Application for Presumptive Eligibility for Medicaid
Use this form to find out quickly if you qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid
information: State Medicaid program name]
. Presumptive eligibility offers you and your family
immediate access to health care while you apply for regular Medicaid or other health coverage.
To find out if you qualify for regular Medicaid or other health coverage, you must complete
information: State single streamlined application]
. While you wait to learn if you qualify for regular
Medicaid or other health coverage, you can get your health services through presumptive eligibility
for Medicaid.
[State information: State instructions for how to apply for regular Medicaid and other health
coverage, e.g., online or via telephone or paper application.]
Who can qualify
for presumptive
eligibility for
You can qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid if you meet all of these rules:
Your income is below the monthly limit
You are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or eligible immigrant
You do not already have Medicaid
You have not had presumptive eligibility for Medicaid in the [State policy: Applicable
timeframe]. Or, if you are pregnant, you have not had presumptive eligibility for
Medicaid during this pregnancy.
You are in one of the groups that qualifies for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid:
Children under [State policy: Applicable age]
Parents and caretaker relatives
Pregnant women
[State policy: Other adults age 19-64]
People under age 26 who were in foster care at age 18 (no income limit)
[State policy: Women in treatment for breast and cervical cancer]
[State policy: Women who need family planning services]
[State policy: Any other populations]
Need help with
your application?
[State information: For example: “Ask your hospital representative or call us
at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. Para obtener una copia de este formulario en Español,
llame 1-800-XXX-XXXX. If you need help in a language other than English, call
1-800-XXX-XXXX and tell the customer service representative the language
you need. We’ll get you help at no cost to you. TTY users should call
You can use this form to apply if you are a patient
of the hospital, a patient’s family member, or
a community member.
Tell us about your family
List yourself and the members of your immediate family who live with you. Include your spouse and your
under [State policy: Applicable age] if they live with you. Do not list other relatives or friends
even if they live with you.
Tell us about yourself
We ask for this information so that we can contact you about this application.
Name (first, middle, last)
Home address (leave blank if you don’t have one)
City State ZIP code
Mailing address (if different from home address)
Phone number (if you have one) Email address (if you have one)
(first, middle, last)
Date of
to you
Applying for
presumptive eligibility
for Medicaid?
(Yes or No)
Already has
(Yes or No)
[State policy: U.S. Citizen,
U.S. National, or eligible
(Yes or No)
[State policy:
Resident of State?]
(Yes or No)
Answer for family members who are applying. If a person is not
applying, you do not have to answer these questions for that person.
(Same as above) (Self)
Questions? Ask your hospital representative or call us at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The call is free.
(TTY: 1-888-XXX-XXXX). You can call [days and hours of operation]. Or visit [web address].
Tell us about your family’s income
Write the total income before taxes are taken out for all family members listed in Section 2.
Job income For example, wages, salaries, and self-employment income.
Amount $................................................................... How often? (check one)
Other income For example, unemployment checks, alimony, or disability payments from the Social Security Administration
(“SSDI”). Do not include Supplemental Security Income (“SSI payments”) or any child support you receive.
Amount $................................................................... How often? (check one)
Sign this form here
By signing, you are swearing that everything you wrote on this form is true as far as you know.
We will keep your information secure and private.
Your signature: Date:
Other questions
Answer these questions for yourself and your family members listed in Section 2. Your answers will make it
easier to find out if you and any family members qualify.
Is anyone pregnant, [State policy: even if she is not applying for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid]?
If yes, who? .............................................................................................................................................. How many babies does she expect? ...................................................
[State policy: Is anyone who is applying for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid receiving Medicare?]
If yes, who? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Is anyone who is applying for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid a parent or caretaker relative?
For example, a grandparent who is the main person taking care of a child.
If yes, who? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Was anyone who is applying for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid in foster care at age 18 [State policy: Or
applicable older age]?
If yes, who? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[State policy: Is anyone who is applying for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid being treated for
breast or cervical cancer?]
If yes, who? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Questions? Ask your hospital representative or call us at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The call is free.
(TTY: 1-888-XXX-XXXX). You can call [days and hours of operation]. Or visit [web address].
If you qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid, what
happens next?
You will get a notice from the hospital saying you were approved.
You can start using your presumptive eligibility for Medicaid coverage right away for Medicaid covered
services such as doctor visits, hospital care, and some prescription drugs. You can go to any health care provider
who accepts Medicaid, starting the day you are approved.
To start using your presumptive eligibility for Medicaid, [State information: State-specific directions. For
example, “The hospital will give you a notice saying you are approved. Use the notice to get services until
you get a card in the mail. The card should arrive within X days.”] If you lose the notice, you can call [State
information: Relevant instructions].
If the notice says you qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid because you are pregnant, you can get
care at outpatient clinics or other places in the community. Presumptive eligibility for Medicaid will not cover
the cost if you are admitted to a hospital.
If the notice says you qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid for family planning services, you are only
covered for those services.
If you do not fill out and send the [State information: State single streamlined application] to see if you qualify for
regular Medicaid or other health coverage, your presumptive eligibility for Medicaid coverage will end on the last
day of the month after the month you are approved.
¨ For example, if you qualified for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid in January, it will end on the last day
of February.
To see if you qualify for regular Medicaid or other health coverage, [State information: State instructions
for how to apply for regular Medicaid and other health coverage, e.g., online or via telephone or paper
application.]. The hospital will provide you with an application.
If you do not qualify for presumptive eligibility for Medicaid,
what happens next?
You will get a notice from the hospital saying you were not approved. You cannot appeal the hospital’s decision.
BUT, you can still apply for regular Medicaid or other health coverage using the [State information: State single
streamlined application].
Questions? Ask your hospital representative or call us at 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The call is free.
(TTY: 1-888-XXX-XXXX). You can call [days and hours of operation]. Or visit [web address].