New Jersey
Carbon Reduction Strategy
New Jersey Department of Transportation
November 2023
Route 1
Atlantic City
NJDOT Headquarters
Route 46
New Jersey Department of Transportation’s
Carbon Reduction Strategy
Executive Summary 1
IntroductionWhat is the Carbon Reduction Strategy? 2
PurposeWhy was this Carbon Reduction Strategy developed? 3
ContextWhat makes New Jersey unique? 4
Carbon Emissions in NJWhat are the carbon emissions trends in New Jersey? 5
ProcessWho guided development of the Carbon Reduction Strategy and how will it be used? 6
Agency Roles & Funding AllocationHow will agencies use the CRS, and how is CRP funding distributed? 8
Existing Carbon Reduction InitiativesWhat have NJDOT and its partners done? 9
Carbon Reduction StrategiesWhat project types will contribute to reducing carbon? 11
Implementation How will the Carbon Reduction Strategy be implemented? 17
EvaluationHow will progress be evaluated? 18
Conclusion What will this document do? 19
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 1
Executive Summary
New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) prepared this
Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS) as directed by the Carbon
Reduction Program (CRP) that was established under the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
This document serves as a guide and blueprint for NJDOT to
reduce carbon emissions and work with partner agencies and
stakeholders. This document is an initial step in identifying
transportation project types that will achieve reductions in carbon
emissions from the transportation sector. As per the federal
legislation, New Jersey’s CRS will be updated every four years.
Strategy Development
An initial phase of the CRS development process involved
reviewing existing documents concerning carbon emissions and
greenhouse gases (GHG) in New Jersey. These documents also
provided initial insights into projects and programs already
undertaken by various state, regional, and private entities.
Development of the CRS was largely based on FHWA regulations
in addition to NJDOT subject matter experts and collaboration
from the Carbon Reduction Strategy Working Group. This Working
Group was convened specifically for this study and mainly
consisted of representatives from NJDOT, the state’s three
metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and a few other
statewide, regional, and federal agencies, including New Jersey
Transit (NJ TRANSIT), the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey (PANYNJ), and the Federal Highway Administration
Strategy to Reduce Carbon Emissions
The CRS is focused on reduction of carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions
from the transportation sector, which accounts for 41% of New
Jersey’s total CO
emissions. Climate change caused by carbon
emissions and other GHGs impact human health, the environment,
and the economy.
The Carbon Reduction Strategy includes five categories of
transportation project types that can be implemented by NJDOT and
partner agencies and have the potential to achieve reductions in CO
Strategy Implementation
Recommendations highlight opportunities to incorporate carbon
reduction into NJDOT’s many existing processes, including those
relating to funding and project development. One recommendation is
to maintain the Carbon Reduction Working Group established for this
study. A second recommendation is that the Strategy function as a
resource for NJDOT,
Carbon Reduction Strategy
1 Promote electric and zero-emission vehicles
2 Increase use of mass transit and active modes
3 Support efficient roadway operations
4 Incorporate efficient construction and maintenance
5 Enable innovative solutions
planning organizations, counties,
planning organizations, counties, and municipalities.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 2
The IIJA, also known as the BIL, was enacted on November 15,
2021. This act authorizes and re-authorizes substantial funding
for surface transportation, aviation, energy, water and wastewater
systems, cybersecurity, and broadband. Section 11403 of the IIJA
establishes the CRP. The CRP is a new formula program to reduce
transportation sector carbon emissions. Nationally, $6.4B will be
allocated to this program with approximately $154M for New
Jersey over the 5-year period between FY 2023 and FY 2027.
CRP funds may be obligated for projects supporting the reduction
of carbon emissions from the transportation sector, including
projects promoting alternative fuels, providing alternatives to
driving alone, and reducing carbon emissions through roadway
operations or construction methods. Many transportation
projects are eligible, provided they can demonstrate a reduction
in transportation carbon emissions. The full list of eligible project
types is included in Appendix A. CRP funding can be used in
combination with funding from other sources.
The program requires each state to consult with other state
agencies and MPOs to prepare a CRS. The CRS must be
submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) by
November 15, 2023, and updated every four years thereafter. The
CRS is meant to identify carbon reduction strategies unique
The NJDOT CRS summarizes existing programs within the state to
reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector and
identifies project types with the greatest potential for reducing
carbon emissions. NJDOT and other planning agencies can use the
CRS as a guide for considering carbon emissions reductions during
project planning processes.
NJDOT’s Bureau of Mobility and Systems Engineering
manage real-time traffic flow on state highways by
monitoring and modifying signal timing at its three
Transportation Operations Centers. This reduces congestion
and provides traveler information to avoid delays from
unplanned road closures.
to each state and is not limited to the use of CRP funds.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 3
The NJDOT CRS serves as a blueprint for the agency to reduce carbon emissions and work with partner agencies and stakeholders. This
document is an initial step to identifying transportation project types that will achieve reductions in carbon emissions from the
transportation sector. Reducing carbon emissions will reduce the impacts of climate change and its potential impacts to New Jersey’s
economy and the health of New Jersey’s residents.
The United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan establishes the USDOT’s strategic goals
and objectives. These goals are also supported by this CRS.
SafetyMake our transportation system safer for all people.
Many of the project types in NJDOT’s CRS improve safety,
including encouraging walking and biking, use of public
transportation, and improving roadway efficiency.
Economic Strength and Global Competitiveness Grow an
inclusive and sustainable economy.
The recommendations outlined in this strategy include cost-
effective measures to reduce carbon emissions, a core element
of a more sustainable economy.
Equity Reduce inequities across our transportation systems
and the communities they affect.
Historically underserved communities have been
disproportionately affected by carbon emissions while tending to
rely on more environmentally-friendly transportation modes,
such as transit, walking and biking. Implementing the CRS will
improve access for historically underserved communities,
including ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)
and reduce carbon emissions in these communities.
Climate and Sustainability Tackle the climate crisis by
ensuring that transportation is central to the solution.
The primary goal of the CRS is to reduce carbon emissions from
the transportation sector. All recommendations and tactics
included in this Strategy support this goal of supporting the
climate and sustainability.
Transformation Invest in purpose-driven research and
innovation to meet the challenges of the present and modernize
a transportation system of the future that serves everyone today
and, in the decades to come.
The continued consideration of carbon reduction advanced by
this CRS supports further utilization and understanding of
transformational techniques yet to come, including technical
Organizational Excellence Advance the Department’s mission
by establishing policies, processes, and an inclusive and
innovative culture.
This CRS utilizes the vast array of existing processes established
by NJDOT to efficiently, effectively, and comprehensively address
transportation sector carbon emissions.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 4
Cont ext
The following characteristics help make New Jersey unique and were considered in the development of this CRS.
New Jersey is the most densely populated
state in the country New Jersey has 1,263
people per square mile, more than any other
state. Based on the 2020 U.S. Census, six of
the nation’s ten most densely populated
municipalities are in New Jersey. This high
population density is precipitated in part by New Jersey’s
proximity to the major cities of New York and Philadelphia as well
as the early development of its own cities. This high population
density developed in tandem with the state’s public
transportation network. The presence and use of these have
provided a lower baseline level of carbon emissions than a purely
autocentric state.
New Jersey is a major freight hub with easy
access to the New York City and Philadelphia
metropolitan areas New Jersey’s freight
infrastructure plays an essential role in the
regional economy. Freight-dependent
industries account for approximately 32% of the state’s gross
domestic product and employ almost two million people,
representing 45% of the total employed workforce. The Port of
New York and Jersey is the busiest East Coast port in the United
States, handling more than $211 billion of the nearly $1.8 trillion
of the nation’s international freight. Additionally, Newark Liberty
International Airport ranks twelfth nationally by landed weight of
all-cargo operations. According to USDOT’s Freight Analysis
Framework version 5.3, 68% of domestic state-to-state freight
tonnage in New Jersey is moved by truck, with an additional 18%
by pipeline, and 6% by rail. The importance of freight in New Jersy
is recognized by New Jersey’s 2023 Statewide Freight Plan, which
also discusses means of reducing freight-related carbon
emissions and strengthening the transportation sector’s
resiliency. Freight in New Jersey leads to increased emissions
due to the need for diesel-fueled vehicles to not only service the
state but also the larger region. Switching to electric-powered
trucks provides an opportunity to reduce carbon emissions.
New Jersey is vulnerable to climate change –New
Jersey’s economy and environmental assets are
vulnerable to climate change. The state’s vibrant
agricultural sector suffers from extreme heat. The
millions of people living near or visiting the Shore
routinely face severe storms. DOT faces maintenance
and rebuilding costs due to severe weather, adding to
the 1.5 billion dollars it annually takes to plan,
construct, operate, and maintain NJDOT roadways and
. New Jersey is also home to a substantial
number of overburdened communities. Based on the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) definition of
overburdened communities, nearly one third of the state’s census
block groups meet the criteria based on the presence of racial and
ethnic minorities, 22% meet the threshold for low-income
populations, and two percent meet the threshold for limited-English
proficiency. These communities are concentrated in the state’s urban
areas near industrial clusters that face more pollution.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 5
Car bon Emissions in New Jersey
Greenhouse gases (GHG), which include CO
, trap heat and make
the planet warmer. The largest source of GHG emissions from
human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels
for electricity, heat, and transportation
. CO
is the primary GHG
emitted from burning fossil fuels, and CO
is the focus of FHWA’s
Climate Change Impacts to New Jersey
Climate change impacts human health, the environment, and the
economy. The young, elderly, socially or linguistically isolated,
economically disadvantaged, and those with preexisting health
conditions are more at risk of health impacts from the
combination of heat stress and poor urban air quality caused by
climate change. Climate change can also affect the productivity of
crops and livestock.
Overall New Jersey Emissions Reduction Goals
In 2007, the New Jersey legislature passed the Global Warming
Response Act (P.L. 2007 c.112; P.L. 2018 c.197) (GWRA)
establishing a target to reduce the state’s GHG emissions by 80
percent from their 2006 levels by 2050 across all sectors. This
target applies to all GHG emissions within the state, and it does
not provide targets for individual sectors.
New Jersey emitted 89 million metric tons of CO
e) in 2020
36.5 million metric tons of CO
e emissions (41%) were from the
transportation sector
e is used to measure and compare emissions from multiple
greenhouse gases. CO
e from the transportation sector is
primarily comprised of CO
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 6
Development of the CRS was led by NJDOT, including the agency’s senior leadership. More than one dozen offices and units within
NJDOT participated in the process. The strategy’s design and outcomes are aimed at better enabling NJDOT to reduce carbon
emissions throughout the state, including through policies, infrastructure projects, and within its own fleet. The CRS was also informed
by the Carbon Reduction Strategy Working Group. This Working Group was convened specifically for this study and mainly consisted
of representatives from NJDOT, the state’s three MPOs, and other stakeholders. The Working Group met seven times during the
project’s process, offering integral input and guidance and providing feedback on information shared by the consultant team. The
graphic below illustrates the agencies represented in the Working Group.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 7
MPOs and Traffic Volumes
Transit, Biking, and Commuting
As shown in the map above, traffic volumes (and
vehicle emissions) are concentrated along several
state corridors. These routes include, but are not
limited to the National Highway System routes (I-78, I-
80, I-295, I-287, etc.)
As shown in the map above, transit, biking, and walking
rates vary greatly throughout the state. Rates are
highest in northeast and central New Jersey, and along
the PATCO Speedline. Areas with higher transit use
tend to produce less carbon emissions.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 8
Agency Roles and Funding All ocation
The strategies in this document will inform NJDOT’s capital program
development process and assist NJDOT staff in identifying the carbon
reduction elements of NJDOT projects. This work will involve the
following functional areas of the Department: planning, research,
freight, aeronautics, maritime, traffic operations, fleet management,
construction and materials, and capital program development.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
MPOs will use the strategies outlined in this document as a resource
for developing their own CRP-funded regional investment strategies
that will identify carbon-reducing actions. This investment strategy will
be reflected in future regional transportation plans (RTPs) and
transportation improvement programs (TIPs).
Municipalities, Counties, and the Public
Municipalities, counties, and members of the public will use this
document as a centralized source of statewide carbon reduction
activities and to better identify stakeholders and agencies to
collaborate with on further innovative techniques at continuing to
reduce carbon.
FHWA will apportion $154 million in carbon reduction funding to NJDOT over the
five-year period between FY 2023 and FY 2027. As per FHWA requirements, 65
percent of CRP funds apportioned to New Jersey shall be obligated to urban areas,
proportional to relative shares of the population. These locations are
identified in the map to the right. Remaining funds can be allocated throughout the
NJ Carbon Reduction Program
Urban Area Suballocation
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 9
Existing Carbon Reduction Initiatives
New Jersey state agencies have taken many actions that
reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. New
Jersey is subject to federal government programs such as fuel
economy standards and the National Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure (NEVI) program. The following plans, regulations,
and programs demonstrate ongoing initiatives within New
Jersey to reduce transportation carbon emissions, including
many that specifically promote electric vehicles.
NJDOT has developed a NEVI Deployment Plan that
proposes to install fast electric chargers every 50 miles
along interstate highway corridors. New Jersey expects to
receive about $104 million over five years for these efforts.
New Jersey’s 2019 Electric Vehicle Law sets goals for
registered electric vehicles and public fast charging
stations in the state. The law aims for 200 public fast
charging stations and to electrify 25% of the state’s non-
emergency light-duty fleet by 2025. It also sets a goal for
330,000 registered electric vehicles by 2025 and two million
vehicles by 2035. The number of electric vehicles in the
state increased 63.1% from 2019 to 2021 and represented
3.7% of light-duty vehicle sales in 2021. By 2025, our state
transportation agencies will have converted approximately
40% of our light duty fleet to electric or electric plug-in hybrid
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
published a Model Statewide Municipal Electric Vehicle
Ordinance in 2021, which describes the types of electric
vehicle (EV) charging stations, considerations for a
municipal ordinance and approval process, and installation
and cost considerations.
NJDEP’s It Pay$ to Plug In program provides grants to
offset the cost of purchasing and maintaining electric
vehicle charging stations. The program is designed to
expand New Jersey’s growing electric vehicle infrastructure
network, allowing residents, businesses, and government
agencies to purchase and drive electric vehicles. The state-
funded program is open to businesses, governments, non-
Fast charging station in Lawrence Township, Mercer County
Source: EVgo
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 10
profit organizations, educational institutions, and owners of
multi-unit dwellings.
Charge Up New Jersey promotes clean vehicle adoption by
offering incentives of up to $4,000 for the purchase or lease
of new, eligible battery EVs and $250 for purchasing an
eligible EV charger. The program is supported by the New
Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
New Jersey is a member of the U.S. Climate Alliance, which
is a bipartisan coalition of 25 governors committing to
achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement to keep
temperature increases below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7
degrees Fahrenheit).
The New Jersey Global Warming Response Act led to the
release of the New Jersey Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Inventory Report in 2022. This document provides a review
of existing and past emissions statistics in the state,
including tracking the number of electric vehicles in the
In 2022, NJDOT’s Bureau of Mobility and Systems
Engineering procured the hardware and software
components required to complete a full Connected Vehicle
system validation in a lab facility, before conducting
installation and field testing at pilot locations.
The state’s three MPOs recognize the need for reducing
carbon emissions in the transportation sector. Each MPO
addresses GHG emissions within their Long Range Plan.
They also distribute federal Congestion Management Air
Quality (CMAQ) funds that often have the co-benefit of
reducing CO
Municipalities, and private and non-profit entities are also
collaborating to reduce carbon emissions. Many cities
within New Jersey have deployed electric bikeshares and
electric scooter shares to offer alternatives to driving a car.
Connected Vehicle Systems deployed at five pilot intersections
Electric Scooter Rentals in Asbury Park
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 11
Car bon Reduction Strategies
A series of incremental actions must be implemented to effectively contribute to carbon emissions reductions from the transportation
network. In consultation with MPOs, NJDOT identified five categories of transportation project types that reduce emissions and are
already being pursued throughout the state. The categories are based on actions NJDOT can influence by funding individual projects
and programs or by integrating strategies into agency operations.
The five project categories comprising the CRS are summarized in Table 1. Each category is described in the following pages with
project types eligible for CRP funding, potential reductions of CO
emissions, and examples of projects that have been implemented in
New Jersey.
Table 1: Carbon Reduction Project Categories
Carbon Reduction Strategy Category How Carbon Emissions Are Reduced
Promote electric and zero-emission vehicles
Support transition from fossil fuels to electricity and
other alternative fuels
Increase use of mass transit and active modes
Encourages shift away from single occupancy vehicle
Support efficient roadway operations Improve traffic flow and reduce delay
Incorporate efficient construction and
maintenance practices
Use of recycled materials and efficient equipment
Enable innovative solutions
Continue to explore new methods, technologies, and
more sustainable materials
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 12
Strategy 1: Promote Electric and Zero-Emission Vehicles
Nationwide, on-road gasoline and diesel-fueled vehicles are responsible for 81% of the transportation sector’s total emissions
. The
state’s 80% emission reduction by 2050 target cannot be achieved without meeting the aggressive electric vehicle adoption rates
outlined in the EV Law (see Project Highlights below). NJDOT can support these goals through specific project types that promote the
transition to electric vehicles. In addition, NJDOT supports project types that facilitate the conversion of buses, trucks, and offroad
equipment to zero-emission sources. Additional funding is available through the federal Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ)
and National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) programs.
Table 2: Category 1 Example Projects
Example Project
Potential Reduction
Installation of 1 public level 2 charging station 10
Installation of 1 public DCFC charging station 50
Replace 10 delivery and vocational trucks with
electric trucks
Replace 10 diesel-powered nonroad equipment
with electric equipment
Replace 10 diesel buses with electric buses 420
Replace 10 heavy-duty drayage trucks with zero-
emissions trucks
Install off-board power systems for 50 truck
parking spaces
Eligible Project Types
Acquisition, installation, and operation of publicly
accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure
Acquisition, installation, and operation of publicly
accessible hydrogen, natural gas, or propane
vehicle fueling infrastructure
Purchase or lease of zero-emission vehicles,
buses, and construction vehicles
Projects that reduce emissions at port facilities,
such as electrification efforts
Truck stop electrification systems
Note: MT CO
= metric tons of carbon dioxide. Emissions estimates are described in
more detail in Appendix D.
Project Highlights
New Jersey’s Electric Vehicle Law sets targets for
installation of fast charging stations, transition to zero-
emission buses, and agency-owned vehicles
NJ TRANSIT’s first electric buses were deployed in 2022
as part of the agency’s transition to a zero emission bus
NJDOT has led several successful efforts promoting
electric and zero-emission vehicles, as listed in the
earlier “Existing Carbon Reduction
” section
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 13
Strategy 2: Increase Use of Mass Transit and Active Modes
Mass transit and active transportation facilities provide alternative options to driving alone, which reduces the number of vehicles on
roadways. Emissions reductions from these project types are more pronounced in the near term. As roadway users transition to electric
and other zero-emission vehicles, reducing vehicle miles traveled will become less beneficial for carbon emissions due to the reduced
emissions per vehicle emitted by electric modes.
Table 3: Category 2 Example Projects
Example Projects
Potential Reduction
New shared-use path parallel to arterial 30
Purchase of 20 new vanpool vehicles 70
New bike lanes adjacent to major arterial 80
Expand transit bus service by 20 additional service
Expand light rail service by 5 additional service
Eligible Project Types
Off-road facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, other
nonmotorized vehicles
On-road facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, other
nonmotorized vehicles
Public transportation service expansion, bus and
Public transportation stations and parking facilities
that attract new users to transit
Public transportation loading areas, shelters, and
Note: MT CO
= metric tons of carbon dioxide. Emissions estimates are described in
more detail in Appendix D.
Project Highlights
EZ Ride shuttles provide first- and last-mile
connections to major transportation hubs
NJ TRANSIT improves rail access by
deploying bicycle parking shelters and
NJDOT operates a vanpool service for
employees. Each van runs at full capacity.
NJDOT currently operates three vans daily.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 14
Strategy 3: Support Efficient Roadway Operations
Congested roadways contribute to CO
emissions from vehicle engines that are not operating efficiently while they are idling or in stop-
and-go conditions. Roadway projects that reduce vehicle idling time reduce emissions by allowing vehicles to flow more freely.
Roadway projects that relieve congestion allow vehicles to travel at speeds that use vehicle engines more efficiently, which reduces
fuel use and CO
emissions. Example projects under this strategy include those improving throughout (such as upgrading signal
timing), reducing vehicle miles traveled (such as supporting telework), and routing trips from congested areas (such as variable
message signs).
Table 4: Category 3 Example Projects
Example Project
Potential Reduction
Support for telework/teleservices for 100
Variable message signs on highway 80
Transit signal priority on a single corridor 170
Traffic control center 170
Upgraded signal timing – individual intersection
Upgraded signal timing – corridor signal
Eligible Project Types
Advanced transportation and congestion management
technologies (e.g., intelligent transportation systems,
electronic toll collection)
Congestion management strategies (shifting mode and
timing of trips, increasing vehicle occupancy rates,
other travel demand management strategies)
Installation of vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
equipment (connected vehicles)
Traffic management facilities and programs
Note: MT CO
= metric tons of carbon dioxide. Emissions estimates are described
in more detail in Appendix D.
Project Highlights
The South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) is removing toll plazas (see top left
photo) in favor of all-electronic toll collection systems on the Atlantic City Expressway.
The PANYNJ reports an annual reduction of 11,500 MT CO
from cashless tolling on
Port Authority crossings.
Lane use control signals (LUCS) were used to implement hard shoulder running on the
congested Route 1 corridor (see bottom left photo). As a result of the project, total
congested time decreased about 29% on an average day.
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 15
Strategy 4: Incorporate Efficient Construction and Maintenance
Carbon emissions from roadway construction and roadway maintenance are a combination of exhaust from construction vehicles,
equipment, and haul trucks that deliver materials to and from a work site and the emissions associated with material production.
NJDOT can reduce emissions during project construction and roadway maintenance by using innovative materials and methods as an
alternative to traditional hot-mix asphalt. Contractors can be encouraged to integrate similar actions when working on NJDOT projects.
Table 5: Category 4 Example Projects
Example Project
Potential Reduction
Replace 10 gasoline-powered landscaping equipment with
electric options
Limit idling at project sites to 3 minutes 30
Replace 1,000 high-pressure sodium vapor (HPSV) light
bulbs in streetlights, parking lots, or garages with light-
emitting diode (LED) bulbs
Substitute hot-mix asphalt with warm-mix asphalt 134
Substitute hot-mix asphalt with reclaimed asphalt pavement
Cold-in-place roadway recycling 1,080
Full-depth reclamation 1,080
Eligible Project Types
Use of sustainable pavements and
construction materials that reduce
lifecycle carbon emissions
Purchase or lease of zero-emission
construction equipment and vehicles and
support facilities
Replacement of street lighting and traffic
control devices with energy-efficient
Project Highlights
Note: MT CO
= metric tons of carbon dioxide. Emissions estimates are described
in more detail in Appendix D.
NJDOT performed 1,157
lane miles of major
pavement work in 2019
NJDOT has used ground
recycled tire rubber and
reclaimed asphalt and
pavement in recent
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 16
Strategy 5: Enable Innovative Solutions
NJDOT’s Innovation Program within the Bureau of Research works to identify, develop, promote, and institutionalize innovative
transportation-related ideas, practices, and initiatives within the Department and beyond. NJDOT research staff work directly with
university staff and other research professionals to find workable solutions to safety, mobility, and accessibility challenges by
enhancing the quality and cost-effectiveness of the policies, practices, standards, and specifications that are used in planning, building,
and maintaining New Jersey’s transportation infrastructure. In addition, NJDOT’s State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) works
to implement FHWA’s Every Day Counts initiatives, some of which reduce carbon emissions.
Many of the current innovations being evaluated by NJDOT have the potential to contribute to carbon reduction. No emissions
estimates were evaluated for this category of evolving technologies.
NJDOT has completed projects using ultra-lightweight
foamed glass aggregate, a material made from 99
percent crushed container glass that can be used as
fill under roadways and bridge approaches. Carbon
emissions are reduced by using recycled products and
reducing the amount of truck trips required to
transport the lightweight material.
Other innovative actions being pursued by NJDOT:
Commercial Vehicle Alerts Initiative
Deployment of connected vehicle equipment
Participation in New Jersey Fuel Cell Task Force
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 17
Reduction of carbon emissions is the focus of the CRS, but all
NJDOT actions include additional considerations such as cost-
effectiveness, impacts to underserved communities,
geographic equity, safety, resilience, and flexibility to maximize
funding. These considerations are essential to incorporating
carbon reduction into established planning, policy, and funding
activities. NJDOT will take the following actions to implement
the CRS:
Maintain Carbon Reduction Working Group
NJDOT will maintain the Carbon Reduction Working Group to
assist with the implementation of the CRS and plan for the next
update. This multi-agency group is an effective forum for
collaboration and sharing innovative ideas to reduce carbon
emissions throughout the state of New Jersey.
Act as and Provide Resources for MPOs, Counties, and
NJDOT is well situated to act as a statewide resource and guide
for promoting expertise and best practices to these agencies.
The CRS and the associated carbon reduction quantifications
provide a framework for agencies to develop their unique
strategies to reduce carbon emissions. Actions to reduce
carbon by all agencies will result in more significant carbon
emission reductions throughout the state.
Continue to Fund and Deliver Projects that Reduce Carbon
NJDOT and its partner agencies have well-established
processes used for multi-phase projects implemented
throughout the state. Many existing projects in the Capital
Program contribute to carbon reduction by improving traffic
flow and providing alternatives to driving alone. Multiple
projects that are part of a larger implementation scheme or
suite of improvements may be far more cost-effective and
capable of reducing carbon emissions than can be achieved by
individual projects. For example, implementation of a single
bike lane may not appear to result in substantial carbon
reductions, but could have additional benefits if connecting to
a transit facility or if part of a larger bike corridor.
Incorporate Carbon Friendly Elements into Existing Projects
Project design can include features that contribute to carbon
reduction such as Complete Streets elements and sustainable
pavement options.
Purchase Cleaner Vehicles and Construction Equipment
The transition to alternative fuel vehicles and construction
equipment provides near-term carbon reduction with lasting
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 18
This CRS is designed to help guide NJDOT toward incorporation
of carbon reduction into project development and funding
decisions. Future updates to the CRS should include a
discussion about the status and relative success of
implemented actions.
The application of numerous evaluation metrics could be used
to measure the effectiveness of implemented carbon reduction
strategies. This will help balance the sometimes competing
considerations of cost, effectiveness, and scalability.
NJDOT will take a collaborative approach with partner agencies
to evaluating the progress of the CRS based on a combination
of agency-wide achievements and individual project successes.
Electric garbage trucks in Jersey City
Shared-Use Path in Mercer County
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 19
Climate change is not bound by state or national boundaries. This CRS establishes an initial concerted plan for NJDOT to reduce
carbon emissions specific to the transportation sector with project types that can be implemented by NJDOT. The plan will be updated
within four years. The CRS provides a framework for how New Jersey can effectively use its CRP funding to achieve the desired
outcomes of this CRS. This strategy document outlines a series of potential project categories, appropriate to New Jersey’s context.
This strategy documents the factors to consider when implementing carbon reduction impacts.
The ability to reduce carbon emissions and calculate reduction’s is continuing to change. The ability for NJDOT and its partner agencies
to implement the project types eligible for CRP funding will depend on funding availability, cost of implementation, technical
innovations and acumen, and priorities.
With the increased funding New Jersey will receive from the IIJA, we will have even more resources to accomplish our goals and to
build innovation into New Jersey’s robust transportation system.
Lane Use Control Signals
Cyclists on Boardwalk
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Electric Vehicle Charging
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 20
Endn otes and Sources
page 4 -
page 5 -
page 5 - Fast Facts: U.S. Transportation Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 1990-2021 (EPA-420-F-23-
016, June 2023),
Note: Acronyms and Definitions o f Terms
Active Modes – physical means of transport, including walking, biking, and scooting
BIL – Bipartisan Infrastructure Law; enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act authorizing up to 108 billion dollars for public transportation, passed in 2021
CAFE – Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CRP – Carbon Reduction Program; a formula funding program established by the federal
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
CRS – Carbon Reduction Strategy; document and plan required to be updated every four years
aimed at reducing transportation sector emissions
– carbon dioxide
e – carbon dioxide equivalent
DCFC – direct current fast charging
EV – Electric Vehicle; a vehicle that can be powered by an electric motor that draws electricity
from a battery and is capable of being charged from an external source (Alternative Fuels Data
Center, U.S. Department of Energy)
FHWA – Federal Highway Administration; federal agency devoted to roadways, part of the
United States Department of Transportation
GHG – greenhouse gases
HPSV – high pressure sodium vapor lamp
IIJA - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; federal act signed into law in November 2021
allocating 1.2 trillion dollars in spending
LED – light-emitting diode
/year – metric tons of carbon dioxide per year
NEVI – National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program; established as part of BIL to
provide funding to States to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure and to
establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability
NHTSA – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NJ TRANSIT – New Jersey Transit, responsible for most of the bus, light rail, and commuter rail
services in New Jersey
NJDEP – New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; the state’s environmental agency
responsible for responding to climate change, protecting the state’s water, managing and
promoting natural and historic resources, and protecting public health
New Jersey Carbon Reduction Strategy 21
NJDOT – New Jersey Department of Transportation; the state’s transportation agency
responsible for many of the busiest roadways in the State
NJTA – New Jersey Turnpike Authority
Project Category – five groupings of project types and example projects established as part of
this Carbon Reduction Strategy based on how the project reduces carbon reduction
Project Example – a specific quantifiable example that falls under a project category and project
Project Type – 21 means of reducing carbon emissions shared as part of the IIJA’s Carbon
Reduction Program
RAP – reclaimed asphalt pavement
SJTA – South Jersey Transportation Authority
USDOT – United States Department of Transportation; executive department of federal
government overseeing numerous agencies, including Federal Highway Administration, Federal
Transit Administration, and Federal Railroad Administration
Appendices 22
Appendix A - List of Project Types Eligible for CRP Funding
Appendix B - New Jersey and Peer State Document Review
Appendix C - Documentation of Consultation Process
Appendix D - Emission Reduction Quantification Methodology
Appendices 23
Appendix A L ist of Project T ypes Eligibl e for
CRP Funding
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law establishes the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), which
provides funds for projects designed to reduce transportation emissions, defined as carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions from on-road highway sources. CRP funds may be obligated for
projects that support the reduction of transportation emissions, including, but not limited to–
[except as noted, § 11403; 23 U.S.C. 175(c)(1)]:
a project described in 23 U.S.C. 149(b)(4) to establish or operate a traffic monitoring,
management, and control facility or program, including advanced truck stop
electrification systems;
a public transportation project eligible under 23 U.S.C. 142;
a transportation alternative (as defined under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st
Century Act [23 U.S.C. 101(a)(29), as in effect on July 5, 2012]), including, but not limited
to, the construction, planning, and design of on-road and off-road trail facilities for
pedestrians, bicyclists, and other nonmotorized forms of transportation;
a project described in 23 U.S.C. 503(c)(4)(E) for advanced transportation and congestion
management technologies;
deployment of infrastructure-based intelligent transportation systems capital
improvements and the installation of vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
a project to replace street lighting and traffic control devices with energy-efficient
development of a carbon reduction strategy developed by a State per requirements in 23
U.S.C. 175(d);
a project or strategy designed to support congestion pricing, shifting transportation
demand to nonpeak hours or other transportation modes, increasing vehicle occupancy
rates, or otherwise reducing demand for roads, including electronic toll collection, and
travel demand management strategies and programs;
efforts to reduce the environmental and community impacts of freight movement;
a project that supports deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, including–
acquisition, installation, or operation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging
infrastructure or hydrogen, natural gas, or propane vehicle fueling infrastructure; and
purchase or lease of zero-emission construction equipment and vehicles, including the
acquisition, construction, or leasing of required supporting facilities;
a project described in 23 U.S.C. 149(b)(8) for a diesel engine retrofit;
certain types of projects to improve traffic flow that are eligible under the CMAQ
program, and that do not involve construction of new capacity; [§ 11403; 23 U.S.C.
149(b)(5); and 175(c)(1)(L)]
a project that reduces transportation emissions at port facilities, including through the
advancement of port electrification; and
any other STBG-eligible project, if the Secretary certifies that the State has demonstrated
a reduction in transportation emissions, as estimated on a per capita and per unit of
Appendices 24
economic output basis. (Note: FHWA will issue guidance on how the Secretary will make
such certifications.) [§ 11403; 23 U.S.C. 133(b) and 175(c)(2)]
Appendices 25
Appendix B N ew Jersey and Peer Stat e
Documen t Revi ew
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, signed into law in November 2021, establishes a Carbon
Reduction Program (CRP), which provides funds for projects designed to reduce transportation
emissions, defined as carbon dioxide emissions from on-road highway sources. CRP funds may
be obligated for projects supporting various means of reducing transportation emissions. At the
State’s discretion, the CRP can also quantify the total carbon emissions from the production,
transport, and use of materials used to construct transportation facilities in the State.
This memo summarizes the initial step of reviewing previous studies to identify progress made
thus far and compile best practices. Documents from agencies within New Jersey were
reviewed to compile applicable resources, goals, and strategies that will be reflected in the
statewide Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS). Efforts from other states were also reviewed to
provide examples of carbon dioxide (CO
) or greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies and
methodologies for estimating potential emissions reductions.
Summary of Findings
Though federal legislation concerning mandated state carbon reduction strategies was only
recently passed, New Jersey has long documented the negative impacts of carbon emissions
on the environmental, health, social, and economic well-being of communities. Numerous
documents, studies, plans, and reports have been developed inventorying existing GHG
conditions, and identifying measures, metrics, and benchmarks for reducing emissions. GHG
emissions in the transportation sector are particularly important as the sector represents the
largest segment of emissions statewide. Documents from New Jersey, regional metropolitan
planning organizations, and other States were reviewed to provide insights into New Jersey’s
developing CRS. This CRS will incorporate the best of each of these sources to provide a
practical plan to reduce CO
emissions from on-road highway sources. Documents from other
states are valuable to provide examples of relevant strategies and the presentation of their
potential benefits.
Review of New Jersey Documents
Several state and regional documents were obtained and reviewed for their relevance to the
CRS. Of particular concern in these documents were any identified carbon reduction strategies,
reduction targets, priority project types, GHG inventories, and overall approaches toward
addressing and discussing greenhouse gases. Each document provides unique insight into the
work conducted thus far to reduce carbon emissions and expectations and tactics for
continuing to reduce carbon emissions. The following points briefly characterize the current
state of carbon emissions, transportation emissions, and carbon reduction strategies in New
Appendices 26
Over the last 15 years, New Jersey has reduced GHG emissions by 20%, primarily
because of market forces that motivated energy-generating units to transform from coal
to cleaner-burning natural gas (NJ’s Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report)
Overall reduction in bad air quality days from 53 in 2010 to 10 in 2019 (NJTPA Plan
Goal was to reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2020; was accomplished 11 years early
(NJ’s Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report)
GHG from transportation declined 20% from 2005 to 2018; overall GHG decreased 29%
over this period (NJ’s Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report)
The transportation sector is the primary source of GHG emissions in New Jersey;
representing 42% of the state’s GHG emissions (NJ’s Global Warming Response Act
80x50 Report)
Acronyms for state and regional agencies used throughout this document are listed below:
NJTPA – North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, the metropolitan planning
organization representing the northern New Jersey counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson,
Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and
SJTPO – South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, the metropolitan planning
organization representing the southern New Jersey counties of Atlantic, Cape May,
Cumberland, and Salem
DVRPC – Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, the metropolitan planning
organization representing the greater Philadelphia region, including the New Jersey
counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer
NJDOT – New Jersey Department of Transportation, the state’s transportation agency
NJDEP – New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the state’s environmental
protection agency
Main takeaways from each reviewed document helpful for developing this CRS are provided in
the below sections. A table listing the reviewed documents is provided in Table 6.
Appendices 27
Table 6: Reviewed Documents
New Jersey Long-Range Transportation Plan NJDOT 2008
New Jersey Statewide Freight Plan NJDOT 2017
New Jersey’s Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report NJDEP 2020
New Jersey Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report NJDEP 2022
New Jersey Global Warming Response Act Recommendations Report NJDEP 2009
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority Long Range
Transportation Plan
NJTPA 2021
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization Regional
Transportation Plan 2050
SJTPO 2021
Connection 2050: Plan for Greater Philadelphia DVRPC 2021
New Jersey Long-Range Transportation Plan
Many of the plan’s goals, policies, strategies, and actions are geared toward reducing
auto-dependence and, consequently, GHG, including smart growth, public transit,
efficient operations, and improved freight movement
Both NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT are working to make their own facilities greener by
exploring and adopting alternative materials and technologies, including diesel retrofit,
seeking opportunities to recycle waste and by-products from projects, and continuing to
strive to enhance, not just protect, environmental resources
Methods identified to encourage energy efficiency:
o Encourage the use of hybrid vehicles and alternative fuels to reduce GHG
o Continue clean diesel and other technological initiatives to reduce emissions for
buses as well as NJDOT fleet vehicles and equipment
o Promote and support all alternatives to driving alone
Appendices 28
The plan identifies expanding public transit capacity and service as crucial to conserving
energy and reducing GHG
New Jersey Statewide Freight Plan
Formula Carbon Reduction Program – formula grant program to reduce transportation
emissions and develop carbon reduction strategies, including advanced truck stop
Clean Vessel Incentive Program – intends to reward operators making voluntary engine,
fuel, and technology enhancements to their vessels that reduce emissions beyond
regulatory environmental standards
MAP Forum includes a Multi-State Resiliency Working Group, which builds on FHWA’s
post-Hurricane Sandy Transportation Resilience Study of NY, NJ, and CT to expand
vehicle electrification, and reduce GHG impacts
Truck electrification driven by governmental incentives and regulations intended to
reduce GHG and NOx emissions, including both incentives facilitating electrification and
more stringent requirements for traditional diesel or gasoline trucks
NJ’s Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report
Transportation sector represents 42% of GHG; 70% of this from gasoline-fueled vehicles
Goal to reduce GHG to 80% of 2006 levels by 2050: interim target of 50% by 2030
To achieve 80x50, 88% of new light-duty vehicles will need to be electric vehicles by
2030; 100% by 2035
100% of new NJ TRANSIT buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2032
Complementary policies identified:
o Increase mass transit ridership
o Expand transit-oriented development
o Incentivize work from home and flexible work weeks
o Collaborate with other states on regional partnerships/strategies
2018 Zero Emission Vehicle Program MOU
o With nine other states
o Place combined 3.3 million zero-emissions light-duty vehicles on road by 2025
o 100% of medium/heavy duty vehicles by 2050; 30% by 2030
New Jersey is likely to experience a 1.1’ increase in sea level rise by 2030, and a 2.1’
increase by 2050, regardless of future reductions
Appendices 29
NJ GHG Emissions Inventory Report
Serves as foundation of state’s strategy to mitigate climate change
Identifies sources of GHG, measures progress to reduce emissions, and makes info
more accessible to decision-makers
Transportation accounts for 38 MMT (36% of statewide CO2 emissions); on-road
gasoline accounts for 82% of on-road emissions
Net emissions dropped from 11.4 MMT CO2 in 1990 to 98.5 MMT CO2 in 2019
New Jersey’s Global Warming Response Act requires a comprehensive greenhouse gas
inventory by NJDEP every other year with interim updates in intervening years
New Jersey is responsible for 1.6% of national GHG emissions and 0.3% of worldwide
GHG emissions
New Jersey’s per capita GHG emissions is slightly more than half of the U.S. average
though this may be skewed by the states significantly benefiting from emissions-
generating activities in nearby states
New Jersey transportation emissions peaked in 2007
The number of electric vehicles in the state increased 63.1% from 2019 to 2021,
representing 3.7% of light-duty sales in 2021
NJ Global Warming Response Act Recommendations Report
2019 Electric Vehicle Law
o Goal to have 330,000 registered electric vehicles by end of 2025; two million by
o Electric vehicle registrations increased 63% from 2019 to 2021; represent 3.7% of
light-duty sales
o Goal of 200 public fast charging stations
o Goal to electrify 25% of state non-emergency light-duty fleet by 2025
2021 Protecting Against Climate Threats Regulatory Reform
o Requires truck manufacturers selling medium and heavy-duty vehicles in New
Jersey to increase number of electric vehicles sold over time
NJTPA Plan 2050
In New Jersey, transportation represents 42% of GHG emissions; 68% of this is
generated by passenger vehicles, trucks, and motorcycles
Appendices 30
Funding Strategies – changes in policy to focus less on taxes levied on gasoline sales
and more on vehicle miles traveled or other assessed user-based fees or taxes
Strategies to Reduce Emissions – reducing vehicle miles traveled by encouraging transit
ridership or more compact and walkable land uses
Plan 2050 Climate Change and Transportation background paper identified key steps to
combat climate change
o Supporting electrification of vehicles and the creation of vehicle charging
o Supporting partner agencies and subregions in efforts to review and revise
operations to reflect both current and projected climate impacts
o Supporting low-carbon transit and bike/walk options, transit-oriented
development, and transportation demand management
o Overseeing and modeling the impacts of planning transportation improvements
on air quality
o Supporting projects that target reducing pollutants whose emissions are tied to
generation of GHGs
Nationwide, the transportation sector contributes 28% of GHG emissions as of 2018
SJTPO Regional Transportation Plan
Largest emission sector is transportation, representing 45.5% of gross GHG emissions
in region
Before a project is advanced for prioritizing using the project evaluation process, SJTPO
assesses for air quality
GHG emissions are associated with seasonal population swings
Atlantic County accounts for 48% of regional GHG
SJTPO released a Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report in 2014 that provides an inventory
of emissions throughout the region
DVRPC LRP Policy, Process, and Analysis Documents
DVRPC has a goal to attain net-zero GHG emissions by 2050
Aims to focus growth in centers, in part to reduce auto emissions
Identifies potential funding options for replacing the gas tax
o Mileage-based user fees
o Carbon tax
Appendices 31
o Toll existing highways
o Vehicle registration fees
o Tradable driving credits
o Commercial property VMT fee
o Parking pricing
o Congestion pricing
Checklist to reduce GHG emissions includes electrifying transportation
TIP-LRP Project Benefit Evaluation Criteria weights environment the least important (7%)
though notes that projects enhancing safety, reducing congestion, investing in Centers,
expanding multimodal options, and improving air quality will all help to lower emissions
Measuring GHG impacts of transportation projects requires a detailed, complex effort
that is not consistent with the goal of keeping the project evaluation process simple and
The region does not meet federal NAAQS for ground-level ozone and has only recently
attained standard for PM2.5
Review of Other State Documents and Programs
The Carbon Reduction Program requires each state to develop a Carbon Reduction Strategy by
November 2023. While many states are still developing the Carbon Reduction Strategy, as
required by the Carbon Reduction Program, there are states that have published other similar
documents that address reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.
This section summarizes information from other states to provide NJDOT with examples of
ongoing work in this area.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has developed a Draft Carbon Reduction Strategy
that is posted on their website for public review and comment1. The document identifies five
categories of transportation projects and strategies that can support carbon reduction in
Indiana, as shown in Figure 1. Project types and strategies the support each category are
summarized in tables. The document does not identify specific projects or estimate the
potential reductions from the strategies.
Indiana DOT Carbon Reduction Strategy.
Appendices 32
Figure 1. Indiana DOT Carbon Reduction Categories
The Oregon Transportation Commission developed a Statewide Transportation Strategy (STS)2
in 2013 in response to Legislative direction to identify the most promising approaches for
reducing transportation related GHG emissions. The STS contains 18 distinct strategies, shown
in Figure 2, found to be the most promising in reducing GHG emissions in Oregon by 2050.
Oregon DOT plans to adapt this document to meet the needs of the Carbon Reduction Strategy
once more federal guidance is issued. Oregon DOT’s Climate Office has many ongoing projects
in the areas of mitigation, sustainability, and adaption. Oregon is currently developing a
methodology to quantify the GHG emissions impacts of the STIP and its wide range of project
Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy.
Appendices 33
Figure 2. Strategies Identified in Oregon’s Statewide Transportation Strategy
On December 16, 2021, the Transportation Commission voted to approve a groundbreaking new
rule, the GHG Pollution Reduction Planning Standard
, to reduce GHG emissions from the
transportation sector. Under the Standard, CDOT and the state’s five MPOs are required to
achieve individually set GHG reduction levels at four different time periods - 2025, 2030, 2040,
and 2050, which must be demonstrated in transportation planning documents using travel
modeling. Overall, the standard encourages CDOT and the MPOs to develop long range
transportation plans that support travel choices that reduce GHG emissions.
Colorado DOT Greenhouse Gas Program.
Appendices 34
On May 19, 2022, the Transportation Commission voted to adopt Policy Directive 1610
on GHG
Mitigation Measures, which establishes an ongoing administrative process and guidelines for
selecting, measuring, confirming, verifying, and reporting on GHG Mitigation Measures. The
Policy Directive includes a list of GHG mitigation measures that have been scored to reflect the
ability of these project types to reduce GHG emissions in Colorado.
Florida DOT developed a Carbon Reduction Quick Guide
, designed to assist MPOs in
developing goals and objectives to support the reduction of transportation emissions and to
identify projects that align with those goals and objectives. The Quick Guide also contains a list
of resources so MPOs can easily access answers to questions regarding the implementation of
the IIJA program. The guide encourages MPOs to consider goals that align with objectives
within the Florida Transportation Plan that support carbon reduction, as shown in Figure 3, and
provides examples of noteworthy practices around the state.
Figure 3. Florida Transportation Plan Objectives that Support Carbon Reduction
The California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) has published a Handbook
for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and
Advancing Health and Equity
. This document is widely used by local governments across
California to reduce GHG emissions from new land use development projects and to create
climate action plans, master plans, and general plans. This document does not present a
Colorado DOT Policy Directive 1610.
Florida DOT Carbon Reduction Quick Guide.
CAPCOA GHG Handbook.
Appendices 35
statewide emissions reduction strategy, but it is a useful resource that includes factsheets,
formulas, and guidance to calculate GHG reductions from over 80 GHG mitigation strategies.
Information about specific strategies include GHG emissions reduction potential, co-benefits,
climate resilience effects, and health and equity considerations.
Appendices 36
Appendix C Carbon Reduction Working Group
Brief summaries of each of the Carbon Reduction Working Group meetings are below.
Working Group Meeting #1 – December 12, 2022
The consultant team led a presentation providing an overview of the federal CRS legislation, the
purpose of the Working Group, and the project schedule. The Working Group discussed the
upcoming process of reviewing previous studies, how emissions reductions will be modeled,
and how CRP funds will be used.
Working Group Meeting #2 – February 3, 2023
The consultant team led a presentation reminding attendees of the purpose of the federal CRS
legislation and summarizing results of the literature review of previous studies. The Working
Group discussed the potential scope of the CRS, and similar ongoing efforts undertaken by
other states.
Working Group Meeting #3 – March 7, 2023
The consultant team led a presentation that include recapping the purpose of the CRS,
presenting examples of similar documents, and discussing what can be included in the New
Jersey CRS. Working Group members were encouraged to share data concerning carbon
emissions and to respond to a survey concerning focus topics and each agency’s efforts to
reduce carbon emissions.
Working Group Meeting #4 – April 24, 2023
The consultant team led a presentation that included summarizing recent FHWA CRS webinars,
updating Working Group members on the progress of the development of the CRS, and
discussing next steps. The Working Group also discussed the type of projects to be included in
the CRS.
Working Group Meeting #5 – May 25, 2023
The consultant team led a presentation that included recapping the purpose of and NJDOT’s
approach to the CRS, recapping feedback from the Working Group survey, and introducing
assumptions and attempts to quantify carbon reductions of various project types.
Working Group Meeting #6 – June 29, 2023
The consultant team led a presentation that included outlining the draft CRS, summarizing the
type of actions NJDOT can take to implement the CRS, and how to evaluate the effectiveness of
the CRS. The Working Group discussed the need to integrate carbon reduction funding into
existing processes.
Working Group Meeting #7 – July 27, 2023
Appendices 37
The consultant team led a presentation that included summarizing the contents of the draft
CRS, the document’s main themes, and a schedule for the Working Group’s review of the
Appendices 38
Appendix D E missions Reduction
Quan tification Methodology
As part of the Carbon Reduction Strategy, NJDOT selected representative projects based on the
list of eligible project types to determine the relative emissions benefits of various projects.
Since this exercise did not calculate emissions for specific projects where project details were
known, the emissions were estimated using publicly available tools and methodologies that can
be repeated and refined for future versions of the Carbon Reduction Strategy and any potential
reporting of expected emissions reductions from specific projects under evaluation.
Resources Used
EPA Motor Vehicle Emissions Model (MOVES) Version 3.1 was used to develop
emission factors for the general vehicle fleet and passenger vehicles on the roads in
New Jersey. MOVES incorporates the registered vehicle fleet mix as well as all federal
emissions and fuel economy regulations in place during the analysis year. The emission
factors used for the analysis were an average of MOVES results from three
representative counties (Bergen, Atlantic, and Burlington). MOVES was also used to
develop an emission factor for diesel-powered construction equipment and gasoline-
powered landscaping equipment using the NONROAD module. The value used is an
average of all commercial gasoline equipment within the landscaping category, which
includes a range of equipment such as mowers, chainsaws, blowers, tractors, and
AFLEET Version 2020 was used to develop emission factors for trucks and buses using
an array of fuel options. AFLEET includes estimates for direct emissions from the
vehicle tailpipe as well as upstream emissions associated with the production and
transport of fuel and energy. While electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do not
produce tailpipe emissions, the increases in emissions from power production must be
considered for a complete comparison. Emission factors were developed using AFLEET
national defaults.
AFLEET Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Emissions Tool was used to develop
emission estimates for a publicly available charging station.
FHWA CMAQ Toolkit is a series of Excel-based modules commonly used for the
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program emissions reporting. Many project types
that reduce emissions of CO
are included within these modules. The Traffic Flow
Improvement Module was used to identify emission factors for vehicles traveling at
specific speeds and idling. Annual bus miles of travel was retrieved from the Transit
Bus Retrofit and Replacement Module.
The National Asphalt Pavement Association published GHG Emissions Inventory for
Asphalt Mix Production in the United States in 2022. Information in this document was
used to estimate the emissions reductions using different pavement techniques for a
typical resurfacing project.
Appendices 39
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) Methods to Find the Cost-Effectiveness of
Funding Air Quality Projects was used to develop assumptions for how many new users
would use bicycle and pedestrian facilities with various characteristics.
Tool Development
A Microsoft Excel-based tool was developed to perform this emissions analysis. The tool
includes a tab that performs all calculations and a tab that summarizes all the inputs used and
the source of that data or assumption. The following sections provide additional details and
context for the calculations and assumptions used by the tool by project type.
Publicly Available Charging Stations
Emission reductions were based on one moderate utilization charging station, using AFLEET
CFI defaults for the number of vehicles to access the station and fuel consumption. Emission
reductions were calculated separately for level 2 (L2) charging stations and Direct Current Fast
Charging (DCFC) stations. The result values could be scaled by the number of charging stations
under consideration.
Vehicle Replacement
Emissions reductions were estimated by subtracting the emissions of the electric or zero-
emission vehicle from emissions for an identical diesel vehicle. For the purposes of this
analysis, zero-emission trucks were assumed to be the average of heavy-duty vehicles powered
by electricity or hydrogen fuel cells. Electric bus emissions were calculated by comparing a new
electric bus to a new diesel bus, assuming a bus at the end of its service life would be replaced
one of these options. The result values could be scaled by the number of vehicles under
consideration for replacement. The alternative fuel factors from AFLEET are included in the
spreadsheet tool in the tab labeled “Alt Fuel Emission Factors.”
Nonroad Diesel Equipment Replacement
Annual emissions for average diesel-powered construction equipment were estimated using the
NONROAD module. The value used is an average of all diesel equipment within the construction
category except off-road trucks. The construction category includes a range of equipment such
as graders, loaders, dozers, cranes, pavers, and tractors. It was assumed that replacement of
off-road trucks would have similar emissions reductions as estimated for on-road trucks. If
specific equipment is to be replaced, it is recommended that emission factors and activity
specific to that equipment be identified. No upstream emissions from electricity production
were included in this calculation.
Truck Stop Electrification
Appendices 40
Emissions reductions were estimated for installation of offboard power equipment that can be
used to support truck drivers’ rest needs such as temperature control and running appliances
onboard the vehicle without idling the truck’s diesel engine or using a diesel auxiliary power
system. The idling emission factor used in these calculations is an average of MOVES emission
factors for extended idle and auxiliary power system factors. No upstream emissions from
electricity production were included in this calculation. The result value could be scaled by the
number of truck parking spots upgraded.
Active Transportation Facilities
Emissions reductions from bicycle and pedestrian facilities were developed based on the
methodology described in the California Air Resources Board’s Methods to Find the Cost-
Effectiveness of Funding Air Quality Projects7. This methodology estimates the number of
automobile trips replaced by bicycle trips for commute and other non-recreational purposes
using average daily traffic of the parallel roadway, length of the project, city population, and the
number of activity centers within half a mile of the project. The estimates used for this
evaluation assumed the maximum number of activity centers and maximum population
adjustment factors to calculate the emissions reduced from each combination of project length
and roadway AADT. These calculations are detailed in the emissions workbook tab labeled
“Bike Ped Assumptions.” For the purposes of this analysis, the same assumptions were used
for pedestrian facilities, although that is likely an overestimate. The emissions reductions were
multiplied by the drive alone mode share to acknowledge that not every new user will have
shifted travel from a single occupancy vehicle.
Transit Service
Emissions reductions from transit service expansion represent the reductions from increased
transit use that shifts commuters away from driving alone. To estimate the passenger vehicle
miles reduced, new trips per bus service mile and rail service mile were based on system-wide
average data from NJ Transit’s 2030 Strategic plan, and the average trip distance was based on
national average data from the CMAQ toolkit. The emissions reductions were multiplied by the
drive alone mode share to acknowledge that not every new user will have shifted travel from a
single occupancy vehicle. The result values could be scaled by the number of service miles that
would be expanded by the project.
Vanpool Service
Emissions reductions from vanpool opportunities represent the reductions from commuters
shifting modes from driving alone. To estimate the passenger vehicle miles reduced, the
average trip distance was based on national average data from the CMAQ toolkit, and it was
assumed that vans would have capacity for 10 users. The emissions reductions were multiplied
by the drive alone mode share to acknowledge that not every new user will have shifted travel
from a single occupancy vehicle. The result value could be scaled by the number of vans
considered for purchase or the number of expected users per van.
Appendices 41
Emissions reductions from teleworking represent the reductions from commuters eliminating a
commute trips. To estimate the passenger vehicle miles reduced, the average trip distance was
based on national average data from the CMAQ toolkit. The emissions reductions were
multiplied by the drive alone mode share to acknowledge that not every new user will have
shifted travel from a single occupancy vehicle. The result value could be scaled based on the
number of employees participating and the number of days per year spent working remotely.
Roadway Operations
Multiple project types (variable messaging signs, traffic control centers, transit signal priority,
and signal synchronization) were evaluated to determine potential benefits from projects that
improve efficiency on roadways by increasing vehicle speeds and decreasing travel time.
Emissions benefits for these types of projects were assumed to only occur during peak hours
when congestion is most likely to be relieved. Emissions of vehicles traveling average speeds of
20 to 50 miles per hour were obtained from the CMAQ toolkit. A 5 mph increase in speed was
assumed to represent a 10% reduction in travel time. A 10 mph increase in speed was assumed
to represent a 30% reduction in travel time.
Individual Signal Projects
Emissions reductions from an individual signal were based on the elimination of 60 seconds of
idling per vehicle. Emissions benefits for project type were assumed to only occur during peak
hours when congestion is most likely to be relieved. The resulting value could be scaled based
on the roadway volume and seconds of delay reduced.
Replace Gasoline Powered Landscaping Equipment
Annual emissions for average gasoline-powered landscaping equipment were estimated using
the NONROAD module. The value used is an average of all commercial gasoline equipment
within the landscaping category, which includes a range of equipment such as mowers,
chainsaws, blowers, tractors, and chippers. If specific equipment is to be replaced, it is
recommended that emission factors and activity specific to that equipment be identified. No
upstream emissions from electricity production were included in this calculation.
Idle Reduction
Emissions reductions can be achieved by implementing restrictions for how long construction
equipment may idle at a worksite. Reductions were estimated assuming a 5-minute limit on
idling for 2 idle events per day. The heavy-duty truck idling emission factor was obtained from
the CMAQ toolkit. This value could be scaled based on the number of trucks affected by the idle
Streetlight Bulb Replacement
Emissions reductions were estimated for the upstream electricity reduction that could be
achieved by replacing high pressure sodium (HPSV) lamps with light-emitting diode (LED)
Appendices 42
streetlamps. The energy saved per bulb was estimated by reviewing existing studies from
recent municipal projects to replace lightbulbs in city street lights8. This value was multiplied by
the number of bulb replaced and the electricity emission factor provided by EPA’s Emissions &
Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) for the RFC East subregion9. This value
could be scaled based on the number of light bulbs replaced, and the emission factor should be
updated if lightbulbs other than HPSV or LED are under consideration.
Resurfacing with Warm-Mix Asphalt
Resurfacing with warm-mix asphalt as an alternative to hot-mix asphalt (HMA) reduces
approximately 15% of CO2 emissions associated with the energy needed for asphalt
production10. The National Asphalt Paving Association’s (NAPA) GHG Emissions Inventory for
Asphalt Mix Production in the United States estimates that an average lifecycle emission
intensity of asphalt mix in the United States ranges from 50.2 to 52.1 kg of CO2 equivalent
(CO2e) per ton of mix produced, and mix production contributes to about 43% of the lifecycle
emissions of HMA. The emissions reduction was determined by assuming a 15% reduction in
the 43% contribution of material production, for a reduction of 3.4 kg CO2e per ton of mix.
NJDOT staff indicated that a typical resurfacing project uses 40,000 tons of mix. These values
were multiplied to determine the potential reduction of CO2 per resurfacing project, assuming
CO2e is primarily CO2.
Resurfacing with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
Information from the National Asphalt Paving Association’s (NAPA) GHG Emissions Inventory
for Asphalt Mix Production in the United States was used to determine the reductions from
scenarios that utilize reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). This document estimates that each
ton of RAP used in asphalt mixtures in 2019 reduced GHG emissions by approximately 27 kg
CO2e in the United States. NJDOT’s HMA High RAP specification requires a minimum of 20%
RAP. It was assumed cold in-place recycling and full-depth reclamation use 100% RAP. NJDOT
staff indicated that a typical resurfacing project uses 40,000 tons of mix. Emission reductions
and were calculated according to the following equation, assuming CO2e was primarily CO2:
Emissions reduction per project (kg/CO
) = RAP emissions reduction (27 kg CO
e/ton of mix)
* percentage RAP used (20% or 100%, depending on
* average HMA tonnage per project (40,000 ton of mix)
Resources used include: