If you are a nearest relative, you will need to use a letter like this to discharge the
patient from hospital.
To the managers of [insert name and address of hospital in which the patient is
detained, or for a supervised community treatment patient, the responsible hospital]
Order for discharge under section 23 of the Mental Health Act 1983
My name is [your name] and my address is [your address]
[complete A, B or C below]
A. To the best of my knowledge and belief, I am the nearest relative (within the
meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983) of [name of patient].
B. I have been authorised to exercise the functions of the nearest relative of [name
of patient] by the county court.
C. I have been authorised to exercise the functions of the nearest relative of [name
of patient] by that person’s nearest relative.
I give you notice of my intention to discharge the person named above, and I order
their discharge from [when you want the patient discharged from detention or
supervised community treatment
Note: You must leave at least 72 hours between when the hospital managers get
this letter and when you want the patient discharged.
[Your signature
Your name in print]