February 29, 2012
Two Targets, Two Instruments: Monetary and
Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Market Economies
Jonathan D. Ostry, Atish R. Ghosh, and Marcos Chamon
Research Department
Two Targets, Two Instruments: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies
in Emerging Market Economies
Prepared by Jonathan D. Ostry, Atish R. Ghosh, and Marcos Chamon
Authorized for distribution by Olivier Blanchard
February 29, 2012
JEL Classification Numbers: F31; F32; F33
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Foreign Exchange Intervention
Authors’ E-mail Addresses:
We thank Jose de Gregorio, Michel Juillard, Scott Roger, and Mark Stone for useful comments and inputs,
and Christopher Gibson and Hyeon Ji Lee for excellent research assistance. We are particularly grateful to
Christopher Crowe and Mauro Roca for their work in the preliminary stages of this project, and to Olivier
Blanchard for his guidance throughout this project.
DISCLAIMER: This Staff Discussion Note represents the views of the authors and
does not necessarily represent IMF views or IMF policy. The views expressed herein
should be attributed to the authors and not to the IMF, its Executive Board, or its
management. Staff Discussion Notes are published to elicit comments and to further
Contents Page
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................3
I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................4
II. Two Targets, Two Instruments .........................................................................................5
III. Policies of EME Central Banks ........................................................................................7
IV. Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Intervention in EMEs .............................................10
V. Inflation Targeting and Foreign Exchange Intervention .................................................13
VI. Multilateral Considerations…………………………………………….……………. ...20
VII. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………..……...21
References ................................................................................................................................23
1. Policy Response to a Demand Shock ..............................................................................16
2. Policy Response to a Capital Inflow Shock ....................................................................17
1. Taylor Rules in Emerging Market Inflation Targeters: Panel Regression .......................9
2. Change in Reserves as a Function of the Change in the REER ......................................10
3. Studies on Sterilized Intervention in Emerging Market Economies ...............................12
1. A Simple Dynamic Model of an Emerging Market Economy .......................................15
Online Appendix
Executive Summary
This note examines the case for using two policy instruments—the policy interest rate and
sterilized foreign exchange market intervention—in emerging market countries aiming to
maintain low inflation while avoiding currency movements that clearly represent substantial
deviations of the exchange rate from its medium-run multilaterally-consistent value. It is
often said that paying attention to the exchange rate can undermine the credibility of a
commitment to low inflation. In fact, this argument has been used to suggest that countries
unwilling to allow a free floating exchange rate should not adopt inflation targeting (IT) as
part of their policy framework. And as others have noted, a number of early adopters of IT
made an explicit commitment to allow the exchange rate to float more freely.
But in countries with significant currency mismatches in domestic balance sheets, high pass-
through of the exchange rate to inflation, and limited inter-sectoral factor mobility, ignoring
exchange rate volatility can itself prove costly. And with emerging-market countries’ more
limited integration with global financial markets and smaller stocks of outstanding local-
currency assets, scope for using sterilized intervention may be greater.
The framework we use to explore these questions is unabashedly ad hoc. It makes two
assumptions: that large deviations of the real exchange rate from its multilaterally-warranted
value are costly (e.g., dynamic Dutch disease, balance sheet effects), implying that central
banks should indeed care about the exchange rate in addition to inflation; and second, that
there is imperfect capital mobility/asset substitutability, and so central banks can avail
themselves of both policy interest rates and foreign exchange market intervention. How
should a central bank use these two policy instruments to achieve its two targets?
Fully discretionary monetary and exchange rate policies obviously allow maximum
flexibility in responding to unexpected shocks. Yet full discretion is not costless: it may
result in conflicting signals about the central bank’s objectives, thus undermining credibility.
For this reason, our analysis highlights the benefits for the monetary authority of signaling
that the policy interest rate will be used to safeguard the primacy of the inflation target. But
if, for example, a sudden surge in capital inflows leads to a large, temporary appreciation of
the currency above its medium-term value, and that results in economic dislocation, then
some intervention in the foreign exchange (FX) market is likely to be optimal even under an
IT regime. The analysis underscores that such intervention should only be undertaken against
shocks that move the exchange rate away from its medium-run multilaterally-consistent
value, and that it should be two-way, involving both purchases and sales of FX reserves.
Because the central bank would be deploying its second instrument to influence the exchange
rate, while adjusting the policy interest rate to meet its inflation goal, the two-target/two-
instrument regime should not give confusing signals to the public. Moreover, to the extent
that inflows are driven by self-fulfilling expectations of currency appreciation, intervention
could help to reduce incentives for carry trade and other short-term capital flows.
This note also briefly considers some multilateral aspects of monetary policy, in particular
the interaction of policies across emerging-market economies, and how unilateral actions
compare to cooperative solutions. Our tentative conclusion is that an IT regime combined
with FX intervention instruments likely dominates from a global welfare perspective either
unilateral discretion or a narrow IT regime in which the intervention instrument is foresworn.
It is often claimed that inflation targeting (IT), to be successful, needs to include a high
degree of exchange rate flexibility, with the policy rate geared to stabilizing inflation and the
exchange rate allowed to fluctuate freely. The early adopters of IT were very much of this
view. Their logic was simply that, as long as inflation targets coexist with other objectives of
monetary policy, tension between the different policy goals would be unavoidable. Allowing
free floating was considered by many to be a litmus test of a country’s commitment to a
credible IT regime for low and stable inflation (Masson et al., 1997).
There are reasons to question the logic of this position. The crisis has taught us that policy-
makers need to deliver more than stable consumer prices if they are to achieve sustained and
stable growth, and that the instruments at their disposal include more than just the policy
interest rate. In the context of the emerging markets, it has long been recognized—and to a
degree reinforced by the crisis—that significant balance-sheet mismatches imply that it is
rarely optimal to ignore possibly large deviations of the exchange rate from its medium-run
equilibrium, even in an IT context. On the contrary, reacting to such changes can deliver
better economic outcomes under IT than benign neglect of the exchange rate (Stone et al.,
2009). Thus, there are potentially two policy targets: inflation and the exchange rate.
While emerging market countries are certainly much more integrated in global financial
markets than a couple decades ago, their proneness to experience sudden stops suggests that
this integration is far from perfect. Given also their smaller stocks of outstanding local-
currency denominated assets than most advanced economies, emerging market economies
have greater scope for sterilized intervention. This opens up the fortuitous possibility that
policymakers may be operating in a two-target, two-instrument world.
In this note, we re-examine the case for using two policy instruments (the policy interest rate
and FX market intervention) under an IT regime in a stylized emerging market economy with
distinct structural features. The two central assumptions are that: first, large movements in
the real exchange rate away from medium-run equilibrium are costly (e.g., balance-sheet
effects, dynamic Dutch disease), so central banks should care about such deviations as well
as inflation; and second, there is imperfect capital mobility/asset substitutability, so central
banks indeed have two instruments (the policy interest rate and FX intervention). Although
part of the broader policy toolkit—for instance, in the face of capital inflows—macro-
prudential policies and capital controls are not discussed here (see Ostry et al., 2010, 2011),
though intervention might diminish the case for using temporary controls on capital inflows.
This note explores the contours of monetary/exchange rate policy in this two-target/two-
instrument world. The crux of our argument is laid out in the next section using the simplest
possible analytical framework to make our point. We then briefly describe how EME central
banks actually behave in the face of various shocks; specifically, how they adjust the policy
rate and undertake FX intervention in response to movements in the real exchange rate. Next
we survey evidence on the effectiveness of sterilized intervention in EMEs, since our
argument is predicated on the central bank having two independent instruments. While the
evidence is mixed, it is at least suggestive of the central bank’s scope for influencing the path
of the exchange rate. We then turn to a stylized model to examine how the central bank
would wish to deploy its two instruments in response to shocks under IT with or without
sterilized FX intervention (the Online Appendix considers discretionary monetary policies
with or without intervention). Key results from the model are that intervention should only
be used in the face of shocks that push the currency away from its medium-run warranted
value; and that it should be two-way (i.e., involving, at different times, purchases or sales of
official reserves, with no net accumulation or loss). In a penultimate section, we expand the
discussion to consider some multilateral issues, arguing that an IT regime with use of the FX
instrument would bring the global configuration of exchange rates closer to their
multilaterally-warranted ranges than would unconstrained discretion or a narrow IT regime,
and this without the need for costly explicit policy coordination mechanisms. A final section
draws out the main policy implications.
The global financial crisis has reminded emerging markets, if they needed reminding, that
capital flows can be highly volatile and that crises need not be home grown. So how should
EME central banks react to various shocks? Leaving aside the (few) cases of formal pegs, the
options for EME central banks are (to caricature a bit) either fully discretionary monetary and
exchange rate policy or, at the other extreme, strict IT with freely-floating currencies and the
policy interest rate responding only to changes in expected inflation. Given that many EME
central banks have established their price-stability credentials only recently (and often after
histories of high inflation), IT frameworks are generally thought to be useful for guiding
policy and maintaining credibility. Although such frameworks typically go hand-in-hand
with free floating in advanced economies, there is no logically necessary reason for them to
do so in EMEs. If EME central banks worry about currency movements away from medium-
run levels (which, we argue, they typically do), then an IT-cum-sterilized-FX-intervention
regime may provide the best of both worlds: the discipline of IT with the exchange rate
responsiveness of a managed float. While EME central banks have implicitly recognized this
long ago, our purpose here is to clarify and formalize the rationale of their practice.
To fix ideas, it is useful to contrast the response of the central bank to aggregate demand and
capital inflow shocks under alternative policy regimes. If the economy exhibits “divine
coincidence” (in the sense that the inflation target is consistent with a zero output gap), then
IT would imply that the policy interest rate should be lowered in the face of capital inflows
or negative shocks to aggregate demand. Under the floating exchange rate regime, the central
bank does not intervene in the FX markets, allowing the exchange rate to appreciate when
there are capital inflows and depreciate when there are negative demand shocks.
But suppose policymakers are not indifferent to movements of the exchange rate. As
elaborated below, policymakers may worry about sharp depreciations because of the foreign
currency exposure of unhedged domestic borrowers, or they may worry about appreciation
pressures that reduce competitiveness, especially if the currency movement is a mean-
reverting deviation from its medium-run level, and leaves unemployment and economic
dislocation in its wake. Even if policymakers do not target a particular exchange rate level,
including because the precise equilibrium value may be difficult to determine, they may wish
to limit large and abrupt movements in either direction. In other words, there may be a
“comfort zone” beyond which the authorities would not want to see the exchange rate move.
If policymakers do care about the exchange rate, can they do better than the strict IT-cum-
floating-exchange-rate regime implies? The answer is yes. Indeed, in this very simple
example, there is a clear policy assignment rule: the interest rate should be used to meet the
inflation target, while sterilized intervention should be geared to the exchange rate objective
(see de Gregorio, 2008, for a discussion of the Chilean case). Thus, the policy interest rate
would be lowered in the face of negative demand shocks but would not react to capital flow
shocks, while intervention would be used to resist appreciation pressures from inflows and
depreciation from negative demand shocks.
Despite its simplicity, this benchmark model embodies a basic truth: if policymakers have
multiple objectives (which they surely do), and if the central bank has multiple instruments
(which it probably has), then in general it makes sense to use the full set of available
instruments. While it is difficult to argue against this point in the abstract, in our particular
context, three objections can be raised. First, that modern EME central banks (like their
advanced-economy counterparts) are largely indifferent to the level of the exchange rate
provided they are meeting their inflation objective. Second, that central banks do not really
have two instruments because sterilized intervention is ineffective. Third, that the flexibility
afforded by an active exchange rate policy is not costless because it potentially sends
confusing signals about the primacy of the inflation target, undermining its credibility.
In the following sections, we take up the first two objections—that central banks are largely
indifferent to the level of the exchange rate, and that they may have only one effective policy
instrument. On whether having a second policy objective undermines the credibility of the
inflation target, we would argue no—provided the central bank indeed has two instruments.
In such a case, explicit recognition of the central bank’s preferences over the exchange rate
might actually strengthen the credibility of the central bank’s inflation target. This is because
policy is not made in a vacuum. When the exchange rate moves strongly out of line with
fundamentals, the central bank inevitably comes under pressure to do something about it.
Obstinately refusing to acknowledge the problem and the need for policy adjustments likely
undermines policy credibility because the public realizes that the stance is untenable. By
acknowledging that the exchange rate has moved too far or too abruptly, and by openly
undertaking foreign exchange intervention, an inflation-targeting central bank’s claim that it
will respect its inflation target arguably becomes more—not less—credible. At the same
time, it is worth acknowledging that aiming for an exchange rate that deviates substantially
from that consistent with medium-term fundamentals (itself never easy to estimate) may have
consequences for inflation that ultimately undermine the central bank’s inflation target. This
underscores the importance of limiting any intervention to instances where the exchange rate
is clearly deviating from its medium-term warranted value.
Accepting the logic of this argument still leaves a number of complications that need to be
taken into account. For example, sterilized intervention is not costless, so the central bank
will not want to intervene in arbitrarily large amounts—especially if the intervention is not
very effective or the inflows are highly persistent. Moreover, there are tradeoffs between
rules (inflation targeting) and discretion when policy credibility is fragile. In section V, we
enrich the discussion to take account of such factors, and show that, while they slightly
modify our conclusions above (for instance, the simple policy assignment rule no longer
holds), they do not fundamentally overturn them. But first we establish that EME central
banks typically do care about the exchange rate, and that sterilized intervention is a plausible
instrument in the context of most emerging market currencies.
What do EME central banks do in practice? Almost inevitably, the exchange rate plays a
more important role in emerging market economies than advanced economies, where most
domestic and foreign transactions are in local currency, markets are deeper, and the private
sector is better equipped to absorb exchange rate changes. Pass-through from the exchange
rate to inflation is typically higher in EMEs, often reflecting more open economies, the
currency denomination of trade, and, at times, less credible monetary policies. Beyond the
effects on inflation, given currency mismatches on domestic balance sheets (public, financial,
corporate, and households), many EME country authorities worry about sharp depreciations
that could result in widespread bankruptcies, fire sales, and economic dislocation. Finally,
given less developed domestic financial markets and the greater likelihood of credit
constraints, firms in EMEs are less able to absorb mean-reverting appreciations of the
exchange rate, so the loss of competitiveness associated with a surge of capital inflows is
likely to have longer lived effects. Therefore, even if they do not set a particular target for the
exchange rate, most EME central banks have an implicit “comfort zone” beyond which they
would not want to see the exchange rate move (at least not abruptly), and this is reflected in
their conduct of monetary and intervention policies (see also the related discussion of the
“trilemma” index in Aizenman et al., 2008). That is not to suggest that EMEs should not try
to enhance the economy’s resilience to exchange rate movements—for instance, by
developing and deepening markets—but such structural policies take time to implement, and
in the meantime, the central bank may need to be mindful of sharp currency movements.
Interest Rate Rules
A number of studies have found that emerging market inflation targeters often (implicitly)
include the exchange rate in their interest rate reaction function (Taylor rule); see, e.g.,
Mohanty and Klau (2005) and Aizenman et al. (2011). In a textbook IT setting, the exchange
rate should only affect an inflation-targeting central bank’s interest rate to the extent that it
has an impact on expected inflation. But a more pragmatic approach should recognize the
importance of the exchange rate in emerging market settings (for the reasons explained
above), and provide some room for maneuvering within the inflation target framework.
Garcia et al. (2011) present a model of hybrid inflation-targeting regimes. Their simulations
support the view that financially robust advanced economies have relatively little to gain by
including the exchange rate directly in the policy reaction function, but financially vulnerable
EMEs might benefit by doing so in a limited way. These papers do not, however, envisage a
systematic role for sterilized intervention in IT regimes (see, however, Benes et al., 2012,
which models sterilized interventions as an additional instrument alongside the Taylor rule
and affecting the economy through portfolio balance sheet effects in the financial sector).
To see what EME central banks do in practice, Table 1 reports reduced-form Taylor rules for
a sample of EME IT central banks.
The explanatory variables include: the lagged dependent
variable, since policy rates are adjusted slowly; the difference between expected inflation
over the next four quarters (from Consensus Forecast) and the inflation target; and the lagged
output gap (obtained from a rolling HP filter). The Taylor rule is augmented to include the
deviation of the log of the real effective exchange rate from the level implied by a rolling HP
filter. Since the regression controls for expected inflation, any effect of the REER on the
policy rate will be over and above what could be justified by its pass-through to inflation.
Table 1, Column 1, only includes the inflation expectation deviation from its target level as
an explanatory variable. Not surprisingly, inflation targeters respond to an increase in
inflation expectations by raising the real interest rate; adding the lagged dependent variable
(since policy interest rates are typically adjusted sluggishly) still yields a positive coefficient
on the expected inflation deviation from target (Table 1, Column 2). The point estimate on
the global financial crisis dummy is -0.8 percent (this point estimate would be smaller if
other controls could capture the collapse in demand), suggesting extraordinary monetary
loosening during the crisis. Table 1, Column 3, adds the lagged output gap and the change in
the real exchange rate. The point estimate on the output gap suggest that real rates increase
by 0.06 percentage points when output is 1 percentage point above potential (so a 1.5 percent
gap that persists for four quarters would raise the policy rate by 0.25 percentage points).
Turning to the variable of interest, the deviation of the real exchange rate from its medium-
run value, the point estimate suggests that a 10 percent appreciation of the currency lowers
the policy interest rate by 0.29 percentage points.
This is substantial, especially as it
represents the reaction of the policy rate to the exchange rate over and above any impact of
the exchange rate’s movement on expected inflation, and considering that the estimated
coefficient is almost surely smaller than the true response because of simultaneity bias.
The estimated Taylor rule is given by:
4011 1 24 4 3
( ) ( ) (log( ) log( ))
tt t t t t t t
, where the dependent variable is the “target real interest rate” (the policy
interest rate,
i minus the four-quarter ahead inflation target
) and where REER is the log of the real
effective exchange rate (an increase is an appreciation of the domestic currency),
EER is the level implied
by a rolling HP filter, YGAP is the output gap, D08:4-09:2 is a dummy variable intended to capture the
exceptional behavior during the global financial crisis (which had the unusual combination of loosening of the
policy rate despite sharp depreciations). The sample of EME IT countries includes: Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Thailand and
Turkey. Quarterly data by country cover the period from IT adoption until 2010, subject to availability.
Previous studies had found that policy interest rates of emerging market ITers respond to the exchange rate
(e.g., Mohanty and Klau, 2005, and Aizenman et al., 2011). But by controlling for expected inflation, our
estimates can rule out the possibility that this is driven by pass-through of the exchange rate to inflation.
In addition to the interest rate reacting to the real exchange rate (as central banks reduce policy rates in
response to appreciation), the exchange rate is likely to respond to the interest rate. But the latter relationship
goes in the opposite direction: a higher interest rate will appreciate the real exchange rate, yielding a positive
regression coefficient. The finding of a negative regression coefficient is therefore despite this simultaneity bias,
and the true response of the policy interest rate to the exchange rate is larger (more negative) than estimated.
When we estimate the regression country-by-country, the coefficient estimates are similar to
those presented in Table 1, though the fewer observations mean that some of the coefficients
(especially on REER) are statistically insignificant.
Our main conclusions from these estimates are that inflation-targeting central banks in EMEs
generally conduct their interest rate policy in accordance with the “Taylor principle,”
tightening real interest rates when inflation is expected to be above its target or output is
above its natural level, and—more interesting for our purposes—they respond to real
exchange rate movements above and beyond any impact on expected inflation.
Table 1. Taylor Rules in Emerging Market Inflation Targeters: Panel Regression
Dependent Variable: policy rate - inf. Target
(1) (2) (3)
Lagged (policy rate - inflation target) 0.744 *** 0.727 ***
[0.039] [0.046]
Expected inflation - inflation target 1.353 *** 0.649 *** 0.699 ***
[0.168] [0.097] [0.094]
REER deviation from trend -0.029 ***
Lagged output gap 0.064 *
Dummy for global financial crisis -0.271 -0.801 *** -0.840 ***
[0.438] [0.251] [0.286]
Constant 2.233 *** 0.383 *** 0.462 ***
[0.081] [0.097] [0.113]
Observations 522 516 470
R-squared 0.334 0.821 0.812
Number of Countries 14 14 14
/ Standard errors in brackets. *, ** and *** denote statistical significance at the 10, 5 and 1 percent level,
respectively. REER is defined such that an increase denotes an appreciation of the currency.
Foreign Exchange Intervention
Turning to foreign exchange market intervention, a simple albeit imperfect statistic of the
degree of intervention is the standard deviation of the change in reserves relative to the sum
of the standard deviations of the change in reserves and of the change in the real exchange
rate; this statistic ranges from zero (a pure float, no intervention) to unity (all shocks to the
REER are perfectly smoothed).
For emerging market inflation targeters, the statistic is 0.63,
which is not only positive but in fact not even appreciably lower than for EME central banks
that do not have explicit inflation-targeting frameworks (whose intervention statistic is 0.73).
The sample of non-inflation-targeting EMEs used here is Argentina, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic,
India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Uruguay. Specifically, we calculate
/( )
Reserves Reserves REER
Table 2 reports the result of a regression of change in international reserves on the log
deviation of the REER from the level implied by a rolling HP filter. The first column reports
the results for our sample of inflation targeters. The point estimate suggests a 10 percent
appreciation of the currency would be associated with a 3.8 percent increase in reserves
(again, this is probably an underestimate because simultaneity will tend to bias our estimates
toward zero).
Table 3 (column 2) also reports analogous results for a comparator sample of
non-IT countries since 2000, which have an even stronger response: 14.1 percent.
The bottom line seems to be that inflation-targeting central banks in EMEs do intervene
actively in the foreign exchange market (although rather less aggressively than their non-IT
counterparts), and certainly do not follow freely floating exchange rate regimes.
Table 2. Change in Reserves as a Function of the Change in the REER
Change in Reserves
REER deviation from trend 0.380 ** 1.405 ***
[0.156] [0.321]
Dummy for global financial crisis -8.795 * -23.495 ***
[4.410] [4.681]
Constant 10.769 *** 15.349 ***
[0.388] [0.446]
Observations 452 399
R-squared 0.087 0.327
Number of countries 14 10
/ Standard errors in brackets. *, ** and *** denote statistical significance at the
10, 5 and 1 percent level, respectively. An increase in the REER denotes an appreciation
of the currency.
The argument that even inflation-targeting EME central banks might intervene to bring
currency values closer to medium-run equilibrium is premised on FX intervention being an
effective policy tool. There is little question that unsterilized intervention is effective in
moving the exchange rate. But if it is only unsterilized intervention that works, then the
In addition to the central bank purchasing foreign exchange reserves in the face of currency appreciation, the
exchange rate will react to intervention. But this relationship goes in the opposite direction: central bank
purchases of foreign exchange will tend to depreciate the exchange rate, yielding a negative coefficient. The
finding of a positive regression coefficient is therefore despite this simultaneity bias, and the true response of
foreign exchange intervention to an exchange rate appreciation is larger (more positive) than estimated.
As in the case of the Taylor rule, results are very similar if we use the year-on-year change in the REER
instead of this measure of deviation from trend. The point estimate for the IT sample declines from 0.38 to 0.35,
while that for the non-IT sample declines from 1.41 to 1.07.
central bank would not have two policy instruments and our argument breaks down. What
then is the evidence that sterilized intervention (i.e., purchases and sales of foreign exchange
that leave the central bank’s interest rate unchanged) has an effect on the exchange rate?
There are two main ways through which sterilized intervention can affect the exchange rate:
the portfolio balance and the signaling channels. The former stems from the change in the
relative supply of domestic and foreign currency assets following the intervention. If both
types of assets are perfect substitutes (i.e., if uncovered interest parity holds), then changes in
relative supply would not affect the exchange rate. But under imperfect substitutability, the
exchange rate adjusts as investors demand compensation to shift their portfolio holdings
toward the asset that has become relatively more abundant. There are reasons to be skeptical
about the quantitative importance of this channel in the case of advanced economies, where
bond markets are so huge that even massive intervention barely makes a dent on the relative
supply of assets (Ghosh, 1992). In the case of EMEs, however, interventions can amount to a
significant share of local bond markets, and this channel can be stronger.
The signaling or expectation channel affects the exchange rate through a change in market
expectations about future fundamentals (including the stance of monetary policy). If the
central bank has better information about fundamentals (which is certainly the case, at least
regarding the future stance of monetary policy), then intervention can be perceived as a
signal of future exchange rate movements. Unlike the portfolio balance channel, it is not
clear a priori whether this channel should be stronger in EMEs or advanced economies.
Stone et al. (2009) survey intervention practices as of late 2007, including in 14 inflation-
targeting EMEs. Excess volatility is a motivation for intervention in eight of those EMEs,
with three others having volatility-related motives (e.g., stabilize foreign exchange markets,
maintain orderly conditions, and maintain exchange rate stability). Other common motives
include reserve management (e.g., accumulation of reserves for prudential reasons) in five
EMEs, managing the exchange rate so as to help achieve the inflation targets in two EMEs,
managing the exchange rate within a band in two cases, and signaling in one EME. Adler and
Tovar (2011) survey official central bank statements for the motives of intervention in
15 economies, with a focus on Latin America. The two reasons most often stated are building
international reserve buffers and containing exchange rate volatility. Only one country stated
that slowing the speed of appreciation was a motive.
There are few empirical studies on the effectiveness of sterilized intervention specifically in
EMEs; several individual country studies are surveyed in Disyatat and Galati (2005).
Guimarães and Karacadag (2004), using intervention data from Mexico and Turkey, find that
foreign exchange sales have a small but statistically significant effect on the level of the
exchange rate in Mexico, but not in Turkey; they also find that such intervention reduces
exchange rate volatility in Turkey (but not in Mexico). Although methodological differences
across studies makes comparisons difficult, on the whole, evidence that such intervention can
BIS Paper no. 24 (2005) has a series of background papers and contributed papers from different central banks
from a conference of Deputy Governors hosted by the BIS on foreign exchange market intervention.
affect the level of the exchange rate tends to be weaker than evidence that it can affect
exchange rate volatility, but for both, most studies find at least some impact (Table 3).
The effectiveness of sterilized intervention is also likely to depend upon the circumstances.
Kamil (2008) finds that interventions were effective in affecting the exchange rate in
Colombia when done during a period of monetary easing (although the quantitative effects
were small and short-lived), but not during a period of overheating and monetary tightening.
Stone, Walker and Yosuke (2009) show that sterilized intervention in Brazil in the immediate
aftermath of the global financial crises helped stabilize market expectations of exchange rate
volatility. Adler and Tovar (2011) estimate the effect of intervention on a panel of
15 economies, with a focus on Latin America. They find that interventions can slow the pace
of appreciation. Interventions are less effective in countries with more open capital accounts,
and more likely to be effective in the context of already ‘overvalued’ exchange rates.
Overall, the evidence on the effectiveness of sterilized intervention in EMEs is mixed, but
generally more favorable than in the advanced economy context. The very fact that many, if
not most, EME central banks undertake sterilized intervention suggests that at least they
believe it to be effective in their own currency markets. Moreover, in assessing effectiveness,
it is important to bear in mind the policy goal. To the extent that intervention is successful in
reducing volatility and limiting short-run movements, this may be all that is required to help
counter the effects of temporary surges in capital inflows to EMEs. Accordingly, in what
follows, we assume that the central bank has available both its policy interest rate and
sterilized intervention as effective instruments.
Table 3. Studies on Sterilized Intervention in Emerging Market Economies
Effectiveness on
Level Volatility
Stone, Walker, and Yosuke (2009) Brazil Yes Yes
Tapia and Tokman (2004) Chile Yes
Mandeng (2003) Colombia Yes (mixed)
Kamil (2008) Colombia Yes (weak) Yes
Holub (2004) Czech Republic Mixed
Disyatat and Galati (2005) Czech Republic Yes (weak) No
Barabás (2003) Hungary Mixed
Pattanaik and Sahoo (2003) India Yes (weak) Yes
Rhee and Song (1999) Korea Yes
Domaç and Mendoza (2002) Mexico and Turkey Yes Yes
Guimarães and Karacadag (2004) Mexico and Turkey Yes (weak) Mixed
Abenoja (2003) Philippines Mixed Yes (mixed)
Sangmanee (2003) Thailand No
Adler and Tovar (2011) Mainly Latin America Yes
Given its objectives of maintaining low inflation and avoiding large movements in the
exchange rate away from medium-run equilibrium, what is the best policy regime for an
emerging market central bank? While fully discretionary monetary and exchange rate
policies allow maximum flexibility, they can also send confusing signals about central bank
objectives that may ultimately undermine policy credibility. For this reason, the central bank
may opt for an IT regime, subordinating its monetary policy to achieving the inflation
objective. If, as the discussion above suggests, EME central banks also have available a
second instrument (foreign exchange intervention), they can also limit temporary movements
of the exchange rate without prejudicing attainment of their primary target, the inflation rate.
Building on the discussion from section II, here we consider how the central bank would
respond to various shocks in a small open economy model of an emerging market economy
with imperfect capital mobility, such that capital flows respond positively to the interest
differential (taking account of any expected appreciation of the currency), but at a finite pace.
The central bank’s objectives, which are assumed to be the same regardless of the policy
regime, are threefold: to minimize the deviation of inflation from its target, to minimize the
output gap around the economy’s “potential” level of output, and to minimize the deviation
of the exchange rate from its level implied by medium-term fundamentals. The latter reflects
concerns about competitiveness on the appreciation side, and balance sheet risks of unhedged
foreign currency exposure on the depreciation side.
In addition, recognizing that there are
costs to holding reserves, the central bank is assumed to minimize its accumulation of excess
reserves (relative to the coverage required for country-insurance purposes).
Under discretionary policies, the central bank is unable to commit not to try to inflate the
economy above its non-accelerating inflation potential; a measure of the central bank’s (lack
of) credibility is the public’s perception of its incentive to do so. The latter, which imparts an
inflationary bias and which the central bank is assumed to take as given, is modeled as
depending on the inflation performance of its economy. Under IT, by contrast, the central
bank commits to a “lexicographical” ordering of objectives such that its inflation target is
always met (in the sense that target and expected inflation are equal). This keeps inflationary
expectations firmly anchored throughout, so there is no inflationary bias under IT.
With this setup, it is possible to trace through the central bank’s reaction to various shocks
under alternative policy regimes. In the Online Appendix, we provide analytical solutions for
the key results in a simple two-period version of the model, as well as comparing all four
policy regimes: discretionary monetary policy with or without FX intervention, and IT with
or without intervention. Here we focus on the comparison of the two IT regimes: with and
without FX intervention in a dynamic version of the model (presented in Box 1).
The central bank’s objective can be specified as penalizing the (log) level deviation of the real exchange rate
or its rate of change. Though conceptually distinct, it makes little qualitative difference to the simulations as in
either case the central bank seeks to limit the movement of the exchange rate. The reported simulations assume
the targeting of the level of the real exchange rate around the value implied by medium-run fundamentals.
We begin by considering the impact of a positive aggregate demand shock, equivalent to one
percentage point of output, that occurs in period 1 and dies out gradually (see Figure 1). In
the face of such a shock, the monetary authorities would naturally react by raising the policy
interest rate. Comparing the interest rate response across regimes shows that the central bank
would raise interest rates by more when it also intervenes in the FX market (red line) than
when it does not (black line). Higher policy interest rates, which help counter the demand
shock, also lead to capital inflows, putting upward pressure on the currency. If the central
bank can intervene in the FX markets, then it is able to raise interest rates by more than if it
does not intervene. Moreover, despite raising interest rates by less when it does not also
intervene, the central bank must tolerate a more appreciated currency. Although reserves
initially increase, they subsequently decline, eventually returning to their baseline value
(normalized to zero). As such, the optimal policy does not imply sustained one-way
intervention, but instead both sales and purchases of reserves along the adjustment path.
In the face of a capital inflow shock (modeled as a decline in foreign interest rates, which is
gradually reversed; see Figure 2), the central bank would lower the policy interest rate,
thereby reducing the incentive for capital to cross the border. Again, comparing the interest
rate response across regimes shows that the central bank would lower interest rates by less
when it also intervenes in the FX market. This is because in the absence of intervention—the
only instrument the central bank has to dampen incentives for capital inflows—is to lower
policy rates. But despite the lower policy interest rate, the central bank is forced to accept a
more appreciated exchange rate (relative to that warranted by medium-term fundamentals)
when it does not intervene in the FX market.
And again, intervention is two-way: initial
purchases of FX, followed by sales, with no net steady-state change in the stock of reserves.
Moreover, regardless of the shock, the IT framework ensures that the central bank meets its
inflation target, so intervention does not prejudice meeting the target. But without FX
intervention, in both cases the central bank must tolerate a more appreciated currency (and,
conversely, with negative shocks, a more depreciated one), lowering welfare relative to its
objective of keeping the exchange rate close to its fundamental value. Thus, even though
intervention itself is assumed to be costly, the welfare implication is clear: having both the
policy interest rate and FX intervention as instruments dominates having only the policy rate.
Moreover, as discussed in the Online Appendix, because the economy exhibits divine
coincidence, the welfare gain from the flexibility of fully discretionary monetary policy (as
opposed to IT) is small, and if the central bank’s credibility is fragile, may even be negative.
The more important gain comes from having the second instrument, FX intervention.
Is this a general result? The answer is yes, though the extent of the welfare gain from having
the intervention instrument depends on the nature and characteristics of the capital inflows.
Two parameters are key: the interest rate sensitivity of capital flows (
) and the persistence
A further comparison is between IT and discretion. As shown in the Online Appendix, under discretionary
policies, the central bank reduces the policy rate more aggressively, but intervenes less aggressively, ending up
with a larger output gap but less real exchange rate appreciation. In each case, the level of foreign reserves
returns to its baseline value (normalized at zero), so neither shock calls for one-way sustained intervention.
Box 1. A Simple Dynamic Model of an Emerging Market Economy
To simulate policy responses, we adopt a dynamic version of the simple EME macro-
economic model laid out in the Online Appendix. All variables are expressed in logs, except
for ca, which is defined as the current account balance as a ratio to the foreign liability
position, k; all parameters (Greek letters) are positive. Capital flows are specified as a partial
adjustment process, converging to a finite stock for a given expected return differential:
Where e is the real exchange rate (an increase is an appreciation), r and r* are the domestic and
foreign real interest rates. In a world without frictions, the capital stock should adjust instantaneously,
arbitraging away any expected return differential. But we assume uncovered interest rate parity (UIP)
does not hold (as is the case in practice, where if anything, a currency tends to appreciate in the
presence of an interest rate differential, the forward premium puzzle).
The foreign real interest rate follows an AR(1) process:
The current account is given by:
The balance of payments (BOP) equation is given by:
The Phillips curve for domestic inflation is given by:
Aggregate demand (the IS curve) depends on the real exchange rate and the real interest rate:
 ,
where the shock is an AR(1) process with parameter
. The central bank’s objective
function depends on the output gap, inflation, the deviation of the real exchange rate from its
multilaterally-consistent level (normalized to zero), and the deviation of reserves from their
optimal steady-state level (say based on country-insurance metrics):
min (( ) )
tt t t t
EPDV y y a be cR
is the public’s estimate of the central bank’s inflationary bias. We calibrate the
model assuming the following initial ratios and parameters:
0.15; 1; 0.5; 1; 0.5; 0.99; 0.75
0.3; 1; 0.25; 0.75
1; 0.1; 0.01
yre u
ab c
Finally, in the discretionary policy regimes, the public sector’s estimate of the inflation bias
is calibrated so as to generate inflationary expectations equal to 0.9 times the previous
period’s inflation rate, and set equal to zero in the IT regimes.
Figure 1. Policy Response to a Demand Shock
Policy Interest Rate
(percent per year)
(percent deviation from steady-state)
(percent per year)
Shock to Domestic Demand
(percent deviation from steady-state)
Real Exchange Rate
(percent deviation from steady-state)
Output Gap
(percent deviation from steady-state)
IT with FX intervention
IT (no FX intervention)
The shock is based on a 2.5 percentage point increase in domestic demand.
An increase in the exchange rate is an appreciation of the domestic currency.
Figure 2. Policy Response to a Capital Inflow Shock
Policy Interest Rate
(percent per year)
(percent deviation from steady-state)
Real Exchange Rate
(percent deviation from steady-state)
Capital Inflow
(cumulative flow)
(percent per year)
Output Gap
(percent deviation from steady-state)
IT with FX intervention
IT (no FX intervention)
The capital inflow shock is based on a 5 percentage point decline in the world interest rate.
An increase in the exchange rate is an appreciation of the domestic currency.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Sensitivity of Inflows with Respect to Return Differential (γ
Policy Response and Sensitivity of Inflows with Respect to
Return Differential
Policy Interest Rate (LHS)
Reserve Intervention/Initial Capital Inflow (RHS)
of capital inflows (which depends on
). As capital flows become more sensitive to the
return differential, sterilized intervention becomes more difficult (a given quantity of
intervention has a smaller impact on the exchange rate); in the limiting case of perfect capital
mobility (
), sterilized intervention becomes impossible.
Not surprisingly, therefore, greater
sensitivity of capital flows to the return
differential means that the central bank
must tolerate a higher real appreciation
and—proportional to the capital flow—
undertake less intervention (text chart).
The absolute amount of reserve
accumulation is non-monotonic in the
return sensitivity of capital flows,
. When
this sensitivity is small, the initial change
in reserves is also small (since the return
differential has little implications for
inflows). As
increases, FX intervention
initially increases, but eventually starts to
decline (since intervention becomes ineffective as
Conversely, the greater the responsiveness of capital flows to the return differential, the more
the policy rate is lowered. In other words, as the economy moves toward the limiting case of
perfect capital mobility and asset substitutability, the central bank must increasingly rely on
interest rate changes rather than FX intervention to influence the exchange rate.
The simulations take the rate of return sensitivity of capital flows as given and constant
across regimes; in practice, it may vary with the policy regime. In particular, greater certainty
on the part of investors that they will obtain a higher rate of return would likely increase the
sensitivity of capital flows to the return differential. It is noteworthy in this regard that, in
most of the simulations (including those depicted here), the response to a capital inflow
shock is to allow a jump in appreciation of the real exchange rate (albeit smaller than in the
absence of intervention) followed by a gradual depreciation. In other words, the optimal
intervention typically does not offer investors a sure expected appreciation—precisely
because doing so would induce greater capital inflows, which is what the central bank wants
to avoid. Nevertheless, the regimes with FX intervention generally imply somewhat higher
and more persistent expected returns compared to the regimes without FX intervention.
It is possible, therefore, that knowing the central bank had adopted a policy regime that
included FX intervention (and therefore higher and more persistent returns in the event of
capital inflow shocks), investors would become more responsive to the return differential (an
For example, the expected return (inclusive of the interest rate differential and expected depreciation) over
periods 1–10 averages 2.1 percent under IT with FX intervention, and 1.8 percent under IT without intervention.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Persistency of Shock to Inflow (ρ
Policy Response and Persistence of Inflow Shock
Policy Interest Rate (LHS)
Reserve Intervention/Initial Capital Inflow (RHS)
increase in
), rendering sterilized intervention less effective.
To reduce this tendency,
some uncertainty in the central bank’s intervention policy—when, how much, and at what
exchange rate level—may be useful (though in deciding how much “randomness” to
incorporate in its intervention policy, the central bank needs to be mindful of its impact on
the real economy). In particular, the central bank should not be viewed as defending a
specific level of the exchange rate, and should be perceived as willing to let it depreciate
when inflow pressures abate. Such short-run volatility in the return to investors can help
counteract the perceptions of one-way bets.
The other key parameter is the persistence of the capital inflows. The less persistent the
shock to the foreign interest rate, the less persistent the inflows that would occur in the
absence of any policy response, and the smaller the policy response. The key insight of this
experiment, however, is that—as a percentage of the initial capital inflow—the initial
intervention (i.e., accumulation of reserves) is greater when inflows are expected to be less
persistent. In fact, the degree of
intervention (as a percentage of initial
inflows) is monotonically decreasing in the
expected persistence of the inflows (text
chart). Moreover, when the shock is more
persistent, the policy interest rate will be
lowered by more, thus playing a larger role
relative to FX intervention. This accords
with the usual intuition that the authorities
should allow the economy to adjust to
permanent shocks (including capital
inflows) but intervene to absorb temporary
shocks that move the economy away from
its medium-term equilibrium.
The discussion above pertains to capital inflows, though many of the same arguments apply
to when there are outflows (the response to an outflow shock is the mirror image to the
response to an inflow shock of a similar magnitude). In the face of temporary capital
outflows, the central bank would raise policy interest rates to keep the output gap at zero (and
inflation at its target level), raising them more aggressively in the non-FX intervention
regime. Despite the more aggressive interest rate policy, the central bank would need to
The converse is also possible: if capital inflows are responding to self-fulfilling expectations about exchange
rate appreciation, then knowledge that the central bank would intervene to limit the appreciation might reduce
capital inflows (and hence the need for actual intervention).
Randomization can be costly to the central bank, since its loss function penalizes the volatility of reserves and
of the exchange rate. Suppose the central bank has the IT regime with FX intervention and is responding to the
shock in Figure 2. If it were to add a normally distributed shock to its optimal reserve policy with a standard
deviation of 2.5 percent, the resulting distribution of expected returns would have a standard deviation of
1.4 percent. While this should discourage inflows, its adverse effect on welfare would be equivalent to the
impact of capital inflows resulting from a further 125 basis point decrease in the world interest rate
tolerate a larger exchange rate depreciation when it does not intervene. Again, inflation
targeting keeps the output gap at zero and inflation at its targeted level.
The logic of the simulations is thus symmetric to the case of capital inflows. Yet there is one
crucial difference in that the central bank can run out of reserves but there is no obvious limit
to how much it can accumulate in the face of inflows. When it comes to outflows, therefore,
it is particularly important to distinguish between temporary shocks and more persistent
outflows, financing the former but relying more heavily on the policy interest rate for the
latter (or just letting the currency depreciate). As discussed above, moreover, if the central
bank is perceived as defending a specific parity, this could encourage greater carry trade to
take advantage of interest rate differentials (since downside risk for investors would be
limited). As in the case when there are capital inflows, an inflation-targeting central bank
should only intervene when there are movements of the exchange rate that are clearly away
from medium-run equilibrium. But, for the reasons outlined above, if anything, the central
bank will want to be especially cautious before intervening in the FX markets (as opposed to
just raising interest rates) in the face of outflows, unless these are sufficiently large and
abrupt (and perhaps more reflective of developments in capital-sending countries) that they
threaten severe economic dislocation. Moreover, in this case, it may be preferable to on-lend
foreign exchange to unhedged borrowers facing FX exposure in the case of temporary
outflows, rather than to intervene in the FX market. In practice, of course, central banks are
likely to find it challenging to gauge the persistence of capital flows in real time, given their
dependence on a host of factors, including global risk aversion and the behavior of monetary
policy in industrial countries.
The discussion above suggests that lowering the policy interest rate and absorbing part of the
inflow through foreign exchange intervention is the appropriate response to a capital inflow
shock. That discussion, however, does not take account of multilateral considerations. These
are twofold. First, better coordination of monetary policies across capital-sending and
capital-receiving countries can reduce the magnitude of the capital inflow shock. Second,
coordination of monetary policies across capital-receiving EMEs, the focus of the discussion
here, can result in superior outcomes.
A common intuition is that uncoordinated policies would result in attempts to excessively
depreciate the exchange rate in order to gain competitive advantage. But that intuition turns
out to be incorrect when capital account shocks dominate the balance of payments, and the
shock to which EMEs are reacting is a surge of capital inflows. Rather than wishing to
“export” unemployment via a depreciated exchange rate (as in a model centered on current
account considerations), countries in the capital-flows-centered model seek to “export”
capital inflows through a combination of excessively low interest rates and too little FX
intervention (the latter allowing the exchange rate to get overly strong, thus making domestic
assets relatively expensive and deterring inflows).
Clearly, if capital flows to each recipient country were completely independent of the flows
to other countries, then there would be no need for coordination of policies in EMEs. More
realistically, however, policy actions in one EME might deflect (some component of) the
flow to another recipient. And even if this is not the case in fact, when choosing its monetary
and exchange rate policy response, each EME might believe that it will be able to deflect the
capital flow toward another country.
Indeed, as can be shown in a simplified multicountry version of the model above (Online
Appendix), uncoordinated discretionary monetary policies will result in too low interest
rates, too little reserves accumulation, and excessive appreciation of EME currencies. Each
central bank, acting on its own, would seek to lower interest rates and allow its currency to
appreciate by more than those of other recipient countries, as both policies reduce the rate of
return to investing in the country, thus deflecting part of the capital flow to others. In
equilibrium, of course, since each recipient country faces similar incentives, there is little or
no actual deflection of the capital inflow. Nonetheless, this means that the uncoordinated
equilibrium is characterized by lower policy interest rates and less sterilized intervention than
coordinated monetary and exchange rate policies would imply.
From this result, the benefits of the inflation-targeting-cum-intervention are apparent. Recall
that inflation targeting without FX intervention involves lowering the policy interest rate by
more than it would when the central bank also intervenes (Figure 2). The IT-cum-
intervention regime is thus closer to the coordinated equilibrium (both in terms of interest
rate policy and, trivially, intervention policy) than IT without FX intervention. In fact,
policies under the IT-cum-intervention regime also come closer to those under policy
coordination than do uncoordinated discretionary monetary and exchange rate policies. As
such, IT-cum-intervention regimes can bring the cross-country configuration of exchange
rates closer to their multilaterally-consistent global equilibrium. This is a significant benefit
of the IT-cum-intervention regime given the formidable informational requirements (such as
which countries were experiencing shocks, what is their persistence, etc.) necessary to
implement internationally coordinated policies, and the lack of global mechanisms to enforce
them (see Ghosh and Masson, 1994).
Monetary authorities in EMEs often lack the full policy credibility that comes from
successfully achieving prolonged periods of price stability. As such, inflation targeting has
proven to be an increasingly attractive option to help anchor expectations and generate low
inflation. At the same time, early adopters of IT and present day inflation targeters among the
advanced countries have generally adopted floating exchange rates in part to avoid potential
conflicts between price-stability and exchange-rate objectives. Should EME inflation
targeters do likewise?
The answer we give in this note is that, because of well-known structural features of EMEs,
benign neglect of large exchange rate movements that are inconsistent with the multilateral
medium-run equilibrium are unlikely to be the right policy even under an IT framework. If
two policy instruments are available (the policy interest rate and foreign exchange market
intervention), then they should be used in tandem to achieve both price-stability and
exchange-rate objectives. In fact, to foreswear the use of the second instrument in the face of
potentially wild swings in currencies (including those due to volatile capital flows) might
actually serve to undercut rather than boost credibility since at some point a commitment to
non-intervention in the FX market would itself not be plausible if the exchange rate strayed
too far from the level consistent with fundamentals and the preservation of macro stability.
When the central bank is seeking to entrench its commitment to low inflation in the eyes of
the public, a two-instrument IT framework may yield significant benefits. Specifically, while
discretion is a viable option when policy credibility is high, an IT framework can help to
anchor inflationary expectations when credibility is imperfect. Provided use of the second
instrument is subordinated to the achievement of low inflation, macro stability (low output
gap and inflation, stable real exchange rate around the level consistent with fundamentals)
will be easier to achieve. In response, for instance, to a destabilizing increase in capital
inflows, the central bank can both lower the policy rate and intervene in the FX market to
limit appreciation, in much the same way as it would do under unconstrained full discretion,
but while avoiding the inflationary bias that would otherwise result from discretionary
policies. Far from being reticent to use the second instrument, central banks should embrace
its use as being fully consistent with the IT framework.
Intervention to limit appreciation may give rise to multilateral concerns when push factors in
source countries are giving rise to excessive inflows across a broad swath of EMEs. But as
recipient countries seek to deflect inflows to other countries, they will have a tendency to
allow their assets to become more expensive through appreciation rather than depreciation of
their currencies. A cooperative equilibrium will result in more foreign exchange market
intervention to limit appreciation in inflow recipient countries. A two-instrument IT
framework will get the world closer to the cooperative equilibrium than a situation where
each country operates under unconstrained discretion, thus bringing the global configuration
of exchange rates closer to their multilaterally-consistent levels. This is a potentially
important side benefit of the two-instrument IT framework relative to the unconstrained Nash
equilibrium—not least because the informational requirements to implement discretionary
but coordinated policies in real time would be formidable.
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