AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
This application note describes how to create a wireless MBUS-compliant device using
Silicon Labs Si4461/63/64 cost-efficient, high-performance EZRadioPRO
RF trans-
ceiver and EZR32 wireless MCU family. It does not cover the duty cycle and other tim-
ing requirements of the standard; rather, it focuses on the RF-related requirements of
the prEN 13757-4 rev:2013 wireless MBUS standard, unless noted otherwise. The RF
measurements listed in this application note were performed on the 4461-868-PDK de-
velopment kit using the Wireless Development Suite. Refer to 2.6 Radio Link Require-
ments for Mode F for more details.
Silicon Labs Si446x high-performance RF
transceivers support all the WMBUS
modes, including S, T, R, C, F and various
N modes
The EZRadioPRO
transceivers meet
WMBUS specifications | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3
1. Summary
Table 1.1 Measured Sensitivity for 80% PER on page 1 summarizes the measured sensitivity for 80% PER and indicates that the
radio meets the given MBUS mode specification.
Table 1.1. Measured Sensitivity for 80% PER
Mode Parameter Measurement Results Comment
1 S1,S2 Sensitivity –110 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, |
deviation corners
Meets all Corners
2 T1, T2 Sensitivity –106 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets all Corners
3 R2 Sensitivity –117 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets all Corners
4 C Sensitivity –110 dBm
(Meter to other)
-113 dBm
(Other to meter)
Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets All Corners
5 N(1,2)
Sensitivity –122 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
1 , 2
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets All Corners
6 N(1,2)
Sensitivity –120.5 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets all Corners
7 Sensitivity –113 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
N2g freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets all corners
8 F Sensitivity –117 dBm Meets MBUS Specifica-
freq. offset, data rate, de-
viation corners
Meets all corners with
longer wake-up window
1. 2.4 kHz deviation is used for the measurement according to the prEN 13757-4:2013 draft version of the standard.
2. The deviation offset tolerances were measured according to the prEN 13757-4:2013 draft version of the standard.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Summary | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 1
2. Wireless MBUS Standard
The Wireless MBUS standard (EN 13757-4) specifies two kinds of devices: “Meters” and “Others” (mobile readout devices, data collec-
tors, etc.). The standard also defines several types of communication between devices:
Mode S ("Stationary mode"):
Mode S1: unidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode S1m: unidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode S2: bidirectional communication between the Meter and Other device
Mode T ("Frequent transmit mode"):
Mode T1: unidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode T2: bidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode R ("Frequent receive mode"): special, multipchannel receiving mode
Mode R2: bidirectional link from Meter to Other device
Mode C ("Compact Mode"):
Mode C1: unidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode C2: bidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode N ("Narrowband VHF Mode"):
Mode N1a-g: unidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode N2a-g: bidirectional link from the Meter to the Other device
Mode F: protocol using routers
The following tables list the radio requirements for the transmitter and receiver for Mode S, T, R, C, N, and F devices.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 2
2.1 Radio Link Requirements for Mode S
Table 2.1. Transmitter Requirements for Mode S
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Center Fre-
(Transmit Only
Meter, S1-Sub-
868.25 868.30 868.35 MHz ~ 60 x 10 – 6
Center Fre-
(Other and S2-
868.278 868.300 868.322 MHz ~ 25 x 10 – 6
FSK Deviation ±40 ±50 ±80 kHz
Chip Rate
32.768 kcps
Chip Rate Tol-
±1.5 %
Digital Bit Jit-
±3 µs
Data Rate
× 1/2 bps
Length Includ-
ing Bit/ Byte
Both Directions
Length Includ-
ing Bit/byte
S1 PL 576
Optional for S2
2 8 chips
Response De-
(Other To Me-
ter Communi-
3 50 ms
FAC Transmis-
sion Delay
5 , 6
S2 t
N × 1000 – 0.5 N × 1000 N × 1000 + 0.5 ms N = 2,3,4,or 5
FAC Time Out
S2 t
25 30 s
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 3
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
1. The bit jitter shall be measured at the output of the microcontroller or encoder circuit.
2. Each bit shall be coded as two chips (Manchester encoding).
3. The postamble (trailer) shall consist of n = 1 to 4 “ones”, i.e., the chip sequence is n x (01).
4. Response delay: After transmitting a frame in S2-mode, the receiver shall be ready for the reception of a response in a time
shorter than the minimum response delay and shall be receiving at least for the duration of the maximum response delay.
5. FAC Transmission delay describes the time by which a meter shall delay the first response to a received message from another
device referred to in its last transmission. This delay shall also be applied between the first response of the meter and the next
repeated response of the meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Access Cycle (FAC). The reference
time point shall be the end of preamble (end of sync sequence) of the meter transmission. For timing diagrams, see Appendix E.
6. The selected timeslot, N, shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
7. FAC Time out: is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the Other Device during the Frequent
Access Cycle (FAC) and the moment where the repetition of the last response of the Meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent
Access Cycle).
Table 2.2. Receiver Requirements for Mode S
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit
Sensitivity (BER
< 10
) or (PER <
–100 –105 dBm
Blocking Per-
3 Category
Blocking Per-
2, 3
2 Category
Blocking Per-
23, 4
2 Category
Acceptable Chip
Rate Tolerance
± 2 %
Chip rate (Meter) f
32,768 kcps
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI En 300 220-1, V2, 4, 1:2012, 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirement for class MR and class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified in
ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2: 2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requiremen for class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be 40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN 300
220-1, v2.4.1: 2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 4
2.2 Radio Link Requirements for Mode T
Table 2.3. Transmitter Requirements for Mode T
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Center Fre-
quency (Meter
to Other)
T1,T2 868.90 868.95 869.00 MHz ~ 60 x 10 – 6
Center Fre-
quency (Other
to Meter)
T2 868.278 868.300 868.322 MHz ~ 25 x 10 – 6
FSK Deviation
(Meter to Oth-
T1,T2 ±40 ±50 ±80 kHz
FSK Deviation
(Other to Me-
T2 ±40 ±50 ±80 kHz
Chip Rate
Transmit (Me-
ter to Other)
T1,T2 f
90 100 110 kcps
Rate Variation
within Header
+ Frame (Me-
T1,T2 D
0 ±1 %
Data Rate
(Meter to Oth-
er, 3 out of 6
T1,T2 f
× 2/3 bps
Chip Rate
Transmit (Oth-
er to Meter)
T2 32.768 kcps
Chip Rate Tol-
(Other to Me-
T2 ±1.5 %
Digital Bit Jit-
T2 ±3 us
Data Rate
(Other to Me-
ter, Manches-
T2 f
× 1/2 bps
Length Includ-
ing Bit / Byte
Both Directions
T1,T2 PL 48 chips
T1,T2 2 8 chips
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 5
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Response De-
(Other to Meter
T2 t
2 3 ms
FAC Transmis-
sion Delay
5 , 6
T2 t
N×1000 – 0.5 N×1000 N×1000 + 0.5 ms N = 2,3,4, or 5
FAC Time Out
T2 t
25 30 s
1. Each nibble (4 bits) shall be coded as six chips.
2. The bit jitter shall be measured at the output of the microprocessor or encoder circuit.
3. The postamble (trailer) shall consist of at least of at least two alternating chips. If the last chip of the CRC was a zero, then the
minimum postamble shall be “10”; otherwise, it shall be “01”.
4. Response delay: after transmitting a frame including the postamble, the receiver shall be ready for the reception of a response in
a time shorter that the minimum response delay. After transmitting a frame, the receiver shall listen for a possible response for at
least the maximum response delay.
5. FAC Transmission delay describes the time by which a meter shall delay the first response to a received message from another
received message from another device referred to in its last transmission. This delay shall also be applied between the first re-
sponse of the meter and the next repeated response of the meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle (FAC). The reference time point shall be the end of preamble (end of sync sequence) of the meter transmission.
6. The selected timeslot, N, shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
7. FAC Time out is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the other device during the Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle (FAC) and the moment when the repetition of the last response of the meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle).
Table 2.4. Receiver Requirements for Mode T
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER < 10
or (PER <
–100 –105 dBm
Blocking Per-
3 Category
Blocking Per-
2, 3
2 Category
Blocking Per-
23, 4
2 Category
Header Chip
Rate Range:
T1,T2 f
88 100 112 kcps ~± 12%
Chip Rate Var-
iation During
Header and
Frame: (Other)
T1,T2 D
0 ±2 %
Chip Rate Tol-
T2 D
±2 %
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 6
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Chip Rate
T2 f
32,768 kcps
chip rate toler-
ance (meter)
T2 Dfchip2 0 ±2 %
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI EN 300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012, 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirement for class MR and class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified in
ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2: 2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requirement for class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be \>40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN
300 220-1, V2.4.1: 2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 7
2.3 Radio Link Requirements for Mode R2
Table 2.5. Transmitter Requirements for Mode R2
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Center Fre-
quency (Other)
868.33 MHz
Center Fre-
quency (Meter)
868.030 + n x
Frequency Tol-
erance (Meter/
0 ±17 ~ 20 x 10 – 6
FSK Deviation ±4.8 ±6 ±7.2 kHz
Chip Rate
(Wakeup and
4.8 kcps
Chip rate Tol-
(Wakeup and
±1.5 %
Digital Bit Jit-
±15 us
Data rate
× 1/2 bps
Length Includ-
ing Bit / Byte
PL 96 chips
2 8 chips
Response De-
(Other to
Meter Commu-
3 50 ms
Response De-
(Meter to
Other Commu-
10 10000 ms
FAC Transmis-
sion Delay
5, 6
R2 t
N×1000 – 1 N×1000 N × 1000 + 1 ms N=12,13,14, or
FAC Time Out
R2 t
25 30 s
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 8
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
1. The bit jitter shall be measured at the output of the micro-controller or encoder circuit.
2. Each bit shall be coded as two chips (Manchester encoding).
3. The postamble (trailer) shall consist of n = 1 to 4 “ones”, i.e., the chip sequence is n x (01).
4. Response delay: after transmitting a frame, the receiver shall be ready for the reception of a response in a time shorter than the
minimum response delay and shall receive at least for the duration of the maximum response delay.
5. FAC Transmission delay describes the time by which a meter shall delay the first response to a received message from another
device referring to its last transmission. This delay shall also be applied between the first response of the meter and the next
repeated response of the meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Access Cycle (FAC). The reference
time point shall be the end of preamble (end of sync sequence) of the meter transmission.
6. The selected timeslot, N, shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
7. FAC Time out is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the other device during the Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle (FAC) and the moment where the repetition of the last response of the meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle).
Table 2.6. Receiver Requirements for Mode R2
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER < 10Ù–2)
or (PER <
–105 –110 dBm
Blocking per-
3 Category
Blocking per-
2 Category
Blocking per-
2 Category
Chip rate varia-
tion during
header and
±0.2 %
chip rate range
4.7 4.8 4.9 kcps ~ ±2%
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI EN 300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012, 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirement for class MR and class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified in
ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2: 2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requirement for class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be \>40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN
300 220-1, V2.4.1: 2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 9
2.4 Radio Link Requirements for Mode C
Table 2.7. Transmitter Requirements for Mode C
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Center Fre-
(Meter to Oth-
C1,C2 868.928 868.95 868.972 MHz ~ 25 x 10-6
Centre Fre-
quency (Other
to Meter)
C2 869.503 869.525 869.547 MHz ~ 25 x 10-6
FSK Deviation
(Meter to Oth-
C1,C2 ±43 ±45 ±47 kHz
GFSK Devia-
tion (Other to
C2 ±23 ±25 ±27 kHz
GFSK Relative
C2 BT 0.5
Chip Rate
(Meter to Oth-
C1,C2 f
100 kcps
Chip Rate
(Other to Me-
C2 f
50 kcps
Chip Rate Tol-
C1,C2 D
100 ppm
Data Rate
C1,C2 f
C1,C2 PL 32 chips
tion Length
C1,C2 SL 32 chips
Fast Response
2, 3, 4
C2 t
90 91 ms
Slow Re-
sponse Delay
2, 3, 4
(Other to Meter
C2 t
1000 1001 ms
Fast Response
Delay (De-
2, 3
(Meter to Other
C2 t
90 91 ms
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 10
Characteristic Mode Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
Slow Re-
sponse Delay
(Meter to Other
C2 t
1000 1001 ms
FAC Transmis-
sion Delay
5, 6
C2 t
N×1000 – 0,5 N×1000 N×1000 + 0,5 ms N=2,3,4 or 5
FAC Time Out
C2 t
25 30 s
1. All bits are NRZ coded.
2. Response delay: after transmitting a frame including the postamble, the receiver shall be ready for the reception of a response in
a time shorter than the minimum response delay. After transmitting a frame, the receiver shall listen for a possible response for at
least a maximum response delay.
3. The use of slow or fast response delay is specified in the “Communication Control Field” of the extended link layer. If an extended
link layer is not included in the frame, the default response delay shall be used.
4. If the frame is repeated, the other end shall instead use a shorter response delay (tRR or tRR_slow) being 75 ms shorter than the
corresponding tRO or tRO_slow. This enables bidirectional communication to be repeated without loss of communication speed.
The frame from meter to other shall be repeated with a delay of less than 5 ms (tDR).
5. FAC Transmission delay describes the time by which a meter shall delay the first response to a received message from another
device referring to its last transmission. This delay shall also be applied between the first response of the meter and the next
repeated response of the meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Access Cycle (FAC). The reference
time point shall be the end of preamble (end of sync sequence) of the meter transmission.
6. The selected timeslot, N, shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
7. FAC Time out is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the other device during the Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle (FAC) and the moment when the repetition of the last response of the meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent Ac-
cess Cycle).
Table 2.8. Receiver Requirements for Mode C
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER < 10
or (PER < 0. 8)
(Other Device)
–100 –105 dBm
(BER < 10
or (PER < 0. 8)
–95 dBm
Blocking Per-
2, 3,
2 Category
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI EN 300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012, 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirement for class MR and class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified in
ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2: 2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requirement for class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be \>40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN
300 220-1, V2.4.1: 2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 11
2.5 Radio Link Requirements for Mode N
Table 2.9. Link Parameters for Mode N
1 , 2
Center Frequen-
cy (MHz)
Channel Spac-
ing (kHz)
GFSK (kbps) 4GMSK (kbps) Frequency Tol-
erance (± kHz)
N1a, N2a
1a 169,406,250 12,5 4,8 1,5
N1b, N2b
1b 169,418,750 12,5 4,8 1,5
N1c, N2c 2a 169,431,250 12,5 2,4 2,0
N1d, N2d 2b 169,443,750 12,5 2,4 2,0
N1a, N2a
3a 169,456,250 12,5 4,8 1,5
N1b, N2b
3b 169,468,750 12,5 4,8 1,5
169,437,500 50 19,2 2,5
a 1 169,412,500 25
a 2 169,437,500 25
a 3 169,462,500 25
1. These channels are optional and reserved for future use or national specific use.
2. Channel designation according to EU commission decision 2005/928/EC.
3. 2.4 kHz deviation is used for the measurement according to the prEN 13757-4:2013 draft version of the standard.
4. This channel may be used for multi-hop transmission of meter data as specified in EN 13757-5. The duty cycle for transmission
from the meter shall be limited to 0.02% in this channel.
Table 2.10. Mode N, Modulation and Timing
Characteristic Data Rate Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
GFSK Modula-
tion (modula-
tion index 2.0)
2,4 kbps ± 1.68 ± 2.4 ± 3.12 kHz 70-130 % of
nominal devia-
GFSK Modula-
tion (modula-
tion index 1.0)
4.8 kbps ± 1.68 ± 2.4 ± 3.12 kHz 70-130 % of
nominal devia-
4GFSK Modu-
lation (modula-
tion index 0.5)
19.2 kbps –7.2, –2.4,
+2.4, +7.2
4GFSK peak
19.2 kbps ± 5.04 ± 9.36 kHz 70-130 % of
nominal devia-
relative band-
All BT 0.5
Bit/symbol rate
All ± 100 ppm
All PL 16 16 bits or sym-
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 12
Characteristic Data Rate Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
tion length
All SL 16 16 bits or sym-
(trailer) length
All 0 bits or sym-
Fast response
Device to Me-
All t
99.5 100 100.5 ms
Slow response
Device to Me-
2.4 kbps 4.8
kbps 19.2 kbps
2 099,5 1
099,5 1 099,5
2 100,5 1
100,5 1 100,5
FAC transmis-
sion delay (N2a
to N2f)
3, 4
2.4 kbps 4.8
N×1 000 –0.5 N×1 000 N×1 000+0.5 ms N=5,7 or 13
FAC transmis-
sion delay (N2g
3, 4
19.2 kbps t
N×1 000 –0.5 N×1 000 N×1 000+0.5 ms N= 2,3 or 5
FAC time out
All tTO 25 30 s
1. Measured in centre of outer symbol (frequency vs. time eye opening) transmitting PN9 sequence, min./max. based on rms error
2. The transmitter shall start transmitting the preamble within this time delay after last bit of received frame. The use of slow or fast
response delay is specified in the “Communication Control Field” of the Extended Link Layer – refer to For timing dia-
grams see Annex E. If an Extended Link Layer is not included in the frame, the default response delay shall be used.
3. FAC Transmission delay: describes the duration which a Meter shall delay the first response to a received message from an Oth-
er Device referred to its last transmission. This delay shall also be applied between the first response of the Meter and the next
repeated response of the Meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Access Cycle (FAC). The reference
time point shall be the end of preamble (end of sync sequence) of the Meter transmission.
4. The selected timeslot N shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
5. FAC Time out: is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the Other Device during the Frequent
Access Cycle (FAC) and the moment where the repetition of the last response of the Meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent
Access Cycle).
Table 2.11. Mode N, Receiver
Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER <10
) or
(PER <0.8)
(Other De-
vice /Meter)
–115 –123 dBm 2.4 kbps
(BER <10
) or
(PER <0.8)
(Other De-
vice /Meter)
–112 –120 dBm 4.8 kbps
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 13
Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER <10
) or
(PER <0.8)
(Other De-
vice /Meter)
–104 –107 dBm 19.2 kbps
Blocking Per-
3 Category
Blocking Per-
2, 3
2 Category
Blocking Per-
2, 3, 4
2 Category
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI EN 300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012; 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirements for Class MR and Class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified
in ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2:2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requirement for Class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be > 40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN
300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 14
2.6 Radio Link Requirements for Mode F
Table 2.12. Mode F, Transmitter Parameters
Characteristic Sym Mode Min Typ Max Unit Note
Centre fre-
All 433,813 433,82 433,827 MHz 16 ppm
FSK Deviation
F2, F2-m ±4.8 ±5.5 ±7.0 kHz
Data rate F2, F2-m 2,4 kcps
Data rate toler-
All ±100 ppm
Response de-
lay (Meter to
Other Device)
F2-m 3 50 4 000 ms
Fast response
delay (Other
Device to Me-
c d
F2 99.5 100 100.5 ms
Slow response
delay (Other
Device to Me-
c d
F2 999.5 1 000 1 000.5 ms
FAC transmis-
sion delay
e f
F2 Nx1 000 Nx1 000 Nx1 000 ms N=5,7 or 13
–0.5 +0.5
FAC time out
F2 25 30 s
75–125% of nominal deviation measured in centre of chip (frequency vs. time eye opening) transmitting a 9 bit pseudo-random
(PN9) sequence, min/max based on the root-mean-square (rms) error value selected.
The time a Meter shall delay the response to a required message from an Other Device.
After receiving a frame the responding unit shall start the transmission of preamble after the specified response delay. The response
delay is measured from the reception time of the last bit of the frame. For timing diagrams see Annex E.
The use of slow or fast response delay is specified in the “Communication Control Field” of the Extended Link Layer—refer to For timing diagrams see Annex E. If an Extended Link Layer is not included in the frame, the default response delay shall be
FAC Transmission delay: This delay shall be applied between the first response of the meter and the next repeated response of the
meter and all following repeated responses during the Frequent Access Cycle (FAC). The reference time point shall be the end of
preamble (end of sync sequence) of the meter transmission. For timing diagrams see Annex E.
The selected timeslot N shall be the same throughout the Frequent Access Cycle.
FAC time out: This is the time period between the last successful reception of a frame from the Other Device during the Frequent
Access Cycle (FAC) and the moment where the repetition of the last response of the Meter shall be stopped (end of Frequent Access
If the frame is repeated (specified in the “Communication Control Field” of the Extended Link Layer—refer to 12.2.2) the Other Device
shall instead use a shorter response delay (t
) being 85 ms shorter than the corresponding t
. This enables
bi-directional communication to be repeated without loss of communication speed. The frame from Meter to Other Device shall be
repeated with a delay less than 5 ms (t
). For timing diagrams see Annex E.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 15
Table 2.13. Mode F, Receiver
Characteristic Class Sym Min Typ Max Unit Note
(BER <10-2) or
(PER < 0,8)
–115 –117 dBm 2.4 kbps
Blocking per-
3 Category
Blocking per-
2 Category
Blocking per-
2 Category
1. At a frame size of 20 bytes.
2. Receiver category according to ETSI EN 300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012; 4.1.1.
3. Additional requirements for Class MR and Class HR receivers: The equipment shall meet the immunity requirements as specified
in ETSI EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2:2011, 9.2.
4. Additional requirement for Class HR receivers: Adjacent band selectivity shall be > 40 dB when measured according to ETSI EN
300 220-1, V2.4.1:2012, 8.3.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Standard | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 16
3. Measurement Setup
The measurement setup contains a single signal generator capable of playing back predefined modulation patterns and various RF pico
boards for the different frequency bands to be tested.
169 MHz 4362CPRXB169
434 MHz 4362CPRXB169
868 MHz 4362CPRXB868
All the receiver tests have been performed utilizing the on-chip packet handler. Wireless Development Suite (WDS) can be used to
configure the radio for the given WMBUS modes. WDS configuration files are provided to help configure the radio for various WMBUS
modes. These modes can be open in the Radio Configuration Application. Refer to AN796: Wireless Development Suite General De-
scription and AN632: WDS User's Guide for EZRadioPRO Devices for more details regarding WDS.
Upon sync word detection, the packet handler places a predefined number of bytes into the FIFO. It also does a CRC calculation on the
payload data and compares it to the received CRC bytes located at the end of the packet. If the CRC check is successful, the chip
asserts its packet_received status bit; otherwise, it will assert the CRC_error status bit. During the measurement, a packet reception is
deemed successful if the packet_received status bit is set and is deemed unsuccessful if either the CRC_error status bit is set (corrup-
ted packet) or neither of the above two status bits are set (missed packet).
The test procedure for one packet is as follows:
1. Start receiver (only once at the beginning of the test).
2. Wait one packet length’s worth of time.
3. Fire packet on the generator.
4. Wait one packet length’s worth of time.
5. Check reception. Then go back to step #2.
Packet-related parameters:
The preamble and sync word length are set according to the requirements of the actual MBUS mode.
Payload length: 20 bytes
Payload bytes: 0x0F, 0x44, 0xAE, 0x0C, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12, 0x01, 0x07, 0x44, 0x47, 0x78, 0x0B, 0x13, 0x43, 0x65, 0x87,
0x1E, 0x6D
CRC length: 2 bytes
CRC polynomial: CRC-16 (IBM): X16+X15+X2+1
1. Whenever coding is required on the data, the length of the payload is adjusted accordingly.
2. In the case of Manchester coding, the payload is twice as long (40 bytes) in the air.
3. In the case of 3-out-of-6 coding, the payload is 1.5 times as long in the air (30 bytes).
4. The CRC used at the tests does not match the CRC specified in the standard. The CRC check is merely there to help qualify the
packet reception.
For each mode a PER curve, sensitivity vs. frequency offset, deviation offset and DR offset curves (where applicable) are presented in
the next sections. On the sensitivity curves the minimum sensitivity limit (taken from the standard) is drawn as a horizontal red line and
the offset limits are drawn as vertical red lines. The traces should always travel below the horizontal lines in the region bordered by the
vertical lines. Deriving the DR and deviation offset limits are straightforward from the Tx side specifications in the standard. The fre-
quency offset limits, however, deserve a few words here.
In the standard only the Tx side frequency accuracy is specified; we simply need an RX solution that can receive Tx signals with the
extreme frequency offsets. The receiver, however on its own has its own frequency inaccuracy that must also be taken into account.
Throughout the tests conducted for this application note, however, the receiver was calibrated to have close to 0 ppm frequency accu-
racy with regards to the signal generator. So in the test setup we do not have the aforementioned inaccuracy at the Rx side. The resolu-
tion to this issue is that we "place" the Rx inaccuracy to the Tx side and draw the offset limit lines at twice the specification on the Tx.
This logic assumes that the Rx has the same inaccuracy as the Tx. This assumption became a design goal when the receive configura-
tions were put together.
As an example N2a mode requires a ± 1.5 kHz frequency accuracy on the nodes. On the sensitivity vs. frequency offset graph this
number is translated to ± 3kHz as the receiver has no frequency error at all in the tests. This also practically means that in an applica-
tion that the same reference source (XO/TCXO) can be used in the Rx node as specified in the Tx node. In our example it means a ±
1500 [Hz] /169 [MHz] = ± 8.87 ppm reference source accuracy at either side of the link.
This logic is adhered throughout the document at the sensitivity vs. frequency offset graphs unless otherwise stated.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Measurement Setup | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 17
4. Wireless MBUS Measurement Results
4.1 S Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 868.3 MHz
Chip rate: 32.768 kcps, 2 FSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±50 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 264.5 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 15 or 279 depending on the preamble length definition) x (01) + sync word “000111011010010110”
+ 20 byte payload + CRC
4.1.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.1. S-Mode Receiver Sensitivity
Short preamble mode (S2, S1-M modes):
0% PER at strong RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –105 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –106 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is -108 dBm.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 18
4.1.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.2 S-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 19 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.2. S-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
The limits are placed at ± 85 ppm offset on the graph. Worst case transmitters (S1, S1m) will have a ± 60 ppm accuracy, worst case
receive modes (S2) will have a worst case ± 25 ppm accuracy. Therefore, the sum of the two numbers has been used to determine the
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 19
4.1.3 Receive Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.3 S-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 20 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver. The
plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the percentage of data rate error.
Figure 4.3. S-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 20
4.1.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.4 S-Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 21 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver. The
plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER, versus the deviation error in kHz.
Figure 4.4. S-Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 21
4.1.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.5 S-Mode Blocking on page 22 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot shows the receiver se-
lectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was measured at
1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.5. S-Mode Blocking
4.1.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –108 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS S mode. This is 8 dBm better than the W-MBUS S mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.2 T Mode
Note: Only the “Meter to Other Device Modulation format results are presented in this section as the “Other Device to Meter” modula-
tion format is identical to mode S (Section 5.1)
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 868.95 MHz
Chip rate: 100 kcps, 2 FSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±50 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 257 kHz
Packet Format: preamble(n = 19) x (01) + sync word “0000111101” + 20 byte payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 22
4.2.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.6. T-Mode Receiver Sensitivity
0% PER at High RF i/p
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –100 dBm
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –102 dBm
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –104.5 dBm
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 23
4.2.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.7 T-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 24 and Figure 4.8 T-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on
page 25 show the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiver. The figures show the sensitivity of the receiver measured at
80% PER versus frequency offset. Sensitivity vs. frequency offset curves are presented at various Tx signal DR values (nominal, mini-
mum, maximum) parameterized with various Tx signal deviation values (nominal, minimum, maximum).
Figure 4.7. T-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
The limits are placed at ± 85 ppm offset on the graph. Worst case transmitters (T1) will have a ± 60 ppm accuracy; worst case receive
modes (T2) will have a worst case ± 25 ppm accuracy. Therefore, the sum of the two numbers has been used to determine the limits.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 24
Figure 4.8. T-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 25
4.2.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.9 T-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 26 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver. The
plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the data rate error in kHz.
Figure 4.9. T-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 26
4.2.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.10 T-Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 27 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver. The
plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in kHz.
Figure 4.10. T-Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 27
4.2.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.11 T-Mode Receiver Selectivities on page 28shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plots show re-
ceiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.11. T-Mode Receiver Selectivities
4.2.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –104.5 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS T mode. This is 4.5 dBm better than the W-MBUS T mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners (frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error) required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.3 R2 Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 868.03 MHz
Chip rate: 4.8 kcps, 2 FSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±6 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 60 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 39) x (01) + sync word “000111011010010110” + 20 byte payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 28
4.3.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.12. R-Mode Receiver Sensitivity
0% PER at strong RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –113 dBm
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –115 dBm
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –117 dBm
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 29
4.3.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.13 R-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 30 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.13. R-Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Mode R2 is the only mode that is channelized and has a 60 kHz channel spacing specification. Now, let us have a look at a worst case
Tx scenario with the largest deviation and maximum frequency offset.
ModBW_max = 2 x deviation_max + DR = 2*7.2 kHz + 6 kbps = 19.4 kHz
single_sided_frequency_offset_max = 20 [ppm] * 868 [MHz] = 17.36 kHz
In such a worst case scenario the Tx signal can span between ± 27.06 kHz (with the ± worst case frequency offset) with regards to the
center frequency. That only leaves a "slack" of ± 2.94 kHz on the receiver to still comply with the 60 kHz channel spacing. This trans-
lates to a ± 3.4 ppm reference accuracy at the Rx side. With the current wording of the standard this is the only way to comply with the
60 kHz channel spacing specification.
The limit lines are set to ± 23.4 ppm (± 20 kHz).
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 30
4.3.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.14 R-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 31 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the percentage of data rate error.
Figure 4.14. R-Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 31
4.3.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.15 R Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 32 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in kHz.
Figure 4.15. R Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 32
4.3.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.16 R2 Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 33 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot shows the
receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.16. R2 Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.3.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –117 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS R2 mode. This is 12 dBm better than the W-MBUS R2 mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 33
4.4 C Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Direction from meter:
Center frequency: 868.95 MHz
Chip rate: 100 kcps, 2 FSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±45 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 214.04 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 16) x (01) + sync word “0101010000111101 0101010011001101” + 20 bytes payload + CRC
Direction to meter:
Center frequency: 869.525 MHz
Chip rate: 50 kcps, 2 GFSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±25 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 143.24 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 16) x (01) + sync word “0101010000111101 0101010011001101” + 20 byte payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 34
4.4.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.17. C-Mode Receiver Sensitivity
Direction: Meter to other (C1, C2):
0% PER at strong RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –104 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –106 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –109 dBm.
Direction: Other to meter (C2):
0% PER at strong RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –107 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –108 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –111 dBm.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 35
4.4.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.18 C Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance from Meter / to Meter on page 36 shows the frequency error tolerance ca-
pability of the receiver. The plots show the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 36
Figure 4.18. C Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance from Meter / to Meter
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 37
4.4.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.19 C Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 38 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the data rate error in ppm.
Figure 4.19. C Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 38
4.4.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.20 C Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance (from Meter / to Meter) on page 39 shows the deviation error tolerance capa-
bility of the receiver. The plots show the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in kHz.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 39
Figure 4.20. C Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance (from Meter / to Meter)
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 40
4.4.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.21 C Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 41 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plots show the
receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 41
Figure 4.21. C Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.4.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –109 dBm or –111 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS C mode (depending on the direction). These are 8 dB and 11 dB better
than the W-MBUS C mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.5 N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 169.40625 MHz
Chip rate: 4.8 kbps, 2 GFSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±2.4 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 10.33 kHz
Packet Format: preamble(n = 8) x (01) + sync word “11110110 10001101” + 20 bytes payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 42
4.5.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.22. N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Sensitivity
<1% PER at High RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –117 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –118 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –120.5 dBm.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 43
4.5.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.23 N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 44 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the
receiver. The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.23. N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 44
4.5.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.24 N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 45 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the
receiver. The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus percentage of data rate error.
Figure 4.24. N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 45
4.5.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.25 N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 46 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the
receiver. The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in kHz.
Figure 4.25. N(1,2)a/b/e/f Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 46
4.5.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.26 N(1,2)a/b Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 47 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot
shows the receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selec-
tivity was measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.26. N(1,2)a/b Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.5.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –120.5 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS N(1,2)a/b/e/f mode. This is 8.5 dB better than the W-MBUS N(1,2)a/b/e/f mode re-
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS N(1,2)a/b/e/f stand-
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.6 N(1,2)c/d Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 169.43125 MHz
Chip rate: 2.4 kbps, 2 GFSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±2.4 kHz
Receiver Filter BW: 11.58 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 8) x (01) + sync word “11110110 10001101” + 20 bytes payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 47
4.6.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.27. Nc/d Mode Receiver Sensitivity
<1% PER at High RF i/p.
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –116 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –118 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –120.5 dBm.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 48
4.6.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.28 Nc/d Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 49 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiv-
er. The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.28. Nc/d Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
The limits are placed at ± 21 ppm offset on the graph.Worst case transmitters will have a ±11.5 ppm accuracy. In such a narrowband
worst case receive modes can have a worst case ±9.5 ppm accuracy. Therefore, the sum of the two numbers has been used to deter-
mine the limits.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 49
4.6.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.29 Nc/d Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 50 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the percentage of data rate error.
Figure 4.29. Nc/d Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 50
4.6.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.30 Nc/d Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 51 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in Hz.
Figure 4.30. Nc/d Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 51
4.6.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.31 Nc/d Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 52 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot shows
the receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.31. Nc/d Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.6.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –120.5 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS Nc/d modes, which is 5.5 dB better than the W-MBUS Nc/d mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.7 N2g Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 169.4375 MHz
Chip rate: 9.6 kcps, 4 GFSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ± 2.4 kHz
Receiver filter BW: 26 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n=8) x (AD) + sync word “DDDDADDA DAAADDAD” + 20 bytes payload + CRC
Data transmitted using 4GFSK modulation shall be NRZ encoded, with the lowest frequency corresponding to binary “01” (symbol A),
the second frequency corresponding to binary “00” (B), the third frequency corresponding to binary “10” (C) and the highest frequency
corresponding to binary “11” (D).
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 52
4.7.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.32. N2g Mode Receiver Sensitivity
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –108 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –110 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –113 dBm
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 53
4.7.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.33 N2g Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 54 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiv-
er. The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.33. N2g Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 54
4.7.3 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.34 N2g Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 55 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in Hz.
Figure 4.34. N2g Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 55
4.7.4 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.35 N2g Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 56 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot shows the
receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.35. N2g Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.7.5 Conclusion
Si446x has –113 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS N2g modes, which is 9 dB better than the W-MBUS N2g mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the WMBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class.
4.8 F Mode
The following link parameters were used for the measurement:
Center frequency: 433.82 MHz
Chip rate: 2.4 kcps, 2 FSK modulation
Frequency deviation: ±5.5 kHz
Receiver Filter BW: 46.3 kHz
Packet Format: preamble (n = 39) x (01) + sync word “000111010110100101” + 20 bytes payload + CRC
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 56
4.8.1 Receiver Sensitivity
Figure 4.36. F Mode Receiver Sensitivity
0% PER at High RF i/p with 32 bit preamble
The measured sensitivity for <1% PER is –114 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <20% PER is –117 dBm.
The measured sensitivity for <80% PER is –118.5 dBm.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 57
4.8.2 Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
Figure 4.37 F Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance on page 58 shows the frequency error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus frequency offset.
Figure 4.37. F Mode Receiver Frequency Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 58
4.8.3 Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
Figure 4.38 F Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance on page 59 shows the data rate error tolerance capability of the receiver.
The plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the data rate error in ppm.
Figure 4.38. F Mode Receiver Data Rate Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 59
4.8.4 Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
Figure 4.39 F Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance on page 60 shows the deviation error tolerance capability of the receiver. The
plot shows the sensitivity of the receiver measured at 80% PER versus the deviation error in kHz.
Figure 4.39. F Mode Receiver Deviation Error Tolerance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 60
4.8.5 Receiver Blocking Performance
Figure 4.40 F Mode Receiver Selectivity on page 61 shows the selectivity/blocking performance of the receiver. The plot shows the
receiver selectivity with blockers on both the positive and negative frequency offsets with respect to the receiver. The selectivity was
measured at 1% BER at various frequency offsets.
Figure 4.40. F Mode Receiver Selectivity
4.8.6 Conclusion
Si446x has –118.5 dBm sensitivity in W-MBUS F mode. This is 2.5 dB better than the W-MBUS F mode requirements.
Si446x meets all the corners vs. frequency error, data rate error, and deviation error required by the W-MBUS standard.
MBUS signal can be received with built-in Packet Handler in all the corner cases. This eliminates the need for any additional micro-
controller for data recovery. It also reduces the complexity of the packet handling code on the microcontroller.
Si446x meets the ETSI Class2 blocking requirements.
Si446x complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance class. Complies with the W-MBUS highest receiver performance
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Wireless MBUS Measurement Results | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 61
5. Document Change List
5.1 Revision 0.1 to Revision 0.2
Add clarification regarding the HW platform and tools for configuring the radio.
5.2 Revision 0.2 to Revision 0.3
All the data was updated for Rev C based on the EN13757-4-2013 w-MBUS standard.
AN805: Si446x Wireless MBUS Receiver
Document Change List | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.3 | 62
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