WT/MIN(13)/39 • WT/L/914
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1. During the first monitoring year, where an importing Member does not notify the fill rate, or
where the fill rate is below 65 per cent, a Member may raise a specific concern regarding a tariff
quota commitment in the Committee on Agriculture and place this concern on a tracking register
maintained by the Secretariat. The importing Member shall discuss the administration of the tariff
quota with all interested Members, with the aim of understanding the concerns raised, improving
the membership's understanding of the market circumstances
and of the manner in which the
tariff quota is administered and whether elements of the administration contribute to underfill. This
shall take place on the basis of provision of objective and relevant data bearing on the matter, in
particular as regards the market circumstances. The interested Members shall fully consider all
documentation submitted by the importing Member.
The importing Member shall provide to the
Committee on Agriculture a summary of any documentation submitted to interested Members. The
Members involved shall advise the Committee on Agriculture whether the matter has been
resolved. The interested Members shall, if the matter remains unresolved, provide to the
Committee on Agriculture, a clear statement of the reasons, based on the discussions and
documentation provided, why the matter requires further consideration. Such documentation and
information may also be provided and considered in the same manner during the second and third
stages of the underfill mechanism, as a means of addressing and resolving Members' concerns.
2. Once the underfill mechanism has been initiated, where the fill rate remains below 65 per
cent for two consecutive years, or no notification has been submitted for that period, a Member
may request, through the Committee on Agriculture, that the importing Member take specific
to modify the administration of the tariff quota concerned. The importing Member shall
take either the specific action(s) requested or, drawing on the discussions previously held with the
interested Members, such other action(s) which it considers will effectively improve the fill rate of
the tariff quota. If the action(s) of the importing Member lead to a fill rate above 65 per cent or
interested Members are otherwise satisfied that lesser fill rates are indeed attributable to market
circumstances based on the data-based discussions that have taken place, this will be noted and
the concern marked "resolved" on the Secretariat's tracking register and will be no longer subject
to monitoring (unless at some future point the process is restarted but, if so, it will be a new three
year cycle). If the fill rate remains below 65 per cent, a Member may continue to request
additional modifications to the administration of the tariff quota.
3. During the third and subsequent monitoring years, where:
a. the fill rate has remained below 65 per cent for three consecutive years or no notification
has been submitted for that period; and
b. the fill rate has not increased, for each of the preceding three years, by annual
increments of
i. at least 8 percentage points when the fill rate is more than 40 per cent;
The market circumstances considered may include, inter alia, elements of prices, production and
other factors affecting demand and supply in the domestic and international markets, as well as other relevant
factors affecting trade such as the existence of SPS measures taken by an importing Member in accordance
with the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.
Such documentation may include information on the administration of the tariff quota, as well as data
supporting the Member's explanation of the market circumstances of the tariff quota in question and/or of the
existence of any SPS measures for the product in question.
The actions and remedies taken by the importing Member pursuant to the underfill mechanism shall
not modify or impede the rights of a Member holding a country-specific allocation for that tariff quota with
respect to their country-specific allocation.