NM Commodity Code(s): 91890
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
APRIL 2024
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
I. ADVERTISEMENT .......................................................................................................4
II. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................5
A. PURPOSE OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ............................................5
B. SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................5
C. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................7
D. DESIGNATED PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST ................................................8
E. DEFINITION OF TERMINOLOGY.....................................................................8
III. CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE PROCUREMENT...............................................10
A. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ..................................................................................10
B. EXPLANATION OF EVENTS ...........................................................................11
1. Issuance of RFP ..............................................................................................11
2. Pre-Proposal Conference ................................................................................11
3. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form Due ..................................................11
4. Deadline to Submit Additional Written Questions ...................................11
5. Response to Written Questions .................................................................11
6. Submission of Proposals ...........................................................................12
7. Proposal Evaluation ...................................................................................12
8. Selection of Finalists .................................................................................12
9. Best and Final Offers from Finalists (If applicable) .................................13
10. Oral Presentations by Finalists (If applicable) ..........................................13
11. Contract Negotiations ....................................................................................13
12. Contract Award .........................................................................................13
13. Right to Protest .........................................................................................13
C. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................14
1. Acceptance of Conditions Governing the Procurement .................................14
2. Incurring Cost ................................................................................................14
3. Prime Contractor Responsibility ...............................................................14
4. Subcontractors ...........................................................................................14
5. Amended Proposals ...................................................................................14
6. Offerors’ Rights to Withdraw Proposal ....................................................15
7. Proposal Offer Firm ..................................................................................15
8. Disclosure of Proposed Contents ..............................................................15
9. No Obligation ............................................................................................15
10. Termination ...............................................................................................15
11. Sufficient Appropriation ................................................................................16
12. Legal Review ............................................................................................16
13. Governing Law .........................................................................................16
14. Basis for Proposal ..........................................................................................16
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
15. Contract Terms and Conditions .....................................................................16
16. Contract Deviations ..................................................................................16
17. Offeror Qualifications ..............................................................................16
18. Right to Waive Minor Irregularities ........................................................17
19. Change in Contractor Representatives .....................................................17
20. Notice .......................................................................................................17
21. County Rights ..........................................................................................17
22. Right to Publish .......................................................................................17
23. Ownership of Proposals ...............................................................................17
24. Electronic Mail Address Recommended .................................................17
25. Preference in Procurement by Santa Fe County ......................................18
26. Double-Sided Documents ........................................................................19
27. Living Wage ............................................................................................19
IV. RESPONSE FORMAT AND ORGANIZATION ........................................................20
A. NUMBER OF RESPONSES ...............................................................................20
B. NUMBER OF COPIES .......................................................................................20
C. PROPOSAL FORMAT .......................................................................................20
1. Proposal Organization ...............................................................................20
2. Letter of Transmittal ..................................................................................21
V. SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................22
A. INFORMATION .................................................................................................22
1. Time Frame ...............................................................................................22
B. EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................................22
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................22
2. Technical Competence and Specialized Experience .................................22
3. Evidence of Understanding Scope of Work ..............................................22
4. Capacity and Capability ............................................................................23
C. COST PROPOSAL .........................................................................................24
VI. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS ...............................................................................24
A. EVALUATION SCORING .................................................................................24
B. EVALUATION PROCESS .................................................................................24
A. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form ....................................................................26
B. Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form ............................................................27
C. Resident Veterans Preference Certification ....................................................30
D. Cost Proposal .......................................................................................................31
E. Sample Agreement ..........................................................................................32
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Santa Fe County requests proposals from qualified vendors or firms to provide and develop a
Broadband Strategic plan. All proposals submitted shall be valid for ninety (90) days subject to
action by the County. Santa Fe County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in part or in
whole. A completed proposal shall be submitted in a sealed container indicating the proposal title
and number along with the Offeror's name and address clearly marked on the outside of the
container. All proposals must be received by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the Santa
Fe County Purchasing Division, 102 Grant Avenue, (First Floor), Santa Fe, NM 87501. To
combat the spread of the recent COVID-19 illness, the submission of Proposals will also be accepted
electronically utilizing a DropBox. Please utilize this link to upload your proposal submission.
By submitting a proposal for the requested services each Offeror is certifying that it is a qualified
firm and its proposal complies with the requirements stated within the Request for Proposals.
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 online via WebEx
using the link provided below or by calling (408) 418-9388 meeting number: 2633 813 0031.
Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: All qualified Offerors will receive consideration of
contract(s) without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin, ancestry, age, physical and
mental handicap, serious medical condition, disability, spousal affiliation, sexual orientation or gender
Request for Proposals will be available by contacting Tammy Jim, Procurement Specialist Senior,
102 Grant Avenue, (First Floor) Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, or by telephone at (505) 986-6370,
or by email at [email protected] or on our website at
Santa Fe County
Published April 28
& 29
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Santa Fe County is seeking to establish a strategic plan for leveraging federal BEAD
(Broadband Equity Access and Deployment) funding for last mile projects and state Connect
NM funding for middle mile and last mile projects. The Broadband Strategy and Plan is to
include a clear scope and vision for access, equity, affordability with technical, demographic
and other data collection to identify needs, goals and success metrics. Additionally, the
Broadband Strategy and Plan is to identify any additional potential partners, anchors and
other stakeholders, including Internet Service Providers (IPS), telecommunications and
utility construction companies. The primary goal is to implement the population goals
contained in the Santa Fe County’s Strategy Plan through a comprehensive Broadband
Strategy and Plan.
The Population goals are:
Provide a Safe Community
Promote a Sustainable and Equitable Community
Support a Healthy Community
Be a Highly Skilled, Transparent, and Accessible Government
We are seeking a contractor to develop a broadband strategic plan for Santa Fe County. The
plan shall, at minimum, include but not be limited to the following:
Work with the County to develop an outreach strategy to engage local and regional
partners, Internet Service Providers (ISP) and other stakeholders, for input and
An assessment of similar plans with success metrics and lessons learned to best
Strategies for leveraging federal BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and
Deployment) funding for last mile projects and state Connect NM funding for middle
mile and last mile projects along with any other funding sources, as appropriate;
A clearly defined scope and vision in the plan to include access, equity, affordability
with technical, demographic and other data collection to identity needs, goals and
success metrics;
Identify any additional potential partners, anchors and other stakeholders, including
ISPs, telecommunications and utility construction companies;
Identification and GIS (Geographical Information System) mapping of all county
owned broadband assets, including all RediNet (Regional Economic Development
Internet Network, middle mile service provider) equipment contained within Santa
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Fe County, and all county owned broadband assets, towers, Network Operations
Centers, Co-locations agreements, and broadband facilities;
Partnership opportunities with regional governmental, non-governmental, business
and civic stakeholders (cities of Santa Fe, Edgewood, Espanola, school districts,
higher education, medical providers, Pueblos, counties and State of New Mexico,
Estimated capital and operational budgets for any recommendations identified for
consideration and potential funding sources;
Estimated economic, social and other impacts to Santa Fe County and the region;
Recommended path forward including timelines and internal project roles and
One, three, and five year goals, milestones and metrics;
A risk assessment, including mitigation strategies for significant risks to successful
plan implementation;
Preliminary engineering as applicable for planning and cost estimating.
The plan should be responsive to the federal and state broadband existing Initiatives,
targeted outcomes, Equity and Diversity goals, funding streams, service costs and expansion
of Broadband infrastructure to underserved and unserved areas of Santa Fe County. Potential
agency stakeholders include but are not limited to, NM OBAE (New Mexico Office of
Broadband Access and Expansion), Connect New Mexico Council, NTIA (National
Telecommunications and Information Administration), RUS (Rural Utility Service), FCC
(Federal Communication Commissions), and EDA (Economic Development
Social services delivery;
Constituent access to robust and affordable broadband leveraging BEAD
(Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment funding opportunities;
Emergency management and public safely communications, including cell coverage;
Economic development including growing target industries such as a new media,
film and a growing work from home/’solopreneur’ segment;
County operations: communications, data management, sustainability and
Polling site and election security;
Cyber security;
Disaster recovery;
Workforce development including the training needed to execute any broadband
Public engagement;
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
The following is a preliminary schedule for plan development. Final schedule will be
negotiated with the selected vendor.
Research and Stakeholder engagement 3 months
Draft plan delivered to Santa Fe County 0.50 month
Santa Fe County staff review comments 1 month
Contractor response to review comments 1 month
Presentation to Board of County Commissioners of Final Plan 1 month
Total project duration: 6.5 months
Regular updates will be provided to all project participants through virtual meetings, emails,
and documented reports. Any deviations from the proposed scope or budget will be
communicated promptly for review and approval.
The insurance required by Offeror are listed below.
1. General Conditions. Contractor shall submit evidence of insurance as is required
herein. Policies of insurance shall be written by companies authorized to write such
insurance in New Mexico.
2. General Liability Insurance, Including Automobile. Contractor shall procure and
maintain during the life of this Agreement a comprehensive general liability and
automobile insurance policy with liability limits in amounts not less than $1,000,000
combined single limits of liability for bodily injury, including death, and property
damage for any one occurrence. Said policies of insurance shall include coverage
for all operations performed for County by Contractor; coverage for the use of all
owned, non-owned, hired automobiles, vehicles and other equipment, both on and
off work; and contractual liability coverage under which this Agreement is an
insured contract. County of Santa Fe shall be a named additional insured on the
3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of
the Workers’ Compensation Act.
4. Increased Limits. If, during the life of this Agreement, the Legislature of the State
of New Mexico increases the maximum limits of liability under the Tort Claims Act
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
(NMSA 1978, Sections 41-4-1 through 41-4-29, as amended), Contractor shall
increase the maximum limits of any insurance required herein.
The County has designated a Procurement Specialist who is responsible for the conduct of
this procurement whose name, address and telephone number is listed below. All deliveries
via express carrier should be addressed as follows:
Tammy Jim, Procurement Specialist Senior
Santa Fe County Purchasing Division
102 Grant Avenue, First Floor
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 986-6370
Any inquiries or requests regarding this procurement should be submitted to the
Procurement Specialist Senior in writing. Offerors may ONLY contact the Procurement
Specialist Senior listed above regarding the procurement. Other County employees do
not have the authority to respond on behalf of the County.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
This section contains definitions and abbreviations that are used throughout this
procurement document.
This section contains definitions and abbreviations that are used throughout this procurement
“BCC” means the Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners
Close of Business means 5:00 PM Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time,
whichever is in effect on the date given.
“Contract” or “Agreement” means a written agreement for the procurement of items of
tangible personal property or services.
“Contractor” means a successful offeror who enters into a binding contract.
“County” means Santa Fe County.
“Determination” means the written documentation of a decision by the Procurement Manager
including findings of fact supporting a decision. A determination becomes part of the
procurement file.
“Desirable” The termsmay”, “can”, “should”, “preferably”, or “prefers” identify a desirable
or discretionary item or factor (as opposed to “mandatory”).
“Evaluation Committee” means a body appointed by the County management to perform the
evaluation of offeror proposals.
“Finalist” is defined as an offeror who meets all the mandatory specifications of this Request
for Proposals and whose score on evaluation factors is sufficiently high to merit further
consideration by the Evaluation Committee.
“Mandatory” The terms “must”, “shall”, “will”, “is required”, or “are required”, identify a
mandatory item or factor (as opposed to “desirable”). Failure to meet a mandatory item or
factor will result in the rejection of the offeror’s proposal.
“Offeror” is any person, corporation, or partnership who chooses to submit a proposal.
“Procurement Manager” means the person or designee authorized by the County to manage
or administer a procurement requiring the evaluation of competitive sealed proposals.
“Purchasing Division” means the Santa Fe County Purchasing Division, Finance
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
“Request for Proposals” or “RFP” means all documents, including those attached or
incorporated by reference, used for soliciting proposals.
Responsible Offeror” means an offeror who submits a responsive proposal and who has
furnished, when required, information and data to prove that its financial resources, production
or service facilities, personnel, service reputation and experience are adequate to make
satisfactory delivery of the services or items of tangible personal property described in the
“Responsive Offer or Responsive Proposal” means an offer or proposal which conforms
in all material respects to the requirements set forth in the request for proposals. Material
respects of a request for proposals include, but are not limited to, price, quality, quantity or
delivery requirements.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
This section of the RFP contains the schedule for the procurement, describes the major
procurement events and the conditions governing the procurement.
The Procurement Manager will make every effort to adhere to the following schedule:
Purchasing Division
April 28
& 29
May 7
May 8
May 10
Purchasing Division
May 16
June 6
2:00 PM MDT
Evaluation Committee
June 11 – 14
Evaluation Committee
June 2024
(if applicable)
June 2024
County, Offeror
June 2024
Purchasing Division
June 2024
Note: If the Evaluation Committee makes a selection at the Selection of Finalists, event 9 will
not occur.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
The following paragraphs describe the activities listed in the sequence of events shown in
Section III, Paragraph A.
1. Issuance of RFP
This RFP is being issued by the Santa Fe County (user agency name) Department
and the Purchasing Division.
2. Pre-Proposal Conference
A Pre-Proposal Conference and Site Visit are scheduled to occur on the date indicated
in the Sequence of Events at Section III.A. Questions may be submitted at the Pre-
Proposal Conference and until the date indicated in the Sequence of Events at Section
III.A. All questions must be in writing and e-mailed to A public log will be kept of the names of potential
offerors who attended the Pre-Proposal Conference and the Site Visit.
3. Acknowledgement of Receipt Form
Potential offerors should hand-deliver, return by facsimile or e-mail the
Acknowledgement of Receipt Form provided as Appendix A to have its name and
firm placed on the procurement distribution list. The form should be signed by an
authorized representative of the organization, dated and returned by close of business
on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
The procurement distribution list will be used for the distribution of written
responses to questions and any RFP addenda.
4. Deadline to Submit Additional Written Questions
Potential offerors may submit written questions regarding this RFP until the close of
business on the date indicated in the Sequence of Events at Section III.A. All
written questions must be addressed to the Procurement Specialist Senior, listed in
Section II.E and sent via facsimile or e-mail. Any contact with any other County
staff member or persons other than the Procurement Specialist Senior named in
this solicitation may be grounds for disqualification.
5. Response to Written Questions
Written responses to written questions and any RFP addenda will be distributed on
the date indicated in the Sequence of Events at Section III.A, to all potential offerors
whose names appear on the procurement distribution list.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Additional written requests for clarification of distributed answers or addenda must
be received by the Procurement Specialist Senior no later than one (1) day after the
answers or addenda were issued.
6. Submission of Proposal
LATER THAN 2:00 p.m. Thursday, June 6, 2024. Proposals received after this
deadline will not be accepted. The date and time of receipt will be recorded on each
proposal. Proposals must be addressed and delivered to the Procurement Specialist
Senior at the address listed in Section II.E. Proposals must be sealed and labeled on
the outside of the package to clearly indicate that they are in response to the County's
Request for Proposals No. 2024-0243-CDD/TJ. Proposals may also be
submitted electronically via Dropbox at the link provided below.
Proposals must be delivered to:
Tammy Jim, Procurement Specialist Senior
Santa Fe County Purchasing Division
102 Grant Avenue (First Floor)
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
A public log will be kept of the names of all offeror’s who submitted proposals.
Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 13-1-116, the contents of any proposal shall not
be disclosed so as to be available to competing offerors during the negotiation
7. Proposal Evaluation
The evaluation of proposals will be performed by an Evaluation Committee
appointed by the Procurement Specialist Senior. This process will take place during
the timeframe indicated in the Sequence of Events at III.A. During this time, the
Procurement Specialist Senior may initiate discussions with offerors who submit
responsive or potentially responsive proposals for the purpose of clarifying aspects
of the proposals, but proposals may be accepted and evaluated without such
discussion. Discussions SHALL NOT be initiated by the offerors.
8. Selection of Finalists (If Applicable)
The Evaluation Committee may select and the Procurement Specialist Senior may
notify the finalist offerors on the date indicated in the Sequence of Events at Section
III.A. Only finalists will be invited to participate in the subsequent steps of the
procurement if the finalist process is used.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
9. Best and Final Offers from Finalists (If Applicable)
Finalist offerors may be asked to submit revisions to their proposals for the purpose
of obtaining best and final offers by the date indicated in the Sequence of Events at
Section III.A.
10. Oral Presentation by Finalists (If Applicable)
Finalist offerors may be required to present their proposals to the Evaluation
Committee. The Procurement Specialist will schedule the time for each offeror
presentation. All finalist offerors will be contacted to schedule presentations
providing a location and instructions for the Oral presentations. Each presentation
will be limited to one (1) hour in duration.
11. Contract Negotiations
The contract will be finalized with the most advantageous offeror during the
timeframe indicated in the Sequence of Events at Section III.A. In the event that
mutually agreeable terms cannot be reached within the time specified, the County
reserves the right to finalize a contract with the next most advantageous offeror
without undertaking a new procurement process.
12. Contract Award
The County anticipates awarding the contract on the date in the Sequence of Events
at Section III.A. These dates are subject to change at the discretion of the Santa Fe
County Purchasing Specialist or Procurement Manager. Only by the determination
of the Procurement Manager, the County reserves the right to issue a multiple award
pursuant to NMSA 1978 13-1-153.
The contract shall be awarded to the offeror or offerors whose proposal is most
advantageous to the County, taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth
in the RFP. The most advantageous proposal may or may not have received the
most points.
13. Right to Protest
Any protest by an offeror must be timely and in conformance with NMSA 1978,
Section 13-1-172 and applicable procurement regulations. Protests must be written
and must include the name and address of the protestor and the request for proposals
number. It must also contain a statement of grounds for protest including appropriate
supporting exhibits. The protests must be delivered to the Santa Fe County
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Purchasing Division:
Santa Fe County Procurement Office
Attn: Bill Taylor, CPO/ Procurement Manger
PO Box 276
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Protests will not be accepted by facsimile or other electronic means.
Protests received after the deadline will not be accepted.
This procurement will be conducted in accordance with Chapter 13, NMSA 1978, NMAC
1.4.1 and the Santa Fe County Procurement Regulations.
1. Acceptance of Conditions Governing the Procurement
Offerors must indicate their acceptance of the Conditions Governing the Procurement
section in the letter of transmittal. Submission of a proposal constitutes acceptance
of the terms and conditions of the contract template attached hereto as Appendix E.
2. Incurring Cost
Any cost incurred by the offeror in preparation, transmittal, presentation of any
proposal or material submitted in response to this RFP shall be borne solely by the
3. Prime Contractor Responsibility
Any contract that may result from this RFP shall specify that the prime contractor is
solely responsible for fulfillment of the contract with the County. The County will
make contract payments to only the prime contractor.
4. Subcontractors
Use of subcontractors must be clearly explained in the proposal, and major
subcontractors must be identified by name. The prime contractor shall be wholly
responsible for the performance of the contract with the County whether or not subcon-
tractors are used.
5. Amended Proposals
An offeror may submit an amended proposal before the deadline for receipt of
proposals. Such amended proposal must be a complete replacement of the previously
submitted proposal and must be clearly identified as such in the transmittal letter.
County personnel will not merge, collate, or assemble proposal materials.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
6. Offerors' Rights to Withdraw Proposal
Offerors will be allowed to withdraw their proposals at any time prior to the deadline
for receipt of proposals. The offeror must submit a written withdrawal request signed
by the offeror's duly authorized representative addressed to the Procurement
Specialist. The approval or denial of withdrawal requests received after the deadline
for receipt of the proposals is governed by the applicable procurement regulations.
7. Proposal Offer Firm
Responses to this RFP, including proposal prices, will be considered firm for 90 days
after the due date for receipt of proposals or 90 days after receipt of a best and final
offer if one is submitted.
8. Disclosure of Proposal Contents
Proposals shall not be opened publicly and shall not be open to public inspection until
after an offeror has been selected for award of a contract.
An offeror may request in writing non-disclosure of confidential data. Proprietary or
confidential data shall be readily separable from the proposal in order to facilitate
eventual public inspection of the non-confidential portion of the proposal. Confiden-
tial data is normally restricted to confidential financial information concerning the
offeror's organization and data that qualifies as a trade secret in accordance with the
Uniform Trade Secrets Act, 57-3A-1 to 57-3A-7, NMSA 1978. The price of products
offered or the cost of services proposed shall not be designated as proprietary or
confidential information.
If a request is received for disclosure of data for which an offeror has made a written
request for confidentiality, the Santa Fe County Procurement Manger shall examine
the offeror's request and make a written determination that specifies which portions of
the proposal should be disclosed. Unless the offeror takes legal action to prevent the
disclosure, the proposal will be so disclosed. The proposal shall be open to public
inspection subject to any continuing prohibition on the disclosure of confidential data.
9. No Obligation
This procurement in no manner obligates Santa Fe County or any of its departments
to the use of any proposed professional services until a valid written contract is
awarded and approved by the appropriate authorities.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
10. Termination
This RFP may be canceled at any time and any and all proposals may be rejected in
whole or in part when the County determines such action to be in the best interest of
the County
11. Sufficient Appropriation
Any contract awarded as a result of this RFP process may be terminated if sufficient
appropriations or authorizations do not exist. Such termination will be effected by
sending written notice to the contractor. The County's decision as to whether
sufficient appropriations and authorizations are available will be accepted by the
contractor as final.
12. Legal Review
The County requires that all offerors agree to be bound by the General Requirements
contained in this RFP. Any offeror concerns must be promptly brought to the atten-
tion of the Procurement Specialist Senior.
13. Governing Law
This procurement and any agreement with offerors that may result shall be governed
by the laws of the State of New Mexico.
14. Basis for Proposal
Only information supplied by the County in writing through the Procurement
Specialist Senior or in this RFP should be used as the basis for the preparation of
offeror proposals.
15. Contract Terms and Conditions
The contract between the County and the Contractor will follow the format specified
by the County and contain the terms and conditions set forth in Appendix E.
16. Contract Deviations
Any additional terms and conditions, which may be the subject of negotiation, will be
discussed only between the County and the selected offeror and shall not be deemed
an opportunity to amend the proposal.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
17. Offeror Qualifications
The Evaluation Committee may make such investigations as necessary to determine
the ability of the offeror to adhere to the requirements specified within this RFP. The
Evaluation Committee will reject the proposal of any offeror who is not a responsible
offeror or fails to submit a responsive offer as defined in Sections 13-1-83 and 13-1-
85 NMSA, 1978, subject to Procurement Manager approval.
18. Right to Waive Minor Irregularities
The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to waive minor technical irregularities.
This right is at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Committee subject to the
Procurement Manager approval.
19. Change in Contractor Representatives
The County reserves the right to require a change in contractor representatives if the
assigned representatives are not, in the opinion of the County, meeting the County’s
needs adequately. Any change in contractor representative must receive prior County
20. Notice
The Procurement Code, Sections 13-1-28 through 13-1-199, NMSA 1978, imposes
civil and misdemeanor criminal penalties for its violation. In addition, the New
Mexico criminal statutes impose felony penalties for bribes, gratuities and kick-backs.
21. County Rights
The County reserves the right to accept all or a portion of an offeror's proposal.
22. Right to Publish
Throughout the duration of this procurement process and contract term, potential
offerors and contractors must secure from the County written approval prior to the
release of any information that pertains to the potential work or activities covered by
this procurement or the subsequent contract. Failure to adhere to this requirement may
result in disqualification of the offeror's proposal or termination of the contract.
23. Ownership of Proposals
All documents submitted in response to this Request for Proposals shall become the
property of the County. However, any technical or user documentation submitted with
the proposals of non-selected offerors shall be returned after the expiration of the
protest period.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
24. Electronic Mail Address Recommended
A large part of the communication regarding this procurement will be conducted by
electronic mail (e-mail). It is recommended that the offeror should have a valid e-mail
address to receive e-mail correspondence.
25. Preferences in Procurement by Santa Fe County
a. New Mexico In-state Preference
New Mexico law, Section 13-4-2 NMSA 1978, provides a preference in the
award of a public works contract for an “in-state resident contractor”.
Application of a resident contractor preference for any Offeror requires the
Offeror to provide a copy of a valid and current certificate as a resident
contractor. Certificates are issued by the state taxation and revenue
If an Offeror submits with its proposal a copy of a valid and current in-state
resident contractor certificate, 5% of the total weight of all evaluation factors
used in the evaluation of proposals may be awarded or added to the Offerors
Certification by the department of taxation and revenue for the resident
contractor takes into consideration such activities as the business’ payment
of property taxes or rent in the state and payment of unemployment insurance
on employees who are residents of the state.
b. New Mexico Resident Veteran Preference
New Mexico law, Section 13-4-2 NMSA 1978, provides a preference in the
award of a public works contract for a “resident veteran contractor”.
Certification by the department of taxation and revenue for the resident
veteran business requires the Offeror to provide evidence of annual revenue
and other evidence of veteran status.
An Offeror who wants the veteran contractor preference to be applied to its
proposal is required to submit with its proposal the certification from the
department of taxation and revenue and the sworn affidavit attached hereto
as Appendix C.
If an Offeror submits with its proposal a copy of a valid and current veteran
resident contractor certificate, 10%, of the total weight of all the evaluation
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
factors used in the evaluation of proposals may be awarded or added to the
Offeror’s score.
The resident contractor preference is not cumulative with the resident
veteran contractor preference.
c. Santa Fe County Preference
Santa Fe County Ordinance 2012-4 provides for a County preference for a
“Santa Fe County business.” Application of the County preference in
procurement requires an Offeror to obtain and provide a Santa Fe County
Business Certificate issued by the Santa Fe County Procurement Manager.
Certification by the Procurement Manager takes into consideration the
business’ corporate standing in the state, business licensure or registration,
the duration of the business’ primary office location and the payment of
If an Offeror submits with its proposal a copy of its Santa Fe County Business
Certificate issued by the Purchasing Manager, 5% of the total weight of all
the evaluation factors used in the evaluation of proposals may be awarded to
the Offerors score.
The Resident Business, Resident Veteran Business or Santa Fe County
Business preferences do not apply to procurement of services or goods
involving federal funds or federal grant funds.
26. Double-Sided Documents
All submitted bids/proposal documents shall be double-sided, pursuant to Santa Fe
County Resolution 2013-7, Adopting Sustainable Resource Management Principles,
Section 2. A. Waste Reduction and Reuse…” all documents are to be double-sided,
including those that are generated by outside entities using County funds and by
consultants and contractors doing business with the County”.
27. Living Wage
Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Santa Fe County Ordinance No.
2014-1 (Establishing a Living Wage).
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Offerors shall submit only one response to this RFP.
Offerors shall deliver one (1) original and four (4) identical copies of their proposal to the
location specified in Section II, Paragraph E on or before the closing date and time for receipt
of proposals. If submitting responses electronically via Dropbox, please submit two (2)
separate files: one file for the proposal response and a separate file the Appendix D Proposed
Fee Schedule.
All proposals shall be limited to twenty (20) pages, with exception to professional licenses
and certifications, which shall be added as appendices. The document shall be typewritten
on standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper, with a font no smaller than 12 pt. pitch, with nominal 1”
margins and normal line spacing. Proposals shall be bound with tabs delineating each
To combat the spread of the recent COVID-19 illness, the submission of Proposals will be
accepted electronically utilizing a DropBox. Please utilize this link to upload your proposal
1. Proposal Organization
The proposal must be organized and indexed in the following format and must contain,
as a minimum, all listed items in the sequence indicated.
a) Letter of Transmittal
b) Response to County Terms and Conditions
c) Table of Contents (optional)
d) Response to Specifications Evaluation Factors
e) Copy of insurance certificate
f) Cost Proposal (One in a separate sealed envelope with the original
proposal submission only, if submitting electronically submit as a
separate file)
g) Campaign Contribution Disclosure Statement
Within each section of their proposal, offerors should address the items in the order in which
they appear in this RFP under Section V.B. EVALUATION FACTORS. All forms
provided in the RFP must be thoroughly completed and included in the appropriate section of
the proposal.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Any proposal that does not adhere to these requirements may be deemed non-responsive
and rejected on that basis.
The proposal summary may be included by offerors to provide the Evaluation Committee
with an overview of the technical and business features of the proposal; however, this material
will not be used in the evaluation process unless specifically referenced from other portions
of the offeror's proposal.
Offerors may attach other materials that they feel may improve the quality of their responses.
However, these materials should be included as items in a separate appendix.
2. Letter of Transmittal
Each proposal must be accompanied by a letter of transmittal. The letter of
transmittal MUST:
a) Identify the submitting person or organization;
b) Identify the name and title of the person authorized by the organization to
contractually obligate the organization;
c) Identify the name, title and telephone number of the person authorized to
negotiate the contract on behalf of the organization;
d) Identify the names, titles and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted for
e) Explicitly indicate Acceptance of the Conditions Governing the Procurement
stated in Section III, Paragraph C.1;
f) Be signed by the person authorized to contractually obligate the organization;
g) Acknowledge receipt of any and all amendments to this RFP;
h) Acknowledge and acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement
attached as Appendix E.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Offerors should respond in the form of a thorough narrative to each mandatory specification. The
narratives along with required supporting materials will be evaluated and awarded points
Time Frame
The contract is scheduled to begin June 2024. Santa Fe County intends on awarding a
contract with an initial term of four years.
A brief explanation of each mandatory specification is listed below. Offerors are encouraged
to fully address each category completely, as points are assigned for responses to each.
1. Introduction
Provide an overview of the firm/agency particularly highlighting the strengths,
effectiveness, and operational experience.
Specify how long the firm/agency has been in business, the vision or mission of
the organization, and any major programmatic changes which have occurred in
the last two years.
2. Technical Competence and Specialized Experience
Provide information about the vendor’s specific technical experience with
providing services comparable to the Scope of Work required in this RFP.
Include years of experience providing consultation services for similar
government entities of comparable size and complexity.
Provide information regarding the ability to successfully perform the
requirements of the scope.
Indicate the relevance of previous service contracts to the scope of work,
including any specialized experience.
Provide evidence of the vendor’s knowledge, skills and ability to design and
implement a strategic plan for the federal BEAD funding.
3. Evidence of Understanding Scope of Work
Provide an in-depth response and understanding of the requested scope of work.
Include an itemized description of services to be provided that correlates to the
scope of work. Include information regarding a work plan.
Specify how your services will meet and exceed the requirements of Santa Fe
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Discuss challenges that might be expected based on this service, including
existing conditions, location, site or any other factors.
Identify any limitations or restrictions in providing the required services.
Include information for any subcontractor or consultant that the Offeror has
indicated to be part of the project team including what areas of work they will
Any services that cannot be provided as required shall be noted.
4. Capacity and Capability
Provide information about the vendor’s approach in providing the required
services and capacity to implement the services and deliverables in a timely
Include your team’s organization and working relationships.
C. COST PROPOSAL (Appendix D) - provide in a separate sealed envelope with the
original proposal ONLY (do not include in each of the four additional copies, if
submitting electronically, please submit in a separate file in Dropbox).
Offeror shall propose its cost for the tasks listed in the scope of work. A cost sheet is
provided as Appendix D.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
The County will evaluate responsive proposals and assign a numerical score in each category, not
to exceed the maximum allowed score for that category, as determined through the Offeror’s
attention to the factor detailed in the following sections. The amount of discussion to be applied
to each listed topic is an individual choice of the Offeror; however, discussion should be detailed
enough to inform and educate the Evaluation Committee Members.
Proposals will be scored based upon a comparison of the information submitted by each Offeror
against the evaluation factors outlined below. Each Evaluation Factor is assigned the following
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 100 points
2. Technical Competence & Specialized Experience ................................................ 300 points
3. Evidence of Understanding Scope ............................................................................ 300 points
4. Capacity & Capability ............................................................................................... 300 points
TOTAL POINTS ...................................................................................... 1000 points
If a proposal contains an In-State Resident Business Certificate or Resident Veterans
Business Certificate and/or Santa Fe County Business Certificate, the applicable
preference will be applied.
5. Proposal contains a valid N.M. Resident
Business Certificate……………………………….………………..50 points
6. Proposal contains a valid Resident Veteran
Business Certificate…………………………………………………100 points
7. Proposal contains a valid Santa Fe County
Business Certificate………………………………….……………….50 points
The evaluation process will follow the steps listed below:
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
1. All proposals will be reviewed for compliance with the mandatory specifications
stated within the RFP. Proposals deemed non-responsive will be eliminated from
further consideration.
2. The Procurement Specialist Senior may contact the Offeror for clarification of the
response as specified in Section III, Paragraph B.7.
3. The Evaluation Committee may use other sources of information to perform the
evaluation as specified in Section III, Paragraph C.18.
4. Responsive proposals will be evaluated using the factors in Section V. The
responsible Offerors with the highest scores will be selected as finalist Offerors
based upon the proposals submitted. Finalist Offerors who are asked or choose to
submit revised proposals for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers will have
their points recalculated accordingly. The responsible Offeror whose proposal is
most advantageous to the County, taking into consideration the evaluation factors in
Section VI, will be recommended for contract award as specified in Section III,
Paragraph B.12. Please note, however, that a serious deficiency in the response to
any one factor may be grounds for rejection regardless of overall score.
5. Past performance in a project for the County (See Section V.C.3 above) is a significant
consideration of the evaluation and poor performance on a prior County project may
result in a lower number of points awarded to a proposal for this element of the
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Broadband Strategic Plan
RFP No. 2024-0243-CDD
In acknowledgement of receipt of this Request for Proposal the undersigned agrees that he/she has
received a complete copy, beginning with the title page and table of contents, and ending with
Appendix E.
The acknowledgement of receipt should be signed and returned to the Procurement Specialist Senior
no later than close of business on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Only potential Offerors who elect to
return this form completed with the indicated intention of submitting a proposal will receive copies of
all Offeror written questions and the County's written responses to those questions as well as RFP
amendments, if any are issued.
FIRM: _________________________________________________________________
REPRESENTED BY: _____________________________________________________
TITLE: ________________________________ PHONE NO.: ____________________
E-MAIL: ___________________________ FAX NO.: ________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
CITY: __________________________ STATE: ________ ZIP CODE: _____________
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ DATE: _________________
This name and address will be used for all correspondence related to the Request for Proposal.
Firm does/does not (circle one) intend to respond to this Request for Proposals.
Tammy Jim, Procurement Specialist Senior
Santa Fe County Purchasing Division
102 Grant Avenue (First Floor)
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Phone: (505) 986-6370
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
Pursuant to NMSA 1978, § 13-1-191.1 (2006), any person seeking to enter into a contract with
any state agency or local public body for professional services, a design and build project
delivery system, or the design and installation of measures the primary purpose of which is
to conserve natural resources must file this form with that state agency or local public body.
This form must be filed even if the contract qualifies as a small purchase or a sole source contract.
The prospective contractor must disclose whether they, a family member or a representative of the
prospective contractor has made a campaign contribution to an applicable public official of the
state or a local public body during the two years prior to the date on which the contractor submits
a proposal or, in the case of a sole source or small purchase contract, the two years prior to the
date the contractor signs the contract, if the aggregate total of contributions given by the
prospective contractor, a family member or a representative of the prospective contractor to the
public official exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) over the two year period.
Furthermore, the state agency or local public body shall void an executed contract or cancel a
solicitation or proposed award for a proposed contract if: 1) a prospective contractor, a family
member of the prospective contractor, or a representative of the prospective contractor gives a
campaign contribution or other thing of value to an applicable public official or the applicable
public official’s employees during the pendency of the procurement process or 2) a prospective
contractor fails to submit a fully completed disclosure statement pursuant to the law.
The following definitions apply:
Applicable public official” means a person elected to an office or a person appointed to
complete a term of an elected office, who has the authority to award or influence
the award of the contract for which the prospective contractor is submitting a
competitive sealed proposal or who has the authority to negotiate a sole source or
small purchase contract that may be awarded without submission of a sealed
competitive proposal.
Campaign Contribution” means a gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money
or other thing of value, including the estimated value of an in-kind contribution, that is
made to or received by an applicable public official or any person authorized to raise,
collect or expend contributions on that official’s behalf for the purpose of electing the
official to either statewide or local office. “Campaign Contribution” includes the payment
of a debt incurred in an election campaign, but does not include the value of services
provided without compensation or unreimbursed travel or other personal expenses of
individuals who volunteer a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or political
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
committee, nor does it include the administrative or solicitation expenses of a political
committee that are paid by an organization that sponsors the committee.
Family member” means spouse, father, mother, child, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
daughter-in-law or son-in-law.
Pendency of the procurement process” means the time period commencing with the
public notice of the request for proposals and ending with the award of the contract or the
cancellation of the request for proposals.
Person” means any corporation, partnership, individual, joint venture, association or
any other private legal entity.
Prospective contractor” means a person who is subject to the competitive sealed
proposal process set forth in the Procurement Code or is not required to submit a
competitive sealed proposal because that person qualifies for a sole source or a small
purchase contract.
Representative of a prospective contractor” means an officer or director of a
corporation, a member or manager of a limited liability corporation, a partner of a
partnership or a trustee of a trust of the prospective contractor.
Contribution Made By: __________________________________________
Relation to Prospective Contractor: __________________________________________
Name of Applicable Public Official: _________________________________________
Date Contribution(s) Made: __________________________________________
Amount(s) of Contribution(s) __________________________________________
Nature of Contribution(s) __________________________________________
Purpose of Contribution(s) __________________________________________
(Attach extra pages if necessary)
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
___________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
Title (position)
DOLLARS ($250) WERE MADE to an applicable public official by me, a family member or
______________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
Title (position)
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
____________________________ (NAME OF CONTRACTOR) hereby certifies the following in
regard to application of the resident veterans’ preference to this procurement.
Please check one box only:
I declare under penalty of perjury that my business prior year revenue starting January 1 ending
December 31 is less than $1M allowing me the 10% preference discount on this solicitation. I understand
that knowingly giving false or misleading information about this fact constitutes a crime.
I agree to submit a report or reports to the State Purchasing Division of the General Services
Department declaring under penalty of perjury that during the last calendar year starting January 1 and ending
on December 31, the following to be true and accurate:
In conjunction with this procurement and the requirements of this business application for a
Resident Veteran Business Preference/Resident Veteran Contractor Preference under Sections 13-1-21 or
13-1-22 NMSA 1978, which awarded a contract which was on the basis of having such veterans preference,
I agree to report to the State Purchasing Division of the General Services Department the awarded amount
involved. I will indicate in the report the award amount as a purchase from a public body or as a public
works contract from a public body as the case may be.”
I understand that knowingly giving false or misleading information on this report constitutes a
I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that
giving false or misleading statements about material fact regarding this matter constitutes a crime.
_________________________________________ ___________________
(Signature of Business Representative)* (Date)
*Must be an authorized signatory of the Business.
The representations made in checking the boxes constitutes a material representation by the business that is
subject to protest and may result in denial of an award or un-award of the procurement involved if the
statements are proven to be incorrect.
SIGNED AND SEALED THIS__________DAY OF ________________, 2024.
My Commission Expires:
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ______ day of _______________ 2024,
by and between SANTA FE COUNTY, hereinafter referred to as the “County” and
[CONTRACTOR’S NAME], whose principal address is [CONTRACTOR’S ADDRESS]
hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”.
WHEREAS, pursuant to NMSA 1978 13-1-112, the County issued Request for Proposal
(RFP) No. 2024-0243-CDD/TJ to solicit for Broadband Strategic Plan; and
WHEREAS, the County determines the Contractor is the most qualified offeror; and
WHEREAS, the County requires the services of the Contractor and the Contractor is willing
to provide these services and both parties wish to enter into this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties:
The Contractor shall provide, without limitation, the following services.
A. The parties agree that all tasks set forth in Section 1 (Scope of Work), of this
Agreement shall be completed in full, to the satisfaction of the County, in accordance with
professional standards and for the amount set forth in Section 3 (Compensation, Invoicing and Set-
off), of this Agreement, and for no other cost, amount, fee or expense.
B. The County may from time to time request changes in the scope of work to be
performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the
Contractor’s compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the County and the
Contractor, shall be incorporated in a written amendment to this Agreement.
A. In consideration of its obligations under this Agreement the Contractor shall be
compensated as described in Exhibit A Proposed Fee Schedule.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
B. The Contractor shall submit a written request for payment to the County when
payment is due under this Agreement. Upon the County’s receipt of the written request, the County
shall issue a written certification of complete or partial acceptance or rejection of the deliverables
for which payment is sought.
1) The County’s representative for certification of acceptance or rejection of
contractual items and services shall be______________________________,
or such other individual as may be designated in the absence of the County
2) The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the County may not make any
payment hereunder unless and until it has issued a written certification
accepting the contractual services or deliverables.
3) Within 30 days of the issuance of a written certification accepting the
services or deliverables, the County shall tender payment for the accepted
items or services. In the event the County fails to tender payment within 30
days of the written certification accepting the items or services, the County
shall pay late payment charges of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month,
until the amount due is paid in full.
C. In the event the Contractor breaches this Agreement, the County may, without
penalty, withhold any payments due the Contractor for the purpose of set-off until such time as the
County determines the exact amount of damages it suffered as a result of the breach.
D. Payment under this Agreement shall not foreclose the right of the County to recover
excessive or illegal payment.
This Agreement shall, upon due execution by all parties, become effective as of the date first written
above and shall terminate one year later, unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 5
(Termination) or Section 6 (Appropriations and Authorizations). The County has the option to
extend the term of this Agreement in one year increments not to exceed four years in total
A. Termination of Agreement for Cause. Either party may terminate the Agreement
based upon any material breach of this Agreement by the other party. The non-breaching party
shall give the breaching party written notice of termination specifying the grounds for the
termination. The termination shall be effective 30 days from the breaching party’s receipt of the
notice of termination, during which time the breaching party shall have the right to cure the breach.
If, however, the breach cannot with due diligence be cured within 30 days, the breaching party shall
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
have a reasonable time to cure the breach, provided that, within 30 days of its receipt of the written
notice of termination, the breaching party began to cure the breach and advised the non-breaching
party in writing that it intended to cure.
B. Termination for Convenience of the County. The County may, in its discretion,
terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason by giving the Contractor written notice of
termination. The notice shall specify the effective date of termination, which shall not be less than
15 days from the Contractor’s receipt of the notice. The County shall pay the Contractor for
acceptable work, determined in accordance with the specifications and standards set forth in this
Agreement, performed before the effective date of termination but shall not be liable for any work
performed after the effective date of termination.
This Agreement is contingent upon sufficient appropriations and authorizations being made for
performance of this Agreement by the Board of County Commissioners of the County and/or, if
state funds are involved, the Legislature of the State of New Mexico. If sufficient appropriations
and authorizations are not made in this or future fiscal years, this Agreement shall terminate upon
written notice by the County to the Contractor. Such termination shall be without penalty to the
County, and the County shall have no duty to reimburse the Contractor for expenditures made in
the performance of this Agreement. The County is expressly not committed to expenditure of any
funds until such time as they are programmed, budgeted, encumbered and approved for expenditure
by the County. The County’s decision as to whether sufficient appropriations and authorizations
have been made for the fulfillment of this Agreement shall be final and not subject to challenge by
the Contractor in any way or forum, including a lawsuit.
The Contractor and its agents and employees are independent contractors and are not employees or
agents of the County. Accordingly, the Contractor and its agents and employees shall not accrue
leave, participate in retirement plans, insurance plans, or liability bonding, use County vehicles, or
participate in any other benefits afforded to employees of the County. Except as may be expressly
authorized elsewhere in this Agreement, the Contractor has no authority to bind, represent, or
otherwise act on behalf of the County and agrees not to purport to do so.
The Contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement or assign any claims for
money due or to become due under this Agreement without the advance written approval of the
County. Any attempted assignment or transfer without the County’s advance written approval
shall be null and void and without any legal effect.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
The Contractor shall not subcontract or delegate any portion of the services to be performed under
this Agreement without the advance written approval of the County. Any attempted subcontracting
or delegating without the County’s advance written approval shall be null and void and without any
legal effect.
A. All work performed under this Agreement shall be performed by the Contractor or
under its supervision.
B. The Contractor represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all
personnel required to discharge its obligations under this Agreement. Such personnel (i) shall not
be employees of or have any contractual relationships with the County and (ii) shall be fully
qualified and licensed or otherwise authorized or permitted under federal, state, and local law to
perform such work.
Upon its receipt of all payments due under this Agreement, the Contractor releases the County, its
elected officials, officers, agents and employees from all liabilities, claims, and obligations
whatsoever arising from or under or relating to this Agreement.
Any confidential information provided to or developed by the Contractor in the performance of this
Agreement shall be kept confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or
organization by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the County.
A. The County has the unrestricted right to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise
use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other material prepared under or pursuant
to this Agreement.
B. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any material produced in whole or
in part under or pursuant to this Agreement is a work made for hire. Accordingly, to the extent that
any such material is copyrightable in the United States or in any other country, the County shall
own any such copyright.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
The Contractor represents that it has no and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, that
would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its obligations under this
This Agreement may not be modified, altered, changed, or amended orally but, rather, only by an
instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. The Contractor specifically acknowledges
and agrees that the County shall not be responsible for any changes to Section 1 (Scope of Work),
of this Agreement unless such changes are set forth in a duly executed written amendment to this
This Agreement incorporates all the agreements, covenants, and understandings between the parties
hereto concerning the subject matter hereof, and all such agreements, covenants and understandings
have been merged into this written Agreement. No prior or contemporaneous agreement, covenant
or understandings, verbal or otherwise, of the parties or their agents shall be valid or enforceable
unless embodied in this Agreement.
The Procurement Code, NMSA 1978, Sections 13-1-28 through 13-1-199, imposes civil and
criminal penalties for its violation. In addition, New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony
penalties for bribes, gratuities, and kickbacks.
A. The Contractor agrees to abide by all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and
rules and regulations pertaining to equal employment opportunity and unlawful discrimination.
Without in any way limiting the foregoing general obligation, the Contractor specifically agrees not
to discriminate against any person with regard to employment with the Contractor or participation
in any program or activity offered pursuant to this Agreement on the grounds of race, age, religion,
color, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical or mental handicap, serious medical condition, spousal
affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
B. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that failure to comply with this Section
shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement.
A. In performing its obligations hereunder, the Contractor shall comply with all
applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.
B. Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Santa Fe County Ordinance
2014-1 (Establishing a Living Wage).
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
C. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the
State of New Mexico, without regard to its choice of law rules. Contractor and the County agree
that the exclusive forum for any litigation between them arising out of or related to this Agreement
shall be state district courts of New Mexico, located in Santa Fe County.
A. To the extent its books and records relate to (i) its performance of this Agreement
or any subcontract entered into pursuant to it or (ii) cost or pricing data (if any) set forth in this
Agreement or that was required to be submitted to the County as part of the procurement process,
the Contractor agrees to (i) maintain such books and records during the term of this Agreement and
for a period of six years from the date of final payment under this Agreement; (ii) allow the County
or its designee to audit such books and records at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice; and
(iii) to keep such books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
B. To the extent its books and records relate to (i) its performance of this Agreement
or any subcontract entered into pursuant to it or (ii) cost or pricing data (if any) set forth in this
Agreement or that was required to be submitted to County as part of the procurement process, the
Contractor also agrees to require any subcontractor it may hire to perform its obligations under this
Agreement to (i) maintain such books and records during the term of this Agreement and for a
period of six years from the date of final payment under the subcontract; (ii) to allow the County or
its designee to audit such books and records at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice; and
(iii) to keep such books and records in accordance with GAAP.
A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County and its
elected officials, agents, and employees from any losses, liabilities, damages, demands, suits, causes
of action, judgments, costs or expenses (including but not limited to court costs and attorneys’ fees)
resulting from or directly or indirectly arising out of the Contractor’s performance or non-
performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the Contractor’s
breach of any representation or warranty made herein.
B. The Contractor agrees that the County shall have the right to control and
participate in the defense of any such demand, suit, or cause of action concerning matters that relate
to the County and that such suit will not be settled without the County's consent, such consent not
to be unreasonably withheld. If a conflict exists between the interests of the County and the
Contractor in such demand, suit, or cause of action, the County may retain its own counsel to
represent the County’s interest.
C. The Contractor’s obligations under this section shall not be limited by the
provisions of any insurance policy the Contractor is required to maintain under this Agreement.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
If any term or condition of this Agreement shall be held invalid or non-enforceable by any court of
competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and shall be valid and
enforceable to the fullest extent of the law.
Any notice required to be given to either party by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
delivered in person, by courier service or by U.S. mail, either first class or certified, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, as follows:
The Contractor hereby represents and warrants that:
A. This Agreement has been duly authorized by the Contractor, the person executing
this Agreement has authority to do so, and, once executed by the Contractor, this Agreement shall
constitute a binding obligation of the Contractor.
B. This Agreement and Contractor’s obligations hereunder do not conflict with
Contractor’s corporate agreement or any statement filed with the New Mexico Secretary of State on
Contractor’s behalf.
C. Contractor is legally registered and is properly licensed by the State of New Mexico
to provide the services anticipated by this Agreement and shall maintain such registration and
licensure in good standing throughout the duration of the Agreement.
The parties hereto agree that a facsimile signature has the same force and effect as an original for
all purposes.
This Agreement was not intended to and does not create any rights in any persons not a party hereto.
A. General Conditions. The Contractor shall submit evidence of insurance as is
required herein. Policies of insurance shall be written by companies authorized to write such
insurance in New Mexico.
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
B. General Liability Insurance, Including Automobile. The Contractor shall procure
and maintain during the life of this Agreement a comprehensive general liability and automobile
insurance policy with liability limits in amounts not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limits
of liability for bodily injury, including death, and property damage for any one occurrence. Said
policies of insurance shall include coverage for all operations performed for the County by the
Contractor; coverage for the use of all owned, non-owned, hired automobiles, vehicles and other
equipment, both on and off work; and contractual liability coverage under which this Agreement is
an insured contract. Santa Fe County shall be a named additional insured on the policy.
C. Increased Limits. If, during the life of this Agreement, the Legislature of the State
of New Mexico increases the maximum limits of liability under the Tort Claims Act (NMSA 1978,
Sections 41-4-1 through 41-4-29, as amended), the Contractor shall increase the maximum limits
of any insurance required herein.
Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges, fees, and royalties, and give all
notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful performance of its obligations hereunder.
No provision of this Agreement modifies or waives any sovereign immunity or limitation of liability
enjoyed by County or its “public employees” at common law or under the New Mexico Tort Claims
Act, NMSA 1978, Section 41-4-1, et seq.
The Contractor agrees to compute and submit simultaneous with execution of this Agreement a
Campaign Contribution Disclosure form approved by the County.
The Contractor hereby irrevocably appoints [NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT], as its agent
upon whom process and writs in any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement
may be served. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that service upon its designated agent shall
have the same effect as though the Contractor were actually and personally served within the state
of New Mexico.
The provisions of following paragraphs shall survive termination of this Contract;
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
RFP NO. 2024-0243-CDD
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first
written above.
___________________________ _____________
Gregory S. Shaffer Date
Santa Fe County Manager
Approved as to form
___________________________ _____________
Jeff Young Date
Santa Fe County Attorney
___________________________ ____________
Signature Date
Print name and title