The status and prospect on nature-based
solution in South Asia: A policy-based analysis
Shobha Poudel
*, Deepthi Wickramasinghe
, Mahua Mukherjee
Imon Chowdhooree
, Chimi Chimi
, Bhogendra Mishra
, Kumar Abhinay
Sudip Mitra
, Rajib Shaw
1 Research Department, Science Hub, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2 Faculty of Science, Zoology and Environment
Sciences, University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 3 Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 4 Postgraduate Programs in Disaster Management (PPDM), Brac
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 5 Architecture Department, College of Science and Technology, Royal
University of Bhutan, Phuntsholing, Bhutan, 6 Remote Sensing and GIS Department, Science Hub,
Kathmandu, Nepal, 7 Department of Architecture and Planning, Doctoral Research Scholar, Indian Institute
of Technology Roorkee, India, 8 Center for Disaster Management and Research, Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati, India, 9 Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Keio, Japan
South Asian countries face a disproportionate impact from disasters due to their unique
topography, poverty, low literacy rates, and socio-economic status. Human activities, such
as unplanned urbanization and poorly designed rural road networks, have further contrib-
uted to disasters in the region. The article explores the potential of nature-based solutions
(NbS) as a means of addressing these challenges through the integration of green, blue,
and grey infrastructure. The analysis evaluates the significance of NbS and examines poli-
cies and regional cooperation in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, highlight-
ing the importance of incorporating NbS into national policies and promoting collaboration
among these countries. The study identifies the current low implementation of NbS in South
Asia, with limited research in this area. While there are existing policy tools related to coastal
zone management, water, forest, and urban development, policies related to NbS should be
coherent, connected, and integrated with natural resources, climate change, disaster risk
reduction, and socio-economic growth to achieve sustainable development in the region.
Overall, the article emphasizes the need for effective policy implementation and research to
enhance resilience to climate change and promote sustainable development in South Asia.
1. Introduction
The practice of nature-based solutions (NbS) is getting global attention for a series of solutions
inspired by nature that support the idea of sustainable development by targeting economic
growth, strengthening social cohesion, and restoring degraded ecosystems [14]. NbS prom-
ises to limit the negative consequences of changed climatic variables and disaster risks, espe-
cially by utilizing the synergy of green (vegetation areas), blue (water bodies), and grey (built
environment) infrastructure that allows for the enjoyment of the benefits of preserving and
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Citation: Poudel S, Wickramasinghe D, Mukherjee
M, Chowdhooree I, Chimi C, Mishra B, et al. (2024)
The status and prospect on nature-based solution
in South Asia: A policy-based analysis. PLOS Clim
3(3): e0000289.
Editor: Bharath Haridas Aithal, Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur, INDIA
Received: June 12, 2023
Accepted: January 13, 2024
Published: March 4, 2024
Copyright: © 2024 Poudel et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All data are in the
manuscript and/or supporting information files. It
is based on the policy review, no additional data
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services [19] This idea highlights the need to incorpo-
rate NbS into national policies for combating climate change impacts and disaster risks in any
country, including the countries of South Asia. South Asia, due to its diverse topography,
changed climatic variables, high levels of poverty, political unrest conditions, unplanned
urbanization, low literacy rates, and challenged socio-economic status, is particularly suscepti-
ble to extreme events such as irregular rainfall, drought, extreme heat, flash floods, landslides,
earthquakes, rising sea levels, cyclones, salinity intrusion, and glacial lake outburst floods
(GLOFs) [1,1012]. The rapid growth of urbanization by changing the natural landscape
results in a reduction in biodiversity and ecosystem services, thereby exacerbating the impact
of disasters on its populations [5,13].
However, adoption of NbS in South Asia is currently low, and research on this topic is rare.
One of the possible reasons for this is the lack of attention given to NbS in public policy, which
fails to address the complexities of existing and projected vulnerabilities [12]. The objective of
this paper is to evaluate and analyze the NbS major policy documents of five South Asian
countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) (Fig 1) and investigate how much
Fig 1. Map of Study area. Source: Author generated map.
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the documents acknowledge the importance of NbS. These countries were chosen due to their
shared cultural, environmental, political, historical, and economic characteristics. As well as
these countries are the member countries of the South Asian Alliance of Disaster Research
Institutes (SAADRI). The paper emphasizes the importance of integrating NbS into the
national policies of these countries, as NbS helps to improve human resilience by mitigating
and adapting to climate change and addressing climate-related challenges and disaster risks
[6,14,15]. This paper identifies gaps in current policies and suggests to explore opportunities
for incorporating NbS through further research and implementation.
2. Importance of nature-based solution in South Asia
The South Asian region is highly susceptible to natural disasters, as previously discussed. Cli-
mate change and its related disasters are currently the most significant challenges in the area
[11], compounded by the increasing population, environmental and social issues, which weaken
adaptive capacity and have a severe impact on ecosystems and the provision of natural services
to humans. Several studies indicate that without action, the majority of the population will be at
high risk of climate change [16]. It is crucial for policymakers to incorporate sustainable disaster
risk resilience building through NbS into national policies and programs. NbS plays an essential
role in enhancing the resilience of vulnerable communities, biodiversity, and ecosystems.
In the late 2000s, the World Bank introduced the nature-based solutions (NbS) approach to
promote ecosystem-based methodologies in their projects aimed at addressing climate vulnera-
bility and increasing disaster risks [12]. The concept was later adopted by the European Com-
mission (EC) in their Horizon 2020 research program, with the aim of promoting the use of
NbS in growing urban sprawls and establishing Europe as a world leader in this area. Over time,
ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), urban natural infrastructure (UNI), urban green infrastruc-
ture (UGI), and ecosystem services (ESS) have been increasingly included and mainstreamed in
policymaking discussions and have become important topics in theoretical arguments [17].
Nature-based solutions (NbS) have gained significant attention in recent years as a strategy
for addressing various societal and environmental challenges, especially climate change, water
security, food security, human health, disaster risk reduction, and socio-economic develop-
ment. NbS includes diverse concepts such as green infrastructure, ecological engineering, eco-
logical restoration, forest landscape restoration, area-based conservation, ecosystem-based
management, natural infrastructure, ecosystem-based adaptation, ecosystem-based disaster
risk reduction, ecosystem-based mitigation, and climate adaptation services.
The importance of NbS has been recognized by international initiatives, including the UN
General Assembly’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, the Ramsar
Convention, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction [2,3,9,15]. NbS was one
of the five primary themes of 2021 UN climate conference (COP26) Day 7- Sticking points
and Nature-based solutions [1820].
Restoration of degraded landscapes using natural practices has proven to be more sustain-
able and effective than engineering solutions, as it involves the natural course of matter and
energy flow with solutions based on local and traditional knowledge that includes the under-
standing of periodic changes in ecosystems [21]. NbS has emerged as a sustainable and effi-
cient approach for rehabilitating degraded ecosystems and reducing climate and disaster risks,
as proved by established field-based experiences [14].
3. Study framework and methodology
This study employed the PRISMA2020 guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses to
investigate the scientific, policy, and practical aspects associated with nature-based solutions
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and ecosystem-based adaptation in five South Asian countries, namely Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka (S1 Checklist). A thorough search was conducted in google
scholar, ScienceDirect and Scopus, using a variety of relevant keywords, including "nature-
based solutions in South Asia," "nature-based resilience," "national policy," "nature-based solu-
tion," "science policy in South Asia," "ecosystem-based adaptation," "blue green infrastructure,"
and "regional cooperation," which led to the identification of over 1000 scholarly publications.
However, since the primary focus of this review was to examine the policies and their imple-
mentation details from the governments of these countries, the nature-based or ecosystem-
based adaptation policies were not included in the identified list. The authors noted that such
policies and relevant documents are often published in local languages and diverse formats,
such as Nepali documents in the "Preeti" font, which are not searchable online. To collect all
available policies in each country, all co-authors studied policies related to nature, natural
resource conservation, and management, and reviewed the relevant documents published by
the government agencies.
A total of 33 policy documents were identified, with Bangladesh (6), Bhutan (5), India (8),
Nepal (8), and Sri Lanka (6) each contributing to the list. All of the documents were thor-
oughly reviewed for this manuscript, and only policies related to the environment and natural
resources were considered (S1 Text). In the second stage, these policies were assessed and cate-
gorized into six distinct categories, namely Environment Policy (12), Water Policy (5), Land
Use and Land Cover Policy (6), Climate Change Policy (3), Disaster-related Policy (4), and
Other policies (3).
The third step involves evaluating the policies to determine whether they are effective, effi-
cient, and appropriate in addressing the identified problem. Additionally, this stage involves
assessing the level of synergy between the specific policy and other related policies that address
the same issue. This includes evaluating how the policy interacts with other policies and
actions aimed at resolving the problem.
In the fourth step, the policies were compared across the five countries to highlight their
core values, implementing agents, and the year of introduction. A policy matrix was then cre-
ated to map Nature-based Solutions (NbS) policies into the existing policies, followed by a
comparative analysis across the different countries. The analysis aimed to identify which poli-
cies were present in each country and those that were absent, helping to identify gaps and
strengths in the policies. For instance, some countries addressed water and forests in a single
policy, while others had separate policies. Based on the findings, recommendations were made
to address these gaps and leverage the strengths to improve policy coherence and effectiveness.
4. The key policy environment in South Asia
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)
have been considered in South Asia to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities. It is
recommended that these approaches should be integrated into plans and programs to effec-
tively address the impact of climate change. Furthermore, to fully realize the potential of
Nature-based solution, it is important to integrate it into existing national governance.
However, South Asia faces several governance challenges such as poor coordination and insti-
tutional arrangements, inadequate financial resources, and insufficient monitoring and imple-
mentation of plans and policies. To overcome these issues, it is crucial to address these
governance challenges and incorporate Nature-based solution into national governance. It is also
advisable for each country in South Asia to include Nature-based solution in their Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs). By incorporating nature-based solutions into their NDCs,
countries can mitigate the impact of disasters and increase their resilience to climate change.
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Case 4.1 Bangladesh
The vast floodplain and active delta, proximity to active seismic zones, and exposed and vast
coast have made Bangladesh naturally prone to many hazards. The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) also identifies it as one of the worst victims of climate change and
extreme events [22]. Along with preparing various plans, policies, and programs for addressing
disaster risks and impacts of climate change, the Government of Bangladesh prioritizes this
issue in all relevant plans, policies, and programs, believing in the concept of mainstreaming
disaster [23]. Nature-based solutions are often considered as sustainable measures for adapting
to climate change and reducing disaster risks [24,25]. In this context, major national policies
have been reviewed that acknowledge the components of Nature-based solution in
National water policy 1999. The National Water Policy 1999 aims to ensure efficient,
equitable, and decentralized management of surface and groundwater, to develop sustainable
water supply systems, considering water rights, water pricing, gender equity, and social justice
and to ensure public participation in water management with environmental awareness. As a
comprehensive document, it covers issues, like river-basin management, planning and man-
agement of water resources, water rights and allocation, public and private involvement, public
water investment, water supply and sanitation, water and agriculture, water and industry,
water and fisheries and wildlife, water and navigation, water for hydropower and recreation,
water for the environment, water for preserving various kinds of wetlands (ecological systems
and biodiversity), economic and financial management, research and information manage-
ment, and stakeholder participation. The document highlights the issue that most of the coun-
try’s environmental resources are linked to water resources and the continued development
and management of the nation’s water resources should include the protection, restoration,
and preservation of the environment and its biodiversity including wetlands, mangrove, and
other national forests, endangered species, and the water quality. The main target will be to
ensure environmental protection, restoration, and enhancement measures for preparing the
National Environmental Management Action Plan (NEMAP) and the National Water Man-
agement Plan (NWMP).
The document aims to protect natural waterbodies like rivers, swamps, marshlands, lakes,
ponds, canals, tanks, and estuaries from degradation due to man-made intervention. It recom-
mends developing water resources for conserving forestry and aquatic wildlife, and using riv-
ers for irrigation, fisheries, and navigation. It recommends massive afforestation for increasing
tree coverage in declining water tables, taking special measures to minimize disruption to the
natural aquatic environment, and planning water development projects to avoid environmen-
tal damage, maintain aquatic life movement, migration, and breeding, and ensure adequate
upland flow in water channels to maintain the coastal estuary eco-system.
National land use policy 2001. The National Land Use Policy 2001 aims to protect agri-
cultural lands for ensuring enough food production, to regulate non-agricultural uses of lands,
to prepare guidelines for ensuring the best use of lands based on their qualities, to ensure the
optimum utilizations of lands that are acquired for urbanization or any other development
projects, to preserve lands which can be used for future projects, to ensure the acceptable use
of lands considering the natural environment, to ensure the proper utilization of lands for
reducing poverty and increasing employment opportunities and to assist to minimize the
number of landless population. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of nature-based
solutions by increasing the forest cover and extending it to 25% of the total geographical area.
Coastal zone policy 2005. The Coastal Zone Policy 2005 aims to eliminate vulnerabilities
from natural hazards and preserve Critical Ecological Zones (CEZs). It focuses on socio-
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economic development, adaptation to changing climatic scenarios, and contribution to
national development. It includes components for economic growth, livelihood creation,
empowering communities, reducing vulnerabilities, ensuring women’s development, manag-
ing natural resources, and conserving and enhancing CEZ quality. However, science-based
strategies are not proposed for preserving and managing CEZ resources.
Disaster management policy 2015. The National Disaster Management Policy 2015 sug-
gests national approaches for reducing risks of all natural, environmental, and human induced
hazards and proposes strategies for managing any emergency condition so that sustainable
development can be ensured. It also portrays the broad national objectives for addressing the
impacts of climate change, unregulated urbanization, and environmental degradation. It sug-
gests changing the disaster management paradigm by focusing more on risk reduction, mitiga-
tion, and preparedness.
National forest policy 2016 (Draft). This policy admits the need of preserving the biodi-
versity and ecosystem for ensuring rational utilization of resources, reducing disaster risks and
adapting to climate change. Though it does not provide a definition for designating forest
areas it admits that the natural forest cover is decreasing. It primarily targets to increase the
forest cover to at least 20% of the country’s geographical area to address emerging environ-
mental challenges. Along with afforestation in various areas (natural forest areas, denuded
hilly areas, newly accreted inland river islands and coastal islands, roadside lands, etc.), expan-
sion and sustainable management of zoological and botanical gardens, arboretums and other
related categories of protected areas are proposed. But it did not propose anything for Ecolog-
ically Critical Area (ECA) s, whereas the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2013 asks
to declare ECAs and prepare management plans for those areas. The policy is also unaware of
the important issue of controlling Invasive Alien Species (IAS), Genetically Modified Organ-
isms (GMO), and the agreement signed with India for preserving the shared mangrove forest
of Sundarbans.
National environment policy 2018. It targets to have environment-friendly economic
development, sustainable production, and consumption and proposes science-based specific
strategies for different sectors, i.e. land resource management, water resource management, air
pollution control, safe food and water, agriculture, public health and health service, accommo-
dation housing, and urbanization, education and mass awareness, forest and wildlife, fisheries
and livestock, biodiversity-ecosystem conservation and biosafety, hill ecosystem, coastal and
marine ecosystem, disaster management, climate change preparedness and adaptation, man-
agement of chemical substances, other pollution control, ecotourism, industrial development,
energy and mineral resources, communication and transportation, science research informa-
tion and communication technologies, and human resources management.
Case 4.2 Bhutan
Bhutan being one of the Himalayan countries, it is extremely exposed to the adverse impacts
of climate change and its disasters due to its fragile mountainous environment. Moreover,
with the economic development of the country, there is more human intervention in nature
triggering more natural disasters like landslides and flood. Therefore, Nature-based solution
strategies are emphasized in all the national policies, strategies and guidelines, which is moni-
tored under the umbrella of National Environment Commission [26].
To achieve ecologically balanced sustainable development, Article 5 of the Constitution of
the Kingdom of states that the country should maintain a minimum of 60% of forest cover for
all the time [26]. Thus, Environment conservation has become one of the four pillars of the
country’s Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy. This is reinforced by a Bhutanese
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belief of actual development takes place only when socio- economic, spiritual and environ-
mental well-being complement and reinforce each other [27]. Today, all the developmental
activities of different scale, including five-year plans are assessed and monitored based on
GNH indicators, where environmental indicators must be fulfilled [28].
Bhutan water policy 2007. The Bhutan water policy calls for integrated water resource
management and provides directive to protect all forms of water resources and water related
problems. It comprises principles of environmental conservation, integrated water resources
management, economic efficiency and good governance. This policy seeks comprehensive
watershed management soil conservation, watershed area protection, protection and incre-
ment of forests area to reduce flood related disaster [28]. It also assured all Bhutanese people to
have access to adequate, safe, and affordable water to enhance the quality of their lives as
enshrined in Water Act of Bhutan, 2011 [29].
National forest policy of Bhutan 2009. Bhutan has been gifted with a rich forest cover
and renewable natural resources. The forest policy 1974 has been successful in conservation
and protection as per the Forest Act of 1969 [30]. With change of emphasis in forest manage-
ment Forest policy 2009 focus on balancing conservation with sustainable utilization guided
by Article 5 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan [29]. This policy is framed flexible
manners that can be adapt and support on-going changes. Bhutan also ensured to maintain
minimum of 60% of country’s land area under forest cover for all time as per 1974 policy and
later included in the Constitution of Bhutan [30].
Climate change policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2020. Being highly vulnerable to the
consequences of climate change, Bhutan endeavors to achieve healthy and ecologically bal-
anced sustainable development in accordance with GNH’s Middle path philosophy aligned
with National Environmental Protection Act 2007. This policy focus on having carbon neutral
development which can be implemented with effective and coordinated actions. This policy
also tries to protect the wellbeing of the people by adapting to climate change by addressing
the challenges at appropriate levels [31].
Economic development policy 2016. With the Bhutan’s vision of a green and self-reliant
economy. It intends to ensure green and sustainable economic development while developing
Brand Bhutan theme [32]. All the strategies in this policy ensures to have environmental sus-
tainability through diverse economic base with minimal ecological footprint; harness and add
value to natural resources in a sustainable manner; promote Bhutan as an organic brand by
reducing dependency on fossil fuel [32].
National Human Settlement Policy of Bhutan (NHSPB) 2019 and National Housing
Policy (NHP) 2019. With rapid socio-economic development leading to adverse impacts on
environment and cultural landscape triggering climate change induced disaster risks and
rural-urban migration, NHSPB 2019 intends to guide development of human settlements by
providing framework of environmentally sustainable, culturally and economically vibrant and
disaster resilient human settlement plans [33] supported by Bhutan National Urbanization
Strategy (BNUS) 2008 and Bhutan National Human Settlement Strategy (BNHSS) 2017 [33].
This ensures to balance rapid urbanization and protect fragile ecology though limiting conver-
sion of farmland and forests for infrastructure developments. It also guides to protect
encroachment of environmentally sensitive and disaster-prone areas as per the Land Act of
Bhutan. Further the NHP 2019 ensures all housing development projects to put efforts in pre-
serving local ecosystems with adequate monitoring to have minimal disturbance on it without
compromising on community vitality [33].
Bhutan prioritized focusing on SDG 13—Climate Action and SDG 15- Life on Land as per
Comprehensive development plan of Bhutan 2030 [33]. Thus, the entire above listed policies
act as guiding principles to achieve sustainable socio-economic development of the country
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aligned with international commitments on implementing 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Case 4.3 India
India being the largest country in the south Asian region with the maximum population in the
world which is approximately 1.4 billion, faces great threats from the natural disasters and
adversities of climate change. India’s natural resources like water, air, and soil are under exten-
sive pressure due to the huge population and are additionally being impacted by climate change.
India is facing issues of urban heat island [34], drought [35], urban flooding, water, and air pol-
lution change in precipitation patterns, soil erosion, and slope destabilization [36] due to alter-
ation and depletion in the natural system and green covers, especially in urban areas of India.
Nature-based solutions using a mix of gray and green infrastructure [5] could be very effective
and have been proven to be effective in various cases in India. A successful example of the
implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to achieve resilience has been seen in the case
of Gurugram through the concept of “Greening cities” including eco-corridors, vegetation belts,
biodiversity parks to tackle against the adversities like UHI, air pollution and water stress [5].
Some of the major policies linked to Nature-based resilience are discussed below.
National forest policy, 1988. The National Forest Policy was articulated in 1988 for the
management of state forests in the country sighting to the severe depletion of forests in then-
recent periods. It aimed to have a minimum of one-third of the total plains and two-thirds of
the total hills under the forest cover through eco-centric approach. It also focused on the
involvement of the local community in promoting afforestation along with joint programs like
society forestry and farm forestry. The policy also brought the perspective of education and
research on the importance and management of forests into the mainstream. As a result of this
policy, the forest cover increased in the nation from around 19% in 1987 to over 23% [37] in
National water policy 2012. The National Water Policy was first adopted by National
Water Resource Council (NWRC) in 1987 and was revised in 2002 with the aim to ensure the
minimum flow in perennial streams maintaining ecology and social considerations. The
Water Policy, 2002 also brought the concept of “polluter pays”[38] into the picture to bring
accountability towards water resources and the related ecosystem.
The latest National Water Policy 2012 was to cope with the threat of Climate change on
water resources and maintain ecological sustainability. The policy addressed the threat of Cli-
mate change on water resources through the National Water Mission, which was one of the
eight missions launched by GoI [38]. The new policy also highlighted the threat of urbaniza-
tion and industrial developments to the natural aquifers and water bodies and suggested to
keep a check on them.
National conservation strategy and policy statement on environment and development,
1992. The policy established certain priorities and strategies for action which indirectly pro-
moted nature-based solutions to enhance the resilience in society. Classification and zoning of
land based on the uses were suggested to ensure the forest cover, agriculture, catchment area,
grasslands, etc. Traditional knowledge like contour trenching, contour bounding, small stor-
ages, and catchments, of minimizing soil and run-off losses were to be promoted extensively
throughout the country. Conservation of wetlands was directed to ensure sustainable ecologi-
cal and economic benefits. Green belts with pollution-tolerant species were to be raised to
tackle the issue of air pollution [39].
National environment policy, 2006. The National Environment Policy intended to inte-
grate environmental concerns into all forms of development. The seven objectives of this
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policy emphasize the wise use of the environment to protect the natural resources and envi-
ronment as well as focuses on the equitable and efficient distribution of natural resources [40].
The policy also established fourteen principles. These principles require that the services of
environmental resources be given economic value, and such value to count with the economic
values of other goods and services, in the analysis of alternative courses of action. One of the
principles also repeats the concept of “polluter pays” with more legal liability to achieve eco-
nomic efficiency and sustainable use of natural resources at the same time. The NEP 2006 also
formulated strategies and actions to establish Environmentally Sensitive Zones, use of eco-
nomic principles in environmental decision-making, enhance and conserve environmental
resources and check the degradation of land, deserts, forests, wetlands, and water bodies.
National policy on disaster management, 2009. The National Policy on Disaster Man-
agement (NPDM) was created in compliance with the Disaster Management Act, 2005. The
Policy covers all facets of disaster management, including institutional, legal, and financial
arrangements; preparedness for, and mitigation of, disasters; a techno-legal framework;
response, relief, and rehabilitation; reconstruction and recovery; building capacities; and
knowledge management and research and development (National Disaster Management
Authority, 2009). The policy intended to encourage mitigation measures based on technology
mixed with traditional knowledge to achieve environmental sustainability. A special highlight
on the nature-based traditional knowledge of mitigating and managing risks was given in the
policy. Such nature-based resilience against flooding, slope destabilization, biodiversity degra-
dation, and water and air pollution could be very useful and hence needs to be promoted.
National Agroforestry Policy, 2014. The National Agroforestry Policy was launched in
2014 which creates the framework for the nation’s targeted national policy and appropriate
institutional architecture for promoting agroforestry as a tool to mitigate the impacts of cli-
mate change [41]. The main objectives of the policy were to (i) to create a National Agrofor-
estry Mission or Agroforestry Board to implement the National Policy, (ii) improve the
productivity; employment, income, and livelihood opportunities of rural households, espe-
cially women and children, (iii) enhance the effectiveness of the National Agroforestry Mis-
sion, (iv) to promote agroforestry through incentives and government support.
National Urban Policy Framework (NUPF), 2020. The core of the policy lies with the 10
principles of the policy which emphasize the implementation of nature-based solutions as a
tool to achieve sustainable urbanization [42]. Further, the urban areas are classified into 10
functional areas based on the field of interventions. Under the environmental sustainability
functional area of the policy, it suggests expanding the green spaces as a tool of resilience
against issues like air pollution and urban heat island. The preservation and conservation of
lands with significant environmental functions, such as those designated as national parks,
wildlife sanctuaries, reserve forests, or eco-sensitive zones, as well as regulating land use for the
aforementioned areas to lessen land-use conflicts or adverse environmental impacts, are some
pertinent policy goals that align with the NbS approach.
Recent Initiatives in India. Apart from this, several initiatives and programs like MISHTI
(Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes), 2023 with the objective of
exploring the possible area for development, sharing best practices on plantation techniques,
conservation measure, management practices for mangroves has been started by GOI.
Another such scheme named, Amrit Dharohar, 2023 encompasses promoting the conserva-
tion of wetlands to enhance the bio-diversity, carbon stock, ecotourism and economy genera-
tion for the local communities. National Afforestation Programme (NAP), 2019, was a similar
program which aimed to restore and afforest degraded forests and non-forest lands to increase
forest and tree cover while sequestering carbon and improving local livelihoods. The Green
India Mission (GIM), 2014, focused on restoring ecosystems, afforestation, and biodiversity
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conservation to improve the quality and extent of forest and tree cover in the country. Namami
Gange (Clean Ganga Mission), 2014 was a mission that focused on cleaning and rejuvenating
the Ganges River by promoting afforestation along the river’s bank and also through sustain-
able river management practices.
Case 4.4 Nepal
The mountainous country Nepal is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. Fre-
quently occurring natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires and thunder-
storms are weakening the ecosystem of the country. Similarly, the increasing number of
natural hazards such as landslides and floods [43] are causing large number of lives and eco-
nomic losses every year. In addition to that, there is always a high risk of Glacier Lake outburst
floods (GLOFs), avalanches and epidemics. The heterogeneous topography with young moun-
tain ranges is fragile to heavy monsoon rainfall leading to a wide range of geological and
hydro-meteorological disasters across the country [5]. Several types of research have shown
that haphazard development and human intervention in the environment contribute to the
increased number of natural disasters [6]. And on the other hand, human behavior may also
play an imperative role in resilience building to disasters. Nature-based solution is one of the
measures to adapt to changing climate and frequently occurring natural disasters. In this con-
text, managing disaster risk through Nature-based solution should be emphasized in all the
programs and policies of the government of Nepal. Here, we reviewed the major national poli-
cies and programs that acknowledge the importance of Nature-based solution in Nepal.
National Water Resource Policy 2020. The National Water Resources Policy 2020 has
been released with a long-term vision of promoting equitable and sustainable development of
water resources for economic prosperity and social transformation through multi-purpose
uses [44]. The primary objective of the policy is to achieve economic prosperity and social
transformation by conserving, enhancing, and utilizing the available water resources in a sus-
tainable manner. Additionally, the policy aims to develop and use water resources while reduc-
ing water-induced disasters and minimizing the negative impacts on the economy, society,
and environment. By prioritizing integrated water resource management and multi-purpose
use of water resources, the policy aims to maximize the benefits derived from these resources
while minimizing negative impacts.
Nepal Climate Change Policy 2019. Nepal’s climate change policy was initially formu-
lated in 2011 and replaced by the latest policy in 2019 [45]. One of the objectives of Nepal’s cli-
mate change policy is to build the resilience of ecosystems that are at risk of adverse impacts of
climate change. Nepal Climate Change Policy aims to reduce the vulnerability to climate
change enhancing the climate change adaptation capacity of local people to utilize the maxi-
mum products and services provided by natural resources and their efficient management
[45]. The main strategies of climate change policy are: agro-forestry development in sloppy
and low-grade forest areas and riverbeds that are affected by climate-induced risk; to formulate
the action plan and implement it to conserve rare and endangered wildlife and plants as well
as sensitive ecosystems that are at risk of climate change.
National Land use policy 2015. Land use policy 2015 prioritizes and focuses on to pre-
paring green certificates through map-survey and demarcation of forest and Reserves Areas. It
also stresses on the protection of Churia Bhabhar Hill Areas that provides abandoned natural
resources to the Tarai region of Nepal. Relocation of the human settlement that is in the hill
areas having low productivity and high risk of natural disasters is another priority of the policy.
The principle of sustainable development is adopted in development works to keep a balance
between land, environment and development in view of the impact of climate change.
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National policy for disaster risk reduction 2018. This policy came into effect after the
approval of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management National Council as per the man-
date of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2017. The goal of this policy is to
reduce disaster mortality and the number of affected people substantially, increase resiliency
by reducing disaster damage to means of livelihoods as well as critical infrastructures and dis-
ruption of basic services such as agriculture, industry, roads, communication, water supply
and sanitation, education and health facilities, and reduce direct disaster economic loss. It
focuses on participatory disaster risk management and resilience-building especially commu-
nity-based disaster risk reduction activities by the maximum utilization of local knowledge,
skill, recourses and materials.
National Wetland policy 2003. Nepal has formulated the National Wetland Policy in
2003 to conserve and manage wetlands resources wisely and in a sustainable way with local
people’s participation [46]. Nepal has various types of wetlands that cover almost 5.5% of the
total land. The major objective of the policy is to identify local people’s knowledge, skill and
practice regarding wetlands and promote their innovations and traditional research for the
sustainable use of wetlands resources. Furthermore, it focuses on the integration of scientific
knowledge and technology to identify the wetlands and prepare detailed management plans
for each of them to prevent the degradation and disappearance of wetlands in Nepal. Nepal
has shown its commitment to wetlands conservation, especially the conservation of waterfowl
habitats of international importance, by signing the Ramsar Treaty 1971.
Rangeland policy 2012. The "Rangeland policy 2012" is published in 2012 by the Ministry
of Agricultural Development [47]. It has defined rangeland as natural pastureland that
includes grasslands and shrublands. The National Rangeland Policy 2012 has recommended to
establish various rangeland management institutions at the ministry, departmental, district
and user levels with their corresponding roles and responsibilities. It aims to increase the qual-
ity and productivity of range land and increase the industry based on range land as well as
increase biodiversity through the protection.
National Agroforest policy 2019. The national agroforest policy has been implemented
to promote the farmers to practice the integrated practices of agriculture, livestock and forest
activity on the same piece of land [48]. The major objectives of the policy include: increasing
the productivity of land through the multipurpose use of land, conserving the environment
and biodiversity by reducing the pressure over forests, enhance the climate resilience ecosys-
tem. Similarly, it aims to increase income generation along with food security in marginalized
communities, promote research and development in the agroforestry field and increase the
investment opportunities in agroforestry to contribute in the national economy.
Case 4.5 Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southern tip of India. As in
many other countries, impacts of climate change are increasingly felt in and experienced by Sri
Lanka. Although a natural phenomenon, climate change is augmented by various anthropo-
genic activities. The island is experiencing a wide array of natural hazards including two
extreme events of the water cycle, namely floods and drought caused by uneven rainfalls
[49,50]. In general, reports indicate that the annual mean surface air temperature has been
increasing in many parts of the country. On the contrary, studies identify that precipitation
has been declining in most districts in the island [5153].
Impacts of rainfall induced landslides are sometimes accelerated by unsustainable human
activities [54]. Sri Lanka frequently faces disturbances in the atmosphere that include winds
and tropical cyclones [55]. The risk of disasters is linked with many environmental issues
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including the rapid deforestation, destruction of natural habitats involving coastal and inland
wetlands, land degradation and over-extraction of resources [5658]. Cascading effects and
compounded impacts of diverse disasters together with poverty affect the capacity of disaster
preparedness and reduce the risk of future hazard events.
Increasing preparedness to impacts of climate change and adopt mitigatory measures while
meeting the Millennium Development Goals could be challenging for a developing country
such as Sri Lanka. Yet, country’s rich natural habitats and ecosystems could present “regret-
free” solutions. Against this backdrop, Nature based solutions could offer an attractive and
cost-effective, solution to reduce disaster risks and promote climate change mitigation and
adaptation. Even though being an emerging concept, NbS have developed in some countries
as a promising concept and practice to address societal issues. Therefore, analysis of polices
related to environment and development provides policy makers a powerful tool to under-
stand whether NbS are incorporated sufficiently.
National Environmental Policy (NEP) (2003). Sri Lanka’s National Environmental Pol-
icy (NEP) which was introduced in 2003 by the Ministry of Environment and Mahaweli Devel-
opment, has become a main guide for the environmental conservation and sustainable
development in the country. However, as policies need to be revived periodically, the Ministry
currently is in the process of revising and further develop the policy.
The Constitution of Sri Lanka emphasizes that the duty of every person to protect nature
and conserve its components. The NEP recognizes the essential need to conserve the island’s
rich ecosystems and environment and pursues to provide necessary guidance to identify, plan
and execute steps in order to different aspects of the environment, namely land, water, atmo-
sphere and living (biodiversity) components. Thus, this Policy is supported by many other pol-
icies and strategies developed for other sectors.
Nowhere in this policy mentions about NbS directly. Yet, there are various secondary direc-
tives mentioned that could help and enhance NbS.
Land and Water
The policy emphasizes a special protection provided for highly erodible areas, inland and coastal,
and areas prone to landslides. It also mentions the need of catchment conservation of water main-
taining existing natural vegetation and adopting other conservation measures as appropriate. Pro-
tection of wetlands to support their ecological functions is emphasized.
Biological Diversity
Under this section restoring degraded ecosystems, conservation of high priority forests where
important habitats and biodiversity exist, adequate protection given to key coastal and marine
ecosystems are mentioned. All species of fauna and flora that are threatened, including the
wild relatives of cultivated species have gained special attention.
National policy on protection and conservation of water sources, their catchments and
reservations in Sri Lanka (2014). This policy was prepared by the Ministry of Land and
Land Development with adequate emphasis paid on micro catchments which include rivers
and streams, their reservations and their spouts and flood plains of the rivers. In addition, nat-
ural or manmade tanks and reservoirs and shallow lakes (villu), their reservations and “imme-
diate catchments” of these habitats are to be protected.
The policy emphasizes that as global warming, other climatic changes and the natural disas-
ters could affect water sources and accordingly, when formulating future strategies for conser-
vation adequate attention should be paid to include management measures. The document
also recommends identifying the institutions which contribute directly or indirectly for the
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protection and conservation of the areas related to the water sources and establishing a
National Level Operational Committee.
National Land Use Policy of Sri Lanka (2012). This policy focuses on the sustainable
management of land resources. Many recommendations are presented in relation to the pro-
tection, conservation and improvement of the quality of natural resources,
The policy places high priority on natural forests which have a high biological and hydro-
logical value and other forests with multiple uses are to be protected. All such natural vegeta-
tion will be managed through management plans based on bio-diversity conservation
Land in landslide prone areas should be developed with adequate care and appropriate con-
servation measures to be taken. River catchments receive a special attention together with con-
servation and management of wetlands. Another salient feature in this policy is its concern
over natural disasters in the coastal zone. Appropriate zoning with regulated activities will be
demarcated to conserve such areas.
National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) 2012. The NCCP communicates broad
national policy statements to ameliorate the impacts and challenges of climate change. The
preamble to the NCCP recognizes that present and future generations will have to live with cli-
mate change and the vulnerability of developing countries such as Sri Lanka due to inadequate
adaptive capacity.
The major points that have been elaborated is to maintain ecosystems stability, conserva-
tion of water resources and biodiversity. The policy recommends taking action to minimize
the impacts on water resources due to erratic precipitation patterns temperature rise and sea
water rise.
The document highlights the essential need of enhancing climate change resilience of natu-
ral ecosystems and its diversity.
National policy on Disaster Management (2013). The Disaster Management Act No 13
of 2005 (DM Act) provides the basis for the current disaster management approach.
Unfortunately, this policy doesn’t pay adequate attention to NbS and focusses only on disas-
ter management. It emphasizes that during pre-disaster phase the highest priority will be
accorded to early warning, preparedness for response, mitigation, prevention, awareness and
training. The policy advises on formulation and issuance of early warning for many disasters.
Highest priority during a disaster will be placed on to save and protect life and environment.
5. Comparison among countries
The nature-based solutions are more effective, eco-friendly and sustainable in nature and
require a comparatively very less initial investment and almost no operational cost. The World
is now concentrating more on green interventions and nature-based solutions and investing a
lot in the field and projects. The countries of South Asia do not have direct policies related to
Nature-based solutions and resilience; still, they have aptly emphasized the nature-based solu-
tions to be incorporated in various policies related to environmental protection, water man-
agement, land utilization, disaster management and others. Table 1 shows the major policies
from the five nations, i.e., Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, related to the envi-
ronment, water, land use, disaster management and others that have incorporated or
highlighted the use of nature-based solutions to achieve resilience.
Bangladesh, in its National Water Policy, 1999 emphasized preserving and maintaining
water bodies and resources with natural intervention to achieve biodiversity sustainability.
The policy also outlined afforestation as one of the measures to conserve natural resources and
biodiversity. The National Land Use Policy, 2001 of Bangladesh targeted to achieve 25% forest
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cover of the total geographic area. As discussed above, other policies related to NbS in Bangla-
desh have also focused on incorporating nature-based solutions to enhance resilience to the
degradation of natural resources and natural disasters. The prime objective of these policies
has been to keep a balance between economic development and environmental sustainability.
Similarly, Bhutan has also been proactive in mentioning the NbS as a tool to attain environ-
mental sustainability and quality of life for its citizens. They have targeted maintaining about
6% of their total geographic area under forest cover. The Economical Development Policy,
2016, advocates economic development with a minimal ecological footprint. The policy on
human settlement and housing intend to ensure a culturally and economically vibrant disas-
ter-resilient human settlements plan without compromising the environmental sustainability
of the nation.
India, the largest country in terms of geographical area, population and diversity in the
South Asian region, faces challenges ranging from almost all-natural disasters, huge popula-
tion density and urbanization since its independence. India has seen rapid growth in terms of
urbanization and infrastructure development in the recent few decades, which has severely
impacted the natural resources of India. The Indian policymakers have been aware of this
beforehand and were considering using natural solutions to issues like water resource manage-
ment, air quality management and disaster resilience. The focus on the use of NbS in policies
started in the late 1980s with a major focus on preserving and maintaining the forest cover of
the nation to conserve biodiversity and environmental and ecological balance. The National
Table 1. Policy Matrix from the selected countries.
Country Environment Policy Water Policy LULC Policy Climate Change
Bangladesh Coastal zone policy 2005
National Forest Policy 2016
National Environment Policy
National Water Policy 1999 National Land use
Policy 2001
National Disaster
Management Policy
2008 (Draft)
Bhutan Bhutan Water Policy, 2007 National Forest
Policy of Bhutan
Climate Change
Policy of the
Kingdom of
Bhutan 2020
National Human
Settlement Policy of
Bhutan (NHSPB)
Development Policy,
India National Conservation
Strategy and Policy Statement
on environment and
development, 1992
National Forest Policy, 1988
National Environmental
Policy, 2006
National Agroforestry Policy,
National Water Policy (1987,
2002, 2012)
National Land
utilization policy
(Draft), 2013
National Urban
Policy Framework
(NUPF), 2020
National Policy on
Management, 2009
Nepal National Wetland Policy
National Rangeland Policy
National Agroforestry policy
National Water Resource Policy
National Land use
policy 2015
Climate Change
Policy 2019
National Policy for
Disaster Risk
Reduction 2018
Sri Lanka
National environmental
policy and strategies 2003
National Policy on Protection
and Conservation of Water
Sources, their Catchments and
Reservations in Sri Lanka
National Land Use
Policy of Sri Lanka
The National
Climate Change
Policy of Sri
National policy on
Sri Lanka Energy
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Forest Policy 1988 paved the path of achieving 23% forest cover in 25 from 19% in 1987. The
national water policy of India has majorly focused on using a mix of gray and green infrastruc-
ture to manage water bodies and ensure water availability to its citizens. Other policies on
disaster management, environment, and afforestation have highlighted the ability of nature-
based solutions to achieve resilience from natural disasters, improved air-water-soil quality, a
tool against the adverse effects of Climate Change and hence, recommends adopting the NbS
as much as possible.
Major policies related to NbS in Nepal have been majorly focused on achieving resilience to
natural disasters and the effects of Climate Change due to its higher vulnerability and expo-
sure. Nepal is one of the most upfront nations from the South Asian region in terms of incor-
porating NbS to achieve resilience in its national policies. The National adaptation
proclamation (NAPA), 2010 identified cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholders and multi-criteria
adaptations likely to be the Nature-based solution approaches. The Nepalese policy on climate
change recommended environmentally friendly strategies, such as agro-forestry in sloppy and
low-grade forest areas and riverbeds. Nepal’s National Land use policy governs assessing the
high-risk hilly regions with human settlements and relocating them to safer locations. Nepal
also has a dedicated policy for conserving and managing wetlands. Wetlands are a tool against
the adverse effects of climate change and regulate the water and air quality, flood and drought
prevention, providing habitat to several species and livelihood opportunities to the nearby
Sri Lanka, also, like other countries in the South Asian region, does not have a direct men-
tion of NbS in their policies but indirectly promotes the application of NbS against landslide
and soil erosion and water conservation for maintaining existing natural vegetation. The Sri
Lankan National Environmental Policy of 2003 emphasized the conservation of high-priority
forest that supports biodiversity and provides habitat to several flora and fauna. The policy
also advocates the protection of wetlands and the promotion of nature-based tourism. The
National Policy on Protection and Conservation of Water Sources, their Catchments and Res-
ervations in Sri Lanka (2014) emphasizes the protection of the river catchments and small
water bodies through management measures as a preparatory solution to the impending
effects of global warming and changing climate. The National land Use Policy of Sri Lanka pri-
oritizes the conservation of natural forests because of their high biological and hydrological
value. Policy Matrix from the selected countries is shown in Table 1 and Policy and NbS link-
age is shown in Table 2.
Though these nations of the South Asian region have incorporated NbS mostly indirectly in
their policies, there is a dire need to have focused and dedicated policies on Nature-based Solu-
tions to achieve resilience and environmental sustainability. The dedicated policies will pro-
mote the implementation of NbS in the development projects which are lagging at the current
time. The position of the South Asian countries, in terms of the number of projects approved
in the DRM portfolio and the amount of investment in project Components Containing
Nature-based Solutions, is far below that in cases of Africa & the Middle East and East Asia &
the Pacific.
6. Need for regional cooperation on science and policy practice
The broader aim of this paper is to pinpoint opportunities for enhancing decision-making and
integrating actions by optimizing the structure and organization of different institutes and pol-
icies that use concepts of NbS and to learn from each other. In South Asia, the governments
are investing in disaster risk reduction and improving response capabilities at various levels.
To integrate these efforts, the NbS should be included in the objectives and action plans of the
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Table 2. Policy and nature based solution linkages.
Country Policy Target resource NbS Linkage
National Water Policy 1999 Water and water-side
• Protection of natural waterbodies from degrading due to any man-
made intervention or action
• Management of all types of water resources, including protection,
restoration, and preservation of the environment and biodiversity of
wetlands, mangroves, and other natural forests, natural habitats of
aquatic vegetation, wild life, and aquatic wild life
• Maintenance of natural drainage, water flow, and water quality
• Maintenance of the coastal estuary eco-system is threatened by the
intrusion of salinity from the sea
National Land Use Policy 2001 Land, Water, and Forest • Uses of land resources, considering the natural environment of the
• Control of unregulated use of lands for agricultural and non-
agricultural purposes
• Targets to increase the forest cover to 25% of the country’s
geographical area
Maintaining the natural water quality of all natural water sources
Coastal Zone Policy 2005 All Natural Resources of
Coastal Area
• Preservation and improvement of the quality of the Critical
Ecological Zones (CEZ) of coastal areas
Mitigation of the gradual deterioration of the natural environment
due to climate change impacts and anthropogenic causes
Disaster Management Policy 2015 Life, Livelihood and
• Mitigation of the impacts of climate change, unregulated
urbanization, and environmental degradation
National Forest Policy 2016 (Draft) Forest • Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems for ensuring rational
utilization of resources
• Targets to increase the forest cover to at least 20% of the country’s
geographical area
• Expansion and sustainable management of zoological and botanical
gardens, arboretums and other related categories of protected areas
National Environment Policy 2018 All-natural Resources • Science-based specific approaches for land resource management,
water resource management, air pollution control, safe food and water
consumption, agricultural practices, forest and wildlife conservation,
fisheries and livestock production, biodiversity-ecosystem
conservation and biosafety, coastal and marine ecosystem, disaster
risk reduction, climate change preparedness and adaptation,
management of chemical substances, other pollution control etc.
Water Policy, 2007 Water, Land, Forest Calls for Integrated Water Resource management.
Seeks Comprehensive watershed management, soil conservation and
water related disaster.
National Forest Policy of Bhutan, 2009 Forest, renewable
• Maintain 60% of country land under forest cover.
• Balance conservation and sustainable utilization of forest resources.
Climate Change Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan,
Environment, Livelihood
and Well-beingness
• Achieve healthy and ecologically balanced sustainable development
• Focus on having carbon neutral development
• Safeguard the welfare of people by addressing climate change
challenges with appropriate levels.
Economic Development Policy, 2016 Environment, Economy • Ensure green and sustainable economic development
• Ensure environmental sustainability through diverse economic base
with minimal ecological footprint
National Human Settlement Policy of Bhutan
(NHSPB) 2019
Livelihood, Well-
beingness, Environment
• Guides developments by providing environmentally sustainable,
culturally and economically vibrant and disaster resilient human
settlement plans
• Balance urbanization and protect fragile ecology though limiting
conversion of farmland and forests.
• Protect encroachment of environmentally sensitive and disaster-
prone areas
National Housing Policy (NHP) 2019 Livelihood, Well-
beingness, Environment
• Preserve local ecosystems with adequate monitoring and minimal
disturbance without compromising community vitality
(Continued )
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Table 2. (Continued)
Country Policy Target resource NbS Linkage
National Forest Policy, 1988 Forest • An ecology-centric approach for protection, management, and
raising the forest cover.
National Water Policy, 1987, 2002, and 2012 Water • Conservation of water through green and grey infrastructure was
introduced and emphasized.
National Conservation Strategy and Policy
Statement on Environment and
Development, 1992
Water, Land, and Forest • Classification and zoning of land under forest cover, agriculture,
catchment area, and grasslands.
National Environment Policy, 2006 All-natural Resources • Establishment of Environmentally Sensitive Zones.
National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009 Life, Livelihood and
• Encourage mitigation measures based on technology mixed with
traditional knowledge to achieve environmental sustainability
National Agroforestry Policy, 2014 Food and Land • Promoting agroforestry as a tool to mitigate the impacts of climate
National Urban Policy Framework (NUPF), 2020 Air, land, well-beingness • Expanding the green spaces as a tool of resilience against issues like
air pollution and urban heat island designated as national parks,
wildlife sanctuaries, reserve forests, or Eco-sensitive zones
National Water Resource Policy 2020 Water and water-side
• Sustainable development and multipurpose use of water resources.
• Sustainably conserve, manage and to carry out multipurpose
development of available water resources to contribute to the
economic prosperity and social transformation of the country
• Minimize the impact of water induced disasters and maintenance of
natural drainage, water flow, and water quality
Nepal Climate Change Policy 2019 Ecosystem, Land, Water,
and Forest
• Build the resilience of ecosystems that are at risk of adverse impacts
of climate change
• Utilize the maximum products and services provided by natural
resources and their efficient management
• Agro-forestry development in sloppy and low-grade forest areas and
riverbeds that are affected by climate-induced risk
• Watershed and landscape management
National Land Use Policy 2015 Forest, Reserve Area and
• Preparation of green certificates through map-survey and
demarcation of forest and Reserves Area
• Keep a balance between land, environment and development in view
of the impact of climate change.
National Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2018 Life, Livelihood resilience
and Well-beingness
• Enhance resilience by disaster damage to means of livelihood,
community-based disaster risk reduction and mitigation of the
impacts of climate change
• Maximum utilization of local knowledge, skill, recourses and
National Agroforest policy 2019 Agriculture, Forest and
• Promote the farmers to practice the integrated practices of
agriculture, livestock and forest activity on the same piece of land
Conservation of environment and biodiversity by reducing the
pressure over forests enhance the climate resilience ecosystem
National Wetland policy 2003 Wet lands, Livelihoods,
Indigenous knowledge
• Conservation, maintenance and development of country’s wetlands
• Identify local people’s knowledge, skill and practice regarding
wetlands and promote their innovations and traditional research for
the sustainable use of wetlands resources
• Integration of scientific knowledge and technology to identify the
wetlands and prepare detailed management plans.
Rangeland policy 2012 • Increase the quality and productivity of rangeland and increase the
industry based on rangeland
• Increase biodiversity through the protection, and sustainable and
scientific resources uses by the balanced use of the environment
(Continued )
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South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), with capacity-building initiatives
included in bilateral and multilateral collaborations. India could play a significant role in shar-
ing its knowledge from its green revolution program with other South Asian nations, as it is
the leading economic partner for most countries in the region and has supported various
Given the challenges posed by increasing populations, urbanization, climate change, food
security, natural and human-induced disasters, collaboration is crucial. Each country in the
region has unique characteristics that require individual consideration when formulating
regional policies and plans. For instance, mountainous countries like Nepal and Bhutan face
different challenges than Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The level of urbanization varies signifi-
cantly between countries, with widespread slums in Dhaka and Mumbai compared to Kath-
mandu and other SAARC countries. Despite these differences, the region shares similarities,
such as economic development trajectories in India’s Uttar Pradesh and Nepal’s western
region, and Bihar State and Nepal’s Tarai region.
The Hindu Kush-Himalaya Mountain range, which spans eight countries from Afghanistan
to Myanmar, has more than 25,000 glaciers and provides water and energy to 1.9 billion people
[59]. Unfortunately, these glaciers are retreating faster than ever, posing a high risk of glacial
lake outburst floods (GOLFs) in the region. South Asian countries must build their resilience
and enhance adaptive capacity to overcome common challenges caused by natural phenom-
ena. Furthermore, agriculture is the livelihood of the majority of the population in the region
and highly vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, prompt action is necessary in the SAARC
policies to enhance the resilience of the agriculture sector and farmers in the region.
7. Conclusion and future direction
Nature-based solution offers a chance to improve the resilience of susceptible communities
and cities, as well as to attain sustainable development goals. Although none of the countries in
the region specifically refer to NbS, all five nations have expressed the conservation of nature
and ecosystems to achieve several environmental and socio-economic objectives in various
Table 2. (Continued)
Country Policy Target resource NbS Linkage
Sri Lanka
National Environmental Policy
Environment- water, soil,
air, biodiversity
• Conservation of the environment including water, soil, air and
biodiversity and their interconnections to ensure healthy and sound
functioning of nature
• Highlighting conservation of the special areas such as sensitive
areas/ elements
• Restoration of degraded ecosystems
National Policy on Protection and Conservation of
Water Sources, their Catchments and Reservations
in Sri Lanka (2014)
Water • Conservation of water sources, both natural and manmade and the
catchments is emphasized.
• Remedial management measures to mitigate the impacts of climate
change and disasters on water resources are highlighted.
National Land Use Policy of Sri Lanka (2012) Land • Wise use and sustainable management of land resources to ensure
smooth functioning of environmental components
• Special emphasis on managing sensitive and environmentally
important land
National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) (2012) Environment and
• To mitigate the impacts of climate change on the environment
• Elaboration on maintaining ecosystem stability, conservation of
resources including water and biodiversity
National Policy on Disaster Management, (2013) Environment and
• Emphasizes saving and protecting life and the environment before,
during and after natural disasters
• Emphasizes post-disaster recovery in land, water, and ecosystems
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ways. Environmental and land use policies indirectly address NbS in all countries. However,
policies for managing the impacts of climate change and disaster risk are not evident in all
countries, necessitating a reassessment of policy dialogues. However, there are several barriers
to the adoption of NbS in South Asia due to the specific environmental, social, geopolitical,
and structural characteristics of the region. It is crucial for future research to examine the
application of NbS in the region and learn from both successful and unsuccessful approaches
to NbS. In all the countries under review, policies related to NbS are scattered in many organi-
zations and it is apparent that these organizations act “in solo” without focusing the “inte-
grated picture”. This research can help propose solutions to overcome these barriers.
The above points clearly indicate that governments have not given sufficient attention to
policies that reflect and promote "Nature-based Solutions" (NbS). Direct policies on NbS are
inadequate in all countries, leaving ample room for the initiation and introduction of new
tools and further research. This situation requires urgent attention from governments, as exist-
ing policies do not effectively respond to the current needs of utilizing nature’s free services to
reduce disaster risk, particularly given the double burden of poverty and escalating depletion
of natural resources.
Planning and developing new policies should consider learning from other countries where
strong policies are implemented. One of the objectives of this article is to share information
about NbS across participating countries and create a way to share experiences and status quo.
As some sectors in the region share common features, issues, and challenges, sharing baseline
and key information would be a good starting point to enhance knowledge. For example, the
destruction of nature’s green infrastructures such as Mangroves is evident in many countries.
In such cases, organizing information-sharing and capacity-building platforms involving from
each country to share knowledge and good practices could be more practical than feasible.
At the local level, each policy should produce an appropriate mix of intersectoral interven-
tions. For instance, sectors where common resources are covered, such as forests, wildlife, and
coastal habitats, should be carefully analyzed and integrated to produce meaningful, practical,
and effective policies.
Moreover, evidence-influenced policymaking is vital, including essential information from
the sectors. In many instances, academic research is focused merely on professional fora or
journal articles where essential information is not communicated to policymakers. Both aca-
demics and policymakers should discuss a common platform to identify research gaps neces-
sary to formulate effective policy tools. For instance, a policymaker may include a new closure
to conserve seagrass beds without knowing or ignoring the fact that these habitats are impor-
tant for fishery, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. Introducing new management tools
requires an understanding of policy gaps, which calls for more theoretical and applied
This section highlights the key policy tools required for managing ecosystems towards NbS,
but many governments have additional instruments related to coastal zone management,
water, forest, and urban development. To develop well-articulated policy tools, it is crucial to
consider the following factors:
a. Nature appraisal and environmental awareness should be explicitly incorporated in all
phases of policy formulation.
b. Proper management plans should be in place for effective allocation of financial, human,
and technological resources.
c. Quantitative targets and performance indicators should be specified for monitoring and
evaluating success.
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d. Social accountability, innovation, and adaptive governance should be aligned with policy
formulation and implementation.
To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, policies related to NbS should be coherent, con-
nected, and integrated with natural resources, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and
socio-economic growth, to achieve sustainable development in the region.
Supporting information
S1 Checklist. Supplementary information for methodology and process of literature
S1 Text. Supplementary information for Table 1 and Table 2. These files include the list of
literatures reviewed while writing this paper.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Shobha Poudel, Deepthi Wickramasinghe, Mahua Mukherjee, Rajib
Formal analysis: Shobha Poudel, Mahua Mukherjee, Imon Chowdhooree, Chimi Chimi, Bho-
gendra Mishra, Kumar Abhinay, Sudip Mitra.
Methodology: Shobha Poudel, Bhogendra Mishra.
Writing – original draft: Shobha Poudel, Deepthi Wickramasinghe, Chimi Chimi, Bhogendra
Mishra, Kumar Abhinay, Sudip Mitra.
Writing – review & editing: Mahua Mukherjee, Imon Chowdhooree, Chimi Chimi, Bhogen-
dra Mishra, Kumar Abhinay, Sudip Mitra, Rajib Shaw.
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