June 1, 2018
Volume 97, Number 11 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 721
Although diet is the single most signicant risk factor
for disability and premature death,
most Americans do not
adhere to U.S. dietary recommendations,
and nutrition is
minimally addressed in health care.
When nutrition is dis-
cussed with patients, much of what is presented is inconsis-
tent with existing evidence.
Patients and clinicians are oen
overwhelmed with information on diet and the nutritional
value of foods. Although weight loss is a common focus,
no diet has been proven superior to others. However, when
health is considered, specic dietary patterns—including
particular macronutrients and foods—have good evidence
for primary and secondary prevention of several chronic
diseases. Patients are more likely to understand information
about foods rather than nutrients, so focusing on food cate-
gories may be useful. Diets for the treatment of specic med-
ical conditions are beyond the scope of this article.
Dietary Patterns
Recommending an eating style can be one way to support
healthy dietary changes. e list of popular diets is lengthy,
and most have not been carefully evaluated. e Mediter-
ranean diet has moderate to strong evidence for preventing
type 2 diabetes mellitus,
decreasing cancer incidence and
preventing age-related cognitive decline,
venting cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and mor-
decreasing overall mortality,
and treating obesity
(Table 1
e Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
diet is promoted by the National Institutes of Health to treat
hypertension. It has strong evidence for improving risk fac-
tors for CVD and lowering blood pressure,
and more lim-
ited evidence for weight loss
and managing or preventing
type 2 diabetes.
e 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is another
healthy eating pattern.
Choose My Plate (U.S. Department
Diets for Health: Goals and Guidelines
Amy Locke, MD, University of Utah Health, Salt Lake City, Utah
Jill Schneiderhan, MD, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Suzanna M. Zick, ND, MPH, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan
This clinical content conforms to AAFP criteria for
continuing medical education (CME). See CME Quiz on
page 707.
Author disclosure: No relevant financial aliations.
Patient information: A handout on this topic, written by the
authors of this article, is available at https:// www.aafp.org/
Diet is the single most significant risk factor for disability and premature death. Patients and physicians often have diculty
staying abreast of diet trends, many of which focus primarily on weight loss rather than nutrition and health. Recommending
an eating style can help patients make positive change. Dietary patterns that support health include the Mediterranean diet,
the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines
for Americans, and the Healthy Eating Plate. These approaches have benefits that
include prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
and obesity. These dietary patterns are supported by strong evidence that pro-
motes a primary focus on unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables, plant-based
fats and proteins, legumes, whole grains, and nuts. Added sugars should be
limited to less than 5% to 10% of daily caloric intake. Vegetables (not including
potatoes) and fruits should make up one-half of each meal. Carbohydrate sources
should primarily include beans/legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. An
emphasis on monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts, and
omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax, cold-water fish, and nuts, helps prevent cardio-
vascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cognitive decline. A focus on foods rather
than macronutrients can assist patients in understanding a healthy diet. Addressing barriers to following a healthy diet and
utilizing the entire health care team can assist patients in following these guidelines. (Am Fam Physician. 2018; 97(11):721-728.
Copyright © 2018 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
Illustration by Scott Bodell
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722 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 97, Number 11
June 1, 2018
of Agriculture [USDA]) and the Healthy Eating Plate (Har-
vard University) provide useful tools for achieving these
dietary guidelines (Table 2
). e Healthy Eating Plate
is consistent with the Mediterranean diet and emphasizes
covering one-half of the plate with fruits and vegetables,
one-fourth with whole grains, and the remaining one-fourth
with healthy protein; consuming water as the primary bever-
age; and engaging in regular physical activity. Plant oils and
proteins are highlighted. e Healthy Eating Plate recom-
mendations are closely aligned with the suggestions in this
article and oer another tool to help patients achieve compre-
hensive changes to their diets. All of these diets limit added
sugars, sweetened beverages, and highly rened grains.
Large, prospective cohort studies show that primarily
vegetarian diets reduce the risk of coronary artery disease
(CAD) and type 2 diabetes, and that vegan diets benet
patients with obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, or other
CVD risk factors.
Each of the dietary patterns discussed
in this article is consistent with dietary advice recommended
by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Most dietary guidelines recommend that one-half of each
meal consist of vegetables and fruits.
Whole fruits and
vegetables are preferred over juices because of their higher
ber content and lower glycemic index (a measure of how
quickly a food is digested). Potatoes are not included in
this recommendation because they are more nutritionally
similar to grains. Observational studies have examined
the relationship between disease and intake of fruits and
vegetables. Higher intake has been associated with reduc-
tions in CAD,
cerebrovascular disease,
Summary of Common Dietary Patterns
Diet Includes Restricts Health benefits Special considerations
to Stop
52% to 55% carbo-
hydrates, 16% to 18%
proteins, and 30% total
fats; rich in fruits, vege-
tables, whole grains, and
low-fat dairy products
Limits saturated fats,
cholesterol, refined
grains, and sugars;
suggested sodium
intake is less than
2,400 mg per day
Decreases CVD risk
blood pressure,
and type 2 diabe-
tes mellitus
Fish, monounsaturated
fats from olive oil, fruits,
vegetables, whole
grains, legumes/nuts,
and moderate alcohol
Limits red meat,
refined grains, and
Decreases rates of type 2
cancer incidence
and mortality,
cognitive decline,
CVD inci-
dence and mortality,
and obesity
Vegetarian or
Plant-based foods:
grains, plant oils, nuts,
seeds, legumes, fruit,
and vegetables
Vegetarian diet avoids
red meat, pork, poultry,
fish, and possibly eggs;
vegan diet excludes all
animal products and, in
some cases, honey
Vegetarian diet decreases
rates of type 2 diabetes and
coronary artery disease
vegan diet decreases rates
of hypertension, obesity,
and CVD mortality
Concern about vitamin
deficiencies with vegan
diets, especially vitamin B
supplementation may be
necessary; persons choos-
ing a vegetarian diet should
make sure to eat foods
from all food groups
CVD = cardiovascular disease.
Information from references 4 through 15.
Large, prospective cohort studies show that vegetarian diets
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes
mellitus, and that vegan diets oer additional benefits for
obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular
Eating nuts, including peanuts, is associated with decreased
cardiovascular disease and mortality, lower body weight, and
lower diabetes risk.
In a prospective cohort study, consumption of artificially
sweetened beverages increased the risk of type 2 diabetes
about one-half as much as sugar-sweetened beverages.
June 1, 2018
Volume 97, Number 11 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 723
gastrointestinal conditions.
Participants in the Nurses’
Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study
who had the highest intake of fruits and vegetables (more
than ve servings per day) had a 30% decrease in the risk of
CVD compared with those who ate 1.5 servings or less per
Green leafy vegetables seem to have the most benets.
Nine daily servings of vegetables and fruits—in a variety of
colors to maximize intake of various phytochemicals, anti-
oxidants, and vitamins—are recommended (Table 3).
Legumes include a variety of beans, which are high in solu-
ble ber, protein, iron, B vitamins, and minerals,
and have
a low glycemic index. Because of their unique nutrients,
legumes are considered both a protein and a vegetable, and
are important components of healthy eating patterns. Eat-
ing legumes four times per week compared with less than
once per week is associated with reduced CAD and CVD
decreased recurrence of colorectal polyps, increased
longevity, improved blood glucose control, and better
weight management.
USDA dietary guidelines recom-
mend eating 1.5 to 3 cups of beans per week.
Grains are available as highly rened food products that
contribute to poor health (e.g., white bread) or as minimally
processed whole grains that contribute to a healthy diet (e.g.,
brown rice). Patients may have diculty understanding
which grains and grain products are healthy. e glycemic
index and glycemic load, which take into account the amount
of carbohydrate in a food, can help with this understanding.
e way a whole grain is processed determines the glycemic
index: nely ground grains will be digested more quickly
than less processed grains. Diets high
in processed grains are associated with
increased inammation, higher rates of
CVD, poorly controlled type 2 diabetes,
and diculty losing weight.
grains have a higher nutritional value
with more vitamins, protein, and ber
than processed grains, and are asso-
ciated with decreased rates of CVD.
USDA dietary guidelines recommend
eating 1.5 to 3 cups of grains per day,
with at least 50% of this amount as
whole grains.
Dietary ber is divided into solu-
ble and insoluble ber; each type
has dierent eects on health (Table
Good sources of ber include
whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and
legumes. Patients may rely on grains,
nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables
to increase their intake of soluble and
insoluble ber. Fiber intake is associ-
ated with reduced rates of CVD and
Evidence-Based Dietary Recommendations
Food Quantity
Fruits and vegetables ½ of every meal
Whole grains ¼ of every meal
Legumes and/or animal
¼ of every meal
Water Primary beverage
Nuts Small handful daily
Oils/fats In moderation
Salt 2,500 mg daily (1 teaspoon)
Information from references 2, and 16 through 18.
Dietary Serving Sizes
category Examples Serving size*
Fruits Whole fruits, cooked or raw ½ cup, 1 medium fruit
Grains Brown rice, corn, whole oats, 100%
whole wheat; potatoes and corn
are also included in this category
because they are digested like
½ cup cooked rice, corn, or
pasta; ½ cup cooked cereal or
1 cup ready-to-eat cereal;
1 slice of bread
Nuts Peanuts or tree nuts ¼ cup (1 oz)
Oils and fats Butter, canola oil, olive oil 1 tablespoon
Protein Beans, chicken, eggs, fish, peanuts,
tree nuts
2 to 3 oz cooked lean meat,
poultry, or fish; 1 egg; ½ cup
cooked beans; ½ cup tofu;
¼ cup hummus; 1 oz nuts
Vegetables Cooked or raw ½ cup (1 cup for leafy greens)
*—Serving sizes as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Choose My Plate.
Information from references 2, and 16 through 18.
724 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 97, Number 11
June 1, 2018
premature death; lower blood pressure, low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, and
breast cancer risk; and improved insulin sensi-
USDA dietary guidelines recommend
consuming a minimum of 14 g of ber per 1,000
calories per day.
Dietary fat is divided into three categories: satu-
rated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. All
are essential nutrients, and every fat-containing
food has a combination of each type. Trans fats are
dangerous and have been banned. Eorts to reduce
fat consumption over the past 40 years led to
increased intake of rened carbohydrates in place
of fat and overall increased caloric intake, which
increased triglyceride levels and the risk of type 2
diabetes and contributed to weight gain, increased
LDL cholesterol levels, and decreased high-density lipopro-
tein cholesterol levels, but did not aect rates of CAD.
Dietary fats aect serum cholesterol levels and CAD
risk dierently. Compared with saturated fats, increasing
mono- or polyunsaturated fats decreases the risk of CAD,
although saturated fats found in plants may have a more
benecial eect on lipid levels.
Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. An
unbalanced ratio of these fatty acids favoring omega-6 can
lead to increased activation of the arachidonic acid pathway,
with resulting increases in rates of thrombosis, vasospasm,
cancer, obesity, and allergic and inammatory disorders.
Increasing consumption of foods high in omega-3 fatty
acids (e.g., sh, nuts, canola oil, green vegetables) while lim-
iting the use of corn and vegetable oils can increase the ratio
of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, leading to decreased
inammation and other health benets.
Monounsaturated fats in olive oil, nuts, and avocados
seem to be benecial for preventing CVD.
In general, a
focus on omega-3 and monounsaturated fats from sh and
plants is likely to be most benecial. Eating nuts, including
peanuts, has been associated with health benets such as
decreased risk of diabetes, CVD, and mortality,
and lower
body weight.
When nuts are eaten as part of a Mediter-
ranean diet, good-quality evidence shows decreased age-
related cognitive decline.
ere are conicting health benets for animal products,
with red and processed meats having the most signicant
negative eects. For instance, there is a dose-response rela-
tionship between red meat intake and risk of all-cause mor-
Although higher protein and fat content relative to
carbohydrate generally decreases CVD risk and improves
lipid levels,
data suggest that this is not the case when the
protein comes from animal sources.
Plant-based proteins
are generally preferred as a primary source.
When animal
products are consumed, an emphasis on sh, dairy, eggs,
and fowl is recommended.
Eggs are high in cholesterol but do not contain high
amounts of saturated fats. Observational data suggest that
consumption of up to one egg per day does not contribute
to CVD; however, persons with type 2 diabetes may have a
slightly increased risk.
Eggs are also high in vitamins and
Up to 70% of the worlds population does not have the
gene to produce lactase into adulthood, and therefore
cannot fully digest dairy products.
Dairy products are
a signicant source of added sugar and saturated fats.
Although dairy products supply calcium, fat, protein,
and carbohydrate, adequate amounts of each of these
components can be obtained from other foods. Neither
dairy consumption nor dietary calcium intake is associ-
ated with a reduction in hip fracture; in fact, they have
been associated with increases in fracture and all-cause
Nondairy sources of calcium include greens,
nuts, and legumes. For those who can tolerate dairy, it is
associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes and
metabolic syndrome,
and compared with nondairy milk
consumption, it may be associated with a slight increase in
childhood height.
Consumption of dairy products is not
independently associated with weight gain.
Beverages can have a signicant impact on dietary quality.
Persons who consume the most sugar-sweetened beverages
Health Benefits of Insoluble vs. Soluble Fiber
Fiber type Foods Health benefits
Insoluble (does
not dissolve in
Carrots, cucumbers,
seeds, tomatoes,
whole grains, and
Improved insulin sensitivity,
prevention of cardiovascular
and reduced cancer
(dissolves in
Apples, beans, blue-
berries, lentils, and
Improvement in symptoms
of irritable bowel syndrome,
improved insulin sensitivity,
prevention of cardiovascular
and reduced cancer
Information from references 35 through 37.
June 1, 2018
Volume 97, Number 11 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 725
have the highest caloric intake and the poorest quality nutri-
tion. However, those who drink coee and diet beverages eat
more high-calorie, low-nutrient-density foods.
Free sugars
include added sugar and other caloric sweeteners such as
honey, fruit juice concentrates, and maple syrup. Sweetened
beverages such as soda and energy drinks are being increas-
ingly linked to the development of multiple chronic diseases,
and the risks of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity-
related cancers increase with each additional serving.
Fruit juice, which is high in free sugars, is associated with
diabetes and should be discouraged.
e World Health
Organization recommends limiting free sugars to less than
5% to 10% of daily caloric intake
; the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans recommends less than 10%.
Articially sweetened beverages may increase the risk of
type 2 diabetes at about one-half the rate of sugar-sweetened
However, evidence is emerging that compared
with unsweetened beverages, early exposure to articial
sweeteners in utero or during early childhood
may increase the risk of obesity in adulthood.
Replacing sweetened beverages (sugar and arti-
cially sweetened) with unsweetened beverages
may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity,
and high blood pressure.
Unsweetened black and green teas have some
evidence of positive eects on LDL cholesterol
and blood pressure,
and coee and tea have
been proven to protect against depression.
Water may be the most important and ben-
ecial beverage. An analysis of data from the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Sur-
vey showed that as plain water intake increased,
total caloric intake decreased, especially from
sugar-sweetened beverages.
Inadequate hydra-
tion (as determined by elevated urine osmolality)
is associated with higher body mass index.
Moderate alcohol consumption (one drink per
day for women, two per day for men) has been
shown to decrease the risk of CAD.
these results have been questioned by ndings
indicating that these studies did not carefully
parse the amount and duration of alcohol con-
Potential benets seem to be inde-
pendent of the type of alcohol. Because of risks
associated with heavy use, clinicians should not
recommend that patients start drinking alco-
holic beverages.
In addition to increasing the avor complexity
of foods, many spices are being studied for their
potential health benets. Salt is a common avoring and has
long been associated with an increased risk of CVD via its
eect on elevating blood pressure. Approximately 90% of
Americans consume more sodium than the 2,500 mg per
day recommended by the USDA, the National Academy of
Medicine, and the American Heart Association.
ing to a Cochrane review, decreasing salt intake from the
current average of 9 to 12 g per day to a more modest 5 to 6
g per day would decrease systolic blood pressure by 5.8 mm
Hg, thereby signicantly reducing the overall population
burden of CVD.
Addressing Barriers to Behavior Change
ere are many barriers to behavior change that can con-
tribute to poor nutrition (Table 5). Addressing these barriers
with patients is as essential as providing information about
the health benets of foods (Table 6). Helping patients with
behavior change can be enhanced by techniques such as
Barriers to a Healthy Diet
Barrier Intervention Resources
Education Community resources
Information about the U.S. food sys-
tem (http:// www.jhsph.edu/research/
Referral to psychologist or social
tion, food
Education on cost of fresh vs.
processed foods
USDA Food Environment Atlas
(https:// www.ers.usda.gov/
Lack of knowl-
edge about
healthy diets
(online, hand-
outs), nutrition
Harvard University Nutrition Source
(https:// www.hsph.harvard.edu/
USDA Choose My Plate (https:// www.
Lack of satiety
education on
intuitive eating
Referral to psychologist or dietitian
Limited cook-
ing skills
Education Cooking classes through commu-
nity centers, restaurants, or grocery
USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture.
726 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 97, Number 11
June 1, 2018
motivational interviewing or positive inquiry, utilizing
others on the health care team, and making use of commu-
nity resources. e U.S. Preventive Services Task Force rec-
ommends referral to intensive lifestyle programs to assist
with nutrition and physical activity for patients with CVD
risk factors
and considering selective referral for those
without risk factors.
Data Sources: We searched PubMed, the Cochrane database,
and Essential Evidence Plus using the key words diet, vegetable,
fruit, legume, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, meat, dairy, nuts,
carbohydrate, fats, and protein. We also reviewed http:// www.
nutrition.gov and http:// www.nutritionsource.org. Search dates:
January 2017 through March 2018.
The Authors
AMY LOCKE, MD, is an associate professor in the Department
of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah
Health, Salt Lake City, and adjunct assistant professor at the
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor.
JILL SCHNEIDERHAN, MD, is clinical faculty in the Depart-
ment of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan Medi-
cal School.
SUZANNA M. ZICK, ND, MPH, is a research associate profes-
sor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the Univer-
sity of Michigan School of Public Health.
Address correspondence to Amy Locke, MD, University of
Utah Hospital, 555 Foothill Dr., Salt Lake City, UT 84109
(e-mail: amy.locke@ hsc.utah.edu). Reprints are not available
from the authors.
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Dietary Resources for Patients
American Academy of Family Physicians Patient Information
Resource (https:// family doctor.org)
Americans in Motion – Healthy Interventions
(http:// www.aafp.org/patient-care/nrn/studies/all/aim-hi.html)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of
Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
(https:// www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao)
Harvard University Nutrition Source
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Clinical recommendation
rating References
A dietary pattern that emphasizes
vegetables, fruits, legumes, and
whole grains and minimizes free
sugars and red meats lowers blood
pressure and cholesterol levels.
C 20
One-half of each meal should
consist of fruits and vegetables.
C 11
Plant-based foods should be
emphasized over animal-based
foods in the diet.
B 49
Free sugars should be limited to
less than 10% of daily calories.
C 60
Water should be the primary bev-
erage consumed.
C 65
Intensive lifestyle modification
should be recommended to
patients at high risk of cardiovas-
cular disease to assist in health
behavior change.
B 17
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = incon-
sistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus,
disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case
series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go
to https:// www.aafp.org/afpsort.
June 1, 2018
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