30 Liberty Street
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone 732-738-6210
Fax 732-738-6211
Pumps, Parts, Systems, Engineering Services, Field & Shop Repairs, Upgrades
Pump and Motor Preventative
Maintenance Program
Thank you for this opportunity to provide your facility with a proactive Preventative
Maintenance Program.
As the demands on in-house manpower increase, “do more with less” mentality, we are
finding pumps and motors failing at alarming rates. The root cause for the increase has
been simply the lack of or contamination of lubricants. Thousands of dollars are spent to
repair equipment, which if properly lubricated and maintained would provide years of
Metro Pumps will Provide the Following Services:
Meet with you and/or your staff to determine your needs and goals
Complete an equipment survey using existing machinery records and a plant walk
Identify critical and non-critical equipment for the facility
Conduct a needs assessment for all equipment involved
Determine immediate repairs required prior to the start of the preventative
maintenance program
Design a program that meets the OEM’s recommendations for maintenance
The Following is an Example of the Work to be Performed to a Pump
and Motor During a Preventative Maintenance Visit:
Lock and tag out equipment
Record equipment data
Check all mounting and flange bolts to insure proper torque
Check equipment base for soundness
Visual inspection of pump grout for soundness
Check for mechanical seal leaks
Check condition of oil and grease seals
Check packing for excessive leakage and adjust and/or replace
Make sure all gauges are operational
Remove coupling guard, check alignment and correct as required
Lubricate coupling assembly as required
Lubricate pump and motor
Change oil on equipment as recommended by OEM
Ensure all auxiliary equipment is functioning properly
Put the unit into service, check bearing temperatures, listen and record any
mechanical or hydraulic noise
Make note on the field report of any findings that may require additional work
30 Liberty Street
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone 732-738-6210
Fax 732-738-6211
Pumps, Parts, Systems, Engineering Services, Field & Shop Repairs, Upgrades
Each preventative maintenance program is designed to meet the customer’s requirements.
We will work with you to ensure an economical solution to your maintenance issues.
Pump Maintenance Checklist
Description Comment
Daily Weekly Monthly Annually
Pump use
Turn off or sequence
unnecessary motors. X
Complete overall visual
inspection to be sure all
equipment is operating and
safety systems are in place.
Assure that all bearings are
lubricated per the
Check packing for wear and
repack as necessary.
Consider replacing packing
with mechanical seals.
Motor and
Align the pump/motor
coupling to allow for efficient
torque transfer to the pump.
Check and secure all pump
Inspect bearings and drive
belts for wear. Adjust, repair,
or replace as necessary.
Check the condition of the
motor through temperature
or vibration analysis to
assure long life.
30 Liberty Street
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone 732-738-6210
Fax 732-738-6211
Pumps, Parts, Systems, Engineering Services, Field & Shop Repairs, Upgrades
Pump Maintenance
The importance of pumps to the daily operation of buildings and processes necessitates a
proactive maintenance program, which incorporates a preventative and predictive maintenance
schedule. Most pump maintenance activities center on checking packing and mechanical seals
for leakage, performing maintenance activities on bearings, assuring proper alignment, and
validating proper motor condition and function without consideration for pump efficiency.
Improving efficiency will decrease both maintenance and operating costs.
Basic Measures to Improve Pump Efficiency
1. Shut down unnecessary pumps
2. Restore internal clearances if performance has changed
3. Trim or change impellers if head is higher than necessary
4. Control by throttle instead of running wide-open or bypassing flow
5. Replace oversized pumps
6. Use multiple pumps instead of one large one
7. Use a small booster pump
8. Change the speed of a pump for the most efficient match of horsepower requirements
with output. This also may be achieved by the installation of a variable speed drive.
Most Likely Candidates for Pump Efficiency Measures
Large Horsepower Pumps (25 HP or greater)
(Listed in order of decreasing potential)
1. Excessive pump maintenance — this is often associated with one of the following:
o Oversized pumps that are heavily throttled
o Pumps in cavitation
o Badly worn pumps
o Pumps that are misapplied for the present operation
2. Any pump system with large flow or pressure variations. When normal flows or
pressures are less than 75% of their maximum, energy is probably being wasted from
excessive throttling, large bypass flows, or operation of unneeded pumps.
3. Bypassed flow, either from a control system or deadhead protection orifices, is wasted
4. Throttled control valves. The pressure drop across a control valve represents wasted
energy that is proportional to the pressure drop and flow.
5. Fixed throttle operation. Pumps throttled at a constant head and flow indicate excessive
6. Noisy pumps or valves. A noisy pump generally indicates cavitation from heavy
throttling or insufficient net positive suction head available (NPSHa). Noisy control
valves or bypass valves usually mean a higher pressure drop with a corresponding high
energy loss.
30 Liberty Street
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone 732-738-6210
Fax 732-738-6211
Pumps, Parts, Systems, Engineering Services, Field & Shop Repairs, Upgrades
7. A multiple pump system. Energy is commonly lost from bypassing excess capacity,
running unneeded pumps, maintaining excess pressure, or having a large flow
differential between pumps.
8. Changes from design conditions. Changes in plant operating conditions (expansions,
shutdowns, etc.) can cause pumps that were previously well applied to operate at
reduced efficiency.
9. A piece of equipment requiring low-flow with high-pressure. This equipment may
require operation of the entire pump system.
10. Pumps with known overcapacity. Overcapacity wastes energy because more flow
is pumped at a higher pressure than required.
An equipment specialist will be in contact with you shortly to set up an appointment.