January 2022
110 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
In recognition and support for the programs and services provided by the Kansas FFA Foundation, I/we
would like to make the following gift/pledge of: $ _______________________
Donor Information/Recognition:
Please indicate how you would like your KS FFA donation recognized: (such as, John & Susan Olson,
Olson Family, Business Name, ABC Club, Anonymous): ______________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: _____________________
Email Address: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________
*All donors, except for anonymous donations, are recognized through giving clubs or
specific amounts.
I/we wish for our donation to be anonymous in donor recognition listings and other publications.
In Memory/Honor Indications (if any): In Memory or In Honor
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Gift Details:
attached is $ __________ the balance of $__________ will be paid in increments of $_________
over the next 2 3 4 5 years or other__________
starting on (date) _________________________ , 20___
(month) (year)
of which the payments will be made: Annually Semi-Annually Quarterly Monthly
as a convenience to our donors, a pledge reminder will be sent prior to your payment date(s)
I would like my payments made using Automated Clearing House (ACH) (complete information below)
Automatic Transfer of Funds (ACH): I/we authorize the Kansas FFA Foundation to charge the
amount and frequency indicated in Option 1 to my/our checking/savings account, until further notice.
Please deduct from: Checking or Savings (enclose blank void check/deposit slip)
From this Financial Institution: _________________________________________________________
Institution Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ______________ Zip Code: _____________________
Phone Number: __________________________
One Time Cash Payment
The full amount is enclosed by: check/cash or credit card
(a staff members will contact you for card details)
Planned Giving/Other
Describe planned giving below:
(The Kansas FFA Foundation Office will be contacting you for further documentation of your gift)
Signature of Intent: (All donors must sign to verify letter of intent)
(Signature Donor A) (Signature Donor B)
(Print Name Donor A) (Print Name Donor B)
(Date) (Date)
Note: This is a declaration of intention and may be increased, decreased or cancelled at the option of
the donor. Contact the Kansas FFA Foundation for questions or additional information.
Gift and pledge payments should be made payable to: Kansas FFA Foundation
Thank You!!
Kansas FFA Foundation
Beth Gaines, Executive Director | 785-410-2576 | beth@kansasffafoundation.org
Johanna Anderes, Development Coordinator | 785-410-7313 | johanna@kansasffafoundation.org