How to Use the Recruiting Website
This document contains the procedures on how to use the Recruiting website
as an External Applicant.
This publication contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
Registering as a New Applicant 2
Viewing the Posting Details 4
Completing and Submitting Your Application 6
Logging in as a Returning Applicant 20
Updating the My Account Information Page 21
Saving a Draft of Your Application 22
Completing your Saved Application 23
Adding Additional Information to an Application with a
Status of Application Received
Registering as a New Applicant
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to successfully register as a
New External Applicant.
Jobs & Opportunities > Police Constable/Cadet Employment or Civilian
Employment > Apply Online
Step 1
Click the Search Jobs Now button
Step 2
Click the New User link.
Continued on next page
Registering as a New Applicant, Continued
Step 3
Complete the Register page and click the Register button.
Result: you are returned to the Job Search page.
NOTE: if you have registered previously and are registering again as a new
applicant, you must use a new email address.
End of procedure.
Viewing the Posting Details
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to successfully view the
posting details of an External job opening.
Jobs & Opportunities > Police Constable/Cadet Employment or Civilian
Employment > Apply Online
Step 1
Click the Search Jobs Now button.
Result: the Job Search page is displayed.
Step 2
Click the Job Title link for the desired posting.
Result: the Job Posting is displayed.
Step 3
Use the scroll bar to the right of your screen to scroll down and review the
posting details.
Continued on next page
Viewing the Posting Details, Continued
Step 4
Use the table below to determine your next step.
If you want to… Then scroll to the bottom of the
page and click the...
Apply for this job… Apply button and go to Step 3 in the
Completing and Submitting Your
Application section of this
Save this job so you can apply to it
Save Job button.
Look at the details of another
Return to Previous Page link.
End of procedure.
Completing and Submitting Your Application
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to successfully complete
and submit your online application to an job opening.
NOTE: this procedure assumes you have already registered as an applicant. If
you have not done so, refer to the section on Registering as a New Applicant.
You can save at any time during the completion of your application and
return to it later.
Jobs & Opportunities > Police Constable/Cadet Employment or Civilian
Employment > Apply Online > click the Search button.
Step 1
Click the Sign In link and log in to your account.
Result: you are returned to the Job Search page.
Step 2
Click the Apply button for the job you wish to apply to.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 3
Review the prequalifying page carefully and:
Click the “I have read and agree to the above terms and agreements”
Click the Next button.
Result: you will be moved to the prequalifying page
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 4
Answer the prequalifying questions and click the Next button.
Result: upon clicking the Next button, you will receive a pop up indicating if
you are eligible to continue or not.
Below is a screenshot of the message received if you are eligible to continue.
Click the Continue button. You are moved to the next page of the
Below is a screenshot of the message received if you are not eligible to
continue. Click the Close button. You are returned to the Job Search page.
Note that you have 1 application submitted in your My Activities section.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 5
Answer the Application Questionnaire and click the Next button.
Step 6
Type or paste your cover letter in the Cover Letter text box. When complete,
click the Next button.
NOTE: the cover letter is optional and limited to 9000 characters.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 7
Click the drop down arrow in the Highest Education Level field to select the
appropriate value.
Step 8 Adding
Click the Add Work Experience button to add your work experience.
Complete the following fields:
Start Date
End Date (if applicable)
Job Title
Responsibilities / Job Description
To add more work experience click the Save and Add Another button, if you
are done, click Save.
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 9 Adding
Job Training
Click the Add Job Training button to add any training that is relevant to the
Complete the following fields:
Course Title
Course Start Date
To add more training details click the Save and Add Another button, if you
are done, click Save.
Step 10
Click the Add Degrees button to add the details of your education.
Complete the following fields:
Education Level
School Code
Graduated checkbox (if applicable)
To add more education details click the Save and Add Another button, if
you are done, click Save.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 11
Click the Add Volunteer Work button to add details of your volunteer work.
Complete the following fields:
Hours Per Year (only numbers)
Calendar Year (only numbers)
Position Title
Contact Name (for reference purposes)
Contact Details (for reference purposes)
To add more volunteer work details click the Save and Add Another button,
if you are done, click Save.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 12
Click the Add Licenses and Certifications button to add the details of your
licenses and certifications.
NOTE: you will receive the below message. Click the OK button and
proceed to the next step.
Complete the following fields:
License/Certification # (if known)
Issued By
To add more license or certifications details click the Save and Add Another
button, if you are done, click Save.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 13
Click the Add Language Skills button to add languages that you speak.
NOTE: this is for any language other than English.
Use the drop down arrows to complete the following fields:
To add more language details click the Save and Add Another button, if you
are done, click Save.
Step 14
Rate yourself on each competency listed.
Step 15
Use the drop down arrows to complete the My Referrals section of the
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 16
Click the Next button.
Result: you are moved to the My Resume: Additional Information
(Optional) page.
Step 17
Click the Add Conferences and Seminars button to add conferences or
seminars that you have attended.
Use the drop down arrows to complete the following fields:
Select Type (use the magnifying glass)
Number of Days (only numbers)
Date Attended
To add more conference or seminar details click the Save and Add Another
button, if you are done, click Save.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 18
Click the Add Additional Info (Optional) button to add any additional
Enter the following information and click the Save or Save and Add
Another button:
Additional Info Type
Additional Information
Step 19
Click the Next button.
Result: you are moved to the Preview page.
Step 20
Review your application for completeness and use the table below to
determine your next step.
If you ... Then Click the ...
Are satisfied with your
Submit button and proceed to the next step.
Result: the resume validation page is
Want to make a change to
your application …
Previous button until you are on the page that
you want to change.
Want to save your
application to submit on
another date…
Save for Later button. You will be asked if
you want to continue with the application or
save and exit. Click the appropriate button.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 21
Review the validation results.
When the ... Then you have ...
Completed the corresponding section.
Not completed the corresponding section.
NOTE: each section is not required to be completed.
NOTE: click the Return to Previous Page link if you would like to update
your application.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 22
Click the “I have verified the completeness and accuracy of My Resume”
checkbox when you are satisfied with your application and click the Submit
Result: the Equal Opportunity Survey Invitation displays and defaults to the
I wish to participate” option.
Continued on next page
Completing and Submitting Your Application, Continued
Step 23
Use the table below to determine your next step.
If you… Then ...
Want to complete the
Equal Opportunity
Respond to each of the questions and click the
Complete button.
Do not want to
complete the Equal
Opportunity Survey…
Click the I wish to decline radio button.
Result: you will receive a confirmation of your application.
Step 24
Use the table below to determine your next step.
If you want to ... Then click the ...
Look for another job posting or sign
out of the competition …
Return to Search link.
View your application… View Submitted Application link.
Logging in as a Returning Applicant
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to successfully log in as a
Returning Applicant.
Step 1
Click the Search Jobs Now button.
Result: the Job Search page is displayed.
Step 2
Click the Sign In link.
Step 3
Complete the User Name and Password fields and click the Sign In button.
Result: you are returned to the Job Search page. Proceed with search for jobs
to apply for.
Updating the My Account Information Page
Step 1
Click the My Account Information link on the Job Search page.
Step 2
The My Account Information page contains your contact information.
Use the scroll bar to the right of your screen to scroll down and make any
necessary changes to your contact information.
Step 3
Click the Save button.
You will receive an email in your Inbox stating you updated your contact
Saving a Draft of Your Application
The purpose of this section is to explain what the Save as Draft button is used
Save for Later
At any time when applying online, you can use the Save for Later button to
save a copy of your online application.
When you click the Save for Later button, you will receive the below
message. If you would like to continue with the application, click the
Continue button. If you want to save and return to it at another time, click the
Save and Exit button.
NOTE: using the Save for Later button ensures the information you entered
for your current application is saved, after which you are able to return to
your online application to complete it at a later date.
Required to
You are still required to submit your online application (prior to the job
posting end date) in order to be considered for the job for which you are
Completing your Saved Application
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to complete your online
application that was saved as draft.
The following pages provide the detailed procedure for completing your
online application that was saved as draft, and include pictures of the Online
Before you
Refer to the section in this user guide called Logging in as a Returning
Applicant to sign in to your account.
Step 1
Click the application not submitted link in the My Activities section.
Result: a list of applications is displayed.
Step 2
Click the Job Title link of the job you would like to complete the application
Result: the application opens at the page where you left off.
Step 3
Complete and submit your online application prior to the job posting end
NOTE: reference the Completing and Submitting Your Online Application
section of this document for the associated steps.
Result: after submitting your application, the status will change to
Application Received.
Adding Additional Information to an Application with a Status
of Application Received
The purpose of this section is to provide the steps to add additional
information to an online application with a status of Application Received.
Step 1
Click the Sign In link on the Job Search page and log into your account.
NOTE: reference the Logging in as a Returning Applicant section of this
document for the associated steps.
Result: you are returned to the Job Search page.
Step 2
To add additional information to an application with a status of Application
Received, you must re-apply to that job opening and submit your changes
prior to the job posting end date.
Result: when re-applying, you will receive a warning message stating that
you have already applied to this job opening; do you wish to re-apply? Click
the Yes button to complete the required updates, and then submit your
changes prior to the job posting end date.
NOTE: reference the Completing and Submitting Your Online Application
section of this document for the associated steps.