Disability Law and National Service Programs
It is essential for national service programs to acquire a basic knowledge of the state and
national laws affecting the inclusion of people with disabilities. This chapter provides an
overview of the important laws that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the
United States. How these laws may affect the operation of your program depends upon your
funding sources, your organization’s purpose and activities, and a number of other
individualized factors.
*Please note: the guidance provided in this chapter is for information purposes only
and should not be taken as legal advice. Legal issues are best addressed with an
attorney familiar with disability law.
Table of Contents
Important Disability Laws........................................................................................................ 2
Providing Reasonable Accommodations ................................................................................ 3
The Michigan Community Service Commission Reasonable Accommodation Funding
Process................................................................................................................................... 7
Michigan Community Service Commission Request for Reasonable Accommodation Funds 9
Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act & The Michigan Civil Rights Commission
and Department of Civil Rights ............................................................................................. 11
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws ......................................................................................... 12
Michigan Department of Civil Rights (Bill of Rights).............................................................. 12
Important Disability Laws
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehab Act) prohibits discrimination against
people with disabilities under any program or activity receiving Federal financial
assistance, or under any program conducted by any Executive agency or by the United
States Postal Service. The Rehab Act is often credited as a major factor that set the
Disability Rights movement in motion in the United States.
As recipients of Federal funding, ALL national service programs and activities are prohibited
from discriminating against people with disabilities.
To view the complete text of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 please visit the
web site of the U.S. Department of Labor
The Americans With Disabilities Act
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to provide a clear and
comprehensive national mandate to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
The ADA prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities
in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial
facilities, and transportation. It also mandates the establishment of TDD/telephone relay
services. To view the complete text of the ADA along with the changes made by the ADA
Amendment Act of 2008 please visit the Department of Justice ADA website:
The Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act
The Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1976 and prohibits
discrimination against Michigan citizens with disabilities in the areas of employment, public
accommodation, public service, education, and housing.
Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act: Act 220 of 1976
An Act to define the civil rights of persons with disabilities; to prohibit discriminatory practices,
policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights; to prescribe penalties and to provide
remedies; and to provide for the promulgation of rules. To view the full text of the civil rights
Act please visit the following website:
Providing Reasonable Accommodations
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to provide a clear and
comprehensive national mandate to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
The law works to ensure that people with disabilities are given equal access to employment,
public services, public accommodations, and telecommunication.
As a national service program, one of the important steps in fulfilling your inclusion
commitment is being ready to provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and
participants with disabilities. The information below focuses on what you need to know about
providing reasonable accommodations.
Basic ADA Terminology
A qualified applicant or participant with a disability means an individual who satisfies the
requisite skills, experience, education, and other service-related requirements of the position
and can perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable
Essential functions are those duties that are so fundamental to the position that the
individual holds or desires that he or she cannot do the job without performing them.
A reasonable accommodation is any change in the work environment or in the way things
are customarily done that enables a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy equal service
opportunities. Reasonable accommodations allow qualified individuals to have rights and
privileges equal to those of participants without disabilities.
The ADA does not require programs to provide accommodations that pose an undue
hardship. An undue hardship is defined as a reasonable accommodation that causes
significant difficulty or expense. However, it is important to remember that most
accommodations are not expensive nor do they involve a great deal of effort to implement.
Requirements for Making Reasonable Accommodations
National service programs and activities must be accessible to people with disabilities and
the grantee must provide reasonable accommodations to the known disabilities of qualified
service providers and applicants. All selections and project assignments must be made
without regard to the need to provide reasonable accommodation.
In keeping with and supporting the spirit of the ADA, accommodations should be made
without regard to coverage under the ADA when it is reasonable to do so. The Corporation
for National and Community Service and the MCSC are committed to making service
opportunities available to people with disabilities. This is the primary goal to keep in mind
when making decisions about providing accommodations. The need for and appropriateness
of any type of accommodation must be made on a case-by-case basis. Each individual,
regardless of disability, will have unique abilities and needs.
Reasonable Accommodations May Include:
Providing print materials in alternate formats (large print, Braille, etc.)
Flexible work/service schedules
Rearranging an office environment
Restructuring the position duties
Modifying equipment or devices
Purchasing and installing new equipment or devices
Providing qualified readers and interpreters
Appropriate modification of the application and examination procedures and training
Reasonable Accommodations Do Not Include:
Eliminating a primary position responsibility
Lowering production standards that are applied to all service members
Providing personal use items, such as prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, eyeglasses, or
hearing aids
Funding for Reasonable Accommodations
For cases where a reasonable accommodation would prove to be an undue hardship for a
program, limited funding is available through the MCSC to provide accommodations for
service applicants, AmeriCorps*State and National Direct members, Senior Corps
volunteers, and Learn and Serve program participants. Programs should seek alternative
funding or cost-sharing resources whenever possible. All national service programs must
provide reasonable accommodations where required by law regardless of their eligibility for
MCSC or outside funding.
The Reasonable Accommodation Process
The reasonable accommodation process must be confidential; no information is to be
communicated to anyone who is not directly involved. Records pertaining to a disclosed
disability, related medical information, and the reasonable accommodations made for that
disability must be kept separate from the participant’s regular file.
Disclosure of a disability is at the sole discretion of the participant. If the participant with a
disability is willing to discuss his/her disability, they can be a valuable resource for educating
fellow participants. However, they are under no obligation to do so.
The issue of confidentiality is particularly important when handling questions by other
program participants or staff. While they may question accommodations received by another
participant, program directors and other supervisory personnel are prohibited from discussing
any information that addresses the accommodated individual’s disability or need for
reasonable accommodation. The best way to prevent conflicts around the issue of
reasonable accommodation is to provide disability awareness training and to educate all
participants as to your organization’s responsibility to hold all personnel matters confidential.
As part of that training, participants should be informed that reasonable accommodations are
available to any qualifying participant.
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation
As noted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, individuals may request an
accommodation at any time. Before an accommodation can be made, however, the
individual must disclose to his/her Program Director or Site Supervisor that a disability exists
and that an accommodation is needed. It is up to each individual to decide whether, when,
how, and to whom he or she will self-disclose a disability. By stating, either verbally or in
writing, that a disability exists, a person with a disability is then afforded and entitled to all the
protections and provisions of the ADA. Disability related information provided in writing is, by
law, kept confidential and separate from other personnel documents and may only be shared
with others on a need-to-know basis.
Since the law prohibits asking if or assuming that a person has a disability, no matter how
obvious a disability may appear, documentation of and accommodations for a disability
cannot be provided until self-disclosure has occurred. If the individual does not self-disclose,
he or she is not protected by the ADA and accommodations cannot be provided. The MCSC
encourages national service participants to request reasonable accommodations when
needed because of a disability to ensure full participation in all aspects of serving in a
national service program.
Often an accommodation can be accomplished on site by a site supervisor or other staff
member. In these cases it is not necessary to involve others in this process. Many
accommodations can be made with little or no cost.
Reasonable Documentation
When the disability and/or need for accommodation is not obvious, the site supervisor or
program director may ask an individual for reasonable documentation about his/her disability
and functional limitations. Reasonable documentation means that the program or service
site may require only the documentation that is needed to establish that a person has an
ADA-covered disability and the disability necessitates a reasonable accommodation.
Participants are not required to repeatedly provide medical information about an ongoing
The Interactive Accommodation Process
One of the best resources for determining the appropriate accommodation can be the
individual with the disability. However, it is important to be aware that people have varying
levels of experience and success with requesting and receiving accommodations. It is
important that the process remain as positive, open, and interactive as possible.
Once an accommodation has been requested, the participant or applicant and the program
director or site supervisor should engage in an informal process to clarify the individual’s
needs and possible accommodations. The nature of this discussion will vary. In some
instances both the disability and the type of accommodation required will be obvious. In other
situations, the program director or site supervisor may need to ask questions concerning the
nature of the disability and the individual’s functional limitations in order to identify an effective
accommodation. While the individual with a disability does not have to be able to specify the
precise accommodation, he or she does need to describe the problems posed by the service
site barrier.
Providing the Reasonable Accommodation
As long as it is effective, the program may choose the accommodation that is easiest to
provide, is least expensive, or is otherwise less burdensome. While the preference of the
individual with a disability should be given primary consideration, the program is not obligated
to provide the preferred accommodation. The participant has the right to refuse the offered
accommodation, but if they do so and cannot perform the essential functions of their position,
they may not be covered under the ADA.
Reasonable accommodations should be provided without delay. In most cases, participants
serve for a limited amount of time and delays in implementing accommodations could keep
the participant from having a successful service experience.
Reasonable Accommodation as an Ongoing Process
Once an accommodation has been implemented, it is important to monitor the success and
continued appropriateness of the chosen accommodation. People and situations change
and it is important to recognize that reasonable accommodation is a process and not a one-
time fix.
Assessment of Service Performance
A person with a disability is not exempt from job/service standards and discipline but needs
to be assessed in the framework of their eligibility for coverage under the ADA and the
accommodations that have been provided. Keep in contact with the participant to ensure the
accommodation is enabling them to serve effectively and accomplish his or her goals.
The Michigan Community Service Commission
Reasonable Accommodation Funding Process
*By statute, only Michigan’s AmeriCorps State and National AmeriCorps members,
Senior Corps volunteers, and Learn and Serve participants are eligible to use these
funds. However, all national service programs must provide reasonable
accommodations where required by law regardless of their eligibility for MCSC or
outside funding.
Submission of the Application
Once it has been established that an applicant or member is eligible for a reasonable
accommodation, the accommodation has been identified, and the program has determined
that providing the accommodation would not be an undue hardship, an application for
funding should be submitted to the MCSC as quickly as possible.
The MCSC Inclusion Coordinator will receive all applications for funds confidentially and the
application reviewed for completeness and accuracy. If additional information is needed, the
Inclusion Coordinator will contact the program director by telephone or letter to request the
additional information. Complete applications will be forwarded for review.
Application Review Process
The Inclusion Coordinator, the MCSC Deputy Director, and an AmeriCorps Program Officer
will review the application. The review process and notification of approval or denial will be
completed within 30 days from the date of receipt. If circumstances necessitate a faster
response, please contact the Inclusion Coordinator to discuss the situation.
Upon completion of the review, the Inclusion Coordinator will contact the program director to
discuss the result. A letter of explanation detailing the outcome of the review process will be
mailed to the program director within 30 days. If the application is approved, final
arrangements will be made between the program director and the Inclusion Coordinator for
providing the member with the requested accommodation(s).
Appeal of Denial of Funds
If the application is denied, the submitting organization has 30 days from the date of their
application submission in which to appeal. The request for reconsideration must be in writing
from the program director or other official of the applicant organization and submitted to the
MCSC Inclusion Coordinator. The request for reconsideration should state the reasons why the
applicant thinks the MCSC should reverse its decision, responding to the reason(s) given for the
adverse decision noted by the MCSC. The MCSC will make a final decision within 30 days of
receipt of the request for reconsideration.
Reporting Use of Reasonable Accommodation Funds
Programs are required to provide two reports on their use of any reasonable accommodation
funds granted. The first report is due no later than two months after the accommodation has
been provided and should detail the nature of the accommodation, the date of
implementation, and the participant’s initial response to the appropriateness of
accommodation. The second report is due six months from the date the accommodation was
provided. Information to be provided includes the nature of the accommodation, any
changes to the accommodation, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the
accommodation provided. To insure confidentiality, the name of the member provided with
the accommodation should not be used.
All reports are to be submitted to the Inclusion Coordinator. These reports will be used in the
annual report to the Corporation for National and Community Service on the success of the
Michigan’s national service inclusion initiative and use of related funds.
Michigan Community Service Commission
Request for Reasonable Accommodation Funds
*Under current legislation, only Michigan’s AmeriCorps State and National
AmeriCorps members, Senior Corps volunteers, and Learn and Serve participants are
eligible to use these funds. However, all national service programs must provide
reasonable accommodations where required by law regardless of their eligibility for
MCSC or outside funding.
Disclosure in seeking accommodations is a complex process. Here are three resources to
assist in understanding this process:
Job Accommodations Network:
Job Applicants and the Americans With Disabilities Act (from EEOC) - Question 16:
The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities
The MCSC Statewide Inclusion Team is also available to field questions and provide
additional resources. You may contact them through MCSC Training and Inclusion
Coordinator, Megan Sargent, at [email protected] or (517) 241-3494.
Allow 30 days to evaluate request. If accommodations were not anticipated and funds are
needed sooner than the 30 day timeframe, please contact the MCSC at (517) 335-4295.
Programs are required to report on the effectiveness of reasonable accommodations
provided with MCSC funding.
Date of Submission
Program Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Fax Email
Program Director
Program Type: _____ MI AmeriCorps*National Direct _____ MI AmeriCorps*State
_____ Senior Corps _____ Learn and Serve
Status of Individual with Disability:
_____Applicant for national service position _____Current national service participant
Accommodation Funding Request (additional pages may be added if necessary)
Please describe the requested reasonable accommodation(s) and how it will allow the
applicant/member to perform essential service functions or participate in program activities.
Estimated Cost of the Accommodation___________________________
Amount of MCSC funds requested______________________
Describe additional funding you have secured for the accommodation requested, if applicable.
Will more than one individual benefit from this accommodation? If yes, please describe.
What measures will be used to determine if the reasonable accommodation was effective for the
individual with a disability?
*Please attach any estimates or other information that supports your request.
Program Director Signature / Date
Send, Fax, or Email the completed form to: Michigan Community Service Commission
Attn: Michelle Mackie
1048 Pierpont Ste 4
Lansing MI 48913
Fax: (517) 373-4977
*Email should be sent to Michelle Mackie at
The Michigan Community Service Commission is firmly committed to providing access, equal
opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its programs, activities, and materials. Please call (517)
335-4295 to request accommodation or to obtain materials in an alternate format.
Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act &
The Michigan Civil Rights Commission and
Department of Civil Rights
The Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1976 and prohibits
discrimination against Michigan citizens with disabilities in the areas of employment, public
accommodation, public service, education, and housing.
Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act: Act 220 of 1976
An Act to define the civil rights of persons with disabilities; to prohibit discriminatory practices,
policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights; to prescribe penalties and to provide
remedies; and to provide for the promulgation of rules.
The Michigan Civil Rights Commission & Department of Civil Rights
The Michigan Civil Rights Commission was created by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 to
carry out the guarantees against discrimination articulated in Article I, Section 2. As further
stated in Article V, Section 29, the state constitution directs the Commission to investigate
alleged discrimination against any person because of religion, race, color or national origin
and to "secure the equal protection of such civil rights without such discrimination." Public
Acts 453 and 220 of 1976 and subsequent amendments have added sex, age, marital status,
height, weight, arrest record, and physical and mental disabilities to the original four
protected categories.
The Michigan Department of Civil Rights was established in 1965 to provide a staff
complement to the policy-making responsibilities of the Commission. In 1991, the
Department was expanded further. During that year, the Michigan Women's Commission
was transferred from the Department of Management and Budget to this agency by
Executive Order.
The Department of Civil Rights works to prevent discrimination through educational programs
that promote voluntary compliance with civil rights laws and investigates and resolves
discrimination complaints. It also provides information and services to businesses on
diversity initiatives, equal employment law, procurement opportunities and feasibility studies,
and joint venture/strategic alliance matchmaking.
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
This document, published by the U.S. Department of Justice, provides an overview of
several disability-related laws. Of particular importance to national service programs are:
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Rehabilitation Act
Other Sources of Disability Rights Information
The complete document can be found online at:
This guide provides an overview of Federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity
for people with disabilities. To find out more about how these laws may apply to you
follow the link provided and then contact the agencies and organizations listed for
additional information.
Table of Contents:
Americans with Disabilities Act
Telecommunications Act
Fair Housing Act
Air Carrier Access Act
Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act
National Voter Registration Act
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Rehabilitation Act
Architectural Barriers Act
General Sources of Disability Rights Information
Statute Citations
*From the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
Michigan Department of Civil Rights
(Bill of Rights)
The Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) investigates complaints of
discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodation, law
enforcement, and public service based on religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex,
marital status, height, weight, arrest record, disability or familial status. Click on the
following link to view the MDCR Bill of Rights and Responsibilities: