Idaho State University
College of Technology
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Letter of Recommendation
Student Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Note to the Applicant:
Complete the top section with your printed name before forwarding it to your recommender.
Provide your recommender with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Idaho State University,
OTA program, 921 South 8
Avenue, Stop 8380, Pocatello, Idaho 83209. Or they may fax it to
208-282-5195 or email it to
I hereby waive my right to access to this letter of recommendation to encourage the reference
to provide a candid assessment. As well, this letter will remain confidential. I understand that a
letter of recommendation from a family member is unacceptable.
__________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
Recommender Name Place of Employment
____________________________(please print) ____________________________________
__________________________ _____________________________
Recommender’s Signature Date
Note to Recommender:
Thank you for assisting the above-named person in applying to the Idaho State University
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Applicants to the ISU OTA program are required to
select TWO references to complete this form. The form is intended to provide insight into the
personal and professional behaviors of the applicant. The ISU OTA admission committee
requests that you complete this form with all honesty to ensure that the most appropriate
students are selected for our program. Upon completion of the evaluation, please place the
form in the attached self-addressed stamped envelope with your signature across the seal and
return it to the student.
1. I have known the applicant for ____months or ____ years.
2. Relationship to applicant: ____________________________
3. I feel that I know the applicant: ___ very well ___ well ____ not very well
4. Please rate the applicant by checking the number that best reflects your judgment of
the applicant:
Idaho State University
College of Technology
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 3 2 1
Writes and speaks with organization and clarity
Relates effectively to persons in authority
Responds maturely verbally and non-verbally to
Constructively works with others
Follows directions well and asks for clarifications
when needed
Demonstrates self-confidence
Utilizes effective processes to solve problems
Accepts responsibility for his/her behavior and is
Is flexible/adaptable
Works independently
Demonstrates initiative
Grasps new concepts quickly
Dresses appropriate to the situation
Demonstrates safety awareness
Please provide any comments if you wish to do so:
The Idaho State University OTA selection committee thanks you for your willingness to
assist in this selection process.