Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SUBJECT: Index by Policy Number
SECTION 100 - General
100.01 Brief History
100.02 Mission
100.03 Role Statement
SECTION 200 - Governance
200.01 General
200.02 Legislative Mandate
200.03 Authority of North Dakota University System of Higher Education
200.04 Governance
SECTION 300 - Organization and Administration
300.01 General
300.02 Presidents Authority and Responsibilities
300.03 Organization of the College
300.04 Categories of Personnel: Selection, Tenure, Evaluation
300.05 Calendar
300.06 Class Schedule
300.07 Publications
300.09 Policies and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400 - Administrative Affairs
400.01 General
400.02 Budget and Funds
400.03 Expenditures and Fiscal Control
400.04 Absence from Campus and Travel Authorization
400.04.01 Volunteer Duty
400.05 Retention Schedule
400.06 Travel
400.07 Payment for Meals for Staff and Guests
400.08 Refund/Repayment Procedures
400.09 Credit Card Refund
400.10 Pay Day
400.11 Payroll Change Notice
400.12 Asset Management and Inventory Control
400.13 Contractual Services
400.13.01 Procurement
400.13.02 Conflict of Interest
400.14 Advertising
400.15 Solicitation of Funds
400.16 Overtime and Compensatory Time
400.17 Usage of College Property
400.17.01 Off Campus Use of State Property
400.17.02 Personal Use of State Property
400.18 Debarred and Suspended Vendors
400.19 Hours of Work
400.20 Distracted Driving
400.21 Vehicle Usage
400.22 Parking
400.22.01 Snow Removal
400.23 Mail Services
400.24 Purchasing Card
400.25 Smoke Free/Tobacco Free Campus
400.26 Drug Free Workplace
400.27 Fee Payment
400.28 Telephone Usage
400.29 Outlook Calendar Policy
400.31 Bookstore
400.32 Dining Services
400.33 Tuition Waivers
400.34 Waivers
400.35 Salary Administrative
400.36 Theft and Fraud
400.37 Cell Phone
SECTION 500 - College Councils and Committees
500.01 General
500.02 Structure
500.03 Faculty Senate
500.04 College Councils
500.05 College Committees
500.06 College Consultative Groups
SECTION 600 - General Employment
600.01 Non Classified and Classified Personnel
600.02 Position Descriptions
600.03 General
600.04 Non Classified Personnel
600.05 Classified Personnel
600.06 Classified Staff Development
SECTION 700 - Faculty
700.01 General
700.02 North Dakota University System
700.03 Qualification and Selection
700.03.01 Faculty Communications Proficiency
700.04 Salaries
700.05 Insurance
700.06 Position Description
700.07 Teaching Policies
700.08 Field Trips
700.09 Faculty Evaluation
700.10 Faculty Records
700.11 Faculty Development
700.11.01 Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee
700.12 Continuing Education for Faculty
700.13 Institutional Tenure Guidelines
700.14 Faculty Rank/Promotions
700.15 Holidays
700.16 Absences and Types of Leave
700.17 Travel
700.18 Academic Freedom
700.19 Resignation
700.20 Tenured Faculty Termination Related to a Program Closure
700.21 Conflict of Interest
700.22 Faulty Grievance Procedure
700.23 Program Review and Improvement
700.24 Annual Program Enrollment Report
700.25 Other Provisions
SECTION 800 - Student Affairs
800.01 General
800.02 Admissions: Standards, Requirements, Access, Application Process
800.03 Admissions: Special Categories and Exceptions
800.04 Classification of Students
800.05 Credit Hours and Contact Hours
800.06 Tuition and Fees: Refund
800.08 Residence Life/Housing: Facilities, Contracts and Regulations
800.08.01 Missing Student Notification
800.09 Health Services
800.11 Student Insurance
800.12 Standards of Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility
800.13 Educational Rights/Access to Records
800.13.01 Consumer Information
800.14 Attendance
800.15 Withdrawal from College
800.16 Grading System
800.17 Establishing Prior Credit
800.18 Grade Point Average and Academic Progress
800.19 Change of Registration
800.20 Graduation Requirements
800.21 Transcripts and Transferring
800.22 Student Government
800.23 Student Organizations
800.24 Intramural Recreation Program
800.25 Use of College Facilities
800.26 Lower Deck Recreation Room
800.27 Weight Room
800.28 College-Sponsored Field Trips and Activities
800.29 Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
800.30 Student Conduct
800.31 Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures
800.32 Other Provisions
800.33 Service and Assistance Animal
800.34 Disability Services Policy
SECTION 900 - Academic Affairs
900.01 Curriculum - Approval of New Programs
900.02 Course Approval
900.03 Continuing Education
900.04 ND IVN - North Dakota Interactive Video Network
900.05 Dual Credit
900.06 Budget Process
900.07 Online Courses
900.08 Library/Media Center
900.09 Information Technology Services
900.09.01 Computer Usage
900.09.02 Student Email
900.10 Dual Credit and Hometown University
900.11 Types and Levels of Programs
900.12 Additional Educational Opportunities
SECTION 1000 - Facilities Usage
1000.01 Use of College Facilities: Speech, Expression, and Assembly
1000.02 Approval Process for Use of College Facilities
1000.03 College Master Schedule
1000.04 General Regulations
1000.05 Robert Fawcett Auditorium Use and Rental
1000.06 Studness Chautauqua Gallery, Heritage Hall Conference Room and Colonial Room Use
and Rental
1000.07 Classroom and Computer Labs Use and Rental
1000.08 Gymnasium Use and Rental
1000.09 Weight Room Use and Rental
1000.10 Residence Hall Use and Rental
1000.11 Food Service Use and Rental
SECTION 1100 - Recruitment of Personnel
1100.01 Position Authorization Procedure
1100.02 Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure
1100.03 Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure for Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty
1100.04 Post-Search Procedure for all Employees
1100.05 Position Authorization Procedure: Application, Recruitment and Appointment of
1100.06 Employee/Volunteers Criminal History Background Investigations
1100.07 Staff and Faculty Recruitment and Expenses
SECTION 1200 - System of Awards and Recognition
1200.01 General Objectives
1200.02 College Employees: Recognition of Length of Service
1200.03 College Employees: Recognition of Significant Achievement
1200.04 Alumni and Citizens
1200.05 Students
SECTION 1300 - Public Affairs
1300.01 General/Role of the Office
1300.02 Publicity and Release of College Information
1300.03 Faculty and Staff Publications/Activities
1300.04 Advertising, Scheduling of Events and Sale of Tickets
1300.05 Relationship with Media
1300.06 Internal Publications
1300.07 Political Activities
SECTION 1400 - Internal and Affiliated External Organizations
1400.01 General
1400.02 Lake Region State College Faculty Constitution
1400.03 Lake Region State College Student Senate Constitution
1400.04 Residence Hall Association Constitution
SECTION 1500 - Safety and Security
1500.01 Information Security
1500.02 PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance
1500.03 Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag)
1500.04 Customer Information Safeguarding Program
1500.05 Code of Conduct
1500.06 Reporting and Investigating Theft and Fraud
1500.07 Security Cameras
1500.08 Harassment
1500.08.01 Consensual Relationships
1500.09 Title IX and Sexual Harassment
1500.09.01 Pregnant and Parenting Students
1500.10 Significant Infectious Disease
1500.11 Bomb Threat
1500.12 Crisis Communication Plan
1500.13 Emergency Notification System
1500.14 Key Control
1500.15 Alcohol and Drugs
1500.16 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
1500.17 Commitment to Diversity
1500.18 Campus Safety
1500.19 Emergency Response
1500.20 Workplace Violence
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SUBJECT: Index by Alphabetized Policy Title
Absence from Campus and Travel Authorization 400.04
Absences and Types of Leave 700.16
Academic Freedom 700.18
Additional Educational Opportunities 900.12
Admissions: Special Categories and Exceptions 800.03
Admissions: Standards, Requirements, Access, Application Process 800.02
Advertising 400.14
Advertising, Scheduling of Events and Sale of Tickets 1300.04
Alcohol and Drugs
Alterations to College Facilities/Work Order 1000.12
Alumni and Citizens 1200.04
Annual Program Enrollment Report 700.24
Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure 1100.02
Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure
for Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty 1100.03
Approval Process for Use of College Facilities 1000.02
Asset Management and Inventory Control 400.12
Attendance 800.14
Authority of North Dakota University System of Higher Education 200.03
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) 800.29
Bomb Threat 1500.11
Bookstore 400.31
Brief History 100.01
Budget and Funds 400.02
Budget Process 900.06
Calendar 300.05
Campus Safety 1500.18
Categories of Personnel: Selection, Tenure, Evaluation 300.04
Cell Phone 400.37
Change of Registration 800.19
Class Schedule 300.06
Classification of Students 800.04
Classified Personnel 600.05
Classified Staff Development 600.06
Classroom and Computer Labs Use and Rental 1000.07
Code of Conduct 1500.05
College Committees 500.05
College Consultative Groups 500.06
College Councils 500.04
College Employees: Recognition of Length of Service 1200.02
College Employees: Recognition of Significant Achievement 1200.03
College Master Schedule 1000.03
College-Sponsored Field Trips and Activities 800.28
Commitment to Diversity 1500.17
Computer Usage 900.09.01
Conflict of Interest 400.13.02
Conflict of Interest 700.21
Consensual Relationships 1500.08.01
Consumer Information 800.13.01
Continuing Education 900.03
Continuing Education for Faculty 700.12
Contractual Services 400.13
Course Approval 900.02
Credit Card Refund 400.09
Credit Hours and Contact Hours 800.05
Crisis Communication Plan 1500.12
Curriculum - Approval of New Programs 900.01
Custodial and Moving Services 400.2
Customer Information Safeguarding Program 1500.04
Debarred and Suspended Vendors 400.18
Dining Services 400.32
Disability Services Policy 800.34
Distracted Driving 400.20
Drug Free Workplace 400.26
Dual Credit and Hometown University 900.01
Dual Credit 900.05
Educational Rights/Access to Records 800.13
Emergency Notification System 1500.13
Emergency Response 1500.19
Employee/Volunteers Criminal History Background Investigations 1100.06
Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination 1500.16
Establishing Prior Credit 800.17
Expenditures and Fiscal Control 400.03
Faculty and Staff Publications/Activities 1300.03
Faculty Communications Proficiency 700.03.01
Faculty Development 700.11
Faculty Evaluation 700.09
Faculty Grievance Procedure 700.22
Faculty Rank/Promotions 700.14
Faculty Records 700.1
Faculty Senate 500.03
Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee Guidelines 700.11.01
Fee Payment 400.27
Field Trips 700.08
Food Service Use and Rental 1000.11
General (Administrative Affairs) 400.01
General (College Councils and Committees) 500.01
General (Faculty) 700.01
General (Governance) 200.01
General (Internal and Affiliated External Organizations) 1400.01
General (Non Classified and Classified Personnel) 600.03
General (Organization and Administration) 300.01
General (Student Affairs) 800.01
General Objectives (System of Awards and Recognition) 1200.01
General Regulations (Facilities Usage) 1000.04
General/Role of the Office (Public Affairs) 1300.01
Governance 200.04
Grade Point Average and Academic Progress 800.18
Grading System 800.16
Graduation Requirements 800.2
Gymnasium Use and Rental 1000.08
Harassment 1500.08
Health Services 800.09
Holidays 700.15
Hours of Work 400.19
Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag) 1500.03
Information Security 1500.01
Information Technology Services 900.09
Institutional Tenure Guidelines 700.13
Insurance 700.05
Internal Publications 1300.06
Intramural Recreation Program 800.24
Key Control 1500.14
Lake Region State College Faculty Constitution 1400.02
Lake Region State College Student Senate Constitution 1400.03
Legislative Mandate 200.02
Library/Media Center 900.08
Lower Deck Recreation Room 800.26
Mail Services 400.23
Mission 100.02
Missing Student Notification 800.08.01
ND IVN - North Dakota Interactive Video Network 900.04
Non Classified and Classified Personnel 600.01
Non Classified Personnel 600.04
North Dakota University System 700.02
Notary Public 400.3
Off Campus Use of State Property 400.17.01
Online Courses 900.07
Organization of the College 300.03
Other Provisions 700.25
Other Provisions 800.32
Outlook Calendar Policy 400.29
Overtime and Compensatory Time 400.16
Parking 400.22
Pay Day 400.1
Payment for Meals for Staff and Guests 400.07
Payroll Change Notice 400.11
PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance 1500.02
Personal Use of State Property 400.17.02
Policies and Procedure Manual 300.09
Political Activities 1300.07
Position Authorization Procedure 1100.01
Application, Recruitment and Appointment of Volunteers 1100.05
Position Description 700.06
Position Descriptions 600.02
Post-Search Procedure for all Employees 1100.04
Pregnant and Parenting Students 1500.09.01
Presidents Authority and Responsibilities 300.02
Procurement 400.13.01
Program Review and Improvement 700.23
Publications 300.07
Publicity and Release of College Information 1300.02
Purchasing Card 400.24
Qualification and Selection 700.03
Refund/Repayment Procedures 400.08
Relationship with Media 1300.05
Reporting and Investigating Theft and Fraud 1500.06
Residence Hall Association Constitution 1400.04
Residence Hall Use and Rental 1000.01
Residence Life/Housing: Facilities, Contracts and Regulations 800.08
Resignation 700.19
Retention Schedule 400.05
Robert Fawcett Auditorium Use and Rental 1000.05
Role Statement 100.03
Salaries 700.04
Salary Administrative 400.35
Security Cameras 1500.07
Service and Assistance Animal 800.33
Significant Infectious Disease 1500.1
Smoke Free/Tobacco Free Campus 400.25
Snow Removal 400.22.01
Solicitation of Funds 400.15
Staff and Faculty Recruitment and Expenses 1100.07
Standards of Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility 800.12
Structure 500.02
Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures 800.31
Student Conduct 800.30
Student Email 900.09.02
Student Government 800.22
Student Insurance 800.11
Student Organizations 800.23
Students 1200.05
Studness Chautauqua Gallery, Heritage Hall Conference Room
and Colonial Room Use and Rental 1000.06
Teaching Policies 700.07
Telephone Usage 400.28
Tenured Faculty Termination Related to a Program Closure 700.2
Theft and Fraud 400.36
Title IX and Sexual Harassment 1500.09
Transcripts and Transferring 800.21
Travel 400.06
Travel 700.17
Tuition and Fees: Refund 800.06
Tuition Waivers 400.33
Types and Levels of Programs 900.11
Usage of College Property 400.17
Use of College Facilities 800.25
Use of College Facilities: Speech, Expression, and Assembly 1000.01
Vehicle Usage 400.21
Volunteer Duty 400.04.01
Waivers 400.34
Weight Room 800.27
Weight Room Use and Rental 1000.09
Withdrawal from College 800.15
Workplace Violence 1500.20
Policy & Procedure Crosswalk
Chapter 100 General
Chapter 200 Governance
Chapter 300 Organization & Administration
Chapter 400 Administrative Affairs
Chapter 500 College Councils and Committees
Chapter 600 Non Classified and Classified Personnel
Changed title to General Employment
Chapter 700 Faculty
Chapter 800 Student Services (change to Student Affairs)
Chapter 900 Instructional Services (change to Academic
Chapter 1000 Facilities Usage
Chapter 1100 Recruitment Personnel
Chapter 1200 Awards and Recognition
Chapter 1300 Public Affairs
Chapter 1400 Internal and Affiliated External Organizations
Chapter 1500 Safety and Security
Change Title
Appendix I
Program Bulletins
Appendix II
Pub #1 Purchasing Code of Ethics/Business Conflict of Interest
Chapter 400.13.02
Pub #2 Part 1 Campus Safety Report
Remove and file in central file
Pub #2 Part 2 Campus Safety Report
Remove and file in central file
Pub #3 Alcohol and other Drugs
Chapter 800.30 (9) Replace Text
Pub #4 Harassment
Chapter 1500.08
Pub #5 Sexual Assault
Chapter 1500.09
Pub #6 Salary Administrative
Chapter 400.35
Pub #7 Faculty Handbook
Remove Available at Academic Affairs
Pub #8 Dual Credit and Hometown University
Chapter 900.10
Pub #9 Waiver
Chapter 400.34
Pub #10 Computer Usage
Chapter 900.09.01
Pub #11 Significant Infectious Disease
Chapter 1500.10
Pub #12 Communications Proficiency
Remove Located in Chapter 700
Pub #13 Bomb Threat
Chapter 1500.11
Pub #14 Crisis Communication Plan
Chapter 1500.12
Pub #15 Purchasing Card
Chapter 400.24
Pub #16 Student Email
Chapter 900.09.02
Pub #17 Theft and Fraud
Chapter 400.36
Pub #18 Snow Removal
Chapter 400.22.01
Pub #19 Consumer Information
Chapter 800.13.01
Pub #20 Emergency Closing
Chapter 1500.12
Pub #21 Key Control
Chapter 1500.14
Pub #22 Off Campus use of State Property
Chapter 400.17.01
Pub #23 Personal use of State Property
Chapter 400.17.02
Misc #43 Volunteer Duty Policy
Chapter 400.04.01
Appendix III Miscellaneous Forms
Misc #1 Organizational Chart
Remove Central File
Misc #2 Planning Process Flow Chart
Remove Central File
Misc #3 Policy & Procedures Manual Change Request
Misc #4 Employee Leave
Misc #5 Employee Leave Form May 15 2007
Misc #6 Travel Authorization Request
Misc #7 Travel Expense Voucher
Misc #8 Drop Add Form
Misc #9 Payroll Change Notice
Misc #10 Purchase Order Request
Misc #11 Purchase Order
Misc #12 Voucher Payment
Misc #13 Application for Staff Welfare Development Funds
Misc #14 Salary Determination
Misc #15 Adjunct Faculty or Overload Contract
Misc #16 Change of Advisor
Misc #17 Schedule Change Request Form
Misc #18 Request for Administrative Withdrawal
Misc #19 Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness
Misc #20 Application for Professional Development
Misc #21 Application for Admissions
Remove No Paper Apps Accepted
Misc #22 Application for Resident Halls
Misc #23 Contract for Resident Halls
Misc #24 Syllabi Model
Remove Available in Academic Affairs
Misc #25 LRSC Time Sheets
Misc #26 Salary Determination Broadbanding Staff
Misc #27 Withdrawal from College Form
Misc #28 Application for Credit by Examination
Misc #29 Credit by Examination Grade Form
Misc #30 Intent to Graduate Form
Misc #31 Transcript Request Form
Misc #32 Student Billing Appeal
Misc #33 NDUS Academic Affairs Request
Misc #34 Request for New Course
Misc #35 Request for Course Modification
Misc #36 Request for Course Deletion
Misc #37 Position Authorization Form
Misc #38 LRSC Annual Faculty Evaluation
Misc #39 Faculty Senate Professional Growth Plan
Misc #40 Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee
Chapter 700.11.01
Misc #41 Articulation High School to College Credit
Misc #42 Employment Application
Website Employment at LRSC page
Misc #43 Volunteer Duty
Chapter 400.04.01
Misc #44 Direct Deposit Exemption Request
Misc #45 Field Trip
Misc #46 Faculty Oath
Remove Available at Academic Affairs
Misc #47 Employee Tuition Waive Request
Misc #48 Evaluation Form
Misc #49 Request to Utilize LRSC Property Off-Campus Site
Misc #50 Budget Request Worksheet
Misc #51 Dining Services Function Worksheets for
Refreshments/Meals Off-Campus
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 100. Index
Section 100.01 Brief History
Section 100.02 Mission
Section 100.03 Role Statement
Section 100.04
Section 100.05
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 100.01
Lake Region State College was born of the junior college movement that began during the 1930’s. The
Depression made the cost of attending distant colleges prohibitive. Lawmakers recognized the need for
educational access and began implementing legislation supportive of community-based junior colleges.
By 1940 any public school district could establish a junior college.
The Devils Lake Public School District was quick to act. In the fall of 1941 the Devils Lake Junior College
and Business School was officially established in accordance with the new legislation. Thirty-eight
students were enrolled that first year, and classes were held in the Pershing Building attached to the
high school. The College developed gradually over the next two decades into a small, junior college with
a liberal arts orientation supplemented by a few business courses.
The College was entirely financed by local taxation and tuition revenues until 1960. At that time the
North Dakota legislature began granting state aid on a per-student basis to junior colleges which met
the standards of the State Board of Higher Education and enrolled one hundred or more students. The
availability of state funds triggered a dramatic change in the Institution’s mission and scope. The
Community College Foundation tackled the task of increasing enrollment to a level that would allow
access to state funding by raising money for student scholarships. The academic-transfer program was
expanded and improved to meet standards which would enable students to transfer their credits to
baccalaureate degree programs in most four-year colleges and universities. A variety of vocational-
technical programs was introduced in response to changing regional economic needs.
These changes led to enrollment growth, and suitable classroom space soon became difficult to find. A
building program was inevitable. The College moved to its present campus in 1966 -- a one-story, two
building complex. Since then there have been several additions to the original structures. Housing for
students with families was constructed (Gilliland Hall), and a new vocational workshop complex was
commissioned in 1977 (Erlandson Building).
Throughout its colorful history, Lake Region State College has had several names, each reflecting a
different time and focus. In 1963 the name was changed from “Devils Lake” to “Lake Region” Junior
College to emphasize the regional focus of its educational services. In 1981 the name was changed
again. This time the word “junior” was changed to “community” to read Lake Region Community
College. The “community college” designation more clearly identified the Institution’s mission -- to
provide academic-transfer programs, vocational-technical programs, and community education
On July 1, 1984, following a state-wide referendum vote, the College became a full member of the State
system of higher education. For a two-year transition period the College was place under supervision of
the North Dakota State College of Science.
Management was then assigned to the University of North Dakota, and the College was renamed
University of North Dakota-Lake Region in April, 1987.
On July 1, 1999 UND-Lake Region became Lake Region State College. The governor signed a bill changing
the governance of the College to independent status under the North Dakota University System with a
new mission of providing workforce training to the Northeast quadrant of the state.
Lake Region State College is dedicated to serving the educational needs of North Dakotans. It has a
special commitment to the people of the Lake Region, an eleven-county area surrounding the city of
Devils Lake in northeastern North Dakota. Lake Region State College is accredited by the North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges (NCA) and is a member of the American Association of Community
and Junior Colleges (AACJC).
College programs and services are financed primarily by state funds, supplemented by student tuition
and fees and private and public grants and gifts. The Community College Foundation is dedicated to the
advancement of the College and uses its resources to support scholarships, construction and curriculum
projects, and athletic and staff development programs.
Historical Highlights
1941 Devils Lake Junior College and Business School established with thirty-eight students
registered. The College was located in the Pershing Building, the original high school building
constructed in 1914.
1941 May 28 First graduating class: Katherine Genevieve, Margaret Lovelle Woll.
1941/42- Average annual enrollment for these years was forty-nine students, the highest being
1958/59 seventy-seven full-time students during 1947/48.
1946/47 A good model of the College’s functioning in the first two decades: There were sixty-three
full-time students almost equally divided between business and liberal arts programs. An
additional forty-two students were in the aviation program and sixteen students attended
night classes. Sixteen students from the St. Mary’s Hospital Nurses Training Program took
academic courses at the College.
1959 Community College Corporation established to support development of the college. State
aid to two-year colleges was approved at two hundred dollars per full-time student.
1960 Permission was received to acquire seventy acres of state-owned land to build a new
campus. The College was now known as Lake Region Junior College.
1965/66 Enrollment now stood at 305 full-time students. The College moved to its new campus after
having held classes in various places, including the Masonic Temple, Mercy Hospital, the
vacated Weather Bureau Building, and the American Legion dining room.
1967/78 A period of growth and development: Gilliland Hall was built (1973) and the Erlandson
Building was added (1977). State aid was increased substantially.
1981 The college was re-christened Lake Region Community College.
1983 The Community College Foundation launched a major fund drive to raise an Endowment
Fund by 1986. Contributions and pledges for over 200,000 dollars were received by May 1,
1985. This brings to over one million dollars the contribution of the local community in
support of the College since the Foundation was established in 1959.
1984 Governance of the College was assumed by the North Dakota State Board of Higher
4/2/87 The College was re-named University of North Dakota-Lake Region and established as a
branch campus of the University of North Dakota.
1991 Lake Region State College’s 50
Anniversary Celebration. See UND-Lake Region 1941-1991;
A History, A Mission, A Vision by Doris Greenleaf.
9/19/95 Paul Hoghaug Library Renovation completed.
11/15/96 Chautauqua Gallery dedication.
4/20/97 UND_LR declared an official state, county, and Red Cross Evacuation Center. More than
4,000 people from Grand Forks made their way to UND-Lake Region to register due to the
Grand Forks Red River flood.
4/1999 The North Dakota Legislature appropriates a $500,000 match towards the UND-Lake Region
Auditorium Renovation Project. The Community College Foundation raised the other
$500,000 for this one million dollar project.
7/1/99 UND-Lake Region was awarded independent status and renamed Lake Region State College.
The College was assigned a new mission to provide workforce training for the Northeast
quadrant of the state.
12/2000 Held a grand-opening for newly refurbished Robert Fawcett Auditorium.
2001 Received a ten year re-accreditation from North Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools.
6/30/03 Year-end count of students served was 2,737.
4/2004 Held grand opening for Leever’s Welcome Center.
Chief Executive Officers
1947-59 Mr. F.H. Gilliland, Superintendent Dean¹
Mr. H.L. Woll, Director of the College (1941-50) and Director of Business School (1941-54)
Mr. F.R. McKenna, Director Liberal Arts (1950-51)
Mr. N.M. Lillehaugen, Director Liberal Arts (1951-52)
Mr. Julian Rolzinski, Director Liberal Arts (1952-58)
1959-67 Mr. Clarence Erlandson, Superintendent-Presiden
Mr. F.H. Gilliland, Dean of the College (1959-61)
Mr. Richard Davison, Dean of the College (1961-62)
Mr. Merril Berg, Dean of the College (1962-67)
1967-75 Mr. Merril Berg, President
1975-76 Mr. Clarence Laber, Acting President
1976-79 Dr. Merril Berg, President
1979-83 Dr. Dennis Michaelis, President
1983-84 Dr. Richard Kunkel, Acting President
1984-85 Dr. William Taylor, President
1985-87 Dr. Claire T. Blikre, President, North Dakota State School of Science
Mr. James A. Horton, Executive Dean
1987-92 Dr. Thomas Clifford, President, University of North Dakota
1992-99 Dr. Kendall Baker, President, University of North Dakota
Dr. Sharon Etemad, Executive Dean
1999-2008 Dr. Sharon Etemad, President, Lake Region State College
7/1/2008 Dr. Mike Bower, President, Lake Region State College
7/2012 Dr. Doug Darling, Interim President, Lake Region State College
¹ 1941-1967: The Superintendent of the Devils Lake Public School District was the chief executive officer for the College during
these years.
² In 1967 the administration of the College was assumed by a President reporting to a local Board of Trustees.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 100.02
1. Philosophy: The College believes that both the student and society benefit from the
development of the students’ mental, aesthetic, social, and physical abilities. College life at Lake
Region state College provides a student-centered environment in which students can establish
and attain personal and career goals in a fast-changing world economy by supplying
opportunities for creative thinking, hands-on experience, acquisition of knowledge and
competencies, along with activities that foster personal development. Lake Region State College
responds to the educational and economic development needs in the regional service area, the
state of North Dakota, and the global community.
2. Mission: “We enhance live and community vitality through quality education”. Lake Region State
College is a student-centered, open access, comprehensive community college within the North
Dakota University System. The College provides quality academic education, career and
technical education, workforce training, educational outreach opportunities, and life-long
a. Academic Education: Provides academic courses and programs that lead to an
Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree, meet the North Dakota University
System General Education requirements, and allow for seamless transfer to
baccalaureate-granting institutions.
b. Career and Technical Education: Provides courses and programs in vocational and
technical career training that lead to a certificate of completion, a certificate, a
diploma, or an Associate in Applied Science degree preparing students for an
immediate career, advancement in specific occupations or transfer to a baccalaureate
c. Workforce Training: Develops linkages with business, industry and organizations to
encourage economic development.
d. Educational Outreach Opportunities: Provides educational outreach opportunities for
individuals who are time and/or place-bound.
e. Life-Long Learning: Provides opportunities for continuing and life-long learning in the
form of cultural, educational, occupational, social, and athletic programs and courses.
f. Lake Region is committed to being a responsive diverse institution which prepares
students for successful living and responsible citizenship in a rapidly changing local,
national, and world community.
3. Core Values: These are Core Values of Lake Region State College.
a. LRSC values learning, continuous, life-long learning for the enrichment and
advancement of human beings.
b. LRSC values excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, professionalism, leaderships,
and service.
c. LRSC values integrity in all institutional, personal, academic, legal, and ethical
d. LRSC values service, responsive, personal and accessible for all.
e. LRSC values cooperation, respectful, supportive collaboration with all constituencies
for the strengthening of all.
f. LRSC values diversity, respecting the differences between groups and individuals that
enrich and strengthen all.
Administrative Council Approved 100.02 (3) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 100.02 (2) 07/17/2020
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 100.03
1. Academic Affairs Mission
a. Academic Affairs provides an academic leadership support system for the delivery of
on- and off-campus instruction of the highest quality. The mission of Academic Affairs
at Lake Region State College encompasses leadership, management, support, and
informational services which include the following functions: Computer Services,
Continuing Education, Workforce Training, Interactive Video Network, Academic Skills
Center, Adult Basic Education, Library and Media Services.
b. In addition, the Academic Affairs area provides leadership and support for course
development and delivery; provides assistance to faculty in their effort to deliver
instruction; procures outside resources and recognition for faculty and students;
delivers community and inter-institutional courses; maintains institutional computer
networks and systems; provides for the professional development of faculty and staff,
and manages institutional records and reporting requirements.
c. The Academic Affairs area provides leadership and support to instructional faculty,
who are divided into three divisions which have the following missions:
i. Academic Division Mission: The Academic Division focuses on the student,
providing high-quality, accessible educational opportunities in the liberal arts.
The Division strives to maintain an educational environment in which students
learn to think critically and creatively and express themselves cogently,
broadening their understanding of life and their ability to function successfully
in a complex and changing society to their full potential.
ii. Career and Technical Education Division Mission: The Career and Technical
Education Division offers various specialized programs. The Division frequently
assesses industry trends and standards and alters curriculum to ensure the
quality of its programs. It is the mission of the Career and Technical Education
Division to provide students with current knowledge and training necessary for
immediate entry into various specialties within the job market.
d. Academic Affairs Statement of Purposes:
i. Promote excellence in instruction in all programs.
ii. Sustain high educational standards.
iii. Facilitate and deliver courses and programs via appropriate alternative modes.
iv. Provide adequate learning resources, physical plant and equipment.
v. Serve as a resource center for the community.
vi. Offer a broad range of relevant remedial and developmental programs.
vii. Maintain an environment that promotes logical reasoning and creative thinking.
viii. Deliver customized training in the region.
ix. Identify high quality instructors and trainers.
x. Enhance learning through the effective use of technology.
xi. Provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
xii. Offer library and media services that support and enhance the curriculum.
xiii. Provide curricula that gives the student a foundation for life-long learning and
the development of the total person.
xiv. Endorse a general education philosophy.
xv. Provide curricula that prepares students for success in the world today and to
meet the challenges of the future.
xvi. Provide a program of courses that will enable the student to fulfill the system-
wide general education requirements as set forth by the North Dakota
University System.
xvii. Develop and provide short-term training that meets the needs of business and
xviii. Deliver educational outreach opportunities through a variety of methods to
meet the needs of the region.
xix. Provide effective and supportive leadership and management to all
departments and individuals working in Academic Affairs.
xx. Access continuously societal trends and standards in order to develop new
courses and programs or alter existing programs.
2. Student Affairs Mission:
a. The mission of Student Affairs is to provide encouragement and assistance to students
seeking access to Lake Region State College and to support successful college
experiences for a diverse student population.
b. To carry out this mission, Student Affairs will:
i. Implement a strong enrollment management program which provides the
information students need for good decision-making throughout their college
ii. Carryout efficient admissions procedures which offer guidance and assistance to
students as they complete the process of enrolling in college.
iii. Provide financial aid services which are student-friendly and compliant with
federal and state regulations.
iv. Collaborate with faculty to support the delivery of effective student advisement.
v. Provide resources for career counseling and assist students in accessing
appropriate personal counseling when needed.
vi. Develop activity programming which provides a range of opportunities for
students to become involved in the campus community outside the classroom,
to include: varsity sports, intramural sports, campus clubs, student government,
entertainment arts, humanities programming, etc.
vii. Provide resident life programming which promotes experiences and personal
growth opportunities for all residents.
viii. Provide a safe campus community through education involving domestic
violence, sexual assault, date rape, and stalking. Provide the campus community
direct advocacy services for victims.
ix. Maintain educational records for all students and provide services for students
who need to access and update the records as allowed by policies.
x. Provide a wide range of placement services for students and graduates.
3. Administrative Affairs Mission:
a. Administrative Affairs effectively manages all activities relating to financial reporting
budgeting, purchasing, accounts payable and receivable, student loan collections,
equipment inventory, motor pool, payroll, and personnel functions in accordance with
applicable policies, regulations, and laws. This division provides management
oversight for auxiliary functions: bookstore, housing, food services, and physical plant
b. Administrative Affairs Statement of Purposes:
i. Manage collegiate resources in a cost-effective manner, consistent with the
goals of the College.
ii. Provide and manage effective auxiliary services for students.
iii. Maintain a safe and pleasant work and living environment for employees and
iv. Provide a supportive environment that is conducive to academic, social and
personal growth.
Administrative Council Approved 100.03 (2) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 100.03 (1-3) 07/27/2020
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 200. Index
Section 200.01 General
Section 200.02 Legislative Mandate
Section 200.03 Authority of North Dakota University System of Higher Education
Section 200.04 Governance
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 200.01
Lake Region State College is governed by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education
(NDUS). The relevant legislation, rules, policies, and procedures pursuant to governance of the College
are cited in the following articles.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 200.02
1. Governance of the College was assumed by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education
on July 1, 1984 (See Chapter 192 of the 1983 Sessions Laws [Senate Bill 2073] of the State of
North Dakota.)
2. In accordance with Section 3, Chapter 192 of the 1983 Sessions Laws. The North Dakota State
Board of Higher Education executed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Devils Lake Public
School District No. 1. This Agreement, dated the sixth of July, 1984, transferring jurisdiction
from the school district to the State Board is available for inspection at the Office of the
President, Lake Region State College.
3. On July 1, 1999, Lake Region State College was granted independent status within the North
Dakota University System (See Section 15-10-01 of Chapter 52-08 of the North Dakota Century
4. The Sessions Law is incorporated in the North Dakota Century Code.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 200.03
1. The authority of the North Dakota University System of Higher Education over public, post-
secondary institutions of the state lie in the following:
a. Constitution of the State of North Dakota
b. North Dakota Century Code Provisions
c. Related Legislation
2. The authority vested in the North Dakota University System of Higher Education is exercised in
accordance with and under the guidelines contained in the NDUS Policy Manual. The policies
and Procedures for the functioning of the Lake Region Sate College are based on the NDUS
Policy Manual. The provisions contained in the Lake Region State College Policies and
Procedures Manual.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 200.04
On July 1, 1999 as a result of action taken by the North Dakota State Legislature (House Bill 1443) the
College was granted independent status within the North Dakota University System and renamed Lake
Region State College.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 300. Index
Section 300.01 General
Section 300.02 Presidents Authority and Responsibilities
Section 300.03 Organization of the College
Section 300.04 Categories of Personnel: Selection, Tenure, Evaluation
Section 300.05 Calendar
Section 300.06 Class Schedule
Section 300.07 Publications
Section 300.09 Policies and Procedure Manual
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.01
The President of Lake Region State College, with approval of the North Dakota University System of
Higher Education, shall provide a suitable organizational structure for adequate administrative support
in order to carry out the institutional mission and attain institutional goals.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.02
1. The President is the chief executive officer of the institution and a member of the Chancellor’s
executive staff. The President is responsible to the Chancellor for all matters concerning the
institution and is an advisor to the Chancellor in matters of inter-institutional policy and
2. The Board delegates to the President of each institution, full authority and responsibility to
administer the affairs of the institution in accordance with Board policies, plans, budgets, and
standards, including the management and expenditure of all institutional funds, within
budgetary and other limitations imposed by law or by the Board.
3. Each President shall:
a. Insure effective and broad-based participation in the decision-making process from
faculty, staff, students, and others in those areas in which their interests are affected.
b. Develop and approve or recommend to the Chancellor and the Board, in consultation
with appropriate committees or members of the institution such policies, plans,
budgets, programs, and standards affecting the institution as deemed necessary,
advisable, or as required by the Board.
c. Make recommendations to the Chancellor concerning all requests for tenure.
d. Approve all personnel actions, except the award or change in tenure status, involving
all faculty members and other institution employees.
e. Approve all recommendations transmitted to the Chancellor and /or to the Board of
the institution.
f. Define the scope of authority of faculties, councils, committees and administrative
officers of the institution subject to review by the Chancellor as may be provided by
institution policies.
g. Approve or veto decisions by faculty, staff, and student legislative bodies as may be
provided under institution policies.
h. Assume responsibility for the development and administration of institutional policies
and rules governing the role of students and their conduct. In carrying out this
responsibility, the President shall insure consideration of the views of students, faculty
and others.
i. Assume responsibility for the establishment of guidelines for student conduct which
set forth prohibited conduct and provide for appropriate disciplinary procedures and
sanctions for violation of institutional rule, consistent with standards of procedural
j. Maintain good relations and effective communication with the Board, the Chancellor,
and other North Dakota Institutions of Higher Education and cooperate with other
NDUS institutions to improve academic offerings, expand access to higher education,
promote faculty development, improve support services, reduce unnecessary
duplication and enhance efficiency.
k. Maintain good relations with the public by:
i. Developing sound relationships between the institution, and the community,
the region in which it is located, and the public it serves.
ii. Establishing and administering a development program with alumni and other
institutional supporters.
iii. Interpreting the institution and its mission to the public, and
iv. Developing effective communication with legislators and with other public
policy makers in coordination with the Chancellor.
l. Be accountable for all funds, property, equipment, and other facilities assigned or
provided to the institution.
m. Implement and enforce the provisions of N.D.C.C. sec. 15-10-17.1 regarding the
conduct of students, staff, faculty, and visitors to the campus.
n. Exercise such other authority and perform such other responsibilities as may be
assigned by the Board or the Chancellor.
4. Presidents are hired by and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. Presidents shall have a
written contract. The term of an initial contract may not exceed three years; the term of a
subsequent contract or renewal may not exceed five years. The Board may, with written notice
of one year prior to expiration of a contract term, terminate the contract without cause. The
Board may dismiss a President for just cause during a contract term, following written notice of
intent to do so and an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing. The Board may appoint a hearing
officer to conduct the hearing and make findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a
recommendation to the Board, which shall then make its decision based on the hearing record.
5. A tenured faculty member at a Board institution, who is appointed President, shall retain that
status during the term as President. The Board may, in its discretion, award a President who is
not tenured academic rank, without tenure status.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.03
1. Structure: The President shall recommend to the North Dakota University System of Higher
Education a suitable structure as adopted shall remain in force until further revisions are
authorized. A current, updated” Organizational Chart” depicting the organizational structure
shall always form a part of this Manual.
a. The President’s Office manages all aspects of the College. The functions of the
President’s Office include: public relations, working with the Community College
Foundation, maintaining a working connection with the North Dakota University
System office and the State Board of Higher Education, Community relations, and
relationships with other institutions of higher education.
b. The President’s Office Statement of Purposes:
i. Allocate collegiate resources in a cost-effective manner, consistent with the
goals of the college
ii. Provide for comprehensive evaluation of all facets of college operations
iii. Establish a strong institutional identity as a stand-alone college in the North
Dakota University System
iv. Enhance the Community College Foundation’s impact on the institution
v. Expand public awareness of the importance of the college to our many
vi. Work with the State Board of Higher Education and the State Board for
Vocational Education in an effort to strengthen North Dakota’s Higher
Educational system
vii. Promote economic development through workforce training
viii. Manage the recruitment of faculty and staff members committed to excellence
in education
2. Institutional Planning: The President and the Administrative Council develop the college Six-Year
Plan (Long Term) and the Annual Goals (Short Term) which guides the direction for the college
development. These goals are formulated with the advisement of the College Planning Team,
which is guided by the Academic, Student, and Administrative Affairs Areas’ goals as well as
numerous internal planning documents. The State Board of Higher Education and the North
Dakota Legislature as well as the College Technical Education Council, State Board of Vocational
and Technical Education, and the Community College Foundation provide direction and support.
Input is also obtained from external constituencies including the Forward Devils Lake Plan, the
Ramsey County Long-Range Plan and the Community Conversation Process.
3. Functional Division: The college is currently organized into the following units for administrative
a. Academic Affairs
b. Student Affairs
c. Administrative Affairs
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.04
1. The North Dakota University System has the following categories of personnel:
a. Executive/Administrative (0000 BAND)
b. Administrative/Managerial (1000 BAND)
c. Professional (3000 BAND)
d. Technical and Para-professional (4000 BAND)
e. Office Support (5000 BAND)
f. Crafts/Trades (6000 BAND)
g. Services (7000 BAND)
2. Staff employment policies are outlined in the NDUS Human Policy Manual found at
3. Faculty employment policies are outlined in Chapter 700.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.05
1. The North Dakota University System has established a common academic year calendar.
2. The President of the College, in consultation with the Administrative Council and other
appropriate persons, shall prepare a campus Calendar of Activities for the College at least six (6)
months prior to the beginning of each academic year.
3. The Campus Calendar shall incorporate details of academic terms/semesters,
holidays/vacations, collegiate events/observances, and other special dates of significance during
the academic session.
4. The Campus Calendar shall be circulated for the comments to faculty members and
administrators in the College. The President shall have the right to accept or reject any or all
such suggestions in accordance with the guidelines for Calendars laid down by the North Dakota
University System of Higher Education.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.06
The Vice President of Academic Affairs and other appropriate persons shall prepare a class schedule for
the College at least three (3) school calendar months prior to the beginning of each term/semester. This
ensures distribution of schedules during the first weeks of October and March. Such schedules shall be
widely disseminated and publicized.
Administrative Council Approved 09/14/99
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.07
1. The President shall remain the sole authorizing official for any publications of the college. This
includes catalogs, schedules, handbooks, flyers, and other materials. Such authority may,
however, be delegated to Public Affairs. (See Chapter 1300 for additional information).
2. The Office of the President shall have the authority to act as the College Publications Board or
to delegate the right to another office at the college to authorize and act as publishers of
publications, such as Student Yearbook, Student Newspaper, and College Directory.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 300.09
1. The President shall continually maintain an updated Policies and Procedures Manual which
accurately reflects current college procedures and policies of the North Dakota University
System of Higher Education. A copy of the Manual shall be included on the campus website at
2. The Policies and Procedures Manual will be available in all administrative offices. Two (2)
additional copies shall be made available for checkout in the Paul Hoghaug Library.
3. The Policies and Procedures Manual may be amended through the following procedure:
a. Any College council, committee, or consultative group may propose a change,
addition, or deletion in the Policies and Procedures Manual. The proposed change
should be prepared in a written format and formally approved by the membership of
the council, committee, or consultative group initiating the request for change.
b. The draft proposal, with the Policy and Procedures Manual Change Request form shall
then be routed to other councils, committees, and consultative groups that would
potentially be impacted by the change. The Manual Change Request form may be
photocopied from this manual. The appropriate councils, committees, and
consultative groups will indicate their approval or disapproval on the Manual Change
Request form.
c. The Manual Change Request form will then be forwarded to the Administrative
Council for approval or disapproval.
d. The President has final authority to approve/disapprove all Lake Region State College
Policies and Procedures amendments.
e. Once approved, the website will be updated and a copy sent to the Faculty Senate
President, the Staff Welfare Committee President and the Library The official
approved copy shall be filed in the President’s Office master file under 303.2 Policies
and Procedures.
f. Procedural changes including forms which do not change the substance of a policy are
approved by the Administrative Council. The Policies and Procedures Change Request
Form must be submitted.
4. The Policies and Procedures Manual often contain only essential aspects of the policies and
procedures under which the College operates. Complete accounts appear in the North Dakota
Century Code; North Dakota University System of Higher Education Policy Manual; Lake
Region State College Catalog; and special bulletins issued by department, administrative
offices, etc.
Administrative Council Approved 300.09 (2) 08/04/99
Administrative Council Updated 300.09 (2) 06/23/08
Administrative Council Approved 300.09 (3) 08/12/03
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 400. Index
Section 400.01 General
Section 400.02 Budget and Funds
Section 400.03 Expenditures and Fiscal Control
Section 400.04 Absence from Campus and Travel Authorization
Section 400.04.01 Volunteer Duty
Section 400.05 Retention Schedule
Section 400.06 Expense Reports
Section 400.07 Payment for Meals for Staff and Guests
Section 400.08 Refund/Repayment Procedures
Section 400.09 Credit Card Refund
Section 400.10 Pay Day
Section 400.11 Payroll Change Notice
Section 400.12 Asset Management and Inventory Control
Section 400.13 Contractual Services
Section 400.13.01 Procurement
Section 400.13.02 Conflict of Interest
Section 400.14 Advertising
Section 400.15 Solicitation of Funds
Section 400.16 Overtime and Compensatory Time
Section 400.17 Usage of College Property
Section 400.17.01 Off Campus Use of State Property
Section 400.17.02 Personal Use of State Property
Section 400.18 Debarred and Suspended Vendors
Section 400.19 Hours of Work
Section 400.20 Distracted Driving
Section 400.21 Vehicle Usage
Section 400.22 Parking
Section 400.22.01 Snow Removal
Section 400.23 Mail Services
Section 400.24 Purchasing Card
Section 400.25 Smoke Free/Tobacco Free Campus
Section 400.26 Drug Free Workplace
Section 400.27 Fee Payment
Section 400.28 Telephone Usage
Section 400.29 Outlook Calendar Policy
Section 400.30
Section 400.31 Bookstore
Section 400.32 Dining Services
Section 400.33 Tuition Waivers
Section 400.34 Waivers
Section 400.35 Salary Administration
Section 400.36 Theft and Fraud
Section 400.37 Cell Phone
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.01
The policies and procedures enumerated herewith are meant to guide all members of the College
community. The President of the College reserves the right to change part or all of any of these
provisions at any time, either due to changes in State policies or upon the advice of the Administrative
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.02
1. The College administration shall prepare an annual budget of income and expenditures for all
funds of the College. The budgets shall be submitted for approval to the North Dakota University
System of Higher Education according to established timetables, generally April and May of the
preceding fiscal year.
2. The college will follow the chart of accounts from the North Dakota University System
accounting manual. The President will determine the supervision of all such funds in accordance
with guidelines established by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education.
Administrative Council Approved (2) 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.03
1. The President of the College shall establish procedures for authorization of all expenditures
from all funds of the College and may delegate the powers of authorization to the Vice President
of Administrative Affairs.
2. The Office of Administrative Affairs shall monitor all incomes and expenditures for all funds of
the College, shall prepare and implement adequate fiscal control procedures, and shall prepare
periodic reports on the status of all funds of the College for scrutiny and approval by the
President and the North Dakota University System of Higher Education officials.
3. The President shall have the power to overrule part or all of any requisition for expenditures
submitted by any department from any fund of the College.
Administrative Council Approved (2) 6/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.04
When a staff member plans to be absence from campus, they must use the Absence Management
system through Employee Self-Service to request the time away. After considering the needs of the
department, the supervisor may approve the request or push it back to the employee if changes need to
be made. If the leave is approved, the employee will receive an email notification of the approval.
When possible, requests should be made prior to the leave or immediately upon returning to campus. It
is the responsibility of the employee to report leave in Employee Self-Service within the same payroll
period that the leave was taken.
Faculty need to complete the Employee Leave form for off-contract days. This form must be approved
and signed by the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. Faculty need to notify the Academic
Affairs office if they will not be on campus due to an unplanned absence.
Administrative Council Updated 02/25/13
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Administrative Council Updated 06/07/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.04.01
Employees may volunteer for duty assignments for the benefit of Lake Region State College with the
approval of their supervisors.
Limits and Regulations:
1. The volunteer duty must be part-time, occasional or sporadic and freely and solely at the
employee’s option.
2. If the volunteer duty is during regular work hours, the supervisor needs to pre-approve the
3. The volunteer duty must be for duties excluded or not expected in the capacity of their regular
employment, i.e. assignments not within the same general occupational category as the
employees’ regular work.
4. Reasonable expenses or a nominal fee may be provided as determined by the department.
5. The volunteer duty shall be excluded in the calculation of the hours for which the employee is
entitled to overtime compensation in their regular employment.
6. Following, are some examples of volunteer duties: selling tickets at plays, music festivals and
athletic events; serving as an usher or tour guide; working as a referee, scorekeeper, announcer,
or statistician at athletic events.
Fair Labor Standards Act 29 U.S.C. 207 (p.)(2), Federal Regulation 29 C.F.R. 553.30
Drafted policy updated 05/15/06
G: Volunteer Policy
Administrative Council Approved (2) 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.05
LRSC complies with the state and NDUS records retention schedule. It provides retention guidelines for
the office of record and copy holders based on administrative, fiscal, historical, and legal value. It also
provides guidance on the proper disposal methods for each record series after the approved retention
period has been met.
The retention schedule can be found on the LRSC website.
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 (1) 08/21/01 (Travel)
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 (3) 05/15/07 (Travel)
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 to be combined with 400.06 07/28/15
Administrative Council Approved new policy Retention Schedule 400.05 7/28/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.06
N.D.C.C. §§ 44-08-04 (lodging and per diem), 44-08-04.1 (per Diem for long-term travel), 44-08-04.2
(travel advances), 54-06-09 (mileage) and 54-06-26 (reimbursement of one long-distance call per day).
The following procedures will be observed whenever reimbursement and use of a state vehicle are
1. Expense reports will be submitted on a Travel Expense Voucher at the end of each month and
paid after being approved by the supervising administrator.
Employees are encouraged to use a State Fleet vehicle for business use. Mileage
reimbursement for business use of a privately owned vehicle, regardless of type, will be at the
rate in effect at the time of travel for the Sedan/Wagon vehicle category listed on the North
Dakota Department of Transportation State Fleet Services Rental Rates schedule. For special
circumstances listed below the reimbursement rate will be the Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage
Reimbursement Rate established by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).
a. A request for a State Fleet vehicle was received at least one week prior to the planned
travel date and it was determined by Lake Region State College that no State Fleet
vehicle would be available, or
b. Lake Region State College has determined that the provision of a State Fleet vehicle is
not generally feasible where the employee is physically located, or
c. Permission has been granted by the employee’s supervisor due to unique
circumstances. An explanation of the unique circumstances must be included on the
employee’s Travel Expense Voucher and signed by the supervisor.
d. When a privately owned vehicle, regardless of type, is used, miles to and from the
destination city, plus 5 miles per day, will be the only reimbursable miles.
2. Departure time is listed as the time of departure from your home base. Arrival time is listed as
the time of arrival at your home base.
3. Miscellaneous Travel Expenses -
Reimbursement may also be requested for such necessary miscellaneous travel expenses as
registration fees, car rental, taxi fares, toll fees, business telephone calls, parking fees and up to
$5.00 per day for personal telephone calls while in travel status. All miscellaneous travel
expenses claimed on the travel voucher must be individually identified and explained. Receipts
are required for all individual miscellaneous travel expenses exceeding $10.00.
4. Tips And Other Charges -
Reasonable tips and service charges, not to exceed $5.00 per tip, that are a necessary part of the
business trip are reimbursable. Examples include: tips to bellhops and taxicab drivers. Taxicab
receipts exceeding $10.00 must be signed by the employee and include the tip on the receipt if
applicable. No reimbursement is allowed for tips on meals that are covered by the meal
The expense allowance for each quarter of any 24-hour period is as follows (subject to change):
Meal Allowance In-State Out-of-State
1. First quarter, 6am to 12pm $7.00 20% of GSA M&IE rate
2. Second quarter, 12pm to 6pm $10.50 30% of GSA M&IE rate
3. Third quarter, 6pm to 12am $17.50 50% of GSA M&IE rate
4. Fourth quarter 12am to 6am
a. In-State Lodging: Maximum of ninety percent of the GSA rate for lodging in
North Dakota plus applicable state and local taxes. As of October 1, 2013, the
GSA rate for lodging in ND was $83, therefore the maximum amount that can be
claimed is $74.70 plus applicable taxes ($83 x 90% = $74.70). The GSA will
update their rates periodically during the biennium and the allowable lodging
reimbursement will also change at that time.
b. For lodging rate exceptions, see OMB Policy 505. If State rate is not available,
employee must provide documentation of three (3) lodging quotes from hotels in
the area.
5. Travel expenses may not be reimbursed without an approved Travel Authorization Request.
6. If travel advance is needed, Travel Authorization Request must be submitted one week prior to
departure time.
7. All travel utilizing college or other public funds require prior approval from their supervisor. Out
of state travel requests must be submitted and approved by their supervisor no less than ten
(10) days prior to the departure date. International travel requests must be submitted and
approved by the President no less than ten (10) days prior to the departure date.
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (2) 01/30/09
Administrative Council Updated 400.06 (2) 03/03/10
Administrative Council Updated 400.06 (2) 03/07/11
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (4) 03/07/11
Administrative Council Approved additions from 400.05 (Travel) 07/28/15
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (7) 06/14/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.07
LRSC will comply with the guidelines outlined in NDUS Procedures 806.1. This policy applies to all
employees or contracted representatives of Lake Region State College.
To assist with monitoring compliance of this policy, the following forms will be used:
1. LRSC Dining Services Function Worksheet (Snacks & Refreshments)
2. LRSC Dining Services Function Worksheet (Meals)
3. Banquet & Meeting Documentation Form (non-LRSC Dining Services)
Lake Region State College Dining Services Function Worksheet (Snacks & Refreshments)
This form will be used when departments are ordering snacks & refreshments from LRSC Dining
Services. The Form will be signed by the Food Service Director and the person authorized to expend the
Lake Region State College Dining Services Function Worksheet (Meals)
This form will be used when departments are ordering meals from LRSC Dining Services. The form will be
signed by the Food Service Director and the person authorized to expend the funds.
NDUS Procedures 806.1 4.f. states “To the extent it is practical, a list of those in attendance.” To comply
with this LRSC employees will list those in attendance if there are fewer than 10 employees present at
the function. If there are more than 10 employees, a general statement is sufficient. Non-employees
present can be listed by group. e.g. The list might include the names of two LRSC employees and
“representative from the Chamber of Commerce”.
Banquet & Meeting Documentation Form (Meals) (non-LRSC Dining Services)
This form will be used when departments are ordering meals from outside vendors. The form will be
signed by the person authorized to expend the funds.
NDUS Procedures 806.14.f states “To the extent it is practical, a list of those in attendance.” To comply
with this, LRSC employees will list those in attendance if there are fewer than 10 employees present at
the function. If there are more than 10 employees, a general statement is sufficient. Non-employees
present can be listed by group. e.g. the list might include the name of two LRSC employees and
“representatives from the Chamber of Commerce.”
This form must be attached to the Voucher Payment Form to the vendor or employee.
Discrepancies: If the Vice President of Administrative Affairs does not approve the purchase based on
the guidance of this policy, the employee will need to personally fund the expense.
Related Documents/Policies:
OMB Policy 217
SBHE Policy 806.1
NDUS Procedure 806.1
North Dakota Century
Code 44-08-04
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.08
1. The Registrar located in Student Affairs Office enters Percent of Refund on individual student
accounts Drop/Add form is received from the student. The Percent of Refund is to be based
upon current North Dakota University System of Higher Education guidelines as adopted by Lake
Region State College. The most recent update is published in the Student Handbook/Calendar.
2. Drops/Adds will be forwarded by the Registrar to the Account Receivable Technician on a daily
3. The Account Receivable Technician will review a listing of “student accounts” to be run as
needed. A separate listing of student accounts with credit balances” may also be run.
4. The Account Receivable Technician will review each student account with the Financial Aid
Director to determine the extent, if any, of financial aid involvement in the account.
5. The Account Receivable Technician together with the Financial Aid Director will determine:
a. Amount, if any, to be repaid to Financial Aid.
b. Amount, if any, to be refunded to third parties.
c. Amount, if any, to be refunded to the student.
6. The Account Receivable Technician will initiate the appropriate Requests for Payment for any
refund and the appropriate billing to students for any required repayments.
7. The Vice President of Administrative Affairs must approve all Requests for Payments to students
before any further action.
8. After approval by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Requests for Payment are entered
by the Account Payable Technician for check-writing purposes. Billing to students will be mailed
by the Account Receivable Technician.
Administrative Council Approved 03/26/12
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.09
This policy and the incorporated procedures are enacted to prescribe the proper method for the
issuance of refunds when the original method of payment for the goods or services rendered was by
credit card.
1. Only Employees authorized by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs are assigned the
responsibility to issue refunds.
2. Customers must present proper photo identification for any refund transaction.
3. Any return for a refund must be accompanied by the original credit card.
4. Proper credit for the return will be posted back to the original credit card account.
5. For customers who have the original receipt/proof of purchase but do not have the credit card,
the following procedures must be followed:
a. Credit memo, including a signed copy of the receipt and the transaction number from
the original sale will be submitted to the Administrative Affairs Office.
b. The Administrative Affairs Office will post the credit to the customer’s account and, if
the credit exceeds any balances due on the customer’s account, a refund check will be
issued to the customer.
Administrative Council Approved 04/30/09
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.10
Pay day shall be the last day of the month for the period from the first day of the month to the fifteenth
day of the month and the fifteenth day of the following month for the period from the sixteenth day of
the month to the end of the month; however, if a pay day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the
preceding work day shall be pay day. Effective July 1, 2008 and subject only to individual exceptions in
exceptional circumstances as approved according to institution or system office procedures, employee
wages shall be paid with direct deposit in the financial institution of the employee’s choice. Institutions
and the system office may enact implementing procedures defining exceptional circumstances under
which individual exceptions to mandatory direct deposit may be approved by an authorized institution
or system official.
Pursuant to NDUS Human Resource Policy 5.2, all Lake Region State College employees are required to
participate in Direct Deposit of wages unless one of the exceptions, as listed in the NDUS Procedure
702.5, is approved by the LRSC Vice President for Administrative Affairs. Employees must submit
applicable bank account information or an approved Direct Deposit Exemption Request to the Payroll
Office upon request. Direct Deposit Exemption Request forms may be obtained from the LRSC Payroll
Office. Direct Deposit Exemption Request not approved by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs
may be appealed, in writing, by the employee to the Administrative Council within seven calendar days
after the date the Direct Deposit Exemption Request was denied. Regular payroll distribution will
continue for the employee until action on the appeal is taken. If the appeal is not approved by
Administrative Council, the employee will immediately provide the necessary bank account information
or receive a notice of intent to terminate their employment with Lake Region State College for willful
disregard of NDUS Human Resource Policy 5.2.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.11
Supervisors will consult with the Human Resource Manager regarding rate of pay for new, non-faculty
employees or changes in the rate of pay of current employees. A Salary Determination Form must have
approval of the President. Changes in deductions do not need approval unless a third-party payee is
Administrative Council Approved 10/29/12
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.12
Administrative Affairs is responsible for the accounting and reporting of all non-capitalized and
capitalized assets. The responsibility includes assisting departments in tagging assets, coordinating
annual physical inventories of asset values for insurance, and calculating annual depreciation and loss or
gain on disposals.
LRSC shall make provisions through the State Auditor's Office to secure an independent audit of all fiscal
affairs of the College annually and shall take necessary steps to implement recommendations provided
by the audit team. The audit report(s) shall be submitted to the North Dakota University System of
Higher Education for consideration, approval, and follow-up action.
All additions, deletions, and transfers of equipment shall be properly authorized by the Vice President of
Administrative Affairs or the Controller who will also have discretion to tag other equipment under $250
if they deem it necessary.
All capitalized and non-capitalized campus equipment (deemed taggable) must be tagged or marked
with a unique identification number which is to be recorded in the asset management system. The
identification number will be directly applied to the actual unit unless its size or nature prohibits
application. Any additional identification number required by the department must be applied in a
manner that avoids confusion with the LRSC identification number.
Capitalized Equipment
Capitalized equipment is tangible, non-consumable property that meets the following criteria:
1. an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater (including all costs incurred to acquire and to ready the
asset for its intended use such as purchase price, applicable tax, freight, etc.),
2. an estimated life of greater than one year,
3. is not permanently attached to or incorporated into the LRSC buildings and grounds, and
4. is used to conduct LRSC business.
Non-Capitalized Equipment
Non-capitalized is equipment that does not meet the criteria to be capitalized. LRSC tracks non-
capitalized equipment based on an analysis of cost, use, benefit and risk of misuse or misappropriation.
Non-capitalized equipment will be tagged and entered in the asset management system when it meets
the following criteria:
1. an acquisition cost of $250-$4,999, (if less than $250 will be signed off by Controller or VP of
Administrative Affairs on the voucher)
2. an estimated life of greater than one year, and
3. is used to conduct LRSC business.
Asset Manager
The asset manager is responsible for:
1. ensuring that all property is properly tagged, maintained, and secured
2. maintaining and updating the assets management system
3. coordination annual physical inventories of assets
4. gathering values for insurance
5. calculating depreciation and loss or gains on disposals
6. coordinating disposal of equipment with Surplus Property
Property Custodian
Each room at LRSC will be assigned a property custodian. This person is responsible for all assets in this
room. This obligation includes, but is not limited to:
1. reporting acquisitions of property
2. notifying the asset manager of changes in property status and location
3. notifying the asset manager of theft and loss of equipment
4. providing access to property for tagging and inventory functions
5. completing the annual physical inventory of all assigned assets
Donated Equipment
Authorization to accept donated equipment must be granted by the Vice President of Administrative
Affairs prior to acceptance of the donation. Donated equipment requires a "statement of value" from
the donor. All requirements for donated inventory items are the same as non-capitalized and capitalized
inventory items. Contact the Asset Manager for procedures on donated items.
Trade-ins, Transfers and Deletions
It is the department's responsibility to keep the Asset Manager informed on all changes in their
equipment inventory including moving of equipment, trades, transfers to another department,
deletions, disposal, etc. Purchasers will coordinate and request approval to trade-in, dispose of, or sell
excess surplus property from the Asset Manager. Trade-in and disposal of equipment requires state
approval which is processed through the Asset Manager.
Equipment Disposal
All tagged equipment with a value of $250 or more is to be approved for disposal by the Vice President
of Administrative Affairs or Controller. The disposing department must complete the inventory change
form located at s:\LRSC\Forms\Inventory Form - Change or Deletion prior to disposing of the equipment
or transferring it to temporary storage. The inventory tag should accompany this form. If no inventory
tag is present an explanation as to why the inventory tag does not accompany the worksheet should be
The Asset manager shall follow all State Surplus Property rules for listing and disposal of surplus
equipment. If state departments or agencies do not express interest in the property at that time, then
LRSC will dispose of the item based upon State Surplus Property rules. No LRSC employee shall receive
any personal benefit from the disposal of the item. Equipment not inventoried shall also be reported to
Surplus Property if there is a possibility the item could be useful to another state agency or department.
Items to be disposed of that were originally purchased with federal funds need to be processed through
the grant administrator, as appropriate, prior to following the protocol listed above. The disposal must
proceed in a manner consistent with the federal granting agency rules and regulations.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 11/05/20
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.13
When non-payroll, contractual services are requested, an Agreement for Contractual Services Form must
be completed and submitted to Administrative Affairs for approval. Upon receipt of services, a voucher
payment form is submitted, along with the Agreement for Contractual Services Form to Administrative
Affairs Office for payment.
Any contract involving Lake Region State College must be signed by the President and/or Vice President.
The following positions have contractual authority in the stated areas:
1. Chief Information Officer - software site licensing and campus information technology projects.
Definition of information technology includes, but is not limited to hardware, software, services,
and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data, and video.
2. Athletics Director - rental agreement and game day services
3. Physical Plant Director - agreements/contracts pertaining to Building and Grounds
4. Housing Director - agreements/contracts pertaining to housing
5. Student Life Coordinator - student activities
6. TrainND Director - agreements/contracts pertaining to Workforce Training
Delegated authority to sign as a designated representative shall be in writing. All contracts must be
approved by legal counsel pursuant to State Board of Higher Education Policy 840. Any document, lease
agreement, etc., not bearing an authorized signature will not be binding to the college.
Administrative Council Approved 400.13 (3) 08/20/02
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.13.01
Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source. Employees should
be good stewards of State money when making purchases. LRSC defines processes intended to promote
fair and open competition, minimize exposure to fraud and collusion, to foster ethical conduct and
compliance with state purchasing laws and rules, and increase efficiency.
Procurement Officer(s), as designated by the President using Delegation of Purchase Authority Form,
SFN 2566, is the person responsible for authorizing the procurement process and is held accountable for
the following purchasing guidelines, although others may perform some of the actual work. Not
everyone in the procurement process needs to be certified, but the Procurement Officer’s verification
and process approval would be needed on purchases of $10,000 or more, prior to the purchase being
All employees who have purchasing authority must complete the procurement trainings for their level
of authorized procurement. Employees must receive a delegation of purchase authority from the
President or his/her designee using Delegation of Purchase Authority Form, SFN 2566.
Level 1 Micro
less than $10,000
All employees must complete the OMB Procurement training.
Level 2 Small
$10,000 to less
than $50,000
President and Vice Presidents must complete the OMB Procurement training.
Level 3 Informal
$50,000 to less
than $100,000
Procurement officers must complete OMB Procurement training.
Level 4 Formal
$100,000 and over
Procurement officers must complete OMB Procurement training.
Individual items of a system may not be split to stay under the quote/bid limits. The total estimated
price of all items in a system determines if a quote or formal bid/RFP is required. A “system” is defined
as a group of items that are used together. Items that are the same of similar types may not be put on
separate purchase requests to stay under quote or bid limits.
When trading in goods, the purchase amount parameters need to be based on the gross purchase price,
regardless of the trade-in value allowed. All purchases that include a trade-in must be communicated to
Asset Management prior to the transaction taking place.
An alternate procurement is when a good or service is available from only one supplier and has unique
characteristics. All alternate procurement purchase requests must be justified and approved by the
Procurement Officer. Requesting department must fill out the Alternate Procurement form (SFN 51403)
prior to purchase and submit to the Procurement Officer for verification and approval.
Goods and services can be purchased from a government source of supply and government entities
without obtaining competition, regardless of the dollar amount. When a need is identified, check first to
see if the good or service is available from a government source of supply. If you are not purchasing
from a state source of supply, purchasing threshold competition requirements apply.
NDUS employees must follow SBHE policies and NDUS procedures.
Level 1
Micro Purchase
Less than
Obtain at least one fair and reasonable quote.
Note: Equipment and software must be
added to inventory if $5,000 or
greater. (N.D.C.C. § 54-27-21 Fixed Asset
Minimum Reporting Value)
NDUS: Documentation not required
Alternate Procurement form not
required if multiple quotes not solicited
Level 2
Small Purchase
At least
but less
Solicit informal quotes/bids or proposals from
at least three vendors, or post to SPO Online
with appropriate state bidders list. May send
to additional vendors.
President or a Vice President must sign
purchase order, agreements, contracts, work
order, etc. prior to purchase.
Documentation is required and must be
attached to payment voucher.
Alternate Procurement form (SFN
51403) required if
competition is not solicited from at least
three vendors.
The form is not required if three
vendors are solicited and fewer than
three bids or proposals are received.
Level 3
Informal Written
At least
but less
Solicit informal bids or proposals using SPO
Online with appropriate state bidders
list. May send to additional vendors.
Include as many North Dakota vendors as
Documentation is required and must be
attached to payment voucher.
Procurement officer must sign off on
the process.
Alternate Procurement form (SFN
51403) required if:
1. Competition is not solicited.
2. SPO Online is not used.
Level 4
Formal Purchase
and over
Must be purchased using formal sealed bids
or Request for Proposal (RFP). Solicitations
must be posted using SPO Online with
appropriate state bidders list. May send to
additional bidders.
Include as many North Dakota vendors as
Documentation is required and must be
attached to payment voucher.
Procurement officer must sign off on
the process.
Alternate Procurement form (SFN
51403) required if:
1. Competition is not solicited, or
competition is limited.
2. SPO Online is not used.
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/18/2018
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.13.02
In accordance with SBHE 611.4, no governing board, nor any member, employee, or appointee thereof,
shall be pecuniary interested in or concerned directly in any public contract, either verbal or written,
that may be entered into by such person. LRSC is responsible for identifying and monitoring potential
conflict of interest situations involving the expenditure of college funds. In order to monitor these
situations, it is necessary that employees identify for LRSC any business entity in which they have a
business interest and notify the Human Resource Office anytime they are involved in purchasing
decision involving that entity, including preparation of product specifications.
An employee who knowingly or intentionally has a pecuniary interest in or derives a profit from
authorization of a contract or purchase by the institution that the employee serves, commits a conflict
of interest and is subject to disciplinary or dismissal action.
It is the intention of this policy that it is applicable to a broader range of contracts than that included in
section 48-02-12, N.D.C.C., which applies to public building construction and repair contracts.
Each employee is asked to conduct themselves according to the Purchasing Code of Ethics, as indicated
below, in all duties relating to purchasing goods and services for Lake Region State College.
1. Give first consideration to institutional policies and objectives.
2. Obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended.
3. Demand honest in sales representation whether offered through oral or written statements,
advertising or product samples.
4. Grant all competitive bidders equal consideration; regard each transaction on its own merit.
Promote fair, ethical and legal trade practices.
5. Cooperate with trade and industrial associations, government and private agencies engaged in
promoting and developing sound business methods.
6. Use, only by consent, the original ideas and designees devised by one vendor for competitive
purchasing purposes.
7. Be willing to submit any major controversy to arbitration where applicable or permissible.
8. Decline personal gifts or gratuities.
9. Accord a prompt and courteous reception to everyone calling on legitimate business.
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.14
Advertising through the use of signs and posters may be located on official Lake Region State College
bulletin boards and hanging strips only and must be approved by the Office of Advancement and
Communication. Advertising depicting alcohol use, abuse, sale, or distribution is prohibited - unless it
promotes responsibility with alcohol and ill effects of drug/alcohol abuse. Advertisement of credit cards
also is prohibited unless in a financial education role.
Campus sponsored (club, class, division, athletic) events should also have promotional pieces approved
by the Office of Advancement and Communications who also will assist in the coordination of further
event promotion.
No signs or posters are permitted to be displayed on trees, windows, open walls, trash receptacles, or
benches. Individuals wishing to sell personal items such as books, stereos, etc. may advertise on bulletin
boards designated in the Student Union only.
Unauthorized signs or posters will be immediately removed and action will be taken if necessary to
prevent repeat offences. Civil and/or campus action may be taken against any persons or external
organizations who violate the policy.
Businesses/Organizations/Individuals are allowed to set up on campus during campus sponsored events,
including job fairs, college fairs, transfer days, and other similar approved activity. Sale of items without
proper authorization or paperwork (such as transient merchant license) is prohibited.
Unless part of a public information forum, religious and political activities must be sponsored by a
related campus club.
Administrative Council Approved 03/08/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.15
Solicitations of funds from any public group by faculty, other College employees, students, or student
organizations for College related activities must be approved in advance by the President or his/her
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.16
The Human Resource Manager will determine whether employees are exempt or non-exempt from the
overtime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The determination of status as exempt or
non-exempt is made at the time duties are assigned or when the assignment of duties for a position
Exempt Employees
Overtime provisions are not applicable to exempt employees as identified by federal wage and hour
criteria. Supervisors may arrange time off in recognition of continuous or excessive required overtime
for employees exempt from overtime. Exceptions must be documented in an email by the supervisor to
the employee and given to payroll.
Non-exempt Employees
Non-exempt employees must be paid overtime for hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour work
week. Overtime compensation at the rate of time-and-one-half shall be provided to all non-exempt
employees when hours worked exceed 40 hours in a work week. Compensatory time is calculated at the
rate of time-and-one-half in lieu of cash overtime payments compensation upon prior agreement. Upon
approval, compensatory time may only be used in place of regularly scheduled work hours and shall not
cause overtime. If there is no agreement, monetary compensation must be provided.
1. In establishing a forty-hour work week, annual leave, sick leave, official closings and holidays
shall be counted as hours worked. Annual leave, sick leave, other forms of paid leave, and
compensatory time shall not be counted for overtime purposes.
2. A non-exempt employee called back for emergency service after completing his/her regular
day's work shall receive compensation at the rate of time-and-one-half. Guaranteed
minimum pay for call-back to a work site when required will be two hours at the rate of
time-and-one-half and guaranteed minimum pay for call-back when return to the work site
is not required, for example, when services are provided from home by telephone, is fifteen
minutes at the rate of time-and-one-half. Temporary employees shall be paid at the rate of
time-and-one-half for hours worked in excess of forty hours per week.
3. Work which is not requested by a supervisor, but is permitted, must be counted as hours
worked. Failure to secure approval to work overtime may subject an employee to
disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
4. When an employee is given a work assignment in a secondary location requiring travel time,
such travel time is counted as time worked.
5. Compensatory time may be accrued for any length of time but may not exceed 40 hours.
When 40 hours are reached, further overtime is paid via payroll. Division directors may limit
the accumulation of compensatory time to less than 40 hours and may require that all
compensatory time earned be taken within a certain time frame, such as the same month or
following the month that it is earned.
6. A non-exempt employee who has accrued compensatory time must, upon termination of
employment, be paid for the unused compensatory time at a rate of compensation not less
than the average regular rate received by that employee during the past three years of
employment or the final regular rate received by the employee, whichever is higher as
required by FLSA.
7. Overtime and compensatory time must be recorded in the Time and Labor Management
system in Employee Self-Service. Compensatory time will be tracked through payroll in the
same manner as annual and sick leave.
Administrative Council approved 400.16
Administrative Council Approved 400.16
Administrative Council Approved 06/07/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.17
College personnel and their guests may use campus facilities for community service activities that relate
to the mission of the institution. Activities that result in personal gain are not allowed without
presidential authorization.
Administrative Council Approved 07/22/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.17.01
There are legitimate circumstances when it is advantageous for employees to take Lake Region State
College (LRSC) property to an off-campus worksite for a temporary period of time to facilitate the
completion of LRSC-related job assignments. Employees may use LRSC property at an off-campus
worksite for such purposes provided the employee accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage to
the property if a loss is incurred and the LRSC’s insurance does not cover the property specified because
said equipment was not on campus at time of loss. The LRSC’s insurance only covers equipment that is
“temporarily” off campus. “Temporarily” normally means no longer than three months. Personal use of
LRSC property is a misdemeanor in violation of Section 12.1-23-07 of the North Dakota Century Code.
The supervisor responsible for the unit’s property inventory shall determine the legitimacy for relocating
property to an off-campus site. Before approving a request, the unit supervisor must consider whether
the use of the property at an off-campus site will create a hardship or impact negatively other
employees in the department. It is up to the discretion of the unit supervisor whether to approve or
deny a request to take property to an off-campus worksite.
The property must be returned to LRSC when its use at the temporary off-campus worksite is no longer
necessary as authorized, or when the employee terminates employment. Failure to do so may result in
appropriate sanctions or other action being brought against the employee, including withholding money
due to the employee from LRSC until the property is returned.
Administrative Council Approved 05/17/10
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.17.02
State law prohibits a public employee from using public property for personal purposes when the
employee knows such a use is unauthorized and the employee knows that there is some risk of loss or
detriment to the government. N.D.C.C.12.1-23.07.
Various state laws and Lake Region State College (LRSC) rules apply to personal use of public property.
State law specifically prohibits using a state car for private use. N.D.C.C. 39-01-03. LRSC’s “Off-Campus
Use of State Property Policy” allows institutional property to be taken to an off-campus worksite under
specified conditions, but only for job related use.
Some personal uses are allowed. Certain incidental uses are also allowed, within reason: For example, a
private phone call (not at State expense) on a LRSC phone (supervisors can prohibit this altogether,
however.) Limited use for such a purpose doesn’t result in any loss to the institution. However, taking
state property off-campus for personal use or loaning out of LRSC property for personal use/gain is
LRSC, in addition to the specific requirements of North Dakota’s laws and policies, strives to encourage
its employees to avoid even the appearance of impropriety so as to not violate the public trust.
Administrative Council Approved 05/17/10
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.18
The Office of Management and Budget requires that all federally awarded agencies and recipients
comply with the non-procurement debarment and suspension common rule implementing Federal
Executive Order #12549 and #12689, “Debarment and Suspension”. Lake Region State College will not
use funds to purchase goods and services from vendors who have been debarred or suspended from
doing business with the federal government. Prior to contract award, and in accordance with Federal
requirements, LRSC employees that are purchasing goods will verify the status of a proposed vendor.
All parties, debarred and suspended by the federal government, are listed on the SAM website.
Verification of the status of a proposed supplier can be obtained from the List of Parties Excluded From
Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs, issued by the General Services Administration
(GSA) located at (SAM) The System for Award Management (SAM) is the Official
U.S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS.
Results from the search shall be made part of the contract documentation and verified on the Voucher
Payment Form. No award is to be made before debarment status has been reviewed and approved.
Should a prospective vendor be found to be debarred or suspended by the Federal government, the
contract will become null and void, as payment will not be made.
Administrative Council Approved 4/21/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.19
Office hours for Lake Region State College are 7:45am to 4:45pm Monday through Friday. The official
workweek for employee payroll begins at midnight on Sunday and ends at 11:59pm Saturday. Work
schedules may vary depending on employment status of full time or part-time, teaching schedules or
other required work hours needed to accommodate the operational needs of the campus.
Summer hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday. Summer hours will begin the Monday
following spring graduation and end on Monday, one week prior to Fall semester beginning. This
summer schedule will not affect shift work unless the supervisor wishes to alter shift schedules to better
accommodate the official summer hours. Department supervisors will retain the authority to make
adjustments for individual employees where the 7:30am 4:00pm schedule does not work well. All
offices must be covered from 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Administrative Council Approved 05/18/16
Administrative Council Approved 08/29/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.20
Use of cellular phones and handheld communication devices safety is a primary concern when
employees are driving a State Fleet vehicle or their privately-owned vehicle on state business.
In order to reduce the risks associated with distracted driving, it is the policy of LRSC to prohibit the use
of cell phones (including hands free) or any other mobile device while operating a motor vehicle on state
business. This restriction includes answering or making phone calls, engaging in phone conversations,
reading or responding to e-mails and text messages, and accessing the internet.
These restrictions do not apply to emergency calls, or brief calls that are identified and designated as
necessary to fulfill critical job responsibilities.
Administrative Council Approved 400.21.01 04/18/13
Administrative Council Approved removing 400.20 (Custodial & Moving Services) 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved adding Distractive Driving to 400.20.01 and move to 400.20 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.21
[NDCC, Chapter 24-02-03.3 and Chapter 39-04 and 39-05]
1. The department or individual requesting usage of a College vehicle must have the travel
approved by the supervising administrator and check for vehicle availability with the State Fleet
2. The person driving a College vehicle must possess a valid North Dakota driver’s license. Vehicles
are assigned on a first-scheduled basis.
3. Each vehicle has its own credit card with the motor pool number of the vehicle imprinted on it.
These credit cards are State of North Dakota cards and are honored at most stations within
North Dakota. They may be used for gasoline as well as emergency repairs and towing. Fuel sites
are listed in the vehicle check-out materials.
4. Each vehicle will be full of gas when issued, and will be full when returned.
5. Any problems experienced with the vehicle should be reported to State Fleet Coordinator upon
6. If no vehicle is available from the College pool, and if the supervising administrator approves
such usage, a personal automobile may be used and travel reimbursement obtained as per state
rates for mileage.
7. Pursuant to ND Century Code 39-08-23 North Dakota State employees shall not engage in text
messaging while driving a state government fleet vehicle or personal vehicle while being used to
conduct state business.
Administrative Council Approved 400.21 (8) 04/18/13
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.22
1. There are some reserved parking areas on campus designated for the President, the
handicapped, visitors and state fleet vehicles. Parking is only permitted in designated parking
areas and not on the streets.
2. All vehicles parked on Lake Region State College property must have current registration from
the student’s home state. Any vehicle without current and valid license plates will be considered
abandoned and will be towed at the owner’s expense in accordance with the City of Devils Lake
and the State of North Dakota laws on abandoned vehicles.
3. Vehicles are not to be left on campus over summer break unless written permission from the
Physical Plant Director is obtained. Each case will be decided on an individual basis. If a vehicle is
left on campus for 30 days or more after the end of the spring semester, the vehicle will be
considered abandoned and will be towed.
Administrative Council Approved 400.22 (3) 08/29/11
Administrative Council Approved 400.22 (1) 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.22.01
Maintenance staff will begin snow removal as needed.
1. Light Snows <1”
a. Sidewalks will be cleaned by maintenance. After snow removal, there will be a visual
inspection and any icy areas will be salted.
2. Heavy Snows >1
a. Parking lots will be cleaned in the following order, (unless weather conditions or
occupancy dictate otherwise):
i. Erlandson
ii. Bergstrom Technical Center
iii. Library
iv. Student Affairs
v. Visitor Parking - Main Entrance
vi. Main Parking Lot - South
vii. Gilliland Hall
viii. North Hall
ix. North Campus
b. Sidewalks will be cleaned by maintenance. After snow removal, there will be a visual
inspection and any icy areas will be salted.
3. During the day, Physical Plant Services will salt icy areas as notified by staff and/or visitors to
remove the hazard.
4. There is no overnight parking in the following lots. Vehicles parking in these areas overnight, will
be ticketed. Personal vehicles can be parked in state fleet parking only if traveling out of town
with a state fleet vehicle.
a. Erlandson
b. Bergstrom Technical Center
c. Library
d. Student Affairs
e. Visitor Parking
f. Main Parking - South
g. North Campus
5. Dorm parking lots will be cleaned after all other parking lots are cleaned. It may be necessary to
have vehicles moved to accomplish this. Physical Plant Services will work with Housing to
schedule when these lots can be cleaned.
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 05/30/18
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.23
Each full-time faculty/staff member and service area is assigned a mailbox by the Information Desk.
Mailboxes are assigned to part-time faculty as they become available. Mail addressed to individuals at
the College is placed in the employee’s mailbox each day. The President shall designate staff members
to act as Mailroom Clerk to perform the following duties: a) receipt of mail and parcels and distribution
of same, b) daily mailings and postage records, and c) bulk mailings.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.24
The purchasing card (p-card) is a credit card issued in the name of the Lake Region State College
employee. Employees will be designated to make purchases for official business needs. Purchases made
with the p-card must comply with SBHE policy 803.4 and NDUS procedure 803.4.
Individual credit limits, including card and cycle limits, vary as determined by the supervisor or p-card
administrator. Each cardholder will use the NDUS P-card Change Request form to change MCC codes or
increase credit limits on a temporary or permanent basis. Failure to use the p-card in accordance with
applicable policies and procedures may result in revocation of the p-card and may involve appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination and possible criminal prosecution.
The use of the p-card results in a liability to LRSC, not a personal liability for the cardholder. The
cardholder's credit rating will not be affected. However, it is important to remember that the cardholder
signs an agreement prior to receiving the p-card and, as such, is responsible for any misuse of the p-card
as outlined in this policy.
Only the LRSC employee whose name appears on the p-card may use the p-card. The employee is
accountable for all charges made with that p-card. A cardholder will not lend the p-card to anyone. If
another employee in the department needs a p-card, the director or supervisor of the department
should request one for that individual.
LRSC cardholders are strongly encouraged to use their card wherever MasterCard is accepted.
Procurement policies must be followed when using a p-card. The p-card cannot be used to access cash
or a line of credit. It is not to be used with interdepartmental or personal purchases and is not a right of
Items that cannot be purchased on the p-card (unless specifically authorized by the President on the
Purchasing Card Exception form) include:
1. Alcoholic beverages
2. Ammunition/weapons
3. Clothing
4. Cash Advances (ATM or other)
5. Meals while employee is in travel status (Employee will be reimbursed at per diem rates by
submitting a travel voucher)
6. Entertainment/hospitality/food
7. Gasoline/Fuel (must use credit card located in the state vehicle)
8. Hazardous Materials
9. Insurance
10. Leases
11. Legal services
12. Maintenance Contracts
13. Motor Vehicles
14. Non-business/personal items (ex. Kleenex, coffee, snacks, etc.)
15. Radioactive Materials
16. Shipping - Outbound from Lake Region State College
17. This is not an all-inclusive list and can be changed at management's discretion
LRSC departments may request, from the p-card administrator, a waiver to remove the restriction on
the purchase of the preceding items. The waiver or exception will be specific as to item(s) and as to
Each cardholder is responsible for the following:
1. Safeguarding the p-card.
2. Signing the p-card immediately upon receipt.
3. Activating your p-card.
4. Keeping original itemized receipts from each purchase.
5. Recording each purchase on a Purchasing Card Record form.
6. Receiving the electronic statement.
7. Reconciling the cardholder statement with Purchasing Card Record form and receipts
8. Signing the Purchasing Card Record form to attest that all purchases are for LRSC business and in
compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
9. Obtain supervisors signature on the Purchasing Card Record form.
10. Forwarding signed completed Purchasing Card Record form, statement, and original receipts to
p-card administrator by the 10
of the month.
11. Notifying the p-card administrator and the supervisor immediately in the event of a lost or
stolen p-card.
12. Assuring the vendor issues credit for any item that has been approved for return. The credit
should appear on a subsequent statement.
13. Resolving transaction disputes and credits in a timely manner. The p-card administrator should
be notified of any unresolved disputed items.
14. Giving the p-card to the supervisor or p-card administrator when employment is terminated.
The cardholder’s supervisor or designated employee (other than cardholder) is responsible for the
1. Reviewing the information submitted by the cardholder. The supervisor should, at a minimum,
periodically compare receipts to the statement submitted by the cardholder.
2. Signing the Purchasing Card Record form to certify that purchases are for business purposes and
are in compliance with appropriate rules and regulations to the best of the supervisor's
3. Forwarding the signed Purchasing Card Record form, statement and all original itemized receipts
to the Business Office by the 10th of each month.
4. Returning the p-card of a terminated employee to the p-card administrator.
Purchasing Card Security
1. The p-card is to be treated with the same level of care that is afforded personal credit cards.
2. Do not lend the p-card to anyone. The only person authorized to use the card is the person
whose name appears on the front of the card and who has completed the Purchasing Card User
Agreement form.
3. Do not post or write the p-card account number in any location that is accessible to others.
4. Take additional care when using the card to make Internet purchases. Only use internet sites
that have an indication that they are a secure site, such as the padlock located on the lower
Policy and procedure violations include, but are not limited to:
1. Purchasing items with the card for personal use.
2. Failure to return the card when reassigned, terminated or upon request.
3. Failure to submit original itemized receipts/invoices to the p-card administrator by the 10th of
each month.
4. Allowing someone else to use their p-card.
5. Repeatedly allowing sales tax to be charged when the purchases are tax exempt.
6. Making unallowable or unauthorized charges.
7. Intentionally splitting a purchase to circumvent purchasing policies or avoiding single transaction
Depending on severity, a violation of this policy or failure to comply with the applicable policies may
result in the following:
1st offense written warning to cardholder
2nd offense written warning to cardholder and cardholder’s supervisor
3rd offense written warning to cardholder, cardholder’s supervisor, and the card will be
suspended for 60 days.
Contact the p-card administrator for assistance on the following:
1. For questions concerning policies and procedures
2. To replace damaged cards
3. For assistance with vendors
4. For account inquiries
5. For billing information
6. To report a lost or stolen card
Administrative Council Approved 11/29/10
Administrative Council Approved 01/30/13
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/14/16
Administrative Council Approved 11/11/16
Administrative Council Approved 03/22/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.25
For purpose of this policy, smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or
heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for
inhalation, in any manner or in any form. Smoking also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a
vapor, in any manner or any form, or the use of any oral tobacco product for the purpose of
circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this policy.
Smoking is prohibited on all property owned or leased by Lake Region State College, including buildings,
residence halls, apartments, and enclosed structures. Smoking is prohibited in state-owned or leased
vehicles and motorized equipment.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees, students, visitors, and where applicable,
contractors are made aware of this policy and that they comply with its requirements.
Violations of this policy by faculty and staff constitutes a violation of the LRSC policy 1500.05 (Code of
Conduct). Violations by students constitutes minor misconduct under the LRSC policy 800.30 (Student
The Smoke Free Policy may not apply to specific activities used in connection with the practice of
cultural activities by American Indians that are in accordance with the American Indian Religious
Freedom Act, 42 U.S.C. 1996 and 1996a. All ceremonial use exceptions must be approved in advance by
the President of Lake Region State College or designee.
Information regarding tobacco prevention is available through the following websites:
Administrative Council Approved 01/11/10
Administrative Council Approved Updates 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 10/02/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.26
In accordance with the Drug Free Workplace and SBHE policy 615, the unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace is prohibited.
Every employee is required to abide by the applicable law and SBHE Policy 615 as a condition of
employment. An employee who is convicted of violation of any federal or state criminal drug law for
conduct in the workplace must notify the employee’s supervisor of the conviction within five (5) days of
the conviction. A conviction means a finding of guilt (including plea of guilty or nolo contendere or its
equivalent) or the imposition of a sentence. The supervisor must within 24 hours of receiving notice of a
conviction notify the institution’s or system’s human resource officer. Each new employee, at the time
of hiring, shall receive a copy of the SBHE Policy 615 and this procedure and acknowledge in writing that
the employee has received and reviewed the policy and procedure. Institutions and the university
system office shall document on an annual basis that each benefited employee has received a copy of
SBHE Policy 615 and this procedure. This may be done as part of an annual evaluation, in-service
training, electronically, or other appropriate procedure. Any employee who violates SBHE Policy 615 or
this procedure is subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Single copies of the policy may be obtained from Human Resource Office in the Administrative Affairs
Office or accessed from the College website at (See
Section 615 “Drug Free Workplace” of the SBHE Policy Manual at (See Section 918 “Alcoholic
Beverages” of the SBHE Policy Manual at
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.27
The information below is based on the NDUS Student Payment Policy 830.1
1. All student institutional charges are payable at the Administrative Affairs Office by the payment
date designated by Lake Region State College.
2. Eligible financial aid disbursements will be applied directly to student charges for tuition, fees,
room board, and other approved expenses prior to payment date.
3. Tuition, fees, room and board may be billed to a governmental agency or private organization,
which has provided an approved billing authorization. Payment for such bill shall be due prior to
the end of the enrollment period for which billed.
4. Students with outstanding financial obligations to LRSC will have holds placed on their account
and they will not receive official transcripts or be allowed enrollment in subsequent semesters.
5. Students auditing classes shall pay the regular tuition and fees, unless specifically exempted.
6. A late fee is charged for any payment past due more than 30 days. If arrangements have been
made with the Administrative Affairs Office, late fees are only charged when the payments are
not made according to the agreement.
Administrative Council Approved 08/09/16
Administrative Council Approved removing 800.10 and replacing it with 400.27 09/19/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.28
1. College telephone lines may be used by employees for long-distance calls for official/college
business purposes only. All other long-distance calls must be paid for by the employee.
2. When off-campus, faculty and staff should use the 1-800 number for official college business.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.29
Outlook Calendar is the calendar and scheduling component of Outlook that is fully integrated with
email, contacts, and other features. The use of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar is the official means of
scheduling to facilitate the business purposes of LRSC.
1. The primary purpose of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar is provided to all staff and faculty of the
Lake Region State College (LRSC) as a management tool to enhance the communications and
scheduling needed to conduct college business in a consistent and efficient manner.
2. The use of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar for personal events and scheduling is secondary but
adds value and convenience when used in conjunction with official business planning.
1. Calendar Properties should have the default set to: Free/Busy time, subject, location.
2. Create appointments, meetings, class schedules and events on your Outlook Calendar, to enable
LRSC leadership, management and peers to view for event and meeting planning, open and
available times for work related projects, and for times when staff or faculty are absent, on
leave, or out of the office.
a. Mark class time, appointments, meetings and events on your Outlook Calendar to show
if you are to be considered available or unavailable by using the Show As feature: Free,
Working Elsewhere, Tentative, Busy or Out of the Office.
b. All work and class related events and times should be shared and open for viewing.
c. All personal events and appointments scheduled during the workday can be marked as
Administrative Council Approved 08/12/20
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.31
1. The campus bookstore hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the regular school year and 8:00
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. over the summer months. Hours will be posted at the bookstore and may be
subject to change. To accommodate student’s hours of operation may be extended during busy
times of the year. Changes will be communicated to the campus community.
2. Deadlines for book orders are summer and fall term(s) - March 31, spring term - October 31.
3. Full-time faculty are responsible for ordering their own complimentary copies of classroom
materials or texts. The bookstore will assist with contact information of publishers and will assist
in the ordering of complimentary copies of class materials or texts for part-time faculty upon
4. The refund policies for return of books are the same as the “NDUS Tuition and Fee Refund
Policy”. Returned merchandise must be accompanied by the original receipt and be returned in
like-new condition. Returned books must be accompanied by proof that the class has been
dropped. Any exceptions to this will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
5. A book buyback is conducted once each semester during finals week.
6. Shoplifters will be punished.
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.32
This department has the responsibility of providing food services to: residence hall occupants, campus
faculty, staff and visitors.
1. All residents of campus housing during fall and spring semesters are required to enter into a
board contract.
2. The Dean of Administrative Affairs and the President shall approve serving hours.
3. All dishware must remain in the dining area. Carry out containers are available upon request.
4. Appropriate dress is required as in any food establishment.
5. Board plan students must present ID/Meal pass prior to partaking of a meal.
6. Board plan students may not share their meals.
7. Illness. Should a board plan student be unable to eat in the dining area, a resident assistant may
request a meal. Special requests (juices, soup, Jell-O) will be granted.
8. Dining Services is open five days per week, Monday-Friday for breakfast, lunch and dinner
meals. Food Service is not available on weekends, holidays, or college breaks. i.e. (spring,
9. Food Service is available for special meals and banquets. These requests shall not interfere with
student meals.
10. Box lunches and other dining arrangements are available for those on board plan. Should your
schedule conflict with regular serving hours, see the Food Service Director.
11. Visitors are welcome. Please advise Dining Services of quests in advance. Groups of more than
five require 24 hour notice.
Administrative Council Approved 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 03/21/05
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.33
The Staff and Faculty dependent tuition waiver will include a 50% tuition waiver at Lake Region State
College covering all eligible dependents (child and spouse) of benefited employees. This will include
students that are full and part-time on campus (LRSC or GFAFB campuses), dual credit, and online. The
definition of dependent children will be the same as for receiving family health benefits. To be eligible, a
family tuition waiver must be filed with the Human Resource Office prior to enrolling in a course or
The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education encourages its employees to pursue a program of
continuing education.
1. The Tuition Waiver Program is to provide an opportunity for an eligible employee to have the
tuition waived for a course taken at any of the institutions of the North Dakota University
System. Participation is voluntary and courses maybe taken for career development.
2. All benefited employees are eligible to receive the employee tuition waiver. Benefited
employees are defined as an employee, including probationary employees, who work at least 20
hours per week and 20 weeks each year.
3. The waiver or payment shall be limited to no more than three academic classes during each
calendar year for NDUS undergraduate and graduate courses as outlined below.
a. For on campus face to face academic classes at an institution within the North Dakota
University System, a waiver will be applied with students responsible for non-covered
fees and class materials.
i. Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor
and/or department head and eligibility approval.
1. Upon approval, employees are responsible for registering for classes
through regular admission/registration procedures.
b. For courses taken at another NDUS campus, other than the campus of employment,
regardless of delivery type: a system-wide fixed 50% employer paid tuition assistance,
with the employee paying the remaining 50% of tuition and 100% of all fees.
i. Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor
and/or department head and approval from Human Resources.
1. Upon approval, employees are responsible for registering for classes
through regular admission/registration procedures.
ii. Employee must present a structured plan of study that relates to Lake Region
State College career development.
iii. Employees must submit an approved “Tuition Waiver Request” form to the
Human Resources Office.
1. Tuition waiver requests approval will be granted subject to available
c. For approved courses taken from non-NDUS institutions or at the request of LRSC, the
assistance shall be determined by the employer.
d. Employees may be released from work for one face-to-face class each academic term
with approval of the employee’s supervisor or department head; approval shall be
granted if it does not interfere with completion of the employee’s essential job duties
and the essential work of the institution.
e. This waiver does not apply to non-credit community or continuing education programs.
f. Lake Region State College will pay for a class once, if a passing grade is not received, the
employee may have to pay the full tuition to retake the class.
g. Employees are enrolled in tuition waiver classes on a space-available basis. No classes
will be created solely for employees receiving a tuition waiver.
h. An employee who has an overdue accounts receivable balance with any North Dakota
State University System institution may not receive a tuition waiver.
4. Eligible employees taking a class for credit at Lake Region State College, with an approved
tuition waiver, will have all fees waived, with the exception of CND, NDSA, program and course
fees which shall be paid by the employee..
Administrative Council Approved 07/28/09
Administrative Council Approved 09/03/14
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/27/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.34
Air Force Tuition Assistance Fee Waiver
Military students receiving Air Force Tuition Assistance are eligible for this fee waiver. This fee waiver
includes CND and NDSA fees, per chancellor approval. It also includes technology, online and lab fees. It
is limited to the credits that qualify for tuition assistance.
Academic Waiver
These tuition waivers are offered by the LRSC athletic coaching staff and are awarded in increments of
25, 50, 75 or 100%. The number of athletic waivers is reviewed each year.
International Scholar Tuition Waiver
This waiver reduces tuition from 25 to 100% for students from other countries based on academic
excellence, letters of reference, on-campus residency and the student’s willingness to assist with
campus goals to encourage global understanding and tolerance. Each applicant must submit an
International Scholar application, essay, and two letters of reference from individuals who describe the
student’s abilities and commitment to his/her educational goals. Up to three 100% waivers can be
awarded each year.
Cultural Diversity Waiver
This waiver reduces tuition by 50% for the first year for students who meet the eligibility criteria
established by the ND Board of Higher Education. Waivers for full-time students cover half the cost of
tuition, and waivers for part-time students are pro-rated. Recipients are limited to two years of
eligibility, regardless of the size of the waiver received and must achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Employee Tuition Waiver
Lake Region State College follows the SBHE Policy 820 Tuition Waiver/Tuition Assistance for Employee
Tuition Waivers.
Employee Dependent Tuition Waiver
See LRSC Policy 400.33
Presidential Waiver
This waiver requires LRSC President approval. The requests will be made by the Vice Presidents, Director
of Financial Aid, or Director of Student Affairs.
Resident Assistant’s (RA) Housing Waiver
This waiver applies to housing charges at 100% for students employed as Resident Assistants by the
Senior Citizen Waiver
This waiver applies to tuition and mandatory fees of an audited face-to-face class taken by students 65
years of age or older (on a space available basis). Class fees, however, are paid by the student.
State Board of Higher Education Waiver
LRSC awards tuition and fee waivers to students who meet the description of the SBHE Policy 820, #2.
Administrative Council Approved Updates (12/07/15)
Administrative Council Approved Updates (1/29/18)
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.35
The primary purpose of salary administration at Lake Region State college is to attract and retain well-
qualified individuals who can best contribute to the college's stated mission and strategic plan. Decision-
makers in the salary administration process will strive to make salary decisions fairly and communicate
them effectively.
3. To provide the college with the ability to use its resources most effectively, salary administration
aims to:
a. Acknowledge the basic financial needs of all employees.
b. Be responsive to market influences
c. Strive for internal equity.
d. Recognize and reward outstanding performance.
e. Retain employees to limit the financial and other (hidden) costs of turnover.
4. Salaries are set and salaries are increased, to ensure fairness based on the following:
Job Classification
Cost of living
Equity (internal and external)
Salary Compression
Degree completion
Workload and responsibility changes
Work experience (external and internal)
Successful completion of a probationary period (applies to staff only)
Interim and acting appointments
I. Procedures
3. The President, in consultation with the Administrative Council, Human Resources Director, the
Faculty Senate, and the Staff Senate shall determine how to apportion funds available for
4. When budgets allow, monies for staff and faculty degree completion, rank promotion, and
changes in category will be separate from the regular salary percentage as defined by the
legislature. Should the President decide that budget priorities will not allow the funds to be
found separately, the President shall notify both the Faculty and Staff Senates.
5. When budgets allow, faculty and staff earning the following degrees will be awarded a base
salary adjustment. If the new degree is received after January 1 but before July 1, the salary
change would be effective as of July 1. If the new degree is awarded after July 1 and before
December 31, the increase would be effective January 1.
a. Bachelor’s Degree - $2,000 added to current contract base
b. Master’s Degree - $2,000 added to current contract base
c. Doctoral Degree - $3,000 added to current contract base
6. Staff salary adjustments for all employees demonstrating continuous job improvement will be
determined by the President. Staff salaries will be initially set based on, but not limited to,
related work experience, LRSC or NDUS years of service, and local and/or regional market
equity. Salary decisions for staff members will be made in accordance with Policy 5 of the North
Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual.
7. Incoming Faculty Senate members may bring in a maximum of 20 years of teaching and working
experience into the faculty salary schedule, regardless of degree. Previous part-time instruction
may be converted from a credit hour total to a yearly equivalent on a prorated basis, with 30
credits equal to one full year. Credit calculations of .5 and higher (15 credits or more) will be
rounded to one full year.
8. When a Faculty Senate member changes category, a salary adjustment will be made to raise the
salary to the minimum of the new category plus $500. A Faculty Senate member in the final
category shall be awarded $500 after each additional 5 years.
9. When an eligible member of the Faculty Senate is granted a rank change, the following salary
adjustments will be made to the following years’ contract:
a. Assistant Professor - $500
b. Associate Professor - $1,000
c. Professor - $1,500
10. Unless otherwise directed by the President, and when budgets allow, funds will be distributed in
the following order:
Present Salary + Category Change + Degree Change + Rank Promotion
x Percentage Raise = Next Year’s Salary.
11. Part-time, overload, and/or off contract faculty compensation:
$590 per credit: Faculty Senate members in Category I-II and part-time faculty having
taught less than 54 credits for LRSC
$630 per credit: Faculty Senate members in Categories III-V and part-time faculty having
taught greater than 54 credits for LRSC
$690 per credit: Faculty Senate members in Categories VI-IX and benefitted adjuncts.
$150 per credit/per student for low enrollment courses with three or fewer students as of
the first Friday of the term.
Online: $225 per student for each student up to 14 students.
12. Faculty full-time load is thirty (30) credit hours per academic year. The limit to overload will be
no more than six (6) credit hours per semester unless written approval is provided by the VP for
Academic Affairs. All lab and shop hours will be weighted equally for credit load. Science labs
will count 1.5 credits for overload compensation.
13. The President may approve the hire of benefitted adjunct faculty as deemed necessary. In
addition to instructing at least 18 semester credits per fiscal year, benefitted adjunct faculty may
be required to attend faculty meetings, graduation ceremonies, and serve on college and faculty
14. The VP for Academic Affairs may authorize reasonable compensation for full and part time
faculty for work performed outside the scope of their contract, for work that creates an undue
burden, or to achieve equity in instructional responsibilities.
15. Prior to the end of the spring semester, the Faculty Welfare Committee, with the assistance of
the HR Director, shall present each faculty member with information regarding their anticipated
salary for the following years’ contract. This information must include degree completions, rank
and category changes, and the percent increase (if known).
16. Prior to the start of the fiscal year, the HR Director shall provide each benefitted member of the
staff with a Staff Appointment Letter that shows the staff member’s next fiscal year salary and
any change in job responsibilities or title.
17. When contracts are sent to faculty prior to June 20
, they are due back within thirty days or the
position may be declared vacant in accordance with LRSC Policy 700.19. When contracts are
sent to faculty between June 20
and June 30
, they must be returned by July 20
as required
by SBHE Policy.
18. Staff and faculty who believe their salary has been calculated in error must notify the HR
Director who will work with the division Vice President to review the calculation and advance a
recommendation to the President.
II. Faculty Senate Salary Schedule (Full-time, 9 Month Contracts)
9-Month Contract
Faculty I
Vocational Certificate, AA, AAS, BA, MA
Faculty II
9 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 6 years T-W
MA and 2 years T-W
PhD with No Experience
Faculty III
14 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 11 years T-W
MA and 7 years T-W
PhD and 5 years T-W
Faculty IV
19 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 16 years T-W
MA and 12 years T-W
PhD and 10 years T-W
Faculty V
24 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 21 years T-W
MA and 17 years T-W
PhD and 15 years T-W
Faculty VI
29 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 26 years T-W
MA and 22 years T-W
PhD and 20 years T-W
Faculty VII
34 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 31 years T-W
MA and 27 years T-W
PhD and 25 years T-W
Faculty VIII
39 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 36 years T-W
MA and 32 years T-W
PhD and 30 years T-W
Faculty IX
44 years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience
BA and 41 years T-W
MA and 37 years T-W
PhD and 35 years T-W
Administrative Council Approved 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 01/25/00
Administrative Council Approved 04/24/00
Administrative Council Approved 08/16/02
Administrative Council Approved 08/27/04
Administrative Council Approved 07/25/05
Administrative Council Approved 06/14/07
Administrative Council Approved 06/05/07
Administrative Council Approved 06/28/11
Administrative Council Approved 02/05/14
Administrative Council Approved 03/10/14
Administrative Council Approved 12/24/14
Administrative Council Approved 05/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 05/28/19
Administrative Council Approved 10/02/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.36
To assure all employees and contracted professionals of Lake Region State College understand the
importance of identifying and reporting fraud, who they need to report it to, how it will be investigated
and how it will be resolved.
This policy applies to all employees or contracted professionals of Lake Region State College.
Lake Region State College employees are responsible for safeguarding LRSC resources and ensuring they
are used only for authorized purposes, in accordance with LRSC rules, policies, and applicable law. All
employees are responsible for reporting suspected theft, fraud, or unlawful or improper use of public
funds or property.
1. As used in this policy, “theft, fraud or unlawful or improper use of public funds or property”
a. Stealing, larceny, or embezzlement.
b. Making or altering document or files with the intent to defraud.
c. Purposely inaccurate accounting or financial reporting at any level.
d. Fraudulent conversion or misappropriation of public resources, including funds,
supplies, or other property.
e. Improper handling or reporting of financial transactions.
f. Authorizing or receiving compensation for goods not received, services not performed,
or hours not worked, including payment or receipt of a bribe, kickback, or other
unlawful or unauthorized payment.
2. Fraud Awareness:
All benefited employees are required to watch a fraud webinar provided by NDUS.
a. It is suggested that all non-benefited employees also watch the free webinar.
3. Procedures for reporting suspected or detected fraudulent activity:
a. An employee with knowledge or suspicion of theft, fraud, or unlawful or improper use
of public funds or property involving LRSC or affiliated entities shall report that
information to a supervisor, the Controller in Administrative Affairs or the President. An
employee with knowledge or suspicion of theft, fraud, or unlawful use of public funds
involving an immediate supervisor shall report that information to an employee at a
level above the immediate supervisor. As an alternate method, an employee may call
the Eide Bailly Fraud Hotline at 866-912-5378 to report suspicious activity.
b. Unreasonable failure to report such information as required may result in discipline, up
to and including dismissal.
c. The employee or supervisor who suspects fraudulent activity should not attempt to
conduct an investigation.
d. It is a violation of LRSC policy to retaliate against an employee who, in good faith,
reports dishonest or fraudulent activity.
4. Procedures for investigating suspected or detected fraudulent activity
a. The LRSC employees designated with responsibility for receiving and acting upon
reports under this policy are the Controller for Administrative Affairs and the President.
A supervisor or other person who receives a report of suspected theft or fraud shall
report that information to the Controller or the President. The Controller shall inform
the President, unless the President is implicated, in which case the Vice President of
Administrative and Student Affairs shall inform the legal. If both the Controller and the
President are implicated, the report shall be made to the legal.
b. The Controller shall take reasonable and appropriate action in response to receipt of a
report, which may include an internal investigation, commission of an audit, referral to
law enforcement officials, recommended policy or procedure amendments, a report
summarizing findings or other steps. The Controller shall consult the legal and
information shall be kept confidential as directed by the legal.
c. The Controller, with assistance from the President as appropriate, has the primary
responsibility for the investigation. If the investigation reveals that fraudulent activities
have occurred, the Controller will issue a report to the appropriate administrative
d. Employee discipline, up to and including dismissal, will follow LRSC processes and
e. Decisions to prosecute or involve appropriate law enforcement and/or regulatory
agencies for independent investigation will be made by the President.
5. The Controller is also responsible for periodic review of LRSC internal control procedures,
making recommendations for appropriate controls, and staff training to minimize opportunities
for theft or fraud.
Related Documents/Policies:
LRSC Code of Conduct 400.36
SBHE Policy 308.1
SBHE Policies Section 611 Employee Responsibility and Activities
Administrative Council Approved 06/15/10
Administrative Council Approved Updates 07/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 400.37
Lake Region State College recognizes that employees’ performance of certain job responsibilities is
enhanced by access to cell phones. If an LRSC cell phone and data plan are not provided, LRSC allows,
but does not require, a department to pay an employee a taxable monthly payroll amount to defray
expenses for business use of their personal cell phone. In some cases, an employee does not have an
LRSC-owned cell phone and does not receive a monthly payroll amount but incurs business expenses on
behalf of LRSC. LRSC may reimburse an employee for the costs exceeding the employee’s personal plan
if business usage causes the excess charge and the reimbursement does not occur on a regular basis.
1. This policy outlines the use of cell phones for authorized employees of LRSC.
2. To comply with state policies while providing faculty and staff with the equipment they need to
carry out their responsibilities.
3. Related Documents/Polices:
a. Office of Management and Budget Policy 523: Cell Phones.
b. NDCC 54-06-26: Use of state telephones by state officials and employees.
c. NDUS Procedure 1901.2
d. SBHE Policy 801.1: Mobile Phones and Other Mobile Computing Devices; Restrictions on
use of State Phones.
e. Lake Region State College Fraud Policy
4. Procedures:
a. Stipend Plan
i. LRSC employees who meet the eligibility requirements for business use will be
given a taxable allowance, depending on type of service, to cover a portion of a
personally owned cell phone plan. Eligibility requirements are:
1. The employee is required, as part of the job, to be readily accessible for
frequent contact with college administrators, faculty, staff, or students;
2. The requirement for accessibility extends to considerable time away
from campus, involves on-call responsibilities, or the employee’s job
limits his or her access to regular land-line telephones or data/Internet
access that would satisfy the required business communication needs;
3. A strong business case can be made that supports the college incurring
the cost of the service.
The employee must retain an active cell phone plan and/or data plan as long as the allowance is in
place. The employee agrees to notify their department head within five (5) days if he/she no longer
meets eligibility requirements, fails to replace non-working, damaged, or lost devices, selects a lower-
priced plan or fails to maintain a plan. Because the cell phone device is owned personally by the
employee and the allowance provided is based on business use, the employee may use the cell phone
and/or data plan for business and personal purposes, as needed. The employee may, at his or her own
expense, add extra services or equipment features as desired. The available options for stipend plans
are based on the type of cell phone plan and/or estimated business usage. The cost of the plan will be
paid from the employee’s department budget.
4. Voice and Text Plan reimbursement of $20.00
5. Voice and Data Plan reimbursement of $30.00
b. Essential Employee Plan - LRSC employees that are required to carry a cell phone at all
times to maintain critical infrastructure of the college will be provided a LRSC issued cell
phone and plan. The employee’s office phone will be forwarded to their LRSC issued cell
phone when off campus, unless prior arrangements have been made with their
supervisor. These individuals include:
i. President
ii. Physical Plant Director
iii. 2 Physical Plant Department Shared Phones
iv. CIO
v. Network Specialist
vi. Assistant Housing Director
vii. 1 Resident Assistant Emergency Phone
Administrative Council Approved 5/8/16
Administrative Council Approved (4,b,vii) 6/27/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 500. Index
Section 500.01 General
Section 500.02 Structure
Section 500.03 Faculty Senate
Section 500.04 College Councils
Section 500.05 College Committees
Section 500.06 College Consultative Groups
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.01
There shall be a system of councils, committees, and consultative groups within the College which shall
be established by the Faculty Senate and/or the President as outlined herein. The purpose of this
structure shall be to facilitate fulfillment of all constituents of the College. The specific objectives shall
be as follows:
1. To provide a means to implement and review College policies consistent with those of the North
Dakota University System of Higher Education (NDUS).
2. To insure smooth administration of the College.
3. To insure input from faculty, staff, and students into the decision-making process of the College.
4. To provide forums for discussions and communication regarding College issues.
5. To provide a means for formation and continuity of working committees.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.02
1. Faculty Senate Committees
a. Faculty Senate Executive Committee
b. Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee
c. Professional Growth Committee
d. Faculty Rights Committee
e. Special Review Committee
f. Nominations Committee
g. Library-Media Committee
h. Faculty Welfare Committee
i. Tenure Committee
2. College Councils
a. Administrative Council
b. Student Affairs Council
c. Academic Affairs Council
3. College Committees
a. Scholarship and Awards Committee
b. Athletics Committee
c. Staff Welfare Committee
d. Student Appeals Committee
e. Technology Committee
f. Diversity Committee
g. Safety/Loss Control Committee
h. Assessment Committee
i. Food Service Advisory Committee
j. Ad Hoc Committees (such as Wellness Committee, Broadbanding Committee)
k. Admissions Risk Assessment Committee
l. Online Task Force Committee
4. College Consultative Groups
a. College Planning Team
b. Instructional Advisory Groups
c. Other Consultative Groups
i. Student Affairs Staff
ii. Academic Affairs Staff
iii. Food Services Staff
iv. Residence Hall Staff
v. Buildings and Grounds Staff
vi. Administrative Service Staff
vii. Financial Aid Advisory Committee
viii. Community College Foundation
ix. Booster Club
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.03
1. The Faculty Senate elects a representative to serve as an ad hoc member of the Community
College Foundation and report back to the Faculty Senate.
2. The Faculty Senate elects a representative for a three year term to serve on the Council of
College Faculties (CCF) for the State of North Dakota, attending those meetings and reporting
activities and decisions back to the Faculty Senate. See the following locations for further
information on the Council of College Faculties: and this related website,
3. The standing committees shall set up and function within the guidelines of the Faculty Senate
Constitution as approved by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education. See
Chapter 1400.02 “Lake Region State College Faculty Senate Constitution” for details of each
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.04
1. Administrative Council
a. Membership: The President (Convener), Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs, and other staff members to be determined
by the President.
b. Functions:
i. To establish policies and procedures for various functions and offices of the
ii. To establish an organizational structure for the College and specifications for all
positions of the College
iii. To consider and approve all College events, functions, and activities consistent
with College, NDUS, and State policies
iv. To assist the President in efficient administration of the College
v. To effectively coordinate diverse administrative functions of College
vi. To assist in establishment of annual and biennial budgets, and to assist in
administration of such budgets
c. Meetings
i. Regular - meetings are held every two (2) weeks
ii. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the President
d. Special Provisions
i. Minutes of the Administrative Council meetings shall be circulated to all faculty
and staff members. These minutes shall be distributed no later than seven (7)
days following a meeting
ii. Agenda items may be introduced by the President and members of the
Administrative Council
iii. Other College Committee/Personnel may ask the President for time on the
agenda to make presentations
2. Student Affairs Council
a. Membership: The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (Convener), Director
of Financial Aid, Registrar, Director of Athletics, Director of Housing, Director of Food
Serves, Bookstore Manager, Job Service Coordinator, Counselor, Admissions
Representative, Public Information Coordinator, and other persons determined by the
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
b. Functions:
i. To coordinate functions of various components of the Student Affairs Division
ii. To advise the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs of divisional
iii. To enhance quality of student life and services to the students in the College
c. Meetings
i. Regular - The full council will meet at least once per semester and more often
when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
ii. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs.
3. Instructional Staff Council
a. Membership: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (Convener), Coordinator of
Learning Skills Center, Librarian, Computer Services Coordinator, all instructional faculty,
and other persons to be determined by the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs from time to time
b. Functions:
i. A forum for discussion of issues, problems, and concerns relating to instruction,
instructional resources, and instructional support services in the College
ii. A forum for announcement relating to instruction
iii. A forum for faculty development programs initiated by the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs
c. Meetings
i. Regular - meetings are held once a month
ii. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs
Administrative Council Approved 500.04 (1) 09/14/99
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.05
1. Composition: Each College Committee named in Section 500.02 shall have a minimum of five (5)
members, at least two (2) of who shall be members of the instructional faculty. Other members
may be administrators and other categories of classified staff. The provision does not apply to
the Staff Welfare Committee that may not necessarily have faculty representation. College
Committees indicated with an asterisk (*) shall include two (2) additional, voting student
members nominated by the Student Senate for a one-year term.
2. Appointments: The President shall make Committee appointments for one (1) year, effective
September 1 of that year.
3. Term of Office: The Committee shall be in continuous existence for one (1) calendar year, either
up to the 31 day of the following year or until the new Committee members take office.
4. Officers: The first member listed on the President’s list for each Committee shall act as the
Convener and shall preside over the initial meeting. The following officers for the ensuing year
shall be elected at this initial meeting: A Chairperson and a Secretary.
5. Agendas: All agendas shall be prepared in advance, and copies shall be forwarded to the Office
of the President.
6. Minutes: Minutes of all meetings shall be circulated to all members of the Committee concerned
within seven (7) days of the meeting. A copy of the minutes shall be forwarded to the Office of
the President. The minutes shall reflect the following: date and time, members and other
present, agenda items, action taken/recommendations.
7. Committee Records: Shall be maintained by the Secretary. All such records shall be turned over
to the incoming Secretary upon the end of the Committee’s term of office.
8. Committee Functions:
a. Scholarship and Awards Committee*
i. To award scholarships and provide an annual scholarship report to the
Community College Foundation Board of Directors.
ii. To develop and implement policy for awarding assistance (Two (2) students
appointed by the Student Senate will participate in this second function).
b. Athletics Committee*
i. To formulate athletic policies pertaining to student participation.
ii. To promote interest and develop support for athletic events and activities.
c. Staff Welfare Committee
i. To function as prescribed in the NDUS Human Resource Policy Manual (See
ii. To act as an appeals board for classified personnel in the College. The
recommendations of the Board pertaining to grievances shall be forwarded to
the President for action.
iii. To provide a forum to address issues related to staff compensation, motivation,
morale, and other issues that arise related to the staff. The Committee will
advise the President and Administrative Council on these issues.
iv. Committee Members consist of six (6) elected representatives and one
alternate. Elections are conducted annually in July with one-half of the
representative selected each year by all full-time benefited Lake Region State
College staff members. The Administration will have one representative from
the Administrative Council appointed as their representative on the Council.
d. Student Appeals Committee*
i. To provide a hearing for formal student appeals alleging improper, unfair,
arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
ii. To ensure due process for all students
e. Technology Committee*
i. To provide a forum for input and advice regarding campus computing needs.
ii. To plan a budget for the student funded technology fee.
f. Diversity Committee*
i. To encourage efforts to create a positive living and learning environment for all
student regardless of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation,
gender identity, genetics, national origin, marital status, political belief or
affiliation, and economic or perceived social status.
ii. We are committed to fully respecting, supporting, and celebrating the diversity
which exists in and around our campus.
g. Safety/Loss Control Committee
i. The purpose of the Safety/Loss Control Committee under the coordination of
the Safety Director is to develop and administer an occupational safety and
environmental health policy for Lake Region State College employees. The
Safety Director will be advised by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs in
matters related to development, administration, and management of Lake
Region State College safety policy.
ii. The Safety Director is the Chair of the Safety/Loss Control Committee:
iii. The Safety Committee shall:
1. Advise the Board, Chancellor and institution officials and employees
concerning risk management, risk assessment, loss control, insurance
and compliance with health and safety laws and regulations.
2. Recommend programs and policies to promote safety, reduce risks,
ensure compliance with laws and regulations and control costs.
3. Promote employee education and training relating to safety, loss
control, risk management and compliance with laws and regulations.
4. Perform other duties related to safety and risk management assigned by
the board or the Chancellor.
5. Establish a policy for safe use of Lake Region State College properties in
compliance with all federal, state, local and Lake Region State College
6. Maintain a safe and healthful academic environment.
7. Maintain a safe and healthful work environment.
8. Adhere to proper operating and practices and procedures designed to
prevent injury and illness.
iv. The Loss Control Committee shall:
1. Act as a liaison between management and employees with advice and
guidance being given in workplace safety issues.
2. Know current federal, state, local standards that apply to the employer.
3. Participate, implement and develop the risk management program.
4. Advise and assist with the development and implementation of training
5. Identify unsafe conditions and practices.
6. Investigate and report incidents and/or accidents.
7. Conduct safety meetings and/or employee training.
h. Assessment Committee
i. The Assessment Coordinator is the chair of the Assessment Committee. The
Committee includes six (6) faculty members and three (3) students and one
administrator. Two (2) faculty members and one (1) student will represent each
of the Instructional Divisions (Academic, Business, and Trade and Technical).
ii. Two faculty members on the committee are elected/appointed at the Division
meetings held during Faculty In-service at the beginning each academic year.
Student representatives are elected/appointed by faculty members at their
respective division meetings. Committee members may serve consecutive
terms. The Assessment Coordinator is appointed by Administration.
iii. The Assessment Committee meets monthly to continually refine and implement
the institution-wide Assessment Plan. The Assessment Committee is committed
to continuous evaluation, updating and improvement of academic assessment
at Lake Region State College.
iv. The Assessment Committee shall:
1. Review all submitted course assessment measurement tools described
in the Student Achievement materials twice a year. The results of these
evaluations along with institutional improvement of teaching and
student learning.
2. Provide several opportunities for open faculty discussions on
assessment throughout the academic year.
3. Provide several opportunities for open faculty discussions on
assessment throughout the year.
4. Review all assessment tools and their use to ensure their continued
relevance to the missions of the College and Divisions.
i. Food Service Advisory Committee
The Purpose of the Food service Advisory Committee under the direction of the Food
Service Director is to provide assistance in meal planning and dining services. The
committee shall consist of the Food Service Director, Housing Director, and four (4)
other representatives of the faculty, staff, and students. They are appointed annually by
the Food Service Director.
j. Ad Hoc Committee
The President may set up Ad Hoc Committees either to fulfill specified college functions
or to plan and manage special projects. Such committees shall have definite time frames
to complete their work, e.g. curricular planning groups, search committees.
k. Admissions Risk Assessment Committee
The committee reviews applications from students who indicate criminal history on
their application for admission. The committee may deny or place conditions on
l. Online Task Force
i. This committee shall identify and formulate long- and short-range goals for the
online program relative to the College’s mission, role, and scope.
ii. This committee’s purpose is to facilitate communication, problem solving,
planning, or other work related purposes as it applies to online classes and
online programs at the Lake Region State College campus.
iii. This committee may be responsible for policy reviews/editing and
recommended changes as it applies to online classes and online programs at the
Lake Region State College campus.
iv. It is recommended that the staff members including the Director for the Center
for Distance Education and Outreach Services, the Vice President of Instruction,
the campus CIO, the Instructional Designer, and the Online Advisor be
considered permanent members of the committee.
v. It is recommended that at least one (1) full-time faculty member, two (2)
adjunct online faculty members, and one (1) at large faculty member be asked
to be on the committee.
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 02/06/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 05/05/03
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 11/12/09
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8,f,i & ii) 03/23/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 500.06
The North Dakota Legislature has mandated a planning process for the North Dakota University System.
See NDUS Policy Manual 901 Campus Planning at
1. College Planning Team
a. Membership: This team shall consist of the President, Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Faculty Senate President,
Chairperson of Faculty Senate Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee,
Chairperson of Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee, Physical Plant Director,
Athletic Director, Librarian, Chairperson of Staff Welfare Committee, President of the
Community College Foundation, Public Affairs Specialist, Computer Services
Coordinator, Grand Forks Air Force Base Academic Outreach Officer, Workforce Training
Manager, Community Representation, Academic Affairs Coordinator, Continuing
Education Coordinator, Enrollment Management Coordinator, TRIO Support Service
Coordinator, Student Senate President and Vice President and ad hoc membership
relative to the particular issue which is being planned by the Team.
b. Function: This team shall guide planning relative to the College’s mission, role, and
scope, and identify and formulate long- and short-range goals after evaluating such
areas as enrollment statistics, credit hours, revenues, expense facilities, demographics,
state appropriations, and economic conditions as they effect the College, Identification
and formulation of these goals are done semi-annually in September, with an update in
February. The formulated goals are turned over to the Administrative Council for
implementation after review and response by the faculty and staff. The Administrative
Council assigns responsibilities and provides a timetable for accomplishment. Prior to
the September and February meetings the Administrative Council provides an update on
accomplishments and shortfall to the College Planning Team.
2. Instructional Advisory Groups: Each vocational-technical education program is to be advised by
a Vocational Instructional Program (VIP) Advisory Committee in accordance with the
requirements of the State Board of Vocational Education.
3. Other Consultative Groups: At periodic intervals appropriate for the work involved the President
may call meetings for the purpose of facilitating communication, problem solving, planning, or
other work related purposes. The work groups may include but are not limited to the following:
Student Affairs Staff, Academic Affairs Staff, Administrative Affairs Staff, Food Service Staff,
Residence Hall Staff, Buildings and Grounds Staff.
a. Financial Aid Advisory Committee
i. Membership: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Registrar, Vice
President of Administrative Affairs, and others as appropriate such as Vice
President of Administrative Affairs and Counselor for example.
ii. Function: This committee will assist the Director of Financial Aid in interpreting
and implementing regulations regarding the Federal Financial Aid program and
review student satisfactory academic progress appeals.
b. Community College Foundation
i. Membership: The 27 members of the Board of Directors are elected for three-
year terms by members of the Foundation. Board members and members of the
working committees of the Foundation carry out the work of the Foundation.
ii. Function: The Foundation Board meets ten (10) times per year and numerous
committees meet periodically to carry out their functions. Foundation Board
members and members at large are often invited to assist in the process of
gathering information useful in planning activities of the college.
c. Booster Club
i. Membership: Any community person or friend of the College may be a member.
ii. Function: The Booster Club members help raise money for support of athletic
scholarships by activities such as selling Monday night pro-football booklets. The
Booster Club meets periodically during the school year.
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 09/14/99
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (3) 08/25/11
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 600. Index
Section 600.01 Non Classified and Classified Personnel
Section 600.02 Position Descriptions
Section 600.03 General
Section 600.04 Non Classified Personnel
Section 600.05 Classified Personnel
Section 600.06 Classified Staff Development
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.01
1. Non Classified:
Service Area Vice Presidents
2. Classified: All positions not listed above are classified and subject to the Broadbanding
Personnel policies of the North Dakota University System.
Administrative Council Approved 10/14/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.02
Position descriptions for all personnel are on file in the Human Resources Office.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.03
1. Classified personnel shall be governed by the provisions found in four specific reference
a. North Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual
b. North Dakota University System Procedure Manual
c. State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual
d. Lake Region State College Policy and Procedure Manual
2. Insurance: The following types of insurance programs are available for classified personnel.
Details are available from the Human Resources Office:
a. Health Insurance
b. Group Life Insurance
c. Disability Insurance
d. Worker’s Compensation Insurance
e. Unemployment Compensation Insurance
f. Employees have the opportunity to enroll in dental, vision, long-term care, additional
life, and other insurance.
3. The Salary Administration Policy (See Article 400.35).
Professional Membership: It is the policy of Lake Region State College that all employees have the
opportunity to participate in and be members of the LRSC Chapter of the North Dakota Employees
Association. Administrators may allow release time for employees to attend NDPEA meetings only if the
release time does not interfere with work required for efficient and successful operation of LRSC.
Administrative Counsel Approved 10/14/2019
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.04
Non-classified personnel as described in Article 600.01 serve as the senior management team for LRSC.
The President serves as the Chief Executive Officer. The Administrative Council includes the President
and the Service Area Vice Presidents. These non-classified personnel are designated as officers of the
Administrative Council Approved 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 10/14/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.05
1. All classified employees of Lake Region State College, except those herein excluded, are subject
to the classification of the North Dakota University Broadbanding System.
2. Lake Region State College personnel excluded from the Broadbanding System are the President,
Service Area Vice Presidents, and faculty.
3. A complete copy of the North Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual is
available in the Lake Region State College Administrative Affairs Office and on the LRSC website.
Administrative Council Approved 10/14/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 600.06
1. Tuition Waiver: All regular employees will be allowed release time from their regular duties for
the purpose of enrolling in up to three (3) academic per calendar year at any state institution of
higher learning subject to the following:
a. The employee must obtain an Employee Tuition Waiver Request from the Administrative
Affairs Office.
b. Approval must be obtained from the appropriate supervisor.
c. The signed tuition waiver form is then submitted to the Administrative Affairs Office to
meet the specified deadline at the state institution at which the employee is requesting
to enroll.
2. Classified Staff Development Fund: Classified Staff members ‘have an opportunity to attend
workshops or conferences relating to their work experiences.’ Staff members apply to the Staff
Welfare Committee for development funds by completing the Application for Staff Welfare
Development Funds form. The guidelines for the staff welfare professional development fund
application process are as follows:
a. Any full-time or part time classified staff member is eligible to apply for use of staff
welfare funds. Awards will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must
receive approval from their supervisor prior to applying.
b. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks before funds are needed.
c. Staff Welfare Committee members will review the application and attempt to act upon
them within one week.
d. The following items must accompany the application:
i. Conferences and Workshops
1. Conference or workshop information
2. Approved absence from campus form
3. List of expenses
ii. Work-related professional development or courses of study not subject for
tuition waiver
1. Institution offering course
2. Course description and relevance to position
e. Staff Welfare will provide a maximum of $500 per application towards expenses.
f. Staff members may not receive more than $500 annually from this program.
g. Application forms are available in the President’s Office. Questions may be directed to
the Staff Welfare Committee.
Administrative Council Approved 600.06 (2) 09/10/02
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 700. Index
Section 700.01 General
Section 700.02 North Dakota University System
Section 700.03 Qualification and Selection
Section 700.03.01 Faculty Communications Proficiency
Section 700.04 Salaries
Section 700.05 Insurance
Section 700.06 Position Description
Section 700.07 Teaching Policies
Section 700.08 Field Trips
Section 700.09 Faculty Evaluation
Section 700.10 Faculty Records
Section 700.11 Faculty Development
Section 700.11.01 Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee Guidelines
Section 700.12 Continuing Education for Faculty
Section 700.13 Institutional Tenure Guidelines
Section 700.14 Faculty Rank/Promotions
Section 700.15 Holidays
Section 700.16 Absences and Types of Leave
Section 700.17 Travel
Section 700.18
Section 700.19 Resignation
Section 700.20 Tenured Faculty Termination Related to a Program Closure
Section 700.21 Conflict of Interest
Section 700.22 Faculty Grievance Procedure
Section 700.23 Program Review and Improvement
Section 700.24 Annual Program Enrollment Report
Section 700.25 Other Provisions
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.01
1. Faculty shall be governed by the provisions found in two references:
a. North Dakota University System of Higher Education Policy Manual
b. Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual
2. The remuneration and service conditions of faculty members is a consultative process between
the President and the Faculty Senate and its respective committees. Final determination will be
made by the President and the State Board of Higher Education as required.
3. All provisions of Chapter 700. Of this Manual shall be applicable to full-time faculty members
with relevant provisions also applicable to adjunct/part-time faculty members. For operational
procedures refer to the latest revision of the Lake Region State College Faculty Handbook.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.02
1. The North Dakota University System (NDUS) publishes a Procedure Manual that can be found on
the NDUS website.
2. The State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) publishes a Policy Manual that can be found on the
NDUS website.
3. The North Dakota University System (NDUS) publishes a Human Resource Policy Manual that
can be found on the NDUS website.
Administrative Counsel approved 11/12/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.03
1. Qualification: The President, in consultation with the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs, shall prescribe qualifications and the level and nature of experience for all faculty
2. Selection: The President, in consultation with the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs, shall establish the procedures and selection criteria for filling any vacant faculty position.
Faculty at Lake Region State College shall meet or exceed the identified minimum qualifications to teach
as outlined in this policy.
3. Definitions
a. Faculty: Benefitted and non-benefited, full and part-time, including those whose salary
is paid by a third party, whose primary responsibility is to provide instruction through
any mode of delivery (i.e. traditional face to face, interactive video, and online), at any
location (on campus or off campus at a distance site), and for any purpose (degree
seeking, non-degree seeking, dual credit, and early entry). The definition of faculty does
not include guest lecturers, industry experts, business or political leaders, and others
who deliver information or demonstrate skills at the request of faculty who are assigned
the responsibility to develop and deliver the curriculum.
i. Academic Faculty: Those faculty whose teaching assignments include general
education courses, or other “non-occupational courses”, in subjects that
prepare students to transfer to baccalaureate degree granting institutions.
ii. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Faculty: Those faculty whose teaching
assignments are in programs designed to prepare students to enter the
workforce following graduation.
iii. Academic Skills Faculty: Those faculty teaching courses that do not qualify for
transferable college credit and are preparatory in nature. English as a Second
Language (ESL) instructors are included in this category.
b. Academic Credentials: Those certificates, diplomas, and degrees earned and awarded
from an accredited institution of higher learning.
i. “Master’s degree in the discipline or subfield”. Discipline shall refer to a specific
field or subject, while subfield shall refer to a focus of specialization or
component. All degree types (e.g. MS, MA, Med, MAT, etc.) are included.
ii. “Graduate credit” refers to all credits for coursework, research, teaching, and
other professional activities, earned post-baccalaureate, and awarded by the
college or university. Graduate credit also includes any credit awarded pre-
baccalaureate (or when a baccalaureate degree is irrelevant) taken specifically
for graduate credit.
c. Tested Experience: The relevant experience a faculty member has, outside the
classroom that is significant and measurable. Tested experience may include industry
qualifications and certifications earned during employment or professional volunteer
work. It may also include expertise that can be quantified through real world
experiences, accomplishments, awards, publications, attendance at discipline specific
training, professional memberships, conference attendance, leadership roles held in
relevant professional associations, and other similar means.
d. Qualified Faculty: Faculty Qualifications may be determined by a combination of
academic credentials and tested experience, however:
i. Academic faculty shall possess a master’s degree or higher. Should a member of
the academic faculty possess a master’s degree in a discipline or subfield other
than that in which they teach, that faculty member should have 18 graduate
credits, and tested experience, however, may be sufficient to demonstrate
ii. Career and technical education faculty shall possess a sufficient combination of
academic credentials and tested experience that demonstrate the ability to
understand and convey the essentials of the discipline that a student should
master at various course and program levels. CTE faculty must be able to engage
professionally with colleagues in determining the learning objectives for all
graduates of a program and possess the full scope of knowledge, skills, and
4. Responsibility
a. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall be responsible for the
assessment of qualifications of all existing faculty.
b. Existing faculty who do not meet the minimum requirements to be “qualified” under “d”
above may continue to teach courses in accordance with their contract and regular
course assignments, provided:
i. The faculty member has in place a qualifications plan approved by the Vice
President for Academic and Student Affairs. An approved qualifications plan
shall include:
1. Degree(s) needed and/or courses to be completed;
2. The institution of higher education where the courses will be completed
or the degree earned;
3. The timeline for course completion and degree completion (if
applicable); and
4. The identification of any professional growth activities, workshops,
and/or certifications that must be completed and the related timeline.
ii. The faculty member is actively working toward meeting the minimum
requirements of the qualifications plan through their enrollment in graduate
courses and/or other professional growth activities.
5. Tuition Assistance and other Remuneration
a. Lake Region State College will reimburse benefitted faculty for the tuition, mandatory
fees, course fees, and books for graduate courses taken in accordance with the
approved qualifications plan.
i. Such reimbursement will not exceed $1,200 per three credit course and may be
reimbursed upon enrollment. In the event the course is not completed with a
grade of “C” or higher, the course is dropped, or the faculty member is
otherwise withdrawn, the faculty member will be ineligible for reimbursement
for the next course taken pursuant to the approved qualifications plan.
ii. Reimbursement will not be provided when other funds are available to pay the
tuition, mandatory fees, course fees, and/or books. Examples of other funds
that could be available include, scholarships, tuition waivers, grants, public
tuition payment programs (e.g. GI Bill, Military TA) or other public or private
third party payments.
iii. The first priority of travel funds normally assigned to the department and
professional growth funds available to the faculty member shall be designated
for tuition reimbursement until the faculty member has met the graduate credit
requirement of their qualification plan.
b. Lake Region State College will reimburse benefitted faculty for the full cost of
attendance at workshops and other professional development activities that are
included in the approved qualifications plan.
i. The first priority of travel funds normally assigned to the department and
professional growth funds available to the faculty member shall be used for this
purpose unless these funds have already been used for tuition reimbursement.
c. The tuition assistance and funding outlined in this policy may be withdrawn should the
President declare a financial necessity.
Administrative Council Approved 08/29/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.03.01
Purpose: Lake Region State College has established a process for verifying communication skills for all
personnel whose appointments include classroom instruction. Communication, both oral and written, is,
by definition, an interchange involving both the sender and the receiver. Lake Region State College has
taken both sender and receiver into account when developing communication skills verification. The
policy affirms the university commitment to cultural diversity, as articulated by the Lake Region State
College mission statement and general education outcomes. The policy is supportive of all Lake Region
State College instructional personnel and their efforts to continuously improve their communication
1. Process and standards for validating and assessing proficiency
3.1 Faculty:
The minimum qualifications for the position will include “effective oral and written
communication skills.
2.1.1 Validating written communication proficiency:
Candidates may be required to provide materials suitable for evaluating written
communication proficiency. Such materials should include a letter of application and
samples of their written work(s). In addition, LRSC may wish to specifically request that
letters of reference include comments concerning communication. LRSC will use
categories of excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory in evaluating written
communication proficiency. An overall rating of satisfactory is considered to be a
minimal qualification.
2.1.2 Validating spoken communication proficiency:
Candidates may be required to make an oral presentation suitable for evaluating
communication proficiency. LRSC will use categories of excellent, satisfactory, or
unsatisfactory in evaluating spoken communication proficiency. An overall rating of
satisfactory is considered to be a minimal qualification.
2.2.1 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):
All potential teaching faculty whose first language is not English must submit a Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of no less than 600 (or equivalent computer
score) to the college. A score of 600 is considered to demonstrate near-native
proficiency in listening comprehension, the ability to understand English as spoken in
North America, structure and written expression, the ability to recognize language that
is appropriate for standard written English, vocabulary and reading comprehension, and
the ability to understand nontechnical reading matter. The TOEFL examination is
administered throughout the year locally, regionally, and in the students’ homelands.
2.2.2 Requirements for spoken communications proficiency:
Potential teaching faculty whose first language is not English must obtain a minimum
score of 250 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE). This locally administered examination
assesses oral language proficiency of English spoken in North America. It evaluates a
person’s overall comprehensibility, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. A score of 250
indicates that the individual is generally comprehensible to Americans who are not used
to listening to speakers whose first language is not English. Table 1 provides descriptions
of TSE test score ranges and their meanings.
Table 1 Generic Description of TSE Test Score Ranges
Generally comprehensible but with frequent errors in pronunciation, grammar, choice of
vocabulary items, and with some pauses and rephrasing.
Generally comprehensible with some errors in pronunciations, grammar, choice of vocabulary
items, or with pauses or occasional rephrasing.
Completely comprehensible in normal speech, with occasional grammatical or pronunciation
errors in very colloquial phrases.
2.2.3 LRSC is responsible for determining and documenting the communication proficiency of
all faculty.
1. Determination of Proficiency Prior to Employment:
As described within Section A, potential teaching assistants and faculty are
evaluated for proficiency prior to employment.
2. Registration of Concerns:
The resolution of conflicts concerning communication proficiency is best solved as
close to the source as possible. Students are urged to contact the instructor to
discuss concerns. If the conflict cannot be resolved with the instructor, the student
may meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Vice President’s
designee. Administrators who receive formal complaints must respond and take
appropriate action within 15 days. Students should move from one level to another
only if an acceptable resolution cannot be reached at the lower level. Anyone
retaliating against a student who files a complaint under this policy is subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The ultimate responsibility for
the resolution of such complaints will reside with the Office of the Vice President for
Academic and Student Affairs. This office will be responsible for verifying the
appropriate remedial action, is carried out.
3. Student Notification:
This policy will be referenced in the Student Handbook, College Catalog and posted
on the college website.
4. Reviewing Effectiveness of the Policy:
This policy will be reviewed periodically in an interval of not less than every two (2)
years by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.
Administrative Council Approved 07/11/06
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.04
1. The Annual Faculty Evaluation will be completed in accordance with the State Board of Higher
Education 605.6 so that “institution procedures shall provide for annual evaluation of all full
time faculty.” Faculty members’ salaries are determined by the President, in consultation with
the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the Faculty Welfare Committee of the
Faculty Senate.
2. “Faculty Salary Guidelines” (See Chapter 400.35) are developed by the Administrative Council in
conjunction with the Faculty Senate and provide parameters for salary assignments for all
faculty, determining appropriate salary adjustments and salary increases. At the time of
employment a Salary Determination form is completed to reflect a faculty member’s initial
placement within these categories. The guidelines are not binding, negotiated contracts with
faculty, but every effort is made to follow the guidelines in administering faculty salaries. An
updated Salary Determination form will be included with each faculty member’s yearly contract.
3. Part-time and faculty overload pay is outlined in the Salary Administration Policy, Chapter
400.35 and is determined by the President in consultation with the Faculty Senate.
4. Deductions
a. Four (4) deductions are automatically made from monthly salary checks, including
Federal Social Security Tax, Federal Withholding Tax, State Withholding Tax, and
retirement plan assessment(s).
b. With proper authorization from a faculty member, other deductions may also be made,
provided they have been authorized by the NDUS and approved by the Vice President of
Administrative Affairs.
c. Flex Comp Plan: The Flexible Benefits Program (Flex Comp) is a separate, written benefit
plan maintained by an employer for the benefit of employees under which all eligible
employees have the opportunity to select any or all of the following three (3) options:
premium conversion, medical spending account, and dependent care spending account.
d. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential
assessment/counseling/referral service staffed by trained professionals who can help
employees and their families evaluate problems and take positive action to resolve
e. Assignments and satisfaction of garnishments may also be deducted when appropriate
direction is received from the court system.
5. Faculty members on a nine (9) month contract are given the option of receiving their contract
salary in twenty-four (24) installments beginning in September and ending in August or eighteen
(18) installments beginning in September and ending in May.
Administrative Council Approved 700.04 (1) 02/07/03
Administrative Council Approved Updates 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.05
The following types of insurance programs are available for faculty members. Details are available from
the Administrative Affairs Office. To encourage early notification of resignation, Lake Region State
College will continue to pay for health and life insurance through August 31, if necessary.
1. Health Insurance: Sanford Health group plan
2. Group Life Insurance
3. Disability Insurance
4. Worker’s Compensation Insurance
5. Unemployment Compensation Insurance
6. Employees have the opportunity to enroll in dental, long-term care, additional life, and other
Administrative Council Approved 08/21/01
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.06
All faculty members/instructors will report to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Specific duties/responsibilities include:
1. Instruction of students in accordance with the schedule determined by the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs and in furthering the best interests of the students. This is
comprised of a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours per week of instruction and office time.
2. Revision and update of program curriculum and keeping course syllabi current on an annual
basis and on file in the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The syllabus shall comply
with the Course Syllabus Instructions and required components.
3. Selection and ordering of textbooks and supplemental material for courses offered. At least one
week before ordering textbooks and supplemental materials the faculty and the Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs will coordinate the faculty selection of a textbook(s) for
distance delivery, considering cost efficiencies for students.
4. Maintenance of class attendance records.
5. Maintenance of office hours adequate for assisting students in reaching their objectives.
6. Report of absences from campus (due to illness, personal leave, educational or institutional
services) to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and making prior arrangement
for any leave request other than illness.
7. Assessment of equipment and supply needs for areas taught, and placing requisitions with the
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs for purchase of such materials.
8. Inventory of furniture, equipment, and supplies in assigned classroom, lab, shop, and/or office.
9. Service as student advisor in accordance with standard academic advisement policy. Student
Affairs personnel prepare an Advisor’s Handbook, which is available in the Student Affairs Office.
Advisees are initially assigned to an advisor by the Student Affairs Office. Students may initiate
a change of advisor by obtaining the new advisor’s signature on the Change of Advisor form.
10. Prompt and accurate submission of all necessary LRSC administrative procedures.
11. Cooperation with administration, counselors, and other personnel in class scheduling and
development of library and instructional resources.
12. Service on college committees in keeping with abilities and interests.
13. Recognition of LRSC’s involvement in the community and acceptance of assignments in speaking
to community groups, participating as judges for various community events, and serving the
community as consultant in development of civic projects.
14. Maintenance of a view of the total instructional needs of the instructional division and LRSC as a
15. Adherence to the Lake Region State College Faculty Handbook (See Faculty Handbook).
16. Other duties as assigned by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Administrative Council Approved 700.06 (3) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 700.06 (2) 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.07
1. Course Outline and Objectives:
Each instructor is responsible for developing a course syllabus for each course he/she teaches.
A copy of the course syllabus and any additional materials the instructor wishes to develop is
distributed to each student at the first class session. Copies of the syllabus are filed in the
Academic Affairs Office.
2. Course Changes and New Courses/Programs:
Course changes or new courses or programs may be authorized only by the University System of
Higher Education. Proper procedures must be followed by faculty members if they wish to
recommend changes (See Chapter 900: Article 900.01 and article 900.02)
3. Reporting of Grades:
a. All grades must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on the day and time
designated for each semester.
b. It is the responsibility of the Vice President of the Academic and Student Affairs Office to
ensure that this is done on time.
c. Grading policies are explained in detail in Article 800.16 of this Manual.
4. Records and Reports:
Each faculty member is expected to keep accurate records and make required reports efficiently
and on time. Proper maintenance of records is each member’s responsibility in addition to
instruction classroom and assigned duties.
5. Class Size and Teaching Load:
a. Effort is made to achieve equitable distribution of class size. Enrollment will be
restricted for courses in which small size has a special advantages, e.g., laboratory
sections, language classes, and classes where discussion is important. Lecture courses
will have larger enrollment ceilings depending on the classroom size and teaching
format. The faculty member and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and
/or the Grand Forks Air Force Base Director will determine maximum class size. Any
override of maximum class size will require instructor’s written permission.
b. Whenever possible a full-time faculty will be assigned classes to constitute a full load
within their field of expertise.
c. A full faculty load shall be thirty (30) credits per academic year, exclusive of summer
session. Faculty shall be paid overload credits taught in excess of thirty (30) unless the
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs determines program low enrollment or
institutional financial exigency. Load considerations may include such factors as number
of class preparations, number of advisees, committee assignments, special projects, and
other factors. Auto and Diesel Technology faculty shall teach thirty (30) contact
hours/week for regular load. Faculty with half-time (1/2) contracts, other than Adult
Farm Management, will teach 14-16 credits per academic year. For load calculation
purposes and overload part-time pay, each 1 credit laboratory (3 contact hours) will
count as 1.5 credits. (ex. Faculty member teaches BIOL 150/151 they count as 4.5
credits.) For additional information see also Faculty Load Policy, page 8 of Salary
Administration Policy. (Chapter 400.35).
6. Schedule Change Request:
If an instructor wishes to change any information on the term schedule after the term schedule
has been finalized (such as the time or day a class meets, or the location of a class) a “Schedule
Change Request” form must be completed and submitted to the Academic Affairs Office.
7. Administrative Withdrawal:
a. An instructor may initiate an administrative withdrawal procedure to remove a student
from a class due to non-attendance. See ‘Attendance Policy’ in the College Catalog and
Student Handbook/Calendar.
b. The Request for Administrative Withdrawal form should be completed and submitted to
the Registrar’s Office on or before the last day the student may drop the class.
c. The student has the right to appeal the instructor’s action to the Curriculum and
Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate.
8. Dual Credit and Hometown University:
This policy outlines the College’s procedures for the administration, instruction, and delivery of
these courses. (See Chapter 900.10)
9. Student Rights:
Faculty members are required to familiarize themselves with the rights of students established
by federal and state laws, North Dakota University System of Higher Education policies, and
College Policies and procedures (See Chapter 800.: Student Affairs.)
10. Faculty Oaths:
Section 610 of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual states: “Every
member of the academic staff at university system institutions, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties, shall execute the oath or affirmation required by N.D.C.C. §15-37-02.
The oath shall be executed in duplicate and one copy shall be filed at the institution and one
copy given to the academic staff member.
Administrative Council Approved 700.07 (5) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.07 (5, a)
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.08
All field trips must be requested by the instructor using a Field Trip Information Request form and
approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the President before said trip is
finalized. Applications for field trips must be made no later than five (5) days before the trip is made.
Only field trips that have definite instructional value will be given consideration.
Administrative Council Approved Update 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.09
Faculty shall be evaluated utilizing three (3) components:
1. Supervisor evaluation
2. Student evaluation
3. Classroom observations
The evaluations are intended to be used as instruments for improvements of instruction. The Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs may use the evaluation for salary promotions and/or
retention. These evaluations will also be available to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee as provided
for under the Institutional Tenure Guidelines (See Article 700.13).
1. Faculty Evaluations
a. A supervisory evaluation will be conducted each year when a classroom observation
evaluation is not scheduled.
b. A Class Observation Evaluation will be used as the standard evaluation instrument with
the following frequency*
i. Year 1: One evaluation in fall, one evaluation in spring.
ii. Year 2, 4, and 6: One evaluation during the school year.
iii. Year 7 and beyond: One evaluation every three years.
iv. Part-time faculty evaluations will be conducted following the same schedule as
above (i.-iii.) for full-time faculty.
*Additional evaluation may be conducted upon the instructor’s request or at
the discretion of the administration in the case of non-tenured faculty.
c. One (1) calendar weeks’ notice shall be given to the instructor prior to any class
observation evaluation.
d. Within one (1) week, the supervisor will meet with the faculty member to review the
class observation evaluation. Upon completion of the review, the faculty member will
sign the evaluation and be given an opportunity to make comments or observations of
their own.
e. If the instructor disagrees with the supervisor’s evaluation or the class observation
evaluation, an evaluation by the President may be requested. This second evaluation by
the President shall also be included in the faculty member’s file.
2. Student Evaluations
a. Frequency*
i. Non-Tenured Faculty: One class each semester
ii. Tenured Faculty: One class each year.
iii. Part-time Faculty: One class each semester.
*Additional student evaluations may be conducted upon instructor’s request or
at the discretion of the administration in the case of non-tenured faculty.
b. A Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness form will be the standard evaluation
c. Forms will be distributed and returned to the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs Office by a designated student in each class.
d. Forms will be tabulated by summarizing both the numerical and written responses. The
summary will be returned to the instructor.
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 05/02/01
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 09/10/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.09(1, b,c,d,e and 2,a,i) 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.10
Faculty records will be maintained in accordance with the open records provisions of the North Dakota
Century Code. Faculty members may request a review of their personnel folders according to state law
provisions. Faculty personnel files including contracts, supervisory evaluations, and class observation
reports are maintained in the Administrative Affairs Office with the exception of student evaluations,
which are on file in the Academic Affairs Office. Faculty tenure portfolios are maintained by the faculty.
Administrative Council Approved Update 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.11
1. Program: The Professional Growth Committee of the Faculty Senate shall establish and maintain
an ongoing Faculty Development Program. The program shall be subject to approval by the
President. The program shall be monitored and records of activities shall be maintained by the
Professional Growth Committee.
2. Growth Plan: Each Faculty Senate member shall submit an annual plan for professional growth.
This plan shall contain an analysis of knowledge, skills, and competencies to be acquired during
the year. This plan shall also contain a list of activities to be engaged in order to achieve these
goals. See Faculty Professional Growth Plan Form.
3. Funding to support additional professional growth activities will be allocated by the Professional
Growth Committee on the basis of priorities established by the Committee (See Faculty Senate
Professional Growth Committee Guidelines in Article 700.11.01). Faculty requesting funds must
submit the Application for Professional Development Funds.
4. At the Professional Growth Committee’s December meeting, the chairperson will calculate the
remaining unallocated funds available. The committee will then consider applications for faculty
who didn’t submit a growth plan by the specified deadline. Any remaining unallocated funds will
be made available. Applications previously rejected due to submitting a late growth plan will be
Administrative Council Approved 07/14/09
Administrative Council Approved 700.11 (4)
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.11.01
1. The Professional Growth Plan is to be separate from the Faculty Evaluation Program.
2. The intent of the Professional Growth Committee will be to promote professional development
for improvement in each faculty member’s teaching ability, knowledge, and skills. Unless
otherwise directed by the President the yearly funds distributed to the Professional Growth
Committee will be calculated by multiplying the number of Faculty Senate members times four
hundred and fifty dollars ($450).
3. Each member of the Faculty Senate must submit a Professional Growth Plan by the last Friday in
September or upon application for funds, whichever is first, to the Chair of the Professional
Growth Committee.
4. Each member may apply for a maximum of $3,000 over a two-year period. (The two-year period
begins fall, odd numbered years).
5. The funding request must support the individual’s Professional Growth Plan, or a revised plan
may be required. Upon completion of the funded activity, the recipient will share new
knowledge with their colleagues.
6. Application for funds must be accompanied by an approved Request for Absence from Campus
from before consideration.
7. Faculty will do a presentation during the fall in-service of the academic year following the year in
which funds were used. The Professional Growth Committee will present a final aggregate
report to the Faculty Senate and Administration at the May Faculty Senate Meeting. The Lake
Region State College Professional Growth Plan shall be monitored and records maintained by
the Professional Growth Committee.
Administrative Council Approved 11/20/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (5) 02/04/03
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (2) 03/12/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (4, 7) 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.12
All permanent faculty may be allowed release time from their regular duties for the purpose of enrolling
in up to three (3) academic classes per calendar year at any state institution of higher learning subject to
the following:
1. The faculty member must obtain an Employee Tuition Waiver Request form from the
Administrative Affairs Office.
2. Approval must be obtained from the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
3. The signed Tuition Waver form is then submitted by a specified deadline at the state institution
where the faculty member is requesting to enroll.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.13
1. Statement of Regulation: The North Dakota University System of Higher Education retains unto
itself final and absolute authority to grant tenure. To assist in this decision, the Board takes into
consideration recommendations of the Lake Region State College faculty and endorsement of
the President.
2. Consideration for Tenure Status: To qualify for Consideration of tenure a faculty member must:
a. Complete six (6) years of probationary service to the College
b. Be recommended for tenure by the Lake Region State College Faculty Senate Tenure
c. Receive the endorsement of the President of Lake Region State College.
3. Credit for Previous Professional Experience: An individual with previous teaching experience
may, at the discretion of the College, be given tenure credit not to exceed three (3) years. Such
credit will be regarded as service to the College for the purpose of this policy. The decision to
award credit for previous teaching experience shall be made in writing by the President at the
time of the original employment by completing the Salary Determination Form.
4. Tenure Committee: The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall consist of five (5) members with
tenure status as determined by the Faculty Senate Constitution (See Chapter 1400.02)
5. Tenure-Granting Procedures
a. In September of each academic year the President shall notify those persons who are
eligible for tenure and submit these names to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee for
b. It is the tenure applicant’s responsibility to develop and present an application portfolio
to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee.
c. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee may ask the tenure applicant to supplement
materials when appropriate, may request a meeting with the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs, and may take other reasonable steps to assure it has an
adequate basis from which to make its recommendation.
d. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee may have access to the individual’s master
personnel file if the tenure applicant provides the Committee with written permission to
review his/her master personnel file.
e. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall vote on each case individually.
f. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall report its final determination, in writing, to
each tenure applicant and to the President.
g. The President will present those candidates who qualify for consideration to the NDUS
Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for action.
h. The President of Lake Region State College shall inform each applicant of the Board’s
final decision.
6. Tenure Application Process
a. The faculty member who is eligible for consideration of the tenure will complete and
present an application portfolio to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee by November,
15. Failure to prepare the application portfolio shall be interpreted as a disinterest in
b. Contents of the application portfolio
i. A letter of application supporting the request for tenure and evaluation data
which would include:
1. Student evaluations
2. Evaluation reports for the past five (5) years prepared by the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs or the Vice President’s
3. Any reaction from the applicant to these evaluations
ii. Current transcripts and documentation of any additional courses, workshops, or
iii. A minimum of four letters of recommendation which would include letters
1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
2. A peer from within the applicant’s division
3. A peer from outside the applicant’s division
iv. Such other materials as the applicant may desire to include.
7. Evaluation Criteria Used by Tenure Committee:
a. Teaching effectiveness, as demonstrated by such things as student and faculty
evaluations, development and use of teaching materials, examinations and course
b. Fulfillment of professional responsibilities, as demonstrated by such things as
involvement with student advisees; serving on division, college and system-wide
committees/councils; and membership and service to professional organizations.
c. Mastery of the subject matter in discipline, as demonstrated by such things as honors,
awards, and publications in subject matter and addresses and presentations of scholarly
papers and exhibits.
d. Continuing scholarly growth, as demonstrated by such things as fellowships, original
research, and additional college credits. Candidates teaching in the academic discipline
must have earned a Master’s Degree. Candidates teaching in the career and technical
areas must have earned a Bachelor’s Degree.
e. Contributions to the College and the community, as demonstrated by such things as
exhibits and performances which bring positive recognition to the College, involvement
in co-curricular activities, participation in department and community activities, and
participation on student recruitment.
8. Appeal of Tenure Decision:
a. In the event that a Faculty Senate Tenure Committee decides not to recommend tenure,
the applicant may appeal the Committee’s decision before the full Faculty Senate.
b. In the event that the President determines that the applicant will not receive the
President’s endorsement, the applicant may appeal the President’s decision following
the Institutional grievance procedure.
9. Faculty Procedure to Change Tenure Track Positions:
a. In the event that a faculty member requests consideration to change from non-tenure
to tenure track status the following criteria for eligibility must first be met:
i. The faculty member has been a full-time Lake Region State College faculty
member for five (5) consecutive contract years. This application can be
submitted during the fifth contract year.
ii. The faculty member is not a member of a low enrollment program for the
previous two (2) years.
b. A faculty member with this five (5) years Lake Region State College teaching experience,
may be given no more than three years tenure credit.
c. The faculty member who meets the eligibility requirements shall appear and present the
written justification no later than the February Faculty Senate Tenure Committee
meeting. The written request shall provide evidence of teaching effectiveness,
fulfillment of professional responsibilities, mastery of subject matter in the discipline,
and the scholarly growth by the completion of a Master’s Degree in the academic
discipline or a Bachelor’s Degree in the career and technical disciplines.
d. The Tenure Committee shall forward their recommendation in a letter to the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs within ten (10) business days. If the Tenure
Committee decides against a positive recommendation, the faculty member may appeal
the decision to the full Faculty Senate at the next Faculty Senate meeting.
e. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall prepare a letter of
recommendation to the President within ten (10) business days.
f. The President shall forward a letter of decision to the faculty member and the Tenure
Committee by the first business day in May.
Executive Dean Approved 700.13 (8) 06/01/88
Administrative Council Approved 700.13 (8) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.13 (9) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved Updates to (5g, 7d, 9c) 04/21/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.14
1. Policy: Lake Region State College shall establish a system of faculty rank.
2. Statement of Purpose: The purpose of faculty rank at Lake Region State College is to
acknowledge and reward members of the faculty for professional competence and service to
the institution. Procedures and criteria for the attainment and advancement of rank have been
established to assure that quality performance is rewarded and recognized. Faculty members
will retain their rank/status after moving into a professional staff status.
3. Definitions of Faculty Rank:
a. Instructor - Full-time, tenure and non-tenure track.
b. Assistant Professor - Full-time, tenure and non-tenure track faculty.
c. Associate Professor - Full-time, tenured and non-tenure track faculty.
d. Professor - Full-time, tenured faculty member who has successfully met the criteria for
professorship and been awarded this rank by the President.
4. Tenure Committee: If one of the members of the Tenure Committee wishes to apply for
promotion, the President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a substitute committee member.
5. Application Procedure for Assistant Professorship: Applicants for an assistant professorship
teaching in an academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree. Applicants for assistant
professorship teaching in a CTE discipline should possess a bachelor’s degree plus CTE
certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor will
present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following
a. Evidence of at least three (3) years of service in the rank of instructor at Lake Region
State College.
b. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development,
instructional material and development and professional activity in teaching methods,
two recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second
recommendation may be from any of the following LRSC staff member, advisory board
member, NDUS colleague).
c. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and
activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
d. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which
results in positive recognition for the faculty member and the College.
6. Application Procedure for Associate Professorship: Applicants for associate professorship
teaching in an academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree. Applicants for associate
professorship teaching in a CTE discipline shall possess a bachelor’s degree plus CTE
certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of the Associate Professor
will present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following
a. Evidence of three (3) years of service in the rank of Assistant Professor at Lake Region
State College.
b. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development,
instructional materials development and professional activity in teaching methods, two
recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second
recommendation may be from any of the following LRSC staff member, advisory board
member, NDUS colleague).
c. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and
activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
d. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which
results in positive recognition for the faculty member at the college.
7. Application Procedure for Professorship: Applicants for full professorship teaching in an
academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree plus twelve graduate semester hours.
Applicants for professorship teaching in a CTE discipline should ordinarily possess a master’s
degree plus CTE certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of professor
will present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following
a. Evidence of three (3) years of service in the rank of Associate Professor at Lake Region
State College.
b. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development,
instructional materials development and professional activity in teaching methods, two
recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second
recommendation may be from any of the following LRSC staff member, advisory board
member, NDUS colleague)
c. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and
activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
d. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which
results in positive recognition for the faculty member and the College.
8. Evaluation and Review Procedure:
a. The chairperson of the Tenure Committee shall convene the committee for examination
of the portfolio. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall provide the
committee with documentation of the applicant’s teaching effectiveness and other data
as appropriate.
b. The committee shall make a determination by majority vote as to whether the
candidate fulfills the criteria for promotion. In the event that the Tenure Committee
decides not to recommend promotion, the applicant may appeal the committee’s
decision before the full Faculty Senate.
c. Upon the approval of the Tenure Committee or the full Faculty Senate, the Tenure
Committee shall forward the results to the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs. In the event that the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs decides not
to recommend the candidate may appeal the decision before the President.
d. If the President supports the recommendation for promotion, the rank will then be
e. In the event the President determines that the applicant will not receive promotion, the
applicant may appeal the President’s decision following the Institutional grievance
Executive Dean Approved 12/01/93
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (3. c. and 6.) 05/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (2)
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (6)
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (4, 8c) 04/21/16
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 12/03/18
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.15
1. Legal holidays shall be observed on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day,
Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, and every day appointed by the President of the United States or by the
Governor of the State for a public holiday.
2. If such holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the holiday, or if the holiday fall
on Sunday, the Monday following shall be the holiday.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.16
1. Faculty is expected to meet with classes on time as scheduled.
2. When a faculty member cannot meet a class, it is his/her responsibility to notify the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs and to make appropriate arrangements. In the event
the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs is unavailable, the President should be
notified. In no case are faculty members to cancel on their own initiative. It is fully expected that
College instructors will have occasions when they must attend professional meeting or clinics
which will necessitate absence from class. Instructors shall plan their work in advance so that
library assignments, student-directed discussion groups, panel, etc., take place during their
absence. Whenever a classroom is being used by students under the above circumstances, an
instructor should be available to informally supervise the activity. The office staff is available to
administer tests during such absences, and often times a fellow faculty member will substitute
for the occasion. Whenever an instructor is ill, the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs should be notified immediately. If possible, directions for class work should be given.
Class cancellations due to inclement weather shall be authorized by the President and
announced through local radio stations.
3. Sick Leave:
a. Sick leave, including maternity, is a benefit granted by the institution to faculty. It is an
insurance benefit allowing faculty members to build a reserve of days they can use for
their extended illness. Sick leave may be used by a faculty when:
i. The faculty member is ill or injured and is unable to work.
ii. The faculty member has an appointment for the diagnosis or treatment of a
medically related condition.
iii. The faculty member who wishes to attend to the needs of an eligible family
member who is ill or to assist them in obtaining other services related to their
health or well-being. Eligible family members include the faculty’s spouse,
parent (natural, adoptive, foster, and step-parent); child (natural, adoptive
foster, and step-child); or any other family member who is financially or legally
dependent upon the faculty member or who resides with the faculty for the
purpose of the faculty providing care to the family members. Sick leave used for
these purposes shall not exceed eighty hours per calendar year, except that
with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative office, an employee may
take up to an additional ten percent of the employee’s accrued sick leave to
care for an eligible family member who has a serious health condition. The
calculation of this additional amount which is available to be taken by an
employee is based upon the sick leave balance of the employee at the time of
b. Faculty members who use sick leave are responsible for informing their supervisors
prior to the start of their scheduled work period. The next working day returning faculty
members will complete an “Employee Leave From” indicating personal or dependent
sick leave. Missing a scheduled class due to faculty or dependent illness must be taken
on a minimum of half-day (4 or 8 hour increments) basis. A faculty member taking more
than five (5) consecutive days of sick leave during any year may be required to submit
satisfactory medical verification to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
when deemed necessary. Benefited faculty with a summer contract will accumulate one
(1) day of sick leave per four (4) weeks of employment.
c. Sick leave is granted on the basis of continuous service from date of employment for
full-time and half-time faculty. Sick leave for full-time faculty is granted on the basis of
ten (10) days per academic year of service. Sick leave for half-time or more faculty is
granted on a basis of five (5) days per academic years of service.
d. A faculty member with at least ten (10) continuous years of state employment, who
leaves the employ of the state, is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to one-tenth of
the pay attributed to the faculty’s unused sick leave accrued. The pay attributed to the
accumulated, unused sick leave must be computed on the basis of the faculty member’s
salary or wage ate the time the faculty leaves the employ of the state.
e. At the discretion of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, a faculty
member may be granted sick leave in advance of the accumulation thereof. If a faculty
member terminates employment, any sick leave taken in advance of accumulation shall
be deducted from the faculty’s last paycheck. Accrued sick leave is transferable to any
state agency if transferable sick leave is recognized by that agency or institution.
f. Current full-time Lake Region State College faculty employed at the time that this policy
take effect July 1, 2003 shall be granted accumulated sick leave of eight (8) days per
academic year of employment at Lake Region State College. Current half-time Lake
Region State College faculty shall be granted accumulated sick leave of four (4) days per
academic year of employment at Lake Region State College. There is a no limit to the
number of sick leave days that a faculty member may accrue.
g. This sick leave policy does not impact any personal or bereavement leave.
h. LRSC faculty have the option to donate sick leave to the other LRSC faculty subject to
the same rules currently in place for LRSC staff.
4. Personal Leave: When a full-time (9, 10 or 11 month) faculty senate member needs to be away
from campus and miss class for reasons not covered by 700.16 (2), Sick Leave or 700.16 (5),
Leave of Absence. Each faculty member may be granted up to two days of personal leave per
academic year. For every 10 years completed full-time service the faculty will get one additional
personal day, however not more than four days of personal leave will be allowed during any one
academic year. Faculty requesting personal leave must complete the Employee Leave form and
get the Vice President of Academic Affairs signature at least five (5) days prior to the date of
their leave (when possible). Instructors shall plan their work in advance so that library
assignments, student-directed discussion groups, panel, assignments posted to Lake Region
State College’s Learning Management System etc., take place during their absence. Personal
leave may be used in half-day and full-day increments only and not more than two days of any
individual course may be missed per semester by using leave under this policy. Generally,
personal leave will not be approved to extend calendar breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving, Easter, spring
break, etc.) or for use during faculty in-service. Personal leave does not accrue and days may not
be banked for use in future years. The days would be monitored and recorded by the Academic
Affairs Office and would not have cash value at contract termination.
5. Leaves of Absences: All faculty leave requests shall be submitted to the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs using the Absence from Campus and Travel Authorization Request
form Approval for each type of leave shall follow procedures outlined herein.
a. Developmental Leave: Upon recommendation from the President and approval by the
University System of Higher Education, a member of the faculty who has served the
institution at least six (6) years may be granted a developmental leave for re-training
and /or professional development providing institutional resources are available and the
workload is absorbed within the existing staff resources allocations. Prior to the leave
being granted, a written proposal on the planned use of the leave must be presented
identifying the activities to be carried forth with the useful contributions to be
developed for the benefit to the Institution, to the State and to the individual. The
proposal shall also include detail of the institutional source of funds for the stipend and
an agreement signed by the individual to return to the system upon completion of the
leave for a period of time at least equal to the leave time or to refund the Institution’s
stipend payment.
i. Developmental leave salary may be supplemented with non-institutional grants
and /or aids which may bring the total stipend to an amount equal to but not to
exceed the budgeted salary for the leave period.
ii. Grants providing for extensive travel expenses incurred during the leave shall
not be considered a part of the total salary.
iii. Developmental leave may not exceed twelve (12) months, and the College
stipend my not exceed fifty percent (50%) of annual salary.
b. Leave of Absence: Under certain conditions a leave of absence shall be granted to an
instructor for the purpose of advancing ones education or to upgrade trade
competency. Re-employment the year following the leave of absence may, under
certain circumstances, be granted with no guarantee for re-employment.
c. Jury Duty: An employee shall be allowed leave with pay for jury or other legal duty when
subpoenaed for such service. Any compensation received for such duty may be retained
by the employee.
d. Military Leave: Annual leave for military training at full pay is permitted for up to twenty
(20) working days.
e. Honor Guard Leave - Honor guard leave is an approved absence from work, with pay, of
up to twenty-four working hours per calendar year for an employee to participate in an
honor guard for a funeral service of a veteran. Honor guard means an individual with an
essential ceremonial role in the funeral service of a veteran. An essential ceremonial
role includes being a member of the flag bearers, a member of the flag folding team, a
member of the firing party, the bugler, or the honor guard captain. Honor Guard leave
is not considered annual or sick leave. The leave may be granted even if the absence
interferes with the normal operations of the institution.
f. Institution Closures - An institution or part of an institution may be closed due to severe
weather or other reason justifying closure.
i. The institution president or officer delegated authority by the president has
authority to close the institution. The action shall be communicated to
employees, students and other interested persons through local media or other
reasonable means.
ii. When the institution remains open, employees unable to report to work shall
notify their supervisor and take annual leave or leave without pay.
g. Funeral Leave - An approved absence from work, with pay, of up to twenty-four working
hours, may be provided to an employee to attend or make arrangements for a funeral,
as a result of a death in the employee's family, or in the family of an employee's spouse.
Family means husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, stepparents,
brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, foster parents, foster
children, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law.
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) Council 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) 05/05/03
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (4) 12/09/13
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (5) 04/01/09
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3, b) 02/10/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3,4) 03/12/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (e, f, g) 4/21/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.17
1. All faculty travel shall be approved in advance by the Vice President of Academic and Student
2. The Travel Authorization Request form shall be used for recording all travel requests and
approval thereof.
3. Reimbursement for official travel shall follow guidelines laid down by the College (See Chapter
400.06 Travel Policy)
Administrative Council Approved 700.17 (1) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 700.17 (2) 04/21/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.18
1. Lake Region State College shall foster a free and open academic community for faculty
members, students, and all other employees who engage in scholarly work.
2. Academic freedom is the freedom, without institutional, political, or other outside pressure or
restraint, to explore any avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression, and to speak
or write on matters of public concern, as well as on matters related to professional duties and
the functioning of the NDUS and the institution. Faculty are entitled the freedom in designing
and teaching their assigned courses. Faculty members shall be free to involve interested
students or other professionals in their scholarship or research and pursue funding from internal
or external sources to support it. Essential to this principle is the toleration of the conflict of
ideas and the opportunity for the expression of diverse points of view. Faculty members and
other NDUS employees who engage in scholarly work shall be subject to the full protections
accorded to students under SBHE Policy 503.
3. Academic Responsibility implies the faithful performance of professional duties and obligations,
the recognition of the demands of the scholarly enterprise, and the candor to make clear that
when one is speaking on matters of public interest, one is not speaking for the NDUS or any of
its institutions. In pursuing scholarly work, faculty and NDUS employees acknowledge the
importance of intellectual integrity, accuracy in research and publication, and upholding the
principles governing the free and open exchange of ideas, even where those ideas conflict.
4. Faculty at institutions under the control of the SBHE shall generally adhere to the 1940
Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure with 1970 Interpretive Comments
adopted by the American Association of University Professors, which provides that “Teachers
are entitled freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not
to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject.”
Notwithstanding, faculty shall not face discipline or adverse employment action based on
classroom speech unless such speech violates other institutional policies or procedures.
Adopted 08/16/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.19
After a member of the faculty has signed a contract agreeing to its terms for the ensuing academic year,
the faculty member and the College should expect to plan accordingly. A member of the faculty may
request a release from the contract through the following procedure:
1. A letter of resignation shall be submitted to the President through the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs.
2. Only under exceptional circumstances, and where a suitable replacement can be found, will
such requests be considered after July 1
or after the faculty has signed the contract whichever
come later. A faculty member has thirty days to sign a contract after its issuance.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.20
The following is the “means by which faculty participation will be provided in resolving the following
questions in cases where termination of tenured faculty is necessary” per Section 605.E2, a. b. c. of the
North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual:
1. Prior to the decision to terminate tenured faculty, the President shall meet with the Faculty
Senate during the fall semester to demonstrate the need for the action.
2. The administrative proposal for reduction recommendation will then be forwarded to the
Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee for study and then presented to the Faculty
Senate for its recommendation. If the President does not concur with the Faculty Senate
recommendations, the President has the authority to recommend a particular course of action.
The President will first meet with the Faculty Senate to seek mutual understanding and support
for the recommended proposal. If agreement cannot be reached and the President wishes to
proceed, it will be necessary that the specific recommendations and justifications are prepared
in writing and given to each member of the Faculty Senate. Examples of factors that may be
considered are enrollment trends, size of department, and whether or not there are other
departments in the state system of higher education.
3. After an individual department has been selected for a reduction in personnel, it shall be the
responsibility of the Faculty Senate working in concert with the Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs to recommend to the President which appointment(s) will be terminated.
Significant points to be considered are length of service and tenure status of faculty members
within any affected unit or program area. Other factors to be considered, and which may be
conclusive, include curriculum requirements, professional achievement, breath of competence,
and equal employment opportunity. If desired, the faculty member(s) can apply for a review of
this action as provided in the Board policy.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.21
1. No member of the professional staff shall be privileged to use the time or the facilities or the
College for the personal gain or profit other than the salary which is received from the State for
professional services. Included among the restricted activities are consulting, fabrication,
printing, and work for pay during normal work hours.
2. No faculty, staff, facilities, or equipment shall be used for other than institutional purposes
unless payment is made on the same basis as charged to commercial concerns or other outside
groups or persons.
3. Faculty and Staff may engage in consulting activities so long as the work is of a purely
professional nature and does not in any way interfere with the duties of the individual
4. Permission to engage in consulting practice is obtained in advance from the appropriate
administrative officer. (See NDUS Policy Manual 611.4)
5. A faculty member who receives grant monies from external sources for the purposes of
producing scholarly research may on his/her own time outside from normal work hours use the
facilities and equipment of the College for those purposes so long as the research is of a
professional and scholarly nature and does not interfere with the duties of the individual
concerned. The College may collect a fee of up to but not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the
total grant monies received by the faculty member as compensation for the use of such facilities
and equipment in accordance with an agreement to be arranged by consultation between the
faculty member and the President before the research project itself is begun. A faculty member
may use College facilities and equipment to prepare and submit grant applications to external
sources free of charge.
Administrative Council Approved 01/25/00
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.22
1. Definition of “grievance”
“GRIEVANCE” means: an allegation of a violation of a specific Board or institutional policy,
procedure or practice pertaining to the employment relationship. This includes the terms of the
grievant’s employment contract and this policy. The discretionary actions of salary adjustments
and performance evaluations may not be grieved, except to determine:
a. Whether the discretionary action was made in accordance with relevant Board or
institutional policies, practices, procedures, or criteria.
b. Whether the action constitutes clear abuse of discretion. Complaints involving any
matters covered under NDUS Policy Manual Sections 605.3 or 605.4 are not grievances
under this policy.
Grievances cannot be filed against written Board and institutional policies per se.
a. Purpose: It is the policy of Lake Region State College that all faculty of the college are
provided specific and equitable procedures which afford due process for resolving
b. Application: This policy only applies to faculty as defined in section 605.1 (NDUS Policy
Manual). It does not apply to classified staff or to administrators or coaches.
2. The Informal Process:
Faculty have the right to present grievances to their supervisors and are assured academic
freedom, freedom from discrimination, coercion, restraint or reprisal in presenting grievances. If
the concern is not resolved informally, the faculty member has the right to file a formal written
grievance or attempt to resolve though mediations. All references to work days shall be to
actual days worked at the normal work site by the person required to respond. The purpose of
the informal procedure is to require the parties involved in a grievance to attempt to resolve the
problem themselves through the following steps:
a. The faculty member should attempt to discuss the complaint with the person who
appears to be the source of the grievance (the respondent).
b. If the problem is not resolved at the first step, the faculty member should take the
complaint to the respondent’s supervisor.
c. If the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the faculty member through the
informal process with the Vice President of the Academic and Student Affairs, then the
faculty member may enter the Formal Grievance Process by filing a written grievance
for a hearing within 20 working days of the initiation of the informal process.
3. The Formal Process:
a. A faculty employee shall explain in writing the grievance to the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs. A copy of each step should be submitted to the Personnel
Director who shall keep official records of the progress of a grievance regarding specific
time limits. The written grievance will include the cause of the grievance and provide a
suggested remedy. A formal written grievance must be brought within five (5) working
days after the Informal Grievance Process has been exhausted. The Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs shall reach a decision and communicate it in writing to the
faculty employee within ten (10) working days of their receipt of the written grievance.
Every effort should be made to settle grievances at this stage.
b. If the grievance is not settled in step one of the Formal Process, the faculty employee
shall file an appeal to the Faculty Rights Committee within five (5) working days of the
receipt of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs decision. The Faculty
Rights Committee shall hold a hearing with the persons concerned in the grievance
within ten (10) working days. The Faculty Rights Committee shall determine whether the
grievance has merit, deciding whether to accept or reject the proposed remedy of the
faculty employee. The Faculty Rights Committee may prescribe alternative remedies to
otherwise resolve the grievance. Within five (5) working days after completion of the
hearing, the Faculty Rights Committee shall present its written decision to the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs, the employee, and the institution’s
c. If the grievance is not settled in either of the above steps of the Formal Process, the
faculty employee or the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, within five (5)
working days after receiving all information on the grievance, the President shall
provide a written decision. The President’s decision shall be final. Any disposition which
is not appealed by the faculty employee within the time allowed at each level shall be
considered settled and binding on the employee.
Administrative Council Approved 05/05/03
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.23
The purpose of the Program Review is to assess the strengths of each program examined and to discover
areas for growth and improvement. The Program Review Report will be used by the Administrative
Council to determine if a program/degree will be continued, restructured or discontinued as part of the
Lake Region’s curricula.
1. Year 1:
a. In years ending with 3, 6, and 9 (for example: 2016, 2019 and 2023) The Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs, in collaboration with the President of the Faculty
Senate, shall - at the First Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year - appoint a
committee comprised of faculty members representing the Instructional Divisions
(Business, Trade & Technical and Academic), and ex officio members: Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs, the current Faculty Senate President and one staff
member to implement the Program Review Process utilizing the measures developed by
the Program Review Committee in 2001-2002 and to prepare a Program Review Report.
b. Each Program Review Report shall address the extent to which the program has
successfully dealt with the concerns of a preceding Program Review and/or vocational
c. Program Review Reports will be completed and submitted Faculty Senate and to the
Administrative Council by February 1 for evaluation.
d. By March 30, the Administrative Council shall present to the Faculty Senate the program
evaluation results and recommendations. The Council shall notify programs if they are
under review for restructuring and/or possible program closure and outline the
improvements or progress that is desired.
2. Year 2:
a. During the summer and academic year following a Program Review, all notified
programs shall take measures to improve in stated areas of concern and to carry out
recommendations for improvement. At the end of this academic year, only the
programs under review for possible closure and low enrollment programs shall
complete a Program Review Follow-Up Report and submit it to the Faculty Senate and
to the Administrative Council by April 15.
b. At the May Faculty Senate meeting the Administrative Council shall present to the
Faculty Senate its decisions and actions taken in response to the Program Review
Follow-Up Reports, providing notification and justification for any proposed closure of
specific programs.
c. If the closure of a program impacts a tenured faculty member, Article 700.20 of the Lake
Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual goes into effect.
Administrative Council Approved 05/01/06
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.24
1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, in collaboration with the Registrar, shall
produce a program enrollment report by October 15 of each academic year. The report will
include a NDUS faculty load report, program enrollments by: freshmen, sophomore, full and
part-time students.
2. Any CTE program with fewer than nine (9) full time students per FTE faculty will be reviewed as
low enrollment program (part-time students credit hours will be totaled and divided by 12 and
added to total). Liberal Arts departments with less than a 20:1 student-faculty ratio will also be
reviewed for low enrollment.
3. Prior to an official designation as low enrollment, the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs, in cooperation with the program faculty, shall conduct a comprehensive review to
identify the key indicators of program strength as they relate to enrollment. These indicators
may include the ending enrollment numbers for at least the previous three terms, verification of
all students in the program, any changes in the number of program faculty, the program’s
budget (not to include salaries and benefits), the number of program related courses delivered
by part time instructors (and related enrollments), prior marketing efforts, employer partners or
the lack thereof, and industry strength and hiring trends.
4. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall make an official recommendation to
the President as to whether or not the program will be officially listed as a low enrollment
program for the current academic year, only after this comprehensive review has been
5. Each year, faculty in a program officially designated as low enrollment will review their program
and complete an action plan for improvement in collaboration with the Director of Marketing
and Communication, the Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, and the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs. The plan must be completed by December 30 with
the implementation of the plan during the spring and summer terms.
6. Programs/departments listed on low enrollment status for two consecutive years will be
notified in writing that the program may be considered for restructuring or closure during the
next academic year.
Administrative Council Approved 03/22/13
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 700.25
1. Faculty members should familiarize themselves with the provisions contained in other chapters
of this manual. There are many provisions (other than those contained in this chapter) which
have bearing on their rights, duties, and responsibilities.
2. Lake Region State College policies that apply to all faculty, staff, students, and campus visitors
can be found within this manual.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 800. Index
Section 800.01 General
Section 800.02 Admissions: Standards, Requirements, Access, Application Process
Section 800.03 Admissions: Special Categories and Exceptions
Section 800.04 Classification of Students
Section 800.05 Credit Hours and Contact Hours
Section 800.06 Tuition and Fees: Refund
Section 800.07
Section 800.08 Residence Life/Housing: Facilities, Contracts and Regulations
Section 800.09 Health Services
Section 800.10
Section 800.11 Student Insurance
Section 800.12 Standards of Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility
Section 800.13 Educational Rights/Access to Records
Section 800.13.01 Consumer Information
Section 800.14 Attendance
Section 800.15 Withdrawal from College
Section 800.16 Grading System
Section 800.17 Establishing Prior Credit
Section 800.18 Grade Point Average and Academic Progress
Section 800.19 Change of Registration
Section 800.20 Graduation Requirements
Section 800.21 Transcripts and Transferring
Section 800.22 Student Government
Section 800.23 Student Organizations
Section 800.24 Intramural Recreation Program
Section 800.25 Use of College Facilities
Section 800.26 Lower Deck Recreation Room
Section 800.27 Weight Room
Section 800.28 College-Sponsored Field Trips and Activities
Section 800.29 Cares Team
Section 800.30 Student Conduct
Section 800.31 Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures
Section 800.32 Other Provisions
Section 800.33 Service and Assistance Animal
Section 800.34 Disability Services Policy
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.01
Lake Region State College expects that people who register as students are responsible citizens.
Students have the responsibility to observe and maintain a code of personal and social behavior
conducive to efficiency as students, happiness as individuals, and effectiveness as members of groups.
The College philosophy toward student rules and regulations requires a sincere respect for the rights of
other persons.
Annually, the College administration shall include all rules, regulations, and procedures relevant to
students in a ‘Student Handbook’, which shall be made available to every student.
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.02
1. General: Lake Region State College shall establish standards and requirements for admissions
consistent with North Dakota State Board of Higher Education (NDSBHE) policies and the North
Dakota University System (NDUS) procedures.
2. Affirmative Action Policy: In accordance with federal law, the policy of Lake Region State College
is that all persons shall have equal opportunity in any phase of College activity without being
discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation,
gender identity, genetic information (GINA), sex, age, creed, marital status, veteran's status,
political belief or affiliation or disability, in its admissions, student aid, employment practices,
education programs or other related activities.
3. Standards: General standards for admission are currently established as being any one of the
a. A graduate of an accredited high school.
b. A student transferring from another accredited collegiate institution.
c. A holder of the General Education Development (GED) certificate.
d. A high school student in grade 10 with a G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher, or grades 11 and 12
with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher and has the approval of a high school official.
e. A student who does not fall under any of the above categories will be considered for
special admission to Lake Region State College by the Student Affairs Office.
4. Definition of Admit Types
a. First Year Freshman: A student has not attended a college or university after high school
b. Early Entry: A high school student who wishes to take college credit while in high school,
to include those students earning dual credit.
c. Non-Degree: A student who enrolls in a limited number of courses and will not receive a
degree or financial aid from LRSC.
d. Readmit: A student who has attended LRSC before, did not complete a degree and is
returning to complete additional coursework.
e. Continuing: A student who has completed a degree at LRSC and is returning to complete
additional coursework.
f. Transfer: Previously attended one or more postsecondary institutions following their
high school graduation and is enrolled in a degree-seeking program.
5. Requirements and Process:
a. To gain admission to Lake Region State College, a student must submit the following
items to Admissions in Student Affairs:
i. The Application for Admission along with the non-refundable fee.
1. The President can approve an application fee waiver. If a student would
like to request an application fee waiver, a student must provide to the
Director of Student Affairs:
a. A personal statement outlining his/her desire to attend LRSC
b. A recommendation from the counselor or principal of the
school in support of the waiver.
c. One of the following documents supporting economic need
i. Proof of waiver from ACT/SAT; or
ii. Proof of acceptance into the free/reduced lunch
program; or
iii. Proof that the student is enrolled in a TRiO program; or
iv. Proof of foster home care or ward of the State.
ii. Proof of high school graduation or its equivalency: an official transcript of high
school or official General Education Development (GED) transcript.
The following students are exempt from this admission requirement:
1. Early Entry students will need to submit an unofficial high school
2. Transfer students who have completed an associate in arts or associate
in science are not required to submit a high school transcript
iii. An official transcript of any previous college.
1. A transfer student on academic probation from another college will be
admitted on academic probation.
2. Transfer students suspended from other institutions will not be
permitted to enroll until the required conditions for reinstatement are
met at the suspending institution. Student may petition with the
Director of Student Affairs for enrollment if they can document
circumstances contributing to academic difficulty.
iv. Placement Test Scores: All student pursuing a certificate, diploma and associate
programs of study are required to submit placement test scores, preferably the
American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). LRSC may accept
a COMPASS or ACCUPLACER exam or another nationally approved exam in lieu
of ACT or SAT.
The following students are exempt from this admission requirement:
1. Students who will be age twenty-five (25) or older on the first day of
admit term.
2. International students (excluding Canadian students).
3. Students who transfer in 24 or more semester credits.
4. Individual students may be granted exemptions by the Director of
Student Affairs on a case by case basis.
v. Admission requirement exemptions: Non-degree-seeking students need to
submit the Application for Admission and the non-refundable admission fee.
6. Immunizations:
a. Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Students enrolled in credit-bearing courses at Lake
Region State College must provide documentation of immunity to measles, mumps and
i. Documentation of immunity means:
1. Evidence of two (2) doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine no
less than 28 days apart from a licensed physical or health department
official; or
2. Blood testing which proves immunity exists; or
3. A birth date prior to 1957.
ii. Exemptions to the policy may be granted only when a licensed physician
certifies that a student should not be immunized for measles, mumps or rubella,
or if a student’s beliefs prohibits immunization. Students enrolled only in
distance learning, or other courses taught off campus, and students enrolled
only in community education or non-credit courses are excluded from this
b. Meningococcal: Students aged 21 and younger must provide documentation of
meningococcal. The President shall adopt procedures implementing this requirement.
i. Documentation of immunity means evidence of at least one dose of
meningococcal conjugates vaccine at age 16 or older.
ii. Exemptions may be provided upon application under established campus
procedures if (a) immunization is contraindicated by a medical condition; or (b)
a student’s beliefs preclude participation in an immunization program. Students
enrolled only in distance learning, or other courses taught off campus, and
students enrolled only in community education or non-credit courses are
excluded from this policy.
c. Tuberculosis: TB testing is required of international students from all countries except
for those countries classified by US health officials as “low risk for tuberculosis”.
d. Any individual who has been exempted from any of the immunization requirements
may be required to stay off campus, including exclusion from campus activities, in the
event off an outbreak of a communicable disease until the danger is over.
7. Students applying to the Peace Officer Training Program, Nursing Program, and Speech
Language Pathology Paraprofessional Program must complete additional admissions
8. Conditional Admissions: Students have one semester to complete their admission file. Students
will be placed on admissions file hold and will not be allowed to register in subsequent
semesters or receive an official transcript until the admissions file is complete.
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Administrative Council Approved (5,a,iv) 06/27/16
Administrative Council Approved 08/28/17
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.03
1. Special Groups: At times Lake Region State College may contract to train and educate special
groups of students. In such cases, admissions requirements may be waived or altered and
special requirements established with the approval of the President.
2. International Students:
a. LRSC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant, alien students.
b. An international student seeking admission to LRSC must submit all admissions items as
required of all new or transfer students.
c. International students (excluding Canadian students) must submit their high school
credentials and post-secondary credentials to World Evaluation Services (WES) for a
formal evaluation.
i. For evaluation of high school credentials, students should order the WES Basic
package, Document-by-Document evaluation.
ii. Post-secondary credentials must be evaluated by WES using the WES Basic
package, Course-by-Course evaluation. The evaluations are completed at the
student’s expense. The International Student Advisor may authorize other
companies that may be used.
d. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to demonstrate
proficiency in the English language. Proficiency options can be found in NDUS procedure
e. The student must provide an original copy of the Lake Region State College Financial
Statement, along with a bank official’s signature and official bank stamp, indicating the
ability to cover all costs related to attendance at LRSC.
f. Additional health requirements, such as tuberculosis testing for students originating
from high risks countries, may apply.
g. International students are required to live in campus housing throughout their entire
course of study at LRSC. International students are also required to purchase a meal
plan. For the first semester, international students are required to purchase the most
comprehensive meal plan. For subsequent semesters, students may choose an alternate
meal plan, unless they are a member of an athletic team.
3. Additional identification of prospective students will be required when the following conditions
a. Permanent Residents will be required to provide a copy of their Permanent Resident
b. Names which appear to be probable errors will require the student to supply additional
documentation for proof of identity such as a copy of a government issued identification
card (social security card, passport, etc.)
4. Home educated students must provide the following:
a. A high school transcript, complete with graduation date, a listing of classes completed,
performance score or grade (with key explaining grading) in each class in grades nine
through twelve, which must be verified by the parent or the instructor; and additional
information that may be required such as providing course syllabi and/or description of
course content; or
b. a GED transcript.
5. LRSC is committed to providing an atmosphere that encourages learning, the exchange of ideas,
and interacting with one another in a safe environment. In conformance with the Crime
Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, and State Board of Higher Education Policy 402,
the following policy applies:
a. LRSC, in accordance with SBHE policy 511 and NDUS procedure 511, will require the
applicant to answer the safety and security questions on the admissions application.
b. LRSC may deny or place conditions on admissions, the enrollment of applicants, and the
return of former students if LRSC determines such person represents a safety risk to
students, employees or property. Criteria for determining if an applicant or former
student represents a safety risk include, a criminal background that includes crimes
involving injury or threat of injury to others, or property damage, prior disciplinary
actions at LRSC or another institution, and the extent to which the applicant or former
student has been rehabilitated. The Director of Student Affairs will review applicants
that may pose a risk. If necessary, the Behavioral Intervention Team will review
applicants of concern and render a recommendation.
c. Applicants denied admission by the Director of Student Affairs have the right to appeal
decisions to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs within 10 calendar days
of the date the notice was received. Appeals must be in writing, include a statement of
reason why LRSC should reconsider the decision, and shall include supporting
d. Any student who has had a criminal record as a minor and does not provide a copy of
that record to admissions will be placed on the most restrictive access to campus and
will not be allowed to live in the residence halls. If a copy of the criminal record is
provided by the student, the Behavioral Intervention Team will then base the campus
restrictions and residence hall living arrangements on the criminal record.
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.04
1. Enrollment Status:
a. Full-time student: a student who is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours for the semester.
b. Part-time student: a student who is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours for the
i. Three-quarter time student: a student who is enrolled in 9 to less than 12 credit
hours for the semester.
ii. Half-time student: a student who is enrolled in 6 to less than 9 credit hours for
the semester.
iii. Less than half time student: a student who is enrolled in less than 6 credit hours
for the semester.
2. Class Level:
a. Freshman: a student who has completed less than 24 cumulative semester credit hours.
b. Sophomore: a student who has completed 24 or more semester credit hours.
3. Degree Status:
a. Degree-seeking: a student who is enrolled in a program which leads to a certificate,
diploma or a degree.
b. Non-degree seeking: a student who is enrolled in courses but not enrolled in a program
which leads to a certificate, diploma or a degree.
Administrative Council Approved 07/30/08
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.05
All courses are assigned a specific number of credit hours. Based on the following guidelines, one
semester credit is equal to:
1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of class
work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester; or
2. At least an equivalent amount of instruction and other academic activity as established by LRSC.
This may include laboratory work, internship, practicum, studio work, and other academic
activity, including online learning, leading to the award of credit hours.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.06
The information below is based on the North Dakota University System Refund Policy, which can be
found at Policy and Procedure 830.2.
1. Refunds for Class Drops
Students who drop a class or classes prior to completing 8.999% of the period of enrollment for
the class or classes shall receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees for the credit hours
attributable to the class or classes dropped. There shall be no refund for partial drops after
completing 8.999% of the period of enrollment. Students who totally withdraw from all classes
during the term or period of enrollment shall receive a prorated refund.
2. Calculating Refunds for Dropping a Class
a. Count the total number of days in the term or session (8-week course, semester-long
course) that the class is being held. This means all days including days class does not
meet and weekends. For example: First 8-week term started August 24
and goes until
October 16
or 53 days.
b. Count the number of days that passed from the first day of class to the day you officially
dropped the class. For example: You officially dropped the class on September 2
. Nine
days passed from the day class started until you dropped.
c. Divide the number of days that you were enrolled (Step 2) by the total of days in the
term or session (Step 1). This will give you a percentage of course completion .
For example: Your nine days of class prior to the drop divided by the 53 total days in the
term equals 17 percent. Since 17 percent exceeds 8.999 percent, you are not eligible for
a refund.
3. Refunds for students who officially withdraw from the college: The amount of unearned
institutional charges is based on the student’s withdrawal date. The following schedule shall be
used to establish the percentage of unearned intuitional charges to the sixty percent point in
the enrollment period and for unearned board charges from that point to the end of the term.
In a term that has a scheduled break of 5 or more calendar days, the unearned institutional
charges during that break shall be based on the percentage of unearned institutional charges on
the last day of classes before the scheduled break. After the break, the percentage of unearned
institutional charges shall resume based on the percentages set forth in the definition of
“Refund of Institutional Charges”
a. Refund Categories: All Sessions
Percent of Enrollment Period Completed % of Refund Date % of Refund
0 to 8.999% 100%
9.000% to 34.999% 75%
35.000% to 59.999% 50%
60.000% to 100% No Refund
Administrative Council Approved 08/09/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.08
1. Lake Region State College offers campus living to students in three residence halls.
2. Each returning resident must sign a “Contract for Residence Halls” for a room for a school year.
New students must apply for housing by completing the Application for Housing form and sign a
“Contract for Residence Halls”.
3. Services
a. All resident hall rooms are provided with digital cable service.
b. All rooms in college residence halls are furnished with single beds, limited wardrobe and
drawer space and desks and chairs. Students are responsible for their own bed linens,
pillows, spreads and blankets. Refer to the Housing Contract for allowable student
c. Students attending Lake Region State College and living in the residence halls have access
to free, high speed internet access. Resident hall students interested in renting an
internet-ready computer from the college are required to complete a rental agreement
form with Information Technology.
d. Laundry rooms are equipped with R-card operated washers and dryers.
e. Each room is provided with a student mailbox. Mail service will be provided Monday
through Friday.
f. Contact either the RA (Resident Assistant) or AD (Assistant Director) and fill out the
proper form for needed repairs for maintenance.
g. During the academic year, a limited number of outdoor outlets are available for rent to
students. Students must provide their own extension cord and only one vehicle should be
plugged into each outlet. There is a charge for these outlets for the winter with
reservations made at the Business Office.
h. Refrigerators are allowed in student rooms. Students need to bring their own. Size limit is
four cubic feet unless other arrangements have been made.
i. All Resident Halls are alcohol and tobacco free.
j. No soliciting is allowed in the residence halls. This includes representatives of businesses
as well as door-to-door salespersons.
k. In the event of a tornado and/or severe weather, the warning signal is a steady tone or
ringing of bells lasting 3 to 4 minutes. Students living in Gilliland and South Hall should go
to the basement next to Central Receiving, and students in North Hall should go to the
basement areas next to the kitchen.
4. Guidelines to Residence Life
a. Administrative Structure
The residence halls are part of the Academic and Student Affairs Division. The Director
of Housing has direct authority and responsibility of administering the residence hall
The Director of Housing supervises the Assistant Director of Housing, who in turn
supervises the Resident Assistants (RA’s), all of whom are charged with creating and
maintaining a residence hall living environment conducive to learning and personal
growth. This charge carries with it the responsibility of enforcing the rules and
regulations of the residence halls and the authority to take the action necessary when
rule infractions occur.
b. Residence Hall Staff
The residence hall staff serve three primary functions:
i. To be of service to students. This can take many different forms, from providing a
friendly ear to organizing programs which interest or benefit residents.
ii. To perform administrative tasks, such as checking students in and out of rooms,
locking outside doors, distributing mail, duty rounds, etc.
iii. To enforce the guidelines outlined in the LRSC policy manual, Residence Hall
Contract and student handbook.
5. Checking In/Checking Out/Improper Check Out
a. Checking In
i. All students are required to check into the residence halls to verify room
assignments and complete a Room Condition Form.
ii. All standard furnishings must remain with the room and may not be removed or
exchanged between rooms. All items listed on the room inventory must be in
place when the student checks out.
b. Checking Out
i. Students need to follow the below guidelines when checking out. Failure to
follow checkout procedures or failing to checkout will result in a fine up to $100.
ii. Student must sign up for checkout with a Housing staff member 24 hours prior to
departure. At the time of checkout, the staff member will conduct a room
inspection and collect keys.
iii. Student room must be returned to its original condition. This means rooms must
be cleaned, floors swept/washed, and all furniture must be returned and
6. Entry of Student Rooms
College policy on privacy of student rooms stipulates that room entry will be restricted to the
following instances:
a. The Lake Region State College Residence Hall Contract stipulates that room inspections
may be made by staff for reasons of residence maintenance. Whenever possible, 24 hour
notice will be given to the student prior to entry. In addition, pre-announced room
inspections will be held to check for general sanitation and/order. Safety inspections will
be made at the closing of Fall Semester and the closing of Spring Break.
b. When residence or college officials reasonably fear danger to health, safety, life or
c. When residence or college officials have just cause to suspect a violation of college
d. During periods of academic recess primarily for maintenance purposes. Whenever
possible, rooms will be entered when the room’s occupants are present and college
officials to be present during room entry.
e. If the occupants are not present when the room entry is needed, the occupants will be
notified of the time and reason for the entry.
7. Deposit/Damage Policies
Costs are outline in the student handbook for damages that may occur in the Residence Halls.
Costs related to damages, cleaning or lost keys will be billed to the resident’s account.
8. Resident Behavior
Students must follow the LRSC Student Conduct Policy 800.30.
9. Visitor Policy
a. Guests All guests are subject to all LRSC policies including the policies of the residence
halls. Residents are responsible for their guests’ behaviors and actions.
b. Overnight Guests Adult residents may have adult guests stay overnight for up to three
consecutive nights as long as it is acceptable with all of the roommates and suitemates.
At the beginning of the semester, residents will fill out the Overnight Visitors Agreement
form for their room/suite. When there is not unanimous agreement, the most
conservative view will prevail. No overnight guests will be allowed prior to the start of
each semester, during the first week of school, the last two weeks of the semester and
during breaks (winter and spring break).
c. Use of Restrooms - When a guest of a resident is not of the same gender, the resident
shall escort the guest to the restroom, ensure the restroom is clear of residents, and
remain outside the restroom to alert others. All residents shall respect the need for
guests to use the restroom and shall afford them the opportunity for privacy.
10. Juveniles in the Residence Halls
For the purpose of this policy, the word “juvenile” means anyone under 18 years of age.
Resident hall staff have the authority to request identification of anyone entering the residence
halls. No juvenile will be allowed in the residence halls as a guest or visitor unless they are a
current student and at least 17 years of age. Juveniles may live in the resident hall under special
circumstances approved by the Director of Housing or if they are a child of a student living in the
campus apartments. Unauthorized juveniles found in the residence halls will be asked to leave
the premises immediately. If the juvenile does not cooperate with the staff, law enforcement
will be called to remove the juvenile and contact his/her parents.
11. Alcohol and Drug Policy
Lake Region State College prohibits any alcohol or illegal drugs in the residence halls (See
Alcohol and Drug Policy 1500.15).
12. Student Complaints and Students Grievances
The process for filing complaints and student grievances can be found in LRSC Policy 800.31.
13. Residence Hall Association (RHA)
a. The RHA is the residence hall governance association. The RHA meets on a regular basis
throughout the academic year. This association provides an opportunity for student input
concerning residence hall programming, rules and policies. All residents are eligible to
serve as representatives to the RHA. Students are encouraged to participate in this
opportunity and to be involved in their own environment and governance. The RHA
operates under a constitution, is recognized by the Student Senate and fulfills all
requirements of recognized campus organizations.
b. See Section 1400.04 for the RHA Constitution.
14. Immunization Requirements:
All Students ages 21 and younger residing in campus housing must provide documentation of
immunity against meningococcal disease. Exemptions may be provided upon application if; (a)
immunization is contraindicated by medical conditions; or (b) a student’s beliefs preclude
participation in an immunization program.
Administrative Council Approved Updates 08/17/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 09/28/15
Administrative Council Approved (800.08,14) 08/09/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.08.01
As required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, this policy addresses missing student
notification for students residing in on-campus student housing and includes procedures that LRSC will
follow in the event a student is reported missing.
A missing student is defined as a person currently enrolled at LRSC, residing in on-campus student
housing, whose whereabouts have been unaccounted for by LRSC or local law enforcement for more
than 24 hours. If a student is determined to be missing, LRSC will initiate notification procedures within
24 hours.
Designation of Confidential Contact Information
1. Students residing in on-campus student housing have the option to designate a confidential
contact person who will be notified in the event the student is determined by LRSC or local law
enforcement to be missing.
2. A student may designate a confidential contact person at any time by filing a Confidential
Contact Form with the Director of Housing or Assistant Director of Housing. The student is
responsible for the accuracy of the contact information and for updating the information as
3. A student’s confidential contact information will be accessible only by authorized campus
officials and law enforcement in the course of the investigation.
4. The confidential contact may be someone other than the emergency contact listed in Campus
Connection. Emergency contact information listed in Campus Connection will be kept separately
from the missing student contact information.
5. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, LRSC is
required to notify the student’s parent or guardian, in addition to any confidential contact
designated, immediately after determining that the student has been missing for 24 hours.
6. When a student is missing and the student failed to designate a confidential contact, LRSC may
contact any person who they believe may have information about the student’s whereabouts.
Notification of Missing Persons
1. Any individual who has information that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing
shall immediately notify the Assistant Director of Housing or the Resident Assistant on duty.
2. The housing official will confirm that the student is currently enrolled and living in on-campus
student housing.
3. If confirmed, the housing official shall immediately notify the Director of Housing and Director of
Student Affairs.
4. The Director of Housing will conduct an investigation to verify the situation and determine the
circumstances that exist.
5. If it is determined that the student is missing, the Director of Student Affairs shall, within 24
hours, report the missing student to:
a. Local law enforcement,
b. The student’s designated confidential contact,
c. The student’s parent or guardian,
d. Other campus officials as deemed necessary.
Campus Communication Regarding Missing Persons
1. Prior to providing the LRSC community with any information about a missing student, the
Director of Public Affairs shall consult with law enforcement to ensure that communications do
not hinder the investigation.
2. All communication with the general public regarding missing students will be handled by law
enforcement authorities, who shall consult with the Director of Public Affairs.
Administrative Council Approved 5/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.09
Health Services are not available on the Lake Region State College campus. Students are encouraged to
complete a College Medical Questionnaire form which will be filed in the Student Affairs Office. This
form contains information which may be used in the event of an emergency.
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.11
1. Athletic Team members: Lake Region State College students on athletic teams are required to
show proof that they are covered by individual or family health insurance.
2. International Students: LRSC international students are required to have health insurance as
specified by ND SBHE Policy 505.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.12
Lake Region State College has established policies regarding Federal Financial Aid as required by the US
Department of Education. These policies can be found on Financial Aid homepage at and
in the Financial Aid office on campus.
Administrative Council Approved 08/25/11
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.13
1. Educational Rights The disclosure of students’ educational records is governed by policies
developed by LRSC in compliance with state law and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA). For the purpose of this policy, a student is defined as an individual who has
enrolled for classes at Lake Region State College.
2. LRSC maintains the following educational records which contain information directly related to
a. Application paperwork submitted by the students or sent to Lake Region State College
at the student’s request.
b. Financial aid paperwork submitted by the student or sent to Lake Region State College
at the student’s request.
c. Account payment information and receipt.
d. Records pertaining to academic or training achievement, including transcripts and grade
e. Instructor recommendations.
f. Student conduct and disciplinary records.
3. Student records on file in appropriate LRSC offices are accessible only to persons having
legitimate interests as defined in Public Law 98-380. The content of each record falls into one of
two categories: public directory information and non-public information. Non-public student
record information may not be released without written consent from the student or from a
parent of a dependent student. As allowed by law, the college may release the public directory
information listed below:
a. Name (all names on record)
b. Address (all addresses on record)
c. E-mail address (all electronic addresses on record)
d. Phone number (all phone numbers on record)
e. Height, weight and photos of athletic team members
f. Date of birth
g. Place of birth
h. Major field of study (all declared majors)
i. Minor field of study (all declared minors)
j. Class level
k. Dates of attendance
l. Enrollment status
m. Names of previous institutions attended
n. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
o. Honors/awards received
p. Degree earned (all degrees earned)
q. Date degree earned (dates of all degrees earned)
r. Photographic, video or electronic images of students taken and maintained by the
4. Directory information concerning a particular student will be removed from release upon
written request from the student involved within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of a
semester. Education records concerning a student may be reviewed upon request by the
student. Education records, including but not limited to a student’s academic transcript may be
released by a North Dakota University System (NDUS) institution to a second institution without
prior written consent, provided the student applied for admission. Additional information on
student records management may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office.
5. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights
with respect to their education records. These rights include:
a. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the
day LRSC receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Registrar,
Director of Student Affairs, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, or other
appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to
inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of
the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not
maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall
advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
b. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student
believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy
rights under FERPA.
i. A student, who wishes to ask LRSC to amend a record, should write LRSC clearly
identifying the part of the record the student wants changed and specify why it
should be changed.
ii. If LRSC decides not to amend the record as requested, LRSC will notify the
student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding
the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing
procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a
c. The right to provide written consent before LRSC discloses Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA
authorizes disclosure without consent.
i. LRSC discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent
under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official typically includes a person employed by
LRSC in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff
position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); or a
student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside
of LRSC who performs an institutional service or function for which the school
would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of
the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education
records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student
volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A
school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs
to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional
responsibilities for the LRSC.
ii. Upon request, the school also discloses education records without consent to
officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
iii. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning
alleged failures by LRSC to comply with the requirements of FERPA can be
directed to:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202
Administrative Council Approved 05/22/09
Administrative Council Approved 12/07/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.13.01
The U.S. Department of Education has mandated that schools must provide a notice to all enrolled
students, prospective students, employees and prospective employees describing the availability of
consumer information. This consumer information must be disseminated annually and include
procedures for obtaining this information. Schools must promptly make this information available to any
student upon request.
1. Below is a list and brief description of the required disclosures and information on how to obtain
them at Lake Region State College. Much of the information is available in the college catalog,
Student Handbook and at online at Financial Aid information is available to assist
students with college-related expenses. Information concerning tuition refunds or a return of
Title IV funds is available from the Financial Aid Office or Business Office. Students are required
to complete Entrance Loan Counseling and notified of the need to complete Exit Loan
Counseling at Financial aid and scholarship information is available
from the Financial Aid Office or online at:
2. General information, including school academic programs, costs, facilities and policies, about
LRSC is available in Student Affairs Office, college catalog, Student Handbook or online at
3. LRSC discloses annual student completion, graduation, transfer, retention and placement rates
as required by the Student Right To Know and Campus Security Act. This information is available
from the Student Affairs Office and online at
4. LRSC discloses athletic participation rates and financial data related to athletics as required by
the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act. This information is available from the Athletic Department
or Student Affairs Office.
5. LRSC complies with and supports the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education policy
governing alcohol use on campus, the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690, the
Drug-Free Schools and Committees Act Amendments of 1989, and Public Law 101-226. Drug and
alcohol abuse prevention information is available from the Counseling Office. The Drug-Free
Workplace and Alcohol and Drugs (1500.15) policy shall be distributed annually.
6. The Campus Security and Fire Safety Report informs the public of campus crime prevention
programs, crime-reporting procedures and provides a three-year statistical history of criminal
activity on campus. A copy of the report is published and updated annually on the college
website at A printed copy is available
upon request from the Student Affairs Office.
7. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford certain rights to students concerning
their education records. Primary rights afforded are the right to inspect and review education
records, the right to seek to have records corrected and the right to have some control over
disclosure of information from records. FERPA policy (800.13) is included in the LRSC catalog.
Additional information is available from the Registrar’s Office.
8. LRSC discloses required information about each of its gainful employment programs to
prospective students. Gainful employment disclosures are available on our website.
9. LRSC provides verified textbook pricing information for both required and recommended
materials for all classes (online and on-campus) on the bookstore website or through Campus
All schools are required to have someone available during normal operating hours to help
person’s obtain consumer information. All Consumer information is available on the Lake Region
State College’s website at
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.14
1. Regular attendance is expected of Lake Region State College students. Instructors are
responsible to explain the attendance policy and how it applies to their course. When absence
from class becomes necessary, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor
(prior to the absence whenever possible) to request an absence. The student is responsible for
mastery of material and completion of assignments missed as failure to do so may affect the
grade of the student regardless of the reason for the absence. Students who have not attended
class during the first seven days of the session may be administratively dropped from the course
by the institution. Nonattendance is defined by failure to attend a campus course(s) at least
once or failure to participate in an online class(s) or engage in an academically related activity.
Logging into an online class is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic attendance by a
2. When the number of absences exceeds double the credit hours for a course by the last day to
drop the courses with record, students may be administratively dropped at the request of the
instructor. Students who fail to attend and have not been administratively dropped will receive
a grade of “F” in the course.
3. A student who has been administratively dropped has the right to appeal the action. An appeal
for re-admittance from a student dropped for excessive absences must be presented in written
form within five days of the student’s notification from the Registrar. The LRSC academic
appeals procedure (800.31) will be followed.
4. Some programs may have a more rigorous attendance requirement that is defined in the
program’s student handbook or policy manual. The attendance policies explained here are
applicable to all students, however, failure to be in attendance even when the absence is
excused, may affect the student’s eligibility to take specific tests, participate in certain aspects
of the program, or obtain necessary certification in a specific skill or task.
5. Specific accommodations and excused absence protocol for students who are pregnant or
parenting is outlined in the LRSC Pregnant and Parenting Policy (1500.09.01).
6. Excused absences to attend treatment, counseling, or obtain necessary care (including medical
care) may also be outlined in an approved accommodation plan by the Disability Services
Coordinator pursuant to Policy 800.34.
7. A student in any branch of the United States military who is called to active duty has specific
rights as they relate to absences (and exceptions to their financial responsibility) under SBHE
Policy 510.
8. Academic Leave of Absence: The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs may grant an
academic leave of absence when made aware that a specific hardship exists, provided:
a. The student provides, in advance, a written, signed, and dated request that provides the
reasons for the request. If exigent circumstances exist that prevent advance notice, the
leave of absence may be approved and the written request collected at a later date.
b. There is a reasonable expectation that the student will return to school (return may
include attending online in lieu of on campus).
c. The leave of absence will not involve additional charges by the institution.
d. The total number of approved leave of absence days will not exceed 180 in any twelve-
month period (the twelve-month period begins on the first day of the student’s
absence); as such, the student must return to begin progress to satisfy their
course/program requirement within this time.
e. LRSC explains to the student (if they are a Title IV, HEA program loan recipient), prior to
granting the leave of absence, the effects that failure to return may have on the loan
repayment terms, including the exhaustion of some or all of the student’s grace period.
f. The institution can identify/verify the hardship and obtain information and guidance
from the faculty and staff, student support services, the registrar, and/or others with
relevant information regarding the student, their current academic progress, and their
likelihood of academic success.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Administrative Council Approved (4) 06/27/16
Administrative Council Approved (1,2) 11/07/16
Administrative Council Approved (4-8) 12/18/18
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.15
1. A student who voluntarily withdraws from college must first contact the Counseling Office to
obtain a Withdrawal from College form.
2. The student must follow withdrawal procedure and will be considered officially withdrawn only
after this procedure is completed.
3. Any tuition refund or credit will be determined by the date of Withdrawal from College form is
completed and filed with the Registrar.
4. Neglect to officially withdraw from the College may result in a grade of F recorded on the
transcript for all courses enrolled.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.16
1. A traditional grading system using A, B, C, D and F, is used for credit courses. “A” indicates work
of exceptional quality, “B” indicates above average work, “C” indicates average work, “D” work
which is unsatisfactory but carries credit, and “F” unsatisfactory work carrying no credit. An
Incomplete (“I”) is given when, for a valid reason, work cannot be completed as scheduled.
2. If a student withdraws from a course before the last ten (10) days of the course, his/her grade is
recorded as “W”. If a student withdraws from a course within the first ten (10) days of the
semester, no recorded “W” will appear on the transcript.
3. Quality of work is indicated by grade points calculated as follows:
“A” – 4 honor pointes per credit hour
“B” – 3 honor points per credit hour
“C” – 2 honor points per credit hour
“D” – 1 honor point per credit hour
“F” – 0 honor points per credit hour
“I” – Incomplete, not included in grade point average
“P” – Satisfactory, not included in grade point average
“S” – Satisfactory, not included in grade point average
“U” – Unsatisfactory, not included in grade point average
“W” – Not included in grade point average
“AU” – Audit, not included in grade point average
4. Grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of honor points earned by the
total number of semester hours with honor points. Credit with grades of “W”, “I”, “P”, “S” or
“AU” are not included in computing the grade point average. Incomplete grades are computed
into the final transcript as carrying no credit hours or honor points.
5. If a student repeats a course, the record of both the original and the repeated course will be
retained on the student’s record, but only the honor points eared and credit gained in the last
retaking will be used in computing the cumulative grade point average.
6. Students completing twelve (12) semester hours or more with no incompletes and receiving a
4.0 GPA are included on the President’s list each semester. Students completing twelve (12) or
more semester hours with no incompletes and receiving a GPA of 3.25 or better but not 4.0 are
included on the Dean’s list each semester.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.17
Lake Region State College seeks to recognize and give credit for education and knowledge that students
have acquired prior to enrolling at Lake Region State College. There are several means of establishing
credits toward a certificate or degree as described below. A maximum of 15 semester credit hours will
be accepted from alternate credit earning options such as approved subject examinations or life
experience. Additional credit hours may be accepted for military service credit, or from other sources
upon approval of Registrar.
1. Transfer of Credits to LRSC
An official transcript from each of the student’s former institutions must be submitted for
review. International transcripts must first be evaluated by World Education Services (WES) and
the WES evaluation submitted to LRSC. The Registrar’s Office will determine which credits will
transfer as well as how those credits will be applied toward LRSC’s requirements. A credit
summary, indicating only the number of credits transferred and institution of origin will be
posted to the student’s LRSC official transcript after the student has been admitted. A detailed
listing of transferred courses will be available to both student and advisor. All of the student’s
previous undergraduate work becomes part of the student’s permanent LRSC record. If
necessary, credits will be converted to semester hour equivalencies.
In general, all college-level credits attempted, including withdrawals, at a regionally accredited
institution of higher education will be posted in transfer by LRSC. There are some exceptions
including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Credit granted for life experience by other institutions
b. Institution-based credit by examination
c. Non-degree continuing education courses
Acceptance of transfer credits for specific programs or to satisfy degree requirements is
governed by institution policies, the system-wide Common Course Numbering (CNN) system,
the General Education Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA), and statewide articulation
Students have the right to appeal transfer credit decisions following policy 800.31.
Additional documentation may be required of the student.
2. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement Credit
Nationally recognized examinations provide students an opportunity to obtain college
recognition for their formal or informal academic accomplishments prior to attending college.
LRSC may grant college credit to students who obtain the required minimum scores set by the
North Dakota University System (NDUS) on approved college level examinations.
Students must be enrolled as degree-seeking at LRSC to receive CLEP credit. All accepted CLEP
credits will be recorded as Satisfactory (“S”) grades and will not be included in the student’s
GPA. Students may not take CLEP subject area exams after enrolling in the equivalent course.
Students who have completed certain College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) or Advanced
Placement courses in high school will be awarded college credit according to the policy of the
A current list of exams eligible for credit by examination and required scores may be found at
LRSC does not accept CLEP General Examinations.
3. Articulation Credit
The intent of articulation is to provide students with previously completed secondary education
career and technical course work the opportunity to receive credit at the post-secondary level.
To articulate a high school course, a student must complete the course at an articulating high
school, complete the articulation form obtained in the Academic Affairs Office and pay the
associated fees for articulation. Articulated credits are posted to the student’s academic record
after the student has completed one semester as a degree-seeking student at LRSC. All
articulated coursework must be requested within 12 months of high school graduation.
Articulated credits may not transfer to other post-secondary institutions.
4. Armed Service Credit
LRSC may grant college credit to students who completed courses while on active duty in the
armed services. Credit granted will be based on the recommendations set forth in the American
Council on Education’s (ACE) “Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed
Two types of credit may be granted:
a. Courses or activities accepted by LRSC, but are not equivalent to specific courses in the
current LRSC catalog, will be posted in bulk as “free elective credit” toward the
minimum number of credits required for the degree being sought, up to a maximum of
10 credits
b. Courses or activities determined as equivalent to specific courses in the LRSC catalog
will, with appropriate departmental approval, be posted as equivalent courses on the
student’s transcript.
5. Challenge Credits
The Challenge Program is designed to grant credit for mastery of the material included in
selected courses. . Students enrolled at Lake Region State College and in good standing may
request to challenge certain courses listed in the college catalog. The Vice President of Academic
and Student Affairs and the course instructor will determine whether a challenge is appropriate
and the type of examination to be given. Challenge credits may not be accepted as transfer to
another college.
a. A non-refundable fee is assessed for each challenge. Credit is granted for courses
successfully challenged at the “C” level or better.
b. The procedure for challenging a course is:
i. The student must submit in writing a request to challenge the selected course
and submit to the Academic Affairs Office.
ii. The Director of Academic Affairs and/or the Registrar will determine if the
course is appropriate for challenge.
iii. If approved, the Director of Academic Affairs will secure an instructor to prepare
and administer the examination or other education activity.
iv. Present the approved request to the Administrative Affairs Office and pay fees
v. Student will make arrangements with the approved instructor to take the
vi. The instructor forwards the grade to the Registrar. Credit is given if an
examination grade of “C” or better is reported and is recorded as “S” on the
academic record.
6. Life Experience /Experiential Learning Credit
Students with documented work experience or industrial training that can be directly related to
a specific, existing course in the LRSC catalog may request an evaluation to determine if college
credit can be approved. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation of learning
experiences that is complete and sufficient for assessment. Credit will be awarded based on a
determination made by the Registrar and appropriate departmental representative. The amount
of credit will be equivalent to the designated course in the catalog. Life experience credits are
limited to 15 credits for all degrees with the exception of Technical Studies which has a limit of
22 credits. Life experience credits may not be accepted as transfer to another college.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.18
1. All students must meet or exceed the following cumulative grade point average standards to
remain a student in good standing:
Period of Enrollment Cumulative GPA Term GPA
End of first semester 1.50 1.50
End of second semester 1.60 1.50
End of third semester 1.75 1.50
End of fourth semester 2.00 1.50
2. Students who fail to maintain the above minimum cumulative grade point average will be placed
on probation for the following semester of enrollment. A student on probation will generally be
restricted to twelve (12) credit hours and will be assisted by an advisor to determine an
appropriate schedule of classes. A student who fails to maintain the minimum cumulative grade
point average for two (2) consecutive grading periods will be suspended for one semester,
subject to student appeal. A student wishing to re-enroll after a period of suspension from this
College or from any institution of higher education must petition for conditional reinstatement.
3. Failure to meet minimum grade point standards may affect financial aid eligibility.
4. Academic Forgiveness Policy
A former student who has not been in attendance at LRSC for four (4) or more years, but who is
presently enrolled at LRSC, may request to exclude for GPA calculations all grades earned in
selected semesters completed at LRSC prior to the four-year interval.
The following criteria must be met by the student:
a. The student must be currently enrolled in class(es) at LRSC at the time the request is made.
b. The student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in one term or in
consecutive terms (summer sessions excluded) with a minimum GPA of 2.25 immediately
prior to the request.
c. A student may exercise this option only one by submitting a written request to the Registrar.
All academic work would continue to be shown on the student’s transcript, but the entire
semester(s) would be removed for GPA purposes. None of the credits earned in the
excluded semester(s) can be used to satisfy any academic or graduation requirements. Once
a semester(s) has been excluded, it can never be reinstated on the student’s academic
transcript at a later date.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.19
Students wishing to make changes in their registration must obtain a Drop/Add form from the Student
Affairs Office. A registration change is not official until the student presents the form to Student Affairs
and the change is made. Students desiring to make changes in their registration should do so as early in
the semester as possible because tuition and fee adjustments are determined by the date that changes
occur. Classes may be added or dropped during the first ten (10) days of classes without the change
appearing on the academic record. The last day a class may be added after this date will be determined
by the nature of the course and the discretion of the instructor. Classes dropped prior to the last ten
days of the semester will receive a “W” which indicates a withdrawal. Classes cannot be dropped or
added during the last ten (10) days of the semester.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.20
1. All candidates for graduation must:
a. File an Intent to Graduate form with the Registrar in the Student Affairs Office,
b. Clear all College obligations,
c. Earn the last 15 semester hours of credit from Lake Region State College, unless the final
credits are earned at another institution and one of the following conditions are met:
a. The credits are earned through the NDUS Reverse Transfer Policy (SBHE 407.0) and
Procedure (NDUS 407.0);
b. The credits are earned at another institution and transferred back to LRSC pursuant
to a preapproved agreement with the LRSC Registrar’s Office; or
c. Upon application and approval of the LRSC Registrar.
d. Complete all assessment obligations specific to the degree or certificate.
2. Associate in Arts (AA) Degree: An Associate in Arts Degree will be granted to a student who has
satisfactorily completed 60 semester hours with an institutional grade point of 2.0 in an
academic curriculum which includes:
Communication Skills 9 semester hours
- COMM 110 is required
Mathematics, Science and Computer Science 10 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
- Lab Science is required
Health, Physical Education and Recreation 2 semester hours
Social Science 9 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
Arts and Humanities 9 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
3. Associate in Science (AS) Degree: An Associate in Science Degree will be granted to a student
who has satisfactorily completed 60 semester hours with an institutional grade point of 2.0 in an
academic curriculum which includes:
Communications 9 semester hours
- COMM 110 is required
Math, Science, and Computer Science 16 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
- MATH 103 or higher
- 8 semester hours of lab science
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 2 semester hours
Social Science 6 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
Arts/Humanities 6 semester hours
- Minimum of 2 departments
4. Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree: The candidate for the Associate in Applied Science
must complete 60 semester hours (some programs require more) with an institutional grade
point of 2.0 in a prescribed career and technical curriculum along with fulfilling the following:
English 110/111 and one of the following 6 semester hours
- ENGL 120/121, COMM 110, ENGL 105, BOTE 214
Humanities and/or Social Science 6 semester hours
- Art, Economics, Language, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology,
Social Work, Sociology, Theater, Advanced courses in English, Humanities, Spanish
Science, Mathematics, and/or Computer Science 6 semester hours
- Biology, Science, Chemistry, Mathematics (other than MATH 100), Physics,
Computer Science/Computer Information Systems, Astronomy, Geology
Health, Physical Education and Recreation 2 semester hours
5. Diploma: The candidate for a Diploma must complete 60 semester hours with an institutional
grade point average of 2.0 in a prescribed career and technical curriculum.
6. Certificate: The candidate for a certificate must complete a minimum of 16 semester hours with
an institutional grade point average of 2.0 in a prescribed career and technical curriculum.
7. Certificate of Completion: The certificate of completion is granted to those students who have
completed a customized training program, which is less than one semester in length.
8. Some programs may have a more rigorous GPA or credit requirement for graduation.
9. Double degrees: To earn two associate degrees, students must meet all requirements for both
degrees and an additional 10 semester hours of credit above the minimum from one degree.
Administrative Council approved updates (01/21/16)
Administrative Council approved updates (10/25/16)
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.21
1. Transcripts
Lake Region State College subscribes to a transcript ordering service. This service allows
students to order official transcripts securely via the internet. A fee is charged for this service. In
addition to the automated ordering service, students can track order status, receive timely email
notices regarding the transcript request and review order status history. Currently enrolled
students may obtain an unofficial transcript free of charge anytime through Campus Connection.
Note: A transcript will not be issued if a student has outstanding financial, library or admission
obligations to the college. The outstanding obligation must be satisfied within 60 days of the
receipt of the request. After 60 days, the transcript order will be cancelled and students will
need to place a new transcript request.
2. Transfer Credits from LRSC
a. Lake Region State College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Credits
earned from Lake Region State College are transferable to colleges and universities
throughout the United States. Acceptance of transfer credits is based on the transfer
policy of the receiving institution.
b. Transfer Admissions Policy
Students transferring to a North Dakota University System four year institutions should
refer to SBHE Policy 402.4 and NDUS Procedure 402.4 in regard to Transfer Admissions
transfer students.
c. North Dakota University System General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement
The North Dakota University System, (NDUS) Transfer Agreement was developed to
assist students who transfer within the NDUS. This agreement states that students who
transfer to a NDUS institution after completing their general education coursework at
any other NDUS institution will be deemed to have met all lower division general
education requirements at the transfer school. A minimum of 36 semester hours must
be completed in the areas of communication; art and humanities; social sciences; and
mathematics, science and technology. If all general education courses have not been
completed before transferring, courses will be applied to the general education
requirements of the NDUS institution being transferred to, on a course by course basis.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.22
1. Purpose:
a. The student government provides for student involvement in College decisions and for
communication between College administration and students.
b. Student government provides for supervision of student activity funds.
c. Student government provides for programs that meet the needs of the students in the areas
of education, culture, social activity and student welfare. The Lake Region State College
Student Senate is the governing body for students at the College. The purpose of this
organization is to coordinate activities of student groups at the College, to act as an
intermediary between students and administration and to accurately inform the student
body of the distribution of the student activity fee. Information fee distribution will be
available during the fall and spring semesters.
2. Student Activity Cards: The Lake Region State College I.D. card serves as an activity ticket for
Lake Region State College student activities.
3. The updated Student Senate Bylaws are found in Chapter 14: Internal and Affiliated External
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.23
1. All organizations on campus must have an advisor from the College staff.
2. All organizations on campus must have the approval of the Student Senate and the appropriate
administrator before campus facilities can be used for meeting purposes.
3. If an organization is sending a faculty member on a trip, it is expected to pay regular
reimbursement rates for expenses as would be paid on an official trip.
4. Faculty members should not be expected to subsidize organizations by providing free
transportation, etc.
5. The advisor to the group should direct it to request funds from the Student Senate in a sufficient
amount to cover costs or should conduct fund-raising projects to raise needed funds. Fund-
raising projects require approval of the President.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.24
1. Schedules: Intramural Recreation Program schedules for each semester shall be available to
2. Eligibility: All Lake Region State College students are eligible to participate in the Intramural
Recreation Program with the following exceptions:
a. Students are not eligible to participate on more than one intramural team in the same
activity. Furthermore, a student is not permitted to transfer from one team to another after
participating in at least one game.
b. A student who has been suspended for violation of the Unsportsmanlike Conduct Statement
is not eligible to participate in the Intramural Recreation Program. Reinstatement may be
obtained by petitioning the Director of Student Affairs.
c. Members of a team must play in at least 50% of the league games to be eligible for the final
3. Penalties for Eligibility Infractions: Teams playing with an ineligible player shall be penalized with
a loss for each game in which the ineligible player participates. Participation in any activity shall
be determined by score sheets and/or observation by Intramural personnel.
4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Statement
a. Any manager, coach, or player using abusive behavior or language during any intramural
recreational activity shall be suspended for at least two intramural games at which time
he/she must petition the Director of Student Affairs to continue participation.
b. Misconduct reports may be filed by the Intramural Director with the Director of Student
Affairs for any unsportsmanlike conduct.
5. Forfeit Policy: Intramural teams/individual participants not ready to play in an event within 10
minutes after game time shall automatically forfeit the contest. Teams must have the minimum
number of players by game time; however, if they lose a player, they are permitted to continue
playing short one player.
6. Postponements: No contest shall be postponed without approval of the Intramural Director.
a. A contest that is postponed without consent of the director will be recorded as a loss to
both teams.
b. Permission for postponement must be requested 24 hours before the regularly scheduled
game. The director may make allowances for unforeseen circumstances.
7. Protest Procedures
a. Protests shall not be considered if they are based on a decision made by an official.
b. Written protests must be filed with the Intramural Director by 4:00 p.m. the day following
the protested game. If the game is played on a weekend, the written protest must be filed
by 4:00 p.m., the first working day following the event
c. Protests shall be decided by the Intramural Director. Students may appeal this decision to be
continued with the Student Appeals Committee.
8. Health and Injuries: Lake Region State College does not accept responsibility for injuries or
health problems which may result from intramural competition.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.25
1. Campus and off-campus organizations may arrange for meetings in the Colonial Room adjacent
to the Dining Room. See Chapter 10.6 “Studness Chautauqua Gallery, Heritage Hall Conference
Room and Colonial Room Use and Rental” for proper procedure.
2. Student and student organizations are permitted to use college facilities for recreation and to
further their educational process. Usage policies and procedures must be followed to ensure
equal opportunity, orderly use of facilities and security.
3. Reserving Space: Groups wishing to use college classroom space must be scheduled with the
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. For other college
space, obtain permission from the President’s Office. All activities must be scheduled on the
official College Master Schedule located in the President’s Office and under the control of the
Administrative Assistant.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.26
1. The primary purpose of the Lower Deck is for student use. Students, faculty, staff and their
families will be given first priority for use of the Lower Deck. This facility is administered and
funded by the Student Senate.
2. Requests for use of the Lower Deck which fall outside of the established recreation room usage
must be submitted to the Student Senate for approval at least two (2) weeks prior to the date
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.27
1. The primary purpose of the Weight Room is for student use. Students, faculty, staff and their
families will be given first priority for use of the Weight Room.
2. Hours for the Weight Room are established at the beginning of each semester.
3. Scheduling responsibility rests with the Athletic Director. See Chapter 10.9: Weight Room Use
and Rental.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.28
1. The individual in charge of the activity has the responsibility of supplying the faculty and staff
with a list of participating students.
2. This list can be reported to the Public Affairs Specialist, and it will be included in the weekly
bulletin along with the schedule.
3. Excuses from class are the individual students’ responsibility. Prior to going on a College-
sponsored trip, the student should visit with his/her instructor and make arrangements for
making up tests, class work, etc.
4. No student group, with the exception of NDSA delegates, will go out of town as a College group
without faculty supervision (advisor, coach, etc.) or a suitable replacement approved by the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs.
5. College dance procedures: Any College club or organization wishing to sponsor a dance must
follow the procedure outlined below:
a. Proposal: A written proposal must be submitted to the Student Senate requesting
approval to sponsor a dance. The proposal must include club or organization name and
proposed date and time for dance. This proposal must be submitted at least three (3)
weeks prior to the dance. The Student Senate will consider the proposal, taking into
account timing and scheduling policies. The Student Senate will notify the Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs if the dance is approved.
b. Facilities: Upon Student Senate approval, the club or organization must reserve the
Student Union on the College master schedule. This is done with the Administrative
Assistant to the President.
c. Chaperones: All dances must be chaperoned by faculty and/or staff. The sponsoring club
or organization is responsible for chaperone arrangements. Two faculty/staff
chaperones must be available at all times during the dance. Two persons, one of whom
must be a chaperone, are required to be at the door at all times. Faculty/staff
chaperones are generally scheduled for two-hour shifts. One chaperone must be asked
in advance to take charge of the cash boxes after the dance. The list of scheduled
chaperones must be submitted to the Student Senate President no later than one (1)
week before the dance. The Student senate President will submit a copy of this list to
the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
d. Police: Police security is required at all dances. The club or organization sponsoring the
dance is responsible for contracting police services at the Law Enforcement Center. This
arrangement must be made at least two (2) weeks in advance to ensure availability of
officers. If police services have not been contracted, the dance will be cancelled.
e. Payment of Band: At least one (1) full week must be allowed for a check to be
processed. Further direction is available in the Administrative Affairs Office. A federal
identification number or Social Security number must be obtained from the DJ, band/or
agent prior to processing of a check for payment.
f. Responsibilities on the Day of Dance:
i. One cash box and petty cash must be picked up in the Administrative Affairs
Office. Fifty dollars ($50.00) of petty cash is generally used. Stamp pads and
stampers must also be picked up.
ii. One person must be present when the DJ or band arrives to answer questions,
iii. A club or organization representative must wait until the band/or DJ has left,
making certain the buildings is locked before leaving.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.29
The Cares Team is intended to support and assist students, faculty, and staff in dealing with problematic
behavior that interferes with teaching, learning, and campus living.
1. Purpose: The Cares Team is responsible to provide proactive early intervention services for
students, faculty, and/or staff who exhibit behaviors that cause concern for the safety and well-
being of any member of the campus community.
2. Cares Team Members:
a. Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
b. Director of Student Affairs
c. Director of Counseling
d. Disability Services Coordinator
e. Director of TRiO Student Support Services
f. Director of Human Resources
g. Assistant Director of Housing
h. A member of the Faculty
3. Reporting: All members of the campus community should report behavior that causes concern,
is disruptive, or contains treats of harm to self or others. These behaviors may or may not
constitute a violation of our student or employee code of conduct.
a. Non-Emergency Student Reporting Process: Notification regarding a student should be
made directly to the Director of Student Affairs or via email to
In the absence of the Director of Student Affairs and/or access to email, the report may
be made to any member of the team.
b. Non-Emergency Employee Reporting Process: Notification regarding an employee
should be made directly to the Director of Human Resources or via email to
[email protected]. In the absence of the Director of and/or access to email, the
report may be made to any member of the team.
c. Individuals reporting concerns should include any information that may be helpful to the
team in evaluating the situation, such as the duration, frequency, severity and/or
progression of the behavior; any mitigating circumstances, and any actions previously
employed by your or others to assist the individual or change the behavior.
d. Emergency situation or behaviors that cause immediate safety concerns should be
reported immediately to the Devils Lake Police Department by utilizing 911 and by
activating the campus safety team.
4. Team Meetings: The Cares Team shall meet at least monthly and more often as needed when
reports of concern have been made.
5. Responsibility
a. The Director of Student Affairs shall be responsible to ensure reports to the Cares Team
regarding students are properly addressed, services are offered/provided, and actions
are taken to address concerns.
b. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible to ensure reports to the Cares
Team regarding employees are properly addressed, services are offered/provided, and
actions are taken to address concerns.
Administrative Council Approved 09/14/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.30
Students are expected to obey local, state and federal laws, to show respect for properly constituted
authority, to meet contractual obligations, to maintain academic integrity in scholastic work and to
observe standards of conduct appropriate for an institution of higher learning. Students are expected to
be responsible for their actions, whether acting individually or in groups. Failure to meet acceptable
standards of conduct may result in disciplinary action, suspension or expulsion. The College will ensure
due process and define routes of appeal. These policies apply to the conduct of all students, student
organizations, teams and clubs. They also apply when off campus in connection with internships,
academic activities and any activity sponsored or authorized by Lake Region State College. Lake Region
State College will also hold students accountable for behavior that occurs off campus when an offense
threatens the safety or security of any individual or institution.
1. Scholastic Dishonesty: Academic Integrity is intellectual honesty, responsibility, and ethical
behavior in scholastic conduct from use of information to actions in a classroom. It is the guide
for the “pursuit of knowledge and understanding within a community of inquiry” (American
The following are examples of academic dishonesty:
a. Cheating is receiving or sending, or attempting to receive or send information, answers,
data, etc. not otherwise permitted by the instructor.
Receiving, sharing, or transmitting information before or during an exam to someone
who will be or is taking the exam
Looking at another student’s test during an exam or allowing another students to look
at your exam
Copying from another student’s test or homework assignment with or without the other
student’s permission
Working with another student on a test or an assignment without authorization
Using unauthorized material (texts, calculators, smart phones, paper, websites, notes on
computer)to obtain answers or information for a test
Using passwords or electronic signatures of other individuals for any reasons, including
to take a test for another person
Sharing answers for an assignment
b. Plagiarism is using someone else’s work in part or whole and passing it off as the student’s
own whether intentionally or not intentionally.
Using exact words or phrases without citing the source
Buying a paper from an online source or a person
Using a paper someone else has done either for you specifically or for another class
Without documenting the source, modifying the information or combining the
information from more than one source to make it appear original
c. Collusion is the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing any academic
work offered for credit.
d. Fabrication is falsifying data, research, sources, statistics, as well as information or
Citing a statistic from a source without being sure if the numbers are correct
Combining sources but claiming only one of the sources
Forging of signatures on any form requiring another person’s verification
Misrepresenting situations such as
claiming a member was present on a group project when he or she was absent or
left early
claiming you handed in work, implying the teacher lost it or the LMS didn’t accept it
claiming a family event, illness, emergency or funeral when, in fact, there is none
Instructors have the authority to determine how an incident of scholastic dishonesty will affect a
student’s grade. Situations may differ in severity and consequences as determined by individual
If a student has an academic grievance, the grievance must be submitted in writing by following the
appeals procedure found in policy 800.31.
2. Safe Campus: Lake Region State College strives to provide an environment free of all forms
of abuse, criminal activity and intimidation.
a. Minor Misconduct: Disciplinary action may be taken against a student who:
i. Violates city ordinances or state or federal laws
ii. Possesses or uses fireworks on College property
iii. Has conduct that interferes with the operations of the College
iv. Takes or causes minor damages, to the property of another
v. Engages in disorderly behavior, harassment, bullying or any other type of
activity that adversely affects another. This could include disruptive activity
including verbal abuse of others or the use of profane or vulgar language.
This could occur using electronic formats, including, but not limited to,
telephone, texting, email, computer, or online social media harassment.
vi. Violates the LRSC Alcohol and Other Drugs policy (1500.15) regarding the
possession or consumption of alcohol and/or marijuana
vii. Misuses a student identification card
viii. Falsifies any document including transcripts, receipts, identification, etc. or
withholds or falsifies information on an application form or to any college
ix. Possesses and/or uses unauthorized keys or otherwise trespasses on College
property, including vehicles, rooms or apartments
x. Tampers with fire alarms, fire extinguishers, automatic external
defibrillators (AED), security cameras or other safety related devices
xi. Violates the LRSC Computer Use Policy/agreement (900.09.01)
xii. Conspires, facilitates or otherwise assists another who engages in any action
that constitutes minor misconduct
xiii. Engages in conduct that violates the LRSC COVID-19 Preparedness and
Response protocol, to include:
1. Not wearing a mask when required to do so or in places where a
mask is specifically required.
2. Not social distancing as required and recommended.
3. Engaging in unsafe behavior, on or off campus, that would tend to
further the spread of COVID 19 such as attending large gatherings
(more than 10 people) or attending on campus or off campus
parties where social distancing and mask wearing is not occurring.
b. Major Misconduct: Major misconduct is any behavior or violation that may result in
suspension, or expulsion from Lake Region State College. Disciplinary action may be
taken against a student who:
i. Commits two (2) or more minor misconduct violations
ii. Violates the Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Compliance Policy (1500.15)
iii. Violates the Sexual Harassment Policy (1500.08)
iv. Assaults or engages in intimidating behavior: Uses physical force, inflicts
bodily injury or threatens another
v. Intentionally or recklessly terrorizes or places another in fear of injury or
death or causes the evacuation of a campus building or otherwise causes
serious disruption or public inconvenience. Threatening to commit any
crime of violence or act dangerous to human life or falsely informing
another that such a dangerous situation or crime of violence is imminent
knowing that to be false. This could include initiating a bomb threat or
activating a fire alarm when no such emergency exist.
vi. Is in possession of or uses a dangerous weapon or is in possession of a
concealed weapon unless possession or use is expressly authorized by law.
Dangerous weapons may include knives, guns, explosives, or any other item
that can be used to inflict fear or injury to include BB guns, pellet guns,
airsoft guns or any toy replica.
vii. Intentionally or recklessly causes significant damage to the property of
viii. Violates the LRSC Alcohol and Other Drugs policy (1500.15) regarding the
unlawful delivery of alcohol or marijuana, or the possession, use, or delivery
of other drugs.
ix. Commits any crime that would constitute a felony under the ND Century
Code (i.e. robbery, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, or the possession of
stolen property).
x. Engages in any conduct considered hazing which creates a risk of injury to
another, or involves forced physical activity which subjects any person to
mental stress by the deprivation of sleep, isolation, whipping, beating,
paddling, branding, forced calisthenics, or the overexposure to weather.
Any initiation or hazing that includes a required consumption of food,
liquor, beverages, drugs or other substances or includes unlawful restraint,
public nudity or sexual contact would also constitute major misconduct.
xi. Conspires, facilitates or otherwise assists another who engages in any
action that constitutes major misconduct
xii. Refusing to test for COVID-19 when required and requested to do so as a
condition of living in the residence halls or participating on an athletic team.
Refusing to cooperate with contact tracers as it applies to COVID-19 or
refusing to abide by the isolation and quarantine requirements as it is
described in the LRSC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response protocol or as
directed to by public health authorities.
3. Retaliation Prohibited: A student, a group of students or a student organization shall not
retaliate against any person who files a complaint or grievance; reports misconduct,
participates as a witness in an investigation, or otherwise provides information to college
officials. Retaliation can be classified as minor or major misconduct depending on the nature
of the action.
4. Any person may file a verbal or written complaint with Director of Student Services against
any student for misconduct. The complaint and appeal procedure is outlined in Policy and
Procedure 800.31.
Administrative Council Approved Updates 08/17/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 09/15/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 09/01/20
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.31
1. Complaints and grievances from students will be handled consistently with the State Board of
Higher Education policies and the North Dakota University System procedures.
2. Any college employee or student may file a verbal or written complaint with the Director of
Student Affairs against any student for misconduct.
3. Students alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory treatment should first discuss the
grievance with the college official, who was involved in the disputed action. If the complaint is
not resolved, the student may bring the concern to the Director of Student Affairs who will
forward it to the appropriate supervisor.
4. Financial Appeals Procedure: The following procedure should be used to appeal a billing that a
student believes is incorrect or unfair:
a. Any student appealing a bill must first complete the Student Billing Appeal form and
submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
b. The Director of Student Affairs will approve or disapprove the appeal based the
circumstances presented and the research conducted.
c. If approved, the Director of Student Affairs shall coordinate with the Registrar and
Business Offices for appropriate action to adjust the student’s account
d. The Director of Student Affairs will investigate and resolve the appeal within 15 calendar
days and will notify the student of the decision.
e. A student may appeal the decision of the Director of Student Affairs to the Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs.
5. Academic Appeals Procedure:
a. Any student with an academic grievance (concerning grading, attendance, testing,
incompletes withdrawals or transfer evaluation) should first discuss the grievance with
the faculty person involved with the request or Registrar in the case of transfer
evaluation to resolve the grievance. If the grievance is not resolved at the faculty level,
the student should bring his/her concern to the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs. If this informal discussion does not achieve resolution of the grievance, the
student may request a formal interview of the grievance by the Faculty Senate
Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee. This grievance must be submitted to
the committee in writing.
b. The Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee will consider the grievance as
formally presented by the student, and will consult with all parties significantly involved
in the grievance. The Committee will document its findings and render the disposition of
the grievance within 20 class days upon receipt of the student’s formal written
grievance. The student will then be notified of the Committee’s decision. It is the
student’s responsibility to initiate and advance the grievance.
6. Minor Misconduct Investigative, Adjudication and Appeal Process:
a. The Director of Student Affairs or designee shall be responsible for the investigation of
minor misconduct. A decision will be rendered within 10 calendar days of receiving the
complaint, barring unusual circumstances. Sanctions can include verbal and written
warnings, limited access to campus, mandatory counseling or treatment, restitution,
loss of student employment, campus or community service, training, fines or fees, loss
of campus privileges and/or eviction.
b. Minor Misconduct Appeals Procedure:
i. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Director of Student Affairs,
the student may file a formal review request to the Vice President of Academic
and Student Affairs in writing and within 10 calendar days of the date of the
ii. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will review the investigation
and recommended disciplinary action and issue a final decision within 10
calendar days from the date the written appeal was filed.
7. Major Misconduct Investigative, Adjudication and Appeal Process:
a. The Director of Student Affairs or designee shall be responsible for the investigation of
major misconduct. Major Misconduct investigations shall take no longer than 60
calendar days.
i. Sanctions can include written warnings, limited access to campus, mandatory
counseling or treatment, restitution, loss of student employment, campus or
community service, training, fines or fees, loss of campus privileges, eviction,
and/or suspension or expulsion.
ii. If the major misconduct involves sexual misconduct or Title IX compliance, the
adjudication and appeal process under LRSC 1500.09 will be followed.
b. During the investigation, the accused shall:
i. Receive written notice:
1. Identifying the allegation(s) against the student;
2. Providing three days’ notice to any requests for information or response
from the student. The notice requirement can be waived if the accused
consents to a shorter notice period. The notice process may also be
waived during an emergency suspension process; and
3. Of information about the right to have a support person, advocate or
attorney, at the student’s expensive and initiation, to fully participate in
the process.
ii. Have an opportunity to present evidence and respond to allegations, be
provided with timely access to information,
iii. Be informed of the outcome, the sanction (if any) and the right to appeal within
10 calendar days after the completion of the investigation.
c. The Director of Student Affairs shall initiate interim measures for the safety and security
of the campus. These may include, but are not limited to:
i. Assistance moving safely between campus buildings,
ii. Issuing a no contact order to the accused,
iii. Moving the complainant and/or accused to different campus housing,
iv. Altering the class schedule of the complainant and/or accused,
v. Providing counseling services,
vi. Providing academic support services, and/or
vii. Placing student employees on leave or students on suspension pending the
outcome of the investigation.
d. Hearing Process
The Director of Student Affairs shall:
i. Make every effort to allow only relevant evidence to be considered and shall
not consider evidence that is neither relevant nor probative.
ii. Determine whether policy was violated using a “preponderance of the
evidence” standard. Communicate in person (when possible) and provide in
writing the final decision to the accused.
e. Decide the appropriate sanctions to be imposed. Major Misconduct Appeals Procedure
i. The accused has the right to appeal. An appeal must be made in writing to the
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and must be made within one
year of receiving the written notification from the Director of Student Affairs.
ii. The original decision may be appealed only due to:
1. Procedural Errors: The accused alleges that there was a deviation or
change from the procedures outlined in the adjudication process or was
not afforded due process which adversely impacted the outcome of the
2. New Evidence: The accused alleges that new evidence became available
which would have impacted the outcome of the complaint. The accused
must (a) present the new evidence, (b) explain why it was unavailable
prior to the original decision and (c) prove that the new evidence may
have altered the outcome.
3. Severity of the Disciplinary Action: The accused believes that the
disciplinary action issued was excessive.
iii. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs may grant a rehearing,
order a new hearing, reduce or modify the suspension or expulsion, grant other
appropriate relief or uphold the original decision. Upon conclusion of all appeal
activities, a final decision will be made within 21 calendar days.
f. If the appeal results in a the reversal of the decision or a change to the sanction, the
institution may reimburse the student for any tuition and fees paid to the institution for
the period of suspension or expulsion which had not been previously refunded.
Administrative Council Approved 800.31 (2) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 800.31 (5) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 800.31 (5) 08/27/01
Administrative Council Approved 800.31 Updates 08/17/15
Administrative Council Approved 800.31 Updates 12/21/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.32
Lake Region State College policies that apply to all faculty, staff, students and campus visitors can be
found within this manual.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.33
Lake Region State College strives to accommodate individuals with disabilities who may rely on the
assistance of a service animal. This policy seeks to accommodate individuals with disabilities while
maintaining a healthy and safe campus community.
Under Titles II and III of the ADA, the Department of Justice defines a service animal as:
Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a
disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
Under the ADA and ADAAA, the following animals are NOT considered service animals:
Any animal besides dogs with the exception of a special provision permitting miniature horses in some
cases. Animals that serve solely to provide a crime deterrent effect, emotional support, comfort, or
Assistance animal, as defined under the Fair Housing Act:
A person may keep an assistance animal in his/her dwelling unit as a reasonable accommodation if:
1. The person has a disability.
2. The animal is necessary to afford the person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and
enjoy a dwelling.
3. There is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the disability and the assistance the
animal provides.
Assistance animals are only allowed within their owner’s assigned living space. They are not allowed to
accompany their owner to other areas within campus.
Policy and Procedure
The owner of the service or assistance animal is expected to accept the following responsibilities:
1. Comply with applicable Local, State, and Federal laws concerning the ownership of an animal.
2. Ensure all Devils Lake city ordinances are being followed (, See Title 6, Chapters
6.04-6.38), Including but not limited to:
a. License animal with the city of Devils Lake (student is responsible for all licensing fees).
b. The owner is solely responsible for the care and conduct of the animal.
c. Animals must be kept clean, healthy, and under the control of the owner at all times.
d. All required immunizations must be up to date and a copy of the immunizations must be
on file with the Housing Office.
e. If an animal is to be licensed, then a copy of the license must be on file with the Housing
f. Animals (where appropriate) must be spayed or neutered prior to being brought to
campus. A record of the procedure must be on file with the Housing Office.
g. Dogs or cats must wear a collar with appropriate tags (i.e. vaccinations, contact
information) at all times.
h. Animals must be fed on a regular and healthy feeding schedule.
i. Animals must possess friendly and sociable characteristics. Some specific animals can be
restricted from the premises by the Director of Housing based on any confirmed or
territorial behavior.
j. A service animal exhibiting disruptive or threatening behavior may be removed from the
Lake Region State College campus.
k. Animal and their accoutrements (i.e. heat lamp) must not pose a direct threat to the
safety of others.
l. The owner is responsible for prompt clean up and disposal of the animal’s waste.
m. The animals waste must be taken to an appropriate residence hall or apartment
n. Owners with cats must properly maintain litter boxes. In consideration of the health of
the cat and the occupants of the apartment of residence hall room, cat litter box
contents must be changed with new litter regularly in accordance with manufacturer
o. No waste is to be disposed of in any trash receptacle inside any building or through any
sewer system inside each building (i.e. sinks or toilets). Outside dumpsters should be
p. Animals must sleep in the owner’s room or apartment. Lake Region State College can
inspect the residence on a regular basis to determine if there is infestation or other
damages to the property.
q. Animals must not be disruptive to other students including:
i. Excessive noise.
ii. Other behaviors that may be disruptive.
r. Lake Region State College is not responsible for an animal during a fire alarm, fire drill,
or natural disaster/building emergency.
s. An animal cannot be left alone for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
t. The owner is responsible for finding appropriate accommodations for the animal when
they will be leaving for a period of more than twenty-four (24) hours. The Director of
Housing must be notified of alternate accommodations in advance.
u. A contact number for an off-campus caretaker should be on file.
v. The owner is responsible for any bodily injury or damage caused by the animal to any
individual and is also responsible for the subsequent charges.
w. The owner must notify the Housing Office and the Disability Services Coordinator, in
writing, when the animal is no longer needed in the residence.
x. If the owner is seeking to replace a Service/Assistance Animal with another, the student
must file a new registration form and file a new request with the Disability Services
y. Approvals are only good for the academic year in which the approval is made. A new
request must be filed at the beginning of each subsequent academic year.
z. Animals must be under the owners control at all times. This means:
i. All animals are to be on a leash, harness, or within a carrier device at all times
when outside of the designated living quarters.
ii. Service animals are generally allowed to be on campus wherever it is deemed
safe for them to be.
iii. Assistance animals are only allowed to be in the privately assigned residential
room and outdoor areas as approved by the Housing Office.
aa. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep a dog or cat on flea and tick control.
bb. The owner will be responsible for the cost of eliminating any pest infestation as a result
of the animal.
i. Lake Region State College will contract an appropriate pest control company
and bill the student directly if there is a problem.
cc. When a student and/or animal vacate the apartment at the end of their contract period,
the college will inspect and clean the unit. The owner will be billed appropriate cleaning
dd. The owner is financially responsible for any property damage caused by their
service/assistance Animal.
ee. Failure to comply with any of the above policies may result in the removal of the animal
and the owner of the animal.
Areas off limits to animals:
1. Assistance animals are only allowed in their owner’s assigned living space. They are not allowed
to accompany their owner to other areas of campus.
2. Service animals may accompany their handler at all times and everywhere on campus, except
where animals may be prohibited.*
*Lake Region State College may prohibit the use of service animals in certain locations due to
health or safety restrictions, where service animals may be in danger or where their use may
compromise the integrity of research.
Guidelines for Campus Community
1. Do not touch or feed a service animal unless invited to do so.
2. Refrain from startling a service animal.
3. Do not separate or attempt to separate a service animal from its handler.
4. Allow the service animal to accompany its owner at all times, everywhere on campus, with the
exception of areas specifically restricted for health and safety reasons.
5. The animal owner’s disability is confidential information. Anyone with concerns regarding an
individual owning an animal on campus should see the Disability Services Coordinator.
On-Campus Housing
1. Students must put in their request and provide appropriate documentation to the Disability
Services Coordinator at least sixty (60) days in advance if they wish to have a service or
assistance animal reside in the residence halls or apartments.
2. Once the request and appropriate documentation is received, the Disability Services
Coordinator and Director of Housing will review the request.
3. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.
4. Individuals who are approved to have a service or assistance animal will be required to reside in
a single occupancy room. Any changes to this must be approved by the Director of Housing.
Request Procedure
1. A complete formal request for any service or assistance animal must be received by the
Disability Services Coordinator at least sixty (60) days in advance.
2. The request must include a completed request form and the appropriate documentation.
3. The appropriate documentation should include:
a. Name and credentials of licensed professional or evaluator.
b. Diagnostic statement identifying the disability or impairment (An IEP alone may not be
c. Description of the current functional limitations.
d. Specific tasks the service animal will perform to meet the accommodation needs of the
individual and assist with the functional limitations.
4. All complete requests will be reviewed in a timely manner by the Disability Services Coordinator
and, if necessary, the Director of Housing.
5. Students will be notified of the results of their request within 60 days of submitting all proper
Dispute Resolution
1. Any dispute involving an animal living in residence housing should be brought to the Director of
2. Any dispute regarding disability determination should be brought to the Disability Services
Coordinator. If it is not resolved, the dispute may be brought to the Vice President of Academic
and Student Affairs.
3. Any concerns regarding animals in other areas of campus, outside the resident halls should be
brought to the Disability Services Coordinator.
Administrative Council Approved 08/18/14
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 800.34
Lake Region State College (LRSC) is committed to providing access to academic and campus programs
and services for students with disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations. To fulfill this
commitment, LRSC has established the following guidelines and expectations:
1. In order to receive disability accommodations, students are responsible for identifying themselves
to the LRSC Disability Services Coordinator as having a disability requiring reasonable
accommodation. Students must complete the Disability Services Application packet. Parents may be
involved in requesting services, but it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the request.
2. The Disability Services Coordinator has the responsibility to make decisions regarding
accommodations for students.
3. Current and prospective students may request reasonable accommodations (e.g. for testing, campus
tours or freshman orientation) at any time. Requests may be submitted verbally or in writing.
Whenever possible, accommodation requests should be made at least three months in advance.
Accommodations are only provided for the semester in which they are requested.
4. Unless both the disability and the need for accommodation are obvious, the student must provide
a. Documentation provided by the student should include the following:
i. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation
and the date of the original diagnosis;
ii. A description of the diagnostic criteria and/or diagnostic test used;
iii. A description of the current functional impact of the disability;
iv. A description of the expected progression or stability of the impact of the disability over time
should be included; and
v. The relevant credentials of the diagnosing professional
b. If the documentation provided is not sufficient to make an accommodation decision, the
Disability Services Coordinator may require the student to provide additional information.
c. Any costs related to the college’s request for documentation as noted in section 4 will be the
responsibility of the student.
5. LRSC is committed to protecting the privacy of students with disabilities in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This commitment to confidentiality includes the
following safeguards:
a. The Disability Services Office has the responsibility of collecting and maintaining disability-
related documentation on students. Any written documentation regarding a student’s
disabilities should be sent directly to the Disability Services Coordinator where it will be securely
filed. Access to this information will be limited to Disability Services staff.
b. Disability-related information will only be shared with staff or faculty outside of Disability
Services on a “need-to-know” basis. The information shared shall not be repeated nor shared
with other faculty or staff, unless deemed necessary by the Disability Services Coordinator.
c. After three years of inactivity, Disability Services files will be destroyed.
6. The student will meet with the Disability Services Coordinator to discuss reasonable
accommodations. The and agree on a plan of services.
a. The Notification of Accommodation form will be completed by the Disability Services
b. The student is responsible to take the Notification of Accommodation form to his/her
instructors to make arrangements for the accommodations. The Disability Services Coordinator
may help facilitate these student/faculty meetings.
Approved by Administrative Council 01/03/18
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 900. Index
Section 900.01 Curriculum - Approval of New Programs
Section 900.02 Course Approval
Section 900.03 Continuing Education
Section 900.04 ND IVN - North Dakota Interactive Video Network
Section 900.05 Dual Credit
Section 900.06 Budget Process
Section 900.07 Online Courses
Section 900.08 Library/Media Center
Section 900.09 Computer Services
Section 900.09.01 Computer Usage
Section 900.09.02 Student Email
Section 900.10 Dual Credit and Hometown University
Section 900.11 Types and Levels of Programs
Section 900.12 Additional Educational Opportunities
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.01
New programs are developed in response to an identified and documented need. Data from a needs
assessment must be included in the new program request. New programs must receive campus, North
Dakota University System, and the State Board of Higher Education approvals as follows:
1. Discussions with program and division faculty
2. Discussion with the Director of Academic Affairs and Vice President of Academic and Student
3. Curriculum approval by the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee
4. Approval by Administrative Council
5. Approvals obtained as necessary by NDUS procedure and SBHE policy
Approved by Administrative Council 09/13/05
Approved by Administrative Council 05/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.02
Requests for new courses, course modifications, and course deletions require campus approval as
1. Consultation with the program and division faculty
2. Consultation with the Director of Academic Affairs
3. Approval by the Curriculum and Academic Standards consideration
Approved by Administrative Council 09/13/05
Approved by Administrative Council 05/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.03
Lake Region State College has a Continuing Education program located in the Academic Affairs Office.
Continuing Education will coordinate these activities, but the accounting procedures will follow the
applicable state requirements. All Continuing Education, faculty teaching credit courses must be
approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. Pay for Continuing Education credit
courses will follow the campus per credit guidelines and any course taught will count as part of faculty
Approved by Administrative Council 09/13/05
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.04
1. Since 1990, Lake Region State College has been part of the ND Interactive Video Network. ND
IVN provides two-way, real-time, audio and video. Courses and programs have been delivered to
other member communities by Lake Region State College. Credit courses delivered must have
approval by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs at Lake Region State College and
the Vice President of the Academic Affairs at the receiving campus.
2. The Continuing Education Director at Lake Region State College acts as the Site Coordinator for
ND IVN. To schedule courses, meetings or other events, contact the Site Coordinator.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.05
Lake Region State College’s Dual Credit and Hometown University Policy can be found in Chapter 900.10.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.06
1. Each Spring the Director of Academic Affairs seeks employee input on the budget for the
upcoming fiscal year utilizing the Budget Request Form. The Director of Academic Affairs and
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs allocates funds to achieve campus goals and
2. Changes to the budget must be approved by the Director of Academic Affairs or Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs.
3. Equipment and supply funds must be expended by April 15. Funds not expended by this date
may be allocated to meet campus needs. Extensions to this deadline must be approved by the
Director of Academic Affairs or Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
4. Employees are expected to be fiscally responsible and to ensure funds are used appropriately.
Approved by Administrative Council 05/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.07
Lake Region State College is offering courses online. Special registration and fees apply.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.08
1. The Paul Hoghaug Library serves as a reference, audiovisual and research center for students,
faculty and the community. The library brings together various electronic and paper resources
with divergent point of views that support and enhance the curriculum offered at the College.
As an integral part of the College mission, the library staff will lead library patrons (students,
faculty, staff and the community) to these resources by teaching information skills (literacy) that
will not only meet the immediate needs of the library patrons but also their life-long learning
2. The library will promote its identity through the quality of its resources and the service it
provides. Collection development, acquisitions, (processing and cataloging) access services, (i.e.
library usage, interlibrary loan) theft and mutilation policies and archival management are the
components that lead to quality resources and services.
3. The library belongs to several library networks (JORD, ODIN, LaND, MINITEX and OCLC.) These
networks assist the library in providing access in both print and electronic sources of
information. The library maintains agreements with these networks. The requirements of these
memberships play a role in the development of the College’s bibliographic control and access
service policies. For example: providing inter-library loans, following prescribed cataloging
guidelines, allowing network patrons to use our library and adhering to network licensing
4. Collection Development Policy: The library will strive to maintain a collection of materials which
reflect the curriculum needs of the college. Whenever possible the reference collection will
reflect a broader perspective that provides resources that serves both the needs of the College
and the community.
a. Materials will be chosen for their quality, diversity, currency and relevance to the
curriculum and to the community where applicable. Selection will be based upon the
Library Bill of Rights as published by the American Library Association.
b. The Library will develop and maintain a local history collection, to be housed in the
Collinson Room. The development of this collection will follow the guidelines
established by the College in 1997.
5. Bibliographic Control and Acquisitions: Once materials are selected, they will be processed
according to the guidelines established for the library. Items will be cataloged using OCLC marc
records and will follow the guidelines established by the ODIN library network.
a. All gifts to the library will be evaluated using the Collection Development policy before
being accepted. Once accepted they become the property of the College. Donors names
or a memorial will be placed in the front cover of the book or placed in a prominent
place on the gift.
b. Reconsideration of materials will follow the guidelines established by the American
Library Association. Specifically, the librarian will convene a committee of three (3)
faculty, one (1) community person and one (1) student who will read the material and
make a recommendation to the librarian.
c. De-selection of materials will be based on the needs of the curriculum, taking into
account maintaining divergent points of view, accessibility of the information at other
libraries and in other formats.
6. Access Services: Circulation or Library usage policies will be outlined on the library website (See for all library patrons. Details regarding check out, usage,
fines will be found in the library patrons. Details regarding check out, usage, fines will be found
in the library and the library website.
a. Patrons are students, faculty, retired staff and faculty and any citizen of North Dakota.
Some form of ID will be required to obtain a library card (student ID, registration sheet,
and State ID or driver’s license.)
b. Interlibrary loan services are available to all patrons. The library will adhere to all
copyright laws governing use of material through interlibrary loan. In addition, the
library adheres to its interlibrary loan agreements as a direct access library with the
State Library and with the library networks of ODIN and MINITEX (regional service
7. Theft and Mutilation Policy: If the library staff observed a patron mutilating library material or if
a patron is discovered leaving the library with mutilated library materials or if a patron is
discovered leaving the library with mutilated library materials that are not charged out to
him/her, said patron will be fined replacement cost of that material and a fine of twenty-five
($25.00) plus suspension of library privileges until the matter has been resolved by the Vice
President of Academic Services.
8. Archival Management: The library will house the College archives in the library and will maintain
a basic index and access to these materials.
9. Audio Visual Equipment and Materials: The library maintains and houses all audio visual
resources and equipment. The library provides limited production services for instruction and
maintains publishing equipment for the campus.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.09
The primary function of Information Technology Services (ITS) is to support campus data processing
needs and to act as a liaison between campus users and the North Dakota University System Core
Technology Services (CTS).
1. Administrative information processing is handled via Core Technology Services. Providing
product and technical support is accomplished by evaluation of new products, coordination and
distribution of appropriate training, demonstrations, and assistance on use of the products.
Good ideas and techniques are shared which ensure reduction of duplicated efforts. Technical
problems are resolved on a timely basis.
2. Information Technology Services is responsible for assessment of user requirements and
recommendation of appropriate hardware and software solutions.
3. Purchase and maintenance of information technology equipment, supplies and software is the
responsibility of Information Technology Services. Refer to Chapter 400 Administrative Affairs
for further details of institutional purchasing and equipment maintenance policies.
4. Issuance and enforcement of security for all campus data processing capabilities is the
responsibility of Information Technology Services. Appropriate security forms must be
completed when requesting clearance. Security violations will result in loss of privileges.
5. Computer Usage: Information Technology Services will not support the use or distribution of
unauthorized copyrighted software. All students and College employees will be apprised of the
proper use of campus and NDUS computing facilities. (See “Lake Region State College Computer
Usage Policy.” Chapter 1500.12) and for the “NDUS Computing Facilities Policy” (Section 1901.2)
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.09.01
The privilege of using the Campus Area Network (CAN) and attached computer resources is extended to
Lake Region State College students, faculty, staff and authorized users. The LAN is designed and
intended to serve the institution’s academic and administrative computer purposes. Users must also
comply with the NDUS computer policy 1901.2
In order to ensure responsible, secure, legal and ethical use the following conditions shall apply:
Access to computing and networking resources, computer accounts, passwords and other types of
authorization are assigned to individual users and must not be shared with others. Users are responsible
for any use or misuse of their authentication information and authorized services. Users are encouraged
to change passwords frequently to ensure privacy and security. Passwords will also change on a
predetermined schedule.
The Campus Area Network is shared by faulty, staff and students, no one may use excessive bandwidth
which interferes with service to others.
Users are prohibited from using, inspecting, copying, storing and redistributing copyrighted material and
computer programs in violation of copyright laws. Software subject to licensing must be properly
licensed and all users must strictly adhere to all license provisions (installation, use, copying, number of
simultaneous users, term of license, etc.) Users shall not install or use software on the Campus Area
Network in a manner contrary to law or this policy.
Users shall not participate in activities that may alter the integrity, function or security of the Campus
Area Network or computer resources. This includes physical misuse, alteration of software or download
executable files from the internet (unless instructed by faculty or staff) or creation or installation of
user-owned software programs onto Lake Region State College computer equipment. This includes all
forms of computer games not approved for use.
Users shall respect the privacy and personal rights of all other users. Users will refrain from intentionally
using the computer to annoy, harass, terrify, intimidate, threaten, offend or bother another person by
conveying obscene language, pictures or other materials. Users shall not use computing equipment,
software and/or services for any illegal purpose.
Use of computing resources for business, profit or in a manner contrary to institutional, academic or
administrative purposes is prohibited. Use of computing facilities to commit acts of academic dishonesty
will be handled through existing campus procedures which address allegations of academic dishonesty.
Harmful activities are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, IP spoofing; creating and
propagating viruses; port scanning; disrupting services; damaging files or intentional destruction of or
damage to equipment, software or data. Authorized users may not use computing resources for
unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.
Users shall not represent themselves as another individual in electronic communication. The use of
anonymous remailers is prohibited.
Users should be aware that logs are created tracking Internet and e-mail use. These logs are primarily
used for security purposes but may also be used to enforce computer usage policies.
Use of Lake Region State College’s computer equipment contrary to this policy may result in:
Offense: Limitation of privileges for one (1) to two (2) weeks and/or a fine up to $50.
Offense: Limitation of privileges for one (1) to (2) weeks and/or a fine up to $100.
Offense: Limitation of privileges and forwarded to Director of Student Affairs for disciplinary action
which could include suspension and a fine up to $150.
Students may appeal disciplinary action by following the Student Appeals Procedure. The acceptance
and use of a User ID and password implies you have read and agreed to this computer policy. Students,
not Lake Region State College, will be held liable for illegal computer related activities.
The privilege of using the Campus Area Network (CAN) and attached computer resources is extended to
Lake Region students, faculty, staff, and authorized users. The Computer Area Network is designed and
intended to serve the institution’s academic and administrative computer purposes. Users must also
comply with the NDUS computer policy 1901.2
In order to ensure responsible, secure, legal, and ethical use, the following conditions shall apply:
Access to computing and networking resources, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of
authorization are assigned to individual users and must not be shared with others. Users are responsible
for any use or misuse of their authentication information and authorized services. Users are encouraged
to change passwords frequently to ensure privacy and security. Passwords will also change on a
predetermined schedule.
The (CAN) Campus Area Network is shared by faculty, staff and students; no one may use excessive
bandwidth which interferes with service to others.
Users are prohibited from using, inspecting, copying, storing, and redistributing copyrighted material
and computer programs in violation of copyright laws. Software subject to licensing must be properly
licensed and all users must strictly adhere to all license provisions (installation, use, copying, number of
simultaneous users, term of license, etc.). Users shall not install or use software on the Campus Area
Network in a manner contrary to law or this policy.
Users shall not participate in activities that may alter the integrity, function, or security of the Campus
Area Network or computer resources. This includes physical misuse, alteration of software or download
executable files from the Internet or, creation or installation of user-owned software programs onto
Lake Region computer equipment. This includes all forms of computer games not approved for use.
Users shall respect the privacy and personal rights of all other users. Users will refrain from intentionally
using the computer to annoy, harass, terrify, intimidate, threaten, offend or bother another person by
conveying obscene language, pictures, or other materials. Users shall not use computing equipment,
software and/or services for any illegal purpose.
Use of computing resources for business, profit, political purposes or in a manner contrary to
institutional, academic or administrative purposes is prohibited.
Harmful activities are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, IP spoofing; creating and
propagating viruses; port scanning; disrupting services; damaging files; or intentional destruction of or
damage to equipment, software, or data. Authorized users may not use computing resources for
unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.
Users shall not represent themselves as another individual in electronic communication. The use of
anonymous remailers is prohibited.
Users should be aware that logs are created tracking Internet and e-mail use. These logs are primarily
used for security purposes but may also be used to enforce computer usage policies.
First and minor incident may be resolved informally by your supervisor in conjunction with the Campus
Information Technology Security Officer. Minor infractions are those in which the impact on the
computer or network resource is minimal and limited to the local network.
Subsequent and/or major violations may result in immediate loss of computer access privileges or the
temporary or permanent modification of those privileges, including dismissal. More serious violations
include, but are not limited to, unauthorized use of computing equipment, attempts to steal passwords
or data, distribution or copying of licensed software, or other copyrighted materials, use of another's
account, harassment or threatening behavior, obscene material, or crashing the system.
The acceptance and use of a User ID and password implies you have read and agreed to this computer
policy. Users, not Lake Region State College, will be held liable for illegal computer related activities
Administrative Council Approved Updates 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.09.02
Lake Region State College, recognizing the growing need for timely, efficient and consistent
communication with students, has established email as an official means of communication with
Limits and Regulations:
Students who have applied to Lake Region State College are assigned an email address, username, and
1. The campus email address will be considered the “official email address” of LRSC and will be the
primary contact the college may use to inform students of important campus information.
Some of this information may include deadlines, policy/procedure changes, changes in degree
requirements, special events, course schedule changes, as well as other useful information from
the Administration and/or Academic departments on campus.
2. The student will be responsible for the information conveyed to their official email address. The
college will not be responsible for the handling of the email by outside vendors or unofficial
servers. When students do not use their LRSC assigned email account, or they forward email
from that account to another account, vital information may not be conveyed if the email is
unopened or the associated attachment is not forwarded. Unopened email or having email
redirected does not relieve a student of the responsibilities associated with communication sent
to their official LRSC email address.
3. Students are expected to check their official LRSC email on a frequent and consistent basis in
order to stay current with College events, dates for submitting materials and other campus
communications. It is recommended that the students access their email account daily.
4. This email account is free of charge and is active as long as the student remains enrolled at the
Portions of this policy are drawn from those developed by the University of Colorado at Boulder, Virginia
Commonwealth University, University of Minnesota Medical School, University of North Dakota,
Bismarck State College and the Eastman School of Music.
Administrative Council Approved 08/02/06
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.10
Outreach Program Information
The Office of Continuing Education coordinates outreach credit programming for Lake Region State
College’s Devils Lake campus. This includes all courses delivered via distance technology, such as online
and video conferencing, as well as courses delivered off-campus. In addition, the Office coordinates all
non-credit courses.
Lake Region State College employs an outreach coordinator at the Grand Forks Air Force Base
Educational Center to coordinate courses housed on the Air Force Base and the Cavalier Air Station. This
coordinator works closely with the Director of Continuing Education.
This Policy Manual will cover procedures and policies, specifically for the Hometown University and Dual
Credit programs.
Hometown University
Hometown University is an opportunity for students to take entry-level college courses within or near
the local or hometown community. Adults who wish to continue or begin a college career or high school
students who have completed 14 hours of high school credit may enroll. Offerings depend on availability
of qualified faculty and enrollment.
Dual Credit
The dual credit program allows eligible high school juniors and seniors to take college courses and earn
high school credit once the college work has been completed. The student who successfully completes
College Composition I will earns 3 college credits and ½ high school unit. There are approximately 54
high schools partnering with the College to offer dual credit to their students.
Students who are college bound and academically able can reap these benefits:
• More gradual transition into college
• Investment of study time which serves two purposes
• challenging course-work option for gifted students
• Cost-effective way to invest in credits while still living at home
• Potential to shorten the duration of campus-based study
• Possible early registration privilege at degree-granting institution
Program Coordination
The Office of Continuing Education will work with a designated contact person to arrange all details of
outreach courses. The designated contact person can be a high school administrator, area coordinator,
or part-time instructor. The College assumes the high school principal is the main contact for
administrative decisions, such as scheduling, textbook orders, etc., when setting up the details of
courses taught in the high school for dual credit.
Outreach Course Approval
The Office of Continuing Education must approve all courses before offered through the Dual Credit or
Hometown University Programs for Lake Region State College. The request for course approval can be
initiated through the Office of Continuing Education.
• Dual Credit courses taught in the high school are initiated when the high school principal files a
Dual Credit Program Course Request Form.
• Hometown University courses are initiated when an area coordinator, high school administrator or
an instructor calls the Office of Continuing Education.
Course sections may not be combined. Each course section must be requested independently for
approval and for scheduling purposes. Some course sections are limited to specific enrollment caps. If
a course will exceed the recommended enrollment cap listed below, the administrator should contact
the Office of Continuing Education to discuss circumstances. Please consider the following enrollment
caps when scheduling courses:
COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 21
ENGL 110 College Composition I 24
ENGL 120 College Composition II 24
All lab sciences 20
Computer Courses Limited to number of computers/ one computer for each student enrolled
The instructor and person who initiated the request will be informed of the class number for the course.
Enrollment can begin after approval has been granted and enrollment forms have been sent to the local
contact person or notification that the class has been created in Campus Connection.
Dual Credit for Online or Campus Courses
Students who would like to earn dual credit for courses offered online, on the Devils Lake campus,
Cavalier Air Station or Grand Forks Air Force Base must file all appropriate enrollment forms. The Office
of Continuing Education and the high school administrator must approve dual credit enrollment prior to
course registration. Standard registration and billing policies will be followed. Lake Region State College
may not grant college credit to students who have not completed the appropriate forms with the
Dual Credit Restrictions
1. The Department of Public Instruction does not permit one-credit courses to be offered for dual
2. The College may limit course offering to general education courses that are lower level courses.
Exceptions to this policy will be granted by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
3. Dual Credit enrollees must verify that prerequisite requirements are met prior to enrolling.
High School Dual Credit Policy
LRSC Office of Continuing Education must have a copy of the school district’s Dual Credit Policy on file
prior to course approval and/or enrollment authorization. It is the responsibility of the high school
principal to submit this form.
High School Dual Credit Memorandum of Understanding
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be mailed to the high school principal to verify the
agreement of dual credit, college courses taught at the high school. The MOU must be signed by the
principal and returned to the Office of Continuing Education within three weeks of the start of a Dual
Credit class. The MOU can be amended if changes are made to the academic schedule.
Video Conferencing Courses
Outreach sites that would like to partner with LRSC to deliver courses (or other events) over the
statewide network, STAGEnet, must have the following items in place prior to delivery:
• T1 Line Access
• H.323 equipment (must be certified by ITD)
• Fax Machine
• Copy Machine
• Telephone access with long distance capability
• Scheduling Contact Person-to handle all room and equipment scheduling
• Technical Coverage-to run equipment and troubleshoot during events or classes. For credit
classes, the technician cannot be enrolled in the credit class.
Student Textbook Orders Made by the High School or Area Coordinator
If the school district is supplying the books for the students, the administrator must contact the
Bookstore Manager directly. The school district’s account will be charged and a bill sent directly to the
The Bookstore carries all textbooks needed for classes offered in Devils Lake, at the Grand Forks Air
Force Base Campus, online, dual credit, and Hometown University. The Bookstore also supplies needed
items, such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and art supplies. In addition, the Bookstore carries a large line
of clothes and novelty items with the LRSC logo.
Students enrolled in any course at LRSC can order books by phone, email, online, or in person through
the LRSC Bookstore. Simply contact the Bookstore Manager at 1-800-443-1313 ext. 1538 or (701) 662-
1538. LRSC Online Bookstore is available at
Instructor Leave of Absence
If the instructor of a college course must be away from the classroom for more than one week, the high
school principal, area coordinator, or the instructor must call the Director of Continuing Education to
discuss the circumstances and make arrangements for suitable substitution during the time of leave. In
some cases, the substitute instructor may need to apply for approval to teach for LRSC and must meet
with a departmental faculty member from the Devils Lake campus. Meetings may be arranged by phone
or videoconferencing.
Instructional Stipend
The instructional stipend for AY 2008-2009 is $510 per credit. The instructional stipend for part-time
instructors who have taught a cumulative total of fifty-four (54) credit hours at Lake Region State
College is $540/credit.
In order for LRSC to reimburse the full amount, the course must meet the minimum enrollment
Minimum Enrollment Requirements for Full Stipend
2 Credit Course 6 Enrollees
3 Credit Course 5 Enrollees
4 Credit Course 5 Enrollees
5 Credit Course 5 Enrollees
Minimum Enrollment Requirements to Run a Class
2 Credit Course 2 Enrollees
3 Credit Course 1 Enrollee
4 Credit Course 1 Enrollee
5 Credit Course 1 Enrollee
Please refer to the Instructional Stipend Worksheet AY 2008-09 for more detailed calculations.
A partial stipend will be granted for courses with fewer than the minimum number of enrollees for full
stipend. The partial stipend schedule is based on tuition revenue minus the administrative fee of $250.
For example: A 3-credit course with 4 enrollees would produce tuition revenue of $1,460. The
instructional stipend would be $1,210.
A part-time instructor or a high school administrator may opt to deny a contract with a partial stipend.
The Office of Continuing Education must be informed immediately when the decision is made. The
decision must be made no later than the first day of class. The Office of Continuing Education will send
official notification to all students registered for the course. We have adopted this process to
accommodate communities with smaller enrollments.
Hometown University Area Coordinator Reimbursement
Area coordinators for the Hometown University program will be paid according to original agreement,
once official course enrollments are completed.
Student Eligibility, Enrollment & Payments
The Dual Credit and Hometown University Programs are designed for students in grades 11 and 12, who
are interested in pursuing a higher education certification or degree, and are academically able. High
school students must hold a 3.0 GPA or higher in the high school courses taken in the selected course
area, in order to register for dual credit. Students may not register for more than 11 credits per
High school administrators may make exceptions for students who do not meet the criteria by
completing the Dual Credit Program Special Permission to Register Form available from the Office of
Continuing Education. The form requires the approval of both the high school principal and the
instructor teaching the course.
Each student must submit all enrollment forms and payments to the Office of Continuing Education.
This includes the following:
• An application for admission, unless previously submitted to LRSC
• To register, a signature on the Batch Registration Form or through Campus Connection
• To drop, a Continuing Education Registration Form
• The North Dakota Dual Credit Enrollment Application, if applicable
• Payment for application fee, tuition and course fees
• Special permission form, for students who do not meet listed eligibility requirements
All forms must be complete and contain the appropriate signatures or they will be returned for
completion. This will likely delay official registration.
The principal or superintendent may invite adult students to enroll in a college class taught at the high
school; however the course will not be advertised to the public. Hometown University courses are open
to the public, as well, and will be advertised and promoted as such.
Please remind students an official college transcript is generated from registration in any LRSC credit
course and the grade will be a permanent part of the student’s college academic record.
High School Students Not Enrolled for Dual Credit
The college does not encourage students who are not registered for college credit to participate in
college courses. It is recommended that high school administrators set up a schedule that encourages
only the enrollment of students who wish to earn college credit.
If this is not possible, we require the high school to collect a Dual Credit Waiver Form from each student
who chooses not to enroll for college credit. The form requires the student, parents and instructor to
recognize the student will not earn Lake Region State College credit for the course, even though the
student will be expected to meet all college requirements and use college texts. The Waiver Form
should be sent directly to the Office of Continuing Education.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.11
1. The College awards the following degrees, diplomas, certificates and certificates of completion
subject to completion of requirements prescribed by the North Dakota University System to the
requirements prescribed by the State Board of Higher Education:
a. Associate in Arts
b. Associate in Science
c. Associate in Applied Science
d. Diploma
e. Certificate
f. Certificate of Completion
2. The College is approved to offer the following types of programs:
a. Academic-Transfer Programs
i. Liberal Arts
ii. Accounting/Business Administration
b. Vocational-Technical Programs
i. Accounting/Business Administration
ii. Administrative Assistant
iii. Agricultural Farm Business Management
iv. American Sign Language & Interpreting Studies
v. Associate Degree Nursing
vi. Automotive Technology
vii. Certified Nurse Assistant
viii. Early Childhood Associate
ix. Fitness Trainer Technician
x. Information Technologies
xi. Law Enforcement
xii. Marketing
xiii. Peace Officer Training
xiv. Practical Nursing
xv. Precision Agriculture
xvi. Simulator Maintenance Technician
xvii. Speech Language Pathology Assistant
xviii. Technical Studies
xix. Welding and Basic Machining
xx. Wind Energy Technician
Administrative Council Approved Updates 09/15/15
Administrative Council Approved Moving from 100.04 to 900.11 09/15/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 900.12
1. Continuing Education: Lake Region State College Continuing Education strives to provide
rewarding and enriching non-traditional educational opportunities for residents of the Lake
Region and the surrounding area. Credit and non-credit classes and workshops are offered for
professional and workforce development, personal growth, or personal enrichment. Students
range from children enrolled in fun-filled art classes to adult, life-long learners seeking to
expand their horizons.
2. Workforce Training: Workforce Training is designed to provide business and industry in North
Dakota with the most competitive workforce in the nation. The state legislature defined four
distinct services regions with Lake Region State College assigned to the northeast quadrant.
Lake Region State College has partnered with the Work Force Development program of the
University of North Dakota to jointly provide quality workforce training throughout this
northeast quadrant. A workforce training unit was developed to do Business and Industry
Needs Assessment, Workforce Training, Customized Curriculum and Corporate University
Certificate programs.
3. Cooperative Education: Cooperative Education provides the option of work experience in
several areas of study at Lake Region State College. Cooperative Education credits are based
on the learning objectives and the number of hours worked per semester. Credits earned are
determined by the faculty coordinator/supervisor and student. A minimum of ninety (90)
hours at a worksite are required to earn one (1) credit. Students may arrange to complete a
Cooperative Education placement in either of three formats; Parallel Plan, Alternating Plan
and or Summer Plan.
4. Early Entry: Lake Region State College allows students who are currently enrolled in high
school to begin college level work. Early entry provides an opportunity for high school
students with junior status and the approval of the school superintendent to take entry level
college courses within the community or a nearby community.
5. Dual Credit: The North Dakota Legislature enacted Senate Bill 2033 to allow juniors and senior
in North Dakota high schools to enroll in post-secondary academic and vocational courses
from regionally and nationally accredited colleges across the country and receive both high
school and college credit. The program provides students with a greater variety of class
offerings and the opportunity to pursue more challenging course work. Students who
maintain a 3.0 grade point average or who have received permission from the school
superintendent may enroll in any course approved by both the cooperating college and the
high school.
6. Hometown University: Hometown University is a Lake Region State College opportunity for
adults who wish to continue or begin a college career. Early entry high school students may
also enroll in Hometown University. (See Early Entry)
7. External Campus: Lake Region State College has a satellite site at the Grand Forks Air Force
Base. Courses and programs at the Grand Forks Air Force Base and other external sites are
similar to programs offered on campus. Students must meet the same standards and
programmatic requirements. The American Association of Community Colleges has identified
Lake Region State College as a Servicemember’s Opportunity College (SOC) providing
educational assistance to active duty servicemembers.
8. North Dakota Interactive Video Network (IVN): The North Dakota Interactive Video Network
(IVN) uses state-of-the-art V-tel Technology video to transmit live audio and video between 25
sites located at the North Dakota Universities and North Dakota Tribal College. The North
Dakota IVN is dedicated to enhancing educational opportunities in North Dakota through
distance education. University credit classes have first priority for scheduling; however,
organizations and individuals are encouraged to use the system for meetings, conferences and
workshops as the schedule permits.
9. Academic Skills Center: The Academic Skills Center is a resource which provides a wide range
of services to students. The services include developmental and remedial assistance in
reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and basic study skills. Assistance is also available to
students on an individual basis on a wide range of subjects. Instruction is available to students
who are studying English as their second language.
10. Adult Learning Center: Lake Region State College provides the opportunity for individuals that
do not have a high school diploma to advance themselves through the General Educational
Development (GED) testing program. The Adult Leaning Center has free day and evening
classes in which students learn basic reading, math and English by studying materials that
emphasize life skills and job seeking skills. Classes improve academic levels and self-concepts
of displaced workers, JTPA students and anyone looking for a better future.
11. Testing and Resource Center: The Testing and Resource Center, located in the Erlandson
Building, provides service to support alternative instructional delivery systems such as
Competency Based Instruction. The audio-visual equipment and material required by such
programs are catalogued and housed in the Testing and Resource Center. Personnel are
employed to ensure the accessibility of various audio-visual hardware for instructors and
students. The coordinator is also available to assist in the production of teaching materials for
classroom, workshop or seminar use. Work areas are provided for individuals and small
groups to view video and slide presentations, take tests, or study. The Testing and Resource
Center also offers residual ACT, CLEP, GED, ASE, OTIS, Choice, and special testing for individual
Administrative Council Approved Moving from 100.05 to 900.12 09/15/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1000. Index
Section 1000.01 Use of College Facilities: Speech, Expression, and Assembly
Section 1000.02 Approval Process for Use of College Facilities
Section 1000.03 College Master Schedule
Section 1000.04 General Regulations
Section 1000.05 Robert Fawcett Auditorium Use and Rental
Section 1000.06 Studness Chautauqua Gallery, Heritage Hall Conference Room
and Colonial Room Use and Rental
Section 1000.07 Classroom and Computer Labs Use and Rental
Section 1000.08 Gymnasium Use and Rental
Section 1000.09 Weight Room Use and Rental
Section 1000.10 Residence Hall Use and Rental
Section 1000.11 Food Service Use and Rental
Section 1000.12 Alterations to College Facilities
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.01
I. General Definitions
1. “Academic or administrative unit” means any office or department of Lake Region
State College.
2. “Amplified sound” means sound whose volume is increased by any electric,
electronic, mechanical, or motor-powered means. Shouting, group chanting, and
acoustic musical instruments are exempt from this definition and are not subject to
the special rules on amplified sound, but are subject to general rules on disruption.
3. “College/University person or organization” includes academic and administrative
units, student, faculty, and staff organizations, and individual students, faculty
members, and staff members; this phrase describes the most inclusive category of
potential speakers on campus; every person and organization of any kind is either an
“off-campus person or organization” or a “College/University person or
4. “Day” means 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. daily and excludes weekends,
College/University holidays, and days on which regularly scheduled classes are
suspended due to emergency situations. If a deadline defined in this chapter falls on
a Saturday, Sunday, or College/University holiday that deadline will be moved to the
next day.
5. “Event” means something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval
of time; events include but are not limited to guest speakers, exhibits, tables,
distribution of literature, signs, and public assemblies.
6. “Faculty member” includes any person teaching credit-bearing courses employed by
Lake Region State College.
7. “Guest speaker” means a speaker or performer who is not a student, faculty
member, or staff member, but who is invited to speak by a Lake Region State College
person or organization.
8. “Off-campus person or organization” means any person, organization, or business
that is not an academic or administrative unit, a student, faculty, or staff
organization, or a student, faculty member, or staff member.
9. “Publicly assemble” and “public assembly” include any gathering of persons,
including discussions, rallies, and demonstrations.
10. “Room or space” includes any room or space, indoors or outdoors, owned or
controlled by Lake Region State College.
11. “Staff member” includes any person who is employed by Lake Region State College
and does not qualify as a faculty member.
12. “Student” means a person who is currently enrolled at Lake Region State College, or
has been enrolled in a prior semester or summer session and is eligible to continue
enrollment in the semester or summer session that immediately follows. A student
may also be a faculty or staff member. Circumstances will dictate whether an
individual is considered a student or faculty or staff member for the purposes of
application of this policy.
II. General Provisions.
1. Lake Region State College (LRSC) recognizes that students and faculty have a
fundamental right to free speech and expression under the First Amendment to the
United States Constitution and Article I, Section 4 of the North Dakota Constitution,
and as a result the SBHE and institutions under its control shall ensure that students
have the freedom to speak, write, listen, challenge, learn, and discuss any issue,
subject to reasonable and constitutionally-recognized limitations.
a. Staff members of LRSC are also free to exercise their right to free speech and
expression, as set forth above, provided that such activities do not
substantially interrupt or inhibit their duties, and such exercise of free
speech and expression shall be subject to the Political Activities Policies of
the SBHE and LRSC.
2. Lake Region State College will not engage in viewpoint- or content-based
discrimination or suppression of speech, and will, to the greatest extent possible,
permit and facilitate the open discussion and debate of ideas and issues, regardless
of the content of those issues.
3. As a general rule, LRSC will not use the concept of civility or mutual respect as a
basis to suppress or limit the discussion of ideas, regardless of content, except as
reasonably necessary to an educational activity.
4. Lake Region State College and its faculty and employees shall generally not seek to
shield individuals from the free speech or expression of others, except as reasonably
necessary to an educational activity.
5. Except as set forth elsewhere in this policy, the generally accessible, open, outdoor
areas of the campus are traditional public fora for free speech by both LRSC and off-
campus persons and organizations, subject to reasonable and constitutional time,
place, and manner restrictions.
6. Lake Region State College designates the following areas as restricted or designated
a. those areas inside buildings which have not otherwise been treated as
traditional public fora;
b. areas within a 100-foot radius from residential buildings during evening and
overnight hours;
c. areas within a 100-foot radius from academic buildings during times when
classes are held in that building;
d. areas which must be restricted due to reasonable safety and security
concerns, as designated by Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs;
e. areas which must be restricted to enable the flow of pedestrian or vehicle
traffic, as designated by Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs;
f. areas within a 50-foot radius from building entrances and exits to provide for
safe and convenient ingress and egress from those buildings; and
g. areas to include: Leevers Welcome Center, Learning Commons,
classrooms/labs, Bergstrom Technical Center lobby, Student Union, Dining
Room, Precision Ag Center, courtyard, Robert Fawcett Auditorium,
gymnasium, and public meeting rooms.
Lake Region State College requires reservations or permits for the exercise of free
speech or expression, including assemblies, within these restricted or designated
7. Lake Region State College designates the following areas as closed to free speech,
expressive activity, and public assembly: Gilliland Hall, North Hall, South Hall, wind
turbine location and surrounding property within 1,000 feet of the wind turbine.
Receiving and within 100 feet of loading dock area, weight room, faculty and staff
offices, restrooms, and hallways in all LRSC buildings are also closed.
III. Prohibited Items at Assemblies
1. Dangerous weapons, as defined by N.D.C.C. § 62.1-01-01(1) as any switchblade or
gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword, dagger, or knife with a blade of five
inches or more; any throwing star, nunchaku, or other martial arts weapon; any billy,
blackjack, sap, bludgeon, cudgel, metal knuckles, or sand club; any slingshot; any
bow and arrow, crossbow, or spear; any weapon that will expel, or is readily capable
of expelling, a projectile by the action of a spring, compressed air, or compressed
gas, including any such weapon, loaded or unloaded, commonly referred to as a BB
gun, air rifle, or CO2 gun; and any projector of a bomb or any object containing or
capable of producing and emitting any noxious liquid, gas, or substance.
2. Firearms, except as permitted by law. See N.D.C.C. § 62.1-02-05.
3. Body-armor or makeshift body-armor, helmets and other garments, such as sporting
protective gear, that alone or in combination could be reasonably construed as
weapons or body-armor, without written permission from Vice President of
Academic & Student Affairs
4. Open flame, unless approved in advance by Vice President of Academic & Student
IV. General Rules on Means of Expression
1. Disruption
a. No speech, expression, or assembly may be conducted in a way that disrupts
or interferes with any teaching, research, administration, or other authorized
activities on the campus; free and unimpeded flow of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic on the campus; or signs, tables, exhibits, public assemblies,
distribution of literature, guest speakers, or use of amplified sound by
another person or organization acting under the rules in this chapter.
2. Except in the most extreme cases, interference and disruption are unavoidably
contextual. Intentional physical interference with other persons is nearly always
disruptive in any context. Interfering with traffic depends on the relation between
the volume of traffic and the size of the passageway left open. Disruptive noise is
the most contextual of all, because it depends on the activity disrupted. Any
distracting sound may disrupt a memorial service. Any sound sufficiently loud or
persistent to make concentration difficult may disrupt a class or library. Occasional
heckling in the speaker’s pauses may not disrupt a political speech, but persistent
heckling that prevents listeners from hearing the speaker does disrupt a political
speech. These illustrations may be helpful, but none of them includes enough
context to be taken as a rule. We cannot escape relying on the judgment and
fairness of LRSC authorities in particular cases. In this context where difficult
enforcement judgments are unavoidable, it is especially important for
administrators to remember that their judgements must not be influenced by the
viewpoint of those claiming disruption or of those allegedly disrupting.
3. Potentially disruptive events can often proceed without disruption if participants
and administrators cooperate to avoid disruption without stopping the event. In
cases of marginal or unintentional disruption, administrators should clearly state
what they consider disruptive and seek voluntary compliance before stopping the
event or resorting to disciplinary charges.
V. Damage to Property
1. No speech, expression, or assembly may be conducted in a way that damages,
defaces, marks, discolors, or alters in any way property of LRSC or of any person who
has not authorized the speaker to damage or deface their property.
VI. Amplified Sound
1. General Rule on Amplified Sound
a. Lake Region State College academic or administrative units and student,
faculty, or staff organizations may use amplified sound on campus at
designated times and locations, with advance permission from Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs, subject to the following restrictions.
2. Location and Times of Weekday Amplified Sound Areas
a. The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs may prescribe rules
concerning scheduling, sound levels, the location of speakers and the
direction in which they are pointed, and other rules to facilitate the use of
amplified sound areas, to mediate any conflict with LRSC functions and other
nearby activities, and to manage environmental impact. All such rules will be
reasonable and nondiscriminatory.
b. The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs may limit the number or
frequency of reservations for each student, faculty, or staff organization or
academic or administrative unit to ensure reasonable access for all persons
and organizations desiring to use amplified sound.
c. Lake Region State College persons and organizations using amplified sound
are responsible for maintaining a passageway for pedestrians that is
adequate to the volume of pedestrian traffic passing through the area.
VII. Public Assemblies without Amplified Sound
1. General Rule on Public Assemblies
a. Lake Region State College persons and organizations may publicly assemble
on campus in any place where, at the time of the assembly, the persons
assembling are permitted to be. No advance permission is required. If the
expected attendance at an event with a program, guest speaker, or
performer is twenty-five or more people, advance notice of no less than two
weeks is required.
b. The buildings owned or controlled by LRSC are not open for demonstrations,
assembly, or speech. In furtherance of LRSC’s educational mission, the
buildings owned or controlled by LRSC are limited for and open only to
faculty, staff, and students and their organizations.
c. Off-campus persons and organizations may not engage in expressive
activities at LRSC except in accordance with these rules.
2. Reservation of Space
a. Persons, organizations, and academic or administrative units who wish to
publicly assemble in a particular room or space at a particular time may
reserve the room or space by following the established procedure. Individual
faculty, staff, and students may not reserve an indoor space, except as
related to an educational activity. Off-campus persons or organizations may
only reserve a particular room or space for a public assembly by following the
established procedure.
b. Reservation requests from recognized student, faculty, and staff
organizations or academic or administrative units shall receive precedence
over requests from individual persons, unrecognized organizations, or any
off-campus persons or organizations.
c. An LRSC person, organization, or academic or administrative unit with a
reservation has the right to the reserved room or space for the time covered
by the reservation. Any person or organization using or occupying the room
or space without a reservation must yield control of the room or space in
time to permit any person, organization, or academic or administrative unit
with a reservation to begin using the room or space promptly at the
beginning of its reserved time. Reservations for outdoor spaces are not
required but are strongly encouraged. Reservations for indoor spaces are
required, although this requirement may be waived by the President, Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs, Vice President of Administrative
Affairs, and program directors with responsibility for specific campus
3. Fees for Reserving Space.
a. Lake Region State College prescribes a fee schedule for reserving specified
campus spaces. The schedule shall be made available at the information
window on request, and shall be based on the actual expenses incurred by
the campus in making the space available. The schedule must not be wholly
or partially based on viewpoint- or content-based criteria, but may include
security and logistic fees based on the venue, the anticipated attendance,
historical protest activity at events of similar attendance, and other content-
neutral factors. The criteria used to establish the fee schedule shall be made
publicly available.
b. Lake Region State College does not retain funds beyond its actual expenses
unless the reserving party or group charges admission to the event. The fee
schedule must be applied equally to all persons or organizations, without
reference to the content or viewpoint of the proposed assembly, except as
otherwise governed by campus policies.
c. The President may waive any applicable fee for an assembly contributing to
the educational mission of the institution or engaging in charitable work.
d. Academic and administrative units are not subject to the fee schedule.
4. Notice and Consultation
a. Lake Region State College persons or organizations may publicly assemble on
campus in any place where, at the time of the assembly, the persons
assembling are permitted to be.
b. Students or student organizations planning a public assembly with a guest
speaker and expected attendance of more than twenty-five participants,
including potential counter-demonstrators, are required to provide advance
notice of no less than two weeks to the Vice President of Academic &
Student Affairs. Students or student organizations planning smaller
assemblies or large assemblies without a guest speaker are encouraged to
consult the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs if there is
uncertainty about applicable LRSC rules, the appropriateness of the planned
location, or possible conflict with other events. The Vice President of
Academic & Student Affairs can help the planners avoid unintended
disruption or other violations that may result in subsequent discipline or
subsequent interference with the assembly by campus authorities.
c. Faculty, staff, and related organizations that are planning a public assembly
with a guest speaker and an expected attendance of more than twenty-five
participants, including potential counter-demonstrators, are required to
provide notice of no less than two weeks to the Vice President of Academic &
Student Affairs.
d. The notice and consultation requirements of this subchapter do not apply to
academic or administrative units.
e. The notice and consultation requirements of this subchapter may be waived
by the President.
VIII. Guest Speakers
1. Who May Present
a. Lake Region State College persons and organizations and academic and
administrative units may present guest speakers on LRSC property with
advance permission from the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs.
2. Location and Form of Presentation
a. A guest speaker may present a speech or performance, or lead a discussion
of specified duration, at a time announced in advance, in a fixed indoor
location or in a fixed outdoor location approved by the Vice President of
Academic & Student Affairs.
b. A guest speaker may not accost potential listeners who have not chosen to
attend the speech, performance, or discussion.
3. Application
a. All students, faculty members, staff members, student organizations, faculty
organizations, and staff organizations that wish to present a guest speaker
must request permission from the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs at least two weeks before the scheduled event or prior to the
publication of any planned advertising for the event, whichever is earlier.
4. Obligations of Presenting Person or Organization
a. An LRSC person or organization that presents a guest speaker must make
clear that:
i. the person or organization, and not LRSC, invited the speaker; and
ii. the views expressed by the speaker are their own and do not
necessarily represent the views of LRSC, the North Dakota University
System, or the State of North Dakota.
b. The person or organization that presents a guest speaker is responsible for
paying any fees.
c. Institutional funds provided to a recognized LRSC organization may not be
used to pay for any costs or expenses related to the presentation of a
politically-oriented guest speaker unless approved in advance by an
organization’s faculty advisor and the President in consultation with LRSC’s
legal counsel.
5. Equal Treatment
a. Guest speakers reserving space at LRSC facilities may be subject to the same
terms and conditions governing the use of the facilities for other outside
groups. If a room, space, or facility is made available to any guest speaker
invited by a LRSC person or organization, then that room, space, or facility
must be made equally available to all such speakers or groups.
b. If an LRSC person or organization complies with this policy when presenting a
guest speaker, LRSC may not prohibit or disinvite that guest speaker based
on the anticipated content or viewpoint of the guest speaker’s speech,
performance, presentation, or other form of expression.
IX. Responding to Speech, Expression, and Assembly
1. General Rule on Responding
a. Lake Region State College persons and organizations may respond to the
speech, expression, or assembly of others, subject to all the rules herein.
b. Responders may not damage or deface signs or exhibits, disrupt public
assemblies, block the view of participants, or prevent speakers from being
2. Means of response that are permitted in many locations and without advance
permission or reservation, such as signs, tables, distribution of literature, and public
assembly without amplified sound, may be used immediately and in any location
authorized in this policy.
3. Means of response that require advance permission or reservation, such as banners,
exhibits, and amplified sound, may be used as soon as the needed permission or
reservation may be arranged. Banner space and some amplified sound areas may be
unavailable on short notice because of earlier reservations, but the Vice President of
Academic & Student Affairs will expedite approval of exhibits and available banner
space and amplified sound areas where necessary to permit appropriate response to
other speech, assembly, or expression.
4. Means of response that are confined to authorized locations, such as banners and
amplified sound, may be used only in those locations. It is not permissible to
respond to amplified sound with amplified sound in the same location; similarly, if
an exhibit or public assembly is in a location where amplified sound is not permitted,
it is not permissible to respond with amplified sound in that location. In either case,
it is permissible to respond with amplified sound in another location and to use signs
or distribution of literature to advertise the response at the other location.
Revised 08/26/2019
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.02
1. Approval for use of all College Facilities is the prerogative of the President.
2. The primary purpose of College Facilities is for College functions which shall be given first
3. A “Facilities Usage Contract” form must be completed and authorization obtained prior to
usage. This contract is applicable to all college groups and outside organizations wishing to use
College facilities for other than defined instructional or related activities.
4. All requests or use of College facilities must be made ten (10) working days prior to the desired
date(s) so that necessary arrangements and adjustments can be made. Arrangements should
also be made at this time for special equipment needs, e.g. cords, overheads, special lights.)
5. A written copy of this “Facilities Usage Contract” specifying the scheduled dates(s),
arrangements, and fees shall be provided to the organizations or group making the request. The
event will be posted on the Happen Schedule located in the College ‘public’ file.
6. The Physical Plant Director shall be informed of all events scheduled in any College facility.
7. Fees may be assessed for use of College facilities and equipment (See “Rental Charges” Article
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.03
All scheduled College and non-College events, activities and facilities usage must be recorded on the
official College Master Schedule. This Schedule is maintained by the Administrative Assistant to the
President. The primary purpose of the Schedule is to prevent conflicts as well as unauthorized use of
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.04
1. Liability Insurance: When appropriate, rental agreements for use of College facilities shall
require the renter to provide evidence of liability insurance for personal or property injury. If
this is not possible, the person responsible for the event, by signing the rental agreement,
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lake Region State College regarding any and all claims
for loss, injury or damage.
2. Damage to College Property: Organizations or groups utilizing the facilities shall agree to
reimburse the College for the cost of any damage that occurs. The College administration is
authorized to assess and charge the responsible party for repair and replacement.
3. College Liability: Lake Region State College assumes no responsibility for theft, injuries or
damages of any kind suffered by any groups (or individuals) using College facilities at any time.
4. Rental Charges: The College shall periodically establish, and the Vice President of Administrative
Affairs and the Physical Plant Director shall administer, a “Schedule of Rental Fees and Other
Charges” for use of College facilities and equipment. This “Schedule” is available in the
Administrative Affairs Office. Waivers may be negotiated with the President.
5. All concessions shall be operated by the College.
6. Security Provisions/Additional Service
a. Security personnel must be on duty when any College facility is used after normal
working hours and on weekends. The Physical Plant Director will make the necessary job
assignments. If the activity is a College-sponsored event held after hours, a staff
member may substitute for the security person
b. When additional security is required security personnel will be remunerated at a rate
specified by the Physical Plant Director. Should it be necessary for the College to provide
additional maintenance/custodial personnel or other qualified personnel to operate
special equipment, it shall be necessary for the renter to pay for services ate the
prevailing College rate in addition to any other fees.
c. The College reserved the right to furnish these services and personnel at its discretion.
The Physical Plan Director shall be responsible for administering these provisions.
7. Posting of Policy: All organization requesting use of College facilities shall be provided with a
copy of this policy document and the Schedule of Rental Fees and Other Charges. This document
shall be deemed to be incorporated in all facilities usage contracts.
8. Regulations Regarding Signs, Posters, Handbills and Other Promotional Material: All bulletin
boards are under jurisdiction of designated departments or administrative offices. No posters or
publicly distributed materials shall contain obscene, vulgar or libelous material. All items should
be placed only on bulletin boards, free-standing display boards or wall tack strips. Do not use
sticking tape or adhesive on painted surfaces. All items must be removed the day following the
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.05
1. Scheduling responsibility: Administrative Assistant to the President.
2. There shall be no charge for any recognized College group for approved activities. This applies to
clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate.
3. All posted rules and regulations must be followed, and food and drink are not permitted in the
4. Utilization of the auditorium by non-College organizations for the express purpose of making
money shall pay a fee.
5. In no case will unauthorized personnel be permitted to access to the sound system, state
rigging, light control panels or dressing rooms without approval of the Physical Plant
6. Non-profit organizations or groups requesting use of the auditorium may be required to pay a
7. Groups that require access to the facility to build scenery, rehearse or perform any other
advance preparation shall do so in a manner that does not interfere with normal operations of
the College.
8. The stage area of the auditorium is reserved for actual performances/rehearsals and for the set
construction immediately before a performance for both College and non-College groups.
9. In no case will access to the costume and make-up room be permitted without approval of the
College Director of Drama.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.06
1. Scheduling responsibility: Administrative Assistant to President
2. There shall be no charge for any recognized College group for approved activities. This applies to
clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate.
3. Non-profit organizations or groups requesting use of the Studness Chautauqua Gallery, Heritage
Hall Conference Room or the Colonial Room may be required to pay a fee. Requests will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.07
1. Scheduling responsibility: Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs.
2. There shall be no charge for any recognized College group for approved activities. This applies to
clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate.
3. Non-profit organizations or groups requesting use of classrooms and Computer Labs may be
required to pay a fee. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.08
1. Scheduling responsibility: Athletic Director
2. There shall be no charge for any recognized College group for approved activities. This applies to
clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate.
3. Requests for facility use by groups not affiliated with the College will be considered on a case-
by-case basis.
4. All posted rule and regulations must be followed.
5. For use of the gymnasium for tournaments in which a renter sponsors the tournament and
retains the profits, a rental feel will be charged along with a fee for custodial/security personnel.
6. For rental of the gymnasium by organizations or groups for the express purpose of making
money through gate receipts at an athletic event, a rental fee will be charged along with a fee
for custodial/security personnel.
7. For use of the gymnasium for other than athletic events, the rental policy will depend on the
organization putting on the event and the purpose for which the money so obtained will be
used. This will be determined by the President.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.09
1. Scheduling responsibility: Athletic Director
2. There shall be no charge for any recognized College group for approved activities. This applies to
clubs or organizations recognized by the Student Senate.
3. The weight room will not be rented to individuals for any purpose. Requests for the weight
room use by groups not affiliated with the College will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
4. All posted rules and regulations must be followed.
5. For rental of the weight room for tournaments in which a renter sponsors the tournament and
retains the profits, a rental fee will be charged along with a fee for custodial/security personnel.
6. For rental of the weight room by organizations or groups for the express purpose of making
money through gate receipts at an athletic event, a rental fee will be charged along with a fee
for custodial/security personnel.
7. For additional information about the weight room, see Chapter 800.27.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.10
1. Residence Halls may not be rented to individuals for any functions or external events during the
months the College is in session without approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs and the President.
2. Vacant space in the Residence Hall may, however, be leased to groups by the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs and the President upon approval of the North Dakota University
System of Higher Education.
3. Residence Halls or sections thereof may be rented to groups or individuals during summer
4. Authorization and rental rates will be determined by the Vice President of Academic and
Student Affairs.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.11
1. There shall be no rental charge for groups using the facilities for banquets catered by the
College Food Service operations.
2. Scheduling of banquets and other such functions shall be handled by the Director of Food
Services. The Director of Food Services shall inform the President’s Administrative Assistant
about such event for inclusion in the College Master Schedule.
3. For additional information about Food and Vending Services, See Chapter 400.31.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1000.12
1. No alterations or modification work of any kind may be carried out on College facility/property
without permission from the Physical Plant Director.
2. Any requests for alterations or modification work must be submitted to the Physical Plant
Director. Exceptions are routine repairs such as maintenance and custodial operations.
Administrative Council Approved to move from 400.19 to 1000.12 04/21/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1100. Index
Section 1100.01 Position Authorization Procedure
Section 1100.02 Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure
Section 1100.03 Application, Recruitment and Appointment Procedure for Part-Time and Adjunct
Section 1100.04 Post-Search Procedure for all Employees
Section 1100.05 Position Authorization Procedure: Application, Recruitment and Appointment of
Section 1100.06 Employee/Volunteers Criminal History Background Investigations
Section 1100.07 Staff and Faculty Recruitment and Expenses
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.01
Procedures to be used in determining and filling vacancies in a position (except work-study or adjunct
1. If a new position is desired or an existing vacant position is desired to be filled, the supervisor
involve, through his/her appropriate vice President, shall complete section one of the Position
Authorization form and forward one copy to the President’s Office and one copy to the Vice
President for Administrative Affairs.
2. The Vice President for Administrative Affairs shall review and recommend the Broadbanding
classification. Requests for filling existing vacancies are forwarded to the President’s Office.
Requests for new positions are analyzed by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs to
determine full budget impact and then forwarded to the President.
3. The President shall ensure that all options are discussed, including position modification. A
decision will be made by the President, after consultation with the Administrative Council. If a
new position is to be approved or an existing position is to be modified and if no modification is
to take place, the President may decide to fill the position or leave it vacant. The completed
Position Authorization form for new or existing positions will be distributed appropriately by the
President’s Office.
4. If approved for filling, either as requested or as modified, the Vice President for Administrative
Affair Office will prepare an announcement of position opening.
5. The advertisement shall state job description, time frame, starting salary range, and statement
of affirmative action. The job description on file shall be reviewed and updated as needed to be
available to candidates upon request.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.02
1. Office/Service Staff positions
a. All applications will submit a written Application for Employment from supplied by the
Vice President of Administrative Affairs to be reviewed for general qualifications. The
Administrative Affairs Office will also include in its review any applications it may have
“on file”.
b. A matrix of qualifications will be created by the Vice President/President based on the
job descriptions. The Administrative Affairs Office will complete the qualification matrix
to assist the search committee in the screening process.
c. Copies of application of position candidates and the completed matrix will be sent to
the search committee to be appointed by the respective divisional Vice President. This
Vice President will also serve on the Search Committee. The Committee will screen the
applications and will inform the Vice President for Administrative Affairs Office of the
applicants to be notified for personal interviews.
d. The committee and the Vice President for Administrative Affairs will jointly schedule
interviews, keeping the President’s Office informed.
e. The committee will recommend the top ranked prioritized candidates to be hired to the
respective divisional Vice President.
f. In consultation with the President, the Vice President will select the candidate. A Salary
Determination Broadbanding Staff Form will be completed by the Administrative Affairs
Office. Information will be provided to the Vice President. The Vice President will
determine a fair salary from that information. If none of the priority candidates accepts
the position, the Vice President will reconvene the search committee to decide if the
position should be re-opened or if a candidate of lower ranking should be offered the
g. The Vice -President will finish completing the Salary Determination Broadbanding Staff
Form with the agreed upon salary, start date and his/her signature.
2. Full-Time Faculty, Administrative and Professional Staff
a. All applicants will submit written applications and resumes to the Administrative Affairs
Office. The Administrative Affairs Officer will also include in its review any appropriate
applications that it may have “on file”. At least three (3) letters of recommendation and
college transcripts must be submitted by each applicant.
b. Candidates for Vice President positions will be screened by a search committee
appointed by the President who will also serve on the committee. Candidates for mid-
management or full-time faculty positions will be screened by a search committee
appointed by the respective divisional Vice President who will also serve on the search
c. A matrix of qualifications will be created Vice President/President based on the job
descriptions. Administrative Affairs Office will complete the qualification matrix to assist
the search committee in the screening process.
d. Copies of applications of position candidates and the completed matrix will be sent to
the search committee to be appointed by the respective divisional Vice President. This
Vice President will also serve on the search committee. The President may also serve on
the search committee. The committee will screen the applications and will inform the
Vice President for Administrative Affairs Office of the applicants to be notified for
personal interviews.
e. The search committee’s purpose is to screen applications, invite finalists, interview
them and make a recommendation to the President. The recommendation may be one
of the following alternatives:
i. A list of candidates in priority ranking by the committee.
ii. A listing of candidates without priority.
iii. A rejection of all applicants with the recommendation to continue the screening
f. The search committee is reminded that its recommendation is not a final selection but
an advisory recommendation which may be used in the final decision by the President.
g. The President in consultation with the respective divisional Vice President and/or the
Administrative Council shall make the final selection and determine the appropriate
h. The President will set the conditions of employment, including salary in accordance with
College Policy. The President will complete the Salary Determination form and forward
it to the Administrative Affairs Office.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.03
Part-time and adjunct faculty are recruited on an as-needed basis for On-Campus, Outreach
Programs/Community Education, and Grand Forks Air Force Base courses. The procedures are as
1. Advertisements are made periodically for part-time and adjunct faculty pools with the areas of
need listed. The pool of candidates is maintained by the appropriate supervisor. Applications are
reviewed and interviews are conducted by the applicable supervisor.
2. Upon selection of a part-time or adjunct faculty member, he/she is given the necessary payroll
forms. The supervisor initiates a contract and following established procedures for part-time
compensation forwards it the the Administrative Affairs Office for processing.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.04
Procedures to be followed after the search process is completed for all new appointments:
1. The new employee will complete all necessary payroll forms. Employees eligible for fringe
benefits will also be given appropriate forms for this purpose. The new employee is than placed
on the payroll system.
2. The Administrative Affairs Office will open a Personnel File on the employee incorporating the
application materials, appointment materials, completed contract form, and any other
payroll/personnel forms. Personnel files are kept and maintained by the Administrative Affairs
3. The Administrative Affairs Office sends letters to the non-interviewed candidates informing the
search has been completed. The respective divisional Vice President call the unsuccessful
interviewees and informs them the search has been completed.
Administrative Council Approved 04/25/00
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.05
1. A Lake Region State College volunteer who is required by policy to undergo a criminal
background check shall also be trained in fraud prevention, sexual harassment, and/or other
topics as directed by human resources. Employees utilizing a volunteer on a regular basis shall
(1) complete the volunteer application form, (2) obtain approval from the supervising Vice
President, and (3) secure workers compensation insurance by notifying human resources.
Administrative Council Approved 12/20/12
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.06
1. Lake Region State College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all
students, faculty, staff and visitors; and to protecting its funds, property and other assets. Will-
informed hiring decisions contribute to this effort. To assist in this endeavor Lake Region State
College will conduct a background investigation on faculty, staff, students hired for positions
and volunteers as indicated in this policy.
2. The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education adopted SBHE Policy 602.3 requiring that
each institution adopt a policy or procedure regarding checks on job applicants. The Chancellor
adopted NDUS Procedure 602.3 authorizing positions for FBI checks. This policy and procedure
has been adopted to implement SBHE Policy 602.3 and NDUS Procedure 602.3 for job applicants
and current employees at Lake Region State College.
a. A nationwide FBI criminal history background check is required before the beginning of
work for the following positions:
i. Police Officer
ii. Security Guard
b. A criminal history records check, which may be a North Dakota BCI check, a FBI
nationwide check or private vendor check is required before beginning work for the
following positions (benefited, non-benefited and volunteers).
i. Presidents and Vice Presidents
ii. Residence hall and apartment manager or director assistants
iii. Custodians and other employees with master keys or other means of
unsupervised access to residence halls or secure buildings or facilities
iv. Child care employees and other employees who have unsupervised contact with
v. Employees, including faculty, with access to potentially dangerous chemicals
and other substances as part of their job responsibilities
vi. Counselors and Coaches
vii. Information Technology Staff
viii. Employees responsible for, or with unsupervised access to; cash, credit, debit or
other financial transactions or numbers, or confidential or other protected
information, including medical records, social security numbers, tax, retirement,
or vendor or contractor proprietary or other confidential information
ix. All other benefitted staff positions not already described in sections a or b
c. A criminal history background check for faculty positions not mentioned in sections a
and b is not required but may be requested by the Vice President for Academic and
Student Affairs. Any criminal history background check requested by the Vice President
for Academic and Student Affairs must be successfully completed before the beginning
of work.
d. A check may be done on any current employee or volunteer holding any of the above
listed positions and pursuant to the above guidelines, if deemed in the best interests of
Lake Region State College background checks will be used only to evaluate
candidates/employees for employment purposes and will not be used to discriminate
on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, physical or mental disability, status with
regard to marriage or public assistance, sexual orientation or participation in lawful
activity off the employer’s premises during non-working hours.
3. Procedure:
a. Position Announcements: Positions announcement for positions requiring a check will
include this statement. “A criminal history check will be conducted on the finalist prior
to beginning employment”.
b. Offer of Employment: An offer to the finalist, for which a background check is required
or requested, may be made “contingent upon successfully completing a criminal history
check.” Employment will not begin until results of the required or requested check are
c. Criminal History Background Check Authorization Form: A Criminal History Background
Check Authorization Form will be obtained as part of the interview process. Declining to
complete the authorization form will remove the candidate from further consideration
for the vacancy. The form will be processed for the final candidate if required or
requested. Authorization is made with the understanding that Lake Region State College
reserves the right to withdraw the offer of employment or terminate employment if the
results of the check are unsatisfactory.
d. Upon receipt of the Criminal History Background Check Authorization Form
recommendation for hire, HR will process the authorization for the background check
with the appropriate agency or private licensed vendor. The fee for the background
check will be paid for by Lake Region State College.
4. Background Check Result Handling:
a. After all requested background investigation reports are received and reviewed, the HR
Office will notify the supervisor of the results. The supervisor will notify the finalist of
the results. If the record is clear, employment may be finalized.
b. If the record is not clear, a review will be conducted by the Vice President of
Administrative Affairs and the supervisor. A previous criminal conviction does not
automatically disqualify an applicant for consideration. Candidates’ eligibility will
depend on a variety of factors, such as the nature, severity, and frequency of the
offense or offenses; the time elapsed since conviction and the rehabilitation including
the individuals subsequent work history; the truthfulness and completeness fo the
candidate’s disclosure of the conviction(s); whether a criminal conviction has a direct
bearing on the individual’s ability to fulfill job duties and responsibilities the risk to the
safety and welfare of employees, student, general public or Lake Region State College
property; and any other relevant information.
c. A discovery of falsification, including misrepresentation or failure to disclose relevant
information as part of the recruitment and application process, will disqualify a
candidate from employment consideration. If the candidate is a current employee,
falsification may also subject the individual to disciplinary action, up to an including
d. The background check records will be maintained in accordance with North Dakota
open records laws and records retention policies of Lake Region State College.
5. Denial of Employment
a. If employment is denied or an offer of employment is withdrawn based on either a BCI
or FBI investigation report, the finalist/employee has no right of appeal. However, the
individual has the right to challenge any of the information on the criminal history
record. The challenge must be made directly to the BCI or FBI by the individual. If the
finalist/employee challenges the information on his/her criminal history record, the
decision by the College to deny or to withdraw an offer of employment is suspended for
one week. If the challenge results in no changes in the background record or changes
which do not cause the employment decision to be changed, the College decision on
employment for this individual is final.
b. Anyone denied employment based on the background check made through a private
vendor is afforded certain rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The HR
office will coordinate the notification of the decision with the vendor and provide the
appropriate notification to the finalist/employee.
Administrative Council Approved 12/20/12
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1100.07
In Exceptional circumstances, and with the approval from LRSC’s President, vice presidents or their
designee may negotiate reimbursement of:
1. Recruitment travel expenses for a prospective candidate for faculty or staff and their spouse.
2. Moving expenses for faculty or staff. The moving expenses f employees transferring to a new
work location with the same institution shall be governed by N.D.C.C. 44-08-04.3.
Reimbursements will be reported
Administrative Council Approved 5/13/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1200. Index
Section 1200.01 General Objectives
Section 1200.02 College Employees: Recognition of Length of Service
Section 1200.03 College Employees: Recognition of Significant Achievement
Section 1200.04 Alumni and Citizens
Section 1200.05 Students
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1200.01
The objectives for devising and institutionalizing a system of awards are as follows:
1. To recognize the services of College employees at various stages of their careers at the College.
2. To recognize significant achievements on the part of employees either within the College or in
their involvement with activities of benefit to the community and to society in general.
3. To recognize and honor alumni and other citizens for outstanding contributions towards
collegiate advancement, for outstanding service to the community, and for significant achieves
in various walks of life.
4. To recognize achievement on the part of students within the College and in community
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1200.02
1. A suitable gift and accompanying certificate of recognition will be presented to all employees
buy the President at the Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast to mark the following:
a. Five years of continuous service to the College
b. Ten years of continuous services to the College
c. Fifteen years of continuous service to the College
d. Twenty years of continuous service to the College
e. Twenty-five years of continuous service to the College
f. Thirty years of continuous service to the College
2. Framed photographs of faculty employees going into learned retirement and past Presidents
may be placed and prominently displayed (with an inscription indicating name, last position held
and years of service) either in the Library or in some other suitable place on the College
premises. Retiring employees will also be presented with a suitable gift, a commemorative
plaque and a certificate at the new school year Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast.
3. Employees who resign their positions and leave may be recognized by the suitably designed
mementos and certificates presented on behalf of the College and the Community College
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1200.03
1. Determination: The President and Administrative Council determine which achievements are
significant. Input may be obtained from the Staff Welfare Committee and the Faculty Senate.
2. Recognition: The President will present a gift (plaque, chair, or other award) and accompanying
certificate of recognition to the selected employee at the Annual Banquet of the Community
College Foundation, Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast, and/or during the annual
Commencement Exercises or other appropriate event.
3. Excellence in Educating Award:
a. The Community College Foundation instituted an Excellence in Educating Award in 1983.
This award is presented by the Community College Foundation.
b. Any full time benefitted faculty member, after their fifth year of service, who has not
been presented the award within the previous ten years, is eligible for this award.
c. The selection process shall be managed by the Faculty Senate and shall require written
letters of nomination from faculty, staff, and/or students; an award selection committee
that includes faculty, at least one staff member, and one student member; and deadline
for nomination and selection.
d. In addition to the award provided by the Community College Foundation, the institution
will provide the recipient of the of the Excellence in Educating Award with $2,000 for
travel to an approved conference, workshop or other professional development activity
to be used within the next two academic years.
4. Other achievements which merit recognition may be recognized by a letter of commendation
from the President.
5. Emeritus Status
a. Achieving Emeritus status is to be viewed as the highest honor that Lake Region State
College may bestow upon a retiring faculty member, administrator, or professional. The
Emeritus status may be granted to retiring faculty, senior administrator or professional
who have demonstrated leadership and service to the college and its communities.
b. Criteria for Emeritus status may include, but are not limited to length of service to the
institution, significant contributions to the institution and the State of North Dakota, or
particularly distinguished service to an academic discipline. Nominations for Emeritus
status must be submitted within one year of retirement.
c. Any Faculty/Staff Senate member may nominate a member for emeritus status. The
documented nomination should include the following:
i. A paragraph describing why the individual merits this distinction (i.e. significant
contributions to the institution, the state, and/or service to the faculty
member’s academic discipline).
ii. Date of initial appointment
iii. Length of service
iv. Date of retirement
d. The nomination will be submitted to the President of the Faculty/Staff Senate who
presents the nomination for a vote of the Faculty/Staff Senate. The Faculty/Staff Senate
makes a recommendation for Emeritus status by a majority vote and sends its
recommendation to the nominees’ VP, who will make the recommendation to the LRSC
President. The LRSC President makes the final decision. In the case of a senior
administrator, any member of the Administrative Council may send nomination directly
to the LRSC President for approval.
e. Benefits for Emeritus Status
i. Lake Region State Emeritus ID card
ii. Retention of LRSC e-mail address
iii. Parking - special permission to park in visitor parking
iv. On-campus work space when available shall be provided.
v. Consistent with their roles and responsibilities, college computing privileges will
be retained.
vi. Upon invitation, may serve on college boards and committees.
vii. By nomination and vote of the Faculty/Staff Senates, may retain membership.
viii. Faculty members who accept a part-time appointment after being awarded
tenure in a full-time position shall continue to have such tenure recognized.
6. Honorary Associate Degree: Lake Region State College may grant an honorary Associate degree
according to NDUS policy (See Section 430.1).
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (3)
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (5) 06/27/16
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (3) (3,c) (3,d) 04/24/17
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 12/03/18
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1200.04
Recognition of either meritorious service to the College and the community or of significant
achievement in various walks of life.
1. Purpose: This award is to recognize and commend outstanding service and achievement.
Individuals thus honored should either be alumni or have some past or present link to the
2. The nature of such awards is to be determined by the President and Administrative Council.
Honorary diplomas are permitted by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education
and require Board approval.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1200.05
Recognition system for academic, co- and extra-curricular and community service achievement.
1. The following are various awards and recognition systems that are in existence at Lake Region
State College:
a. Who’s Who at Lake Region State College: Each year faculty and staff nominate students
for this award. Criteria for nomination include academic achievement, participation in
college activities and service to the community. A faulty-staff-student committee selects
Who’s Who recipients from the nominated students.
b. President’s and Dean’s Lists: Requirements for the President’s List are that a student be
enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours with a 4.0 grade point average.
Requirements for the Dean’s List are that a student be enrolled in a minimum of twelve
(12) semester hours with a 3.25 grade point average.
c. Richard D. Knoke Award: The Richard D. Knoke Award for outstanding leadership is
provided through a memorial established in 1966 by his wife, children and parents.
Richard D. Knoke, 1942-1966, attended Lake Region State College (Lake Region Junior
College) in 1961 and 1962 and earned his baccalaureate degree at North Dakota State
University. The recipient of each year’s award will be selected by a faculty-staff-student
committee on the basis of student leadership in the Student Senate or in student
d. Glen H. Larson Memorial Drama Award: The Glen H. Larson Memorial Drama Award is
presented to a student who is selected by a faculty committee as having made the
greatest contribution to drama in the Lake Region during the previous year. Glen Larson,
1943-1965, from Leeds, displayed inspirational acting and singing abilities during his
attendance at Lake Region State College (Lake Region Junior College) prior to his
graduation in 1963. The memorial was established by his parents in 1965.
e. Lloyd Jones Memorial Music Award: The Lloyd Jones Memorial Music Award is
presented to the sophomore student who provides outstanding leadership in music.
Preference is given to leadership provided in quartet arrangements. Lloyd Jones was a
member of the original “Four Dads” a quartet singing group which provided unusual and
talented entertainment at innumerable functions in the Lake Region from 1946 until his
death in 1966.
f. English Department Writing Excellence Award: The English Department Writing Award
was established by the department in 1997 and is presented to any full-time or part-
time student at Lake Region State College for excellence in writing. Students submit
writings of any genre and length which are juried by a 3-person panel. The winner is
presented with an award and makes a public presentation of the writing.
g. Endowed, honor and a variety of other scholarships are available to students. These
applications are available at the Student Affairs Office.
i. The Student Affairs Office will compile and analyze all Lake Region State College
awards annually and determine if changes are necessary.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1300. Index
Section 1300.01 General/Role of the Office
Section 1300.02 Publicity and Release of College Information
Section 1300.03 Faculty and Staff Publications/Activities
Section 1300.04 Advertising, Scheduling of Events and Sale of Tickets
Section 1300.05 Relationship with Media
Section 1300.06 Internal Publications
Section 1300.07 Political Activities
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.01
1. The President shall appoint an individual to supervise the Public Affairs functions of the College.
2. Roll: In broad terms, the mission of the Public Affairs shall be as follows:
a. To provide a forum for communications/new on campus
b. To present a favorable image of the College to the public
c. To coordinate official news releases from the College
d. To act as the clearing house for College publications
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.02
1. Press Releases: For all news releases or announcements sent to the media about the College
and College activities, a copy must be sent to Public Affairs located in the President’s Office for
prior approval and filing. This does not cover regular columns written by faculty/staff in their
professional capacities. Student Senate and affiliated clubs will have releases approved by the
advisor to the Student Senate.
2. Publications: Public Affairs will act as a clearing house for all College publications, and the press
copy must be submitted for approval to this office.
3. Release of information to the public is governed by the appropriate state and federal laws.
These laws are to be followed by the College employees. In case of any doubt, Public Affairs
Specialist should be consulted.
4. Athletics: All news releases will be approved by the Athletic Director who will forward copies to
Public Affairs for filing. Athletic publications will be reviewed by the Athletic Director and will be
subject to final approval by the President prior to printing.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.03
1. Faculty and staff members are free to write and publish either in their individual capacities as
citizens or in their capacities as professionals.
2. Such materials need not be approved by any College official.
3. The only restrictions on such activities are those contained in the North Dakota University
System of Higher Education Policy pertaining to academic freedom, political activities and
consulting work as contained/interpreted in relevant sections of this Manual.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.04
1. Advertising/Flyers/Posters (College-wide, divisional, departmental activities and special
programs, either on-campus or off-campus): These items must be approved by the faculty
member/administrator in charge of such activities. The Public Affairs Specialist shall be notified
in writing so news about these items may be included in College publications.
2. Scheduling of Events:
a. On-campus: The Administrative Assistant to the President must be contacted for
approval and scheduling of most College facilities. See Chapter 1000.05 - 1000.11 for the
procedures in scheduling events in classrooms, computer labs, the gymnasium, the
weight room, the residence halls and the food service facilities.
b. Off-campus events sponsored by the Student Senate, clubs, divisions or departments:
The President’s Office must be contacted for prior approval.
3. Tickets and Raffles:
a. Raffles or other fund-raisers sponsored by a College organization on-campus or off-
campus: The President’s Office must be contacted for approval. City and/or state
permits may be required for such activities.
b. Sale of tickets on-campus for College or external organizations: The Administrative
Assistant to the President must be contacted for instructions.
c. Raffles and other games of chance requiring city and/or state permit must have prior
approval by the Club Advisor and Student Senate.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.05
1. Inquiries from the media for news about the College should be directed either to the
person/division asked for or to the Public Affairs Specialist.
2. It must be kept in mind that the President is the official spokesperson for the College in matters
pertaining to the College, programs and personnel. Faculty and staff members expressing
opinions no any official College matter to the media should clarify that these are their personal
opinions, except when the official spokesperson role has been delegated to said individual by
the President.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.06
Lake Region State College Bulletin: The campus weekly bulletin will be published by Public Affairs
located in the President’s Office on Mondays. News items must be turned into the Public Affairs Office
Prior to the deadline.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1300.07
Only a recognized College organization may sponsor activities on College property on behalf of a specific
candidate for local, state or national office. Further information can be obtained from the Director of
Student Activities/Director of Counseling.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1400. Index
Section 1400.01 General
Section 1400.02 Lake Region State College Faculty Senate Constitution
Section 1400.03 Lake Region State College Student Senate Constitution
Section 1400.04 Residence Hall Association Constitution
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1400.01
The President shall have the power to authorize formulation and recognition of internal College
organizations, and external organizations affiliated to Lake Region State College, provided such
association/organizations are engaged in activities that shall either further the educational mission of
the College or provide tangible benefits to the College. The College currently recognizes the following
1. Lake Region State College Faculty Senate
The Lake Region State College Faculty Senate constitution shall be approved by the North
Dakota University System of Higher Education (DUS) in accordance with the provisions in the
Board Policy Manual. All affiliated organizations shall operate within the guidelines prescribed
by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education and within state and federal laws,
wherever possible. The current constitution of the said Senate shall form a part of the Manual.
See Chapter 1400.02.
2. Lake Region state College Student Senate
The current bylaws of the Lake Region State College Student Senate shall form a part of this
Manual. Current bylaws and constitutions of the student clubs or organizations recognized by
the Student Senate are available in the Student Affairs Office (See Chapter 1400.03).
3. Residence Hall Association
The current bylaws of the Residence Hall Association shall form an apart of this Manual. (See
Chapter (1400.04)
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1400.02
The faculty of Lake Region State College has created this constitution for the purpose of establishing an
orderly process whereby academic-related groups and individuals may share in the determination of
educational policy. The faculty of Lake Region State College has the responsibility to express its concern
for the welfare of the College, to discuss and develop ideas for College improvement, to contribute to
the formation of general College policy and to provide for reliable channels of communication among all
segments of the College community. To this end, the Faculty Senate accepts the responsibility of
recommending policies to the President of the College affecting the educational activities of the College,
subject to the laws of the Dakota University System of Higher Education. To fulfill its functions, the
Faculty Senate will be free to study, to deliberate and to make recommendations on all matters of
general faculty concern.
Article I. Name
The agency for the exercise of responsibilities as herein describes shall be known as the Lake Region
State College Faculty Senate.
Article II. Purpose
Section A: General Purpose
The general purpose of the Faculty Senate in the organizational structure of Lake Region State College is
to facilitate and coordinate faculty participation in the development and recommendation of
educational policies and in the formulation of procedures for their implantation. Such policies shape the
responsibility character of the Institution and define its future growth.
Section B: Specific Purpose
To provide for this continuing concern and policy review, it is the purpose of the Faculty Senate to:
1. Provide a forum for discussion of issues, problems and concerns relating to instruction in the
2. Promote a means to communicate between the College administration and the faculty.
3. Make decisions of educational and institutional policies as empowered by the North Dakota
University of Higher Education.
4. Elect faculty representation to NDUS boards, Councils, etc… in accordance with the NDUS Policy
5. Elect faculty members to ad hoc committees and faculty representation to all College standing
6. Hear standing committee reports, and take action as necessary.
Article III. Membership
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Director of TRiO Support Services, faculty receiving
annual faculty contracts of at least .5 teaching load, a faculty representative from the Grand Forks Air
Force Base (GFAFB) as designated by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and such other
members as approved by the Faculty Senate.
Article IV. Meetings
The Faculty Senate shall meet monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the
Executive Committee or at the request of any standing committee. A quorum shall consist of a majority
of voting members. An agenda will be provided to all members as stipulated in Article V, Section A.4. If
requested by any member, voting shall be by secret ballot.
Article V. Organization of the Faculty Senate
Section A: Officers
1. The elected officers of the Faculty Senate shall be a President, a Vice President and a secretary.
The Vice President will be considered the President-elect. Nominations for the officers will take
place in April, with elections at the May meeting. Terms of office will be one (1) year, with the
term of office beginning July 1. Vacancies among the officers will be filled by election at the next
regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
2. The President will be the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate and of its Executive Committee
and otherwise act as the chief executive office of the Faculty Senate.
3. The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President
shall serve as assistant to the President and carry out duties the President may deem necessary.
4. The secretary will prepare the minutes of the Faculty Senate and the Executive Committee
meetings and distribute them to all members no later than seven (7) days following a meeting.
The secretary will distribute a written agenda to all members of the Faculty Senate and one (1)
class day in advance of a special meeting.
Section B: Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee will consist of the officers of the Faculty Senate.
2. The following duties will be the specific responsibilities of the Executive Committee:
a. Serve as the advisory group of the Faculty Senate when called upon by an officer of the
b. Refer to the appropriate committee any question of policy on which advice is sought.
c. Bring matters recommended by the Faculty Senate to the attention of the appropriate
administrative officer for action, and report to the Faculty Senate the action taken.
d. Take such emergency action as appropriate to meet responsibilities of the Faculty
Senate. Such action is to be presented at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
e. Refer such matters as are approved by the Faculty Senate for study to appropriate
committees or agencies.
f. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate.
g. Insure that nominations and elections are carried out as specified.
h. Appoint a parliamentarian, if appropriate.
Section C: Standing Committees
1. The Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate shall be:
a. Curriculum and Academic Standards
b. Professional Growth
c. Faculty Rights
d. Nominations
e. Library Media
f. Faculty Welfare
g. Tenure
h. Outreach Learning Committee
2. The General Committee Guidelines are:
a. The standing committees shall be in continuous operation. The term of office for faculty
members is two (2) years, beginning July 1. No member shall serve on more than two (2)
standing committees at any time.
b. Faculty representation to all committees included in this document will be nominated
by the Nominations Committee at the April meeting. Additional nominations may be
made from the floor. Elections will be held at the May meeting.
c. Any non-Faculty Senate member nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate has voting privileges within that standing committee.
d. The chairperson is to be elected from among the members. The chairperson shall
appoint an individual to serve as secretary of the committee. The secretary shall record
the proceedings and circulate minutes to the committee members, the President, the
Administrative Council and all members of the Faculty Senate.
e. The decisions of the President regarding any committee recommendation on issues or
courses of action will be forwarded to the committee chairperson. The turn-around time
for this process shall not exceed ten (10) class days from the time of the initial
committee recommendation to the President. If the President disapproves of such
committee recommendation, and the issue cannot be mutually resolved, the issue shall
be presented to the full Faculty Senate for their consideration. If approval is maintained
by the Faculty Senate, an appeal may be made in accordance with NDUS Policy.
f. Committees shall meet monthly. Special meetings may be called by the committee
chairperson, three (3) members of the committee or the President. Notices to all
meetings must be given at least one (1) class day in advance of the meeting.
g. Faculty Senate members are invited to submit, in writing, proposals to the appropriate
faculty committee.
h. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.
i. All student representation shall be elected by the Student Senate and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate for one (1) year terms. The Student Senate will submit to the Faculty
Senate Nominations Committee by the end of April the names of all students elected to
serve on the Faculty Senate committees for the following school year.
j. Initial faculty members of committees shall choose staggered terms by lot. Faculty
representation on any standing committee shall be limited to two (2) consecutive terms,
unless elected unanimously for a further term. Committee vacancies may be
temporarily filled by committee chairperson appointment. Permanent election to fill the
vacancy will be held at the next regular Faculty Senate meeting.
k. Each standing committee shall have the right to consider areas of concern not
specifically listed as a function which logically falls under its jurisdiction.
l. Such other committees, standing or special, may be created by a two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of the Faculty Senate, if deemed necessary to carry on the work of the
Faculty Senate. Membership of such committees shall initially be appointed by the
chairperson of the Faculty Senate. Such committees shall in other ways be subject to the
General Committee Guidelines.
Section D: Specific Committee Guidelines
1. Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee
a. Membership: Two administrators nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate; five (5) faculty members of the Faculty Senate; one non-Faculty Senate
member representing the Grand Forks AFB campus nominated by the President and
confirmed by the Faculty Senate; and two (2) student representatives.
b. Functions:
i. To review, establish and recommend standards for student academic
achievement, including such areas as probation, suspension and re-admission
for academic reasons; grading policies and practices; and policies on admission
and retention.
ii. To review, establish and recommend changes in vocational, transfer,
community education and adult basic skills programs, including such areas as
general education requirements, program changes, academic calendar,
graduation requirements and instructional policies and procedures.
iii. To explore and evaluate other curriculum and instructional issues.
iv. To hear and act upon specific academic appeals.
2. Professional Growth Committee
a. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate, four faculty members nominated and confirmed by the Faculty Senate,
and a non-voting secretary nominated by the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs and confirmed by the Faculty Senate.
b. Functions:
i. To plan, develop and implement a faculty development program.
ii. To implement in-service programs and/or faculty developmental leaves aimed
at improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
iii. To design and recommend faculty and program evaluation systems, including
recommendations for promotion and tenure.
iv. To make recommendations on any faculty development funds.
3. Faculty Rights Committee
a. Membership: The Standing Committee on Faculty Rights shall consist of three tenured
faculty members elected for staggered terms by the Faculty Senate.
b. Functions: The functions and responsibilities of this committee are outlined in the North
Dakota University System of Higher Education Regulations on the Academic Freedom,
Tenure and Due Process (See Section 605, NDUS Policy Manual) (See Section 605.2,
Faculty Rights Committee) In broad terms, this committee has specified responsibilities
in the areas of academic freedom, tenure and due process.
4. Nominations Committee
a. Membership: Four faculty members of the Faculty Senate.
b. Functions: To nominate faculty members for election to all Faculty Senate committees
and to all other committees to which Faculty Senate representation is entitled.
5. Library Media Committee
a. Membership: One (1) administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate; five (5) faculty members of the Faculty Senate; two (2) student
representatives and librarian (non-voting, ex-officio).
b. Functions:
i. To serve as a liaison between the library, media services, faculty, students and
College Administration.
ii. To assist in the formulation of the library policies of instructional resources
(library curriculum materials and audio visual service).
iii. To promote interest in the development of use of the library and to promote
effective use of materials for audio visual service.
iv. To advise the librarian in the allocation of funds for acquisition of materials and
v. To recommend policies regarding operation of the library and media center.
6. Faculty Welfare Committee
a. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate.
b. Functions:
i. To review and prepare basic guidelines and recommendations on instructional
salary policy, teaching load and working conditions to the President, following
the North Dakota University System of Higher Education guidelines.
ii. To function as an advisory body to the President in preparation of instructional
budgets and payroll
iii. To act in an advisory capacity to any persons representing Lake Region State
College on an inter-institutional faculty budgetary, salary or welfare matter.
7. Tenure Committee
a. Membership: Five members of the Faculty Senate with tenure status, each member
elected for a five-year term.
b. Functions:
i. The Tenure Committee shall elect its own chairperson and secretary annually.
ii. Following procedures outlined under “Institutional Tenure Guidelines” of the
Lake Region State College Policy and Procedure Manual, the Tenure Committee
shall approve or disapprove the granting of the tenure to eligible faculty by
majority vote or the Committee. Such decisions by the Committee are to be
made in ample time for action by the Board of Higher Education in the spring of
each year.
iii. The Tenure Committee shall propose changes to “Institutional Tenure
Guidelines” in the Policy and Procedure Manual.
iv. Following procedures outlined under “Faculty Rank/Promotions” of the Lake
Region State College Policy and Procedure Manual, the Tenure Committee shall
approve or disapprove the granting of rank to eligible faculty by a majority vote
of the Committee.
8. Outreach Learning Committee
a. Membership: One administrator nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Faculty Senate and four faculty members of the Faculty Senate and the Distance
Education Director (ex-officio).
b. Functions:
i. To explore and evaluate other outreach (dual credit, on-line and distance
education) curriculum and instructional issues.
ii. Review, develop, and recommend compatibility between outreach and on
campus salary and benefits policies, teaching load and working conditions to the
President, following North Dakota University System of Higher Education
iii. Review, develop and recommend compatibility between outreach and on
campus instruction.
Article VI. Amendments
The proposed amendments(s) must be presented in written form to the members of the Faculty Senate
at a regular meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting. Approval requires a two-third favorable
vote of the members present and voting. When approved by the North Dakota University System of
Higher Education, amendments will become effective immediately.
Article VII. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current editions of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern in all
cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and any
specific rules of order that may be adopted.
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section C, 2, i) 04/09/09
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 1, a) 04/24/00
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 2, b) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 4, a) 12/16/08
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 7) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 1400.02 (Article V, Section D, 3, a) 03/10/14
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1400.03
We, the students of Lake Region State College, in order to establish a representative system of self-
government, to ensure students of an effective role in University government, to encourage the
development of leaders and participants for the community and the State of North Dakota, to stimulate
an awareness of the rights and responsibilities of students in relation to the community and the world,
to improve students cultural, social and physical welfare, and to promote the general welfare of this
institution, do herby ordain and establish this constitution for Lake Region State College.
Article I. Organization
Name: The name of this organization shall be the Student Senate of Lake Region State College.
Membership: Shall consist of students that are interested or registered in Student Government.
Equal Opportunity Policy: The Lake Region State College Student Senate, in its programs, activities and
appointments with not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, creed, national origin, sex,
sexual preference, age, disability or marital status.
Article II. Executive Officers
Section A: Membership
1. The executive officers of the Student Senate shall be:
a. Student Senate President
b. Student Senate Vice President
c. Student Senate Secretary
d. Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian
e. Student Senate Activities Coordinator
Section B: Qualifications
No student may be considered eligible for the fore-mentioned offices unless he/she is a sophomore with
at least a 2.0 grade point average at Lake Region State College.
Section C: Powers and Duties:
1. Student Senate President:
a. The Student Senate President shall be the official representative of the general Student
Body and the Student Senate.
b. The Student Senate President shall be the representative to the Faculty Senate.
c. The Student Senate President shall serve as an ex-officio member on all Student Senate
Committees, and shall be able to vote in the case of a tie.
d. The Student Senate President shall serve as the administrative head of the Student
Senate, voting only in case of a tie.
i. The Student Senate President shall have the power of executive veto over all
actions of the Student Senate a two-thirds majority vote of the total
membership of the Student Senate shall be necessary to override a Presidential
ii. The Student Senate President shall be responsible for the fiscal planning and the
yearly budget for the Student Senate.
iii. The Student Senate President shall be authorized to call a special session of the
Student Senate with at least one-third of the total membership present and
with one (1) week prior notice.
2. Student Senate Vice President:
a. The Student Senate Vice President shall assist the Student Senate President in the
performance if his/her duties.
b. The Student Senate Vice President shall be the chair in all committees excluding
activities committees.
c. The Student Senate Vice President shall set the agenda for the Student Government
meetings. Communication will be up-held with the Student Senate President and
Student Senate Secretary for agenda items.
d. The Student Senate Vice President shall serve as the chair-person of the Student Senate,
in case of the President’s absence, voting only in case of a tie.
3. Student Senate Secretary:
a. The Student Senate Secretary shall maintain accurate records of all meetings of the
Executive Board and the Student Senate.
b. The Student Senate Secretary shall call and record roll at every scheduled meeting.
c. The Student Senate Secretary shall maintain a current roster of the officers and the
senators with addresses and telephone numbers.
d. The Student Senate Secretary shall prepare all official correspondence for the Student
e. The Student Senate Secretary shall post a copy of the Student Senate minutes within
one week of which the minutes reflect on the Lake Region State College website. A copy
of the minutes shall also be filed in the Student Senate Office.
f. The Student Senate Secretary Shall keep clubs informed of the Student Senate activities
and notify the Student Senate of club activities.
g. Club Point System
i. The Student Senate Secretary shall establish a club point system. The Student
Senate, with a simple majority vote will approve this point system.
ii. The Student Senate Secretary shall keep documented records of club points.
iii. The Student Senate Secretary shall approve points for club activities within the
guidelines of the point system.
iv. The Student Senate Secretary shall approve points for the club activities within
the guidelines of the point system.
h. The Student Senate Secretary shall coordinate and regulate the activities of the Student
Body Organizations for the benefit of the entire Student Body.
i. The Student Senate Secretary shall serve as the chair-person of the Student Senate, in
case of the Vice President’s absence, voting only in case of a tie.
4. Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian:
a. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall maintain a current account of the
Student Senate account.
b. The Student Senate Treasurer shall be the chair of Campus Activities Board.
c. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian has the power to consider any act
unconstitutional and/or against the by-laws.
d. Any and all petitions to previous actions or motions by the Student Senate shall be
handed to the Treasurer/Parliamentarian, two (2) weeks after it has taken place,
excluding impeachment of the officers.
e. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian is required to know “Roberts Rules of
Order” and is able to use it in meetings.
f. The Student Senate Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall serve as the chairperson of the
Student Senate, in case of the Secretaries absence, voting only in case of a tie.
5. Student Senate Activities Coordinator:
a. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall serve as chair of all activity committees
and as chair of the Host committee.
b. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall approve activity committee members.
c. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall approve any contracts with entertainers
with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Student Senate.
d. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall attend all activities.
e. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall communicate with the Lower Deck
Manager and the Intramurals Manager.
f. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall work with other colleges for co-op
booking entertainers.
g. The Student Senate Activities Coordinator shall communicate with all agents.
6. Student Senate Association Advisor:
a. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall appoint either a member of the
college faculty or Student Affairs personnel to the position of “Advisor to the Student
Senate Association”.
b. The Student Senate Advisor shall have the right to attend all Student Senate Association
meetings as a non-voting member and to participate in the proceedings.
c. All expenditures of the student activity fees shall require the prior approval of the
Student Senate Advisor.
d. The Student Senate Advisor shall serve as an ex-officio member on all Student Senate
Succession: In the event that the Student Senate President Office is vacated, the Student Senate Vice
President shall assume the duties of the Student Senate President. The Student Senate, by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the current membership, shall choose a Senator from its membership to assume
the duties of the Student Senate Vice President until the next scheduled Student Senate election.
Article III. Student Senate
Section A: Purpose
1. To provide the means whereby the members of the Student Body may express concerns
effectively in matters of interest to them.
2. To serve as a liaison between the Student Body and the Faculty and Administration.
3. To represent and investigate all matters or concerns of the Student Body’s interests.
4. To affiliate with other student governments at state and national levels if and when possible.
Section B: The Student Senators
1. No student may be considered eligible for a Student Senate position unless he/she has a 2.0
grade point average at Lake Region State College.
2. Student Senators shall assume those prescribed or implied powers that enable them to carry out
an effective role in representing the diverse student attitude on campus.
3. In the event of a Student Senate vacancy, the Student Senate shall fill the vacancy by special
election or by appointment. If by appointment, the new appointee must be approved by a two-
thirds (2/3) majority vote of the current total membership of the Student Senate. A vacancy
shall be filled within three (3) weeks after the position became vacant.
Section C: Meetings
1. The Student Senate shall meet weekly during the academic year and each meeting time and
place shall be posted.
2. Meetings of the Student Senate shall be open to the public.
3. Quorum at the Student Senate shall consist of a simple majority of the present total Student
Senate membership.
4. Attendance at Student Senate meetings:
a. All members are required to attend Student Senate meetings.
b. The Student Senate Vice President shall notify any Student Senator who has three or
more unexcused absences.
c. Failure to attend three (3) or more meetings may be considered by the Student Senate
as grounds for impeachment and removal from the Student Senate.
Section D: Powers and Duties:
1. The Student Senate shall have the power to approve appointments of all student
representatives to standing student and faculty committees by simple majority vote fo the total
membership of the Student Senate.
a. Any Student Senate appointee being considered for removal shall be guaranteed due
b. A resolution for removal is introduced by either the Student Senate President, or the
chairperson of the committee under whom the appointee is serving.
c. The appointee shall be notified in writing at least one week prior to the meeting at
which the resolution is to be voted on. The right of the appointee to appear before and
address the Student Senate prior to the vote shall not be infringed upon.
d. The Student Senate shall have the power to impeach and remove any of its members by
two-thirds (2/3) majority secret ballot vote of the current total membership for a reason
deemed necessary by the Student Senate.
Article IV. Student Senate Committees
1. The Student Senate President shall have the power to create additional Student Senate
Committees. Such committees will be subject to the regulations set forth by the Student Senate.
2. The Student Senate shall have the authority to provide direction, through resolutions and
bylaws, for all Student Senate Committees. All committees operating guidelines or bylaws are
subject to approval by the Student Senate.
3. Any provision in bylaws of any Student Senate committee that is inconsistent with this
Constitution is void.
Article V. Elections
All elections shall follow Lake Region State College Student Senate code of elections.
Article VI. Limitations of Powers
Section A: Initiative and Referendum
The Student Body shall have the power to initiate any act within the power of the Student Senate or
refer any act of the Student Senate, providing that ten percent of the Student Body sign petitions calling
for an election on a bill, which shall be submitted in writing with the petitions to the Student Senate
Secretary. The Student Senate President, if he/she determines the petition to be in good order and
within the limitations of this Constitution, shall direct the Student Senate to conduct an election on the
bill within two (2) weeks after the Student Senate President received that petition before the election. A
simple majority of votes cast at the election shall be sufficient to pass the bill.
Section B: Recall
The Student Body shall have the power to recall the Student Senate President, Student Senate Vice
President, Student Senate Secretary, Student Senate Treasure, Student Senate Club Coordinator,
Student Senate Parliamentarian, Student Senate Activities Planner, or the Student Senator.
1. The incumbent has the right to be a candidate and may continue in office until the elections
returns have been officially announced.
2. A majority of the votes cast is necessary to recall the Student Senate Official.
Section C: Impeachment and Removal from Office
1. A motion to commence impeachment proceedings against a Student Senate Official shall be
represented by two (2) members at a Student Senate Meeting.
2. Charges against the Student Senate Official shall be stated in a written motion.
3. Impeachment offenses are:
a. Poor attendance meaning more than three (3) unexcused absences.
i. Unexcused meaning missing a Student Senate Meeting without notifying the
Student Senate Secretary one (1) day prior to that scheduled meeting.
ii. When removed from office for poor attendance the Student Senate Official may
not resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.
b. Flagrant neglect of duties designated by the Student Senate.
i. When removed from office for flagrant neglect of duties the Student Senate
Official may not resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.
c. Misconduct at Student Senate Meetings.
i. When removed from office for misconduct the Student Senate Official may not
resume membership for the remainder of that academic year.
Article VII. Amendment to the Constitution
The Student Body must publish proposed amendments no less than two (2) weeks prior to the vote. An
amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the current total membership of the
Student Senate.
Article VIII. Bylaws
1. The Bylaws shall in no way conflict with the principles set forth by this Constitution.
2. Changes of the Bylaws may be proposed to the Student Senate.
3. The Student Senate shall publish proposed changes no less than one week prior to the vote.
4. To adopt a proposed change, a simple majority vote of those present and voting is necessary.
Article IX. Approval of the Constitution
This constitution shall become effective upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to the total membership of
the Student Senate and ratification by a simple majority of ballots cast on constitutional issue in a
campus-wide election.
This constitution was adopted by the Lake Region State College Student Body and Student Senate on
January 26, 2007.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1400.04
Article I. Name and Purpose
Section I: The organization shall be known as the Lake Region State College Residence Hall Association,
hereafter known as RHA.
Section II: The purpose of the Residence Hall Association shall be to encourage resident educational,
social and personal growth and enhance residence hall life. This association provides an opportunity for
student self-governance. The students shall have RHA as their avenue for input into programming and
policies and or voicing suggestions and opinions regarding all aspects of resident hall life.
Article II. Composition and Advisement
Section I: Anyone who lives in the residence halls and pays the dues to RHA is automatically considered
a member of RHA.
Section II: The Director of Housing reserved the right to supervise all activities of the RHA. All decisions
shall be remanded to the Director of Housing for final approval.
Section III: The Director of Housing may appoint a Resident Director or member of Student Affairs
personnel to the position of “advisor” to the RHA meetings as a non-voting member and to participate
in all of the proceedings. The Director of Housing may delegate to the Advisor, at his or her discretion,
any or all of the powers reserved under Article II, Section II.
Section IV: The business of the RHA shall be conducted by the Executive Board.
Article III. Composition
Section I: The RHA Executive Board shall be comprised of five (5) members:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary/Treasurer
4. Advisor
5. Student Senate Representative
Section II: Election Procedures, at the beginning of each school year, the previous year’s President-elect
will call an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the members present will nominate individuals who
are willing to accept the position, responsibility and who are qualified for the positions available: Vice
President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Student Senate Representative. The individuals nominated will then
be asked to leave the room while a small discussion is held. The members will then vote by a secret
ballot. Those persons elected will assist with conducting the meeting for the remainder of the year. If
the Vice President does not return for a second year, a new President will be elected in like manner.
Article IV. Removal of Officer
Section I: Any officer of the RHA can be removed from office for scholastic reasons, disciplinary reasons,
and lack of attendance to meetings or failure to fulfill appointed duties. Such removal shall require the
fulfillment of the following conditions.
1. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Residence Hall Representatives and
Executive Board members
2. Approval of the Advisor
3. Approval of the Director of Housing
Article V. Responsibility of Members
Section I: No student is eligible for election if he or she is currently on academic probation or has been
on probation for the immediate past one (1) semester.
Section II: It is the responsibility of the Residents, RHA Executive Board members and the Resident
Assistants to attend all meetings. An Executive Board member who has missed two (2) meetings without
an excused absence will be removed from office following the procedure listed under Article IV, Section
Article VI. Duties of Officers
Section I: The President of the RHA shall be responsible for the organization of the RHA, preside at the
RHA meeting, call special meetings if necessary, and appoint all committees with the approval of the
RHA. The President shall have a casting vote only in case of a tie vote.
Section II: The Vice President of the RHA shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President. If
both the President and Vice President are absent, the RHA student members shall elect or appoint a
temporary presiding officer for the particular meeting. The Vice President needs to distribute at the
meeting an agenda to all members in attendance at the meeting.
Section III: The Secretary/Treasurer of RHA shall be responsible for maintaining an updated version of
the constitution of the RHA at all times, and shall be custodian to all other records pertinent to the RHA.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for taking the minutes of all meetings and shall present
copies of the minutes to the President, Vice President, Student Representative, two (2) to the Advisor,
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Student Senate, and to each RD possible. The
Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate books of the RHA and shall reconcile periodically with the
Advisor. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present a current final report at each regular meeting. The
outgoing Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for handing over all such records to the Advisor at the
end of his or her term in office.
Section IV: The Student Senate Representative will attend Senate meetings. He or she will present
Senate with required documents to become a recognized club on campus by October and report back to
the next regular RHA meeting. Any member who is also a RA or RD is not permitted to hold office on the
Executive Board of RHA.
Article VII. Meeting for the RHA
Section I: The RHA shall meet regularly at least once each month. Special meetings may be called at any
time by the RHA President and/or Advisor.
Section II: Ten (10) RHA members, including RA’s, shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is required to
transact all business.
Section III: RHA meetings shall be open to any students who reside on the campus of Lake Region State
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION: 1500. Index
Section 1500.01 Information Security
Section 1500.02 PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance
Section 1500.03 Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag)
Section 1500.04 Customer Information Safeguarding Program
Section 1500.05 Code of Conduct
Section 1500.06 Reporting and Investigating Theft and Fraud
Section 1500.07 Security Cameras
Section 1500.08 Harassment
Section 1500.08.01 Consensual Relationships
Section 1500.09 Title IX and Sexual Harassment
Section 1500.09.01 Pregnant and Parenting Students
Section 1500.10 Significant Infectious Disease
Section 1500.11 Bomb Threat
Section 1500.12 Crisis Communication Plan
Section 1500.13 Emergency Notification System
Section 1500.14 Key Control
Section 1500.15 Alcohol and Drugs
Section 1500.16 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
Section 1500.17 Commitment to Diversity
Section 1500.18 Campus Safety
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.01
Many departments and offices maintain files, both electronic and paper, of personal, biographical,
academic, health, financial and admission records. These records may include personal billing
information, Perkins loan records, student institutional loans and personal correspondence with
employees, students and parents. The Information Security policy outlines how Lake Region State
College will respond to an incident covered by the campus’s policies to ensure compliance with Gramm-
Leach-Bliley ACT (GLB), Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Payment Card Industry security
standards (PCI), Identity Theft Prevention program (Red Flag). System and application security, and
internal control procedures provide an environment where risks are mitigated.
Events that jeopardize the security and privacy of institutional and personal data will occur, in spite of
the most vigilant efforts to minimize their occurrence. The Information Security Response Team
responds to and investigates major incidents related to misuse or abuse of Lake Region State College
information and information technology resources, regardless of the campus or department involved.
This includes computer and network security breaches and unauthorized disclosure or modification of
institutional or personal information. The role of the Information Security Response team is to
coordinate a consistent and effective response to such events. Each member of the campus community
should be watchful and prepared to report incidents.
The campus network, information systems, and data are critical resources for accomplishing the mission
of Lake Region State College. All campus users have an interest in the security of these resources, and
share in the responsibility for protecting them. Prompt and consistent reporting of and response to
Information Security incidents protects and preserves the integrity, availability, and privacy of data and
IT resources and helps the campus to comply with applicable law.
Scope of Policy:
This policy applies to all members of the Lake Region State College community.
The Information Security Response Team will be comprised of:
Administrative Affairs
Accounting Supervisor
Information Technology Services
Chief Information Officer
Student Affairs
Director of Financial Aid
Public Relations
Director of Marketing and Communications
Related Documents/Policies:
Gramm Leach Bliley Act
Lake Region State College Customer
Information Safeguarding Program
(Gramm Leach Bliley Act)
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Payment Card Industry Standards
Lake Region State College PCI (Payment
Card Industry) Compliance Policy
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Lake Region State College Identity Theft
Prevention Program (Red Flag)
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
"What To Do If Compromised"
VISA USA Fraud Investigations and
Incident Management Procedures
SBHE Policy 1901.2 Computing Facilities
NDUS Procedure 1901.2
Confidential Information
Confidential Information, further defined in the SBHE policy
1901.2 and NDUS Procedure 1901.2, is information that is not
to be publicly disclosed. The disclosure, use, or destruction of
Confidential Information can have adverse effects on Lake
Region State College and possibly carry significant civil, fiscal or
criminal liability.
Personal Identifying Information (PII)
Information that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or
locate a single person or can be used with other sources to
uniquely identify a single individual.
Campus Information Technology
Security Officer
Individual designated by the Institution to fill this role.
Data Custodian
The individual who has ultimate responsibility and ownership
for a particular set of data (e.g. a department head, V.P., or
Merchant Bank
The Merchant Bank for Lake Region State College is the Bank of
North Dakota
Forensic Image
The process of making a duplicate of the computer system hard
drive(s) using some form of hardware write protection, such as
a hardware write blocker, to ensure no alterations are made to
the original drive. There are two goals when making an image:
1. Completeness (imaging all of the information) 2. Accuracy
(copying it all correctly)
Information Technology (IT) Incident
An activity or event that results in damage to, misuse of, or loss
of an IT resource. Incidents include but are not limited to:
• Loss of a computing device (misplaced, stolen, vandalized)
• Detection of a malicious program, such as a virus, worm,
Trojan horse, keystroke logger, rootkit, remote control bot, etc.
• Detection of unauthorized users, or users with unauthorized
escalated privileges.
• Detection of a critical or widespread vulnerability or
misconfiguration that might lead to a compromise affecting the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of university systems or
Major Incident
An IT incident which:
• Involves a device or system containing confidential data
• Threatens the business continuity of the college or
• Affects multiple systems or servers
• Involves the violation of North Dakota state or U.S. federal
Information Technology (IT)
A computing asset provided by the College to further
ITS’ mission. Examples include, but are not limited to, network
bandwidth, networking equipment, workstations, computer
systems, SmartBoards, IVN equipment, data, databases, servers
and printers.
In the event of an Information Security incident concerning the possible exposure or loss of confidential
institutional or personal data, you must take immediate action to report the incident to the Information
Security Response Team as soon as the incident is suspected.
1. Reporting incidents involving confidential data (as soon as the incident is suspected)
a. Immediately call, no matter what time of the day or night or weekday or weekend or
holiday, until you get a human. Try in this order:
i. Security Officer 701-662-1511
Or 701-351-8547 (24x7)
Or 701-662-8025 (after hours)
ii. Information Security Response team at 701-662-1502 (during office hours)
Or 701-351-3633 (after hours)
b. Please also e-mail[email protected] with details of the suspected exposure. Please
do not simply leave a voicemail or send e-mail - please ensure you reach a human,
because it is critical that we begin response procedures immediately.
2. Safeguarding the compromised computer (if a computer is part of the incident):
a. Step away from the computer.
b. Do not touch it, or take any other action until advised by the Campus Information
Technology Security Officer.
c. Do not attempt to login, or alter the compromised system.
d. Do not power it off. These actions will delete forensic evidence that may be critical to
your incident.
e. Do not discuss the incident with any other parties until you are authorized. This is
critical to ensure that only accurate information is disseminated, rather than
suppositions or guesses as to what happened.
f. Begin writing a detailed description to be shared with the Information Security
Response Team: what made you suspect the incident, what you know happened thus
far, information on the machine and the data affected and what actions have been
taken so far.
The information Security Response Team is charged with investigation and coordination of incidents
where confidential institutional or personal data is suspected to have been exposed, and it has
experienced forensic NDUS staff to assist.
When a Campus Information Technology Security Officer is notified, the Information Security Response
Team will immediately be assembled to advise and assist in containing and limiting the exposure,
investigating the attack, obtaining the appropriate approvals, and handling notification to the affected
individuals and agencies. The incident still "belongs" to the department experiencing the exposure; the
mission of the Information Security Response Team is to assist you.
Time is critical
Immediately containing and limiting the exposure is first priority. In certain situations, we must notify
the NDUS Security Officer within two business days of becoming aware of the incident. In others, we
must notify the Merchant Bank involved within one business day. Also, individuals involved in such
incidents expect expeditious notification to them so that they can monitor their accounts. The most
common complaints after an incident are about how long it took the organization to contain the
exposure and to send notifications. At Lake Region State College, our goal is to notify the individuals
affected within one week of our becoming aware of the possible exposure.
3. Reporting other types of suspected incidents
a. For non-emergency reports of information and information technology security or
abuse incidents, send email to lrsc.helpd[email protected] or contact the ITS Department. If
you are reporting an incident related to an email message you received do not delete
the original email. It will be needed for the investigation.
All Employees
Classify information; any data not yet classified by the custodian
shall be deemed Private.
Report any IT or information security incidents to the Campus
Information Technology Security Officer(s).
Follow the procedures for safeguarding a compromised
computer involving confidential information .
Data Custodian/Department
Work with the employee(s) to identify the scope of the incident,
including users affected and the type of data compromised.
Notification to the affected individuals in case of a major
incident with guidance from the Information Security Response
Identify reasonably foreseeable internal/external risks to the
security that could result in unauthorized disclosure or misuse
of information.
Take the lead in minimizing the risks with assistance from the
Information Security Response team.
Information Security Response Team
In the case of major incidents, advise and assist in containing
and limiting the exposure, investigating the attack, identifying
the users involved, obtaining the appropriate approvals, and
overseeing notification to the affected individuals and agencies
which may include, but are not limited to, the Data Custodian,
President, NDUS Security Officer and the Bank of North Dakota.
Work with Data Custodian/Department to minimize risks.
Design and implementation of the Information Security
Education and Training program.
Regularly monitoring and testing the sufficiency of any
safeguards in place to control risks in the following areas:
Employee management and training
Information systems
Managing system failures
Campus Information Technology
Security Officer
Determine if the incident is a major or minor incident.
In the case of a minor incident, work with ITS to contain the
treat and restore the system.
In case of a major incident work with the Information Security
Response Team.
Administrative Council Approved 05/09
Administrative Council Approved 07/14/09
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.02
Policy Statement:
Lake Region State College allows departments to accept credit/debit cards for purchases of goods or
services only in accordance with the procedures outlined in this document.
The College recognizes that accepting credit/debit cards as payment for goods or services has become a
common practice that improves customer service, brings certain efficiencies to Lake Region State
College's cash collection process, and may increase the sales volume of some types of transactions. In
addition, the use of technology, such as the World Wide Web, provides easy access for many, and the
use of credit cards is essential when sales are conducted electronically.
Scope of Policy:
This policy applies to all members of the Lake Region State College community.
Related Documents/Policies:
Gramm Leach Bliley Act
Lake Region State College Customer
Information Safeguarding Program
(Gramm Leach Bliley Act)
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Payment Card Industry Standards
Lake Region State College
Information Security Response Policy
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Lake Region State College Identity
Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag)
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
"What To Do If Compromised"
VISA USA Fraud Investigations and
Incident Management Procedures
A Lake Region State College department that accepts credit cards to
conduct business.
Gramm Leach Bliley Act
Key rules under the Act govern the collection and disclosure of
customers' personal financial information.
Payment Card Industry
Standards (PCI)
A multifaceted security standard that includes requirements for
security management, policies, procedures, network architecture,
software design and other critical protective measures. This
comprehensive standard is intended to help organizations proactively
protect customer account data.
Credit Card Processing
A machine or device used to process credit/debit card transactions.
Examples may include: Zon, Trans330, Trans380, Trans460,
Overview - Many departments on campus process credit/debit card transactions, either infrequently or
in the course of daily business. It is the College's responsibility to protect the privacy of its customers, as
well as maintain compliance with the Gramm Leach Bliley (GLB) Act and Payment Card Industry (PCI)
Departments that transact business by accepting credit cards for goods or services are expected to
adhere to the attached procedures to help ensure the integrity and security of all credit/debit card
transactions. Failure to follow the procedures may result in the revocation of departmental
authorization to accept credit cards and departmental responsibility for paying all related penalties.
Acceptable Credit/Debit Cards - The College is required to process credit/debit card transactions
through the Bank of North Dakota. Any exceptions must be approved, in writing, by the Bank of North
Dakota. All requests to contract with a processer other than the Bank of North Dakota must be
submitted to the Lake Region State College Vice President of Administrative Affairs.
Credit card types that departments may request to be accepted within the department for goods and
services include MasterCard, VISA, and Discover.
Credit Card Fees - The College is charged fees on all credit card transactions. The fees vary and are
based on the card type accepted and the method of acceptance (swiped versus manually entered).
Merchant fees are generally charged to the funding source that the revenue is credited to at the time of
the transaction. Fees will be charged to the departmental fund via journal entry/import on a monthly
basis by the Business Office.
As departments are developing rates (fees for goods or services) they should recognize the credit card
merchant fee as a cost of doing business. Should the department choose to recover the fee, they must
build it into the overall rate structure. In other words, departments cannot assess an additional fee to
the customer if the customer pays via a credit card.
SECURITY - If a department suspects that credit/debit card records may have been compromised in any
way, whether through malicious intent or due to a weakness in the handling and processing of
credit/debit card transactions, they are to notify the Business office immediately.
All security incidents will follow the Lake Region State College Information Security Response. The
document “What to do if Compromised”, VISA USA Fraud Investigations and Incident Management
Procedures will be utilized as a reference for any security incident.
Contracts with Vendors/Internet Service Providers - Prior to entering into a new contract with a
vendor/internet provider for acceptance of credit/debit cards, a department needs to take the following
1. Submit a brief synopsis of the business rationale to the Business Office and Information
Technology (IT). The rational needs to include:
a. How it will interface with other campus/NDUS systems.
b. Justification of the approach chosen.
c. Description of any alternatives seriously considered and explanation of why those
alternatives were not chosen.
2. The Business Office/IT will determine if existing credit card collection methods can accomplish
the goal.
3. If existing methods can accomplish the goal, the Business Office and IT will work with the
department to construct the set-up.
4. If existing methods cannot accomplish the goal, the department must:
a. Have a secured website and must provide certification that the internet site/provider is
PCI compliant prior to entering into a contract with the vendor/internet provider. This
certification should be obtained from the vendor/internet provider and submitted to
the Business Office Administration. Certification must be provided on an annual basis,
or as requested.
b. Have a written agreement that includes an acknowledgement that the service providers
are responsible for the security of cardholder data the service provider possesses
c. Maintain a program to monitor service providers’ PCI DSS compliance status.
d. Have the contract approved by NDUS Legal Counsel.
Obtaining Authorization to Accept Credit/Debit Card Payments - Departments must obtain prior
approval from the Business Office Accounting Supervisor to accept and/or process credit/debit card
transactions within the department. Requests should be made via e-mail to the Accounting Supervisor.
If approved, the Business Office will assist the department in obtaining a credit card processing machine
and will provide procedures that must be followed when processing credit card deposits. If a
department has not obtained approval to accept credit/debit card payments, they must not be
accepting credit/debit card information.
Methods of Processing Transactions - There are four accepted methods for processing credit/debit card
1. In person.
2. By telephone must obtain the CVV code from the back of the card, but must be shredded after
the transaction is processed; must verify the address if sending merchandise; may choose to
have return receipt to confirm delivery of goods.
3. By mail.
4. Via a secured College-approved internet or firewall-protected and encrypted database
application a department accepting credit card information over the internet must provide a
certification that the internet site/provider is PCI compliant prior to entering into a contract with
the vendor/internet provider. This certificate must be submitted to the Business Office on an
annual basis, or as requested.
Credit/debit card information cannot be requested or sent electronically (i.e. e-mail). If a cardholder
sends credit card information electronically, departments are required to reply (deleting the card
information) to the cardholder with the following verbiage:
"It is important that Lake Region State College protects the privacy of our customers, and therefore,
does not accept credit/debit card information electronically, as the e-mail system is not a secured site.
Because we have already received it, we will process this payment, but please discontinue sending credit
card information electronically. You may contact the department providing the goods or services to
request available payment options."
Departments must attach a copy of the response to the merchant copy of the transaction being
processed and retain in accordance with the records retention policy.
Credit/debit card information needs to be kept confidential and must never be left lying in an area
where unauthorized persons may view it.
When issuing credits to customers, the credit should be processed in the same payment method as the
original charge.
Departments must not store any credit/debit card information, including CVV codes or PIN numbers, in
a customer database or electronic spreadsheet. All CVV codes, PIN numbers, and other documents
containing credit card information, must be shredded immediately after the transaction has been
ATM Terminal - An ATM terminal is located at Lake Region State College. Lake Region State College
works with ATM Network to provide the service. Lake Region State College is responsible to keep the
machine filled with money. Money is transferred from the customer’s bank to a Lake Region State
College bank account. To reconcile these items, reports are run which include credit card numbers.
Those reports are kept in a locked cabinet.
Refunds - When an item or service is purchased using a credit card, and a refund is necessary, the refund
should be credited to the credit card from which the purchase was made. If a refund in the form of a
check is necessary, it should be approved by the departmental head/manager on a case-by-case basis.
No cash refunds will be issued for returned items originally purchased with a credit/debit card.
Disputed Charges / Chargebacks - Occasionally, the Bank of North Dakota will send notification to the
College indicating a disputed charge. A copy of this chargeback notification will be forwarded to the
appropriate department by the Business Office. The department is required to provide all requested
information in response to the notification by the due date indicated. Failure to provide requested
information in a timely manner will result in the department being charged for the transaction in
question and the department cannot appeal the chargeback.
Recording and Reconciling Transactions - When submitting deposits to the Business Office, please
include the following:
1. Merchant copy of the sales slip, which includes the signature, should only include the last four
digits of the credit card number.
2. Daily Totals Report - this includes only the totals for MasterCard, VISA, and Discover; no credit
card numbers are included.
3. Daily Detail Report - this includes the entire credit card number for all transactions.
4. Batch Settlement Report - this indicates the amount settled successfully.
a. Departments should transmit and settle their batches daily.
Retention Periods - Documents supporting the credit card transaction must be retained by the
department according to the College’s Records Retention Policy.
The Business Office should retain the following documents for receipts processed with a Tender Type
selection of Credit Card:
1. The merchant copy of the sales slip, which includes the signature, should only include the last
four digits of the credit card number.
a. Retention period is current fiscal year plus two prior fiscal years.
2. Daily Totals Report includes only the totals for each card type (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and
American Express); not credit card numbers are included.
a. Retention period is current fiscal year plus two prior fiscal years.
3. Daily Detail Report includes the entire credit card number for all transactions.
a. Retention period is current fiscal year plus two prior fiscal years.
4. Daily Batch Settlement Report indicates the amount settled successfully.
a. Retention period is current fiscal year plus two prior fiscal years.
All Transaction documents, as stated above, must be secured, for example, in a locked cabinet/room
with limited access.
Network Scans - Departments using networks or servers for credit cards transactions must follow PCI
standards. Additional scans may be requested by the Bank of North Dakota.
PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire - The Business Office is required to complete a PCI Self-Assessment
Survey on an annual basis for each method of accepting credit cards. This policy will be reviewed at that
time for possible changes. Service providers will be monitored to assure PCI DSS compliance status.
Business Office
With the assistance of Information Technology, grants
authorization to departments to accept and process credit/debit
card transactions.
Provides procedures for daily reconciling of credit card
Retain documents supporting credit card transactions as required.
Reconciles transactions on a monthly basis.
Department Accepting
Credit Cards for
Goods or Services
Request/obtain prior approval from the Business
Office/Information Technology to accept and/or process
credit/debit card transactions.
Credit/debit card information must never be left in an open area
where unauthorized persons are able to view it.
Notify the Business Offices immediately if there is a suspicion that
credit/debit card records may have been compromised in any way.
If accepting credit/debit card information over the internet, a
department must provide certification that the internet
site/provider is PCI compliant prior to entering into a contract with
the vendor/internet provider. The certificate must be submitted
to the Business Office on an annual basis, or as requested.
Should take merchant fees into consideration when determining
rates for goods and services.
Must follow the procedures for processing credit/debit card
Must not store any magnetic stripe information, including security
codes, CVV/CVC, PIN number, CVV2/CVC2.
Reconcile and transmit credit/debit card transactions on a daily
Retain all required credit/debit card documents in a secured
location according to the records retention policy.
Do not request credit/debit card information via e-mail. When
credit/debit card information is received by the department via e-
mail, departments are required to notify the sender to discontinue
sending such information via e-mail, as it is not a secured location.
The transaction can still be processed.
When disposing of credit/debit card information, all documents
must be shredded.
Plan Responsibility, Review, Updates and Approval - Responsibility for Lake Region State College’s PCI
(Payment Card Industry) Policy is assigned to the Information Security Response Team (see Information
Security Response Policy).
These positions will work together and be responsible for coordinating Lake Region State College’s PCI
(Payment Card Industry) Policy including the following:
1. Annual review of the policy.
2. Complete PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaires.
3. Oversee scans of equipment.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.03
To establish an Identity Theft Prevention Program designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity
theft in connection with the opening of a covered account or an existing covered account and to provide
for continued administration of the program in compliance with Part 681 of the Code of Federal
Regulations implementing Sections 114 and 315 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
(FACTA) of 2003.
Scope of Covered Activities/Business Processes, Rules:
Any account or financial service that Lake Region State College offers or maintains for which there is
reasonably foreseeable risk to customers or to the safety and soundness of Lake Region State College
from identity theft, including financial operational, compliance, reputation, or litigation risks.
Related Documents/Policies:
SBHE Policy 1901.2 Computing Facilities
SBHE Policy 1912 Public Records
Lake Region State College PCI (Payment Card Industry) Policy
Lake Region State College Information Security Response Policy
Lake Region State College Customer Information Safeguarding Program
NDUS Policy 511 Student Criminal History Background Checks and corresponding Procedure 511
NDUS Policy 602.3 Job Applicant/Employee Criminal History Background Checks and corresponding
procedure 602
NDUS Policy 1912 Public Records; Procedure 1912.1 Information Security Procedures
NDUS Procedure 1912.2 Student Records Directory Information
NDUS Procedure 1912.3 Employee Personal Information
SBHE Policy 802.7
Identity Theft - Fraud committed or attempted using the identifying information of another person
without authority.
Covered Account - An account that Lake Region State College offers or maintains primarily for personal
or business purposes that involves or is designed to permit multiple payments or transactions. Covered
accounts includes but is not limited to Student ID Card, credit/debit card processing, financial aid
information, student loan information, business accounts, payroll account information; and any other
account that Lake Region State College offers or maintains for which there is a reasonably foreseeable
risk to customers or to the safety and soundness of Lake Region State College from identity theft,
including financial operational, compliance, reputation, or litigation risks.
Red Flag - A pattern, practice, or specific activity that indicates the possible existence of identity theft.
Service Provider - A third party engaged in performing an activity in connection with one or more
covered accounts.
Detecting Red Flag Activity
1. Alerts, Notifications or Warning from a Consumer Reporting Agency
a. A fraud or active duty alert is included with a consumer report.
b. A consumer reporting agency provides a notice of credit freeze in response to a request
for a consumer report.
c. A consumer reporting agency provides a notice of address discrepancy as defined in
§41.82(b) of this part.
d. A consumer report indicates a pattern of activity that is inconsistent with the history
and usual pattern of activity of an applicant or customer, such as:
i. A recent significant increase in the volume of inquiries.
ii. An unusual number of recently established credit relationships.
iii. A material change in the use of credit, especially with respect to recently
established credit relationships.
iv. An account that was closed for cause or identified for abuse of account
privileges by a financial institution or creditor.
2. Suspicious Documents
a. Documents appear to have been altered or forged.
b. The photograph or physical description on the identification is not consistent with the
appearance of the applicant or customer presenting the identification.
c. Other information on the identification is not consistent with information provided by
the person opening a new covered account or customer presenting the identification.
d. An application appears to have been altered or forged, or gives the appearance of
having been destroyed and reassembled.
3. Suspicious Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
a. Personal identifying information provided is inconsistent when compared against
external information sources used by the financial institution or creditor.
i. Examples: the address does not match any address in the consumer report; or
the Social Security Number has not been issued, or is listed on the Social
Security Administration’s Death Master File.
b. Personal identifying information provided by the customer is not consistent with other
personal identifying information provided by the customer, e.g., there is a lack of
correlation between the SSN range and the date of birth.
c. Personal identifying information provided is associated with known fraudulent activity
as indicated by internal or third-party sources used by the institution.
i. Examples: The address on an application is the same as the address provided on
a fraudulent application; or the phone number on an application is the same as
the number provided on a fraudulent application.
d. Personal identifying information provided is of a type commonly associated with
fraudulent activity as indicated by internal or third-party sources used by the institution.
i. Examples: The address on an application is fictitious, a mail drop, or a prison; or
the phone number is invalid, or is associated with a pager or answering service.
e. The SSN provided is the same as that submitted by other persons opening an account or
other customers.
f. The address or telephone number provided is the same as or similar to the account
number or telephone number submitted by an unusually large number of other persons
opening accounts or other customers.
g. The person opening the covered account or the person fails to provide all required
personal identifying information on an application on in response to notification that
the application is incomplete.
h. Personal identifying information provided is not consistent with personal information
that is on file with the institution.
i. For financial institutions and creditors that use challenge questions, the person opening
the covered account or the customer cannot provide authenticating information beyond
that which generally would be available from a wallet or consumer report.
j. Unusual Use of, or Suspicious Activity Related to, the Covered Account.
k. Shortly, following the notice of a change of address for a covered account, the
institution receives a request for new, additional, or replacement cards, or the addition
of authorized users on the account.
l. The covered account is used in a manner commonly associated with known patterns of
i. Example: The customer fails to make the first payment or makes an initial
payment but no subsequent payments.
m. A covered account is used in a manner that is not consistent with established patterns
of activity on the account.
i. Examples: Nonpayment when there is no history of late or missed payments; a
material increase in use of available credit; a material change in purchasing or
spending patterns; a material change in electronic fund transfer patterns in
connection with a deposit account; or a material change in telephone call
patterns in connection with a phone account (can be cellular or landline).
n. A covered account that has been inactive for a reasonably lengthy period of time is used
(taking into consideration the type of account, the expected pattern of usage and other
relevant factors).
o. Mail sent to customer is returned repeatedly as undeliverable although transactions
continue to be conducted in connection with the customer’s covered account.
p. The institution is notified the customer is not receiving paper account statements
q. The institution is notified of unauthorized charges or transactions in connection with a
customer’s covered account.
4. Notice from Customers, Victims of Identity Theft, Law Enforcement Authorities, or Other
Persons Regarding Possible Identity Theft in Connection with Covered Accounts Held by the
All Employees Procedures for the Rule
1. Access data in Lake Region State College’s ConnectND system is restricted to those employees of
the College with a need to know and for proper performance of their duties. These employees
receive training related to FERPA and “Red Flag” regulations. Social Security numbers and Date
of Birth are not used as authentication numbers and should be protected.
2. Every effort is made to limit the access to personal non-directory information to employees on
campus with a legitimate need-to-know. Employees, who have been approved access to the
administrative information databases, understand that they are restricted to using the
information obtained only in the conduct of their job functions. The inappropriate use of such
access and/or use of administrative data may result in disciplinary action up to, and including,
dismissal from the University.
3. All paper files containing personal non-directory information are required to be in a secure
location when not in use. All offices, when not occupied, are to be locked.
Student Administration Procedures for the Rule
1. Verify identification for any student, faculty, or staff requesting services. The identification
should be scrutinized to verify that it has not been altered or forged.
2. Verify that the picture on the identification provided matches the appearance of the customer
presenting the identification.
3. Verify that the information on the identification is consistent with other information on file at
the college, particularly on the customer’s account.
4. Do not share any more information with a customer than is documented in the student system
if there is a full FERPA restriction on the account. If additional information is requested, the
student should be forwarded to the Registrar’s office for assistance.
5. Report to upper management without assisting the customer if the College ID provided is the
same as that submitted by another customer.
6. Report to upper management if an account is used in a manner not consistent with regular
patterns of activity, i.e. if a student receives more than one Short Term loan at a time, or over
the period of one term.
7. Call or email the customer if mail addressed to the customer is returned as undeliverable
although transactions continue to be conducted with their account.
8. Notify upper management if an account has three different address changes in the past ninety
(90) days.
9. Investigate and verify the correctness of unauthorized charges or transactions assessed by
Student Financial Services in connection with a customer’s account. If there are questions
regarding the correctness of departmental charges, refer them on to the appropriate
department for resolution.
10. Notify upper management immediately if the College is notified by a customer, a victim of
identity theft, a law enforcement authority, or any other person that it has opened, discovered,
or manipulated a fraudulent account for a person engaged in identity theft.
11. Do not provide any information to an individual claiming to be the victim of identity theft
without them providing evidence of a Police Case Number or an FTC affidavit of identity theft. If
a customer needs assistance of this type, the request must be in writing with detailed
information requested as well as proof of positive identification and proof of claim of identity
theft (policy report or FTC affidavit).
12. Ensure that customers who call are not given information on an account if they cannot provide
the College ID and customer name. Be cautious about callers who attempt to get financial
information without providing any substantive knowledge about the account.
13. Employees and students are requested to report all changes in name, address, telephone or
marital status to the Human Resources and Registration and Records offices as soon as possible;
they should periodically verify those persons listed as contacts in case of an emergency, and
those persons designated as beneficiaries to life and/or retirement policies.
14. A FERPA disclosure statement is sent out to students each year informing them of their rights
under FERPA. The student is required to give written authorization to the Registrar’s Office if
their information is permitted to be shared with another party. The student is given the
opportunity to provide billing addresses for third party billing.
15. Occasionally, the College will extend short term credit to a student for payment of their tuition
bill or other items which thus creates a covered account. The student signs a short term
promissory note, which is stored in a secured area.
Human Resources Policy and Procedures for the Rule
1. Staff who have access to HR and Payroll data have received training that non-directory
information regarding employees is not to be provided unless approved in writing by the
2. The College’s official personnel files for all employees are retained in the Human Resources
office in a locked file cabinet. Employees have the right to review the information contained in
their personnel file.
3. Personnel records are classified as open records according to the North Dakota Century Code
(Chapter 44-04).
4. Access data in Lake Region State College’s ConnectND system is restricted to those employees of
the College with a need to know and for proper performance of their duties. These employees
receive training related to FERPA and “Red Flag” regulations.
5. Social Security numbers are not used as identification numbers and this data is classified as
6. Every effort is made to limit the access to confidential information to employees on campus
with a legitimate need-to-know. Employees, who have been approved access to the
administrative information databases, understand that they are restricted to using the
information obtained only in the conduct of their job functions. The inappropriate use of such
access and/or use of administrative data may result in disciplinary action up to, and including,
dismissal from the University.
Oversight of Service Providers
The College remains responsible for compliance with the Red Flag Rules even if it outsources operations
to a third party service provider. The written agreement between the College and the third party
service provider shall require the third party to have reasonable policies and procedures designed to
detect relevant Red Flags that may arise in the performance of their service provider’s activities. The
written agreement must also indicate whether the service provider is responsible for notifying only the
College of the detection of a Red Flag or if the service provider is responsible for implementing
appropriate steps to prevent or mitigated identify theft. Written agreements will be kept in the
Administrative Affairs office.
Plan Responsibility, Review, Updates, and Approval
Responsibility for Lake Region State College’s Identity Theft Prevention Program is assigned to the
Information Security Response Team (see Information Security Response Policy).
These positions will work together and be responsible for coordinating Lake Region State College’s
Identity Theft Prevention Program including the following:
1. Identify relevant patterns, practices, and specific forms of activity that are “red flags” signaling
possible identity theft and incorporate those red flags into the program;
2. Respond appropriately to any red flags that are detected to prevent and mitigate theft.
3. The Identity Theft Prevention Program will be reviewed and updated regularly by this team.
Changes will be approved by the President of Lake Region State College.
4. Identify training and education relevant to the Identity Theft Prevention Program.
5. The Information Security Response Team will conduct an annual report on the compliance and
effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for changes. The report should be
filed with the President. Should an employee identify a “red flag” (patterns, practices and
specific activities that signal possible identity theft), they are instructed to bring it to the
attention of the Information Security Response Team. The team will investigate the threat of
identity theft to determine if there has been a breach and will respond appropriately to prevent
future identity theft breaches. Additional actions may include notifying and cooperating with
appropriate law enforcement and notifying the student or employee of the attempted fraud.
6. If there is a pattern, practice or activity relating to a university system-supported application,
the Information Security Response Team will consult with the NDUS CIO or NDUS Security.
Administrative Council Approved 07/14/09
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.04
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act of 2000 requires financial institutions to ensure the security and
confidentiality of customer information. Universities and colleges are deemed to comply with the
privacy provision of the Act if they are in compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) of 1974; however, universities and colleges are still subject to the requirements of
administrative, technical and physical safeguarding of customer information. The written safeguarding
program outlined below will address the administrative, technical and physical safeguarding of customer
information. The objectives of the safeguards are as follows:
1. Ensure the security and confidentiality of customer information,
2. Protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such
information, and
3. Protect against unauthorized access to or use of customer information that could result in
substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.
This program applies to all members of the Lake Region State College community.
Related Documents/Policies:
Gramm Leach Bliley Act
Payment Card Industry Standards
PCI (Payment Card Industry)
Compliance Policy
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Information Security Response Policy
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
Identity Theft Prevention Program
(Red Flag)
Lake Region State College Policy & Procedure Manual
North Dakota University System
Policy Section 1912: Public Records
NDUS Procedure Section 1912.1:
Information Security Procedures.
Family Education Rights and Privacy
Customer Information
any record containing nonpublic personal information as defined in 16 CFR
313.3(n) about a customer of Lake Region State College, whether in paper,
electronic or other form (16 CFR 314.2(b)).
Confidential Information, further defined in the NDUS policy 1901.2, is
information that is not to be publicly disclosed. The disclosure, use, or
destruction of Confidential Information can have adverse affects on Lake
Region State College and possibly carry significant civil, fiscal, or criminal
Covered data and
Student financial information and any other financial information required
to be protected under GLB and includes both paper and electronic
Individual who obtains or has obtained a financial product or service from
Lake Region State College that is to be used primarily for personal, family, or
household purposes (16 CFR 313.3(e),(h)).
North Dakota Higher
Education Computer
Network (HECN)
The HECN is a cooperative effort among the eleven campuses of the North
Dakota University System for the provisioning of enterprise-wide IT services
Responsibility for Lake Region State College’s Customer Information Safeguarding Program is assigned to
the Information Security Response Team (the Coordinators for the Customer Information Safeguarding
Program) See Information Security Response Policy re: Team members. The Team consists of the
Accounting Supervisor, Chief Information Officer, Director of Financial Aid, and Director of Marketing &
Risk Management:
Lake Region State College recognizes that there are both internal and external risks at three different
levels: 1) ND Higher Education Computer Network (HECN), 2)Lake Region State College Information
Technology Services (ITS) department, 3) other Lake Region State College department systems. These
risks include but are not limited to:
1. Unauthorized access of protected information by someone other than the owner of the covered
data and information
2. Compromised system security as a result of system access by an unauthorized person
3. Interception of data during transmission
4. Loss of data integrity
5. Physical loss of data in a disaster
6. Errors introduced into the system
7. Corruption of data or systems
8. Unauthorized access of covered data and information by employees
9. Unauthorized requests for covered data and information
10. Unauthorized access through hardcopy files or reports
11. Unauthorized transfer of covered data and information through third parties.
Lake Region State College recognizes that this may not be a complete list of the risks associated with the
protection of customer information. Since technology growth is not static, new risks are created
Security Response
Review & update this Customer Information Safeguarding Program
Work together and be responsible for coordinating LAKE REGION STATE
COLLEGE’s information security program, including the following:
o Identify reasonably foreseeable internal/external risks to the
security that could result in unauthorized disclosure, misuse of
o Design and implementation of the safeguard program;
Regularly monitor and test the sufficiency of any safeguards in place to
control risks in the following areas:
o Employee Management & Training;
o Information Systems; and
o Managing System Failures.
North Dakota
Higher Education
Computer Network
Obligations are addressed in SBHE Policy Section 1912: Public Records
and NDUS Procedure Section 1912.1: Information Security Procedures.
Lake Region State
College Information
Services (ITS)
Provide a secure computing environment for the faculty, staff and students of
Lake Region State College, this includes but not limited to network
infrastructure; file servers, and email systems.
Access to the networking equipment is controlled by passwords. Physical
access to the networking equipment is controlled by physical key, with
only those people needing to maintain the infrastructure itself having
The storage area on the file server consists of individual and shared
directories. The individual storage is password protected for the specific
individual account. Access to the administrative file server and shared
areas for the department are authorized by the department and
implemented by the system administrator.
Access to covered data and information via computer information
systems shall be limited to those employees who have a business reason
to know such information. Each employee shall be assigned a user name
and password in compliance with a password procedure. Databases
containing personal covered data and information, including, but not
limited to, accounts, balances, and transactional information, shall be
available only to employees in appropriate departments and positions.
Lake Region State College requires the deletion or change of
administrative system access for terminating or transferring employees.
Provide secure data transmission.
When disposing of electronic devices -- wipe the data or physically
destroy diskettes, tapes, hard drives etc
No passwords are maintained in plain text. No passwords are altered for
an individual or given to an individual until it has been determined that
that individual is the person entitled to access to the account.
Lake Region State
departments and
employees that
have access to
Management and control responsibilities for Lake Region State College
departmental information systems and employees rest with the department
heads and the chain of command shown in the Lake Region State College
organizational chart. Management and control responsibilities fall under
three general categories: A) Employee Management and Training, B)
Information Systems, and C) Managing System Failures.
A) Employee Management and Training
The success or failure of any security plan largely depends on its employees.
Because certain customer information (such as: social security numbers) is
available to a large number of Lake Region State College employees via the
administrative systems, risk of failure is slightly higher in this area. As a result
of this risk, the following steps will be taken:
All departments shall check references and conduct criminal history
background checks as required by law or SBHE or Lake Region State
College policy prior to hiring employees.
Every employee with administrative computer system access to name and
address information will be notified and reminded of Lake Region State
College Information Security policies and the need to keep customer
information confidential and properly safeguarded.
Employees will be reminded to take steps to maintain security &
confidentiality of customer information, such as:
-locking rooms and filing cabinets where records are stored
-recognizing any fraudulent attempts to obtain customer
-limiting access to data in software programs
Impose sanctions for any breaches
B) Information Systems
Information systems include network and software, information processing,
storage, transmission, retrieval and disposal. Department heads will notify
employees annually of the following standards for information system
Store records in a secure area and only authorized employees have
Store paper records in a room or file cabinet that is locked when
Store electronic customer information on a secure server, data is
accessed with passwords and the server is in a secure area.
Dispose of customer information in secure manner. Shred customer
information according to the retention periods.
Covered data and information such as customer information must be
encrypted during transmission. Confidential data must be encrypted,
whenever it is stored outside of a password protected centralized
server. Confidential data may not be stored or backed up to DVD, CD,
or other non-encrypted media.
No passwords are maintained in plain text.
All computers, DVD/CDs, diskettes, tapes, hard drives etc. should be
returned to the ITS department for proper disposal.
C) Managing System Failures
An effective security management includes the prevention, detection and
response to attacks, intrusions and system failures. Department heads will
notify employees of the following Lake Region State College standards for
managing system failures:
Takes steps to preserve security, confidentiality and integrity of
customer information.
Store customer information on servers which backup the data
regularly. Notify customer promptly if nonpublic information (NPI) is
subject to loss, damage or unauthorized access.
Maintain systems and procedures to ensure that access is limited to
authorized employees.
Notify ITS of a breach and move items around for priority.
contracting with
Service Providers
Follow PCI (Payment Card Industry) Policy
Administrative Council Approved 04/14/09
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.05
Lake Region State College (LRSC) is committed to ethical and professional conduct. It is the responsibility
of each employee acting on behalf of LRSC, including student employees, to comply with legal and
regulatory requirements, policies, and procedures that apply to her/his particular duties.
There may be instances when a policy or procedure appears difficult to interpret or to apply. In those
cases, clarification should be sought through the employee’s supervisor. If necessary, further questions
should be directed to the administration office that has responsibility for the oversight of the policy.
This policy applies to all employees or contracted professionals of Lake Region State College.
Expectations It is expected that all employees:
1. perform their duties conscientiously, honestly, and in accordance with the best interests of
2. comply with applicable federal and state laws, SBHE, NDUS and LRSC policies and
3. will not use their position or the knowledge gained as a result of their position for private or
personal advantage.
4. support an environment that is free of intimidation, threatening behavior, discrimination
and/or harassment.
5. conduct themselves in a businesslike manner.
6. will be responsible and use good judgement when spending LRSC funds including
reimbursable expenses.
7. follow the policies and procedures for recording, handling, and protecting money and other
8. will not make, send, enter or distribute a false record or communication of any kind.
9. comply with applicable laws, regulations, SBHE policies and NDUS procedures concerning
privacy, confidential records, access to open records and records retention.
10. make every effort to communicate completely, accurately, and in a timely manner.
11. only collect personal information necessary for LRSC business.
12. retain customer information for only as long as required by LRSC’s records retention
13. will have a legitimate business reason for accessing information.
14. will only accept de minimus contributions, such as a purchase of a meal at reasonable value
as part of a conference or other event with no conditions attached.
15. will not accept entertainment, gifts, or personal favors that could, in any way, influence, or
appear to influence, business decisions in favor of any person or organization with whom or
with which LRSC has or is likely to have business dealings.
16. will not accept kickbacks and commissions from suppliers.
17. avoid investing in or acquiring a financial interest for their own accounts in any business
organization that has a contractual relationship with LRSC, or that provides goods or
services to LRSC, if such investment or interest could influence or create the impression of
influencing their decisions in the performance of their duties.
18. share responsibility for good public relations, especially at a community level.
19. must avoid outside activities that create an excessive demand upon their time and
attention, thus depriving LRSC of their best efforts in fulfilling their job duties or that create
a conflict of interest, or an obligation, interest, or distraction, that interferes with the
independent exercise of judgment in the best interest of LRSC.
20. separate their personal roles from their LRSC positions when communicating on matters not
involving LRSC business. They may not use LRSC identification, stationery, supplies, and
equipment for personal or political matters.
21. may not represent that they speak for LRSC, unless that is one of their duties or they are
otherwise authorized to do so.
22. must take care not to compromise the integrity or damage the reputation of LRSC when
dealing with the community.
23. will not engage in disruptive behavior; and will not engage in unlawful gambling.
24. will abide by the LRSC alcohol and drug policy and the requirements for presidential
approval under SBHE policy 918.
25. will not possess any dangerous weapon, firearm (including handguns, rifles, and shotguns),
or explosive device on property owned, leased, or under the control of LRSC unless
expressly authorized by law. Faculty and instructors of the Peace Officer Training Program,
a hunter education program, or other course or program approved by the President may
possess approved dangerous weapons according to the approved curriculum. Sworn officers
of the LRSC Police Department are also exempt from this policy when use or possession
occurs in the performance of their official duties.
26. are prohibited from making threats of harm to others, in person, through a third person, in
writing or by electronic means (social media, text, phone calls, etc.).
27. will not use public property or resources to perform unauthorized activities that disrupt the
efficient and economical administration of LRSC.
Reporting - Employees shall report suspected violations of the Code of Conduct policy to their
supervisor, the VP for Administrative Affairs, VP for Academic and Student Affairs, or the President. In
addition, the NDUS has a fraud hotline and suspected violations may be reported anonymously by use of
that hotline. Failure to report known or suspected violations is in itself a violation and employees may
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Investigations- Alleged violations of this Code of Conduct shall be investigated by the VP for
Administrative Affairs, the VP for Academic and Student Affairs, other officer designated by the
President or the NDUS at the request of the President. All employees shall cooperate in these
Discipline - If it is determined that the Code of Conduct or another policy has been violated, the
offending employee may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. In some
circumstances, employee may be subject to civil and criminal charges and penalties.
Retaliation The Code of Conduct prohibits retaliation against those who participate in reporting or
investigating policy violations. Any person who retaliates against another may be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
Acknowledgement - New employees will review the Code of Conduct and sign a statement certifying
that the employee has read and agrees to comply with the Code of Conduct. All benefitted employees
are required to annually certify in writing that they have read and are in compliance with the Code of
Administrative Council Approved 06/15/10
Administrative Council Approved (1500.05, 2) 06/05/17
Administrative Council Approved 11/20/2018
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.06
To assure all employees and contracted professionals of Lake Region State College understand the
importance of identifying and reporting fraud, who they need to report it to, how it will be investigated,
and how it will be resolved.
This policy applies to all employees or contracted professionals of Lake Region State College.
Related Documents/Policies:
Lake Region
State College
Code of
SBHE Policy
SBHE Policies
Section 611
and Activities
SBHE 615 Drug
Free Workplace
Procedure 615
Lake Region State College employees are responsible for safeguarding College resources and ensuring
they are used only for authorized purposes, in accordance with College rules, policies, and applicable
law. All employees are responsible for reporting suspected theft, fraud, or unlawful or improper use of
public funds or property.
1. As used in this policy, “theft, fraud or unlawful or improper use of public funds or property”
a. Stealing larceny or embezzlement;
b. Making or altering documents or files with the intent to defraud;
c. Purposely inaccurate accounting or financial reporting at any level;
d. Fraudulent conversion or misappropriation of public resources, including funds, supplies
or other property;
e. Improper handling or reporting of financial transactions;
f. Authorizing or receiving compensation for goods not received, services not performed
or hours not worked, including payment or receipt of a bribe, kickback or other unlawful
or unauthorized payment.
2. Fraud Awareness
a. All benefitted employees will receive training annually. The specific training will be
directed by the Human Resource office.
b. It is suggested that all non-benefitted employees also receive the training. However,
the training will not be mandated for non-benefitted employees.
3. Procedures for reporting suspected or detected fraudulent activity
a. An employee with knowledge or suspicion of theft, fraud or unlawful or improper use of
public funds or property involving Lake Region State College or affiliated entities, shall
report that information to a supervisor, the Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor in
Administrative Affairs or the President. An employee with knowledge or suspicion of
theft, fraud or unlawful use of public funds involving an immediate supervisor, shall
report that information to an employee at a level above the immediate supervisor. As
an alternate method, an employee may call the Eide Bailly Fraud Hotline at 866-912-
5378 to report suspicious activity.
b. Unreasonable failure to report such information as required may result in discipline, up
to and including dismissal.
c. The employee or supervisor who suspects fraudulent activity should not attempt to
conduct an investigation.
d. It is a violation of college policy to retaliate against an employee who, in good faith,
reports dishonest or fraudulent activity.
4. Procedures for investigating suspected or detected fraudulent activity
a. The Lake Region State College employees designated with responsibility for receiving
and acting upon reports under this policy are the Accounting/Human Resource
Supervisor for Administrative Affairs and the President. A supervisor or other person
who receives a report of suspected theft or fraud shall report that information to the
Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor or the President. The Accounting/Human
Resource Supervisor shall inform the President, unless the President is implicated, in
which case the Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor shall inform the General
Counsel. If both the Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor and the President are
implicated, the report shall be made to the ND University System General Counsel.
b. The Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor shall take reasonable and appropriate
action in response to receipt of a report, which may include an internal investigation,
commission of an audit, referral to law enforcement officials, recommended policy or
procedure amendments, a report summarizing findings or other steps. The
Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor shall consult the NDUS General Counsel and
information shall be kept confidential as directed by the General Counsel.
c. The Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor, with assistance from the President as
appropriate, has the primary responsibility for the investigation. If the investigation
reveals that fraudulent activities have occurred, the Accounting/Human Resource
Supervisor will issue a report to the appropriate administrative officials.
d. Employee discipline, up to and including dismissal will follow College processes and
e. Decisions to prosecute or involve appropriate law enforcement and/or regulatory
agencies for independent investigation will be made by the College President in
consultation with the NDUS General Counsel.
f. The Accounting/Human Resource Supervisor is also responsible for periodic review of
Lake Region State College internal control procedures, making recommendations for
appropriate controls and staff training to minimize opportunities for theft or fraud.
Administrative Council Approved 05/11/11
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.07
The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of electronic video recording equipment at Lake Region
State College. For purposes of this policy, electronic video recording equipment is defined as observing
persons, places, or activities in an unobtrusive manner with the aid of electronic devices such as video
cameras, digital video recorders or network scanning systems. This policy applies to all students and
employees, as well as, personnel of affiliated organizations conducting business on the properties
owned or controlled by Lake Region State College (hereafter Lake Region State College).
This policy applies to all areas of Lake Region State College in the use of video recording equipment. This
policy is not intended to cover the use of webcams unless the webcam is used for video recording.
General Principles:
1. The use of electronic video recording equipment at Lake Region State College is limited to the
following purposes:
a. To deter criminal activity.
b. To deter violations of Lake Region State College and North Dakota University System
c. To assist in the investigation and prosecution of criminal activity and violations of North
Dakota University System policies.
d. To assist in the investigation of accidents and to address safety issues.
e. To identify individuals seeking entry into restricted locations.
2. Using electronic video recording equipment for purposes not listed above undermines the
purpose of these resources and is therefore prohibited.
3. Only the incident on a filed report form may be investigated, and should unrelated violations be
observed, approval to investigate shall be obtained separately.
Video Recording Equipment on Premises:
Data captured by video recording equipment will be stored for a period not less than 7 days and not to
exceed 14 days and will then be erased unless retained as part of a criminal investigation or court
proceedings (criminal or civil), or other bona fide use as approved by the Loss Control Committee. Any
data that is retained for investigations or proceedings will be held for the appropriate retention time in
accordance with Lake Region State College’s Records Retention Schedule.
1. Chief Information Officer, CIO designee, and Risk Management Officer will have access to view
for investigative purposes.
1. The Vice President for Administrative Affairs, or designee, has the responsibility for the
a. Receiving and processing Video Recording Equipment Use Request Forms through the
established approval process.
b. Authorizing the use of video recording equipment for security purposes on campus as
described on Video Recording Equipment Use Request Forms.
c. Consulting with the NDUS Office of General Counsel to monitor new developments in
the relevant law and in security industry practices to ensure that video recording
equipment use at Lake Region State College is consistent with the highest standards and
d. Monitoring video recording equipment on a regular basis for operational status and
condition of all cameras.
2. The Vice President for Administrative Affairs, in cooperation with the Loss Control Committee,
has the responsibility for the following:
a. Establishing and maintaining the standard practice and any supplemental operating
b. Overseeing and coordinating the installation and use of video recording equipment. All
new installations will follow this standard practice and any supplemental operating
procedures applicable to the installation. All existing video recording equipment systems
will be evaluated for compliance with this standard practice.
Examples of use of video recording equipment in public areas
1. Legitimate security purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Protection of buildings and property - Building perimeter, entrances and exits, lobbies
and corridors, receiving docks, special storage areas, laboratories, cashier locations, etc.
b. Monitoring of access control systems - Monitor and record restricted access
transactions at entrances to buildings and other areas.
c. Verification of security alarms - Intrusion alarms, exit door controls, hold-up alarms, etc.
d. Criminal investigation.
e. Investigate suspected Lake Region State College or North Dakota University System
policy violations.
Administrative Council Approved 10/14/13
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.08
Lake Region State College will maintain a learning and working environment that is free from
harassment of its employees and students, including student-to-student and other peer harassment.
Any person engaging in inappropriate conduct will be in violation of this policy.
Discrimination is defined under applicable federal and state law. In general, unlawful discrimination
means failing to treat people equally based, at least in part, on status that is protected under applicable
law or policy.
Harassment is a specific form of discrimination. Harassment, by definition, must be sufficiently severe,
persistent, pervasive, or objectively offensive so as to interfere with or limit the ability of the individual
or group to participate in, or benefit from, LRSC’s programs or activities. Harassment and/or
discrimination of an individual or group that is related to their status in a protected class is prohibited.
Harassment may take the form of oral, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is related to an
individual’s or group’s protected class status, which includes: religion, sex, gender and gender identity,
race, national origin, color, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, economic or
perceived social state, and any other protected classes.
Sexual harassment is harassment, whether between individuals of the same or different sex, which
includes unwelcome behavior or conduct of a sexual nature that is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a
condition of an individual's education, employment, or participation in university-sponsored programs
or activities or the submission to or rejection of such behavior or conduct is a factor in decisions
affecting that individual's education, employment, or participation in university-sponsored programs or
activities. It has the effect of interfering with a person’s work or a student’s academic performance, or it
creates an objectively hostile environment.
Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Verbal harassment or abuse
2. Pressure for sexual activity
3. Repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications
4. Unwelcome touching (i.e. patting, pinching, hugging, repeated brushing against another
employee’s body or touching their clothing)
5. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats
concerning one’s grades, job, etc.
6. Suggesting or demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt promise of preferential
treatment with regard to an individual’s employment or educational program status
7. Graphic verbal comment about an individual’s body
8. Sexually degrading words, to describe an individual
9. Display in the workplace or in public areas of sexually suggestive objects or pictures
10. Requesting or demanding sexual favors
11. Physical assault
If harassment occurs:
1. Anyone who experiences sexual harassment should let the offender know immediately and
firmly state that such behavior is unwelcome.
2. Any person who alleges harassment by any faculty, staff or student at Lake Region State College
may file a complaint directly to:
a. Their immediate supervisor
b. Human Resource Manager
c. The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
d. The Vice President for Administrative Affairs
e. The President
3. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected
consistent with LRSC’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of
misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.
4. The complaint will be documented, investigated, and resolved in accordance with Equal
Opportunity Employment guidelines, Title VII and Title IX principles.
5. Filing a grievance or otherwise reporting sexual harassment will not reflect upon the individual’s
status nor will it affect future employment, grades, or work assignments.
Employee Responsibilities
All employees are required to prevent sexual/unlawful harassment in the workplace. Employees must
immediately report any perceived incident of harassment or retaliation.
Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors are responsible to make every effort to prevent sexual/unlawful harassment in their
respective work areas. Supervisors must take immediate action to deal effectively with harassment and
inappropriate behavior once such behavior has been brought to the supervisor’s attention. This
includes documenting the incident, reporting it to their supervisor or the Human Resource Manager,
and initiating an investigation when directed.
LRSC will investigate complaints of harassment or inappropriate behavior in a timely, thorough, and
discreet manner and will take appropriate corrective and disciplinary action.
1. A substantiated charge against a faculty or staff member at LRSC will be dealt with through
disciplinary procedures up to and including, termination.
2. A substantiated charge against a student at LRSC will be dealt with according to student
disciplinary procedures, including suspension or expulsion.
3. Anyone who is found to have intentionally made a false report of harassment or who fails to
cooperate in the investigation of a complaint will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and
including termination, suspension, or expulsion.
Administrative Council Approved 04/25/00
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 03/23/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.08.01
Lake Region State College discourages consensual relationships, i.e., amorous, romantic, or sexual
relationships, between faculty and students, staff and students, supervisors and subordinates, and
students who have an authority relationship over other students. This policy is in effect when one
individual has a control, power, authority, or responsibility position over another. Lake Region State
College expressly prohibits any form of sexual harassment of employees and students when a previous
consensual relationship ceases to exist or such a relationship is rejected by one of the parties.
If the parties do engage in a consensual relationship as defined above, the person in the authority
position is obligated to report the relationship to his or her department head or supervisor immediately.
Failure to report the relationship or any significant delay in reporting may be cause for disciplinary
action. Documentation of the reporting and any subsequent actions taken by the department head or
supervisor, such as advising the parties of the potential for sexual harassment charges if the relationship
ends, is required.
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/08
Administrative Council Approved 07/17/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.09
1) It shall be the policy of the State Board of Higher Education, the North Dakota University
System, and Lake Region State College to fully comply with all aspects of Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated under its authority. This policy shall not
govern compliance with any other anti-discrimination or anti-harassment statute, rule, or
regulation. Failure by an employee of the SBHE, NDUS, or Lake Region State College to comply
with the requirements of Title IX or this policy may constitute a violation of Policy 308.1 Code
of Conduct or LRSC Policy 1500.05 Code of Conduct. Nothing in this Policy should be read to
require fewer due process safeguards than would otherwise be provided by SBHE Policy 514.
2) Definitions. For the purpose of this policy, the listed terms shall have the following definitions:
a. Actual Knowledge. Notice of sexual harassment or allegations of sexual harassment to
Lake Region State College’s Title IX Coordinator or any Lake Region State College official
with authority to institute corrective measures on the Lake Region State College’s
b. Advisor. A person chosen by a party or appointed by Lake Region State College to
accompany the party to meetings related to the resolution process, to advise the party
on that process, and to conduct cross-examination for the party at the hearing, if any.
c. Complainant. An individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct which could, after
investigation, constitute sexual harassment.
d. Dating Violence. Violence committed by the respondent:
i. Who is or has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with the complainant;
ii. Where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined by considering
the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of
interactions between the complainant and respondent.
e. Day. A business day when Lake Region State College is in normal operation.
f. Deliberate Indifference. When Lake Region State College’s response to sexual
harassment is clearly unreasonable in light of the information known to Lake Region
State College at the time.
g. Domestic Violence. Violence committed by the respondent, who is:
i. a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the complainant.
ii. a person with whom the complainant shares a child in common.
iii. cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse or intimate
iv. similarly situated to a spouse of the complainant; or
v. any person against whose acts the complainant is protected by N.D.C.C. ch. 14-
h. Education program or activity. Includes locations, events, or circumstances where Lake
Region State College exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the
context in which the sexual harassment occurs, as well as in any building owned or
controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by Lake Region State
i. Fondling. The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of
sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the
victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her
temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
j. Formal Complaint. A document filed by a complainant (which either contains the
complainant’s signature or indicates that the complainant is the one filing the
complaint) or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a
respondent and requesting that Lake Region State College investigate.
k. Incest. Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the
degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
l. Rape. Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus of the complainant with
any body part or object by the respondent, or oral penetration of the complainant by a
sex organ of the respondent, without the consent of the complainant.
m. Respondent. An individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that
could constitute sexual harassment.
n. Sexual Assault. Either rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape, or any of the sexual
offenses listed in N.D.C.C. ch. 12.1-20 or by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting system.
o. Sexual Harassment. Conduct, on the basis of sex, constituting one (or more) of the
i. An employee of Lake Region State College conditioning the provision of an aid,
benefit, or service of Lake Region State College on an individual’s participation
in unwelcome sexual conduct.
ii. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe,
pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal
access to Lake Region State College’s education program or activity; or
iii. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, as defined in this
p. Stalking. Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause
a reasonable person to (a) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (b) suffer
substantial emotional distress.
q. Statutory Rape. Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of
consent. In North Dakota the statutory age of consent is eighteen (18).
r. Supportive Measures. Non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as
appropriate (as reasonably available) and without fee or charge to the complainant or
3) Title IX Coordinator. An official designated by Lake Region State College to ensure compliance
with Title IX and the Title IX program. References to the Coordinator throughout this policy may
also encompass a designee of the Coordinator for specific tasks.
a. Title IX Coordinator, Sandi Lillehaugen Main Campus, Office 120; 701-662-1543;
Sandra.Lillehaug[email protected]
b. Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Brandi Nelson Main Campus, Office 119; 701-662-1509;
The Title IX Coordinator acts with independence and authority free from bias and conflicts of
interest. The Title IX Coordinator oversees all resolutions under this policy and these
procedures. The members of the Title IX Team are vetted and trained to ensure they are not
biased for or against any party in a specific case, or for or against complainants and/or
respondents, generally.
To raise any concern involving bias, conflict of interest or discrimination by the Title IX
Coordinator, contact the Lake Region State College Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs, Lloyd Halvorson, 701-662-1681; Lloyd.Hal[email protected]u. Concerns of bias or a
potential conflict of interest by any other Title IX Team member should be raised with the Title
IX Coordinator.
4) Mandated Reporters. All Lake Region State College employees (faculty, staff, administrators)
are required to report actual or suspected discrimination or harassment related to Title IX to
appropriate officials immediately.
The following describe the reporting options at Lake Region State College for a complainant or
third-party (including parents/guardians when appropriate):
a. Confidential Resources. If a complainant would like the details of an incident to be kept
confidential, the complainant may speak with:
i. LRSC professional counselors and intern
ii. Off-campus (non-employees):
Licensed professional counselors and other medical providers
Local rape crisis counselors
Domestic violence resources
Local or state assistance agencies
All of the above-listed individuals will maintain confidentiality when acting under the scope of
their licensure, professional ethics, and/or professional credentials, except in extreme cases of
immediacy of threat or danger or abuse of a minor/elder/individual with a disability, or when
required to disclose by law or court order.
Lake Region State College employees who must maintain confidentiality are still required to
submit anonymous statistical information for Clery Act purposes unless they believe it would be
harmful to their client or patient.
5) Title IX Policy. Lake Region State College will notify applicants for admission and employment,
students, and employees of its Title IX Policy.
a. This notification states:
1. Lake Region State College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its
education program or activity.
2. Title IX and 34 C.F.R. 106 require Lake Region State College not to discriminate
on the basis of sex.
3. This requirement to not discriminate extends to admission and employment.
4. All inquiries about the application of Title IX and 34 C.F.R. 106 to Lake Region
State College should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, the Department of
Education’s Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, or both.
b. This policy will be displayed on the LRSC website and in the Student Handbook.
6) Grievance Procedures. Lake Region State College has adopted and published grievance
procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee
complaints alleging sexual harassment or sex discrimination, and a grievance process that
complies with this policy. These grievance procedures shall only apply to sex discrimination and
sexual harassment occurring within the United States.
a. Lake Region State College shall notify applicants for admission and employment,
students, and employees of the Lake Region State College’s grievance procedures and
grievance process, including, but not limited to, how to report or file a complaint of sex
discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, and how
Lake Region State College will respond.
7) Method of Reporting Sexual Harassment. Any person may report sex discrimination, including
sexual harassment (whether or not the person making the report is the victim of the alleged
sexual harassment or sex discrimination). Such report may be made in person, by mail, by
telephone, or by email, using the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information or any other means
which results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the report, regardless of the time of day.
8) Equitable Treatment. At all times, Lake Region State College will treat complainants and
respondents equitably by following a grievance process which complies with this policy before
the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, and by providing remedies to a complainant if a
respondent is found to be responsible for sexual harassment.
9) Pre-Grievance Process.
a. Timing. This grievance process shall be carried out using reasonably prompt time
frames, including time frames for filing and resolving appeals, and for informal
resolution processes if offered. Notwithstanding, temporary delays or extensions of the
time frames must be offered for good cause, with written notice to the parties setting
forth the cause for the action.
1. Good cause. May include considerations such as the absence of a party, a
party’s advisor, or a witness; concurrent law enforcement activity; or the need
for accommodations for language or disability.
b. Actual Knowledge of Sexual Harassment. With or without the filing of a formal
complaint, once Lake Region State College has actual knowledge of sexual harassment
within its educational program or activity in the United States, Lake Region State
College must respond promptly and without deliberate indifference pursuant to this
policy and any applicable policies.
1. Once Lake Region State College has actual knowledge of sexual harassment, the
Title IX Coordinator or designee must contact the complainant and:
a. Discuss the availability of supportive measures.
b. Consider the complainant’s wishes regarding supportive measures.
c. Inform the complainant that supportive measures are available
with or without the filing of a formal complaint; and
d. Explain the process of filing a formal complaint.
2. No disciplinary sanctions or other actions which are not supportive measures
may be imposed against a respondent prior to the conclusion of the grievance
c. Supportive Measures. Lake Region State College may offer the complainant
supportive measures designed to restore or preserve equal access to the education
program or activity without unreasonably burdening the respondent, including
measures designed to protect the health and safety of both parties or the educational
environment, or to deter further sexual harassment.
1. Examples of Permissible Supportive Measures. Lake Region State College
must tailor any supportive measures to the parties’ situations. Some possible
supportive measures include, but are not limited to:
a. Counseling;
b. Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments;
c. Modifications of work or class schedules;
d. Campus escort services;
e. Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties;
f. Changes in work or housing locations;
g. Leaves of absence; and
h. Increased security or monitoring of certain areas of campus.
2. Lake Region State College must maintain confidentiality with respect to
supportive measures unless disclosure is required to implement the
supportive measures.
3. The Title IX Coordinator shall coordinate the effective implementation of
supportive measures.
4. Supportive measures may not restrict any party’s rights under the United
States Constitution.
d. Emergency Removal. Lake Region State College may remove a respondent from the
education program or activity on an emergency basis, provided that the Lake Region
State College determines, based on an individualized safety and risk analysis, that an
immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual
arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifies removal.
1. Lake Region State College must provide the respondent with notice and an
opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal.
e. Administrative Leave. Lake Region State College may place a non-student employee
respondent on administrative leave during the pendency of a grievance process.
10) Grievance Process.
a. Formal Complaint and Notice of Allegations.
1. Once a formal complaint is received by Lake Region State College, they must
provide the following written notice to the known parties:
a. Notice of the grievance process, including any informal
resolution process.
b. Notice of the allegations of sexual harassment, including:
i. Sufficient details known at the time and with sufficient time
to prepare a response, including, but not limited to, the
names of the parties, the conduct allegedly constitution
sexual harassment, and the date and location of the alleged
c. A statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the
alleged conduct and that a determination regarding responsibility is
made at the conclusion of the grievance process.
d. A statement that the parties may have an advisor of their choice, who
may be an attorney, and may inspect and review evidence. The
statement should also indicate that if the party does not have an
advisor of choice, Lake Region State College will appoint an advisor to
assist with cross-examination for the live hearing.
e. Notice of any provisions in Lake Region State College’s code of conduct
that prohibits knowingly making false statements or knowingly
submitting false information during the grievance process.
2. If during the course of the grievance process, additional allegations are added to
the investigation which were not included in the initial notice, Lake Region State
College must provide notice of the additional allegations to the parties.
b. Advisors.
1. Parties to a grievance proceeding must be afforded the opportunity to
select the advisor of their choice to assist them during the proceeding,
including during the live hearing.
2. If a party does not choose an advisor, Lake Region State College shall provide
the party with an advisor. At minimum, Lake Region State College shall
provide an advisor to conduct the party’s cross-examination at the hearing.
However, nothing in this policy or the Title IX regulations should be read to
prohibit Lake Region State College to provide an advisor for the full duration
of the grievance process, provided that the parties are treated equally as to
timing insofar as Lake Region State College appoints advisors for both parties.
3. Lake Region State College is not required to provide attorneys to parties to
act as advisors, but appointed advisors should be provided with access to
appropriate training to ensure an understanding of the grievance process,
though the same training provided to Title IX Coordinators, decision-makers,
and investigators is not required.
4. Lake Region State College is not required to attempt to create equality of
advisors between the parties, particularly where one party selects an outside
advisor, but should endeavor to seek parity of advisors where Lake Region State
College provides advisors to both parties.
c. Member Roles. Lake Region State College has trained Title IX members to serve in the
following roles, at the direction of the Title IX Coordinator:
1. To provide appropriate intake of and initial guidance pertaining to complaints
2. To act as an advisor to the parties
3. To investigate complaints
4. To serve as a hearing facilitator
5. To serve as a decision-maker regarding the complaint
6. To serve on an appeal panel
d. Investigation.
1. Lake Region State College is required to investigate every filed formal
complaint unless the complaint is subject to dismissal, below.
2. At all times, the burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence
sufficient to make a determination regarding responsibility rests on Lake
Region State College, and they may not seek to shift that burden to the
a. Notwithstanding, Lake Region State College may not restrict the
parties’ ability to discuss the allegations or to gather or present
relevant evidence.
3. At all times, Lake Region State College shall observe a presumption that
respondent is not responsible for the alleged conduct until and unless there is a
determination of responsibility at the conclusion of the grievance process.
4. Lake Region State College may not access, consider, disclose, or otherwise
use a party’s medical records made or maintained in connection with the
provision of treatment to the party, unless voluntary, written consent to do
so is provided by the party (or the party’s parent, if the party is not eligible
to provide consent).
5. Lake Region State College may not require, allow, rely upon, or otherwise use
evidence that constitutes, or questions that seek disclosure of, information
protected under a legally recognized privilege, unless that privilege is waived.
6. Lake Region State College must provide to the parties written notice of the
date, time, location, participation, and purpose of all hearings, investigative
interviews, or other meetings, with sufficient time for the party to prepare.
7. The parties must be afforded an equal opportunity to have others present
during any grievance proceeding, including their advisor, though Lake Region
State College may establish restrictions regarding the extent to which the
advisor may participate in the proceedings, so long as the restrictions apply
equally to both parties and comply with this policy.
8. Both parties must have an equal opportunity to inspect and review any
evidence obtained as part of the investigation related to the allegations raised
in a formal complaint, including any evidence upon which Lake Region State
College does not intend to rely in reaching a determination of responsibility
and any inculpatory or exculpatory evidence, from whatever source.
9. At least 10 days prior to the preparation of the investigative report, Lake
Region State College must provide each party and the party’s advisor the
evidence obtained in the investigation in an electronic format or hard copy.
The parties may submit a written response to the evidence, which the
investigator shall consider prior to completion of the investigative report.
10. A
t the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator must create an
investigative report that fairly summarizes the relevant evidence. At least 10
days prior to the hearing, the investigator must send a copy of the investigative
report to each party and the party’s advisor, if any, for review and written
e. Dismissal.
1. Mandatory Dismissal.
a. Lake Region State College must dismiss the formal complaint if, at any
time during the investigation or hearing:
ii. The conduct alleged would not constitute sexual
harassment as defined in this policy even if proved;
iii. The conduct alleged did not occur in the education
program or activity; or;
iv. The conduct alleged did not occur against a person in the
United States.
2. Permissive Dismissal.
a. Lake Region State College may dismiss the formal complaint if, at any
time during the investigation or hearing:
i. A complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator, in writing,
that the complainant would like to the withdraw the formal
complaint or any allegations contained in the formal
ii. The respondent is no longer enrolled or employed
by Lake Region State College; or
iii. Specific circumstances prevent Lake Region State
College from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a
determination as to the formal complaint or allegations
in the formal complaint.
b. In the event that a formal complaint is permissively dismissed,
Lake Region State College should consult with its legal counsel
prior to taking action under another provision of its code of
conduct to avoid taking actions constituting retaliation.
3. Notice of Dismissal. Upon a dismissal pursuant to this section, Lake
Region State College must promptly send written notice of the dismissal
and reasons therefore to both parties simultaneously.
f. Consolidation of Formal Complaints. Lake Region State College may consolidate
formal complaints against more than one respondent, by more than one
complainant against one or more respondents, or by one party against the other
party, where the allegations of sexual harassment arise out of the same facts or
g. Live Hearing.
1. The grievance process must provide for a live hearing after the completion of
the investigative report. All evidence obtained by the investigator as part of
the investigative process must be made available to the parties and the
decision-maker at the live hearing.
2. The live hearing will be presided over by the decision-maker, who will not be
the investigator or the Title IX Coordinator.
a. The decision-maker may be one individual or more than one
individual as set by Lake Region State College.
3. At the request of either party, the hearing must be conducted with the parties
located in separate rooms with technology enabling the decision-maker and
parties to simultaneously see and hear the party or witness answering
questions. Hearings may be conducted with all parties physically present in
the same geographic location, or, any parties, witnesses, and other
participants may appear at the live hearing virtually, so long as the
participants are able to simultaneously see and hear each other.
4. At the live hearing, the decision-maker must permit each party’s advisor to
ask the other party and any witnesses all relevant questions and follow-up
questions, including those questioning credibility. This cross-examination
must be conducted directly (the questions may not be asked by the
decision-maker), orally, and in real time by the party’s advisor and never by
a party personally.
a. Prior to a party or witness answering a question, the decision-maker
must rule on the relevance of the question and explain any decision
to exclude a question as not relevant.
b. Decision-makers may request, but may not require, that questions
by the parties be submitted in advance, to permit the decision-
maker to rule on the relevance of questions.
c. Lake Region State College may limit the extent to which the party’s
advisor may participate in the hearing by Lake Region State College.
5. Rape Shield. Questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual
predisposition or sexual history are not relevant, unless such questions are
offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the
alleged conduct, or regard specific incidents of the prior sexual behavior with
respect to the respondent, and are offered to prove consent.
6. Cross-Examination. If a party or witness does not submit to cross-examination
at the live hearing, the decision-maker must not rely on any statement of that
party or witness in reaching a determination regarding responsibility.
Decision-makers may not draw an inference about the determination
regarding responsibility based solely on a party’s or witness’s absence or
refusal to answer cross-examination or other questions. There are no
exceptions to this exclusion as there are in legal proceedings.
7. Hearing Decorum. Decision-makers may enforce rules to ensure hearing
decorum, such as requiring respectful treatment, specifying any objection
process, governing timing of hearing and length of breaks, etc.
8. Lake Region State College must create an audio or audiovisual recording, or
transcript, of any live hearing and make it available to the parties for
inspection and review.
h. Determination Regarding Responsibility.
1. Standard of Evidence. All decisions in grievance processes under Title IX shall
require a determination of responsibility based on the preponderance of the
2. After the conclusion of the live hearing, the decision-maker must issue a
written determination regarding responsibility, which must include:
a. Identification of the allegations potentially constituting sexual
b. Description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the
formal complaint through the determination, including any
notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses,
site visits, methods used to gather evidence, and hearings held;
c. Findings of fact supporting the determination;
d. Conclusions regarding the application of the Lake Region State
College’s code of conduct to the facts;
e. A statement of, and rationale for, the result as to each allegation,
including a determination regarding responsibility, any disciplinary
sanctions to be imposed on the respondent, and whether remedies
will be provided to the complainant; and
f. The procedures, timelines, and permissible bases for the complainant
and respondent to appeal.
3. The written determination must be provided to the parties simultaneously.
The determination regarding responsibility becomes final either on the date
that notice of the result of any appeal is provided to the parties, if an appeal is
filed, or if an appeal is not filed, the date on which an appeal would no longer
be considered timely.
4. The Title IX Coordinator shall be responsible to implement any remedies
provided by the written determination.
11) Disciplinary Sanctions. Disciplinary sanctions imposed after the conclusion of the
grievance process shall be assessed pursuant to the Lake Region State College’s code of
conduct, student handbook, employee handbook, or similar document which sets
possible disciplinary sanctions for violations of Title IX or code of conduct, and shall be
proportional to the determination of responsibility.
12) Remedies. Remedies offered after the conclusion of the grievance process on a finding
of responsibility must be designed to restore or preserve equal access to the education
program or activity. Remedies need not be non-disciplinary or non-punitive and need not
avoid burdening the respondent.
13) Appeals.
a. Both parties must be offered the opportunity to appeal from a determination
regarding responsibility or from the dismissal of a formal complaint (or any allegations
within the formal complaint). The following may form the basis for an appeal:
1. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the grievance process.
2. New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the
determination regarding responsibility or dismissal was made that could have
affected the outcome of the matter; or
3. The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), or decision-maker(s) had a conflict of
interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or for or
against the individual complainant or respondent, that affected the outcome
of the grievance process.
4. Other basis set forth in the campus-level processes, but which must be
offered equally to both parties (for example, an appeal based on the severity
of the sanctions).
b. Upon filing of an appeal, Lake Region State College must:
1. Notify the non-appealing party in writing when an appeal is filed and
implement appeal procedures equally for both parties.
2. Ensure that the appeal’s decision-maker is not the same person as the
decision-maker that reached the determination regarding responsibility
or dismissal, the investigator, or the Title IX Coordinator.
3. Give both parties a reasonable, equal opportunity to submit a
written statement in support of, or challenging, the outcome.
4. Issue a written decision describing the result of the appeal and the
rationale for the result; and
5. Provide the written decision simultaneously to both parties.
c. In the event that a disciplinary sanction of suspension or expulsion is imposed by
the decision-maker, Lake Region State College shall provide a method of
reviewing an appeal from a determination regarding responsibility or dismissal
for a period of at least one year following the original decision. Lake Region State
College may set a shorter deadline for appeals from lesser discipline or for
appeals filed by the complainant.
14) Informal Resolution. Lake Region State College may not require as a condition of
enrollment or continuing enrollment, or employment or continuing employment, or
enjoyment of any other right, a waiver of the right to an investigation and adjudication of
formal complaints, and may not require the parties to participate in an informal resolution
process. Similarly, Lake Region State College may not offer an informal resolution process
unless a formal complaint is filed. Notwithstanding, at any time before the written
determination is issued, Lake Region State College may facilitate an informal resolution
process that does not involve a full investigation and adjudication, so long as Lake Region
State College:
Provides the parties a written notice disclosing the allegations, the requirements of the
informal resolution process including the circumstances under which it precludes the
parties from resuming a formal complaint arising from the same allegations, provided,
however, that at any time prior to agreeing to a resolution, any party has the right to
withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the grievance process with
respect to the formal complaint, and any consequences resulting from participating in
the informal resolution process, including the records that will be maintained or could
be shared;
Obtains the parties’ voluntary, written consent to the informal resolution process; and
Does not offer or facilitate an informal resolution process to resolve allegations that
an employee sexually harassed a student.
15) Amnesty for Complainants and Witnesses. Lake Region State College community encourages
the reporting of misconduct and crimes by complainants and witnesses. It is in the best interests
of Lake Region State College community that complainants choose to report misconduct to Lake
Region State College officials, that witnesses come forward to share what they know, and that
all parties be forthcoming during the process.
To encourage reporting and participation in the process, Lake Region State College will grant
amnesty from minor policy violations such as underage consumption of alcohol or the use of
illicit drugs related to the incident to complainants and witnesses.
Amnesty does not apply to more serious allegations such as physical abuse of another or illicit
drug distribution. The decision not to offer amnesty to a respondent is not based on gender, but
on the fact that collateral misconduct is typically addressed for all students within a progressive
discipline system, and the rationale for amnesty, the incentive to report serious misconduct, is
rarely applicable to the respondent.
16) Jurisdiction. This policy applies to all education programs and activities of the Lake Region State
College, to conduct that takes place on the campus or on property owned or controlled by Lake
Region State College, at Lake Region State College-sponsored events, or in buildings owned or
controlled by Lake Region State College’s recognized student organizations. The respondent
must be a member of Lake Region State College’s community in order for its policies to apply.
Jurisdiction for off-campus misconduct that deprives someone of access to a Lake Region State
College educational program or activity will also be investigated. Lake Region State College may
also extend jurisdiction to off-campus and/or to online conduct when the Title IX Coordinator
determines that the conduct affects a substantial Lake Region State College interest.
Regardless of where the conduct occurred, Lake Region State College will address Title IX related
notice/complaints to determine whether the conduct occurred in the context of its employment
or educational program or activity and/or has continuing effects on campus or in an off-campus
sponsored program or activity. A substantial Lake Region State College interest includes:
a. Any action that constitutes a criminal offense as defined by law. This includes, but is not
limited to, single or repeat violations of any local, state, or federal law.
b. Any situation in which it is determined that the respondent poses an immediate threat
to the physical health or safety of anyone.
c. Any situation that significantly impinges upon the rights, property, or achievements of
oneself or others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder;
d. Any situation that is detrimental to the educational interests or mission of Lake Region
State College.
If the respondent is unknown or is not a member of Lake Region State College community, the
Title IX Coordinator will assist the complainant in identifying appropriate campus and local
resources and support options and/or, when criminal conduct is alleged, in contacting local or
campus law enforcement if the individual would like to file a police report.
When the respondent is not a member of the Lake Region State College’s community,
supportive measures, remedies, and resources may be accessible to the complainant by
contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
Lake Region State College may take other actions as appropriate to help protect the
complainant against third parties, such as barring individuals from Lake Region State College
property and/or events.
When the respondent is enrolled in or employed by another NDUS institution, the Title IX
Coordinator will assist the complainant with the reporting process at that institution.
17) Training.
a. All persons involved in the grievance process, including, but not necessarily limited
to, Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who
facilitates an informal resolution process, must receive training on the following
1. The definition of sexual harassment;
2. The scope of the education program or activity;
3. How to conduct an investigation and grievance process, including hearings,
appeals, and informal resolution processes, as applicable;
4. How to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at
issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.
b. Additionally, decision-makers must receive training on the following areas:
1. Any technology to be used at a live hearing.
2. Issues of relevance or questions and evidence, including when questions
about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not
c. Investigators must also be trained on issues of relevance to create an investigative
report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.
d. All materials used to train the foregoing individuals must not rely on sex stereotypes
and must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints.
e. All training materials used to train the foregoing individuals must be made
available to the public by posting on the Lake Region State College’s website.
18) Recordkeeping.
a. Lake Region State College shall retain, for a period of seven years, records of:
1. Each sexual harassment investigation, including any determination
regarding responsibility; any audio or audiovisual recording or
transcript; any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the respondent, and
any remedies provided to the complainant.
2. Any appeal and the result therefrom.
3. Any informal resolution and the result therefrom.
4. All materials used to train Title IX coordinators, investigators, decision-
makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process,
which Lake Region State College must make available on its website.
b. Lake Region State College must create and maintain for seven years,
records of any actions, including records of supportive measures, taken in
response to a report or formal complaint of sexual harassment. In each
instance, Lake Region State College must document the basis for its
response was not deliberately indifferent, and document that it took
supportive measures, or, if supportive measures were not provided, an
explanation of why such a response was not clearly unreasonable in light
of the known circumstances.
19) Retaliation.
a. No institution or other person may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate
against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured
by title IX or this part, or because the individual has made a report or complaint,
testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an
investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this part.
b. Intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination, including charges against an
individual for code of conduct violations that do not involve sex discrimination or
sexual harassment, but arise out of the same facts or circumstances as a report or
complaint of sex discrimination, or a report or formal complaint of sexual harassment,
for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by title IX or this part,
constitutes retaliation.
c. The exercise of rights protected under the First Amendment does not constitute
d. Charging an individual with a code of conduct violation for making a materially false
statement in bad faith in the course of a grievance proceeding does not constitute
retaliation, although a determination regarding responsibility, alone, is not sufficient
to conclude that any party made a materially false statement in bad faith.
e. Complaints alleging retaliation may be filed pursuant to the grievance
procedures for sex discrimination under Title IX.
20) Confidentiality. Notwithstanding Chapter 44-04 of the North Dakota Century code, the
identity of any individual who has made a report or complaint of sex discrimination or
sexual harassment, any complainant, any respondent, and any witness, including the
conduct of any investigation, hearing or judicial proceeding arising thereunder, shall be
21) Federal Timely Warning Obligations. The Clery Act requires Lake Region State College to issue a
timely warning for any violation that poses a serious or continuing threat to the campus
community. This includes Title IX violations such as rape, sexual assault, domestic violence,
dating violence, and/or stalking.
Lake Region State College will ensure that a complainant’s name and other identifying
information is not disclosed, while still providing enough information for community
members to make safety decisions in light of the potential danger.
22) Policy Conflicts. Any conflicts between this Policy and any existing SBHE Policy, NDUS
Procedure, Lake Region State College policy or procedure, or student or employee
handbook shall be resolved in favor of this policy.
Administrative Council Approved 07/09/15
Administrative Council Approved 1500.09 (9) 12/21/15
Administrative Council Approved (3,e & o) 03/23/16
Administrative Council Approved 10/09/17
Administrative Council Approved 07/09/19
Administrative Council Approved 08/12/20
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.09.01
LRSC does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, including a student’s pregnancy,
childbirth, false pregnancy, termination, or recovery therefrom. This policy will apply to all students
regardless of gender or marital status.
Student Responsibility
If a student will be requesting accommodations, the student should initiate discussions with their
advisor and instructors as soon as possible, but no later than three months prior to the anticipated
delivery date. If adopting a child, this discussion should take place as soon as possible.
Depending on the academic program, timing of birth/adoption, and level of support necessary to care
for a newborn, a student may find it more advantageous, both academically and personally, to withdraw
from school rather than utilizing this policy. It is the student’s decision to stay in school or withdraw.
LRSC Responsibility
LRSC will educate students and employees about the Title IX requirements related to excused absences.
LRSC will provide pregnant students with the same special services it provides to students with
temporary medical conditions. LRSC will require faculty to excuse a student’s absence due to pregnancy
or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems necessary. Students will retain their academic
and extracurricular status as before the accommodations originated.
LRSC protects pregnant and parenting students from harassment. Complaints of this nature will follow
the grievance procedures in Policy 1500.09 (Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Compliance).
Academic Accommodations
The Disability Services Coordinator will work with the student, advisor, and instructors, to create the
accommodations plan. The accommodations plan will detail the type of academic engagement and
progress expected from the student, as well as, any expectations from the academic program. Students
may appeal decisions regarding accommodations. The appeal of the decision must be made in writing
and submitted to the Director of Academic Affairs who will have final decision making authority.
Parenting Students
Parenting students may be allowed excused absences to take their children to doctor’s appointments or
to take care of a sick child. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor (prior to the absence
whenever possible) to request an excused absence. Students are responsible for mastery of material
and completion of assignments missed. Failure to do so may affect grades regardless of the reason for
the absence. Should these absences exceed twice the number of credit hours for the course, the student
must contact the Disability Services Coordinator.
Athletic Department
All members of the LRSC Athletic Department will follow the NCAA model policy regarding pregnant and
parenting student athletes. The text of that policy will be included in each coach’s handbook.
Administrative Council Approved 02/01/16
Administrative Council Approved 05/01/19
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.10
Lake Region State College will follow the policies and recommendation of the Center for Disease Control
of the U.S. Public Health Service and the North Dakota State Health Department and will work in
cooperation with local health authorities to prevent the spread of and promote through education the
prevention of significant infectious diseases. Significant infectious diseases for the purposes of this
policy are defined as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS,) AIDS-Related Complex (ARC,) and
Hepatitis B.
1. AIDS: Prohibiting Discriminations Against faculty, staff, students or others using Lake Region
State College services.
a. Notification to Lake Region State College:
A College employee or student diagnosed as having AIDS and who wishes to be covered
by this policy or who requests accommodations should notify the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall
request the President to convene the Significant Infectious Disease (SID) Committee.
b. Significant Infectious Disease Committee:
i. The Significant Infectious Disease Committee shall review and make
recommendations regarding any reasonable accommodation for or workplace
restrictions on a faculty or staff member diagnosed as having AIDS. Similarly, the
SID Committee shall review and make recommendations regarding any
reasonable accommodations or restrictions on the educational programs or
other College activities of a student diagnosed as having AIDS. The College shall
abide by the recommendations of the SID Committee, except that the President
retains the right to modify or reject the Committee’s recommendations.
ii. The SID Committee shall be composed of the following: The Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs, Ramsey County Public Health Physician, and
Affirmative Action Officer, one representative as appropriate from Academic
Affairs, Administrative Affairs, Operations, or Student Affairs. The President
shall appoint a chairperson either from the Committee or as the President’s
iii. The Committee shall consult with or request assistance from those College
administrators most closely related to the accommodation requested by the
individual. Additional assistance or information may be requested from the
individual’s physician and from the North Dakota State Health Officer.
c. Faculty/Staff:
Faculty or staff members diagnosed as having AIDS shall be protected from
discrimination in their employment and shall be considered as handicapped persons
with a life-limiting disease as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
d. Students:
Students diagnosed as having AIDS shall be protected from discrimination in their
educational program, housing accommodation, food service, and related Student Affairs
or opportunities. They shall be considered as handicapped persons with a life-limiting
e. Services Provided by the College:
College faculty/staff or students, as a part of their work or educational program, shall
not discriminate against AID-diagnosed individuals in services offered, rendered or
provided by the College.
f. Protocol:
AIDS-related protocol established by the Center for Disease Control, USPHS, shall serve
as the primary but not exclusive source of information in reviewing individual cases.
Applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations as well as College equal
opportunity policies covering handicapping conditions shall be followed in applying this
2. AIDS-Related Complex:
No special employment or educational discrimination provisions are recommended for persons
with AIDS-related complex (ARC).
3. Hepatitis B:
No special employment or educational discrimination provisions are recommended for persons
with hepatitis B except that standard medical protocol for prevention and treatment shall be
4. Preventive Medical Protocol:
The College shall adopt standard medical preventive protocol procedures to protect specific
employee groups or students who may have potential exposure to such significant infectious
diseases either in the workplace or in an educational setting.
5. Confidentiality:
Information regarding any person affected by infectious disease as defined within this policy
shall be treated with the same confidentiality as provided for all medical records under College
policy. Any request for information regarding persons affected by infectious disease, is to be
directed to the President who will act as spokesperson for the institution.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.11
This facility's bomb threat plan has been developed with the safety and well-being of all employees,
visitors and students. It is our hope that the need will not arise to put it into actual use. However, it is
better to be prepared than to wait until an emergency actually occurs.
In the past, the histories of bomb threats have shown the vast majority to be hoaxes. Upon receipt of a
bomb threat, it is practically impossible to determine immediately whether it is a hoax or a reality.
Therefore, all threats must be treated as an actual bomb has been placed in the building.
When a bomb threat is received, everyone must act quickly and orderly. As much information as can
possibly be obtained, must be recorded. Do not take any of the information for granted. All available
information must be recorded. Ask questions of the caller, since the information is essential in providing
law enforcement agencies with accurate leads to assist them in expediting a search for bombs, and in
locating the person making the threat.
The objective is to continually provide a safe environment and while following procedure when an
emergency occurs. It cannot be overemphasized that one must remain calm. By remaining calm, those
around you will most likely also remain calm.
Everyone's cooperation is expected in maintaining the effectiveness of this plan.
If you receive a telephone call regarding a bomb threat, please do the following:
1. Ask if the caller is trying to destroy property or people.
2. Ask where and when the bomb will explode.
3. Prolong the call, if possible, and note background noises, such as music, voices, aircraft, church
bells, etc.
4. Note any voice characteristics of the caller, i.e., stutter, pronunciation problems, tone, quality,
male, female, etc.
5. Note if the caller indicated knowledge of the institution, i.e., if specific about building or room
Suspicious Package
Definition: A package for which the origin cannot be established and the box cannot be identified by
markings, shipping slips, etc.
If a suspicious package is found and if the source is unknown the following steps are to be followed:
1. Do not move the package (do not pick it up, tilt, jiggle, etc.)
2. Contact the storeroom to determine the origin of the package.
3. If origin of the package cannot be established, contact the Safety Office immediately.
Remember, never move a suspect package. If you hear a ticking or buzzing sound coming from a
package, follow #1, and #3 and proceed with evacuation of entire building.
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.12
Lake Region State College will coordinate crisis communications with campus constituents and off-
campus communities, including media. The extent of the response will depend on the nature of the
crisis and the need for updates. The Director of College Relations also will be the primary spokesperson
and media contact. Vice Presidents may also be asked to speak to departments as well.
If needed or mandated by the President, the Director of College Relations will set up a crisis
communication center in its offices to remain open 24 hours a day during a crisis. If the President is
unavailable, one of the Vice Presidents will serve as lead college official. During an emergency, the
Director of College Relations and/or President will serve as the college’s spokesperson. College
employees, including student employees, will be given the spokesperson’s name and phone number for
referral of media phone calls.
The Director of College Relations is responsible for setting up media conferences. When a press
conference is called, the President and Director of College Relations will attend, as well as any third
parties to assist with their questions. Media will be required to check in with the President’s Office prior
to media conferences.
Members of the crisis team may be available for interviews related to their specific areas with the
assistance with the Director of College Relations.
Phases of Response:
1. Instant Response
a. The President’s Office, working with the Director of College Relations will provide official
statements and updates to employees and students.
b. The President’s Office, working with the Director of College Relations will provide official
statements and updates to media.
c. A crisis hot-line phone with the latest information on the situation will be created if
necessary. The phone number will be made available to the public.
d. E-mail, LRSC social media accounts and the Lake Region State College website will also
be used to send campus-wide advisories.
e. Director of College Relations office will gather needed data and prepare official news
f. The crisis communication team will be kept apprised of breaking news.
2. Continuing Coverage / Follow-up Period
Throughout the crisis, the Director of College Relations will:
a. Keep the public, media and constituents informed of the situation.
b. Instruct the public on how to obtain further advice or information.
c. Follow up meetings will be held to analyze reaction and response improvements.
The crisis team is the same as the ERP (Emergency Response Plan), which can be found in the Continuity
of Operations Plan (COOP).
Team Members:
Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
Vice President of Administrative Affairs
Risk Manager / Emergency Manager / Continuity Coordinator
Director of College Relations
Director of Information Technology
Director of Academic Affairs
Director of Student Affairs
Director of Distance Learning
Director of Physical Plant
Director of Dining Services
Director of Housing
Director of College Care for Kids
All staff will report their status to a team member in the event of a catastrophic event.
Administrative Council Approved COG Leader & Alternate 07/18/08
Administrative Council Approved 06/12/17
Administrative Council Approved 04/16/2018
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.13
Lake Region State College uses an Emergency Notification System (ENS). This system allows the campus
to contact students, employees, and on-campus entities during an emergency. The emergency
notification system will require emergency notification information from students, employees, and on-
campus entities. This information is how the campus can contact the employee, student, or designated
person. LRSC employee participation in the emergency notification system is mandatory and all
employees, including student employees, are required to provide emergency contact information.
The responsibility to make the decision to close Lake Region State College due to weather/emergency
rests with the college President. Lake Region State College administrative staff at the Grand Forks Air
Force Base has the authorization to make the appropriate call for LRSC classes at the GFAFB Education
Center. The President may coordinate with designated personnel before making the decision to close
campus, cancel classes, delay start time etc.
In the President’s absence the responsibility will go to the:
1. Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
2. Vice President for Administrative Affairs
3. Director of Student Affairs
Employee emergency notification telephone numbers or other emergency notification information is
exempt from the state’s open records laws as provided in Policy 1912 and may be released only as
provided in that policy.
Emergency notification contact information will come from ConnectND, and is updated monthly. This
removes former employees and students from the system.
To eliminate misuse of the emergency notification system, only designated personnel will have access to
deploy the system. An “emergency” means a situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or
safety of someone in the institution or system community or significantly disrupts institution or system
programs and activities.
The emergency notification system is only for emergencies as defined in NDUS Policy 1902. Lake Region
State College’s Loss Control Committee defines certain emergencies that warrant system use. According
to NDUS system requirements, LRSC will conduct unannounced emergency notification tests at least
once each fall, spring, and summer semester. A log is maintained of all notifications describing the
exercise, date, start and end time.
Employees are required to review their emergency notification information annually. In addition,
employees will receive reminders bi-annually to update their records. Emergency notification
information may include campus email, campus phone, home phone, home cellular phone, and work
cellular phone. Employees can opt-in for SMS “texting” capabilities. LRSC’s Human Resources will gather
emergency information from non-campus personnel such as the childcare center, Devils Lake Police
Department, and the Devils Lake Fire Department, and other campuses based at LRSC.
Additional emergency notifications not outlined by the Loss Control Committee can be deployed if
necessary by designated personnel (if situation fits NDUS Policy 1902). Campus emergency procedures
will be available for employees on the shared information drive. LRSC will use campus email and website
for detailed updates, unless the situation requires redeployment.
During an emergency, LRSC employees and students are asked to refer all media inquiries to LRSC’s
Marking & Communication director or President’s Office.
Students, employees, and visitors should report all emergency situations to the LRSC Risk Management
Office or Plant Services Director.
Students will have the ability to add and update their information in Campus Connection. The portal will
allow students to enter campus phone, cellular phone, email, texting information, and home phone. The
system will periodically remind students to review their information. In addition, students can receive
emergency notifications from other campuses depending on their class location. Students can “opt-out”
of the emergency notification system in Campus Connection.
Students are allowed to leave cell phones on during class to receive emergency notifications unless
instructed by faculty. If a faculty member instructs students to turn their cell phones off, the faculty
member must be able to receive emergency notifications through a registered cell phone, or other
means of receiving emergency messages at all times students are required to turn off their phones.
Students’ emergency notification information, or contact information such as phone numbers or email
addresses submitted for purposes of participation in an emergency notification system, shall be
excluded from directory information that is therefore confidential as provided under the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) However, if a student phone number or email or other
address submitted for the purpose of participation in an emergency notification system is also contained
in other institution records used for other purposes, that information contained in the other institution
records is directory information and not confidential, unless a student has exercised the student’s right
to refuse to permit disclosure of directory information.
Administrative Council Approved 07/18/08
Administrative Council Approved 12/08/14
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 09/28/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.14
Lake Region State College prescribes procedures for access to college facilities and to assist key holders
in maintaining the security of LRSC. It is the responsibility of each Key Holder to ensure proper
procedures are followed to maintain the security of LRSC buildings and facilities to which they have
access. Key Holders are responsible for physically securing access points upon entering or leaving a room
or facility after operational hours.
The term “keys” within this policy pertains to all LRSC key systems, including manual and electronic
access devices installed in any LRSC facility. The term “Key Holder” refers to staff, faculty, students,
contractors, support service personnel and anyone else who holds keys to LRSC buildings and facilities.
The term “keyed off the building master” within this policy refers to any room that is keyed differently
than the master key of the building in which the room is located.
Article 1 General Provisions
1.1 Keys are issued through Lake Region State College Plant Services and remain the property of Lake
Region State College.
1.2 Any exemption to this policy may be made only with permission from the LRSC Administrative
1.3 Rooms may be keyed off the building master key system if a written request has been submitted by
the department responsible for said room and the request has been approved by the Lake Region
State College Administrative Council.
1.4 The Lake Region State College Plant Services Director shall have access to all areas, including rooms
keyed off the building master, unless such access has been restricted by the Lake Region State
College Administrative Council.
1.5 It is a violation of this policy to attempt duplication of Lake Region State College keys by anyone
other than Lake Region State College Plant Services lock shop personnel. Duplicated keys will be
1.6 It is a violation of this policy to alter any Lake Region State College locking system by anyone other
than the Lake Region State College Plant Services staff. The installation of alternate locking devices is
also forbidden. The devices will be removed and the department or key holder responsible for the
violation will be charged for all costs incurred.
1.7 Security situations requiring social security measures will be coordinated with the Lake Region State
College Plant Services department.
Article 2 Requesting and Issuance of Keys
2.1 A key request form, obtained from the Lake Region State College Plant Services Director, must be
signed by the supervising Vice-President of the intended key holder and submitted to the Lake
Region State College Plant Services Director for all requests for keys.
2.2 Key holders can request keys only for those rooms and areas to which they are assigned
responsibility. A Key receipt form, obtained from the Plant Services Director, must be signed by the
key holder upon issuance of keys.
2.3 Only one outside door, sub-master or master key will be issued to any key holder. Issuance of
building master keys requires the approval of the Lake Region State College Administrative Council.
2.4 All incomplete, illegible, incorrect or unsigned forms will be returned to the requesting key holder.
2.5 A key inventory system will be maintained by Lake Region State College Plant Services.
Article 3 Key Returns
3.1 All keys no longer needed by the key holder shall be returned to the Lake Region State College Plant
Services Director. It is a violation of this policy to transfer keys to any other individual or to be left
with the department.
3.2 A key-return receipt will be issued to the key holder when keys are returned. The keys will then be
removed from the key holder’s inventory record.
Lost/Stolen/Non-Returned Keys
If a key is lost or stolen, it is the responsibility of the Key Holder to immediately notify the LRSC Plant
Services Director and the supervising Vice-President. Repeated loss of keys or failure of timely
notification of loss may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Failure to return keys upon termination of employment my result in a fine and/or theft of property
Administrative Council Approved 07/18/08
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.15
Lake Region State College (LRSC) students and employees are required to abide by all federal, state and
local laws. Except as authorized by SBHE policy 918 and/or NDUS procedure 918, the consumption, use,
possession, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs while on property under the
control of LRSC or at an LRSC sponsored activity is prohibited. Students, employees and visitors shall not
be on campus or at an LRSC sponsored activity while visibly impaired by the use of alcohol and/or drugs.
LRSC requires employees to maintain a safe and sober workplace. As such, employees shall not consume
alcoholic beverages or drugs (including prescription drugs that can cause impairment) during scheduled
work hours or within close proximity to scheduled work hours. Employees on call back, outside of
regular hours, shall disclose to their supervisor if they have consumed alcoholic beverages to ensure
that only appropriate duties are assigned or the need for the employee is reassigned to another.
Employees taking prescription medication that can cause impairment must notify their supervisor, in
advance of performing work, to ensure only appropriate duties are assigned, duties are reassigned as
necessary, and/or sick leave is taken.
A supervisor may, after consultation with the Human Resources Director, require an employee
suspected of violating this policy to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test. The test is not required
should the employee admit to the consumption and/or impairment. If the employee refuses testing, the
employee may be disciplined as if the test had been positive. In the event of a positive test and/or
admission, the employee shall be required to take annual leave for the remainder of the workday. The
supervisor and/or the employee must arrange for safe transportation home.
Violations of this policy constitutes misconduct and disciplinary action may be imposed according to
Student Conduct Policy 800.30 and the Code of Conduct Policy 1500.05.
The policy addressing alcohol and drugs in the residence halls can be found in the Residence
Life/Housing Policy 800.008.
Medical Amnesty Laws: LRSC respects and abides by the medical amnesty laws for drug and alcohol
related emergencies under North Dakota Century Codes 05-01-08 (6) and 19-03.01.
Parental Notification: In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the
Director of Student Affairs reserves the right to notify the parents/guardians of students under 21 years
of age, and the parents/guardians of dependent students., regardless of age, of any incident in which
the student is found responsible for violating this policy.
The college has programing, coordinated by the Director of Student Affairs, to prevent drug and alcohol
abuse by students. The Director of Human Resources shall make similar information available to all
employees. These programs shall include dissemination of informal materials, counseling services,
educational programs, referrals, and code of conduct violations.
Administrative Council Approved 05/22/15
Administrative Council Approved 09/15/15
Administrative Council Approved 08/30/17
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.16
Discrimination is defined under applicable federal and state law. In general, unlawful discrimination
means failing to treat people equally based, at least in part, on status that is protected under applicable
law or policy.
Lake Region State College is an equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate on the basis of
of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetics, national origin,
veteran’s status, marital status, political belief or affiliation, and economic or perceived social status in
its admissions, student aid, employment practices, education programs or other related activities.
Inquiries concerning Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 may be referred to Sandi Lillehaugen, Human
Resource Manager, Lake Region State College, 1801 N. College Drive; Office #120, Devils Lake, ND
58301, (701) 662-1543 Sandra.[email protected] or the Office of Civil Rights/HHS, Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661-4544. The Office of Civil Rights also can be
reached by calling (312) 730-1560, faxing (312) 730-1576, TDD (800) 877-8339 or by emailing
LRSC is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities
upon request. To request an accommodation or to request this document in an alternate format, please
contact Sandi Lillehaugen, Human Resource Manager, Lake Region State College, 1801 N. College Drive;
Office #120, Devils Lake, ND 58301, (701) 662-1543, Sandra.Lillehau[email protected]u. One-week advance
notice appreciated.
This notice must be included in all departmental publication such as bulletins, announcements, manuals,
publications, guidebooks, brochures, pamphlets, catalogs, application forms or recruitment materials
describing or inviting participation in programs at Lake Region State College.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/16
Administrative Council Approved 03/23/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.17
In our effort to create a positive living and learning environment for all student regardless of race,
religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetics, national origin, marital
status, political belief or affiliation, and economic or perceived social status, we are committed to fully
respecting, supporting, and celebrating the diversity which exists in and around our campus.
The campus community consists of students, faculty, staff and administrators and it is our belief that all
community members have a responsibility, individually and collectively, to create an environment that is
respectful, supportive, and inclusive of all people. As the demographics of our community continues to
change, all community members must share in the commitment to provide equal opportunity for all
individuals regardless of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity,
genetics, national origin, marital status, political belief or affiliation, and economic or perceived social
status.. All Residential Life Staff are committed to teaching and learning the skills necessary to eliminate
stereotypes and prejudice in order to provide a living, learning, and working environment which is
respectful and supportive of all Lake Region State College students, staff and faculty.
We acknowledge that our society carries historical and divisive biases based on race, religion, age, color,
sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetics, national origin, marital status, political belief
or affiliation, and economic or perceived social status. Therefore, we will make a concerted effort to
change attitudes towards and make accommodations for people who come to us from various cultures,
different ages, and differing abilities. We strive to eliminate misinterpretation of verbal and non-verbal
communication patterns, different standards of time, cultural and familial relationships, varying work
norms, and concepts of team and leadership style. We also seek to promote awareness through
education and constructive strategies for resolving conflict.
Diversity enriches the ability of Lake Region State College to accomplish its academic mission by
broadening and deepening the educational experience through interactions of students and faculty from
multiple backgrounds and perspectives. Diversification offers social participation and mutual
understanding to all students, regardless of their heritage, orientation, or situation. It provides equality
of access and opportunity so that every segment of our community can contribute to and benefit from
our institution.
We are committed to the enforcement of policies that promote the fulfillment of these principles,
including those prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.
We will strive to eliminate verbal or written abuses, intimidations, or hostile remarks against any
member of our community that constitute harassment under Lake Region State College’s Harassment
Policy .
Administrative Council Approved 03/23/16
Administrative Council Approved 12/05/16
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.18
1. Law Enforcement Authority
The Lake Region State College Police Department exists under authority granted by N.D.C.C. 15-
10-17.1 and the State Board of Higher Education Policy 916. The licensed and sworn peace
officers employed by LRSC have full powers of arrest pursuant to N.D.C.C 44-08-20.
a. The Lake Region Sate College campus falls under the jurisdiction of several law
enforcement agencies willing and able to assume primary jurisdiction over the response
to and investigation of criminal activity on campus. As such, officers of the Lake Region
State College Police Department shall:
i. When on campus, proactively respond to a crime in progress that threatens the
safety and/or security of campus based persons or property.
ii. At all times and for all cases relinquish investigative authority and jurisdiction to
the city police, county sheriff, and/or highway patrol upon their arrival to
iii. Assist those law enforcement agencies as requested during any investigation or
call for service.
iv. Notify the appropriate law enforcement agency in any instance where the
officer makes a criminal arrest or responds to a crime in progress or other
emergency on campus.
v. Provide a written narrative (copied to the LRSC Chief of Police) to the
appropriate law enforcement agency whenever they take official action as a
peace officer, use force, recover evidence, or otherwise have information that
needs to be included in an official police report.
b. The President shall issue a Notice of Appointment and administer the Oath of Office to
one licensed peace officer to serve as the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall issue a
Notice of Appointment and administer the Oath of Office to any other licensed peace
officers employed by LRSC.
c. LRSC Peace Officers shall at all times maintain a current ND Peace Officer License and
comply with all requirements for licensure and training established by the ND Peace
Officer Standards and Training Board. Officers shall adhere to all legal requirements
regarding the enforcement of laws, jurisdictional authority, and use of force.
d. The LRSC Chief of Police shall establish and maintain an up to date policy handbook that
must include, at a minimum, the department’s policy on the use of force, emergency
vehicle operations, and weapons carry/qualification standards.
e. The Director of Peace Officer Training shall:
i. Oversee the licensing and training of the Peace Officer Training Program’s
employed training supervisors to ensure continued compliance with ND POST
ii. Serve on the Loss Control Committee.
iii. Serve as the LRSC Police Department’s primary liaison with other law
enforcement agencies.
iv. Provide assistance to the Director of Institutional Research in preparing our
Campus Safety and Security Report.
v. Coordinate, provide, and/or delegate the delivery of annual safety training to
LRSC faculty, staff, and students.
vi. Help manage the LRSC safety and security responsibilities under the Clery Act.
vii. Serve as the primary Campus Safety Authority (CSA).
2. Campus Safety
Lake Region State College works closely with the Devils Lake Police Department (DLPD). When
incidents arise that require joint investigative efforts, resources, crime related reports, and
exchanges of information. There is a cooperative agreement between LRSC and DLPD stating
that the DLPD will notify LRSC if it determines that LRSC student(s) have been involved in any
alcohol or drug-related occurrence off campus.
Campus safety is managed by the Loss Control Committee. During the academic year, the Loss
Control Committee with assistance from the Physical Plant Director, the Risk Management
Coordinator, and the Director of Peace Officer Training. The loss control Committee meets
routinely to discuss locks, alarms, lighting, communications, and other safety issues.
3. Campus Access
During business hours, the college (excluding residence halls) is open to students, employees,
and visitors. During non-business hours, access to all College facilities is by key, if issued, or by
admittance via the Residence Life staff. Residence halls are secured 24 hours a day.
Some facilities may have individual hours, which may vary at different times of the year.
Examples are the Library, the Bookstore, and Student Affairs. In these cases, the facilities will be
secured according to schedules developed by the department responsible for the facility.
Employees, when acting as advisor to a group of students, must not leave the building or room
until all students using the facilities have left. Students must not be made responsible for locking
up after an activity.
4. Safety Awareness Programs
Annually, students and employees are informed of services offered by Lake Region State
College. Slide presentations and handouts outline ways to maintain personal safety. The annual
safety report is made available to students and employees to inform them of safety related
matters. Crime prevention programs and sexual assault prevention programs are available on a
continual basis. A common theme of all awareness and crime prevention programs is to
encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own safety and
the safety of others. Crime prevention programs on personal safety and theft prevention are
sponsored by various campus organizations throughout the year. Policies related to student
safety are included in the Student Handbook, which is made available to all students.
5. Timely Warnings
Lake Region State College will issue a timely warning notice in the event of a Clery Act crime that
occurred on or near campus that may pose a serious or ongoing threat to members of the
campus community. The warning will be issued through the college emergency notification
system to all employees and currently enrolled students.
a. A timely warning notice will be issued when there is a threat to the safety and security
of persons for the following Clery Act crimes:
1. Aggravated assault
2. Arson
3. Burglary (involving violence)
4. Domestic violence, dating violence, stalking
5. Manslaughter
6. Motor vehicle theft
7. Murder
8. Robbery
9. Sexual offenses
10. Any other crime in which the victim was chosen on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, age,
creed, marital status, veteran's status, political belief or affiliation, or disability.
b. Decisions concerning whether to issue a timely warning will be made on a case-by-case
basis using the following criteria: (1) nature of the crime; (2) continuing danger to the
campus community; (3) possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.
c. The President is responsible for deciding if a timely warning notice will be issued and
designated personnel will issue the notice. In the President’s absence the responsibility
will go to: (1) Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs; (2) Vice President of
Administrative Affairs; (3) Director of Student Affairs.
d. If the threat is sudden and serious, a warning will be issued immediately and will be
continually updated until the threat is contained or neutralized. If a threat is less
immediate, the warning will be fully developed and distributed after that point in time.
In some cases, information may be kept confidential to avoid compromising an ongoing
6. Reporting Criminal Offenses
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to report all crimes and any suspicious
activity in an accurate and timely manner to an identified campus safety authority (CSA) and
local law enforcement. For emergencies call 9-1-1. The Primary CSA is the Director of Peace
Officer Training. Additional CSAs include but are not limited to:
Faculty assigned to the Peace Officer Training Program
Director of Student Affairs (701-662-1655)
Director of Institutional Effectiveness (701-662-1509)
Risk Management Coordinator (701-662-1543)
Athletic Director (701-662-1654)
Title IX Coordinators (701-662-1697 or 701-662-1543)
Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs (701-662-1681)
Vice President of Administrative Affairs (701-662-1505)
Physical Plant Director (701-662-1521)
Director of Housing (701-662-1518)
Director of Counseling (701-662-1546)
Individuals filing a report may request confidentiality. LRSC will evaluate the request and
determine the extent to which confidentiality may be maintained. LRSC must weigh the request
for confidentiality against its desire to protect the safety and security of the entire campus.
Therefore, with the exception of the counselor, LRSC cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality.
All crimes reported, other than those reported to the counselor, are included in the annual
disclosure of crime statistics.
7. Disclosure of Crime Statistics
The Director of Institutional Effectiveness prepares the annual Campus Security and Fire Safety
Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime
Statistics Act. The full text of this report can be located on the college web site at
This report is prepared in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding on
campus and noncampus sites, the Director of Peace Officer Training, theTitle IX Coordinator,
Director of Housing, and Director of Student Affairs. Each entity provides updated information
on their educational efforts and programs to comply with the Act.
Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics include those reported to designated campus
security authorities (CSA) and local law enforcement agencies. Each year, an e-mail notification
is made to all faculty, staff, and enrolled students. Copies of the report may also be obtained by
calling 701-662-1509.
Lake Region State College employs one counselor who, when acting as such, is not required to
report crimes for inclusion into the annual disclosure of crime statistics. As a matter of policy,
they are encouraged, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled
of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary basis for inclusion into the annual crime
8. Disclosure to Victims of Alleged Crimes
Lake Region State College will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of
violence, or a non-forcible sex offense, the results of any investigation conducted by the college
against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim
is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, LRSC will provide the results of the disciplinary
hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested.
9. Registered Sex Offenders
The Campus Sex Crimes Preventions Act (CSCPA) of 2000 is a federal law that provides for the
tracking of convicted, registered sex offenders enrolled at, or employed by, institutions of higher
education. The act requires sex offenders already required to register in a State to provide
notice of each institution of higher education in the State at which the person is employed,
carries a vocation, or is a student. Out-of-state sex offenders are required to register if they
work or attend school in North Dakota. The state then provides this information to law
enforcement authorities in the jurisdiction where the institution is located.
The law requires LRSC to advise the campus community where law enforcement agency
information provided by a State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. The
North Dakota Sex Offender website is available via Internet pursuant to North Dakota Century
Code section 12.1-35-15 at
Administrative Council Approved 09/28/15
Administrative Council Approved 12/05/2016
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.19
The Vice President for Administrative Affairs or designee, as delegated by the president, is responsible
for directing emergency management operations. The designee identifies other departments, units, and
individuals responsible for providing emergency response and critical support services, and describes
their respective roles and responsibilities. The president or designee assesses the danger and potential
threat the event may pose to the safety of the campus community. If a significant emergency or
dangerous situation is confirmed, the designee shall take into account the safety of the campus
community, determine what information to release about the situation, and begin the notification
process. In the event that notification many compromise efforts to assist a victim, contain the
emergency, respond to the emergency, to otherwise mitigate the emergency, a notification may not be
issued. The Loss Control Committee shall create and maintain an emergency response plan.
LRSC has a variety of ways of disseminating emergency information to the larger community, including,
but not limited to:
Public Media
Local radio and television stations are notified of any disasters or emergencies occurring
on the campus.
The Director of Marketing & Communications coordinates connections with all major
media outlets to provide emergency notifications.
Mass Calling and Notification
The emergency notification system allows designated personnel to send a recorded
voice message, e-mail, and text message simultaneously from a remote site. This
message will be sent to the entire campus community and will contain important
information about the emergency. When the system is activated, one or more of the
following alerts are sent depending on the contact information the recipient has
Voice Call - Individuals who have provided their phone numbers are called and a
prerecorded voice message is played.
Email - An email is sent to all individuals who have provided email addresses.
Text message - Individuals who have provided cell phone numbers are sent a
text message.
Warning Sirens
Warning sirens are strategically placed in and around the City of Devils Lake to sound in
the event of a tornado warning. The sirens are tested on this system every Wednesday
at 6:00 p.m.
Building Evacuation Alarms
Every campus building has an evacuation alarm. Buildings may also be equipped with a
voice public address system by which instructions may be given.
LRSC Website
The Director of Marketing & Communications will update the LRSC website with
pertinent information and instructions in the event of a disaster or emergency.
Email Transmission
A mass email may be sent to the campus community with pertinent information and
instructions in the event of a disaster or emergency.
The following is a list of individuals or organizations responsible for carrying out these procedures:
Vice President of Administrative Affairs
Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
Director of Marketing & Communications
Loss Control Committee
LRSC will publish a summary of its emergency response procedures in conjunction with at least one
emergency notification test each calendar year.
Administrative Council Approved 09/28/15
Lake Region State College
Policy and Procedure Manual
SECTION 1500.20
Workplace Violence
Violence, threats, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior in our workplace will not be tolerated. All
reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately. Such behavior can
include, but is not limited to, oral or written statements, gestures, expressions that communicate a
direct or indirect threat of physical harm, or acts of violence against person or property.
If you observe or experience such behavior by anyone on LRSC property, or while working off-site,
report it immediately to a supervisor or manager. A supervisor who receives a report of workplace
violence must take immediate action on such reports. The supervisor responsible, if additional action is
needed, for referring the issue to the appropriate Vice President for investigation and follow-up action.
Threats or assaults that require immediate action by law enforcement should be reported first to police.
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/17