OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Minutes from OPA Meeting 2-19-15
I. 4:00 call to order
II. Roll call
a. Attendees: all board members except treasurer (Ann)
III. Approval of minutes of previous meeting, all current members present voted to approve, no
dissenting votes
IV. Officer and committee reports
a. Treasurers report
i. State of the accounts
1. We are fully funded and all current expenses paid
2. We have two accounts
a. OSU Foundation
b. Index fund (cannot be used for alcohol)
ii. Motion to have majority approval for all expenditures over $50
1. Motion seconded
2. All in favor, no dissenting votes
3. Expenses under $50 will be approved by the board
b. Active committee reports
i. PAW planning committee (no report)
ii. IEP committee
1. Upcoming workshop on resume writing on April 14
~4-7 pm
a. Proposed schedule
i. First hour peer review of resumes
ii. Second hour presentations
iii. Third hour round table sessions with representatives
from a variety of companies
b. Primary audience is postdocs, grad students welcome (space
may be limited)
c. Plan is to have some kind of catering
d. Space still needs to be reserved
2. Visit to HP site in Corvallis is still being planned for ~May
a. Would HP be interested in sponsoring some of the resume
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
3. Met with OSU Advantage people to start up a program to create
“industry postdoc” opportunities here at OSU and to increase
mentorship and networking
iii. Professional development
1. Amanda brought a list of professional development ideas and themes to
be the basis for upcoming events
a. New event topics will be post doc oriented
i. Can postdocs attend new faculty events/workshops?
ii. Suggested topics
1. Job hunting, grant writing (academic focus to
distinguish from IEP events)
iii. Suggestion to hire “the professor is in” consultant from
2. Primary focus is professional development awards for spring
a. Intent to announce award winners at spring picnic
b. Award application due date ~mid May
c. Application announcement to be sent soon (next few weeks)
i. Previous award template will be updated (Jim has the
2014 version)
ii. Motion to approve awards
1. Approved, no dissenting votes
iv. Welcome
1. No events planned currently
2. Challenge: how to get postdocs involved?
3. ideas
a. call new post docs
b. send personalized emails (check formatting, sometimes emails
are coming through with odd extra spacing)
c. bring coffee to new people (face to face meetings)
d. meet and greet (bring flyer/business card of upcoming events)
e. Free coffee monthly for all postdocs?
v. Social events
1. Feb peers and beers had 8 attendees (all board members)
2. Upcoming peers and beers will be after board meetings too unless there
in another event/workshop ending before 6:00
3. Brown bag lunch is now cancelled (poor attendance)
4. Proposed to have free pizza lunches instead and try for community
V. Unfinished business
a. Advisory board
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
i. Not currently needed, will revisit topic in ~ 1 year
b. Space situation
i. Dorthe has kindly volunteered her office if we need some storage
ii. We have a physical address (300 Kerr Admin)
iii. We have OPA letterhead
c. Archiving newsletters
i. We will add a tab to the OPA website for newsletters
d. NPA meeting
i. We can all be NPA members (FREE)
ii. Dorthe and Kate will attend the NPA meeting
e. Meeting schedule
f. OPA website updates
i. The website will be refreshed/reformatted
1. Kathleen will send out some example formats soon
2. Add event calendar, newsletter lab, meeting minutes
ii. Dorthe still has the LinkedIn administration
iii. We can spruce up the Facebook page ourselves
1. Add some recent photos
VI. New business
a. Set dates for upcoming events
i. Regular social events planning
1. Peers and beers
2. Pizza lunches
3. Coffee with faculty
ii. Other social events calendar
1. Student success series
2. IEP events
3. Spring picnic
4. Annual poster symposium
5. Postdoc working group
6. Collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning
7. Follow up with Terri Fiez
VII. Open forum
VIII. Adjournment
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
OPA Treasurer’s Report February 2015
Submitted by Ann Sitomer, 19 February 2015
1. State of the accounts
Dorthe tracked down the funds pledged to the OPA by individual units and by both the Graduate
School and the Research Office. We are now fully funded, and our expenses have been paid, less
one professional development award-- $1000 that has yet to be dispersed. (I am spending that
money as I type.)
We have two accounts. The OSU Foundation (OSUF) fund that cane be used for things that
can not be paid out of an index account (e.g., alcohol for functions) and a second ‘index
fund for other expenses.
OSU Foundation Income
OSU Foundation Expense
Total OSUF Funds
GRD040 Index Income
GRD040 Index Expense
Total GRD040 Funds
2. Motion: (I know I cannot make a motion if I am not there, but perhaps one of you will. I am
comfortable with whatever decision the board makes.)
A motion must by made to approve all expenditures over $50 (or whatever refreshments for a
meeting might course).
Discussion: This is a way to be accountable to our funders for the decisions we make for spending
the moneys they have entrusted us with.
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
IEP Meeting February 5, 2015
In Attendance: Linnéa Andersson, Amanda Brown, Shawn O'Neil, Jeff Oliver, Paul Schrader
1. Progress reports
» Post-doc discipline data Dorthe Wildenschild has updated statistics, and will share these with
us once they are cleaned up. The 2013 data are available in the shared IEP folder on Google
Drive (OSU_Postdocs_2013).
» Web presence No action to date
» OSU Career Services
The level of service the OSU Career Development Center can provide is unknown.
Future conversations should scope out how well they might handle clients with post-doc /
graduate experience (as opposed to undergraduate experience).
» HP on-site visit HP is still receptive, we need to plan event, perhaps starting with date(s)
» Report from meeting with Brian Wall, Ann Schmierer, & Dorthe Wildenschild (January 27)
Brian Wall and Ann Schmierer are supportive of sponsoring two types of programs from
their office:
An industry post-doc / internship program
An intra-campus mentorship program
Brian, Ann, Linnéa, Dorthe, and Jeff are currently outlining the details of the programs.
» Other reports
Paul contacted some local recruiters and learned that they are primarily hired by companies
to fill specific openings. The recruiters also made a few points:
Job seekers should have an active presence on social networks such as LinkedIn.
Using keywords in resumes is critical, many HR departments use automated word
searches for initial screening of applicants.
As the recruiters' clients are the companies, the recruiters themselves are of limited
utility to job seekers.
Shawn updated the IEP Pitch statement (IEP_pitch_SO.doc on Google Docs) to make it
appeal to a broader audience.
2. Planning
» Workshop
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Resume writing (not academic CVs), networking, and “elevator speeches”
The key to success will be engaging representatives outside the university (in addition to
whatever resources OSU can provide).
Amanda suggested that initial contact to potential industry participants be via phone
(rather than e-mail).
Target date range: week of April 13-17.
If possible, coordinate a peer-review process or resume sharing effort before the workshop.
At the very least, provide resume examples (or links to resources with examples), so post-
doc/graduate student participants have some guidance.
A start time of 4 pm may be ideal, to appeal to post-docs (who are already on campus) and
industry reps (who may not be able to take two hours of work off in the middle of the day).
The current plan is a three-hour workshop:
Hour 1: Peer-review of resumes and elevator speeches.
Hour 2: Presentations (list is tentative, no commitments have been made)
Ann Schmierer (OSU Advantage) on the hiring process and importance of resumes
and networking
Marion Moore (OSU Career Development Center) showcasing the services CDC can
2-3 Industry representatives presenting their take on the hiring process and/or keys
to getting a job in industry. Given the diversity of the post-doc community, it would
be ideal to include representatives from biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry as
well as the engineering/physical sciences sector.
Hour 3: Mini round table sessions, with experts providing feedback on resumes and
networking skills. For this to be effective, management of the groups is essential, in
order to avoid over-loaded and under-utilized groups.
A room in the LaSells Stewart Center or the CH2M HILL Alumni Center might be best for
» HP visit
Linnéa is in contact with HP representatives.
We need to make a few decisions for planning to proceed:
Date mid-May? (ideally it would be not too long after the Workshop)
OSU Postdoctoral Association
Oregon State University
300 Kerr Administration Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Lab tours
Talk with / presentation by HR about how to get hired at HP?
Informational interviews
Size? A smaller group of 10-12 participants seems ideal.
3. New business
» Linnéa is co-ordinating with International Scholar and Faculty Services (ISFS) on an event in early
April. The event will focus on a variety of topics relevant for international post-docs (e.g.
immigration, documentation, visa issues).
» A certification program, per suggestion from January 27 meeting with Brian Wall and Ann
Schmierer, was briefly discussed.
» A future event focused on policy-oriented jobs is still supported, but should be considered for
later in the year (i.e. fall term).
» There is a career fair hosted by the Career Development Center on February 18. If it is open to
post-docs, the event should be advertised to the post-doc community, ideally through the Office
of Postdoctoral Programs. Jeff has e-mailed the contact person (Talley Richardson) to see if
post-docs can attend.
» The next IEP meeting will be in early March.