American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Table of Contents
Key Dates…………………………………………..………….............………………………………………………………………..Page 2
Abstract Submission Requirements…..………..............……………………………………………………………………..Page 2
Scientific Sessions Portal………………….…………………….………………….….……................………..……..........Page 3
Abstract Character Guidelines……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3
Abstract Structure and Formatting Guidelines………………………………………....................………..……….Page 4
Abstract Writing Standards………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Pages 4-5
Abstract Selection Process……………………………………………………….....................................……………......Page 5
Abstract Embargo Policy……………………………………………………………………….......................................Pages 5-7
Abstract Publication, Revisions, and Withdrawals………………………………………………...……....................Page 7
Program Information……………………………………………………………………....................................…….....Pages 7-8
Abstract Presenter Expenses/Meeting Registration Fee…………….........…………….………….................Page 8
Travel Grants………………………………………………………………………........................................…………....Page 8
Step-by-Step Portal Instructions……………………………..………………….............................……..….…….Pages 8-10
Step-by-Step Abstract Submission Instructions……………………………..…..............…………….……....Pages 10-13
Technical Support……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 13
Key Dates for the 84th Scientific Sessions Abstract Program
Monday, October 2, 2023
Abstract submission opens
Monday, January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET
Abstract submission deadline
Early-March, 2024
Acceptance status and Copyright Transfer Agreement
notifications emailed to presenting authors
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Abstract withdrawal deadline/Copyright Transfer
Agreement must be completed by presenting author
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
The embargoed text of most of the abstracts will be made
available online
June 21-24, 2024
Scientific Sessions
The American Diabetes Association’s 84
Scientific Sessions is scheduled to take place in Orlando, FL
June 21-24, 2024 at the Orange County Convention Center. All presenters will be required to attend in-
person to make their Oral or Poster Presentations.
Abstract Submission Requirements
Abstracts for the American Diabetes Association’s 84
Scientific Sessions must be submitted online via
the Scientific Sessions Portal. Emails and word processing files submitted outside the abstract
submission site will not be accepted.
A fee of $90.00 (USD) must be paid for each abstract submitted. The fee covers costs associated
with the submission, review, and programming processes. This fee is charged regardless of whether
or not the abstract is accepted for presentation and/or publication. Submission fees will not be
Payment must be made by credit card. Major credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and
Discover) are accepted for the secure online payment.
An abstract is not eligible for submission if it has been presented at another national or
international meeting or will be published prior to the 84
Scientific Sessions, June 21-24, 2024.
Failure to notify the Association of such publication or presentation will result in a moratorium on
the submission of abstracts for all authors in question for two years.
There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit; however, an author may only
serve as the presenting author on two submissions. It is the author’s responsibility to designate a
new presenter for presentation conflicts that arise. If accepted, the presenter must be a co-author
listed on the abstract at the time of submission.
Abstracts must have a complete status by January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET, or the abstract will not be
considered for the Scientific Sessions program. Extensions will not be granted.
Scientific Sessions Portal
This time-saving system eliminates the process of re-entering contact information and disclosures for
authors listed on more than one abstract. All abstract authors are responsible for entering their
information into the Portal once per meeting.
Authors who have previously participated in the Scientific Sessions may have an account in our
database. Those authors must log into the Portal to confirm or update their contact information and
finalize their disclosure for the 2024 meeting BEFORE you add their name to the author list. This will
ensure current contact information is added to the submission. If an author makes a necessary update
to their information in the Portal after you have added their name to the author list, remove the
author’s name and repeat the Add Author process. Doing so will capture the updated account
Authors who do not have an account in the Portal must create an account and complete the steps to
finalize their disclosure. The submission site will not allow you to add an author who does not have an
account in the Portal.
Submitters are responsible for confirming all authors are added to the submission and have a current
disclosure status before the January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET deadline. Additional authors will not be added
after the submission deadline.
An author template is available for download. This template can be sent to authors to notify them that
they must complete the disclosure process before they can be added to an abstract submission.
See the Step-by-Step Portal Instructions section for instructions on how to use the Portal.
Abstract Character Guidelines
Abstracts are limited to 1,800 characters (about 250 words). Spaces do not count as characters. Tables
must be uploaded as image files. The file for Figures and Tables must be provided during submission at a
sufficiently high resolution (minimum 1,000 pixels width/height, or a resolution of 300 dpi or higher).
Files should be uploaded as jpeg files. Do not upload PDF or Word documents. All Figures and Tables
should have a short explanatory title and caption.
Counts toward character limit:
Abstract Title
Text in abstract body
Graphics Addition of an image whether a figure or table deducts 500 characters each
Does not count toward character limit:
Names of authors
Spaces in the abstract body
Caption of graphic
Abstract Structure and Formatting Guidelines
Abstracts should be structured and organized as Introduction & Objective, Methods, Results and
Introduction & Objective: The abstract should begin with a sentence or two explaining the clinical
(or other) importance of the study question. This section should also state the precise objective or
study question addressed in the project (e.g., “To determine whether…”). If possible, use the PICO
format for the objective (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/oet/ed/pubmed/pubmed_in_ebp/02-100.html).
The objective is different than the background or introduction. Authors are advised not to have a
long introduction under this section (up to 3 sentences is sufficient).
Methods: Methods should be concise and include the epidemiological design, patient selection (key
inclusion/exclusion criteria), description of independent and dependent variables, and most
important statistical test.
Results: This section should describe baseline characteristics of participants followed by primary and
secondary outcomes. Report estimates of associations including appropriate measures of variability
and uncertainty (e.g., odds ratios with confidence intervals). If authors are including tables/figures,
please avoid duplicating information that is provided in the table/figures.
Conclusion: This section should provide only findings of the study directly supported by the
objective results. Authors may state its clinical or future research implications. Please avoid
speculation and over-generalization. Give equal emphasis to positive and negative findings of equal
scientific merit.
Abstract Writing Standards
Abstracts must be written in English.
Do not enter author information into the abstract body. Doing so negates a blind review.
Do not begin sentences with numerals.
Do not include the abstract title, references, or grant support in the abstract body.
Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Nonstandard abbreviations must be placed
in parentheses after the first use of the abbreviation.
Use generic drug names. If it is necessary to use a trade name, then those of several companies
must be used.
When submitting your abstract, the ADA recommends using language that is neutral,
nonjudgmental, and free from stigma when referring to the person with diabetes. For example,
referring to the person with diabetes as a person with diabetes, not as a diabetic as this may be
interpreted as negative, blaming, or fault finding.
Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors. Modifications will not be allowed after the
January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET deadline.
Note: The Association may modify the format to fit the look and feel of the media on which it is
displayed or distributed.
Abstract Selection Process
All abstracts successfully submitted are peer-reviewed through a blind review process.
Originality of work, adequacy of data, and clarity of exposition are the determinants in the selection of
abstracts. An abstract that does not present the results of the study will not be accepted.
The final decision with respect to selection, programming, and/or publication of any abstract will be
made by the Association's Scientific Sessions Meeting Planning Committee.
Abstracts may be selected for oral presentation, poster presentation, published only, or not selected.
Abstracts selected for oral presentation, poster presentation, and published only will be published on
the journal Diabetes® website. Abstracts selected as Published Only will not be presented at the 84
Scientific Sessions.
Abstract acceptance status will be sent via email to the designated presenting author in early-March.
Make sure their email settings will allow correspondence from abstracts@diabetes.org.
Embargo Policy
All meeting attendees, members of the media, companies, institutions, organizations, universities,
investment advisors, and all other individuals are required to abide by the embargo policy governing the
American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) 84
Scientific Sessions.
An embargo means that information from any abstract or presentation is confidential and may not be
announced, publicized, or distributed before the embargo date and time. This policy applies to all
formats of release, including the Scientific Sessions online itinerary planner, meeting app, Abstracts on
USB, abstracts published on the journal Diabetes® website, and any other distribution method.
The purpose of the embargo policy is to protect the scientific integrity of the abstract submissions
presented at the ADA’s Scientific Sessions. All submissions are to be considered preliminary until the
time of presentation or authorized for public release. Violation of the embargo policy by release of
information contained in any abstract prior to its embargoed date and time will result in the individual,
as well as the employer/affiliated company, institution, organization, etc., being removed from ADA’s
Scientific Sessions, with a two-year ban on returning.
Prior Publication:
If the abstract is also submitted as a manuscript for publication, authors are responsible for coordinating
a publication date that abides by the Association’s embargo policy. If publication occurs online or in
print before the specific embargo date and time set by the Association, the abstract must be withdrawn.
Please notify the Association via email at abstracts@diabetes.org. Failure to notify the Association of
publication will result in a moratorium on the submission of abstracts for all authors in question for two
Specific Embargo Dates and Times:
*Oral Presentations:
Abstracts selected for oral presentation, are embargoed from the time of submission until the scheduled
start of their presentation at the 84
Scientific Sessions. The ADA reserves the right to adjust the
embargo as needed.
*Poster Presentations:
Abstracts selected for poster presentation are embargoed from the time of submission until Friday, June
21, 2024 at 6:30 PM ET.
Published Only:
Abstracts selected for Published Only are embargoed from the time of submission until Friday, June 21,
2024 at 10:30 AM ET.
Regular and Late Breaking Abstract Availability
The embargoed text of most of the abstracts will be made available online on Friday, June 14, 2024
Note: The abstract embargo still applies; however, abstracts are made available to attendees to assist in
creating their itineraries for the meeting. *Not all abstracts will be available to view as some will follow
the Press Program Abstract Availability timeline (see below).
ADA’s 84
Scientific Press Program Abstract Availability
Full text of abstracts selected for the ADA’s official 84
Scientific Sessions Press Program will be made
available at the following times:
*Poster Presentations: Full text of abstracts will be released on Friday, June 21 at 6:30 pm Eastern Time.
*Oral Presentations: Full text of abstracts will be released at the start time of the oral presentation at
the 84
Scientific Sessions.
Exception to Embargo Policy―Publicly Traded Companies:
A pharmaceutical or device manufacturer that is publicly traded may be advised by its legal counsel that,
in order to comply with requirements of the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) or a
corresponding regulatory body in the country where the company’s stock is traded, it must publicly
disclose certain data from its submitted abstract prior to the Association’s authorized release of the
abstract. Under such extenuating circumstances, and upon appropriate request, the American Diabetes
Association may grant an exception to its embargo policy and allow the company to release limited top-
line data from the abstract without jeopardizing its eligibility to be presented at the Association’s
Scientific Sessions. To request such an exception, the following information needs to be sent via email to
abstracts@diabetes.org and copy the corresponding author of the abstract.
A letter signed by legal counsel to the American Diabetes Association (see sample letter) stating
that disclosure of the information is necessary to comply with applicable securities laws.
A draft press release (see sample press release) with data to be included, such as: general
findings with no additional analysis, commentary, or investigator quotes, and timing of the
release. The release must note that the abstract has been accepted for presentation at the
American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions, and that all abstracts are preliminary until
time of presentation. The release must also clearly display the embargo date and time.
Information that goes beyond the four corners of the abstract (such as additional analysis, commentary,
or updated information from those individuals and companies involved in the study) remains
embargoed until the Association’s authorized release of the abstract. The company issuing the release
assumes responsibility for ensuring embargoed releases are only distributed to parties including
reporters or social media operators who agree to the Association’s embargo policy.
The Association will evaluate exception requests on a case-by-case basis and reserves the right to
change the type of presentation (from oral presentation to poster presentation) or remove the abstract
from the meeting program if it determines that the released information may substantially detract from
the novelty of the presentation.
Questions regarding the correct embargo dates/times for the Association’s Scientific Sessions can be
addressed to abstracts@diabetes.org.
Abstract Publication, Revisions, and Withdrawals
Submission of an abstract grants ADA the rights to publish the abstract on the journal Diabetes®
website or in other publications produced by ADA. All abstracts accepted for the Scientific Sessions
will be published on the journal Diabetes® website, unless withdrawn by the withdrawal deadline.
Abstracts may be revised online until January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET. Modifications will not be allowed
after the submission deadline.
Abstracts must be withdrawn no later than March 13, 2024, or they will be published on the journal
Diabetes® website. To withdraw an abstract, the presenting author must complete an Abstract
Withdrawal Form and return it to the ADA by fax or email. Only the presenting author can withdraw
the abstract. The abstract processing fee will not be refunded.
Program Information
Note: Presenting authors will not be allowed to reschedule their presentation time(s).
Oral Presentation: Oral presentations are 15 minutes in length. Those selected for an oral
presentation will receive their presentation details (date/time) in their acceptance letter.
Poster Presentation: All Posters must be displayed for all four days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and
Monday) in the Poster Hall. The presenting author must be available on his/her assigned General
Poster Session presentation day(s) to answer questions from attendees. Those accepted for a poster
presentation will receive their presentation details (date/time) in their acceptance letter. All poster
presenters will be given the opportunity to also upload an ePoster (electronic poster) that will be
complimentary to their printed poster. Please note: The ePoster does not take the place of the
printed poster.
o The Poster Hall will be open during the Networking Reception on Friday at 6:30 pm. Presenters
will have the opportunity to hang their posters on Friday before the reception so they will be on
o Poster Printing Service: The ADA offers discounted poster printing through our preferred poster
service partner. We recommend poster presenters take advantage of this easy, convenient way
to order a printed poster. Information for the poster printing website will be emailed to
presenting authors of accepted abstracts in early May. Note: Poster printing through our
partner is not mandatory.
ePoster Theater Presentations: Poster presenters will share their research and highlight novel
or recent advancements in five-minute question and answer discussions with a session
moderator as audience members listen in. It is required that the presenter uploads an ePoster
for this presentation. Those accepted for an ePoster Theater Presentation will receive their
presentation details (date/time) in their acceptance letter. The ePoster Theater presentation is
in addition to the regularly scheduled General Poster Session presentation for that abstract.
Abstract Presenter Expenses/Meeting Registration Fee
Abstract presenters will be required to attend Scientific Sessions in-person to make their presentation.
Expenses associated with an abstract presentation (e.g., travel, hotel, meeting registration fees, etc.) are
the sole responsibility of the presenting author. Presenters must register for the meeting in the
appropriate category (Member, Non-Member, Student/Resident/Fellow). Join/renew membership to
receive member rates.
In the event that you register for the meeting and your abstract submission is not accepted for
presentation, you may request a full refund of your registration fee until May 9, 2024.
Travel Grants
The ADA offers a limited number of travel grants, in the amount of $1,000 (USD), to eligible, early-career
investigators whose abstracts are accepted for presentation. Travel Grant applications will be sent
through email notification to the presenting author of abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation
in March. An applicant must be the presenting author to apply for a travel grant.
Note: Those who have received a travel grant from the ADA within the past two years (2022 or 2023)
are not eligible.
Step-by-Step Portal Instructions
Access the Portal.
o If you are a returning user, login with your username and password or follow the “Forgot your
password?” steps to reset your password or retrieve your username. Emails will be sent from
diabetesii@support.ctimeetingtech.com. Make sure your email settings will allow
correspondence from this email address.
o Once logged in, you may need to review/update your contact information. To do so,
click your name in the upper right-hand corner and select Profile from the drop-down
o If you are a first-time user, create a new user account by selecting the “Create new account
link. Once you have entered your information into the required fields, click the Save &
Continue button to save your information.
To enter your disclosure, click either "Update your disclosures or Create your disclosures.”
o Click the "Edit/Update Disclosure" button to update your disclosure.
Click the "Continue" button.
Check the Within the past 24 months, I have had NO financial relationships with any ineligible
companies, manufacturers, and/or proprietary entities option if you have no financial
relationships to disclose.
o You must check the consent box at the bottom of the page. CTI Meeting Technology and
ADA will use your information only for the purposes of collecting your disclosure and
providing any relevant Scientific Sessions emails.
o Click the “Save & Continue” button to continue.
Check the "Within the past 24 months, I have had financial relationships with ineligible
companies, manufacturers, and/or proprietary entities option if you have financial relationships
to disclose.
o Enter all financial relationships with any ineligible companies, manufactures, and/or
proprietary entities with which you have or have had a relationship in the past 24
o If you have more than one relationship type with a manufacturer/provider, enter it on a
separate line.
o If the manufacturer/provider is not listed, select "Other Company" from the drop-down
menu and type the name in the "Other Company" box.
o If you have more than 10 relationships to disclose; the system will automatically add
more lines as needed after you use all available lines and click the "Save" button at the
bottom of the page.
o You must check the consent box at the bottom of the page. CTI Meeting Technology and
ADA will use your information only for the purposes of collecting your disclosure and
providing any relevant Scientific Sessions emails.
o Once you have entered your information and checked the consent box, click the "Save
& Continue" button.
You must continue to the next step to finalize your record.
To finalize your disclosure, click the "FINALIZE NOW" button at the top or bottom of the page.
Abstract Submitters
To access the abstract submission site, click “Return to Dashboard” then select “Submissions” from the
upper menu on the next page. Select the + New button to begin a new submission and follow the Step-
by-Step Abstract Submission Instructions below.
Abstract Authors
Once you have finalized your disclosure, click “Return to Dashboard” then logout by clicking your name
in the upper right-hand corner of the next page and selecting “Logout” from the drop-down menu.
Please then provide the first name, last name, and email address associated with your disclosure
account to the abstract submitter. The submitter will use these fields to search for your name in the
database to sync your information to the abstract submission.
Step-by-Step Abstract Submission Instructions
Access the abstract submission site via the Portal.
o You must complete the Step-by-Step Portal Instructions before you will have access to the
submission site.
To begin a new submission, select the + New button. If you do not see this button, be sure that you
have finalized your disclosure record and are in the Submissions area of the Portal. Note: The button
will not appear until you have updated your disclosures.
Terms of Use Agreement: Read the Terms of Use Agreement thoroughly and click on the check box
next to each statement to agree. You must agree to each statement to continue.
Abstract Title: The title should be brief, and clear to give reader an insight into the content of the
investigation and should specify the type of research (e.g., randomized trial, case-control study,
retrospective study). Use the following formatting guidelines:
o Enter your title in Title Case.
o Do not use all UPPERCASE characters.
o Do not italicize the entire title.
o Do not include a period at the end of the title.
Example: This is a Properly Formatted Abstract Title
If copying and pasting your title into the text box, you must paste your title as plain text to avoid
Category: Indicate the category for which you wish to have the abstract reviewed. To ensure that
your abstract receives proper consideration, please make certain that the abstract is submitted to
the appropriate category.
Presentation Preference: All abstracts will be considered first for oral presentation followed by
poster presentation. Abstracts not selected for presentation will automatically be considered for
published only.
The Scientific Sessions Meeting Planning Committee will consider your presentation preference.
Please select one of the following options from the drop-down menu. The Committee reserves the
right of final decision.
Author Information: The submission site will not allow you to add an author who does not have an
account in the Portal. Authors are responsible for entering their contact information and disclosures
into the Portal once per meeting.
Authors who have previously participated in the Scientific Sessions may have an account in our
database. Those authors must log into the Portal to confirm or update their contact information and
finalize their disclosure for the 2024 meeting BEFORE you add their name to the author list. This will
ensure current contact information is added to the submission. If an author makes a necessary
update to their information in the Portal after you have added their name to the author list, remove
the author’s name and repeat the Add Author process. Doing so will capture the updated account
Authors who do not have an account in the Portal must create an account and complete the steps to
finalize their disclosure.
o An author template is available for download. This template can be sent to authors to notify
them that they must complete the disclosure process before they can be added to an abstract
Adding Authors: Select the Add Author button to search the system. You can search by Last Name
(required), First Name, and/or Email Address. When located, click Add next to the author’s name
to add the author to the submission.
Common search issues:
o Special characters within a name are not always recognized. Please use the American spelling.
o Please ensure that no excess spacing is entered.
o The system searches for exact matches on First Name, Last Name, and Email address. If a match
is not found, please confirm these fields are correct.
Repeat this step until all authors have been added.
Adding a Study Group: If you have a Study Group to enter for this abstract, select the Add a
Group link and then type the group’s name in the text box provided.
Individual names do not qualify as a group. Do not enter a string of individual author names. Author
names added in this area will be deleted from the submission.
Change who is Presenting: Select the Change who is Presenting button to change who is listed as
the presenting author. You may only designate one presenting author per abstract. All
correspondence regarding abstracts will be sent to the presenting author only.
Change the Order Author(s) are Listed: Select the Change the Order these Author(s) are
Listed” button to change the order in which authors are listed. To re-arrange the order of your
authors, select new place numbers from the drop-down menu for each author.
Disclosure Information: All abstract authors must have a Current disclosure status.
o If Current appears next to the name of the author nothing further is needed to confirm their
disclosure information.
o If Not Current or Not Found appears next to the name of the author, the disclosure is currently
incomplete and needs to be finalized by the author. Please use the Send Email” option to send
this author a reminder. Each author must have a Current disclosure status before January 8,
2024, 5:00 PM ET or the abstract will remain incomplete and will not be reviewed.
Financial Support:
o ADA Support: If the research presented in this abstract has been supported, in whole or in part,
by a grant from the American Diabetes Association, please select Yes in the drop-down menu.
If yes, provide the ADA grant reference number for the award.
Example: 7-13-BS-123
o Other Grant Support: If grant acknowledgment is required, enter only the name of the grant
provider and reference number.
Example: National Institutes of Health (A12BC345678)
Abstract Body: You may enter your abstract body by either clicking Enter Abstract Text or
selecting Upload a File Containing Your Abstract. See the Abstract Character Guidelines section
for additional guidelines.
Add an Image: Click the Add an Image button to upload an image file. The following guidelines
o Abstracts can have a maximum of two images. Each image counts as 500 characters. Do not
combine two images into one upload as this reduces the clarity of the image.
o Tables must be uploaded as image files.
o Uploads must be high-resolution jpeg files. Do not upload PDF or Word documents.
o Do not include extra space around the image.
Payment: A fee of $90 (USD) must be paid for each abstract submitted to the American Diabetes
Association. The fee covers costs associated with the submission, review, and programming
processes. This fee is charged regardless of whether or not the abstract is accepted for presentation
and/or publication. Submission fees will not be refunded.
Payment must be made by credit card. Major credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and
Discover) are accepted for the secured online payment. Purchase orders, checks and/or money
orders will not be accepted. All payments must be received by the submission deadline.
You must fill out all fields on the Payment page and click the Save and Continue button. Payment
will be processed once you click Save and Continue.
Review my Work: Confirm that the status of your abstract says COMPLETE before the submission
deadline. If you have one or more incomplete steps, your abstract will not be reviewed. This is a
preview copy, allowing you to review your abstract and print a copy for your records. You may go
back to any section to make edits until the submission deadline. Editing will not be permitted after
the submission deadline on Monday, January 8, 2024, 5:00 PM ET.
o Select either “Click here if you would like to have a confirmation of your submission emailed
to you or “Click here for a print-friendly version of your submission” to obtain confirmation of
your submission.
o Select “Click here to get a payment receipt” to obtain a copy of your payment receipt.
Copyright Transfer Agreement: If the abstract is selected for publication, a Copyright Transfer
Agreement will be sent to the presenting author through an email notification in early-March. The
presenting author will be required to agree to the terms of the Copyright Transfer Agreement on
behalf of all co-authors designated with an electronic signature. The form must be completed
through the email notification no later than March 13, 2024, for the abstract to be included in the
Technical Support
Contact cOASIS Helpdesk at diabetes@support.ctimeetingtech.com or 217-398-1792 between the
hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (CT) Monday through Friday.
For questions regarding abstract submission policies, contact abstracts@diabetes.org.
For additional Scientific Sessions information, visit scientificsessions.diabetes.org.