Design of Lifting Lugs
Are the provisions of AISC 360-10 Section D5 appropri-
ate to use in the design of lifting lugs?
Not really. There are other provisions that are more suitable
to this application.
AISC 360 Section D5 is intended for connections
of tension members within buildings. Traditionally the
provisions were intended to be used with trusses, and
the Johnston research upon which they are based was
aimed at coming up with design procedures for truss
members, such as pin-connected eyebars, during a time
when such connections were still very common. Though
Section D5 is routinely applied to things such as lifting
lugs, this was really not the intended use. Also, since 1989
ASME undertook the task of formalizing Below the Hook
Lifting Devices. If you go through the various documents,
it is sometimes difficult to come up with clear scopes
and definitions for the various components used in lifting
operations, but OSHA certainly does make reference to
ASME B30.20 and ASME-BTH-1, and this latter reference
provides guidance related to the design of lifting devices,
including lifting lugs. From this it seems that ASME
BTH-1 is more applicable to your condition than AISC 360
Section D5.
Some of the differences are:
ASME BTH-1 contains safety factors that are more
appropriate for lifting operations. It also provides
guidance related to impact and fatigue loadings more
directly related to items such as lugs. In my experience,
accounting for the safety factors for lifting lug design
using the AISC Specification has been done in a much
more ad hoc fashion.
ASME BTH-1 explicitly addresses the issues involved
with the greatly oversized holes common in lifting
lugs. Typically, when applying the AISC Specification,
I would go back to the Pincus and Duerr research to
make adjustments for the larger holes. ASME BTH-1
incorporates the Pincus and Duerr results into their
design procedures for you.
ASME BTH-1 uses the 4t limit (Equation 3-46) that was
shown in the 1989 AISC Specification but also includes a
stability check when determining the effective width of
the plate (Equation 3-47).
I am sure there are other differences between the AISC
and ASME documents, but these are the ones that come
immediately to mind.
One last point regarding safety factors: The ASME
document settles on a factor of safety of 3. Though OSHA
references BTH-1, it also in various ways makes reference to a
factor of safety of 5. When designing lifting lugs, I have always
aimed for a factor of safety close to 5, though embedded
in this number are impact effects. I have not seen a clear
interpretation from either ASME or OSHA that resolves this
discrepancy, so you must review the applicable documents and
come to your own conclusion.
In summary, I think you should probably use ASME
BTH-1 and not AISC Section D5 to design lifting lugs.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
Weld Access Hole Dimensions
Are there dimensional requirements for weld access holes
in AWS D1.1?
Yes, AWS D1.1 specifies minimum weld access hole sizes.
Referring to the 2010 edition, you will find this information
in Clause 5.17; dimensions are in Clause 5.17.1. If you are
dealing with rolled shapes, then you’ll want to review Clause as well, while Clause addresses built-up
sections. Not specifically related to dimensions, you will find
further requirements in Clause 5.17.2 for Galvanized Shapes
and in Clause 5.17.3 for Heavy Shapes. Pictorially, you will
find this information in Fig. 5.2.
The AISC Specification also has weld access hole geometry
and fabrication requirements in Section J1.6 and Section
M2.2. Additionally, for high-seismic systems that require it,
the AISC Seismic Provisions and AWS D1.8 have minimum
dimensions for special seismic weld access holes.
Keith Landwehr
NDT Requirements
When is non-destructive testing of welds required?
Historically NDT requirements are found in a variety of
places including notes on structural details, general structural
notes sheets, project specifications and local (city) building
code requirements. Today, it is a little more regular with
recent changes to the IBC and AISC Specification. Here are
some general observations:
If the 2009 IBC applies: For high-seismic applications
you will want to refer to Section 1707 and 2005 AISC
Seismic Provisions Appendix Q. For wind and low-
seismic applications, the 2005 AISC Specification does
not contain NDT requirements; as stated previously,
this info is usually found in contract documents or local
building codes.
If the 2012 IBC applies: For high-seismic applications
you will want to refer to Section 1705.11 and AISC
Seismic Provisions Chapter J. For wind and low-seismic
applications, see 2010 AISC Specification Chapter N.
When NDT is required, AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.8
provide NDT procedures and acceptance criteria.
Keith Landwehr
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Field Verification
Is the field verification of dimensions for connections to an
existing structure the responsibility of the steel fabricator?
Typically, field verification of existing conditions is the
responsibility of the contractor, not the steel fabricator or
erector. The AISC Code of Standard Practice Section 1.7.3
“… field dimensioning of an existing structure is not within
the scope of work that is provided by either the fabricator
or the erector.
However, it is always a possibility that the contract documents
could state otherwise. I suggest you check what the contract
documents say, as this could be different for each project.
Keith Landwehr
First Order Analysis Method
In the calculation of N
in AISC 360-10 Equation C2-8 for
a portal frame where the columns have different lengths,
which length should be chosen to represent the story
height (L)? Should it be the shorter one, the longer one,
the average of the two or something else entirely?
The equation that you are referencing was developed assuming
columns of equal height. However, it can be adapted to your
situation. There are two options that I think would be applicable.
Conservatively use shorter column height.
Discretize your notional loads to be on a per-column basis;
this option uses a notional load on each lateral column
based on its height and tributary load.
Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E.
Reuse of High-Strength Bolts
Can bolts that have been pretensioned be reused?
RCSC Specification Section 2.3.3 prohibits the reuse of
ASTM A490 bolts, ASTM F1852 and F2280 twist-off-type
tension-control bolt assemblies, and galvanized or Zn/Al Inor-
ganic coated ASTM A325.” It allows the reuse of black A325
bolts, at the discretion of the engineer of record. The Com-
mentary provides further information:
“Pretensioned installation involves the inelastic elongation
of the portion of the threaded length between the nut
and the thread run-out. ASTM A490 bolts and galvanized
ASTM A325 bolts possess sufficient ductility to undergo one
pretensioned installation, but are not consistently ductile
enough to undergo a second pretensioned installation. Black
ASTM A325 bolts, however, possess sufficient ductility to
undergo more than one pretensioned installation as suggested
in the Guide (Kulak et al., 1987).
Section 4.5 of the Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and
Riveted Joints provides more detailed references and research
on this topic.
Erin Criste
Slip-Critical Surface Preparation
In a slip-critical connection, are the surfaces under the
bolt head and/or washer subject to the same of surface
preparation requirements as the inside plies?
No. The area under the nut and head are not subject to the
same requirements as the faying surfaces. The Commentary
to the RCSC Specification (a free download from www. does, however, caution against large coating
thicknesses (including under the head and the nut). It states:
“Tests have indicated that significant bolt pretension may
be lost when the total coating thickness within the joint
approaches 15 mils per surface, and that surface coatings
beneath the bolt head and nut can contribute to additional
reduction in pretension.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
Coating Thickness Measurements
When painting multiple beams on a paint rack is it accept-
able to check the coating thickness on one piece per rack or
do I have to check the coating thickness on all of the beams?
The requirements of SSPC-PA2 (May 2012) address your ques-
tion. Section 8.2 requires that five spot measurements (three read-
ings per spot) be taken for each 100 sq. ft of coating surface. PA2
simply says “random” spots. If each of your beams consists of 100
sq. ft of coating per beam, then you’ll be checking each beam.
Assuming less than 100 sq. ft for each beam, then it is typi-
cal to find direction in your in-house painting and inspection
procedure. The contractor has the option of defining “ran-
dom” so as to provide direction to the painter and/or coating
inspector. I have experienced five spots on one beam and five
spots split between multiple members depending on the con-
tractor’s experience and consistency of the coating process.
Keith Landwehr
steel interchange
Heath Mitchell is director of technical assistance and Erin Criste is staff engineer, technical
assistance at AISC. Keith Landwehr and Larry Muir are consultant to AISC.
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