Federal Benefits FastFacts: Insurance Benefits for New/Newly Eligible Federal Employees
As a new/newly eligible Federal employee, you may be able to enroll in health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, flexible
spending accounts, life insurance, and/or apply for long term care insurance. Here’s some basic information about each program. You
can find more comprehensive information at http://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/, in the Guide to Federal Benefits at
http://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/healthcare/plan-information/guides/ or by contacting your agency’s human resources office.
Program Description
Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
FEHB provides comprehensive health insurance. You can choose from fee-for-service plans, health
maintenance organizations, consumer-driven plans and high deductible health plans. Generally,
premiums for your enrollment are shared by you and your Federal agency.
Federal Employees Dental and Vision
Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
FEDVIP provides comprehensive dental and vision insurance. You can choose from ten dental
plans and four vision plans. FEDVIP features nationwide, regional, and international plans. You
pay the entire premium.
Federal Flexible Spending Account Program
(known as FSAFEDS)
FSAFEDS provides a way for you to save money on health care and/or child care/elder care
expenses. You set aside money from your salary BEFORE taxes are withheld, incur eligible
expenses and receive reimbursement. Enrolling in FSAFEDS lowers the amount of income tax you
pay because the salary you set aside for FSAFEDS is not taxed.
Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance
Program (FEGLI)
FEGLI provides group term life insurance. If you are in a FEGLI-eligible position, you are
automatically covered under Basic life insurance, unless you choose to waive that coverage.
Generally, premiums for Basic insurance are shared by you and your Federal agency. You can also
elect Optional insurance for you, and/or your eligible family members, and pay the entire premium
for that coverage.
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
FLTCIP offers insurance that helps cover the costs of certain long term care services. Long term
care is the assistance you receive to perform activities of daily living or supervision you receive
because of a severe cognitive impairment. Your premium is based on your age on the date you
apply as well as the benefit options you select. The FLTCIP is medically underwritten. Certain
medical conditions, or combinations of conditions, will prevent some people from being approved
for coverage.
Federal Benefits FastFacts: Insurance Benefits for New/Newly Eligible Federal Employees
The table below highlights some basic similarities and differences in the programs. You can find more comprehensive information at http://www.opm.gov/healthcare-
insurance/, in the Guide to Federal Benefits at http://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/healthcare/plan-information/guides/ or by contacting your agency’s human
resources office.
Federal Employees Health
Federal Employees
Dental and Vision
Insurance Program
Federal Flexible
Spending Account
Federal Employees’ Group Life
Insurance Program
Federal Long Term Care
Insurance Program
If I’m eligible, how
long do I have to
enroll in or apply
for the Program?
You have 60 days from date of becoming eligible to enroll in any or all of these three
programs. Once you enroll, you may not change your enrollment (e.g. cancel, change plans,
etc,) until the next annual open season or until you experience a qualifying life event.
You are automatically enrolled in Basic
insurance and can waive it anytime. You
have 60 days from date of becoming
eligible to enroll in Optional insurance.
You can apply at any time if you provide
satisfactory medical information on an SF
You have 60 days from date of
becoming eligible to apply with
Abbreviated Underwriting. You
can apply anytime with Full
How do I enroll as a
new or newly
eligible employee?
Complete and submit a form SF 2809;
some agencies may have electronic
Enroll at
Enroll at
www.FSAFEDS.com or
Complete and submit an
SF 2817 to your agency human resources
office; some agencies may have electronic
Complete and submit an
application at
www.LTCFEDS.com or call
When does my
coverage as a new
or newly eligible
employee become
The first day of the first pay period that
begins after your enrollment request is
received and that follows a pay period
during any part of which you are in
pay status.
The first day of the first
pay period that begins
after your enrollment
request is received.
The next day after you
Basic: The day you enter on duty in pay
Optional: Begins on the first day you’re in a
pay and duty status on or after the date your
agency receives your election.
The first day of the month after
approval if you meet actively at
work rules. Certain medical
conditions or combinations of
conditions will prevent some
people from being approved for
Which of my family
members are
Your spouse, including a same-
sex spouse, or same-sex domestic
Child under age 26, including
adopted child, stepchild (including
children of same-sex domestic partners
in certain states), recognized natural
Foster child (if living with
employee in regular parent-child
relationship); and
Child age 26 or over incapable of
self support, if disabling condition
happened before age 26.
dependent child under
age 22, including
adopted child,
recognized natural
child, stepchild
(including children of
same-sex domestic
partners in certain
states), and foster child
if living with employee
in regular parent-child
relationship; and
Child age 22 or
over incapable of self-
support, if disabling
condition happened
before age 22.
For health care
accounts, federal tax
dependents and adult
children through the
year of their 26th
birthday. For
dependent care
accounts, tax
dependents under age
13 and qualifying tax
dependents of any age
who are mentally or
physically incapable of
Unmarried dependent child under age
22, including adopted child, recognized
natural child, stepchild/foster child (if living
with employee in regular parent-child
relationship); and
Child age 22 or over incapable of self-
support, if disabling condition happened
before age 22.
Adult children, parents, parents-
in-law, and stepparents may apply
(whether or not you apply).
Do I have to re-
enroll each year?
When can I make
changes to my
During the annual open season (mid-November through mid-December) or if you experience
a program-specific qualifying life event (QLEs differ for each program).
During infrequent (not annual) open
seasons or provide satisfactory medical
information on an SF 2822 or experience a
FEGLI-specific QLE.
At any time, but changes to
coverage may require additional
Federal Benefits FastFacts: Insurance Benefits for New/Newly Eligible Federal Employees
Can I keep coverage
if I leave Federal
31-day free extension of coverage;
Temporary Continuation of Coverage is
available for separating employees for
up to 18 months; and Opportunity to
convert to an individual policy or
receive assistance in obtaining coverage
inside or outside of the health insurance
31-day free extension of coverage; and
Opportunity to convert to an individual
Yes, as long as premiums are paid
Can I keep coverage
when I retire?
Yes, if you meet certain requirements.
Yes, if you meet certain requirements.