Inflation and Activity – Two Explorations
and their Monetary Policy Implications
by Olivier Blanchard, Eugenio Cerutti, and Lawrence Summers
© 2015 International Monetary Fund
IMF Working Paper
Research Department
Inflation and Activity – Two Explorations
and their Monetary Policy Implications
Prepared by Olivier Blanchard, Eugenio Cerutti, and Lawrence Summers
Authorized for distribution by Maurice Obstfeld
November 2015
We explore two issues triggered by the crisis. First, in most advanced countries, output
remains far below the pre-recession trend, suggesting hysteresis. Second, while inflation has
decreased, it has decreased less than anticipated, suggesting a breakdown of the relation
between inflation and activity. To examine the first, we look at 122 recessions over the past
50 years in 23 countries. We find that a high proportion of them have been followed by lower
output or even lower growth. To examine the second, we estimate a Phillips curve relation
over the past 50 years for 20 countries. We find that the effect of unemployment on inflation,
for given expected inflation, decreased until the early 1990s, but has remained roughly stable
since then. We draw implications of our findings for monetary policy.
JEL Classification Numbers: E31, E32, E50.
Keywords: Recessions; Hysteresis; Phillips Curve; Monetary Policy.
Authors’ E-Mail Address: OBlanc[email protected]; [email protected];
Extended version of the paper presented at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal on
“Inflation and unemployment in Europe” on May 22, 2015. We thank Larry Ball and Sandeep Mazumder for
comments and help, as well as Yangfan Sun and Daniel Rivera for excellent research assistance. Comments by
Larry Ball, who was our discussant, led to substantial changes in the second part of the paper. We also thank
Zeno Enders, Stephan Danninger, Chris Erceg, Jaewoo Lee, and other IMF colleagues for comments. Our paper
builds on Martin and Wilson (2013) and IMF (April 2013) Chapter 3. The online appendix is available at:
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board,
or IMF management.
Abstract ___________________________________________________________________1
I. Introduction ______________________________________________________________3
II. Aftereffects of Recessions: Hysteresis? ________________________________________5
A. Measuring the Effects of Recessions: A Non-Parametric Approach ________________________ 6
B. What could be behind the results? Hysteresis and alternative hypotheses __________________ 12
C. Controlling by Type of Recession _________________________________________________ 13
D. Relative Output Gaps___________________________________________________________ 16
E. Main Takeaways ______________________________________________________________ 17
III. Does Unemployment Affect Inflation? _______________________________________18
A. Empirical Estimations of Phillips Curves: A Time-Varying Approach ____________________ 18
B. Empirical Estimations of Phillips Curves: A Simpler Approach __________________________ 22
IV. Implications For Monetary Policy __________________________________________24
1. Analysis of the differences between output level and trend across recessions _________11
2. Recessions with/without financial crises ______________________________________14
3. Recessions with/without oil price increases ___________________________________14
4. Recessions with/without increasing inflation __________________________________15
5. Recessions with/without intentional disinflations _______________________________16
6. Slope of the Phillips Curve ________________________________________________23
1. Advanced Economies Real GDP ____________________________________________5
2. Actual GDP and Extrapolated Trends _________________________________________7
3. United States –Evolution of log real GDP and Extrapolated Trends __________________8
4. Portugal –Evolution of log real GDP and Extrapolated Trends _____________________9
5. Histogram of Average Adjusted Output Gaps __________________________________10
6. Histogram of Average Relative Output Gaps __________________________________17
7. Advanced Economies CPI Headline Inflation _________________________________18
8. Median estimates _______________________________________________________20
9. Estimates for Germany and the UK ________________________________________21
10. Decreases in growth, recessions, and output gaps _____________________________26
References ________________________________________________________________27
We explore two empirical issues triggered by the Great Financial Crisis. First, in most
advanced countries, output remains far below the pre-recession trend, leading researchers to
revisit the issue of hysteresis, and, more generally, the effect of recessions on output. Second,
while inflation has decreased, it has decreased less than was anticipated (an outcome referred
to as the “missing disinflation’’), leading researchers to revisit the relation between inflation
and activity.
Clearly, if confirmed, either the presence of hysteresis or the deterioration of the relation
between inflation and activity would have major implications for monetary policy and for
stabilisation policy more generally. In the first case, it would imply that the cost of output
shortfalls is much higher than typically assumed. In the second case, the lack of a reliable
relation between inflation and activity, be it output or unemployment gaps, would require a
major rethinking of the inflation targeting architecture.
With these motivations in mind, we have a broad look at the evidence. First, we revisit the
hysteresis hypothesis, defined as the hypothesis that recessions may have permanent effects
on the level of output relative to trend. Second, we revisit the evidence on the strength of the
relation between the unemployment gap and inflation, the Phillips curve.
We do this by looking at output, unemployment and inflation over the course of roughly 50
years for 23 advanced economies and draw the conclusions set out below.
We find that a high proportion of recessions, about two-thirds, are followed by lower output
relative to the pre-recession trend even after the economy has recovered. Perhaps more
surprisingly, in about one-half of those cases, the recession is followed not just by lower
output, but by lower output growth relative to the pre-recession output trend. That is, as time
passes following recessions, the gap between output and projected output on the basis of the
pre-recession trend increases.
If these correlations are causal, they suggest important hysteresis effects and even “super-
hysteresis” effects (the term used by Laurence Ball (2014) for the impact of a recession on
the growth rate rather than just the level of output). Correlation however does not imply
causality. The causality may indeed run from the recession to lower output later, and
hysteresis or super-hysteresis may be at work. However, the correlation may instead reflect
common third factors. Supply shocks, such as an increase in oil prices, or a financial crisis,
may be behind both the initial recession and lower output later. Alternatively, the correlation
may reflect reverse causality: the anticipation of lower output or lower growth in the future
may lead to a decrease in consumption and investment spending, and, as a result, to a
recession today.
This leads us to look at recessions associated with different shocks. We find that, indeed,
recessions associated with either oil price increases or with financial crises are more likely to
be followed by lower output later. But we find that recessions plausibly triggered by demand
shocks are also often followed by lower output or even lower output growth. Even in the case
of recessions associated with intentional disinflations, which probably represent the purest
case of demand shocks we can identify in the sample, we find that still nearly two-thirds are
associated with lower output later and that a significant fraction of those are associated with
lower output growth.
We draw two tentative conclusions. It is likely that, in many cases, the correlation between
recessions and subsequent poor economic performance reflects reverse causality: the
realization that growth prospects are lower than was previously assumed naturally leads to
both a recession and subsequent poor performance. But the finding that recessions plausibly
triggered by intentional disinflations are also often followed later by lower output, or even, in
some cases, lower output growth, suggests that hysteresis, and perhaps even super-hysteresis
may indeed also be at work. Both conclusions have radically different, but important,
implications for monetary policy, to which we shall come back below.
Turning to the Phillips curve relation, we start by estimating, for each country, a relation
between inflation, expected and lagged inflation, and a measure of the unemployment gap.
The specification allows for both the natural rate and the coefficients to evolve over time. We
confirm that the coefficient on long-term expected inflation (as opposed to the coefficient on
lagged inflation) has steadily increased over time. This explains in large part why we have
not observed a deflation spiral, despite the presence of sustained large unemployment gaps.
But we also find clear evidence that the effect of the unemployment gap on inflation has
substantially decreased since the 1970s. Most of the decrease, however, took place before the
early 1990s. Since then, the coefficient appears to have been stable, and, in most cases,
significant; indeed it does not appear to have decreased during the crisis.
Finally, in the last section, we explore the implications of our findings for monetary policy.
The findings of the first section have opposite implications for monetary policy depending on
their interpretation. To the extent that recessions are due to the perception or anticipation of
lower underlying growth, this implies that estimates of potential output, based on the
assumption of an unchanged underlying trend, may be too optimistic, and lead to too strong a
policy response to movements in output. However, to the extent that recessions have
hysteresis or super-hysteresis effects, then the cost of allowing downward movements in
output in response to shifts in demand increases implies that a stronger response to output
gaps is desirable.
The findings of the second section yield less dramatic conclusions. To the extent that the
coefficient on the unemployment gap, while small, remains significant, the implication is
that, within an inflation targeting framework, the interest rate rule should put more weight on
the output gap relative to inflation. A more general conclusion is that this small coefficient
reinforces the case for a dual mandate: stabilizing inflation may require very large changes in
the unemployment gap, and lead to large welfare losses.
The issue of hysteresis in output and unemployment surfaced in Europe in the 1980s
(Blanchard and Summers, 1986), and never got settled. It eventually lost centre-stage. The
crisis has brought the issue again to the fore. The reason is not hard to see, and is shown in
Figure 1. The Figure shows the evolution of output in the United States and in the euro area
since 2000. Its’ visually striking implication is that, after the crisis, output appears to be
evolving on a lower path, perhaps even a lower growth path, especially in the euro area.
Figure 1: Advanced Economies Real GDP (Index, 2000Q1=100).
Some researchers (Ball, 2014) have taken this as evidence of hysteresis. One can indeed
plausibly argue that the lower path is due to institutional changes in response to the crisis,
such as tougher capital requirements, or changes in bank business models, a form of
institutional hysteresis. However, correlation does not imply causality. One can also
plausibly argue that the sharp decline in output at the start and the later lower growth path are
due to the same underlying cause, namely the crisis of the financial system, manifesting itself
through an acute effect at the start and a more chronic effect thereafter. As a matter of logic,
one could even argue, although less plausibly in this case, that the recession was partly owing
to the anticipation of lower growth to come.
These considerations have led us to look at a much larger set of recessions, over many
countries and many years and to proceed in two steps. First, by establishing stylized facts and
correlations: how often have recessions been followed by lower output relative to trend, or
even by a lower trend? Second, by attempting to control for the cause of the recession, and
focusing on those recessions that were more likely to be caused by demand rather than by
supply factors, thus where causality was more likely to run from the recession to subsequent
developments. The rest of the section presents our results.
A. Measuring the Effects of Recessions: A Non-Parametric Approach
We look at the evidence from 23 advanced countries, using quarterly data starting in 1960 (or
whenever data starts being available). In doing so, we build on the work of Martin and
Wilson (2013).
Our contribution is in using a slightly different methodology, looking at the
effect of recessions conditional on different types of shocks, and in the interpretation of the
results. We rely on a non-parametric method, focused on recessions rather than on
fluctuations more generally.
Identifying Recessions
We define recessions using the methodology of Harding and Pagan (2002). Roughly
speaking, the method identifies peaks and troughs as local maxima and minima in the log
level real GDP series, and, with some exceptions, defines recessions as times between a peak
and a trough, for example t
and t
in Figure 2 below.
We keep all the recessions for which
we have sufficient data before and after the recession to estimate pre-recession trends and
post-recession gaps. This forces us to ignore the recessions of the 1960s and those of the
2010s, and leaves 122 recessions.
“Less plausibly in this case’’, because, as far as we know, nobody mentioned such an underlying decrease in
growth at the start of the Great Financial Crisis. More recently, however, research has concluded that, at least in
the United States, there was indeed a slowdown in productivity starting a few years before the crisis (Fernald
Martin and Wilson build in turn on Cerra and Saxena (2008), which, using an autoregressive projection model
and consensus surveys, documented the behaviour of output following financial crises and civil wars.
Following Harding and Pagan (2002), we set to two quarters the number of observations on both sides over
which local minima and maxima are computed, to two quarters the minimum duration in every contraction or
expansion phase, and to five quarters the minimum duration between two peaks and two troughs.
Figure 2: Actual GDP and Extrapolated Trends.
Estimating Pre-recession Trends
The first issue is how to take into account the fact that the economy may have been in a
boom, and thus above trend, before the recession started. We explore two alternatives. The
first, similar to Martin and Wilson (2013), is to exclude the two years before the recession
from the computation of the trend, and to base the start of the estimated trend at the value of
log real GDP two years before the recession. The second alternative recognizes one of the
lessons of the crisis, namely that the economy may be on an unsustainable path even if output
growth does not appear unusually high, but financial imbalances are building up which must
eventually lead to an adjustment and to lower growth. Empirically, we use a rule in which, to
choose the starting point of the trend extrapolation, we exclude at least the two years prior to
the recession and possibly more years if they are characterized by unusual credit growth. To
define unusual credit growth, we rely on the episodes identified by Crowe et al. (2011),
which are based on an annual growth rate of the credit to GDP ratio exceeding 10% and a
deviation from a credit to GDP trend greater than 1.5 times its standard deviation. In only
eleven recessions does this additional constraint bind, so that, for most recessions, the trend
is anchored at a point in time corresponding to two years before the recession.
The second issue is the length of time to be used in estimating that trend. We explore again
two alternatives, one in which the (log linear) trend is estimated over four years (so, in the
absence of a credit boom, over t
-9 to t
-24, as we measure time in quarters, in Figure 2).
This allows for a flexible trend, but makes the estimated trend quite sensitive to what may
have in effect been cyclical fluctuations. The other is thus to estimate the trend over ten
years, so, in the absence of a credit boom, over t
-9 to t
-48. The potential shortcoming is the
symmetrical risk that this may not capture recent changes in the underlying trend.
The various alternatives (the two choices for the start of the pre-recession trend, and two
periods of estimation for this trend) give us four different combinations. We derive results in
each country for each of the four combinations. The graphs giving actual log real GDP,
recession dates, and estimated trends, are given in a web appendix. Figures 3 and 4, which
are based on a four-year trend anchored two years before the recession, give a flavor of these
graphs. In the figures, the black dash lines in each case give the one-standard deviation band
associated with uncertainty about the value of the estimated trend coefficient.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the United States. While the decrease in output relative to
trend is most striking in the case of the Great Financial Crisis, some of the other recessions
appear also to be associated with a lower level of output relative to trend.
Figure 3: United States –Evolution of log real GDP and Extrapolated Trends
Figure 4 shows the evolution of Portugal and is representative of the evolutions of a number
of European countries. All but one of the recessions since 1960 appear to be associated not
To state the obvious: two-sided filters, such as an HP filter, cannot be used for these purposes, as the behavior
of output after the recession would affect the estimated trend before the recession. By construction, output
would return to the constructed trend, thus negating any level or growth effect of recessions.
only with a lower level of output relative to trend, but even with a subsequent decrease in
trend growth, and thus increasing gaps between actual output and past trend.
Figure 4: Portugal –Evolution of log real GDP and Extrapolated Trends
To reduce the probability of finding a spurious post-recession gap, we made two additional
First, given the uncertainty about the exact value of the estimated time trend, we adjust down
the slope of the trend using the estimated coefficient minus one standard deviation (e.g. the
adjusted extrapolated trend in Figure 2 or the lower bands in Figures 3 and 4).
Second, and more empirically importantly, one needs to take into account the fact that, since
the 1960s, most countries have experienced declining growth. Surely, much of this decline
reflects a secular decrease in growth, which has nothing to do with the potential after-effects
of recessions. This implies that, on average, log linear time trends estimated on earlier data
will tend to overpredict later output, and, thus, will generate spurious gaps between later
output and the time trend estimated on earlier data. To account for this, we first regress log
GDP on linear and quadratic time trends over the whole sample. Then, for each recession,
and for each post-recession quarter, we adjust down the estimated pre-recession trend by a
factor equal to the coefficient on the quadratic term times the square of the difference
between the mid-range of the trend estimation period (t
-16 and t
-28 for the four and ten
year windows respectively) and the relevant quarter.
This adjustment turns out to be
empirically significant, and to substantially reduce the number of cases where we find output
to be below the adjusted pre-recession trend.
We define output gaps as the difference between the adjusted pre-recession trend and actual
log GDP. We define post-recession output gaps as the average output gaps from three to
seven years after the recession, thus, in terms of quarters, from t
+12 to t
+27 (the shaded
area in Figure 2). Figure 5 plots the resulting distributions of the output gaps for each of our
four different sets of assumptions. In all cases, the means and the medians of the distribution
are positive. Thus, on average, output is lower than the pre-recession trend.
Figure 5: Histogram of Average Adjusted Output Gaps
Finally, to summarize results here and below, we use the following classifications. If the
average gap during t
+12 to t
+27 is non-positive, we classify the recession as having no
sustained gap. If the average gap is positive, we classify the recession as having a sustained
To understand the adjustment, note that, if the coefficient on the quadratic term is c, the derivative of the
growth rate relative to time is equal to 2c, and thus, after n quarters, log output will be lower relative to a linear
trend by 2c(0+1+…+(n-1)) = cn
gap. To see whether the recession is associated with a lower level or a lower growth rate of
output, we regress each gap from t
+12 to t
+27 on a constant and a time trend. If the
estimated time trend is positive (i.e. if the gap is increasing) and statistically significant at the
1% level, we classify the recession as having not only a sustained gap, but an increasing gap.
Based on this methodology and these classifications, the results are shown in the first two
lines of Table 1.
Table 1: Analysis of the differences between output level and trend across recessions
The two sets of columns give the results corresponding to the two ways of computing the
pre-recession time trends, over four years or over ten years respectively. The two lines
correspond to the two ways of anchoring the pre-recession trend (leaving out the two years
before the recession, or leaving out more quarters if there is evidence of a credit boom).
For each of the two time trend treatments, the table has four columns. The first gives the
proportion of recessions with no sustained gap (according to the definition above). The
second gives the proportion with a sustained gap. The last two columns give the proportion
of recessions with a stable gap, and the proportion of recessions with an increasing gap.
The results are very similar for all four combinations, and are the main findings from this
section. Taking the average over the four combinations, they show that in only 31% of cases,
the recession was not followed by a sustained gap. Equivalently, in 69% of the cases, the
recession was followed by a sustained gap. And, in 47% of these sustained-gap cases (33%
of all the cases), the recession was followed by an increasing gap.
As a robustness test, we calculated the gap using log real GDP per working-age population
(calculated as GDP over population of 16 to 64 years old) for the same recession periods.
The results, shown in the bottom two rows of Table 1, are very similar. In only 31% of the
recessions, the recession was not followed by a sustained gap. Equivalently, 69% of the
recessions were followed by a sustained output gap, with 46% of recessions followed by an
increasing output gap.
In the literature, results by Haltmaier (2012) using a methodology based on HP filters and Martin and
Wilson (2013) also suggest that recessions (in general) lead, in many cases, to a lower level of output. Studies
over time
over time
over time
over time
Benchmark: 2 Years Before 29% 71% 31% 40% 32% 68% 34% 34%
Adjusted for Credit Booms 31% 69% 31% 38% 33% 67% 34% 34%
Benchmark: 2 Years Before 27% 73% 30% 43% 33% 67% 33% 34%
Adjusted for Credit Booms 31% 69% 30% 39% 34% 66% 34% 33%
Log Real GDP per
working-age pop.
Note: A total of 122 recession episodes are included in the analysis. Recession episodes during the 1960s are not included due to lack of data for
estimating trends. Similarly recessions after 2010 are not included due to lack of enough observations.
of which:
Log Real GDP
GDP series used
Trend Extrapolation Starting
Trend Calculation: 4 year window Trend Calculation: 10 year window
with NO
of which: Episodes
with NO
We have also performed a number of visual robustness checks (i.e. whether or not the
increasing output gap in years three to seven was as a result of an outlier or another
recession). Our conclusion is that, in roughly 80% of the cases classified as “increasing
output gap’’, the increase was indeed unambiguous. This suggests that at least 30% of all
recessions were followed by lower output growth later.
B. What could be behind the results? Hysteresis and alternative hypotheses
Focusing on the recessions followed by either a stable or increasing output gap, we can think
of three potential explanations for the previous subsection results:
The first is indeed hysteresis: recessions have lasting effects and are indeed the cause of the
lower output later. A number of mechanisms have been suggested which might generate such
effects. In the labor market, the recession and the associated high unemployment may lead
some workers either to drop out permanently, or to become unemployable. Prolonged
unemployment may lead to a change in labour market institutions, which in turn affects the
natural rate later (these were the hypotheses explored by Blanchard and Summers in the
1980s to explain the increase in unemployment in Europe). Firms may invest less (e.g., due
to weaker prospects, debt overhang, etc.), leading to a lower capital stock for some time
(although presumably not forever). Firms may do less research and development during the
recession, leading to a permanently lower productivity level than would have been the case
without the recession.
The recession may lead to lower job creation and job destruction, and
thus lower reallocation and productivity growth, which is not made up later. It is fair,
however, to say that none of these hypotheses has been conclusively shown to be empirically
It is also fair to say that it is more difficult to think of mechanisms through which the
recession leads to lower output growth later, i.e. to “super-hysteresis”. Permanently lower
output growth requires permanently lower total factor productivity growth; the recession
would have to lead to changes in behavior or in institutions which lead to permanently lower
research and development or to permanently lower reallocation. These may range from
increased legal or self-imposed restrictions on risk-taking by financial institutions, to changes
in taxation discouraging entrepreneurship. While these mechanisms may sometimes be at
work, the proportion of cases where the output gap is increasing seems too high for this to be
a general explanation.
focusing on deep recessions, such as Cerra and Saxena (2008), Reinhardt and Rogoff (2009) and IMF WEO
(2009), among many others, also highlight highly persistent effects on the level of output.
Such a mechanism is explored by Comin and Gertler (2006).
The second explanation is that supply shocks may be behind both the recession and the lower
output later. For example, if real wages are sticky in the short run, an increase in oil prices
may lead to a sharp initial recession and, unless long-run labor supply is fully inelastic, lower
employment and lower output later. A financial crisis may lead to worries about liquidity and
a collapse of financial intermediation in the short run; long-run effects of changes in bank
behavior, or bank regulation, in the form of higher capital ratios for example, may lead to
less risky, but also less efficient intermediation and lower output later. One might even argue
that less efficient intermediation may decrease the efficiency of the reallocation process and
generate not only lower output, but even lower growth.
The third explanation is that the correlation instead reflects reverse causality: an exogenous
decrease in underlying potential growth leads households to reduce consumption and firms to
reduce investment, leading to an initial recession.
A variation on this theme is that it may
take time for households and firms to realize that underlying growth has started to decline, so
that the decrease in productivity may start before the recession. Two intriguing facts support
this hypothesis. An old fact documented by Robert Gordon in 1980 and revisited by him
more recently (2003), in which productivity declines during the end of the expansion (i.e
before the recession starts).
A fact documented by Beaudry et al. (2014), in which firms
appear to over-accumulate capital during periods of expansion. Both are what one would
expect if firms and households took some time to realize that productivity growth had
actually slowed down.
C. Controlling by Type of Recession
In order to make some progress in differentiating among the factors presented above, we
focus on how the outcomes differ when we control for the cause of the recessions.
In the first breakdown, we separate out those recessions associated with either financial
crises, or oil price increases, and other recessions. The motivation is straightforward: in both
cases, the supply-side factors behind the recession may also be behind lower output later.
For example, Ennis and Keister (2003) have illustrated in a theoretical model how a higher probability of
banks runs can reduce the stock of capital and output as well as the long run growth rate. Empirical evidence in
this regard has been provided by Ramirez (2009) in his analysis of the 1893 US financial crisis.
A model along these lines is presented and estimated in Blanchard, L’Huillier and Lorenzoni (2013). The
model, however, assumes that the news is bad news about the level of productivity, not bad news about the
growth rate.
Robert Gordon, however, offers a different interpretation of the fact. He argues that the decrease in
productivity during the boom is due to overoptimistic expectations by firms, which hire too many workers. He
sees the recession as correcting this over-hiring, and thus correcting the decrease in productivity. This, however,
would not explain why productivity growth remains permanently lower after the recession.
The results of the financial crisis breakdowns are shown in Table 2. They are similar across
the different specifications for each type of classification. They show, as one might expect,
that recessions associated with financial crises, as defined in Laeven and Valencia (2013), are
more likely to show a sustained output gap, 83% on average across specifications, compared
to 66% in the absence of a financial crisis. In 35% of all the cases, recessions associated with
financial crises are followed by an increasing output gap.
Table 2: Recessions with/without financial crises
The results based on oil price increases are shown in Table 3. Recessions linked to oil price
increases are more likely to show a sustained gap, 90% on average, compared to 65% in the
rest of the cases. In 76% of all the cases, recessions associated with an increase in the price of
oil are followed by an increasing gap.
Table 3: Recessions with/without oil price increases
In the second breakdown, we separate out those recessions associated with an increase in
inflation and those associated with a decrease in inflation.
The motivation is again
We classify as recessions with increasing inflation those for which the average inflation during the year
before the start of the recession is below the average inflation during the recession. Recessions with declining
inflation capture the rest.
over time
over time
over time
over time
With financial crisis 17% 83% 35% 48% 13% 87% 48% 39%
Without financial crisis 31% 69% 30% 38% 36% 64% 31% 32%
With financial crisis 17% 83% 39% 43% 13% 87% 48% 39%
Without financial crisis 34% 66% 29% 36% 37% 63% 30% 32%
With financial crisis 22% 78% 22% 57% 13% 87% 30% 57%
Without financial crisis 28% 72% 32% 39% 37% 63% 33% 29%
With financial crisis 26% 74% 22% 52% 13% 87% 35% 52%
Without financial crisis 32% 68% 31% 36% 38% 62% 33% 28%
Note: A total of 122 recession episodes are included in the analysis, of which 23 happened together with financial crisis (based on Laeven and
Valencia 2012 definition of systemic financial crisis).
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Adjusted
Log Real GDP /
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Benchmark
Log Real GDP /
of which:Episodes
with NO
of which: Episodes
with NO
GDP series used/
Trend Extrapolation
Trend Calculation: 4 year window Trend Calculation: 10 year window
over time
over time
over time
over time
With oil price increases 17% 83% 72% 11% 0% 100% 78% 22%
Without oil price increases 31% 69% 24% 45% 38% 63% 27% 36%
With oil price increases 17% 83% 72% 11% 0% 100% 78% 22%
Without oil price increases 34% 66% 24% 42% 38% 62% 26% 36%
With oil price increases 22% 78% 72% 6% 0% 100% 83% 17%
Without oil price increases 28% 72% 23% 49% 38% 62% 24% 38%
With oil price increases 22% 78% 72% 6% 0% 100% 83% 17%
Without oil price increases 33% 67% 22% 45% 39% 61% 25% 36%
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Adjusted
Note: A total of 122 recession episodes are included in the analysis, of which 18 concided with oil prices increases (mostly during the 1970s).
Log Real GDP /
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Benchmark
of which:
Log Real GDP /
with NO
of which: Episodes
with NO
GDP series used/
Trend Extrapolation
Trend Calculation: 4 year window Trend Calculation: 10 year window
straightforward: the first set is more likely to be associated with supply shocks, which may
have an effect lasting for some time after the recession; the second set is more likely to be
associated with demand shocks, which are less likely to be associated with those after effects.
(The distinction is far from tight. While financial crises should be thought as a supply shock,
they may also lead, as they did in the recent crisis, to a very large initial decrease in demand,
leading to a decrease in output larger than the decrease in natural output, and thus to a
decrease in both output and inflation. It remains the case that recessions associated with an
increase in inflation are more likely to come from supply shocks, recessions associated with a
decrease in inflation to come from demand shocks.)
The results are presented in Table 4. The results conform to priors, but less strongly than in
the previous two tables. Recessions associated with increasing inflation are more likely to
show a sustained gap, with a frequency of 72%, compared with 63% for those associated
with decreasing inflation. Another way of reading the table is that, even for those recessions
associated with decreasing inflation (and thus more likely to be due to demand shocks), the
proportion of recessions followed by lower output is still 63% (with the large majority of
those associated with an increasing gap over time rather than just a stable gap).
Table 4: Recessions with/without increasing inflation
“Demand shocks” comprise many different types of shock, some of which can have lasting
effects on potential output. The cleanest demand shocks we can think of are the episodes of
intentional disinflations, which happened mostly in the 1980s. So, as a final step, we identify
recessions associated with intentional disinflations as those recessions characterized by a
large increase in nominal interest rates, followed by a subsequent disinflation. We identify 28
such recessions (see online appendix). Table 5 shows the breakdown for recessions with and
without intentional disinflations.
over time
over time
over time
over time
With increasing inflation 29% 71% 32% 39% 26% 74% 38% 36%
With declining inflation 29% 71% 29% 42% 42% 58% 29% 29%
With increasing inflation 31% 69% 31% 38% 27% 73% 36% 36%
With declining inflation 31% 69% 31% 38% 42% 58% 29% 29%
With increasing inflation 23% 77% 31% 45% 29% 71% 36% 35%
With declining inflation 33% 67% 29% 38% 40% 60% 27% 33%
With increasing inflation 29% 71% 30% 42% 30% 70% 36% 34%
With declining inflation 36% 64% 29% 36% 40% 60% 29% 31%
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Adjusted
Note: A total of 122 recession episodes are included in the analysis, of which 77 happened with increasing inflation (the average inflation during
the year before the start of the recession was below the average inflation during the recession).
Log Real GDP /
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Benchmark
of which:
Log Real GDP /
with NO
of which: Episodes
with NO
GDP series used/
Trend Extrapolation
Trend Calculation: 4 year window Trend Calculation: 10 year window
Table 5: Recessions with/without intentional disinflations
Recessions associated with intentional disinflations are somewhat less likely to show a
sustained gap, 63% on average, compared to 70% for others. But the difference is small, and
again, the results can be read as saying that even recessions associated with intentional
disinflations are followed by a sustained gap in 63% of the cases. In 20% of all the cases,
they appear to be actually followed not only by lower output, but by lower output growth.
D. Relative Output Gaps
We have so far looked at the output gap, independent of the size of the initial recession.
Under a simple hysteresis hypothesis, one would expect the ratio of the output gap to the
initial output fall during the recession, call it the relative output gap, to be between 0 and 1.
With this motivation in mind, Figure 6 presents results for the relative output gap. To avoid
dividing by a number close to zero (as some recessions are associated with very small
decreases in output), we limit ourselves to 68 large recessions where the fall in output was
larger than 2 percent.
We redid the computations presented earlier for this smaller sample of recessions. In general, the results are
rather similar. The proportion of recessions followed by an output gap is slightly larger (75% versus 69% for
the whole sample).
over time
over time
over time
over time
Without intentional disinflation 28% 72% 34% 38% 29% 71% 39% 32%
With intentional disinflation 32% 68% 21% 46% 43% 57% 18% 39%
Without intentional disinflation 31% 69% 34% 35% 30% 70% 38% 32%
With intentional disinflation 32% 68% 21% 46% 43% 57% 18% 39%
Without intentional disinflation 27% 73% 34% 39% 30% 70% 36% 34%
With intentional disinflation 29% 71% 18% 54% 43% 57% 21% 36%
Without intentional disinflation 32% 68% 33% 35% 31% 69% 37% 32%
With intentional disinflation 29% 71% 18% 54% 43% 57% 21% 36%
Log Real GDP /
Log Real GDP /
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Benchmark
Log Real GDP working-
age pop / Adjusted
Note: A total of 122 recession episodes are included in the analysis, of which 28 were classified as intentional disinflation periods given that
they were followed by important decreases in inflation and also accompanied by large increases in the policy rate.
GDP series used/
Trend Extrapolation
Trend Calculation: 4 year window Trend Calculation: 10 year window
with NO
of which: Episodes
with NO
of which:
Figure 6: Histogram of Average Relative Output Gaps
Figure 6 plots the resulting distributions of relative output gaps, for each of our four different
sets of assumptions. In all cases, the means and the medians of the distribution are not only
positive but between 1 and 2, so larger than would be expected under a simple hysteresis
E. Main Takeaways
A surprisingly high proportion two-thirds of recessions are followed by lower output
relative to the pre-recession trend. Even more surprisingly, almost one-half of those are
followed not only by lower output, but also by lower output growth relative to the pre-
recession trend. These proportions are larger for recessions associated with supply shocks.
Even for recessions plausibly induced by intentional disinflations, the proportion of
recessions followed by an output gap remains high, at around 63%.
From these findings, we conclude that it is likely that all three explanations are relevant. The
fact that recessions identified with specific supply shocks, whether oil prices or financial
crises, are more likely to be followed by sustained gaps suggests that such shocks probably
explain both the recession and the subsequent lower output or output growth. The fact that
almost two-thirds of the recessions associated with decreasing inflation, and thus with
demand shocks as the more likely factor behind the recession, are associated with a sustained
gap points to one of the other two explanations, hysteresis or reverse causality. Finally, the
fact that also nearly two-thirds of the recessions associated with intentional disinflations
show a sustained gap is suggestive of hysteresis, since even demand shocks could turn out to
affect supply more permanently. These conclusions have important implications for
monetary policy that we shall develop in the last section.
As the crisis unfolded and GDP declined, most economists expected inflation to decrease
sharply, with some forecasting a deflation spiral, along the lines of what had been observed
in the Great Depression. Figure 7, which plots inflation since 2007 in the United States, the
euro area, United Kingdom and Japan, shows that inflation indeed declined, and in some
countries, has now turned into deflation, but deflation has remained limited.
A. Empirical Estimations of Phillips Curves: A Time-Varying Approach
Much of the explanation clearly comes from the changes in the way people and firms form
expectations of inflation. As has been documented by many, the shift to inflation targeting
and stable inflation for the two decades preceding the crisis have led forecasts of future
inflation to put less weight on past inflation, and more weight on the perceived target of the
central bank. (An alternative interpretation is that low inflation has led to decreased inflation
salience, and that less attention is paid by workers and firms to actual inflation). This in turn
has led to a shift from an “accelerationist Phillips curve”, in which the unemployment gap
affects the change in inflation, to something closer to a “level Phillips curve”, in which the
gap is affects the level of inflation.
Figure 7: Advanced Economies CPI Headline Inflation (percent, year over year)
Some empirical evidence suggests, however, that more has been at work, namely that,
controlling for expected inflation, the effect of the unemployment gap (i.e. the distance
between the actual and natural unemployment rates) on inflation has diminished over time. In
particular, this was the conclusion of the study conducted in the IMF’s April 2013 World
Economic Outlook (WEO) study, which we take as our starting point here.
The study, which was based on quarterly data from 20 countries since 1960 showed the
results of estimation of the following relation (see Matheson and Stavrev (2013) for more
specification and estimation details):
() (1)*
tttt tt tt tmt t
is headline CPI inflation (defined as quarterly inflation, annualized),
is the
unemployment rate,
is the natural rate,
is long-term inflation expectations,
the average of the last four quarterly inflation rates, and
is import price inflation relative
to headline inflation.
The parameters λ
(the coefficient reflecting the stability of inflation expectations), θ
slope of the Phillips curve), and μ
(the coefficient reflecting the importance of import-price
inflation), as well as the natural rate,
, which is unobservable, are all assumed to follow
constrained random walks (the constraints being θ
and μ
0, and 0 λ
The equation is estimated separately for each country by maximum likelihood, using a non-
linear Kalman filter. The results differ from those in the WEO chapter only to the extent that
we use two more years of data, with the samples ending in 2014.
Figure 8 shows median estimates for λ
and θ
, the two coefficients we focus on, together with
the interquartile range of estimates across countries.
Capturing in a more poetic way the argument in the previous paragraph, the title of the study was called “The
dog which did not bark”.
Further details about the specification of the equation are given in Appendix 1 of the IMF chapter.
Figure 8: Median estimates (across countries)
Figure 8 confirms the two main conclusions of the earlier IMF study: (i) since the mid-1970s,
short-run inflation expectations have become more stable (λ
has increased), and (ii) the slope
of the Phillips curve (
) has flattened over time, with nearly all of the decline taking place
from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s, and the coefficient remaining roughly constant since
then. It also does not show any further decrease since the beginning of the crisis.
What Figure 8 does not show, however, is that, for most countries, the coefficient
today is
not only small, but also statistically insignificant. This can be seen for example in Figure 9,
showing estimates for the United States and Germany, two countries that are representative
of other countries (the results for other countries are presented in the web appendix). In both
countries, the one-standard-deviation band reaches the horizontal axis some time in the mid-
1990s, and remains there thereafter (the estimated coefficient is constrained to be non-
The graphs are representative of the results for the larger set of countries. While, in 1985, the
was significant for all but two countries, in 2014 it is insignificant for all but
four countries.
Figure 9: Estimates for Germany and the US
The appropriate specification of the Phillips curve, if there is indeed one, is far from settled. The above
results were robust to either allowing the natural rate to depend partly on the actual unemployment rate
reflecting a crude form of the hysteresis issue dealt in the previous section or replacing the unemployment
rate with the short-term unemployment rate.
B. Empirical Estimations of Phillips Curves: A Simpler Approach
Our discussant at the 2015 ECB Forum on Central Banking, Laurence Ball, however,
expressed skepticism. He argued that the low significance of the coefficients may have come
from our specification of the inflation unemployment relation. The Kalman filter may have a
hard time distinguishing how much of the change in the relation between the two came from
changes in
or from changes in
: for example, the lack of an apparent effect of an
increase in unemployment on inflation could be equally well explained by a smaller
or by an increase in
in parallel with the increase in
. The large standard
deviations may then be the result of this poor identification. He showed that, for the United
States and for the euro area, simple regressions delivered significant coefficients.
This led us to follow his lead and explore simpler and tighter specifications. Based on the
observation that, in most countries, the estimated coefficient was roughly stable starting in
the early 1990s, we limited the sample to the period 1990-2014. Based on the observation
that, again starting in the early 1990s, inflation expectations appeared well anchored, we
dropped lagged inflation as an explanatory variable, and we estimated the following relation,
assuming constant rather than time-varying coefficients:
ttt tmtt
We estimated, for each country, the relation over the whole period, 1990-2014, and over the
crisis period, 2007-2014. We made two different assumptions about
. In the first, we took
the time series for
from the Kalman filter estimation presented earlier. In the second, we
simply assumed
to be constant and equal to the average unemployment rate over the
whole period (
). Table 6 reports estimated coefficients for
and their standard errors over
both the 1990-2014 and the 2007-2014 periods, for the two specifications of the natural rate,
(full results, and other coefficients, are available in the web appendix).
Table 6: Slope of the Phillips Curve
The table yields the following conclusions.
The main conclusion is that the estimated coefficient,
, is typically significant (at the 95%
confidence level). When the natural rate is proxied by
, the coefficient is significant in 15
out of the 20 countries. When the natural rate is proxied by
, the coefficient is significant in
14 out of the 20 countries. Countries where the coefficient is not significant in either
specification are Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Denmark.
These results
In the case of the United Kingdom, there appears to be a stable and significant relation between wage
inflation, expected inflation and unemployment (Broadbent, 2014). What appears to have broken down is the
relation between wage inflation and price inflation.
Dev iation
Dev iation
-0.29 *** 0.07 -0.25 *** 0.07
-0.26 * 0.13 -0.24 * 0.12
-1.09 *** 0.17 -0.50 *** 0.09
-2.37 *** 0.64 -1.54 *** 0.43
-0.11 0.09 -0.12 0.07
0.15 0.20 0.11 0.14
0.04 0.11 0.02 0.10
-0.04 0.30 -0.04 0.28
-0.49 *** 0.14 -0.32 *** 0.08
-0.63 *** 0.20 -0.52 *** 0.16
-0.12 0.09 -0.15 *** 0.06
-0.30 *** 0.10 -0.25 *** 0.08
-0.32 *** 0.16 -0.21 0.13
-0.52 0.45 -0.50 0.41
-0.68 *** 0.14 -0.49 *** 0.10
-0.78 ** 0.38 -0.79 ** 0.36
-0.08 ** 0.04 -0.07 *** 0.03
-0.09 * 0.05 -0.07 * 0.04
-0.40 *** 0.12 -0.31 *** 0.10
0.01 0.20 -0.01 0.16
0.15 -0.64
-0.59 0.79 -0.65 0.60
-0.55 *** 0.12 -0.48 *** 0.09
-1.21 *** 0.32 -1.10 *** 0.26
-0.62 *** 0.20 -0.37 *** 0.14
-1.13 * 0.62 -0.74 ** 0.30
-0.06 0.20 -0.07 0.20
-0.80 1.52 -0.73 1.41
-0.68 *** 0.25 -0.11 0.14
-1.62 *** 0.42 -1.26 *** 0.36
-0.17 0.12 -0.13 0.10
1.72 *** 0.49 1.53 *** 0.44
-0.28 *** 0.04 -0.21 *** 0.03
-0.26 *** 0.08 -0.22 *** 0.07
-0.15 ** 0.07 -0.14 *** 0.03
-0.19 *** 0.06 -0.11 *** 0.04
-0.23 *** 0.07 -0.17 *** 0.05
-0.01 0.11 -0.02 0.08
-0.50 *** 0.09 -0.33 *** 0.11
-0.60 * 0.34 -0.58 * 0.28
1/ *** indicates significance at 1 percent, ** at 5 percent, and * at 10 percent, respectively,
based on robust standard errors.
New Zealand
Sw itzerland
Sw eden
Nor w ay
United Kingdom
Nat u r al r ate : U* Nat u r al Rate : Ū
United States
Coefficient 1/ Coefficient 1/
Sam ple
suggest that the Kalman filter results indeed understated the significance of the coefficient. In
most countries, even if the coefficients are smaller than they were earlier in time, there
remains a significant relation between activity and inflation.
As in the Kalman filter results, coefficients vary widely across countries, and appear roughly
inversely related to the levels and the movements in unemployment. For example, in the
specification using
, the coefficient for Japan is equal to -1.08, the coefficient for the
United States, is -0.29, and the coefficient for Spain is -0.08. The coefficients are typically
larger when
is used. The likely explanation is that when the natural rate is allowed to
move over time, it tends to move with the actual rate, reducing the unemployment gap,
requiring a larger coefficient to explain the movement in inflation.
One might have expected that the reluctance of employers to impose (and of employees to
accept) decreases in nominal wages (a hypothesis sometimes referred to as the “zero bound”
on wage growth), combined with very low inflation, might have led to a decrease in the
effect of the unemployment gap on inflation. This does not appear to be the case. The
coefficients do not appear to have decreased in the recent past. Among countries with
significant coefficients over the period 1990-2014, only two have much smaller and
insignificant coefficients when estimated over 2007-2014, namely the Netherlands and
In all other cases, the coefficient is about the same or larger.
To summarize: it is clear that the slope of the Phillips curve has decreased over time in most
countries. Most of the decline, however, took place from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s.
Since then, the coefficient has remained roughly stable. In particular, it does not appear to
have decreased during the crisis.
Based on the conclusions from our empirical work, what are the implications for monetary
policy? A full answer would require a much better understanding of the underlying
mechanisms behind hysteresis, if indeed present, or behind the decrease in the slope of the
Phillips curve. Nevertheless, we feel we can draw the following conclusions.
We do not look at the euro area as a whole. Work by Andrle et al. (2013) also suggests the presence of a
significant relation between inflation and unemployment there as well.
At the microeconomic level, there is substantial evidence of a binding zero lower bound on wage changes in
Portugal, which might explain why the coefficient on the unemployment gap has become insignificant. The
question is then why the same has not happened in other countries, which also have low wage inflation.
Depending on their interpretation, the findings of the first section have strong, but conflicting
implications for monetary policy (and for macroeconomic policy in general).
To the extent that hysteresis is present, it implies that deviations in output from its optimal
level are much longer-lasting and thus more costly than usually assumed. The implication is
straightforward, namely that monetary policy should react more strongly to output
movements, relative to inflation. For example, by being more aggressive early on, this would
reduce the increase in unemployment, and by implication, reduce the increase in the number
of long term unemployed. It also implies that stabilizing inflation is definitely not the optimal
policy: to the extent that an increase in actual unemployment leads to an increase in the
natural rate, the unemployment gap, and by implication inflation, will give a misleading
signal about the degree of underutilization of resources in the economy.
To the extent, however, that some recessions are caused by an underlying decrease in growth,
there is instead the risk of overestimating potential output during and after the recession, and
by implication the risk of overestimating the output gap. In turn, this may lead to too strong a
response of monetary policy to output movements during and after the recession.
This is
illustrated in Figure 10 below. Suppose that after time t, potential growth decreases, and that
it takes a while for firms and households to realize it. For some time, growth, determined by
demand, will continue at close to the old trend, until the adjustment of expectations leads to
an adjustment in spending and a recession. If, in real time, the central bank constructs the
output gap under the assumption that the underlying trend has not changed, the negative
output gap will be measured by the sum of the orange area and the right blue area in the
picture, whereas the true negative output gap is given by the right blue area only. Only over
time, will it become clear what the correct output gaps (blue areas) were and what monetary
policy should have been.
The findings of the second section are less dramatic. Our initial hypothesis, which was that
there might no longer be a significant relation between inflation and unemployment, is not
supported by the data. While the Phillips curve coefficient is clearly lower than it was up
until the early 1990s, it appears to have remained stable since then, including during the
crisis, and is significant in most countries.
We are not aware of a derivation of optimal monetary policy under hysteresis. For a beginning, see Gali
It is indeed often the case that estimates of output gaps associated with recessions are revised down ex post.
Figure 10. Decreases in growth, recessions, and output gaps.
This decrease does not, by itself, put into question the standard inflation-targeting
framework, but it has implications for the optimal policy rule. To draw specific policy
implications, one would need to identify why the coefficient became smaller, whether it
comes, for example, from wage-setting or from price-setting behavior, whether it comes from
changes in the structure of wage bargaining, or in the pricing behavior of firms in the product
However, more generally, to the extent that the unemployment gap has a smaller
effect on inflation, monetary policy rules should put relatively more weight on the
unemployment gap relative to inflation. Trying to stabilize inflation may require very large
movements in the unemployment gap.
More specifically, the issue is whether the factors behind the decrease in the coefficient also affect the
weights of inflation and the output gaps in the welfare function. In formal NK models, this may not be the case
(see, for example, Woodford 2003, Chapter 6).
t-8 t-4 t t+4 t+8 t+12 t+16 t+20
Log Real GDP
Actual GDP
Potential GDP
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