Gift Cards !
Magento Extension
User Guide
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Table of Contents
1. Extension Description 4........................................................................................
2. Extension Installation 5.........................................................................................
3. General Settings 6................................................................................................
4. Gift Card Product Creation 8................................................................................
5. Gift Card Pricing 10...............................................................................................
6. Gift Cards Back-End Management 11...................................................................
7. Gift Card Code Redeem 13..................................................................................
8. Pre-Generated Gift Card Codes 14......................................................................
9. Gift Card Codes Export/Import 15.........................................................................
11. Support 16..........................................................................................................
1. Extension Description
Gift Cards Magento Extension adds some magic of gift-giving process to your shop. The
add-on allows customers to buy gift cards of different types and lets admins configure all the
necessary options in a flexible and seamless way.!
Gift Card Types choose one of the three types of gift cards:
Email Gift Card (a code is sent via email to a recipient)
Print-Out Gift Card
Mail Gift Card (a physical Gift Card delivered by post office).
Gift Cards Pricing – assign individual values to gift cards using one of the 3 pricing schemes:
a fixed price (the gift card value can't be changed)
a drop-down with a predefined list of prices
a price range (a gift card amount can be chosen within the price range set by the store
Partial Payment – let customers spend the full or participial gift card amount to pay the
Full Backend Control – specify gift card value, balance and currency. Create gift cards for
different Store Views. Set expiration time span.
Manage Gift Cards with API – control every aspect of gift cards in your shop: create/delete,
manage, view gift card(-s) without the necessity to log in to the Admin panel.
Gift Cards Usage – allow both registered customers and guests to use gift cards. Let
shoppers display custom gift messages/images on gift cards. Redeem gift card codes in a
separate block both in a shopping cart and during the checkout.
Pre-generated Gift Codes – allow customers to pre-generate a certain amount of gift card
Export / Import – export Gift Cards codes into .csv and .xml files. Import gift card information
into your Magento store.
2. Extension Installation
To install the extension, please follow the steps below:
Disable the Compilation Mode (if enabled).
Log out from Magento Admin Panel (if logged in).
Unpack the contents of the Extension folder (depending on your current Magento version)
from the package file purchased from Mageworx to your Magento root folder.
Log into Magento Admin Panel.
Go to System Cache Management, select the Refresh option under the All Cache drop-
down menu and press the Save Cache Settings (if Cache Control is enabled in Magento).
Enable the Compilation Mode back (if necessary).
Go to System Configuration Webtex Gift Cards. If you see the Gift Cards section,
the installation is done.
Note! To display gift card codes in the Order View section, insert the following
<?php echo Mage::helper('giftcards')->getUsedGiftCards($_order- >getId())?> after line 47 in
the file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml!
Note! Check the shopping cart page on the front-end. If the Gift Card Block is missing, insert
it manually:
Find the file cart.phtml here app/design/frontend/default/<your design>/template/checkout/
Find the line with "<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('coupon') ?> and below it insert the
following code <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('giftcards') ?>
3. General Settings
To configure the Gift Cards extension settings, go to System - Configuration - Webtex - Gift
The Defaults section settings:
Min/Max Gift Card Value – limits the price range for the gift cards.
Show in Shopping Cart Page – allows users to apply Gift Cards in the shopping cart.
Show in Checkout Page – allows users to apply Gift Cards during the checkout.
Show Email Delivery Date Field – lets users set an email delivery date.
Split Gift Card Amount – allow users to split the Gift Card amount.
Link Gift Card to Website – links a Gift Card to a specific Website.
Gift Card Product Attribute Set – specifies the attribute set for a Gift Card Product.
The Email Options section:
Template for confirmation"sets the template for the confirmation page.
Template for offline – specifies the template for the offline Gift Card page.
Template for print – defines the template for the print Gift Card page.
Template for email – sets the template for the email Gift Card page.
Gift Card Email Templates
When an Email Gift Card is sent, the following template will appear in the inbox:
When a Print Gift Cards is purchased, the customer receives an email similar to this one:
4. Gift Card Product Creation
Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be purchased and used in your shop by customers.
To create a new Gift Card product, you need to go through the standard product creation
Jump to Customers - Gift Cards - Gift Card Products or Catalog - Manage Products and hit
the Add (Gift Card) Product button. Set the Product Type to Gift Card from the dropdown and
press Continue.
Under the General tab, fill in the required fields:
Name – the gift card name (usually corresponds to its type).
SKU – Stock Keeping Unit (identifies the new product in your shop).
Status – enables or disables product.
Tax Class – lets you choose a suitable tax class.
Visibility – allows you to select where the Gift Card product would be visible in your shop.
Gift Card Type – lets you choose the appropriate Gift Card type:
Email - a code is sent via email to a recipient;
Offline - a physical gift card delivered via a post office;
Print - a gift card that you can print at home.
You can also fill in the optional fields:
URL Key – a unique value used to build a user-friendly URL.
Set Product as New from Date – marks product as new from a specific date.
Set Product as New to Date – marks product as new until a specific date.
6. Gift Cards Back-End Management
To track the list of all gift cards or create/edit gift cards, go to Customers – Gift Cards –
Manage Gift Cards.
Gift Cards Creation
To create a new Gift Card, jump to Customers - Gift Cards - Manage Gift Cards and hit the
Add New Gift Card button.
Here is what each of the setting does:
Enter Card Code – lets you manually enter a Gift Card Code if the checkbox Generate
Card Code is disabled.
Number of Gift Cards – sets the number of cards created at a time.
Card Currency – chooses the appropriate Gift Card Currency from the list of the supported
currencies in your shop.
Status – specifies the current Gift Card status from the Active, Inactive, Used, Expired or
Gift Card Store – defines the store view with available Gift Cards.
Gift Card Expiration Date – specifies the date after which the Gift Card is no longer in
Recipient Info
The extension allows entering/changing the Recipient Info when creating/editing a Gift Card:
Here is what each of the settings does:
To Name – the name of the recipient;
To Email – the email of the recipient.
From Name – the name of the sender.
Message – a custom Gift Card message.
Mail Delivery Date – the final date when a gift card must be delivered.
Gift Cards Codes Export
Newly created Gift Cards can be instantly exported to .csv file:
Enable the checkbox Save Gift Cards Codes to CSV;
Specify the Path to Export Gift Cards Codes or leave it as is.
7. Gift Card Code Redeem
Gift Cards can be used both by registered customers and guests. When someone need to
redeem a Gift Card code, he has two options:
1. To redeem and use it right on the shopping cart page.
To redeem a Gift Card a user will simply need to enter a Gift Card code and hit the Activate
button. The Gift Card amount will be automatically deducted from the cart total.
2. To redeem the gift card code during the checkout:
In both ways customer can spend a full or a participial Gift Card amount to pay for the
8. Pre-Generated Gift Card Codes
The Gift Cards Extension allows pre-generating Gift Card codes. You can generate any
amount of codes and easily manage them in the back-end.
To activate the Pre-Generating Gift Cards Codes option do the following:
Jump to Customers – Gift Cards – Gift Cards Product;
In the General tab switch the Use Pre-Generated Codes option to Yes and hit the Save
button. The Pre-Generated Codes tab in the left Product Information menu should appear.
Open the Pre-Generated Codes tab in the left Product Information menu, enter the amount of
pre-generated codes and hit the Generate button. When the codes were generated, you can
monitor how many codes have been sold and how many are still available.
9. Gift Card Codes Export/Import
Depending on how you plan to use your gift certificates, you may want to distribute your gift
codes in different ways.
The extension can export a list of generated gift codes in a .csv or .xml file. Jump to
Customers - Gift Cards - Export Gift Cards. Set File type, Cards type and Cards Status, then
choose the appropriate export dates. Hit the Export Gift Cards button to complete the
operation and save the result.
The extension allows you to import the gift card information into your Magento store from .csv
or .xml files. Go to Customers - Gift Cards - Import Gift Cards, choose the file to import and
press the Import Gift Cards button.#
11. Support
MageWorx offers FREE lifetime support and updates for any extension developed for
Need help with the extensions? Feel free submit a ticket from
MageWorx offers outstanding services developing custom tailored solutions for Magento
platform to attain your eCommerce objectives.
Our professional impassioned team provides profound and custom oriented development of
your project in a short timeframe. You are most welcome to contact us at