Criteria and Supporting Evidence for COE Awards
2021-2022 Academic Year
1. Excellence in Teaching Award
2. Excellence in Mentoring Awards
2a. Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award
2b. Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award
3. Excellence in Scholarship
3a. Excellence in Scholarship Award (Tenured)
3b. Excellence in Scholarship Award (Pre-Tenure Faculty)
3c. Excellence in Scholarship Award (Professional-Track Faculty)
4. Excellence in Outreach/Partnership Award
5. Excellence in Service Award
6. Outstanding Staff Awards
6a. Outstanding Staff Award (Exempt Staff Member)
6b. Outstanding Staff Award (Non-Exempt Staff Member)
7. Outstanding Student Awards
7a. Outstanding Doctoral Student Award
7b. Outstanding Master’s Student Award
7c. Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award
Timeline for Submission
March 14, 2022 Names of Nominees Submitted to Dean’s Office
March 28, 2022 Complete Materials Submitted to Dean’s Office
May 13, 2022 Awards Ceremony as part of College Assembly
The contact person in the Dean’s office for this awards cycle is Maria Izursa ([email protected]).
Submission Rules
(Incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications will NOT be considered)
a. All nomination materials should be in digital format NO HARD COPIES.
b. The names of nominees and the nominee materials must be received by the Dean’s
office by the deadlines listed above NO EXCEPTIONS.
c. All submitted materials will need to be in PDF format NO EXCEPTIONS.
d. All of the files that are sent for a particular award nomination should be formatted
using a consistent format. The following structure for the file names is requested:
COE Award [Award Number]_[Name of Nominee]_[Type of Document]_[Author].PDF
To illustrate this idea, the following would be examples of file names for a particular
application for John Doe who applies for award #7a:
COE Award 7a_John Doe_Transcript.PDF
COE Award 7a_John Doe_CV.PDF
COE Award 7a_John Doe_RecLetter_Jane Doe.PDF
COE Award 7a_John Doe_Statement.PDF
COE Award 7a_John Doe_TeachEvals.PDF
In other words, the name should include the award number, the name of the nominee (last
name only is fine too), the type of document, and for letters of reference for which
there could be multiple the name of the person who wrote the letter (last name only is
fine too).
1. COE Excellence in Teaching Award
The award is given to nominees who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to excellence in
teaching, advancing the educational mission of the COE, and incorporating innovation in
undergraduate and/or graduate teaching.
Faculty members (tenured, pre-tenured, or professional-track) who have been employed
within the COE for a minimum of two years.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, or self-
Award Criteria:
1. Evidence of commitment to excellence in teaching and advancing the educational
mission of the COE.
2. Evidence of innovation and application of effective teaching methodologies,
including materials.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. A maximally one-page supporting statement about the nominee’s commitment to excellence
in teaching from the nominee.
2. A minimum of two solicited or unsolicited letters of recommendation from undergraduate
and / or graduate students who have been taught by the nominee. The letters should
specifically comment on the degree of influence the nominee has had on the students’
learning, understanding, and career goals in their specific fields of study.
Optional Supporting Evidence:
1. A review of a teaching session by a colleague in the department (department may determine
review criteria and / or rating scale).
2. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If the
Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured faculty
member in the current department can be substituted.
2a. COE Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award
The award is given to nominees who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to excellence
in the mentoring and professional development of graduate students, either formally or
Faculty members (tenured, pre-tenured, or professional-track) and staff who have been
employed within the COE for a minimum of two years.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, staff, graduate students, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
Evidence of commitment to excellence in the mentoring of graduate students, including their
academic and professional development. Furthermore, evidence of the way mentorship impacts
the COE.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. A maximally three-page supporting statement about the nominee’s commitment to
excellence in the mentoring of graduate students, including their academic and professional
development. Additionally, please indicate how mentoring has positively impacted the COE.
2. A minimum of two (maximum of three) solicited letters of recommendation from graduate
students who have been advised and / or mentored by the nominee within the last two years.
The letters should specifically comment on the degree of influence the nominee has had on
the students’ academic and professional growth and development in their specific fields of
Optional Supporting Evidence:
1. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If the
Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured faculty
member in the current department can be substituted.
2b. COE Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award
The award is given to nominees who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to excellence
in the mentoring and professional development of colleague tenure-track, tenured, and/or
professional-track faculty.
Faculty members (tenured, pre-tentured, or professional-track) who have been employed
within the COE for a minimum of two years.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, staff, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
Evidence of commitment to excellence in the mentoring and professional development of tenure-
track and/or professional track faculty. Furthermore, evidence of the way mentorship impacts the
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. A maximally three-page supporting statement about the nominee’s commitment to
excellence in the mentoring and professional development of colleague tenure-track and /
or professional track faculty. Additionally, please indicate how mentoring has positively
impacted the COE.
2. A minimum two (maximum of three) solicited letters of recommendation from tenure-
track and / or professional track faculty who have been mentored by the nominee. The
letters should specifically comment on the degree of influence the nominee has had on the
mentees’ professional growth and development as well as their successful integration into
their respective programs, departments and / or the COE.
Optional Supporting Evidence:
1. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If the
Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured faculty
member in the current department can be substituted.
3a., 3b., & 3c. COE Excellence in Scholarship Awards
Tenured Faculty (3a)
Pre-Tenure Faculty (3b)
Professional-Track Faculty (3c)
Three awards are given to nominees (in each of the following categories: tenured, pre-tenure, and
professional-track) who have a national and international recognition for the importance of their
exceptional scholarly achievements, specifically research and publications. Their scholarly
accomplishments must include significant contributions made as a faculty member of the COE.
All members of the faculty, which includes, but is not limited to, tenured, pre-tenured, and
professional-track faculty.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
Evidence of scholarly accomplishments, including impact to COE and the specific research field.
Tenure should include at least three (3) of the following
Pre-tenure should include at least two (2) of the following
Professional-track should include at least one (1) of the following
1. Substantial record of publications as first author in prestigious refereed journals, books with
prestigious publishers, and / or chapters in edited books;
2. Significant research grant funding;
3. Editorial and other professional scholarly activities;
4. Awards or recognition for scholarship;
5. Presentations at national and international conventions or meetings.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If the
Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured faculty
member in the current department can be substituted.
2. A maximally three-page supporting statement highlighting the nominee’s exceptional
scholarly achievements, specifically research and publication. Please include how scholarly
activities positively impact the COE and the specific research field.
3. At least one solicited letter of recommendation from an internal (UMD) and /or external
(non-UMD) evaluator, who cannot be a collaborator of the nominee. The letter(s) should
highlight the nominee’s exceptional scholarly achievements, specifically research and
4. Curriculum vitae (CV), which can, but does not have to, conform to the University’s
suggested format as specified in the APT manual.
4. COE Excellence in Outreach/Partnership Award
This award is given to a nominee who has developed and is involved in intentional partnerships
to improve the quality of education and access to education. This is demonstrated by an
outstanding service over at least a three-year period to schools, community organizations,
community colleges, teacher and parent organizations, and/or state education organizations.
Faculty who develop research, teaching, and continuing education partnerships in the service of
local schools, or who consistently provide service to school districts or to other higher education
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, staff, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
Evidence of having developed and sustained partnerships with schools, community
organizations, community colleges, teacher and parent organizations, and/or state education
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. A maximally three-page supporting statement about the nominee’s commitment to
partnerships, including the impact to the COE and to the larger community.
2. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If
the Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured
faculty member in the current department can be substituted.
3. Curriculum vitae (CV), which can, but does not have to, conform to the University’s
suggested format as specified in the APT manual.
4. At least one letter of recommendation from a community and / or school partner, an
educational policy-maker, and / or teachers who have worked with the nominee.
5. COE Excellence in Service Award
This award is given to a nominee who has demonstrated excellence through leadership in
service to the COE. This award is meant to recognize those who have gone above and beyond to
advance the mission of the College. This includes those who have sparked change and driven
initiatives at the unit/department level or the college level that in turn have a substantial impact
on the function, value, and prestige of the College.
Faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, or professional track), and Staff. There is no time limit
with respect to employment in the College.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, staff, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
1. Exceptional leadership in a nominee’s efforts in a service capacity (e.g. unit or college level
committee, administrative role, or initiatives such as new programs).
2. Exceptional inter- and intra-personal characteristics that shape the nominee’s ability to
affect change (e.g., initiative-taking, integrity, positive attitude).
3. Evidence of dedication to the mission of the COE.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. A maximally three-page supporting statement that provides a narrative of the nominee’s
outstanding service.
2. A minimum of one solicited letter of recommendation from tenured/ tenure-track faculty,
professional track faculty, or staff who have worked with or observed service by the
nominee. The letter(s) should specifically comment on the leadership roles and
characteristics of leadership that the nominee exhibits.
Optional Supporting Evidence:
1. Letter of recommendation from the Department Chair or the Program Coordinator. If the
Department Chair or Program Coordinator is the nominee, a letter from a tenured faculty
member in the current department can be substituted.
6a. & 6b. COE Outstanding Staff Awards
- Exempt Staff (6a) -
- Non-Exempt Staff (6b) -
This award is given to a nominee who has demonstrated exceptional service to the COE that has
advanced the mission of the College.
There is no time limit with respect to employment in the College. If you have any questions about
exempt vs. non-exempt status, please email the awards committee or COE Senate.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, staff, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria:
1. Exceptional performance in nominee’s position.
2. Exceptional inter- and intra-personal characteristics that shape the nominee’s performance
(e.g., initiative-taking, integrity, positive attitude).
3. Positive rapport and team work capability with other staff and faculty within the COE
and University.
4. Evidence of dedication to the mission of the COE.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. At least one letter of recommendation from the Department Chair, the Program
Coordinator, the Supervisor, a staff colleague, faculty member, or students within the
COE, with at minimum two signatures supporting the letter of recommendation. In the
letter, please address the award criteria listed above.
7a. COE Outstanding Doctoral Student Award
The award is given to a current doctoral student nominee whose academic excellence,
scholarship, leadership, and, potentially teaching, stands out.
A current graduate student pursuing a doctoral degree in the COE, with a cumulative GPA of 3.7
or higher. The student needs to have advanced to candidacy with a potential graduation date of
the current academic year or later.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, advisor, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria (should include at least two of the following):
1. A strong record of emerging scholarship (e.g., evidence of ability to publish in peer-
reviewed journals and/or produce other scholarly writing in the nominee’s area of study);
2. Evidence of the ability to make presentations at state, national, or international
3. Evidence of leadership at the department, COE, University, and / or in the nominee’s
chosen field of study
4. Evidence of effective teaching
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. Unofficial transcript.
2. Curriculum vitae (CV), which can, but does not have to, conform to the University’s
suggested format as specified in the APT manual.
3. Letter of recommendation from the advisor of the student.
4. A maximally three-page statement from the nominee indicating future professional goals
and highlighting how accomplishments in scholarship, COE teaching, and/or leadership are
helping further those goals.
Optional Supporting Evidence:
i. Teaching evaluations or documentation of effective teaching at the COE or the
University. [If evidence of effective teaching is cited]
7b. COE Outstanding Master’s Student Award
The award is given to a nominee who has demonstrated exceptional academic achievement,
evidence of superior performance as a teacher / teacher candidate, practitioner in their field of
study, and / or research assistant, and evidence of leadership activities in the department, COE,
University, and / or their chosen field of study.
A graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in the COE, with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, advisor, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, or self-nomination.
Award Criteria (should include at least two of the following):
1. A strong record of emerging scholarship (e.g., evidence of ability to publish in peer-
reviewed journals and/or produce other scholarly writing in the nominee’s area of study);
2. Evidence of the ability to make presentations at state, national, or international
3. Evidence of superior performance as a teacher / teacher candidate, practitioner in
their field of study, and / or research assistant;
4. Evidence of leadership activities in the department, COE, University, and / or the
nominee’s chosen field of study.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. Unofficial transcript.
2. Curriculum vitae (CV), which can, but does not have to, conform to the University’s
suggested format as specified in the APT manual.
3. Letter of recommendation from the advisor of the student.
4. A maximally three-page statement from the nominee indicating future professional goals
and highlighting how their accomplishments are helping further those goals.
Optional Supporting Evidence:
1. Teaching evaluations or documentation of effective teaching at the COE or the
University. [If evidence of effective teaching is cited]
7c. COE Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award
This award is given to a nominee who has demonstrated exceptional academic achievement,
evidence of leadership activities in the department, COE, University, and / or their chosen field of
study, and an indication of a potential to make a significant contribution to their field of study.
A junior or senior enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the COE, with a cumulative GPA
of 3.25 or higher.
Possible Nominators:
Chair, advisor, tenure-line or professional-track faculty, or self-nomination.
Award criteria (should include at least one of the following):
1. Experience leading toward emerging scholarship (e.g., evidence of ability to publish in
peer- reviewed journals and/or produce other scholarly writing in the nominee’s area of
2. Evidence of the ability to make presentations at conferences;
3. Evidence of leadership activities in the department, COE, University, and / or the
nominee’s chosen field of study;
4. Indication of a potential to make a significant contribution to their field of study.
Required Supporting Evidence:
1. Unofficial transcript.
2. Curriculum vitae (CV), which can, but does not have to, conform to the University’s
suggested format as specified in the APT manual.
3. Letter of recommendation from the advisor of the student.
4. A maximally three-page statement from the nominee indicating future professional goals
and highlighting how their accomplishments are helping further those goals.