DESA Working Paper No. 139
January 2015
Redistributive Policies for Sustainable
Development: Looking at the Role of
Assets and Equity
Department of Economic & Social Affairs
by Pierre Kohler*
Analyses of redistributive policies often focus on income ows to examine the nexus between redis-
tribution and economic growth. With strengthening signs of growing economic inequality in many
countries, an increasing number of economists investigated the existence and nature of a hypothetical
trade-o between economic growth and equity. As signs of unsustainable development are strength-
ening more generally, this paper proposes to look at the broader nexus between redistribution, equity
and sustainable development, emphasizing its social and environmental dimensions. It does so by
rst proposing an analytical framework dening the role of redistributive policies in shaping the pri-
vate income cycle as well as the public revenue-expenditure cycle. is framework distinguishes be-
tween the stock of income-generating assets (such as human capital and wealth, including land and
industrial and nancial capital) and deriving income ows in order to clarify the dierence between
the two sides of in-equity (i.e. in-equality of opportunity and in-equality of outcome), which remain
intertwined in the growth-equity trade-o debate. is stock-ow approach is then used to outline
key linkages between redistributive policies, in-equity and un-sustainable development. Contrasting
the potential scope of redistributive policies with the more narrow set of policies that have been im-
plemented in most countries/regions over the last 30 years, the paper discusses 14 avenues for redis-
tributive policies to promote greater equity, economic empowerment and sustainable development.
JEL Classication: D31, H2, H3, H4, H41, H71, H82, H87
Keywords: Income, wealth, inequality, scal policy, redistributive policy, public social spending,
revenue mobilization, progressive tax system, net wealth tax, carbon tax, international tax coop-
eration, unitary taxation, formulary apportionment, post-2015
* I would like to thank Diana Alarcon, Matthias Bruckner, Sarah Cook, Andrea Cornia, Danny Dorling, Pingfan Hong, Naz-
rul Islam, Alex Izurieta, Alex Julca, Massoud Karshenas, Gregory Mikkelson, Sol Picciotto, omas Piketty, Samson Moyo,
Sanjay Reddy, Marco Sanchez-Cantillo, Erika Siu, Rehman Sobhan, Frederick Solt, Frances Julia Stewart, Sergio Vieira, David
Woodward, Willem Van Der Geest, John Winkel, Eduardo Zepeda and anonymous referees for invaluable comments and
Address for correspondence: or kohler[email protected]
1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................1
a. An asset-centred analytical framework .....................................2
b. Stylized facts about redistributive policies and linkages to in-equity
and un-sustainable development ..........................................5
a. Public economics and redistributive policies .................................13
b. Shrinking government for private investment-led economic growth ..............14
c. From expenditure cuts to increased social spending ..........................14
d. The neoliberal tax legacy and regressive revenue mobilization ..................17
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT...............................................25
a. Redefining equity and development in sustainable terms ......................25
b. Building institutions and designing policies..................................26
c. Fostering international cooperation........................................30
Box 1: Unitary taxation as an alternative approach to taxing TNCs —
how to neutralize capital mobility for corporate taxation purposes?...............33
5. CONCLUSION ............................................................35
REFERENCES .............................................................42
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the DESA website at
desa/papers/ to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
e views and opinions expressed herein are those of the
author and do not necessarily reect those of the United
Nations Secretariat. e designations and terminology
employed may not conform to United Nations practice
and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
on the part of the Organization.
Typesetter: Nancy Settecasi
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UN Secretariat, 405 East 42nd Street
New York, N.Y. 10017, USA
1 Introduction
e growing concentration of wealth and income,
which may represent an inherent feature of capital-
ism (Piketty 2013), stands in sharp contrast with
the increasingly cooperative nature of wealth crea-
tion in ever more interdependent and globalized,
but segmented and dispersed production processes
(Moulier-Boutang 2012). It further prevents eradi-
cating poverty without breaching planetary bound-
aries (Rockström et al. 2009, Gerst et al. 2013). An
approach for simultaneously addressing issues of
resource allocation, wealth and income distribution
as well as the quantity of natural resources nurturing
economic activity is therefore required (Costanza et
al. 2012, Farley et al. 2013).
Redistributive policies are an essential component
of strategies for reducing inequality and promoting
sustainable development in its three dimensions:
economic, social and environmental. ey represent
a powerful policy instrument for improving equality
of outcome through the redistribution of income and
for enhancing equality of opportunity by improving
the distribution of income-generating assets, such
as human capital and wealth (including land and
industrial and nancial capital) across individuals
as well as between the private and the public sector.
Beyond their strong potential for reducing inequali-
ty, redistributive policies are also key for promoting
values that are consistent with sustainable develop-
ment and for shaping a socio-economic context and
incentives that are conducive to nancial stability
and economic development, political inclusion, gen-
der equality and social mobility, as well as environ-
mental sustainability.
Yet, partly as a result of ineective redistributive pol-
icies, inequality is rising in many countries, the un-
derprovisioning and underfunding of public goods
is widespread and externalities harmful to global
commons, which are generated by the unsustainable
exploitation of natural assets, are often underpriced.
Against this inconvenient backdrop, recurring pro-
jections (Piketty 2013, Stern report 2006, OECD
2012) highlighting the costs and consequences of
inertia in economic, social and environmental terms
resonate as a continuous invitation for renewed
thinking and urgent action.
Arguments on redistributive policies and equity
have been inseparable since before the emergence
of economics as the study of political economy, but
concerns for equity where progressively eclipsed by
the objective of promoting economic growth follow-
ing inuential work by Kuznets (1955). Based on
short data series about the United States, Kuznets
assumed that market forces would rst increase in-
equality before decreasing inequality along the eco-
nomic development path. e conception of rising
inequality as a natural and temporary phenomenon
that would mechanically reverse over time contribut-
ed to the perception that redistributive policies with
potentially distorting eects could be economically
harmful and superuous. e growing availability
of data and evidence of continuously rising income
inequality in many developing and developed coun-
tries led researchers in academia (e.g. Persson and
Tabellini 1994, Alesina and Rodrik 1994, Benabou
1996, Aghion et al. 1999, Banerjee and Duo 2000,
Barro 2000, Forbes 2000, Stiglitz 2013) and inter-
national institutions (e.g. Bruno et al. 1999, Ostry et
al. 2011 2014) to reassess or challenge the existence
of a trade-o between economic growth and equity.
While some of those economists supported broader
income redistribution, others further argued in fa-
vour of redistributing income-generating assets for
economic growth. Some of them claimed that the
absence of substantial asset redistribution represent-
ed a barrier to economic development and poverty
reduction in some developing countries (Ghosh
2010) and called for land reform and interventions
to strengthen poor peoples control over assets (Jomo
2006, Meinzen-Dick 2009).
Taking stock of this literature, this paper proposes
to examine the nexus between redistributive pol-
icies, equity and sustainable development, paying
particular attention to the role of asset distribution
for in-equity and un-sustainable development. It
argues that in a context characterised by lack of
consensus about the existence of a growth-equity
trade-o, growing sustainability challenges, such as
rising wealth inequality and carbon emissions, and
the upcoming transition from the MDGs to SDGs,
redistributive policies can no longer be assessed pri-
marily in light of their impact on economic growth
and must be shaped in pursuit of equally important
social and environmental objectives. It does so by
rst proposing an analytical framework dening the
role of redistributive policies in shaping the private
income cycle as well as the public revenue-expend-
iture cycle. is framework distinguishes between
the stock of income-generating assets (such as hu-
man capital and wealth, including land and indus-
trial and nancial capital) and deriving income ows
in order to clarify the dierence between the two
sides of in-equity (i.e. in-equality of opportunity
and in-equality of outcome), which remain inter-
twined in the growth-equity trade-o debate. is
stock-ow approach is then used to outline key link-
ages between redistributive policies, in-equity and
un-sustainable development, and the role of asset
distribution among private actors and between the
private and public sector. Contrasting the potential
scope of redistributive policies with the more narrow
set of policies that have been implemented in most
countries/regions over the last 30 years, the paper dis-
cusses possible avenues for redistributive policies to
promote greater equity, economic empowerment and
sustainable development in the post-2015 context.
Section 2 proposes an analytical framework that en-
compasses income ows, but is centred on the stock
of income-generating assets, to clarify the role of the
various redistributive policy instruments that are
discussed in the paper for shaping asset and income
distribution among private actors and between the
private and public sector. Based on this asset-centred
analytical framework, it presents stylized facts and
suggestive evidence illustrating some key linkages
to in-equity and un-sustainable development. Sec-
tion 3 discusses trends in redistributive policies in
an evolving intellectual, political and institutional
context that is currently inuenced by the prevail-
ing political consensus and commitment to private
investment-led economic growth.
It discusses the
positive impact of rising public social spending, in-
cluding for education, health and social protection,
but also stresses insucient progress with regard to
ensuring adequate and stable funding and addressing
environmental sustainability issues. e section ex-
amines changes in the collection of non-tax revenue
deriving from the accelerated exploitation of natural
resources. e prominence of increasingly regressive
tax structures leads to a discussion of factors sub-
verting progressive revenue mobilization, such as
slashes in wealth, top personal and corporate income
tax rates, the increased use of regressive indirect
taxes, and growing tax abuses, including harmful
tax competition, tax avoidance and evasion by high
net worth individuals (HNWIs) and transnational
corporations (TNCs). e section also highlights
redistributive policies that positively contributed to
equity and sustainable development, especially in
Latin America. Section 4 discusses possible steps for
moving towards a framework enabling redistributive
policies promoting equity and sustainable devel-
opment. It also emphasizes the limits of domestic
policy initiatives and the need for increased inter-
national cooperation, notably regarding the taxation
of mobile capital income and nancial wealth of
HNWIs and TNCs. Section 5 concludes.
2 Redistributive policies,
in-equity and un-sustainable
a. An asset-centred analytical
Figures 1 and 2 propose an asset-centred analytical
framework for mapping most of the redistributive
policy tools that are discussed in this paper as well
as for highlighting some key linkages to in-equity
and un-sustainable development. Figure 1 is centred
on the stock of private income-generating assets that
(along with transfers and taxes) play a key role in
shaping the private income cycle. Figure 2 is centred
on the stock of public income-generating assets to
represent the cycle of public revenue and expenditure.
Governments dispose over a large number of redis-
tributive policy tools in pursuit of their policy objec-
tives. In gure 1, policy instruments that determine
the structural distribution of income-generating
assets and income across individuals have been re-
grouped in three broad categories, including wealth
redistribution, income redistribution and the provi-
sion of public goods. While income redistribution
is most important for in-equality of outcome, the
provision of public goods and wealth redistribution
both directly inuence the distribution of private in-
come-generating assets, which along with purely ex-
ogenous factors, such as family background, gender
or ethnicity is a major determinant of in-equality of
Private income-generating assets (1) are dened as
encompassing human capital embodied in people,
such as education and knowledge (1-i), as well as
property rights protecting accumulated wealth en-
suring rents to owners of land and industrial and
nancial capital (1-ii). While many countries suc-
ceeded in fostering human capital and improving
its distribution across social groups (UNDP 2012),
wealth remains highly concentrated. At the global
level, the top 1 per cent own 40 per cent of global
wealth (UNDP 2013) and the 85 richest individuals
Figure 1
Private income-generating assets, redistributive policy instruments and the private income cycle
Source: Author, elaborated from Lustig and Higgins (2012). Note: VAT stands for value-added tax, FTT stands for financial
transaction tax.
have an estimated net worth equivalent to that of
the poorest half of the planet (Oxfam 2014). At the
domestic level, wealth is similarly concentrated, with
the top decile controlling between 70 per cent to 90
per cent of total national wealth in many countries
(Davies et al. 2011, Piketty 2013). As discussed in
section 3, despite increasing wealth concentration
and its negative eects on sustainable development,
existing redistributive policy frameworks only sel-
dom include measures for wealth redistribution
among private actors.
In this context, the asymmetric distribution of in-
come-generating assets across individuals generates
asymmetric labour and especially capital income
ows, resulting in market income inequality (4-i-
ii). In most countries experiencing rising inequality,
market inequality is carried on along the income
cycle, resulting in elevated nal income inequality
and a reinforcing feedback loop. Progressive direct
taxes revenue (5) and direct transfers (6) have the
potential to reduce market income inequality and
stabilize disposable income (7) to protect vulnerable
individuals against market uctuations, but they
are generally insucient for reducing inequality or
eradicating poverty, especially in developing coun-
tries. As a corollary, the increased reliance of devel-
oping countries on regressive indirect tax revenue (9)
makes progressive transfers even more important for
reducing inequality.
Since the turn of the Millennium, most redistrib-
utive policy frameworks strongly emphasized the
need for increasing public social spending on ed-
ucation and health (11-i) in particular in order to
foster human capital. Mobilizing the required public
revenue remains a challenge, however. Narrow and
weakly representative political coalitions as well as
insucient economic development prevent many
countries from raising the tax revenue required to
expand government services beyond basic security
services (11-ii) protecting existing ownership and
debt structures (Nitzan and Bichler 2009, Winters
2011, Graeber 2012). e allocation of resources to
the public provision of law and order through courts,
police/armed forces and prisons is acknowledged to
be economically unproductive. Recent evidence fur-
ther shows that countries spending more on security
services also experience higher income inequality
(Bowles and Jayadev, 2006, 2014).
Policy instruments mapped in gure 1 all contrib-
ute to the cycle of public revenue and expenditure
represented in gure 2: taxes (including corporate
taxes, which did not appear in gure 1) raise public
revenues and transfers generate public expenditure.
Government intervention for wealth redistribution
between the public and private sector is more com-
mon than interventions for wealth redistribution
among private actors. Over the last decades, many
governments adopted market-friendly policies pri-
vatizing a number of public income-generating
assets (a).
is trend stimulated market activity in
some countries, but weakened the capacity of gov-
ernments to conduct asset-based public policies and
to intervene in the economy, society and the envi-
ronment. For instance, with natural resources being
transferred to the private sector and considered as
commodities subject to prot maximization, policy
options for governments to ensure universal and
equitable access, or to restrict their unsustainable
exploitation, marketization and consumption be-
came more limited. e associated privatization of
economic rents further came at the cost of regular
revenue deriving from public assets (b). Consequent-
ly, governments increasingly rely on income-based
public policies to fund their current and capital
expenditures (f and g) through borrowing (c) or, as
wealth taxes and environmental taxes are inexistent
or insignicant in most countries, by levying taxes
on private income and consumption (d).
e analytical framework sketched using gures 1
and 2 will help articulate linkages between redis-
tributive policies, in-equity and un-sustainable de-
velopment in the rest of this section. It will further
contribute structuring the survey of existing redis-
tributive policy frameworks in section 3 and the
ensuing discussion in section 4.
b. Stylized facts about redistributive
policies and linkages to in-equity
and un-sustainable development
The weakening impact of
redistribution at the global level
over time
e impact of redistributive policies on income ine-
quality and sustainable development can be signi-
cant, but it varies across countries and over time as
redistributive policies are shaped by domestic factors,
such as demography, economic and political condi-
tions, and further inuenced by the international
strategic and ideological context. At the global level,
the impact of redistributive policies was strongly
inuenced by major wars, strategic shifts and ideo-
logical inexions.
Figure 3 reects the evolution of the popula-
tion-weighted global averages of domestic market
Gini (before direct taxes/transfers) and net Gini (af-
ter direct taxes/transfers) coecients between 1970
and 2012. Both indices increased in tandem over
that period as they were inuenced by various factors,
including redistributive policies. As market-friendly
policies gained steam and institutionalized, market
income inequality increased rapidly starting in the
mid-1980s, with slashes in top marginal income and
corporate tax rates encouraging rising executive pay
and shareholder dividends mostly accruing to the
wealthiest (Piketty et al., 2014). As direct transfers
were not stepped up to compensate for rising mar-
ket income inequality, at least 75 per cent of the
world population experienced higher net/disposable
income inequality at the domestic level int 2012
compared to 1980. On average, market and net Gini
coecients have increased by almost 7 points since
the mid-1980s, reaching 47.7 points and 43.3 points
in 2012, respectively.
Figure 2
Public income-generating assets and the public revenue-expenditure cycle
Source: Author.
On average, the reduction in income inequality that
is observed when comparing market and net/dis-
posable income distributions is mostly explained by
direct transfers, which account for about 80 per cent
of the reduction (IMF 2013a, Cornia 2012). is
observation may at rst be interpreted as a sign that
direct transfers are much more ecient than direct
taxes for reducing disposable/net income inequality,
but such an interpretation overlooks several impor-
tant points. First, taxes and transfers are not substi-
tutes, and it is important that they complement each
other in order to consistently reinforce the overall
impact of redistributive policies. Secondly, direct
transfers can be funded by direct and indirect tax
revenue. e inequality-reducing eect of direct
transfers should therefore be larger than the eect of
direct taxes, especially in developing countries where
indirect taxes generate a larger share of government
revenue. irdly, the observation that direct taxes
only account for about 20 per cent of the net/dis-
posable income inequality reduction highlights how
poorly progressive direct tax collection is in many
countries. Finally, in addition to their impact on
disposable/net income inequality, progressive direct
taxes have the additional role of deterring excessive
compensation, which has become a key driver of
rising market income inequality in many countries
(Piketty, Saez and Stancheva 2014, Alvaredo et al.
2013). Countries that have most extensively imple-
mented prescriptions to slash wealth, top personal
and corporate income tax rates also experienced the
most signicant rise in top income shares since the
early 1980s, without registering the promised higher
economic growth (gure 4).
Figures 3 and 4 both highlight a signicant rise in
income inequality over the decades, but both under-
estimate it for dierent reasons and may potentially
downplay the eorts required for reducing inequali-
ty. Survey-based income inequality measures, such as
Gini estimates in gure 3, often rely on data samples
that truncate the top of the income distribution, be-
cause top incomes are under-represented in surveys
or due to top-coding method shortcomings (Alvare-
do 2010). Top income shares in gure 4 are estimat-
ed using non-truncated scal data, but under-report-
ing of income to tax authorities is common and tax
evasion has grown rapidly over the last decade (Palan
et al. 2010, Zucman 2013 and 2014). Furthermore,
0 2 4 6 8
Increase in Gini net since 1970 (in points)
30 35 40 45 50 55
Gini index (in points)
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Gini net (LHS) Gini market (LHS)
Increase in Gini net since 1970 (RHS)
Figure 3
The weakening impact of redistribution and higher within-country income
inequality at the global level (1970-2012)
Source: Author.
Note: Based on SWIID (version
4.1) and UNPOP data. Dotted lines
indicate 95 per cent confidence
intervals for market and net Gini
coefficients. Global market and
net/disposable inequality indices
are computed as population-
weighted averages of within-
country Gini indices as defined in
the SWIID database. See figure 1
for an illustration of the difference
between market and disposable/
net income.
top scal incomes generally only represents a tiny
fraction of top eective economic incomes, which go
largely untaxed, because tax avoidance schemes de
facto exclude many capital income ows from the
tax base. Consequently, measures imposing higher
top marginal tax rates on scal income without
strengthening its tax base, such as the Buett rule,
are of limited signicance (Piketty 2013).
Redistribution of income, in-equality
of outcome and un-sustainable
e redistributive impact of taxes and transfers is
most signicant in developed countries, in accord-
ance with the Wagner Law, which observes that
government revenue/spending increases steadily
with GDP, because of the gradual formalization
of the economy and the related greater ease to tax.
Signicant dierences among countries with similar
income levels, however, highlight the role of institu-
tions, governance and political inclusion.
In developed countries, reduced tax rates on top in-
comes and regulatory loopholes weaken the ability
of redistributive policies to contain excessive com-
pensation, but social protection measures
the income of most vulnerable individuals and social
groups, shielding them from extreme poverty and
reducing income inequality to a limited extent. In
Western and Northern Europe, for instance, gov-
ernment (tax and non-tax) revenue and expenditure
amount to around 45 per cent of sub-regional GDP.
Figure 4
Changes in top marginal tax rates, top 1 per cent income shares and real annual per capital GDP growth
(1960-4 and 2005-9)
Source: Piketty, Saez and Stancheva (2014). Note: the same pattern is observed over the 1975-2008 period (Piketty, Saez and
Stancheva 2011). See also the World Top Incomes Database project:
R2 is 0.56 in the left panel, 0.00 in the right panel.
Direct taxes and transfers alone reduce income ine-
quality by around 15 Gini points, about four times
the global average (gure 5).
By contrast, in developing countries the predom-
inantly rural and informal economic structures,
weak tax administrations as well as the weaker and
more narrow political coalitions often prevent the
development of strong progressive redistributive
institutions (Joshi et al. 2012, Moore 2013), thus
generating more unequal societies, where extreme
poverty stands in sharper contrast with concentrated
wealth. Government (tax and non-tax) revenue and
expenditure amount to between 20 to 35 per cent
of GDP in most developing sub-regions, a larger
share of it being spent on basic security and other
core functions of government, inducing only a weak
reduction or an increase in income inequality.
Countries with less developed redistributive policies
consistently experience higher levels of income ine-
quality, but outcomes further depend on the pattern
of redistribution. Direct monetary transfers through
social protection programmes are the most direct
way to alleviate poverty, but insucient transfers and
coverage as well as discriminatory practices often
leave large segments of the population in developing
countries vulnerable to temporary economic risks
and enduring extreme poverty. Furthermore, gen-
der-blind approaches to social protection often di-
rectly discriminate against women in developed and
developing countries. In addition to employment and
wage discrimination experienced in the labour mar-
ket, most women standing at the crossroad of paid
work and unpaid care work suer the injustice of so-
cial insurance schemes that assume full-time, formal
and life-long employment as the norm (Razavi et al.
2012). Increased gender awareness in the design of
more ambitious social protection programmes is key
for poverty reduction, gender equality and sustaina-
ble development.
Redistribution of income-generating
assets, in-equality of opportunity and
un-sustainable development
Human capital
Redistributive policies can also foster equality of
opportunity by shaping the distribution of in-
come-generating assets, including human capital.
Public spending on education and health, which are
Northern America
Eastern Africa
Middle Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Central America
South America
Central Asia
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Australia and New Zealand
20 25 30 35 40 45
Total revenue (as a share of GDP)
0 5 10 15
Decrease in Gini index after direct taxes/transfers (points)
Northern America
Eastern Africa
Middle Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Central America
South America
Central Asia
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Australia and New Zealand
25 30 35 40 45 50
Total expenditures (as a share of GDP)
0 5 10 15
Decrease in Gini index after direct taxes/transfers (points)
Figure 5
Redistributive policies and income inequality reduction
across sub-regions (2006)
Source: Author.
Note: Based on data from SWIID
(version 4.1), UNPOP and Torres
(2013). Sub-regions are defined
according to the UN definition (see
m49/m49regin.htm). The year 2006
was chosen, because Torres (2013)
gathered accurate revenue and
expenditure data for a large number
of countries for the year 2006. All
variables are population-weighted.
Tax revenues include income taxes,
payroll taxes, taxes on goods and
services, trade taxes and other taxes,
but exclude revenue from grants and
non-tax revenue (e.g. revenue from
oil, etc.). Current expenditures cover
compensation of employees and
social benefits, but exclude capital
expenditures and interest payments.
R2 is 0.52 in the left panel and 0.60 in
the right panel.
key for building up a strong and productive labour
force, has gained prominence in the development
debate in the wake of the Millennium declaration
that enshrined education and health objectives at the
heart of the international development agenda (e.g.
ensure universal access to primary education and
gender equality in secondary education, reduce child
and maternal mortality). Yet, with a few exceptions,
public social spending increased only modestly in
most developing countries. In 2010, public spending
on education ranged between 3 and 6 per cent of
GDP in most developing sub-regions, while public
spending on health was still inferior to 2 per cent
of GDP in some developing sub-regions. Increased
public social spending generally fosters human de-
velopment, but this link seems weaker in presence of
high income inequality. Figure 6 shows that sub-re-
gions with high income inequality are generally less
successful in mobilizing resources for and fostering
human development.
Besides hampering resource mobilization for public
social spending, inequality further exerts direct neg-
ative eects on health outcomes, with broader im-
plications for sustainable development. Interestingly,
almost all problems that are common at the bottom
of the income ladder within countries are more com-
mon in more unequal societies. Among developed
countries, where extreme poverty has already been
eradicated, more unequal societies systematically ex-
perience more health and social issues, such as short-
er life expectancy, higher infant mortality, mental
illnesses, such as drug and alcohol addiction, obesity,
but also teenage births, lower levels of trust, social
immobility as well as more homicides and higher in-
carceration rates (Wilkinson and Pickett 2011). e
negative impact of inequality on health and social
cohesion in rich countries signals that well-being is
about more than escaping material poverty and sig-
nicantly depends on social structures and symbolic
hierarchies, which are most clearly reected in the
degree of income inequality. In developing countries
where poverty reduction remains the main lever for
improving health outcomes, policies reducing in-
come inequality could contribute to simultaneously
reducing poverty and improving health outcomes
(Wilkinson and Pickett 2011).
Similar direct linkages exist between equity, edu-
cation and sustainable development. A comparison
Northern America
Eastern Africa
Middle Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Central America
South America
Central Asia
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Australia and New Zealand
30 40 50 60
Gini net (in points)
2 4 6 8 10 12
Public expenditure on health (as a share of GDP)
Northern America
Eastern Africa
Middle Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Central America
South America
Central Asia
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Australia and New Zealand
30 40 50 60
Gini net (in points)
50 60 70 80
Life expectancy (in years)
Figure 6
Income inequality, public health spending (as a share of GDP) and
human development across sub-regions (2010)
Source: Author. Note: Based
on WDI, SWIID (version 4.1) and
UNPOP data. All variables are
population-weighted. R2 is 0.31 in
the left panel and 0.22 in the right
of 13 developed countries highlighted that higher
income inequality is consistently associated with
lower inter-generational earnings mobility and so-
cial mobility (Corak 2013). Additionally, spending
on higher education in developed countries may be
rising, but it is often biased towards elite universities
that strengthen social stratication, social immo-
bility and self-reproduction of the elite (Brezis and
Hellier 2013). ese ndings all point at the limits
of redistributive policies that aim at fostering sus-
tainable development exclusively through human
development, disregarding the role of income and
wealth inequality as structural determinants of
health and education outcomes across individuals
and generations.
Wealth, including land and
industrial and financial capital
Redistribution of other income-generating assets
protected by property rights, such as wealth ensuring
rents to owners of land and industrial and nancial
capital remains less prominent in domestic and inter-
national discussions. e absence of public debate on
this issue is related to several factors, including insuf-
cient awareness about the role of wealth inequality
in perpetuating income poverty. It is also partly due
to the widely held view that markets work eciently
and result in fair outcomes provided equality of op-
portunity, i.e. equal access to education, is upheld.
Beyond the problem that equality in access to ed-
ucation remains incomplete in many countries and
is often limited to primary or secondary education,
this approach is based on an overly narrow denition
of equality of opportunity, which unreasonably puts
exclusive emphasis on human capital and ignores all
other forms of capital that shape the opportunities
that are available to individuals.
As mentioned above, wealth inequality is more pro-
nounced than income inequality and represents an
obstacle to sustainable development. In many coun-
tries, high concentration of land ownership contrib-
utes perpetuating inequality and eroding incentives
for sustainable agricultural methods and land use
(Sobhan 2010, Moyo 2013). Similarly, concentrated
ownership structures of industrial or nancial cap-
ital heighten risks of market power abuse and the
unfair distribution of economic gains. Evidence
further shows that returns to nancial capital tend
to increase with nancial wealth.
By channelling
capital income to the benet of the wealthier, high
nancial wealth inequality nurtures income and
wealth inequality. Wealth concentration can be par-
ticularly problematic when the after-tax return on
capital (r) is much higher than economic growth (g),
which is currently the case in many countries experi-
encing rising inequality. For instance, if r=5 per cent
and g=1 per cent, the split between capital income
and labour income will remain stable only as long as
wealth holders consume 80 per cent of their capital
rent and reinvest the remaining 20 per cent, but it
will start growing if wealth-holders reinvest more
than 20 per cent of capital income. Furthermore, if
returns to nancial capital consistently increase with
nancial wealth, wealth concentration may increase
steadily even if the split between capital income and
labour income remains stable at the aggregate level
(Piketty 2013). While the capacity of governments
to boost technological innovation and economic
growth in the long run may be limited (and lower
economic growth, especially in developed countries,
may be required for the sake of climate stabilization),
many governments have implemented policies boost-
ing the after-tax return on capital over the last three
decades, with little regard for equity and sustainable
development, and mitigated or negative eects on
long-term economic growth (Ostry and Berg 2011,
Ostry et al. 2014).
e reinforcing interaction between capital accu-
mulation, income and wealth concentration is best
documented in countries where inequality can be
assessed based on long-term scal data capturing
information about the top of the income and wealth
distribution. Figure 7 illustrates how the Great
Depression and wars depleted the aggregate capital
stock in the rst half of the twentieth century in
the United States and especially in Europe as well as
the resuming process of capital accumulation after
the Second World War, which tends to increase the
role of wealth as a determinant of income. Capital
destruction unwounded wealth concentration in the
United States, but wealth concentration declined
further in Europe during the thirty glorious years
(1945-1975). is period characterized by intense re-
construction eorts in combination with progressive
taxation keeping after-tax returns on capital inferi-
or to economic growth (r<g), however, may be an
exception rather the historical norm. With weaker
economic growth in the wake of the oil shocks and
conservative reforms that boosted the after-tax re-
turn on capital (r>g), rising income inequality rst
resumed in the United States around 1980, nurtur-
ing wealth concentration more intensively than in
Europe, where conicting national policy priorities
and socio-democratic traditions formerly prevailing
in some countries slowed down the institutionali-
zation of neoliberal ideas.
Figure 7 represents the
wealth and income share of the top decile in the
United States and Europe, but recent changes are
largely driven by changes in the top 1 per cent, which
controls about half of the top decile’s income and
wealth share, including the vast majority of nancial
wealth and nancial capital income. Consequently,
absent a rehabilitation of progressive wealth taxation
robust enough to unwind concentrated ownership
structures, inequality may be bound to increase to
the point of reviving a patrimonial capitalism akin to
20 40 60 80 100
2 3 4 5 6 7
2000 20101914-18
European capital stock/GDP (LHS) US capital stock/GDP (LHS)
European top 10 per cent wealth share (RHS) US top 10 per cent wealth share (RHS)
European top 10 per cent income share (RHS) US top 10 per cent income share (RHS)
Figure 7
Capital stock accumulation, and the mutually reinforcing dynamic between wealth and income inequality
in Europe and the United States (1900-2010)
Source: Author based on Piketty (2013).
Note: The European countries included are France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, reflecting data limitations. Income shares are pre-tax estimates. Capital stock and the derived wealth shares include
land, and industrial and financial capital. Wealth and income shares of total wealth and income are measured along the vertical
axis on the left; and the ratios of the value of capital stock to GDP is measured along the vertical axis on the right.
the one that predominated in many European coun-
tries in the 19th century (Piketty 2013), with a more
globalized and nancialized avour, harming equal-
ity of opportunity and sustainable development.
Redistributive policies and the
un-sustainable use and in-equitable
access to natural resources for
present and future generations
e potential for redistributive policies to promote
environmental sustainability remains underex-
ploited. In most countries, environmental taxes are
closely tied to carbon sources, such as energy and
vehicles, but they remain almost insignicant, espe-
cially in developed countries with the highest carbon
emissions. At the same time, energy subsidies signi-
cantly stimulate the production and consumption of
fossil fuels in many countries,
amounting to global
expenses of $1.9 trillion in 2011, the equivalent of
2.5 per cent of global GDP, or 8 per cent of govern-
ment revenue (IMF 2013b). Higher environmental
tax revenue is consistently associated with lower
carbon emissions across all country income groups
(gure 8). Hence, a rise in environmental taxes, in-
cluding the creation of carbon border tax,
and a
decline in fossil fuel subsidies would certainly foster
more sustainable use of natural resources and help
curbing negative externalities.
If left unchecked, however, the regressive impact of
higher at indirect environmental taxes targeting
consumption could potentially lock the poorest out
of markets and deprive them from access to ener-
gy and other goods likely subject to elevated envi-
ronmental taxes. Most countries could implement
progressive taxes tied to individual consumption of
some goods and services that are particularly harm-
ful to the environment, such as ights or secondary
residences (Casal 2012). Equitable access to natural
resources could be fostered by the progressive redis-
tribution of environmental tax revenue as well as of
proceeds of socialized natural resource rents, such as
in Norway, where corporate prots in the oil sector
are taxed at a rate of 78 per cent,
despite the rela-
tive dicult conditions for oil extraction, which are
often invoked to justify the extensive privatization
United Kingdom
United States
South Africa
0 5 10 15 20
CO2 emissions per capita (metric tons)
-1 0 1 2 3 4
Environmental tax revenue (as a share of GDP)
Note: High income=blue; upper middle income=maroon; lower middle income=green.
Figure 8
Environmental tax revenue and carbon emissions in G20 countries (2010)
Source: Author. Note: Based
on data from WDI and OECD.
Environmental tax revenue
data is missing for Indonesia,
the Russian Federation and
Saudi Arabia. Environmental
tax revenue mainly arises from
energy and vehicle taxes, which
are closely related to carbon
emissions. The negative tax
revenue in Mexico is due to
the system stabilizing end-user
prices of motor fuels, which is
costly in years with high world-
market fuel prices. R2 for high
income countries is 0.42 and
0.23 for upper middle income
countries; India is the only lower
middle income country.
of natural resource rents in countries lacking good
Alternative mechanisms, which may involve the
more direct ownership and management of natural
resources by independent public institutions driven
by other motives than prot maximization may also
be required to avoid the breach of planetary bounda-
ries and preserve the rights of future generations. e
Yasuní initiative proposed by Ecuador in 2007, for
instance, highlights how public ownership of natural
resources could contribute reining in the excessive
exploitation of natural resources, provided interna-
tional cooperation can be stepped up to address in-
ternational as well as inter-generational equity con-
cerns. is initiative proposed that Ecuador refrains
indenitely from exploiting the oil reserves from
three oil elds within the Yasuní National Park, in
exchange for 50 per cent of the value of the income
it would be forgoing (an estimated $3.6 billion) from
the world community. e Yasuní initiative oered
the advantage of integrating many elements required
for sustainable development, including ecosystem
protection, climate change mitigation, and support
for the rights of indigenous peoples, but it was -
nally abandoned in 2013 due to lack of funds raised
(e Guardian, 19 September 2013). e fallibility
of governments in need of nancial resources shows
that more independent public institutions, such as
trusts that are isolated from nancial pressures may
be required in some countries for managing natu-
ral commons in a sustainable manner. Existing ex-
amples at the local and national level suggest such
alternatives are feasible and could help preserving
ecosystems and natural resources,
including by pre-
venting the marketization of hydrocarbon resources
that would exacerbate climate change.
As the scale
of the economy remains coupled to the quantity of
natural resources extracted from the environment
even in technologically advanced countries and as
technological progress is unlikely to deliver rapidly
enough all the eciency gains required for the world
to adopt a sustainable development path, higher
environmental taxes and new ways to oset their
regressive impact through redistribution and pre-
vent excessive hydrocarbon resources extraction will
probably become prominent policy concerns in de-
veloped and developing countries in the years ahead.
3 Redistributive policy trends
in a changing world
a. Public economics and
redistributive policies
e public economics approach formalized by
economists such as Pigou or Stiglitz (e.g. Atkinson
and Stiglitz 1980, Grenwald and Stiglitz 1986) sug-
gests that governments should intervene, including
through redistributive policies, whenever markets
fail, i.e. when markets undersupply or oversupply in
relation to what is considered desirable (e.g. the de-
velopment of strategic sectors, economic eciency,
social fairness, environmental sustainability). Mar-
ket failures are very common and occur in case of
imperfect competition, natural monopolies, asym-
metric information, merit goods, pure public goods
as well as positive/negative externalities.
In the wake of the Second World War, many gov-
ernments pursued such an approach to guide their
redistributive policies and were strongly involved in
managing the economy. Although most concerns
were progressively eclipsed by the overarching ob-
jective of pursuing economic growth, redistributive
policies were explicitly used to support industrial
policies, ensure the provision of public goods and
correct socially unacceptable outcomes through in-
come redistribution and, to a lesser extent, wealth re-
In developing countries, import-sub-
stitution and export-promotion strategies adopted
after decolonization also required decisive policy
interventions, legitimizing the active role of govern-
ment in the economic sphere. e predominantly
rural and informal nature of their economy and po-
litical economy factors partly inherited from the co-
lonial era (Alvaredo and Atkinson, 2010), however,
prevented the development of redistributive policies
and institutions.
b. Shrinking government for private
investment-led economic growth
Starting in the late 1970s, the rise of trickle-down
supply-side economic ideas strongly inuenced the
conceptualization of economic policy-making in
general and redistributive policies in particular. As
the clout of business interests and pro-market ideas
became increasingly well represented or even dom-
inant in many media, policy and academic circles,
government interventions were increasingly framed
in the public discourse as inecient market distor-
tions preventing the optimal allocation of factors
and income within domestic markets and across the
global factory. By contrast and as a corollary, markets
were portrayed as neutral and perfectly ecient, as if
they could be disembedded from the broader social
and political context. is shift in public discourse
in many countries consecrated the role of private
investment as the main driver of economic growth,
technological progress and human development and
further encouraged a reduced role for government
focusing on rule-setting and promoting good gov-
e alleged inferior eciency of govern-
ment justied the downsizing of asset-based public
policy through extensive privatization of public in-
come-generating assets
as well as the downsizing
of income-based public policy induced by declining
tax revenue. Lower total government revenue went
hand in hand with lower expenditure and/or higher
public debt (gure 2). ese policies coincided with
the growing concentration of income-generating as-
sets in private hands,
weaker redistribution, rising
income inequality and unsustainable development.
Emphasis on private investment further promoted a
model of economic growth inducing larger cyclical
swings and a more unequal income distribution, be-
cause of its bias favouring prot-making and higher
income groups with the largest propensity to save
and invest. According to proponents of private in-
vestment-led economic growth, enhanced economic
eciency and incentives for prot-seeking would
necessarily generate additional economic gains,
which would trickle-down through market inter-
actions and benet the broader population, making
inecient government-intermediated redistribution
of income and wealth superuous.
e success of the neoliberal approach among poli-
cy-makers is related to political economy factors as
well as to its internal consistency and formal sim-
plicity rooted in highly reductionist micro-founded
economic models. It also stems from the widespread
use by policy-makers of purely economic measures
(e.g. corporate prots, GDP) as the ultimate but
ill-conceived benchmark of progress (Stiglitz, Sen
and Fitoussi, 2009, Costanza et al. 2012). Indeed,
theoretical economic models underpinning this ap-
proach largely ignore the broader macroeconomic,
social and environmental context. ey do not take
into account the role of income distribution in deter-
mining the level of domestic demand and economic
stability. ey also fail to acknowledge the existence
of unequal initial endowments as well as environ-
mental and other market failures that perpetuate un-
sustainable development, and which discriminatory
taxation could seek to correct. e shortcomings of
this approach, however, did not prevent it from gain-
ing inuence in many domestic and international
c. From expenditure cuts to
increased social spending
On the expenditure side, policies inspired by
the public choice economic school fostered a re-
source-constrained approach to development, often
at the cost of fundamental human needs and so-
cio-economic rights (Sobhan 2010). is approach
entailed cutting public expenditure, including social
spending. roughout the 1980s and 1990s, many
governments privatized social services and intro-
duced user-fees for the public provision of education
and health services along with deepening credit
markets to ease the access of low income households
to the resources needed for their human capital for-
mation. Table 1 shows the general decline in pub-
lic expenditures during the 1980s and 1990s and
their subsequent rebound. Over that period public
expenditures and social spending decreased across
all regions, except in parts of Asia. e decline was
most pronounced in transition economies where the
political and economic collapse of the USSR in the
early 1990s was followed by the extensive privatiza-
tion of the means of production and social services,
and an abrupt fall in social spending.
Yet, those attempts at nancing human capital for-
mation through out-of-pocket household expendi-
ture adversely aected human capital investments by
low-income households (Birdsall et al. 2011). Instead
of enabling the economic gains created through a
supposedly more ecient economic organisation to
trickle-down to poorer and excluded social groups,
these policies readily undermined the capacity of
governments to redistribute those gains and further
degraded the ideal of social solidarity between in-
dividuals and generations. e negative eects of
this approach are most obvious in poorer countries
experiencing developmental diculties, but they are
increasingly visible in many richer countries, includ-
ing vulnerable democracies (Solt 2008; Bonica et al.
2013) where poverty and inequality are on the rise.
Over the years, popular discontent and criticism in
certain mainstream academic and policy circles have
become more vocal (e.g. Stiglitz 2003 and 2013).
e failures and the adverse social impact of those
policies prepared the way for a dierent approach at
the turn of the Millennium, giving stronger prior-
ity to extreme poverty reduction and public social
spending as a means to foster human and economic
development. is inexion in the prevailing ap-
proach to development also promoted the intro-
duction of social protection, especially in the form
of highly targeted conditional and non-conditional
cash transfers, which currently benet around 850
million people and positively contribute to reduce
income poverty and inequality (Cornia 2012).
e inexion in public social spending observed
since 2000 has its limitation, however. In many
developing regions, public expenditure as a share of
Table 1
Public expenditure by region, 1980-2011 (as a share of GDP)
Developed countries Sub-Saharan Africa
Latin America and
1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s
Total expenditure 43.3 40.3 40.2 27. 8 25.5 25.6 22 18.7 21.2
Social sector 23 22.7 24.6 7.2 7.2 8 9.1 8.2 9.1
Education 3.7 4.4 4.9 4.3 4.1 4.2 3.3 2.7 3.4
Health 4.2 4.4 5.4 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.4 1.5 1.8
15.1 13.9 14.3 1.1 1.3 1.6 3.4 3 3.9
East, South, and
South East Asia
Middle East and
North Africa
Transition economies
1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1980s 1990s 2000s
Total expenditure 24.9 23 24 34.2 29 28.7 31.9 27.8 25
Social sector 5.7 5.9 6.9 9.1 7.9 9.1 9.7 6.5 6.3
Education 3 3.1 3.3 4.1 4.4 4.1 1.3 2.3 1.9
Health 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1 1.6 1.3
1.3 1.5 2.2 3.4 1.9 3.3 7.4 2.6 3.1
Source: Cornia (2013) WESS background paper. Note: Based on IFPRI SPEED database, which draws mainly on the IMF-GFS
data. Data generally refers to the expenditure of the central government and only seldom those of general government.
Social spending data does not include outlays on housing, nutrition, food subsidies and other less important items.
GDP is still below its level in the 1980s. e scope
for budget reallocation is thus strictly constrained.
Furthermore, public social spending in developing
countries has not increased faster than in developed
countries, where public social spending represents
about 25 per cent of GDP, 3 to 4 times more than
in developing countries, where it hovered between
6.3 per cent of GDP in transition economies and
9.1 per cent of GDP in Latin America (table 1). e
very slight increase of public expenditures on educa-
tion and health (as a share of GDP) in some regions
since 2000, has led to an incremental convergence
between developed and developing countries.
Social protection expenditures, however, have not
converged. Despite some progress in the deployment
of social protection in developing countries over
the last decade, weaker public revenue mobiliza-
tion put a strain on the range of social protection
programmes that can be funded, as well as on their
quality and coverage, including through discrimi-
natory conditionalities imposed on potential social
protection recipients, especially elderly people and
women (Razavi et al. 2012).
In most developing regions, the approach to so-
cial protection remains resource-constrained and
pro-cyclical, but there are exceptions (see ILO 2010,
ADB 2012a and 2012b, UNCTAD 2012, UNRISD
2010). In Latin America, for instance, the rise of
left-leaning governments since 2000 facilitated the
progressive move towards a more rights-based ap-
proach to social spending, including social protec-
tion. Consequently, Latin America has become the
developing region that spends most on social protec-
tion and, incidentally, it is also the only region that
registered a steady and signicant decline in poverty
and income inequality since 2000 (gure 9). Over
the same period, income inequality kept rising in
Asia, which now appears as the most unequal region
in the world. is trend was largely driven by China,
even though some regional governments successfully
managed to leverage public asset ownership to foster
social protection and (more) equitable development
(Huang 2011, 2012 and Kohler 2014).
In summary, the rise in public social spending dis-
cussed above represented a positive step towards
rehabilitating progressive redistribution. Yet, the
lack of sucient resources for social spending across
most developing regions, its pro-cyclicality and vul-
nerability to exogenous factors in combination with
enduring poverty and rising inequality also clearly
20 40 50 60
Gini net (in points)
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Global average
Latin America and the Caribbean
Northern America
Asia Europe Oceania
Figure 9
Regional net Gini coefficients (1970-2010)
Source: Source: Author. Note: Data
from SWIID (version 4.1) and UNPOP.
Regions are defined according to
the UN definition (see http://unstats.
htm). Regional trends represent
population-weighted within-country
Gini coefficients averaged at the
regional level, based on data that is
interpolated and extrapolated in order
to keep the pool of countries identical
over time. The assumption that income
inequality remained constant prior
to the first observation/after the last
observation tends to flatten regional
trends, especially in the 1970s. As data
is generally available very early on for
the most populous countries and all
variables are population-weighted, this
pitfall has only limited consequences.
Dotted lines indicate 95 per cent
confidence intervals for net Gini
highlight a major limitation of the current approach.
By focusing on raising public social spending, but
neglecting to raise sucient revenues in an equitable
manner through progressive income and wealth tax-
ation, most countries failed to provide redistributive
policies with a solid backbone.
d. The neoliberal tax legacy and
regressive revenue mobilization
In developed countries, neoliberal tax reforms led
to a decline in tax revenue and to more regressive
tax structures, shifting the tax base away from pro-
gressive wealth and income taxes, especially capital
income taxes, towards regressive consumption taxes
weighting more heavily on lower income households.
Such reforms also found an echo in developing coun-
tries, where international donors and institutions,
such as the IMF and the World Bank, encouraged
many governments through repeated recommen-
dations and conditional loans to embrace the same
In the wake of trade liberalization, tax
reform in developing countries often emphasized
regressive consumption taxes as a means to replace
falling trade tax revenue, with mitigated results,
especially in low-income countries (Baunsgaard
and Keen 2010). Quick xes, such as the creation
of semi-autonomous revenue agencies (SARAs) fo-
cusing on value-added taxes, for instance, allowed to
rapidly raise revenue in some developing countries,
but they failed to do so in a progressive manner and
further locked-in administrative structures that were
not conducive to adequate and progressive revenue
mobilization and the development of modern inte-
grated public administrations, which are required
for state-building and sustainable development
(Prichard 2010).
As this tax legacy hampers resource mobilization,
the international community emphasized the need
for increasing ODA and nding elusive innovative
nancing sources (United Nations 2003, 2008). In
the meanwhile, the enduring weakness of tax ad-
ministrations is reected in the continuous need for
ODA, especially in LDCs, and resource-constrained
approaches to public social spending as well as in
the current debate on tax avoidance and evasion by
TNCs and HNWIs exploiting tax havens and o-
shore nancial centers to accumulate extreme wealth.
is sheds light on the inability of tax authorities of
least developed, developing and developed countries
to tax the richest elements of their societies accord-
ing to their ability to pay and raise sucient revenue
for sustainable development objectives.
Total revenue, including non-tax
revenue from natural resources
roughout the 1980s and 1990s, total government
revenue (as a share of GDP) declined hand in hand
with cuts in public expenditures. Comparable reve-
nue data for developing countries is hardly available
prior to 1990, but table 2 captures the nal years of
a declining trend in total revenue, which bottomed
at the end of the 1990s across most regions before
picking up in the early 2000s. However, in devel-
oped countries and many parts of Asia, total revenue
at the end of the 2000s remained inferior to its level
20 years earlier. Despite this decline, total revenue
in developed countries amounted to 41.3 per cent of
GDP on average in 2010, up to twice as much as in
some other regions.
In developing regions such as Africa, Latin America,
Western Asia and in transition economies, rising
total revenue over the last decade partly resulted
from growing other (non-tax) revenue derived from
higher commodity prices, improved terms of trade,
increased exploitation of natural resources, as well
as from deliberate policies aiming at appropriating a
larger share of the commodity bonanza for govern-
ment. Western Asia has long been deriving a majority
of its revenue from oil exports, but Africa registered
the largest increase in other (non-tax) revenue over
the last decade, which rose on average by 2.6 GDP
points to 9.1 per cent of GDP around 2010, repre-
senting almost a third of total revenue.
e exploitation of natural resources generates
revenues accruing to governments in the form of
either prot of (partly) state-owned enterprises or
royalties and taxes paid by private companies. Rap-
idly growing demand from Asian markets and rising
commodity prices over the last decade accelerated
the exploitation of natural resources, especially in
sub-Saharan Africa, where the share of the mining
and oil sector now weighs more than a quarter of
GDP in 9 countries, and about half of GDP in An-
gola, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
Gabon and Mauritania (Cornia 2013). Although
the most common range for royalty rates is around 5
per cent to 10 per cent, royalty rates were often well
below that common range in a number of African
countries in previous decades (Baunsgaard, 2001),
highlighting the extent to which natural resource
rents are privatized.
e most controversial attempt to socialize rents
from natural resource exploitation probably comes
from Latin America, where the Venezuelan Govern-
ment nearly doubled royalty payment in the oil sec-
tor from 16 per cent to 30 per cent in 2001. Strong
international reactions and criticism followed, but
did not fully prevent further countries from explor-
ing new paths challenging dominant economic wis-
dom about the best way to exploit natural resources
and attract foreign direct investment. Since 2006,
a number of countries in Latin America, Africa as
well as Australia have revised their scal regimes and
attempted to renegotiate contracts with TNCs in the
extractive industries with the objective of striking a
better balance between generating income from the
exploitation of natural resources with the help of
FDI, and appropriating a larger share of the derived
rents for the government.
Insufficient tax revenue, its
composition and regressive tax
Insufficient tax revenue
Tax revenue followed a trend similar to total revenue,
except in developed countries, where tax revenue de-
clined steadily and only stabilized at an average level
amounting to 36 per cent of GDP in 2010. Despite
this decline, tax revenue as a share of GDP in de-
veloped countries still represented almost twice the
average prevailing in most developing regions. As
noted by the G20, about half of sub-Saharan African
countries still mobilise less than 17 per cent of their
GDP in tax revenue, below the minimum level of
20 per cent considered by the UN as necessary to
achieve the MDGs (G20 2011). Yet, as reported in
table 2, tax revenue as a share of GDP remains be-
low 20 per cent in many Asian and Latin American
countries, partly because of widespread subsistence
production, limited income, large informal sectors,
weak administrative capacity and political economy
factors maintaining tax revenue composition and tax
schedules regressive.
Regressive revenue composition
and tax schedules
e ratio of direct to indirect tax revenue reported
in table 2 is a good indicator of the progressivity/
regressivity of tax systems. Over the last decades,
this ratio steadily declined in developed countries
and in transition economies, driven by increasingly
regressive tax structures. In developed countries, top
marginal personal and corporate income tax rates
decreased on average by about 20 percentage points
in OECD countries between 1980 and 2012, while
the average value-added tax rate increased by about
8 percentage points (gure 10).
Neoliberal ideas were also inuential in Eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union, where many
countries increased indirect taxes while adopting at
personal and corporate income tax rates promoted
by the OECD to strengthen prot incentives and
attract foreign direct investments. Flat income tax
rates represent the least progressive form of direct
income taxation and a complete turn away from the
ideal of vertical equality (i.e. higher income implies
higher taxes rates). While Baltic countries retained
the highest pre-reform at tax rate and increased the
no-tax area (thus making the tax schedule compara-
tively progressive), other countries adopted very low
at tax rates. Other countries (such as Serbia and
Hungary) also introduced a at tax, though sever-
al others (Czech Republic, Slovakia and Iceland),
which had initially adopted such an approach subse-
quently abandoned it (Keen et al. 2008).
By contrast, the ratio of direct to indirect tax revenue
slightly increased in developing regions. is increase
was mainly driven by corporate income tax revenue,
which rose by about 1 per cent of GDP across all
regions over the last 2 decades, a moderate increase
given the extensive privatization and the signicant
expansion of the private sector in many countries
during that period. Overall, regressive indirect taxes
are used so extensively that they still represent the
main source of government revenue, and direct tax
revenue continues to represent only a fraction of the
indirect tax revenue across all developing regions
and in transition economies (table 2).
Steps towards more progressive tax systems
e progressive or regressive nature of tax systems,
however, relies on a multitude of factors that are
imperfectly captured by the ratio of direct to in-
direct tax revenue, and some countries have taken
progressive steps during the last decade, especially
in Latin America. e new approach in that region
was inspired by the search for greater tax equity and
the principle of scal exchange, according to which
governments can raise taxes if, at the same time, they
raise they quantity and quality of services provided
to a broad spectrum of the population (Cornia 2014).
In Latin America, for instance, value-added tax rates
were mostly left unchanged, but excises on luxury
goods were increased in some countries. Many
countries placed more emphasis on progressive in-
come taxation. For instance, the 2007 Uruguayan
tax reform introduced ex-novo a progressive per-
sonal income tax, but only a at corporate income
tax. Other countries introduced a minimum tax on
rms to strengthen the collection of corporate in-
come tax (e.g. Mexico) or lowered the income per
capita at which the highest direct marginal tax rate
is applied. Most governments eliminated a long list
of exemptions, deductions and tax holidays benet-
ing TNCs, which had been introduced in the 1980s
and 1990s to attract foreign investments without
yielding the desired eects. Presumptive taxation
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Korea, Republic of
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Unweighted average
Top marginal personal income tax rate
Rate CUT since 1980
-40 -20 0 20 40
Korea, Republic of
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Unweighted average
Corporate income tax rate
2012 Rate CUT since 1980
0 5 10 15 20 25
Korea, Republic of
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Unweighted average
Value-added tax rate
1980 Rate INCREASE since 1980
Figure 10
The shift towards regressive tax structures in OECD countries (1980-2012)
Source: Author.
Note: OECD data. Data on corporate income tax rate is missing for Japan, the Republic of Korea, Luxembourg and Turkey in
1980. Data on the VAT tax rate is missing for the US, where its implementation varies across States.
Table 2
Public revenue by region, 1991-2010 (as a share of GDP)
Developed countries
1991-5 1996-0 2001-5 2006 -10 1991-5 1996 -0 2001-5 2006-10
Total revenue and grants 43 42.7 41.4 41.3 22.1 21 23.8 28.2
Tax revenue 37.9 36.6 36 36 16.4 15.8 17.3 19.1
Indirect taxes 7.4 7. 8 7.8 7.7 9.7 9.4 9.1 9.6
- VAT 6.3 6.7 7 7.1 4.4 4.4 4.9 5.4
- Border tax 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.6 5.3 5 4.2 4.2
Direct taxes 12.9 12.3 12 12.2 4 4.2 5.1 6.2
- Personal income tax 10.2 9.2 8.8 8.7 1.5 1.8 2.8 2.8
- Corporate income tax 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 3.4
Social contributions 10.9 10.3 10.1 10 2 1.8 2.3 2.7
Other tax revenue 6.7 6.2 6.1 6.1 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.6
Other revenue 5.1 6.1 5.4 5.3 5.6 5.3 6.5 9.1
Memo item: Ratio of
direct to indirect taxes
1.74 1.58 1.54 1.58 0.41 0.45 0.56 0.65
Latin America
East, South and South-East Asia
1991-5 1996-0 2001-5 2006 -10 1991-5 1996 -0 2001-5 2006-10
Total revenue and grants 21.3 22.7 23.9 27. 3 20.9 19.6 19.2 20.7
Tax revenue 15.4 16.6 17.7 19.8 15.1 15 15.9 17.9
Indirect taxes 6.5 7 7.7 8.5 6.9 6.2 6.7 7
- VAT 4.7 5.4 6.4 7.3 4.5 4.5 5.2 5.6
- Border tax 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.2 2.4 1.7 1.5 1.4
Direct taxes 2.8 3.3 3.7 4.8 4.8 5.4 5.4 6.2
- Personal income tax 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.3 1.9 1.9
- Corporate income tax 2 2.2 2.2 3 3 3.1 3.5 4.3
Social contributions 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.1 0.7 1.2 2.2 3
Other tax revenue 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.4 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.7
Other revenue 5.9 6.1 6.3 7. 5 5.8 4.6 3.3 2.8
Memo item: Ratio of
direct to indirect taxes
0.43 0.47 0.48 0.56 0.7 0.87 0.81 0.89
Transition economies
1991-5 1996-0 2001-5 2006 -10 1991-5 1996 -0 2001-5 2006-10
Total revenue and grants 28.5 30.3 34.6 35.8 -- 28 29.9 34.2
Tax revenue 6.5 8 8.3 10.7 -- 27.2 26.9 29.9
Indirect taxes -- -- -- -- -- 10.9 12 14.1
- VAT -- -- -- -- -- 8.8 10.1 12.2
- Border tax -- -- -- -- -- 2.1 1.9 1.9
Direct taxes -- -- -- -- -- 4.9 5.1 6
- Personal income tax -- -- -- -- -- 2.2 1.8 2.7
- Corporate income tax -- -- -- -- -- 2.7 3.3 3.3
was also strengthened due to the inability of the tax
administration to ascertain the assets and income of
potential taxpayers, and was levied on an estimate of
the person/rm’s income made by the tax authorities
on the basis of objective indicators of gross turnover
(e.g. assets, number of employees, electricity con-
sumption). e strengthening of presumptive taxa-
tion was accompanied by a simplication of taxation
of self-employed taxpayers. For instance, in 1998
Argentina tax authorities integrated social security
payments, income tax, minimum tax on assets and
value-added tax. Several Latin American countries
further introduced a surrogate tax on nancial trans-
actions yielding 0.3 to 1.9 per cent of GDP. Standard
theory suggests that this tax is distorting and leads
to nancial disintermediation. Yet, it can also be
seen as a second best policy instrument to tax wealth
and capital income, which otherwise would escape
taxation (Cornia 2014).
Declining environmental tax revenue
in developed countries
Several Latin American countries, such as Brazil,
Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic signi-
cantly increased environmental tax revenue between
2000 and 2011, collecting revenue in excess of 1.6 per
cent of GDP, the OECD average in 2011 (gure 11).
Other developing countries, including China, also
made progress during the last decade, but still collect
little revenue. More worryingly, environmental tax
revenue declined in most OECD countries, includ-
ing those with highest carbon emissions, such as the
United States, Canada, New Zealand or Australia,
mainly due to the failure of policy-makers to index
tax rates and keep up with ination. Several Euro-
pean countries
have created carbon taxes and the
United Kingdom even labelled it a “climate change
levy. ese taxes, however, have yielded very little
revenue, not so much because of their deterring ef-
fect on carbon emitters, but because of the extremely
low tax rates imposed on carbon externalities.
As the level of natural resources nurturing the econ-
omy continues to grow globally,
many countries
refrain from levying more signicant environmental
taxes to avoid dealing with their impact on economic
growth and their redistributive implications. Fur-
thermore, exemptions are often granted to energy-in-
tensive industrial sectors to foster their international
competitiveness (OECD 2006, 2010). Instead of
being submitted to taxes redistributing revenue from
the private to the public sector, corporations have in-
creasingly been submitted to market-based solutions,
such as cap-and-trade or emissions trading systems
(ETS), which redistribute revenue among corpora-
tions only. e Kyoto Protocol laid the foundation
for implementing these solutions globally (Spash
2010), but only a minority of countries have com-
mitted to binding carbon emissions reduction tar-
Furthermore, the overly generous allowance
of free emission permits to corporations has kept
carbon pricing well below $50 per ton, is considered
by many climate experts as a minimum for enabling
structural economic transformations required for a
transition towards a sustainable development path.
Transition economies
1991-5 1996-0 2001-5 2006 -10 1991-5 1996 -0 2001-5 2006-10
Social contributions 1 2.1 1.8 3.8 -- 8.5 8.6 9.2
Other tax revenue -- -- -- -- -- 2.9 1.2 0.6
Other revenue 22 22.2 26.3 25.1 -- 0.8 3 4.4
Memo item: Ratio of
direct to indirect taxes
-- -- -- -- -- 0.45 0.43 0.43
Source: Based on UNCTAD (TDR 2012). Note: Compulsory social security contributions paid to general government or
to social security funds under the effective control of government form an important part of government revenue and,
although they are not treated so in the SNA, many analysts consider the payments as being analogous to a tax on income
and so part of a country’s overall tax revenue.
For instance, in the oldest and largest ETS estab-
lished by the European Union in 2005, carbon pric-
es mostly hovered between €10 and €15 during the
last 5 years, and even collapsed to €3 in early 2013.
Consequently, most environmental taxes are levied
in a regressive manner, weighting mostly on house-
holds rather than corporations, whose incentives are
only weakly aected by environmental redistributive
Dwindling recurrent net wealth taxes
e base of net wealth taxes encompasses all forms
of capital, including nancial capital concentrated
in the top centile. Net wealth best reects the abil-
ity to pay of individuals, which is supposed to be a
founding principle of tax collection, and it further
represents a considerable potential source of revenue
given that the value of accumulated capital stock is
worth several times that of GDP in most countries
(see capital stock to GDP ratios in gure 7). Conse-
quently, net wealth taxation is essential for reducing
inequality of outcome and enhancing equality of
opportunity. Yet, as reported in the last IMF Fiscal
Monitor (2013) oering a brief survey of wealth taxes
in general, only two small countries in the OECD
impose recurrent net wealth taxes generating more
than 1 per cent of GDP, Luxembourg and Switzer-
land (gure 12). Furthermore, many countries abol-
ished them over the last 15 years. Iceland and Spain
reintroduced them in the wake of the nancial crisis,
but recurrent net wealth taxes are generally inexist-
ent or very low.
Meanwhile, immovable property has become the
main base for wealth taxation in developed as well
as in some developing countries (Norregaard 2013)
and recurrent property taxes account for the bulk of
wealth tax revenue (gure 13), despite the fact that
immovable property only represents a fraction of
wealth holders’ net worth.
Revenue generated by
taxes on land and residential property is most sig-
nicant in Anglo-Saxon countries, where it almost
accounts for the totality of wealth tax revenue. Prop-
erty tax revenue generally accrues to local authorities
using it to fund local public goods, which is often
viewed as improving governance and accountability
(IMF 2013a). However, with the growing spatial
segregation and gerrymandering reinforcing the
-2 0 2 4 6
Revenue (as a share of GDP)
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
OECD weighted average
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
South Africa
Positive change in 2011
Negative change in 2011
Figure 11
Environmental tax revenue in OECD and some selected developing countries (2000-2011)
Source: Author.
Note: OECD data.
Environmental tax revenue
mainly arises from energy
and vehicle taxes, which are
closely related to carbon
emissions. Revenue from
environmental taxes does
thus not correspond to
a single category of tax
revenue in table 2, and splits
between value-added tax
and other tax revenue.
clustering of communities according to their income
level, the use of property tax revenue to fund local
public goods also limits their progressivity, which
could be enhanced by central wealth redistribution.
Indeed, in presence of spatial segregation along in-
come lines, the ne line between local public goods
available to all social groups and club goods availa-
ble only to the most auent is becoming blurred.
Furthermore, the extent to which property taxes
weigh on renters and owners remains debated, cast-
ing further uncertainties concerning their progres-
sivity (Norregaard 2013).
Other wealth taxes arise from various sources, in-
cluding inheritance, gift and estate taxes, but the
bulk of other wealth tax revenue arises from taxes on
Figure 12
Wealth tax revenue composition in OECD countries (2011)
0 1 2 3 4
Wealth tax revenue (as a share of GDP)
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
Recurrent net wealth tax Other wealth taxes Recurrent property tax
Source: Author.
Note: Based on
OECD data. Wealth
tax revenue enters
the category of
other tax revenue in
table 2.
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
0 10080
Recurrent immovable property tax (in per cent)
0 20 40 60 80
Recurrent net wealth tax (in per cent)
Net wealth vs. Immovable property
Shares in total wealth tax revenue (2011)
-60 -40 -20 0 20
40 60 80
Percentage points
Net wealth vs. Immovable property (1980-2011)
Change in wealth tax revenue composition
Recurrent immovable property tax
Recurrent net wealth tax
Figure 13
Rising immovable property tax revenue as a substitute for dwindling
net wealth tax revenue in OECD countries (1980-2011)
Source: Author.
Note: Based on
OECD data. Panel
B covers a limited
number of countries,
because many
countries never levied
any recurrent net
wealth taxes between
1980 and 2011 (i.e.
Australia, Japan,
Korea, Mexico, New
Zealand, Portugal,
Turkey, United
Kingdom and United
States) and data
is missing in 1980
for other countries
(i.e. Chile, Czech
Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Israel,
Poland, Slovak
Republic, Slovenia).
nancial and capital transactions, including various
taxes on immovable and other property sales, includ-
ing the well-known nancial transaction tax (FTT).
Proponents of the FTT view it as a kind of value-add-
ed tax on nancial consumption, which could rein
in nancial speculation, volatility and instability,
rather than a genuine wealth tax, but it undoubt-
edly is a progressive tax. FTT are in place in many
countries, though at very modest levels compared to
regular value-added taxes. Yet, its opponents argue
that the FTT is detrimental to actors engaging in
nancial transactions as well as to overall economic
eciency. In the wake of the global nancial crisis,
the idea of introducing a EU-wide FTT resurfaced.
In December 2012, 11 members of the EU, includ-
ing Germany, France, Italy and Spain, adopted a
plan for a FTT, which would rein in unproductive
speculation, encourage the nancial sector to engage
in more responsible activities geared towards the real
economy, and further raise about 35 billion euro in
tax revenue every year. However, no nal agreement
has so far been reached on the details of this plan
and nancial interests remain strongly opposed to
its implementation.
International tax abuses: harmful
tax competition, tax avoidance
and tax evasion
Progressive taxation has been undermined by do-
mestic reforms in many countries, and it was further
subverted by nance-led globalization promoting
harmful tax competition, tax avoidance and evasion
by TNCs and HNWIs. Tax abuses have existed for
a long time, but they have grown rapidly in recent
decades, supported by nancial liberalization, in-
formation technology progress and a global wealth
defence industry employing a growing number of
accountants, legal and nancial experts (Palan et al.
2010, Winters 2011).
Following a request by G7 leaders in 1996, devel-
oped countries acknowledged for the rst time that
tax competition could be harmful, pointing ngers
at tax havens leading the tax rate race-to-the-bottom
(OECD 1998). Tax havens are commonly understood
to be nancial conduits that, in exchange for a fee, use
their one principal asset, their sovereignty, to serve a
non-resident constituency by oering low or nil tax-
ation and secrecy provisions. Tax havens play an im-
portant role in the world economy by undermining
regulatory and taxation processes and skewing the
distribution of costs and benets of globalization in
favour of the wealthy few (Palan et al. 2010).
In the wake of the 1998 OECD report, tax havens
coordinated their reaction in an environment pro-
viding them more leverage, shifting the focus from
tax havens to oshore nancial centers (IMF 2000),
arguing that many oshore nancial centers (OFCs)
located in developed countries, such as Switzerland,
the United Kingdom or the United States, also of-
fered low taxes and secrecy to an even bigger con-
stituency, including residents and non-residents, and
that oering a preferential tax regime for nancial
activities was neither illegal nor dierent from any
other legitimate development strategy. After several
reports about the number of tax havens (IMF 2006,
2008), the IMF stopped monitoring this emerging
issue at the dawn of the nancial crisis.
Yet, the issue of tax abuses facilitated by tax havens
and OFCs has never been so prominent. Tax havens
alone account for around 50 per cent of all inter-
national banking lending and 30 per cent of the
worlds stock of foreign direct investment (Palan
2010). Private and corporate wealth stashed in tax
free zones may have reached between $20 trillion
and $32 trillion according to some estimates (e
Economist 16 February 2013, Tax Justice Network
and may continue expanding continuously
as long as tax abuses remain protable.
Unrecorded wealth of such magnitude represents a
major revenue loss for tax administration and fur-
ther biases the debate about income inequality. If
this unreported wealth earned a very modest rate of
return of just 3 per cent, and a modest tax of 30 per
cent imposed on this income would generate yearly
tax revenues of $190-280 billion – roughly twice
the amount OECD countries spend on all overseas
development assistance around the world.
imposition, a capital gains tax, an inheritance tax or
a recurrent net wealth tax would further boost this
gure considerably (Tax Justice Network 2012). It
would also contribute reducing income inequality
and possibly extreme wealth disparity in the longer
run. In the meanwhile, the growing magnitude of
unrecorded wealth and income ows further intro-
duces a downward bias in all widely used inequality
measures. Claims of declining inequality should
therefore be taken with caution.
e nancial crisis revealed that tax havens and
OFCs thriving on complexity, opaque networks and
arbitrage are inextricable from the shadow banking
nexus lying at the heart of the crisis (Palan and
Nesvetailova 2013). Facing scal diculties and
popular discontent, G20 leaders announced in April
2009 a crackdown on harmful tax competition and
nancial secrecy in order to protect their public -
nances and curb tax abuses.
Since then, dierent actors subsequently launched
several initiatives to tackle tax abuses. e Financial
Stability Board, for instance, initiated work on a
global Legal Entity Identier (LEI), a reference code
to uniquely identify a legally distinct entity that en-
gages in a nancial transaction. is could help track
all nancial ows, even in secrecy jurisdictions. In
2013, the G20 pledged to establish a system for the
automatic exchange of tax information.
In Febru-
ary 2014, it adopted a standard (OECD 2014) to be
implemented by G20 countries and possibly other
countries by the end of 2015.
e OECD further
developed an action plan to tackle base erosion and
prot shifting (BEPS) by TNCs, which aims to
make major reforms to international corporate tax-
ation. However, these initiatives are still under de-
velopment and even once proposals are put forward,
implementation will be challenging. In particular,
the capacity constraints of poorer countries will have
to be addressed in order to ensure that they are able
to participate, and ensure that they can contribute
eectively to reining in tax abuses and reducing ine-
quality (Moore 2014).
4 Towards a framework
enabling redistributive
policies for equity and
sustainable development
Redistributive policies and trends described in the
previous section are characterised by features that
partly derive from a neoliberal policy framework,
including a move away from asset-based public poli-
cies associated with a lack of concern for distribution
and environmental issues. Overall, this framework
resulted in weaker redistribution, mild poverty al-
leviation, and growing income inequality, wealth
concentration, tax abuses and environmental deg-
radation. In this context, renewed thinking about
opportunities to foster redistributive institutions and
policies through domestic reforms and international
cooperation is required in order to advance towards a
framework enabling redistributive policies for equity
and sustainable development.
Operationalizing redistributive policies in pursuit of
economic, social and environmental sustainability
represents a major intellectual and political challenge,
because it requires shifting away from the prevailing
development paradigm using private investment-led
economic growth as its ultimate but ill-conceived
benchmark of progress (Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi
2009, Costanza et al. 2012) towards a sustainable
development paradigm that better acknowledges the
importance of non-market interactions for collective
well-being and of planetary boundaries. Conse-
quently, such a shift requires challenging discourses
that deny the central role of equity for sustainable
development as well as reforming unfair or dysfunc-
tional economic and political governance processes
at the domestic and international level. e remain-
der of this section discusses 14 possible avenues.
a. Redefining equity and
development in sustainable terms
1. Focusing on asset inequality
not only income poverty
Equity is generally dened in terms of equality of
opportunity, rather than equality of outcome, but
both are interdependent in practice. Redistributive
policies for reducing inequality generally combine
in-kind transfers with direct and indirect transfers.
e absence of wealth redistribution in many coun-
tries as a means for equalizing opportunities, how-
ever, signals the priority given to alleviating income
poverty over addressing underlying asset inequality.
Absent governance reforms enabling a broader use
of wealth redistribution to correct unequal asset en-
dowments, income poverty is likely to endure.
2. Enabling trade-offs between
economic growth, social equity and
environmental sustainability
Recent experiences of simultaneous rapid economic
growth and declining inequality, especially in Latin
America, and abundant older examples among Asian
Tigers (Jomo 2006) and developed countries, are a
testimony to the fallacy of the automatic trade-o
between economic eciency and equity assumed by
some economists, who uncritically extrapolate a mi-
cro-economic theoretical construct onto entire soci-
eties and countries (Stiglitz 2013, Ostry et al. 2014).
Yet, planetary boundaries and the need to reduce the
quantity of natural resources nurturing economic
activity to a sustainable steady-state level imply
limits to growth or according to some even negative
economic growth, especially in developed countries
(Costanza et al. 2012, Farley et al. 2013). A shift
away from the paradigm subordinating social and
environmental concerns to the overarching objective
of (private investment-led or demand-led) economic
growth is needed to enable sustainable development.
Indeed, while the individual or collective pursuit of
economic gains may generate public benets, they
also nurture economic, social and environmental
instability at the cost of vulnerable social groups and
future generations. Moving towards a sustainable
development paradigm enabling trade-os between
economic growth, social equity and environmental
sustainability therefore represents an urgent necessi-
ty, especially in developed countries with the highest
carbon footprint.
3. Redefining the metrics of equity
and development
New metrics for equity and development are required
for operationalizing such a paradigm shift based on
informed policy decisions. GDP growth per capita is
frequently viewed as evidence of declining inequality
and sustainable development, even though it provides
information neither about equity nor about sustain-
able development. GDP per capita doesnt contain
any information about income distribution and thus
requires making the implicit value judgment that the
marginal social utility of income is constant (e.g. an
extra $1 of income to rich person is worth as much
as an extra $1 of income to poor person). Synthetic
measures of income inequality, such as the Gini, are
suited for descriptive purposes, but their abstract
nature fails providing insight about the sources of
rising income inequality (labour or capital income),
which is important for devising policy solutions.
erefore, eorts should be undertaken to produce
new metrics able to highlight parameters that matter
for the understanding of the dynamics of inequality
(e.g. top income shares by source of income, wealth
shares, Palma income and wealth ratios) as well as
for economic justice and good governance. Similarly,
promoting sustainable development would be facil-
itated by the use of more relevant welfare metrics,
such as environmental-economic accounting. In case
where the valuation of environmental resources and
services through market mechanisms is not condu-
cive to sustainable development, alternative political
processes better suited for mediating collective deci-
sions involving complex ethical choices must be used
to value those resources and services (Spash 2007).
b. Building institutions
and designing policies
As acknowledged by the G20, revenue mobilization
was already insucient in many developing coun-
tries to fund progress towards MDGs (G20 2011),
and signicant additional eorts are likely to be
required for the post-2015 sustainable development
agenda if it is to aim at fully eradicating extreme
poverty and at addressing salient social and environ-
mental challenges, such as high income inequality
and the breach of planetary boundaries. Progress
towards equity and sustainable development is
therefore conditional on building institutions and
designing policies that enable stepping up revenue
mobilization along with progressive redistribution of
income and income-generating assets among indi-
viduals and, under specic conditions, also between
the private and public sector. Absent such progress,
development eorts will remain dependent on elu-
sive international development aid and/or regressive
debt-nancing (Hager 2013).
4. Modernizing tax administration for
increased and progressive tax revenue
Increased and progressive mobilization of tax reve-
nue is essential, but some developing and least devel-
oped countries with large rural and informal sectors
still lack the administrative capacity to levy progres-
sive taxes. It rst requires building more developed
redistributive institutions, including competent tax
administrations able to handle complex information
and create domestic wealth registers, which is key for
progressive tax collection as well as economic anal-
ysis and planning (Chaudhry 1997). Such eorts
can further act as a catalyst for demands for greater
accountability, transparency and better governance,
which would strengthen the role of civil society and
state-building (Prichard 2009, Moore 2013). Devel-
opment assistance and capacity development in this
area is therefore key for remediating the need for
ODA in the longer term.
5. More progressive tax systems for
reducing inequality of outcome
In addition to addressing medium-term institutional
and administrative capacity constraints hamper-
ing revenue mobilization, tax reform should make
tax systems more progressive while simultaneously
strengthening incentives for sustainable production
and consumption. is requires shifting the tax base
from consumption and low incomes towards higher
incomes, which largely derive from capital income,
and especially towards wealth and environmental
Flat indirect taxes are acknowledged to be regressive,
but they nevertheless represent a major source of
revenue in most developing countries (table 2) strug-
gling with high inequalities. Taxes on labour income
are often described as discouraging work, but high
marginal tax rates full the essential role of deterring
excessive compensation that has contributed to the
rising income share of the richest centile (gure 4).
To resorb rising income inequality, it may be required
to bring top marginal tax rates to their optimal level,
which some economists estimate at around 70 per
cent (Piketty et al. 2014). It is also urgent to close
deliberate loopholes and exemptions that signicant-
ly depress the eective tax rate imposed on capital
income and to combat tax avoidance and evasion in
ways that eectively suppress opportunities for HN-
WIs and TNCs to declare scal incomes and prots
representing only a fraction their economic income.
6. Shifting the tax base towards wealth
for enhancing equality of opportunity
Wealth best reects the ability to pay of individuals,
which is a founding principle of taxation. In most
countries, capital stock often represents a multiple
of annual income ows, which further keeps rising
along the capital accumulation process, representing
a signicant untapped tax base. As wealth is highly
concentrated in all countries, including developed
countries with more egalitarian wealth distribu-
tion (gure 7), capital income ows only accrue
to a wealthy few. Wealth concentration is thus not
only a driver of rising income inequality, but also
a foundational socio-economic structure sustaining
the reproduction of inequality over time. e neg-
ative structural weight of wealth concentration on
inequality across individuals and generations is all
the more determinant when the rate of economic
growth remains inferior to the after-tax return on
capital (r>g).
Higher wealth taxes (especially recurrent net wealth
taxes and inheritance taxes) therefore represent the
tool of choice for redistributive policies aiming at
improving equality through increased and progres-
sive tax revenue mobilization. In addition, wealth
taxes have the virtue of encouraging work income
over rent income and to incentivize capital owners
to make productive investments, which will need to
be stepped up signicantly for achieving structur-
al economic transformations that are required for
bringing the global economy on a more sustainable
development path.
Wealth taxes currently only target immobile cap-
ital in most countries, mainly through residential
property taxes. Yet, extreme wealth is mainly accu-
mulated in mobile nancial assets, which are often
wrapped in opaque ownership structures hidden in
tax havens and OFCs, out of reach of domestic tax
administrations. While domestic regulators could
increase wealth taxes, including on mobile capital,
part of the targeted tax base will escape their author-
ity in absence of an internationally coordinated and
comprehensive crackdown on nancial secrecy and
harmful tax competition. As opportunities for tax
evasion and tax avoidance remain abundant, some
economists have stressed the advantages of imposing
a one-o wealth levy, whose costs to some wealth
owners may be inferior to the cost of relocating (Bach
et al. 2011, Bach 2012, Eichengreen 1991). However,
given the technical feasibility of implementing cap-
ital income and wealth taxes at the domestic and/
or global level in presence of nancial transparen-
cy, priority should be given to overcoming existing
political obstacles in the medium term. Ongoing
initiatives for the automatic exchange of information
(AEoI) and creating registries disclosing benecial
ownership of trusts and other shell structures are
thus of fundamental importance for enabling gov-
ernments to tap the signicant potential of wealth
as a tax base.
According to some estimates, imposing a 1 per cent
tax on the net wealth of the richest decile could raise
tax revenue amounting to one per cent of GDP in
many countries. Given the very high concentration
of wealth, simply raising this rate to 2 per cent on
the richest centile would already double the revenue
raised (IMF 2013a). However, in order to contain
extreme wealth and reduce inequality, tax rates
would have to keep pace with the growing returns
to wealth. As the greatest fortunes expand at an av-
erage rate of around 10 per cent or more, a global
annual tax on nancial capital would have to follow
a progressive schedule taxing net wealth at a rate
of at least 10 per cent above a certain threshold.
High wealth taxes may be the most ecient means
for gradually reducing extreme wealth inequality
that has re-emerged in some countries over the last
decades of nancial globalization.
7. Shifting the tax base towards
environmental externalities for
incentivizing sustainable production
and consumption, and shorter
value chains
e tax base should also decisively shift towards
environmental externalities, especially carbon
emissions strengthening global warming, without
depriving the poor from access to energy and oth-
er markets. Yet, at regressive environmental taxes
on energy and vehicles currently mostly weight on
poorer households. By contrast, corporations in de-
veloping and developed countries are often submit-
ted to special regimes, such as fossil fuel subsidies,
exemption from energy taxes or participation in
market-based solutions, which have so far kept the
price of carbon emissions too low for incentivizing
transformations in unsustainable production struc-
tures. In this context, unsustainable production and
consumption has increased in recent decades with
the rapid expansion of global but segmented value
chains fostering polluting merchandise transport
and the quantity of carbon emissions embedded in
nal consumer goods.
As long as the cost of trans-
port will not outweigh the prots arising from the
exploitation of cross-country labour cost dierential,
the expansion of global value chains will continue
to simultaneously stimulate economic growth and
increase the quantity of natural resources used in the
global economy.
In order to promote more sustainable production
and consumption patterns
without burdening
poorer households, eorts should be made to levy
progressive environmental taxes tied to individual
consumption of some luxury goods and services that
are particularly harmful to the environment, such as
ights (i.e. progressive tax on ights based on the
cumulative number of miles already travelled by an
individual) or secondary residences (Casal 2012).
Furthermore, ways to implement border carbon taxes
should be investigated so as to factor environmental
costs into the price of internationally traded interme-
diate and nal goods. With the growing necessity to
signicantly reshape unsustainable production and
consumption behaviours and patterns, the ability of
higher taxes to send clearer and steadier signals across
the economy and to generate revenue that can be
recycled to achieve distributional objectives may be-
come more important than market-based solutions,
which have so far failed to generate price signals in-
ducing structural transformation (Spash 2010).
8. Socializing natural resource rents
and/or ownership to ensure
sustainable use and equitable access
for present and future generations
Examples of countries such as Norway and Ecuador
discussed in section 2b point 4. illustrate how gov-
ernments can attempt to leverage the socialization of
natural resource rents and ownership for equity and
sustainable development. Over the last decade, sev-
eral African and Latin American countries attempt-
ed to appropriate a larger share of natural resource
rents to the public sector by renegotiating contract
terms with corporations exploiting those resources.
In countries where transparency and good govern-
ance are not implemented, such initiatives may not
result in a fairer distribution beneting the broader
population (Darby 2013).
Similarly, public ownership of natural resources is no
panacea for sustainable development as governments
under nancial pressures or government prioritizing
economic growth may decide to exploit those resourc-
es for maximizing prot like private corporations do.
In a context where fossil fuel reserves are abundant
and global carbon emissions remain almost twice as
high as the quantity that would be compatible with
the 2010 Cancun Agreement of limiting climate
change to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial
some economists have argued in favour of
moderated mitigation eorts based on diering as-
sumptions about the economic opportunity cost of
making investments for the welfare of future gen-
Yet, as the courses of action suggested in
the scenarios most widely accepted in the economics
profession aim at minimizing opportunity costs
rather than targeting levels of natural resources use
and temperature increases considered by scientists
as compatible with environmental sustainability,
proposals for more drastic action have emerged.
e latter course of action requires that some fossil
fuel resources become perpetually stranded (Carbon
Tracker 2012). is could be achieved through ex-
propriations and partial compensations (Hayes 2014)
taking those resources out of the market and placing
them under the watch of public institutions, possibly
independent public trusts mandated by governments
to manage natural resources and commons in a sus-
tainable manner.
To be eective, the reshuing of
asset ownership would have to be accompanied by
governance reform.
9. Redistributing income-generating
assets for economic empowerment
and sustainable development
Conditions for implementing wealth transfers be-
tween social groups or between the private and
public sectors are always context-specic, but such
transfers may be necessary in some countries for pro-
moting equity and sustainable development. Redis-
tributing land property rights to small farmers, for
instance, can reduce income poverty and inequality
in a sustained manner and is further conducive to
the use of more sustainable agricultural methods.
Corporate ownership and governance structures in-
volving a diversity of stakeholders (e.g. cooperatives,
rms with multi-level ownership) can also empower
the poor (Sobhan 2010), give a voice to workers and
foster economic democracy (Dahl 1985, Hansmann
1990, Williamson 2013) and strategies pursuing
collective interests instead of private prots alone.
In addition to the simple transfer of property rights
across private actors or towards the public sector, the
unbundling of property rights also opens avenues for
improving economic governance (Dugger 1987, Shi
and Liu 2012, Williamson et al. 2014).
10. Investing in people: a rights-based
approach to human development
A more equal distribution of income-generating as-
sets together with increased and progressive revenue
mobilization is essential for enabling a rights-based
approach considering human development as a fun-
damental right. e MDGs contributed to draw at-
tention on the central role of asset inequality in the
restricted sense of human capital as a determinant
of income poverty and slow economic development.
Increased public social spending improved access
to education and health services, and social protec-
tion programmes further shielded some of the most
vulnerable social groups from extreme poverty, but
the prevailing approach to human development in
many countries remains resource-constrained. is
particularly aects the coverage and quality of social
protection programmes, which still partly exclude or
discriminate against vulnerable social groups least
integrated in formal employment structures, such as
elderly people or women. Increased and progressive
revenue mobilization may facilitate a gradual political
transition towards a rights-based approach and con-
tribute progressing towards development objectives.
c. Fostering international cooperation
11. Bridging the gap with ODA for
public social spending and revenue
Enhanced international cooperation is desirable on
several fronts. ODA commitments should be met to
accelerate progress towards the MDGs, and devel-
opment assistance for developing countries should
aim at empowering local actors. In countries most
reliant on foreign aid, development assistance should
contribute improving revenue mobilization capacity.
Such assistance is required for boosting the capacity
of weakly developed tax administration to handle
complex information and cross-check data from dif-
ferent sources in order to diversify the tax base away
from regressive consumption taxes towards more
progressive taxes (Prichard et al. 2012).
Development aid could also assist tax administra-
tion in auditing TNCs, whose transfer mispricing
schemes may cost developing countries up to $160
billion per year in foregone tax revenue, almost the
amount of annual ODA (Christian Aid 2009). Ca-
pacity building eorts for setting up the administra-
tive structures and procedures will also be required
for enabling developing countries to participate in
the automatic exchange of information (AEoI) that
is progressively being established at the international
level and to track costly tax abuses.
12. Promoting financial transparency
to prevent tax abuses by HNWIs
and TNCs
A key ingredient to all tax abuses by HNWIs and
TNCs is nancial secrecy, which has become in-
creasingly indefensible, based on moral as well as
legal, political and economic arguments. Facing the
magnitude of wealth that remains out of reach of
tax authorities
and the impact of tax abuses on
the capacity of governments to uphold their human
rights obligations, the distinction between legal tax
avoidance and illegal tax evasion that is blurred by
secrecy and conicting rules across jurisdictions ap-
pears futile and indefensible (IBAHRI Task Force
2013). Financial opacity also played a key role in the
run up to the global nancial crisis. Indeed, many
special purpose vehicles amassing bad debt were of-
ten registered in secrecy havens, out of sight of tax
administration and of regulators (Palan et al. 2010,
Palan and Nesvetailova 2013).
Consequently, global governance bodies initiated
work for improving nancial transparency, which
requires the possibility for authorities to identify (i)
nancial ows as well as (ii) related parties. Recent-
ly, the Financial Stability Board established a Global
Legal Entity Identier Foundation (GLEIF) and is
working on the introduction of a legal entity iden-
tier (LEI). Condentiality of the reference data,
particularly ownership information, may represent a
hurdle in some countries.
e adoption of FATCA by the United States and
the concessions obtained from champions of nan-
cial secrecy, such as Luxembourg or Switzerland,
concerning the AEoI illustrated that legal domestic
condentiality provisions can be overcome under cer-
tain political circumstances.
is example encour-
aged similar EU-wide eorts and led world leaders to
formally pledge to establish a new global standard of
multilateral and automatic exchange of information,
as well as transparency of benecial ownership (G8
2013, G20 2013).
Taken together, the LEI and the
creation of a global register of benecial ownership
of trusts and other shell companies would enable a
useful AEoI between multilateral parties, and could
open up the possibility for a recurrent domestic or
global capital tax.
Currently, exchange of information still occurs
mostly on a bilateral basis and on request. e
multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative
Assistance in Tax Matters (developed jointly by the
Council of Europe and the OECD) provides a ba-
sis for exchange of information on request without
the need for a bilateral double tax treaty, but AEoI
requires a supplementary agreement to establish
procedures. To remediate this shortcoming, the G20
asked for a common reporting model, including a
Model Competent Authority Agreement, and en-
dorsed a new Standard for Automatic Exchange of
Financial Account Information (OECD 2014) at the
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Gover-
nors’ meeting in February 2014.
e potential non-universality of this initiative and
possible exemptions could drastically limit its im-
pact, however. Indeed, as has already been observed
in the past the non-universal automatic exchange of
banking information may result in the mere shift-
ing of funds towards jurisdictions not committed to
transparency (Johannesen and Zucman 2012) while
the non-exhaustive AEoI may foster the development
of para-nancial businesses performing similar types
of functions.
e interests of developing countries and nancial
TNCs, however, could converge to facilitate the
emergence of a uniform multilateral automatic in-
formation exchange system. Indeed, such a system
would positively aect the ability of the former to
address oshore tax evasion (Global Financial Integ-
rity 2012) and also avoid a situation in which the
latter are required to implement multiple dierent
systems in order to satisfy dierent sovereigns’ de-
mands (Grinberg 2013).
13. Addressing harmful tax
competition to combat tax avoidance
While nancial transparency may curtail widespread
tax evasion among HNWIs,
nancial transparen-
cy is not enough to address tax avoidance by TNCs
and HNWIs. TNCs represent the biggest demand
for tax avoidance, just before HNWIs (OECD
2009b), who incidentally also benet most from cor-
porate tax avoidance resulting in higher sharehold-
er payouts. As acknowledged by the IMF (2013),
recognition that the international tax framework is
broken is long overdue. ough the amount is hard
to quantify, signicant revenue can also be gained
from reforming it. is is particularly important for
developing countries, given their greater reliance on
corporate taxation, with revenue from this taxation
often coming from a handful of multinationals”.
Tax abuses by TNCs have long perverted eorts of
sovereigns to avoid double taxation of TNCs prof-
its in dierent jurisdictions, resulting instead in
widespread double non-taxation. is has been an
issue for developing countries in the extractive sec-
tor, but also in other sectors.
Transfer mispricing
and prot shifting more generally has also become a
major issue in developed countries, where protable
TNCs paying little or no taxes in times of auster-
ity caused popular discontent followed by several
parliamentary inquiries.
Consequently, G20 lead-
ers acknowledged that passive tolerance of massive
corporate tax dodging undermines public trust in
the tax and political system and initiated work on
Base Erosion and Prot Shifting (BEPS) through the
OECD Committee on Fiscal Aairs (CFA) towards
reform of the current international tax system.
Non-OECD G20 member countries were accepted
as full members of OECD working parties on BEPS,
and the OECD pledged to consult with developing
countries, but it is unlikely to prioritize them. In
October 2013, the UN Tax Committee decided to
set up a subcommittee on BEPS, which will provide
feedback to the OECD project from a developing
country perspective, as well as consider possible
remedies for BEPS that go beyond the remit of the
OECD project (Picciotto 2014).
In July 2013, the OECD presented an Action Plan
for addressing BEPS over the next 2 years. While
the OECD plan represents a step forward, its ap-
proach has proven fallible in the past, because it
aims at xing the current system without moving
away from the separate entity approach that lies at
the heart of harmful tax competition and aggressive
corporate tax avoidance. In the 1960s the OECD
already attempted to tighten rules to prevent base
erosion and prot shifting, based on the separate
entity approach. is attempt failed subsequently,
as illustrated by the double non-taxation of TNCs
exploiting the structural weakness of the separate
entity approach.
Continued reliance on the separate entity approach is
rooted in a willingness to treat TNCs as a multitude
of separate entities, despite their integrated govern-
ance structure and strategy dened by a single CEO.
is approach nds its origin in the rst model tax
treaties formulated by the League of Nations in 1928,
at a time when TNCs were a nascent phenomenon.
Today, TNCs intermediate about half of interna-
tional trade and a signicant share of foreign direct
investment and nancial transactions. By granting
TNCs the privilege to have their entities taxed sep-
arately, based on how a TNC decides to allocate its
prots across entities, the separate entity approach
creates incentives for countries to engage in harm-
ful tax competition, which stimulates aggressive tax
avoidance limited only by rules that can quickly be
circumvented. By contrast, alternatives based on
a single entity approach such as unitary taxation
(box 1), could tackle harmful tax competition and
tax avoidance at their core by acknowledging that
TNCs are single entities and anchoring taxation in
observable assets and variables, such as physical cap-
ital, labour and sales, instead of legal constructs and
articially priced intra-group transactions of goods,
services and intangibles for which there is often no
reference market.
14. Taxing mobile capital to reduce
the growing wealth gap and
international inequality
Ending nancial opacity and harmful tax competi-
tion is essential for enabling progressive taxation of
mobile capital and hidden wealth and contributing
to reduce the growing wealth gap and reduce inter-
national inequality. To a large extent, progress to-
wards these objectives is dependent on international
cooperation. ere are long-standing proposals for
the establishment of an international tax organiza-
tion, most notably from the UN High-level Panel
on Financing for Development (the Zedillo Com-
mission) in 2001. e Panel proposed the creation
of such an organization, with a mandate, not only
to compile and share tax information and monitor
tax developments, but also restrain tax competition
among countries and arbitrate country tax disputes
(United Nations, General Assembly, 2001). Howev-
er, this was not included in the Monterrey Consen-
sus, reecting resistance by the developed countries.
Equally, many countries would like the UN Tax
Committee to be enhanced to an inter-governmental
political body, but OECD countries persist in block-
ing eorts to achieve this upgrade. Consequently,
most reform eorts are undertaken on an ad hoc
basis by G20 countries with the assistance of the
OECD. e dominant role of the developed coun-
tries in international tax governance has resulted in a
primacy of their interests over developing countries.
Absent a proper institutional context for an inclu-
sive dialogue on international tax coordination,
unilateral initiatives are essential for shaking iner-
tia and attempting to initiate system-wide change.
Unitary taxation as an alternative approach to taxing TNCs — how to neutralize capital mobility
for corporate taxation purposes?
Unitary taxation represents an approach for taxing TNCs
that differs from the approach that is predominantly
used under the current regime in at least two signifi-
cant ways. First, acknowledging the integrated nature
of value creation within TNCs whose global strategies
are defined by CEOs, unitary taxation proposes to treat
every TNC as a single entity instead of considering its
related entities in different jurisdictions as separate
entities, which are trading among themselves based on
the arm’s length principle (ALP).
Secondly, recognizing
the mobile nature of capital, unitary taxation proposes
to share the tax base generated by a TNC across juris-
dictions according to a negotiated apportionment for-
mula taking into account the geographical distribution
of relatively immobile factors (such as a TNC’s physical
assets, number of employed workers, payroll expendi-
tures and final sales) instead of taxing TNCs according
to where their profits are registered (Picciotto 2013).
This box briefly explains how unitary taxation has been
implemented in various contexts and then summarizes
some of the main arguments opposing proponents and
critics of unitary taxation.
Unitary taxation has long been used in several federal
states, including Argentina, Canada, Switzerland and
the United States (Siu, Nalukwago et al. (2014). Appor-
tionment formulae adopted to distribute the corporate
tax base among sub-national jurisdictions take different
forms in each of those countries. In Canada, for instance,
the corporate tax base is entirely attributed to source
provinces, because sales are omitted from the appor-
tionment formula, which is not the case in other coun-
tries. Formulae can further vary across economic sectors.
Switzerland, for instance, has special apportionment
formulae for eight economic sectors, such as transport
services or retail commerce that may require a formula
adapted to the specific nature of their economic activity.
Finally, sub-national jurisdictions can even use different
formulas within a federal state. In the United States, for
instance, 36 out of 50 states have used their autonomy
in matters of taxation to deviate from the agreed on
“Massachussets formula”,
including 18 states that have
adopted a formula weighting sales only
in an attempt
to attract investments or to exploit the leverage deriv-
ing from their large consumer base. Deviations from
the “Massachussets formula” create some scope for
corporate tax avoidance (Spencer 2014b), but states that
shifted towards sales only formula also tend to impose
relatively higher corporate tax rates.
National UT systems are generally applied to companies’
profits within the country on a water’s edge basis, but
they can be applied – even by a single territory within a
country – to worldwide profits. This is done in Alaska, in
the oil, gas and pipeline sector, where unilateral imple-
mentation of unitary taxation on a worldwide basis has
recently been reaffirmed in the face of a corporate legal
challenge by the Alaskan Supreme Court
(Siu, Mintz et
al, 2014). Political obstacles may be greater: in California,
for example, the mandatory implementation of UT to
worldwide profits was made optional in the mid-1990s
due to corporate and political pressures (Zain1994).
Unitary taxation is also appealing for deepening eco-
nomic integration at the regional level. After initial
resistance from some EU member States, a proposal for
a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB)
was adopted by the EU Commission in March 2011, and
approved (with some amendments) by the European
Parliament. The Economic and Social Committee has
given its opinion, and the proposal is under technical
examination by the European Council. Following com-
promise proposals produced by the three subsequent
EU Presidencies, technical work is proceeding on the
basis of an allocation profits among EU countries ac-
cording to their physical assets (1/3), payroll expenses
(1/6), number of employees (1/6), and sales (1/3). This is
similar to formulae in federal countries, except for the
combination of payroll expenses with the number of
employees, reflecting wider disparities in wage levels
within the EU. However, regional adoption only covers
transactions occurring within each region: transactions
between related entities located outside the region
would still be based on ALP.
A UT system at the global level would require TNCs to
submit combined and country-by-country reporting
(CCBCR) to tax authorities in the countries where they
own related entities. The taxable base would then be
allocated among countries according to a negotiated
apportionment formula. Each government would then
apply its own corporate tax rate to its share of each
TNC’s profits (allowing sectoral variations), TNCs hav-
ing the right of appeal to a public dispute resolution
mechanism. Applying the UT system globally would
thus require knowledge only of total profits and the ge-
ographical distribution of the variables included in the
apportionment formula, none of which can be affected
by the manipulation of notional prices for intra-firm
In recent years, a debate has developed about the
strengths and weaknesses of unitary taxation. This de-
bate was primarily nurtured by the failure of the current
regime to prevent the growing shift of TNC profits to
low-tax jurisdictions, which caused growing govern-
ment revenue loss as well as a loss of public respect for
the fairness of tax systems. In this context, unitary tax-
ation appears as an attractive alternative to the current
By disregarding the location of registered profits for
defining the tax base, unitary taxation would by defini-
tion render profit shifting across jurisdictions irrelevant
for tax purposes. It would thus weaken the bargaining
position of mobile capital and neutralize incentives for
Governments to engage in harmful tax competition.
Tax competition may still exist at the margin and lead
to the implementation of non-harmonized apportion-
ment formulae, like in the United States. Problematic
situations that have become increasingly common over
recent decades, where a low-tax jurisdiction with no
productive activity and no consumer base is entitled
to tax a disproportionate share of corporate profits
generated in other countries, however, would not occur
anymore. Furthermore, as shifting physical assets, work-
ers and consumers is much more costly or impossible,
unitary taxation would markedly reduce the scope for
corporate tax avoidance according to some of its propo-
nents (Stiglitz 2014, Tax Justice Network 2013).
Critics sometimes argue that political and technical chal-
lenges in the implementation of unitary taxation can re-
sult in under/over taxation of TNCs. Those same critics,
however, also acknowledge that many tax disputes are
solved using formulary methods considering observable
factors and therefore recommend to combine certain el-
ements of the ALP and more extensive use of formulary
apportionment concepts, possibly including overlaying
both to verify the appropriateness of the ALP standard
(Spencer 2014a).
Several academics propose to view ALP and unitary
taxation as a continuum, where the continuous variable
would be the percentage to total profit that is allocated
through a comparables analysis versus the percentage of
total profit that is treated as a residual and allocated by a
non-comparables based formulary approach (Avi-Yonah
and Benshalom 2010, Kane 2014). This debate has so far
strengthened legitimacy to transfer pricing methods,
such as profit splits, which are inspired by the spirit
of unitary taxation and tend to better suit developing
countries, but are implemented in the current regime,
with unitary taxation being an exception to the general
the arm’s length principle.
To summarize, a transition towards unitary taxation or
the adoption of transfer pricing methods inspired by the
spirit of unitary taxation are likely have the potential to
improve the collection corporate tax revenue. This addi-
tional revenue is bound to improve the position of cer-
tain governments. In presence of an international mech-
anism to redistribute this revenue, all countries could be
better off, but under current circumstances a minority of
countries would likely end up worse off as the outcome
for developed as well as developing countries would
depend on how the adopted formula weights factors
located in source and destination countries. Poor data
on the taxation of TNCs currently prevents empirical re-
search to determine with reasonable certainty whether
apportionment formulae, such as the formula adopt-
ed in the EU project, would benefit most developing
countries or only developed countries. As reported in
a recent IMF study (2014) on “Spillovers in International
Corporate Taxation,” business argue that competition
using the weight attributed to immobile factors in the
apportionment formula may bear significant risks and
may not benefit developing countries. Civil society calls
for a more detailed examination of these possible risks
as a prerequisite for seriously assessing whether unitary
taxation represents a desirable alternative approach for
taxing TNCs.
Unilateral initiatives can have signicant impact,
as illustrated by the US FATCA legislation, which
inspired willingness to cooperate at the internation-
al level in order to crack down on nancial secrecy
enabling tax evasion by HNWIs. As explained in
box 1, developed and developing countries have the
possibility to uproot harmful tax competition on tax
rates by abandoning the prevailing separate entity
approach to taxing TNCs and adopting a single
entity approach to implement unitary taxation on a
worldwide basis as was done in several US States,
including California until 1996 and Alaska today.
5 Conclusion
is paper discussed challenges and opportunities
facing redistributive policies in support of sustaina-
ble development based on an asset-centred analytical
framework. It rst attempted to dene the potential
scope of redistributive policies, highlighting the im-
portance of asset distribution across private actors as
well as between the private and public sectors for eq-
uity and sustainable development. It then surveyed
major trends in redistributive policies during the last
three decades, before suggesting steps that may be
implemented at the domestic level in order to move
towards a framework enabling redistributive policies
for equity and sustainable development. It further
discussed ongoing coordination eorts at the in-
ternational level to promote nancial transparency,
which could facilitate tackling harmful tax competi-
tion and taxing mobile capital and nancial wealth.
Section 2 showed that the impact of redistributive
policies declined over the last 3 decades, contrib-
uting to a signicant increase in average with-
in-country income inequality at the global level. It
outlined an asset-centred analytical framework for
conceptualizing redistribution from a stock-ow
perspective (gure 1 and 2), stressing the importance
of income-generating assets as a determinant of in-
come inequality. It further highlighted the positive
association of higher public revenue (as a share of
GDP) and income inequality reduction, as well as
the key role of public social spending on human
development. It also pointed at the shortcomings
of approaching equality of opportunity exclusively
in terms of human capital without acknowledging
the fundamental role of income-generating assets,
such as land and industrial and nancial capital in
shaping opportunities available to individuals. It
briey discussed the possible role of environmental
taxes in containing unsustainable production and
consumption and the necessity to foster sustainable
use and equitable access to natural resources for
present and future generations, possibly by placing
privatized natural resources back under the control
of independent public institutions, such as mandat-
ed trusts in charge of managing natural commons in
the interest of the larger public.
Section 3 briey reviewed major trends in redis-
tributive policies over the last 3 decades, stressing
the modest pick up in public social spending at the
turn of the Millenium as well as the neoliberal tax
legacy holding back governments from using taxes
in a more discretionary manner to reduce inequal-
ity and promote sustainable development. More
specically, it pointed at the extensive privatization
of natural resource rents; the poorly progressive tax
revenue composition prevailing in many developing
countries compared to developed countries; the
generalized decline in environmental tax revenue
arising mostly from indirect energy taxes burdening
households, while the corporate sector often benets
from subsidies, exemptions or is submitted to market
solutions (emissions trading systems and osetting
mechanisms) that signicantly underprice produc-
tion carbon emissions. It also illustrated the wide-
spread attening of personal and corporate income
schedules and the near abandoning of net wealth
taxes in developed countries, along with the rising
magnitude of tax abuses, including harmful tax
competition, tax avoidance and tax evasion. Beyond
those general trends, this section also highlighted
positive developments, particularly in Latin Amer-
ica, where progress towards a rights-based approach
to human development and the search for greater tax
equity based on the principle of scal exchange led
to signicant inequality reduction during the last
Section 4 proposed several steps formulated in gen-
eral terms for moving towards a framework enabling
redistributive policies for sustainable development. It
stressed the conceptual weakness of income poverty
reduction approaches ignoring the structural role of
asset inequality, especially wealth, as well as the need
to collect more relevant data on income and wealth
inequality and to move away from purely economic
metrics as a benchmark of progress in order to reduce
inequality and operationalize policies in support
of sustainable development. It then outlined some
key elements for building institutions and designing
policies enabling redistributive policies and further
stressed the need for governments to move from a re-
source-constrained approach to human development
towards a rights-based approach acknowledging the
most fundamental socio-economic rights of their
population. On the taxation side, it recommended
shifting the tax base towards environmental exter-
nalities arising from production and consumption,
including through a border carbon tax (instead of
ineectual emissions trading systems and osetting
mechanisms), to alter the unsustainable expansion
of global value chain, which thrive on international
labour cost dierential and tax avoidance oppor-
tunities, while stimulating international trade and
polluting merchandise transport. Shifting the tax
base towards net wealth, especially nancial capital,
which best reects the ability to pay, further repre-
sents the only means to eradicate extreme wealth and
reduce asset inequality underpinning enduring mass
income poverty. Wealth redistribution could further
be fostered by the transfer of income-generating as-
sets, such as land and industrial and nancial capital
and the unbundling of property rights. Land reform
and policies supporting cooperatives and other types
of institutional arrangements enabling economic
democracy therefore represent an important pillar
of wealth redistribution, along with the socialization
of natural resource rents and/or public ownership to
ensure a more equitable access to natural resources
for present and future generations.
Finally, the section also stressed the necessity of
stepping up ODA, while empowering local actors,
including in their eort to bolster weak tax admin-
istrations so as to become less dependent on external
funding and more accountable to citizens. It noted
that international cooperation is essential for com-
batting nancial secrecy and implementing reform
towards nancial transparency (e.g. LEI, AEoI, dis-
closure of benecial owners) enabling taxation of mo-
bile capital, which is key to tax justice and inequality
reduction. Political obstacles to the implementation
of such steps were not discussed, but would of course
need to be taken into consideration in their specic
national context. While progress under the umbrella
of global governance bodies regarding the reform of
the international nancial and tax system is slow and
far from warranted, the converging interests of many
developed and developing countries as well as nan-
cial TNCs could open the way to positive changes.
Additionally, ecient solutions to taxing mobile
corporate capital, such as unitary taxation (box 1),
could be implemented by developed and developing
As mentioned in the introduction and stressed in
the preceding sections, redistributive policies are an
essential policy tool for promoting equity and envi-
ronmental sustainability, but promoting sustainable
development requires much more encompassing re-
forms. e redistributive and other policy reforms
required for reducing inequality and bringing down
the use of natural resources nurturing the economy
to a sustainable steady-state level, however, cannot
be achieved under the prevailing paradigm that
uses private investment-led economic growth as its
ultimate but ill-conceived benchmark of progress.
e reforms that are needed require a dierent par-
adigm and political economy that acknowledges the
embeddedness of the economy in society and in the
environment, and which aims at maximizing human
well-being within planetary boundaries (Costanza et
al. 2012, Farley et al. 2013).
1 The terms equity, economic empowerment and
sustainable development all overlap to some extent.
While equity or equality is part of any denition of
sustainable development in the UN context (see for
instance the Brundtland denition (World Com-
mission On Environment and Development 1987)
or the draft focus areas for the SDGs (UN 2014)),
equity and economic empowerment overlap as
well. The latter concept is frequently used with
reference to women, but the draft focus areas of
the SDGs also discuss empowerment as a means to
reduce inequality and “promote the social, eco-
nomic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of
age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion
or economic or other status.” The development lit-
erature generally puts explicit emphasis on access
to assets and voice in economic decision-making
processes (Sobhan 2010). When referring to ad-
vanced economies, many authors have discussed
the issue of economic empowerment using a
different terminology and emphasized the concept
of economic democracy, which Dahl (1985) in his
book A Preface to Economic Democracy dened as
an alternative economic structure that would “help
to strengthen political equality and democracy by
reducing inequalities originating in the ownership
and control of rms.”
2 The commitment to private investment-led
economic growth is reected in the preambles of
leaders’declarations published after meetings of
global governance bodies. The Lough Erne leaders’
declaration (G8 2013), for instance, begins by stat-
ing that “private enterprise drives growth, reduces
poverty, and creates jobs and prosperity for people
around the world. Governments have a special re-
sponsibility to make proper rules and promote good
3 While inequality in opportunities available to an in-
dividual results from pre-determined attributes over
which individuals have no control, such as gender,
ethnicity or family background (which is strongly
correlated with income-generating assets, such as
education and wealth), inequality in outcomes can
partly be attributed to personal responsibility and
effort (Brunori et al. 2013). Recent evidence based
on measures of opportunity seems to conrm the
hypothesis that inequality of opportunity matter
more than inequality of outcome as an explanatory
factor of structural inequality or wealth inequality.
This suggests that inequality of endowments at the
outset of history leads to unequal educational and
other opportunities, which in turn affected develop-
ment outcomes (Molina et al. 2013).
4 For instance, concentrated nancial wealth and
higher returns for richer investors strengthen rent
income and discourage labour, leading to economic
inefciency (Stiglitz and Dasgupta 1971, Piketty
5 According to the OECD (2009b) cumulative priva-
tisation proceeds in OECD countries between 2000
and 2007 are estimated to have amounted to at
least $487 billion, with latecomers to privatization
such as France, Italy and Germany accounting for
almost half of the total proceeds. According to the
World Bank privatization database, which covers
129 developing countries, total yearly privatiza-
tion proceeds increased continuously from less
than $10 billion before 1990 to $39 billion in 2000
and $132 billion in 2007. Between 1988 and 1999,
cumulative privatization proceeds amounted to
$360 billion compared to $452 between 2000 and
2007, with China, Brazil, the Russian Federation
and Argentina accounting for half of total proceeds
over the entire period. Available from: http://data.
6 The Buffett Rule is part of a tax plan proposed by
President Barack Obama in 2011 that would apply
a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on individuals
making more than a million dollars a year. This tax
rate, however, only applies to a restricted tax base
including scal income, not economic income.
More details available from: http://www.white-les/Buffett_Rule_Report_
7 Social protection encompasses direct income
transfers funded through contributory (social
insurance) or non-contributory (social assistance)
programmes. While social insurance generally only
covers individuals active in the formal employ-
ment sector, social assistance potentially covers the
entire population and is fundamental for reducing
extreme poverty. Social protection includes trans-
fers such as pensions, work injury and invalidity
benets, sick pay, maternity leave, unemployment
benets, child and family allowances, (non-) con-
ditional cash transfers (CCT), food/cash for work,
but also subsidized goods, such as food or housing.
8 A transparent example is given by the capital en-
dowment of universities in the United States. Infor-
mation about those endowments and their returns is
publicly available. In 2012, they ranged from $11.5
million for North Iowa Community College to about
$30 billion for Harvard. Records show that over the
period spanning from 1980 to 2010, returns on capi-
tal endowments inferior to $100 million averaged
6.2 per cent, while returns to endowments superior
to $20 billion (Harvard, Yale and Princeton) aver-
aged 10.2 per cent. The Forbes billionaires’ list,
which is published annually, also indicates larger
fortunes tend to grow faster than smaller fortunes.
This is true for fortunes accumulated over a lifetime
as well as for inherited wealth (even if the meth-
odology of the Forbes billionaires’ list tends to un-
derreport inherited wealth, which is more difcult
to identify than corporate executive success stories
reported in the media). See Piketty (2013).
9 The use of the term “neoliberal” is sometimes
criticized for being too vague (Boas and Gans-
Morse 2009). It is often used to make reference
to the Washington Consensus (Saad-Filho 2009)
or to globalization more generally (Deacon et al.
2007). In the context of this paper, the term neo-
liberal is used in relation to taxation policies that
increased inequality with the justication that it
would increase economic efciency and eventually
benet the poor. These tax policies are typically
characterized by slashes in wealth, corporate and
top personal income tax rates that benet wealthier
segments of the population, compensated by higher
value-added tax rates that penalize poorer seg-
ments, as well as prolonged inaction to combat tax
abuses by TNCs and HNWIs.
10 According to the International Energy Agency
(IEA), several G20 countries signicantly subsidize
fossil-fuel consumption. In 2011, subsidy rates were
estimated at 25.4 per cent in Argentina, 18.6 per
cent in India, 18.4 per cent in the Russian Federa-
tion, 16.6 per cent in Mexico, 4.7 per cent in South
Africa, 4.6 per cent in China, 0.3 per cent in Korea,
and nil in other G20 countries. Furthermore, subsi-
dization rates were above 50 per cent in Ecuador,
Venezuela, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Gulf Coopera-
tion Council countries, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan. See
11 Trade liberalization and the expansion of increas-
ingly segmented global value chains stimulated
international merchandise trade and transportation
services, which on average increase carbon emis-
sions of goods that are traded internationally by 50
per cent compared to locally traded goods (Cristea
et al. 2013). As internationally traded goods em-
body about 21 per cent of global carbon emissions
(Peters and Hertwich 2008), international trans-
portation of traded goods alone may contribute to
more than 7 per cent of global carbon emissions
(WESP 2013, Box II.1).
12 See Norwegian Ministry of Finance: http://www.
13 The idea of mandating independent public institu-
tions to manage commons or public goods accord-
ing to specic criterias has already been imple-
mented in other areas, such as central banking, and
could be extended to the management of natural
resources. Costanza et al. (2013) provides refer-
ences and a list of such examples existing in the
United States, which includes land trusts, conserva-
tion trusts, surface water trusts, groundwater trusts,
air trusts, watershed trusts, the Buffalo Commons,
the Alaska Permanent Fund, etc. The paper also
discusses options at the national and global level
that have not been realized yet, such as the possi-
bility of having permanent national funds, common
tax credits or an Earth Atmospheric Trust.
14 According to Carbon Tracker (2014), consump-
tion of all known fossil fuel reserves (including
coal, gas and oil) would result in the emission of
3000 Gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the
atmosphere. In order to limit global warming to
2 degree Celsius over the period 2000-2050, it is
estimated that CO2 emissions should not exceed
886 Gigatonnes. Yet, between 2000 and 2011
alone, 321 Gigatonnes of CO2 or 36 per cent of the
2000-2050 CO2 budget have already been emit-
ted. Consequently, if global warming is to be kept
within bounds compatible with environmental sus-
tainability, a signicant share of the known fossil
fuel reserves will have to be perpetually stranded.
15 For instance, in the United States, the top marginal
income tax rate was raised from below 30 per cent
in 1920s to more than 90 per cent in 1945 before
declining gradually from 1964 onwards. Similarly,
estate/inheritance taxes were raised from about
20 per cent in the 1920s to more than 70 per cent
in the aftermath of the Great Depression before
declining gradually from the 1970s onwards. Top
income and inheritance tax rates display similar
patterns in the UK and many other developed coun-
16 See footnote 1.
17 See footnote 5.
18 See Forbes (4 March 2013) “Inside the 2013
Billionaires List: Facts and Figures”. The Forbes
Billionaires list now boasts 1426 names (with an
aggregate worth of $5.4 trillion) compared less
than 100 billionaires throughout the 1980s.
19 About 50 per cent of all adjustment loans provided
by the IMF and the World Bank between 1979 and
1989 included conditions relating to scal reforms,
and more than 50 per cent included conditions
relating to both trade reforms and the rationaliza-
tion of government nances, which had tax reform
elements (Webb and Shariff, 1992).
20 Abundant anecdotal evidence of contract renegotia-
tions that started after 2006 is reported in UNCTAD
TDR 2010 (Chapter V). Many of these renegotia-
tions resulted in positive, but rather minor revisions
of contract terms to the benet of governments. In
countries facing political instability, such as Mada-
gascar or the DRC, implementation was delayed.
Overall, governments in poor countries have very
low discount rates, which lead them to value highly
an immediate increase in revenue, even if the in-
crease is minor and jeopardizes the possibility of in-
creasing revenue in the future. This economic issue
is further often compounded by poor governance
and lack of transparency (Africa Progress Report
2013) that facilitate the privatization of natural re-
source rents. By contrast, richer countries with high-
er discount rates and more transparent governance
mechanisms are often in a position to socialize a
larger share of natural resource rents. Norway, for
instance, appropriates about 78 per cent of natural
resource (oil) rents to the public.
21 Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzer-
land and the United Kingdom.
22 Since the beginning of the 20
century, total yearly
material extraction from the natural environment
increased nine fold, from 7 billion tonnes to 60 bil-
lion tonnes (Costanza et al. 2007).
23 Developing countries and major developed coun-
tries, such as Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the
Russian Federation and the United States are not
bound by any reduction targets
24 For an illustration of the near non-existence of
wealth taxes, see for instance the table in annex D4
of OECD (2009) “Engaging with High Net Worth
Individuals on Tax Compliance”, pages 103-6. This
table lists the main top personal income and wealth
tax rates in selected OECD countries. It illustrates
the variety of situations, but also highlights the
extent to which capital income can benet from
exemptions as well as the near disappearance of
wealth taxes. It should be noted that personal taxa-
tion does not apply to economic income, but only
to scal income, which sometimes only represents
a fraction of economic income, due to tax evasion
or tax avoidance schemes involving, for instance,
trusts and foundations hiding the identity of the
benecial owner. Available from: http://www.oecd-
25 According to the IMF (2013a), the share of nan-
cial and non-nancial wealth, including immov-
able property, varies across countries depending
on local circumstances and accounting rules (e.g.
whether pensions are dened as nancial assets or
not). However, in many developed countries, the
share of nancial assets in the gross wealth held by
the top 10 per cent of households, which own more
between 70 per cent and 80 per cent of total wealth
in many countries (Davies et al. 2011, Piketty
2013), is above 50 per cent. Furthermore, this share
tends to increase more than proportionally with
wealth so that households belonging to the top 1
per cent or top 0.1 per cent hold an overwhelming
majority of their wealth in nancial assets (Piketty
2013). This highlights the bounded progressivity of
immovable property taxes.
26 The nancial wealth of HNWIs (households)
escaping taxation amounts to $7.6 trillion accord-
ing to Zucman (2014), but this estimate excludes
non-nancial wealth, such as real estate, yachts or
art collections that remain non-declared to scal
authorities in the residence country. It further ex-
cludes corporate nancial and non-nancial wealth
accumulated in shell companies through practices
irting with illegality. In 2012, the amount of in-
denitely reinvested foreign earnings of American
transnational corporations alone waiting for a tax
holiday to repatriate prots was estimated at more
than $1.95 trillion (USPIRG 2013).
27 According to Global Financial Integrity (2012), ille-
gal capital outows linked to crime, corruption, and
tax evasion cost the developing world $858.8 billion
in 2010.
28 In 2013, members of the Development Assistance
Committee (DAC) of the OECD provided $135 bil-
lion in net ofcial development assistance (ODA),
representing 0.3 per cent of their combined gross
national income (GNI).
29 Tax annex to the Saint Petersburg G20 leaders’
declaration (September 2013).
30 Communiqué of the Meeting of the G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors Sydney,
Australia, February 23, 2014. Available at: http://nance.
31 Piketty (2013) proposes an exhaustive discussion
of this issue. See the brief and simplied discussion
on this topic around gure 7. For interesting cri-
tiques and views on why the neoclassical approach
is awed and the rate of return on capital (and
capital itself) cannot be measured in real terms, see
for instance Ackerman (2014), Galbraith (2014),
Harvey (2014), Palley (2014) Vernengo (2014) or
Nitzan and Bichler (2009).
32 See Piketty (2013) and also section 2b point 3 and
footnote 8.
33 See footnote 11.
34 Moving the global economy towards an environ-
mentally less unsustainable development path that
contains global warming within a range of 2 degree
Celsius requires that developed economies reduce
their carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.
Such a reduction is impossible without signi-
cant transformations in production structures and
consumption behaviours, including in developing
35 See footnote 14.
36 The two most famous economic experts on climate
change are William Nordhaus and Nicholas Stern.
While Nordhaus (2008) has long emphasized
the excessive cost of immediate mitigation ac-
tion, based on a high discount rate (4.1 per cent)
strongly devaluating the welfare of future genera-
tion, Stern (2006) has argue in favour of rapid
mitigation efforts, based on a lower discount rate
(1.4 per cent). Small differences in discount rate
may appear as technical decisions, but they have
very signicant political and ethical implications.
Computing the discounted present value of $100 in
2100 illustrates this well: while Nordhaus values
those $100 at the end of the century at only $3.29
using a discount rate of 4.1, Stern values those
same $100 at the end of the century at $30.67,
almost 10 times more. In a situation where the
survival of humans were at stake, negative dis-
count rates could be used so as to put more value
on future generations than on the current one. It is
important to note, however, that the optimal course
of action proposed by both economists falls short
of reaching the 2010 Cancun Agreement climate
target. The scenarios proposed by Nordhaus and
Stern would allow atmospheric carbon concentra-
tion to peak at around 660 parts per million (ppm)
and 480 ppm, respectively, resulting in tempera-
ture increases of almost 4 degrees Celsius and 3
degrees Celsius, respectively (IPCC 2014). Given
the potentially catastrophic consequences of global
warming for biodiversity and humanity announced
by some natural scientists (Hansen 2009), targeting
such elevated temperature increases for the sake of
minimizing estimated economic opportunity costs
in an optimal scenario may appear as irresponsible
and ethically questionable (Foster et al. 2013).
37 See footnote 13.
38 See also the UNRISD project on Potential and
Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy: http://
39 Revenue losses arising from illicit capital ows are
estimated by the UN to amount to $50 billion per
year for Africa (United Nations Economic Com-
mission for Africa 2013), and may thus cost several
hundred billion per year to the developing world.
40 See discussion under point 3d point 3.
41 FATCA provisions would impose sanctions on
banks unwilling to automatically exchange infor-
mation about their US clients with their domestic
regulator and the US Internal Revenue Service,
amounting to 30 per cent of the prot made on their
business in the United States.
42 The G8 Lough Lerne Declaration mentions 10
points, including the following: 1. Tax authori-
ties across the world should automatically share
information to ght the scourge of tax evasion. 2.
Countries should change rules that let companies
shift their prots across borders to avoid taxes, and
multinationals should report to tax authorities what
tax they pay where. 3. Companies should know
who really owns them and tax collectors and law
enforcers should be able to obtain this information
easily. 4. Developing countries should have the
information and capacity to collect the taxes owed
them – and other countries have a duty to help
them. 5. Extractive companies should report pay-
ments to all governments - and governments should
publish income from such companies. 6. Miner-
als should be sourced legitimately, not plundered
from conict zones. 7. Land transactions should be
transparent, respecting the property rights of local
43 The Economist recently reported on the rapid
development of an international network of Über-
warehouses allowing individuals to stock their
wealth formerly stored in banks in storage facilities
located in tax-free airport zones. While those zones
are intended for temporary transit of merchandise,
they are being expanded and transformed in luxury
warehouses in a growing number of countries,
including Switzerland, Luxembourg, Singapore and
many other OFCs (The Economist, 23 November
2013, “Über-warehouses for the ultra-rich”).
44 See the research project on “Secrecy for sale: in-
side the global offshore money maze” done by the
International Consortium of Investigative Journal-
ism that revealed the so-called “Offshore Leaks”.
Available: http://
45 Transfer mispricing in the extractive sector causes
a signicant income loss for developing countries,
because of the importance of the oil and mining
sector in some developing economies, but mispric-
ing is often most blatant in other sectors, where
there are no reference market prices, unlike for
most commodities.
46 Parliamentary inquiries, e.g., “Offshore Prot Shift-
ing and the U.S. Tax Code -- Part 1 (Microsoft &
Hewlett-Packard)” or “Offshore Prot Shifting and
the U.S. Tax Code -- Part 2 (Apple Inc.)”, US Senate
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 2012;
UK Parliament (2013). Tax Avoidance - Google.
London, House of Commons, Committee of Public
Accounts 9th Report 2013-14.
47 Tax annex to the Saint Petersburg G20 leaders’
declaration (September 2013).
48 The ALP is an international standard that compares
the transfer prices charged between related entities
with the price of similar transactions carried out
between independent entities at arm’s length. An
adjustment may be made to the extent that prots
of a related party differ from those that would be
agreed between independent entities in similar cir-
cumstances (denition taken from United Nations
49 The “Massachusetts formula” places an equal
weight on three factors: group sales, payroll, and
property within each jurisdiction.
50 California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska,
New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.
51 See the range of state corporate income tax rate in
the United States :
52 Tesoro Corp v. Alaska, Case No. 6838, Alaska
Supreme Court (October 25, 2013).
53 Worldwide combined reporting is permitted or
required in certain circumstances in fourteen US
states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois,
Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, New Hamp-
shire, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia
and Wisconsin) and in the District of Columbia.
54 See the project of the International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists about the Luxembourg
Leaks. Available from:
55 The research project on the Unitary Taxation of
Transnational Corporations with Special Reference
to Developing Countries proposes many interesting
studies about this issue, which are available from:
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