U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
December 2001
A Message From OJJDP
America is a society with a substan-
tial divorce rate. Each year, more
than 1,000,000 children in the United
States are affected by the divorce of
their parents, and of all children who
are born to married parents this year,
half are likely to experience a divorce
in their families before they reach
their 18th birthdays.
America is also a highly mobile socie-
ty. On the dissolution of family ties, it
is not uncommon that a parent, per-
haps even both parents, may move
out of the State in which the family
resided at the time of their separa-
tion. Thus, it is not surprising that
courts in different States are becom-
ing involved in child-custody and visi-
tation disputes concerning the same
The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdic-
tion and Enforcement Act, which is
described in this Bulletin, has been
proposed by the National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform State
Laws. The proposed uniform State
law is designed to deter interstate
parental kidnapping and to promote
uniform jurisdiction and enforcement
provisions in interstate child-custody
and visitation cases. The Act has
been enacted by 25 States and the
District of Columbia and introduced
into legislatures in several other
It is our hope that the information
provided in this Bulletin will assist
those considering the adoption of
this model law in their States.
The Act requires State courts to enforce
valid child-custody and visitation determi-
nations made by sister State courts. It also
establishes innovative interstate enforce-
ment procedures.
The UCCJEA is intended as an improve-
ment over the UCCJA. It clarifies UCCJA
provisions that have received conflicting
interpretations in courts across the coun-
try, codifies practices that have effective-
ly reduced interstate conflict, conforms
jurisdictional standards to those of the
Federal Parental Kidnapping Prevention
Act (the PKPA)
to ensure interstate en-
forceability of orders, and adds protec-
tions for victims of domestic violence who
move out of State for safe haven.
The UCCJEA, however, is not a substan-
tive custody statute. It does not dictate
standards for making or modifying child-
custody and visitation decisions; instead,
it determines which States’ courts have
and should exercise jurisdiction to do so.
A court must have jurisdiction (i.e., the
power and authority to hear and decide a
matter) before it can proceed to consider
the merits of a case. The UCCJEA does not
apply to child support cases.
Legal Background
In a mobile society with a high rate of
divorce, courts in different States (and
countries) often become involved in
The Uniform Child-Custody
Jurisdiction and
Enforcement Act
Patricia M. Hoff
This Bulletin describes the Uniform Child-
Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
(the UCCJEA),
the most recent in a series
of laws designed to deter interstate pa-
rental kidnapping and promote uniform
jurisdiction and enforcement provisions
in interstate child-custody and visitation
cases. The Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is pub-
lishing this Bulletin to provide current in-
formation about the UCCJEA to legislators
in States considering its adoption and to
parents and practitioners in States that
have already adopted the law. The Bulle-
tin is not an official OJJDP endorsement
of the Act.
The UCCJEA is a uniform State law that
was approved in 1997 by the National
Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws (NCCUSL) to replace its 1968
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act
(the UCCJA).
NCCUSL drafts and propos-
es laws in areas where it believes uniform-
ity is important, but the laws become
effective only upon adoption by State leg-
islatures. As of July 2001, 26 jurisdictions
had adopted the UCCJEA,
and it had been
introduced in 2000–01 in the legislatures
of 10 others.
The UCCJEA governs State courts’ juris-
diction to make and modify “child-custody
determinations,” a term that expressly
includes custody and visitation orders.
child could choose the forum that would
decide custody, parents had a legal incen-
tive to abduct children. For example, a
parent could take a child to a State to
which the child had no previous ties and
a court in that State could exercise juris-
diction and make or modify a custody
determination. Abducting parents benefit-
ed under this system, but their “seize and
tactics exacted a heavy toll on chil-
dren and the judicial system. Children’s
lives were disrupted, and judicial re-
sources were squandered as courts in
numerous States often heard custody
cases regarding the same children.
Given the interstate nature of the prob-
lem, an interstate solution was needed.
NCCUSL responded in 1968 with the
UCCJA, which governed the existence
and exercise of jurisdiction in initial child-
custody determinations and cases involv-
ing modification of existing orders. The
law also required States to enforce and
not modify sister States’ orders. The new
requirements were intended to remove
parents’ legal incentive to abduct children
in search of a friendly forum that would
make an initial custody order or modify
an existing order.
The UCCJA based jurisdiction on a child’s
close affiliation with a State. Specifically, it
established four jurisdictional grounds:
Home State (reserved for the State in
which the child has lived for at least 6
months preceding commencement of
the action).
Significant connection (exists when a
State has substantial evidence about a
child as a result of the child’s signifi-
cant connections to that State).
Emergency (governs situations such as
abandonment or abuse that require
immediate protective action).
Vacuum (applies when no other juris-
dictional basis exists).
Except in emergency cases, the UCCJA
eliminated a child’s physical presence in a
State as grounds for exercising jurisdic-
tion. As a result, a court could no longer
base jurisdiction solely on a child’s pres-
ence in the State, nor would a child’s
absence from the State necessarily de-
prive the court of jurisdiction. Under the
UCCJA’s extended home State rule, a left-
behind parent could petition for custody
in the child’s home State even after an
abduction. The UCCJA also required
States to enforce and not modify valid
custody and visitation orders made by
sister States.
child-custody and visitation disputes con-
cerning the same child. When families are
intact, children generally live in one or
more States with both parents. After a
family breakup, one parent may move with
a child to another State, often to pursue a
job opportunity or a new relationship or
to return to extended family. The other
parent may remain in the original State or
move to another State. Additional moves
may occur over time, possibly to different
States, back to the family’s original State,
or out of the country.
Interstate and international moves involv-
ing children raise challenging legal ques-
tions as to which State (or country) has
and should exercise jurisdiction to make
an initial child-custody determination or
modify an existing custody order. Ques-
tions also arise as to whether a custody
determination made in one State (or coun-
try) is enforceable in another State and, if
so, what procedures are available to se-
cure enforcement.
States and Congress have responded to
these issues by enacting laws (i.e., the
UCCJA and the PKPA) that regulate courts’
jurisdiction to make and modify custody
and visitation determinations and that
dictate the interstate effect such determi-
nations are to be given in sister States.
Other laws that affect child custody and
visitation have also been enacted. In fact,
it was this veritable alphabet soup of
laws—the UCCJA, the PKPA, the Violence
Against Women Act (the VAWA),
Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of
International Child Abduction (the Hague
and the International Child
Abduction Remedies Act (the ICARA)
that prompted NCCUSL in 1997 to draft an
improved child-custody jurisdiction and
enforcement statute. To understand the
new law, it is helpful to examine the legal
backdrop against which the UCCJEA was
The Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction Act
Overview. Before 1968, State courts
throughout the United States could exer-
cise jurisdiction over a child-custody case
based on a child’s presence in the State.
Courts also freely modified sister States’
orders because U.S. Supreme Court rul-
ings had never settled the question of
whether the Full Faith and Credit clause of
the U.S. Constitution applied to custody
This legal climate fostered child
abduction and forum shopping: Because
parents with physical possession of a
Unresolved problems. Although the
UCCJA was a major improvement over
pre-1968 law governing jurisdiction in
child-custody cases, some problems
remained. The law did not eliminate the
possibility of two or more States having
concurrent jurisdiction (e.g., based on
home State and significant connection
jurisdiction), and the statute’s prohibition
against simultaneous proceedings was not
routinely effective in preventing courts
in different States from exercising juris-
diction and issuing conflicting custody
orders. In addition, contrary to the restric-
tive interpretation of emergency jurisdic-
tion intended by the drafters, some judges
used this basis of jurisdiction to provide
permanent relief, rather than to temporar-
ily address an urgent problem until the
court with regular jurisdiction could act.
Jurisdictional conflicts also continued in
modification cases. For instance, when a
child moved from his or her original home
State and established a new home State,
courts in both States frequently asserted
jurisdiction to modify an existing order.
This overlap often led to conflicting cus-
tody orders and uncertainty for children
and parents.
Although the UCCJA obligated courts to
enforce and not modify custody orders of
sister States, it did not provide enforce-
ment procedures to carry out this require-
ment. Litigants were left to discover local
enforcement procedures on their own,
and such procedures varied considerably
across the country (e.g., contempt pro-
ceedings, motions to enforce, motions to
grant full faith and credit, and habeas
corpus proceedings). The variety of State
enforcement procedures delayed enforce-
ment (sometimes to the point of denying
relief, as in the case of weekend visitation
interference), added costs (due to multi-
state variations and practices), made out-
comes unpredictable, and sometimes al-
lowed local courts to modify out-of-State
orders, contrary to the UCCJAs intent.
In addition, States passed the UCCJA with
variations in the language. For instance,
four States omitted section 23, which
extends the principles of the Act to cus-
tody orders made in other countries. The
variety undermined the uniform interpre-
tation and application of the law across
the country and created loopholes that
led to the issuance of conflicting custody
orders. (These and other problems with
the UCCJA were documented by the Ob-
stacles to the Recovery and Return of
Parentally Abducted Children Project,
(e.g., one may have home State and anoth-
er significant connection jurisdiction), the
PKPA gives priority to home State jurisdic-
tion. This priority is intended to limit jur-
isdiction in initial custody cases to one
State, the child’s home State. The PKPAs
home State priority is designed to prevent
a significant connection State from exer-
cising jurisdiction over a matter when the
child who is the subject of the proceeding
has a “home State.”
Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction. Ex-
clusive, continuing jurisdiction under the
PKPA protects an original decree State’s
jurisdiction to modify its own order. This
protection addresses an ambiguity in the
UCCJA’s modification section that some
courts have interpreted as allowing a
child’s new home State to exercise modifi-
cation jurisdiction even when the decree
State (i.e., the child’s former home State)
could still exercise jurisdiction on signifi-
cant connection grounds. Under the
PKPA, the original home State has exclu-
sive, continuing jurisdiction to modify its
own order to the exclusion of all other
States, including the child’s new home
State—assuming that the original home
State has jurisdiction under State law
(e.g., significant connection) and that at
least one parent or the child continues to
live there. Moreover, every State, includ-
ing a significant connection State, must
grant full faith and credit to the home
State’s order.
Unresolved problems. The PKPA did not
solve all of the problems it targeted, part-
ly because of some confusion about its
relationship to the UCCJA and the incon-
sistencies between the two laws and part-
ly because many lawyers and judges ig-
nored the PKPA or were unaware of its
impact on UCCJA practice. These prob-
lems and inconsistencies are documented
in the Obstacles Project Final Report.
Other Relevant Federal Laws
Some laws enacted after the UCCJA added
a Federal dimension to interstate and in-
ternational child-custody practices that
was unforeseen by the drafters of the
UCCJA in 1968 (but which was considered
by drafters of the UCCJEA in 1997). In
addition to the PKPA, these Federal laws
include the Full Faith and Credit provi-
sions of the VAWA, enacted in 1994; the
Hague Convention, ratified in 1986; and
the ICARA, enacted in 1988.
The VAWA. In recognition of the fact that
domestic violence victims often leave the
State where they were abused and need
continuing protection in their new loca-
tions, the VAWA provides, among other
things, for interstate enforcement of pro-
tection orders. Custody provisions incor-
porated into protection orders, however,
are not governed by the VAWA.
provisions are “custody determinations,”
subject to the PKPA and State law govern-
ing jurisdiction in child-custody cases.
Neither the PKPA nor the UCCJA explicitly
addresses the key concerns of domestic
violence victims who must litigate child
custody interstate. The UCCJEA, however,
addresses these concerns with a number
of provisions. For instance, it protects
against disclosure of a victim’s address,
expands emergency jurisdiction to cases
in which a parent or sibling is at risk, and
requires courts to consider family abuse
in their “inconvenient forum” analysis.
The Hague Convention and the ICARA.
The Hague Convention
and the Federal
statute that implements it (the ICARA)
deal with international wrongful removal
and retention of children. The Hague Con-
vention establishes administrative and
judicial mechanisms to expedite the re-
turn of children (usually to their country
of habitual residence) who have been
abducted or wrongfully retained and to
facilitate the exercise of visitation across
international borders. Under the Hague
Convention, children who are wrongfully
removed from or retained in a contracting
State (i.e., a country that is party to the
Convention) are subject to prompt return.
The UCCJEA specifically provides for the
enforcement of Hague Convention return
orders and authorizes public officials to
locate and secure the return of children
in Hague Convention cases. The UCCJEA
contains other provisions that clarify
when foreign custody determinations
(from Hague and non-Hague countries) are
entitled to enforcement and when courts
in the United States must defer to the cus-
tody jurisdiction of a foreign court.
Rationale Underlying
Custody contestants have sometimes
exploited jurisdictional ambiguities to
draw out litigation, secure conflicting cus-
tody orders, and delay (or deny) enforce-
ment of valid custody and visitation or-
ders. In these instances, resources that
could have been used to help children
were instead spent on multistate litigation.
which was carried out by the American
Bar Association Center on Children and
the Law pursuant to a cooperative agree-
ment with OJJDP.
) Although every State
eventually enacted the UCCJA, the handful
of States that were slow to do so became
magnets for forum-shopping parents.
The Parental Kidnapping
Prevention Act
To close existing gaps and bring greater
uniformity to interstate child-custody
practice, Congress in 1980 enacted the
PKPA, which requires State courts to:
Enforce and not modify (i.e., grant full
faith and credit to) custody and vis-
itation determinations made by sister
States consistently with the PKPA,
unless the original State no longer
has, or has declined to exercise,
Defer to the “exclusive, continuing
jurisdiction” (see below) of the de-
cree State as long as that State exer-
cised jurisdiction consistently with the
PKPA when it made its determination,
has jurisdiction under its own law, and
remains the residence of the child or
any contestant.
(“Contestant” is de-
fined as a person, including a parent,
who claims a right to custody or visita-
tion rights with respect to a child.)
Refrain from exercising jurisdiction
while another State is exercising juris-
diction over a matter consistently with
the PKPA.
Ensure that the following persons are
provided reasonable notice and oppor-
tunity to be heard: contestants, any
parent whose parental rights have not
been terminated, and any person who
has physical custody of the child.
State courts that exercise jurisdiction con-
sistently with the criteria in the PKPA are
entitled as a matter of Federal law to have
their custody and visitation orders given
full faith and credit in sister States. These
courts also have exclusive, continuing
jurisdiction to modify their own orders
under circumstances stipulated in the law.
The PKPA’s jurisdictional criteria resemble
those of the UCCJA, but there are signifi-
cant differences. PKPA jurisdictional provi-
sions are discussed in the sections that
Home State priority. The PKPA prioritizes
home State jurisdiction in initial custody
Whereas two States may have
jurisdiction over a case under the UCCJA
Eliminating such contentious multistate
litigation of custody is one of the stated
of the UCCJA, which is intend-
ed to:
(1) avoid jurisdictional competition
and conflict with courts of other
states in matters of child custody
which have in the past resulted in
the shifting of children from state to
state with harmful effects on their
well-being . . . [and] (4) discourage
continuing controversies over child
custody in the interest of greater
stability of home environment and
of secure family relationships for
the child.
Parents bent on “winning” an interstate
custody case (or ensuring that the other
parent “loses”) sometimes employ tactics
that may hurt children in the process.
Ironically, some parents lose sight of their
children when fighting for the right to
keep them. In a particularly egregious
for example, after 3 years of litiga-
tion in Indiana that should have resulted
in a child’s immediate return to her moth-
er (pursuant to an Indiana order enforcing
a Hawaiian order), a juvenile court inter-
vened at the last minute and ordered the
child detained for a mental examination.
The father’s attorney had orchestrated a
CHINS (Child In Need of Services) pro-
ceeding in juvenile court to prevent the
child’s return to her mother. The case
remains a strong reminder of the need for
a custody jurisdiction statute that clearly
specifies the proceedings to which it ap-
plies, restricts the use of emergency juris-
diction, and establishes enforcement pro-
cedures that are expeditious, sure, and
predictable. The UCCJEA accomplishes
these objectives.
Protracted custody litigation and conflict-
ing orders not only undermine a child’s
sense of stability; they also raise the pos-
sibility of criminal liability for either or
both of the child’s parents, who may face
charges in one State when complying with
the order of another. California v. Superior
Court of California, San Bernardino County
(Smolin et al.),
exemplifies this predica-
ment. In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court
refused to block a California father’s extra-
dition to Louisiana, where he was charged
with simple kidnapping. The criminal
charges stemmed from the father’s “self-
help” recovery of his children from Lou-
isiana, where they had moved with their
mother. The father argued that he could
not be charged with simple kidnapping
under Louisiana law (and thus should not
be extradited) because he was the lawful
custodian of the children pursuant to a
California custody order that was entitled
under the PKPA to full faith and credit in
Louisiana. The Supreme Court, however,
held that under the Uniform Criminal Ex-
tradition Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3182, the place
for the father to assert his defenses to the
criminal charge (however meritorious)
was Louisiana, not California.
The UCCJEA’s enforcement mechanisms
authorize public officials to assist in expe-
dited enforcement proceedings and allow
for an abbreviated, court-assisted registra-
tion process. In doing so, these mecha-
nisms should considerably reduce self-
help recoveries, which can be emotionally
and physically injurious to children and
legally problematic for parents.
UCCJEA Highlights
This section provides a brief overview
of the UCCJEAs jurisdiction and enforce-
ment provisions. The cases to which the
UCCJEA applies and the law’s jurisdic-
tion and enforcement provisions are de-
scribed in detail in the next sections of
this Bulletin.
Jurisdiction: Articles 1 and 2
The UCCJEA is a complete replacement
for the UCCJA. Articles 1 and 2 of the
UCCJEA contain jurisdictional rules that
essentially bring the UCCJA into conformi-
ty with the PKPA. Modeling the UCCJEA’s
jurisdictional standards on the PKPAs
standards is intended to produce custody
determinations that are entitled under
Federal law to full faith and credit in sister
States. The UCCJEA also addresses the
practice and interpretation problems de-
scribed earlier in this Bulletin and brings
the law into harmony with the VAWA and
the Hague Convention.
Under articles 1 and 2, the UCCJEA,
among other things:
Applies to a range of proceedings in
which custody or visitation is at
Grants priority to home State
Preserves exclusive, continuing juris-
diction in the decree State if that State
determines that it has a basis for
exercising jurisdiction. Such jurisdic-
tion continues until the child, his or
her parents, and any person acting as
the child’s parent move away from the
decree State.
Authorizes courts to exercise emer-
gency jurisdiction in cases involving
family abuse and limits the relief avail-
able in emergency cases to temporary
custody orders.
Revamps the rules governing inconven-
ient forum analysis, requiring courts to
consider specified factors.
Directs courts to decline jurisdiction
created by unjustifiable conduct.
Enforcement: Article 3
The UCCJEA also establishes uniform pro-
cedures for interstate enforcement of child-
custody and visitation determinations.
In particular, article 3 of the UCCJEA:
Authorizes temporary enforcement of
visitation determinations.
Creates an interstate registration
process for out-of-State custody
Establishes a procedure for speedy
interstate enforcement of custody and
visitation determinations.
Authorizes issuance of warrants direct-
ing law enforcement to pick up children
at risk of being removed from the
Authorizes public officials to assist in
the civil enforcement of custody deter-
minations and in Hague Convention
Applicability of the
Covered Proceedings
The UCCJEA applies to a variety of pro-
Specifically, courts in UCCJEA
States must comply with the statute when
custody and visitation issues arise in
proceedings for divorce, separation, ne-
glect, abuse, dependency, guardianship,
paternity, termination of parental rights,
and protection from domestic violence.
The UCCJEA does not apply to child sup-
port proceedings
or adoption cases.
Identifying the specific proceedings to
which the UCCJEA is applicable clarifies
when courts must conform to the UCCJEA,
which should minimize the likelihood that
more than one State will take jurisdiction
over the same matter.
Initial and Modification
The UCCJEA governs courts’ jurisdiction
to issue permanent, temporary,
and modification orders. The rules that
govern courts’ jurisdiction to make an ini-
tial custody determination differ from
those governing jurisdiction to modify an
existing order. The type of custody pro-
ceeding determines which rules apply and
whether a court has the authority to act.
Foreign Custody Orders and
The UCCJEA requires State courts to rec-
ognize and enforce custody determina-
tions made by foreign courts under factual
circumstances that substantially conform
with the UCCJEA’s jurisdictional standards
and to defer to foreign courts as if they
were State courts.
However, State courts
need not apply the Act (i.e., enforce a for-
eign court order or defer to a foreign
court’s jurisdiction) if the child-custody
law of the foreign country violates funda-
mental principles of human rights. This
language is derived from article 20 of
the Hague Convention. According to the
U.S. Department of State’s legal analysis
of the Convention, the “human rights/
fundamental freedoms” defense to return
may be invoked “on the rare occasion that
return of a child would utterly shock the
conscience of the court or offend all
notions of due process.”
Tribal Court Orders and
The UCCJEA does not apply to custody
proceedings concerning American Indian
children to the extent that such proceed-
ings are governed by the Indian Child
Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. § 1901 et seq.
custody proceedings in State courts that
involve tribal-State jurisdictional disputes
are subject to the UCCJEA only if the State
has enacted optional sections 104(b) and
(c) of the UCCJEA, which require State
courts to treat tribes as if they were States
and tribal court custody proceedings as
if they were court proceedings of sister
States and to enforce tribal court custody
Provisions of the
There are two requirements under the
UCCJEA for making or modifying a cus-
tody determination: (1) the court must
have a basis of jurisdiction under the Act
(i.e., subject-matter jurisdiction), and
(2) the parties must be given notice and
opportunity to be heard. Personal jurisdic-
tion over a party or child—based on phys-
ical presence in or minimum contacts with
the State—is not required. Moreover, a
court that has personal jurisdiction over a
party or child cannot adjudicate custody
unless it has a basis for exercising juris-
diction under the Act.
The UCCJEA’s jurisdictional provisions
vary, based on whether a case involves an
initial custody or visitation determination
or modification of an existing order. This
section describes the UCCJEA’s jurisdic-
tional provisions and provides examples
that illustrate the intended effect of many
of these provisions. It also describes two
grounds on which courts may decline to
exercise jurisdiction under the UCCJEA
and includes examples of each.
Initial Jurisdiction
The UCCJEA establishes four bases for
initial jurisdiction—home State, significant
connection, more appropriate forum, and
vacuum jurisdiction. It also authorizes
courts to issue temporary relief on emer-
gency grounds. These jurisdictional bases
are discussed in the sections that follow.
Home State jurisdiction. The UCCJEA
gives home State jurisdiction priority in
initial child-custody proceedings. In doing
so, the Act conforms to the PKPA and
rejects the UCCJAs coequal treatment of
home State and significant connection
jurisdiction. Only in cases in which a child
has no home State or the home State de-
clines jurisdiction may another court exer-
cise significant connection jurisdiction.
This change is intended to significantly
reduce the number of situations in which
more than one State has jurisdiction over
a child-custody matter. In turn, the inci-
dence of conflicting custody orders being
issued by courts in different States should
also decrease.
Under the UCCJEA, a court has home State
jurisdiction if it is located in the child’s
home State (as of the date proceedings are
commenced) or if it is located in the State
that was the child’s home State within 6
months of the proceedings’ commence-
ment and the child’s parent (or a person
acting as his or her parent) continues to
live in the State even after the child has
been removed. This extended home State
rule allows a left-behind parent to com-
mence a custody proceeding within 6
months of a child’s removal from the
home State.
Example. A 2-year-old child, born and
raised in Minnesota, is abducted by his
mother before either parent has filed for
custody. The boy and his mother move to
Idaho. The left-behind father may file for
an initial custody determination in Min-
nesota (which has home State jurisdiction)
within 6 months of the child’s removal.
The child’s absence from Minnesota does
not deprive the State of jurisdiction. If the
mother commences a custody proceeding
in Idaho while Minnesota is the child’s
home State under the UCCJEA, the father
can seek dismissal of the Idaho proceed-
ing based on lack of jurisdiction. Assum-
ing the notice requirements of section 108
are met, any order the father obtains in
Minnesota is entitled to enforcement in
Significant connection jurisdiction.
When a child has no home State or when
a home State declines jurisdiction,
other State court may exercise jurisdic-
tion if the child has sufficient ties to the
State and substantial evidence concerning
the child is available in the State. A child
need not be physically present in a State
for the State to exercise significant connec-
tion jurisdiction. More than one State may
have jurisdiction on this basis, but only
one State may exercise jurisdiction.
statute resolves the conflict in favor of the
first-filed proceeding. However, the courts
are required to communicate, and the
court in the State of the first-filed proceed-
ing may defer to the court in the second
State following judicial communication.
Example. A father and his child go to visit
the child’s paternal grandparents in Colo-
rado. The father is reminded of the beauty
of the mountains and decides not to re-
turn to Iowa, where his marriage had
been faltering and his job prospects have
dimmed. The family had been living in
Iowa for 4 years. Within 2 months of his
arrival in Colorado, the father files for
custody there on significant connection
grounds. The Colorado court lacks juris-
diction and may not proceed to the merits
of the case unless Iowa, the child’s home
State, declines jurisdiction in favor of Col-
orado. However, if the mother does not
commence a custody proceeding in Iowa
within 6 months of the child’s removal,
Colorado becomes the child’s home State
and the Colorado court may then exercise
jurisdiction and decide custody.
Example. A mother and father are high-
tech professionals who have moved fre-
quently during the previous several years
to work for Internet companies. After 4
months in California, the father leaves the
mother and their infant and returns to
North Carolina, where the family had lived
for 5 months preceding their move to Cal-
ifornia. The infant has been in daycare
and has pediatricians and relatives in
both States. The father’s cross-country
move prompts the couple to assess the
viability of their marriage, and they decide
to divorce. However, they cannot agree on
custody, and the mother and father simul-
taneously commence separate custody
proceedings in California and North Car-
olina. The parents have not lived in any
State long enough for their child to have
established a home State. Both California
and North Carolina arguably have signifi-
cant connection jurisdiction, but under
the UCCJEA only one of them should exer-
cise it. If a court learns from the required
that a proceeding has been
commenced in a sister State, the court is
required by the UCCJEA to stay its pro-
ceeding and communicate with the other
to decide which proceeding should
continue. If they cannot agree, the court
with the first-filed case may move forward
and the other court should dismiss its
More appropriate forum jurisdiction.
Under the UCCJEA, a third basis for initial
jurisdiction exists when both the home
State and significant connection State(s)
decline jurisdiction in favor of another,
more appropriate State on grounds of
inconvenient forum or unjustifiable
Example. The parents of a 10-year-old girl
are separated but have not filed for cus-
tody. Pursuant to her parents’ informal
agreement, the girl remains with the fa-
ther in the District of Columbia, where she
goes to school. She spends the majority of
her time with a housekeeper because her
father is frequently out of town on busi-
ness. The child spends one weekend a
month in West Virginia with her mother.
Because the mother works a night shift
involving frequent overtime, many of the
girl’s weekend visits are spent at the
homes of friends in her mother’s neigh-
borhood. Both sets of the child’s grand-
parents live in Maryland. The father plans
to move to Maryland at the end of the
school year so the child can go to her
grandparents after school, and he has a
contract to purchase a house in Maryland
when the school year ends. However,
before the move, the father becomes
increasingly concerned about the moth-
er’s absence during the child’s visits. He
files for custody in Maryland. Based on
these facts, it is conceivable that courts in
the District of Columbia (the child’s home
State) and West Virginia (a significant con-
nection State) might decline jurisdiction in
favor of Maryland, the child’s soon-to-be
home State. A decision to decline jurisdic-
tion is discretionary and fact dependent.
Vacuum jurisdiction. Similar to the
UCCJA, the UCCJEA provides that if no
court has home State, significant connec-
tion, or more appropriate forum jurisdic-
tion, an alternate court may fill the vacu-
um and exercise jurisdiction over an
initial custody proceeding.
This provi-
sion would apply to situations in which
children fail to remain in any State long
enough to form attachments (e.g., home-
less children, children of migrant workers
or military personnel, or children sent
from relative to relative for temporary
Temporary emergency jurisdiction.
Under the UCCJEA, courts have tempo-
rary emergency jurisdiction when a child
in the State has been abandoned or when
emergency protection is necessary be-
cause a child—or a sibling or parent of
the child—has been subjected to or is
threatened with mistreatment or abuse.
The UCCJEA narrows the UCCJAs defini-
tion of “emergency” by excluding neglect
cases—thus bringing it into conformity
with the PKPA—while expanding the defi-
nition to cover emergencies that put a
child’s parent or sibling at risk, such as
those covered by the VAWA.
Under the UCCJEA, courts may exercise
emergency jurisdiction and make tempo-
rary orders even if a proceeding has been
commenced in another State. Immediate
judicial communication is mandatory to
resolve the emergency, protect the safety
of the parties and the child, and deter-
mine how long a temporary order should
remain in effect.
Notice and opportunity to be heard must
be given
for a temporary emergency
order to be enforceable in other States
pursuant to the UCCJEA and PKPA. At a
minimum, both laws require that notice be
provided to any parent whose parental
rights have not been terminated and to
any person with physical custody of the
child. Temporary custody or visitation
provisions in a protection order that was
obtained ex parte (i.e., without notice) are
unenforceable in sister States under the
UCCJEA and the PKPA. These provisions,
however, may be enforceable within the
issuing State if domestic violence laws or
other laws so provide.
The duration of a temporary emergency
custody order depends on whether cus-
tody has been or is being litigated else-
where. If there is no prior custody order
that is enforceable under the UCCJEA and
no proceeding has been commenced in a
court with jurisdiction, the temporary
emergency custody order becomes a final
determination (if it so provides) when
the issuing State becomes the child’s
home State (i.e., in 6 months). Notice
must have been given in accordance with
the UCCJEA. If a previous order exists
and/or a custody proceeding has been
commenced in a court with jurisdiction,
the temporary emergency custody order
must specify an adequate period within
which the person seeking emergency re-
lief may obtain a custody order from the
other court. The temporary order remains
in effect until a custody order is obtained
from the other State (within the specified
period) or the specified period expires.
Example. Following a fight with her hus-
band, a battered wife takes the couple’s
child from their Texas home to Utah and
seeks refuge at a domestic violence shel-
ter. In Utah, the mother files for custody
of the child on emergency jurisdiction
grounds. She gives her husband the requi-
site notice, but in the interest of safety,
asks the court not to disclose her ad-
dress to him.
The child’s father does not
respond to the suit. The court in Utah
grants the mother temporary custody,
stipulating that the order will become per-
manent after 6 months if no proceeding is
commenced in Texas, the child’s home
State. The father, however, commences a
custody proceeding in Texas soon after
receiving notice of the Utah action. The
mother receives notice of the proceeding
via her attorney, and she petitions the
Texas court to decline jurisdiction in favor
of Utah on inconvenient forum grounds.
The two courts communicate. The Texas
court grants the mother’s motion on find-
ing that domestic violence has occurred
and is likely to continue and that Utah can
best protect the mother and child.
lowing a hearing on the merits in the Utah
court, the temporary Utah order is made
permanent. The mother is granted cus-
tody, and the father is granted limited,
supervised visitation.
Modification Jurisdiction
The UCCJEA addresses courts’ jurisdic-
tion to modify existing child-custody or
visitation determinations in two comple-
mentary sections: section 202 establishes
rules of continuing jurisdiction in the
decree-granting State, and section 203
governs when another State may modify
an existing decree.
Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction. The
UCCJEA adopted a rule of exclusive, con-
tinuing jurisdiction similar to that in the
Under the UCCJEA, an original
decree court that exercised jurisdiction
consistent with the Act has exclusive, con-
tinuing jurisdiction to modify its decree
until one of the following occurs:
The original decree court loses signifi-
cant connection jurisdiction.
The child, the child’s parents, and any
person acting as the child’s parent no
longer live in the State.
Only the decree State may determine
whether it has significant connection ju-
risdiction. That is, a sister State’s court
may not substitute its judgment on this
issue for that of the decree State’s court.
By contrast, either State court may deter-
mine that all parties identified in the
statute have left the State.
Jurisdiction to modify determination.
If an original decree State has exclusive,
continuing jurisdiction, no other State
may modify the decree State’s custody
order—even if the child moves and estab-
lishes a new home State. (In such a sce-
nario, the noncustodial parent usually
remains in the original decree State.) A
court in the child’s new home State (or
any other State) cannot modify the initial
decree unless the original decree State
loses exclusive, continuing jurisdiction or
declines to exercise it on inconvenient
forum grounds, and then only if the child’s
new home State has jurisdiction under the
These requirements are intend-
ed to eliminate the practice under the
UCCJA in which a child’s original home
State and new home State both assert
modification jurisdiction, which is likely
to result in conflicting custody orders and
confusion as to which order takes prec-
Conflicting orders have also
caused many law enforcement officers to
refuse help in enforcing an order because
of uncertainty as to its validity.
Example. Following proceedings in Kansas
(the child’s home State), the child’s father
is granted custody. The mother moves to
Oklahoma, where the child spends extend-
ed visits over summers and holidays. Two
years later, when the child reaches school
age, the mother refuses to return the child
to Kansas at the end of the summer and
enrolls the child in an elementary school
in Oklahoma. She also files an action in
Oklahoma to modify the Kansas order,
seeking full custody of the child. The fa-
ther challenges the Oklahoma court’s ju-
risdiction and moves to dismiss the suit
on grounds that Kansas has exclusive,
continuing jurisdiction. He also seeks
return of the child pursuant to the Kansas
order. The father prevails based on the
UCCJEA and the PKPA. Both statutes
require enforcement of valid orders, and
the validity of the Kansas order was un-
contested. Oklahoma could not modify
the Kansas order because Kansas had
exclusive modification jurisdiction.
Declining Jurisdiction
Under the UCCJEA, a court with initial
jurisdiction; exclusive, continuing juris-
diction; or modification jurisdiction may
decline to exercise jurisdiction on two
grounds: inconvenient forum and unjus-
tifiable conduct.
Inconvenient forum. Under section 207 of
the UCCJEA, a court may, after taking into
account specified factors, determine that
another State is better able to decide cus-
tody. These factors include whether do-
mestic violence has occurred and, if so,
which State can best protect the parties
and child; how long the child has lived out
of State; where the evidence is located;
and which court is most familiar with the
Example. In the Kansas-Oklahoma example
described above, the mother could peti-
tion the Kansas court to decline jurisdic-
tion on grounds of inconvenient forum.
However, the decision would be at the
court’s discretion, and the fact that the
mother wrongfully withheld the child in
Oklahoma might weigh heavily in the
court’s decision.
Unjustifiable conduct. Subject to specific
section 208 of the UCCJEA
requires a court to decline jurisdiction if
such jurisdiction was created by the un-
justifiable conduct of the party bringing
the action. Furthermore, the Act requires
the court to assess the wrongdoer neces-
sary and reasonable expenses
that party can prove that the assessment
would be clearly inappropriate. Although
the statute does not define “unjustifiable
conduct,” examples cited in the accompa-
nying comment to section 208 include
wrongful removal, retention, or conceal-
ment of a child.
Questions may arise as to how this sec-
tion of the UCCJEA operates in domestic
violence situations. The comment to sec-
tion 208 explains that if a parent flees with
a child to escape domestic violence and
in the process violates a joint custody de-
cree, that parent’s case should not auto-
matically be dismissed. Instead, an in-
quiry must be made into whether the
flight was justified under the circum-
stances. The comment goes on to distin-
guish the case of an abusive parent who
seizes a child and flees to another State to
establish jurisdiction. In this case, he or
she has engaged in unjustifiable conduct
and the new State must decline to exer-
cise jurisdiction.
Example. Without warning, a father
snatches his son from a school bus stop
in Arizona. He takes the child to Oregon
and keeps their location hidden from the
left-behind mother for 10 months. The
boy’s mother mistakenly believes that she
cannot file for custody in Arizona (the
child’s home State) because the child is
no longer physically present there. (Had
she consulted a knowledgeable lawyer,
she would have known that the child’s
absence from Arizona did not deprive the
home State of jurisdiction as long as a
custody action was commenced within
6 months of the boy’s departure.) The
father waits 16 months before filing for an
initial custody order in Oregon and gives
the mother notice of the proceeding. She
promptly files a motion to dismiss on
grounds that the father’s conduct was
unjustifiable. The court agrees, and it
declines jurisdiction, dismisses the peti-
tion, and orders the father to pay the
mother’s attorney’s fees and investigative
costs. The mother then commences a cus-
tody action in an Arizona court, which
exercises jurisdiction on significant con-
nection grounds, the home State having
declined its jurisdiction. The mother can
then seek enforcement of the Oregon or-
der in Arizona, using any of the enforce-
ment procedures in the UCCJEA or other
procedures available in that State. The
UCCJEA and the PKPA require Arizona to
enforce the mother’s order.
Duty To Enforce Under
The UCCJEA requires State courts to rec-
ognize and enforce child-custody determi-
nations made in substantial conformity
with the jurisdictional provisions of the
Act or made under factual circumstances
that meet the jurisdictional standards of
the Act.
This basic duty to enforce is the
same as that in the UCCJA; however, a
custody order is enforceable under the
UCCJEA only if the issuing court exer-
cised jurisdiction in conformity with the
In addition to establishing a duty to en-
force sister States’ custody and visitation
orders, the UCCJEA creates five new inter-
state enforcement mechanisms. These
mechanisms, each described in this sec-
tion, supplement any other enforcement
procedures available under State law.
Registration of an out-of-State custody
determination. The UCCJEA creates a
process for registering out-of-State cus-
tody and visitation orders.
Parents and
other parties are not required to register
a custody or visitation determination but
may choose to do so for the following
Registration puts the courts of a State
on notice of an existing custody deter-
mination and of the issuing
exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.
Registration is a pretest of enforceabili-
ty; that is, it can be used to obtain as-
surance that the custody determination
will be enforced in the future.
Registration limits possible defenses to
enforcement at a later date, which sim-
plifies and expedites subsequent en-
forcement efforts.
Uncontested registration may obviate
the need for lawyers in a case, which
would be a great benefit to parents
who cannot afford counsel.
A registered order is enforceable as if
it were a local order as of the date of
The process for registering out-of-State
custody determinations is straightfor-
ward. A party sends a request for registra-
tion to a court in another State, along with
copies of the child-custody determination
and other required information. The court
files the order as a foreign judgment and
serves notice on the parent (or person
acting as a parent) who has been awarded
custody or visitation in the order. Persons
who receive notice have 20 days to re-
quest a hearing to contest the validity of
the order. If no such request is made, the
order is confirmed as a matter of law and
may be enforced as if it were a local order.
If the registration is contested, only three
defenses are available:
That the court making the custody de-
termination lacked jurisdiction.
That the person contesting registra-
tion was entitled to but did not receive
notice of the underlying custody pro-
ceeding in accordance with the
That the child-custody determination
has been vacated, stayed, or modified.
The UCCJEA’s registration process differs
from the UCCJA provision requiring clerks
of court to maintain a registry for filing
out-of-State decrees. The UCCJAs registry
provision was omitted from the UCCJEA.
Temporary visitation orders. Under the
UCCJEA, courts may issue temporary
orders to enforce visitation schedules in
other States’ court orders or visitation
provisions of out-of-State orders that do
not contain a specific schedule.
For in-
stance, courts may order compensatory
visitation time or give specific meaning
to another State’s award of “reasonable
Although this section gives judges the
authority to issue temporary orders to
facilitate visitation that might not other-
wise occur, it does not confer modification
jurisdiction to make wholesale changes
to sister States’ orders. Consistent with
the UCCJEA and the PKPA, permanent
changes to the underlying custody order
may be made only by the court with modi-
fication jurisdiction, unless that State
declines to exercise jurisdiction.
Expedited enforcement of custody de-
terminations. Sections 308–310 of the
UCCJEA create a new enforcement reme-
dy, the object of which is the immediate
recovery of a child.
It is fast and summa-
ry in nature. If there is a risk of serious
physical harm or abduction, this remedy
may be used in concert with a warrant to
take physical custody of a child (UCCJEA
section 311, as discussed below).
The UCCJEA’s expedited enforcement sec-
tions provide for an enforcement hearing,
normally within 24 hours of service (i.e.,
on the next judicial day after service). If
that date is impossible, the hearing must
be held on the first judicial day possible.
In other words, this is a priority proceed-
ing on the fastest track available.
At the hearing, the respondent has limited
defenses, the availability of which de-
pends on whether the order has been reg-
istered. If so, the only available defense is
that the order has since been vacated,
stayed, or modified. If the custody order
has not been registered, the respondent
may assert the three defenses that could
have been raised in a registration pro-
ceeding: (1) lack of jurisdiction in the is-
suing court; (2) the underlying custody
order has been vacated, stayed, or modi-
fied; and (3) lack of notice.
At the conclusion of the hearing, unless
the respondent has established a defense,
the court must issue an order authorizing
the petitioner to take immediate physical
custody of the child. Pursuant to section
312, the court must also order the re-
spondent to pay the petitioner’s neces-
sary and reasonable expenses
unless the
respondent shows that such award would
be clearly inappropriate. (If the respond-
ent had prevailed, the court would assess
the petitioner with costs and expenses be-
cause section 312 expressly provides for
an award to the “prevailing party.”) The
return order may also include a directive
for law enforcement assistance.
Warrants to take physical custody of a
child. The UCCJEA also includes a proce-
dure to ensure a child’s safety and pres-
ence in the jurisdiction when notice of an
enforcement proceeding might cause the
recipient to harm or flee with the child.
On a finding that a “child is imminently
likely to suffer serious physical harm or
be removed from the State,” section 311
specifically authorizes a court to issue a
warrant directing law enforcement officers
to take immediate physical custody of the
Warrants to take physical custody of a
child (also known as “pickup” orders) are
obtained under the UCCJEA in conjunc-
tion with an enforcement action. The peti-
tioner files a verified application to obtain
a warrant to take physical custody of the
child upon filing an enforcement action.
The court must take testimony from the
petitioner or another witness. The testi-
mony may be taken by phone, in person,
or by any other means allowed under
local law. If the court finds that the child
is imminently likely to suffer serious
physical harm or be removed from the
State, the court may issue a warrant to
take physical custody of the child. The
warrant must direct law enforcement offi-
cers to pick up the child immediately, and
it must provide for the child’s placement
pending the enforcement hearing. The
respondent must be served with the peti-
tion, warrant, and order immediately after
the warrant is executed (i.e., after the
child is picked up), and the enforcement
petition must be heard on the next judicial
day unless that date is impossible.
This remedy may be especially helpful in
preventing international abductions. The
ICARA contemplates that courts hearing
Hague Convention cases may take meas-
ures under State and Federal law to pro-
tect the well-being of a child or to prevent
further removal or concealment before
final disposition of the petition. Section
311 of the UCCJEA provides the authority
to do so.
Public enforcement provisions. Sections
315–317 of the UCCJEA provide a mecha-
nism for enforcing custody and visitation
that is modeled on a system that
has functioned remarkably well in Cal-
ifornia for more than 20 years with wide
support from the criminal justice commu-
nity. (See “The Role of Prosecutors and
Law Enforcement in Civil Custody Enforce-
ment: California’s Experience,” page 10.)
State legislatures may designate any pub-
lic officials they deem appropriate to im-
plement sections 315 and 316. Although
most States will select prosecutors and
law enforcement, legislatures may desig-
nate other public officials, such as a
“Friend of the Court.” California’s experi-
ence exemplifies the advantages of allow-
ing district attorneys, criminal investiga-
tors, and other law enforcement officers
to play an active part in civil enforcement
of custody determinations. The following
explanation of sections 315–317 assumes
that State legislatures have designated
prosecutors and law enforcement officers
to exercise the new discretionary powers.
Section 315(a) of the UCCJEA gives prose-
cutors statutory authority to take any law-
ful action—including instituting a proceed-
ing under article 3 or any other available
civil proceeding—to locate a child, facili-
tate a child’s return, or enforce a child-
custody determination. Any actions taken
by the prosecutor are done on behalf of
the court. The prosecutor does not repre-
sent any party.
The prosecutor may act if one of the fol-
lowing exists:
A prior custody determination.
A request from a court in a pending
child-custody proceeding.
A reasonable belief that a criminal
statute has been violated.
A reasonable belief that a child has
been wrongfully removed or retained
in violation of the Hague Convention.
Under section 315, prosecutors may re-
quest the assistance of law enforcement
officers, and section 316 expressly author-
izes them to respond to such a request.
Under section 317, prosecutors and law
enforcement agencies may recover their
direct costs and expenses from a non-
prevailing party.
The authority granted under these sec-
tions is discretionary, meaning that prose-
cutors may elect to use their new civil
authority to resolve custody and visitation
interference cases but are not required to
do so. For example, a prosecutor may opt
for civil remedies under the UCCJEA when
this approach would best serve the child
and family. Compared with criminal pro-
ceedings, civil proceedings tend to be less
traumatic for children. In all cases, prose-
cutors may choose, under State criminal
law, to prosecute the perpetrator-parent if
prosecution is in the interest of justice.
Civil and criminal remedies may be pur-
sued simultaneously in some circum-
stances. In short, the UCCJEA adds civil
remedies to the tools prosecutors already
have under criminal statutes but allows
prosecutors to choose how to proceed in
parental kidnapping cases.
Sections 315–317 offer potential advan-
tages to prosecutors, children, and par-
ents. Specifically, the provisions may:
Deter abductions and encourage citi-
zens to respect the terms of court
Deter self-help recoveries (“reabduc-
tions”), which can be harmful to
children and may have civil or criminal
consequences for parents.
Create an interstate network of recipro-
cal assistance to resolve custodial
interference cases. This network
should result in faster resolution of
many interstate custody and visitation
disputes, thereby sparing children the
trauma of protracted custody litigation,
reducing litigation costs for parents,
and limiting more costly prosecutions
by allowing prosecutors to pursue civil
Give prosecutors the authority to assist
with civil enforcement, thereby provid-
ing custodial parents of limited finan-
cial ability lawful means by which to
secure return of their children.
Involve public authorities in handling
international child-custody and visita-
tion disputes under the Hague Conven-
tion. Their involvement should improve
the United States’ standing with treaty
partners—many of whom now provide
free legal assistance to U.S. citizens
seeking return of their children from
abroad—and may foster the return of
more children who have been abducted
from this country.
Give the criminal justice community
the option of using civil remedies in
interstate and international custody
and abduction cases, while leaving the
door open to prosecute the abducting
parent when circumstances warrant.
This leeway should facilitate resolution
of these difficult cases in the best inter-
ests of children and society.
This Bulletin has highlighted the many
ways in which nationwide enactment of
the UCCJEA would improve interstate
child-custody practice. To recap a few, the
UCCJEA adopts the PKPA’s priority for
home State jurisdiction in initial custody
cases and codifies the principle of exclu-
sive, continuing jurisdiction. These pro-
visions will clarify where child-custody
proceedings should be brought and sub-
stantially reduce the number of competing
custody proceedings in sister States. The
UCCJEA also includes the following inno-
vative enforcement mechanisms: the expe-
dited enforcement procedure, the warrant
to take physical custody of a child, and
the public officials sections of the Act, all
of which should result in swifter, more
streamlined, and more predictable inter-
state enforcement of custody and visita-
tion orders. The UCCJEAs new interstate
jurisdictional rules and procedures reflect
sensitivity to the safety needs of parents
and children who are the victims of do-
mestic violence.
Readers interested in promoting enact-
ment of the UCCJEA in their State should
contact the Governor’s office and members
of the Judiciary Committees in their State
legislature to request action on the legisla-
tion. Legislative packets and copies of the
law may be obtained from NCCUSL. (Con-
tact information for NCCUSL appears in
the “For Further Information” section.)
Once the UCCJEA is enacted, its success
will depend on lawyers using it wisely,
courts interpreting it uniformly, and pub-
lic officials using the law’s new tools ef-
fectively to minimize the harmful effects
children endure when they are pawns in
interjurisdictional custody battles.
District attorneys and law enforcement
officers in California have had the statu-
tory authority to intervene in civil child
custody enforcement cases for more
than 20 years.The UCCJEA’s “public
officials” provisions are modeled on
California law. Although California’s en-
actment of the UCCJEA has changed
some enforcement practices,
it is useful
to examine the extensive pre-UCCJEA
experience of California’s prosecutors
and law enforcement officers in these
A California prosecutor seeking to re-
cover a child being wrongfully kept in
another State (in violation of a custody
determination) may evaluate the case
to determine whether to initially proceed
criminally or civilly. The prosecutor will
consider several factors in determining
his or her approach. Factors affecting
the decision include the following:
Facts surrounding the abduction.
Evidence that the child is in danger.
The child’s age.
Date the child was initially taken.
The likelihood that the child will be
removed from the country.
Concealment of the child.
Allegations or evidence of domestic
violence or child abuse.
The criminal history of both parties.
The probability of recovering the
child without pressing criminal
charges against the abductor.
The assistance available from the
other State without pressing criminal
The Role of Prosecutors and Law Enforcement in Civil Custody Enforcement:
California’s Experience
The likelihood of flight.
The health and welfare of the child.
Although the prosecutor may initially
choose a civil approach, he or she re-
tains the discretion to proceed criminally
against the abductor if the facts and cir-
cumstances warrant (e.g., where facts are
uncovered that indicate that the child may
be endangered or abused).
Under civil enforcement, once the abduct-
ing parent and the child are located, the
district attorney may contact the abduct-
ing parent by telephone, explain the law,
and request a voluntary return. If the
abducting parent refuses to cooperate or
if such contact may trigger flight and con-
cealment of the child, the district attorney
will secure an order from the California
court directing the district attorney to re-
cover the child. This order gives the dis-
trict attorney temporary custody of the
child for the purpose of the child’s recov-
ery and designates temporary placement
of the child. (The court may order the
child placed with the left-behind parent, in
foster care, or otherwise, depending on
the facts and circumstances of the case.)
The district attorney (or criminal investiga-
tor working with the district attorney) then
contacts the law enforcement agency and
the court in the jurisdiction where the
child is located to arrange for pickup of
the child (and to inquire about a UCCJEA
enforcement proceeding, if applicable).
The district attorney ascertains the pro-
cedures and requirements of the law en-
forcement agency and the court regarding
enforcement practices and any other per-
tinent issues, such as arrangements for
overnight shelter and care.
If the law enforcement agency is coopera-
tive, pickup of the child generally goes
smoothly. If a court hearing is required,
the presence and/or testimony of the dis-
trict attorney’s investigator may be suffi-
cient for the court to order the return of
the child with the investigator. If the local
law enforcement agency is not coopera-
tive or if an enforcement action is re-
quired, the district attorney may retain a
lawyer (at State expense) to bring the
action under local law.
In predecree abduction cases (i.e.,
when there is no custody determination
at the time of the abduction), the district
attorney usually requires the left-behind
parent to initiate a custody proceeding.
However, the district attorney can file
the appropriate initial pleading in certain
In cooperation with the California State
Attorney General, California district
attorneys also play an important role in
international child abduction cases in-
volving the Hague Convention. When a
child is abducted to California from a
Hague Convention country, the district
attorney may seek the voluntary return
of the child or pursue a court action
under the Convention for the return of
the child. When a child is abducted from
California to a Hague Convention coun-
try, the district attorney is involved in
locating the child and may file an appli-
cation with the U.S. Department of
State or directly with the foreign Central
Authority under the Hague Convention
seeking the child’s return.
Based on California’s experience, the
cost of using prosecutors and law en-
forcement in the civil enforcement of
custody matters should be modest.
Using civil remedies to resolve custodial
interference cases typically costs less
than prosecuting wrongdoer parents. In
1989, the California Controller’s Office
paid counties $3.3 million for their work
in 5,890 cases statewide. The 1991–92
budget was also $3.3 million, but prose-
cutors assisted in almost 8,000 cases
of civil custody enforcement and recov-
ered 3,000 abducted children. The vol-
ume of cases has grown since then,
with corresponding increases in State
spending, as more counties have be-
come involved in civil custody enforce-
ment. Other States can expect to spend
less than California because California,
the most populous State, probably has
the highest volume of custodial interfer-
ence cases in the country.
One of the most important changes since enact-
ment of the UCCJEA is the increase in interstate
judicial communication to address jurisdictional and
enforcement issues.
For Further Information
For additional information on the UCCJEA,
readers may contact the organizations
listed and described below. Brief descrip-
tions of selected publications available
from each organization are also provided.
American Bar Association (ABA)
Center on Children and the Law
740 15th Street NW., Ninth Floor
Washington, DC 20005–1009
202–662–1755 (fax)
The ABA Center on Children and the Law
concentrates on legal issues that directly
affect children. The Center’s Obstacles to
the Recovery and Return of Parentally
Abducted Children Project, funded by
OJJDP and directed by Linda Girdner,
Ph.D., documented problems that parents
face when children are abducted inter-
state and internationally. Among the many
recommendations contained in the origi-
nal Obstacles Project’s final report was
the need for streamlined, uniform proce-
dures to expedite interstate enforcement
of custody and visitation orders. In fur-
therance of that goal, the Obstacles Proj-
ect’s Legal Director, Patricia M. Hoff, J.D.,
served as an advisor to the UCCJEA
drafting committee. Although the Center
currently has no ongoing projects related
to parental kidnapping, its Web site in-
cludes an extensive collection of literature
about parental kidnapping and links to
other resources.
American Bar Association (ABA)
Section of Family Law
750 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60611–4497
Attn: Jeff Atkinson, ABA advisor to the
UCCJEA drafting committee
The ABA is the largest voluntary associa-
tion of lawyers in the United States, and
its Section of Family Law is devoted to
stabilizing and preserving the family. The
spring 1998 issue of Family Law Quarterly,
one of the section’s two publications,
focused on two uniform laws that affect
children and families: the UCCJEA and the
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.
The ABA advisor to the UCCJEA drafting
committee, Jeff Atkinson, is an active
member of the Section of Family Law.
National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Charles B. Wang International Children’s
699 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314–3175
703–274–2220 (fax)
NCMEC is a private, nonprofit clearing-
house that was established in 1984 and
operates under a congressional mandate.
A resource center for child protection,
NCMEC collects and distributes informa-
tion on missing and exploited children
and operates a national toll-free hotline,
800–THE–LOST (800–843–5678), for indi-
viduals to report missing children or re-
quest information. NCMEC assists fami-
lies and can be of tremendous help to law
enforcement in case management, case
tracking, lead and information analysis,
and coordination of responses across
jurisdictional lines.
National Center for Prosecution of Child
Abuse (NCPCA)
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510
Alexandria, VA 22314
703–549–6259 (fax)
The National Center for Prosecution of
Child Abuse recognizes child abuse as a
crime for which perpetrators must be
held accountable. Because no area of
criminal justice has changed so rapidly in
the past 15 years, the need for profession-
al specialization is especially great. Com-
mitted to excellence in training, technical
assistance, and publications, the National
Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse is
meeting that need. In cooperation with
prosecutors and other child abuse profes-
sionals in the United States and interna-
tionally, the Center demonstrates concern
for a particularly vulnerable group of
crime victims based on the premise that
children are entitled to equal treatment
under the law.
National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL)
211 East Ontario Street, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60611
312–915–0187 (fax)
For more than 100 years, NCCUSL has pro-
moted uniformity in State law and inter-
state cooperation by developing uniform
acts and endeavoring to secure their en-
actment by the voluntary action of each
State government. The conference in-
cludes commissioners from each State,
the District of Columbia, the Common-
wealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. Drafting committees made up of
A Prosecutor’s Perspective
As a general proposition, California’s prosecutors and law enforcement officers are
very supportive of the dual civil/criminal approach to custodial interference cases. In
1992, when the State was making programmatic cuts to reduce its deficit, strong
statewide support from the criminal justice community fended off an effort to cut a
program that implemented this approach. A district attorney with expertise in child
abduction cases sums up why the program was well received by California’s crimi-
nal justice community and why the UCCJEA should be supported:
As a prosecutor assigned to the Child Abduction Unit of the Santa Clara
County D.A.s Office for the past 6 years, I can personally attest to the incalcu-
lable value of the availability of civil, as well as criminal, enforcement tools in
resolving interstate child abduction cases. This office alone has recovered ap-
proximately 1,777 children in the last 10 years. The ability to act in a civil con-
text has been an important factor in recovery of these children. In the majority
of the custody and visitation disputes I have handled, resolving the issues
without criminal proceedings has clearly served the best interests of the chil-
dren involved. Other states do not have the same ability to serve and recover
their children. The most effective deterrent to child abduction in this country
would be the nationwide network of law enforcement and prosecutors this bill
[the UCCJEA] would create.
J.M. Heim, Deputy District Attorney, Child Abduction Unit, Santa Clara County, CA, personal communication,
March 1996, to Justice Marian Opala, Chair, UCCJEA Drafting Committee, in support of the prosecutor/law
enforcement sections of the UCCJEA.
commissioners are appointed to draft spe-
cific acts, and advisors and observers
often participate in the drafting process.
A draft uniform act must be read, section
by section, at no fewer than two annual
meetings before a decision is made, by
vote of States, to promulgate the act as a
Uniform Act.
NCCUSL approved the UCCJEA in 1997.
Copies of the law are available from
NCCUSL’s Chicago address and may be
downloaded from the NCCUSL Web site
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Child Protection Division (CPD)
810 Seventh Street NW.
Washington, DC 20531
202–353–9093 (fax)
OJJDP’s Child Protection Division admin-
isters programs related to crimes against
children and provides leadership and
funding in the areas of enforcement, inter-
vention, and prevention. CPD promotes
effective policies and procedures to ad-
dress the problems of abused, neglected,
missing, and exploited children. Activities
include conducting research, providing
training and technical assistance, and
supporting demonstration and service
programs related to child victimization.
CPD also supports the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children (see
above), a clearinghouse and resource
center that collects and distributes data
regarding missing and exploited children
and operates a national toll-free hotline
ABA Center on Children and the Law.
The following documents are available
from the Center (see Issues/Parental
Kidnapping on its Web site).
Hague Child Abduction Convention Issue
Briefs. This 1997 material consists of four
issue briefs that can help attorneys han-
dle cases that fall under the Hague Con-
vention on the Civil Aspects of Inter-
national Child Abduction.
The Hague Convention: A Curriculum for
American Judges and Lawyers. This 1997
publication explains how the Hague Con-
vention can be used effectively within the
United States in international parental
kidnapping cases.
Parental Kidnapping: Prevention and
Remedies. This paper is designed to help
attorneys better understand parental
abduction cases and applicable laws. It
includes practical tips on protections that
can be placed in child custody orders
that may help prevent an abduction, tips
that lawyers can give their parent clients,
a review of possible legal actions that can
be taken on parents’ behalf, and govern-
mental resources that can be used to help
in these cases.
Parental Kidnapping Law Reform Package
(consists of three proposed State laws:
Parental Kidnapping Crime Act, Missing
Children Record Flagging Act, and Tor-
tious Interference With Child Custody
and Visitation Act). This package, pro-
duced in 1996, contains three proposed
State laws related to parental abduction
that can be adopted by State legislatures.
ABA Section of Family Law. The following
document is available from the Section
(see Publications on its Web site).
International Child Abductions: A Guide to
Applying the 1988 Hague Convention, With
Forms, Second Edition. This guide provides
all the basic information needed to invoke
and apply the Hague Convention and the
forms necessary for its use.
NCMEC. The following documents are
available from NCMEC (see Education
& Resources on its Web site or call
Family Abduction. This handbook guides
parents through the civil and criminal jus-
tice systems, explains the laws that will
help them, outlines prevention methods,
and provides suggestions for aftercare
following the abduction. It thoroughly
details search and recovery strategies
and contains advice for attorneys, prose-
cutors, and family court judges handling
these cases.
International Forum on Parental Child
Abduction: Hague Convention Action
Agenda. This report details the findings
of a forum held in September 1998 to
study the Hague Convention on the Civil
Aspects of International Child Abduction.
It offers 12 action/agenda items to help
strengthen the implementation of the
Hague Convention.
“The Kid Is With a Parent, How Bad Can It
Be?”: The Crisis of Family Abductions. This
issue brief discusses the seriousness of
the problem of family abduction, consid-
ers whether the problem is growing, and
examines the challenges and opportuni-
ties this crime poses to policymakers.
Missing and Abducted Children: A Law-
Enforcement Guide to Case Investigation
and Program Management. This guide,
authored by a team of 38 professionals
from local, State, and Federal agencies,
outlines a standard of practice for law
enforcement officers handling several
types of missing child cases, including
runaways, thrownaways, family/nonfamily
abductions, and disappearances in which
the circumstances are unknown.
When Your Child Is Missing: A Family
Survival Guide. Also available from
OJJDP; see page 13 for description.
NCPCA. The following documents are
available from NCPCA (see Publications
on its Web site).
Charging the Parental Kidnapping Case.
This monograph assists prosecutors in
determining appropriate charges and sen-
tencing recommendations. It notes that an
aggressive investigative and prosecutorial
approach sends the message that paren-
tal kidnapping is a serious crime with
serious consequences for both victims
and abductors and recommends that
prosecution be seriously considered in
every parental kidnapping case.
Investigation and Prosecution of Parental
Abduction, 2000 (Training Conference
Notebook). This notebook contains train-
ing materials compiled for the 2000
NCPCA Conference, Investigation and
Prosecution of Parental Abduction.
Parental Kidnapping, Domestic Violence and
Child Abuse: Changing Legal Responses to
Related Violence. This monograph assists
investigators and prosecutors in develop-
ing appropriate responses to the inter-
related crimes of parental kidnapping,
domestic violence, and child abuse.
NCCUSL. Copies of acts, drafts, and legis-
lation are available from NCCUSL (see
NCCUSL Acts, Drafts & Legislation on its
Web site).
OJJDP. The following documents are avail-
able from OJJDP (see Publications on its
Web site or call the Juvenile Justice Clear-
inghouse at 800–638–8736) or from the
National Criminal Justice Reference Serv-
ice (visit www.ncjrs.org or call
Addressing Confidentiality of Records in
Searches for Missing Children (NCJ 155183).
This Report makes recommendations
concerning law enforcement agencies’
access to records maintained by schools,
hospitals, child welfare agencies, domes-
tic violence shelters, and runaway shel-
ters. The Report also covers information
release procedures and includes a check-
list for maximizing record access from
service providers. The Report’s appen-
dixes contain additional information and
other relevant statistical data on the con-
fidentiality of records in searches for
missing children, jurisdictions that allow
record access or impose reporting re-
quirements in missing children cases,
and State laws affecting record access.
The Criminal Justice System’s Response to
Parental Abduction (NCJ 186160). This
Bulletin summarizes primary findings
from a study of the criminal justice sys-
tem’s response to parental abduction.
Funded by OJJDP and conducted jointly
by the American Bar Association Center
on Children and the Law and Westat, the
study examined all aspects of the system’s
response, including the reporting of the
incident, investigation of the case, loca-
tion and recovery of the child, and crimi-
nal prosecution of the abductor. The Bul-
letin reports results from the study’s
national survey of law enforcement agen-
cies and prosecutors, site visits, and case
file reviews and presents implications for
legal, programmatic, and policy reforms.
Early Identification of Risk Factors for
Parental Abduction (NCJ 185026). This
Bulletin presents the design and findings
of four OJJDP-funded projects on prevent-
ing family abductions: a documentary
study, a criminal sanctions study, an
interview study, and an intervention
study. The findings provide information
regarding the risk factors associated with
parental kidnapping and strategies that
can be used to intervene with at-risk
Family Abductors: Descriptive Profiles and
Preventive Interventions (NCJ 182788). This
Bulletin describes preventive interventions,
such as counseling, conflict resolution, and
legal strategies, that seek to settle custody
and access disputes for families identified
as at risk for parental abduction.
A Family Resource Guide on International
Parental Kidnapping (NCJ 190448). This
guide presents practical and detailed
advice about preventing international kid-
napping and increasing the chance that
children who are kidnapped or wrongfully
retained will be returned. It provides de-
scriptions and realistic assessments of
the civil and criminal remedies availa-
ble in international parental kidnapping
cases, explains applicable laws and identi-
fies both the public and private resources
that may be called upon when an interna-
tional abduction occurs or is threatened,
and prepares parents for the legal and
emotional difficulties they may experience.
International Parental Kidnapping: A Law
Enforcement Guide (forthcoming). This
guide provides practical information on
the public and private resources and
services that are available to assist law
enforcement in international parental
abduction cases. It explains applicable
laws, defines agency roles and responsi-
bilities, describes criminal and civil reme-
dies, examines methods for prevention
and interception, and discusses impor-
tant issues and procedures to be ad-
dressed during an international parental
abduction case.
Issues in Resolving Cases of International
Child Abduction (NCJ 182790). This Report
documents a lack of uniformity in the
application of the Hague Convention
across countries. It includes case histo-
ries, survey findings on left-behind par-
ents, selected practices in international
family abduction cases, and recommenda-
tions for the judicial and legal systems.
Issues in Resolving Cases of International
Child Abduction by Parents (NCJ 190105).
This Bulletin provides an overview of the
major survey findings, selected good
practices, and recommendations from
the Report Issues in Resolving Cases of
International Child Abduction (see previous
Obstacles to the Recovery and Return of
Parentally Abducted Children (Report: NCJ
144535; Research Summary: NCJ 143458).
These publications present the results of
a 2-year study of the legal, policy, proce-
dural, and practical obstacles to the loca-
tion, recovery, and return of parentally
abducted children. They include recom-
mendations to overcome each obstacle
and extensive appendixes that describe
the pros and cons of existing legal proce-
dures for enforcing a custody order, sam-
ple forms to be used with existing legal
procedures, and summaries of both civil
and criminal appellate decisions.
Parental Abduction: A Review of the
Literature (Available online only: ojjdp.
This online resource summarizes current
research and literature relating to the
primary issues involved in parental
Prevention of Parent or Family Abduction
Through Early Identification of Risk Factors
(NCJ 182791). Based on analyses of data
from several California studies related to
child abductions by a noncustodial par-
ent, this Report outlines a set of charac-
teristics of parents who abduct their
children and presents indepth socio-
demographic and legal information
about the families of abducted children.
Using Agency Records To Find Missing
Children: A Guide for Law Enforcement
(NCJ 154633). This Summary focuses on
procedures for obtaining and using the
records of certain types of human service
providers to find missing children. It ex-
amines the use of, access to, barriers to
securing, and limitations of records from
schools, medical care providers, runaway
shelters, and domestic violence shelters.
When Your Child Is Missing: A Family
Survival Guide (NCJ 170022; Spanish ver-
sion: NCJ 178902). This guide, written by
parents and family members who have
experienced the disappearance of a child,
explains how parents can best participate
in the search for a missing child. It dis-
cusses the parents’ relationship with
law enforcement, examines issues related
to the media, and presents practical in-
formation about distributing fliers and
photos, organizing volunteers, and man-
aging monetary donations.
Gonzalez, R.M., Tumonis, E.F., and Dun-
ham, R. 1998. Attorney General Child Ab-
duction Reference Manual. Sacramento,
CA: State of California Department of
Justice, Office of the Attorney General.
Hoff, P.M. 1998. The ABC’s of the UCCJEA:
Interstate child-custody practice under
the new act. Family Law Quarterly 32(2):
Spector, R.G. 1998. Uniform Child-Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (with
Prefatory Note and Comments). Family
Law Quarterly 32(2):301–384.
1. Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and
Enforcement Act (1997), 9(1A) U.L.A. 657
(1999). The text is accessible online at
2. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act,
9(1A) U.L.A. 271 (1999).
3. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Cali-
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, the District
of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,
Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
Washington, and West Virginia.
4. Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Mary-
land, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey,
New York, and Rhode Island.
5. The terms “child-custody determina-
tion,” “custody determination,” and
“order,” as used in this Bulletin, refer to
custody determinations and visitation
6. Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of
1980, 28 U.S.C. § 1738A.
7. Violence Against Women Act of 1994;
Violence Against Women Act of 2000, 18
U.S.C. §§ 2265, 2266.
8. The complete text of the Hague Conven-
tion can be found at 51 Fed. Reg. 10,494 et
seq. (1986) or online via the U.S. Depart-
ment of State’s Web site at www.travel.
state.gov, under “International Parental
Child Abduction.”
9. International Child Abduction Remedies
Act, 42 U.S.C. § 11601 et seq.
10. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction
Act, Prefatory Note. The Full Faith and
Credit clause requires that full faith and
credit “be given in each state to the public
acts, records, and judicial proceedings
of every other state” (U.S. Constitution,
article IV, § 1).
11. Id.
12. Girdner, L.K., and Hoff, P.M., eds. 1993.
Final Report: Obstacles to the Recovery and
Return of Parentally Abducted Children.
Washington, DC: American Bar Associ-
ation Center on Children and the Law
(hereinafter Obstacles Project Final Re-
port). The Obstacles Project Final Report
was considered by the UCCJEA drafting
committee, and numerous recommenda-
tions from the report are reflected in the
uniform act. In addition to suggesting
amendments to the UCCJA and the PKPA,
the Obstacles Project Final Report pro-
posed an original “Act To Expedite En-
forcement of Child Custody Determina-
tions.” The purpose of the statute was to
alleviate the shortcomings and lack of uni-
formity in then-existing procedures for
enforcing child-custody and visitation
orders that had frustrated many parents
trying to exercise their lawful court-
ordered rights. Article 3 of the UCCJEA
incorporates many ideas from the
proposed statute.
13. 28 U.S.C. § 1738A, “Full Faith and Credit
Given to Child Custody Determinations.”
14. 28 U.S.C. § 1738A(d). This section es-
tablishes the principle of “exclusive, con-
tinuing jurisdiction.”
15. 28 U.S.C. § 1738A(g). This section pro-
hibits simultaneous proceedings.
16. 28 U.S.C. § 1738A(e).
17. Like the UCCJA, the PKPA defines
“home State” as the State in which a child
has lived with a parent or person acting
as a parent for at least 6 months preced-
ing the commencement of a child-custody
18. See endnote 12, supra.
19. See endnotes 6–9, supra.
20. 18 U.S.C. § 2266. The VAWAs definition
of “protection order” expressly excludes
child-custody orders issued pursuant to
State child-custody laws (except to the
extent that they are entitled to Full Faith
and Credit under Federal law).
21. As of July 2001, the Hague Convention
was in force between the United States
and 49 countries. For a complete list of
countries that are party to the Conven-
tion, see the U.S. Department of State’s
Web site (www.travel.state.gov) or the
Hague Conference on Private International
Law’s Web site (www.hcch.net).
22. The Hague Convention, ratified in
1986, took effect in the United States in
1988 following enactment of the Interna-
tional Child Abduction Remedies Act.
23. UCCJA, section 1 (Purposes of Act;
Construction of Provisions). The UCCJEA
omitted a “purposes” clause for stylistic
reasons: NCCUSL no longer includes claus-
es of this type in its uniform acts. The offi-
cial comments note, however, that many
of the original purposes of the UCCJA
remain valid.
24. In re Michelle Lemond, 413 N.E.2d 228
(Ind. 1980). An extraordinary judicial
panel—consisting of the Supreme Court of
Indiana; the Court of Appeals of Indiana,
First District; and the Chief Judge of the
Court of Appeals—held two judges, a pri-
vate attorney, and a county prosecutor in
indirect criminal contempt for willfully
and intentionally disobeying orders of the
State Supreme Court and the mandate of
the Court of Appeals in an interstate cus-
tody enforcement case brought pursuant
to the UCCJA. Each judge and lawyer was
fined $500 and charged with costs. The
contempt proceeding stemmed from a
custody dispute between a mother in
Hawaii and her ex-husband, who retained
custody of their daughter in Indiana.
Proceeding in accordance with the UCCJA,
the mother sought to enforce the Ha-
waiian court order in Indiana. The father
resisted at every level of the State’s
After 3 years of litigation, the mother final-
ly prevailed; the father had exhausted his
remedies in the State courts, and it was
expected that the orders of the State Su-
preme Court and the Court of Appeals
would be honored and the child returned
to her mother. However, the father’s coun-
sel staged an 11th hour attempt to shield
his client from the orders of Indiana’s high-
est courts by initiating the filing of a CHINS
(Child In Need of Services) petition by the
county prosecutor in juvenile court. The
juvenile court issued the CHINS petition
minutes before the Circuit Court’s issu-
ance of a writ of habeas corpus ordering
the return of the child to her mother.
However, the Circuit Judge assisted the
father’s efforts by ordering that the writ
not be executed for 4 hours and then dis-
qualifying himself from hearing the CHINS
petition. A new judge was named to hear
the CHINS petition, and it was this judge
who found the daughter in need of servi-
ces and ordered that she be detained for a
mental examination.
Characterizing the sole legal issue in the
contempt proceeding as whether the juve-
nile court’s jurisdiction was properly in-
voked, the courts in this case held that
they would “not tolerate the attempted
use of emergency jurisdiction to reopen a
fully litigated and decided custody battle”
(413 N.E.2d at 245). The courts “became
convinced that [the CHINS hearing] was
not a good faith effort to help a child in
need of services. Rather, it was a well-
orchestrated effort to thwart the orders
of these Courts by prostituting the emer-
gency authority of a juvenile court” (id. at
238). The juvenile court judge should have
recognized the CHINS petition for what it
was: “nothing more than a pretense for
the judge assuming jurisdiction,” a sham
designed to avoid the force and effect of
the writ (id. at 242).
25. 716 P.2d 991 (Cal. 1986), rev’d, 484 U.S.
400, 107 S. Ct. 2433 (1987).
26. UCCJEA, section 102(4) (definition of
“child-custody proceeding”).
27. UCCJEA, section 201 (Initial Child-
Custody Jurisdiction).
28. UCCJEA, section 202 (Exclusive, Con-
tinuing Jurisdiction). See also UCCJEA,
section 102(13), which defines a “person
acting as a parent” as “a person, other
than a parent, who: (A) has physical cus-
tody of the child or has had physical
custody for a period of six consecutive
months, including any temporary absence,
within one year immediately before the
commencement of a child-custody pro-
ceeding; and (B) has been awarded legal
custody by a court or claims a right to
legal custody under the law of this State.”
29. UCCJEA, section 204 (Temporary Emer-
gency Jurisdiction).
30. UCCJEA, section 207 (Inconvenient
31. UCCJEA, section 208 (Jurisdiction De-
clined by Reason of Conduct).
32. UCCJEA, section 304 (Temporary
33. UCCJEA, section 305 (Registration of
Child-Custody Determination).
34. UCCJEA, sections 308–310 (Expedited
Enforcement of Child-Custody Determina-
tion; Service of Petition and Order; Hear-
ing and Order).
35. UCCJEA, section 311 (Warrant To Take
Physical Custody of Child).
36. UCCJEA, sections 315–317 (Role of
[Prosecutor or Public Official]; Role of
[Law Enforcement]; Costs and Expens-
es). In States that enact these sections,
prosecutors (or other designated public
officials) and law enforcement officers
are able to use the procedures to locate
children, return them to the jurisdiction
of the court, and enforce custody
37. UCCJEA, section 102(4) (definition of
“child-custody proceeding”).
38. UCCJEA, section 102(3)(d). See com-
ment to UCCJEA, section 102: “By exclud-
ing proceedings involving monetary obli-
gations, this Act continues the notion of
divided jurisdiction. A court may well
have jurisdiction to dissolve the marriage
or to make an order for child support
without having jurisdiction to make a cus-
tody determination. For a recent case, see
Stevens v. Stevens, 682 N.E.2d 1309 (Ind.
Ct. App. 1997).”
39. UCCJEA, section 103 (Proceedings
Governed by Other Law).
40. UCCJEA, section 102(3). Temporary
orders are expressly included in the
UCCJEA’s definition of “child-custody de-
termination.” This definition is consistent
with the PKPA definition and clarifies an
ambiguity in section 2(2) of the UCCJA.
41. UCCJEA, section 105 (International
Application of [Act]).
42. 51 Fed. Reg. 10,510.
43. UCCJEA, section 104 (Application to
Indian Tribes).
44. UCCJEA, section 201(c). Personal juris-
diction over a party or a child is neither
necessary nor sufficient to make a cus-
tody determination.
45. See UCCJEA, section 201(a)(2)(A) and
(B), which provide that significant connec-
tion jurisdiction exists when “(A) the child
and the child’s parents, or the child and at
least one parent or a person acting as a
parent, have a significant connection with
this State other than mere physical pres-
ence; and (B) substantial evidence is avail-
able in this State concerning the child’s
care, protection, training, and personal
relationships; . . . .”
46. Under the UCCJEA, a court with juris-
diction may decline to exercise it if anoth-
er State is a more convenient forum (sec-
tion 207) or the petitioner has engaged in
unjustifiable conduct (section 208).
47. UCCJEA, section 206 (Simultaneous
Proceedings), part (a).
48. UCCJEA, section 206 (Simultaneous
Proceedings), part (b); section 110 (Com-
munication Between Courts).
49. UCCJEA, section 209 (Information To
Be Submitted to Court).
50. UCCJEA, section 206 (Simultaneous
Proceedings), part (b).
51. UCCJEA, section 201(a)(3).
52. UCCJEA, section 201(a)(4).
53. UCCJEA, section 204.
54. UCCJEA, section 205(a), and PKPA, 28
U.S.C. § 1738A(e).
55. UCCJEA, sections 209(a) and (e) pro-
tect against disclosure of addresses and
other identifying information in the plead-
ings when disclosure would jeopardize a
child’s or a party’s health, safety, or liber-
ty. If a State has adequate protections in
existing law, it may reference them in sec-
tion (a) and delete section (e).
56. UCCJEA, section 207(b)(1).
57. UCCJEA, section 202 (Exclusive, Con-
tinuing Jurisdiction).
58. UCCJEA, section 203 (Jurisdiction To
Modify Determination).
59. The UCCJA prohibition against simulta-
neous proceedings was designed to pre-
vent this situation, but courts in two or
more States often proceed with their cus-
tody actions and issue conflicting orders
notwithstanding the statutory prohibition.
60. UCCJEA, section 208(a)(1), (2), (3).
61. UCCJEA, section 208(c). Necessary and
reasonable expenses include costs, com-
munication expenses, attorney’s fees, in-
vestigative fees, expenses for witnesses,
travel expenses, and childcare expenses
during the course of the proceedings.
62. UCCJEA, section 303 (Duty To
63. See endnote 33, supra.
64. See comment to UCCJEA, section 305,
which gives as an example a foreign par-
ent seeking an advance determination of
whether a foreign custody order will be
recognized and enforced before sending a
child to the United States for visitation.
65. This author favors retaining a child-
custody registry provision in State enact-
ments of the UCCJEA. For a detailed dis-
cussion of this issue, see Hoff, 1998.
66. See endnote 32, supra.
67. See endnote 34, supra.
68. Recoverable costs include communica-
tion expenses, attorney’s fees, investiga-
tive fees, expenses for witnesses, travel
expenses, and childcare expenses during
the course of the proceedings.
69. UCCJEA, section 311 (Warrant To Take
Physical Custody of Child).
70. UCCJEA, section 315 (Role of [Prose-
cutor or Public Official]).
71. This statutory authority should re-
move the threat of civil liability that influ-
ences many law enforcement decisions in
child recovery situations.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Washington, DC 20531
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use $300
NCJ 189181
This Bulletin was written by Patricia M. Hoff, J.D., a legal consultant on interstate
and international child-custody, visitation, and parental kidnapping law. She was an
advisor to the drafting committee of the UCCJEA on behalf of the ABA Center on
Children and the Law while serving as Legal Director of the Center’s Obstacles to
the Recovery and Return of Parentally Abducted Children Project. The author
gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Janet Heim, J.D., Deputy District
Attorney, Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, who wrote the Bulletin’s
sidebars on California prosecutors’ long-time involvement in civil child-custody
enforcement. The author also thanks Linda Girdner, Ph.D., former Director of
Research at the ABA Center on Children and the Law and Project Director of the
Obstacles Project, for her thoughtful comments on the Bulletin as it was being
Points of view or opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and
have not been approved by the House of Delegates or the Board of Governors of
the American Bar Association. The views, accordingly, should not be construed as
representing the official position or policies of the ABA.
This Bulletin is intended for educational and informational purposes and does not
constitute legal advice. Readers with specific cases should consult their legal
This Bulletin was prepared under grant number
92–MC–CX–0007 from the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. De-
partment of Justice.
Points of view or opinions expressed in this
document are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent the official position or
policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin-
quency Prevention is a component of the Of-
fice of Justice Programs, which also includes
the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau
of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of
Justice, and the Office for Victims of Crime.