Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
White Paper
Leasing and Seller Financing
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 2
Leasing and Seller Financing
As a result of current market conditions, REALTORS
are increasingly faced with two obstacles:
sellers who are unable to sell their property and buyers who are unable to qualify for a loan
because of a recent bankruptcy, foreclosure, or other credit problems. A potential solution for
both of these problems may be leasing the property or seller financing. Lease purchase
agreements, lease options, purchase money mortgages and land installment contracts are all types
of arrangements that potential parties to a real estate transaction may consider.
Because many REALTORS
have little, if any, experience with these types of transactions, it is
important for them to familiarize themselves with the legal issues involved so they can properly
represent the best interests of their clients. The purpose of this White Paper is to provide a brief
overview of some of these legal considerations.
Evaluating Whether to Lease
Before leasing a property, the advantages and disadvantages of doing so should be discussed with
the owner. The main advantage for an owner to lease property is to provide a revenue stream to
offset the costs associated with owning the property. However, leasing property involves certain
risks, including the possibility that the tenant will damage the property, thereby making the future
sale or rental of the property more difficult and costly. The tenant may also breach the terms of
the lease, most commonly by failing to pay the rent. Failure by the tenant to vacate the property
voluntarily will result in the owner having to initiate eviction proceedings. Most owners will be
unfamiliar with this process which can take up to two months and will likely require the use of
legal counsel.
Owners who consider leasing their property will also need to make sure that they are familiar
with their responsibilities under a variety of state and federal laws including Ohio’s Landlord
Tenant Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Housing laws, and the lead-based paint
Finally, a property owner should also determine whether leasing their property will violate the
terms of their mortgage and result in any tax consequences because the property is no longer
being used as their primary residence. While REALTORS
need to raise these issues with their
client, they should refrain from providing tax or legal advice. Instead, the owner should be
referred to their own legal counsel or tax professional for such advice.
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 3
Licensing Requirements
Under Ohio law, leasing property for an owner for any type of valuable consideration requires a
real estate license. As such, real estate salespersons are required to perform this activity in the
name of the brokerage with which they are licensed.
Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement
Before a REALTOR
begins to market a property for lease, it is important that an agreement be
entered into with the property owner that outlines the REALTOR
’s duties and the compensation
to be paid the brokerage. If the property is already listed for sale and the owner now decides to
lease the property, the listing agreement should be reviewed to determine if leasing, and the
compensation that will be paid for that service, is covered in the listing. In most cases an exclusive
right to sell agreement will not address this. In this case, either an addendum to the listing should
be entered into or a separate exclusive right to lease should be signed.
Because a listing to lease property is a contract to perform acts that require a license, it is
considered an agency agreement. As such, the license law requires that it contain certain
provisions. These mandatory provisions are:
(1) A definite expiration date;
(2) If the agreement is for residential property, the required fair housing language and logo;
(3) A place for the licensee and the owner to sign and date the agreement.
Moreover the license law requires that a copy of the signed agreement must be provided to the
In addition, the listing agreement should also address the following:
(1) The terms on which the owner will lease the property including:
a. Monthly rental rate
b. The security deposit, specifying by whom it will be held
c. Lease term (i.e., one year, 18 months)
d. Other key terms such as the number of occupants, pets, payment of utilities, etc.
(2) Define the scope of the leasing agent’s duties including:
a. Providing documents such as rental applications and leases
b. Screening tenants
c. Approval of tenants
d. Ongoing management services during the term of the lease
(3) An agreement that the landlord will comply with all applicable laws including the fair
housing laws, lead-based paint disclosures, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 4
(4) Compensation to be paid, including whether any fee is due upon lease renewal, purchase of
the property by the tenant or for property management services.
Agency Disclosures
Unless the REALTOR
has already provided the owner with a Consumer Guide to Agency
Relationships in the course of listing the owner’s property for sale, the REALTOR
is required to
provide the owner with this disclosure before the property is shown to potential tenants or
With respect to potential tenants, Ohio’s agency law provides that a Consumer Guide and Agency
Disclosure Statement is only required to be given to a potential tenant if the property is
commercial, industrial, retail, or involves a residential lease over 18 months. Thus, if the property
is residential and the lease is 18 months or less, a REALTOR
is not required to give the
prospective tenant a Consumer Guide or Agency Disclosure Statement.
Securing a Tenant
Once the exclusive right to lease has been entered into and the rental rate has been set, the
can begin to market the property. Prospective tenants should complete a rental
application and go through the tenant screening process. The REALTOR
and owner should
determine who will screen prospective tenants. This usually includes obtaining a consumer
report from a credit bureau or a tenant screening service. If a consumer report is used,
compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act is required. This includes providing an adverse
action notice if an application is denied based upon information contained in the consumer report
or credit score.
Lease Agreement
It will also be necessary for the REALTOR
to discuss with the owner the lease agreement that will
be used. Although the owner may want the REALTOR
to supply the lease, unless the brokerage
regularly engages in property management, it will probably not have a lease form. Because a lease
can structured in a variety of ways, it is recommended that the owner be referred to their own
attorney to provide the lease agreement. (A worksheet identifying some of the basic terms the
attorney will need to draft this agreement is attached at the end of this White Paper labeled
“Residential Lease Worksheet.”)
Trust Account Requirements
Under Ohio law any funds received by a REALTOR
in a fiduciary capacity must be deposited in
the brokerage trust account. This would include security deposits and rental payments. The trust
account into which the funds are to be deposited and held depends upon whether the REALTOR
is going to manage the property after the lease is executed.
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 5
will be managing the rental property on behalf of the owner following execution
of the lease and the security deposit and rents collected are going to be held by the brokerage,
they must be deposited in a separate property management account in the brokerage name. More
information on property management trust account requirements and handling security deposits
is included in OAR’s White Paper on Property Management.
On the other hand, if the REALTOR
has no further duties following execution of the lease and is
only collecting, but not retaining, a security deposit and first and/or last month(s) rent, a separate
property management trust account is not required. Instead, such monies must either be:
(1) Collected in the name of the owner, or
(2) Collected in the name of the brokerage, deposited in the brokerage’s regular trust account
and then disbursed to the owner.
Managing the Property
As stated above, some owners may want to utilize the services of their REALTOR
to manage the
property after their property has been leased. Such management usually includes collecting rent,
handling maintenance requests, and paying the mortgage, property taxes, utilities and other
expenses on behalf of the owner. Because property management is an activity that requires a
license, it must be done through the brokerage. Therefore, agents who are interested in providing
this service must first discuss this with his/her broker.
A brokerage considering offering property management services should realize that this area of
practice requires knowledge of the specific property management requirements under the real
estate license law, as well as knowledge of other laws. Brokerages that are interested in providing
property management services should also contact their errors and omissions insurance provider
to make sure this type of service is covered. More in depth information on this topic can be found
in the OAR Property Management White Paper.
In certain circumstances, a potential buyer who does not currently qualify for financing to
purchase property may want to enter into a lease with the option to purchase, hoping that
mortgage financing may be available to them in the future. Under a lease option agreement, the
tenant is not obligated to purchase the property, but merely has the option of doing so on agreed
upon terms for the length of the option.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The advantage of this type of arrangement for the tenant is obvious: the tenant is able to occupy a
home without the obligation to purchase it, but reserves the right to do so if their circumstances
later permit. For owners, such a lease option can have advantages as well. All or part of the costs
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 6
of owning the property can be covered by a tenant who, because of the possibility of owning the
property in the future, is motivated to maintain it.
However, this type of agreement also presents risks for both parties. The owner, by granting the
tenant the option to purchase, may lose the opportunity to sell the property for a higher price to
another purchaser. Moreover, as with any lease, the owner has obligations under the Ohio
Landlord Tenant Act and faces the risk that the tenant may damage the property and/or breach
the terms of the lease. For this reason, the lease option agreement should clearly address whether
such a breach will terminate the tenant’s option to purchase.
As stated in Section Two, the owner should also determine whether such a lease option violates
the terms of their mortgage or could have unintended tax consequences.
For the tenant, the ability to exercise the option may be jeopardized by the owner’s financial
soundness. An owner in financial trouble may file bankruptcy or the owner’s lender may initiate a
foreclosure action, nullifying the tenant’s ability to purchase the property. It is also possible that
tax and other liens could be placed on the property during the lease that will impede the future
sale of the property to the tenant.
The Lease Option Agreement
This type of arrangement involves an agreement between the parties as to the terms of three
separate transactions: a lease, an option and a purchase contract if the option is exercised. The
terms of these three transactions can be included in one fairly lengthy document or separate
documents could be executed (i.e., a lease and a separate option to purchase).
Like a purchase agreement, an option must be supported by consideration, generally referred to
as an option fee. Under the terms of an option agreement, such a fee is generally non-refundable,
but could be applied to the purchase price if the option is exercised. The option agreement should
also spell out the length of the option, the manner in which it is to be exercised, and whether it is
To assure that there is a clear understanding of the terms on which the tenant will purchase the
property if the option is exercised, it is crucial that the agreement be specific and not just address
the sales price. Rather it should spell out the typical terms included in a purchase contract
(earnest money, financing, inspections, closing date, etc.). The option agreement should also
address whether all or a portion of the rental payments and/or security deposit will be credited
toward the purchase price if the option is exercised.
Because there are different ways to structure a lease with an option to purchase agreement, it is
recommended that the parties be referred to an attorney to draft this agreement and to provide
legal advice. (A worksheet identifying some of the basic terms the attorney will need to draft this
agreement is attached at the end of this White Paper labeled “Option to Purchase Contract
Worksheet .”)
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 7
Brokerage Compensation
Finally, licensees representing the parties to a lease option agreement should also make sure that
there is a clear written agreement regarding payment of the commission. This agreement should
clarify the commission that is due upon execution of the lease and upon purchase of the property
if the tenant chooses to exercise the option.
A lease purchase agreement is similar to a lease with the option to purchase, but with an
important distinction: instead of merely having the option to purchase, under a lease purchase
agreement, the tenant is required to purchase the property at the end of the lease.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The main advantage for the owner under this type of transaction is that unlike a lease option
where the tenant has no obligation to purchase the property, under a lease purchase agreement
the tenant is contractually bound to purchase the property at the end of the lease on terms that
are agreed upon upfront.
This type of agreement holds the same certain inherent risks for the owner that exist with a lease
option. However, because this transaction involves a lease, the owner must comply with the
statutory duties imposed by the Landlord Tenant Act, including the duty to maintain the property
and make repairs. Moreover, the owner bears the risk that the tenant will damage the property,
breach the terms of the lease or fail to purchase the property at the end of the lease. Further, the
owner is also contractually bound to sell the property on the agreed upon terms at the end of the
lease regardless of whether the owner’s circumstances change, the property value increases or
another offer to purchase is obtained.
As discussed earlier, it is also important to determine whether such an agreement may violate the
terms of the any mortgage there may be on the property. To assess these and other risks, the
owner should be referred to his own attorney for advice. The owner should also be referred to a
tax professional for advice on the tax consequences of entering into such an agreement.
The advantages and disadvantages for the tenant with this type of agreement are also similar to
those under a lease option. However, because this is a binding agreement, the tenant can be
subject to a breach of contract action if the tenant fails to perform. Another risk for the tenant is
that, depending on market conditions, the value of the property could decrease, resulting in the
tenant paying more for the property than it is worth at the end of the lease.
As with any contract, the tenant also runs the risk that the owner will be unable to perform at the
end of the lease term. For this reason, at the time the contract is executed the tenant may want to
confirm that the owner has the ability to convey the title by having a title exam performed. Of
course this will not protect the tenant from subsequent liens being placed on the property, a
foreclosure action being filed by the owner’s lender, or the owner filing for bankruptcy.
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 8
The Lease Purchase Agreement
In addition to advising the owner and tenant on the issues discussed above, legal counsel will be
needed to draft the lease purchase agreement. The lease purchase agreement should address
several key terms including the terms of the lease, the terms of sale, earnest money deposits,
whether rental payments and other deposits will be credited to the purchase price, payment of
taxes and insurance, remedies, etc. The agreement should also address whether failure to pay rent
will terminate the tenant’s right to purchase the property. (A worksheet identifying some of the
basic terms the attorney will need to draft this agreement is attached at the end of this White Paper
labeled “Lease/Purchase Contract Worksheet.”)
Brokerage Commission
Finally, the REALTOR(S)
involved in the transaction need to assure that there is a written
document protecting their right to a commission. Specifically, this agreement should specify the
fee to be paid upon execution of the lease and/or closing of the sale of the property.
In those instances where a buyer is unable to obtain lender financing, a seller may agree to act as a
bank financing the transaction. This type of financing is referred to as a purchase money
Under such an agreement, the seller conveys title to the purchaser and the purchaser signs a note
that is secured by a mortgage held by the seller. Such seller financing is only an available option if
the seller owns the property free and clear of any mortgage or other encumbrances.
Clearly an attorney must draft the necessary documents in this type of transaction. Moreover, the
seller should obtain legal counsel to advise him as to the obvious risks associated with this type of
financing, namely that the buyer will default on their loan. In that event, the seller will be forced
to file a foreclosure action, which can be lengthy and will most likely require hiring legal counsel.
A land installment contract provides another vehicle for a buyer who may not currently qualify for
lender financing to purchase property. Popular in the 1980’s, such agreements have not been
widely used in recent years when financing was more widely available.
Also referred to as a land contract, the sale of residential property by this type of agreement is
governed by the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5313. Unlike a purchase money mortgage where the
purchaser takes title to the property, under a land contract, the seller (or vendor) retains title to
the property. The buyer (or vendee) usually makes a down payment and pays monthly
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 9
installment payments of principal and interest over a number or years, with a balloon payment
due at the end of that term.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Like a lease purchase agreement discussed above, a land contract allows a person who is not
currently able to purchase property by traditional means the ability to take possession of a
property, and to cement their right to finance the transaction at a later date. More importantly,
though, Ohio law contains statutory provisions to safeguard the interests of the vendee under a
land installment contract that are intended to protect their interests in the property. These
provisions are discussed below.
As to the vendor, the major benefit is not only having a contract that obligates the vendee to
purchase the property at a later date, but the vendor also receives a down payment from the
vendee, as well as interest on the monthly payments. However, by entering into such a land
contract, the vendor may violate the terms of a mortgage he has on the property and possibly
trigger a due on sale clause. Thus, it is important to refer the vendor to legal counsel to review his
mortgage documents.
The other main disadvantage of a land contract for the vendor is that in the event of a default by
the vendee, the vendor must file a legal action to terminate the vendee’s rights and gain restitution
of the property. Discussed in more detail below, such legal action will require the vendor to hire
an attorney and is costly in terms of time and money. Moreover, the vendor also risks that a
vendee who defaults may not have maintained the property, leaving the vendor with a property in
a deteriorated condition. For these reasons, the vendor should carefully consider the vendee’s
financial ability to perform the terms of the land contract.
Statutory Regulation of Land Installment Contracts
The Ohio Revised Code requires that a land contract for the sale of residential property contain
certain mandatory provisions. These provisions are:
(1) The full names and the current mailing addresses of all the parties to the contract;
(2) The date when the contract was signed by each party;
(3) A legal description of the property conveyed;
(4) The contract price of the property conveyed;
(5) Any charges or fees for services that are includable in the contract separate from the
contract price;
(6) The amount of the vendee’s down payment;
(7) The principal balance owed, which is the sum of the items specified in divisions (4) and
(5) of this section less the item specified in division (6) of this section;
(8) The amount and due date of each installment payment;
(9) The interest rate on the unpaid balance and the method of computing the rate;
(10) A statement of any encumbrances against the property conveyed;
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 10
(11) A statement requiring the vendor to deliver a general warranty deed on completion of the
contract, or another deed that is available when the vendor is legally unable to deliver a
general warranty deed;
(12) A provision that the vendor provide evidence of title in accordance with the prevailing
custom in the area in which the property is located;
(13) A provision that, if the vendor defaults on any mortgage on the property, the vendee can
pay on that mortgage and receive credit on the land installment contract;
(14) A provision that the vendor shall cause a copy of the contract to be recorded;
(15) A requirement that the vendee be responsible for the payment of taxes, assessments, and
other charges against the property from the date of the contract, unless agreed to the
(16) A statement of any pending order of any public agency against the property.
In addition to the mandatory terms, other provisions may be included in the land contract for the
protection of the parties. Thus, while the licensee can assist the parties in negotiating key terms of
a sale by land contract (i.e., price, interest rate, length, down payment amount), the parties must
be referred to an attorney to draft the land contract and provide legal advice. (A worksheet
identifying some of the basic terms the attorney will need to draft this agreement is attached at the
end of this White Paper labeled “Land Installment Contract Worksheet.”)
Other Statutory Provisions
In addition to mandating certain contract terms, the Ohio Revised Code also provides other
limitations and duties. Some of these are:
A duty to record the land contract within 20 days after it has been signed by the buyer and
seller; a copy must also be provided to the county auditor;
A prohibition against the vendor having a mortgage on the property that is greater than the
balance owed under the contract without the consent of the vendee;
A requirement that the vendor provide a statement to the vendee showing the principal,
interest and unpaid balance at least annually, or on demand of the vendee, but no more
than twice a year.
Default by Vendee
If the vendee defaults on payments due under the land contract, the action that the vendor must
initiate to terminate the vendee’s rights is referred to as forfeiture. Under this process, the court
can declare that the vendee’s rights are forfeited and grant any other claims resulting from the
contract, including restitution of the property by the owner. Before the vendor initiates this
process, however, the vendee must be notified that they have a 30 day grace period to bring
payments current and pay any fees provided for in the contract.
However, if the vendee under the land contract has made payments for five years or more or has
paid 20% or more of the purchase price, the seller must initiate a foreclosure process and the
White Paper Leasing and Seller Financing 11
property must be sold by judicial sale. This is the same process that must be followed by lenders
holding a mortgage or a seller holding a purchase money mortgage.
Brokerage Commission
As stated previously, there should be a clear written agreement between the REALTOR(S)
owner regarding payment of a commission. This agreement should specify if the full commission
is due upon execution of the land contract by the parties or completion of the contract when title is
actually conveyed.
Today’s market continues to pose new challenges for buyers, sellers and the real estate industry.
As the market stabilizes, it may be necessary for REALTORS
and their clients to consider other
options. While leasing and seller financing may pose opportunities to achieve a client’s needs, all
aspects of such transactions must be fully considered. Because a REALTOR
’s fiduciary duty is to
protect the best interests of his or her client, it is important for REALTORS
to have a good
understanding of such transactions before advising clients and to recognize the need to involve
legal counsel early in the process.
The information presented in this White Paper is not intended to be--and should not be construed as--legal
advice. Any REALTOR
who is contemplating assisting clients in leasing property, or in entering into any of the
other types of transactions discussed in this White Paper should first consult with his or her own broker, legal
counsel, and E&O insurance carrier.
Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
Residential Lease Worksheet
(Basic information to be agreed upon by parties and provided to legal counsel
drafting a residential lease.)
Because a Residential Lease is a legally binding contract between the parties, it
must be drafted by an attorney. The purpose of this form is to only identify some of
the basic information necessary for legal counsel to draft this document.
A. Basic Information:
Property Address (legal description if available)
B. Lease Terms:
Commencement Date
Monthly Rent $
Security Deposit $
Late Fee $
Right to Assign/Sublet Yes _____ No ______
Pets No ______ Yes ______ Pet Fee $ ______
C. Utilities/Maintenance: (check responsible party)
D. Brokerage Commissions:
Listing Brokerage
Tenant’s Brokerage
Paid by
Paid By
Payment Due Date
Payment Due Date
Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
Option to Purchase Contract Worksheet
(Basic information to be agreed upon by parties and provided to legal counsel
drafting a land installment contract.)
Because an Option to Purchase is a legally binding contract between the parties, it
must be drafted by an attorney. The purpose of this form is to only identify some of
the basic information necessary for legal counsel to draft this document.
A. Basic Information:
Property Address (legal description if available)
B. Option to Purchase Terms:
Term of Option
Commencement Date
Option Fee $ ____________
Refundable ______ Non-refundable ______
Assignable Yes _______ No _______
Notice Required to Exercise
Right to Terminate Option for
Failure to Pay Rent Yes ______ No ______ Violation of Other Lease Terms Yes ______ No ______
C. Purchase Terms if Option Exercised:
Purchase Price $
Earnest Money $
Require Proof of Financing
Yes ______ No ______
Credits Toward Purchase Price
Rent Yes _____ No _____
Security Deposit Yes _____ No _____
Option Fee Yes _____ No _____
Other _______________________
Right to Inspect Yes ______ No ______
Inspection Period __________ days
Commencement Date _____________
Closing Date
______ days from date of notice of exercise of
______ other
Payment of Closing Costs
D. Brokerage Commissions:
Listing Brokerage
Tenant/Buyer Brokerage
Paid by
Paid By
Payment Due Date
Payment Due Date
Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
Lease/Purchase Contract Worksheet
(Basic information to be agreed upon by parties and provided to legal counsel
drafting a residential lease.)
Because a Lease Purchase Contract is a legally binding contract between the
parties, it must be drafted by an attorney. The purpose of this form is to only
identify some of the basic information necessary for legal counsel to draft this
A. Basic Information:
Property Address (legal description if available)
B. Lease Terms:
Commencement Date
Monthly Rent $
Security Deposit $
Late Fee $
Right to Assign/Sublet Yes _____ No ______
Pets No ______ Yes ______ Pet Fee $ ______
C. Utilities/Maintenance: (check responsible party during lease term)
Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
D. Purchase Terms:
Purchase Price $
Earnest Money $
Financing Terms
Credits Toward Purchase Price
Rent Yes _____ No _____
Security Deposit Yes _____ No _____
Other _______________________
Right to Inspect Yes ______ No ______
Inspection Period __________ days
Commencement Date _____________
Payment of Closing Costs
Closing Date
E. Brokerage Commissions:
Listing Brokerage
Buyer Brokerage
Paid by
Paid By
Payment Due Date
Payment Due Date
Copyright © 2012 Ohio REALTORS
Land Installment Contract Worksheet
(Basic information to be agreed upon by parties and provided to legal counsel drafting
a land installment contract.)
Because a Land Installment Contract is a legally binding contract between the parties,
it must be drafted by an attorney. The purpose of this form is to only identify some of
the basic information necessary for legal counsel to draft this document.
A. Basic Information:
Property Address (legal description if available)
B. Purchase Terms:
Purchase Price $
Interest Rate
Down Payment $
Amortization Period
Monthly Payment $
Commencement Date
Late Fee $
Term of Contract
C. Responsible Party for Property Expenses: (check responsible party or indicate how expenses will be shared)
Property Taxes
Repairs & Maintenance
D. Brokerage Commissions:
Listing Brokerage
Buyer Brokerage
Paid by
Paid By
Payment Due Date
Payment Due Date