NJTR-1 Form
Field Manual
Prepared by
Rutgers University
Police Technical Assistance Program
Co-Sponsoring Agencies:
New Jersey Division of Highway Safety
New Jersey State Police
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
NJTR-1 Form
Field Manual
Prepared by
Police Technical
ssistance Pro
NJTR-1 Form Training
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Page 3
Locate Crash Page 4
Driver Identification Page 14
Owner/Vehicle Identification Page 22
Alcohol/Drug Test Page 26
HAZMAT/Commercial Vehicle Information Page 26
Occupant, Pedalcyclist or Pedestrian Information Page 28
Roadway System Page 37
Vehicles Involved in Crash Page 42
Apparent Contributing Circumstances Page 47
Crash Diagram Page 54
Crash Description and Damage to Other Property Page 54
Enforcement Action Page 55
Investigator Identification and Case Status Page 55
Preliminary Instructions Page 57
NJTR-1 Protocol Page 65
Intersection Diagram Page 66
Ramp Crash Diagram Page 67
Box 83-Unumbered Sample Entries Page 68
NJTR-1 A Page 69
Bus Seating Arrangement Diagram Page 70
School Bus Seating Diagram Page 71
Crash Type Examples Page 72
Vehicle Type / Cargo Body Type Page 73
Locate Crash
Page __
of __
In box (Page _______ of _______) located at the top left corner of the report, write the number(s) to identify the
page number(s) on (Page ____) which are numbered consecutively on each additional page.
In (of _____), write the total number pages for the crash report.
Non –
In the grouping of 3 boxes (Reportable, Non-Reportable, Change Report) located at the top center-right of the
report, place an “X” in one of these boxes.
Box selection advises the processing agency to send specific data elements to NJDOT. In the case of fatal
crashes, follow the State Police fatal accident protocol. (Refer to NJTR-1 Protocol on page 65)
Reportable Crash: A crash that results in injury or death of any person or damage to property of any one person
in excess of $500.
In box (Fatal) located in the top center-left of the report, place an “X” if the crash involves a fatality.
If a person is killed, verify that code "01 - Killed" is written where column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition)
intersects with its corresponding row. Also, verify that a number written in box 8 (Total Killed) corresponds with
the number of persons killed as a result of the crash. Lastly, verify that the name/address/date and time of death
is recorded in the unnumbered box to the right of Box 95 known as column box (Names & Addresses of
Occupants – If Deceased, Date & Time of Death).
If the fatality occurs after the initial investigation report, submit a change report. Refer to the NJSA 39: 5-30 (d)
Fatal Protocol.
In box 1 (Case Number), write the “department” case number where the crash occurred.
Case number shall be written on all
additional pages and on any change reports that are sent to NJDOT.
Contract Law Enforcement (Mutual Aid): For your information and use in box 1 (Case Number), when
investigating a crash in another jurisdiction use a case number from the reporting agency.
Identify the investigator’s agency in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 2 (Police Department of), write the name and one of the type of police agency codes for the police
department that generated the case number:
01- Municipal Police
02 - State Police
03 - County Police
04 - Port Authority Police (new code)
99 - Other Police (new code)
Contract Law Enforcement (Mutual Aid): For your information and use in box 2 (Police Department of), when
investigating a crash in another jurisdiction use a case number from the reporting agency.
In box 3 (Station/Precinct), write the station/precinct if applicable for your department, otherwise enter a dash
In box 4 (Date of Crash), write the date that the crash occurred in (mm-dd-yy) format.
Fill in all boxes i.e.: 10-02-64.
In box 5 (Day of Week), circle the appropriate day of the week that the crash occurred.
The day of week must correspond with the date of crash in box 4 (Date of Crash).
In box 6 (Time), write the time of the crash.
If the time is unknown, write the time that the crash was reported to your agency.
Use military time
(e.g., 0001 hours to 2400 hours).
In box 7 (Municipality Code), write the 4-digit National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Municipality Code
where the crash occurred.
For your information and use in box 7 (Municipality Code), the Fatal Accident Record System (FARS) must rely
on location information in box 2 (Police Department of) and box 7 (Municipality Code) to locate point of impact.
In box 8 (Total Killed), write the number of persons killed as a result of the crash. Use a two-digit code i.e. 01,
02, 03.
If no one was killed as a result of this crash, enter dashes (--).
If a person is killed, they cannot
be accounted for in Box 9 (Total Injured).
In box 8 (Total Killed), if a number is written, verify that code "01-Killed" is written where column Box 86 (Victim's
Physical Condition) intersects with its corresponding row. Also, verify that an "X" is placed in box – Fatal
, located
in the top center-left of the report. Lastly, verify that the name/address/date and time of death is recorded in the
unnumbered box to the right of box 95 known as column box (Names & Addresses of Occupants – If Deceased,
Date & Time of Death).
Note: Notify the State Police within 24 hours of the fatal as per NJSA 39: 5-30 (d)
In box 9 (Total Injured), write the number of persons injured as a result of the crash. Use a two-digit number,
i.e.: 01, 02, 03.
If no one was injured as a result of this crash, enter dashes (--).
If a person is injured, they cannot be accounted for in box 8 (Total Killed). Never write “01 - Killed” in column
(box) 86 (Victim’s Physical Condition) for an injury crash.
If you write an entry other than dashes in box 9 (Total Injured), then write entries in columns boxes 86 (Victim’s
Physical Condition), 89 (Location of Most Severe Physical Injury), 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical injury), 91
(Refused Medical Treatment).
Boxes 10 through 22 identify the location where the crash occurred known as the first “harmful” event.
It is “important” that boxes 10 through 22 be filled out accurately and completely.
Boxes 10 through 22 will explain the location in a uniform way which will allow for clearer comparability of motor
vehicle traffic crash statistics and data.
In reference to boxes 10 through 22 and throughout the report, it has taken advantage of new data collection
methodologies as well as supports existing manual methods.
For example, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology may be used by to pin-point the exact locations of
crashes in box 21 (Latitude) and box 22 (Longitude).
Note: The box for the street address has been omitted. All crash locations that occurred on a street or highway will
be identified using the nearest intersecting road method.
On line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction), parking lot crashes will be identified by a street
On line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction), write the road name where the crash occurred. If
the crash occurred on an Interstate, US, state, toll, county highway, or local route, write the route number in box 12
(Route Number) and also write the milepost in box 13 (Milepost).
Identify the highest road authority on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On). If there are two roadways of the same
hierarchy, list in numeric order first and second by roadway names in alphabetical order, e.g.: 1st Street and Alpine
On line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction), be as specific as possible for geo-coding purposes .
Using the road name
along with the information on line (box) 14 (Distance), box 15 (comprised of a grouping of 3
boxes; At Intersection with, Feet, Miles), box 16 (comprised of a grouping of 4 boxes; Direction N, S, E, W) and on
line (box) 17 (Cross Road Name) will result in an accurate location of the crash.
The name of a business or such phrases as “parking lot,” “in front of,” or “near” are not applicable, words/phrases
may be documented in box 135 (Crash Description).
On line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On/Road Name/Direction), the direction of the road is identified to the right of
road name on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On/Road Name/Direction). The direction (N, S, E, W) is identified as
the nominal direction for divided roadways and one-way streets.
A north-south road may actually run east-west for a segment; however the direction should not change from the
nominal direction for reporting purposes. The nominal direction may be obtained from road signs, identified on
maps or straight-line diagrams.
Note: Ramps and jug handles are identified utilizing a different method. Refer to boxes 19 (Ramp) and line (box) 20
(Route/Name) to identify these locations.
box 11 (Speed Limit), write the speed limit for the road identified on the line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road
Name, Direction). Write the statutory NJSA 39:4-98 or posted speed limit and not the advisory speed limit. Advisory
speeds are the speed limit signs with a yellow background and black letters and are used as a warning for a
potential driving hazard ahead.
For box 12 (Route Number), if the crash occurred on an Interstate, US, state, toll or county route, the route
number shall be written in this box.
The box (Suffix) is located between box 12 (Route Number) and box 13 (Milepost). Route Suffix Codes shall be
written and not direction codes N, S, E and W.
For box 13 (Milepost), State and interstate roadways shall have milepost numbers written in this box.
A - Alternate
B -
C - Freeway
M - Mercer Alignment (I-95 only)
P - Pennsylvania Extension
(NJ Turnpike Only)
S - Spur (County Routes Only)
T - Truck (Rt. 1 & 9 Only)
U - Upper (State Route 139 Only)
L -
Lower (State Route 139 Only)
W - Western Alignment (NJ Turnpike, Rt. 9, Rt. 173)
In box 13 (Milepost), the entry requires three digits to the left and two digits to the right.
Example: A crash occurred on the Spur of County Route 518 at milepost 1.1. Boxes 12 and 13 should look like this:
Route Suffix Codes shall be written and not direction codes N, S, E and W.
Straight-line diagrams may be utilized to obtain the milepost numbers.
On line (box) 17 (Cross Road Name), distance from the nearest cross road may be determined by writing the
cross road name.
Write the distance to nearest cross road on line (box) 14 (Distance) and place an "X" in one of the boxes (Feet,
Miles) located in box 15 (At Intersection with, Feet, Miles), place an “X” for direction in box 16 (comprised of 4
boxes; Direction N, S, E, W) which is in closest proximity from the crash location to the intersecting or non-
intersecting cross road.
In box 15 (At Intersection with, Feet, Miles), place an “X” in the box (At Intersection with) if the crash occurred at
an intersection and write the cross road name on line (box) 17 (Cross Road Name).
NJSA 39: 1-1
- “Intersection” means the area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or, if none,
the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways which join one another at an angle, whether or not one such
highway crosses another) (Refer to Intersection Diagram on page 66)
On line (box) 14 (Distance), write in the distance to the nearest cross road name for crashes that do not occur at
intersections. Distances shall be measured from the center of the intersection to the point of impact for the crash.
Indicate the units of measurement to the nearest intersection on line (box) 14 (Distance).
Note: The NJTR- 1 does not contain a space for a second intersecting street. The accuracy of identifying the name
of, distance to and direction to the nearest cross road name is essential; e.g., a crash between two vehicles
occurred on Route 22, 500 feet west of Rock Road.
Most engineering agencies use distance increments of 1/100 of a mile when determining locations for crashes.
In box 18 (Speed Limit), write the speed limit for the road identified on line (box) 17 (Cross Road Name).
Put the statutory (NJSA 39: 4-98) or posted speed limit and not the advisory speed limit in box 18 (Speed Limit).
Advisory speeds are the speed limit signs with a yellow background and black letters and are used as a warning for
a potential driving hazard ahead.
For box 19 (Ramp), a ramp is defined as an "auxiliary roadway used for entering or leaving through-traffic lanes."
A jug handle is also considered a ramp.
In box 19 (Ramp), if the crash occurred on a ramp from one roadway (state, interstate, toll authority, county, or
local) to another, the crash is considered occurring on the ramp and will be investigated in the following order:
Box 10 Crash Occurred On/Road Name/Route #
Box 14 Distance "To" or "From" the secondary roadway
Box 19 Exits will be selected “To”, Entrances will be selected “From”.
Box 15 Select "Feet" or "Miles" (never select “At Intersection with” for a ramp)
Box 20 Exit, route, or secondary road name
Box 20 Code NB-Northbound SB-Southbound EB-Eastbound WB-Westbound
"The following is an example for coding a crash that occurred on a ramp leading from I-295 North to SH 73 South
approximately 200 feet from SH 73".
Reference Material: Ramp Crash Diagram on page 67.
When investigating a ramp crash, write the road name and route number for the primary roadway on line (box) 10
(Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction).
Place an "X” in either box (To) or box (From) located in (box) 19 (Ramp).
Write the route number and/or road name that the vehicle was traveling "to" or "from" on line (box) 20
Place an "X" in the appropriate box (NB, SB, EB, WB) that the vehicle was traveling to the right of line (box) 20
If any ramp or surface street has a road name, write the road name too.
Ramp entries are made by first determining the appropriate road hierarchy. Road hierarchy involves determining
which road is listed first on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction).
The road hierarchy to the right is listed in descending order:
State/Interstate Authority
State Highway
U.S Government Property
State Park or Institution
County Authority, Park or Institution
Municipal Authority, Park or Institution
Private Property
On line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction), identify which road is primary in a ramp crash.
A ramp is an extension of the primary (main) roadway.
It is important to determine the primary and secondary roadway in order to write the appropriate name for the
primary road in box 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction) or the secondary roadway name on line (box)
20 (Route/Name).
The secondary roadway will always be written on line (box) 20 (Route/Name).
Once again in a ramp crash, on line (box) 20 (Route/Name), write the secondary roadway name.
Box 19 (Ramp) will be used to describe if the crash occurred on a ramp “to” or “from” the secondary roadway. In
some cases regarding ramps, orient location on the milepost number in proximity to the crash and from the milepost
takeoff point.
Line (box) 14 (Distance) identifies the location and distance of the crash on the ramp.
A distance will be identified “to” or “from” the secondary roadway written on line (box) 20 (Route/Name).
Reference Material: Ramp Crash Diagram on page 67.
Ramp crash investigation:
Box 10. Write the name or route number of the primary roadway, including direction of travel.
Box 11. Write Speed Limit of the primary roadway listed on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name,
Box 12. Enter the route number of the Roadway listed on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name,
Direction) and the suffix if applicable.
Box 20. Write the secondary roadway and the direction to which the ramp connects.
Box 19. If the collision occurred on a ramp leading to the roadway listed on line (box) 20 (Route/Name), place
an “X” in the “To” box in box 19 (Ramp).
If the collision occurred on a ramp leading from the roadway listed in on line (box) 20 (Route/Name),
place an “X” in the “From” box in box 19 (Ramp).
Box 14. Write the distance of the collision relative to or from the roadway listed on line (box) 20 (Route/Name).
For line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On: Road Name, Direction), the lower numbered highway on the same hierarchy
will be the primary highway.
If the crash did not occur on a ramp, enter a dash (-) on line (box) 20 (Route/Name).
Reference Material: Ramp Crash Diagram on page 67.
For box 21 (Latitude) and box 22 (Longitude), write in the latitude and longitude coordinates of the crash location
in the appropriate boxes if your department has deployed a Global Positioning System (GPS).
If GPS receiver is available, take the GPS coordinates at the crash point of impact.
If you are not equipped with a GPS receiver, enter dashes (--) in box 21 (Latitude) and box 22 (Longitude).
Note: This form is designed for the GPS readouts in decimal degrees, not hours, minutes and seconds.
Driver Identification
In box 23 and/or 53 (Vehicle Number), write a sequential two-digit code/number for each motor vehicle starting
with number "01."
Identify in the following order: Motor vehicles; pedalcyclist; pedestrians.
Write the code for pedalcyclist starting with "B1" and "P1” for the pedestrian.
Write code for multiple pedalcyclists/pedestrians as B2, B3, P2, P3, etc., on additional pages using one case
In box 23 and/or box 53 (Vehicle Number), pedalcyclists/pedestrians
will be identified throughout the report with the corresponding
position that they are assigned in these boxes e.g., a
pedalcyclists/pedestrians listed in the second position box 53
(Vehicle Number) would be further described or recognized in the
boxes designated for vehicle #2 as depicted on the report overlay.
In box 24 and/or box 54 (Policy Number), write the motor vehicle’s insurance policy number as it appears on
the State of New Jersey Insurance Identification Card.
If a New Jersey registered vehicle has no insurance, write “uninsured”.
For out-of-state registered vehicles, write the policy number, as it appears on the Insurance Identification Card.
If a policy number is not available, place an asterisk (*) in box 24 and/or box 54 (Policy Number) and explain in
box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 25 and/or box 55 (Insurance Code), write the motor vehicle's insurance code, as it appears on the State
of New Jersey Insurance Identification Card.
If the insurance code is missing, place an asterisk (*) in box 25 and/or box 55 (Insurance Code) and explain in
box 135 (Crash Description).
Insurance codes are necessary to send an inquiry to the Insurance Company and verify coverage.
Insurance card information is necessary to send an inquiry to the insurance company and to verify coverage.
The links for New Jersey Insurance codes:
5 digit code www.nj.gov/dobi/data/inscomp.htm
3 digit code www.state.nj.us/mvc/numeric.pdf
For out-of-state registered vehicles
, place an asterisk (*) in box 25 and/or box 55 (Insurance Code) and write the
name of the insurance company in box 135 (Crash Description).
Park, Ped,
Resp. to
Hit & Run
In box (Parked, Ped, Pedalcyclist, Resp to Emergency, Hit & Run) grouped beneath box 24 (Policy Number)
and box 25 (Insurance Code) as well as box 54 (Policy Number) and box 55 (Insurance Code), respectively, place
an "X" to ensure that first responders (Resp to Emergency), owner of a parked vehicle, a pedalcyclist, a
pedestrian, or the victim of a hit and run
does not have this crash charged to their driver record and insurance
surcharges assessed.
Circle the box (Resp to Emergency) when applicable.
In box (Responding to an Emergency)
, place an "X" and circle this box only for motor vehicles responding to an
emergency which includes volunteer Fire/Ambulance personnel in their personal vehicles.
If Responding to Emergency is selected in the Driver Identification section, you shall write in code "04 -
Responding to Emergency" in boxes 110 and/or 111 (Vehicle Use).
In box (Hit & Run)
, place an "X" in this box for the "actor" never for the "victim."
Draw a diagonal line starting from box 23 through 47 or box 53 through 77 and write in the phrase “Hit & Run” on
line (box) 26 and/or 56 to indicate that the driver/owner information is not available.
In box 26 and/or box 56 (Driver's Name), write the first name, middle initial and last name of the driver as it
appears on the license.
Write the same information for a pedalcyclist or pedestrian.
If there is no middle initial, enter a dash (-).
If driver/operator has an apostrophe in their surname (O’Conner), the “O” is part of the last name “NOT” the
middle initial.
In box 27 and/or box 57 (Number and Street), write the street address as it appears on the driver’s license.
Change of address
may be used if identified on the driver’s license.
If change of address is identified as the result of interview, explain in box 135 (Crash Description).
Write the number and street for a pedalcyclist or pedestrian as it appears on the driver's license or as the result of
For your information and use in box 27 and/or box 57 (Number and Street), if there is an Rural District (RD) or
Rural Route (RR) number and/or a Post Office (PO) Box Number, interview for the street address, write in
brackets { } the actual name of the road adjacent to the RD, RR or PO Box Number.
Explain in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 28 and/or box 58 (City, State, Zip), write the city, state and zip code, as it appears on the driver’s license.
Write the city, state and zip for a pedalcyclist or pedestrian as it appears on the driver's license or as the result of
In box 29 and/or box 59 (Sex), write “M” or “F” for the sex as it appears on the driver's license:
In box 30 and/or box 60 (Eyes), write the N.J. eye
color two-digit code for the driver as it appears on the
driver's license.
Use the N.J. Eye Code Chart.
In box 31 and/or box 61 (State), write the standard abbreviation for the state as it appears on the driver's
In box 32 and/or box 62 (Drivers License Number), write the number as it appears on the driver's license.
If the driver is unlicensed, write “NONE” in box 32 and/or 62 (Drivers License Number). Explain in box 135 (Crash
If the driver has a permit, write the permit number followed by the word “PERMIT" in box 32 and/or 62 (Drivers
License Number). Explain in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 33 and/or box 63 (DOB), write the date of birth using month, day and year (mm/dd/yy) format of the
person listed in box 26 and/or box 56 (Driver's Name).
Use a two-digit code for month, date and year e.g., the date of birth for September 14, 1970 is 09/14/70.
In box 34 and/or box 64 (Expires), write the expiration date as it appears on the operator's driver's license using
the month and year (mm/yy) format.
Use a two-digit code for month and year i.e., the expiration date for March 1996 is 03/96.
Sample License
Features of a New Driver
Reading the Long Numbers
Middle Initial Codes
61 = A 71 = J 82 = S
62 = B 72 = K 83 = T
63 = C 73 = L 84 = U
64 = D 74 = M 85 = V
65 = E 75 = N 86 = W
66 = F 76 = O 87 = X
67 = G 77 = P 88 = Y
68 = H 78 = Q 89 = Z
69 = O 79 = R 00 = No Middle
01-60, 70, 80, and 81 are invalid codes
Month of Birth Code
The male month of birth code is normal
01 January 05 May 09 September
02 February 06 June 10 October
03 March 07 July 11 November
04 April 08 August 12 December
Fifty (50) is added to the month of birth for females
51 January 55 May 59 September
52 February 56 June 60 October
53 March 57 July 61 November
54 April 58 August 62 December
Eye Color Codes
1= Black
2= Brown
3= Gray
4= Blue
5= Hazel
6= Green
7, 8, 9, and 0 are tie breakers
Reading a Transaction Number
Other Security Features
Under 21 licenses have a profile photo (Digital licenses will
have a head on photo but the orientation of the license will
be vertical)
The plate number should be ½ on the picture
All licenses expire at the end of the month regardless of
when in the month they ere issued
All writing is in capital letters
All dates on license use a 4 digit year
The eye color is always a contraction (BRN, BLK, GRY, BLU,
The New Jersey Digital License
Being issued now at some MVC agencies
Old style ceased being issued 07-01-2004
The last of the old style will be valid until 2008
No more non photo licenses will be issued
All codes are the same as the old license
Owner/Vehicle Identification
In box 35 and/or box 65 (Owner's Name), write the vehicle owner’s first name, middle initial and last name as it
appears on the registration.
If there is no middle initial, enter a dash (-).
If the driver is also the owner, and the license and registration documents contain identical information, place an
“X” in the “Same As Driver” box located in box 35 and/or box 65 (Owner's Name).
For your information and use in box 36 and/or box 66 (Number and Street), write the number and street as it
appears on the registration. If there is an Rural District (RD) or Rural Route (RR) number and/or a Post Office
(PO) Box Number, interview for the street address, write in brackets { } the actual name of the road adjacent to
the RD, RR or PO Box Number.
Explain in box 135 (Crash Description).
If you have selected the “Same as Driver” located in box 35 and/or box 65 (Owner's Name), then write “SAME" in
box 36 and/or box 66 (Number and Street).
In box 37 and/or box 67 (City, State, Zip), write the city, state and zip code as it appears on the registration.
If you have selected the “Same as Driver” box located in box 35 and/or box 65 (Owner's Name), then write
“SAME” in box 37 and/or box 67 (City, State, Zip).
In box 38 and/or box 68 (Make), write the vehicle manufacturer’s name for make e.g., Ford, Chevy, BMW etc.
In box 39 and/or 69 (Model), write the vehicle’s model as it appears on the registration e.g., Escort, Corvette,
525i, etc.
Do not
identify by the model's style e.g., 4-door, sedan, etc.
In box 40 and/or box 70 (Color), write vehicle’s color spelled out completely e.g., red, blue, etc., although color
appears as an abbreviation (RD, BL, etc.) on the registration.
In box 41 and/or box 71 (Year), write the vehicle’s year in (yyyy) format as it appears on the registration.
No abbreviations.
In box 42 and/or box 72 (Plate Number), write the vehicle’s license plate number in as it appears on the
registration, include temporary registration.
Do not
write unconfirmed or partial registration information in this box.
Explain unconfirmed, partial, or temporary registration in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 43 and/or box 73 (State), write the standard abbreviation for state as it appears on the registration.
In box 44 and/or box 74 (VIN), write the entire
vehicle identification number (VIN) as it appears on the
registration. A traditional VIN is 17 characters.
Since 1968, most domestic passenger cars were assembled with a Vin Plate
that is visible through the windshield
on the left side of the dash. The VIN may also be found on the nomenclature plate located on the driver’s door.
This number must match the registration and insurance card.
In box 45 and/or box 75 (Expires), write the expiration in month and year (mm/yyyy) format as it appears on the
Use a two-digit code for month and a four-digit code for year.
The code for March 2005 is 03/2005.
In box 46 and/or box 76 (Vehicle Removed To), place an “X” in one of the boxes (Driven, Left at Scene, Towed)
located if the vehicle was driven, left at the scene or towed. Write the name of the tow company if the vehicle
was towed in box 46 and/or 76.
If vehicle was driven away, place an "X" in the box (Driven) and enter a dash (-) in box 46 and/or box 76 (Vehicle
Removed To) in the space provided.
Place an “X” in one or both of the boxes (Impound, Disabled) to the right in boxes 46 and/or 76 (Vehicle Removed
To) if the vehicle was impounded or disabled. The authority to remove a disabled vehicle from the roadway,
whether involved in a crash or not, is NJSA 39: 4-136.
In box 47 and/or box 77 (Authority), place an “X” in the appropriate box (Owner, Driver, Police) located in box
47 and/or box 77 (Authority) for the authority that approved a vehicle’s removal .
Registration Sample
Drug/Alcohol Test
Box 48 and box 78 (Alcohol/Drug Test) identify if alcohol or drug tests were conducted. Complete this
section for all drivers, pedalcyclists and pedestrians.
Box (Given): Place an “X” in one of the grouping of boxes (No,Yes, Refused) if test is given.
Box (Type): If you placed an “X” in box (Yes) in box (Given), then place an “X” in one of Type
grouping of
boxes (Breath, Blood, Urine).
Box (Results): Write the results on line box ( __ %) or place an “X” in box (Pending).
If the specimen was sent to a lab, place an "X" in box (Pending).
Do not hold this report to await lab results. Once the results are received from the lab, submit a
"change" report that identifies the test results.
HAZMAT/Commercial Vehicle Information
Box 49 and box 79 (Hazardous Material) identify HAZMAT cargo.
In boxes (On Board, Spill) located in box 49 and box 79 (Hazardous Material), place an "X" to identify if
hazardous materials (HAZMAT) are present at the crash. This refers to hazardous cargo only.
Do not
place an "X" in one of the boxes (On Board, Spill) if only engine fluids are spilled. This is done for
NJDEP reporting purposes to clarify hazardous cargo.
For your information and use in box 49 and/or box 79 (Hazardous Material), placards are required on any
vehicle that carries more than 1,000 pounds of Hazardous Material.
Refer to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website at:
In box (Diamond) located in the center of box 49 and/or 79 (Hazardous Material) identify the one (1) digit
number that is displayed at the bottom of the placard.
On line (box) (Name or Placard Number) identify the hazardous material by writing the 4-digit code in box
49/79 (Hazardous Material) from the placard displayed on the vehicle.
In box 49 and/or box 79 (Hazardous Material), write the name of the HAZMAT along the placard number line if
a number is not available.
If more than one placard is displayed, explain additional placard information in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 50 and box 80 (Carrier Number), write the USDOT Carrier number of the commercial vehicle. All
commercial vehicle carriers that are involved in interstate transport must have a USDOT number. NOTE: The
carrier and owner can be different entities and must be verified.
If additional owners and carriers are involved, write the carrier number and name in box 135 (Crash
For your information and use in box 50 and/or box 80 (Carrier Number), the majority of the USDOT numbers
may be found on the driver’s side of the vehicle and it is important to correctly identify the motor carrier USDOT
number even in cases where the numbers are not located anyplace on the vehicle. The USDOT number may
also be found on the passenger side of the vehicle. Look for a number preceded by the letters: USDOT.
You shall write the number of the MOTOR CARRIER THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CARGO.
For your information and for use in box 50 and/or box 80 (Carrier Number), an interview with the driver will
determine the following:
a) Leased or rented vehicle?
b) Motor carrier responsible for the cargo?.
c) Who is directing & controlling the movement of the vehicle?
d) Motor carrier’s principal place of business?
Correct identification will reveal the motor carrier’s USDOT safety status.
In box 51 and/or box 81 (Commercial Vehicle Weight), place an "X" in one the appropriate boxes ( 10,000
lbs, 10,001 to 26,000 lbs,
26,001 lbs) to identify the commercial vehicle’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Box ( 10,000 lbs) - Weight is less than or equal to 10,000 lbs.
Box (10,001 to 26,000 lbs) - Weight is equal to or greater than 10,001 lbs but less than 26,000 lbs.
Box ( 26,001 lbs) - Weight is equal to or greater than 26,001 lbs.
For your information and for use in box 51 and/or box 81 (Commercial Vehicle Weight), although a vehicle
displays commercial plates, it does not necessarily mean that the vehicle will be considered a commercial
vehicle for crash report purposes. A Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) is defined as any one of the following:
A) A vehicle that has a GVWR of 10,001 pounds or more.
B) A vehicle that carries hazardous material (HAZMAT) and is required to display or displays a placard.
C) A vehicle that carries 16 or more people, including the driver.
D) Any other vehicle that requires a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) e.g., livery/limo.
In box 52 and/or box 82 (Carrier name), write the commercial vehicle carrier name for each vehicle that
corresponds with the USDOT Carrier number in box 50 and/or box 80 (Carrier Number).
Occupant, Pedalcyclist or Pedestrian Information
The “Persons Involved Data” table is a matrix in the crash report that records important information about all
persons involved in the crash.
This table is labeled by rows and columns; rows A through E down the left side, beginning in column (box) 83;
columns (boxes) 83 through 95 across the top.
Entries must begin in column (box) 83 using the appropriate codes listed for columns (boxes) 83, 84, 85, 86,
89, 90, 91, 92 and 93. Column box 87 (Sex) and column box 88 (Age) shall be written by investigator.
For your information and use in the "Persons Involved Data" table, if a code is written in box 8 (Total Killed)
and/or box 9 (Total Injured), you shall write entries in the following column (boxes) to correspond with those
entries in box 8 and/or 9:
- Column (box) 86 (Victim’s Physical Condition),
- Column (box) 89 (Location of Most Severe Physical Injury),
- Column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical Injury) and
- Column (box) 91 (Refused Medical Treatment).
The "Persons Involved Data" table only allows room to write in five (5) persons (one per row).
If more than 5 persons are involved, use supplementary report form NJTR-1A for an additional 5 persons.
For more than 5 additional persons extend the lines on the NJTR-1A and write the information for the additional
Reference Material: Sample Entries Box 83 – Unnumbered on page 68.
Reference Material: Form NJTR-1A page 69.
Under column (box) 83 (Which Vehicle Occupied), all passengers
shall be accounted for including the non-injured.
If a person was in vehicle #1, write "01" in row A under column (box) 83.
For additional persons in vehicle #1, write "01" in rows B through E
under column (box) 83.
If vehicle #1 has no persons, start listing data about vehicle #2. For
vehicles #3, #4, #5, write "03," "04" and "05" in the appropriate row.
For your information and for use in column (box) 83 (Which Vehicle
Occupied), A person in a wheelchair, including electric or battery
operated mobility devices are defined in NJSA 39: 1-1 as a
Write the code for a pedalcyclist starting with "B1" and "P1” for a
Write code for multiple pedalcyclists and pedestrians as B2, B3, P2, P3,
etc., in column (box) 83 in the appropriate row.
In column (box) 84 (Position In/On-Vehicle), use the diagram for each person inside or hanging onto the
A person sitting on someone’s lap has the same numbered position as that person.
If there are 4 persons in a vehicle sitting in front seat, the 4th person is listed in the #2 position as an additional
#2 person adjacent to the appropriate row, which will reveal that the person was the fourth person sitting in the
front seat.
In column (box) 84 (Position In/On-Vehicle), if the 4th person in the vehicle is sitting in the rear seat, they are in
the #5 position along with the 5
person in the rear seat.
A passenger on a motorcycle is in the #4 position, except if the motorcycle has a sidecar and then the
motorcycle passenger would be in the #3 position.
A person “Riding/Hanging on the Outside” of a vehicle would be in the #11 position.
For Pedalcyclists and Pedestrians, always enter a dash (-)
In column (box) 84 (Position In/On-Vehicle), passengers in a bus are in the located in #10 position. Additional
passengers should be listed in a “Bus Seating Arrangement” diagram and attached to the report. The "Persons
Involved Data" table and "Bus Seating Arrangement" are required to complete the investigation.
All passengers must be accounted for in the “Persons Involved Data” table [columns (boxes) 83 through 95].
Reference Material: Bus Seating Arrangement on page 70.
Reference Material: School Bus Seating Diagram on page 71.
Column (box) 85 (Ejection From Vehicle) write the code to identify if a driver or passenger was ejected from
a vehicle e.g., car, motorcycle, etc.
Box 85
Column (box) 85 (Ejection From Vehicle) does not apply to a pedalcyclist.
Partial Ejection: When a portion of the person’s torso or head protrudes from the vehicle. Note: A passenger
with his or her arms protruding out of a window is not a partial ejection.
Trapped: When mechanical force is used to free a person from the vehicle, such as a pry-bar or the Jaws of
For your information and use in column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition), if there is an injury then the
crash is "reportable."
In column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition), write the code to identify the level of severity of an injury.
If there is no injury
, enter a dash (-) in box 86 (Victim's Physical Condition). A dash (-) is also required in box 8
(Total Killed) and box 9 (Total Injured).
If there is a dash (-) in column (box) 86 (Victim’s Physical Condition), enter a dash (-) in column (box) 89
(Location of Most Severe Physical Injury), column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical Injury) and column
(box) 91 (Refused Medical Treatment).
For your information and use in column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition), KILLED IS NOT INJURED
If a person is killed, write code "01-Killed" where column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition) intersects with
its corresponding row.
Verify that an "X" is placed in the box (Fatal) located at the top center-left of the report. Also, verify that a
number written in box 8 (Total Killed) corresponds with the number of persons killed as a result of the crash.
Lastly, verify that the name/address/date and time of death is recorded in the unnumbered box to the right of
Box 95 known as column box (Names & Addresses of Occupants – If Deceased, Date & Time of Death).
Reference Material: NJTR-1 Protocol on page 65.
Where column (box) 87 (Age) intersects with its corresponding row, write the age of each person. Use a two-
digit code/number, e.g., 01, 02, 03, etc.
If victims are under 1 year old, write the two-digit number of the month followed by an “M” for month, e.g., 01M
through 11M.
Write 01M for all infants below the age of 2 months.
11M includes all days and weeks up to one year.
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Where column (box) 88 (Sex) intersects with its corresponding row, write the sex of each person.
M=Male F=Female
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
In column (box) 89 (Location of Most Severe
Physical Injury), write the code to identify the
on the body of the most severe physical injury
from the crash.
The investigator must
ascertain the injuries at the
scene of the crash, not from a doctor’s diagnosis or
hospital records.
Example: If the driver had a severe head injury, a
broken arm and body contusions, the head injury is
identified as the most severe
, which is code "01 -
Head Injury."
Note: If there is a dash (-) in column (box) 86
(Victim’s Physical Condition), enter a dash (-) in
column (box) 89 (Location of Most Severe Physical
Injury), column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe
Physical Injury) and column (box) 91 (Refused
Medical Treatment).
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Where column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical Injury) intersects with is corresponding row, write
the code to describe the type of the most severe physical injury that the person sustained as a result of the
The investigator must
ascertain the injuries at the scene of the crash, not from a doctor’s diagnosis or hospital
Note: If there is a dash (-) in column (box) 86 (Victim’s Physical Condition), enter a dash (-) in column (box) 89
(Location of Most Severe Physical Injury), column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical Injury) and column
(box) 91 (Refused Medical Treatment).
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Where column (box) 91 (Refused Medical Treatment) intersects with its corresponding row, write the code to
identify if immediate medical treatment was refused.
Write code “01-Yes” if the person sustained or claimed an injury but refused immediate medical treatment.
Write code “02-No” if the person was treated and/or transported to a medical facility.
Enter a dash (-) if the person claimed no injuries
Note: If there is a dash (-) in column (box) 86 (Victim’s Physical Condition), enter a dash (-) in column (box) 89
(Location of Most Severe Physical Injury), column (box) 90 (Type of Most Severe Physical Injury) and column
(box) 91 (Refused Medical Treatment).
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Where column (box) 92 (Safety Equipment Available and Used) and
where column (box) 93 (Safety Equipment Available and Used)
intersect with their corresponding rows, write the code(s) in both
columns (boxes) for each person in the crash, whether injured or
Where column (box) 92 (Safety Equipment Available and Used)
intersects with its corresponding row, write the code to identify the
safety equipment AVAILABLE
Most late model cars will be coded in column (box) 92 as available
(e.g. “09-Airbags and Seat Belts”).
Where column (box) 93 (Safety Equipment Available and Used)
intersects with its corresponding row, write the code to identify the
safety equipment USED
Although equipment may be available in some cases it might not
have deployed or have been used (e.g. “09-Airbags and Seat
For your information and for use in column (boxes) 92 and 93, if an
airbag does not deploy
, it is not considered used in column (box) 94
(Airbag Deployment).
If helmet is not NJDOT approved, explain in box 135 (Crash
Enter a dash (-) in column (box) 92 (Safety Equipment Available and
Used) and column (box) 93 (Safety Equipment Available and Used)
for pedestrians. Where code "10-Safety Vests" is applicable, "01-
None Used" is an invalid entry in these boxes.
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Where column (box) 94 (Airbag Deployment) intersects with its corresponding row, write the code for the
airbag type deployed for each person
01 - Front
02 - Side
07 - Other
08 – Multiple
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
In column (box) 95 (Hospital Code) intersects with its corresponding row, write the HOSPITAL CODE
NUMBER where the person is taken for treatment.
The hospital codes are listed on the NJ Department of Health and Senior Services webpage at
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
In the unnumbered column (box) (Names & Addresses of Occupants – If Deceased, Date & Time of
Death) to the right of column (box) 95 (Hospital Code Number) where it intersects with its corresponding row,
write the names and addresses for all drivers, passengers, pedalcyclists and pedestrians.
It is permissible to abbreviate names and addresses of occupants by writing "0(zero)1-Vehicle," "B1-
Pedalcyclist" "P1-Pedestrian," and "O1-Other."
Verify that an "X" is placed in the box (Fatal) located at the top center-left of the report. Also, verify that a
number written in box 8 (Total Killed) corresponds with the number of persons killed as a result of the crash.
Lastly, verify, that code "01-Killed" is written in column (box) 86 (Victim's Physical Condition).
Reference Material: Sample Entries For Columns 83 through 95 page 68.
Reference Material: NJTR -1A on page 69.
Roadway System
In box 96 (Road Divided By), write the code for
the physical separation dividing the roadway .
“01 - Barrier Median” - Any physical separation
that precludes the vehicle from
traversing the median (i.e. guide rail, jersey
barrier, wooded areas).
“02 - Curbed Median” - Any median that divides
traffic lanes that has a sloped or vertically curbed
edging along or around the median.
“03 - Grass Median” - Any traversable grass
“04 - Painted Median” - Any separation between
live lanes that is painted with double yellow lines
and cross-hatching. Painted center lines on the
roadway alone are not considered medians, “05-
None” in column (box) 96 (Road Divided By).
“05 – None” - If no physical separation is present,
or if the crash occurs in an intersection.
In box 97 (Temporary Traffic Control Zone) identify if work was being conducted in
proximity to the crash. Explain all relevant information in box 135 (Crash Description).
A Construction Zone is defined as a roadway construction zone that displays signs
warning of a construction zone longer than one day. The construction zone begins at the
first construction sign and ends at the last sign as per MUTCD Part VI .
A Maintenance Zone is defined as any short-term work zone set up for one day or less.
A Utility Zone is either a construction or maintenance zone established by any public or
private utility.
An Incident Zone is an area of a highway where temporary traffic controls are imposed by
authorized officials in response to a road user incident, natural disaster, or special event.
In box 99 (Road System), write the code to identify
the road system.
US Routes are identified as "02 - State Highway.”
The road system code must correlate with the entry
on line (box) 10 (Crash Occurred On/Road Name).
If codes "01 - Interstate," "02 – State Highway," or
"03 – State/Interstate Authority" are used, write the
milepost number in box 13 (Milepost).
School parking lots and driveways as well as any
land owned and maintained by a governing body are
to be “coded.” Example: an elementary school will
be coded "08 – Municipal Authority Park or
Institution," a county college will be coded "06 –
County Authority, Park or Institution" and a State
college will be coded "04 – State Park or Institution."
Note: Toll roads, Palisades Interstate Parkway,
Interstate Bridges Commissions are coded as “03 –
State/Interstate Authority" (code change).
For your information and use in box 98 (Light Condition), write the code for the light
condition at the time of the crash, which may be different from the time you conduct your
Continuous lighting means that a roadway is fully lit along its length.
Spot lighting indicates a roadway where there is alternating dark spots and lighted areas
along the roadway.
When street lights are inoperable, write code “04 - Dark, Street Lights Off” in box 98 (Light
01 Daylight
02 Dawn
03 Dusk
04 Dark (street lights off)
05 Dark (no street lights)
06 Dark (street lights on, continuous)
07 Dark (street lights on, spot)
In box 100 (Road Character), write the code
that best describes the roadway at the
location of the first event.
Road character data is used to determine
sight distance from an engineering point of
view and should describe the alignment of the
Box 101 (Road Surface Type) refers to the
physical makeup of the road at the location of
the crash. Examples include:
- Portland cement concrete
- Bituminous concrete (asphalt),
including chip road sealing (oil and stone) and
- Must be explained in box 135 (Crash
Description); i.e.: cobblestones, wood (bridge
decks), steel construction plates, etc.
In box 102 (Road Surface Condition), write the
code to identify the road surface at the time and
location of the crash.
Include foreign substances such as vehicle fluids
that were present prior to the crash and explain
as "other foreign substances" in box 135 (Crash
Oil includes all petroleum products.
Only choose one code .
In box 103 (Environmental Condition),
write the code for the weather condition at
the time
of the crash.
Only choose one code.
Additional comments should be explained
in box 135 (Crash Description).
Vehicles Involved In Crash
In box 104 (Total Number of Motor Vehicles Involved in Crash), write the two-digit
code/number for the total number of motor vehicles involved in the crash.
The total vehicles involved in the crash shall correspond with the number of owners in box 35
and/or box 65 (Owner’s Name) that are identified in the NJTR-1.
Pedalcyclists or pedestrians are not accounted for (identified) in box 104 (Total Vehicles
Involved in Crash).
In box 105 (Crash Type), write the code that most
accurately describes the crash type.
This box describes the first event of the crash.
Encroachment is a situation where a vehicles’ lane of
travel is entered by another vehicle
Reference Material: NJTR 1 Overlay, Page 2 “Crash
Type Examples on page 72.
Box 106 and box 107 (Oversize/Overweight Permit) is for
commercial vehicles and only to be used in commercial vehicle
All other types of vehicles enter a dash (-).
Write code "01 - Yes" if oversize/overweight permit issued by
In box 108 and/or box 109 (Vehicle Type) identify each vehicle involved by type.
Codes “01-19 Passenger Vehicles” - A GVWR less than or equal to 10,001 pounds or seats less
than 9 passengers (GCWR=Gross Combination Weight Rating)
Code “03 – Cargo Van” - Step Van, Full-size van. Example: FedEx
Code “04 - Sport Utility” - utility vehicles. Examples: Ford Explorer, Chevy Blazer, GMC Envoy,
Dodge Durango
Code “05 – Pickup”- Includes open, rack body and pickup trucks
Code “06 - Recreation Vehicle” - Vehicles used for recreational purposes only, e.g. travel trailers
(Winnebago, Fleetwood, etc.)
Code “07 - All Terrain Vehicle” (ATV’s) with either 3, 4, 6 or more tires
Code “08 – Motorcycle” - All motor-operated vehicles of the
bicycle/tricycle type, except MOPED, ATVs
Code “11 – Moped” - Pedal bicycle with helper motor (under 50cc)
In box 110 and/or box 111 (Vehicle Use), write the code for each vehicle involved.
If "04 - Responding to an Emergency" is selected, refer to Title 11
(For an accident* occurring
as a result of operation of any motor vehicle in response to an emergency if the operator at the
time of the accident* was responding to the call to duty as a paid or volunteer member of any
police or fire department, first aid squad, or any law enforcement agency).
* Statutor
In box 112 and/or box 113 (Special Function Vehicles), write the code to describe the special
function or how the vehicle was being used at the time of the crash, otherwise enter a dash (-).
Reference Material: Vehicle Type – Cargo Body Type 0n page 73.
In box 114 and/or box 115 (Cargo Body Type - Commercial Vehicle Only), write the code for
cargo body type for commercial vehicles, otherwise enter a dash (-).
Box 116 and box 117 (Direction of Travel of Vehicle) identifies the direction of travel recorded as
the nominal direction posted on road signs or identified on maps or straight-line diagram for the road
where the crash occurred.
Use a two-digit code i.e., "01-N," "02-E," "03-S," "04-W."
NOTE: Use only one choice, e.g.: Using the two-digit code for northeast is “01” and not 0102.
For your information and use in box 116 and box 117 (Direction of Travel of Vehicle), even though a
north-south road may actually run east-west for a segment, the direction shall not change for reporting.
If a vehicle is traveling in the wrong direction, write the actual direction of travel of the errant vehicle
(e.g., northbound in a southbound lane).
When a vehicle is backing on a roadway its direction of travel is the same as the nominal direction.
The direction the vehicle while in motion and not the direction it was moving is the nominal direction.
When a vehicle is parked, identify the direction that the front of the vehicle was facing prior to the
Apparent Contributing Circumstances
118 a&b
119 a&b
Any code marked with an asterisk (*) under Apparent Contributing Circumstances and any
selection using “other” must be further explained in box 135.
In box 118a&b and box 119a&b (Apparent Contributing Circumstances), the investigator will
determine the most prominent factor(s) contributing to the crash, even if a summons is not issued.
Select up to two codes for contributing circumstances (Human/Driver Actions, Vehicle Factors,
Road/Environmental Factors and Pedestrian Factors) for each driver, but only one code is required
as a minimum.
For your information and use in box 118a&b and box 119a&b (Apparent Contributing
Circumstances), although it may seem that alcohol involvement would be included and contributed
to the crash, other factors such as speed, failure to yield, road deficiencies, or other improper driving
actions will be
the proximate (actual) cause of the crash in box 118a&b and box 119a&b (Apparent
Contributing Circumstances).
In box 118a&b and box 119a&b (Apparent Contributing Circumstances), a determination of the
apparent contributing circumstances shall be made as a result of the crash investigation.
Statistical data gathered from this part of the report is used to study the cause and effect of crashes.
For example, if a vehicle was involved in a crash and the road or environmental conditions listed in
box 102 (Road Surface Condition) and box 103 (Environmental Condition) were icy and/or snow
covered, write code “01 - Unsafe Speed,” even if a summons is not issued.
Do not code “25 - None” for all vehicles. There is “always” an apparent contributing circumstance for
one or both of the vehicles in a multi-vehicle crash.
Box 120 and box 121 (Apparent Physical Status), write
the code to identify the apparent physical status of each
driver/operator, pedalcyclist, pedestrian immediately
the crash.
If apparent physical status is unknown, write code "00."
Code "06 - Physical Handicaps" may include:
Severe Vision or Hearing Impairments
Deafness or Blindness
Leg/Foot/Arm or Hand Amputation
When illicit "03 – Drug Use" or prescription drugs "04 -
Medication" or combinations of alcohol and drugs "05 -
Alcohol and Drug Use" are identified, describe by name or
type of drug/medication use in box 135 (Crash Description).
Any code marked with an asterisk (*) under
Apparent Physical Status
and any selection using
“other” must be further explained in box 135.
In box 122 and box 123 (Cell Phone in Use) write the code to identify if each driver/operator,
pedalcyclist and/or pedestrian was using a cell phone at the time of the crash.
Write code “01 - Handheld" or code “02 - Hands Free" to identify cell phone use.
Enter a dash (-) in box 122 and/or box 123 (Cell Phone in Use) if cell phone use is not applicable.
For your information and use in box 124 and box 125 (Pre-Crash Action), pedalcycles are
considered vehicles.
If a vehicle, pedacycle and/or pedestrian contributed to the crash and did not
have contact with
a motor vehicle, explain the Pre-Crash Action in box 135 (Crash Description), including Driver
Identification Section and Owner/Vehicle Identification Section and enter a dash (-) in box 26
and/or box 56 (Driver's Name).
Box 124 and box 125 (Pre-Crash Action) are used for vehicle, pedacyclists and/or pedestrians
that made
contact during the crash sequence.
In reference to box 124 and box 125 (Pre-Crash Action), if a pedestrian was an apparent
contributing circumstance in the pre-crash action, write the pedestrian name and information
starting in the space provided for a drivers name which is located in box 26 and/or box 56
(Driver's Name).
For a pedestrian, you shall not
write their driver’s license number in box 32 and/or box 62
(Driver's License Number).
A motorized wheelchair is not as regulated as a motor vehicle, and shall be reported as a
In box 124 and box 125 (Pre-Crash Action):
Code “12 - Merging/Entering Traffic Lane” - crashes associated when two lanes merge into one
(e.g., acceleration or deceleration merges). This does not include "05 - Starting From Parking.”
Code “14 - Driverless/Moving”: e.g., a vehicle rolls out of a parking space, when a driver is
ejected or exits and the vehicle continues in motion.
Codes “43- Crossing at ‘Marked’ Crosswalk” - at Intersection, “44 – Crossing at ‘Unmarked’
Crosswalk” - at Intersection, “45 – Crossing at ‘Marked’ Crosswalk” - at Mid-Block. Definitions
for crosswalks are found in NJSA 39: 1-1.
Any selection marked with an asterisk (*) under Pre-Crash Action and any selection
using “other” must be further explained in box 135.
In box 126 and/or box 127 (Traffic Controls), write one code for each vehicle in the crash.
A particular traffic control device may be regulating the flow of traffic and be in proximity to the
point of impact and not exactly at the point of impact.
A vehicle identified as first in line is controlled by the traffic control device. All others are
controlled by the lane markings, etc.
Vehicle/Pedalcyclist Action (01-29)
01 Going Straight Ahead
02 Making Right Turn (not turn on red)
03 Making Left Turn
04 Making U Turn
05 Starting From Parking
06 Starting In Traffic
07 Slowing or Stopping
08 Stopped In Traffic
09 Parking
10 Parked
11 Changing Lanes
12 Merging/Entering Traffic Lane
13 Backing
14 Driverless/Moving
15 Passing
16 Negotiating Curve
17 Driving on Shoulder
18 Right Turn on Red Signal
29 Other Veh/Cyclist Action*
Pedestrian Action (31-49)
31 Pedestrian Off Road
32 Walking To/From School
33 Walking/Jogging On Road W/Traffic
34 Walking/Jogging On Road Against
35 Playing In Road
36 Standing/Lying/Kneeling In Road
37 Getting On Or Off Vehicle
38 Pushing Or Working On Vehicle)
39 Other Working In Roadway
40 Approaching Or Leaving School Bus
41Coming From Behind Parked Vehicle
42 (reserved)
At Intersection
43 Crossing At “Marked” Crosswalk
44 Crossing At “Unmarked” Crosswalk
At Mid-Block
128 a-d
129 a-d
In boxes 128a-d and 129a-d (Sequence of Events), write the code(s) to identify the beginning of
a crash and all subsequent actions.
Determine the sequence of events by answering the question “What did the vehicle come
in contact with?”
These details will describe what happened.
Example 1: If Vehicle 1 runs off the road, hits a parked car
(vehicle 2) and then a utility pole, the report should be filled out as
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
128a - 05 129a - 26
128b - 28 129b - (-)
128c - 52 129c - (-)
128d - (-) 129d - (-)
Example 2:
If Vehicle 1 hits Vehicle 2 coming in the opposite
direction, then hits a curb, then hits a tree. Vehicle 2 is hit by
vehicle 1, hits pedalcyclist, and then hits a traffic sign support, the
report should be filled out as follows:
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
128a - 26 129a - 26
128b - 56 129b - 21
128c - 60 129c - 50
128d - (-) 129d - (-)
If code “19 - Other non-collision” is used or “39 - Other Non-Fixed Object” or “69-Other Fixed
Object”, explain in box 135.
See next Page for box codes for 128a-d and 129a-d.
128 a-d
129 a-d
130 - 133
In boxes 130-133 (Vehicle Impact Area), write the code to identify the point where the
contact first began between two vehicles, a vehicle and trees, a vehicle and a pedestrian,
13 - Roof
14 - Undercarriage
15 - Overturned
17 - None Visible
Use the Clockpoint Diagram to identify the area of initial impact and principal damage
(area that was most damaged).
Box 130-133 Example: Vehicle #1 was struck in the rear by Vehicle #2. Vehicle #1
sustained no damage. Vehicle #2 sustained damage to the front of the vehicle.
Refer to NJTR-1 Overlay, pg. 2.
Crash Diagram
In box 134 (Crash Diagram), identify North by placing an arrow in the circle at the upper left corner of box
Draw each vehicle and number accordingly to correspond with box 23 and/or box 53 (Vehicle Number).
Identify the roadway boundaries, crossings, pavement markings, traffic controls, view obstructions and
intersections related to the crash.
If any vehicles were moved prior to your arrival, draw a "representative" diagram based on your investigation
and explain in box 135 that the vehicles were moved prior to your arrival.
In box 134 (Crash Diagram), identify the pre-crash, crash and post crash positions of the vehicles in the
diagram, if possible.
This can be accomplished on one diagram by depicting the vehicles along their path or on separate diagrams,
depending on the investigator’s preference.
Use form NJTR-1B (supplemental page ) in lieu of box 134 (Crash Diagram) on form NJTR-1 or in case of
serious injury or fatalities, or if applicable.
Write “See NJTR-1B” in box 134 (Crash Diagram) of the NJTR-1, if applicable.
Crash Description and Damage To Other Property
In box 135 (Crash Description), describe these 3 basic elements at a minimum:
An outline of the physical facts involved in the crash.
A summary of the accounts from all operators, pedestrians and witnesses.
An objective evaluation statement by the investigator concerning his/her conclusions.
Also, explain any entries that require asterisk (*) information identified throughout the form. Include pedestrian
or pedalcyclist clothing worn at the time of the crash. Note: List any photos taken. Use form NJTR-1A
(supplemental page) if applicable.
Electronic versions
are acceptable.
In box 136 (Damage To Other Property), write the code(s) for all other property damage that occurred as a
result of the crash not including the vehicles involved (i.e., "59 - Fence," "62 - Fire Hydrant," "58 -
Embankment," etc.).
Write the property owner’s name and address, along with the description of the property that was damaged.
Use codes from boxes 128a-d and 129a-d (Sequence of Events) where applicable.
Enforcement Action
In the box (Operator) located to the left of box 137 and 139 (Charge), write the code to identify the
driver/operator by chronological number correlated with box 26 and/or box 56 (Driver's Name).
The driver in box 26 (Driver's Name) is known as Operator “01” and in box 56 (Driver's Name) the driver is
known as Operator “02.
Pedalcyclists and pedestrians are also associated with box 26 and/or box 56 (Driver's Name).
In box 137 and/or 139 (Charge), write only the most serious
When there are multiple charges
against a person, place an “X” in the box (Multiple Charges) located in box
137 and/or 139 (Charge) and write additional charges in box 135 (Crash Description).
In box 138 and/or box 140 (Summons Number), write the summons number for the charge written in box 137
and/or box 139 (Charge).
When there are multiple summonses
issued, write the summons numbers and multiple charges in box 135
(Crash Description).
Investigator Identification and Case Status
In box 141 (Officer's Signature), the investigator is required
to electronically or manually write (sign) his/her
name or the report is not valid.
In box 142 (Badge Number), the investigator is required
to write his/her badge number.
In box 143 (Reviewed By), the supervisor who reviews the report must
check it for completeness, accuracy
and proper content; then electronically or manually write (sign) their initials along with their badge number to
the right of their initials.
After the report has been reviewed it should be forwarded to the police department's Custodian of Records.
All reportable crashes are to be submitted to NJDOT as required by statute or regulation.
Refer to the NJDOT webpage for the current mailing address, protocols and other relevant information.
Reference Material: NJTR-1 Protocol on page 65.
In box 144 (Case Status), place an “X” in either of the boxes (Pending, Complete) located in box 144 (Case
Status) based on the department's standard/standing operating procedures.
All reports must be completed.
A report that is pending
shall be updated to complete status by submitting a change report. Several updates
may be required before complete status.
Police Guide for Preparing
Reports of
Motor Vehicle Crashes
“Every law enforcement officer who investigates a vehicle accident* of which report must be made as
required in this Title, or who otherwise prepares a written report as a result of an accident* or thereafter by
interviewing the participants or witnesses, shall forward a written report of the accident* to the division, on
forms furnished by it, within five days after this investigation of the accident*.”
The investigation and reporting of motor vehicle crashes is a necessary duty of a police officer. Reports are
intended to help reduce the number of crashes, deaths
and injuries through the collection of data elements
and study how they occur. You play a vital role in the collection of this data and it is imperative that you
understand each piece of information that you enter.
We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for making this manual a reality.
NJDOT, Bureau of Safety Programs – STRCC Chairman, William Beans
New Jersey State Police; Committee Chairmen – Sergeant First Class Robert Parlow
NJDOT, Information Technology; NJTR1 Designer – Thomas Kennedy
Voorhees Township Police Department; NJTR-1 Manual Designer-
Lieutenant Mark J. Wilson
New Jersey State Police – Sergeant Scott Wishart
Washington Township Police Department, Gloucester County – Sergeant Steven Branco
Washington Township Police Department, Bergen County – Chief William Cicchetti
Bergenfield Police Department – Chief Thomas Lucas
Colts Neck Police Department – Sergeant Richard Maxwell
New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety – Al Tindall
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission – Marcy Klein, Patricia Jones
New Jersey State Police, FARS Unit – Lisa Glodowski, Sandra Jenkins
New Jersey State Office of Information Technology – Joseph Decker, Debbie Johnson
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission – Stanley Cierniak
University of Rutgers, Police Training – Kennard Wondrack, Raymond Chintall
Federal Highway Administration – Karen Yunk
NJDOT, Bureau of Safety Programs – Kevin Conover, Lisa Kaye, Penny Jones
* Statutory Language
History of Crash Reporting
Historically, most traffic crash reports were intended, and used, primarily as simple “Who, What,
Where, When and maybe Why” chronicles. In this age of ever decreasing resources, and ever
increasing needs, the ability to provide timely, accurate data to Highway Safety Officials becomes
increasingly urgent, because it allows traffic safety officials to “do more with less”.
Each traffic Crash Report is a memorialization of a “reportable” crash. The circumstances are
rarely ideal as the officer must perform triage in attending to injured persons, minimize the impact
and risk to surrounding traffic and then survey and analyze the crash scene.
Pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 39:4-131, an officer investigating a motor vehicle crash
must submit to Motor Vehicle Commission a completed crash report within five (5) days. The
reports are submitted by all law enforcement agencies in the State for any “reportable” motor
vehicle traffic crash resulting in injury to or death of any person, or damage to property of any one
person in excess of $500.00. As a result, approximately 320,000 (2003) crash reports are produced
The Division of Highway Traffic Safety (DHTS) and the New Jersey Department of Transportation
are responsible for allocating funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the purpose of creating programs
aimed at improving the safety of New Jersey roadways. Traffic crash analysis affects these and
other agencies, as the crash report is the only source of their information. As such, crash reporting
information is critical in the decision-making process of numerous agencies.
Some of them are:
Division of Highway Traffic Safety
Motor Vehicles Commission
Division of State Police
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury
Department of Insurance
Department of Education
Department of Human Services
Office of Emergency Management Services
County and Municipal Traffic Engineers
County and Municipal Traffic Officers
Preliminary Instruction Guide
On July 16, 1997, The National Safety Council’s Board of Directors passed a motion to eliminate
the word ACCIDENT and replace it with the word CRASH. The reason for the motion was to
change people’s way of thinking about crashes. An accident is defined as “An unexpected or
undesired event, chance or fortune” while a crash is “to cause a vehicle or aircraft to have a
collision, to be involved in a crash.” This reinforces the philosophy that crashes don’t just happen;
they have causes and can be prevented.
Although Title 39 has not yet changed to reflect this new trend in terminology the changes have
been made in this manual.
The most recent NJTR-l went into effect on January 1, 2006. The report was renumbered through
input from officers to assist you in the completion of the form. Some changes throughout the new
report should be noted:
The report was changed from 124 blocks to 144 blocks.
Important points
All 144 boxes on the Crash Report must be completed, even if you only enter a dash.
Be very specific when entering the location of the crash. This information must be completed in
order to pinpoint the exact location of the crash for geo-code processing.
All reportable crash reports, including fatals, must be forwarded to the New Jersey Department
of Transportation through the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.
Use a dash (-) to indicate non-applicable information in all blocks.
• Use double zeros (00) to indicate the required information is unknown in blocks 96 -133.
99 “Other” is no longer shown in each category. Write in “99” in the boxes where no choices
for “Other” apply and you will explain in the narrative.
If a box calls for a two digit numeric answer be sure to fill in both digits, i.e. 01,02,03
List and number occupied vehicles first, then unoccupied vehicles, then bicyclists and
pedestrians on the report
When entering intersecting municipal street names, enter the numeric streets first and then the
alpha streets in alphabetical order.
A pedalcycle is considered a vehicle for purposes of crash reporting, except when coding
ejection from vehicle (box 85). A pedalcyclist is not coded as being ejected from the cycle if
involved in a crash.
A person sitting behind the wheel of a parked vehicle should not have their information listed in
the operator boxes (26-34, 56-64) but listed that information in the narrative (box 135)
If a vehicle or a pedestrian caused the crash and DID NOT
have any contact with a motor
vehicle, explain the pedestrian information box 135 and enter a dash (-) in boxes 26 and/or 56.
Write the pedestrian’s identification in boxes 26 and 56. Do not
list the driver’s license number
in boxes 32 and 62 for pedestrians.
1. Motor vehicle and traffic laws regarding taking of crash reports
A. Requirements for drivers
1. N.J.S.A.39: 4-130 requires that any driver of a vehicle or street car involved in an accident
which results in injury or death of any person or damage to property of any one person in
excess of $500 shall by the quickest means of communication notify the local police
department or nearest office of the county police or state police of the accident.
2. The driver is further required to forward a written report of such accident within 10 days to
Motor Vehicle Services on forms furnished by it.
3. A written report of an accident shall not be required by this section if a law enforcement
officer submits a written report to Motor Vehicle Services pursuant to N.J.S.A.39: 4- 131.
B. Requirement for police officers
1. N.J.S.A.39: 4-131 requires the following:
a. That Motor Vehicle Services shall prepare and supply to police departments
forms for accident* reports. These forms will contain detailed information about the
motor vehicle accident*, including the cause, the conditions then existing, and the
persons and vehicles involved.
b. Every law enforcement officer who investigates a vehicle accident* of which
report must be made or who otherwise prepares a written report as a result of an
accident* shall forward a written report of the accident* to Motor Vehicle Services,
on the forms furnished by it, within 5 days after his or her investigation of the
c. The written report required to be forwarded by law enforcement officers and the
information contained therein shall not be privileged or held confidential. Every
citizen of this state shall have the right, during business hours and under
supervision, to inspect and copy such reports and shall also have the right to
purchase copies of the reports at the fee established by law.
2. Private property crashes are to be reported in the same manner as crashes occurring on
public roadways. This includes crashes in parking lots, on private streets, and on any other
location in the State.
C. Completing Accident* Report Form NJTR-1
I. The State of New Jersey Police Accident* Report Form NJTR-l is to be completed by the
police officer for all investigations of motor vehicle crashes.
2. Form NJTR-1 A Motor Vehicle Accident* Description is to be completed if more than five
people were involved in the crash or if additional space is needed for the description.
3. Form NJTR-l B Motor Vehicle Accident* Diagram, or other diagrams, shall be used in all
crash cases involving serious injury or a fatality in lieu of block 134 on form NJTR-l. When
using an NJTR-1B or other diagram write: SEE ATTACHED DIAGRAM” in block 135.
Statutory Language
D. NJTR-1A Motor Vehicle Accident* Description
1. Use this form if more room is needed for the Accident* Description Box 135 and/or if there
were more than five passengers in the vehicle(s).
E. Additional Report Pages
1. In many instances, the police officer conducting a crash investigation will find that it is
necessary to submit more than one NJTR-1 form, to correctly report the investigation.
2. The need for an additional NJTR-1 report page would occur when the crash involved three
or more cars, three or more pedestrians or pedalcyclists, or five or more vehicle occupants.
This is necessary because an NJTR- 1 has space for only two vehicles and five occupants.
Pedestrians and pedalcyclists are identified in the “Driver” parts of the NJTR-1 by listing
name and address but not by including their driver’s license.
3. When an additional form page is needed, the minimum entries required for the additional
report are boxes 1 through 7, as outlined in the sections with the bold black lines.
a. For example, if an additional report page is submitted because there were more than
two vehicles, pedestrians, or pedalcyclists in the crash, the additional report pages
need only reflect items 1 through 7 and all other items relating to the additional
vehicles, pedestrians, or pedalcyclists covered in boxes 106-133.
A. Change Reports
1) Whenever it is necessary to make a change in information set out on a report which
has already been submitted to Department of Transportation, a new report must be
submitted showing the changes, with the change box checked at the top of the report
form. One example would be a hit-and-run crash in which a report is submitted before
the offender is identified. An additional report would be required to show the
offender’s identity and other pertinent new information developed and not previously
reported. Another instance where a “Change Report” is required is when an injured
party from a motor vehicle crash dies from their injuries after the initial crash report is
submitted. Note that the NJSP & NJMVC are notified via the NLETS teletype and the
NJDOT is to be notified via fax as per NJTR1 protocol information sheet.
2) The bold black lines (blocks 1-7) are always the minimum number of mandatory
fields for additional NJTR-1s in the change report along with the names of Driver 1
and Driver 2 on the original report should be carefully printed in boxes 26 and 56,
Driver’s Name”, of the Change Report.
3) When submitting a change report only submit the information that needs to be
changed or added. Do not fill in all of the blocks if there is no change in the original
B. Fatal Crashes
1. All fatal motor vehicle crashes shall be reported to the New Jersey State Police via
N.L.E.T.S. within 24 hours of occurrence. It is requested of all municipal police
departments that they follow the standard format for reporting fatal motor vehicle
crashes as it appears on their N.L.E.T.S. (NCIC) terminals. Refer to the NJTR-1
Protocol in the appendix.
2. In addition, a photocopy of the initial investigation report shall be submitted, in a
special envelope, to the MVC Fatal Accident Review Board within 72 hours (N.J.
Statute 39:5-30). This should NOT be one of the two copies marked as “State Copy”.
3. Upon completion of the investigation, a photocopy of the completed report shall be
mailed to:
Division of State Police
Fatal Accident Investigation Unit
PO Box 7068
West Trenton, New Jersey 08628-7068
II. Recommended Procedures for the Handling of Motor Vehicle Crashes Not Investigated at the Scene.
1. The Department of Transportation has submitted the following recommended
procedure for a late report of a motor vehicle crash that is not investigated at the
a. Police personnel should make an entry in their watch log indicating the
date and time the reporting individual reported the motor vehicle crash to
the police department.
b. The department should then provide the reporting individual with an
SR1 form (Motor Vehicle Accident Report)
c.The reporting individual shall complete the form for reportable crashes. It
is suggested that the reporting individual provide a copy to the police
department for its files but follow your departmental procedures in this
d. The reporting individual shall mail a copy of the report to the agency
indicated on the SR1 form.
e. Police personnel should emphasize to the reporting individual that they
should indicate in box 20 on the report that the police did not investigate the
To help you understand what an insurance company considers an “At-fault” crash, we have
provided you with an excerpt from the New Jersey Department of Insurance, dated 8/18/97.
Department of Insurance
Title 11
11:3-34.3 Definition of “At Fault Accident*”
“At-fault accident” is any accident involving a driver insured under the policy which resulted in a payment by
the insurer of at least $500.00, and for which the driver is at least proportionately responsible based on the
number of vehicles involved.
A driver is [considered] proportionately responsible if 50 percent responsible for an accident* involving two
drivers; if 33 1/3 percent responsible for an accident* involving three drivers, etc.
An at-fault accident* SHALL NOT INCLUDE
the following:
1) Involvement in an accident* in which the motor vehicle owned or operated by the insured or other driver
insured under the policy was lawfully parked.
2) Involvement in an accident* in which the motor vehicle was struck by a hit and run driver, if such
accident* was reported to the proper authorities within 24 hours.
3) Involvement in an accident* in connection with which neither the named insured nor any other driver
insured under the policy was convicted of a moving traffic violation and the owner or operator of another
vehicle involved in such accident* was so convicted.
4) For physical damage losses other than collision.
5) For an accident* in which the motor vehicle was struck in the rear by another vehicle and a driver
insured under the policy has not been convicted of a moving violation in connection with the accident*.
6) For an accident* occurring as a result of operation of any motor vehicle in response to an emergency if
the operator at the time of the accident* was responding to the call to duty as a paid or volunteer member
of any police or fire department, first aid squad, or any law enforcement agency.
* Statutory Language
Non- Fatal Crash Reporting
A non-Fatal reportable crash (NJTR-1) needs only to be mailed to NJDOT (See address below) within 5
days in accordance with State Statue Title 39. None to Motor Vehicle Commission or State Police.
Fatal Crash Reporting
1. Police Dept & medical examiner do preliminary crash investigation.
2. Local Police Send NLETS Teletype Message (Incident report) to State Police Fatal Unit within 24 hours
on all Fatal crashes-
3. Mail a copy of NJTR-1 only to, Motor Vehicle Commission, Fatal Accident Review Board and to
NJDOT within 72 hours (whether complete or not):
A. NJTR-1 State copy Motor Vehicle Commission Phone 609-292-8018
Fatal Unit Fax 609-341-3373
225 East State Street
PO Box 173
Trenton NJ 08666
B. NJTR-1 State copy New Jersey Department of Transportation
1035 Parkway Avenue, CN 600
Trenton NJ 08625
Atten: Bureau of Safety Programs – Crash Records Unit
Phone 609-530-3474 Fax 609-530-3496
I. If crash appears prosecutable and there is concern about filling in Contributing Circumstances
(Blks 28 & 29) the form can be submitted without filling in blks 28 & 29
II. Once the investigation is complete then submit NJTR-1 change report with copy of Investigation
report to Motor Vehicle Commission, NJDOT and State Police.
C. Photo Copy NJSP – Division Headquarters State Police Fatal Unit
FAI Unit Phone 609-882-2000 Ext 2240
PO Box 7068 Fax 609-883-0237
West Trenton 08628
State Police do their investigation A. State Police send report to DMV & Prosecutors.
B. Fatal Accident Review Board determines if administrative action is
Definition of an Intersection as per Title-39:1-1
“Intersection” means the area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or, if none, the lateral
boundary lines of two or more highways that join one another at an angle, whether or not one such highway crosses
another. The square in the center of the drawing below is an example of the area deemed to be an intersection. Any
crash that occurs outside of the square of the intersection will have blocks 10 thru 22 (if applicable) completed at the
top of the NJTR-1.
Crash involving 2 vehicles and 5 people:
Line A shows the Driver of Vehicle #1(1), his position as the driver (1), that he is Dead (1), trapped
in the vehicle (4), 29 years old (29), male (M), Chest Injury (05), Internal Injuries (3), Safety
equipment available was airbag & seat belts (09), Safety equipment used was none (01), (hospital
code-Overlook Hospital 7055).
Line B shows the Passenger of Vehicle #1 (1), his position in the front of the vehicle passenger
side (3), moderate injury (3), not ejected (01), 9 years old (09), male (M), Head injury (01),
Bleeding (4), Safety equipment available was airbag & seat belts (09), Safety equipment used was
none (O1), Ambulance Run Number (hospital code-Overlook Hospital 7055).
Line C shows the Driver of Vehicle #2 (2), her position as the driver (1), that she has no injuries (-
), not ejected (1), 62 years old (62) and female (F), no injuries (--), no injuries (-), Safety
equipment available was airbag (08), Safety equipment used was none because airbag did not
deploy (01), Ambulance Run Number is not applicable (-).
Line D shows the Passenger of Vehicle #2 (2), her position in the front of the vehicle passenger
side (3), complaint of pain (4), not ejected (1), 42 years old (42), female (F), complain of neck pain
(04), complaint of pain (8), safety equipment available was harness (03), safety equipment used
was harness (03), (hospital code-Overlook Hospital 7055).
Line E shows the 2nd passenger of vehicle #2 (2), his position behind the driver in the back seat
(4), no injuries (-), not ejected (1), 7 years old (7), male (M), no injuries (--), no injuries (-), safety
equipment available was lap belt (02), Safety equipment used was lap belt (02).
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
A 1 1 2 1 2 9 M 0 5 3 2 0 9 0 1 01 70
Bill Beans 156
Truck Turn Lane,
Cherry Hill, NJ
01/24/05 0723
B 1 3 3 3 0 9 F 0 1 4 2 0 9 0 1 01 70
Tom Beans
C 2 1 - - 6 2 F - - - 1 0 8 0 1 01 - -
D 2 3 4 3 4 2 F 0 4 8 2 0 3 0 3 01 70
Elaine Wrigley
E 2 4 - - 0 7 M - - - 1 0 2 0 2 01 - -
NOTE: For a fatality, you must also list the name, address, date and time of the death in
the box next to Box 95.
Page ________ of ________
New Jersey Police Crash Investigation Report
Motor Vehicle Crash Description
Police Dept: ________________________ Code: _______
Station: ___________________________ Case No: _______________
Names & Addresses of Occupants - If Deceased, Date & Time of Death92919089888786858483
93 9594
(Refer to vehicle by number)
135 Crash Description
NJTR-1A (rev. 07/2005)
Officer's Signature Badge Number
1. Same Direction (Rear-end)- Two vehicles moving one behind the other and collide, regardless of what movements either vehicle was in the process of making. This would iinclude a
collision in which the leading vehicle spun out and became turned 180 degrees around such that the resulting same direction collision had it strike front end to front end with the following
2. Same Direction (Sideswipe)- Two vehicles moving alongside each other and collide, with at least one of the vehicles being struck on the side. This type would include a collision
resulting from one of the vehicles making an improper turn such as a left from the right lane or vice-versa or turning right from the appropriate outside lane and striking a vehicle passing on
the right shoulder.
3. Right Angle- Two vehicles approaching from non-opposing angular directions collide, typically resulting as one vehicle failed to either stop or yield right of way from a Stop or Yield sign,
ran a red light, or was not cleared from the intersection upon the onset of the conflicting movement's green signal.
4. Opposite Direction (Head-on/Angular)- Two vehicles approaching opposite directions and intending to continue in opposite directions collide in a frontal or angular manner as a result
of one or both vehicles crossing the painted or unpainted centerline or divided median of the roadway. This includes a collision resulting from one vehicle traveling the wrong way down a
divided highway.
5. Opposite Direction (Sideswipe)- Two vehicles approaching opposite directions and intending to continue in opposite directions collide in a sideswiping manner as a result of one or both
vehicles crossing the painted or unpainted centerline or divided median of the roadway. This also includes a collision resulting from one vehicle traveling the wrong way down a divided
6. Parked Vehicle- A crash involving a vehicle in transport striking a parked vehicle within the roadway or in a parking lot.
7. Left Turn/U Turn- Two vehicles approaching from opposite directions collide as a result of at least one vehicle attempting to make a left or U turn in front of the opposing vehicle.
8. Backing- This type of crash, previously labeled as "Other" type, is defined as any multi-vehicle collision when at least one vehicle was in the act of backing.
9. Encroachment- Previously labeled as "Other" type crash, but frequently mislabeled as an angle crash due to the approach directions of one of the turning vehicles and a stopped,
starting or slowing vehicle on an adjacent approach, this crash defines the collision of two adjacent approach vehicles whose paths are unintended to come in conflict, but collide as a result
of one or both vehicles over- or under-turning.
10. Overturned- A crash in which a vehicle overturns on or off the roadway without first having been involved in some other type single or multiple vehicle crash. This includes motorcycle
crashes in which the operator loses control of and drops bike, but had not initially struck another motor vehicle, fixed or non-fixed object, animal, pedacyclist or pedestrian.
11. Fixed Object- A crash in which the primary collision involved a single vehicle and a fixed object.
12. Animal- A crash involving a vehicle striking any animal, including a deer. However, a deer crash could also be so-named for specific identification of this more common type animal
crash within the appropriate box on the Police Crash Report form.
13. Pedestrian- A crash involving a vehicle and pedestrian in which the collision between the two is the first event and also took place within the road proper. This type includes a vehicle
colliding with someone walking their bicycle in the roadway.
14. Pedalcycle- A crash involving a vehicle and a bicycle that is in the act of being ridden or stopped in the roadway, but currently mounted by the cyclist.
15. Non-fixed object- Excluding the single motor vehicle type crashes defined in numbers 10-14 above, this type implies any crash initially involving a single vehicle and object not
considered a fixed or permanent condition of the highway like ruts, bumps, sink- or potholes or other miscellaneous stationary or airborne road debris such as garbage, tree limbs, fallen-off
parts of other vehicles, broken and scattered signs/posts, etc.
16. Railcar-vehicle- Any crash involving a vehicle and a train, trolley, light transit or other type railcar that occurred within a roadway right-of-way or at an at-grade inter section.
99. Other- This category encompasses all other categories of single and multi-vehicle crashes that are not defined above. These include, but are not limited to, all other non-collision events
such as immersion, cargo loss, separation of units, fire/explosion, and run-off road incidents (whereby damage is caused to the vehicle, but nothing else was physically struck during or
following the act of leaving the highway ).
00. Unknown
Same Direction (Rear End)
Struck Parked Vehicle
Pedestrian Pedalcyclist
Non-Fixed Object Railcar-vehicle
Left Turn / U Turn
Crash Type Diagrams
Opp Direction (Side Swipe)
Same Direction (Side Swipe)
Right Angle
Opp Direction (Head On, Angular)
Fixed Object Animal
Cergo Van
Single Unit