Established in 1984, Loyola University Chicagos Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy has
evolved into a nationally recognized center that educates students, health care executives and
professionals, academics, and the bar in the regulatory and corporate aspects of health law. In the
classroom and via online study, through experiential learning, and with signi cant contributions to
scholarship and policymaking, the Beazley Institute educates the health law leaders of tomorrow.
The health law curriculum includes more than
60 courses on topics including health care
business and  nance, payment systems, public
health, fraud and abuse, risk management
and patient safety, compliance, and bioethics.
Courses focus on developing competencies
in key areas of health law and policy,
allowing students to easily identify their skill
sets. Loyola uses state-of-the-art technology
to o er innovative online study, including
two master’s-level degrees in health law, to
students worldwide.
JD Certi cate in Health Law addresses the
growing trend of specialization in the legal
eld. This designation on a JD transcript
recognizes that a student has completed a
concentration of courses and experiential
learning in health law.
JD online courses in health law o er JD
students the opportunity to enroll in cutting-
edge, online health law courses. During the
summer session, both Loyola and non-
Loyola JD students can gain key health law
knowledge in a  exible online environment.
MJ in Health Law is an online-only
degree program designed for health care
professionals to provide a comprehensive
working knowledge of the health law  eld
and the expertise needed to navigate issues
of health care law, regulation, and policy.
LLM in Health Law is a post-JD master’s
degree program for attorneys seeking to
develop or enhance a special expertise in
health law. This 24-credit degree program
can be completed on-campus or online.
Certi cate in Compliance Studies
Students enrolled in campus and online
health law programs may pursue a certi cate
in compliance studies as part of their
degree program. Students who focus their
studies in compliance may be eligible for
industry exams and certi cations through
Loyolas unique partnerships with leading
compliance associations.
N O. 2
Loyola’s health law program was
ranked #1 in the country by
Law Street Media in 2017.
Loyola’s health law program
was ranked #2 in the country
by U.S. News & World Report
in 2019.
Pilar Mendez
JD student
More than 2,000+ alumni of
Loyola’s health law programs are
working across the US and world.
Beazley Institute for
Health Law and Policy
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
25 East Pearson Street, Suite 720
Chicago, IL 60611
Serj Mooradian (JD ‘14)
Associate at Dykema Gossett PLLC
Sharpening lawyering skills
The annual L. Edward Bryant Jr. National Health Law Transactional
Competition exposes students to core competencies of the corporate and
regulatory practice of health care law. Three-member teams of JD students
from law schools across the country provide legal advice—including a legal
memorandum and an oral presentation—on a potential business opportunity
to a hypothetical health care client.
Editorial and publishing
The Annals of Health Law, the Beazley Institutes online, interactive
health law and policy review, is published twice yearly and includes
articles of general interest in health law. Health law students edit articles
for this review.
Advance Directive, another twice-yearly online publication, includes
articles that provide insight into the divergent areas of health law.
Health law students write short articles regarding current health
law topics, which are often at the crux of debate amongst legislators,
practitioners, and academics.
Focusing on the underserved
The Health Law Field Study, a component of the Access to Health
Care course, examines the interplay of poverty and access to care. Over
spring break, students travel to a location with an underserved population
and study how lives are impacted by medical disparities. Past trips
have included New Orleans; Washington, DC; Phoenix; Detroit; Appalachia;
and Puerto Rico.
Health law fellowships
The Beazley Institute o ers several fellowships:
Health Law Fellowships for Entering JD Students are for incoming
students who demonstrate potential to be student leaders and, later,
outstanding health lawyers. Fellows are provided a tuition scholarship
during their  rst year of study and a spot in the specialty Health Law Legal
Writing section.
Health Law Fellowships for Upperclass JD Students bene t students
entering their second, third, or fourth year. The Health Law Fellows work
closely with faculty and sta as they work toward earning a Health Law
Certi cate. Fellows receive a tuition scholarship, as well as access to special
events and programming including law  rm visits and hospital tours.
Health Law Fellowships for LLM Students are for full-time incoming LLM
students for the campus-based program only. Fellows work closely with
health law faculty and sta on research and academic projects. Fellowship
compensation includes a tuition scholarship.
Alumni leaders
Employers recognize that Loyola’s health law students and graduates have
measurably distinct expertise in health law. Organizations that have
recently hired Loyola students and graduates include: Clark Hill, McGuire
Woods, Sidra Medical and Research Center (Dubai), Endo Pharmaceuticals, and
Health law seminar series
The online Health Law Seminar Series features presentations by national
experts on emerging issues and hot topics in health law and policy. Recent
topics have included health insurance regulation, enterprise risk management,
and business development in a post-ACA world. Lectures from this series are
open to alumni and prospective students.
Forty-plus states are repre-
sented in the Beazley Institute’s
online degree programs.
Loyola leads the way in
compliance studies, o ering
more than 50 courses and a
master’s-level degree in health
or business law with a concentration
in compliance.
Meaningful clinical
The Health Justice Project is a medical-legal partnership clinic between
Loyolas School of Law and the Erie Family Health Center, which serves
thousands of vulnerable patients annually. Students of law, social
work, public health, and medicine enrolled in the clinic engage in inter-
professional collaboration to identify and address the intertwined social
and legal issues that negatively a ect the health of low-income individuals.
Hands-on experience
Students can enhance their learning experience and boost their practical
skills by completing an externship at an area hospital, agency, or
association. A sampling of externship sites includes Northwestern Memorial
Hospital, the American Medical Association, and the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services.
Health law and
policy symposium
The Beazley Institute’s Annual Symposium on Health Law and Policy
brings together students, academics, and health law professionals to explore
aspects of health care at local, national, and international levels. Past topics
include universal insurance coverage, Medicare and Medicaid, safety nets,
innovation in delivery systems, and immigration.