1. When you receive your summons, complete SECTION A, Step 1 (answer all questions
1-12), Step 2 (Juror Information) and Section G (Signature and Date).
Everyone must
complete Step 1,
Questions 1 through 12
NOTE: (Even if do
not qualify to serve or
requesting an excuse,
postponement, or
transfer, you must
complete Steps 1 and
questions 1
through 12, and
Step 2 (Juror
Complete if family
member died within
Los Angeles County
2. Once you have completed Section A and Section G, you must call the toll-free number
on your summons (213) 972-0970 or go to our web portal at www.lacourt.org/jury and
REGISTER for service (see instructions). Make sure that you have your Juror Identification
Number (JID) and your Personal Identification Number (PIN) available.
NOTE: Even if you are requesting a transfer, postponement, or do not qualify to serve, you
MUST register first.
Once you have registered for jury service, our telephone system and web portal will allow you to
request an excuse, postponement, or transfer.
If you are requesting an excuse or transfer by telephone, please make sure that you complete the
appropriate sections before you mail back the summons (see instructions below). If you are
requesting an excuse or transfer using our web portal, please follow the instructions on the web
portal on whether you need to mail back or keep your completed summons.
Once you have registered for jury service, select the option to request a postponement, excuse or transfer.
If you are requesting a postponement by phone, please select the option to Postpone and follow the prompts
to select the next available dates. If you are requesting an excuse or transfer by phone, you will be required to
complete and return your jury summons form. See below for the sections that require completion for each
type of excuse or transfer request.
Financial Hardships
You must demonstrate an EXTREME financial burden . Complete SECTIONS A, C, D, and G.
Medical Excuses
If you are under 70 years of age, complete SECTIONS A, B, D and G, and have your doctor
complete SECTION E. If you are 70 years or older, your doctor does NOT need to complete
SECTION E, but you must complete SECTIONS A, B and G and provide a medical reason why you
cannot serve in SECTION D.
If you are under 65 years of age and at high risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, complete
SECTIONS A, B, D and G, and have your doctor complete SECTION E. If you are 65 years or older,
your doctor does NOT need to complete SECTION E, but you must complete SECTIONS A, B and G
and provide a medical reason why you cannot serve in SECTION D.
Non-County Residents (Excuse only)
If you are not a Los Angeles County resident, complete SECTIONS A, D, F, and G of your summons.
You must provide us with proof that you have moved (a copy of a utility bill, property tax bill, proof
of voter’s registration, or driver’s license with your current address, etc.). Mail back your summons
along with your documentation. Although non-county residents are not qualified to serve as a juror
in LA County, you are required to complete the registration process.
Other Hardships & Excuses
If you are requesting any other type of hardship, (Section B – 13 through 17), complete
SECTIONS A and B, explain your reason in SECTION D, and sign SECTION G.
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, you must complete SECTION A of the summons and register by calling
(213) 972-0970. Although non-citizens are not qualified for service, you are required to complete
the registration process.
Addressee Deceased
If the prospective juror is deceased, and the death occurred within Los Angeles County, family
members must supply us with the decedent’s name (as it appears on the death certificate), date of
birth, date of death, and city of death in SECTION F on the reverse side of the summons. A family
member must sign and date SECTION G and mail the summons back to the court.
If the prospective juror is deceased, and the death occurred outside of Los Angeles County, family
members must return a copy of the death certificate with the summons.
To request an excuse, postponement or transfer on our web portal select the “Reschedule” tab for
postponement and transfer requests or the “Excuse” tab for excuse requests on the “My Jury Duty Portal”.
Follow the prompts (see Excuses, Postponement & Transfers on our website for further instructions).
Important Note: Please check the online requirements listed under “Online Information” on
our website to see if you qualify to register or request an excuse online.