Ms. Khoury is a 7th grade science teacher. Next month she will
teach a unit called “Where does food come from and where
does it go next?” She collaborates with Mr. Renner, the ESL
teacher, on ways to incorporate language development into her
daily lessons, and to expand the ways multilingual learners can
engage meaningfully with the content. Together, they use the ELD
Standards Framework to focus their approach.
They ask themselves, “What Key Language Uses best
reflect how students will interact with language?” Mr.
Renner and Ms. Khoury also take note of how both the
content standards and the science unit’s summative
assessment focus on explaining how things work
and why they happen, so they decide on the Key
Language Use Explain.
They ask themselves, “How are students
expected to use language to act and talk like
scientists?” Students use language in many
different ways! Given limited time with students,
“How can we prioritize instructional planning
to hone into the language students need to
demonstrate their learning in this unit?”
Ms. Khoury and Mr. Renner look at recurring tasks and assessments
in the science unit. They draw on what they know about WIDA Key
Language Uses to identify the driving language focus for the unit.
They start by identifying the academic content
standards that students will work toward
in the unit, and locate the corresponding
ELD Standards Statements. In this case,
they are Standard 1: Language for Social
and Instructional Purposes, and Standard 4:
Language for Science.
Ms. Khoury gathers her unit plans and notes, along
with the 2020 Edition. She reaches out to Mr. Renner
and schedules time for collaborative planning.
What Can Collaboration Look Like with the WIDA ELD Standards Framework?
To learn more
about the
visit the ELD
1 2 3 4
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Steps 7-12
WIDA is housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. © 2021 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of WIDA.
Now that their ultimate language destination for the unit is clear, the
teachers plan to meet again to review how a language lens is embedded
in the unit’s sequence of lessons. They will take into account students’
backgrounds, experiences, cultures, and home languages, as well as their
English language proficiency levels.
Throughout their discussion, Ms. Khoury and Mr. Renner
use their expertise in their respective fields to support and
inform one another as they discuss language use. They feel
confident their unit goals identify the language all students
should work toward using to meet content expectations.
The teachers are now able to identify aspects of language that will be most helpful for
students to develop in this unit. Under each Language Function, they consult Language
Features, which are examples of different types of sentences, phrases, and words that
students can use to carry out particular Language Functions. They see, for example, how
students might describe valid and reliable evidence through abstract nouns (e.g., growth,
germination), or how they might establish relationships among ideas through relating verb
groups (e.g., have, be, belong to).
They also explore Language Expectations for Social and Instructional
Purposes (ELD Standard 1: ELD.SI.4-12.Explain), and note that ELD-SI
functions will naturally interweave into daily lessons as students interact,
take notes, and engage in inquiry and discussion. They are reminded that
students communicate to learn, but also to convey personal needs and
wants, affirm their identities, and form and maintain relationships.
Next, they look at the bulleted Language Functions
that are part of the Language Expectations. Language
Functions are common patterns of language that students
need to interpret and express as they engage in scientific
So far, Ms. Khoury and Mr. Renner have identified
the grade-level cluster, the ELD Standards, and the
Key Language Use. This leads them to the related
Language Expectations that can be used as unit-level
goals. Together they highlight Language Expectations
that are described in ELD-SC.6-8.Explain.Expressive.
Lets work
Plants get
energy from
the sun
WIDA is housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. © 2021 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of WIDA.
Get a copy of the 2020 Edition and
related resources on the 2020 Edition
7 8 9
Steps 1-6
Expectations indicate
what students need to
know and be able to do
with language to meet
grade-level content