Guidelines for Parking
1. Definition of “Disabled”
The City of Hamilton uses the definition of “disabled” in the U.K.’s Disability Discrimination Act
1995, as follows: A disabled person is a person who has a physical or mental impairment which
has a substantial and long term effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day
activities”. The Act makes it clear that it distinguishes disability from short-term illness or injury,
and also makes it clear that it is the extent of the impairment, not the extent of the handicap,
that is the deciding factor.
2. Who Is Eligible?
All applicants for a disabled parking permit must, in the first instance, have their physician
complete the City provided medical form on which the physician will be asked to attest to the
nature and duration of the disability. The City is primarily seeking to assist those with severely
debilitating disabilities (e.g. in wheelchairs, unable to walk alone, the sight impaired, mentally
challenged persons who require a caregiver, etc.). The City reserves the right to make a final
decision about eligibility. Permanent and Temporary Permits are available.
3. Disabled Parking Bays - General
There are a number of designated disabled parking bays on the City streets and in the car
parking lots. They are identified by the international symbol for the disabled (blue wheelchair).
These are for use solely by disabled persons who have a disabled persons parking permit from
the City of Hamilton. Vehicles parked in a disabled parking bay that do not display a disabled
parking permit may be ticketed. A parking voucher, an EasyPark device, a monthly car park
permit, or a pay-and-display sticker must be displayed with the disabled parking permit.
4. EasyPark
Disabled Permit holders who wish to use an EasyPark device may purchase one at City Hall. The
disabled permit number assigned to them will be programmed into the device to reflect the
extra time allotted. The disabled permit must still be clearly visible to the traffic wardens and
must correspond to the permit number programmed into the device.
5. Parking on the Street
Disabled permit holders are entitled to park in any designated disabled parking bay, or anywhere
else that it is legal to park on the street excluding loading bays Mon-Fri and Taxi Bays. By
displaying the disabled parking permit, together with payment by parking voucher(s) or EasyPark
device, the disabled person may park for two hours (must pay for both hours). Persons who
are confined to wheelchairs and who drive to, and work in, the City, thereby requiring all day
parking on the street, may make special application to the City for a designated parking bay on
the street as near to their place of business as possible. Each such application will be considered
on its own merits.
6. Parking in City Car Parks
Disabled permit holders are entitled to park in any designated disabled parking bay or in any
other bay in a City car park and must display the disabled parking permit, together with the
pay-and-display sticker, monthly permit, scratch-off voucher or EasyPark device. The City
extends the courtesy of using scratch-off parking vouchers in the city car parks to Disabled
Parking Permit holders. There are two disabled parking bays on the northwest corner of the
City Hall building, reserved for multi-passenger vans used to transport the disabled. Such vans
must display a disabled parking permit, and a pay-and-display sticker, and may remain in those
bays for a maximum of three hours. Please note that only one visit per day is permitted in all
time-restricted parking lots. All motorists, including Disable Permit holders, must obey the time
limits in the City lots.
7. Fees and Lost Permits
The annual fee for each Disabled Parking Permit, whether Permanent or Temporary, is $25.00. A
replacement fee of $50.00 will be incurred if a permit is lost or stolen. Permit holders are
encouraged to keep their vehicles secure when displaying the permit. Permit numbers of lost
and stolen permits will be recorded with the Bermuda Police Service.
8. Use of Disabled Parking Permit
A disabled parking permit is issued to the disabled person, not to his/her spouse, relative, friend
or caregiver. Some disabled persons can drive themselves; others have to be driven by friends
or relatives. In the latter case, the disabled parking permit may only be used when the disabled
person is actually being transported. It is an offence for anyone to use a disabled parking
permit, other than the person to whom it has been issued. The permit is designed to be
transferrable to whichever vehicle the disabled person is traveling in. Abuse of the privilege
may result in the permit being cancelled.
Procedures to Apply for a Disabled Parking Permit
New disabled parking permits are issued annually. The year is printed on the permit and
each year the permit is a different colour. Applicants have until the end of January each
year to obtain their new permits. Traffic Wardens can issue parking tickets if an outdated
disabled parking permit is displayed after January 31
First-time applicants must complete an application form and must also have their primary
medical or psychiatric caregiver complete a medical certificate (both forms obtainable
from the City of Hamilton offices at City Hall). The application form must be completed
annually when applying for a new permit. A new medical certificate will be required
every five years for those with permanent disabilities. Subsequent medical forms can be
signed by a professionally qualified person, (for example, Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer,
Teacher, Bank Officer, Police Officer or Minister of Religion) who has known the applicant
for at least two years and can certify the permanent disability of the applicant.
Persons who are categorized by their physician as having a temporary disability that
severely limits mobility may apply for a temporary disabled parking permit. The permit
that is issued will be punched on the month that coincides with the length of time that
the physician indicates it is needed. Permit is valid until the last day in that month. This
applies to local residents and to visitors.
Note: Use of Disabled Parking Permit Outside City of Hamilton and Abroad
The City understands that the disabled parking permits issued by the City of Hamilton may be
accepted outside the City in areas such as the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and at the
Bermuda International Airport. We have also been advised that some permit holders have
successfully used their Bermuda permits when they traveled abroad. However, the City cannot
guarantee that the permit will be honoured outside the City.