Issues in Educational Research, 27(4), 2017 842!
Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and
organisational climate in public and private schools
Kioumars Razavipour and Moslem Yousefi
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran
Organisation issues rarely feature in the English language education literature, since
language education is seemingly mostly concerned with the individual learner or teacher.
As such, the impact that school climate might have on Iranian English language teachers
remains an uncharted territory. This mixed-method study explores the relationship
between organisational climate and EFL teachers’ job satisfaction. A total of 128 male
and female EFL teachers from public and private language institutes responded to two
scales, one assessing school organisational climate and the second assessing teachers’ job
satisfaction. Interviews were also held with 12 participants. Correlations, t-tests, multiple
regression analyses as well as thematic analysis revealed that teachers in both public and
private language institutes were moderately dissatisfied with their jobs and they do not
perceive their institutional climates to be favourable. Moreover, there exists a significant
positive relationship between organisational climate and EFL teachers’ job satisfaction
was found. It was also found that private and public language schools had significantly
different organisational climates. Finally, organisational climate dimensions of principal
leadership and reward system appeared to be significant predictors of EFL teachers' job
It is difficult to over-estimate the crucial role that teachers play in education (Popham,
2009). It follows that the extent to which teachers feel fulfilled and satisfied with the job
they are doing is of utmost importance in the success or otherwise of education in general
and language education in specific. Of the many factors possibly affecting teachers' job
satisfaction, a prominent one is teachers’ workplace environment or what has come to be
known as organisational climate (OC), defined as “the meaning organizational employees
attach to the policies, practices, and procedures they experience and the behaviours they
observe getting rewarded, supported, and expected” (Schneider & Barbera, 2014, p. 10).
The literature in educational management and industrial psychology has it that the climate
of an institution is such a powerful influence that can potentially override other individual
factors which have consumed, and continue to do so, much of the attention and resources
in teacher training, be it in-service or pre-service training. This crucial determinant of job
fulfilment seems to have escaped the attention of scholars working in the field of English
as a foreign language (EFL).
In the field of English language teaching (ELT), the pendulum of interest has traditionally
swung in favour of the individual and away from the collective. As such, individual
language teacher characteristics such as teacher beliefs, teacher pedagogical knowledge,
teacher language awareness, teacher assessment literacy, and teacher cognition have been
the subject of much scholarly debate. Yet, when the focus is taken away from the
individual toward the collective, the pendulum swings to the other end of the cline: global
Razavipour, & Yousefi 843
macro-political issues such as the imperialism of English language (Philipson, 2009;
Canagarajah, 1999), World Englishes (Davies, 2009; Khodadady & Shayesteh, 2016), and
critical applied linguistics (Pennycook, 2001). The pendulum, however, seems to have
never stayed midway to address the social units beyond the individual but smaller than the
global. This study seeks to address the interim stage on the continuum of individual to
global: the institutions where EFL teachers work.
Given that the ELT literature has focused mainly on the individual, the teacher and the
learner in isolation, with little attention to the social units wherein educational processes
take place, results from this study can provide insights into the collective of ELT. In terms
of pedagogy and instruction, approaching language education from a managerial and
organisational perspective could provide language education policy makers,
administrators, principals, teachers and learners with expanded horizons regarding how
social units need to be considered in language pedagogy. Accordingly, this study seeks to
examine the degree to which Iranian EFL teachers' job satisfaction is affected by the
school climate where they work.
This study also aims to identify aspects of organisational climate that explain variation in
Iranian teachers’ satisfaction with their jobs. Finally, we seek to know if the relationship
between Iranian English teachers’ job satisfaction and organisational climate is moderated
by their teaching in private or public schools. The paper concludes with implications of
the findings for language teacher training and language education management in both
public and private language education sectors.
Literature review
Organisational climate refers to an organisation's members' holistic and conscious
perceptions and descriptions of their work environment, which is affected by the
individual characteristics of the organisation, the structure and standards prevailing in the
organisation, and also by the organisation’s culture (Kuenzi & Schminke, 2009; Schneider,
Ehrhart & Macey, 2013). At the outset, a distinction has to be made between the climate
of an organisation and its culture. Though occasionally some scholars consider these
terms to be referring loosely to the same construct, the two terms are in fact different.
Organisational climate is defined as “the meanings people attach to interrelated bundles of
experiences they have at work”, whereas organisational culture is “the basic assumptions
about the world and the values that guide life in organisations”, respectively (Schneider et
al., 2013, p. 361). In simple terms, organisational culture refers to the accumulated history
and traditions within and around that organisation, which together give the organisation
and its members their distinct identity, norms, and values (Schneider & Barbera, 2014;
Schneider et al., 2013). On the other hand, the climate of an organisation deals with the
current atmosphere in an organisation, regardless of its historical and traditional
antecedents (Griffin & Moorhead, 2014). Though it is never possible to detach the
present from the past, and hence the culture from the climate, the distinction has proved
to be a useful heuristic to study educational organisations. Being the outcome of history
844 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
and tradition, the culture of an organisation is not readily amenable to quick, short-term
changes (Griffin & Moorhead, 2014), whereas its climate lends itself more easily to
change. Therefore, managers are able to change the climate of their organisations in the
short term but not the cultures of their organisations.
Past research has provided evidence for the relationship between job satisfaction and the
organisational climate in the financial sector (Basu, 2017), the health sector (Liou &
Cheng, 2010) and in education (Ghavifekr & Pillai, 2016). Hence, it is plausible to think
that issues of climate affect English language teachers job satisfaction also. Gray (2007)
entertained the possibility of a reciprocal relationship between the climate of an
organisation and its members’ job satisfaction. In other words, job satisfaction is one of
the cardinal organisational dimensions, which is of central importance in shaping its
climate. Job satisfaction is defined as “more of an attitude, an internal state. It could for
example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or
qualitative” (Mullins, 2010, p. 282). More recently, Griffin (2013) defined job satisfaction
or dissatisfaction as “an attitude that reflects the extent to which an individual is gratified
by or fulfilled in his or her work” (p. 423). Such attitudes of fulfilment, achievement, and
gratification are shaped by the prevailing climate in the workplace. As teachers are the
clients and implementers of educational changes (Popham, 2009; Markee, 1997), the
degree to which they are fulfilled and satisfied impacts other aspects of education,
including management, student learning, learner motivation, and parents' attitudes and
willingness to become involved in educational issues.
When it comes to empirical studies of job satisfaction, there are three main research
approaches, in all of which organisational climate is implicated. These approaches include
the traditional approach, focusing on the physical arrangement of work environment and
the role of monetary compensation; the human relations approach placing emphasis on
employees and their social needs, and the third approach is the human resource approach,
giving priority to job design and life quality (Griffin & Moorhead, 2014). Obviously, the
arrangement of work environment, the monetary concerns, the social needs and job
design and life quality all are affected by and in turn affect the climate of an organisation.
Organisational climate enjoys an extensive literature, a comprehensive review of which
goes beyond the scope of the current work. Thus, in the interest of space, the remainder
of this section is devoted to only two themes in organisational climate literature, that are
of closest relevance to language education. We first review the existing literature on the
climate of educational institutions, and then report on studies investigating the linkages
between the climate of educational institutions, teachers' job satisfaction and performance
in general educational settings. The review ends with a synthesis of related studies in the
ELT literature.
One strand of research regarding the climate of educational institutions has become
known as the field of school climate. What elements or dimensions constitute school
climate has been the subject of numerous theoretical debates and empirical studies. For
some, school climate consists of academic press and communitarian climate, with the
former relating to demands on student achievement and the latter being about teachers'
Razavipour, & Yousefi 845
climate of work (Philips, 1997). Yet others break the construct further into additional
dimensions, including affiliation, innovation, participatory decision making, resource
adequacy, and student support (Johnson & Stevens, 2006, p. 114).
The relationship between measures of organisational climate and job satisfaction among
child care teachers was studied by Pope and Stremmel (1992). Correlational and factor
analyses showed that organisational climate and satisfaction represented operationally
separate but related constructs. Using a factorial analysis design, the relationship between
job satisfaction and organisational climate in elementary schools was investigated by Abu-
Saad and Hendrix (1995). In this study, teachers’ satisfaction with work itself appeared to
be the dominant job satisfaction factor and principal leadership emerged as the dominant
organisational climate factor. Additionally, findings of the multiple regression analysis
showed that the organisational climate factors of principal leadership and autonomy on
the job were significantly related to teachers' satisfaction with their work, and the
interaction between principal leadership and teachers' intimacy was significantly related to
both job satisfaction factors. There is also evidence about the relationship between climate
of organisations and teachers’ job performance (Adeymi, 2006). Similar findings were
reported in Selamat, Samsu, and Kamalu (2013). In particular, they found the trust
dimension to be of special importance in teachers' job performance.
Though the idea of organisation is not frequently invoked in mainstream research in ELT,
it does come to play in the literature that has developed in language program evaluation as
well as in innovation management. The realisation that changes in the content of
educational programs and teaching methods do not in and of themselves guarantee the
success of innovations in education has encouraged educational change managers to
examine the management literature for insights (Alderson, 2009; Markee, 1997). As such,
several scholars have been concerned with how ideas in educational management can
foster change in language programs. Markee (1997) questioned the widely held assumption
that research findings in second language acquisition (SLA) will automatically "trickle
down to practitioners" and policy makers for adoption (p. 80). SLA scholars and language
teachers continue to be worlds apart because findings of the former are distant from
practitioners' immediate concerns and even if at times they are not, they are packaged in a
language so technical that they are rendered inaccessible to teachers (Eykin, 1987, cited in
Markee, 1997). Similar concerns have been voiced with regard to language teachers' failing
to embrace and adopt ideas and insights produced by language testing scholars (Brindley,
2001). Even those who have attempted to bring about educational changes through the
undeniable power of examinations have found that unless broader managerial issues are
taken into account, desired pedagogical changes are hard to implement, no matter how
eloquent and attractive the idea of change might be (Wall & Alderson, 1993; Wall, 1996;
Alderson, 2009). The failure to consider managerial and organisational issues in improving
language education has contributed to an unhealthy division of labour between SLA
scholars and practitioners, causing the efforts of both parties to lack concrete outcomes.
In Markee's words, "SLA THEORY and RESEARCH do little to promote change in
language education because they do not address the real-life concerns of teachers and
policy-makers" (1997, p. 81, emphasis in the original).
846 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
In their quest to understand why most educational innovations fail, scholars turned to the
sociology of change, where a much broader perspective is adopted on how a social change
transpires (Rogers, 1995). Turning to social theories of change implies that for the
betterment of language education the larger social setting in which a change, in this case
more efficient language teaching, takes place has to be taken into account, which means a
departure from the researcher discovers and the practitioner applies paradigm. One social unit of
crucial importance in any social change, including educational changes, is the institution or
organisation in which change designers and implementers find themselves in (Alderson,
2009). In language education, unlike in general education, this has not been adequately
Outside language education, the larger educational environments or organisations, which
subsume individuals, have been demonstrated to exert considerable influences on teachers
and their efficiency. An obvious corollary of such findings for language education is that
no matter how well language teachers are trained, the school climate may overpower all
efforts and resources that have gone into teacher education. Conversely, optimal school
climates likely compensate for many individual teacher factors. Since there has been little
theoretical development or empirical research addressing the effects that organisational
climate and job satisfaction as well as their interaction have in language education, the
present study seeks to investigate the extent to which EFL teachers' job satisfaction is a
function of the organisational climate in which they work. In particular, answers to the
following research questions are sought:
1. Is there any relationship between organisational climate and EFL teachers’ job
2. Which organisational climate dimension or cluster of dimensions predicts Iranian
English teachers' job satisfaction?
3. Are the organisational climates of private language schools and that of state schools
Context of the study
Generally speaking, English language teaching in Iran takes place in either public schools,
regulated by national policies, or private institutes, owned and run by private owners. The
two school environments are different in several ways, including their management
mechanisms, the motives of their managers and students, their physical space, and their
payment systems. In Iran, an expanding circle country, to use Kachru's (2006)
classification, language education is a huge industry. Private language institutes have
mushroomed everywhere to the point that in some remote villages, where basic life
facilities are lacking, language schools have been established. To give an idea of the scale
of English teaching in the country, one central language school in Tehran, Iran Language
Institute (ILI), has over hundreds of branches across the country. In the public sector,
official English language education starts from the first year in junior high school and
continues for the next seven years. Overall, English language education occupies a big
portion of education in the country.
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Methods and materials
The data for the current study were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured
interviews. Using a convenience sampling approach, a total of 128 English teachers, 62
males and 66 females, participated in this study. Half of the participants were working in
state schools and the other half in private language schools.
The quantitative data were collected using two modified questionnaires: one for assessing
organisational climate and the other for job satisfaction. For the former, the Organisational
Climate Inventory (OCI) (Abu-Saad and Hendrix, 1995) was adapted. OCI consists of 17
Likert scale items, ranging from strongly agree = 5, to strongly disagree = 1. Items negatively
worded were reversely coded. The OCI captured five dimensions of organisational climate
including principal leadership, reward system, autonomy and decision-making, intimacy and warmth,
and school facilities. For the dependent variable, job satisfaction, we adapted the scale
developed by Sharma (2001), comprising 17 Likert type statements regarding job
satisfaction dimensions: satisfaction with the work (the nature of the work itself), promotion
opportunities, pay and job security, working conditions, co-worker relations, and job flexibility. The item
structure of the job satisfaction questionnaire was similar to that of OCI and a similar
scoring procedure was followed.
The instruments were translated into Persian to make sure differences in participants'
English proficiency did not introduce construct irrelevant variance to the collected data.
To ensure that the original and the translated versions elicited the same data, hence
construct validity, a back translation was carried out and areas of discrepancy were
identified and resolved. The internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of the OCI
and job satisfaction scales was 0.85, and 0.80 respectively. Exploratory factor analysis
(EFA) showed that data loaded well on the intended number of factors.
For the analysis of data, in addition to descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis,
Pearson correlation, and an independent t-test were applied. For the qualitative data,
interviews were held with 12 participants, six from each group, who agreed to be
interviewed. Interview data were collected in May and June, 2015 and each interview
lasted for about 20 to 25 minutes. The interviewees were met at their own convenience in
their workplaces. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and thematically
analysed. Interviews were conducted and analysed in Persian and illustrative quotations
were translated into English by the authors. To refer to the interviewees from whom we
quote, pseudonyms are used throughout the text. To minimise the subjectivity involved in
identifying the themes, another colleague familiar with the topic was invited to derive the
recurrent themes. The inter-coder reliability of .87, estimated via coefficient of agreement
(Brown, 2005), proved to be satisfactory, which was expected given the nature of the
interview questions, which were informed by subscales identified in the questionnaires.
848 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
Quantitative findings
In this section, the descriptive statistics on the two major variables of the study are first
presented. We would then turn to inferential statistics. Table 1 contains the mean and
standard deviations of participants' scores on the six dimensions of job satisfaction (the
maximum possible score was five and the minimum was one). Table 1 shows overall low
scores on all dimensions of the job satisfaction measure, indicating that Iranian EFL
teachers in both the public and private sectors are dissatisfied with their teaching jobs.
The mean scores on the satisfaction dimensions are all below the neutral value of three on
the 5-point scale (Larsen-Hall, 2010), for both private and public school teachers. For
teachers in private language schools, the two dimensions with the highest scores are co-
worker relations (mean = 2.92, SD = .94) and promotion opportunities (mean = 2.70, SD = 1.06)
respectively, whilst the dimensions with the lowest mean scores for this group of teachers
are pay and job security (mean = 2.27, SD = .85) and job flexibility (mean = 2.34, SD = .97).
For language teachers in public schools, the dimensions with highest scores are co-worker
relations (mean = 2.83, SD = .90) and satisfaction with the work (mean = 2.81, SD = .66),
whilst the dimensions with lowest scores are job flexibility (mean = 2.23, SD = .79) and pay
and job security (mean = 2.28, SD = .82).
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of teachers' scores on job satisfaction dimensions
Job satisfaction
Private schools
Public schools
Satisfaction with the work
Promotion opportunities
Pay and job security
Working conditions
Co-worker relations
Job flexibility (job efficiency)
Table 2 demonstrates participants' mean scores and their standard deviations for the
dimensions of organisational climate. For private language school teachers, the
organisational climate dimensions with the highest scores are principal leadership (mean =
3.33, SD = .86) and intimacy/warmth (mean = 3.34, SD = .47), followed by reward system
(mean = 2.91, SD = 1.01) and autonomy/decision-making (mean = 2.83, SD = .70), whilst the
dimension with the lowest score is school facilities (mean = 2.75, SD = .77). Like private
school participants, public school teachers scored highest on the intimacy/warmth dimension
(mean = 3.33, SD = .5) followed by reward system (mean = 2.94, SD = 1.13). English
teachers in public schools are most discontented with school facilities (mean = 2.13, SD =
.69) and principal leadership (mean = 2.58, SD = .75) dimensions of their organisational
Razavipour, & Yousefi 849
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of organisational climate dimensions
Organisational climate
Public schools
Principal leadership
Reward system
School facilities
The first research question of the study investigated whether there was any significant
relationship between organisational climate and the participants’ job satisfaction. Table 3
shows the relationship between organisational climate and Iranian English teachers’ job
Table 3: The correlations between organisational climate and job satisfaction
Job satisfaction
Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
As can be seen in Table 3, the Pearson correlation test shows a significant positive
relationship between the organisational climate of schools and English teachers’ job
satisfaction (r = .458, p < 0.01, N= 128). It should be noted that the data for both groups
of teachers are combined, indicating that whether teachers work in public or private
schools, organisational climate and job satisfaction are positively correlated.
Table 4 gives the results of the correlations between organisational climate dimensions
and EFL teachers' job satisfaction, based on the combined scores of both groups of
Table 4: Relationship between organisational dimensions and job satisfaction
Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
According to Table 4, except for school facilities, all organisational climate dimensions are
positively correlated with teachers’ job satisfaction. In other words, principal leadership,
reward system, autonomy, and intimacy are all in a direct positive correlation with the
degree EFL teachers are content with their jobs.
850 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
Table 5 illustrates the correlations between organisational climate and teachers’ job
satisfaction in private and public schools separately.
Table 5: Relationship between organisational climate and the
job satisfaction of private and public school teachers
Organisational climate
Job satisfaction
As can be seen for both public and private school teachers, there exists a significant
positive correlation between organisational climate and teachers’ job satisfaction.
Nonetheless, considering the coefficient of determination (Brown, 2005; Larsen-Hall,
2012), it is revealed that there is 34 percent (R
= .34) shared variance between climate and
job satisfaction in private schools, while the amount of shared variance between the two
for public school teachers is much lower (R
= .10). Judged by Cohen’s (1991) power
criteria the former is considered a large correlation while the latter is a medium one. This
indicates that issues of organisational climate are of more relevance to the job satisfaction
of teachers working in private language schools.
The second research question was concerned with how much of the variation in teachers'
job satisfaction could be accounted for by factors constituting the climate scale. In simple
terms, it seeks to determine the degree to which aspects of organisational climate predict
EFL teachers' feeling of job satisfaction. To this end, a multiple regression analysis was
conducted (Table 6).
Table 6: Multiple regression analysis for organisational
climate dimensions and teachers' job satisfaction
Principal leadership
Reward system
School facilities
**p<0.05; Dependent variable: job satisfaction
As the R
coefficient indicates, almost half (49.6%) of the variance in teachers’ job
satisfaction was explained by the dimensions of school climate and the regression model,
explaining the impact of organisational climate factors on job satisfaction proved to be
valid (F=7.944; p=0.05). According to β values, teachers’ job satisfaction is mostly
influenced by principal leadership and the reward system. The autonomy and decision-making
dimension also contributes a good deal to the equation by explaining 17 percent of the
variance, though not showing statistical significance. The two dimensions of intimacy and
Razavipour, & Yousefi 851
warmth (β = .026), and school facilities (β = -.045) appeared to explain little of the variance in
the dependent variable.
The third research question of the study aimed to explore whether the organisational
climate of state schools and that of private language institutes are different. To compare
the means of the two groups of teachers on their reported perceptions of their affiliated
organisations, an independent samples t-test was carried out (Table 7).
Table 7: State and private schools' differences in terms of organisational climate
t-test for equality of means
95% confidence
interval of the
Equal variances
Equal variances
not assumed
Table 7 shows that there is a significant difference between the organisational climate of
state schools and that of private schools (t=2.50, df=126, p=.005). To examine how much
can be read into this result, the strength of association was estimated (Field, 2009; Hatch
& Lazartan, 1991), which yielded a relatively low value of .095, indicating that a
considerable amount of variance remains unaccounted for.
Qualitative findings
As noted earlier, to triangulate the data and to obtain more in-depth insights, semi-
structured interviews were conducted with twelve teachers. Three major themes emerged
from the interview data pertaining to principals, facilities, and relationships. In public
schools, teachers saw principals in a rather poor light mainly because of principals’
qualifications. Mina, an experienced female teacher in a state school said
I believe that my school’s principal is not qualified to run the school efficiently because I
think that one of the characteristics of a good principal is to pay attention to teachers’
ideas and requests. But unluckily, she does ignore our ideas and all of my colleagues are
dissatisfied with the situation prevailing in the school. She is also so strict with school
Farhad, a male teacher with 24 years of teaching experience, made a similar comment.
In the school where I teach the school principal is not familiar with his duties. I mean
the school principal does not have the qualifications of a capable principal. He in fact
creates a negative school climate where nobody feels appreciated.
852 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
Closely related to leadership was teachers’ agency, where private school teachers
apparently enjoyed higher levels of agency in their instructional decision making. Mahnaz,
a female teacher at a private school, remarked
I make decisions according to my own ideas. No one has control over my teaching
methods; we, teachers, can express and implement our ideas freely.
Likewise, Reza, a male teacher teaching in a private language school commented
I try to foster innovation within the school. The manager allows me to be autonomous
so that I can make my own decisions about my teaching job.
Conversely, in state schools, teachers enjoyed less autonomy. Zahra, a female teacher with
13 years of teaching experience at state schools, remarked that
I have no full autonomy in my job. Actually, my school principal makes decisions
regarding class-scheduling and my attitude toward her is negative. ... [She further added
that]... I have many constraints in my job and I have little freedom to choose my
teaching techniques.
The second theme emerging from interview data was school facilities. This sounds
plausible given that language teaching is particularly equipment-intensive. Public school
teachers complained more of insufficient school facilities. Marjan, a public school teacher
with 13 years of teaching experience opined
In my school, there is not adequate equipment, and the physical environment of the class
is not attractive... [She then continued that this aspect of organisational climate] ... has a
considerable impact on our job satisfaction.
However, private school teachers were more content with school resources. Ali, a male
PhD student teaching in a private language school, was highly satisfied with the resources.
I teach at a school where all classes enjoy cutting edge instructional technology, including
video projectors, heating and cooling systems; as well as comfortable tables and
Teachers across school types appeared to be rather uniformly positive on the final theme,
intimacy and warmth. Hosein, a public school male teacher commented
I have a friendly relationship with my colleagues and there is a warm climate between my
co-workers. There is indeed no conflict between us.
Likewise, Akram, a woman from a private school added,
In the school where I teach, there is a pleasant and warm climate among teachers. We
have no conflicts, and there is a sense of belonging among the teachers. We rely on each
other and we also feel committed to our occupation.
Razavipour, & Yousefi 853
The current research studied the extent to which Iranian EFL teachers are content with
their language teaching job, how favourable their institutional climates are, and how EFL
teachers' job satisfaction is mediated by the climate of the institution wherein they work.
Findings of the study suggest that English teachers in both public and private schools are
not highly satisfied with their language teaching job. Moreover, the organisational climate
dimensions of security, payment and flexibility appear to cause the largest degree of
dissatisfaction among teachers in both types of language schools. As to how teachers'
sense of fulfilment is moderated by their perceptions of their institutional climate, the
major outcome of the study is that there exists a significant and positive relationship
between the organisational climate of language schools and EFL teachers’ job satisfaction.
It is of note that the strength of this relationship is greater for private school English
teachers. This was further corroborated by the more favourable climate that was found in
private language schools. Moreover, the two dimensions of principal leadership and reward
system appear to explain respectable amounts of variance in the outcome variable: teachers'
job satisfaction (β = .24; β = .2, respectively). As to the possible differences in the
organisational climate of public and private language schools, the results attest to a more
desirable climate in the latter, though the strength of association was quite low.
Concerning the overall relationship between organisational climate and EFL teachers' job
satisfaction, the results of the present study have precedents in the literature (Abu-Saad &
Hendrix, 1995; Adeymi, 2006; Selamat, Samsu & Kamalu, 2013; Vinay, 2011). The
collected evidence appears to suggest that, ceteris paribus, organisational climate is
associated with teachers’ contentment with their jobs.
Among organisational climate dimensions, principal leadership appeared to be the most
powerful predictor of job satisfaction, which is consistent with some previous research.
(e.g. Abu-Saad & Hendrix, 1995; Ghanizadeh & Jahedizadeh, 2014; Rostami, Ghanizadeh
& Ghapanchi, 2015; Vinay, 2011). Likewise, Rostami et. al found that organisational
climate explained considerable variance in teacher burn-out. On the other hand, our
results diverge from those of Abu-Saad and Hendrix (1995) in that unlike their findings,
the reward system in our case predicted a considerable portion of variation in teachers' job
satisfaction. Currently, in Iran, establishing an English language centre is a matter of doing
some paper work, with no strict managerial or language education requirements being in
place. This might be one fundamental source of dissatisfaction with management in
English language teaching institutions.
To make sense of the findings of the study, we must not lose sight of the larger
socioeconomic context wherein participants of this study are acting. The observation that
the reward system outweighs some other theoretically crucial dimensions in explaining
EFL teachers' job satisfaction attests to language teachers' financially poor status in both
public and private sectors, which is a rather universal situation (Mizala & Nopo, 2016).
Consistent with Maslow's (1943) hierarchy of needs, English teachers must not be
expected to harbour ulterior motives while their lower needs have not yet been fulfilled.
854 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
Regarding the significant explanatory power of principal leadership, again findings make
sense given the power that is accorded to principals in Iran's centralised educational
system, where principals are selected in a top-down approach. One might counter-argue
that the findings might make sense for public schools, where all decisions are made in a
top-down fashion but not for private institutes with less centrally based agendas. Two
points are noteworthy here. First, the license to establish a private language school is
granted by government authorities. Therefore, control does not completely vanish.
Secondly, in a private school the principal, who is usually the owner, enjoys full autonomy
and power in his or her hiring and paying decisions. It follows that how language teachers
fare in these schools must be greatly influenced by the language school manager.
This finding that private language institutes enjoy more favourable organisational climates
is somehow counter-intuitive given the fact that EFL teachers in private language
institutes receive lower wages, work on an hourly basis, and lack job security. It might be
argued that in comparison with state schools, private language schools have a more
desired climate because teachers have a higher degree of autonomy and more freedom of
decision-making in their instructional practices, the interpersonal relationships are
stronger, and there is a sense of solidarity among teachers. These, however, have to be
substantiated through further research. A more rational justification may have to do with
expectations because research demonstrates that one's perceptions of organisational
fairness and equality are mediated by one's expectations (Cherry, Ordóñez & Gilliland,
2002; Gilliland & Chan, 2001). Consistent with findings concerning expectations in
comparison theories, since teachers in private schools do not enjoy tenure contracts, they
harbour much lower expectations than their counterparts in public schools, who are
tenured and enjoy full job security. Therefore, private schools' EFL teachers' expectations
are easier to meet or surpass. Since their minimal expectations are fulfilled, their
perceptions of their organisational climate would be more positive. Again, further research
is needed to probe the precise mechanism that creates the different perceptions of
organisational climate.
Conclusion: Implications and further inquiry
Whilst managerial and organisational issues have been subjected to extensive educational
research reporting in the international literature, in all fields and sectors of education,
these issues have received little attention in ELT research, in the contexts of Iran and
other countries. The authors of the present paper encountered the view from some ELT
journals that it was deemed outside the domain of language teaching. This could reflect an
over-emphasis on research into individual teacher factors, whilst larger managerial and
organisational issues receive less research attention. We should avoid being restricted by a
seemingly tacit assumption in ELT that the language teacher with the right language and
pedagogical skills is the sufficient and necessary factor to guarantee optimum outcomes.
We believe that to improve upon the status quo in language teaching, more attention
needs to be given to the organisation and management of language education
environments. This can be accomplished in both pre-service and in-service language
teacher training programs. We would like to suggest that time is ripe for higher education
Razavipour, & Yousefi 855
institutions in charge of language teaching programs to offer courses on language program
management. Moreover, program evaluators should not ignore the determining role of
organisational issues in their assessment of language teaching and learning programs.
This study could barely scratch the surface of one of the myriad of organisational issues at
stake in English language teaching. With regard to research in ELT, not much has
changed since Alderson’s (2009) call for serious attention to institutional concerns in ELT.
Given the powerful influence that organisations can exert on individual EFL teachers and
learners, institutional considerations deserve more scholarly attention. Future studies
accommodating a more diverse sample of language institutes and with larger sample of
participants would further our understanding of how institutional factors play out in
English language teaching. More urgently needed are studies focusing on how different
climates in language institutes lead to differential gains in language learning. To such an
end, studies adopting hierarchical linear modeling approaches likely would shed further
light on the interaction of institutional and individuals factors in English language
learning. Furthermore, studies crossing national boundaries to study the institutional
climates of language institutes in various countries with different governing systems would
provide insights as to the interplay of political systems and the management of language
institutes. Moreover, there are numerous other organisational considerations that wait for
further inquiry behind the impervious walls of the individual-oriented ELT. Issues such as
organisational justice, fairness, and organisational culture and discourse are just a few
examples. Finally, how other teacher factors such as teacher reflection, cognition, burn-
out, self-efficacy, and professional development are mediated by institutional
considerations are all fascinating areas for future inquiry.
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858 Iranian English language teachers' job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools
Kioumars Razavipour holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and is currently a faculty
member of the Department of English language and literature, Shahid Chamran
University of Ahvaz, Iran. His areas of interests include language assessment and
language policy.
Moslem Yousefi is a PhD student in TEFL at Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
His research interests include teacher professional development, sociocognitive
approaches to second language acquisition, qualitative research, school organisational
climate, culture, and critical discourse analysis.
Please cite as: Razavipour, K. & Yousefi, M. (2017). Iranian English language teachers'
job satisfaction and organisational climate in public and private schools. Issues in
Educational Research, 27(4), 842-858.