Question 6. List all children under the age of 18 living in your home. Please make sure that you
list full legal names. Nicknames will not be accepted. If they have a social security number,
please list it in the appropriate spot as well as their date of birth. Under relationship, list their
relationship to you, such as, daughter, father, cousin, etc. Their race should also be listed.
Question 7. List all individuals 18 years old or older living in the home. List full legal names
only. Nicknames will not be accepted. If they have a social security number, please list it in the
appropriate spot as well as their date of birth. Under relationship, list their relationship to you
Examples include son, daughter, father, cousin, roommate, etc. Their race and marital status
should also be listed.
Question 8. Check “Yes” if you are currently a child/adult foster care provider, or if you are
applying to become one. “Yes” answers will require other documents from the Foster Care
Agency. The contact person is the person that oversees your case, often referred to as a
caseworker or social worker.
Question 9. Check “Yes” if you or anyone living in the family child care home has ever been
charged with any crime, received probation before judgement or received a not criminally
responsible disposition. If not, check “No”. If you check “Yes”, thoroughly explain what
happened in the space provided. Use additional paper if needed. If you answer “Yes”, you will
receive additional instructions from the Office about the court documents that must be submitted
pertaining to incident(s) that you explained. The Office strongly recommends that you discuss,
with your household members, their criminal history.
Question 10. Check “Yes” if you or any other people living in the home are awaiting trial for a
criminal charge. If not, check “No”. If you check “Yes”, thoroughly explain what happened in
the space provided. Use additional paper if needed. If you answer “Yes”, you will receive
additional instructions from the Office about the court documents that must be submitted
pertaining to the charges(s) that you explained. The Office strongly recommends that you
discuss, with your household members, their criminal history.
Question 11. Check “Yes” if you or any other people living in the home have ever been
reported for child or adult abuse or neglect. If not, check “No”. If you answer “Yes”, please
thoroughly explain what happened in the space provided. Use additional paper if needed. The
Office strongly recommends that you discuss, with your household members, their child and
adult abuse and neglect investigations.
Question 12. If you have ever been licensed or applied to become licensed, registered or
certified to provide childcare in any other county, state, or federal jurisdiction, check “Yes” , if
not check “No”. If you check “Yes”, please list when and where in the spaces provided.
Question 13. If you have ever had a license, registration, or certification to provide any type of
child care, denied, suspended or revoked, check “Yes”, if not, check “No”. If “Yes”, document
when, where and give a brief explanation. For “Yes” answers, the Office may request
documentation from the agency that denied, suspended or revoked your license, registration or