A Guide to Establishing Prairie and Meadow
Communities in Southern Ontario
The authors would like to thank the following people
who provided valuable assistance in the development of
this guide:
Substantial contributors:
John Fischer, Environment Canada; Mary Gartshore,
Pterophylla; Dr. John Ambrose, University of Guelph;
and Dr. David Galbraith, Canadian Botanical
Conservation Network/Royal Botanical Gardens
Advisors and reviewers:
Aboud & Associates: Steven Aboud; C. Brad Peterson
Environmental Management and Landscape
Architecture: Brad Peterson; Centre for Land and Water
Stewardship: Peter Mitchell; City of Toronto: Debby
Morton; Dougan and Associates: Jim Dougan; Ducks
Unlimited Canada: Owen Steele, Brent Wark; Ecological
Outlook: Jean-Marc Daigle, Donna Havinga;
Environment Canada: Sheila Allan, Alain Baril, Lesley
Dunn, Doug Forder, Andy Hagen, Nancy Patterson,
John Shaw, Mike Shiomi, Lee Suddick, Ken Tuininga,
Jennifer Vincent; Environmental consultants: Lyn
Hanna-Folkes, Brian McHattie, John Morgan, Cathy
Quinlan, David White; Grand River Conservation
Authority: Wayne MacMillan, Trish Nash; Hamilton
Naturalists’ Club: Pam Watts; Health Canada: Charles
Smith; Lambton-Kent District School Board: Tom Burns;
Natural Heritage Information Centre: Wasyl Bakowsky,
Mike Oldham, Don Sutherland; Ojibway Nature Centre:
Karen Cedar, Paul Pratt; Ontario Ministry of the
Environment: Mark Chappel, Paul McCubbin; Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources: Jack Chapman, Bill
Droog, Al Tithecott; Pterophylla: Peter Carson; Royal
Botanical Gardens: Jeremy Lundholm,Tyler Smith;
Rural Lambton Stewardship Network: Ron Gould, Ron
Ludolph; Todmorden Mills Wildflower Preserve: Paula
Davis; University of Waterloo: Larry Lamb, John
Semple; Urban Forest Associates: Gavin Miller, Stephen
Smith; Waterfront Regeneration Trust: Tija Luste;
Willow Park Ecology Centre: Maria Parish; Writer:
Lorraine Johnson
Editor: Robyn Packard
Cover design: Tania Rihar
Kim Delaney, Rural Lambton Stewardship Network
Lindsay Rodger, Tallgrass Ontario
P. Allen Woodliffe, Ontario Ministry of Natural
Gail Rhynard, Otter Valley Native Plants
Paul Morris, Acorus Restoration
Authors and
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . Inside front cover
About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
What Is a Prairie? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Prairie Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Historical and Current Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Meadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What Is a Meadow? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Meadow Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
How to Get Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Identifying Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Understanding Plant Communities . . . . . . . . . . 6
Choosing an Appropriate Plant Community . . . 7
Native Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Meadow or Prairie? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Planning the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A Sample Project Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Selecting the Project Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Project Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Involving Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Analyzing the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Making a Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Scheduling the Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Obtaining Seed or Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ensuring Availability of Equipment
and Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Taking Time to Prepare the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Planning for Ongoing Management . . . . . . . . . . 12
Developing a Species List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Preparing the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Controlling Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Choosing Appropriate Site-Preparation
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Soil Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Acquiring Seed and Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Use Local Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Avoid Planting Cultivars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ethical Seed Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ethical Plant Salvage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ensure Genetic Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Seed-Collecting Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Seed Drying and Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Seed Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Seed Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Growing Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Basic Growing Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Planting the Project Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Planting Seed or Plants: Timing
and Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Seeding and Planting Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Successional Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cover Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Mulch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Maintenance and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Many Hands Make Light Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Maintaining the New Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Long-Term Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Monitoring and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
A Final Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Appendix A: Recommended Species for Prairie
and Meadow Plantings in Southern Ontario . . . 32
Appendix B: Seed-Treatment Techniques . . . . . . . 41
Appendix C: Site-Preparation Key . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Appendix D: Common and Botanical Names
of Plant Species Referred to in This Guide . . . . 43
Appendix E: Metric and Imperial Measures
Conversion Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Recommended Reading, Annotated . . . . . . . . . . 47
Helpful Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Sources of Materials, Specialized
Equipment and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Additional copies of this guide
may be obtained from
Tallgrass Ontario
(Ontario Tallgrass Prairie and Savanna Association)
659 Exeter Road
London, ON
N6E 1L3
Phone: 519-873-4631
Visit our Web site at <http://www.tallgrassontario.org>
Environment Canada
Environmental Conservation Branch
Conservation Strategies Division
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON
M3H 5T4
Phone: 416-739-5829
Visit our Web site at
Published by authority of the Minister of the
©Minister of Public Works and Government
Services Canada, 2000
ISBN 0-662-28836-X
Catalogue No. En21-156/1-2000E
Aussi disponible en français.
This guide was produced with the financial support of Environment
Canada’s EcoAction 2000 Community Funding Program and Great Lakes
2000 Cleanup Fund, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and
Ontario Stewardship. It is an initiative of Environment Canada
and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to encourage the
conservation of biodiversity by rehabilitating wildlife habitat in the
Great Lakes basin. It also contributes to the goal of encouraging
community action and stewardship by informing the public of new
techniques. Many of these techniques have been demonstrated in
projects supported by Environment Canada through the Great Lakes
2000 Cleanup Fund and the EcoAction 2000 Community Funding
Program, and by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and
Ontario Stewardship. Technology and information transfer is a
priority of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great
Lakes Basin Ecosystem.
This guide was produced using Domtar Sandpiper Paper, which includes
100% post-consumer waste, and was printed using vegetable-based inks.
Design and printing by Waplington Forty McGall Inc., Toronto.
About this Guide 1
There is a growing interest in restoring and recreating
natural areas. Together with this increasing enthusiasm
is the recognition that healthy communities include
people, plants and wildlife in balance. These trends are
reflected in the growing number of restoration and
naturalization projects underway in the highly disturbed
Southern Ontario landscape. Restoration projects range
from those in backyard gardens to agricultural field
buffer strips and large plantings for wildlife habitat.
Restoration and naturalization are still new and
developing fields, and there is much to learn. Sharing
information derived from practical experience is the best
way to develop better projects. This introductory guide
is designed to assist people interested in planting prairie
and meadow, two of Ontario’s non-forested plant
communities. The guide looks at the often confusing
array of options and offers recommendations drawn
from the experience of many practitioners working in
Southern Ontario.
Prairie and meadow are complex communities and even
the best attempts to recreate them will be simplified
versions that do not fully replace the ones that have
been lost. For this reason, protecting existing natural
habitat should always be a top priority. If habitat-
creation projects are well executed, however, they can
provide a significant contribution to the conservation of
wildlife diversity in the province and help improve the
health and connectivity of natural landscapes. Projects
that involve naturalization often also offer the benefit of
reduced landscape maintenance costs.
About This Guide
A well-developed Southern Ontario meadow. Larry Lamb
2 Planting the Seed
What Is a Prairie?
A prairie is an ecological community made up of native
grasses and wildflowers. Mature trees (predominantly
oaks) are a minor component on some sites, providing
less than 10 percent canopy cover. Grasses such as big
bluestem, Indian grass and prairie cord grass can grow
higher than 2 metres, their tops swaying overhead as
they move with the breeze. Tall sunflower, Virginia
Culver’s-root and dense blazing star are examples of the
more than 200 prairie wildflowers, or
forbs, found
interspersed among the grasses in Ontario’s prairies.
Stepping into the lush landscape of an Ontario prairie
will make you feel as though you are stepping back in
time. In some places, grasses and wildflowers stretch as
far as the eye can see, with barely a tree in sight. From
season to season, there is a
continuous and ever-changing
show of blooms, from the
brilliant orange of butterfly
milkweed and bright yellow
of gray-headed coneflower to
the showy purple and white
of fall-blooming asters.
Prairie and meadow are two distinct ecological
communities; however, many of the techniques for
planning and undertaking a planting project apply to
both. This guide describes prairie and meadow
separately and then provides information common to
both. While shrubs and trees may be found in prairie
and meadow, the focus here is on herbaceous plants,
which make up the bulk of the vegetation in these
With few exceptions, common names mentioned in
this guide are consistent with the Ontario Plant List
(Newmaster et al. 1998). The corresponding botanical
names are listed in Appendix D. The term “prairie,” as
used throughout the guide, refers to the eastern tallgrass
prairie. Words defined in the glossary are italicized on
first use.
Meadow and Prairie: Which Is Which?
They are open communities of grasses and
wildflowers, with few trees.
Some plant and animal species, such as black-eyed
Susans and goldfinches, are common to both.
They support a rich variety of animal life.
A prairie is maintained primarily by fire, whereas a
meadow is often maintained by processes other than
fire, such as flooding and drought, or arises from
abandoned agricultural lands.
Some plant and animal species are found or are more
likely to be found only in one or the other – for
example, Indian grass and wild indigo duskywing
butterfly in prairies, and common evening-primrose
and common sootywing butterfly in meadows.
Prairie scene at Ojibway Nature Reserve near Windsor.
P. Allen Woodliffe
Garden spider (Argiope aurantia),
one of the many small wildlife species
found in Ontario’s grassland
communities. P. Allen Woodliffe
Prairie 3
Prairie is, however, not simply a mix of flowers and
grasses. Stand in a prairie, close your eyes, listen, and
you’ll know why some people call it “symphony grass.”
A healthy prairie is full of the humming, buzzing and
singing of the many animals who call it home. Most
mammals are of the smaller variety, and include meadow
vole, common shrew, long-tailed weasel, American
badger, red fox, coyote and eastern cottontail rabbit.
Birds such as bobolink, eastern meadowlark and
savannah sparrow depend on these open grasslands for
food and shelter. By far the most numerous prairie
animal species are invertebrates, including butterflies,
grasshoppers, dragonflies, ants, beetles and spiders.
Closely related to prairie is savanna, which is also fire-
dependent but with more tree cover – in between open
prairie and closed forests. Savanna usually has less grass
cover, with a correspondingly greater density of
wildflowers and ferns. Many of the remnant prairie-type
communities of Ontario are more like savanna.
Ontario Prairie: Endangered Spaces,
Endangered Species
Tallgrass prairie and related savanna communities
are some of the most endangered ecosystems on the
continent. Today, less than 1 percent of Canada’s original
tallgrass prairie remains. With the loss of prairie comes
the loss of wildlife
that depends on
it. Many animal
species require large
expanses of prairie,
and loss of habitat
has contributed to
their decline. Both
Henslow’s sparrow
and northern
bobwhite are
currently considered
endangered, and the
greater prairie
chicken has not been
seen in Ontario for decades. More than 150 plant species
occurring in Ontario prairie are considered provincially
or nationally rare – for example, the prairie white-
fringed orchid. The beautiful Karner blue butterfly,
whose larvae depend on wild lupine for food, has not
been seen in Ontario for almost a decade.
Prairie Ecology
Prairie is largely the result of a climate that favoured
grasslands, not forest. Different types of prairie developed
across North America. The west receives less precipitation
and has shortgrass prairie; the
wetter east, including Southern
Ontario, has tallgrass prairie.
Between these two regions occurs
mixed grass prairie, which is of
intermediate height. Each type of
prairie has a distinct mix of grasses
and wildflowers that change
gradually from one to the other.
The root systems of prairie plants
are extensive, sometimes growing
3 to 4 metres deep. This deep root
system helps the plants survive
drought and prevents shallowly
rooted non-prairie species from
gaining a foothold. As these root
systems break down, they add large
quantities of organic matter to the
soil. Many prairie plants are long-
living perennials and are able to
withstand poor growing conditions
and periodic grazing.
From the time Europeans arrived in North America until
fairly recently, they thought of fire only as a destructive
force. Historically, fires were set both by lightning strikes
and by Aboriginal peoples who recognized their benefits.
The First Peoples intentionally started grassland fires as
a technique to drive game while hunting or to clear land
for various reasons – for example, to attract additional
game to the tender grass shoots that appeared after a
fire. It is now widely known that fire is a natural process
necessary for maintaining tallgrass prairie. Fire
maintains prairie by suppressing non-prairie plants,
clearing dead plant material and adjusting the nutrient
balance in the soil in favour of prairie vegetation. After a
burn, the blackened soil absorbs sunlight, which warms
the soil and favours the
regrowth of heat-loving
prairie plants. When fire
is suppressed, non-
prairie species gain a
competitive edge. The
lack of fire is one of the
main reasons why many
of Ontario’s remaining
prairies are overrun with
non-prairie plants such
as woody shrubs and
trees, which will
eventually shade and kill
the prairie grassland
beneath them.
It is recognized that in
western prairie regions,
grazing bison had an
Henslow’s sparrow (Ammodramus
henslowii) is just one of the many
endangered species found in
Southern Ontario prairies.
Parks Canada
Sixty-five percent of
prairie plant biomass
is actually found
underground in the form
of massive root systems.
Judie Shore
Visit a lush Ontario prairie and you
can imagine early explorers
getting lost on horseback in the
tall grass. Lindsay Rodger
4 Planting the Seed
important role in maintaining prairies. While bison
herds did not occur in Southern Ontario, elk were
historically found here. Today, a variety of browsers
and grazers, from white-tailed deer to grasshoppers,
are still found in Ontario prairies, but their importance
in keeping prairies healthy is not well understood.
Unlike many non-native pasture grasses, the sturdy
stems of prairie grasses remain standing throughout
winter, despite heavy snowfall accumulation. These
stems provide cover in early spring, when waterfowl
and ground nesting birds need it most.
Historical and Current Range
When Europeans first arrived, there were an estimated
1 million square kilometres of tallgrass prairie in North
America. The prairie reached such heights that early
explorers reportedly got lost on horseback in the tall
grass. The rich soils under the prairie grasses were
quickly converted to agriculture and became some of the
most productive agricultural areas on the continent. It is
estimated that Ontario may have had more than a
thousand square kilometres of tallgrass prairie and related
communities; today, however, only a few scattered but
important remnants remain (see Figure 1 below).
Why Plant a Prairie?
Tallgrass prairie is one of the most endangered ecological
communities in North America and is an important part
of Ontario’s natural heritage. A vast number of wildlife
species depend on prairies for food and shelter, and when
the prairies disappear, so does the wildlife. Many prairie-
related plants and animals are at risk. You can be part of
the solution. Help protect and expand remnant prairies in
your community. Plant a demonstration prairie at a local
school, community centre or park. Spread the word and
lead by example. Replacing petunias in your garden with
showy prairie wildflowers can spark interest among
friends and neighbours.
Existing remnants
Historically, tallgrass prairie and savanna
occurred in patches throughout this
shaded region. Prairie creation projects
may be considered within this region.
Figure 1: Range of Tallgrass Prairie
and Savanna in Southern Ontario
Source: Modified from Bakowsky 1993
Environment Canada
Do you know how this Southern Ontario town got its name? Paul Pratt
Meadow 5
What Is a Meadow?
A meadow is a warm,
sunny spot, brimming
with a variety of life.
Wildflowers such as
spotted Joe-pye-weed,
boneset, blue vervain and
swamp milkweed, as well
as a number of wetland
sedges and grasses, can be
found in wetter areas.
Black-eyed Susan, wild
strawberry and gray
goldenrod may occupy
drier spots. As most meadow wildflowers are nectar
sources, they attract a variety of butterflies such as
swallowtails, admirals, checkerspots and skippers.
Meadows provide feeding and nesting areas for songbirds
such as bobolinks and meadowlarks. They may also
provide shelter for frogs
and small mammals, which
in turn attract hawks, owls
and snakes.
Meadow Ecology
A variety of meadow types can be found in Southern
Ontario. Wet meadow occurs in floodplain areas along
rivers and streams, and in areas of medium moisture
between wetlands and higher, drier land. This meadow
is maintained by fluctuating water levels as well as by
intermittent floods and ice scours, which make it
difficult for trees and shrubs to become established. Dry
meadow grows in parched areas such as on ridges and
slopes. Here, the dry conditions prevent many trees from
becoming established, which would shade out the
meadow species. Each meadow type has characteristic
species, which are adapted to the varying moisture
conditions and soils.
The most familiar type of meadow is the old field
meadow, which is common on abandoned agricultural
land, in overgrown pastures and in roadside ditches in
rural areas. This type of meadow is considered a more or
less temporary ecological community – a transition stage
between bare ground and forest. If adjacent to a wooded
area, old field meadow eventually reverts to woodland as
shrubs become established and are then followed by
trees. This process of open land becoming forest is
called succession. Succession from meadow to a forest
is often slowed when rodents girdle and deer browse
on young woody plants. In addition, dominant meadow
species such as goldenrod can suppress the growth of
other species by releasing growth-inhibiting chemical
compounds from their roots.
Nowadays, much of the forest cover in Southern Ontario
has been cleared, removing seed-producing trees and
slowing the transition from old field meadow to forest. It
is usually this kind of meadow that people try to
establish when they plant a “wildflower meadow.” Most
old field meadows in Southern Ontario, however, contain
many non-native plants that have been introduced to
Ontario’s landscape. Only native plant species should be
used in the planting of a meadow. See Native Plants in
the next section, How to Get Started, for an explanation
of native and non-native plants.
Why Plant a Meadow?
A meadow can provide wildlife habitat, is aesthetically
appealing and is a welcome alternative to some of the
intensely maintained, closely mowed spaces so
frequently found around us. It can be used as an interim
measure to repair damaged or disturbed sites where
restoration to forest is the eventual goal. Meadow is also
a good choice in areas where forest was probably the
original land cover, but is not desired in the current land
use. It would therefore be appropriate in areas such as
roadsides and portions of parks or schoolyards where
open areas are preferred. Meadows are being planted
more frequently because of their beauty, utility and
lower maintenance costs.
Butterflies such as this great
spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
are attracted to the nectar-producing
plants in meadows. Ross Brown
A typical meadow, dominated by aster and goldenrod species, which has
been left intact after the construction of a new subdivision in Dundas.
Sheila O’Neal and Joanne Rzadki
Wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) and black-eyed Susan
(Rudbeckia hirta) are easy to grow under a variety of site conditions
and complement meadow and prairie plantings. Mary Gartshore
6 Planting the Seed
This section provides some important background
information needed for a planting project.
Identifying Goals
Set goals before beginning the project, and refer to them
to help guide decisions while planning and planting.
Answering the following questions will help to set goals:
Does the project involve restoring the former natural
plant community to the area? Are there remnant natural
areas that can be reconnected or buffered? Is the main
goal to create a beautiful wildflower display? Does the
project involve providing a quality habitat for local
My Goals Are …
Spend some time thinking about the goals of the project.
Here are some suggestions:
Restore a natural plant community that once existed
on the planting site
Connect a site to adjacent natural remnants
Create a showy wildflower display
Provide a quality habitat for local wildlife
Create a low-maintenance landscape
Use plants to stabilize a site (e.g., in an erosion-
prone area)
Provide an educational opportunity for schools
or the surrounding community
Conduct ecological research
Understanding Plant Communities
Plants exist in groupings, or communities, not in isolation
from one another. Each community is made up of plants
that share similar adaptations to particular soil type,
climate, and moisture and light levels. For example, big
bluestem and dense blazing star are plants that thrive in
a fire-prone, full-sun environment; so they are found in
prairies. They would
never be found in a
mature forest, where
plants adapted to shady
conditions thrive.
Species can often occur
in more than one plant
community. Some plants
can thrive over a broad
range of conditions,
whereas others seem to
survive in only a few
How to Get Started
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), wild
bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) and butterfly
milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) provide
colourful displays in these typical prairie scenes.
P. Allen Woodliffe
This prairie planting provides wildlife
habitat as well as a buffer between an
agricultural field and a watercourse on
the McLean farm in Kent County.
Kim Delaney
How to Get Started 7
Be aware, however, that the term “native plant” is
sometimes used very broadly. For example, the Douglas-
fir is a tree species native to Canada but not native to
the forests of Southern Ontario, and so is not an
appropriate choice for a forest naturalization project
here. Species that are native to the county or watershed
are the most appropriate candidates. For more details,
refer to Developing a Species List, page 13.
Meadow or Prairie?
Figure 1 illustrates the historical and existing range of
prairie in Ontario. If the project is outside this range and
the goal is to plant a herbaceous community, meadow
would be the appropriate choice. If it is within this area,
either prairie or meadow may be appropriate. Use
additional information to determine which community
would be the most suitable. Consider, for example, site
conditions, whether the site can be burned, and current
and historical information about natural habitat types in
the local area. Look for nearby remnants and use them
as a model for the project. If there are no remnants
nearby, as is often the case in agricultural regions and
large cities, consult experts (see Helpful Organizations
under Sources of Information) to determine which
community would be the best choice.
A Schoolyard Restoration at École Secondaire
de Pain Court
When École secondaire de Pain Court acquired
additional land for the schoolyard, students wanted
to restore part of the area to a native plant community.
At first they thought of planting trees, but when they
realized that their school was within the historical
prairie range, they decided to plant tallgrass prairie
instead. The students went seed collecting with local
prairie experts and
successfully obtained more
than 20 species for their
0.6-hectare demonstration
area. The initial seeding
was completed in 1994
and supplementary
seeding and plug planting
followed in 1995 and
1996. The planting is
beginning to mature and
is used by small birds,
including bobolinks and
savannah sparrows. This
project became a great
learning experience
and now provides an
outdoor classroom for
young naturalists.
Students from École secondaire
de Pain Court plant prairie plugs
at their schoolyard naturalization
project site near Chatham.
P. Allen Woodliffe
places with a very particular set of conditions. Planting a
prairie or meadow, then, means first selecting a set of
plants that are adapted to growing together and, second,
establishing them on a site that provides the appropriate
conditions for those plants to thrive.
“Native” versus “Naturalized”:
Similar Words, Dissimilar Plants
Plants such as Queen Anne’s lace, ox-eye daisy, chicory
and smooth brome grass are found growing wild along
roadsides and in old fields in Southern Ontario. These
plants are “naturalized,” but
are not native to Ontario.
They were introduced to
North America as European
settlement took place. Due
to their ability to colonize
disturbed soils and their
aggressive growing habits,
these plants have become
widespread and more
evident in some areas than
many native plants. Such
naturalized plants should
not be considered native,
nor should they be used in
restoration and
naturalization projects.
Choosing an Appropriate Plant Community
When you are undertaking a restoration or naturalization
project, it is important to choose a type of plant
community that will be suited to both the conditions of
the planting site and the natural habitat in the region.
Take note of the plant communities that occur naturally
in the area and observe the way they fit together. If there
are no natural areas nearby to provide models, try to
find some historical information. Consult historical
records or ask local ecologists, botanists or naturalists
for help.
Native Plants
A plant is considered to be native to North America if it
existed here prior to European settlement. Native plants
are an integral part of their community. They have
evolved over time with the insects, birds, mammals and
other animals that rely on them for food and shelter. In
turn, native plants depend on local wildlife to pollinate
flowers and disperse seed. They are well adapted to the
rigours of the regional climate, pests and diseases. Plants
to be used in restoration and naturalization projects
should be native to the project area (see Appendix A).
Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota)
is a common weed in Southern
Ontario meadows and prairies.
Judie Shore
8 Planting the Seed
Planning the Project
While many people think that planting is the first step
in a project, actually many activities must take place
before the first seed touches the soil. Careful planning is
crucial to the success of a project. It is important to
establish the timing of each activity and obtain the
necessary equipment, supplies, plant material and
labour. In most cases, completing the project over a
minimum of two years is highly recommended. The first
year is dedicated to planning and site preparation, and
the actual planting is done in the second year. The tasks
necessary for a well-planned project are outlined in the
timeline below. In addition, talk to others who have
completed similar projects, and learn from their
A Sample Project Timeline
(Modified from Morgan, Collicutt and Thompson 1995)
Year 1
Set project goals
Select and analyze the site
Talk to the community
Consult with experts
Inspect local natural communities
Decide on the appropriate plant community
Prepare site plan and work plan
Select the species
Ensure availability of equipment
Organize volunteers
Prepare the site
Acquire plant material
if doing it yourself: harvest, process and store seed;
if purchasing: order plant material from suppliers
Year 2
Propagate plants (if growing your own plant plugs)
Plant seed and plugs
Conduct post-planting maintenance (e.g., watering)
Control weeds
Monitor to determine success
Obtain seed or order plant material for year-3
supplementary planting
Years 3 to 6
Engage in supplementary seeding or planting
Control weeds
Conduct prescribed burning (for prairie) or tree and
shrub control (for meadow)
Monitor to determine success
Years 7+
Engage in long-term management and monitoring
Continue prescribed burning or tree- and shrub-
control regime
Selecting the Project Site
Sometimes you have a project in mind and go looking
for a site. There are many interesting opportunities to
restore historical natural communities. Some
landowners are willing to restore portions of their
property, and many other areas require revegetation – for
example, roadsides, landfills, pits and quarries that are
closing, utility corridors and parklands. Consider these
potential project sites when you are looking for
opportunities to plant prairie or meadow. Not all this
work can be considered true restoration, but it provides
opportunities to establish native vegetation where turf
grasses would normally be used.
Often you will already have a site to work with, and you
will have to decide what to do with it. Before deciding
whether a site is appropriate for establishing a prairie or
meadow, ask the following questions.
Is the existing vegetation native and healthy? Should
it be left alone or managed appropriately?
What are the owner’s long-term plans for the site? Do
not invest significant time, money or plant material
on a project that will be altered or destroyed within a
few years.
Does the site receive a minimum of eight hours of
direct sunlight daily (preferably more)?
Is the site wet? Meadows and prairies occur on
seasonally wet sites; however, permanently wet
locations are usually better suited for the
establishment of wetland plant communities (see
Planting the Seed: A Guide to Establishing Aquatic
Plants, Hagen 1996).
Is the site accessible to the necessary equipment and
is it near a water supply?
If the intention is to plant a prairie, is prescribed
burning possible?
Is the site located in a priority area for restoration?
For example, is it adjacent to other natural areas?
Will it expand existing habitat? Will it provide a
buffer between sensitive land and adjacent land use?
Project Size
Deciding on the size of the planting project will depend
on many factors, including your resources for obtaining
plant material, available equipment (mechanized or non-
mechanized) and the number of people available to
help. While “small” and “large” projects are referred to
in this guide, they are relative terms. A 0.2-hectare
project will seem very large to an individual who is
hand-planting plants and weeding by hand. But that
same project may seem small and much more
manageable to a group using mechanized equipment to
Planning the Project 9
prepare, plant and maintain the site. Use your judgment
and make a decision based on your capacity to complete
the work involved.
A Roadside Prairie Planting
The members of the
Sydenham Field
Naturalists’ Club
decided that they
would like to see
native prairie
wildflowers – instead
of the traditional turf
grass mixtures –
growing on the
roadsides of their
community. They asked
the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and received
permission to plant 0.4 hectares of tallgrass prairie along
Highway 40, just north of Wallaceburg. Club members
raised funds to purchase plug plants, which they planted
in the spring of 1998 and 1999 (see photo). The planting
was slow to establish due to severe drought, but the club
members watered and weeded, and the plants eventually
became established. Today, flowers and grasses enhance
the roadside and treat passersby to a glimpse of Ontario’s
beautiful prairie heritage.
Involving Others
In some communities, naturalization and restoration are
well-understood and accepted activities; in other areas,
they may be quite strange and new ideas. Depending on
ownership of the project site, there may not be a legal
requirement to inform other members of the community
or get their approval, but it is in the project’s best
interest to do so. In fact, acceptance of and interest in
the project should be viewed as an important indicator
of success. For more detailed discussion of this
important issue, see Restoring Nature’s Place (Daigle and
Havinga 1996). If this is your first project, ask local
experts for their assistance when you are explaining the
project details and answering questions. Take time to
listen and respond to any community concerns.
Much help is needed throughout a restoration project,
from site inventory and design through to after-planting
maintenance. Restoration projects can be even more
enjoyable and fulfilling when everyone pitches in. While
some jobs (e.g., the use of heavy equipment, herbicide
application and prescribed burning) must be done by
specially trained persons, many jobs do not require such
specialized skills.
Issues to Consider
A lot of time and effort is required to train, coordinate
and guide workers successfully.
All safety issues must be faced and dealt with.
Certain tasks should not be attempted without
specialized training (e.g., prescribed burns, herbicide
application, use of certain equipment).
Volunteers can suffer from burnout.
Volunteers should be shown appreciation (e.g.,
offered refreshments or a meal; sent a letter of thanks;
given a slide show).
Selling Points of the Project
Conserves natural heritage
Provides wildlife habitat
Pleases aesthetically
Offers educational opportunities
Offers recreational opportunities
Provides an enjoyable community project
Reduces traditional landscape maintenance
(frequent mowing, long-term herbicide use)
Ways to Spread the Word
Write short articles (providing background
information on the type of project and examples of
similar projects) in local newspapers and community
Inform local television
Have personal contact with neighbours
Hand out information flyers to nearby residents
Advise at community meetings
Arrange speakers and/or displays at local service club
meetings (horticulturists, naturalists, anglers,
Post explanatory signs
Analyzing the Site
Once the site has been chosen and the local community
is on board, you will need to learn more about the site’s
features. Gather the required information from as many
Thomas Chatterton
Gathering data prior to restoring 8 hectares of tallgrass prairie on
Stag Island. Kim Delaney
10 Planting the Seed
sources as possible. Consult historical survey records,
soil and topographic maps and aerial photos. Visit the
site, talk to current and past owners and users of the
land; seek assistance from local experts and others doing
planting projects in the area. All this research will
require time and effort, but will greatly increase the
chance of the project’s success – for example, by helping
you to make correct decisions, such as which plant mix
is most suitable and what kind of management activities
are likely to be necessary on a continual basis.
Consider the information in the following chart when
analyzing the project site. Not all of this information
will apply to every project but it would be wise to be
aware of each item.
Site Feature Importance and Considerations
Size Knowing the size of the project site will help determine the amount of plant material necessary,
type of equipment and labour required, and time and cost involved.
Past and current Uses include any activities that may pose a safety risk or interfere with the success of the planting
uses of the site project – for example, use of herbicides or salt whose residue may prevent growth of native plants,
waste disposal such as sewage sludge or construction waste and recreational use such as all
terrain vehicle (ATV) or bike trails that may not be compatible with the new project.
Existing Is the site bare soil or lawn or corn field? Is there any existing native vegetation that would fit into
vegetation the planned project? Answers to these questions will be important in planning site preparation.
Note the presence of any aggressive plant species that may cause management problems – for
example, quack grass and Canada thistle.
Topography, Locate areas of high and low, wet and dry land; drainage patterns; and watercourses. These
drainage patterns, features will have implications for equipment use and species selection. Is there steep terrain that
other natural might be erosion prone? Southern slopes tend to be hot and dry and to favour certain species.
features Watercourse areas may act as natural firebreaks for prescribed burns.
Soil type Is the soil heavy clay or coarse sand? Is it rocky? Determine the soil pH, level of fertility and
and moisture organic-matter content by sending a soil sample to a lab for analysis (see Soil Analysis Services
under Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services). Soil characteristics play a part in
species selection and site-preparation options.
Built structures Note the presence of buildings, power-line poles and fences, as well as access to water and roads.
and facilities Consider their location in terms of the need for prescribed burns (some are hazards; others are
potential firebreaks).
Safety Can the necessary equipment gain access to the site? If the intention is to use the site for
and accessibility environmental education or other specific reasons, is the site easily accessible and is it free of
hazards? Note any natural or built features that may pose safety issues.
Animal life Note the animal life currently using the site, and features such as burrows and nests. Consider these
in site planning. If possible, make linkages to neighbouring natural areas to expand available habitat.
Adjacent land How will neighbouring land use affect the project, and how will the project activities affect
types and uses neighbours? Invite the neighbours to participate in the project from the planning process through
to planting. People are much more likely to accept something they understand. Note possible
weed sources, previous herbicide use that may affect the planting, as well as flammable objects or
vegetation types that will have to be protected from prescribed burning.
Prevailing winds Wind direction may affect the success and safety of prescribed burn activity for prairie plantings.
Design the site accordingly, including relative placement of vegetation, buildings and viewing
Planning the Project 11
Making a Site Plan
The best designed prairie restorations look like they were
not designed at all. They simply look like a natural part of
the landscape. They fit the contours of the land, enhance
other natural features and human made structures and hide
their faults. (Morgan, Collicutt and Thompson 1995)
Just as a blueprint is drawn before a house is built, a site
plan should be produced before a planting project is
undertaken. A site plan is a detailed picture of the
finished project; it can also be used to help plan the
work schedule and sell the project to others.
Producing a good site plan involves various ecological,
practical and aesthetic considerations. The types of
features to include and the level of detail in the site plan
depend on several things, including the size, location and
intended use of the site. For example, if the project is a
small, decorative natural garden, one might design the
location of individual plants to produce the desired effect
of colour, height and texture (for references on natural
gardening, see Restoration, Naturalization and
Management as well as Plant Propagation and Cultivation
under Sources of Information). For a large-scale
restoration, you may not be concerned about individual
plant placement, but will be much more interested in
planning for equipment access and firebreaks.
Start the site plan by making a scale drawing of the site
(for large sites, refer to existing survey maps or aerial
photos). Add the detailed information collected during
the site analysis. For example, sketch in low wet spots,
high dry areas, buildings, utility lines and prevailing
wind direction. Next, sketch the planting area and add
management features such as firebreaks, trails and access
lanes if required. Now is the time to look at the
developing project to make sure the project goals will be
met. Will the project provide wildlife habitat and/or
environmental education opportunities, and does it make
sense? Use the following checklist to keep on track.
Planning for Managed Features
Firebreaks: Since regular managed fires are the optimum
means of maintaining prairie plantings, firebreaks must
be planned for and designed – for example, allocate
space around the perimeter to mow or plough strips, or
design trails that double as firebreaks. Designing also
involves ensuring that anything flammable on the site,
from power-line poles and fence posts to buildings and
boardwalks, is outside the fire zone or can be protected
from the flames. For details, refer to the Maintenance
and Monitoring section.
Trails: If the site is to be used for human enjoyment and
nature viewing, the type and placement of appropriate
facilities, including trails, viewing stations and
interpretive signs, need to be determined. Keep in mind
the need for a balance between human use and wildlife
needs. Trails should be kept to a minimum and should
be placed along the edge of the site to leave areas
relatively free of disturbance for wildlife use.
Considerations for a Site Plan
How much of the area is to be planted? Where?
Is there any native vegetation on site that should be
Will plants having different requirements for soil type
and moisture level be planted in suitable locations on
the planting site?
Is aesthetics important – for example, should
placement of plants produce complementary colour,
height and texture combinations?
Will the planting be designed around existing natural
and built features in a safe and effective manner?
If firebreaks are necessary, where will they be located?
Consider combining them with other features, such as
If public facilities such as buildings and trails are
planned, where will they be built?
How much site maintenance will be required?
Have the needs of wildlife, such as food and shelter,
been considered?
Sketching a site plan will help you plan and carry out the planting
project. Lindsay Rodger
12 Planting the Seed
Is the project compatible with local human land uses?
Is the plan reasonable, given the budget, labour and
other resources available?
Scheduling the Work
Once the project is planned on paper, it is time to
schedule the work to ensure that each step runs
smoothly. See the sample project timeline provided
earlier in this section.
Obtaining Seed or Plants
A decision will have to be made whether to plant seed
or plants, or a combination of both. Seed is usually less
expensive and tends to do better when planted on heavy
soils; however, seeds take longer to develop into plants,
usually requiring an additional season to reach flowering
stage. For this reason, plants are often chosen for small,
highly visible sites so that a showy display develops
earlier. Volunteers often find it more enjoyable to plant
plants. A combination of seed and plants may be
considered to best suit the needs of the project.
Decisions regarding which species to plant must be made
well in advance to ensure availability. When seed and
plant material are to be obtained from a local supplier of
native plants, they may need to be ordered at least a few
months in advance, especially if large amounts are
required. It is better to contact appropriate suppliers at
least one year in advance to make sure that they can
provide seed and/or grow the plants that are required.
If you intend to collect the seed yourself, remember that
this must be accomplished in the growing season before
planting (see Acquiring Seed and Plants for more
Ensuring Availability of Equipment
and Assistance
Once the size and scope of the project is known and the
site has been analyzed, the type of equipment that will
be required and the necessary help can be determined.
Allow enough time to find appropriate equipment and
sufficient “people power” to prepare the site, plant and
undertake ongoing maintenance.
Taking Time to Prepare the Site
Putting the appropriate time and effort into site
preparation is critically important – it can mean the
difference between a successful project and a failure.
The time and amount of work involved in preparing
the site before planting vary, but may entail several
activities over a whole year, so it is important to plan
ahead. Use the results of the site analysis and information
from Preparing the Site to help determine the necessary
timeline for site preparation. Remember, the effort
expended at this stage will more than pay off in terms
of time spent dealing with weeds in the future.
Planning for Ongoing Management
You cannot just walk away from a naturalization and
restoration project and expect it to succeed. Just like any
other planting, continual maintenance is required, so be
prepared to put in a fair amount of effort in the first few
years. As the plants are trying to establish, they may
require water, supplementary planting and some help in
overcoming weeds. Once the plants are established,
some ongoing maintenance activities will still be
necessary (see Maintenance and Monitoring) – for
example, regular prescribed burns for prairie plantings,
weed removal (especially for meadows) and control
of damaging human activities. Make sure to plan for
regular help as well as the necessary equipment and
supplies for ongoing management. Public acceptance
of the project will increase if litter is removed and edges
are kept tidy. Keeping a mowed edge, installing a rail
fence or putting up an interpretive sign, for example,
indicate that someone is maintaining the planting.
Developing a Species List 13
Determine ratio of grasses to wildflowers
In naturally occurring prairies, the ratio of grasses to
wildflowers varies. A prairie planting of half grasses
and half wildflowers (a 50:50 ratio) is recommended
for Ontario prairies. Meadows are highly variable in
their composition, but a good general guideline is to
include no less than 30 percent grasses and sedges.
Consider availability of species
When you develop the species list, consult seed
suppliers to determine which local-source seed or
plants are currently available. Planning a year in
advance will increase the likelihood of obtaining
seed of the desired species.
There is no such thing as an all-purpose species list for
a meadow or prairie planting. A dry sandy site in the
Peterborough area will be home to a very different group
of plants than those found on a wet clay-loam site near
Chatham. Use the following checklist to help determine
which species are best for the project.
Determine the plant community
Is the intention to plant a meadow or a prairie?
Choose native species that occur locally
Consult Appendix A, regional plant lists (called floras)
and local naturalists. Ask resource managers to assist
in determining appropriate species (see Regional Plant
Lists under Sources of Information). In addition, visit
nearby natural areas to become familiar with the local
native plants.
Tailor species to project site and goals
Match information about plant preference, particularly
moisture and soil preferences, to the conditions of the
project site (see Appendix A). Make sure the choice
of species matches the project goals. For instance,
some species provide excellent erosion control, and
cover and food for wildlife, whereas others provide
a colourful show for aesthetic purposes.
Focus on core species
Core species form the backbone of naturally occurring
prairies and meadows. Core species that are common
in nature should likewise be common in the planting.
Rare species (such as those so noted in Appendix A)
should only be added to the list with guidance from
experts. Appendix A lists core species recommended
for most planting projects in Southern Ontario.
A giant swallowtail butterfly (Papilio cresphontes) on dense blazing star
(Liatris spicata), a prairie species that flowers from midsummer to late
summer. P. Allen Woodliffe
Developing a Species List
Milkweed species such as this butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
are the main sources of food for monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
caterpillars. Partially eaten leaves in July and August are a sign of their
presence. Ross Brown
Milkweed and the Noxious Weed List
Milkweed species are an important component of
healthy prairies and meadows. They provide nectar for
butterflies and hummingbirds, and their foliage is the
main food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars.
Milkweeds are currently classed as “noxious” under
Ontario’s Weed Control Act because one species, the
common milkweed, can be aggressive in agricultural
fields. Other milkweed species are suitable for prairie
and meadow plantings and are not aggressive; they
should be included in the planting.
14 Planting the Seed
Selecting the best site-preparation technique for the
project can involve many different options and
considerations. For example, if some prairie or meadow
plants are already present, the site-preparation choices
are different from those that would be suitable if the
site had no native vegetation. The choice of planting
method – use of seeds or plants, mechanized or hand-
planted – will also affect the type of site preparation.
Controlling Weeds
Whether you are planting meadow species in a garden or
restoring the “back forty” to tallgrass prairie, pay special
attention to site preparation. Clearing away undesirable
vegetation will remove competition and give seeds and
plants the best possible start. The weeds growing on the
planting site aren’t the only ones to contend with. Weed
seeds accumulate in the soil, sometimes for decades,
waiting for an opportunity to germinate. This is called a
seed bank. When the soil is cleared of surface vegetation,
the seed bank has an opportunity to germinate. What
looked like bare soil will be covered with weed seedlings
that need to be removed. Weed removal may need to be
done several times, over one or more growing seasons, to
deplete the seed bank and adequately control the weeds.
In a small garden, a hoe may be the tool of choice, but
for a 2-hectare field, mechanized equipment and/or
the application of a glyphosate-based herbicide may
be required.
There is a lot of debate about whether a herbicide
should be used to prepare a site. After all, one of the
goals of many restoration projects is to reduce the use of
herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers. Many herbicides
have associated negative environmental impacts, but not
all herbicides are equally harmful – for instance,
glyphosate-based herbicide, in particular, can be used
without causing harm to upland environments.
Preparing the Site
This 8-hectare site is free from weed competition and ready for planting.
Kim Delaney
Weed-Free Is Key!
Spending the time and effort on weed control before
planting and in the early stages of the project will save
countless hours of work in the future. If weeds are not
properly handled, they can quickly overtake a new
planting. Removing an infestation of weeds from between
new seedlings is extremely difficult and much more time-
consuming than minimizing the problem in the first
place. Resist the urge to skip site preparation and move
on to planting. Take the time to do it right – at the outset.
Non-chemical site-preparation methods have
environmental costs as well. For example, repeated use
of heavy equipment on a site with heavy soils can harm
or even destroy soil structure, which takes many years to
form. Frequent ploughing can deplete vital organic
material, disrupt intricate soil life and leave the site
prone to erosion problems. Before making a final
decision about site preparation, think carefully about the
environmental costs, and choose the method that will
achieve the desired results with minimum harm. Each
site is different, so it is naive to make a blanket statement
that one technique is more environmentally sound than
another before investigating each one thoroughly. Use
Table 1 to assist in comparing the potential
environmental impacts of the various site-preparation
techniques. Then choose a method on the basis of both
relative practicality and environmental risk factors.
Goldenrod: Not the Allergy Culprit
Several species of goldenrod
are found in prairies and
meadows and should be included
in planting projects. Goldenrod is
often blamed for the onset of
runny noses and itchy eyes
during the late summer allergy
season. The real culprits, however,
are species called common
ragweed and giant ragweed.
They often grow with goldenrod
and they flower at the same time
but are not nearly as visible.
Ragweed’s light airborne pollen
is easily inhaled, causing the
irritation. Goldenrod is rarely
the cause of respiratory
allergies because its heavy,
sticky pollen is carried by
insects, not wind.
The very light wind-blown pollen
of common ragweed (Ambrosia
artemisiifolia) is the main cause
of hay fever during August and
September. Judie Shore
Preparing the Site 15
Table 1: Weed-Control Techniques
Technique Method Comments
Very effective at eliminating annual weeds.
Loosens the soil to allow machine planting of plug plants.
If perennial weeds are present in large numbers, the process
can take one to three years, and some of the weeds may still
• Not effective when tough perennial weeds such a Canada
thistle and quack grass are present. When the roots of these
plants are cultivated, many small pieces remain in the soil
and each piece is capable of producing a new plant.
Cultivation alone may increase these weeds.
Cannot be used on waterlogged soils and may delay spring
Repeated use of heavy equipment can harm soil structure
and beneficial soil life that has taken many years to develop.
May leave soil prone to erosion by wind and water.
Prolonged cultivation delays planting activity and results in
loss of wildlife habitat for one to three seasons.
Equipment suffers wear and tear.
Cultivation machines consume fossil fuels and release
1. Turn under the existing vegetation
with a shovel, rototiller or tractor-
pulled plough.
2. Allow weeds to grow to a height of
10 to 15 centimetres.
3. Remove weeds manually (hoe,
cultivator) or by using a tractor-
pulled disc. If perennial weeds are
present, use a tractor-pulled harrow
to drag roots to the surface, where
they will wither.
4. Allow weeds to grow again and
repeat step 3 until you are satisfied
with weed control.* Each pass of
the disc should be increasingly
shallow until only the surface is
cultivated on the final pass.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment requires a
glyphosate-based herbicide to be applied by a licensed
commercial applicator who holds a valid Operator Licence
and an appropriate Exterminator’s Licence. Homeowners
can apply a glyphosate-based herbicide labelled as
“domestic” on their own property without a licence. But
remember, it must be applied according to the instructions.
Read and understand the label before using the product.
Suitable for small or large sites.
Absorbed into the entire plant, including the roots,
therefore effective at eliminating persistent perennial weeds.
Does not disturb the seed bank; therefore, only the seed in
the top layer of the seed bank germinates, reducing
potential weed problems.
Does not disrupt soil structure or soil life.
Binds tightly to soil particles on contact so it will not leach
into the water table.
Does not persist in the soil.
Kills or stresses all vegetation (even desirable species) that
the chemical comes into contact with. In some cases it can
be applied when desirable vegetation is dormant.
Cannot be sprayed over water or on any wet area.
Must be applied in dry weather and cannot be applied on
windy days.
1. Glyphosate-based herbicide (e.g.,
, Expedite Grass &
) is applied to vegetation
as per label instructions. Vegetation
will be stressed or killed within
two weeks.
2. Allow seed bank to germinate and
grow up to 5 to 7 centimetres, then
have the herbicide applied again.
Repeat this process until you are
satisfied with weed control.*
3. For shrub and tree removal, cut
stems near ground level and treat
stump with glyphosate-based
herbicide (e.g., Roundup
, Vision
as per label instructions to prevent
based herbicide
*Measures required for effective weed control can vary. It is most important to gain control of perennial and biennial weeds.
16 Planting the Seed
Choosing Appropriate Site-Preparation
Deciding which site-preparation techniques are the most
appropriate can be confusing. The Site-Preparation Key
in Appendix C will assist you in making the right
decisions. Also consult local farmers or the extension
staff of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs for information on which techniques work
Table 1: Weed-Control Techniques (continued)
Technique Method Comments
Useful where topsoil has already been removed
during construction activities.
Prairie plants have a competitive edge on the poor
soils that remain after the topsoil has been removed,
although planting in very poor soil will result in less
lush growth.
Since the topsoil contains the seed bank and roots of
weeds, removing it reduces the weed problem.
If too much topsoil is removed, the subsoil below
may be too acidic or too alkaline to support plant
growth (do a soil test; pH should be in the range of 6
to 7.5; see Soil Analysis Services under Sources
of Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services).
Very expensive unless soil is removed as part of a
construction process.
Beneficial soil invertebrates are removed with the
topsoil and can take years to become re-established.
The specific fungi or bacteria that some plants
require to survive are removed with the topsoil.
Consider adding bacterial inoculant, see Beneficial
Soil Organisms, below.
Remove topsoil with shovels or heavy
equipment, thereby removing weeds
and the seed bank.
Topsoil removal
Depletes nitrogen in the soil, which weakens weeds
and reduces their competition with prairie plants.
If too much organic matter is used, prairie plants
become stunted and die.
Turn into the soil organic materials
that are high in carbon, such as
sawdust and oat hulls.
Soil impoverishment/
reverse fertilization
Practical only for very small projects.
Plastic is difficult to pin or weigh down for extended
periods (prairie and meadow are usually established
on exposed sites).
• Most soil life is killed along with the plants and
seeds. Life will eventually return to the soil but the
long-term results are unknown.
• Persistent perennial weeds may not die.
Spread black plastic over the site and
pin or weigh it down for a season or
The soil below heats up to the point
where seeds and vegetation are killed.
Large project sites can be prepared with standard farm equipment
such as this combination of plough, disc and harrow. Kim Delaney
Acquiring Seed and Plants 17
Native plants grown from local seed
are adapted to local growing conditions;
have evolved with local wildlife and provide needed
food and shelter; and
are a part of local ecosystems and thus unlikely to
upset the ecological balance.
Acquiring seed and plants can be one of the most
enjoyable aspects of a project. Most prairie and meadow
plants are perennial, returning every spring from the
same root system. For these plants, seed production is a
secondary means of reproduction. Seed is produced
mainly for dispersal to other locations or as a backup in
case the parent plant dies. You can assist seed dispersal
by collecting some of this seed and planting it in
appropriate areas.
Collecting seed can provide an opportunity to learn
more about local plants and ecosystems, but it can also
threaten the health and vigour of the few remaining wild
stands. As the need for seed grows, wild stands may not
be able to continue to satisfy the demand. Furthermore,
removing seed from wild plants removes food that
would otherwise be available for insects, birds and small
mammals. Consider purchasing most of the seed for the
project from a reputable native-plant nursery. These
companies use small quantities of wild seed to grow
plants in a nursery setting; the plants in turn produce
large quantities of seed. This approach relieves the
collection pressure on plants in the wild.
Use Local Seed
Seed for naturalization projects should be of local origin.
Defining “local,” however, is easier said than done. In
the absence of research on the issue, even the experts
are unable to agree on a definition. Recommendations
for seed collection range widely: from no more than a
few kilometres to more than 300 kilometres from the
project site. Keep in mind that the growing conditions a
hundred or more kilometres north or south of a project
site will probably be quite different from the conditions
the same distance east or west.
Soil Amendment
Do not add nitrogen to soil when planting prairie and
meadow species because these plants can compete better
with weeds when the soil is low in nitrogen; and do not
bring in topsoil, compost or manure since this material
often contains weed seeds as well as nutrients. If the soil
is very poor (e.g., subsoil remaining after construction
activities), a fertilizer high in phosphorus (P) and
potassium (K) may be added to assist root growth.
Beneficial Soil Organisms
Some specific types of bacteria are associated with plant
species such as showy tick-trefoil, round-headed bush-
clover, shrubby false-indigo and wild lupine. Such plant
species are called legumes. Bacteria assist legume growth
by taking nitrogen from the air and “fixing” it in nodules
on the plant’s roots. These nodules will eventually decay,
and nitrogen will be released into the soil where other
plants can access it. This bacteria can be introduced to
the plants by shaking seed in bacterial inoculant prior to
planting (for source of inoculum see Sources of
Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services). Plants
may show satisfactory growth without the inoculant, but
with it, nodule formation will increase.
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) blooming on very poor
soil (less than 2 percent organic content), which was dredged
from the bottom of the St. Clair River. Kim Delaney
Acquiring Seed and Plants
Collecting seed offers the chance to get to know more about the native
plants that grow in your local area. P. Allen Woodliffe
18 Planting the Seed
If you are purchasing seed, ask about its source.
Reputable suppliers will tell you where they obtain
their seed. Also consider hiring a person to collect
seed; but make sure that the person contracted to
do this is qualified and uses ethical seed-collection
techniques (see below for further details). The Ontario
Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
publishes a directory that lists growers and collectors
located in Southern Ontario (see Helpful Organizations
under Sources of Information).
Plants, too, should come from a local seed source. Grow
them from seed collected as close to the project site as
possible or purchase them from a native-plant nursery
that grows plants from local seed. It is surprising how
many plants sold as native wildflowers have been grown
from seed imported from as far away as Europe.
Avoid Planting Cultivars
Many nurseries sell horticultural varieties or cultivars of
native plants. These varieties have been developed by
the horticultural trade for traits such as showier blooms,
more attractive leaf colour or larger flowers. They are
often exact copies of the parent plant and therefore have
extremely low genetic diversity. Cultivars of the
following native species are widely available, but are
unsuitable for restoration or naturalization projects:
asters, goldenrods, wild strawberry, wild bergamot,
sneezeweed, black-eyed Susan and blazing star.
Ethical Seed Collection
Reputable seed collectors follow guidelines for ethical
seed collection. Spread the word and help new seed
collectors understand the issues.
Always obtain permission from the landowner before
collecting. Remember that seed-collecting is normally
prohibited in national and provincial parks, national
wildlife areas, nature reserves and nature sanctuaries.
Do not collect all the seed from one stand of plants.
Guidelines on the amount to collect recommend a
maximum of 50 percent of the seed from perennial
plants and 10 percent of the seed from annual plants.
The problem with this approach is that you may not
know whether a plant is an annual or a perennial, and
you have no idea how much seed has already been
collected before you begin, or if others will harvest
after you. Use your judgment and leave a lot more
than you take.
Do not collect seed from vulnerable, threatened or
endangered species without the guidance of a
qualified ecologist or biologist. Under Ontario’s
Endangered Species Act, it is illegal to pick the seeds
of various endangered plant species.
Store and handle this valuable, perishable resource
Share seed and information with other local seed
collectors and propagators.
Ethical Plant Salvage
Do not dig plants from natural areas unless the donor
site is to be cleared for development.
Ask permission from the landowner to enter the site,
and strictly follow the landowner’s directions with
respect to access.
If salvaged prairie and meadow plants are properly
potted and watered, they can be stored outdoors in
a sunny location for at least a year, until a suitable
recipient site is found.
Keep in mind that it is always a priority to help protect
natural areas, and salvaging a few plants from a
development site does not save the complete habitat.
Ensure Genetic Diversity
Weather in Southern Ontario is extremely variable
and plants need to be able to adapt to these changes.
Genetic diversity allows plants the ability to do so.
Increase the genetic diversity of a planting by observing
the following guidelines.
Collect seed from a large population. Take small
quantities of seed from many individual plants rather
than large quantities from a few specimens. Avoid
Seed collecting can be
done by hand or with
various machines designed
for this purpose.
Larry Lamb (top and
lower right) and
P. Allen Woodliffe
Acquiring Seed and Plants 19
choosing only the most handsome plants. Valuable
genetic traits for long-term survival may be missed if
you are too selective.
Collect seed of each species from several different
locations with varying soil and moisture conditions.
The seed of some species ripens over a period of time.
In these cases, collect early-, mid- and late-ripening
Collect in different years and add to your planting site.
Seed-Collecting Tips
Seed for most prairie and meadow species begins
to ripen by mid-summer (except for some early-
blooming species such as prairie buttercup, hoary
puccoon and narrow-leaved blue-eyed-grass).
Most seed is ready for collection six to eight weeks
from time of blooming.
Let seed ripen thoroughly on the plant because not all
seed will continue to mature once picked.
Seed is ripe when
it is dry and falls away readily when seed head
is handled;
individual seeds are brown, tan or grey, and hard
(pinch with fingernails to test for hardness); or
seed pods are brown or tan and beginning to split
open, and seed is easily dislodged or readily falls
from pod when it is shaken.
Plants in seed often bear little resemblance to the
same plants in full bloom. Identify species and record
locations when plants are in bloom in order to help
find them and ensure accurate identification later in
the season. Tying colour-coded yarn on typical
specimens of species works well.
Use a hand lens and pen knife to check the quality of
seed in the field before spending time collecting it.
Look for full seeds with no insect damage.
Use paper or burlap bags to hold seed, and store in a
cool, dark place. Do not use plastic because it heats
up and retains moisture, which will damage the seed.
Immediately after collecting, label each bag with the
species name, the date when and the location where
the seed was collected.
Seed Drying and Cleaning
Seed should be thoroughly dry before it is stored; for
most seed, this will take four or five days in good
conditions. Place it in shallow pans or on screens in an
area free of rodents, or place it in a paper bag and hang
it from a rafter of an unheated garage or barn. Do not
use a conventional oven, microwave oven or food-drying
machine. Make sure each container is labelled with the
species name, collection date and location. Low
humidity and warm temperatures will speed the
drying process, but higher temperatures will reduce
seed viability.
Before seed can be cleaned, pods and hulls need to be
shattered, and seed heads broken up. Always wear a
mask when processing dried seed because there can be a
lot of dust, and, in some cases, the potential for
contracting disease associated with mouse feces.
Separate the dried seed from the waste plant material
(chaff) using one of the following techniques:
Sift seed through a variety of sieves and/or screens.
Separate seed from its pappus (fluff) by rubbing it
gently through a screen. Use a hand lens to check
periodically for seed damage.
Pour the seed from one container into another
outside in a light breeze or indoors in front of a fan.
The heavier seed will land in the container or in front
of the fan, and the lighter chaff will blow away.
On a smaller scale, a hair dryer can be useful for
blowing chaff from a pan of seed.
These dry, black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta) have ripe seed ready
to be harvested. Lindsay Rodger
This pink form of the typically purple New England aster (Aster
novae-angliae) has begun to produce ripe seed. Joanne Rzadki
20 Planting the Seed
Seed Storage
To remain viable for as long as possible, dry seed should
be stored at low temperatures (4 degrees Celsius) and
low humidity (no more than 10 percent). Store dry seed
in airtight containers (jars or plastic pails with tight-
fitting lids) in a refrigerator or in an unheated building
over the winter, and in a space that can be kept as cool
as possible during summer months. Seed stored above
28 degrees Celsius will lose viability quickly.
Insect eggs that are present at the time of collection can
hatch, and the larvae can damage seed. Just because
insects are not visible, do not assume there are no eggs.
Eggs are often present inside the seed. Check stored
seed periodically for the presence of insects. At the first
sign of insect activity, place seed along with small pieces
of No-Pest
strips in sealed bags or containers.
Alternatively, sprinkle diatomaceous earth (obtained at
garden centres or farm supply stores) throughout the
seed. This will kill any insect larvae that emerge while
the seed is in storage. Only a very small amount of
diatomaceous earth is needed. Be sure to wear a dust
mask while handling seed treated with diatomaceous
earth. Squirrels and mice can also damage the seed;
however, cats can be a good deterrent for mice in indoor
storage areas.
Seed Treatment
The majority of prairie and meadow plants native to
Ontario produce seeds that require a period of chilling,
or stratification, before germination. This cold period
approximates conditions that the seed would experience
during the fall and winter months. Many species require
additional treatments to induce germination. Appendix
A lists germination codes on a species-by-species basis,
and Appendix B explains germination requirements and
corresponding codes.
Growing Plants
If a heated space with a lot of sunlight is available, you
can consider growing some of the plants for the project.
For example, teachers may have their students produce
a few trays of plants in a south-facing window, under
grow lights or in a cold frame. Many high schools have
empty greenhouse space that could be put to use.
Consider the size of the project when deciding whether
or not to grow your own plants. Growing plants can be
an enjoyable experience if small quantities are required
and there are appropriate facilities and enough time.
Keep in mind that at a recommended planting rate
of 25,000 plants per hectare, it is usually best to have
a grower produce most or all of the plants.
Basic Growing Techniques
Many good books are available on growing plants from
seed, and these can be consulted to learn more about
basic growing techniques (see Plant Propagation and
Cultivation under Sources of Information). Here is a
brief summary of the process:
Sterilize all containers by dipping them in a 2 to
3 percent bleach solution to prevent diseases.
Fill containers with a growing medium of either a
no-soil seedling mix or a sterilized potting soil, which
will prevent fungal diseases such as damping off.
Potting soil can be sterilized by heating one large
zipper bag of soil in a microwave and then allowing it
to cool. The moist growing medium should be settled
by tamping down firmly; add more soil if necessary.
Place four or five seeds on top of the soil in each
container. If the seed requires light to germinate (see
Appendices A and B), simply press the seed lightly
into the soil. Otherwise, cover the seed with soil to a
depth of approximately two times the diameter of the
seed. A flour sifter is useful for this.
Mist soil lightly after seeding. Plastic covers can be
used to keep moisture in until germination occurs.
Don’t overwater new seedlings since waterlogged soil
prevents the oxygen
exchange necessary for
proper root growth.
Thin seedlings to one
per container.
Once plants are growing
strongly, water them
generously and allow
the soil surface to
become slightly dry
before watering again.
Water the edges of the
growing area
thoroughly – they dry
out quickly. If fungus
gnat larvae infest plant
roots, or if other insects
become a problem,
Large-scale plug production requires greenhouse space to ensure
adequate light levels. Kim Delaney
Plants grown from seed in
containers that are divided into
compartments are called plant
plugs or plugs. Kim Delaney
Planting the Project Site 21
such as 7-7-7. Organic growers can use fish
emulsion or liquid seaweed.
Harden off plants by gradually exposing them
to outdoor conditions before they are planted
permanently outside; initially, allow them only
indirect sunlight since even 10 minutes in full
sun can burn the leaves.
All the hard work so far has been geared towards getting
seeds and plants ready to put into the ground. Planting
is one of the most rewarding aspects of naturalization
and offers a perfect opportunity to involve interested
community members in some hands-on work. Children,
in particular, love planting, and many will watch the
progress of their plants with great interest.
Planting Seed or Plants:
Timing and Techniques
Choose appropriate timing as well as a suitable planting
technique to give the planting the best possible chance
of success. Use the information in Tables 2, 3 and 4 to
help make decisions regarding the timing and
techniques of putting the seed or plants into the ground.
Make sure that the seeds and plants are cared for on
planting day. Seed left in a container in the hot sun will
be damaged, maybe even killed; so keep seed containers
lightly work the soil surface and hang yellow sticky
plastic cards above the plants to capture adults.
Insects are attracted to the yellow colour of the card
and will be trapped by the sticky surface. These cards
are readily available at most garden centres. Predatory
mites are another non-chemical means of insect
control (see Greenhouse Supplies under Sources of
Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services).
About four to six weeks after germination, fertilize
lightly with a diluted solution of a balanced fertilizer
in a cool, shaded spot. Plants will need protection from
the sun and wind prior to planting, and they may also
need watering. Keep an eye on them because they can
dry out very quickly on a windy day.
Planting the Project Site
Proud teacher and students of Howard-Harwich-Moravian Public
School in Ridgetown have used their schoolyard prairie planting
as a venue for outdoor theatre. Lauren Harris
This volunteer is hand
seeding the weed-free bed.
Mary Gartshore
While small projects can be
seeded by hand, large-scale
projects require machines such
as this seed drill.
Kim Delaney
Table 2: Appropriate Seeding and Planting Times
Seeding Planting Plants
In Southern Ontario,
best done in May
(before the end of June
at the latest), to take
advantage of rainfall
and the long growing
season ahead.
Plants can be planted
throughout the season
if watering is a
practical option.
Fall planting is possible
only in well-drained
soils because frost will
heave fall-planted plants
out of the ground in
wet, heavy soils.
Best done as early as
possible in the spring
and before the end of
May in Southern
Ontario, to take
advantage of seasonal
• Early-winter seeding
is an option for
wildflowers but does
not work well for
grasses. Broadcast the
wildflower seed over
frozen soil, where it
will remain cool and
moist until spring.
This technique is
called frost seeding.
22 Planting the Seed
Table 3: Seeding Techniques
Seeding Technique Method Comments
• Suitable for small projects and gardens.
• Unskilled labour can be used.
Equipment is inexpensive.
• Can be done on wet sites or slopes that equipment
cannot reach.
• Seeding rates are twice those recommended for
drilling (see Drilling, below).
• Cannot be done on windy days.
• The simplest method is to scatter
seed by hand over the bare soil.
Mixing seed with sand before
broadcasting allows for more even
seed distribution.
• Various hand-cranked seed
broadcasters are available for
surface broadcasting of seed.
• Two passes over the site works
best, at right angles to each other.
• Rake seed in lightly.
Firmly pack soil after seeding to
ensure good seed-soil contact. On a
small site, stamp it in – or let
children have fun jumping on
plywood boards that are moved
around the site. Larger sites can be
rolled or cultipacked.
Hand broadcasting
• Suitable for large projects.
No-till option available.
• Designed to handle fluffy seed, but seed must be free
of chaff and stems.
• Most efficient use of limited seed.
• Can be done on windy days.
• Ensures good soil contact without use of additional
• Equipment availability and price can be a problem.
• Skilled labour is necessary.
Equipment can get plugged up if seed is not clean
enough; add cracked grain to seed to help it flow
through the equipment.
• A tractor-pulled native-seed drill
places the seed at a predetermined
depth and spacing, and then packs
soil firmly. Equipment brand names
include Truax™, Nesbit™, Great
Plains™, Brillion™ and Tye™.
• One pass over the site is adequate.
• Suitable for large projects.
• Equipment is less expensive than a drill.
• Equipment availability and price can be a problem.
• Skilled labour is necessary.
• Seeding rates are twice those recommended for
drilling (see Drilling, below).
• Calibrating the seed rate can be difficult.
• Cannot be done on windy days.
• Fluffy seed will not always flow through seeder, but
cracked grain can be added to help prevent
equipment from plugging.
• A tractor-pulled wildflower seeder
or an ATV-mounted seeder
broadcasts seed. Equipment brand
names include Bevco™ and
• Incorporate seed lightly into the
soil by raking or dragging chains
behind the ATV.
• Use a lawn roller or tractor-pulled
cultipacker after broadcasting seed
to make the soil firm and ensure
good seed-soil contact.
Planting the Project Site 23
Seeding and Planting Rates
The following guidelines will assist you in determining
the appropriate amounts of plants or seed to use. Before
planting, take note of any major differences in conditions
such as soil moisture within the site, and match species
to conditions. For seeding, this may mean preparing two
seed mixes – for example, one mix with species suited
to moist conditions and the other with species preferring
dry conditions.
In the tallgrass prairie region of Southern Ontario, the
recommended seeding rate for drilling
seed is 13 kilograms
per hectare (see Table 3 for information on hand and
machine broadcasting). Of this, 9 kilograms is grass seed
and 4 kilograms is wildflower seed. This guideline aims
at achieving a 50:50 grass-to-wildflower ratio. Double the
amount of seed per
hectare when
broadcast seeding.
Certain projects may
require different
seeding rates. For
example, wildlife
managers planting for
northern bobwhite
prefer a more open
planting to facilitate
the movement of birds. This would requiring a drill-
seeding rate of approximately 9 kilograms per hectare.
Meadows can be seeded at a similar rate, but to
accommodate the higher percentage of wildflowers,
divide the 13 kilograms into 7 kilograms of grass seed
and 6 kilograms of wildflower seed. This is a general
guideline; quantities can be adjusted to suit the project
goals, such as providing food plants for a butterfly
meadow, seed-producing species for birds or a high
percentage of showy blooms.
If you use equipment such as a seed drill that can be
calibrated, the seed should be spread at a rate of 320
to 540 seeds per square metre.
If you are hand broadcasting
the seed, mix it with dampened
sand and divide into two
batches. Take the first batch
and starting at one end of the
site, spread it as evenly as
possible over the entire area.
Then take the second batch
and starting at right angles to
the first pass, spread it as
evenly as possible. This
technique will ensure that
there is enough seed to cover
the entire area.
Table 4: Planting Techniques
Seeding Technique Method Comments
• Suitable for small projects and gardens.
Good opportunity to involve the community.
• Equipment (trowels, shovels, dibbles) is readily
available and inexpensive.
• Can be done on wet sites or slopes that equipment
cannot reach.
• Time-consuming.
Hauling sufficient water can be difficult.
Place potted plants and plugs in a
hole slightly larger than the root
mass. Firm the soil around roots
leaving a slight depression to catch
water, and water plants thoroughly.
Ensure that roots are not left
exposed after watering.
• Bury tubers and rhizomes below
the surface, firm the soil around
them and water thoroughly.
Hand planting
Suitable for large projects.
• Very efficient use of time – for example, a two-row
planter can plant up to 40,000 plugs a day.
• Water is used efficiently because it is delivered to the
roots as plants are planted.
• Rows are evenly spaced, which allows for machine
cultivation of site for weed control.
• Equipment availability and price can be a problem.
• Needs a level or gently sloping site with good site
A tractor-pulled plug planter cuts a
trench, places plugs at a
predetermined depth and spacing,
waters each plant and then closes the
Machine planting
Hand planting plugs is an
enjoyable activity for all ages.
Lindsay Rodger
Prairie grass seed destined for a
restoration project in Southern Ontario.
P. Allen Woodliffe
24 Planting the Seed
Plug Plants
Plant plugs at a rate of 25,000 per hectare. This works
out to 2.5 plants per square metre, or 25 plants per
10 square metres. For some projects, and where funding
permits, plugs can be planted closer. Spacing the plugs
25 to 40 centimetres apart (that is, between 9 and
5 plants per square metre respectively) will result
in a thicker and showier planting. Mix species during
planting so that grasses and wildflowers are evenly
distributed throughout the project area.
Successional Planting
Prairies and meadows change over time. When you
are establishing either a prairie or a meadow from seed,
certain species will be more successful in the early
stages and create conditions that allow other species to
establish more readily later on as the community
matures. You may wish to plant a prairie or meadow
by seed and patiently wait up to five years or more for
the later-successional species to appear. Or you may
prefer to
initially plant
only the
seed of early-
species and
add plugs
of the later-
species in
Some early-successional species are black-eyed Susan,
gray-headed coneflower, wild bergamot and showy
Some later-successional species are dense blazing star,
closed gentian, fringed gentian and round-headed
See Appendix A for more listings of early- and
later-successional species.
Cover Crops
Cover crops are sometimes planted for aesthetic reasons
or to prevent erosion on steep slopes. They also provide
quick cover that helps to suppress the growth of weeds
while prairie or meadow plants become established. The
non-native annual oats is a good cover crop because it
suppresses weeds before disappearing from the planting.
Annual oats is broadcast on the surface of the soil at the
same time as planting or seeding, or up to two months
before the first fall frost. Canada wild rye, a cool season,
early-successional grass species that is native to tallgrass
prairie, is gaining popularity as a cover crop. It
establishes quickly, overwhelms many weeds and
becomes less prevalent as the other prairie species
become established. Do not use rye grain, rye grass or
winter wheat because these species grow aggressively
and are often persistent. They are also thought to release
toxins that interfere with the growth of other plants.
There is debate about the effectiveness of cover crops.
On the one hand, cover crops
protect tender young plants from sun scald and wind
shelter the soil, thereby helping it retain moisture and
reducing compaction from driving rains;
provide quick cover, which protects the soil from
erosion due to wind and rain;
compete with annual weeds;
provide fuel for a prescribed burn the following
spring; and
can be harvested as hay or grain crop, which may
provide income.
On the other hand, they
compete for sunlight, moisture and nutrients with the
young plants they are intended to protect;
often require mowing when in bloom to prevent seed
from maturing; and
may persist in the planting for several years longer
than desired.
Cover crops such as annual oats are most effective when
used with plug plants because the plugs have a head
start on the seeded cover crop. When a cover crop is
used in a seeding project, the results are more
unpredictable. Experience suggests that annual oats may
While hand planting is fine for small projects, mechanized equipment
such as this modified tomato planter is more appropriate for plug
planting large areas. Lauren Harris (top) and Thomas Chatterton
Gray-headed coneflower (Ratibida pinnata)
blooms from early summer to midsummer.
Ross Brown
Maintenance and Monitoring 25
Many Hands Make Light Work
Some aspects of maintenance and monitoring are periodic
and somewhat labour intensive. The involvement of
community members who have a passionate desire to
help out and see the project progress can make a valuable
contribution to the long-term success of the project. Local
youth groups, such as Scouts or Girl Guides, can gain
insight into a natural ecosystem while working towards
an environment or a community badge. Students from a
local high school, college or university may be interested
in undertaking monitoring work as a school project. The
more involvement from the local community, the greater
the understanding of and interest in the project goals. The
most successful kind of project is one that all members of
the community understand, participate in and enjoy.
Maintaining the New Planting
Seedlings and small plugs are particularly vulnerable to
drought as they are becoming established in their new
environment. If rainfall is not regular and sufficient, the
plants will benefit from watering. Watering is rarely
necessary if seed is used, since most seed will not
germinate until there is adequate moisture. The
exception to this rule occurs when there is a prolonged
dry period after the seedlings have started growing. Plug
plants, however, may require periodic watering during
their first season in the ground. Portable sprinkler
systems are an advantage if a large water supply is
readily available. Any water is better than none,
however, for watering will improve almost any project’s
results, especially in the first year.
Once the seedlings are established, they should need no
further watering; even in dry years they will survive
much better than most surrounding vegetation. Prairie
plants, in particular, spend most of the first season
developing a good root system, an adaptation critical to
survival in a drought-prone environment.
A Community Restoration on the
Rice Lake Plain
Tony and Heather Kenny own land along the Otonabee
River in Peterborough County. Working with the local
Stewardship Council, the Kennys restored 5 hectares
of their agricultural land on the Rice Lake Plain to
tallgrass prairie. More than 50 volunteers came out
to help plant the prairie, and many continue to assist
with ongoing maintenance.
A demonstration garden was established at the entrance
to the project so visitors can identify some of the 20
species of plants used in the restoration. Two years after
the first plant went into the ground, the number of
songbirds and butterflies was already rising.
work better on sand than on clay. If a cover crop is used,
broadcast it at a rate of 30 kilograms per hectare, and
mow it to a height of 20 centimetres in midsummer.
Mulch can be considered for the planting. Mulch will
protect the soil from erosion;
shelter the soil and keep it moist;
help prevent weed seeds in the soil from germinating
(although seed may blow in and root in the mulch
itself); and
use nitrogen while decomposing, which depletes soil
reserves of the nutrient. This nitrogen depletion,
known as reverse fertilization, favours the growth of
prairie and meadow species over weedy species.
Mulch is best used on small plantings since it is far
too labour intensive for large projects. Use weed-free,
biodegradable material such as aged sawdust or
shredded or chopped straw (not hay, which contains
weed seeds), and spread it between plants – deeper
around more established plants (sawdust 3 to 5
centimetres, straw 5 to 10 centimetres). Do not allow
the mulch to touch the individual plants because it can
trap moisture against the plant tissue and cause rot.
Mulch can also be used on seeded sites, but must be
spread very lightly over the seed bed.
Ripe seed heads of Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis), a tall,
attractive grass that can be used as a cover crop. Kim Delaney
Maintenance and Monitoring
26 Planting the Seed
One of the biggest challenges in the early stages after
planting is the suppression of weeds. Even with the
most rigorous site preparation, weeds will appear,
although this is less of a problem in sandy soils than
in clay or organic (nutrient-rich) soil.
It is important to identify the weeds growing in your
planting and to determine which are annual, which
are biennial and which are perennial (see Restoration,
Naturalization and Management under Sources of
Information). It is quite possible that there may be
some of each.
In the case of annual weeds such as common barnyard
grass, it is not necessary to remove the whole plant,
since it only lives to produce seed once and then dies.
Annuals can be controlled effectively by preventing
them from producing seed; this is best done by mowing
them in the growing season to remove the flowers.
Mowing might have to be done several times in one
season to keep seed from forming. A tractor-mounted
mower may be necessary for the first mowing. Setting
the mower at about 20 centimetres high should allow
for the cutting of the flower parts of the weeds, which,
in the first year of planting, will likely shoot up above
most of the planted species. Even if you mow the tops
off the perennial prairie or meadow species, this will
not harm them, but will prevent them from flowering.
Follow-up weed control can be done with a gas-powered
“weed eater” to control problem patches while minimizing
the impact on growing prairie or meadow.
Biennial weeds, such as white sweet-clover, won’t flower
until the second season of growth, so it isn’t necessary to
mow them during the first season of growth. In the
second year, they should be mowed to prevent them
from flowering and setting seed. If there are only a few
biennial weeds in a planting, individual flowering stems
can be cut off by hand, at the base just above the root.
For hard-to-control species, including biennials and
most perennials such as red clover, Queen Anne’s lace
and Canada thistle, spot spraying with a glyphosate-
based herbicide is recommended. Remember that
glyphosate will kill all actively growing plants it comes
into contact with, including the planted species, so it
must be applied in a way that only undesirable plants
are sprayed. Mowing perennial weeds is not an effective
technique. While mowing can keep them from setting
seed, it will not remove them from the planting and will
provide, at best, only limited control.
Hand pulling is an option for weed control, but not the
preferred method in most cases. Pulling up roots
disturbs the soil, which brings dormant weed seeds to
the surface where they are likely to germinate and thus
exacerbate the weed problem. It is hard, time-consuming
work, and it is often difficult to interest volunteers in
this activity. If you wish to hand-pull, it is important to
remove the entire root, especially when pulling
perennials, because even the smallest piece of root may
be capable of producing a new plant. If not done
properly, pulling can compound the problem. On sandy
sites, weeds can be pulled anytime. On clay sites, it is
easiest to get the entire root when the soil is damp – for
example, the day after a good rain. Removing the
material from the site is recommended, especially if the
plants are mature enough to have begun to set seed. If it
rains before the weeds die, they may have a chance to
reroot and all the hard work will go to waste!
Unwanted Guests: Weeds That Won’t
Go Away
In some plantings, specific unwanted plants may
cause problems, even with the best weeding and
mowing efforts. For example, plants such as Canada
thistle, black locust trees and dog-strangling vine
(pale swallowwort) can be very invasive, and special
efforts may be required to completely remove them.
Take time to identify, to the species level, any problem
plants in the planting. Then use the various resources
on exotic and invasive plants listed in Restoration,
Naturalization and Management under Sources of
Information to figure out the best way to get rid of
these unwanted guests.
Long-Term Maintenance
After the planting has become established and has
covered all exposed ground, maintenance requirements
will be substantially reduced. The deep roots of prairie
plants, in particular, help minimize the establishment
and growth of weedy species. Long-term maintenance
involves simulating natural disturbance to keep woody
species from moving in and turning the prairie or
meadow into a woodland. This can best be done with
prescribed burning for prairie plantings and with tree
and shrub control for meadows.
Persistent perennial weeds such as Canada thistle (Cirsium
arvense) can be effectively controlled with a spot-spray of
glyphosate-based herbicide. Steven Aboud
Maintenance and Monitoring 27
Maintaining Meadow Plantings
Natural meadows along rivers, on floodplains and on
very dry sites often rely on the natural processes of
flooding or drought to maintain them. This periodic
disturbance keeps woody species from becoming
established and prevents succession to a treed landscape.
In a meadow planting, these disturbance processes are
likely to be absent, thereby allowing woody species to
become established. The key to long-term meadow
maintenance, then, is to keep a balance between
herbaceous and woody species. When trees and shrubs
become too numerous, selective removal is necessary.
Some can be controlled by mowing with a heavy-duty
mower or hand-held brush saw. Mowing, however, may
actually encourage the spread of other species such as
dogwoods and willows. Removing these species requires
a different approach: cut the woody stems near ground
level and have a commercial herbicide applicator (see
Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment and
Services) follow immediately behind to treat the stumps
with a glyphosate-based herbicide (e.g., Roundup
) as per label instructions to prevent resprouting.
Prescribed Burns for Prairie Plantings
CAUTION: This guide does not provide detailed
instruction for successfully carrying out a prescribed
burn. It merely highlights some of the concerns to be
considered and provides contacts where proper
assistance can be obtained. If you have no experience
with prescribed burning, seek help and training from
someone who does. For assistance in planning and
preparation, read reference material such as How to
Manage Small Prairie Fires (Pauly 1988). Contact the
local Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR)
district office for guidance, and the local fire department
for permission to conduct the burn.
CAUTION: It is necessary to obtain permission before
conducting a prescribed burn. In some areas, municipal
bylaws prohibit the setting of fires. In other places,
permits may be necessary. Check local regulations by
contacting the municipal office, and discuss the plans
with the local fire department. A written burn plan helps
to satisfy local requirements.
Fire is a key maintenance tool for prairie remnants and
plantings. When performed correctly, a prescribed burn
will serve to both discourage weeds and stimulate
growth of the fire-adapted prairie plants.
Unlike a forest wildfire, a prairie prescribed burn is a
low-intensity fire that moves quickly over the landscape.
Extensive experience with prescribed burns in Southern
Ontario has demonstrated that they can be carried out
safely on prairie remnants and plantings, even in cities
(see Fire in the City, on page 28). However, a prescribed
burn must be carefully planned and conducted, with
experienced people advising and assisting.
The deep roots of native prairie grasses can block the spread of
persistent perennial weeds with lateral root systems (such as Canada
thistle), whereas non-native, more shallowly rooted grasses do not
control these weeds. Judie Shore
Fire is a natural and important part of prairie ecology.
P. Allen Woodliffe
28 Planting the Seed
A Prescribed Burn Plan
Preparing a prescribed burn plan is an essential first step
that will help you think through all the necessary
preparations and precautions. Keep in mind that simple
small-scale prescribed burns have fewer planning
requirements than larger burns, and that the OMNR can
provide advice on preparing a plan that is appropriate
for the complexity of the burn. Once this plan is in
place, it can be revised annually, and, depending on the
complexity of fire issues, can possibly be carried out
with minimal OMNR involvement. If additional
assistance is needed in subsequent years, the local
OMNR fire-management office will be able to provide
information on consultants and contractors who are
involved with prescribed burning in the area (see
Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment and
A prescribed burn plan should cover the following:
A list of the objectives and how they will be
Amount of land to be burned
Timing and frequency of burns
Site preparation (e.g., setting up firebreaks)
Appropriate weather conditions for conducting
the burn (e.g., wind direction and humidity)
Equipment and people required
Water sources available
A step-by-step outline of how the burn will be
The necessary fire permits
A communications plan (notifying appropriate local
authorities and local residents)
Safety and emergency procedures
Use the following information to develop a prescribed
burn plan:
Burn frequency
For new plantings, fire should be used when there is
enough build-up of dry grass to carry the fire, usually
by the second or third year after planting. Burning
every year initially and every two years on average
after the planted vegetation is well established can be
the most effective tool in controlling weedy and/or
non-native competition as well as in stimulating the
prairie vegetation. As the prairie matures (once non-
native plants are largely removed and the prairie
plants have covered the bare ground), conduct burns
less frequently (every three to five years).
Fire in the City
Toronto’s High Park is home to a remnant oak savanna
that has become degraded, in part due to decades of
fire suppression. When the restoration initiative for
this site started in 1993, volunteers were faced with
an invasion of
non-native trees and
herbaceous plants.
Various restoration
techniques, including
prescribed burning,
are being used to
help bring the oak
savanna back to its
former glory. The
OMNR worked with
the volunteer group
and the city’s Parks
and Recreation Division to develop a prescribed burn
plan, and trained OMNR employees conducted the
burns. Initially, some Toronto residents expressed
concern about the burning, but members of the High
Park project took steps to explain the vital role that fire
plays. They made presentations at community meetings,
installed informative signs in the park and wrote articles
in local newspapers. Thanks to their efforts, community
support for this restoration project has grown. As of
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources fire crew
members conduct a prescribed burn to restore
oak savanna habitat in High Park, Toronto.
Karen Yukich
1999, two small burns had been safely conducted right
in the heart of Canada’s largest city. Following this
success, the city is planning to proceed with operational-
scale burns of 10 to 15 hectares per year, for the next
eight years. The annual burns are to be implemented by
experts, with the help of city staff and volunteers.
Restoration work in this city park has become a
concerted effort with the addition of a seasonal field
crew dedicated to this purpose.
The remnant population of wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) in High Park has
flourished since the reintroduction of fire. Gera Dillon
Maintenance and Monitoring 29
Time of year
In the past, prairie fires would be sparked by lightning
strikes and they likely occurred at different times of
the year. Most prescribed burns are done in early
spring (mid-March to late April in southwestern
Ontario, late April to mid-May in more northerly
areas) for both ecological and practical reasons. Fires
set at other times may favour certain weed species that
do not cope as well with early spring burns. Consult
an expert if you would like help in fine-tuning the
timing of the burn to manage the planting for specific
prairie species within the mix of forbs and grasses.
Animal refuges
Many animals will be able to escape the flames, but
some wildlife, such as insect eggs and larvae, will be
lost. If practical, leave some areas unburned to allow
refuges for wildlife. Consider burning half of the site
each time on a rotating basis.
Ensure that adequate firebreaks are created by
ploughing a 2-metre strip of vegetation or mowing a
strip and laying out a soaker hose or treating it with
fire-retardant foam. Take advantage of existing
firebreaks such as rivers or roads. Fire should be
managed so that smoke does not become a nuisance
or hazard to residents or motorists.
Prairie Fires
Fire is one of the most important factors leading to the
development of prairie and is vital for keeping a prairie
healthy and thriving. Prairie fire
Consumes dead plant material and recycles nutrients
Directly kills or at least suppresses non-prairie
Releases nitrogen into the atmosphere, making it less
available for plant growth. Prairie species are adapted
to low nitrogen levels and thus have an advantage
over weedy species.
Leaves a layer of black ash on the soil surface, which
absorbs warmth from sunlight and stimulates the
growth of prairie plants.
Alternatives to Burning Prairie
Burning will not be an option at every location. If this is
the case at your site, mowing can be a partial substitute
for fire. Mow in late fall, according to the same cycle
that would be used for burning. By then, birds have
finished nesting, and prairie and meadow plants have set
seed. Consider mowing only half the site on a rotating
basis to retain adequate winter cover for wildlife.
Remove the cut stems because the thatch (dead grass)
layer will provide an additional nitrogen source for weed
growth. Once the thatch is removed, sunlight will warm
the ground and encourage the growth of prairie plants.
Monitoring and Reporting
There is nothing like hard evidence to demonstrate the
successes (and pitfalls) of any project. Written notes,
photos and numerical data provide a record of what has
been done for your own satisfaction. But this information
can also be useful to
demonstrate success to project funders;
nullify potential opposition to secondary phases of a
advertise and promote for future fund-raising;
add to the knowledge base in your local area and
encourage others; and
learn which approaches and techniques worked
and which did not; this is valuable information
for modifying management methods and for
future projects.
Monitoring a project requires patience and realistic
expectations – a ploughed field does not become
a dense, weed-free flowering prairie or meadow in
one season. Use the information in Table 5 to assess
progress or troubleshoot.
Photo Monitoring
One of the easiest monitoring methods is using photos
to record the process from the beginning, the species
that are present and the people involved. Photos taken
from fixed reference points can be useful to demonstrate
both obvious and subtle changes over time. This should
be done seasonally and annually.
Firebreaks such as this ploughed strip are used to contain the
prescribed burn within selected areas. John Bayes
30 Planting the Seed
Number of species
growing versus
number planted
High percentage of species survival;
if seeded, increasing number of
species appear in future years.
Estimate of
percentage of plant
survival for each
species (if using
At least 75 percent in first year. Gaps
will be filled in through clumping or
self-seeding in subsequent years.
Troubleshooting comments above are applicable here
as well.
General plant
health and vigour
Hardy, green (or red-brown in late
season), growing plants, with no
sign of damage or disease.
If an excessive amount of mulch has severely depleted
available soil nitrogen, plants will appear yellow.
Consider fertilizing with small amounts of nitrogen.
Flowering and
seed set
If planted early enough, flowering
and seed set of plugs could occur in
first year. Most plants, whether
starting from seed or plugs, should
flower and produce seed by second
Extreme growing conditions may cause delay in growth
and development. Excess weed problem could hamper
growth. Patience is needed. If the plants are still alive,
with proper maintenance (weed control, prescribed
burns) all should flower and produce seed.
Plant cover
By second or third year, there could
be a relatively even, dense plant
cover over the entire project area.
Assess very large bare patches for specific problems
(e.g., too wet/dry, herbicide drift from adjacent areas)
and augment by planting with appropriate species. Bare
patches in moderation are important for wildlife such as
insects, birds and snakes.
Weed types and
No invasive weeds; reduction of
weed diversity and abundance over
time, with planted species becoming
Excess weeds suggest that site preparation was
inadequate. Remove weeds using most appropriate
means (see Weeding, above).
Table 5: Assessing the Success of the Planting Project
Items to Monitor Signs of Success Troubleshooting
Poor results may suggest
poor species choice for site conditions;
extreme early growing conditions (too wet or dry);
site contamination by herbicides;
inadequate maintenance (e.g., water needed to
establish); or
heavy grazing by insects or other animals (e.g.,
rabbits, geese).
Assess problem/conditions and augment planting with
appropriate species.
A Final Thought 31
Natural landscapes need not be confined to parks,
conservation areas and nature reserves. Restoring
ecological communities to settled landscapes can provide
vital connections among remnant natural areas.
Opportunities for prairie and meadow restoration exist
everywhere, including in local community parks, along
highway shoulders, on marginal rural land and even in
Prairie and meadow are low-maintenance, high-biodiversity
habitats that add beauty and value to settled landscapes.
Well-planned prairie and meadow naturalization
projects will help to restore the health of our settled
landscapes and bring back some of the rich diversity
of Ontario’s natural heritage.
Cultivating these changes in community landscapes
can involve everyone, offering both fun and an
educational experience. This guide provides the basic
tools to help you dig in and restore Southern Ontario’s
grassland communities.
Statistical Monitoring
Although a statistical evaluation of a project is more
involved than photo monitoring, it can be useful. Over
time, the data recorded will demonstrate even subtle
changes and provide information that can be used to
make appropriate management decisions. This works
best for plantings greater than 0.5 hectares. Methods for
collecting data will differ from project to project. The
Tallgrass Restoration Handbook for Prairies, Savannas
and Woodlands (Packard and Mutel 1997) has a chapter
devoted to vegetation monitoring (see Restoration,
Naturalization and Management under Sources of
Information). Check an academic library for other
introductory field biology books that cover vegetation-
sampling techniques. Ask an ecologist for some
assistance with appropriate data collection and
statistical-analysis techniques for the project, and check
with a nearby college or university to see if students
might like to assist as part of a course project.
A Final Thought
Monitoring your project closely helps you notice and troubleshoot any
problems and keep track of ongoing changes and successes.
Kim Delaney
P. Allen Woodliffe
This table can be used as a guide to help you develop a
species list for your project. Use the information to
choose species that are appropriate to the location and
conditions of your project site.
Key to the Species Table
Prairie: The species is associated with prairie and may
be suitable for a prairie planting within the range indi-
cated in the Range column.
Meadow: The species is associated with meadow and
may be suitable for a meadow planting within the range
indicated in the Range column.
Range: The area in Southern Ontario where the species
currently occurs and/or historically occurred. The Range
indicators are shown as two-letter codes that refer to a
county or municipality. For the purposes of this guide,
we recommend that a species be planted only within the
general range of its historical occurrence in Southern
Ontario – that is, only within the counties or municipal-
ities specified. Range information is taken from a vari-
ety of sources, primarily regional distribution lists, with
the terms used as follows:
Throughout: The species is found throughout the 26
counties/municipalities within the historical range of
prairie; however, those species identified as meadow
only are not necessarily limited to the historical range
of prairie and do, in fact, occur beyond that range.
Widespread: The species is generally found across
the entire range of the 26 counties/municipalities,
but with several exceptions (noted in parentheses).
Restricted: The species is not widespread, and the
nine or more counties/municipalities where the
species has been recorded are listed.
Very restricted: The species is not widespread, and
the less than nine counties/municipalities where the
species has been recorded are listed.
The two-letter range codes are as follows:
BN Brant County
CK Municipality of Chatham-Kent
(formerly Kent County)
DF Dufferin County
DR Durham County
EL Elgin County
ES Essex County
HL Regional Municipality of Halton
HN Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk
HS Hastings County
HU Huron County
HW Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth
LA Lambton County
MI Middlesex County
NI Regional Municipality of Niagara
NO Northumberland County
OX Oxford County
PE Prince Edward County
PL Regional Municipality of Peel
PR Perth County
PT Peterborough County
SI Simcoe County
TO Toronto
VI Victoria County
WA Regional Municipality of Waterloo
WE Wellington County
YO Regional Municipality of York
Core Species: Core species are the species forming the
backbone of naturally occurring prairies and meadows.
Core species that occur in the project area (consult
Range column) should form the common component of
the planting. Other species on the following list not
marked as core species can be used for planting projects
within the appropriate range, but should not be as
prevalent as core species.
Moisture Preference: Moisture preference describes the
site moisture conditions in which the species is general-
ly found. Conditions range from Wet (W) to Wet Mesic
(WM), Mesic (M), Dry Mesic (DM) and Dry (D).
Soil Preference: Soil preference describes the soil type(s)
on which the species is generally found. Basic soil types
include sand (S), loam (L) and clay (C).
Germination Code: Germination requirements and cor-
responding codes are explained in Appendix B: Seed-
Treatment Techniques. (N/A [not available] in the table
below indicates that the requirements are not yet
Successional Stage: Successional stage refers to the peri-
od in which the species becomes best established when
seeded; that is, species identified as early should become
well established in the first five years, and later succes-
sional species after five years. Of course, local conditions
will vary, and some species may become established ear-
lier or take longer, depending on soil conditions, the
seed mix, etc. (N/A [not available] in the table below
indicates that the successional stage has not yet been
Height and Other Comments: Height classes are as
follows: short species are less than 1 metre high;
medium species are 1 to 1.7 metres high; tall species
are higher than 1.7 metres.
32 Planting the Seed
Appendix A: Recommended Species for Prairie and Meadow Plantings in Southern Ontario
Appendix A 33
Core Species
and Other
and Sedges
Andropogon gerardii ●●Widespread (not in DF); WM–DM S, L, C CD or CM Early Tall, to 3.0 m
Big bluestem dominates many prairies or more
Bromus kalmii Widespread (not in DF, WM–DM S, L CD N/A Medium, to
Kalm’s brome DR, GR, OX, PL, PR, WE); 1.6 m
never dominant
Calamagrostis ●●Throughout; common on wet W–M S, L, C CD N/A Medium, to
canadensis sites and can be quite dominant 1.6 m
Canada bluejoint
Carex bebbii Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Bebb’s sedge
Carex comosa Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Short
Bristly sedge
Carex crinita Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Fringed sedge
Carex retrorsa Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Retrorse sedge
Carex stipata Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Awl-fruited sedge
Carex stricta Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Tussock sedge
Carex vulpinoidea Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Fox sedge
Cyperus esculentus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Yellow nut-grass
Eleocharis obtusa Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Blunt spike-rush
Elymus canadensis ●●Widespread (not in DF, PR, VI) WM–D S, L, C CD Early Medium, to 1.3 m
Canada wild rye
Elymus hystrix Throughout M–DM S, L CD or CM N/A Medium, to 1.3 m
Bottle-brush grass
Glyceria striata Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Tall
Fowl manna grass
Hierochloe odorata ●●Widespread (not in HL, HW, NI, W–WM S, L CD N/A Short, to 0.6 m
Sweetgrass OX, PE, PL); locally abundant
Juncus articulatus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Jointed rush
Juncus balticus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Baltic rush
Juncus effusus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Soft rush
Juncus tenuis Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Path rush
Core Species
and Other
34 Planting the Seed
Juncus torreyi Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Torrey’s rush
Leerisia oryzoides Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Rice cut grass
Panicum virgatum ●●Widespread (not in DF, HL, HS, M–D S, L CD or CM Early Medium, to 1.6 m
Switch grass PT, VI, WA); sometimes dominant
on drier sites
Schizachyrium Widespread (not in DF, DR, NO, DM–D S, L CD Later Medium, to 1.3 m
scoparium PR, PT); often dominant on
Little bluestem drier sites
Scirpus atrovirens Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Medium
Green bulrush
Scirpus cyperinus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Medium
Sorghastrum nutans Widespread (not in DF, DR, HL, WM–DM S, L, C CD Later Tall, to 2.5 m
Indian grass OX, PR, VI); often dominant
Spartina pectinata Widespread (not in DF, DR, HL, W–WM S, L CM Later Tall, to 2.3 m
Prairie cord grass NO, OX, VI, WE); often Low
dominant on wet sites viability
Sporobolus asper Natural occurrences believed to DM–D S, L CD Early Medium, to 1.2 m
Rough dropseed be restricted to BN, CK, EL, ES,
HN, MI, NI, SI, WA, YO, but
often found as introduced
or adventive in most other areas,
often along roads
Sporobolus Widespread (not in BN, DR, DM–D S, L CM, S N/A Short
cryptandrus OX, PL, PR)
Sand dropseed
Achillea millefolium ●●Throughout; some locations may W–DM S, L CD Early Short
Yarrow have an introduced subspecies
Amphicarpaea ●●Widespread (not in DF, PE) WM–M S, L CD, S, I N/A Medium, usually
bracteata entangled with
Hog peanut other vegetation
Anemone canadensis ●●Throughout WM–M S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.4 m
Canada anemone
Anemone cylindrica ●●Widespread (not in HU, OX, PR) M–DM S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.5 m
Apios americana ●●Widespread (not in PR, DF) WM–M S, L N/A N/A Medium, usually
Groundnut entangled with
other vegetation
Apocynum ●●Throughout W–M S, L, C CM N/A Medium, to 1.2 m
Indian hemp
Core Species
and Other
Appendix A 35
Asclepias incarnata ●●Throughout W–WM S, L, C CM N/A Medium, to 1.5 m
Swamp milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa ●●Widespread (not in DF, HU, OX, M–DM S, L, C CM Later Short, to 0.7 m;
Butterfly milkweed PR, PT, VI) highly desirable,
attracts insects,
Aster ericoides ●●Throughout; one of the most WM–DM S, L, C CD Early Short
Heath aster common and widespread asters
in Southern Ontario
Aster laevis ●●Widespread (not in DF, NO, OX, WM–DM S, L CD Later Medium, to 1.2 m
Smooth aster PE, PL, PR, VI)
Aster lateriflorus Throughout; common WM–M S, L, C CD Early Medium, to 1.5 m
Calico aster
Aster novae-angliae ●●Throughout; one of the most WM–DM S, L, C CM Early Medium, to 1.2 m
New England aster common and widespread asters
in Southern Ontario
Aster oolentangiensis ●●Widespread (not in DF, HU, PE, WM–D S, L CD Later Short, to 1 m
Sky blue aster PR, OX, WE)
Aster pilosus ●●Throughout WM–M S, L CD Early Medium
Hairy aster
Aster puniceus Throughout; common WM–M S, L, C CM Early Tall, to 2.4 m
Aster umbellatus ●●Widespread (not in DF, PE) W–WM S, L CM Early Tall, to 2 m
Flat-topped white
Aster urophyllus ●●Widespread (not in HU, PR) WM–M S, L CD Later Medium, to 1.2 m
Arrow-leaved aster
Bidens frondosa Throughout WM–M S, L, C CD Early Medium
Devil’s beggar-ticks
Campanula ●●Throughout W–WM S, L CM, L N/A Short; usually
aparinoides sprawling in low
Marsh bellflower vegetation
Cirsium discolor Widespread (not in DF, HL, HU, WM–DM S, L, C CM Early Tall, to 2.2 m;
Field thistle HW, NO, PE, PL, PR, PT, WE) can be aggressive,
but is easily
Chelone glabra Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Medium
Desmodium ●●Widespread (not in DF, HU, PR) W–M S, L, C CD, S, I Early Tall, to 1.8 m;
canadense showy
Showy tick-trefoil
Core Species
and Other
36 Planting the Seed
Eupatorium Throughout WM–M S, L, C CD N/A Tall, to 3.0 m;
maculatum showy
Eupatorium Throughout WM–M S, L, C CD N/A Tall, to 1.8 m
Euphorbia corollata ●●Restricted; found in BN, CK, ES, WM–D S, L CM Later Short
Flowering spurge LA, MI, OX, PR, WA, YO
Euthamia Throughout WM–M S, L, C CD Early Medium
Fragaria virginiana ●●Throughout WM–D S, L, C CD N/A Short
Wild strawberry
Gentiana andrewsii ●●Widespread (not in DF, HS, PL) W–M S, L, C CM, L Later Short, to 0.6 m
Bottle gentian
Gentianopsis crinita ●●Widespread (not in DF, HS, WM–M S, L L, FM Later Short, to 0.6 m
Fringed gentian HU, PR)
Helenium autumnale Widespread (not in DF, DR, HW, WM–M S, L, C CM Later Short, to 0.8 m
Sneezeweed NO, OX, PL, SI, TO, VI, YO)
Helianthus giganteus ●●Restricted; found in BN, CK, EL, WM–DM S, L, C CD or CM Later Tall, to 3.0 m or
Tall sunflower ES, HN, HU, HW, LA, MI, PL; more
may occur elsewhere, but is
believed to be introduced
Helianthus strumosus Widespread (not in DF, HU, OX, WM–DM S, L, C CD or CM N/A Medium
Pale-leaved PR, VI, WE)
Heliopsis helianthoides ●●Restricted; found in BN, CK, W–M S, L, C CD or CM Later Medium, to 1.5 m
False sunflower DR, EL, ES, HN, HU, HW, LA,
Hypoxis hirsuta Restricted; found in BN, CK, ES, W–WM S, L CM Later Short, less
Yellow star-grass HN, HS, HW, LA, MI, NI, YO* than 0.2 m;
early flowering
Impatiens capensis Throughout WM–M S, L, C CM Early Medium
Spotted jewel-weed
Iris versicolor Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Short
blue-flag iris
Iris virginica Very restricted; found in CK, EL, WM S, L, C CM Later Short
Southern blue-flag ES, HN, HW, LA, MI, NI
Lathyrus palustris Widespread in BN, CK, DR, ES, W–WM S, L CD, S, I N/A Short; climbing,
Marsh vetchling HN, HS, HW, LA, MI, NI, NO, vine-like
Lespedeza capitata ●●Widespread (not in DF, OX, PE, WM–D S, L, C CD, S, I Later Medium, to 1.2 m
Round-headed PR, VI, WE)
* Can be rare within these areas; consult the ecologist at your local OMNR office before including in the planting.
Core Species
and Other
Appendix A 37
Lespedeza hirta ●●Widespread (not in DF, DR, M–D S, L CD, S, I N/A Short
Hairy bush-clover HS, HU, NO, OX, PE, PR, SI,
Liatris cylindracea Very restricted; found in CK, HN, M–D S CM N/A Short, to 0.6 m
Cylindric blazing LA, NI, NO, TO, WA, YO*
Liatris spicata Very restricted; found in CK, EL, WM–M S, L, C CM Later Medium, to 1.5 m
Dense blazing star ES, LA, MI, NI, YO*
Lilium michiganense ●●Widespread (not in DF, HS, PE, W–M S, L WM N/A Tall, to 2.0 m
Michigan lily PT, VI) (90 days)
days) or F
Lilium philadelphicum Widespread (not in DF, HS, HU, WM–DM S, L WM N/A Short
Wood lily OX, PE, PL, PR, TO) (90 days)
days) or F
Lithospermum Very restricted; found in BN, ES, M–D S, L WM Later Short, to 0.6 m
canescens HN, LA, MI, PE, WA* (60 days)
Hoary puccoon /CM
(120 days)
Lobelia siphilitica Throughout W–M S, L, C CD Early Short
Great lobelia
Lobelia spicata ●●Widespread (not in DF, OX, PE, WM–DM S, L, C CM, L Later Medium, to 1.3 m
Pale-spiked lobelia PL, PR, PT, TO, VI)
Lycopus americanus Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Short
Cut-leaved water
Lysimachia ciliata ●●Throughout WM–M S, L CM N/A Short
Fringed loosestrife
Lysimachia Restricted; found in BN, ES, HN, W–M S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.6 m
quadriflora HU, HW, LA, MI, NI, SI
Prairie loosestrife
Lysimachia Restricted; found in BN, CK, DR, M–D S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.6 m
quadrifolia EL, ES, HL, HN, NI, NO, OX, PE,
Whorled loosestrife PL, PT, TO, WA, YO
Lythrum alatum ●●Restricted; found in CK, DR, ES, W–M S, L CM Later Medium, to 1.2 m;
Winged loosestrife EL, HN, HW, LA, MI, PT, WA* this species should
not be confused
with the closely
related and
invasive purple
Lythrum salicaria)
– the two species
can sometimes
Mentha arvensis Throughout WM S, L, C CM Later Short
Wild mint
* Can be rare within these areas; consult the ecologist at your local OMNR office before including in the planting.
Core Species
and Other
38 Planting the Seed
Mimulus ringens Throughout WM S, L, C CM Early Short
Monarda fistulosa ●●Throughout WM–D S, L, C CD Early Short; showy
Wild bergamot
Oenothera biennis Throughout WM–D S, L, C CD Early Tall; showy but
Common can be weedy
Parnassia glauca ●●Widespread (not in DF, HL, PE, W–WM S, L CM N/A Short, usually less
Bluegreen PR, TO, VI, YO) than 0.4 m
Penstemon digitalis ●●Throughout M–DM S, L, C CM Early Medium,
Foxglove (30 days) to 1.4 m
Penstemon hirsutus ●●Widespread (not in HU, OX, PR) M–DM S, L, C CD Early Short
Hairy beard-tongue
Polygala sanguinea Very restricted; found in CK, EL, WM–M S, L N/A N/A Short, to 0.4 m
Field milkwort ES, HN, LA, PL, WA
Polygala senega Widespread (not in DF, HU, OX, WM–DM S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.4 m
Seneca-snakeroot PR, VI)
Polygala verticillata Restricted; found in CK, DR, EL, WM–M S, L N/A N/A Short, to 0.3 m
Whorled milkwort ES, HL, HN, HW, LA, MI, NI, PL,
Potentilla arguta ●●Widespread (not in DF, HL, HU, M–D S, L CM Later Medium, to 1.2 m
Prairie cinquefoil HW, MI, NI, OX, PL, PR, YO)
Prenanthes alba Widespread (not in OX, PR, VI) M–DM S, L CM N/A Medium, to 1.6 m
White lettuce
Prenanthes racemosa Very restricted; found in CK, ES, M–DM S, L CM N/A Medium, to 1.3 m
Glaucus HL, LA, SI
white lettuce
Pycnanthemum ●●Restricted; found in CK, DR, EL, WM–DM S, L CD N/A Short
tenuifolium ES, HN, LA, MI, NI, TO, YO*
Pycnanthemum ●●Widespread (not in DF, HL, HS, W–DM S, L, C CD Later Short
virginianum HU, HW, NO, OX, PE, PL, PR,
Virginia VI, WE)
Ranunculus Restricted; found in CK, DR, HN, M–D S, L F N/A Short, to 0.2 m
rhomboideus HS, LA, MI, NO, PT, SI, YO
Prairie buttercup
Ratibida pinnata Very restricted; found in CK, EL, M–DM S, L, C CD or CM Early Tall, to 1.8 m
Gray-headed ES, LA, MI*
* Can be rare within these areas; consult the ecologist at your local OMNR office before including in the planting.
Core Species
and Other
Appendix A 39
Rudbeckia hirta ●●Throughout; common WM–DM S, L, C CD Early Short
Black-eyed Susan
Sisyrinchium Throughout WM–M S, L CM N/A Short, to 0.45 m;
montanum will probably
Montane appear in plantings
blue-eyed-grass whether it is
planted or not
Sisyrinchium ●●Widespread (not in DF, EL, HL, WM–M S, L CM, N/A Short, to 0.2 m
mucronatum HN, HS, HW, NO, OX, PE, PL, germinates
Narrow-leaved PT, TO, VI, YO) in cool
blue-eyed-grass soil
Solidago altissima Throughout W–M S, L, C CM, S Early Tall, to 2.1 m; will
Tall goldenrod probably appear
in plantings
whether it is
planted or not
Solidago canadensis Throughout W–M S, L, C CM, S Early Medium, to 1.5 m;
Canada goldenrod will probably
appear in
whether it is
planted or not
Solidago nemoralis ●●Throughout; common M–D S, L, C CD Later Short, to 0.5 m
Gray goldenrod
Solidago ohioensis ●●Widespread (not in DF, DR, HL, WM–M S, L CM N/A Medium, to 1.4 m
Ohio goldenrod HS, HW, NO, OX, PE, PL, PR, (30 days)
Solidago patula Throughout W–M S, L, C CM, S Early Tall, to 2.1 m; will
Rough-leaved probably appear
goldenrod in plantings
whether it is
planted or not
Solidago riddellii Very restricted; found in CK, EL, WM–M S, L CM Later Medium, to 1.2 m
Riddell’s goldenrod ES, LA, MI*
Solidago rigida Restricted; found in BN, CK, EL, WM–D S, L, C CM Early Medium, to 1.5 m;
Stiff goldenrod ES, HW, LA, MI, PR, YO* this species can be
aggressive early in
a planting if there
is not enough
competition from
other planted
species; plant
Solidago rugosa Throughout WM–M S, L, C CM, S Early Tall, to 2.1 m; will
Rough-stemmed probably appear in
goldenrod plantings whether
it is planted or not
* Can be rare within these areas; consult the ecologist at your local OMNR office before including in the planting.
Core Species
and Other
40 Planting the Seed
* Can be rare within these areas; consult the ecologist at your local OMNR office before including in the planting.
Teucrium canadense ●●Widespread (not in DF, OX, WM–DM S, L CM N/A Medium, to 1.2 m
Germander PR, VI)
Thalictrum ●●Restricted; found in BN, CK, DR, WM–M S, L CM N/A Tall, to 2 m
dasycarpum EL, ES, LA, MI, PT, SI, WA
Purple meadow rue
Verbena hastata ●●Throughout W–M S, L, C CD or CM N/A Tall, to 2 m
Blue vervain
Vernonia missurica ●●Very restricted; found in CK, ES, W–M S, L, C CM Later Medium, to 1.5 m.
Missouri ironweed LA, MI* V. missurica,
misidentified as
V. gigantea, has
recently been
determined to be
the most common
Vernonia in
Southern Ontario;
V. gigantea seems
to be much less
common, at least
in the southwest.
More easterly
populations (in
EL, HN and NI)
have not been
verified and may
be either
V. missurica or
V. gigantea
Appendix B 41
Appendix B: Seed-Treatment Techniques
Technique How It’s Done Germination Code
Cold Dry
Place seed in a refrigerator or unheated building for 6 to 8
weeks, and protect from rodents.
Cold Moist
Mix 1 part seed with 2 to 3 parts damp (not wet), sterile
potting medium or sand, and place in a plastic bag. Place in
a refrigerator for up to 60 days unless otherwise indicated
(see Appendix A), or
Plant seed in trays or pots, and cover with plastic to keep
moisture in. Place in an unheated building or cold frame for
up to 60 days unless otherwise indicated (see Appendix A),
and protect from rodents.
CM (# days)
Warm Moist/
Cold Moist
WM/CM (# days)
• Rub the seed between two pieces of sandpaper or shake in a
jar lined with sandpaper to abrade the seed coat and allow
moisture and oxygen to enter.
Needs Light to
• Do not cover seed after sowing. Do not let seed dry out; cover
with clear plastic until germination occurs.
Sow Fresh Seed
Early flowering species often germinate best if seed is sown as
soon as it ripens. It may germinate within a few weeks or it
may not germinate until the following spring.
Sow Fresh Seed
in Special Soil
Sow freshly collected seed in a 1-to-1 mix of potting medium
and composted leaf litter from a beech-maple forest.
Inoculation Coat seed with appropriate bacterial inoculant (see Inoculum
for Legumes under Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment
and Services) just prior to seeding.
• Mix 1 part seed with 2 to 3 parts damp (not wet), sterile
potting medium or sand, and place in a plastic bag. Store
at room temperature, then place in a refrigerator – see
Appendix A for required number of days for each stage, or
• Sow outdoors and allow one full year for germination.
Step 1. Is vegetation present?
Yes: Go to Step 4.
No: Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Has the topsoil been removed?
Yes: Test the remaining soil for pH (see Soil Analysis
Services under Sources of Materials, Specialized
Equipment and Services). Most plants prefer a range
of pH 6 to 7.5. Since vegetation and seed bank are not
present on this site, take advantage of the situation
and seed or plant as soon as possible. If this is not an
option, plant a cover crop such as annual oats, which
will discourage the establishment of weeds and pre-
vent erosion. Go to Step 9.
No: Go to Step 3.
Step 3. Has the site been used to grow agricultural crops?
Yes: Check history of herbicide use (i.e., persistence
in the soil). Some chemicals remain active in the soil
for several years. If persistent herbicides are not pre-
sent, allow the seed bank to germinate and go to Step 4.
If persistent herbicides are present, check label infor-
mation to determine which plants are resistant and
sow a resistant cover crop. Wait until the residue is
no longer active and go to Step 9.
No: Allow the seed bank to germinate and go to Step 4.
Step 4. Are prairie/meadow plants present?
Yes: Go to Step 5.
No: Go to Step 7.
Step 5. Are the desirable plants scattered (as opposed
to grouped) throughout the site?
Yes: Go to Step 6.
No: Protect prairie/meadow plant groupings in
specific areas by flagging them, and go to Step 8.
Step 6. Option 1: Do-nothing approach. The approach
of allowing the vegetation to grow in the hope that a
native plant community will eventually result on its
own is not recommended for prairie creation and is
only marginally successful for meadow creation. It is
discussed here only because restorationists are often
asked why a site shouldn’t be left to naturalize on its
own. It has a chance of success only if adequate num-
bers of desirable plants are growing nearby to provide
the seed source. Usually, though, the seeds that come
into the site are largely weeds and invasive species.
Option 2: Hands-on approach for prairie sites.
Glyphosate-based herbicide application and/or culti-
vation are not options since they will harm the very
plants requiring protection. Conduct a prescribed
burn (see Maintenance and Monitoring) in early spring
to stress the undesirable vegetation and stimulate
the warm season prairie plants. Take advantage of the
stressed non-native vegetation and the upcoming
spring rains, and seed or plant using a no-till
technique such as hand planting or seed drilling.
Option 3: Hands-on approach for meadow sites
(and prairie sites when burning is not possible).
Mow vegetation as close to the ground as possible
and remove cut stems. On larger projects, a hay baler
provides a convenient way to gather and remove the
cut stems. Seed or plant using a no-till technique.
Step 7. Is the site currently in turf grass?
Yes: Spray turf with a glyphosate-based herbicide.
Allow the site to green up, and spray again. Seed or
plant using a no-till technique. If no-till equipment is
unavailable, plough under any vegetation still present,
and go to Step 10.
No: Go to Step 8.
Step 8. Are perennial weeds present?
Yes: Glyphosate-based herbicide is a fairly effective
treatment for perennial weeds. Cultivation alone may
compound the problem by cutting roots into many
small pieces, each of which can grow into a new
plant. Begin by spraying the site with glyphosate-
based herbicide in fall or early spring. Allow vegeta-
tion to die back and then let the site green up until
weeds are 10 to 15 centimetres tall. Spray again.
Repeat this process until you are satisfied that weed
control is acceptable. It is most important to gain
control of perennial and biennial weeds. This may
take an entire growing season or longer for very
difficult weeds such as Canada thistle. Go to Step 9.
No: Go to Step 9.
Step 9. Will a no-till seeding/planting technique
be used?
Yes: Spray a glyphosate-based herbicide one final time
as soon as weeds are greened up in the spring, and
then seed or plant as soon as possible after herbicide
has dried.
No: Plough under any vegetation still present. Go to
Step 10.
Step 10. Are plugs being planted?
Yes: Allow the site to green up until weeds are 10 to
15 centimetres tall, and disc to a depth of 10 to 15
centimetres. Some restorationists recommend two
passes at right angles to each other. Allow to green
up again, and disc to a depth of 5 to 10 centimetres.
Allow to green up and then disc to a depth of 2 to 3
centimetres. Plant.
No: Allow the site to green up until weeds are 10
to 15 centimetres tall, and disc to a depth of 5 to 6
centimetres. Allow to green up again, and disc to
a depth of 2 to 3 centimetres. Allow to green up and
then disc the surface lightly. Plant the seed.
42 Planting the Seed
Appendix C: Site-Preparation Key
Appendix D 43
Appendix D: Common and Botanical Names of Plant Species Referred to in This Guide
Native Species Weed Species
Common Name Botanical Name
Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta
Blue vervain Verbena hastata
Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum
Butterfly milkweed Asclepias tuberosa
Canada wild rye Elymus canadensis
Closed gentian Gentiana andrewsii
Common evening-primrose Oenothera biennis
Dense blazing star Liatris spicata
Fringed gentian Gentianopsis crinita
Gray goldenrod Solidago nemoralis
Gray-headed coneflower Ratibida pinnata
Hoary puccoon Lithospermum canescens
Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans
Narrow-leaved Sisyrinchium mucronatum
Prairie cord grass Spartina pectinata
Prairie white-fringed orchid Platanthera leucophaea
Round-headed bush-clover Lespedeza capitata
Showy tick-trefoil Desmodium canadense
Shrubby false-indigo Amorpha fruticosa
Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale
Spotted Joe-pye-weed Eupatorium maculatum
Swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata
Tall sunflower Helianthus giganteus
Virginia Culver’s-root Veronicastrum virginicum
Wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa
Wild lupine Lupinus perennis
Wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana
Common Name Botanical Name
Black locust (tree) Robinia pseudo-acacia
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense
Chicory Cichorium intybus
Common barnyard grass Echinochloa crusgalli
Common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Dog-strangling vine Cynanchum spp.
Giant ragweed Ambrosia trifida
Ox-eye daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Quack grass Elymus repens
Queen Anne’s lace Daucus carota
Red clover Trifolium pratense
Smooth brome Bromus inermis
White sweet-clover Melilotus alba
Crop Species
Annual oats Avena sativa
Rye grain Secale cereale
Rye grass Lolium spp.
Winter wheat Triticum aestivum
44 Planting the Seed
Appendix E: Metric and Imperial Measures Conversion Table
When you know Multiply by To find
Length centimetres 0.39 inches
metres 3.28 feet
kilometres 0.62 miles
inches 2.54 centimetres
feet 0.305 metres
miles 1.61 kilometres
Area square metres 10.8 square feet
hectares 2.47 acres
square kilometres 0.391 square miles
square feet 0.093 square metres
acres 0.405 hectares
square miles 2.59 square kilometres
Mass (weight) kilograms 2.20 pounds
pounds 0.454 kilograms
Mass/Area kilograms per hectare 0.88 pounds per acre
pounds per acre 1.14 kilograms per hectare
adventive Spreading from a native or naturalized source,
but not yet well established.
annual A plant with a life span of one growing season.
biennial A plant that completes its life cycle in two
growing seasons, usually flowering and fruiting
during the second season.
biodiversity The variety of living things, both plants
and animals, that live in a particular place.
biomass The total quantity or weight of organisms in
a given area or of a given species.
clay An inorganic soil component having particles that
are less than 0.002 millimetres in diameter.
cool season Describes a plant that achieves most of its
growth early in the growing season, and then later in
the cool fall season.
core species Species that are common in a particular
ecological community and geographical area. Planting
projects should make use of the core species occur-
ring within the county or municipality where the
project is located in order to complete a locally
appropriate, balanced and diverse planting.
damping off The collapse of seedling plants at the soil
level; caused by fungal growth and encouraged by
overwatering, poor drainage, overcrowding or poor
handling techniques.
diatomaceous earth A substance made from the silica
cell walls of microscopic algae that kills soft-bodied
invertebrates by puncturing their skin.
dibble A hand-held tool with a pointed end; used for
making holes in the ground for plug plants.
ecological community A naturally occurring group of
organisms that live and interact together.
ecology The study of plants and animals and their
endangered Describes a plant, animal or ecological
community threatened with extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range.
exotic Describes a plant (i.e., most weeds) or animal
that is not native to the region in question, having
originated in another region.
firebreak A barrier that stops a fire and contains it in a
controlled area. A firebreak can be a road, a river, a
ploughed strip of ground or a bare, burned patch of
flora The plants of a particular geographical area,
or a document listing the plant species found in a
particular area.
forb A specialized term for any non-grassy herbaceous
plant. Used particularly for the broad-leaved plants
of prairies.
genetic diversity The variability, within a species,
of the genetic material that forms the basis of
inherited qualities.
germination The beginning of the growth of a seed into
a plant.
girdle To kill a woody plant by removing bark in a ring
around the trunk.
grass Any plant having narrow leaves with parallel
veins, small flowers and stems with joints that appear
as easily visible bulges where the leaves attach – that
is, any plant of the Grass family (whose botanical
name is Poaceae).
habitat The place where a plant or animal lives.
harden off Adjusting plants that are raised indoors or in
a greenhouse to outdoor conditions. This is usually
achieved by gradual exposure to outdoor conditions.
herbaceous Describes an annual, biennial or perennial
plant that is not woody and dies back at the end of
the growing season.
herbicide A chemical that is used to kill plants.
invasive plant A plant that reproduces so aggressively
that it displaces other plant species in the area.
invertebrate An animal that does not possess a back-
bone – for example, insects and spiders.
legume A plant having seeds in pods and usually root
nodules able to “fix” nitrogen from the air – that is,
any plant of the Pea, Bean or Legume family (whose
botanical name is Fabaceae, formerly Leguminosae).
loam A class of soil texture that is composed of sand,
silt and clay. Silt is an inorganic soil component with
particles ranging between 0.002 and 0.02 millimetres
in diameter.
mesic Habitat containing a moderate amount of mois-
ture – that is, having average moisture conditions.
natural gardening A gardening approach that involves
the use of mostly native plants, usually with emphasis
on form, colour and texture. Arrangement of plants
is usually based on naturalistic rather than formal
patterns. Plants are not necessarily native to the place
where they are planted.
naturalization Any effort to convert managed
landscapes to more natural and naturally evolving
landscapes, relatively free of human intervention.
Glossary 45
strip A resin vaporizer strip impregnated with
insecticide, which is typically used to kill flies and
mosquitoes indoors.
no-till A technique used to plant seed or plants in the
soil without turning over the soil (i.e., no ploughing
or discing). This technique helps reduce soil erosion
and seed-bank germination.
perennial A plant that has a life span of more than two
growing seasons.
pH A number used to indicate the degree of acidity
or alkalinity of soils and solutions. Values lower
than about 7 indicate acidity; higher values indicate
alkaline conditions.
plug A seedling plant growing in a cylinder of soil,
with roots fully formed and some top growth unless
dormant. Plugs are grown individually in separate
cells in a tray. Trays vary in depth, size and number
of cells.
prescribed burn A carefully planned and authorized set
and controlled fire.
remnant The small portion that remains of an ecological
community that was once much larger but that is now
nearly destroyed.
restoration The process of renewing and maintaining
ecosystem health by turning a degraded or altered site
back into a biologically diverse natural state. More
precisely, it restores an ecosystem that formerly
existed on the site, with the use of appropriate native
plant material from local sources.
reverse fertilization See soil impoverishment.
sand An inorganic soil component whose particles range
between 0.02 and 2 millimetres in diameter.
savanna A type of ecological community that is similar
to prairie but also contains widely spaced oak, red
cedar, hickory, ash, plum or hawthorn trees.
sedge A grass-like herbaceous plant having stems that
are triangular in cross-section; found mainly in damp
and marshy habitats.
soil impoverishment A technique that temporarily
reduces the amount of nitrogen available to plants.
This is done by incorporating high-carbon material,
such as sawdust, into the soil of the planting site.
Nitrogen in the soil assists in the decomposition of
this material and is unavailable to plants during the
time it does so.
stewardship The process and attitude of taking
responsibility for fostering a healthy environment
and for passing such an environment on to future
generations. Stewardship is an especially important
aspect of landownership.
stratification The simulation of the soil conditions of
fall and winter. Seeds are placed in a moist, sterile
potting medium or sand, or kept in a cold dry place –
depending on the treatment strategy (see Appendix B).
succession A series of natural changes that occur in
an ecological community over time – for example,
the changes that occur as a piece of bare ground
eventually turns into a forest.
threatened Describes a plant or animal that is likely to
become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed.
topography The surface features of a landscape.
viability Describes the likelihood that a seed
will germinate.
vulnerable A species of special concern because of
characteristics that make it particularly sensitive
to human activities or natural events.
warm season Describes a plant that starts its growth
relatively late in the spring, after the soil has warmed
up, and typically remains active even through dry
periods of the summer (e.g., many species of prairie
weed A plant that is growing where it is not wanted.
weed diversity The variety of weed species in a
particular area or planting.
wildlife Term for all wild living animals and plants.
wildlife diversity The variety of species of wild living
things in a particular ecosystem.
46 Planting the Seed
This section provides a list of recommended reading
materials (some of which are referenced in the text)
for further information on the concepts discussed in
this guide, and a list of helpful organizations.
Recommended Reading, Annotated
Prairie Ecology and Natural History
Bakowsky, W.D. 1993. A review and assessment of
prairie, oak savannah and woodland in Site Regions
7 and 6 (Southern Region). Draft report. Gore &
Storrie Ltd. for Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources,
Southern Region, Aurora.
Available from Natural Heritage Information Centre,
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7000,
300 Water Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5.
Catling, P.M., and V.R. Catling. 1993. Floristic
composition, phytogeography and relationships of
prairies, savannas and sand barrens along the Trent
River, Eastern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist
Catling, P.M., V.R. Catling and S.M. McKay-Kuja. 1992.
The extent, floristic composition and maintenance
of the Rice Lake Plains, Ontario, based on historical
records. Canadian Field-Naturalist 106(1):73–86.
Costello, D.F. 1969. The Prairie World: Plants
and Animals of the Grassland Sea. New York:
Thomas Y. Crowell.
Somewhat dated, but still good overall information
on the ecology of shortgrass, mixed grass and
tallgrass prairies.
Madson, J. 1982. Where the Sky Began: Land of the
Tallgrass Prairie. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
One of the best-written overviews of tallgrass prairie
– a classic – describing the historical context, the
ecological context as well as changes by humans to
these “Lawns of God.”
Madson, J. 1993. Tallgrass Prairie. Billings, MT: Falcon
Press in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy.
Excellent photos, text on tallgrass prairie appreciation.
More than just a coffee table book.
Reichman, O.J. 1987. Konza Prairie: A Tallgrass
Natural History. Lawrence, KS: University Press
of Kansas.
Excellent ecological perspective on tallgrass prairie
ecology, with particular reference to the research at
the 3500-hectare Konza Prairie research
area of Kansas State University.
Rodger, L. 1998. Tallgrass Communities of Southern
Ontario: A Recovery Plan. Report prepared for World
Wildlife Fund Canada and the Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources.
Available electronically from <http://www.tallgrass-
ontario.org>. Click on Publications, Recovery Plan.
Schramm, P. 1990. Prairie restoration: a twenty-five
year perspective on establishment and management.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth North American Prairie
Conference, ed. D.D. Smith and C.A. Jacobs, 169–177.
Cedar Falls, IA: University of Northern Iowa.
Szeicz, J.M., and G.M. MacDonald. 1991. Postglacial
vegetation history of oak savanna in southern Ontario.
Canadian Journal of Botany 69:1507–1519.
Weaver, J.E. 1954. North American Prairie. Lincoln, NB:
Johnsen Publishing.
A classic from one of the original prairie researchers.
Weaver J.E. 1968. Prairie Plants and Their Environment:
A Fifty Year Study in the Midwest. Lincoln, NB:
University of Nebraska Press.
Excellent scientific detail on prairie plant ecology.
Wickett, R.G., and P.D. Lewis. 1995. Ojibway Tallgrass
Prairie. Windsor, ON: City of Windsor Department
of Parks and Recreation.
Available from Ojibway Nature Centre (see Helpful
Organizations) ($3).
Wickett, R.G., P.D. Lewis, A. Woodliffe and P. Pratt,
eds. 1994. Proceedings of the Thirteenth North American
Prairie Conference: Spirit of the Land, Our Prairie
Legacy. Available from Department of Parks and
Recreation, 2450 McDougall Avenue, Windsor, ON
N8X 3N6 ($30).
Papers include:
Bakowsky, W., and J.L. Riley. A survey of the prairies
and savannas of Southern Ontario.
Faber-Langendoen, D., and P.F. Maycock. A vegetation
analysis of tallgrass prairie in Southern Ontario.
A total of seventeen North American Prairie Conferences
have been held. For a complete listing and ordering
details, see Morgan, Collicutt and Thompson, 1995,
Restoring Canada’s Native Prairies: A Practical Manual,
or Web site <http://www.unk.edu/departments/biology/
Restoration – General
Berger, J. 1985. Restoring the Earth: How Americans Are
Working to Renew Our Damaged Environment. New
York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Pollan, M. 1991. Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education.
New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.
Stein, S. 1993. Noah’s Garden: Restoring the Ecology of
Our Own Back Yards. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Sources of Information 47
Sources of Information
Stevens, W. 1995. Miracle Under the Oaks: The Revival
of Nature in America. Toronto: Pocket Books.
Restoration, Naturalization and Management
Aboud, S., and H. Kock. 1996. A Life Zone Approach to
School Yard Naturalization: The Carolinian Life Zone.
Revised ed.
Available from University of Guelph Arboretum (see
Helpful Organizations) ($31).
Alex, J.F. 1998. Ontario Weeds. Publication 505.
Available from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Affairs, 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, ON
N1G 4Y2. 519-826-3700.
Cheskey, E.D. 1993. Habitat Restoration: A Guide for
Proactive Schools. Kitchener, ON: Waterloo County
Board of Education.
Available from Waterloo Regional District School Board,
51 Ardelt Avenue, Box 68, Kitchener, ON N2G 3X5
Christensen, T. 1998. Chemical and Mechanical Control
of Pale Swallowwort (Cynanchum spp.). First year
study results. Toronto: Urban Forest Associates.
Available from Urban Forest Associates, 331 Linsmor
Crescent, Toronto, ON M4J 4M1. 416-423-3387.
Discusses the chemical and mechanical control of
dog-strangling vine (Cynanchum spp.), also known
as pale swallowwort.
Collins, S.L., and L.L. Wallace (eds.). 1990. Fire in North
American Tallgrass Prairies. Norman, OK: University
of Oklahoma Press.
Very good variety of papers presented at a Fire
Daigle, J., and D. Havinga. 1996. Restoring Nature’s Place:
A Guide to Naturalizing Ontario’s Parks and Greenspace.
Toronto: Ecological Outlook Consulting and Ontario
Parks Association.
Available from Ontario Parks Association, 1185 Eglinton
Avenue East, Suite 404, North York, ON M3C 3C6.
Very good, detailed discussion on restoring the
major ecosystems of Ontario’s landscape.
Exotic Species Compendium. 1992. Articles 1–43. Bend,
OR: Natural Areas Association.
Available from Natural Areas Association (see Helpful
All the articles pertaining to exotic species from
Volumes 1 through 12, Number 3, of the Natural
Areas Journal have been reformatted and reprinted
for this compendium.
Hagen, A 1996. Planting the Seed: A Guide to Establishing
Aquatic Plants. Downsview, ON: Environment Canada,
Environmental Conservation Branch.
Available from Environment Canada, Environmental
Conservation Branch, Conservation Strategies Division,
4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview. ON M3H 5T4.
Harker, D., S. Evans, M. Evans and K. Harker. 1993.
Landscape Restoration Handbook. Boca Raton, FL:
Lewis Publishers.
Henderson, C. 1981. Landscaping for Wildlife. St. Paul,
MN: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Available from Minnesota’s Bookstore, 117 University
Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55155. 612-297-3000.
Excellent information and ideas on using native
species in small and medium-sized landscaping
and habitat-creation projects for wildlife.
Hilts, S., and P. Mitchell. 1998. Caring for Your Land:
A Stewardship Handbook for Carolinian Canada
Landowners. Guelph, ON: Centre for Land and Water
Available from the Carolinian Canada Coalition,
659 Exeter Road, London, ON N6E 1L3.
519-873-4645 ($10).
Hoffman, R., and K. Kearns (eds.). 1997. Wisconsin
Manual of Control Recommendations for Ecologically
Invasive Plants.
Available from Bureau of Endangered Resources,
Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921,
Madison, WI 53707.
Hough Woodland Naylor Dance and Gore & Storrie.
1995. Restoring Natural Habitats: A Manual for Habitat
Restoration in the Greater Toronto Bioregion. Toronto:
Waterfront Regeneration Trust.
Available from Waterfront Regeneration Trust, 207
Queen’s Quay West, Suite 403, Toronto, ON M5J 1A7.
416-943-8080 ($15).
Johnson, L. 1995. The Ontario Naturalized Garden.
Vancouver: Whitecap.
Johnson, L. 1998. Grow Wild! Native Plant Gardening in
Canada and Northern United States. Toronto: Random
House of Canada.
Joyce, J. 1990. Prairie Grasslands Guide Book:
A Management Manual.
Available from Manitoba Natural Resources, Public
Information Unit, Box 38, 1495 St. James Street,
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0W9. 204-945-6784.
Laman, K., and D. Cronin. 1996. Building a Prairie.
Windsor, ON: Friends of Ojibway Prairie.
Available from Ojibway Nature Centre (see Helpful
Organizations) ($10).
Martin, L. 1990. The Wildflower Meadow Book. 2nd ed.
Chester, CT: Globe Pequot Press.
48 Planting the Seed
Mitchell, P., C. Plosz, A. Booth and S. Hilts. 1997.
Greening the Land: Principles, Guidelines and Cases.
Guelph, ON: University of Guelph.
Available from Centre for Land and Water Stewardship,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1.
519-824-4120 ext. 8329 ($12).
Morgan, J.P., D.R. Collicutt and J.D. Thompson.
1995. Restoring Canada’s Native Prairies: A Practical
Manual. Argyle, MB: Prairie Habitats.
Available from the Rural Lambton Stewardship Network
(see Helpful Organizations) ($20).
Excellent background and much technical detail
involving the “how to” of prairie restoration, e.g.,
mechanical seed harvesting for large-scale projects
and the calibration of seeding equipment.
Nature Conservancy USA. 2000. Elemental Stewardship
Abstracts (ESAs), Wildland Weed Management
& Research Program, Management Library.
Web site <http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/>.
These ESAs are species-management reports that
summarize many aspects of nearly 100 species
of exotic invasive plants, including their uses,
ecology and specific control measures. The
abstracts, complete with photographs, organize
and summarize data from many sources, including
the recent literature and resource managers actively
implementing control measures.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1998.
Management Options for Abandoned Farm Fields.
Extension Notes. Manotick, ON: LandOwner
Resource Centre.
Available from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Public Information Centre (1-800-667-1940) and the
LandOwner Resource Centre (1-888-571-4636).
Packard, S., and C.F. Mutel (eds.). 1997. The Tallgrass
Restoration Handbook for Prairies, Savannas and
Woodlands. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Excellent scientific background and discussion
on tallgrass prairie and savanna restoration. Chock
full of species lists, tips and scientific references.
Written by well-respected, practical and practising
prairie experts.
Pauly, W.R. 1988. How to Manage Small Prairie Fires.
Madison, WI: Dane County Park Commission.
Available from the Dane County Parks Department,
4318 Robertson Road, Madison, WI, 53714 ($4 US).
Pyne, S.J. 1982. Fire in America: A Cultural History
of Wildland and Rural Fire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
Randall, J., and K. Marinelli (eds.). 1994. Invasive Plants:
Weeds of the Global Garden. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn
Botanic Garden.
Available from Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1000
Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11225-1099.
Royer, F., and R. Dickinson. 1999. Weeds of Canada and
the Northern United States. Edmonton, AB: Lone Pine
Publishing and University of Alberta Press.
Provides a comprehensive description of 175
weed species in a concise and user-friendly form.
The photographs are superb, and the close-ups
emphasizing the identifying features of each weed
species at every growth stage allow users to identify
and match species in the field.
Shirley, S. 1994. Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie:
An Illustrated Manual for Iowa and the Upper Midwest.
Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press.
White, D.J., E. Haber and C. Keddy. 1993. Invasive
Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada. Canadian
Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, in cooperation
with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa.
Available electronically at <http://www.ec.gc.ca/cws-scf>.
Click on Canadian Wildlife Service – Publications.
Plant Propagation and Cultivation
Art, H.W. 1994. The Wildflower Gardener’s Guide.
Storey Communications.
Available from Storey Communications,
105 Schoolhouse Road, Pownal, VT, 05261-9990.
Denholm, K.A., and L.W. Schut. 1993. Field Manual for
Describing Soils in Ontario. 4th ed. Ed. D.E. Irvine.
Ontario Centre for Soil Resource Evaluation, Guelph
Agricultural Centre.
Available from the Land Resource Science Department,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1.
519-824-4120 ext. 4359 ($25).
Johnson, L. 1999. 100 Easy-to-Grow Native Plants for
Canadian Gardens. Toronto: Random House of Canada.
• Excellent colour photos and handy profiles of many
prairie and meadow plants, including propagation
and cultivation tips.
Miles, B. 1996. American Garden Classics: Wildflower
Perennials for Your Garden. Mechanicsburg, PA:
Stackpole Books.
A detailed guide to years of bloom from America’s
native heritage.
Philips, H.R. 1985. Growing and Propagating Wildflowers:
An Easy-to-Use Guide for All Gardeners. Chapel Hill,
NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Phillips, N. 1984. The Root Book: A Concise Guide to
Planting and Growing Wildflowers and Hardy Ferns.
Available from Little Bridge Publishing Company,
6700 Splithand Road, Grand Rapids, MI, 55744.
Sources of Information 49
Rock, H.W. 1981. Prairie Propagation Handbook.
Milwaukee County Department of Parks, Recreation
and Culture.
Available from Wehr Nature Center, Whitnall Park,
9701 West College Avenue, Franklin, WI, 53132
($7 US).
Sperca, M. 1973. Growing Wildflowers: A Gardener’s
Guide. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Taylor, K.S., and S.F. Hamblin. 1976. Handbook of
Wildflower Cultivation. New York: Macmillan
Publishing (Collier Books).
Quite useful treatment of propagation
techniques, species lists by habitat preference
and individual species’ requirements for many
prairie and meadow species.
Wilson, W.H.W. 1993. Landscaping with Wildflowers
& Native Plants. Ortho Books.
Available from Ortho Books, Chevron Chemical
Company, Consumer Products Division, Box 5047,
San Ramon, CA, 94583.
Young, J.A., and C.G. Young. 1986. Collecting,
Processing, and Germinating Seeds of Wildland Plants.
Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Native Plant Identification
Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1970. An Illustrated Flora
of the Northern United States and Canada (3 vols).
Don Mills, ON: General Publishing Company.
Available from General Publishing Company,
30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, ON M3B 2T6.
Brown, L. 1979. Grasses: An Identification Guide.
New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Dore, W.G., and J. McNeill. 1980. Grasses of Ontario.
Monograph 26. Ottawa: Biosystematics Research
Institute, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.
Duncan, W.H., and M.B. Duncan. 1999. Wildflowers
of the Eastern United States. Athens, GA: University
of Georgia Press.
A richly illustrated manual that includes nearly
400 Southern Ontario species of forbs, grasses,
rushes and sedges.
Gleason, H.A., and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of
Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and
Adjacent Canada. 2nd ed. New York: The New York
Botanical Garden. (See Holmgren et al. 1998.)
Holmgren, N.H., P.K. Holmgren, R.A. Jess, K.M.
McCauley and L. Vogel. 1998. The Illustrated
Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual:
Illustrations of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. New York: The
New York Botanical Garden.
Kindscher, K. 1987. Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie:
An Ethnobotanical Guide. Lawrence, KS: University
Press of Kansas.
Interesting compendium of line drawings, range
information, historical food uses and Indian names.
Ladd, D. 1995. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers. Billings,
MT: Falcon Press Publishing in cooperation with The
Nature Conservancy.
Excellent photographic guide to many flowering
prairie and meadow plant species. More than half
occur in Ontario.
Levine, C. 1995. A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter:
Herbaceous Plants of Northeastern North America.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Detailed descriptions and accurate line drawings
of nearly 400 herbaceous plants in seed; especially
useful when collecting seed in late fall.
Looman, J., and K.F. Best. 1987. Budd’s Flora of
the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Ottawa: Minister
of Supply and Services Canada.
Niering, W.A., and N.C. Olmstead. 1998. National
Audubon Society Field Guide to North American
Wildflowers: Eastern Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Newcomb, L. 1977. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide.
Toronto: Little, Brown and Company.
Newmaster, S.G., A.G. Harris and L.K. Kershaw. 1997.
Wetland Plants of Ontario. Edmonton, AB: Lone Pine
Wet area plant identification and general ecological
information on wet area plants, including some wet
meadow species.
Oldham, M.J. 1999. Natural Heritage Resources of
Ontario: Rare Vascular Plants. Peterborough, ON:
Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC),
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
The NHIC Web site includes a listing of available
publications (see Helpful Organizations).
Peterson, R.T., and M. McKenny. 1968. A Field Guide
to Wildflowers of Northeastern and Northcentral North
America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Runkel, S., and D. Roosa. 1989. Wildflowers of the
Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper Midwest. Ames, IA:
Iowa State University Press.
• Very good photos and details of Aboriginal and early
European settler uses of many prairie wildflowers,
most of which occur in Ontario.
Semple, J.C. 1999. The Goldenrods of Ontario. 3rd ed.
University of Waterloo Biology Series 39.
Available from Department of Biology, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 ($20).
50 Planting the Seed
Semple, J.C., S.B. Heard and C. Xiang. 1996. The Asters
of Ontario. University of Waterloo Biology Series 38.
Available from Department of Biology, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 ($15).
Stokes, D., and L. Stokes. 1992. The Wildflower Book
East of the Rockies. Toronto: Little, Brown and
Regional Plant Lists
Banville, D. 1994. Vascular Plants of Metropolitan Toronto.
2nd ed. Toronto: Toronto Field Naturalists.
Available from the Toronto Field Naturalists,
605-14 College Street, Toronto, ON M5G 1K2 ($10).
Bruce-Grey Plant Committee. 1997. A Checklist of
Vascular Plants for Bruce and Grey Counties, Ontario.
2nd ed. Owen Sound, ON: Owen Sound Field
Available from the Bruce-Grey Plant Committee,
Box 401, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P7 ($6).
Gartshore, M.E., J.D. McCracken and D.A. Sutherland.
1985–86. The Natural Areas Inventory of the Regional
Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk (2 vols).
Available from the Norfolk Field Naturalists, Box 995,
Simcoe, ON N3Y 5B3 ($44).
Goodban, A.G. 1997. The Vascular Plant Flora of the
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Ontario.
1st ed. rev. Hamilton Region Conservation Authority.
Available from Hamilton Region Conservation Authority,
P.O. Box 7099, 838 Mineral Springs Road,
Ancaster, ON L9G 3L3. 905-648-4427 ($20).
Henderson, R.A. 1995. Plant Species Composition of
Wisconsin Prairies: An Aid to Selecting Species for
Plantings and Restorations Based upon University of
Wisconsin-Madison Plant Ecology Laboratory Data.
Technical Bulletin No. 188. Department of Natural
Resources, WI.
Excellent reference on species’ site preferences
across the various moisture regimes and soil types
in Wisconsin, based on data from J. Curtis’s
Vegetation of Wisconsin.
Morton, J.K., and J.M. Venn. 1990. A Checklist of
the Flora of Ontario Vascular Plants. University
of Waterloo Biology Series 34.
Available from Department of Biology, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 ($20).
Newmaster, S.G., A. Lehela, P.W.C. Uhlig and M.J.
Oldham. 1998. Ontario Plant List. Forest Research
Information Paper No. 123. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Available from Natural Resources Information Centre,
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7000,
300 Water Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5.
Oldham, M.J. 1993. Distribution and Status of the
Vascular Plants of Southwestern Ontario. Aylmer
District, ON: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Riley, J.L. 1989. Distribution and Status of the Vascular
Plants of Central Region. Open File Ecological Report
SR8902. Richmond Hill, ON: Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources, Parks and Recreational Areas
Section, Central Region.
Webber, J.M. 1984. The Vascular Plant Flora of Peel
County, Ontario. Available from Jocelyn Webber,
2535 Winthrop Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5K 2A9.
905-823-6815 ($10).
Benyus, J. 1989. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of
the Eastern United States. Toronto: Simon & Schuster.
Brown, L. 1997. Audubon Society Nature Guides:
Grasslands. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Colour photographs of birds, insects, wildflowers,
grasses and trees of prairies and meadows.
Herkert, J.R., R.E. Szafoni, V.M. Kleen and J.E.
Schwegman. 1993. Habitat Establishment, Enhancement
and Management for Forest and Grassland Birds in
Illinois. Springfield, IL: Division of Natural Heritage,
Illinois Department of Conservation.
Peterson Field Guide series. Includes field guides
to mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, insects,
butterflies and moths, and others. Boston: Houghton
Zimmerman, J.L. 1993. The Birds of Konza: The Avian
Ecology of the Tallgrass Prairie. Lawrence, KS:
University of Kansas Press.
Excellent reference on avian ecology based on the
research carried out at the 3500-hectare Konza
Prairie research area of Kansas State University.
Sources of Information 51
Helpful Organizations
City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Division
21st Floor, East Tower, City Hall
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
High Park is a city park located at 1873 Bloor Street
W. in Toronto. It is home to a remnant tallgrass savanna.
Call 416-392-1748 for information about the High
Park Volunteer Stewardship Program and organized
walking tours conducted by the Natural Environment
Subcommittee of the High Park Citizens’ Advisory
Committee. The High Park greenhouse produces
native plants for naturalization projects in Toronto
parks. It also holds public native-plant sales around
Earth Day and Thanksgiving each year. Contact the
plant production supervisor at 416-392-1417 for
exact dates of plant sales.
Conservation Ontario
Box 11, 120 Bayview Parkway
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W3
Phone: 905-895-0716
Some conservation authorities manage prairie and
meadows, and assist landowners with land-management
projects. Contact Conservation Ontario for information
about conservation authorities in the area.
Environment Canada, EcoAction 2000 Community
Programs Office, Ontario Region
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON M3H 5T4
Phone: 416-739-4734 or 1-800-661-7785
Since 1995, the federal government through the
EcoAction 2000 Community Funding Program
(formerly Action 21) has supported non-profit
organizations with community involvement projects
designed to improve wildlife habitat.
Environment Canada, Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund
P.O. Box 5050, 867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON L7R 4A6
Phone: 905-336-4459
Since 1990, the federal government, through the
Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund, has supported
wildlife-habitat restoration projects in Great Lakes’
Areas of Concern, in partnership with other
government and non-government stakeholders.
355 Adelaide Street West, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M5V IS2
Phone: 416-596-1495
E-mail: <info@evergreen.ca>
Web site: <http://www.evergreen.ca>
This organization is dedicated to encouraging people
to enjoy nature through the enhancement of healthy
natural areas on school grounds and in communities
across Canada.
Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON)
355 Lesmill Road
Don Mills, ON M3B 2W8
Phone: 416-444-8419 or toll-free 1-800-440-2366
E-mail: <[email protected]g>
Web site: <http://www.ontarionature.org>
FON is a non-profit nature and conservation
organization involved with environmental and natural
history education, advocacy, research and protection
projects. Publishes Seasons magazine quarterly and
holds annual conferences.
Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO)
12 Cranleigh Court
Etobicoke, ON M9A 3Y3
FBO arranges field trips to areas of botanical interest
in Ontario and provides publications and a newsletter
for amateur field botanists.
Natural Areas Association
Box 1504, Bend,
OR 97709
Phone: 541-317-0199
E-mail: <[email protected]g>
Web site: <http://www.natareas.org/naa/htm>
This is a national, non-profit organization working
to inform, unite and support persons engaged in
identifying, protecting, managing and studying natural
areas and biological diversity. Publishes Natural Areas
Journal quarterly and holds annual conferences.
Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC),
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
300 Water Street, 2nd Floor, North Tower
Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5
Phone: 705-755-2159
Web site:
The NHIC compiles, maintains and provides
information on rare, threatened and endangered
species and spaces in Ontario.
Naturalist Clubs
Contact the Federation of Ontario Naturalists,
Tallgrass Ontario or the local Stewardship Council
for information on the clubs nearest you. These
clubs have members who are knowledgeable about
the local flora and fauna, and many are involved in
52 Planting the Seed
naturalization and restoration projects.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada
110 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 400
Toronto, ON M4R 1A3
Phone: 416-932-3202
E-mail: <nature@natureconservancy.ca>
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is the only national
organization dedicated to preserving biodiversity
through the acquisition and protection of ecologically
significant natural areas. The conservancy has helped
to protect endangered prairie grasslands, woodlands
and other ecologically significant habitat at more than
750 sites totalling over 640 thousand hectares.
North American Native Plant Society
Box 84, Postal Station D
Etobicoke, ON M9A 4X1
Phone: 416-680-6280
This organization is dedicated to the study,
conservation, cultivation and restoration of North
America’s native flora. It holds an annual native-
plant sale and a native-seed exchange.
Office for Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management
Centre for Energy and Environmental Education
University of Northern Iowa
1222 West 27th Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0293
Phone: 319-273-2813
The newsletter of this organization, Roader’s Digest,
contains useful information regarding roadside prairie
Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Road
Windsor, ON N9C 4E8
Phone: 519-966-5852
E-mail: <ojibway@city.windsor.on.ca>
Web site:
Situated beside one of Ontario’s largest prairie
remnants, the Ojibway Nature Centre houses
educational displays about prairie natural history and
offers workshops, presentations and walking tours.
Friends of Ojibway Prairie is a volunteer organization
dedicated to promoting public awareness of the five
natural areas known as the Ojibway Prairie Complex,
which is close to downtown Windsor.
Ontario Heritage Foundation
10 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON M5C 1J3
Phone: 416-325-5000
Web site: <http://www.heritagefdn.on.ca>
The foundation preserves, protects and promotes
Ontario’s natural and cultural heritage. Acquisition
of land and easements for significant prairie
and savanna sites is of particular interest to the
foundation. Another important objective is raising
public awareness of prairie and savanna conservation.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Call or visit the nearest office. Dialling 1-800-667-1940
will provide a connection to any OMNR office in Ontario.
Ontario Stewardship
In 1995, OMNR established 39 stewardship
coordinators (one each in most Southern Ontario
counties) to facilitate local community stewardship
of natural resources. Each coordinator has assembled
a county Stewardship Council comprising community
leaders who meet regularly to identify and implement
high-priority projects that encourage stewardship of
the natural resources in their local county. Contact
1-800-667-1940 to find out if the local Stewardship
Network/Council is involved with a prairie or meadow
restoration project.
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
1955 W. Grant Road #150
Tucson, AZ 85745
Phone: 520-622-5485. E-mail: <info@ser.org>
Web site: <http://www.ser.org>
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Ontario
(Ontario Chapter)
c/o Environmental and Resource Studies Program,
Trent University
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8
Phone: 705-748-1634
Web site: <http://www.trentu.ca/ser>
SER is an international membership organization
whose mission is to advance the science and art of
restoring damaged ecosystems. The society produces
a newsletter and two journals (Restoration and
Management Notes and Ecological Restoration/North
America), holds an annual conference and runs
various programs and workshops. The Ontario
chapter organizes two field days annually (to profile
restoration ecology efforts by various local groups),
publishes a quarterly newsletter, produces a biennial
directory of native-plant suppliers in Ontario and
sponsors workshops on restoration ecology topics.
Tallgrass Ontario
(Ontario Tallgrass Prairie and Savanna Association)
659 Exeter Rd
London, ON N6E 1L3
Phone: 519-873-4631
Sources of Information 53
E-mail: <[email protected]g>
Web site: <http://www.tallgrassontario.org>
This is a network of organizations and individuals
working to achieve the identification, conservation,
management and restoration of tallgrass prairie,
savanna and related ecological communities in Ontario.
University of Guelph Arboretum
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 2113
Web site: <http://www.uoguelph.ca/~arboretu/>
The arboretum offers one-day workshops on growing
native plants from seed, woody plant identification,
fern identification and the naturalization process. It
holds an annual fund-raising plant sale on the second
Saturday of September, at which native plants are
available with source identification.
Walpole Island Heritage Centre
R.R. 3
Wallaceburg, ON N8A 4K9
Phone: 519-627-1475
Web site: <http://www.bkejwanong.com>
Some of the finest remnant examples of the eastern
tallgrass prairie and oak savanna occur on the property
of the Walpole Island First Nation. The Walpole Island
Heritage Centre seeks to preserve, interpret and
promote the natural and cultural heritage of the
Walpole Island First Nation community. Access is
limited and permission is granted on a case-by-case
basis through the Walpole Island Heritage Centre.
54 Planting the Seed
Commercial Herbicide Application Services
Commercial herbicide applicators must be licensed by
the Ontario Ministry of Environment to apply herbicides
in Ontario. They must hold a valid Operator Licence
and appropriate Exterminator’s Licence. Check the local
Yellow Pages under Lawn Maintenance services and
inquire if the company has the appropriate licences.
Greenhouse Supplies
Plant Products Company Limited
314 Orenda Road
Brampton, ON L6T 1G1
Phone: 905-793-7000
Supplier of non-chemical insect controls.
Inoculum for Legumes
Prairie Moon Nursery
Route 3, Box 163
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507-452-1362
Maps and Aerial Photos
Canada Map Company
63 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON M5C 1K6
Phone: 416-362-9297
Supplier of topographic maps (UTM series), 1:50,000.
Northway Map Technology Limited
44 Upjohn Road
Don Mills, ON M3B 2W1
Phone: 416-441-6025
Supplier of aerial photographs and related products
and services.
Prescribed Burning Services
The local OMNR district office (see the Blue Pages in
the telephone directory) or the OMNR prescribed fire
specialist (705-564-6019) can direct you to the local
OMNR fire-management office. The fire-management
office can provide information on accredited contractors.
Seed and Plants
A variety of not-for-profit and educational organizations
sell native seed and/or plants by various means, including
periodic plant sales and seed exchanges. A growing
number of private nurseries specialize in local-source
native seed and plants. SER-Ontario publishes a biennial
directory that lists more than 50 native-plant nurseries
and seed suppliers, as well as those who provide contract
seed collection and growing services. Contact SER-
Ontario (see Helpful Organizations on page 53) for details.
Soil Analysis Services
Laboratory Services Division,
University of Guelph, 95 Stone Road West
P.O. Box 3650
Guelph, ON N1H 8J7
Phone: 519-767-6299
Web site: <http://www.uoguelph.ca/labserv>
Specialized Equipment
Truax Company
3609 Vera Cruz Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55422
Phone: 537-6639
Manufacturer of native-seed drills and wildflower seeders.
Prairie Habitats
Box 1, Argyle
MB R0C 0B0
Phone: 204-467-9371
Distributes hand-held native-seed strippers and
ATV-pulled seed harvesters.
Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services 55
Sources of Materials, Specialized Equipment and Services
56 Planting the Seed