Type 1F
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................1
Lock On Back Cover .......................................................................1
DIALING THE X-09........................................................................2
Dialing Methods ...............................................................................2
To Power the Lock ..........................................................................2
Dialing A Combination .....................................................................2
OPEN AND CLOSE THE X-09 (FACTORY COMBINATION) ......................4
To Open the Lock (Using the Factory Combination) ......................4
To Close the Lock ...........................................................................4
X-09 LOCK SETUP .......................................................................5
Set Operating Mode and Change Combinations ............................5
If You Lock the Change Key in the Safe ........................................8
USING THE X-09..........................................................................9
Single Combination Mode ...............................................................9
Dual Combination Mode ................................................................ 9
Supervisory/Subordinate Mode .....................................................10
Correct Method of Closing/Relocking Container...........................11
AUDIT FEATURES OF THE LOCK .....................................................12
To Check the Number of Successful Openings ........................... 12
To Check the Number of Unsuccessful Attempts........................12
GUIDE TO SYMBOLS ...................................................................13
For Technical Support
Call: 1-800-950-4744
The X-09 uses sophisticated computer security and makes dialing much easier than that of
traditional combination locks. The microprocessor in the lock recognizes a number as part of a
combination when you change dialing direction. (See the section on Dialing the X-09.)
The lock is shipped preset to operate in the Single Combination Mode with a
Default Factory Combination of 50-25-50.
The Lock On Back Cover (LOBC) feature provides a locking mechanism that locks the back
cover in place after installation. The design is such that the back cover cannot be removed
without visible damage unless the combination is known, regardless of whether the lock is locked
or unlocked.
Because of the LOBC feature, it is not an easy task to remove the back
cover to read the lock serial number after the lock is installed. Since you may
need the serial number of the lock to reset it if the combination is lost or
forgotten, it is important that you keep a record of the lock serial number in a
secure place. If you do not have the serial number, follow the procedure below
to remove the back cover and retrieve the serial number.
To Remove the Lock on Back Cover:
1. Dial the combination(s) to open the lock and
then retract the bolt.
2. Release the container locking bolts.
3. Open the container.
4. Remove the dust cover plate.
5. Locate the lock on back cover pin on the back
cover of the lock case. (See Figure 1.)
6. Turn the dial to the left to extend the bolt. Do
not close the container.
7. Dial the combination(s) to open the lock.
8. Before turning the dial to retract the
bolt, pull out on the unlocking button.
9. While holding the button out, turn the
dial to the right to retract the bolt to
the unlocked position.
10. Remove the back cover screws.
11. Remove the back cover assembly.
12. Look at the label on the large
capacitor on the system card to get
the lock serial number. (See Figure
Figure 2 - Serial # on Label on Capacitor
Figure 1 - Lock On Back Cover
Lock On Back
Cover Pin
The user should dial with complete, full wrist turns. Stopping to regrip produces pauses in dialing
activity. This helps the X-09 distinguish between human and robotic dialers.
The viewing angle of the LCD is restricted from either side as a security
feature of the lock. This feature restricts viewing of combination dialing by the casual
observer. The display may also appear slightly more dim than previous versions of the
X-xx lock.
You should dial to the left (CounterClockWise) to power the lock unless otherwise
instructed for a specific operation. It usually requires 5-10 turns of the dial to
generate sufficient power for lock operations. The lock is considered to be “pow-
ered” as soon as something (number, letter, symbol) appears on the display.
While the lock is powered, you will notice that the intensity level of the LCD will
vary. The display may appear to become brighter or more dim at different points in
operation. The variations in the display occur due to a security feature of the lock and
should not be of concern to the user.
When you dial to power the lock, it will first display any error conditions that exist on the lock.
If you continue to dial left and if the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts is three or
more, the unsuccessful attempts count will be displayed along with a lightning bolt. You must slow
down or stop dialing to pause and view the count. The count will disappear when you dial left to
resume operations or when the lock powers down.
The X-09 recognizes a number as being part of a combination when you stop dialing on that
number and then reverse dialing directions. When dialing a combination, you will dial left for the
1st two digits of the combination, dial right for the second two digits, and then dial left
again for the last two digits. When dialing to the left, the numbers will be displayed in an
increasing fashion as you dial. When dialing to the right, the numbers will be displayed in a
decreasing fashion.
If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds, the lock
will power down (LCD will go blank), requiring the operator to redial the entire combination.
Once the combination has been dialed correctly, you must dial briskly to the right to get an OP
(OPen right) display and to retract the bolt.
If an incorrect combination is dialed or if the elapsed dialing time of the
combination is less than 10 seconds, a lightning bolt will appear when you dial right to
retract the bolt.
If You Pass Your Target Number When Dialing:
Example A: Target Number = 25.
If you pass your target number by 4 or more, continue dialing until you reach the target
number again.
Example B: Target Number = 25.
If you pass the target number by no more than 3 numbers, you may continue dialing until
you reach the target number as in Example A.
An alternative method is to reverse direction slowly and the display will “jump back” 4
numbers. Then you should dial slowly in the original dialing direction for this target number
until you reach the correct number.
Redial Entire Combination If:
A. The screen goes blank before the lock bolt is retracted.
B. A lightning bolt is displayed.
An X-09 lock will initiate a timed lockout of 3 minutes when ten
consecutive wrong combinations have been dialed. Each additional unsuccessful
attempt to open the lock will initiate another timed lockout. If the number of
consecutive unsuccessful attempts reaches fifteen, the timed lockout increases
to 4 minutes. The lockout period is only timed while the lock is powered. To
keep the lock powered until the timed lockout has expired, turn the dial every 30
seconds. A successful opening resets the error count.
If you have not read the section on “Dialing the X-09”, it is important that
you do so before proceeding.
The lock is shipped preset to operate in the Single Combination Mode with a
Default Factory Combination of 50-25-50.
TO OPEN THE LOCK (using the Factory Combination):
CW=ClockWise; CCW=CounterClockWise
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”. The lock is considered “powered” when numbers
appear on the LCD display screen.
2. Continue dialing left (CCW) to the first number of the factory combination (50).
Stop on 50 and pause briefly.
3. Dial right (CW) to the second number of the factory combination ( 25). Stop on 25 and
pause briefly.
4. Dial left (CCW) to the third number in the factory combination (50).
Stop on 50 and pause briefly.
5. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds, the lock
will power down (LCD will go blank), requiring the operator to redial the entire combination.
1. Turn Dial to the left (CCW) a minimum of one complete revolution to extend the bolt.
2. Turn Dial to the right (CW) a minimum of one complete revolution to ensure that it is locked.
The Dial should turn freely in either direction without catching or binding when
the bolt is extended and the lock is closed.
Practice opening and closing the lock several times with the preset factory combination
before you set a new combination. When you feel comfortable opening the X-09 using the
preset factory combination, you are ready to put the lock into operation.
Setting up the X-09 lock for operation involves both the operating mode and the combination(s).
The lock is shipped preset to operate in the Single Combination Mode
with a factory combination of 50-25-50.
Before you can set a new combination, you must select and set a mode of operation. The X-09
has three modes of operation:
Single Combination Mode: The X-09 will open when one three-number combination is
successfully dialed.
Dual Combination Mode: Two separate combinations are required to open the X-09.
Either combination may be dialed first; however, the operator must begin entering the
second combination within 40 seconds of completing the first combination.
Supervisory/Subordinate Mode or Super/Sub Mode: Two separate combinations are
required to open the lock, with the Supervisory Combination controlling access of the
Subordinate Combination. The Supervisory Combination must be entered first to UnLock
(UL) the lock. Once the Supervisory Combination has been entered, the Subordinate
Combination can be used to open the lock at any time during this “unlocked” state. The
Supervisory Combination can be entered again to disable lock access - Lock Up (LU).
In this state the Subordinate Combination will no longer open the lock.
Use the Change Key (Figure 2) provided with your X-09 to set the
desired operating mode and combinations. If at any time during the
process you see the Key and Lightning Bolt symbols displayed, stop
the sequence and return to Step 4. If at any time after you start the
change key process, you see only a Lightning Bolt symbol displayed,
stop the sequence, reinsert the change key, and return to Step 4.
The lock serial number may be used to complete
this process if the current combination has been lost or
forgotten and if you can gain access to the back of the
lock. Using the serial number for this procedure will not open
the lock. It will only allow you to set the new operating mode and
combination(s). When using the serial number to change the
combination, you must first create an error by dialing an incorrect
If you have not read the section on “Dialing the X-09” and “Opening the X-09 (Factory
Combination)”, it is important that you do so before proceeding.
Use the preset factory combination of 50-25-50 to open the lock the
If the container is already open, you may skip Step 1.
1. Open the lock by dialing the current combination(s) and retracting the bolt.
Then remove the container dust cover to gain access to the change key holes on the back
of the lock.
Fig. 2 - Change Key
If you have lost or forgotten the combination(s) and are using the serial number
method to complete this process, simply dial an incorrect combination to get a
lightning bolt display. The error must be created before inserting the Change Key,
and the Change Key must be inserted while the lightning bolt is displayed. See next
2. Release the container locking bolts if necessary.
(Different containers will have different release
3. Insert the Change Key into the change key holes
on the back of the lock. (See Figure 3.)
Hold your thumb on the change key
retractor while inserting the Change Key to
ensure that the pins enter the lock and are not
being pushed back into the Change Key.
4. Dial left (CCW) until the Change Key appears in
the upper right hand corner of the display.
The lock will never open when the Change Key symbol is displayed.
5. Dial the current combination or combinations, example 50-25-50, as if dialing the combination
to open the lock. If currently operating in Supervisory/Subordinate mode, enter the
Supervisor’s combination first.
If you have lost or forgotten the current combination(s) and are using
the serial number method to complete this process, enter the six-digit serial
number at this time just as you would enter a six-digit combination.
6. Dial right (CW) until the symbol SL (for Select Mode) is displayed.
7. Now dial left (CCW) to select the mode of operation:
01 — for Single Combination Mode
02 — for Dual Combination Mode
03 — for Supervisory/Subordinate Mode
Stop on the number of your selection and pause briefly.
Do not use the “back up” method of dialing as described in Example B on
page 3 when dialing to select the mode.
If Selection = 01, Single Combination Mode:
8. Dial right (CW) until the symbol EC (Enter Combination) appears.
9. Dial the new combination as if dialing a combination to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to
dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third
EXAMPLE: Set Combination to 30-60-90
Dial left to the first number, 30. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 60. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 90. Stop.
10. Dial right (CW) briskly. The new combination will be displayed two times, two digits at a
time, followed by PO (Pull Out Change Key).
Figure 3 - Insert Change Key
If the correct combination is not displayed, you may pull out the change key and
the lock will allow you to reset the combination. You must pull out the change key
while the display is still flashing. When EC appears, insert the change key again
and dial the desired combination.
11. Pull out the Change Key. The Change Key symbol will disappear and CC (Confirm
Combination) will appear.
12. Dial the new combination once again for confirmation.
13. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
The new combination is now set.
If Selection = 02 or 03, Dual Combination or Super/Sub Mode:
In Dual Combination Mode: Either of the two combinations can be entered first and the
combinations may be the same as each other.
In Supervisory/Subordinate Mode: Supervisory Combination must be entered first,
and the Supervisory and Subordinate Combinations cannot be the same combination.
8. Dial right (CW)until the symbol C1 (enter Combination 1) appears.
9. Dial the first new combination (Supervisory Combination if operating in Super/Sub Mode)
as if dialing a combination to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to dial the first number, right
(CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third number.
EXAMPLE: Set Combination to 30-60-90
Dial left to the first number, 30. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 60. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 90. Stop.
10. Dial right (CW) briskly. The new combination will be displayed two times, two digits at a
time. Once the combination has been displayed, the symbol C2 (Enter Combination 2) will
If the correct combination is not displayed, you may pull out the Change Key and
the lock will allow you to reset the combination. You must pull out the Change Key
while the display is still flashing. When C1 appears, insert the Change Key again
and dial the desired combination.
11. Dial the second new combination (Subordinate Combination if operating in Super/Sub
Mode) as if dialing a combination to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to dial the first number,
right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third number.
EXAMPLE: Set Combination to 25-50-75
Dial left to the first number, 25. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 50. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 75. Stop.
12. Dial right (CW) briskly. The new combination will be displayed two times, two digits at a
time, followed by PO (Pull Out Change Key).
If the correct combination is not displayed, you may pull out the change key
and the lock will allow you to reset the combination. You must pull out the change
key while the display is still flashing. When C2 appears, insert the change key
again and dial the desired combination.
13. Pull out the Change Key. The Change Key symbol will disappear and CC (Confirm
Combination(s)) will appear.
14. Dial the new combinations once again for confirmation.
In Dual Combination Mode you may dial either combination first to confirm. In
Super/Sub Mode you must dial the Supervisory combination first and the Subordinate
Combination second as you did when first entering the combinations.
15. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.The new combinations have now been set.
If you misdial or do not properly finish the Change Key sequence in any way,
the X-09 automatically reverts to the previous combination(s). The old combination(s)
remain valid until the process is completed successfully.
After you have confirmed the new combination(s), test dial the combination(s)
before closing the door or container.
If the door of your container is shut and the X-09 is accidentally locked with the Change Key still
inserted in the back of the lock, you can recover with the following procedure.
1. Allow the lock to power down. (After 40 seconds, the display will go blank. Wait an additional
2 minutes for full power down.)
2. Dial right (CW) until lock is “powered” and the number of successful openings is flashing.
Do not continue to dial right once you see the flashing numbers on the
3. Now dial the current combination(s) just as you would to open the lock ; i.e., left (CCW) to
dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third
4. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
You may now restart the procedure to Set the Operating Mode and Change Combination(s).
You cannot use the serial number in place of the combination for this procedure.
The combination must be known.
If you have not read the section on “Dialing the X-09”, it is important that
you do so before proceeding.
In this mode the X-09 functions much like a standard combination lock. It will open any time the
three-number combination is correctly dialed.
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”.
2. Dial the combination in the correct manner to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to dial the first
number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third number.
EXAMPLE: Combination = 30-60-90
Dial left to the first number, 30. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 60. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 90. Stop.
3. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds, the lock
will reset (LCD will go blank) requiring the operator to redial the entire combination.
In this mode, two combinations must be correctly and consecutively entered to open the lock.
Either combination may be entered first; however, the second combination must be started
within 40 seconds after the first combination is completed.
First Operator:
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”.
2. Dial the first combination in the correct manner to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to dial
the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third number.
EXAMPLE: Combination = 25-50-75
Dial left to first number, 25. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 50. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 75. Stop.
3. Dial to the right (CW) until C2 (enter Combination 2) is displayed.
Second Operator:
4. Dial the second combination in the correct manner to open the lock; i.e., left (CCW) to
dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the third
EXAMPLE: Combination = 30-60-90
Dial left to first number, 30. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 60. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 90. Stop.
5. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds, the
computer will reset (LCD will go blank) requiring the operator to redial the entire
In this mode, two combinations must be correctly dialed to open the
lock. However, it is different from Dual Mode because the Supervisory
Combination must only be dialed once to UnLock (UL) the lock. Once
the Supervisory Combination has been entered, the Subordinate
Combination can be used to open the lock at any time during this
“unlocked” state.
Whenever the Supervisory Combination is redialed, the lock will display LU (Locked Up), and the
Subordinate Combination will no longer open the lock.
To UnLock (UL)
Supervisory Operator:
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”.
2. Dial the Supervisory Combination as if dialing a combination to open the lock; i.e., left
(CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the
third number.
EXAMPLE: Combination = 25-50-75
Dial left to first number, 25. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 50. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 75. Stop.
3. Dial right (CW). UL (UnLocked) is displayed indicating that the Subordinate Operator can
now open the lock using only the Subordinate Combination. The X-09 will now operate as
if it were in a single combination mode.
To Open the Lock
Subordinate Operator:
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”.
2. Dial the Subordinate Combination in the correct manner to open the lock; i.e., left
(CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the
third number.
EXAMPLE: Combination = 30-60-90
Dial left to the first number, 30. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 60. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 90. Stop.
3. Dial right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing to the
right to retract the lock bolt.
If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds, the lock
will reset (LCD will go blank) requiring the operator to redial the entire combination.
To Lock Up (LU)
Supervisory Operator:
1. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”.
2. Dial the Supervisory Combination as if dialing a combination to open the lock; i.e., left
(CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to dial the
third number.
EXAMPLE: Combination = 25-50-75
Dial left to first number, 25. Stop.
Dial right to second number, 50. Stop.
Dial left to third number, 75. Stop.
3. Dial right (CW). LU (Locked Up) will be displayed indicating the lock cannot be opened.
The Subordinate Combination will not open the lock again until the Supervisory Combination
is redialed to UnLock (UL) the lock once again.
1. Close the container door.
2. Turn Dial to the left (CCW) a minimum of one complete revolution to extend the bolt.
3. Turn Dial to the right (CW) a minimum of one complete revolution to ensure that it is locked.
The Dial should turn freely in either direction without catching or binding when
the bolt is extended and the container is locked.
The X-09 lock tracks the number of successful openings for the lifetime of the lock. It also tracks
the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts and will alert you upon lock power up if there
have been 3 or more consecutive unsuccessful attempts to open the lock. The lock bolt must
be extended and the lock allowed to power down prior to obtaining an audit count of any
The number of successful openings is a four digit number that will be displayed two digits at a time.
The lock bolt must be extended before starting the operation.
1. Allow the lock to power down. (After 40 seconds, the display will go blank. Wait an additional
2 minutes for full power down.)
2. Dial continuously to the right (CW) until the LCD display alternately flashes two pairs of
numbers. The number with the arrow flashing left represents the first two numbers of the
successful openings count. The number with the arrow flashing right represents the last
two numbers in the successful openings count.
Example: A display showing 00 (arrow left) and 15 (arrow right) means the lock has been
successfully opened a total of 0015 times.
The number of successful openings will reflect the total number of times the lock has been
opened since it was manufactured. When the lock has been opened 9,999 times, the next time
that the lock is opened the count will begin again at 0 and continue to increment.
The X-09 keeps a record of the number of unsuccessful attempts to open the lock. This count
will only be displayed when there have been three or more consecutive unsuccessful
attempts. The lock bolt must be extended before starting the operation.
1. Allow the lock to power down. (After 40 seconds, the display will go blank. Wait an additional
2 minutes for full power down.)
2. Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”. If 3 or more consecutive unsuccessful attempts
have occurred, a lightning bolt along with the two digit count will be displayed.
An X-09 lock will register an error condition and will intitiate a timed lockout of
3 minutes when ten consecutive unsuccessful attempts to open the lock are made.
Each additional unsuccessful attempt will initiate another timed lockout. If the number of
consecutive unsuccessful attempts reaches fifteen, the timed lockout increases to 4
minutes. The lockout period is only timed while the lock is powered. The unsuccessful
attempts count resets to 0 only when the lock is successfully opened. If the number of
unsuccessful attempts exceeds 99, the count will remain at 99 until reset.
Once the count is displayed, you may continue dialing left to start dialing a combination.
Blank Display
Lock is powered down.
Open Right
Lightning Bolt
Incorrect Combination Dialed. (When this symbol appears in the upper left corner of
the display, dial the correct combination.)
Lightning Bolt with Error Count
Incorrect Combination Dialed xx times. (The error count is only displayed when there
have been 3 or more consecutive unsuccessful attempts.)
Lock Up
Change Key Symbol (The Change Key has been inserted and the lock is in Change
Combination Mode.)
Select Mode of Operation
Enter Combination
Pull Out Change Key
Confirm Combination or Combination(s)
Enter first Combination
Enter second Combination.
Document Number 520.021
Rev. C - 10/02
Mas Corporation
749 W. Short Street,
Lexington, KY 40508 USA
Phone: 859-253-4744 FAX: 859-255-2655
Technical Support: 800-950-4744
Notice: The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of Kaba Mas. Kaba Mas shall not be liable for technical or
editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
© 2002 Kaba
All rights reserved