ombudsman and a prisoner
may not be monitored or recorded except when
authorized by a court.
22 AAC 05.530 Prisoner phone calls
22 AAC 05.545 Access to Attorneys.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Alaska has a “unified
prison and jail system. The
Department of Corrections
regulations apply to all
(b) In order to preserve the security and orderly
administration of the correctional facility and to
protect the public, facility staff members may
monitor or record prisoner telephone calls and
conversations on visitor intercommunication phones
as long as a sign placed near the prisoner's extension
advises the prisoner that the conversation is subject
to monitoring or recording. A prisoner's call to an
attorney may not be monitored unless authorized by
a court.
(a) Upon proof of identity, an attorney entitled to
practice in the State of Alaska, whether generally or
by permission of the court, may visit a prisoner
regarding legal matters at any reasonable time
during normal business hours, and at other times
with the approval of the superintendent.
(b) An attorney, as described in (a) of this section,
may visit a prisoner at any time of day or night
within 24 hours after the prisoner's initial admission
to the facility or upon the filing of new criminal
charges, subject to 22 AAC 05.010.
(c) An agent employed by an attorney described in
(a) of this section has the same right to access to
prisoners as the attorney, unless the superintendent
has reason to believe that the agent poses a threat to
a security interest of the facility. The superintendent
may require the attorney to specify in writing the
identity of the agent and the identity of the prisoner
to be interviewed.
(d) Upon a prisoner's request, writing materials
must be furnished, as well as access to the services
of a person authorized to administer oaths and take
* While these rules apply to
state run prisons, the extent
to which they also apply to
county run jails is unclear.
902 – Inmate Legal Access to the Courts.
14.6 Legal phone calls shall not be monitored or
14.7 Staff members shall not listen to the
conversation, but shall maintain visual contact of the
inmate when the inmate is in an area where security
or information may be compromised.
902 – Inmate Legal Access to the Courts.
15.1 Attorney/Agent of an Attorney Visits
15.1.1 Attorney or agent visits shall be held in a
location within the institution designated
by the Warden, Deputy Warden or Administrator of
the institution.
15.1.2 Attorneys or their agents shall contact the
Warden, Deputy Warden or Administrator
at least 48 hours in advance of the requested visit
and provide their name and date of birth. Attorneys
shall also provide their Bar number.
902 – Inmate Legal Access to the Courts.
11.1 Inmates shall identify outgoing legal mail by writing
"LEGAL MAIL" on the lower left-hand corner of the
envelope. (See the Glossary of Terms for guidance on what
constitutes “legal mail.”)
11.2 Inmates must address the mail and include the name of
the attorney, court or judge. Staff members who process the
mail shall return the mail to the inmate if he/she requests
mail to be sent as legal mail and it is not to an attorney,
judge, or court.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
15.1.3 Contact or non-contact visits by attorneys or
their agents shall be allowed (consistent with the
safe, secure and orderly operation of the institution)
only when they are approved in advance by the
Warden, Deputy Warden or Administrator.
15.1.4 In an emergency, the Warden, Deputy
Warden or Administrator may waive the
advance notice requirement. In such cases, the attorney or agent shall
provide, at the time of the visit, written justification
for the emergency. When a justified emergency exists, space
for the visit shall be provided, consistent with the
safe, secure and orderly operation of the institution.
15.1.5 Attorneys and agents shall be advised the
inmate shall be questioned to determine if
the inmate wishes to meet with the requesting
attorney or agent.
15.1.6 If the inmate agrees to meet with the attorney
or agent, the visit shall be approved
and scheduled.
15.1.7 If the inmate does not agree to meet with the
attorney or agent, the attorney or agent shall be
contacted within the same 48 hour period of the
initial request and informed the visit has been
denied. The appropriate staff member shall ensure a
Visitation Waiver, Form 911-2, is completed in
accordance with Department Order #911, Inmate
11.3 In inmate-initiated lawsuits, mail sent to a judge, court
or ADCRR defendant prior to an Assistant Attorney
General being assigned shall not be considered legal mail.
11.3.1 If an inmate disagrees with this decision, he/she may
request to have the Paralegal review by submitting a
Paralegal Assistance Request form to determine whether it
may be approved as Qualified Legal Claim service. The
Paralegal may contact the Legal Access Monitor for
11.4 Outgoing mail not labeled as legal mail shall be
processed as regular mail.
11.5 All legal mail, outgoing or incoming, shall be logged
in accordance with Department Order #914, Inmate Mail.
11.6 Staff members who process incoming or outgoing
inmate mail shall:
11.6.1 Generally identify all legal mail and record it on a
log by indicating the inmate's name and the sender's name.
11.6.2 Inspect such mail for contraband as outlined in this
section, stamp the envelope
REENTRY" using a commercial stamp, and log it before it
is placed in the envelope and sealed by the inmate. {5-ACI-
7D-06} All incoming legal mail shall be opened in the
presence of the inmate and checked for contraband items,
but staff members may not read, skim, scan, or review the
written contents of any incoming legal mail, but should
remain vigilant in searching for suspicious features that can
be identified without reading the words on a page.
Examples include, but not limited to, maps of prison
complexes, shift change documents, and the like. Staff members may seize the mail if it does not
qualify as legal mail, following consultation with, and
approval from, the Deputy Warden or designee. The
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Deputy Warden or designee may contact the Legal Access
Monitor for direction. Seized mail requires that an Inmate
Property/Contraband/Disposition Tracking form be
completed in accordance with Department Order #909,
Inmate Property. Staff members who deliver incoming legal mail
shall have the inmate sign and date the log, acknowledging
delivery. Compact discs sent in from attorneys shall be
considered legal materials and are to be stored in the
inmate’s designated box(es) for legal materials upon
receipt. In order to view the compact disc, inmates must
submit an Inmate Letter to the unit Deputy Warden to
request to view the compact disc. Staff members shall be present upon initial
review of the compact disc by the inmate. Staff members
may not read, skim, scan, or review the written contents of
any incoming legal mail, but should remain vigilant in
searching for suspicious features that can be identified
without reading the words on a page. Examples include, but
are not limited to, maps of prison complexes, shift change
documents, and the like. The inmate will then have an
opportunity to conduct any legal work needed with the
compact disc. If contraband is found on the compact disc
during the reviewing process, designated security staff shall
terminate the session and seize the compact disc. Seized compact discs require the completion of
an Inmate Property/Contraband/Disposition Tracking form
in accordance with Department Order #909, Inmate
Property. All outgoing legal mail shall be brought to the mail
room by the inmate. Designated staff shall visually inspect
mail for contraband items and log it before it’s placed in the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
envelope and sealed in the presence of the inmate. Staff
may not read, skim, scan, or review the written contents of
any outgoing legal mail but should remain vigilant in
searching for suspicious features that can be identified
without reading the words on a page. Examples include, but
not limited to, maps of prison complexes, shift change
documents, and the like. If an inmate is ineligible to bring outgoing legal
mail to the mail room, staff shall visually inspect, but not
read, skim, scan, or review the written contents, and seal
the mail in front of the inmate’s cell. Staff may seize the mail if they determine it
contains contraband items, following consultation with, and
approval from the Deputy Warden or designee. The Deputy Warden or designee may contact the
Legal Access Monitor for direction. Seized mail requires
that an Inmate Property/Contraband/Disposition Tracking
form be completed in accordance with Department Order
#909, Inmate Property.
11.6.3 Send legal mail as first class mail regardless of the
inmate's ability to pay the required postage
11.6.4 Submit names of inmates claiming to have
inadequate funds for postage to the Business Office,
indicating postage due from the inmate. The Business
Office shall either debit the inmate ITA or place a hold on
the inmate’s ITA if there are insufficient funds to pay the
11.7 Designated staff shall not rely solely on the words
“LEGAL MAIL” having been stamped on the envelope.
Designated staff shall verify via online resources or contact
the law firm or legal organization in a good faith effort to
determine the name of the addressee responsible for the
mail and that the addressee is a licensed attorney. Once
verified, staff shall stamp “LEGAL MAIL” on the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
11.7.1 If there is any serious doubt as to whether the
contents of the envelope contain legal mail, designated staff
shall contact the Legal Access Monitor for direction.
11.8 Staff members suspecting abuse of the legal mail
designation shall advise the Warden or Deputy Warden
who shall take appropriate action following consultation
with the Department’s General Counsel or designee. An
inmate who intentionally sends personal mail to a private
address and falsely claims it is legal mail shall be subject to
disciplinary action in accordance with Department Order
#803, Inmate Disciplinary Procedure.
11.9 When applicable, staff members shall take the
following steps to locate inmates to whom legal mail is
addressed and to forward such mail to the inmate.
11.9.1 Use the Arizona Correctional Information System
(ACIS) and inmate records to locate any addressee of legal
correspondence who is not located at the institution
which received the correspondence, and to locate any
inmate who has received legal
mail which does not have an ADCRR Number as part of
the address. Staff members shall have inmates verify they are
the person to whom the legal mail is addressed utilizing the
inmate's identification card.
11.9.2 Staff members shall forward any legal mail to any
inmate addressee who is under commitment to or
supervised by the Department. Staff members should continue to exercise their
discretion and take all reasonable and necessary steps to
provide those inmates being held offsite (i.e., not in an
ADCRR prison complex or facility) with reasonable
access to their lawyers and the courts under the
circumstances of their off-site custody. Responsible personnel should continue to be
guided by the underlying premise of the Department’s legal
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
access policy that inmates should “communicate legal
matter through the mail whenever possible.” Inmates, offenders and parolees receiving
forwarded legal correspondence shall notify the sender of
their new address
* It appears that Arkansas
Board of Corrections rules
apply to both prisons and
DOC jails.
Administrative Regulations Board of Corrections
and Administrative Rules Board of Corrections
ADC AR 867 / ACC AR 7.29 Use of Telephone
(V)(B). Telephone contact with offenders' attorneys
may be approved upon presentation of evidence the
call is necessary.
Administrative Regulations Board of Corrections
and Administrative Rules Board of Corrections
AR 0865 Visitation
(VI)(C)(3). An attorney visiting area shall be
provided to ensure privileged communications
between offenders and their attorneys; however, the
area used for these visits is subject to general staff
California Penal Code § 5058.7
(a) The department shall approve an attorney’s
request to have a confidential call with the inmate
that they represent. The approved confidential call
shall be at least 30 minutes once per month, per
inmate, per case, unless the inmate or attorney
requests less time.
(b) For purposes of this section, “confidential call”
means a telephone call between an inmate and their
attorney that both the inmate and attorney intend to
be private
* It appears that the
California Department of
Corrections and
Rehabilitation’s Operations
Manuals apply to both
prisons and jails.
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Adults Institutions, Programs and Parole Operations
12070.14 Privacy of Authorized Calls.
Authorized personal phone calls by an employee
shall not be monitored or recorded. The wiretapping
or monitoring of authorized/unauthorized personal
calls, confidential or not, by CDCR employees over
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Adults Institutions, Programs and Parole Operations
54020.32 Attorney Visitations and Consultation.
Inmates have a right to access the courts and the
judicial system. It is the policy of the CDCR to
facilitate both correspondence and personal
consultation for this purpose. An attorney visit is a
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Adults
Institutions, Programs and Parole Operations Manual
54010.12.1 Persons with Whom Inmates May Correspond
Persons and employees of persons with whom inmates may
correspond confidentially, and receive correspondence
confidentially from, include:
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
CDCR or State telephone systems is prohibited
except as authorized by an order of a court having
jurisdiction over the institution, facility, or office,
and obtained under Penal Code (PC) Section 629.50
et seq., or as authorized under PC 633. These
exceptions apply only to the investigation of cases
involving criminal conduct by employees and/or
inmates. In all cases where CDCR investigators
request court orders under PC 629.50 et seq., or
through local law enforcement involvement under
PC 633, the Deputy Director, Law Enforcement and
Investigations Unit will first be notified.
Wiretapping or monitoring of employee telephone
calls in cases involving administrative violations is
52060.8 Confidential Telephone Calls.
Wardens may delegate authority to specific staff
members to authorize confidential telephone calls
between an inmate and the inmate’s attorney, or any
other person when designated staff determines that
confidentiality is warranted. Approval and clearance
for a confidential phone call between an inmate and
their attorney shall be conducted according to
Section 3282 of the Title 15. The CDCR Form 106-
A shall be used to document clearance. The
information in the CDCR Form 106-A shall be
updated regularly, but no less frequently than
annually. Authorized confidential calls shall not be
monitored or recorded. However, inmates will be
under constant visual observation during the
confidential phone call. Confidential calls shall not
be placed on designated inmate telephones
private consultation between an inmate and his/her
attorney or representative. Conversations between
an inmate and an attorney or attorney representative
shall not be listened to or monitored with the
exception of visual observation by staff as required
for the safety and security of the institution/facility.
Attorneys or attorney representatives shall not be
permitted to attend or participate in any conference
or committee meeting of staff and the inmate
concerned, except as may be authorized by law or
54020.32.4 Location of Attorney Visits.
Attorney visits shall be conducted in
institution/facility visiting rooms. Inmates shall be
granted contact or non-contact visits, according to
their visiting status at the time of the attorney visit.
• When a compelling need exists, the institution
head or designee may grant an inmate on non-
contact visiting status a contact attorney visit. Such
visits shall occur in private visiting accommodations
specified by the institution facility in accordance
with this Section.
• If an attorney or attorney representative does not
desire private accommodations, the attorney or
attorney representative may visit the inmate on any
regularly scheduled visiting day and shall be
provided the same accommodations as a regular
visit, with the exception that, notwithstanding the
limitations of DOM 54020.15, legal documents may
be exchanged in accordance with CCR Section
• Any attorney at law, on active status or in good
standing, listed with a state bar association
850-12 Telephone Regulations for Offenders.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
* While these rules apply to
state run prisons, the extent
to which they also apply to
county run jails is unclear.
M. Legal Calls:
1. DOC will ensure and facilitate access to
counsel and assist offenders in making confidential
contacts with attorneys and their authorized
representatives; such contact includes, but is not
limited to, telephone communications.
2. All authorized representatives will provide a
copy to the CIPS office of their supervising
attorney’s current Supreme Court attorney
registration card, or the equivalent form of
identification issued by the state in which they are
admitted to practice law, along with a notarized
letter signed by the supervising attorney on the
attorney’s letterhead. The letter will specifically
state that the agent is representing the attorney.
3. If the offender fails to adhere to the procedures
contained in this section, the call is not considered a
properly placed legal call and may be recorded
and/or monitored by employees. Notice of the
potential for monitoring will be posted on or near
offender telephones.
4. If an offender wishes to make an unmonitored
or unrecorded legal call, the offender must provide
the attorney registration number for the legal
counsel on AR Form 850-12A, Colorado Inmate
Phone System Offender Phone List along with the
business address and telephone number of the
5. Once the request has been received in the
CIPS office, the attorney registration number,
address, and phone number will be verified. Positive
acceptance is not required on verified attorney calls
placed by debit to allow offenders who reach an
automated attendant to input an extension number.
Positive acceptance is required on verified attorney
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
calls placed collect as the called party must agree to
pay for the call before it is connected.
6. A business telephone number for attorneys
will be given the status of unmonitored or
unrecorded. Attorney cellular and/or home numbers
CAN be entered as unmonitored or unrecorded
numbers if the CIPS office has verified the phone
numbers belong to an attorney. If the number cannot
be verified, they will be entered as recorded phone
numbers. Exceptions may be made by CIPS
supervisor or designee.
7. Offenders or attorneys who are notified of an
imminent, previously unknown, court deadline
within the next ten days or less may be allowed to
communicate with one another by telephone on an
emergency basis.
a. Offenders may be allowed to place an
emergent call, collect or debit, or to receive an
emergent call from their attorney of record. The
attorney of record will contact the facility
litigation coordinator to facilitate the call.
b. Upon notification of the emergent situation,
the offender will contact their case manager,
who will contact the facility litigation
coordinator, to facilitate an emergency call.
c. The facility litigation coordinator will require
the attorney and/or offender to provide
verifiable documentation of the emergency.
8. It will be the responsibility of both the attorney
and offender to ensure that the offender has
requested that the attorney be placed on the
offender’s CIPS list to make unmonitored legal
calls. Attorneys may contact their clients in writing
or in person to inform them that verbal
communications may be necessary and that it is the
offender’s responsibility to make the request. The
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
attorney should send correspondence to the offender
immediately upon agreeing to provide
representation so that necessary time is afforded
DOC employees to process the request.
* Connecticut has a
“unified” prison and jail
system. The Department of
Corrections regulations
apply to all facilities.
Connecticut Administrative Directive
10.7 Inmate Communications
5(F). Privileged Telephone Calls.
An inmate shall be provided a reasonable
accommodation to make non-recorded telephone
calls to any person enumerated in Section 3(H) of
this Directive on telephones without the recording
and/or listening provided for in Section 5(D) of this
Directive, and provided the person enumerated in
Section 3(H)called agrees to accept the call. Inmates
shall be allowed two privileged calls a month in
addition to calls initiated by the inmate's attorney.
Calls answered by a busy signal shall not be
counted. Calls answered by a person or machine,
capable of taking a message, shall be counted as a
contact. An inmate's request for a call to an attorney
shall be honored either by the close of the first
business day following the day on which the request
was received or on the day specified by the inmate,
whichever shall occur later. Requests by attorneys,
to include paralegals and law students working
under an attorney's supervision, for privileged calls
to inmates shall be honored by the close of the first
business day following the day on which the request
was received from the attorney or at the time
specified by the attorney, whichever shall occur
later. Requests by attorneys shall be honored
without limitations as to number or frequency.
Privileged calls shall be placed by staff who shall
verify the party's identity prior to placing the inmate
Connecticut Administrative Directive
10.6 Inmate Visits.
c. Privileged Visits Provisions and Standards.
General Provisions.
1. Privileged visits shall be reasonably
accommodated. When any questionable
circumstance arises regarding accommodation of a
privileged visitor, the shift supervisor, in
consultation with the duty officer, shall personally
investigate the situation using face to-face contact
and shall obtain any additional information
necessary, to try to accommodate the visit. If a
privileged visit is not accommodated, the shift
supervisor or higher authority shall complete CN
6601, Incident Report, in accordance with
Administrative Directive 6.6, Reporting of
Incidents, detailing all actions taken and the
reason(s) the visit was not accommodated or was
denied. The incident shall be reported as a Class 3
incident. Privileged visitors shall present valid
identification containing a photograph and
certification of status prior to being allowed to visit
as detailed in this section. Privileged visitors shall
not be required to submit to the standard security
screening but must successfully pass through the
metal detector.
2. A privileged visitor may not visit that same
inmate in a social capacity. Likewise, a social visitor
may not have a privileged visit with the inmate
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
on the line. he staff member shall then move out of
listening range of the inmate's conversation. The
employee placing the call may maintain visual
observation of the inmate. Privileged calls shall
normally be limited to 10 minutes duration. In the
absence of exigent circumstances, this limitation
may be increased at the oral or written request of the
attorney. A log shall be kept for privileged
telephonic communications in accordance with
Administrative Directive 6.2, Facility Post Orders
and Logs, denoting the following:
1. Inmate name and number;
2. Date and name of person making request;
3. Date and time of call;
4. Authorizing authority;
5. Staff placing call;
6. Number called;
7. Person contacted;
8. Duration of call;
9. Inmate signature (at completion of call); and,
10. Date and time call completed. When an
inmate's call is terminated due to exigent
circumstances, an incident report shall be completed
in accordance with Administrative Directive 6.6,
Reporting of Incidents. A copy of the report shall be
forwarded to the appropriate District Administrator
for review.
unless he or she is first removed from the social
visitor list.
Title 11, §1431.
1. Telephone messages received or overheard by
police as evidence. ---In any prosecution for a
gambling offense, evidence that a police officer,
when making an arrest for a gambling offense,
received or overheard telephone messages intended
for the accused or an associate of the accused which
tend to prove that gambling activity was being
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
conducted is admissible. The gathering and
disclosure of such evidence, including the contents
of the telephone messages received or overheard,
does not violate any law of this State.
Regulations/ Guidance
* Delaware has a “unified”
prison and jail system. The
Department of Corrections
regulations apply to all
Policy of State of Delaware Dept. of Correction.
Policy Number 3.7 – Telephone Access
V(I). All Offender calls may be monitored and
recorded for security purposes with the following
1. Legal calls
Policy of State of Delaware Dept. of Correction. Policy
Number 4.0 – Offender Mail
D. Legal/ Privileged Mail
2. Outgoing legal/privileged mail will be recorded and
shall not be opened for inspection or any other purpose or
otherwise impended in its transmission if it:
a. Is addressed to a person eligible to receive
legal/privileged mail under this policy;
b. Included the offender’s name and return address on
the outside of the envelope;
c. Has been marked by the institution to indicate to the
addressee that:
1. The letter was sent by an inmate in a State Prison
2. The State is not responsible for debts incurred, or for
the contents of the letter
d. Successfully passes a fluoroscope examination for
4. Incoming legal/privileged mail will be recorded and
may be required to successful pass a fluoroscope
examination for contraband but shall not be opened or
scanned except in the presence of the addressee offender,
unless waived in writing, for the sole purpose of
ascertaining that its contents are free of contraband
Safe operation and security of correctional
institutions and facilities.It is the intent of the
Legislature that the Department of Corrections shall
be responsible for the safe operation and security of
the correctional institutions and facilities. The safe
operation and security of the state’s correctional
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
institutions and facilities are critical to ensure public
safety and the safety of department employees and
offenders, and to contain violent and chronic
offenders until offenders are otherwise released
from the department’s custody pursuant to law. The
Secretary of Corrections shall, at a minimum:
(10) Direct appropriate department staff to adopt
and enforce minimum safety and security standards
and policies that include, but are not limited to:
(a) Random monitoring of outgoing telephone
calls by inmates.
Regulations/ Guidance
* While prisons are state
run, Florida jails are
administered by counties
and required to follow the
Florida Model Jail Standards
33-602.205 Inmate Telephone Use.
(3) Calls to attorneys.
(a) Inmates shall be allowed to make private
telephone calls to attorneys upon presentation to
the warden or his designee of evidence that the
call is necessary. Such evidence shall be a letter
from the attorney requesting the return call or a
court order containing a deadline the inmate
cannot meet if he must communicate by letter with
the attorney. The letter shall be on attorney
letterhead, signed by the attorney requesting the
telephone call, and include the bar association
number of the attorney. Alternatively, an attorney
shall be permitted to request prior arrangements be
made with the warden or warden’s designee to
have an inmate receive a private telephone call
from the attorney on an unmonitored telephone by
submitting a signed copy of form DC6-20001 and
a copy of the attorney’s bar admission card along
with the request letter, email with attached
required documents, or FAX. Form DC6-20001 is
hereby incorporated by reference. Copies of this
form are available from the Forms Control
Administrator, 501 South Calhoun Street,
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500.
=Ref-14204. The effective date of this form is
05/22. Unmonitored calls shall be limited to those
which are necessary and cannot reasonably be
accomplished through other available means of
communication. Except as authorized by warrant
or order of court, telephone calls to attorneys
made pursuant to this section shall not be
monitored or electronically recorded. These calls
will be placed on telephones designated for this
purpose and shall be collect calls; there shall be at
least one telephone at each institution that is not
connected to the monitoring system for these calls.
(b) If an inmate places a call to their attorney’s
telephone number outside of the parameters
above, it will be collect, subject to monitoring and
recording, and limited to 30 minutes, in
accordance with subsection (2) of this rule. If the
inmate and the attorney want to have non-
monitored conversations, the procedures in
paragraph (3)(a) must be followed.
Regulations/ Guidance
* It appears that the policies
pertaining to state run
prisons in Georgia do not
also apply to county run
jails. Jail policies appear to
be county specific.
Offender Access to Telephones (Policy Number
IV(H)(2). Call Monitoring Procedures
2. The offender telephone system automatically
records all offender calls unless a number has been
blocked for recording purposes. Calls placed to the
offender’s Attorney and to the Indigent Defense
Council will be entitled to attorney-client
confidentiality and will not be recorded or
monitored if the offender designated the number as
being that of their Attorney on the Call Allow list.
The recording feature must be blocked on all calls to
Visitation of Offenders (Policy Number 227.05)
IV(Z). Attorneys
1. For the purpose of visitation, the term attorney
includes an offender's attorney of record or any
other attorney licensed to practice in State or United
States Courts, Court of Appeals, or the Supreme
Courts with whom the offender has or is attempting
to establish an attorney-client relationship.
2. Attorney’s requesting visits shall be required to
submit the Attorney Visitation Request form,
Attachment 6, along with a copy of their State Bar
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
this number so these calls are NOT recorded. When
monitoring calls, it is the responsibility of the
person monitoring to ensure they are not monitoring
an attorney call. It is the responsibility of the
Warden/Superintendent, or their designee to ensure
they are not monitoring calls protected by attorney-
client privilege
Card and a copy of an acceptable photograph
identification card.
a. Attorneys shall be permitted to visit their
clients at the facility during prescribed visiting
periods with prior approval.
b. In addition, reasonable flexibility shall be
exercised in permitting attorneys, by prior
appointment, to visit with their clients during
normal business hours.
c. Offenders shall be instructed to advise their
attorneys that appointments are required to visit
except in bona fide emergencies.
d. Appointments must be made through the
Warden's or Superintendent's Office twenty-four
(24) hours in advance.
e. Surveillance and general supervision during
the visit shall be maintained by correctional staff.
The correctional staff member shall be positioned
so as to permit the attorney and client to converse
privately (uncensored) and maintain the privileged
nature of their relationship.
f. No special provisions shall be made for
attorneys during normal visiting hours
3. By prior arrangements with the Warden or
Superintendent or their designee, the offender may
be visited by a paralegal, investigator, law assistant
or other person employed by the attorney to
represent the offender. This visit will be supervised
in the same manner as described above.
a. Before allowing such a visit, the Warden or
Superintendent or their designee shall require the
attorney to contact the Warden or Superintendent
or their designee and identify the person desired to
be sent in the attorney's stead.
b. At each visit the Warden or Superintendent,
or their designee, shall require the presentation of
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
a letter, dated no later than one (1) week prior to
presentation, signed by the attorney, and
identifying the holder and the offender to be
visited. This letter should be placed in the
offender's institutional file.
c. The Warden or Superintendent or their
designee may refuse permission for these visits for
cause. Cause may include misrepresentation made
by the attorney, paralegal, investigator, law
assistant or other persons employed by the
attorney concerning the visits, as well as, the
existence of facts, which give the Warden or
Superintendent or their designee reason to believe
the visit would pose a threat to facility security.
Regulations/ Guidance
* Hawaii has a “unified”
prison and jail system. The
Department of Corrections
regulations apply to all
Corrections Administration Policy and Procedures.
Inmate Legal Activities
5(11)(d) Telephone calls
1. It is the department’s goal to provide
telephone access that is effectively regulated and
handled in a manner which does not compromise
legitimate penological interests. All telephone calls,
with the exception of legal calls, are subject to
monitoring and recording.
In accordance with PSD, P&P, COR.15.03,
attorneys of record including landlines and cell
phones, shall be identified as a legal call on PSD
8733, personal Allowed Numbers.
Corrections Administration Policy and Procedures.
Inmate Legal Activities
5(11)(b) Attorney Visits
1. Attorneys shall be advised by the facility to
give prior notice of their intent to visit the inmate
outside of regular visiting hours. Attorneys shall be
encouraged to visit their clients during the normal
visiting hours set by the facility. Each facility shall
establish contingency plans for necessary attorney
visits during the evenings or weekends where there
is an emergency situation with the inmate’s case.
Attorneys shall be required to furnish their active
bar number for identification purposes whenever
visiting or making appointments for visits outside of
regular visiting hours.
2. Attorneys and all their belongings and
equipment are subject to search for contraband upon
entry to the facility. Attorneys must show
documentation they are attorneys prior to their
admission into the facility.
Corrections Administration Policy and Procedures. Inmate
Legal Activities
1. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between an
inmate and an attorney shall be treated as privileged mail in
accordance with PSD, P&P, COR.15.02, Correspondence
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
3. All inmate and attorney visits shall be in an
areas where the attorney client privilege can be
honored, but that staff may keep visual contact with
the inmate without monitoring the conversation,
Regulations/ Guidance
* While prisons are state
run, Idaho jails are
administered by counties
and required to follow the
Idaho Jail Standards Manual
Idaho Dept of Correction, Standard Operating
Procedure. Telephones and Electronic
Communication Systems: Resident. 503.02.01.001
8. Attorney Telephone Calls
Telephone calls between a resident and an
attorney, placed to the attorney’s business telephone
number as listed with the Idaho State Bar, are not
monitored or recorded. Voice messages left by an
attorney using the resident phone system for an
resident are not privileged, are recorded, and can be
The contract administrator or RCMS vendor must
obtain, from the Idaho Bar, the business telephone
numbers of all Idaho attorneys and provide the
numbers to the RCMS vendor. The RCMS vendor
must program the RCMS so that calls made to Idaho
attorney telephone numbers cannot be monitored or
recorded. Attorneys may request to have their
business telephone number added to the
nonmonitored list. Requests must be sent to the
contract administrator on the attorney’s official
letterhead. The contract administrator must use the
appropriate state bar website to confirm the attorney
is active and in good standing with the bar, and
verify the name, address, and telephone number of
the attorney. If the telephone number is verified, the
contract administrator provides the name and
contact information to the SIU chief investigator or
designee and the prison division’s chief for review
prior to adding it to the RCMS. Once approved by
Idaho Dept of Correction, Standard Operating
Procedure. Attorney and Professional Individual
Access to Inmates. 604.02.01.002.
2. Attorney and Attorney Agent Access
The IDOC allows meetings between inmates and
attorneys or their agents, or both, to work on a legal
claim or proceeding.
Attorneys or their agents may have social visits with
inmates pursuant to standard visiting procedures
(see Visiting, SOP 604.02.01.001).
To the extent possible--based on staffing and facility
design--facility heads must identify an
area that allows the inmate and the attorney, or the
attorney’s agent, the opportunity to
conduct legal business where staff members are able
to observe the meetings but cannot
overhear or record the conversation.
Idaho Dept of Correction, Standard Operating Procedure.
Mail Handling in Correctional Facilities. 402.02.01.001
16. Incoming Confidential Mail
Incoming confidential mail must be delivered to the unit
sealed. A unit staff member will open and inspect the
envelope in the presence of the inmate but will not read it.
However, incoming confidential mail may be scanned to
ensure that it does not violate the provision of this SOP. If
contraband or materials are found that violate the
provisions of this SOP, the mail will be withheld and
immediately forwarded to the facility head or designee.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
the SIU chief investigator and prison division’s
chief, the contract administrator adds the number
and notifies the attorney in writing when the
programming is complete. An attorney can request
to add a secondary number to the non-monitored
list. The request must be made using the attorney’s
letterhead, signed by the attorney representing the
resident, and sent to the contract administrator.
Proof of ownership by means of a billing statement
for the number must be provided. Personal
information can be redacted from the billing
statement, but name, date, account number, and
telephone number must be visible. If the number is a
second office and the contract administrator can
independently verify that is the attorney’s place of
business, the billing statement is not required. The
contract administrator forwards the request to the
SIU chief investigator and the division of prisons
chief. The division of prisons chief approves or
denies the request and notifies the contract
administrator who must take appropriate action,
notifying the requesting attorney in writing of the
decision and actions taken.
Unintended Recording of a Resident/Attorney
Telephone Call If a resident-attorney telephone call
(to the attorney’s business number) is inadvertently
recorded, the staff member must not listen to the call
or immediately stop listening when the staff learns
that the call is to an attorney and must not share any
of the conversation with other staff, except as noted
in the next subsection. The staff member must
immediately notify his manager or facility head or
designees. The manager or facility head or
designees must verify that it is an attorney’s
authorized business number and if verified, ensure
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
the number is programmed as a non-monitored
number in the RCMS. Once verified that it was an
attorney business number, any recorded call to that
number must be deleted from the RCMS. If the
attorney telephone call was to a number that was not
an authorized business number, the facility head or
designee must notify the attorney of the following: •
That the telephone number is not on the non-
monitored list • That the attorney’s business number
recorded with the Idaho Bar is on the nonmonitored
list he process if the attorney wants to request
adding an additional number to the nonmonitored
Regulations/ Guidance
* While prisons are state
run, Idaho jails are
administered by counties
and required to follow the
Illinois County Jail
Standards. Municipal jails
are administered by
municipalities and required
to follow the Municipal Jail
and Lockup Standards. The
Jail and Detention Standards
Unit of the Illinois
Department of Corrections,
monitors jails to ensure
compliance with the County
and Municipal Standards
Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
Section 525.150 Telephone Privileges
g) Offenders who are the subject of a new
criminal indictment, information, or complaint shall
be permitted to make reasonable telephone calls to
attorneys for the purpose of securing defense
counsel, regardless of the individual's institutional
Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
Section 525.40 Attorney Visitation − Adult
a) Licensed attorneys and any investigators, law
students, or paralegals working under their
supervision may visit an offender during regularly
scheduled visiting hours unless permission has been
granted by the Chief Administrative Officer to visit
during other hours.
c) Attorneys or those working under their
supervision are requested to notify the Chief
Administrative Officer of the designated time and
date of the visit at least two days in advance of the
visit in order to make special visiting room
Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules. TITLE
Section 525.140 Incoming Mail
a) Incoming privileged mail must be clearly marked as
"privileged" and be clearly marked with the name, title, and
address of the sender.
b) Incoming privileged mail may be opened in the
presence of the offender to whom it is addressed to inspect
for contraband, to verify the identity of the sender, and to
determine that nothing other than legal or official matter is
c) Incoming privileged mail may contain communications
only from the privileged correspondent whose name and
address appear on the envelope. If non-privileged material
or correspondence from a third party is found to be
enclosed, such material shall be treated as non-privileged
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Regulations/ Guidance
* While the Department of
Corrections Manual of
Policies and Procedures
appear to apply only to state
run facilities, the Indiana
Department of Correction
includes a County Jail
Services Division that
conducts inspections to
ensure best practices
consistent with the Indiana
Jail Standards (210 IAC 3-
1), American Correctional
Association (ACA) and the
National Institute of
Corrections (NIC)
Indiana Department of Corrections. Manual of
Policies and Procedures. Telephone Privileges.
Number 02-01-105
Offenders shall be permitted to make telephone
calls to attorneys in accordance with Policy 00-01-
102, “Offender Access to the Courts” and these
procedures. Offenders shall be provided the
opportunity to make calls to the legal
representatives without offender calling system
monitoring. Offender telephone calls to legal
representatives shall not be considered one of the
offender's regular telephone calls. An offender's
legal representative may either call or write the
Facility Head to request that his/her offender client
be allowed to make an unmonitored telephone call.
It shall be the responsibility of the offender to
advise staff when a telephone call to a legal
representative is being made. Failure to so advise
staff may result in the offender’s telephone call
being monitored. Offender telephone calls to legal
representatives shall typically be made using the
offender calling system; however, facilities may
approve direct dial calls under certain circumstances
(e.g. when the legal representatives telephone
system cuts off the offender's call when it is
transferred). The facility shall establish operational
procedures for placing direct dial calls to legal
representatives including designating staff to
oversee these calls. The facility shall not apply any
frequency limitations, within reason, on offender
telephone calls to legal representatives when the
offender can demonstrate that communication by
correspondence, visitation or regular telephone use
Indiana Department of Corrections. Manual of
Policies and Procedures. Offender Visitation.
Number 02-01-102
Staff must verify the qualifications of exempted
visitors and may request background information
and official assignment documentation from the
potential visitor for this purpose. Whenever
possible, exempted visitors should schedule. their
visits at least 24 hours in advance so that the
facilities can ensure that suitable accommodations
are available. Attorneys, government officials, or
persons from other agencies/organizations providing
an approved service for the facility or the offender
(e.g., Mental Health professionals, Indiana
Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, etc.) may be
approved for visitation on a case by case basis. Such
visits shall not be considered as part of the
offender's regular visitation schedule and these
visitors need not be on the visitation list (as
determined in the operational procedures required
by Procedure VI). If the attorney or government
official is not on the authorized visiting list,
approval from the Superintendent or designee is
required. Where space is available and the security
of the facility and safety of the people involved will
not be impaired, a special area may be set aside for
attorney-client visits. If space is available,
arrangements also may be made to allow clergy to
have a separate space, outside of the regular visiting
room/area, to meet with the offender. The area shall
be observable by staff; however, staff shall not
listen to the conversations.
Indiana Department of Corrections. Manual of Policies and
Procedures. Offender Correspondence. Number 02-01-103
Offenders shall be allowed unrestricted access to legal
representatives and courts through the mail. Only that mail
to or from an offender which is clearly identified as legal
mail shall be treated as such. It is the responsibility of the
sender to indicate that the correspondence is legal mail.
Mail from a court, an attorney, or legal organization (such
as LSO, ACLU, ICLU, etc.) shall be treated as legal mail.
Also, mail identified as a Tort Claim sent to the
Commissioner shall be treated as legal mail.
Offenders who are foreign nationals shall be permitted to
correspond with the embassy or consulate of their home
nation. This mail shall be considered legal correspondence
and shall be subject to the same requirements as other
correspondence designated as legal mail. Staff shall not
interfere with a foreign national offender attempting to
correspond with their embassy or consulate. If the item is
legal mail or privileged correspondence, the facilities shall
adhere to the following procedure:
A. Staff shall inspect the incoming Legal Mail or
Privileged Correspondence by making a visual inspection
of the outside of the mail. If anything appears unusual or
suspicious, staff shall confiscate the item in accordance
with this policy and administrative procedure and submit
the envelope to the Office of Investigations and Intelligence
for further investigation.
B. If the incoming mail passes visual inspection, staff
shall confirm the address on the envelope. The address
must be an actual physical location and staff shall make
contact with the attorney’s office or government office
listed on the envelope. If contact cannot be made within a
reasonable amount of time (twenty-four [24] hours), Mail
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
is inadequate. Each facility shall develop
operational procedures to provide for unmonitored
telephone conversations with legal representatives.
These operational procedures shall ensure that
offenders are provided with necessary information
to request and place these telephone calls. Should an
offender fail to follow these procedures for making
an unmonitored telephone call to an attorney, the
call may be monitored.
Room staff shall inform the offender of the delay in
C. If, after reasonable efforts, contact and address
location cannot be confirmed with the attorney or
attorney’s office or someone from the listed government
office, the incoming mail shall be properly confiscated and
documented, and submitted to the Office of Investigations
and Intelligence for further investigation.
D. If contact and confirmation with the attorney or
attorney’s office or government office is made, and the
contents verified, the incoming mail may be released to the
E. Legal mail or privileged correspondence shall not be
opened by the Mail Room staff. If there are concerns
regarding contents of the mail, the correspondence shall be
immediately properly confiscated and submitted to the
Office of Investigations and Intelligence.
F. Staff shall inspect any legal mail or privileged
correspondence returned to the facility from the Post
Office. If a visual inspection of the mail does not indicate
anything unusual or suspicious (e.g., when the returned
item is noted on facility logs of outgoing mail), the mail
shall be treated as incoming Legal mail or privileged
correspondence and opened in the presence of the offender
only to check for contraband/prohibited property. If no
contraband/prohibited property is found, it shall be given to
the offender. G. In the event that suspicion is raised that
the returned legal mail or privileged
correspondence is tainted with a foreign substance or
contains contraband/prohibited property, it shall be treated
in the same manner as non-legal mail or privileged or non-
privileged correspondence which raised similar suspicion.
Regulations/ Guidance
Iowa Administrative Rules - Corrections Dept 201.
20.3(10)(b). Attorneys. Attorneys must complete an
initial visitor application form to visit an
Iowa Administrative Rules - Corrections Dept 201.
50.19(1) Prisoner Mail.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
* While these rules apply to
state run prisons, the extent
to which they also apply to
county run jails is unclear.
incarcerated individual; however, this initial
application shall apply to multiple visiting lists.
After initial approval is established, attorneys must
contact the central visiting authority at 319 385
9511 to be added to the visiting lists of additional
incarcerated individuals. Background checks are not
required and attorneys shall not be counted as a
friend on an incarcerated individual’s visiting list as
set forth in 20.3(3)”b). Attorneys shall present proof
of identity upon entrance to the institution, the
incarcerated individual must express a desire to visit
with an attorney before the attorney will be
admitted, Attorney visits shall be during normal
visiting hours unless a special visit has been
requested by the incarcerated individual and
approved by the warden or designee prior to the
d. Privileges communication if so marked may only to
opened in the presence of the prisoner and then only to
detect the presence of contraband; it may not be read except
by the prisoner. Privileged correspondence is defined as
incoming and outgoing mail to or from
(1) an attorney.
Regulations/ Guidance
* While these policies apply
to state run prisons, the
extent to which they also
apply to county run jails is
Kansas Dept of Corrections. Internal management
Policy and Procedure: Inmate Telephone Service.
Section Number 10-111.
An Inmate Telephone Service [ITS] shall be
available at all facilities for inmates to place collect
or prepaid telephone calls. (ACO 2-CO-5D-01, ACI
3-4439) Inmates who wish to make use of the ITS
shall be required to prepare and update a list of up to
twenty (20) persons, including attorneys, with
whom they wish to have telephone contact. Except
where otherwise provided by this IMPP, the facility
may monitor and record any non-attorney calls
placed by any inmate on the ITS.
D. Inmate telephone calls, except for attorney
calls, may be subject to monitoring and recording.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
* Kentucky’s Department of
Corrections policies apply to
state run prisons, while jails
are subject to the
Standards for Full-service
Kentucky Dept of Corrections Policies and
Procedures. Chapter 16. Communication, Mail and
Visiting. 16.3 Inmate Access to Telephones.
II.(D) Staff shall not listen to a call from an inmate
to his attorney
501 KAR 3:140.Prisoner rights.
Section 3.Telephone.
(1)A newly admitted prisoner shall be permitted a
reasonable number of local or collect long distance
telephone calls to an attorney of the prisoner's
choice, or to a family member, as soon as practical,
generally within one (1) hour after arrival, until one
(1) call has been completed.
(2)The jailer, jail administrator, or jail personnel
shall maintain a log of telephone calls made by a
prisoner during the admission procedure unless
those calls are made on a telephone in the housing
area. The log shall document the date, time, and
party contacted.
(3)Any prisoner admitted to a facility for a
temporary stay of forty-eight (48) hours or less
before proceeding or returning to another
destination shall be considered in transit and
therefore not entitled to a phone call.
(4)Written policy and procedure shall permit each
prisoner to complete at least one (1) telephone call
each week. The expense incurred for a call shall be
borne by the prisoner or the party called.
(5)A minimum of five (5) minutes shall be allotted
for each phone call.
(6)If calls are monitored, the prisoner shall be
501 KAR 3:140.Prisoner rights. (jails)
(4)The jailer, jail administrator, or jail personnel
shall ensure the right of a prisoner to have
confidential access to his attorney or authorized
(a)To the extent available in the jail and reasonable
for use by an attorney, "confidential access" shall
include a meeting with counsel in a private room in
the jail. The room may be used for purposes other
than attorney-client visits, but shall meet the
conditions established in this paragraph:
1.Jail employees and other prisoners shall not enter
the room during the attorney-client meeting, unless
an emergency or the security of the jail requires.
2.The room should be located so that conversations
in ordinary tones with the door closed cannot be
overheard by others outside the room.
3.If the room is located so that jail personnel could
not hear a call for aid from the room with the door
closed, then the room shall contain some other
means to summon aid.
4.The room shall contain a desk or table and seating
for an attorney, an assistant, and a prisoner.
5.The room shall have a means to access electricity
suitable for plugging in a laptop or portable
television, if the jail allows these items to be
brought into the jail by an attorney, for the purpose
of viewing discovery or other litigation materials.
The jail may provide a laptop, portable television, or
other means for viewing discovery.
6.The attorney shall be permitted access to a
telephone, unless an emergency or the security of
the jail requires otherwise. The jail may provide a
phone in the meeting room or in another location
within the jail.
Kentucky Dept of Corrections Policies and Procedures.
Chapter 16. Communication, Mail and Visiting. 16.2
Inmate Correspondence. (prisons)
II. C. Privileged Mail
1. Incoming privileged mail shall be opened in the
presence of the inmate and inspected for contraband.
2. The identity of the sender shall be evident on the face
of the envelope or mailing container. Incoming privileged
mail shall not be read if the sender is adequately identified
on the envelope and the purpose of the mail is not an issue
in determining whether it should be considered privileged
mail. In the absence of adequate identification or a question
about the purpose, staff may open and inspect the mail to
ascertain whether it is, in fact, privileged mail.
3. If an inmate has placed adequate postage on the item,
outgoing privileged mail shall be sealed by the inmate and
not inspected by staff so long as the inmate has clearly
indicated an addressee that meets the definition of
privileged mail.
4. If an inmate seeks to send mail after signing a written
money authorization for payment from his inmate account
that allows payment when funds are received, the outgoing
privileged mail shall be presented to staff in an unsealed
envelope in the manner determined by the institution. The
institution shall not require the inmate to leave unsealed
outgoing privileged mail for later review. In the presence of
the inmate, staff shall scan or read only those sections of
the mail that are necessary to determine if it meets the
definition of privileged mail. Privileged mail shall not be
removed from the inmate’s presence before being sealed.
5. If it is determined that the outgoing mail does not
comply with the privileged mail policy, the inmate shall
receive an appropriate disciplinary charge and the mail
shall be rejected. 6. Incoming privileged mail shall be
recorded as to the date and time of delivery to the inmate.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
(7)Telephone privileges may be suspended for a
designated period of time if telephone rules are
The inmate may be required to sign for receiving privileged
501 KAR 3:140.Prisoner rights.
Section 2.Mail.
(1)The jailer or jail administrator shall have written policy
and procedure for receiving and sending mail that:
(a)Protects prisoners' personal rights; and
(b)Provides for security practices consistent with the
operation of the jail.
(2)A prisoner shall be allowed to correspond with anyone if
the correspondence does not violate state or federal law.
Caution shall be taken to protect prisoner rights in
accordance with court decisions regarding correspondence.
A jailer or jail administrator may enact a policy prohibiting
the sending or receipt of prisoner-to-prisoner mail. The
policy shall permit the jailer or jail administrator discretion
to grant the privilege.
(3)Incoming mail may be opened and inspected for
contraband prior to delivery. Mail received from the court,
an attorney of record, or a public official may be opened
and inspected only in the presence of the prisoner.
* The first listed regulations
apply to state run prisons,
while the later regulations
apply to parish and city run
LA Administrative Code Title 22. § 315. Telephone
Use and Policy on Monitoring of Calls
D(2)(c) Dormitory Housing Legal Calls. The
warden shall establish a schedule for legal calls.
Offenders are generally able to place legal calls
during the lunch period “non-working hours,” or
after the afternoon count (when "normal office
hours" are in effect for attorneys.) The warden shall
establish an alternate procedure if this is not
D(3)(c) Cellblock Housing Legal Calls. The
warden shall establish a procedure for placing legal
LA Administrative Code Title 22. § 317. Attorney
D. General
1. Offenders may refuse to see any attorney; such
refusal shall be in writing and filed in the offender's
master record.
2. A log shall be maintained of all visits by
attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, law clerks and
3. Visits may be visually observed, but
conversations between offenders and counsel shall
not, under any circumstance, be monitored.
LA Administrative Code Title 22. § 313. Offender Mail and
F. 8. Identification of Privileged Correspondence.
It is the responsibility and duty of institutional staff to
verify the legitimacy of the official listed on the envelope.
For purposes of this regulation, “identifiable” means that
the official or legal capacity of the addressee is listed on the
envelope and is verifiable. If not, then the letter is to be
treated as general correspondence and an appropriate
inquiry made into the offender’s intent in addressing the
envelope as privileged mail.
9. All outgoing privileged correspondence shall include:
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
calls on a reasonable basis during "normal office
hours." Each housing unit shall maintain a legal
telephone log for the purpose of monitoring the
number of legal calls made by offenders on a
weekly basis. All legal calls are to be logged with
the attorney's full name, bar number, telephone
number called, date, time and whether completed.
D(4)(b) Incoming Calls. Legal Calls. Offenders
may be given notice that their attorney has requested
contact. Complete verification is required prior to
processing. If minimum or medium custody, the
offender may call from the dormitory during lunch
or after work. If maximum custody, the offender
may be allowed to call during "normal office hours"
at a time which does not interfere with the orderly
operation of the unit.
D(6)(a)(iii). Monitoring. Telephone calls to the
offender’s designated attorney(s) will not be
routinely monitored. Any telephone calls placed on
offender telephones to attorneys shall be recorded
but not monitored unless the warden determines a
security need exists. Prior to examination of the
content of the conversation with the attorney, the
party requesting examination must put in writing the
factors supporting the good cause and submit to the
warden for approval. Only after approval has been
received, shall the conversation be examined. Only
investigators approved by the chief of operations
shall be allowed to monitor the calls.
§3107. Telephone
A. Inmates shall have reasonable access to
telephones on a regular schedule.
B. Inmates shall be permitted to complete two
local telephone calls at institution expense
4. Visits between death row offenders and
attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, law clerks and
investigators may be non-contact at the warden’s
5. Attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, law
clerks and investigators are subject to searches
according to established procedures, as are all other
§3103. Visiting
A. Inmates shall have maximum freedom and
duration for visiting consistent with the security and
management needs of the institution.
B. Each inmate shall be permitted a minimum of
one personal visiting period per week.
C. Visitors shall be notified by posted signs that
they and their possessions are subject to search at
any time within the security perimeter of the
D. Visitors shall register before admission and
may be denied admission for refusal to register, for
refusal to consent to search, or for any violation of
posted institutional rules.
E. Inmate visits shall be conducted under visual
surveillance of security staff, but conversations with
visitors shall not be monitored.
F. Space shall be provided for all activities
required by the visiting program.
a. a complete legible name and address of the party the
correspondence is being sent to;
b. the offender’s name, DOC number, housing unit, and
the address of the institution on the upper left hand corner
of the envelope. Drawings, writing, and marking on
envelopes, other than return and sending address, are not
permitted. All outgoing privileged correspondence shall
be stamped in the mailroom to indicate it originates in a
correctional institution;
c. outgoing privileged correspondence may be posted
sealed, and will not be opened and inspected without
express authorization from the warden or deputy warden
as specified in Paragraph F.11 of this Section.
10. Incoming Privileged Correspondence
a. All incoming privileged correspondence must contain
the return address of the sender and the name and DOC
number of the offender and the name and mailing address
of the facility. All incoming privileged correspondence
shall be opened in the presence of the offender to whom it
is addressed and inspected for the presence of cash,
checks, money orders and contraband and to verify as
unobtrusively as possible, that the correspondence does
not contain material that is not entitled to the privilege.
When the material is inspected and it is found to be bound
or secured in any manner that would prevent the thorough
inspection of the document, the offender shall have the
option of allowing staff to take the document apart for
adequate inspection or returning the material to the sender
to require that the material be returned in a loose manner
to allow for proper inspection. Additionally, offenders
receiving legal material in the form of a compact disc
shall have the option of paying for copies to be made by
the facility or returning the disc to the sender in order to
require that the material be converted to paper copies.
Payment for paper copies of legal material from a
compact disc shall be in accordance with established
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
immediately after arrest, or two collect long distance
calls if they are not local residents.
C. Inmates shall have maximum freedom and
duration of telephone privileges consistent with the
security and management needs of the institution.
D. Inmate telephone calls shall be confidential and
shall not be monitored
policy and procedures. b. Incoming privileged mail may
be opened and inspected outside the offender’s presence
in the circumstances outlined in Paragraph F.11 of this
§3105. Mail
G. Outgoing letters to courts, recognized attorneys at law,
governmental agencies and elected officials shall not be
opened or read unless for security reasons, and will be
submitted sealed by the inmate with the title or position of
the addressee clearly marked on the envelope.
H. Incoming letters from courts, recognized attorneys at
law, governmental agencies and elected officials may be
opened for inspection, but only in the presence of the
inmate recipient and without being read for content.
15 MRSA §712
2. Investigative officers.
It is not a violation of this chapter for an
investigative officer, or for another employee of the
Department of Corrections authorized to exercise
law enforcement powers as described in Title 34‑A,
section 3011, to intercept, disclose or use that
communication in the normal course of employment
while engaged in any activity that is related to the
administration of criminal justice as defined in Title
16, section 703, subsection 1 for the purposes of the
Criminal History Record Information Act or as
defined in Title 16, section 803, subsection 2 for the
purposes of the Intelligence and Investigative
Record Information Act; or while engaged in any
activity that is related to the administration of
juvenile justice if:
A. Either the sender or receiver of that
communication is a person residing in an adult or
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
juvenile correctional facility administered by the
Department of Corrections; and [PL 2009, c. 93,
§1 (AMD).]
B. Notice of the possibility of interception is
provided in a way sufficient to make the parties to
the communication aware of the possibility of
interception, which includes:
(1) Providing the resident with a written
notification statement;
(2) Posting written notification next to every
telephone at the facility that is subject to
monitoring; and
(3) Informing the recipient of a telephone call
from the resident by playing a recorded warning
before the recipient accepts the call.
C. This subsection does not authorize any
interference with the attorney-client privilege.
3. Jail investigative officer. It is not a violation of
this chapter for a jail investigative officer, as
defined in this chapter, or for a jail employee acting
at the direction of a jail investigative officer to
intercept, disclose or use that communication in the
normal course of employment while engaged in any
activity that is related to the administration of
criminal justice as defined in Title 16, section 703,
subsection 1 for the purposes of the Criminal
History Record Information Act or as defined in
Title 16, section 803, subsection 2 for the purposes
of the Intelligence and Investigative Record
Information Act if:
A. Either the sender or the receiver of that
communication is a person residing in an adult
section of the jail; and [PL 2011, c. 507, §5
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
B. Notice of the possibility of interception is
provided in a way sufficient to make the parties to
the communication aware of the possibility of
interception, which includes:
(1) Providing the resident with a written
notification statement;
(2) Posting written notification next to every
telephone at the jail that is subject to monitoring;
(3) Informing the recipient of a telephone call from
the resident by playing a recorded warning before
the recipient accepts the call.
This subsection does not authorize any interference
with the attorney-client privilege.
* Maine
’s Department of
Corrections policies apply to
state run prisons, while jails
are subject to the
and Correctional Standards
for Maine Counties and
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number
21.3: Prisoner Telephone System
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number
16.2(JF): Access to Telephones
Jail and County Standards:
Microsoft Word -
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number
21.4: Prisoner Visitation
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number
16.3: Visitation (juvenile)
Jail and County Standards:
Microsoft Word -
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number 21.2:
Prisoner Mail
State of Maine Dept of Corrections, Policy Number 16.1:
Communication, Mail and Visitation (juvenile)
Jail and County Standards:
Microsoft Word - Adopted Rule
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
* Maryland’s Department of
Public Safety and
Correctional Services order
apply to state run facilities.
Adult Detention Center
Standards Manual applies to
adult detention centers. The
Adult Correctional
Institution Standards Manual
applies to adult correctional
Maryland Dept of Public Safety and Correctional
Services, Executive Directive OPS.200.0002:
Inmate Telephone System
J(3) A recording block shall be established to
prevent the Department from recording and
monitoring an inmate telephone call to the inmate’s
attorney, made related to PREA, and to a hot line
specified to offer caller anonymity.
(a) An attorney’s home telephone may not be
called unless the attorney’s office of record and
residence are the same.
(b) An attorney’s telephone number is subject to
verification, including the existence of a valid
attorney-client relationship
Maryland Dept of Public Safety and Correctional
Services, Dept Directive OPS.195.0003: Inmate
10. Legal Visits. A. The Department shall provide
reasonable opportunities and accommodations for
an inmate to obtain or consult in confidence with the
inmate’s attorney of record.
Adult Detention Center Standards Manual
C. Legal Matters
Compliance Explanation
The constitutional right to legal counsel of choice
must be protected. Attorneys of record must be
permitted to consult with inmates in a private and
confidential setting. Attorneys should be allowed
unlimited visits including the opportunity for
communication during other than normal visiting
hours upon request and on the basis of special
circumstances. Attorney visits should not count
against the approved number of visits. Only those
restrictions necessary to maintain facility order and
security should be imposed.
Adult Correctional Institution Standards Manual
C. Legal Matters
Compliance Explanation
The constitutional right to legal counsel of choice
must be protected. Attorneys of record must be
permitted to consult with inmates in a private and
confidential setting. Attorneys should be allowed
Maryland Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services,
Dept Directive OPS.250.0001: Mail Room Procedures
.05(C) Incoming Inmate Mail
(2) Mail room staff receiving what is known to be or what
may be legal mail for an inmate shall:
(a) only open and inspect the known to be or what may be
legal mail in the presence of the inmate to whom the legal
mail is addressed.
(b) if other than mail room staff deliver known to be or
what may be legal mail to an inmate, instruct the non mail
room staff to only open and inspect the known to be or
what may be legal mail in the presence of the inmate to
whom the legal mail is addressed
Adult Detention Center Standards Manual
C. Legal Matters
Compliance Explanation
Inmates must be permitted to send sealed letters to:
attorneys of record; the courts; officials of the confining
authority; state and local chief executive officers;
administrators of grievance systems; and, members of the
paroling authority. All mail from these special classes of
persons are to be opened only to inspect for contraband,
and then only in the presence of the inmate.
Adult Correctional Institution Standards Manual
C. Legal Matters
Compliance Explanation
Inmates must be permitted to send sealed letters to:
attorneys of record; the courts; officials of the confining
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
unlimited visits including the opportunity for
communication during other than normal visiting
hours upon request and on the basis of special
circumstances. Attorney visits should not count
against the approved number of visits. Only those
restrictions necessary to maintain facility order and
security should be imposed.
authority; state and local chief executive officers;
administrators of grievance systems; and, members of the
paroling authority. All mail from these special classes of
persons are to be opened only to inspect for contraband,
and then only in the presence of the inmate.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
* While these directives
apply to state run prisons,
the extent to which they also
apply to county run houses
of correction is unclear.
103 CMR 482.00: Telephone Use and Access
482.07: Inmate Telephone Use for Court, Attorney
Contact, Consular Officer/Diplomat Contact,
Pre-approved Ordained Clergymen Contact, and
Licensed Psychologist, Social Worker, and/or
Mental Health and Human Service Professionals
(1) Telephone calls to pre-authorized attorney,
consular officer/diplomat numbers, or the Global
Access numbers, shall not be suspended or curtailed
except in accordance with 103 CMR 482.06(4) or
482.08. Telephone calls to pre-authorized attorney
numbers, consular officer/ diplomat numbers, or the
Global Access numbers, shall not be subject to
telephone monitoring or recording
103 CMR 483.00. Visiting Procedures
483.06: Institution Visiting Rules and Procedures
(1) Each Superintendent shall develop written
institution visiting rules and procedures which,
although tailored to the particular institution, and/or
to specific populations within that institution, are
consistent with 103 CMR 483.00. At a minimum,
institution rules shall specify the following aspects
of visiting at the
(f) Designation of an area where inmates have
access to counsel and confidential contact with
attorneys and/or legal professionals
See also
103 CMR 486.00: Attorney Access at
Massachusetts Correctional Institutions
103 CMR 481.00: Inmate Mail
481.10: Privileged Mail
(3) Attorneys shall be allowed to provide self-addressed,
meter- stamped envelopes to their inmate clients. The
envelope should be addressed to the law firm or to the
individual attorney, contain only a meter-stamp (not a
postage stamp) and may not be altered in any way. Should
an inmate alter or attempt to utilize the meter-stamped
envelope to send mail to anyone other than the original
addressee, a disciplinary report shall be issued.
(4) In order to prevent fraudulent privileged mail from
entering DOC facilities, the DOC may implement an
Attorney Verification System (AVS).
(a) Any attorney wishing to send privileged
correspondence must attempt to participate in the AVS.
(b) Forms/applications to participate in the AVS must be
completed in their entirety, including the attorney’s name,
address, telephone number, and one email address as well
as their Board of Bar Overseers identification number.
(c) Mail from an attorney that does not attempt to comply
with the AVS requirements will be treated as non-
privileged mail.
(d) Incoming privileged mail may not be opened by a
Department employee except in the presence of the
addressee inmate and for the purpose of receiving and
receipting of any funds enclosed for the inmate and/or
ascertaining that its contents are free of contraband. Legal
mail which complies with the AVS is presumed to have
no contraband. Notwithstanding the use of an AVS, the
Department retains and reserves the right to employ in its
discretion internal procedures including, but not limited
to, the use of K-9 Units, fluoroscopes, and field testing, to
ensure that the mail is legitimate privileged
correspondence, and does not include contraband, and to
conduct further investigation as warranted. (e) If the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Department is not able to verify the privileged
correspondence through the AVS, the Department shall
initiate personal contact with the sending attorney listed
on the return address. If the Department does not receive
confirmation of the mailing from the sending attorney
within ten business days hen the privileged
correspondence will be processed as non-privileged
* The Michigan DOC Policy
Directives apply only to
state run prisons and not to
county run jails
Michigan Dept. of Corrections Policy Directive
05.03.130: Prisoner Telephone Use
EE. Staff shall verify the business telephone number
of an attorney licensed in the State of Michigan by
using the most recent directory issue of the
Michigan Bar Journal or through the State Bar of
Michigan website. Staff shall contact the Litigation
Manager in OLA to verify the telephone number of
an attorney who is not licensed in the State of
Michigan. Staff shall verify the business number of
the Legislative Ombudsman, DRM, an Embassy, a
Consulate, or a legitimate legal service organization
using the most recent directory issue of the
Michigan Bar Journal or through other reasonable
means. If the telephone number is listed in the
Michigan Bar Journal or is verified through the
State Bar of Michigan website, it shall be presumed
to be the business telephone number. Upon
verification, staff shall document the attorney’s
State Bar of Michigan Member Number (“P
Number) on the Telephone Agreement and
Number List form (CAJ-370). Prisoner calls to their
attorney shall be made via the prisoner telephone
system unless otherwise coordinated by a court or
for urgent situations as determined by the Warden.
Michigan Dept. of Corrections Policy Directive
05.03.140: Prisoner Visiting
R. At multi-level facilities accommodations shall be
made for attorneys to visit their clients at any
custody level during the facility’s scheduled visiting
hours (e.g., if an attorney’s client is Level IV and
the attorney arrives during the visiting hours
scheduled for Level II prisoners, accommodation
shall be made for the visit to take place, rather than
require the attorney to return during the hours
scheduled for Level IV prisoners).
HH. Except at RGC, prisoners who are housed in a
security Level V facility or housing unit, temporary
segregation, punitive segregation (detention), or are
classified to administrative segregation shall be
limited to non-contact visits, except that a contact
visit shall be allowed with an attorney upon request
of the attorney subject to Paragraphs P and JJ.
Michigan Dept. of Corrections Policy Directive 05.03.118:
Prisoner Mail
FF. A prisoner may have his/her incoming legal mail
receive special handling by submitting a completed
Mail Requiring Special Handling form (CSJ-246) to the
institution's mailroom supervisor or designee.
Only mail received directly from an attorney or a law firm,
a legitimate legal service organization, the
Department of Attorney General, a prosecuting attorney's
office, a court, a clerk of the court, a Friend of the Court
office, or the Office of the Legislative Corrections
Ombudsman is considered legal mail, and only if the mail
is clearly identified on the face of the envelope as being
from one of the above. It is not sufficient for the envelope
to be simply marked “legal mail.”
GG. Each prisoner received at a reception facility shall be
asked if s/he wants his/her legal mail to receive special
handling. If the prisoner does not request special handling
at that time, s/he shall be told that s/he may submit a
request to the institutional mailroom supervisor or designee
at any time during his/her incarceration by completing a
Mail Requiring Special Handling form (CSJ-246).
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Subd. 2.Telephone access in local correctional
Except as provided in subdivision 3 and except
in cases where imminent danger of escape or injury
exists, all officers or persons having in their custody
a person restrained of liberty whether or not the
person restrained has been charged, tried, or
convicted, shall provide private telephone access to
any attorney retained by or on behalf of the person
restrained, or whom the restrained person may
desire to consult at no charge to the attorney or to
the person restrained. Reasonable telephone access
under this subdivision shall be provided following
the request of the person restrained and before other
proceedings shall be had regarding the alleged
offense causing custody.
Subd. 3.Telephone access in state correctional
Except in cases where imminent danger of
escape or injury exists, all officers or persons having
in their custody a person restrained of liberty while
serving an executed sentence in a state correctional
facility, shall provide private telephone access to
any attorney retained by or on behalf of the person
restrained, or whom the restrained person may
desire to consult at no charge to the attorney or to
the person restrained. Telephone access under this
subdivision shall be provided following the request
of the person restrained and in accordance with
Subdivision 1.Consultation. All officers or persons
having in their custody a person restrained of
liberty, except in cases where imminent danger of
escape or injury exists, shall admit any attorney
retained by or on behalf of the person restrained, or
whom the restrained person may desire to consult,
to a private interview at the place of custody. Such
custodians, upon request of the person restrained, as
soon as practicable, and before other proceedings
shall be had, shall notify the attorney of the request
for a consultation with the attorney.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
policies adopted by the institution that meet
constitutional requirements.
Subd. 4.Criminal penalty.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b),
whoever violates subdivision 1 or 2 is guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall also forfeit $100 to the
person aggrieved, to be recovered in a civil action.
(b) The penalties described in paragraph (a) do
not apply to officers or persons having in their
custody persons restrained of liberty while serving
an executed sentence in a state correctional facility.
* Minnesota has separate
administrative rules for state
run prisons and county run
jails. The state inspects jails
to ensure compliance with
MN Department of Corrections Policy Number
302.210 – Offender Telephone Use (prisons)
B.4. Legal calls
Attorneys must communicate with clients through
legal mail. However, when legal
deadlines require expedited communication, staff
may provide access to legal counsel by
telephone. If necessary, an in-person visit may be
a) Attorney calls are limited to current active
b) Attorneys must contact the designated facility
staff to schedule a call at a mutuallyagreeable date
and time. Telephones for approved attorney calls are
not subject to
any monitoring activity and the facility does not
charge offenders for approved
attorney calls.
c) Attorney calls are limited to 30 minutes in
d) Calls to/from the clerk of court or law
enforcement are not considered legal calls.
2911.3200 INMATE VISITATION. (jails)
The facility administrator or designee shall develop
and implement an inmate visiting policy. The policy
shall be in writing and include:
A. attorney/client interviews allowed in a manner
consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 481.10;
B. a schedule of visiting hours that includes the days
and times for visits that includes visits during the
normal business day, and evenings or weekends;
C. establishment of a uniform number of
permissible visits and the number of visitors
permitted per visit;
D. that an adult inmate be permitted an initial visit
with a member or members of the inmate's
immediate family at the next regularly scheduled
visiting period;
E. that all facilities schedule a minimum of eight
visiting hours per week:
(1) a minimum of three separate and distinct visiting
days per week; and
(2) 20 minutes' duration minimum for each visit
unless the number of persons attempting to visit
MN Department of Corrections Policy Number 302.020 –
L. Special/legal mail
1. Incoming and outgoing mail meeting the definition of
special or legal mail is opened and
inspected only in the presence of the offender. Staff must
refer to the Special Mail List (attached) to determine
whether an item is special mail.
2. When delivering sealed special/legal mail to an
offender, staff must (in the offender's presence):
a) Open the envelope, remove the contents, search the
contents for physical contraband, and skim the contents to
ensure that it is legal/official in nature; and
b) If the item passes inspection, staff must deliver the
envelope and contents to the offender.
c) The offender must sign acknowledging receipt of
legal mail.
3. An incoming or outgoing item purporting to be
special/legal mail that fails to meet the policy requirements
for designation as special/legal mail, or is otherwise
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
2911.3400 TELEPHONE ACCESS (jails)
A facility shall have a written policy and procedure
that provides for inmate access to a telephone.
Attorney/client telephone consultation shall be
allowed in a manner consistent with Minnesota
Statutes, section 481.10.
Newly admitted inmates shall be permitted a local
or collect long-distance telephone call to a family
member or significant other during the admission
Inmates shall be allowed telephone access to
maintain contact with family members or significant
others. Nonlegal calls may be made at the expense
of the inmate. The minimum time allowed per call
shall be ten minutes except where there are
substantial reasons to justify limitations. Nonlegal
telephone conversations may be monitored and
Reasons for denial of telephone access shall be
exceeds the facility's ability to meet this
requirement, or the inmate's behavior dictates a need
to terminate a visit earlier;
F. allowed visits for identified members of an
inmate's immediate family;
G. when a visit to an inmate is denied for reasonable
grounds on the belief that the visit might endanger
the security of the facility, the action and reasons for
denial shall be documented;
H. that visitors register, giving names, addresses,
and relationship to inmate;
I. that any area used for inmate visiting may be
subject to audio monitoring, recording, or both. The
facility shall use signs and the inmate handbook to
inform the inmate about audio monitoring and
recording. Professional visits shall not be audio
recorded, unless a court order has been issued;
J. that policies for parents, guardians, and attorneys
visiting juveniles are unrestrictive as
administratively possible and the initial visit of a
juvenile by parents, guardians, and attorneys be
permitted at any time;
K. picture identification of visitors be required for
identification purposes;
L. that juvenile children be allowed to visit parents,
regardless of age, as deemed appropriate by the
parent or guardian accompanying the child and
when a dispute over children visiting occurs
between the inmate and the parent or legal guardian,
the inmate be referred to the court for resolution;
M. facility policy and procedures setting forth
criteria for authorized friend visiting
questionable, is opened in the offender's presence by a
a) If the contents meet the definition of special/legal
mail, the supervisor must instruct the offender on the
policy requirements regarding how special/legal mail is to
be addressed.
b) If the contents do not meet the definition of
special/legal mail, the supervisor must return the envelope
and its contents to the mailroom. c) The mailroom returns
opened non-special/legal mail to the sender at the
offender's expense with a Notice of Non-Delivery.
4. If the item contains contraband, staff must write an
incident report and enter the envelope and contents into
5. Mailroom staff in adult facilities must log all incoming
and outgoing legal mail in the offender mail computer
Subpart 1. Policy and procedure. A facility shall have a
written policy and procedure that governs inmate
correspondence. Policies are available to all staff and
inmates and are reviewed annually, and updated as needed.
Subp. 2. Volume of mail. The volume of written mail to
or from an inmate shall not be restricted. The amount of
mail stored in an inmate's cell may be limited by facility
Subp. 3. Inspection and censorship. A facility must have a
written policy and procedure that requires that:
A. inmate letters, both incoming and outgoing, may be
opened and inspected for contraband;
B. inmates are notified in writing when incoming or
outgoing letters are rejected; and
C. letters shall not be read or censored if they are between
an inmate and an elected official, officials of the DOC,
attorneys, or other officers of the court, but inspection of
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
incoming mail from the specified class of persons noted
may be opened only to inspect for contraband and only in
the presence of the inmate.
Subp. 4. Money. Cash, cashiers checks, or money orders
received from incoming mail shall be processed according
to facility policy.
Subp. 5. Postage allowance for indigent inmates. Indigent
inmates shall receive a postage allowance sufficient to
maintain communications with the persons listed in subpart
3, item C. Written policy, procedure, and practice must
provide that an indigent inmate is provided with a system
enabling the inmate to send a minimum of two letters or
postcards per week to individuals not listed in subpart 3,
item C.
Subp. 6. Material detrimental to security. A facility shall
have a written policy that restricts inmate access to
materials and information that is considered detrimental to
the security and orderly function of the facility.
* (Mississippi Department
of Corrections policies and
procedures must be
requested in writing)
* Jails in Missouri must
follow the
Missouri Core
Jail Standards
Missouri Core Jail Standards
5.4: Telephone
Detainees are provided with access to telephones.
Missouri Core Jail Standards
6.5.3: Mail or Correspondence of Detainees
"Legal mail" is entitled to more protection. Jail
officials must not interfere with a detainees' reasonable
correspondence with an attorney. Generally, mail to or
from a detainee's attorney, and identified as such,
should not be opened for inspection for contraband
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
except in the presence of the detainee. Legal mail must
not be delayed any longer than is necessary for
handling and sorting. Censorship of legal mail may
violate a detainee's right to freedom of petition.
* (webpage at
contains links to policies,
but links not functional)
47-101.01. Telephone services for inmates; use of
(2) Under a prepaid system, funds may be deposited
into an inmate account in order to pay for telephone
calls. The provider of the inmate telephone services,
as an additional means of payment, shall permit the
recipient of inmate collect telephone calls to
establish an account with that provider in order to
deposit funds for advance payment of those collect
telephone calls. The provider of the inmate
telephone services shall also allow inmates to
communicate on the telephone, or by
videoconferencing, with an attorney or attorneys
without charge and without monitoring or recording
by the county jail or law enforcement.
* Nebraska’s Department of
Corrections policies and
regulations apply to state
facilities, while jails must
adhere to the Jail Standards.
Department of Corrections Policy 205.03: Inmate
Calling System.
A. All inmate telephone calls utilizing the ICS and
not eligible for confidential status shall be
electronically recorded and may be monitored by
authorized NDCS team members. At the
discretion of the Director, telephone recording and
monitoring may be suspended.
Title 81. Jail Standards Board
Ch. 9. Standards for Jail Facilities – Mail, Visiting
and Telephone Service
003 Visiting Services. All jail facilities shall make
provisions for inmate visitation in accordance
with the following requirements:
003.01B Attorneys or their legal assistants shall be
allowed to visit their clients at any reasonable time
for any reasonable length of time. However, in the
Department of Corrections Policy 205.01: Inmate Mail.
E. Privileged Mail (ACI-3D-02, ACI-7D-06, ACRS-6A-01)
1. Inmates may send and receive sealed letters to and
from the following entities:
h. Active Licensed Attorneys
Mail from these individuals will be treated as confidential
and opened and inspected only in the presence of the
inmate, unless waived in writing. The warden of the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Attorney/client calls and calls to individuals with
confidential call status are eligible for confidential
status and are not recorded by ICS equipment or
monitored by team members
Title 81. Jail Standards Board
Ch. 9. Standards for Jail Facilities – Mail, Visiting
and Telephone Service
004 Telephone Services. All jail facilities shall
make provisions for inmate telephone services in
accordance with the following requirements:
004.03 Telephone calls to or from legal counsel
shall be of reasonable lengths of time and shall not
be monitored.
event of an emergency, then attorneys or their legal
assistants shall be allowed to visit their clients at
any time. The facility administrator may establish
reasonable procedures to require identification of
any person who presents himself or herself to be an
attorney or an attorney's authorized representative
representing an inmate detained in the facility.
Unless otherwise indicated by the inmate or the
visitor, all attorney-client visits shall be contact
003.01C Contact visits between inmates and their
attorneys or the attorneys' legal assistants, clergy,
physicians, probation/parole officers, mental health
and addiction therapists shall be in a private area or
room so as to allow for confidential communication
among up to four (4) people with adequate writing
space. No physical barriers such as wire mesh,
glazed barriers, or other physical obstructions shall
be placed between inmates and any of the above
specified visitors during contact visits. Such visits
shall not be monitored, except that facility
employees may visually observe the visitation
through glazed observation panels or by means of
closed circuit television as necessary to maintain
appropriate levels of security.
facility from which such mail originates may choose to
stamp any such outgoing mail disclaiming any
administrative responsibility for the nature or contents of
such mail.
Title 81. Jail Standards Board
Ch. 9. Standards for Jail Facilities Mail, Visiting and
Telephone Service
002 Mail Services. All jail facilities shall make provisions
for the handling of incoming and outgoing inmate
correspondence in accordance with the following
002.03 Inmates shall be allowed to send sealed
confidential mail to a specified class of persons or
organizations to include, at a minimum, their legal counsel,
courts, elected officials, members of the confining
authority, the State Ombudsman, and the Board.
002.03A Confidential mail received from this specified
class of persons or organizations may be opened only in
the presence of the inmate. Delivery of confidential mail
shall be documented.
002.03B Confidential mail may be inspected for
contraband, cash, checks, or money orders but shall not
be read.
002.03C The facility administrator may choose to
attach a letter to any outgoing confidential
correspondence, disclaiming any responsibility for the
nature of the contents of such correspondence.
NRS Sec. 209.419.
Except as otherwise provided in NRS 239.0115, a
communication made by an offender is confidential
if it is made to:
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
(d) An attorney who has been admitted to practice
law in any state or is employed by a recognized
agency providing legal assistance.
* Nevada Department of
Corrections administrative
regulations apply to state run
correctional facilities, while
jails must adhere to
regulations specific to
county and city jails.
Nevada Dept of Corrections AR 718: Inmate
Personal Telephone Use (prisons)
2. Telephone calls, except approved calls between
an inmate and his attorney/legal representative,
must be monitored and/or recorded
6. Legal telephone numbers may be registered by
the inmate through the inmate telephone system
Nevada Dept of Corrections AR 722: Inmate Legal
Access (prisons)
722.06. Attorneys
1. Attorney, and their legal representatives retained
by the inmate or his family shall be permitted visits;
A. Department staff should assist inmates in
making confidential contact with attorneys and legal
B. Attorneys or legal representatives shall be
required to furnish proper identification for visits be
presenting evidence that they are members of a state
10. Visits between an attorney and client are
A. An attorney may make recordings during their
B. All recording devices must be provided by the
attorney and approved in advance by the Warden or
C. No recording devices will be left with the
D. Recordable CDs are not an acceptable medium
for inmate recordings.
E. The institution should provide an areas which
meets the security needs of the institution, where the
attorney and client may confer in private.
Nevada Dept of Corrections AR 722: Inmate Legal Access
722.08 Outgoing Legal Mail and Correspondence
5. All legal mail is privileged correspondence.
7. The legal mail must be addressed to an attorney or legal
A. The word “confidential” must be include don the face
of the envelope or the mail will be processed as general
722.09 Incoming Legal Mail
5. Incoming correspondence will be treated as legal mail
only if the envelope clearly identifies an attorney, legal
representative, or other privileged correspondent in the
return address.
8. Incoming legal/ privileged mail will be opened, scanned
and inspected for contraband in the presence of the inmate
recipient, unless the inmate waives this process in writing.
New Hampshire
* New Hampshire’s
Department of Corrections
administrative regulation’s
Cor 305.10 Official Business Visits
(a) Space shall be set aside for attorney visits that
shall provide privacy when attorney-client
confidentially is required.
Cor 314.12 Legal Mail
Cor 314.12 Legal Mail.
(a) Correspondence between a resident and his or her
attorney(s) shall be opened in the presence of the resident to
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
apply to its state facilities.
Jails are managed by
individual counties.
(b) All attorneys visiting a resident shall be subject
to the visitor approval process pursuant to Cor
305.11, Cor 305.12, Cor 305.13, and Cor 305.14.
(c) The following shall apply to all attorney visits:
Attorney visits shall occur during normal
business hours;
(2) Attorney visits shall be coordinated through
the warden’s office at the facility where the
client resides;
(3) If an attorney visit is requested outside of a
NHDOC resident’s normal visiting time, and
the attorney can articulate why he or she
cannot wait until the resident’s regularly
scheduled visit, the warden or designee shall
approve an exception and allow a visit, which
shall be considered a “special visit;”
An attorney visit shall be made for the
purpose of conducting legal business and not
for the purpose of social visitation;
(5) All attorneys
shall be subject to the same
rules as regular visitors except as noted within
Cor 305.20(h);
(6) Attorneys shall not be required to be on the
resident’s approved visitors list;
(7) An attorney wishing to visit his or her client
at a NHDOC facility shall be required to
complete and submit all applicable forms
pursuant to Cor 305.13 and Cor 305.14 to be
registered as a NHDOC business visitor;
(8) No attorney visits shall be authorized prior to
an attorney completing all requisite
paperwork, having a background check
completed, and being granted access to
NHDOC facilities by the approving authority;
ensure the authenticity of the correspondence and to check
for contraband.
(b) The phrase “Legal Mail” shall be written on the
address side of the envelope in order to assure confidential
handling in either in-bound or out-bound legal mail.
(c) Incoming legal mail found in violation of this rule
shall be forwarded to the investigations bureau for
appropriate action with the person(s) or firm(s) involved.
(d) Legal mail shall not be bound. No legal
correspondence shall be accepted with any type of binding
attached to the pages of the documents. The NHDOC shall
not consider a single staple to be “bound.” Staff shall
remove the staple and forward the mail to the resident.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
(9) An attorney shall not switch from being an
attorney to an active visitor on a resident’s
approved visitors list; and
(10) Attorney visits shall not count toward the
authorized allotment of visits a resident is
New Jersey
* State run correctional
facilities are subject to
Department of Corrections
regulations. Separate DOC
regulations apply to
municipal and county
facilities. Additionally, the
Department of Corrections
conducts annual inspections
of county run correctional
facilities and municipal
detention facilities.
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-8.6 Legal Telephone Calls (state
(a) The Administrator of the correctional facility
shall establish written rules and regulations by
which legal telephone calls may be made by:
1. Inmates;
2. Inmate paralegals; and
3. Professional staff.
(b) Legal telephone calls may be made to the
following individuals or agencies for assistance in
legal research and/or preparation of legal
1. Office of the Public Defender;
2. Regional Legal Services;
3. Court Clerks;
4. Attorneys; and
5. The Corrections Ombudsperson.
N.J.A.C. 10A:31-15.5 Legal telephone calls
(county facilities)
Telephone access to attorneys, courts, probation
officers, and parole officers shall be provided for all
inmates who so request.
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-6.7 Attorneys and court related
personnel visits (state facilities)
(a) Attorneys licensed in any jurisdiction and
representatives of attorneys shall be permitted
contact visits during regular business hours when
sufficient space and staff are available.
(b) At the request of the attorneys referenced in (a)
above, representatives of attorneys may be granted
contact visits. Such representatives shall include, but
not be limited to, the following:
1. Investigators;
2. Investigative aides;
3. Expert witnesses;
4. Paralegals; and
5. Law students.
(c) A written notice or a telephone request from an
attorney shall be required a minimum of 24 hours in
advance of an intended visit. The purpose of the
advance notice is to ensure the availability of:
1. Space;
2. Staff; and
3. The inmate.
(d) The advance written notice or telephone request
from an attorney shall include the following
1. Name of the attorney or representative;
2. Name of the inmate to be interviewed;
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-3.2 Identification of outgoing legal
correspondence (state facilities)
(a) All outgoing legal correspondence shall be clearly
marked with the inmate's name and number on the
(b) An inmate who is sending legal correspondence out of
the correctional facility shall be responsible for clearly
marking "legal mail" on the front and back of the envelope.
(c) The absence of the "legal mail" designation shall not
mean that the correspondence may be treated as non-legal
correspondence if the address on the envelope clearly
indicates that it is being sent to a legal correspondent as
enumerated in the definition of "legal correspondence" in
N.J.A.C. 10A:1-2.2 or in the definition of "legitimate public
official" in N.J.A.C. 10A:18-1.3.
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-3.3 Identification of incoming legal
correspondence (state facilities)
(a) The return address on the outside of an envelope should
clearly indicate that the correspondence is being sent from a
legal correspondent as established in the definition for
"legal correspondence" in N.J.A.C. 10A:1-2.2.
(b) Mail sent from a legal correspondent shall be
considered legal correspondence and shall be handled in
accordance with this subchapter.
(c) The absence of a particular name of an attorney or judge
shall not preclude the correspondence from being treated as
legal correspondence if the return address indicates an
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
3. Name of the attorney for whom the representative
is acting;
4. Name of the organization the attorney or their
representative represents (if any);
5. A written statement from the attorney or their
representative providing any disclosures set forth in
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-6.3 and 6.9 and affirming
compliance with the provisions set forth in this
subchapter; and
6. Date and time the interview is sought.
(e) Form 292-I Request for Attorney-Client Contact
Visit may be used to verify the inmate's desire to
meet with the requesting attorney in the context of
an attorney-client relationship.
(f) Appropriate identification is required of
attorneys and attorney representatives who visit the
inmate at a correctional facility.
(g) Contact visits with attorneys or their
representatives may be restricted or prohibited
when, in the judgement of the correctional facility
Administrator or designee, the inmate is exhibiting
inappropriate behavior or is especially dangerous, or
when necessary to ensure the safe, secure and
orderly operation of the correctional facility.
Contact visits may also be denied where the attorney
or representative poses a threat to the security or
orderly operation of the correctional facility.
(h) In those cases in which contact visits have been
denied, every effort shall be made to provide a non-
contact visit that is consistent with the safe, secure
and orderly operation of the correctional facility.
(i) The Administrator or designee may authorize a
visit without prior written notice, under exceptional
office or court as established in the definition for "legal
correspondence" in N.J.A.C. 10A:1-2.2.
N.J.A.C. 10A:18-3.4 Inspection of incoming legal
correspondence (state facilities)
(a) Incoming legal correspondence shall be opened and
inspected by designated correctional facility staff for
contraband only.
(b) Incoming legal correspondence shall be opened and
inspected only in the presence of the inmate to whom it is
(c) Incoming legal correspondence shall not be read or
copied. The content of the envelope may be removed and
shaken loose to ensure that no contraband is included. After
the envelope has been inspected the correspondence shall
be given to the inmate.
(d) The correctional facility may require that the inmate
sign a slip acknowledging receipt of the incoming legal
(e) Where there is substantial reason to believe that the
incoming correspondence is not legal in nature or that it
contains disapproved content pursuant to N.J.A.C. 10A:18-
2.14, the Administrator shall immediately notify the
appropriate Assistant Commissioner. The incoming legal
correspondence shall not be inspected in a manner other
than as outlined in this subchapter without first obtaining
instructions from the appropriate Assistant Commissioner.
N.J.A.C. 10A:31-15.4 Legal correspondence
(a) All incoming legal correspondence should clearly
indicate on the outside of the envelope that the
correspondence is being sent from a legal correspondent as
established in the definition for "legal correspondence" at
N.J.A.C. 10A:31-1.3. The absence of a particular name of
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
N.J.A.C. 10A:31-15.4 Attorneys and court related
personal visits (county facilities)
(a) Suitable meeting facilities shall be provided for
inmates to meet with attorneys and representatives
of attorneys in privacy with reasonable comfort.
(b) Representatives of attorneys may include:
1. Investigators;
2. Investigative aides;
3. Paralegals; and
4. Law students.
(c) Visits of attorneys and representatives of
attorneys shall be permitted without notice, or upon
reasonable notice, during at least six hours each
business day.
(d) Only necessary security requirements may be
permitted to interfere with such visits.
an attorney or judge shall not preclude the correspondence
from being treated as legal correspondence if the return
address indicates it was sent by an office or court as
established in the definition for "legal correspondence" at
N.J.A.C. 10A:31-1.3.
(b) Incoming legal correspondence shall be opened and
inspected by designated adult county correctional facility
staff only in the presence of the inmate to whom it is
(c) All incoming legal correspondence shall be opened and
inspected by designated adult county correctional facility
staff only for contraband. Incoming legal correspondence
shall not be read or copied. The content of the envelope
may be removed and shaken loose to ensure that no
contraband is enclosed. After the envelope has been
inspected, the correspondence shall be given to the inmate.
(d) The Administrator may establish internal management
procedures requiring that the inmate sign a slip
acknowledging receipt of the incoming legal
(e) Letter-writing materials shall be provided to inmates by
staff at each adult county correctional facility and the
facility shall assume the cost of mailing legal
correspondence for indigent inmates (see "indigent inmate"
as defined at N.J.A.C. 10A:31-1.3). The cost of mailing
legal correspondence shall extend only to First Class or
standard postage and shall not include:
1. Registered mail;
2. Certified mail;
3. Preferential mail; or
4. Insured mail.
(f) Whenever an inmate is transferred from one adult
county correctional facility to another facility, the inmate
shall be responsible for notifying his or her correspondents
of the change of address. The Administrator or designee of
the adult county correctional facility from which the inmate
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
is transferred shall develop internal management
procedures that establish a time period that reasonably
enables the inmate to have sufficient time to provide such
notification to his or her correspondents via mail. This time
period shall not exceed three months during which all
incoming legal correspondence shall be forwarded to the
correctional facility to which the inmate has been
transferred. Any legal correspondence received after the
time period established shall be returned to the sender.
(g) All outgoing legal correspondence shall be clearly
marked with the inmate's name and number on the
(h) An inmate who is sending legal correspondence out of
the adult county correctional facility shall be responsible
for clearly marking "legal mail" on the front and back of the
(i) The absence of the "legal mail" designation shall not
mean that the correspondence may be treated as non-legal
correspondence if the address on the envelope clearly
indicates that it is being sent to a "legal correspondent" as
enumerated in the definitions of "legal correspondence" or
"legitimate public official" in N.J.A.C. 10A:31-1.3.
New Mexico
* New Mexico Corrections
Department policies apply to
state fun facilities. County
and city jails are locally
CD-150300 Access to Telephones, Telephone
Monitoring, Attorney Phone Calls
D. Attorney Phone Calls:
1. Facilities will provide access to unmonitored
telephones for attorney telephone calls.
2. Attorney telephone calls must be requested in
writing using the Attorney Telephone
Call Request form (CD-150302.1) and tracked by
completing an Attorney Telephone Call Log
3. Every effort should be made to allow access as
soon as practicable, especially in the event of an
emergency or urgent need. However, the facility
CD-100200 Inmate Visitation
B. Each NMCD facility and contract facility shall
provide a visiting program designed to enhance the
inmates' opportunities to establish or maintain
family and personal relationships and provide for
confidential contact with their attorney or attorney’s
agent within the security limits of that facility.
Approval of Visitors:
19. An attorney visit requires a 24-hour notice. An
attorney may be limited to meeting with only one
client at a time due to security risks. Special
CD-151200 Correspondence Regulations
A. Inmates are permitted to send sealed legal mail or
privileged correspondence. Staff, in the presence of the
inmate, may inspect outgoing legal mail and privileged
correspondence for contraband before it is sealed. Incoming
legal mail and privileged correspondence to inmates
may be opened only to inspect for contraband and only in
the presence of the inmate, unless waived in writing or in
circumstances which may indicate contamination.
H. Legal Mail and Privileged Correspondence:
1. Incoming and outgoing legal mail and privileged
correspondence may be opened, inspected, and read to the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
will provide access to unmonitored telephones for
attorney telephone calls within two working days of
receipt of an approved written request.
4. Telephone calls will be placed by a facility staff
member who will verify the identity of the receiving
party. The telephone call between the inmate and
the attorney or attorney’s representative will take
place in a location that assures the confidentiality of
the conversation. This provision does not preclude
NMCD staff from carrying out a visual observation
of the inmate during a telephone call.
5. Attorney telephone calls will be made collect if
long-distance charges are applicable to the extent
possible. In instances when a collect telephone call
is not possible, the inmate will be informed in
writing, prior to the telephone call being placed, that
the cost of the telephone call will be $.20 a minute
deducted from the inmate's account and the inmate
will sign a debit memo. After termination of the
call, the staff member will post the time the
telephone call started and ended and the cost of the
telephone call to the debit memo and forward to
inmate accounts for processing. The debit will be
carried on the inmate's account until such time as
there are funds to cover it.
6. The Classification Officer is responsible for
documenting the date and time any attorney
telephone call takes place on both the Attorney
Telephone Call Request form (CD150302.1) and the
Attorney Telephone Call Log Attachment (CD-
150301.A). 7. The Warden of each facility will
designate an individual or office responsible for
collection, review and retention of all
documentation relating to attorney telephone calls.
8. The Classification Officer shall submit all
Attorney Telephone Call Logs and all corresponding
permission must be granted by the Warden for an
attorney to meet with more than one inmate client at
any one time. Attorney visits should be limited to
times outside the normal visiting hours in order to
better accommodate and facilitate an attorney visit.
All attorney visits require prior approval of the
Deputy Warden
limited extent necessary to determine its legitimacy; in the
presence of the inmate in an appropriate, secure area of the
facility by the Warden or a designee to help determine if
the mail is legitimate, contains contraband, or when there is
an indication of contamination. Opened privileged
correspondence will be documented on the Receipt for
Open Privileged Mail form (CD-151201.3).
2. Staff will physically hand over the Privileged mail and
legal mail will be scanned by the inmate to whom it is
addressed and a copy will be made. The inmate will dispose
of the original.
3. Legal mail and privileged correspondence will not be
routinely opened for inspection.
4. Incoming legal mail and privileged correspondence
will be tracked and signed for on the Incoming Legal Mail
and Privileged Correspondence Log form (CD-151201.2).
5. Letters in this category should be sealed by the inmate
and dropped in the special box provided for such letters. 6.
All PREA mail is considered privileged correspondence
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Attorney Telephone Call Requests to the designated
person or office on a monthly basis.
9. The designated person or office shall sort and
file all Attorney Telephone Call Logs and all
corresponding Attorney Telephone Call Requests by
New York
* State run facilities are
subject to Department of
Corrections regulations.
Local facilities are subject to
regulatory standards
established by the
Commission of Correction.
7 CRR-NY 201.2 (state facilities)
(4) The superintendent will designate an area for
confidential meetings which will insure the privacy
of conversations during professional visits of
attorneys or their duly authorized representatives or
visiting clergy.
7 CRR-NY 721.3 (state facilities)
Unless otherwise provided for in this directive, the general
correspondence procedures set forth in Part 720 of this
Title, “Inmate Correspondence Program,” (such as the
requirement to put return addresses on the front and back of
outgoing envelopes) shall be followed.
(a) Outgoing privileged correspondence.
(2) Outgoing privileged correspondence may be sealed by
the inmate, and such correspondence shall not be opened,
inspected, or read without express written authorization
from the facility superintendent as specified in subdivision
(c) of this section.
(b) Incoming privileged correspondence.
(1) Incoming privileged correspondence shall not be
opened outside the presence of the inmate to whom it is
addressed, and shall not be read without express written
authorization from the facility superintendent (see
subdivision [c] of this section).
(2) A log entry should document any incoming privileged
correspondence erroneously opened outside the presence of
the inmate to whom it is addressed (see paragraph [3] of
this subdivision). If appropriate, a photocopy of an
erroneously opened envelope shall be included.
(3) Incoming privileged correspondence shall be given
priority handling and shall be delivered in a consistent
manner at a time when the inmates are available to receive
it and which does not interfere with programming. If the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
inmate to whom privileged correspondence is addressed is
not currently at the facility, the provisions of Part 722 of
this Title shall be followed.
(4) A log shall be created to record receipt and delivery of
incoming privileged mail. It shall identify the sender and
include the inmate's name and number, the delivery date
and time, the title of the delivery person, and note if the
inmate refused to sign a receipt, refused delivery of the
mail, or would not respond to delivery calls. If privileged
mail is erroneously opened outside the presence of the
inmate, that fact and any relevant explanation shall be noted
in the log.
(5) Inspection.
(i) Where x-ray capability exists, incoming privileged
correspondence should be x-rayed prior to being opened.
(6) Receipt.
(i) The inmate to whom privileged correspondence is
addressed shall sign a receipt for such correspondence. All
receipts for incoming privileged correspondence shall be
retained in an appropriate file.
(8) Privileged correspondence originally sent out of the
facility by an inmate, but subsequently returned to the
inmate sender by the postal service, shall be processed as
incoming privileged correspondence in accordance with the
procedures as set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this
(c) Authorization to read privileged mail.
(1) The superintendent shall not authorize the reading of
incoming or outgoing privileged correspondence unless
there is a reason to believe that the provisions of this or any
directive or rule or regulation have been violated, that any
applicable State or Federal law has been violated, or that
the content of such correspondence threatens the safety,
security, or good order of a facility or the safety or well
being of any person. Such authorization by the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
superintendent shall be in writing and shall set forth facts
forming the basis for the action.
(2) The superintendent is advised to consult with the
department's office of counsel before issuing such
authorization. If the facility superintendent authorizes the
reading of privileged correspondence, it shall be read only
by the superintendent, a deputy superintendent or central
office staff.
(3) If after reading the contents of privileged
correspondence there is reason to believe that the
provisions of this or any directive or rule or regulation have
been violated, or that any State or Federal law has been
violated, or that the content of such correspondence
threatens the safety, security good order of a facility or the
safety or well-being of any person, then the correspondence
may be confiscated, and the inmate must be given written
notice of the confiscation, unless doing so would be
inconsistent with the need to safeguard an investigation.
The notice must include the reason(s) for the confiscation,
and it must inform the inmate of the right to appeal the
confiscation to the deputy commissioner for program
services. In the case of incoming correspondence, the
correspondent must also be given a copy of such notice and
accorded the right to appeal, unless doing so would be
inconsistent with the need to safeguard an investigation.
Reason to believe that privileged correspondence is being
used to introduce contraband or other materials not entitled
to the privilege shall be sufficient reason for confiscation.
(4) This subdivision shall not be deemed to require the
express written authorization of the superintendent to
inspect incoming privileged correspondence, in the
presence of the inmate, to ensure that the materials
contained in the correspondence are entitled to the
9 CRR-NY 7004.4 (county jails)
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Privileged incoming and outgoing correspondence
(a) As used in this Part, legal privileged correspondence
shall mean correspondence to or from attorneys and
individuals under the direct supervision of attorneys, legal
assistance agencies and individuals under the direct
supervision of legal assistance agencies, and courts.
General privileged correspondence shall mean
correspondence to and from the State Commission of
Correction and other correctional officials, local, State and
Federal law enforcement agencies, and the media.
(b) Incoming general and legal privileged correspondence
shall not be opened and inspected for contraband except in
the presence of the recipient prisoner.
(c) Outgoing general and legal privileged correspondence
shall not be opened and inspected for contraband except
where the chief administrative officer determines there is
reasonable suspicion to believe that the contents of such
privileged correspondence threaten the safety or security of
the facility or the safety and security of another person. A
prisoner shall be present when his outgoing general or legal
privileged correspondence is opened pursuant to this
(d) Incoming or outgoing prisoner legal privileged
correspondence shall not be read except pursuant to a
lawful search warrant. Such warrant shall be obtained
within 24 hours of the facility's receipt of such
correspondence and shall be enforced immediately after its
issuance. A prisoner shall be present when his privileged
correspondence is read pursuant to this subdivision.
(e) Incoming and outgoing general privileged
correspondence shall not be read except where the chief
administrative officer determines there is reasonable
suspicion to believe that the contents of such general
privileged correspondence endanger or threaten the safety
or security of the facility or the safety and security of
another person. When the chief administrative officer
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
makes such a determination, he shall issue a written order
which shall state the specific facts and reasons why such
action is necessary to maintain the safety and security of the
facility or the safety and security of another person. The
recipient inmate shall be present when his incoming and
outgoing general privileged correspondence is read
pursuant to this subdivision.
North Carolina
(no information located)
North Dakota
* The
Correctional Facility
Standards appear to apply to
all correctional facilities in
the state.
North Dakota Correctional Facility Standards 2022
Standard 77: Inmate Telephone Usage
Correctional facilities may allow an inmate to make
telephone calls to persons other than the inmate’s
attorney within limitations set by the correctional
facility. Correctional facilities shall notify inmates
at intake and shall post a notice in a location
accessible to all inmates that phone calls, except to
attorneys, are subject to monitoring and recording.
Standard 84: Inmate Attorney Telephone and
Electronic Contact
Correctional facilities shall allow inmates to make
telephone calls to their attorneys at reasonable
times. Calls to and from contacts verified as legal
representation may not intentionally be audio
monitored or recorded. Correctional facilities shall
obtain the telephone number of an attorney who has
called an inmate and permit the inmate to return
the call at a reasonable time. Correctional facilities
shall inform inmates electronic messaging is not a
confidential means of communication.
North Dakota Correctional Facility Standards 2022
Standard 85: Attorney Visits
Correctional facilities shall allow inmates to have
visits from their legal counsel. Upon an inmate’s
request, legal counsel may visit an inmate after
admission or as soon as reasonably possible. All
subsequent visits by legal counsel may be restricted
to reasonable hours. Visits by legal counsel may be
subject to staff or video visual observation, but
without audio monitoring; however, when there may
be observation, a notice must be posted in visiting
areas. Audio or video recording of attorney visits is
North Dakota Correctional Facility Standards 2022
Standard 81: Incoming and Outgoing Inmate Mail
Correctional facilities shall have a written policy,
procedure, and practice governing
incoming and outgoing general, official, and legal mail that
a. Mail depository or mail collection process;
b. Procedures for screening incoming and outgoing
general correspondence;
c. Procedures for documenting and verifying incoming
and outgoing legal and
official mail and searching it for contraband; and
d. Process for inmates to challenge mail rejections.
*State facilities are regulated
by Ohio Department of
59-LEG-01 – Inmate Access to Courts and Counsel
G. Communication with Attorneys (state facilities)
3. An attorney may request to confer with his/her
client by telephone when there is not enough time
59-LEG-01 – Inmate Access to Courts and Counsel
(state facilities)
Communication with Attorneys
59-LEG-01 – Inmate Access to Courts and Counsel (state
G. Communication with Attorneys
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Corrections rules. County
and municipal jails are
locally run but are subject to
Minimum Standards for
Jails. The DOC conducts
inspections on county and
municipal jails.
for the attorney to either correspond with or
personally visit the inmate due to the circumstances
of the inmate’s litigation. Such requests shall be
directed to the managing officer or the person
designated by the managing officer. Such
conversations between the inmate and the attorney
shall be considered confidential; the same as in
person visits.
4. Inmates may contact attorneys by telephones
placed in the institution for general inmate
use; however, because calls from such phones may
be monitored and/or recorded, these
phones should not be used to discuss confidential
attorney/client matters.
76-VIS-02 – Inmate Access to the Telephone and
Electronic Mail
C. Legal Calls
1. On occasion, courts will schedule pre-trial
hearings via conference calls between
the plaintiff, plaintiff’s attorney, defendant,
defendant's attorney and the courts. In such cases, it
is imperative that all factors are properly
coordinated to ensure availability of the inmate,
private telephone access, and visual monitoring.
Upon receipt of such hearing notice, the managing
officer will assign a specific employee to coordinate
the telephone pre-trial hearing. All such calls shall
be visually monitored, but not voice monitored.
2. Inmates' use of telephones to place calls to
parties outside of the institution is conditioned on
their consent to these calls being monitored. As
such, these telephone calls are not appropriate for
legally recognized privileged communication. If an
inmate wishes to have a privileged communication,
then this generally should occur in person or
through the U.S. mail, subject to the provisions
2. Attorneys shall be permitted to visit inmates
under the procedures set forth in Administrative
Rule 5120-9-20, Visits by Attorneys and Inmates
Access to Legal Services. Attorney visits shall take
place in a room designated for that purpose where
they can talk in private but be subject to visual
H. Communication with Attorneys at Privately
Operated Prisons
1. In the case of a state correctional institution that
is privately operated and managed pursuant to Ohio
Revised Code (ORC) section 9.06, if normal
meeting locations for attorneys and their
inmate/resident clients are in areas where video
cameras are present,
the managing officer shall establish local procedures
for accommodating an attorney
request for a camera-free meeting area unless:
a. Doing so would violate requirements of the
ODRC as set forth in its administrative
rules and policies;
b. Doing so would interfere with the secure, safe,
and orderly operation of the facility; or
c. Doing so would endanger the security or safety
of any person.
2. The managing officer of a state correctional
institution that is privately operated and
managed pursuant to ORC section 9.06 may limit
the number of simultaneous camerafree meetings
and require advance scheduling of camera-free
meeting spaces by visiting
attorneys to ensure the orderly operation of the
facility is not disrupted.
Rule 5120:1-8-06 | Communication (jails)
1. Legal mail, including inmate mail to and from
attorneys, shall be handled pursuant to Administrative
Rules 5120-9-17, Incoming Mail, and 5120-9-18, Outgoing
Mail. Letters to or from staff members of the ODRC do not
qualify as legal mail under this provision
75-MAL-03 – Incarcerated Population Legal Mail
A. Processing Incoming Legal Mail
2. Staff shall visually inspect the envelope for obvious
signs of contraband or anomalies. If there is no obvious
indication that the mail contains contraband, staff shall
proceed to the next step of this procedure. If there are
obvious indications that the mail contains contraband, staff
shall proceed to subsection VI.B below.
4. The contents of legal mail should never be copied.
Rule 5120:1-8-06 | Communication
(C) (Important) Legal mail or correspondence shall be
opened and inspected in the presence of the inmate to
intercept contraband. The jail shall document procedures
for the appropriate disposition of intercepted items.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
made in regulations governing legal services, mail,
printed materials and visitation. In the event of an
urgent legal matter, an inmate may contact unit
personnel to request arrangement of an unmonitored
telephone call. Telephone calls with an attorney,
that have been cleared and approved by the
managing officer/designee, shall not be voice
monitored, but shall be visually monitored.
Rule 5120:1-8-06 | Communication
(H) (Important) Inmates shall have access to legal
counsel of record including telephone contact,
written communication, and confidential visits.
(H) (Important) Inmates shall have access to legal
counsel of record including telephone contact,
written communication, and confidential visits.
*State facilities are regulated
by the Oklahoma
Department of Corrections
policies. County jails are run
by local law enforcement..
OP-030119 – Inmate Telephone Privileges
II. Monitoring of Telephone Calls
1. Calls, other than those deemed legal, may be
monitored by facility staff officials.
2. Legal calls are those by inmates to their
attorney(s) and those persons working for the
attorney(s). Inmates shall request to have attorney
telephone numbers entered into the telephone
system as privileged. The requests should be
processed by the facility, as designated by the
facility head, and entered into COMIT. Once
submitted, the General Counsel’s office will verify
the attorney’s telephone number and enter the
verification into the inmate telephone system
OP-030118 – Visitation
C. Attorney Visits
Attorney visits are visits that occur between the
inmate and his or her attorney or paralegal,
investigator, law student, or expert witness working
for the attorney representing the inmate. Inmates
will be allowed the same general visiting privileges
during an attorney visit as what is permitted for
regular visits. Attorneys may be required to present
an Oklahoma Bar Association membership card
upon their arrival at the facility. Paralegals,
investigators, law students, or expert witnesses
appearing for an attorney visit may be required to
present a letter on the attorney’s letterhead stating
that the paralegal, investigator, law student or expert
witness is working for the attorney on the case
involving the inmate who is also the attorney’s
client. Attorneys are encouraged to visit their clients
during normal visiting hours of the facility. With
advance notice, and approval of the facility head,
attorney visits may occur during non-visiting hours;
however, such attorney visits will normally be
OP-030117 - Correspondence, Publications, and
Audio/Video Media Guidelines
1.B. Legal Mail/Correspondents Mail to/from attorneys
must be protected in recognition of the attorney-client
privilege, 12 O.S. § 2502.
1. Mail to/from a paralegal service is not considered legal
mail, as there is no attorney/client relationship or privilege.
2. Mail to/from the Attorney General of the State of
Oklahoma and the courts will be processed as legal mail.
V. Handling of Legal Mail
A. The facility head or designee will ensure that the name
and address of sender, name and address of the recipient,
and the date of all incoming and outgoing legal mail is
entered in a mail log and identified as legal mail.
B. All outgoing legal mail will be correctly addressed and
the envelope marked “Legal Mail.” If incorrectly marked or
addressed, the mail will be returned to the inmate to be
corrected. Legal mail will be submitted unsealed and a
cursory inspection for foreign substances and suspicious
features such as, escape plans, maps, music, art, coloring
diagrams, and other documents obviously not legal material
will be conducted. Reading legal mail for content review is
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
restricted to normal business hours and the date,
time and duration of the visit may be set by the
facility head. With approval of the facility head,
attorney visits may be barrier free, contact visits.
Facility heads may approve an attorney, paralegal,
investigator, law student or expert witness to bring a
computer or tablet to the visit, if necessary for
document review by the inmate or for testing that
requires software/technology. Each facility head
shall develop procedures for attorney visit requests
and approval of attorney visits and should address
all other matters that require approval of the facility
head. Attorney visits may be visually observed by
staff but are not to be audio recorded or occur in a
location where the conversations between the
inmate, attorney, paralegal, law student, investigator
or expert can be overheard by staff.
not allowed unless authorized by the facility head upon
reasonable suspicion that unauthorized activities or material
has been placed in the outgoing legal mail. The envelope
will then be sealed by the inmate in the staff member’s
C. Incoming mail marked “Legal Mail” that does not
contain a return address will be returned to the post office.
D. All incoming legal mail will be opened in the presence
of the inmate addressee and a cursory inspection for foreign
substances and suspicious features such as, escape plans,
maps, music, art, coloring diagrams, stickers, unnecessary
labels and other documents obviously not legal material
will be conducted including leafing through the material to
ensure nothing is concealed between the pages; however,
reading legal mail for content review is not allowed unless
authorized by the facility head upon reasonable suspicion
that unauthorized activities or material has been placed in
the incoming legal mail.
1. If the inmate has transferred, the legal mail will be
forwarded within one business day to the inmate’s current
facility. However, certified mail will not be accepted in
accordance with Section II. F. item 2. of this procedure.
*State facilities are subject
to Oregon Department of
Corrections rules while local
facilities are subject to
separate rules
Legal Calls (state facilities)
(1) The department shall maintain a list of legal
telephone numbers entitled the “legal call list.”
Inmate calls to attorneys whose telephone numbers
appear on the legal call list will not be monitored or
recorded by the department. The legal call list shall
include the official telephone numbers of all
attorneys registered with and provided to the
Oregon State Bar Association, official telephone
numbers of attorneys who have requested and been
added to the list as specified in subsection (2) below
and business telephone numbers of other
Professional Visits (state facilities)
(1) Professional visits shall be approved in advance
by the superintendent or designee. Such visits
should be made by appointment during regular
visiting hours or hours as designated by the facility.
(2) Persons approved for these types of visits with
an inmate must present credentials or identification
at the facility visiting desk or reception area
sufficient to identify themselves.
(3) These types of visits are not subject to a point
Examination/Inspection of Legal and Official Mail (state
(1) Legal or official mail shall be afforded special
processing as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this
(a) To qualify for special processing, mail that otherwise
qualifies as legal or official mail under OAR 291 131 0010
(14) or (18) must have affixed to the addressee side of the
envelope or parcel the words "LEGAL MAIL" or
"OFFICIAL MAIL", as appropriate. The "LEGAL MAIL"
or "OFFICIAL MAIL" designation should be set apart from
both the return address and the mailing address, and should
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
organizations as deemed appropriate by department
and whose communication with inmates shall be
considered confidential. The list of official numbers
of attorneys registered with the Oregon State Bar
will be updated twice a year.
(2) Upon request of an attorney whose official
telephone number is not on the legal call list or upon
request of the attorney’s inmate client, the
department will verify the number with the
appropriate state bar and add the attorney’s official
telephone number to the list. However, the
department will not include an attorney’s home, cell
or other telephone number on the department’s legal
call list that is not the attorney’s contact telephone
number provided to the appropriate state bar. Inmate
calls to telephone numbers not on the legal call list
will be subject to monitoring or recording by the
(3) An inmate with an active or pending case with
an imminent court deadline of ten business days or
less who does not have regular access to the inmate
telephone system (e.g., the inmate is in disciplinary
segregation or Intensive Management Unit) may be
permitted a legal call to his/her attorney as approved
by the officer-in-charge or the inmate’s counselor.
(a) Use of Inmate Telephone System: Designated
staff will make arrangements for the inmate to make
the call.
(b) Use of Staff Phones: Designated staff will
facilitate the call and verify the identity of the
person called. The staff member shall leave the area
where the call is taking place; however, the inmate
shall be kept under observation. The call should be
placed as collect, if possible. Use of staff phones for
such calls shall be held to a minimum.
(4) Professional visitors may be permitted to bring
necessary documents or paperwork into the visiting
area for exchange with the inmate with prior
approval of visiting staff.
(5) Computers, tape recorders, and other electronic
devices may be permitted upon the approval of the
superintendent or designee. All articles shall be
searched for contraband.
(6) These types of visits shall be permitted with only
one inmate at a time, except as otherwise authorized
in advance by the superintendent or designee.
be of sufficient size, to permit easy recognition by facility
mailroom employees.
(b) Mail that otherwise qualifies as legal and official mail
but lacks the proper designation shall be processed as
ordinary mail ( shall be subject to inspection; for example,
opening, examination, reading or photocopying)outside the
inmate's presence.
(2) Legal and official mail sent from or received in a
Department of Corrections facility in sealed envelopes or
parcels shall be opened and examined for contraband in the
presence of the inmate, but shall not be read or
photocopied, except as authorized in subsection (3) of this
(3) Legal and official mail may be inspected (i.e., opened,
examined, read or photocopied) outside of the inmate's
presence only when directed by the Department of
Corrections facility functional unit manager or designee,
and approved by the Assistant Director of Operations or the
Inspector General, based on specific circumstances or
specific information indicating that an inmate or other
person has or may be in the process of violating provisions
of law, department administrative rules, or may otherwise
be engaged in activity that threatens or impairs the security,
good order, or discipline of the facility and officials, staff,
or inmates.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Title 66 Pa.C.S.A. Public Utilities § 2907. State
correctional institutions
(a) Identification of calls.--Telecommunication
service providers which provide telecommunication
services to State correctional institutions shall
identify to the called party any call made by an
inmate as originating from a correctional institution.
(b) Payment of calls.--
(1) The Department of Corrections may direct
that calls made by an inmate shall be collect calls.
(2) The Department of Corrections may provide
guidelines for alternative payment methods for
telephone calls made by inmates, provided that the
alternative methods are consistent with security
needs, orderly operation of the prison and the public
(c) No cause of action created.--This section shall
not be construed to create any cause of action or any
legal right in any person or entity. In addition, this
section is not intended to create any right of an
inmate to make a telephone call or to compel a
particular method of payment.
* The Pennsylvania
Department of Corrections
policies and regulations
apply to all facilities
operated under the
jurisdiction of, or conducting
business with the
Department of Corrections.
It is not clear if DOC rules
apply only to state facilities
or to both state and county
DC-ADM 818 _ Automated Inmate Telephone
D. Facility Authorized Telephone Calls
1. Facility staff may authorize the use of the
facility-owned telephone system for the following
a. serious illness, hospitalization, or death of an
immediate family member;
b. contact with an attorney in matters of
immediate need, which will last no longer than
five to ten minutes. If additional time is needed,
the attorney will be directed to contact the facility
to set up a telephone conference;
37 Pa. Code § 93.3 - Inmate visiting privileges
(c) Attorneys. An inmate may designate attorneys
for whom the inmate desires visiting privileges at
any time. The designation shall be in addition to the
names on the approved list and will not be counted
against the total approved by the Department.
(1) The confidentiality of the attorney-client
relationship will be honored. Personnel will not be
stationed in a manner as to be able to overhear
normal conversation.
(2) An attorney who has been designated by an
inmate as the inmate's legal advisor may permit
persons, such as law students or investigators to
DC-ADM 803 – Inmate mail and Incoming Publications
1(D) Incoming Inmate Mail Procedures – Privileged Mail
3. Processing of Incoming Privileged Correspondence.
a. All incoming, privileged inmate correspondence must
be addressed and sent to the inmate at the address of the
institution where he or she is housed.
d. Privileged correspondence shall only contain essential,
confidential, attorney-client communication.
h. Incoming privileged correspondence shall not be
opened by the mailroom staff.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
facilities (there are separate
chapters within the state
code, but the chapter
pertaining to jails contains
very little). The DOC
inspects county correctional
c. when the attorney will not accept a collect call
and the inmate has no funds available for a pre-
paid call;
d. contact with an attorney regarding a legal
matter which, because of an immediate deadline,
cannot be handled in person or via
correspondence; and
e. an extraordinary or unusual circumstance.
2. The inmate must establish that an actual
emergency exists. The staff member authorizing
the inmate telephone call must verify the emergency
exists prior to placing the call, document the call on
a DC-121, Part 3, Employee Report of Incident, and
forward the report to the Security Office and the
Facility Manager/designee. In addition, a facility
authorized call is to be monitored by the staff
member providing this privilege. If the
inmate does not agree to have this phone call
monitored, he/she will not be granted the
privilege of placing a telephone call on the facility-
owned telephone system. An attorney
phone call shall not be monitored; however, staff
will first verify that the call is received by
the attorney and the attorney is representing the
37 Pa. Code § 93.7 - Telephone calls
(a) Inmates in general population may make phone
calls in accordance with 66 Pa.C.S. § 2907 (relating
to state correctional institutions) and the Department
of Corrections Inmate Handbook. Phone calls,
except confidential communications between
attorneys and inmates, will be subject to monitoring
in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. § 5704 (relating to
visit the inmate to act as the attorney's agents. Each
person shall present to the facility at the time of the
visit a written statement signed by the attorney on
the letterhead of the firm of the attorney identifying
each person as the attorney's agent and attesting that
the visit is for the purpose of a legal consultation.
(3) Attorneys and their agents are subject to the
same rules and regulations as other visitors.
i. Mailroom staff will ensure that all the information
below is entered into the Digital Master Log prior to the
privileged correspondence being forwarded, unopened, to
the facility Security Office:
(1) inmate name and institutional number;
(2) institution;
(4) TC;
(5) verification of sender/address; and
(6) accepted/rejected with reason
4. Incoming privileged correspondence may only be read
upon the written approval of the Secretary/designee when
there is reason to believe that there is a threat to facility
security or criminal activity.
37 Pa. Code § 93.2 - Inmate correspondence
(c) Incoming mail. Mail sent to a facility will be opened
and examined for contraband in the facility's mailroom or
designated area except when permitted under paragraph (1).
(1) The Department may permit sealed mail to be opened
in the presence of an inmate under the following
(i) An attorney or authorized representative/designee
may hand-deliver a sealed confidential client
communication to an inmate if the attorney is unable to
communicate through alternative means, if the
following conditions are met:
(A) The person making the delivery does so during
normal business hours unless granted permission in
advance by the Secretary or a designee.
(B) The person making the delivery shall provide
valid identification and information sufficient to
verify that the person is the inmate's attorney or
authorized representative of the attorney.
(C) The person making delivery shall present the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
exceptions to prohibition of interception and
disclosure of communications).
documents for inspection for contraband, unsealed
and unbound.
(D) Upon inspection, the documents will be sealed
and delivered to the inmate where they will be
unsealed and searched again for contraband.
(ii) An attorney may obtain a control number from the
Department's Office of Chief Counsel if the attorney
wishes to have correspondence addressed to an inmate
client opened in the presence of the inmate.
(A) An attorney shall submit a written request for a
control number to the Office of Chief Counsel. The
request must include the attorney's name, address,
telephone and facsimile numbers, State attorney
identification number and a verification subject to the
penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn
falsification to authorities) that all mail sent to
inmates using the control number will contain only
essential, confidential, attorney-client communication
and will contain no contraband.
(B) The attorney shall place the control number on
each envelope that the attorney wishes to have opened
in an inmate's presence. The number is confidential. It
shall only be placed on the outside of the envelope so
that it can be obliterated before it is delivered to an
inmate client.
(C) If a control number does not appear on the
envelope, the mail will be treated as regular mail and
opened in the mailroom unless the procedures in
subparagraph (i) are followed.
(D) The Department may change the control number
for any reason upon notice to the attorney who
requested it.
(iii) A court may direct delivery of court documents
sealed from public disclosure to an inmate by specific
order. The court's representative shall deliver the sealed
documents and the specific court order to the facility.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Under no circumstances will documents filed in a court
of public record be delivered sealed to an inmate.
Rhode Island
* Rhode Island has a
“unified” prison and jail
system. The Department of
Corrections regulations
apply to all facilities.
- Inmate Telephone Privileges / Monitoring
2.3(D)(2). Inmate calls are limited to:
a. Up to ten (10) social numbers;
b. Up to five (5) attorney numbers.
Only attorneys whose names and business telephone
numbers appear in the State of Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations Supreme Court ACS
Attorney Registration will be recognized for this
privilege, unless authorization is given by
the Warden or designee.
240-RICR-20-00-3 - Access to Institutional
Facilities by Attorneys and Their Agents
A. For the purposes of this Part, attorneys are
defined as members in good standing with the Bar
of Rhode Island or members of any other state or
federal jurisdiction who represent clients
incarcerated at RIDOC. See § 1.4(D)(1) of this Part
for identification requirements.
240-RICR-10-00-1 – Inmate Mail
1.4.2 Privileged Mail
A. General Guidelines
1. Privileged mail, whether it is incoming or outgoing,
cannot be read by RIDOC staff.
2. Inmates are permitted to send and receive letters from
the following persons:
a. Any official of a court of the United States or the State
of Rhode Island or acting on behalf of the court (judge,
attorney, clerk, probation and parole officers);
b. The President of the United States;
c. The Governor of the State of Rhode Island;
d. Any member of the Congress of the United States;
e. Any member of the General Assembly of the State of
Rhode Island;
f. The Attorney General of the United States;
g. The Attorney General of the State of Rhode Island;
h. The Director or any agent of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI);
i. The senior administrator of any state’s State Police;
j. The Director of the Rhode Island Department of
k. Any Assistant Director of the Rhode Island
Department of Corrections;
l. Any member of the Parole Board;
m. RIDOC Inmate Grievance Coordinator;
n. Any public official or agency, where the mail appears
on its face to relate to legal matters;
o. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), its
affiliates and sections,
i.e., The National Prison Project;
p. Public Defender;
q. Attorney;
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
r. Legal Aid Society.
B. Incoming Privileged Mail
1. Incoming privileged mail may be opened and inspected
in the presence of the inmate addressee. RIDOC staff is
prohibited from reading privileged incoming mail.
2. Incoming privileged mail is treated as privileged only
if the name and/or official status of the sender appear
clearly on the envelope.
C. Outgoing Privileged Mail
1. Outgoing privileged mail may only be inspected if a
reasonable belief exists that the security of the institution is
at risk. In such cases, it may be inspected for contraband
only in the presence of the inmate. RIDOC staff is
prohibited from reading outgoing privileged mail.
South Carolina
The South Carolina
Department of Corrections
administrative operations
manual applies to state run
facilities. City, County and
regional jails must adhere to
Minimum Standards for
Local Detention Facilities in
South Carolina
ADM-15.02, "Telephone Use" (state facilities)
3.3Inmates and called parties will hear an
announcement that their calls may be monitored and
recorded prior to the acceptance of the call. All
telephone calls will be monitored except for calls to
the inmate's attorney of record, if the attorney has
requested that those calls not be monitored.
Attorneys may request that calls not be monitored
by providing their telephone number, the name and
inmate # of the inmate they represent, and their bar
association membership number in a formal request
on their firm's letterhead. This request must be sent
to: South Carolina Department of Corrections Office
of the General Counsel PO Box 21787 4444 Broad
River Road Columbia, SC 29221-1787 NOTE: Any
questions regarding attorney telephone privileges or
requests that calls not be monitored should be
addressed to the RIM Help Desk.
OP-22.09, "Inmate Visitation" (state facilities)
5.4 Attorneys: The SCDC recognizes that inmates
have a guaranteed right to communicate with their
attorneys and to be provided access to state and
federal courts. The SCDC will ensure that inmates
are afforded sufficient access to visit with their
attorneys and authorized agents, e.g., paralegal or an
investigator, who can show they are working for the
attorney of record . An attorney desiring to visit an
inmate who is not a member of his/her immediate
family may gain admission to any SCDC institution
by calling Monday through Friday during normal
business hours and making an appointment with the
Institution the inmate is housed at (on or about 8
A.M. - 4 P.M.) The Institutions will make every
effort to accommodate attorney visits, but may
require advance notice for the visit. The attorney
will be required to present his/her bar identification
card and a photo identification card as described in
PS-10.08, "Inmate Correspondence Privileges" (state
8.3 Legal, Privileged, and Certified Mail: The Postal
Director/designee will be responsible for date stamping and
documenting all incoming legal, privileged, and certified
correspondence on SCDC Form 10-12,
"Legal/Privileged/Certified Mail Delivery Log." The
disposition of such mail (e.g., inmate picked up
mail, inmate refused mail - returned to sender, inmate
released from the SCDC-mail forwarded, etc.) must
be documented on the Legal/Privileged/Certified Mail
Delivery Log. The Postal Director will be responsible
for verifying the identity of the inmate by his/her SCDC
identification card prior to delivering the mail.
11.1 Legal: Inmates will be permitted to send legal mail as
needed regardless of his/her indigent status,
E.H. Cooper Trust Fund account cash balance, or canteen
spending limit to the following recipients:
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities
in South Carolina (local facilities)
2014 - 33 TELEPHONES Telephones are available
for inmate use.
Discussion: Telephone facilities should permit
reasonable and equitable access for all inmates
and permit a reasonable amount of privacy.
2033 TELEPHONE Each facility shall develop and
implement a written plan for the use of the
telephone. Inmates may be required to pay for
telephone calls. If telephone calls are to be
monitored and/or recorded, notice shall be provided.
Procedure 5.2, above, to the Officer(s) at the
entrance of the institution.
Officials of federal, state, and local courts - the inmate shall
be required to demonstrate that s/he has an
action pending in the court or that s/he is initiating an
action in the court. For indigent inmates, all
pending/initiated legal actions in court must relate to
challenging or appealing the inmate's sentence or to
challenging the conditions of his/her confinement.
Attorneys (and their authorized representatives) - limited to
inmate's attorney of record; attorney(s)
representing the defendant in civil actions in which the
inmate is a plaintiff. (An attorney/client relationship
must be established by correspondence from the attorney
confirming representation in a particular matter or
court documents proving appointment in an on-going, not
past case.)
Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities in South
Carolina (local facilities)
2032 CORRESPONDENCE Each facility shall develop and
implement a written plan for the handling of inmate mail.
Such a plan shall include the following provisions: (a)
Inmate mail shall not be read except where there is
reasonable suspicion that a particular item of
correspondence threatens the safety or security of the
institution, the safety of any person, or is being used for
furtherance of illegal activities. All official mail shall be
opened in the presence of the inmate to whom it is
addressed. Official mail is defined as mail from officials or
organizations including, but not limited to: courts, counsel,
officials of the confining authority, government officials,
administrators of grievance systems, Department of
Corrections, Jail and Prison Inspection Division,
Department of Juvenile Justice, and members of the Parole
South Dakota
1.5.D.4 Inmate Access to Telephones and Tablets
1.5.D.1 Inmate Visiting
1.5.D.3 Inmate Correspondence
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
Department of South Dakota
policies apply to state run
facilities. County and police
jails and locally run.
7. Attorney or Privileged Calls:
A. When a caller who has identified themselves as
the inmate’s Attorney at Record or a
privileged source calls a DOC institution and
requests to speak to an inmate, the call will be
transferred to a member of the inmate’s unit team. If
a staff member not available to take the
call, the call will be transferred to the Officer-In-
Charge (OIC). The contact may choose to
leave a message or voicemail. Staff will notify the
inmate of the contact within two business
days of receipt of the attorney contact.
1. Staff may contact the State Bar of South
Dakota at (605) 224-7554 to confirm whether
the person holds a State Bar of South Dakota
Certificate of Membership (only applicable
to SD attorneys).
2. Staff will provide the inmate with the name
and contact information of the contact, as
3. The inmate may use the telephone system.
Inmates must contact unit staff to arrange for
a privileged/non-monitored telephone call.
4. If the inmate’s telephone privileges are
temporarily suspended, or the inmate is indigent,
the inmate may request unit staff or the OIC
arrange a time and day for the inmate to call
the contact. Return calls requested by the inmate
to contact should be scheduled within two (2)
business days of the inmate’s request. The inmate
may be granted additional telephone access until
the contact is successfully reached, or a message
can be left.
a. Attorney/privileged telephone calls are
generally limited to weekdays (MondayFriday,
5. Attorney of Record and Recognized Officials:
A. Attorneys, judges, Chief Justice, Justice of the
Supreme Court, Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
Governor’s staff and cabinet, current legislators,
parole board members, or other recognized federal
or state officials (VIPs) may be exempted from a
criminal background check by the Warden or
Deputy Warden, provided the person’s identify and
position can be verified.
1. Attorneys entering the institution for an
Attorney of Record visit should be prepared to
present a valid “Certificate of Membership” (State
Bar card) AND a valid government photo ID (See
ARSD 17:50:02:21). If the person refuses or is not
able to produce a valid State Bar card and valid
government issued ID, the person is required to
complete a Visit List Verification form and is
subject to approval by the Warden or Deputy
Warden prior to admittance to the institution.
B. Any request by an inmate for an attorney visit,
which may include the Attorney of Record or any
representative of an approved attorney (i.e. paralegal
or another attorney from the same firm) that is
requested for a time or day outside the regularly
scheduled visitation hours or days, must be
forwarded to unit staff at least one business day
prior to the requested attorney visit.
1. Approval of attorney visits outside regular visit
hours or days may be contingent on the existence
of extenuating circumstances, such as an imposed
deadline for filing or a hearing date. Extenuating
circumstances will be considered on a case-by-
case basis.
K. Audio monitoring (either electronically or in-
person) of attorney visits is not permitted. DOC
3. Incoming Privileged/Legal Correspondence:
A. Only privileged/legal correspondence readily and
clearly identifiable as privileged/legal correspondence shall
be treated as such. It is the responsibility of the sender to
clearly indicate the correspondence contained within the
envelope or package is privileged/legal.
B. Correspondence/envelopes and package clearly
designated privileged/legal shall remain secure
and in the control of authorized staff until personally
delivered to the inmate addressee.
C. Privileged/legal correspondence or packages will be
examined, scan searched and inspected by
designated staff in the presence of the inmate, to ensure the
contents meet policy requirements and
do not contain contraband (See ACA 4-4492).
Correspondence and packages may be searched
outside the presence of the inmate in emergency situations,
such as correspondence or packages perceived to pose an
immediate threat. An emergency exception requires
authorization from the Mail Security Coordinator or Special
Investigation Unit staff. During the inspection of
privileged/legal correspondence, staff will determine the
genuineness of the addressor (See ARSD 17:50:10:04).
1. Staff shall not read, censor or unreasonably delay
privileged/legal correspondence or packages, unless, after
opening the envelope or package, there is a reasonable
belief supporting the correspondence contained is not
privileged/legal correspondence, poses an immediate
threat or otherwise violates policy or correspondence
requirements. Such inspection will be completed in the
presence of the inmate. If any of the content is withheld
from delivery, the inmate shall be notified of reason and
this shall be noted on the Inmate Legal Mail
Acknowledgement form
2. Inspection may include opening all seams of any
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
excluding state or federal holidays) and regular
business hours (8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) and must
not interfere with the daily operation of the unit
or institution.
b. Telephone calls may be scheduled to take
place in a staff member’s office on a staff
c. Telephone calls scheduled by a staff
member are generally limited to no more than
fifteen (15) minutes. The time limit does not
apply to court-ordered telephonic hearings.
d. Staff will not audio monitor the phone call.
Visual monitoring of the inmate during the call is
1) If there are no windows to facilitate visual
monitoring of the inmate, the office door must
remain partially open to permit visual
observation of the inmate by the supervising
staff member.
2) If there are windows that allow for visual
monitoring of the inmate, the office door may
be closed during the call. Staff will maintain
visual monitoring of the inmate for the
duration of the telephone call.
e. Collect calls are limited to a maximum of
30 minutes.
B. Inmates will have access to the telephone
system to contact their Attorney of Record or
privileged source, unless otherwise prohibited (See
ACA 4-4275). Inmates who do not have telephone
privileges, have not been assigned a PIN number, do
not have access to telephones, tablets or kiosks, or
are indigent, must submit a written request to unit
staff to call their Attorney of Record or privileged
source. Staff will respond to the inmate’s request
staff may visually monitor attorney visits. A private
visiting area will be made available to inmates for
the purpose of discussing legal matters (See ARSD
17:50:02:06). Inmates may be restricted to non-
contact visits with an attorney, based on risk and
envelope containing legal/privileged correspondence. If
the envelope is to be withheld from delivery to the inmate
for safety and security reasons, the inmate may request a
photocopy of the outside portion of the envelope
showing the sender’s name, return address and postmark
date. Privileged/legal correspondence/envelopes may be
on colored/non-white envelopes and paper and shall be
delivered to the intended recipient.
3. The inmate will be informed in writing if
privileged/legal correspondence properly marked and
intended for delivery to an inmate, is accidently opened
by staff outside the presence of the inmate.
6. Outgoing Privileged/Legal Correspondence:
A. Inmates shall be permitted to mail privileged/legal
correspondence to designated officials (privileged
correspondence). Only correspondence properly designated
as privileged/legal correspondence will be considered
privileged/legal correspondence.
B. Each housing unit will maintain regular and designated
times on weekdays for inmates to mail privileged/legal
correspondence. The correspondence must be delivered to
staff by the inmate in an unsealed, self-addressed envelope
or provided to staff making rounds to collect
correspondence prepared for mailing.
C. Outgoing privileged/legal correspondence will be
inspected. Staff shall not read, censor, copy or
unreasonably delay privileged/legal correspondence
without cause.
1. Staff will not read privileged/legal correspondence but
may inspect the correspondence pageby-page in the
inmate’s presence (ACA 4-4492).
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
within two (2) business days of receipt of the
C. When utilizing the DOC telephone service to
contact the inmate’s Attorney of Record or
privileged source, it is the inmate’s responsibility to
request a non-monitored telephone line. Calls placed
from inmate tablets or kiosks are not confidential
and may be monitored and/or recorded.
D. All inmates, regardless of their assigned unit
or status shall be permitted to participate in
telephonic or electronic court hearings, as
directed/ordered by the court. Accommodations may
be provided if an attorney requests the inmate
participate in a telephonic hearing, as deemed
appropriate by unit staff.
1. Participation in court hearings must be
arranged with unit staff in advance.
Confirmation may be required from the inmate’s
attorney or representative of the court. The DOC
must be provided sufficient advance notice of
the time and date set for the hearing.
Courtordered telephonic hearings are typically
at the expense of the DOC.
2. Telephonic judicial hearings are not typically
subject to recording or audio monitoring, unless
otherwise deemed a public hearing. The inmate
will be visually monitored by staff.
E. The DOC may not apply limitations to inmate
telephone calls or access to telephones when an
inmate demonstrates communication with their
Attorney of Record or privileged source through
privileged correspondence or privileged visitation is
not adequate to meet the inmate’s legal needs
(ARSD 17:50:02:17). In emergency cases, during
normal business hours, a telephone phone number
can be added to an inmate’s approved contact list the
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
same business day, or as soon as possible to
facilitate communication with the Attorney of
Record or privileged source.
F. Privileged source or Attorney of Record phone
calls may be denied or terminated if there is
reasonable belief the call is a threat to the safety or
security of the institution. The Deputy Warden shall
be notified if staff deny or terminate such a call.
* Tennessee Department of
Corrections policies and
procedures apply to state run
institutions. Jails are locally
run but are inspected by the
503.08 – Telephone Privileges
E. Monitoring/Recording at Facilities with ITS
1. Telephone calls to an attorney shall not be
monitored or recorded.
105.09 – Attorney Access to Inmates
VI. A. Attorneys shall be permitted access to
inmates when such access is directly related to the
provision of legal services. Such access shall be
during the hours established by the facility, but not
less frequently than from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
local time, five days a week. Attorneys who desire
such access must contact the
Warden/Superintendent or his/her designee in
advance of the intended visit to facilitate entry into
the facility and make meeting arrangements.
G. Unless specifically authorized by the
Warden/Superintendent or his/her designee, all
meetings between attorneys and inmates shall be
one-on-one; however, all videoconference
meetings between attorneys and inmates shall
always be one-on-one. The
Warden/Superintendent or his/her designee shall
make every reasonable effort to provide a
room where an attorney can meet confidentially
with an inmate. In any event an inmate
must be maintained under visual supervision. A
meeting place shall be provided in which
the discussion between the inmate and attorney
cannot reasonably be overheard by others.
507.02 – Inmate Mail
C. Incoming mail shall be handled as follows:
1. Incoming privileged mail shall be opened only by a
staff member in the presence of the inmate addressee in
order to examine the contents for contraband, and then
documented. Any mail which has papers which are bound
together by metal clips shall be disassembled by removing
the metal clip. The staff members shall not read the
privileged mail or listen to legal tapes unless the
Warden/Superintendent has, on the basis of reasonable
suspicion, determined that privileged mail or tapes may
contain information relating to criminal activity. The
privileged mail/tape may be read or listened to outside the
presence of the inmate if doing so is necessary to avoid
compromising an on-going criminal investigation. A bound
ledger shall be maintained by mail room staff that lists each
of privileged mail received/sent, the date inspected and
delivered, and recipient’s signature. Mail relating to the
implementation of Policy #511.05 is not considered
privileged mail.
2. All incoming inmate privileged mail, staff mail, and
packages shall be fluoroscoped for contraband prior to
leaving the mail room.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
4. Outgoing privileged mail shall have the envelope date
stamped immediately upon its receipt by a designated
employee, who will also make an entry in the log for
privileged mail. The mail must be identified as privileged
by the inmate, who may write “privileged” on the front of
the envelope or who may inform the mail room staff. This
requirement shall apply for all inmates, including those in
segregation or protective custody status.
7. Privileged mail may only be opened and/or read with the
written permission of the Assistant Commissioner of
Prisons/designee. A written request stating the reason for
this action must be submitted by the
Warden/Superintendent/designee to the Assistant
Commissioner of Prisons/designee for approval. Excluding
weekends and holidays, approval must be obtained within
24 hours of the mailrooms receipt of the outgoing
*The Texas Department of
Criminal Justice Board
Policy rules apply to state
facilities. Counties are
responsible for jails and
subject to
standards under state law.
BP-03.81 – Rules Governing Inmate Access to the
Courts, Counsel and Public Officials (state
VI. Attorney and Inmate Telephone Calls
A. General Guidelines
2. Attorneys are not permitted to use an attorney
and inmate telephone call to provide contact
between the inmate and any other person.
4. Inmates may place telephone calls to their
attorney of record using the Inmate Telephone
System (OTS). OTS telephone calls shall be
placed in accordance with ED-03.32, “Inmate
Access to Telephones.” Calls between an inmate
and the attorney registered as the attorney of
BP-03.81 – Rules Governing Inmate Access to the
Courts, Counsel and Public Officials (state
V. Attorney Visitation
A. Periods of Visitation: Except as limited by this
policy, an inmate may visit with an attorney or
designated representative on business days for any
length of time between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
including lunch and dinner hours. In compelling
circumstances, the warden or designee may permit
the visit to extend past 5:00 p.m. On Saturdays,
Sundays, and state and national holidays, attorneys
or designated representatives may visit subject to
the rules governing non-attorney visits. At the
warden’s discretion, the warden may permit an
BP-03.91 – Uniform Inmate Correspondence Rules (state
III. Legal Correspondence
A. Permissible Correspondence
To facilitate the attorney-client privilege, an inmate may
send sealed and uninspected letters directly to legal
correspondents. No correspondence from an
inmate to any legal correspondent shall be opened or read.
All incoming correspondence from any legal correspondent
shall be opened and inspected for contraband only. The
inspection shall be in the inmate’s presence. No
correspondence to an inmate from any legal correspondent
shall be read.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
record with the OTS vendor shall not be recorded
or monitored.
5. Inmate requests for telephone contact with
their attorneys may be granted in critical
circumstances, such as the inmate receives
correspondence from a court requiring immediate
contact with the attorney or when a foreign
national needs to call the consulate. In such
circumstances, the inmate shall submit an I-60 to
the unit ATC supervisor with an explanation of
the critical circumstance. If the scheduled date
for the court appearance or hearing precludes a
personal visit or correspondence, the request for
telephone contact shall be approved. Telephone
calls shall be arranged between 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. during business days unless there are
compelling circumstances.
6. All other requests for telephone contact shall
be made in writing by the inmate’s attorney using
the I-162, Attorney/Inmate Telephone Call
Application, and the attorney shall provide the
unit with at least 24 hours notice, unless the need
is preempted by a legal emergency. 7. Frequency
and duration of attorney and inmate telephone
conversations shall be decided on a case-by-case
basis according to need. 8. The telephone call can
be scheduled on the same day as the request or on
a day that is convenient for all parties. 9. Except
as authorized by warrant or court order,
telephone calls to attorneys pursuant to this
policy shall not be monitored or recorded;
however, security staff shall maintain visual
surveillance of the inmate for the duration of the
B. Telephone Call and Attorney of Record
attorney to visit an inmate on Death Row on a non-
business day if the attorney offers a reasonable
explanation for the necessity of a visit.
B. Notice: By 3:30 p.m. of the business day
immediately preceding the date that an
attorney or designated representative wishes to visit
an inmate, the attorney shall provide the warden or
designee the name and profession of each visitor,
the name of each inmate to be visited, and the
estimated arrival time. If visiting multiple
inmates, the attorney shall propose a time at which
the attorney or designated representative would visit
each inmate. The warden or designee shall produce
the inmate for the scheduled visit without
unreasonable delay
C. Identification This section does not apply to
SCFO attorneys or employees of the Office of the
Attorney General (OAG). 1. Attorneys: Attorneys
shall satisfactorily identify themselves to the warden
or designee and complete and sign a copy of the I-
163, Attorney Application to Visit TDCJ Offender.
An attorney bar card and either a valid driver
license, identification (ID) card issued by a
governmental agency that includes a photograph, or
valid United States passport are satisfactory ID. Any
other individuals accompanying an attorney shall
have the attorney complete the I-166, Attorney
Authorization for Approved Representative to Visit
TDCJ Offender, before the visit is considered. 2.
Upon arrival at the unit, the representative shall
present a valid driver license, ID card issued by a
governmental agency that includes a photograph, or
a valid United States passport, to the warden or
designee and provide a copy of the I-166, if not
already provided
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
1. Designation of Attorney of Record for OTS
Purposes Attorneys of record shall register with
the OTS vendor by submitting a letter on the
attorney’s letterhead stating the attorney’s name;
phone number, which shall be verified as
matching the number registered with the State
Bar of Texas; attorney’s state bar association
number and state of registration; a list of TDCJ
number and inmate first and last name(s); and a
statement that the attorney has an attorney-client
relationship with the listed inmate(s). If the
attorney is not listed with the State Bar of Texas,
the phone number of the bar association where
the attorney is licensed shall be included.
G. Visitation Procedures 1. Privacy: Unless
requested to do otherwise by either the attorney or
the inmate, the warden or designee shall respect the
privacy of the visit and maintain a sufficient
distance from the visiting inmate and attorney or
designated representative to preserve the privacy of
communications between them. This rule does not
limit the ability of the warden or designee to
maintain visual surveillance during the visit or to
terminate the visit in case of a threat to security.
Attorney visits shall be conducted in the designated
attorney visitation area
(no information located)
* Vermont has a “unified”
prison and jail system. The
Department of Corrections
policies apply to all
DOC Policy#325 Telephone Use
6. A. Monitoring of Inmate Telephone
Conversations Inmate telephone conversations, with
the exception of privileged communications, shall
be recorded and may be monitored. Each facility
shall ensure that inmates receive advance notice of
recording and/or monitoring of their telephone calls
1. A recorded message at the beginning of each
phone call that advises both the inmate and the other
party to the call that the call is subject to recording
and/or monitoring;
2. The Inmate Telephone System Number Request
Form A statement that the acceptance of an
account and use of inmate telephones is deemed as
consent to recording and/or monitoring of inmate
telephone calls.
B. Monitoring of or Access to Recorded Inmate
Telephone Conversations
DOC Policy #327.01 Inmate Visits
4c. Attorney and Legal Visits
i. Attorneys or other legal representatives may visit
the facility provided there is reasonable advance
notice and that permission is granted by the
Superintendent or designee.
ii. Attorneys or their legal assistants do not need to
be on the inmate visitor list; however, their visit will
be logged. Legal assistants must have a letter of
introduction signed by the attorney on the firm’s
stationary. Legal assistants may not have been on
their visiting list previously. The attorney’s name,
etc., will be posted on the back of the visiting card.
They must have a current/valid photograph
identification at the time of the visit.
iii. All conversations between the inmate and their
legal visitor may be visually observed by
supervising correctional staff, but not overheard,
listened to or recorded in any manner in order to
DOC Policy #409.05 Inmate Mail, Publications, and
Audio/Video Regulations
4. Privileged Correspondence
a. Outgoing Privileged Correspondence
i. Outgoing privileged correspondence will meet the
same requirements as outgoing general mail except that
the words “Privileged Mail” or “Legal Mail” will be
written by the inmate on the front of the envelope.
ii. An inmate may not use an official Department of
Corrections envelope to mail privileged correspondence.
iii. Staff will handle outgoing privileged
correspondence in the same manner as outgoing general
mail, except that it may not be opened without the inmate
being present unless it is necessary to open the
correspondence for the sole purpose of determining the
identity of the inmate who sent it.
iv. Outgoing privileged correspondence may be opened
and inspected in the presence of the inmate when the
Superintendent or designee has reasonable suspicion that
the mail contains contraband or is otherwise in violation
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
The contents of a recorded/monitored inmate
telephone call shall only be disclosed in accordance
with 28 V.S.A. § 601(10). However, the department
may provide copies of recorded phone calls to the
Human Resources Investigation’s Unit in response
to investigations into employee misconduct.
reasonably preserve the confidentiality of the
attorney client relationship.
iv. No limit will be set to the number of legal visits
an inmate may receive. Legal visits will be kept
within the framework and times of normal business
hours whenever possible. Prior approval from the
Superintendent or designee should be received for
legal visits expected to exceed normal business
hours. v. Pertinent legal materials may be brought
for use during the visit but must be inspected by
correctional staff and must leave the institution with
the legal visitor, unless other arrangements have
been made.
of this directive.
b. Incoming Privileged Correspondence
i. Incoming correspondence will be treated as privileged
only if it is in an official envelope, with a verifiable return
address and from an individual, agency, or organization
covered by definition as “privileged” in this directive.
ii. Incoming privileged correspondence will be handled
in the same manner as incoming general mail, and will
not be opened outside the presence of the inmate to whom
it is addressed.
The Virginia Department of
Corrections operating
procedures apply to state
facilities. Jails and lockups
must conform to the
Minimum Standards For
Jails And Lockups
Operating Procedure 803.3 Offender Telephone
Service (state facilities)
C2. Blocking Attorney Calls from Recording and
a. It is the offender’s responsibility to request a
recording block to prevent recording and monitoring
of an attorney call using a Request to Block
Attorney Numbers.
b. Facility staff will email the completed Request
to Block Attorney Numbers to GTL at
c. GTL staff should process the Request within
two days.
i. When GTL staff cannot process the Request
within two days for any reason, they must notify
the Facility Unit Head and the Operations Support
ii. The Facility Unit Head will ensure that the
offender is provided the opportunity to speak to
their attorney using the administrative phone
Operating Procedure 851.1 Visiting Privileges
(state facilities)
B. Legal Visits
1. An attorney or representative acting on the
attorney's behalf on official business may qualify for
a legal visit with an inmate or probationer/parolee.
a. An attorney or the attorney’s legal
representative may request to visit with an inmate
or probationer/parolee by submitting a Legal
Visit Request to the Facility Unit Head or
i. In the absence of Court documents requiring
the visit, legal visits will be limited to attorneys
and legal representatives of law firms with a
current attorney-client relationship with the
inmate or probationer/parolee.
ii. The Legal Visit Request must be submitted
with reasonable advance notice, normally 48
hours but not less than 24 hours, of the intended
Operating Procedure 803.4 Central Mail Distribution
Center (state facilities)
I. Legal Correspondence Processing
A. All inmate and CCAP probationer/parolee legal
correspondence must be mailed directly to the Central Mail
Distribution Center at 3521 Woods Way, State Farm,
Virginia 23160 for screening and inspection, prior to
delivery to the facility and issuance to the inmate or CCAP
1. Facility mailroom staff will return all legal
correspondence received at the facility that is not
received from the Central Mail Distribution Center to the
sender and will notify the sender of the reason for return
using the Notice of Unauthorized Correspondence
2. Facility mailroom staff will provide the inmate or
CCAP probationer/parolee with a copy of the Notice of
Unauthorized Correspondence as notification that the
correspondence was returned.
B. Initial Check-in Process
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
d. Numbers are subject to verification, including
the existence of a bona fide attorney-client
e. Home numbers of attorneys will not be
permitted unless the attorney’s office of record and
their residence are the same.
f. Paralegals and investigators are not considered
attorneys for the purpose of blocking call recording
and monitoring.
g. A recording block will only be provided upon
verification by the vendor that the telephone number
is for an attorney or law firm.
h. The offender will not receive a confirmation
that the recording block is in effect. When a
recording block is in effect, the message at the
beginning of the call will not say that the call is
being monitored and recorded.
i. If an area code split affects a number with a
recording block, it is the offender’s responsibility to
resubmit the changes to continue to have the number
blocked from monitoring and recording.
Minimum Standards For Jails And Lockups
and lockups)
6VAC15-40-660. Access to telephone facilities.
Written policy, procedure, and practice shall ensure
inmates have reasonable access to telephone
facilities, except where safety and security
considerations are documented.
iii. Visits will occur during normal working
hours of the facility unless otherwise approved by
the Facility Unit Head or designee.
iv. The Facility Unit Head or designee will
review the Request and notify the attorney or
attorney’s legal representative of the decision.
b. A Court Order is required to take an inmate’s
or probationer’s/parolee’s deposition in a facility;
video depositions will never be required nor will
they be allowed.
c. A Court Order is required for an expert to
evaluate an inmate or probationer/parolee for a
Court proceeding, unless the evaluation is
initiated by the DOC or the Office of the Attorney
d. Attorneys and their legal representatives will
be required to present a government-issued
identification card in order to enter the facility for
a scheduled legal visit.
i. An attorney must also present their State Bar
Association card.
ii. Legal representatives must present a letter on
official letterhead signed by the attorney or law
firm authorizing the representative to visit on the
attorney’s behalf.
e. Conditions for inmate or probationer/parolee
visits with an attorney or a legal representative
must maintain the confidentiality of the attorney-
client conversations while ensuring proper
security and sight supervision.
i. Conversations between attorneys and an
inmate or probationer/parolee are monitored only
by sight.
ii. Attorneys and legal representatives must not
give any articles directly to the inmate or
1. Upon receipt of legal correspondence, Central Mail
Distribution Center staff will enter the following
information into the center’s electronic log system:
a. Date received
b. Inmate or CCAP Probationer/Parolee Name
c. DOC Number
d. Sender’s information from the outer envelope
e. Correspondence Acceptance or Rejection based on
but not limited to the following:
i. Unable to identify recipient due to full name or DOC
number not provided
ii. Package does not appear to be legal correspondence
iii. Unable to identify sender as an attorney, law firm,
legal services provider, court, or governmental office
2. Central Mail Distribution Center staff will conduct a
preliminary review to confirm the validity of the legal
correspondence prior to forwarding the incoming legal
correspondence to the screening area for inspection.
a. Central Mail Distribution Center staff must not open
legal correspondence under any circumstances.
b. Central Mail Distribution Center staff must not
reject or return the legal correspondence to the sender
without approval from the Central Mailroom
Distribution Supervisor.
c. When applicable, the reason for rejection, i.e.,
unable to verify law office, or attorney denies affiliation,
etc. must be provided unless doing so would
compromise an investigation.
3. After completing the preliminary review, Central Mail
Distribution Center staff must forward the legal
correspondence to the screening area before the legal
correspondence is returned to the sender.
C. Screening and Inspection (5-ACI-7D-08; 2-CO-5D-
1. All unopened legal correspondence, accepted and
rejected, must be forwarded to the screening area where
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
(a) Legal documents must be searched, not
read, by the Corrections Officer
supervising the visit who will then hand the
documents to the inmate or
(b) (b) Legal documents must in paper format,
no CD’s, DVD’s, flash drives, or other data
storage formats will be given to the inmate
or probationer/parolee.
f. All photographs and audio or video recordings
made at the facility in connection with a legal
visit must be requested in advance of the legal
visit and approved by the Facility Unit.
i. The attorney or attorney’s legal representative
is responsible to provide documentation of the
specific legal necessity to make a photograph,
audio, or video recording.
ii. This documentation must include the specific
court case or other legal authorization and attach
any Court Orders.
iii. The Facility Unit Head or their designee
may contact the Office of the Attorney General
for guidance in individual cases.
Minimum Standards For Jails And Lockups
and lockups)
6VAC15-40-1330. Attorney visits.
Written policy and procedures shall ensure that:
attorneys are permitted to have confidential visits
with detainees.
it will be screened by a Canine Detection team and
scanned using a security X-ray screening unit, ion
scanner or any other reliable detection equipment.
2. When the Canine Detection team, security X-ray
screening unit, ion scanner or other reliable detection
device indicates the presence of contraband, staff must
immediately notify the Central Mailroom Operating
Procedure 803.4, Central Mail Distribution Center
Effective Date: July 1, 2022 VIRGINIA
Supervisor and secure the legal correspondence as
evidence; see Operating Procedure 030.1, Evidence
Collection and Preservation, for guidance on the
collection, documentation, control and preservation of
legal correspondence as evidence.
a. Staff will verify that the address is legitimate,
contact the law office to confirm the legal
correspondence with the attorney, and verify the
attorney’s bar number if provided on the outside of the
envelope; the results of verification must be documented
in the Central Mail Distribution Center’s electronic log
b. Security staff will contact the facility and arrange
for a polycom using the telejustice system.
i. Staff will open the legal correspondence in the
presence of the inmate or CCAP probationer/parolee.
ii. Prior to opening the legal correspondence, security
staff will establish ownership from the inmate or
CCAP probationer/parolee and will record the event. c.
In the event a telejustice polycom in not feasible, staff
will notify the Special Operations Unit Drug Task
Force Team who will arrange for a drug task force
agent, Canine Officer, or Special Investigations Unit
(SIU) Special Agent to pick-up and hand deliver the
evidence to the inmate’s or CCAP
probationer’s/parolee’s assigned facility in order to
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
maintain the integrity of the chain of custody process.
d. When contraband is found, Central Mail
Distribution Center staff will provide written notification
of the rejected, nondelivered correspondence to the
sender using the Notice of Unauthorized
Correspondence 803_F2 with a copy provided to the
inmate or CCAP probationer/parolee unless doing so
would compromise an investigation. (5-ACI-7D-05; 4-
e. Central Mail Distribution Center staff must not
reject legal correspondence without approval of the
Central Mailroom Distribution Supervisor.
3. When contraband is not detected, staff will forward
the unopened legal correspondence to the all-clear area
where the legal correspondence will be sent by USPS
priority express delivery to the appropriate facilities
daily for processing and delivery to the inmate or CCAP
probationer/parolee in accordance with Operating
Procedure 803.1, Inmate and Probationer/Parolee
Minimum Standards For Jails And Lockups
(jails and
6VAC15-40-640. General and legal correspondence.
All general correspondence may be opened, examined, and
censored by authorized personnel as per the USPS
Administrative Support Manual, Section 274.96. If
searched, all legal correspondence shall be opened in the
presence of the inmate.
* Washington Department of
Corrections policies and
regulations apply to state
WAC 137-48-080 Telephone usage (state facilities)
(3) The superintendent shall promulgate written
regulations outlining the hours of telephone
availability, maximum length of calls (not less than
five minutes), limitations on telephone use, and
WAC 137-48-030 Inspection of Mail (state
(3) Mail (incoming or outgoing) which is clearly
identified on the outside of the envelope as legal
mail, as defined in WAC 137-48-020, shall be
inspected only in the presence of the individual.
DOC 150.150 Visits and Tours of Department Facilities
and Offices (state facilities)
F. Professional visitor (eg attorney, clergy, social worker
not escorting a minor, victim advocate) visiting a
Department facility will be processed per local procedures
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
facilities. County and city
jails are locally managed.
provisions for monitoring, recording, and operator-
announced calls as provided for in RCW 9.73.095.
DOC 450.200 Telephone Use by Incarcerated
Individuals (state facilities)
E. Calls to the Office of Correctional Ombuds
(OCO), Attorneys, and Consular Officers
1, Calls on a telephone designated for incarcerated
individuals to clal their attorney or OCO will not be
intercepted, recorded, or monitored. This includes
calls placed on a TTY/TTD or VRS.
a. To ensure that cals from individuals are not
recorded, attorneys will provide their
teleohone number to the Chief of
Investigative Operations/designee, who will
verify the number with the applicable bar
b. Individuals may call their attorney ayt
another teleohone number, but those calls
may be recorded
See also
Attorney Communication with Individuals
Incarcerated at DOC
Legal mail shall not be read but may be inspected in
the presence of the individual to verify legal mail
status and that the mail is free of contraband.
West Virginia
(no information located)
* Wisconsin Department of
Corrections policies and
regulations apply to state
facilities. County and city
jails are locally managed.
DOC 309.405 Telephone calls to attorneys. (state
(1) Inmates may call attorneys regarding legal
matters with the permission of the appropriate staff
member. Such calls may be made regardless of the
inmate's security status.
(2) An inmate's telephone calls to an attorney are
not subject to the maximum limit in number, and an
attorney's name need not be on the inmate's
approved visiting list.
DOC 309.10 Special visits. (state facilities)
(1) Public officials, elected tribal officials, tribal
judges, and members of private and public
organizations who provide services to inmates may
visit institutions with the approval of the warden.
These visitors shall make arrangements for all such
visits in advance with the warden to minimize
interference with normal operations and activities.
The warden may limit the duration of such visits for
security reasons. A person who has not attained the
DOC 309.04 Inmate mail (state facilities)
(3) Institution staff may not open or read for inspection
mail sent by an inmate to any of the parties listed in pars.
(a) to (j), unless the security director has reason to believe
that the mail contains contraband. Institution staff may
open mail received by an inmate from any of these parties
in the presence of the inmate. Staff may inspect the
document but only to the extent necessary to determine if
the mail contains contraband, or if the purpose is
misrepresented. Staff may read the mail if staff has reason
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
(3) An inmate's telephone calls to an attorney shall
be made collect unless payments from the inmate's
general account is approved.
(4) Staff shall give permission for calls to attorneys
for the following reasons:
(a) To allow an inmate to return a call from an
(b) When there is a statutory time limit that would
be missed and the inmate needs to convey
information to the attorney.
(c) When it appears to staff that a call to an
attorney is in the best interest of the inmate.
(d) When an inmate is unable to write.
(e) When an emergency exists.
age of 18 may not participate in any group visit
except with the approval of the warden, unless the
person is a family member on the inmate's approved
visitor list.
to believe it is other than a legal document. The department
shall process contraband in accordance with sub. (4) (e)
(intro.) and 1., (f) and (g). This subsection applies to mail
clearly identifiable as being from one or more of the
following parties:
(a) An attorney.
* Wyoming Department of
Corrections policies and
regulations apply to state
facilities. County and city
jails are locally managed.
Wyoming DOC Policy and Procedure 5.402 Inmate
Telephone Access (state facilities)
IV(D. Monitoring and Recording of Inmate Calls
1. All inmate calls may be monitored and recorded
for security purposes, with the following exceptions:
i. Legal Calls. Calls between an inmate and an
attorney, court or court official, legal aid bureau, or
other agency providing legal services to inmates
must generally be placed using the automated
inmate telephone system.
a. Calls between an inmate and an attorney, court
or court official, legal aid bureau, or other agency
providing legal services to inmates, which are
made using the inmate telephone system to pre-
registered attorney phone numbers recognized by
the automated inmate telephone system, will not
be monitored or recorded.
b. Either the inmate or the attorney, court or court
official, legal aid bureau, or other agency
Wyoming DOC Policy and Procedure 5.403 Inmate
Access to Attorneys (state facilities)
i. When authorized, visitation in a WDOC
correctional facility is permitted, neither as a matter
of right nor as a privilege of the inmate or the
inmate’s visitor. Rather, visitation is permitted when
it is consistent with the safe, secure and orderly
management and operation of the facility.
a. Attorney visits requested in accordance with
this policy will normally be authorized unless
WDOC has reasonable suspicion that permitting
the visitation would jeopardize the safety,
security, health or good order of the facility,
and/or the safety and security of other inmates,
staff, visitors, contractors, or the community.
b. Specific reasons for denial of a visiting request
pursuant to this policy include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Wyoming DOC Policy and Procedure 5.401 Inmate Mail
(state facilities)
B. General Guidelines for Privileged Mail
1. Legal Mail and Official Mail Treated as Privileged
Mail. Both legal mail and official mail qualify as privileged
mail and will be handled in
accordance with this section. (ACI 5-7D-4492)
2. Mail To or From WDOC.
i. Mail addressed to or from the Director of WDOC will
be handled as “Official Mail” and may be mailed or
placed into intra-agency mail by mail room staff.
ii. Mail to WDOC staff other than the Director is not
“Official Mail”. Mail sent to a staff not located at the
inmate’s home institution, outside of the inmate grievance
process and disciplinary appeals, will require individual
postage and will be handled as non-privileged mail.
a. Grievance and disciplinary appeals will not require
postage; facilities shall ensure a procedure is in place for
processing said appeals.
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
providing legal services to inmates, whose phone
numbers are not pre-registered with and
recognized by the automated inmate telephone
system, may request registration of the number in
writing to the CEO.
c. Inmates may do so by listing the attorney and
his/her contact information on the WDOC Form
#507, Inmate Calling List Request Form.
d. Legal telephone number registration requests
will not be counted as modifications, deletions or
additions to the approved calling list under section
IV.A.3, of this policy.
(1) The prospective visitor has previously
introduced contraband into a jail or other
corrections facility, or there is reasonable
suspicion that the prospective visitor will
introduce contraband into a WDOC correctional
facility through the visiting process; or
(2) The inmate or prospective visitor has
Previously disrupted the visiting process or
violated visiting rules and procedures within a jail
or other corrections facility by words or acts, or
there is reasonable suspicion that the inmate or
prospective visitor will disrupt the visiting process
or violate visiting rules and procedures within a
WDO Ccorrectional facility by words or acts.
B. Arrangements for Attorney Visits. Arrangements
may be made for an attorney/authorized legal
representative to meet with the inmate who is
his/her client during any regularly scheduled inmate
visiting period.
1. The attorney shall be required to contact the
correctional facility where the inmate is located by
telephone or fax, at least one (1) work day prior to
the attorney or the attorney’s authorized
representative’s arrival at the correctional facility, to
schedule the inmate for a visit. Notice is normally
expected to also occur at least twenty-four (24)
hours in advance of the requested visit.
2. At the time of contact, the attorney will be
asked to provide the name and institution number of
the inmate to be visited; the name, address,
telephone number and Bar Card Number of the
attorney; the expected time of arrival and projected
length of the visit, and if the visit is a personal
social visit or a legal visit.
3. Mail More than Three (3) Inches Thick. Mail, other
than “official mail”or “legal mail” more than three (3)
inches in thickness, regardless of other dimensions, will be
handled as a package and will be returned to the
sender unless receipt has been pre-approved using WDOC
Form #522, Package Authorization.
4. Privileged Mail Not Marked As Such. Mail which
otherwise qualifies as legal or official mail, but that lacks
the proper designation as “LEGALMAIL” or “OFFICIAL
MAIL,” shall be processed as non-privileged mail
(i.e., opened and inspected) outside the inmate’s presence
and shall not be considered privileged mail accidentally
i. Mail that is received by a WDOC correctional facility,
addressed to an inmate, and which has a return address
that is clearly from a court or official shall be treated as
“Legal Mail’ or “Official Mail”, even if it is not properly
ii. Correspondence from attorneys must be marked as
“Legal Mail” in order for it to be processed as privileged
mail, even if the address appears to be from an attorney.
5. Privileged Mail to Be Logged. All incoming and
outgoing legal mail and official mail will be logged by the
warden or designee.
i. The log shall include date, sender and recipient, and
logging staff member.
ii. The log will also reflect any accidental opening of
privileged mail.
iii. The full name and initials of the staff member doing
the logging must appear on each page of the log book to
allow for identification of the staff member for future
iv. Outgoing legal mail shall be date stamped the day it is
received by mailroom staff despite any necessary time for
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
C. Attorney Visiting Rules. Attorneys/authorized
representatives shall be required to follow the rules
of WDOC and the correctional facility.
iii. Recording devices of any kind, cameras, cell
phones, pagers, etc.may not be brought into the
visiting room.
a. The use of audio or audio/video recording
devices may be authorized for depositions, etc.,
when previous arrangements have been made with
the warden’s office at least one (1) work day in
advance and approval has been provided in
writing. Notice is normally expected to also occur
at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the
requested visit.
E. Attorney Visit as Privileged Visit. If none of the
subdivisions of Paragraph D.1., above, apply then
the visit shall be conducted as a privileged visit in
the open visiting room or other designated space.
1. If the visit is privileged in nature, arrangements
may be made upon request for the meeting to occur
in a more private area of the open visiting room
where discussion between the inmate and attorney
can be more confidential.
F. General Provisions Applying to All Attorney
1. Visual observation shall be maintained
throughout the visit to ensure safety and security
considerations are met.
2. An inmate may refuse to visit with the
attorney/authorized representative, with such refusal
to be noted by staff on WDOC Form #509, Special
Visit Form, for tracking and filing purposes.
6. Search of Privileged Mail. Inmates are permitted to
send sealed letters to a class of persons and organizations
identified within the definitions in this policy and procedure
of legal mail and official mail, including but not limited to
the following: courts, counsel; officials of the confining
authority; state and local chief executive officers;
administrators of grievance systems; and members of the
paroling authority.
i. Staff, in the presence of the inmate, may be allowed to
inspect outgoing privileged mail for contraband before it
is sealed.
ii. Legal mail and official mail sent to inmates shall be
opened and inspected for contraband in the presence of
the inmate addressee as provided in WDOC Policy and
Procedure #3.013, Searches.
a. The inspection shall be done by the staff member
delivering the mail to the inmate, unless waived in
writing by the inmate, or unless approved in advance in
writing by the CEO or acting CEO using WDOC Form
#306, Search of Inmate’s Legal Material, for opening and
Inspection outside the presence of the inmate in
circumstances which may indicate contamination.
iii. Incoming legal mail and official mail shall not be
examined, scan searched, read, or photocopied by staff,
unless authorized in advance in writing by the warden
using WDOC Form #306, Search of Inmate’s Legal
a. Such authorization shall be based upon
documentation showing there is a reasonable suspicion
that the content is not in fact privileged matter or
otherwise violates section IV.E.6 (Criteria for Rejection
of Mail) of this policy.
7. Accidental Opening of Privileged Mail. The inmate
addressee shall be informed in writing of the circumstances
of accidental openings of legal mail or official mail outside
50 State Chart Statutes, Regulations and Guidance Regarding Access to Counsel in Correctional Facilities
Prepared by Office of Policy and Legal Analysis. August 2022.
3. Attorney visits may be arranged after normal
visiting hours with the prior approval and
scheduling by the correctional facility warden in
circumstances, such as attorney visitation with a
condemned inmate within three (3) days of a
scheduled execution.
4. If the inmate becomes disruptive or the inmate
or visitor creates a disturbance during the
attorney/authorized representative visit, the visit
will be immediately terminated and documented as
staff report on WDOC
the inmate’s presence using WDOC Form #523,
Notification of Privileged Mail Accidentally Opened.