For a Document hyperlink, specify the document path (the Open File button opens a file browser);
leave this blank if you want to link to a target in the same presentation. Optionally specify the target
in the document (for example a specific slide). Click on the Target icon to open the Navigator
where you can select the target, or if you know the name of the target, you can type it into the box.
For a New Document hyperlink, specify whether to edit the newly created document immediately or
just create it (Edit later) and the type of document to create (text, spreadsheet, and so on). For a
text document, Edit now is the more likely choice. The Select Path button opens a directory
The Further settings section in the bottom right part of the dialog is common to all the hyperlink
types, although some choices are more relevant to some types of links.
• Set the value of Frame to determine how the hyperlink will open. This applies to documents
that open in a Web browser.
• Form specifies if the link is to be presented as text or as a button.
• Text specifies the text that will be visible to the user.
• Name is applicable to HTML documents. It specifies text that will be added as a NAME
attribute in the HTML code behind the hyperlink.
• Event button: this button will be activated to allow LibreOffice to react to events for which
the user has written some code (macro). This function is not covered in this book.
Editing hyperlinks
To edit a hyperlink, click anywhere in the link text and then open the Hyperlink dialog by clicking
the Hyperlink icon on the Standard Toolbar or choosing Edit > Hyperlink from the Menu bar.
Make your changes and click Apply. If you need to edit several hyperlinks, you can leave the
Hyperlink dialog open until you have edited all of them. Be sure to click Apply after each one.
When you are finished, click Close.
The standard (default) behavior for activating hyperlinks within LibreOffice is to use Ctrl+click. This
behavior can be changed in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Security > Options, by deselecting
the option Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks. If clicking in your links activates them, check
that page to see if the option has been deselected.
To change the color of hyperlinks, go to Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Appearance, scroll to
Unvisited links and/or Visited links, select those options, pick the new colors and click OK. Caution:
this will change the color for all hyperlinks in all components of LibreOffice—this may not be what
you want.
In Writer and Calc (but not Draw or Impress), you can also change the Internet link character style
or define and apply new styles to selected links.
Line numbering
Line numbering puts line numbers in the margin. LibreOffice can insert line numbers in an entire
document or in selected paragraphs. Line numbers are included when you print the document. You
can also add a separator between line numbers. Figure 13 shows an example with numbering on
every line.
You can choose how many lines are numbered (for example, every line or every tenth line), the
numbering type, and whether numbers restart on each page. In addition, a text separator (any text
you choose) can be set on a different numbering scheme (one every 12 lines, for example).
Line numbering | 19