Programmable Logic IP Cores in SoC Design: Opportunities and Challenges
Steven J.E. Wilton and Resve Saleh
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
{stevew, res}
As SoC design enters into mainstream usage, the ability to
make post-fabrication changes will become more and more
attractive. This ability can be realized using programmable
logic cores. These cores are like any other IP in the SoC
design methodology, except that their function can be
changed after fabrication. This paper outlines ways in which
programmable logic cores can simplify SoC design, and
describes some of the challenges that must be overcome if the
use of programmable logic cores is to become a mainstream
design technique.
Recent years have seen impressive improvements in
the achievable density of integrated circuits. In order to
maintain this rate of improvement, designers need new
techniques to handle the increased complexity inherent
in these large chips. One such emerging technique is
the System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design methodology. In
this methodology, pre-designed and pre-verified blocks,
often called cores or intellectual property (IP),are
obtained from internal sources or third-parties, and
combined onto a single chip. These cores may include
embedded processors, memory blocks, or circuits that
handle specific processing functions. The SoC
designer, who would have only limited knowledge of
the structure of these cores, could then combine them
onto a chip to implement complex functions.
No matter how seamless the SoC design flow is made,
and no matter how careful an SoC designer is, there
will always be some chips that are designed,
manufactured, and then deemed unsuitable. This may
be due to design errors not detected by simulation or it
may be due to a change in requirements. This problem
is not unique to chips designed using the SoC
methodology. However, the SoC methodology
provides an elegant solution to the problem: one or
more programmable logic cores can be incorporated
into the SoC. The programmable logic core is a
flexible logic fabric that can be customized to
implement any digital circuit after fabrication. Before
fabrication, the designer embeds a programmable fabric
(consisting of many uncommitted gates and
programmable interconnects between the gates). After
the fabrication, the designer can then program these
gates and the connections between them.
Several companies already provide programmable
logic cores [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Yet, the use of these cores is
still far from mainstream. In this paper, we first
describe what a programmable logic core could look
like. We then show how these cores can be used to
improve both the design time and overall quality of
SoC designs. Finally, we outline some of the
challenges that need to be overcome before the use of
these cores becomes mainstream.
Reconfigurable Cores
Figure 1 shows a hypothetical SoC-style design
containing a programmable logic core. The chip
consists primarily of fixed function IP (Intellectual
Property) cores, likely obtained from a third-party. In
this particular example, the fixed cores include an
embedded processor, some on-chip memory, and two
other fixed-function cores. In addition, the chip
contains a programmable logic core. Unlike the other
cores, the function implemented by the programmable
logic core need not be defined until after the chip is
fabricated. Instead, the programmable logic core
contains a set of uncommitted gates, surrounded by a
set of programmable interconnects.
I/O Ring and Interface Circuitry
I/O Ring and Interface Circuitry
Figure 1: Example SOC-style design
The structure of the programmable logic fabric itself
may look very much like the structure of a Field-
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) [8]. Typically,
logic is implemented in an FPGA in small 16-bit
memories, called lookup-tables. Several lookup tables
and flip-flops are grouped into clusters (called
Configurable Logic Blocks by Xilinx and Logic Array
Blocks by Altera). The clusters are interconnected
using fixed metal tracks; these tracks can be connected
to each other and to clusters using configurable
switches (usually implemented as pass transistors or
repowering buffers in conjunction with pass
transistors). Thus the configurability provided by a
fabric is two-fold: the function implemented by each
look-up table can be configured, and the interconnect
between the fixed routing tracks and the look-up tables
can be configured.
The configuration information is typically stored in a
set of SRAM bits (in some cases, anti-fuses are used
rather than SRAM bits). The values in these SRAM
bits determine what function each lookup table
implements and how they are connected. The SRAM
bits can be configured into one or more shift registers,
and, once the chip is powered up, can be loaded by the
user. Besides providing the ability to customize the
circuitry after fabrication, the use of SRAM bits allows
the designer/user to re-configure the core as many times
as desired. For a more detailed description of
programmable logic circuitry, see [8].
Promises of Reconfigurability
This section describes how a reconfigurable fabric
can be used within an SOC-style chip, and outlines four
scenarios in which the use of a reconfigurable core is
Scenario 1: Changing Requirements
Consider the task of designing a network interface
chip, for which the network interface protocol has yet
to be finalized. In today’s competitive market it is
common that a chip is developed before standards have
been finalized. A changing standard late in the design
cycle may have a very negative impact on the
development schedule of the product. If, however, the
logic that implements the network interface protocol is
implemented using programmable logic, then these last-
minute changes can be accommodated without
changing the chip design.
Figure 2: A hypothetical SOC which can be
modified after fabrication
Consider Figure 2. This shows an implementations a
hypothetical PC-to-network bridge. Most of the chip
(the PC interface and the data processing block) is
designed using either fixed ASIC logic or fixed-
function cores. The network protocol, however, is left
to programmable logic.
Scenario 2: Customization and New Features
In many cases, a company designs a chip that will be
used by several customers. These customers may have
unique requirements. One option is to build all the
features required by all the customers in the chip, and
then provide a mechanism for selectively enabling
certain features for certain customers. Another
approach, enabled by using a programmable logic core,
is to implement the customer-specific portion of the
chip using programmable logic.
Scenario 3: Platform-Based Design
Due to the difficulties inherent with system-on-a-chip
design, some CAD tool vendors are now offering an
alternative: platform-based design. In this design style,
a CAD tool vendor will work with the customer to
produce a “platform”, a set of pre-placed, pre-wired,
and pre-verified cores for a specific application. The
customer can then customize the platform to suit a
particular application. For example, a CAD tool vendor
might work with a customer to produce a network
processor platform. The CAD tool vendor would
obtain cores, place them on a chip, verify them, and
verify their interconnect. The result would be a generic
network processor which could then be customized by
the customer. In addition, the CAD tool vendor could
re-use non-proprietary sections of the platform for
future customers who also wish to build a network
There are two ways in which programmable logic can
fit into the platform-based design approach. First, the
CAD tool developer might find that the platform
requirements are slightly different between customers.
These differences could be encapsulated in
programmable logic. This would greatly simplify the
task of modifying a platform for a second customer, if
all that needs to be changed is the circuitry
implemented in programmable logic. A second, and
possibly more compelling possibility is that the CAD
tool developer might implement the entire platform
using fixed cores, and fixed ASIC logic. The remaining
customization by the customer can then be done using
programmable logic. In this way, the customer has to
do no chip design at all. The CAD tool developer is
now doing the entire chip design, and selling a generic
chip which can be customized.
Scenario 4: On-Chip Testing
One of the greatest challenges in building SoC design
is making them testable. Although, standard design-
for-testability techniques can be used on each core
individually, it is unclear how to combine the various
test structures so that the entire chip is testable. Figure
3 shows one solution, based around a programmable
logic core. In this hypothetical chip, there are three
cores, two with a scan chain and one with external
buses (which can be driven or monitored to enhance
observability or controllability). In addition, the chip
contains an on-chip jitter-measurement circuit and
some circuits used to measure precise timing delays to
help with circuit calibration. This chip also contains a
programmable logic core to tie these various
controllability and observability functions together.
The test engineer can programmably, after fabrication,
implement a circuit in this core which combines various
test results into a signature, which can then be analyzed
by high-speed test equipment. At the same time, the
circuit implemented in the programmable logic core can
be used to stimulate the circuit. The fact that the test
circuitry does not need to be designed before the chip is
fabricated is key: the same programmable core can be
used to implement many different test analysis and
stimulus circuits, each testing a part of the chip. As
testing proceeds, if errors are found, new tests can be
devised, and the on-chip test circuitry implemented in
Challenges and Issues
In order for programmable logic cores to become
mainstream, there are several challenges and issues that
must be addressed.
major system
major system
jitter test
Timing Chains, etc
Test Controller
(programmable logic)
Test equipment
Figure 3: SOC-style chip with a test controller
implemented using programmable logic
Architecture Issues
There are two ways a vendor could provide
programmable logic cores to an SoC designer. One
approach is to offer a “family of cores, each member
of the family having a different capacity, chip area,
shape, and other characteristics. Because there are
many possibilities for the shape and size of these cores,
a large library would be required. A second, more
flexible approach, is to provide a “programmable logic
generator”, similar to a memory generator. Using this
generator, the SoC designer can request a core with
certain properties (shape, size, number and type of
interface pins etc.), and the generator would
automatically create a programmable logic core that
meets the user’s specifications. This second approach
has the advantage that many more different shapes and
sizes can be created; it is more likely that a core that
meshes well with the rest of the fixed cores can be
Regardless of whether the cores come from a library
or are automatically generated, the development of non-
square programmable logic cores is challenging.
Although there has been much previous work on
programmable logic optimization, most of this work has
targeted FPGAs, which are typically square. It is
known that highly rectangular arrays prefer a routing
architecture with more tracks in the long direction than
in the short direction [9], however it is not known how
to create routing architectures for L-shaped cores (as in
Figure 1) or for irregularly shaped cores (as in Figure
3). If the routing architecture is not carefully designed,
it is likely that “choke points”, or highly congested
regions may be created, leading to a core that is
unroutable for many applications.
Pre-Fabrication Verification
Perhaps the most challenging issue will be that of pre-
fabrication verification. At the time an SoC with a
programmable logic core is designed, the circuitry that
is to be implemented in the programmable portion is
unknown. To perform a system-level simulation of the
entire SoC, at least a behavioural description of at least
one possible configuration of the programmable logic
core is required. For example, when simulating the
interface chip of Figure 2, it is necessary to have a
behavioural description of at least one implementation
of the network interface in order to simulate the entire
chip. A more thorough verification job would verify
the circuit with a number of different network interface
circuits. Thus, there is a tradeoff between the amount
of verification and the time needed to perform the
verification. A study of this tradeoff is essential.
For some verification tasks, a behavioural description
will not be sufficient. Consider the case of power grid
sizing. This task involves the analysis of the power
requirements of each core, an IR-drop analysis, and the
creation of a power grid that can meet these power
requirements. In a programmable logic core, however,
the amount of power required depends on the digital
logic implemented in the core. To ensure that sufficient
power is supplied to the core, it is likely necessary to
take into account the worst-case power requirements of
the core. The development of worst-case power
models for these cores needs to be created.
Timing analysis is another important issue. The load
of wires entering and exiting a programmable logic core
depends on the digital logic implemented in the core.
One option is to create a fully buffered (and likely
registered) interface between the programmable logic
and the fixed logic. The development of such an
interface, and its interaction with a timing analysis tool
is an important research area.
Post-Fabrication Verification
Once the chip has been fabricated, the designer must
create logic to be implemented in the programmable
logic core. Although the core can be reprogrammed
many times, development of this logic will be
simplified if simulation models of the rest of the SoC
are available. These simulation models may be already
be provided by the core vendors, but their integration
into a system which can simulate both fixed and
programmable logic is an open research area. In the
end, it may be necessary to have programmable IP with
programmable on-chip test structures to fully exploit
this approach.
A fourth issue that must be studied is the identification
of which sorts of applications can make use of a
programmable logic core, and how they can use it.
It is clear that the ability to make post-fabrication
changes will become essential as time-to-market
pressures become increasingly tight, and as the
complexities of integrated circuits increase.
Programmable logic cores is a natural way to support
these post-fabrication changes. One of the primary
ways in which these cores will be used is to allow
designers to leave certain aspects of the design
unspecified until after fabrication. The use of these
cores in platform-based design and as a programmable
test controller may also be very valuable.
Although these programmable cores have been
available for approximately a year, their use is not yet
mainstream. The verification issue is an important
concern that must be addressed. However, possibly the
most important issue will be how the cores can be used
within specific applications. Programmable logic adds
another dimension that designers must come to grips
with before the full potential of these cores can be
[1] C. Matsumoto, “LSI Logic ASICs to add Programmable
Logic Cores”, E.E. Times, August 29, 1999.
[2] S. Ohr, “ADI Taps Systolix Processor Array,” E.E. Times,
April 21, 2000.
[3] “Lucent Introduces ORCA Series 4 FPGA,” Programmable
Logic News and Views, pages 7-11.
[4] R. Merritt, “QuickLogic Steps up Merger of FPGA with IP
Cores – DSP First Target,” E.E. Times, August 9, 2000.
[5] “Embedded FPGA Cores Enable Programmable ASICs,
ASSPs,” E.E. Times, September 20, 1999.
[6] C. Matsumoto, “Actel Plans to Produce FPGAs as ASIC
Cores,” E.E. Times, June 5, 2000.
[7] C.Matsumoto,“StartupPutsaFreshSpinonProgrammable
Cores,” E.E. Times, September 15, 2000.
[8] V.Betz,J.Rose,A.Marquardt,“Architecture and CAD for
Deep-Submicron FPGAs,” Kluwer Academic Pub., 1999.
[9] V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Directional Bias and Non-Uniformity
in FPGA Global Routing Architectures,'' ICCAD, 1996,
pages 652 - 659.