“The current situation at the southern border presents a border security and humanitarian crisis that threatens
core national security interests and constitutes a national emergency.” – President Donald J. Trump
LEGAL JUSTIFICATION: President Donald J. Trump is clearly justified in declaring a national
emergency and utilizing other statutory authorities to address the crisis at our border.
In declaring a national emergency, a President may invoke any of more than 100 available
statutory authorities. President Trump’s declaration invoked two:
o 10 U.S.C. § 12302 authorizes Department of Defense (DOD) officials to order the Ready
Reserve to active duty to address a national emergency.
o 10 U.S.C. § 2808 authorizes the Secretary of Defense to direct military construction
necessary to support the use of the Armed Forces in connection with a “national
emergency… that requires use of the armed forces.”
The President reasonably determined that the national emergency at the southern border
“require[d] use of the armed forces.”
o An emergency that “requires use of the armed forces” means the President has
determined that the armed forces are necessary to address the crisis.
o More than 5,000 troops are deployed at the border.
o DOD is now reviewing which emergency military construction projects, such as the
building of barriers, may be “necessary to support” the use of the Armed Forces.
o DOD is still in the process of making such determinations, so no funds have yet been
authorized for use.
Separate from the national emergency, the President invoked two other statutory authorities to
direct needed funds to the border.
o Congress expressly authorized the military to support Federal agencies in blocking
drug-smuggling corridors across international boundaries, using 10 U.S.C. § 284(b).
o Under 10 U.S.C. § 284(b)(7), the United States military may construct “fences and road
and [install] lighting … to block drug smuggling corridors across international
boundaries of the United States upon request from the responsible agency.
DHS has requested that DOD use this counterdrug authority to construct fencing
and roads and to install lighting in high-priority drug-smuggling corridors.
To devote additional resources to such construction, DOD will augment existing
counterdrug funds by transferring up to $2.5 billion from other DOD accounts.
DOD’s transfer authority is provided in section 8005 of the FY19 DOD
appropriations act.
In past years, DOD has relied upon its general transfer authority to reallocate up
to $4 billion from within the DOD budget.
o Under 31 U.S.C. § 9705(g)(4)(B), the Secretary of the Treasury may provide money from
the Treasury Forfeiture Fund to other agencies for use “in connection with the law
enforcement activities of any Federal agency.”
Treasury has identified about $601 million that will be made available to DHS for
use in law enforcement border security efforts.
PAST USES OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS: Presidents have regularly declared
national emergencies under the National Emergencies Act.
Presidents have declared nearly 60 national emergencies since the National Emergencies Act
was passed in 1976.
There were 31 ongoing national emergencies when President Trump declared the national
emergency at our border, bringing the total number currently in effect to 32.
o These ongoing national emergencies are reviewed every year by the Presidentand
renewed as appropriate.
In fact, President Obama declared a national emergency to deal with the threat of transnational
criminal organizations, including cartels operating on our southern border.
Presidents have regularly issued national emergency declarations to address problems
o President Clinton declared a national emergency in response to the blood diamond
trade in Sierra Leone.
o President Obama declared national emergencies related to situations in Somalia, Libya,
Yemen, Ukraine, South Sudan, Burundi, and more.
National emergencies have also been used to address problems domestically, such as when
President Obama declared a national emergency in response to the swine flu.
Between 2001 and 2013, DOD undertook 18 emergency military construction projects using the
same emergency construction authority President Trump has invoked.
FUNDING SOURCES: President Trump is using funds appropriated by Congress, funds
reallocated under statutory authority, and funds available when a national emergency is declared.
Nearly $8.1 billion has been identified as available, including:
o $1.375 billion appropriated by Congress
o $3.1 billion under other statutory authorities
o $3.6 billion in military construction funds available under a national emergency
These funding sources will be used sequentially and as needed, with the $1.375 from
appropriated funds used first, then the $3.1 billion from other statutory authorities, then the
$3.6 billion from military construction.
Only $3.6 billion of the nearly $8.1 billion is dependent on the President’s declaration of a
national emergency.
Under the President’s non-emergency statutory authority, $3.1 billion is available.
o $601 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund will be made available to support
border security.
The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to use funds in the Treasury
Forfeiture Fund not reserved for other purposes to support law enforcement
The $601 million will be available in two allocations, $242 million available
immediately and $359 million from future anticipated forfeitures.
o Up to $2.5 billion will be made available from DOD funds transferred to its FY 2019
Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities account.
This construction to support counterdrug activities will be used on land already
owned by the Federal Government.
Based on the President’s national emergency declaration, DOD is authorized to undertake
certain military construction projects using up to $3.6 billion in unobligated military
construction funding.
o DOD will ensure that high-priority projects with national security implications remain
funded. Family housing projects will remain funded.
o The Administration will ask Congress for new military construction funding for the
existing projects affected by this, so that no projects will be canceledonly delayed.
HOW FUNDS CAN BE USED: These funds will be available to help secure the border and protect
the safety and well-being of our country.
The potential projects that could be built using these funds include:
o Constructing new, 18 to 30 foot high steel primary pedestrian barriers in various areas.
o Replacing outdated pedestrian fencing and vehicle barriers with modern, 18 to 30 foot
high steel barrier.
o Constructing new secondary barriers to provide a patrol zone in between the secondary
and primary barriers.