Lamar Louise Curry Middle School
Department of Physical Education
Regulation and Procedures
I. This course is designed to provide each student with quality instruction and the opportunity to
participate in a comprehensive and balanced physical education program consisting of a
variety of individual and team sports and physical fitness activities. The student will receive
instruction in the history, rules, skills, and strategies associated with the different sports as well
as learning experiences involving physical conditioning. The program will promote the spirit
of fair play and friendly competition in a safe environment.
II. Student Requirements
A. Uniforms:
1. The uniform shall consist of a white Curry T-shirt, green Curry shorts, white
socks and closed-toed athletic shoes. A student shall also be permitted to wear a
plain white T-shirt with plain green shorts. (New students have 1 week to buy
this uniform; meanwhile they are to bring any color shorts and a white T-shirt.)
Shirts must be worn tucked in at all times. Shorts must also be worn at the
waist and not hanging below the waist.
2. Cold days green sweat pants and (Black, Hunter Green, Khaki) sweaters may be
3. If the temperature outside is 75 degrees or higher students will NOT be allowed
to wear sweaters in class. The students will only be allowed to wear sweaters if
the temperature is 74 degrees or lower.
4. All uniforms must have the student’s first/last name and period marked
permanently on their uniforms. In addition, students are to monitor their PE
uniforms at all times in order to avoid theft, this is not the responsibility of the
5. Uniform, towel, and socks should be taken home at the end of each week and
brought back clean on the first day of the following week.
B. Dressing Out:
1. Although students may not be “dressed out”, they will be permitted to participate
in the scheduled activities at the teacher’s discretion, however, their academic
grade will be affected. They may be required to perform alternated activities in
order to ensure proper dress participation in the future.
2. It must be understood that although a student may be excused from an activity
due to a medical reason, or a parent note, he/she must still dress out in the proper
uniform (exception is crutches or cast).
3. All students will have ten minutes from the time the tardy bell rings to be
properly dressed.
4. Students have approximately ten minutes at end of class to get dressed in their
regular attire. (Showers available) **No one is to leave the locker room without
permission from their supervising instructor.
5. If a student’s uniform is ever stolen or misplaced he/she must bring an alternate
set from home until they purchase additional sets. (Bring parental note
acknowledging this situation in addition to informing the teacher.)
III. Policy Concerning Students that are NOT dressed out per nine weeks.
A. 1st No Dress, F for the day.
B. 2
No Dress, F for the day and parent contact.
C. 3
No Dress and on, will result in continual F’s for each none dress, parent contact, a
referral will be issued.
D. 5
No Dress, automatic F for the grading period.
IV. Participation in Physical Activity
A. Each student may bring in 1 parent note per 9 weeks for student illness. All other
occurrences need to be validated through doctor notes.
B. Notes written by the parent/guardian and must include a phone number where the parent
can be reached during the day/evening time.
C. If more than two days are needed, a doctor’s note will be required explaining the disability,
limitation of the disability, and the duration of time the student will not be active. (Please
avoid the use “until further notice” if at all possible.)
V. General Rules
The teacher will explain:
A. Lockers- Procedures. Students must be aware of the following:
1. Only Curry locks will be allowed. All others will be cut off.
2. Do not share lockers or locks with anyone unless you are assigned to do so. (Do
not change lockers!)
3. Do not tell anyone your combination unless you are assigned to a partner.
4. Be observant to make sure no one is watching you open your locker. Keep your
free hand over it.
5. Place all valuables in lockers while in PE class.
6. No glass bottles or aerosol cans are allowed in the locker room. All deodorant
and perfume/cologne, etc. must be in plastic containers.
B. Towels- Each student is to bring a towel from home. They are not furnished.
C. Showers- For health reasons, each student is encouraged to take a shower following daily
D. Tardiness- You must be in the locker room before the late bell rings.
E. Equipment- Students are not permitted to use any equipment without the supervision of an
instructor. This includes pull-up bars, etc.
F. Storage- No storage allowed in the instructor’s office.
G. Other Behaviors- No gum chewing, No food in the locker room or PE field, Vulgar and
abusive language will not be tolerated, No IPODS, MP3 players, Cell Phones or
computerized games of any kind will be permitted.
H. Horse playing- There will be no horse playing in the locker room at any time. When
dressed, student will be seat on the benches. Phones and cameras are allowed in the locker
rooms at any time.
I. Girls Locker Room- The girls locker room will have additional rules and regulations that
will be provided by the female coaches.
VI. Grading System
A. Students will be evaluated according to the following areas:
1. Dressing out properly
2. Daily participation/effort in games
3. Fitness/skill tests
4. Written test
5. Daily exercise routine, etc.
6. Notebook or folder.
B. At the end of each grading period, the student’s grades are averaged using the above
VII. Conclusion
A. The goals of the Physical Education program include the development of self-discipline,
skill learning, physical fitness, social skills, and sportsmanship in the students. This can be
achieved when each student assumes responsibility for his/her own behavior and property.
The staff at Lamar Louise Curry Middle School values the interest and
support of all parents for the total program. We encourage you to contact
the department whenever you have a concern or problem.
Cell Phone Usage
As per the Student Code of Conduct, the following rules must be followed regarding the possession,
use, and display of wireless communication devices:
• Students shall avoid classroom disruptions, by not displaying, using, or activating the data access
portion of their wireless communication devices during the instructional day unless instructed to do so by
the teacher and/or authorized school personnel under the Bring Your Own Device initiative outlined in
Board Policy 7540.03. This includes during class, in the library, during lunch breaks, during class
changes and during any other structured activity.
• The school is not responsible if a student’s wireless communication or any electronic device is lost or
• The possession of a cellular telephone that disrupts the educational process, the use of the cellular
telephone capabilities during school hours, use of a cellular phone to commit a crime, and the possession
or use of a cellular telephone that disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being
transported on a Miami-Dade County Public Schools bus, are infractions of the Code of Student Conduct.
As per the Student Code of Conduct, the following rules must be followed regarding the possession,
use, and display of wireless communication devices:
• Students shall avoid classroom disruptions, by not displaying, using, or activating the data access
portion of their wireless communication devices during the instructional day unless instructed to do so by
the teacher and/or authorized school personnel under the Bring Your Own Device initiative outlined in
Board Policy 7540.03. This includes during class, in the library, during lunch breaks, during class
changes and during any other structured activity.
• The school is not responsible if a student’s wireless communication or any electronic device is lost or
• The possession of a cellular telephone that disrupts the educational process, the use of the cellular
telephone capabilities during school hours, use of a cellular phone to commit a crime, and the possession
or use of a cellular telephone that disrupts or interferes with the safety-to-life issue for students being
transported on a Miami-Dade County Public Schools bus, are infractions of the Code of Student Conduct.
P.E. Regulation and Procedures Information Sheet
Student Name______________________________ ID #___________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s)_______________________________________________________
Home Phone #_____________________________________
Parent/Guardian work Phone Number__________________________
I/We,________________________, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of ___________________, have
read, understood, and discussed with my/our child the Physical Education regulations and
Procedures, and agree to cooperate with the Physical Education Department to ensure my child’s
Student Signature:____________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________________
Please Circle the name of your teacher.
McFarley Flores De Armas