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Name of Building/Facility ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Building/Facility Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Location of Drill (Specific floor/wing/etc) ________________________________________________________ Date of Drill _____ /_____ /20___
Time Drill Initiated _____:_____ AM/PM Time All Occupants Vacated _____:_____ AM/PM Elapsed Time __________ Min.
Drill Monitor Name: ______________________________________________ Title/Position ______________________________________________________
Weather: TEMP: Cold / Warm / Hot WINDS: Calm / Breezy / Windy PRECIP: Sunny / Cloudy / Rain / Snow / Sleet
Evacuation routes posted
Yes No
Evacuation signs are in good condition
Yes No
Exits are clearly marked
Yes No
Exit signs are properly illuminated
Yes No
Exit doors operating properly
Yes No
Egress routes free of obstructions
Yes No
Egress routes properly lighted
Yes No
Method of Drill Activation:
Alarm Activation PA System
In-House Word of Mouth Other: ________________________
Drill preannounced
Fire department present for drill
Alarm monitoring company notified
Security notified
Doors and windows closed
Rooms checked prior to closing doors
Doors left unlocked
Restrooms were checked for occupants
Yes No
Evacuation was orderly
Yes No
Visitors escorted and accounted for
Yes No
Special needs persons accommodated
Yes No
Elevators were used during evacuation
Yes No
Overall response of occupants
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Noise level of evacuation
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Number of occupants evacuated
Visitors:________ Staff:________ Tenants:________ TOTAL:________
Electrical appliances were turned off
Lights were turned off
HVAC units were shut down
Yes No N/A
Yes No N/A
Yes No N/A
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No N/A
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Fire extinguisher taken to location of fire Yes No
Door hold-open devices operated appropriately
Yes No N/A
All occupants participated and evacuated Yes No
Evacuation performed according to plan Yes No
Occupants met at designated meeting places according to the
plan Yes No
Designated meeting place(s) located at safe distances from
building Yes No
Fire drill/incident response team(s) responded according to
plan Yes No
Fire drill/incident response team(s) carried out assigned
duties Yes No
Fire department “mock” notified according to plan
Yes No
Fire alarm clearly heard in all areas Yes No Alarm
monitoring company received alarm
Yes No
Electro-magnetic locks operated appropriately
Yes No N/A
Public address system clearly heard in all areas
Yes No N/A
Elevators recalled to correct floor Yes No N/A
Any item receiving a “No” or “Unsatisfactory” is an item that the
facility should work on to correct.