1. Parents are in the best position to develop a plan that fits their child’s needs and are
strongly encouraged to agree on a parenting plan and conditions of parenting time for their
child (unless otherwise stated, "child" means all minor children of the parents). If the
parents are unable to agree on a parenting plan for their child, the Court may order the
following plan or a variation of it.
2. Parents may change this plan in any way they agree upon. A parenting plan must define the
exact number of times the children spend an overnight at the nonresidential parent for the
purposes of computing child support. If parents change this plan by agreement the changed plan
will not be enforceable unless it is written out and approved by the Court. The Court reserves the
right to not approve a plan that is not in the best interests of the child.
3. This Plan can be used when neither parent has physically abused the other or has abused the
children physically or sexually and where both parents have established a relationship with the
child. If these assumptions do not apply a different Plan should be used. Special Plans for
families with a history of domestic violence are available from the Court in Room 108.
4. These provisions do not apply to non-joint children.
5. [ ] Mother [ ] Father shall be considered Parent A. (Check one) If no box is checked the
parent who has the child for more than 50% of the time is Parent A. (See explanation below in
Section II.)
1. The term “parenting time” shall have the same meaning as the term “visitation” used in any
order properly referring to “visitation” or any “visitation” provisions in foreign orders. (A
“foreign” order is an order issued in a state other than Oregon.)
2. Unless otherwise ordered by the court or agreed upon by the parties Parent B shall have the
right to parenting time with the minor child of the parties according to this schedule whether or
not the child(ren) are in school.
3. For the purposes of the Standard Parenting Plan, Parent A means the parent who provides the
primary residence for the child. The Parent B means the parent who has parenting time with the child
according to this Plan.
4. When parents live no more than 60 miles apart, Parent B shall have the child as set forth below.
When parents live more than 60 miles apart, refer to the Medium and Long Distance Parenting
provisions in Section IV. If the parents agree however, they may use the standard parenting plan below
even if they live more than 60 miles apart.
4A. When there are children of different ages in a family all the children will follow the schedule for the
oldest child except that children birth-6 months will continue to follow the schedule for that age group.
4B. All references to alternating weekends in this Plan start with the first weekend after New Year’s Day
in odd numbered years and start the second weekend after New Year’s Day in even numbered years.
All parenting time shall be for Parent B unless it says otherwise:
5. Children aged birth to 6 months. Three times per week for two hours each on consistent days and
times selected by the Parent A and at times when the Parent B is available to visit the child.
If the parties cannot otherwise agree, these two hour periods will begin at 6:00 P.M. unless
Parent B is at work or school at that time, in which case it will begin two hours before that
parent’s work or school begins unless that is before 8:00 A.M. and in that event it shall begin
one hour after work or school ends.
Also, for two over nights per month, on alternating weekends, from 7:00 P.M. on Friday to 7:00 P.M. on
6. Children aged 6 months to 36 months. Two times per week for three hours on consistent weekdays
selected by Parent A when Parent B is available to visit the child and from 7:00 P.M. on Friday to 7:00
P.M. on Sunday on alternate weekends. If the parties cannot agree on the three hour time periods the
same rules apply as in Section 5 above except for three hours instead of two.
7. Children over age 36 months. Alternating weekends commencing at 7 P.M. on Friday and ending
the following Monday morning. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing, Parent B shall
feed the child on Monday morning and drop the child off at the child’s home or daycare no later than
9:00 a.m., or at school before the child’s first class if the child is in school. If the Monday of Parent B’s
weekend is a non-school day or national holiday which is not listed below, then the weekend shall end
on Monday at 7 p.m.
1. Whether or not the child is enrolled in school, the child shall spend time with his/her parents on
holidays according to the following plan:
Spring Break Even years Odd years
Memorial Day Even years Odd years
Halloween (optional) Odd years Even years
Thanksgiving Odd years Even years
Winter Vacation Odd years Even years
Child's Birthday(s) Even years Odd years
Parent’s Birthdays Every Year Every Year
Labor Day Even Odd
2. For the purposes of this Parenting Plan, a holiday shall begin and end as follows:
3. Children 0 to 6 months: For all vacation periods below, unless specified otherwise in this plan,
continue with regular schedule as set forth above.
Children over age 6 months. In even-numbered years Parent B shall have the child for the
spring break. (The alternate weekends remain unchanged.) This period shall begin on the Friday
before the first weekend of Spring Break at 7:00 PM and shall end on the last Sunday of Spring
Break at 6:00 PM.
5. Labor Day
Children over age 6 months. In even years Parent B shall have the child on Labor Day
Weekend from 7:00 PM on the Friday before Labor Day to Monday, Labor Day, at 7:00 PM.
Parent A shall have parenting time with the child during this period in odd years.
6. Memorial Day
6A. Children aged 6 months to 36 months. In even numbered years Parent B shall have the
child commencing on the day of the holiday from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.
6B. Children over age 36 months. In even numbered years Parent B shall have the child
commencing on the Friday preceding the holiday at 7 p.m. until the following Tuesday morning
in the same manner as Monday mornings are treated in this Plan for alternating weekends.
7. Halloween
7A. Children aged 6 months to 36 months. In odd-numbered years Parent B shall have the
child on October 31 from noon until 7 p.m.
7B. Children over age 36 months. Whether or not the child is in school, if this holiday does not
fall on a Saturday or Sunday, Parent B shall have the child on October 31 from 5 p.m. until 8
p.m. in odd-numbered years. If this holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, Parent B shall have
the child on October 31 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. in odd-numbered years.
8. Thanksgiving
8A. Children aged 6 months to 36 months. In odd-numbered years Parent B shall have the
child from 9:00 A.M. on Thanksgiving Day until 10:00 A.M. on the day after Thanksgiving Day.
8B. Children over age 36 months. In odd-numbered years Parent B shall have the child
commencing on Wednesday evening prior to Thanksgiving at 7 p.m. and ending on the following
Monday morning.
9A. Children birth months to 36 months. Parent B shall have the child from 7 p.m. on
December 24 until 7 p.m. on December 25 in odd-numbered years and in even-numbered
years from 7 p.m. on December 25 until 7 p.m. on December 26.
9B. Children over age 36 months. Whether or not the child is in school, during the period of
school winter vacation in the district in which the child resides, parenting time for Parent B shall
begin at 9 a.m. the day after school adjourns until 1:00 PM on December 26 in odd-numbered
years. In even-numbered years, Parent B shall have the child beginning at 7 p.m. on
December 26 and ending at 1:00 PM the day before school reconvenes.
10. Child’s Birthday
10A. Children birth to 36 months. In even-numbered years Parent B shall have the child on
the child's birthday from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. (all children go). The child’s birthday shall
supercede all other schedules except that if the child’s birthday falls on a holiday listed in
Paragraph 1 above Parent B whichever parent having parenting time on that holiday will have
parenting time on that birthday as well.
10B. Children over age 36 months. If on a school day (whether or not the child is in school),
Parent B shall have the child on the child's birthday from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. in even-numbered
years (all children go). If on a non-school day, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. (all children go). The
child’s birthday shall supercede all other schedules except that if the child’s birthday falls on a
holiday listed in Paragraph 1 above Parent B whichever parent having parenting time on that
holiday will have parenting time on that birthday as well.
11. Other Holidays - Children over age 6 months
11A. . Mother shall have the child on Mother’s Day and on Mother's birthday from 9 a.m. until 7
p.m. Mother’s birthday shall supercede the summer vacation schedule.
11B. Father shall have the child on Father’s Day and on Father's birthday from 9 a.m. until 7
p.m. Father’s Day and Father’s birthday shall supercede the summer vacation schedule. If a
parent’s birthday falls on Christmas or a holiday listed in Paragraph 1 this section shall not apply.
12A. Children aged birth to under 36 months before June 1. Parent B shall have the child for
two (2) one-week blocks, scheduled to include Parent B's "alternate weekends." One week shall
be in June and one week in August. Prior to April 1, Parent B shall select and notify Parent A,
in writing, of the dates of the summer parenting time periods. If Parent B fails to provide such
written notice prior to April 1, Parent A shall be entitled to choose those periods by notifying
Parent B in writing by April 20. “Alternate weekends" and “alternate Mondays” continue
throughout the summer. Each week shall start 10:00 A.M. on Sunday and end 6:00 PM on the
following Saturday.
12B. Children aged 36 months to under 6 years before June 1. Parent B shall have the child
for three (3) one-week blocks, scheduled to include Parent B’s "alternate weekends." One week
shall be in June, one week in July, and one week in August. There shall be at least two weeks
between each of the one-week blocks. Prior to April 1, Parent B shall select and notify in writing
Parent A of the dates of the summer parenting time periods. If Parent B fails to provide such
written notice prior to April 1, Parent A shall be entitled to designate those periods by notifying
Parent B in writing by April 20. “Alternate weekends" and “alternate Mondays” continue
throughout the summer. Each week shall start 10:00 A.M. on Sunday and end 6:00 PM on the
following Saturday.
12C. Children who reach age 6 before June 1. The parents shall share parenting time with the
child on an alternating two-week block basis during the school summer vacation which shall
begin at 7 p.m. on the Friday of the last week of school and end at 7 p.m. on the Sunday
immediately preceding the beginning of the school year. Parent B shall have parenting time
during the first two-week block beginning at 7 p.m. on the Friday of the last week of school.
Parent A will then have parenting time beginning 7 PM on the Friday at the end of the first two
week block with Parent B and continue until 7 PM on the Friday two weeks after, and so on for
the summer.
12D. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing, all exchanges shall occur at 7 p.m.
on Fridays. It is contemplated that the summer school vacation will not be an equal number of
weeks each year which will cause one parent to have less time with the child than the other. This
discrepancy will reverse the following year and thereby equalize over time. “Alternate
weekends” are discontinued during the school summer vacation and resume the first weekend
following the beginning of the school year.
1. Day-to-Day Decisions
Each parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care and control of the child while the parent
is caring for the child. Both parents are authorized to make emergency decisions affecting the health or
safety of the child.
2. Major Decisions
Decisions regarding the child's education, non-emergency healthcare, hair length, body piercing,
tattooing, military service, and marriage as a minor are considered major decisions. Sole decision-
making authority means that one parent is responsible for making these decisions. Unless the parties
have agreed in writing to joint legal custody, Parent A shall have sole decision-making authority in
major decisions concerning the child. Each parent may take the child to that parent’s church or
synagogue during that parent’s parenting time. Each parent shall have the right to instruct and encourage
participation in the religion or philosophy of their choice however neither parent shall do or say anything
to disparage the religion or philosophy of the other parent.
3. Providing Information
3A. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, each parent shall have equal access to important information
regarding the child; including, but not limited to, the child's current mailing and street address and
telephone number, education, medical, governmental agency, psychological, and law enforcement
records. Each parent must immediately notify the other of any emergency circumstances or substantial
changes in the health of the child.
3B. Each parent shall notify the other parent of his or her contact phone number and mailing and street
address and shall notify the other parent of any change in that information within 72 hours of such a
change. Further, if either parent takes the child from that parent's usual residence, he or she shall notify
the other parent of any emergency contact phone number and where the child will be staying.
4. Communications With Child
Parent B and the child shall have the unlimited right to correspond with each other by regular mail and
to telephone and/or e-mail each other during reasonable hours without interference or monitoring by the
residential parent or anyone else in any way. However, unless otherwise agreed in writing, telephone
calls between Parent B and the child shall be limited to no more than three per week and each call shall
be limited to 10 minutes or less in duration. Parent A shall have the same communication rights when
the child is with Parent B. For children under 6 years of age the calls shall not be commenced after 8:00
PM; for children 6-12 the calls shall not be later than 9:00 PM; for children 13-17 the calls shall not be
later than 11:00 PM. Long distance telephone charges shall be paid by the parent receiving the call.
Nothing here requires either parent to maintain a computer or an internet connection.
5. Parent Control of Child’s Activities During Parenting Time
5A. Each parent has the right to visit with the children at school, attend their school activities including
all open houses and sports activities, and have full access to school teachers and administrators for
complete information about the child in school. Both parents may attend parent-teacher conferences but
these do not have to be jointly with the other parent. Each parent shall be responsible for keeping himself
or herself advised of each child’s activities and events.
5B. Parent A shall have the right to register the child for activities but shall not over-schedule the child
thereby depriving Parent B of the right to select activities for the child during Parent B’s parenting
5C. Neither parent is required to take a child to any scheduled activity. However, both parents are
encouraged to make their best efforts to keep the child involved in activities scheduled by the other
parent and to cooperate in these matters. Parents should understand that children will quickly resent a
parent who interferes with that child’s activities. As children grow older these activities become
increasingly important.
6. Clothing and toys: Each parent is free to maintain whatever clothing and toys for the child they
choose. However, Parent A shall be responsible for providing the child with a packed bag containing all
the clothing and accessories necessary for the parenting time with Parent B and Parent B will make
sure all those items are returned to Parent A.
7. Makeup of Missed Parenting Time
Personal plans of either parent or of the child, school activities, church activities and other
considerations will not be reasons for failing to follow the parenting time schedule. The child will not be
permitted to determine whether or not he or she wishes to be with a parent. Only substantial medical
reasons will be considered sufficient for postponement of parenting time. If a child is ill and unable to
visit, a makeup parenting time shall occur on the following weekend or Monday. If, however, Parent B
fails to exercise his/her parenting time, there will be no makeup parenting time.
8. Exchanges of children.
Parent B shall pick up the child at the residence of Parent A unless agreed otherwise. Pick up and drop
off shall occur at the front door.
9. On Time.
Parents shall make every effort to be on time for child exchanges. Neither parent shall be more than 15
minutes late for child exchanges.
1. Unless the parents agree otherwise in writing, when parents live more than approximately 60 miles
apart, but less than approximately 120 miles apart, the nonresidential parent shall have the child
according to the schedule labeled "Medium Distance"; when parents live more than approximately 120
miles apart, Parent B shall have the child according to the schedule labeled "Long Distance."
2. Unless otherwise agreed between the parents in writing or ordered by the Court, parents who live
more than 60 miles apart shall equally pay the cost and effort of exchanging the child from one parent to
the other. Unless they agree otherwise each parent shall transport the children half way.
Unless there are significant indications of endangerment to the child that would require limiting
parenting time or supervision of parenting time, Parent B shall have the child as follows:
3A. Children aged birth to 6 months.
Medium Distance: Three times per week for two hours each on consistent days and times in the locale
where the residential parent resides.
Long Distance: One time per week for four hours on a consistent day and time in the locale where the
residential parent resides.
3B. Children aged 6 months to 24 months.
Medium Distance: Two times per week for three hours on consistent weekdays and one day per weekend
from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the locale where Parent A resides. This weekend day may be an overnight
for children 18 months and older, if Parent B has been actively involved raising the child prior to the
parties’ separation.
Long Distance: One day per weekend from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the locale where Parent A resides.
This weekend day may be an overnight for children 18 months and older, if Parent B has been actively
involved raising the child prior to the parties’ separation.
3C. Children aged 24 months to 36 months.
Medium Distance: Two times per week for three hours on consistent weekdays and on alternate
weekends from 7 p.m. Friday until 7 p.m. Sunday.
Long Distance: Alternate weekends from 7 p.m. Friday until 7 p.m. Sunday.
3D. Children over age 36 months.
3D-1. Medium Distance: For each of the months of September, October, November, January, February,
March, April and May, one period of four consecutive days beginning Friday at 7 p.m. and ending
Monday at 7 p.m. These parenting time periods shall be scheduled to include non-school days or
national holidays whenever possible. Prior to August 1 each year, Parent B shall select and notify
Parent A in writing of the dates of the parenting time periods to be scheduled during the months of
September through May (excluding December). If Parent B fails to provide such written notice prior to
August 1, Parent A shall be entitled to designate those periods by notifying Parent B in writing by
August 20. If two periods of parenting time occur in one month (for example, the November four-day
parenting time and Thanksgiving or the March four-day parenting time and Spring Break), unless
otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, there shall be just one period -- the longest period -- of
parenting time during that month.
3D-2. Long Distance: Between September 1 and December 1 of each year, one continuous seven-day
period beginning at 9 a.m. on the first day and ending at 7 p.m. on the seventh day. Between February 1
and June 1 of each year, one continuous seven-day period beginning at 9 a.m. on the first day and ending
at 7 p.m. on the seventh day. The seven-day periods may not be scheduled to immediately precede or
immediately follow any of Parent B’s holidays named below nor may they be scheduled to interfere
with any of Parent A’s holidays named below. Prior to August 1 each year, Parent B shall select and
notify the residential parent in writing of the dates of the parenting time periods to be scheduled during
the months of September through May (excluding December and January). If Parent B fails to provide
such written notice prior to August 1, Parent A shall be entitled to designate those periods by notifying
Parent B in writing by August 20.
3D-3. In addition, if Parent B will be visiting the locality where the child resides, Parent B may have
two days parenting time to be exercised in that locality, provided he or she gives at least 20 days
advance notice in writing, or may have one day parenting time to be exercised in that locality if he or she
gives less than 20 days advance notice in writing but at least 7 days advance notice in writing. These
parenting times shall begin at 9 a.m. and end at 7 p.m. on the following day or the day thereafter.
Whether or not the child is enrolled in school, the child shall spend time with his/her parents on
holidays according to the following plan:
Spring Break Even years Odd years
Thanksgiving Even years Odd years
Winter Vacation Odd years Even years
For the purposes of this Parenting Plan, a holiday shall begin and end as follows:
Children over 36 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Whether or not the child is in school, Parent B shall have the child for
spring vacation each year from 7 p.m. the day school adjourns until noon on the day before school
6. Thanksgiving
6A. Children aged birth to 18 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child on Thanksgiving Day from 9 a.m. until 5
p.m. in even-numbered years in the locale where Parent A resides.
6B. Children aged 18 months to 36 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child from noon on the day prior to Thanksgiving
until 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day in even-numbered years.
6C. Children over age 36 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child from 7 p.m. on the day prior to Thanksgiving
until 7 p.m. on the Sunday following Thanksgiving in even-numbered years.
7A. Children aged birth to 18 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child on December 25 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. in
odd-numbered years and on December 24 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. in even-numbered years in the locale
where Parent A resides.
7B. Children aged 18 months to 36 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child from 7 p.m. on December 24 until 7 p.m. on
December 25 in odd-numbered years and from 7 p.m. on December 25 until 7 p.m. on December 26 in
even-numbered years.
7C. Children over age 36 months.
Medium and Long Distance: Whether or not the child is in school, during the period of school vacation
in the district in which the child resides, parenting time for Parent B shall begin at 9 a.m. the day after
school adjourns through 7 p.m. on December 26 in odd-numbered years. In even-numbered years,
parenting time for Parent B shall begin at 7 p.m. on December 26 and end at noon the day before school
Prior to April 1 each year, Parent B shall select and notify Parent A in writing of the dates of parenting
time to be scheduled during the months of June through August. If Parent B fails to provide such
written notice prior to April 1, Parent A shall be entitled to select those periods, so long as they include
Parent B's holiday time, by notifying Parent B in writing by April 20.
8A. Children aged birth to under 24 months before June 1.
Medium and Long Distance: The residential schedule remains the same as the rest of the year.
8B. Children aged 24 months to under 36 months before June 1.
Medium Distance: The residential schedule remains the same as the rest of the year.
Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child for three "long" weekends, one in June, one in July, and
one in August. The long weekends shall begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and end at 7 p.m. on Sunday. The
parenting time may occur where Parent B resides. Parent B shall also have the child for three “normal”
weekends, one in June, one in July, and one in August, beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday and ending at 7
p.m. on Sunday in the locale where Parent A resides.
8C. Children aged 36 months to under 6 years before to June 1.
Medium Distance: Parent B shall have the child for three (3) one-week blocks, one week in June, one
week in July, and one week in August. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, each one-week
block shall begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and end at 7 p.m. on the following Friday. There shall be at least
two weeks between each of the one-week blocks.
Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child for three continuous weeks during the summer beginning
at 7 p.m. on the first day and ending at 7 p.m. on the twenty-second day.
8D. Children who reach age 6 before June 1.
Medium Distance: The parents shall share parenting time with the child on an alternating two-week
block basis during the school summer vacation which shall be deemed to begin at 7 p.m. on the Friday of
the last week of school and end at 7 p.m. on the Sunday immediately preceding the beginning of the
school year. Parent B shall have the child commencing the first two-week block beginning at 7 p.m. on
the Friday of the last week of school in even-numbered years and commencing the second two-week
block beginning at 7 p.m. on the third Friday after the end of school in odd-numbered years. Unless the
parties agree otherwise in writing, all exchanges shall occur at 7 p.m. on Fridays. It is contemplated that
the summer school vacation will not be an equal number of weeks each year which will cause one parent
to have less time with the child than the other. This discrepancy will reverse the following year and
thereby equalize over time.
Long Distance: Parent B shall have the child for two (2) three-week blocks. Unless the parties agree
otherwise in writing, each three-week block shall begin at 7 p.m. on the first day and end at 7 p.m. on the
twenty-second day. There shall be at least two weeks between the three-week blocks. If the child is at
least 8 years old prior to June 1 and Parent B has maintained regular meaningful contact with the child
since the parties’ separation, the summer parenting time may be exercised as one (1) six-week block, at
Parent B’s option.
1. Attached to this Plan are calendars with the days marked when Parent B would have parenting time
according this plan. Each calendar is marked to show what age group it applies to. Separate calendars are
not provided for medium and long distance plans.
2. These calendars are provided as a guide only to illustrate how the parenting plan provisions relate to
real time on a calendar. Where the calendar and the written provisions of this plan conflict the written
language controls over the calendars.
3. Days marked off with a “X” are over night parenting time for Parent B; days marked with a / are day
only visits with Parent B. Days with no mark are parenting time for Parent A.
1. Following are the number of over nights that each part of this Parenting Plan provides. Only over
nights are counted, however if no over nights are provided in a plan the total number of hours that
Parent B has parenting time is divided by 12 and this equals one over night. In addition to the days
marked on the calendar each parent is entitled to one parental birthday with their child and that is
included in these totals. These over night counts may be used in calculating the number of over nights
spend by each parent for calculating child support.
Over-nights averaged.
Overnights with Parent A
Overnights with Parent B
Regular: 0-6 months
Regular: 6-36 months
Regular: over 36 months
[ ]Calendars are attached.
[C:\Documents and Settings\Murphy_d\My Documents\MyFiles\MASTER\DOM RELATIONS\PARENTING PLAN -