Updated April 25, 2022
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Acquisition and Grants Administration
Grants Policy and Training Division
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Fact Sheet
The Federal Government has transitioned from the use of the DUNS Number to the Unique Entity
Identifier (UEI) as the primary means of entity identification for Federal awards government-wide. UEIs
are required in accordance with 2 CFR Part 25, and the t
ransition from DUNS to UEI has resulted in the
UEI being issued by the Federal Government in SAM.gov. This means entities no longer rely on a third-
party to obtain an identifier (i.e., a DUNS issued by Dun and Bradstreet). This change streamlines the
entity identification and validation process, making it easier and less burdensome for entities to do
business with the Federal Government. Information addressing the reasons for this transition is
available at
The N
ew Unique Entity Identifier is Here and at Why has SAM.gov changed from the DUNS
Number to the Unique Entity ID?.
Here is what you need to know about this recent transition:
1. Direct Grant Recipients and Grant Applicants
a. If your organization is currently registered in SAM.gov
with ei
ther an active or inactive
registration, you have already been assigned a UEI. Your UEI is viewable on your entity’s
registration record in SAM.gov. To learn how to view your UEI, see this guide: How can I view my
Unique Entity ID?.
b. On April 4, 2022, the Integrated Award Environment (IAE) systems (i.e., SAM.gov, FPDS,
eSRS,FSRS, FAPIIS, and CPARS) complied with the Federal Government’s requirement to end use
of the DUNS Number for Federal award management.
The U.S. Department of Education’s
Grants Management System (G5) implemented this transition on April 4, 2022.
c. If you have an inactive registration or need to update your registration, you must ensure that
your renewal or updates occur on time and as required, but this does not affect whether you
have been assigned a UEI. If you have a registration, you already have a UEI. If your registration
has expired, you have been assigned a UEI, but you will need to renew your registration. You
SAM.gov – Or the System for Awards Management is the official site for registering to do business with the Federal
FPDS.gov – Or th
e Federal Procurement Data System is the official site for reporting contracts whose estimated value is $10K or
eSRS.gov –
Or the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System is the official site for reporting subcontracts. FSRS.gov – Or the
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) is the official reporting site that Federal
prime awardees (i.e., prime contractors and prime grants recipients) use to capture and report subaward and executive
compensation data regarding their first-tier subawards.
FAPIIS.gov – O
r the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System is the official site in which records are
entered and searchable related to Administrative Agreements, Defective Pricing, DoD Determination of Contractor Fault, Non-
Responsibility Determination, Recipient Not-Qualified Determination, Termination for Cause, Termination for Default,
Termination for Material Failure to Comply, Suspension/Debarment information if the entity has any of these records, and
Administrative Proceedings information.
CPARS.gov – Or the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System is the official site in which Federal agencies can
create and measure the quality and timely reporting of contractor performance information, and where contractors can review
this information and provide comment