A powerful template engine that converts
data into iText quality PDFs
White Paper V
Many organizations strive to make templating more user-friendly, without constantly pestering the development team with ad
hoc requests. What if you could have an easy way to configure and design data-driven PDF output templates or input forms, and
connect these to the appropriate back end logic and data, ensuring correct business results and professional output?
That’s what iText DITO is all about.
What is iText DITO?
iText DITO simplifies the process of creating multiple output templates or input forms. An intuitive WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
front end gives you the ability to create your own data-driven output templates or input forms, tied to a powerful back end. iText DITO
handles everything from HTML5 input form creation and data processing with JSON to the generation of PDFs. This reduces workload for
developers by offering a way to get results without wasting time writing lines of code.
iText DITO is an enterprise-grade template engine built on proven technology; using iText 7 Core with its pdfHTML and pdfCalligraph add-ons
to enable seamless integration of HTML5, CSS 3, PDF 2.0 and global language/ligature support into your document workflows.
In this whitepaper, we discuss the how and why of iText DITO. Starting with a broad overview explaining the features of the framework,
we then look at what iText DITO can do, and how it can help you. This document is aimed at developers who will have to implement and
maintain this solution. Therefore, we’ll go into extensive technical detail, explaining advanced features, configuration options and
workflow implementation.
Why use iText DITO?
There is a clear need in the market for a solution that offers users the power of dynamic data-driven form creation, allowing them to
quickly design PDF output templates or input forms.
iText DITO is a powerful template engine that converts data into iText quality PDFs. This solution allows users without technical expertise
to design an output template or input form and link it to a desired output document, using a system set up by developers for data
At its core, iText DITO bridges the gap between an input document and the desired output format, using the data that has been gathered.
This means you’re not limited to forms; the engine can accept any data that can be converted to JSON and output to either PDF, or
structured data that can be written to other databases. All this enables you to have a truly data-driven document workflow leading to
significant savings for your business.
How iText DITO Works: A high level overview
iText DITO is a template engine with two main components: a user-friendly browser-based application and a Java SDK. The Java SDK can
be configured by developers to do the heavy lifting, while the browser-based application gives users an easy to use tool to leverage the
power of the Java SDK. The application itself can be configured to fit the needs of the business, and the workflow can be integrated into
an existing IT environment.
Using the browser-based application users can quickly create HTML5 input forms and output templates which can be utilized in a number
of ways, such as input forms to capture and submit data entered by users (for example an application form). Alternatively, you might want
to populate an output template using existing data from a database, to generate PDF invoices or other documents. You can also link input
forms to output templates, to be altered or combined with other data before being output to a specific style and saved as a PDF.
The templates are built using easy to add elements such as rich text, text fields, sub-forms and tables. Styling can be added to those
elements in the iText DITO browser-based application, however, if you require further styling then you can simply add your own CSS
code. For example, company formatting and branding can be applied to the templates created in iText DITO.
All input fields can be linked to a variable identifying the input field. This enables the user to combine fields into calculations (e.g. Total =
Price x Quantity). It also allows an easy creation of the output document. Some of the input data will be relevant as output, some might
only be relevant as a source for calculations, and some might even only be used for authentication and serve no further purpose.
Data binding makes it easy to include input from non-human sources such as databases or RESTful API calls. iText DITO uses data
converted into JSON format turning it into much more than a form creation tool; it can also be used to structure data from different
sources into output documents. You can of course also combine user input with additional data from other sources.
When the user is satisfied with both the input form and output template, they can export the result to an iText DITO template package.
This is essentially an archive file containing all the necessary information to build the forms, including all relevant resources such as
fonts and images. To use the input form or output template, you need the Java SDK. The SDK is the engine powering iText DITO and is
responsible for both publishing and executing the logic to move from input data to structured output data. The output usually takes the
form of a PDF, but thanks to the data binding it’s also possible to export the input, for example to store it in a database.
The Java SDK runs using the iText DITO template package and a set of other parameters. It can be wrapped into a standalone application
(which might be run from the command line), but usually the functionality of the SDK will be integrated into existing software. This might
translate to an easy-to-use button that users can click without the need for any assistance from developers, apart from the initial
integration and implementation.
iText DITO enables a powerful end-to-end workflow where any user can easily create output templates or input forms using data from
users, databases or both. They can then apply the necessary logic to get end results that suit their needs. This can be a PDF such as an
invoice or a legal record, or even new entries in a database.
You only need to integrate iText DITO and upgrade the implementation as needed (for example with new CSS styles). Both developers
and users can work far more efficiently, needing far less of each other’s time.
Advanced functionality deep dive
The editor
The power of iText DITO comes in part from the web application. The easy-to-use yet powerful WYSIWYG interface allows even non-
technical users to create forms that operate exactly as needed. It is the logical connection between input and output, and the
comprehensive way in which to create that logic, that really makes the product unique.
The editor is used to make proprietary iText DITO template packages. They contain all the necessary resources to produce the needed
output, in PDF or written to an existing database.
The application enables anyone to create unique templates. It can run locally, but the web app is usually accessed through a local server.
The editor consists of a central workspace; on the right are subform-tools such as table, image and data binding controls, and on the left
is a column for additional finetuning of the templates, with template stylesheets and elements also displayed.
Any user familiar with text editor software will immediately feel at home in the central workspace area. Rich text options allow them to
easily adjust the styling, font, color and outline of text. Text can be both static and dynamic. It’s possible to insert dynamic intrusions
taken from data to customize each output form. Obvious examples are invoice numbers, or names of recipients taken from an existing
Central to the functionality of any form are the subforms. A subform is a group containing different elements. By editing the subform, all
elements within it are affected. It is possible to directly affect the visual style of a form through subforms. When creating an invoice form,
for example, the user can group the item name, number, quantity and price in a subform and create a border around all these elements.
Visually, this makes it easier for anyone filling the form to keep an overview. Furthermore, the subforms allow for some powerful dynamic
features, as we’ll discuss further in this document.
iText DITO also supports tables. This feature is especially useful when combined with data binding of the table fields. It allows iText DITO to
get input data from existing databases, or output data gathered through the forms to other databases. If there are multiple input values
available for a table row, it can be repeated as often as necessary. A user filling out the form can manually add new rows, but iText DITO
can also automatically add new items as needed when getting input from a JSON file.
In the example of the invoice form, you can imagine a table containing an item name, a price and a quantity in each row. If you want to
use iText DITO to create PDF invoices from a database, you’ll be confronted with different customers ordering different amounts of
items. If a customer orders a laptop at a cost of 500 dollars, and a keyboard at a cost of 10 dollars, the table can automatically create a
second row containing the second item.
A text field is a very straightforward addition to any form. It allows the user to type whatever they want. First and last names are
straightforward examples. A user can create placeholder text that will appear in an unfilled text form box, to clarify what is expected. They
can also attach styles or specify data bindings.
As a form should usually reflect the company style, adding images is an essential feature. You can add images from the internet or upload
your own. Uploaded images will be archived in the iText DITO template package after creation of the template. The most popular use
case for adding images is the inclusion of a company logo.
The addition of checkboxes is rather straightforward. Of course, it’s possible to specify the label and the style accompanying the check box.
Submit button
The submit button is only available for input templates and can’t correspond with an element on the output template. As the name
suggests, the button triggers the collection of the data from the form. When the button is clicked, the data is sent to a previously
selected URI. The data can now be used to produce a PDF output template, but it can also be stored in a database. You can easily
customize the appearance of buttons to fit the template style.
Input versus output
The workflow for creating the output form is almost identical to the creation of the input form. It’s possible to omit certain input or
perform calculations on input fields in order to generate output fields. By adjusting the style, the output form quickly becomes a formal
document that stands on its own and doesn’t just look like a cheap replica of the input form. How different the input and output forms
look depends entirely on your business needs.
Formatting and logic
The brain of iText DITO is the Java SDK. It uses the iText 7 Core but is available as a separate product. The software is built on the Open
Web Platform stack. More specifically, HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the foundation of iText DITO. The SDK parses the iText DITO
template created with the editor. The software is quite powerful and has a lot of advanced functions which make it ideal for data
processing. In this segment, we’ll discuss in some detail the way iText DITO handles data and logic, and how you can add dynamic
formatting. Some of the features below are quite advanced and are intended for implementation by technical users. We provide the
following documentation for the benefit of the developers.
Data binding
Data binding connects data with template elements. Binds make it possible to use data dynamically; to create output forms using data
from input forms, to store data in databases, and to automatically input data from non-human sources.
Suppose you want to create custom tickets for an event, and you already have all the necessary information of the invitees stored in a
database. You want to create an input form to gather the relevant data from the database, and an output form that looks like the final
invitation you’d be sending. This output form is a PDF, built from the data in the database.
The first thing you need to add is a first name. You need to create JSON data defining the data bind property, followed by the field value.
The JSON-data could look like this:
"first_name": "John"
first_name is the value of the data bind property of a field, while the field value taken from the data source is John. If you specify a field
containing text input and bind that input to first_name, the field will automatically resolve to John.
Resolving logic
iText DITO resolves input following a set of rules. It is important to know these rules in order to get the results you want, when using JSON
input data with a form template.
Resolving order
The data is automatically resolved against the data bound to the nearest element in a parent chain, or to the root data if no parents in
the chain are bound to data. Suppose you’ve created a field with a binding (first_name), nested within a subform without binding,
nested in turn within a parent subform with a binding (person).
subform ("person" binding)
--- subform (no binding)
--- field ("first_name" binding)
Now imagine the JSON data for input looks as follows:
"person": {
"first_name": "John"
"first_name": "Jane
In this example, the field will resolve to John, as the algorithm looks for the nearest bound parent, in this case the subform person. You
can change this behavior by adding the $ sign in front of a data bind value. The parameter tells the algorithm to look for the binding
relative to the data root. So, the form structure would look like this:
subform ("person" binding)
--- subform (no binding)
--- field ("$.first_name" binding)
The field would resolve with the first_name binding closest to the root of the JSON data example, which is Jane.
Resolving multiple data entries
Resolving data to data bound fields is easy when there is exactly one entry that corresponds with one field. More often than not, the
number of data entries is variable. You might have one customer who ordered two different items, and another who ordered ten. If you
want to automatically create invoices from an existing data set containing the orders, your form needs to cope with this variable input.
Specifically, you would need the relevant subform to automatically multiply as many times as needed. That way, you only have to add a
single subform with entry fields for item, quantity and price. If a customer orders more than one item, a new line is added, as many
times as needed.
By adding the [*] parameter to the data bind value of a field in the web editor, the algorithm knows it needs to multiply a subform as
many times as the input data requires. Apart from the parameter, the structure remains the same.
subform ("people[*]" binding)
--- field ("first_name" binding)
--- field ("last_name" binding)
Now the subform will multiply for each data entry. If the input data specifies three first_name and last_name binds like in the
example below, the above subform will be added to the form three times.
"people": [
{ "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe" },
{ "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Diluca" },
{ "first_name": "Han", "last_name": "Pak" }
The [*] parameter means you never have to add the same subform multiple times manually, while also giving your template the flexibility
to handle an unknown amount of data entries.
If you want to publish a form for manual filling, you can check a check box in the web editor to add + and - buttons next to a subform.
Calculations and logic
We’ve already talked about performing calculations in iText DITO. Sometimes, it might be impossible to show the necessary information
on the output form using only data binding. You might for example want to show a total at the end of an invoice, containing the sum of all
items ordered in their respective quantities, multiplied by the VAT.
In order to simplify processing of the data without the need for pre-processing, iText DITO can handle many straightforward calculations.
Calculations allow you to assign values to certain fields depending on the values of other fields. It’s possible to calculate a field using other
fields which are the results of calculations themselves. In a sense, you can treat iText DITO like a simple spreadsheet.
In order to perform calculations on the variables in a field, you must name the fields. The field names act as variables that you can use in
mathematical expressions. If you have a field named price and another one named quantity, you can create a field showing the total of
an order by defining it as price * quantity.
The [*] parameter can be used in this context as well. The parameter allows you to perform a calculation using a variable number of fields.
If, for example, you want to calculate a grand total based on the order of an unknown number of different items, you’d need the sum of
the price field of all those items. You can do this by using the following notation:
iText DITO supports the following functions:
- sum
- product
- concat
And the following operators:
"+", "-", "*", "/"
Data Mapping Mode
The editor has an additional view mode to see and configure data binding. You can switch to the data mapping mode by clicking the following
button in the editor:
This will give you a view like this:
Visual styles and formatting
We already talked about some easy-to-use visual options within the web editor, but iText DITO has far more up its sleeve. You can define
very specific personal styles using CSS code, and you can even make a single form locally responsive based on the region in which you
want to use it.
Value formatting
Value formatting functions are powerful tools that enable you to display values in specific ways in the output form. You can use the
functions to specify the desired format. Currently, iText DITO supports number and currency formatting.
Number formatting is represented as a string, preceded by the num operator. A formatting string might look like this:
num(‘$#,##0.00’, ‘de-de’)
In the above example, there are two arguments. The first one specifies the pattern; the second argument adds a locale. A locale-
parameter is optional, but very handy when you want to deploy a single form in multiple geographical regions. It affects grouping,
decimal separators and currency symbols.
For example, a format of
And a text of
Will look as follows with a locale of “de”:
And as follows with a locale of “us”:
There are six special characters you can use to define formatting. All other characters in a formatting string will be left intact.
- 0 (Digit)
- # (Digit, zero shows as absence)
- . (Decimal separator)
- - (Negative sign)
- , (Grouping separator)
- % (Percent, multiplies number by 100)
Stylesheets and classes
iText DITO templates make use of the Open Web Platform. The templates are therefore to a great extent compatible with CSS stylesheets.
Advanced users can customize almost all visual properties of a template with CSS. However, since the iText DITO web editor is meant to
be used by non-technical users, CSS knowledge is not required. Anyone can modify the visual styling with the designer tool, but CSS of
course offers more flexibility.
You can also embed personalized stylesheets while integrating iText DITO into the company infrastructure. You can add the relevant
styles once, allowing the user to select the style needing to understand CSS.
You can add a new embedded stylesheet or use an external one. The stylesheets can be linked with elements through element classes.
It’s also possible to specify styles without explicitly linking to them. For example:
*[data-dito-element="rich-text"] {
color: red;
In this example, all the text in rich text elements would default to red, unless the user explicitly overrides the text color by changing the
Installation and integration
iText DITO is not an out-of-the-box application. The framework needs to be integrated with an existing IT infrastructure. While anyone can
use the framework to create templates and forms, the integration needs to be done by an experienced developer. The developer can
define optimal workflows by integrating with the existing IT infrastructure.
iText DITO is only available for Java and requires Java 8 to run the web editor application. Forms are published and data is processed
with the Java SDK. The SDK also produces the PDF output. iText guarantees software compatibility with both the Oracle JRE and Open
JRE. You need version 8 with update 152. iText DITO might not work properly on older versions.
Web editor installation
You can download the JAR file from the iText Artifactory. In order to run the web editor application, you’ll need a configuration file such
as this one:
- type: http
port: 8080
- type: http
port: 8081
level: INFO
path: D:/DITOWork
As you can see, the editor uses two ports. The first one (8080 in the above example), is used to access the web editor itself. Users of the
application will connect through this port.
The second port (8081) is used for access to administrative features. You can of course configure the ports manually, as long as the
editor and the administrator connector use a different one. You should make sure the admin port isn’t accessible from outside the
local trusted network.
iText DITO uses the Dropwizard webserver in the back-end. If you need documentation detailing how to set up the https connection
and how to add https certificates, you can refer to the Dropwizard configuration manual, available online. In order to run the editor
application, you need the following command:
java-jar dito-server.jar {server, check} config.yml
The server command starts the web application. As soon as it’s started, it should be available through the specified port. The check command
makes sure the configuration file offers valid configuration data. If something is not working properly, you’ll see the errors printed.
As an administrator, you can access the health check feature. Health checks help you identify the cause of problems with the
application. The feature is available through the administrator port:
The result of a health check is returned in JSON format.
Assuming everything works well, you’ll see {“healthy”:true} for all checks. If there is a problem, the JSON data will contain a
message describing the problem. For example:
"workDirectory":{"healthy":false,"message":"Work directory does not exist"}
Java SDK
The Java SDK is the heart and brains of the iText DITO framework. The SDK deploys the input form, produces output PDFs from output
templates, processes calculations and formatting, and processes input and output from and to external databases.
The Java SDK is available as a Maven module. In order to install it, you need the necessary dependency from the iText Artifactory. First,
you need to add the repository to the Maven POM file as follows:
<name>DITO Repository</name>
Subsequent deployment is easy. Just add the dependency to your POM file like this:
The dito.sdk.version statement is a variable specifying your current version of the framework. The value can for example be 1.0.0.
Workflow integration
Every iText DITO workflow starts with the creation of a form template, exported to an iText DITO template package. This file will be at the
center of the rest of the workflow. You’ll probably want to deploy input forms, accept data submissions for those forms, and finally
create output PDFs using the input data, following the output template.
Loading the license key
Before you can use the Java SDK, you need to install the license key. This is easily managed by using the following commands:
File licenseKeyFile = ”...”;
Input form deployment
As soon as a user has created a template package using the editor, the package can be deployed in your web server environment. The
Java SDK will process the package into an input form.
You need the InputTemplateDeployer class from com.itextpdf.dito.sdk.input package. Four parameters are relevant. You
need to specify the path to the template package you want to use, the name of the input template inside the package, an alias for the
input form and an output folder. The deployed form will be stored in this location.
File projectFile = new File("templatePackage.dito");
String templateName = "input";
File deployFolder = new File("deployed");
InputTemplateDeployer.deployTemplateFromPackage(projectFile, templateName, deployFolder);
Inside the folder specified for deployment, you can find an input file. This file contains the actual form you’ve created. The file name will be
identical to the template name, as specified in the TemplateName argument. As the form is now created, you’re free to rename it into
anything you like.
The folder will also contain a subfolder named js. Inside, the Java SDK has put the files necessary to support interactive features
of the form. If applicable for the template you’ve used, you’ll also find a resources folder here. You can host all files directly from
the deployment folder.
iText DITO allows for flexible publication of the form. You can, for instance, create a dedicated web page and direct users there, or you can
embed it inside an existing web page using an <iframe>.
Accepting data from forms
When designing the template, you can specify a URI. Data collected by the form, will be sent there using POST or PUT, as specified during
the design of the template.
The type of the data payload is application/x-dito-data-submission, but you can easily convert the data to a type that’s easier to
work with. For now, only JSON is supported. Data submissions are handled by the DataSubmission class from
com.itextpdf.dito.sdk.submission package. The example below illustrates how to get submission data in JSON format from the
InputStream, which represents the payload:
String json = DataSubmission.fromInputStream(is).asJsonString();
PDF creation
One of the primary functions of iText DITO is the automatic creation of stylish and useful PDFs based on data gathered by the input form. If
the template package contains an output template, all you need is the PdfProducer class from the com.itextpdf.dito.sdk.
outputpackage. Creating a PDF using an output template and JSON data might look like this:
File templatePackageFile = new File(templatePackagePath);
String templateName = "output";
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(outFilePath))
String json = "{...}";
PdfProducer.convertTemplateFromPackage(templatePackageFile, templateName, fos, new
You can also combine accepting data submissions and creating PDFs. That way, a PDF will be created for each filled out form. The
example below shows how you can automate the workflow:
String json = DataSubmission.fromInputStream(is).asJsonString();
File templatePackageFile = new File(templatePackagePath);
String templateName = "output";
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(outFilePath))
String json = "{...}";
PdfProducer.convertTemplateFromPackage(templatePackageFile, templateName, fos, new
Using iText DITO
We have now covered the iText DITO framework quite extensively. We’ve also discussed the need for a data-driven solution like iText
DITO, the possibilities of the framework, and we’ve touched on the most important technical aspects. Below, you’ll discover a simple
example of a workflow using iText DITO, using as an example the creation of an invoice template.
A use case example
An invoice template is a straightforward example of an iText DITO use case. You can easily imagine a sales representative in the field
using a tablet to input orders for a customer. The sales rep would need an easy tool at their fingertips, while the customer requires a
professional looking and easily understandable invoice for payment.
In this scenario, the head of sales can use iText DITO to develop a form for use by the sales rep. The dynamic form allows them to add
products to an order, specify how many products are ordered, and expand the order with multiple products as necessary. By completing
the input form, the sales rep can then place the order.
Of course, it wouldn’t do to send the customer a screenshot of the form. Even though it looks clean and easy to use, it’s nowhere good
enough to serve as an invoice. Furthermore, a real invoice needs to have specific information included, such as an account number or
addresses. Lastly, the customer expects their invoice to arrive via email in PDF format, as PDF offers a widely compatible yet
unchangeable digital file that carries with it a sense of authority.
With iText DITO, the order made by the sales representative is automatically converted to a PDF file that’s ready to be emailed to the
customer. What’s more, iText DITO handles the data gathered through the input form in such a way that it can be shared with other parts of
the company’s IT infrastructure. Imagine the order going straight to the order pickers in the warehouse, for fast delivery.
When iText DITO has been implemented correctly, the head of sales would not need the help of a developer to create both the form and
the PDF output. They could easily build a template for both, following the company style and formatting.
Comprehensive walkthrough
Now, let’s have a look at how the above use case would translate into a practical workflow. The template we are creating might be used
by a sales person. They can fill out the form with orders for their customer. After submitting the order, iText DITO will automatically create
a professional looking invoice in PDF. We’ll use sample data to try out our form:
"invoice_no": "12345",
"company_name": "ABC, Inc.",
"address": "12 West street, NY, USA",
"items": [
{ "name": "Blue pen", "price": "20.1", "quantity": 10 },
{ "name": "Black pencil", "price": "0.1", "quantity": 1 },
{ "name": "Red pen", "price": "20", "quantity": 78 },
{ "name": "Blue pencil", "price": "0.15", "quantity": 13 }
The creation of the template starts in the web editor. We start our new project by uploading the company logo. On the left of the editor,
you can find the resources panel. Here, you can either add an image from the web or upload your own.
As soon as the image is added, you can drag it to the editing area. The editor will automatically create a new element containing the image.
Next, we align the image to the right of our form. In order to do so, we must first wrap it into a subform. Click the subform icon in the
toolbox and drag the image into the subform. Now we can apply the right text alignment from the paragraph style properties.
The result looks as follows:
The invoice we are creating will have a unique number, shown at the top of the form. In order to add this header, we need a new static text
element. You can easily add it and use the style controls to edit the visual appearance of the text.
Our form must take the invoice number from the input data. In order to do so, we insert a data binding intrusion with the value
Click the underlined button on the right of the toolbar to add the binding.
You can add static text elements containing the company name and address in a similar way. We align the contact information to the
right, so it sits neatly underneath the logo.
Since we already have some data binding going on, it’s a good idea to do a preview. At the top of the editor window, you can find the
preview button. iText DITO needs sample data for the preview So we can use the data provided at the beginning of this segment. The
JSON data contains “invoice_no”: “12345” as the first entry. The value 12345 corresponds with the invoice_no variable,
which we used as a data bind in our form. The preview shows the expected result:
In editing mode, it’s time to add the bulk of our input form. We need a table containing the name of the item being bought, the unit
price, the quantity of the order, and the total for that item. Underneath, we add a field with the grand total for the entire order.
The table above requires some configuration. We need to define the relationship between the individual fields and the input data, but also
between the fields themselves. We not only need to apply data binding to the fields, but we must also name them. That way, we can
invoke the value of the fields as variables for further calculations.
The item name, item price and item quantity fields all need a data bind and a name. You can use name, price and quantity for both.
The example below shows how the properties of the item name field need to be filled.
The item total field will be filled using data provided by the item price and item quantity fields. Therefore, it does not need a
data bind. The field does need a name though, as we are going to perform calculations on in the Grand total field. We call it item_
total. Under Calculation, we select product. In order to calculate the total amount owed, the field must contain the product of
price and quantity.
Before we can move on to the Grand total field, we need to tell our form that each item from the input data needs to have its own
row in the table. In other words: the table needs to extend itself with additional rows as many times as there are item data entries in the
JSON data. This makes the form flexible; it will be able to handle orders containing only one item as well as orders containing multiple
Select the second table row (the one containing the fields) from the elements tree on the left, and specify the multiplied items[*]
Another preview will illustrate the result of this binding. As there are four entries under Items, the form will automatically add four rows in
the table. The Item total will also be filled as a product of quantity and price for each item.
This works perfectly, assuming all input comes from previously gathered data. Of course, our sales representative should be able to use
the form manually to put in a client’s order. If we want them to be able to add multiple items to one invoice, we need to add interactive
controls. These controls will appear next to a row in the table. By clicking ‘+’, the representative will be able to add a new row manually.
With the ‘-‘ button, they can remove a row.
Select the second row of the table again and look for the Add interactive repeatable controls option. Click the checkbox to enable the feature.
Lastly, we need a submission button. By clicking this button, data will be sent to the destination of our choice. Add the button, and try
previewing the form without any input data, so you can see the vanilla form that will be presented to the sales rep.
The form still looks rather crude, but all the required functionality is there. Now you can try and polish the form, or you can apply
custom CSS styles to really wrap it in the company style.
Now you can copy the input template to the output template. You must get rid of the buttons to manually add or remove rows, and the
submit button is also useless here. The output form will be converted to PDF and serve as an official invoice, so it should look
accordingly. You can preview the output with the sample data to see how everything will look.
When you’re satisfied, you can export the template to an iText DITO template package ready for use by the Java SDK.
Conclusion: Taking action with iText DITO
iText DITO is a powerful tool that empowers business users while decreasing the time developers must spend performing nonessential
tasks. In businesses today, users want to use technology to achieve a goal. They know what they need but may lack the technical
knowledge and background to translate their vision into reality. Developers have this knowledge but aren’t always familiar with the
specific needs of the end user. Both of them trying to work out a solution to a problem isn’t very efficient.
The main goal of iText DITO is to provide users with the tools to turn their own data-driven forms vision into reality, without needing to
involve a developer. Valuable time gets saved, while the pace of innovation is increased.
There still is an important role for the developer in the early stages of the implementation of iText DITO. They must do the actual legwork of
integrating the framework in the existing IT infrastructure and configuring it to be used. But after this initial configuration, the tool is ready
to go.
iText DITO is the only framework available today that empowers end users to create advanced and functional forms combined with PDF
output. With iText DITO installed, users can create a variety of forms in the look and feel of their choice. The input of the forms is easily
structured, can be output to a database, and of course converted to PDF to be either used or archived. Sound interesting?
Contact us to learn more at: https://itextpdf.com/en/products/itext-dito.
About iText
iText is the world’s foremost platform to create PDF files and integrate them in corporate applications. Originally released in 2000, iText is
available as an open source product with community support, as well as a commercial product, worldwide supported by the iText Group
NV (with offices in Europe, North America and Asia). In 2016, the popular iText 5 version was succeeded by the fully re-written and re-
architectured iText 7 platform, with advanced add-on options. iText represents a unique capability of facilitating the use of dynamic and
complex PDF documents in corporate document workflows, throughout the whole document lifecycle.